Sergio Splendore - Università degli Studi di Milano

Curriculum Vitae
Sergio Splendore
Department of Social and Political Sciences
University of Milan
Milano, via Conservatorio 7, 20122
Tel. +39 02 503 21020
[email protected]
Skype account: sergio3421
Twitter: @srgspl
Personal Details
Date of birth
28th April 1978
Work Status
Assistant Professor
Academic Activities
Since 01/14
Assistant Professor at Department of Social and Political Sciences,
University of Milan.
Post doctoral Research fellowship at University of Milan for the research
project ‘To inform and to be informed: online news production
consumption and participation’ at the Department of Social and Political
Sciences, University of Milan.
Research Assistant for the international research project ‘Media System,
Political Culture and Informed Citizenship: A Comparative Study’, led by
James Curran, (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Shanto Iyengar
(Stanford University).
Research fellow at University of Milan for the research project ‘MediaAcT
– Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe’ within the Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7). The Erich-Brost-Institut (Dortmund) is
responsible for coordinating and managing the project led by Prof. Susanne
Fengler (
Research Assistant for the research project ‘Mapping New Media:
Journalism, Standards and Civil Society’ sponsored by Open Society
Foundation (London). Italian team: Prof. Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Prof.
Giulio Enea Vigevani.
Research Associate. Convergence Lab (Sacred Hearth University of Milan).
Research collaboration on TV consumption and convergence culture, for
the project ‘Multi-TV: new uses and new consumers’.
Post doctoral Research fellowship at University of Milan for the research
project ‘Communication and voluntary work’ supervised by Prof. Maurizio
Research Associate Department of Social and Political Sciences –
University of Milan.
Since 09/14
Lecturer in ‘Sociology of cultural products’, bachelor program in
‘Communication, Innovation and Multimedia’, University of Pavia.
Since 09/14
Lecturer in ‘Communication research’, postgraduate program in ‘Public
and Corporate Communication’, University of Milan.
Since 09/14
Lecturer in ‘Public communication’, postgraduate program in ‘Public and
Corporate Communication’, University of Milan.
Since 07/10
Responsible for the seminar course in ‘Italian Journalism’ at the Summer
School in ‘Italian Media, Culture and Society’ for George Mason
University students.
Lecturer in ‘Media sociology’, bachelor program in ‘Communication and
society’, University of Milan.
Lecturer in ‘Sociolinguistic’, bachelor program in ‘Communication and
society’, University of Milan.
Lecturer in ‘Sociology of journalism’, bachelor program
‘Communication, Innovation and Multimedia’, University of Pavia.
Adjunct Lecturer in ‘Media Sociology’, bachelor
‘Communication and society’, at the University of Milan.
Adjunct Lecturer in ‘Political communication’, postgraduate program in
‘Political Communication’, at the University of Milan.
Lecturer in ‘Media and communication’ at the University of Milan,
bachelor program in ‘Security of Information System and Networks’,
University of Milan.
Lecturer in ‘Media and communication’, bachelor program in ‘Linguistic
and cultural mediation’, Umanitaria University.
Ph.D. in Sociology (Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political
Sciences), Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of
Milan, Italy. Dissertation title ‘The production of the reality TV. An
ethnographic approach’.
Doctoral Fellowship for Research abroad. Department of Social Sciences,
Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
Laurea (BSc+MSc degree) magna cum laude in Political Science.
Communication Sciences at University of Genoa. Dissertation title:
‘Between politics and journalism. Indro Montanelli and the end of his work
at Il Giornale’.
Scientific High School ‘Luigi Lanfranconi’, Genoa.
Other activities
Editorial Duties
Since 01/14
Assistant editor for Problemi dell’Informazione (media sociology journal,
Il Mulino, Bologna).
Since 09/06
Assistant editor for Comunicazione Politica (political communication
journal, Il Mulino, Bologna).
Assistant editor
Participation at the Politica online e nuovi media (Online politics and new
media) group at the Istituto Cattaneo, Bologna (
Areas of Specialization
Media Production Analysis
Journalism Studies
Political Communication
Professional Memberships
AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia)
ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association)
ICA (International Communication Association)
IAMCR (International Association Mass Communication Research)
SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica)
List of Publications
Books, articles and chapters
2014 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni), Media Logic, in Oxford Bibliographies in Communication,
Oxford University Press (in press).
2014 (with Colin Porlezza and Tobias Eberwein), Media as Political Actor, in The
International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Palgrave (in press).
2014 (with Guido Legnante), Le campagne elettorali italiane in televisione [Italian electoral
campaigns in Television], in «ComPol», n. 3, 463-484.
2014 (with Vittorio Cobianchi e Gaia Del Sal), Nuove forme per le news e (vecchio)
giornalismo. I direttori italiani e l’uso di Twitter [New forms for the news and (old)
journalism. The Italian executive editors and their use of Twitter], «Problemi
dell’Informazione», n. 2, pp. 199-218.
2014 Media logic production: How media practitioners in Italian reality television localize
TV formats and select ‘entertainment values’, in «Journal of Popular Television», 2 (2), pp.
2014 (con Vincenzo Memoli), Media use and confidence in institutions: a comparative
analysis of the three Hallin and Mancini’s models, in «Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica»,
XLIV (2), pp. 175-192.
2014 Pop condicio (o cosa resta della logica politica) [Pop condicio (or where is the political
logic)], in «Mediascape journal» n. 3, pp. 40-53.
2014 (with Antonio Ciaglia, Marco Mazzoni and Gianpietro Mazzoleni) Politica e politici
“pop”. Come i media di intrattenimento confezionano la comunicazione politica [Pop politics
and politicians. How entertainment media fashion political communication], in «ComPol», n.
1, pp. 79-95.
2014 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni) ‘Cultures of accountability’ – or global trends in media
accountability? The Hallin and Mancini model revisited, in S. Fengler, C. Porlezza, T.
Erbenwein, G. Mazzoleni and S. Russ-Mohl, in Journalists and Media Accountability. An
International Study of News People in the Digital Age, Peter Lang, London, pp. 145-159.
2013 (with Tori Aalberg, James Curran, Sharon Coen, Kaori Hayashi, Shanto Iyengar, Paul
Jones, David Rowe, Rod Tiffen and Stelios Papathanassopoulos) Internet revolutions:
revised, in «Media, Culture and Society», 36 (7), pp. 880-897.
2013 La produzione dell’informazione online, tra le fonti ufficiali e la voce della rete [The
online neswmaking between the official sources and the voices from the Internet], in
«ComPol», 3, pp. 341-360.
2012 (with Lorenzo Domaneschi), Popolarizzazione della politica o politicizzazione del
popolare? Etnografia di Striscia la Notizia [Popolarization of politics or politicization of
popular? Ethnography of Striscia la Notizia], in «ComPol», 3, pp. 461-481.
2011 Il giornalismo online: istruzioni per l’uso [Online Journalism: instructions for use], in
Stephan Russ-Mohl, Fare giornalismo [Newsmaking], Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 117-134.
2011 Il web come arena del media criticism [The web as a media criticism arena], in Rolando
Marini (ed.), Altri flussi, Milano, Guerini&Associati, pp. 261-281.
2011 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Giulio Vigevani), Mapping Digital Media: Journalism,
Standards and Civil Society. Italy, Open Society Foundation.
2011 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni) Italy: Discovering Media Accountability Culture, in T.
Erbwein, S. Fengler, E. Lauk and T. Leppik-Bork, Mapping Media Accountability – In
Europe and beyond, Herbert von Halem Verlag, Berlin, pp. 58-65.
2010 Single. Quando cambia il quotidiano (televisivo) [Single. When (TV) everyday life
changes], in A. Grasso and M. Scaglioni (eds.), Televisione Convergente, Milano,
LinkRicerca, 2010.
2009 Sociologia del format. Dall’idea al prodotto televisivo [TV format sociology. From the
idea to the TV product], Milano, Unicopli.
2009 Das Mediensystem Italiens [Italian media system], in Hans-Bredow-Institut (Ed.),
Internationales Handbuch Medien, Nomos Verlag: Baden-Baden, pp: 384-395.
2008 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni) Italian foreign correspondents: fashioning representation
of France in M. Palmer and A. Aubert (eds.), L’information mondialisée, Paris, L’Harmattan,
2008, pp. 142-152.
2006 Comunità online territorializzate. Eterodirezione di una spaccatura: il forum dei tifosi
salernitani [Online territorialized community. Heterogenesis of a breakdown: Salernitana
supporters’ forums], Magma, vol. 4, n. 1.
2005: Modelli di giornalismo locale: il caso Liguria [Local journalism models: the Liguria
case], pp. 53-260 in Marina Milan and Sergio Splendore ‘Giornalismo in mutazione. Inchiesta
sui media in Liguria (1980-2004)’ [Journalism is changing. Research on media in Liguria.
1980-2004], Genova, Erga Edizioni.
2004: Joe McCarthy, la borsa di pelle e i fogli svolazzanti [Joe McCarthy, the leather bag and
the flying papers] in G. Levi and G. Cipolloni (eds.), C’era una volta in America…cinema,
Maccartismo e Guerra Fredda, Alessandria, Falsopiano.
2011 Russ-Mohl, Fare giornalismo [Newsmaking], Bologna, Il Mulino (editor of the Italian
2010 Briggs A. e Burke, P., Storia sociale dei media: da Gutenberg a Internet [Social History
of the Media], Bologna, Il Mulino (editor of the second Italian edition).
Translations from English into Italian
2009 Katz, J. E., I media, la democrazia e l’amministrazione Obama, in «Comunicazione
Politica», n. 3, Il Mulino.
2009 Krygier, M:, Philip Selznick e gli ideali nel mondo. Un apprezzamento, in «Rassegna
Italiana di Sociologia», n. 3, Il Mulino.
2009 Paddy Scannell, Media e comunicazione, London, Sage, 2007, for Il Mulino, Bologna.
Selected Conference Papers
2014 (with Vincenzo Memoli), Media and economic crisis (Catania, AssoComPol, 11-13
2014 (with Philip Di Salvo, Tobias Eberwein, Harmen Groenhart, Michal Kus and Colin
Porlezza), Educational strategies in the field of data journalism – a comparative study in six
European countries (Lisbon, ECREA, 12‐15 November).
2014 (with Alessandro Pelegatta), Macro, Meso or Micro level: what matters the most on
journalism’s transparency and quality of the press? A comparative analysis across 13
countries (Perugia, Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, 11-13 September).
2014 (with Colin Porlezza), Between Begging Journalists and Generous Audiences. Issues of
Accountability, Transparency and User Participation in Crowdfunded Journalism (Lund,
Producers and Audiences, 20 March).
2013 La Pop condicio. L’intrattenimento politico ai tempi della campagna elettorale [The
Pop condicio: the political entertainment during the electoral campaign] (Roma, Luiss-Stati
Generali della comunicazione politica, 29–30 May).
2013 (with Alessandro Caliandro), Il giornalismo politico attraverso Twitter: tra giornali soft e
giornalisti hard [Political journalism by Twitter: among soft news and hard journalists] (Milano,
Convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Comunicazione Politica, 12-13 December).
2013 The Ethnography of Online News: We Produce What You Need to Read. The Case of (Dublin, IAMCR, 25-29 June).
2013 (with Vincenzo Memoli) One Step Flow of Confidence: Media, Political Institutions and
Citizens in the Mediterranean Model (Barcellona, EPSA, 20-22 June).
2012 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Halliki Harro Loit) Perceptions of MA by journalists.
Beyond the Hallin & Mancini approach (Istanbul, ECREA, 24-27 October).
2012 (with Lorenzo Domaneschi and Gianpietro Mazzoleni) Entertainment is a serious stuff:
the politicization of everyday laugh. The case of the Italian TV show: Striscia la notizia
(Istanbul, ECREA, 24-27 October).
2012 Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe: the case of Italy (Gdansk, Polish
Communication Association, 14-15 September).
2012 Il giornalismo online esce dalle redazioni: chi è sta gente? (The online journalism
comes out from the newsrooms: who are the guys?) (Parma, AIS-Sezione vita quotidiana, 31
May-1 June).
2012 Italy goes digital: all survived, but journalism is changing (Bucharest, Communication,
Media And Civic Culture, 18-19 May).
2012 Italy goes digital: all survived, but Italian journalism culture is changing (Porto, ICMC,
University of Porto, 14–15 May).
2011 (with Lorenzo Domaneschi) Il partito Striscia: popolarizzazione della politica o
politicizzazione del popolare? Meccanismi, logiche e dinamiche produttive (Perugia,
Convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Comunicazione Politica, 28–29 October).
2010 I giornalisti online e i loro lettori: verso una redazione partecipata? [Online journalists
and their readers. Towards a partecipated newroom?] (Venezia, SISP – Società Italiana di
Scienza Politica, 16-18 September).
2010 Television as Practice: Media Genres along Everyday Life. Or vice versa?, (with
Lorenzo Domaneschi) (Braga, IAMCR, 18-22 July).
2009 La vittoria del gossip senza scandalo politico. Le elezioni europee viste del buco della
serratura (with Anna Sfardini and Marco Mazzoni ) [Gossip rules but without political
scandal, the European election campaign seen through the keyhole] (Roma, SISP – Società
Italiana di Scienza Politica, Università LUISS, 17-19 September].
2009 From ‘news values’ to ‘entertainment values’ How do media practitioners select
entertainment? (Bradford, MeCCSA, 26th World Congress, 14–16 January).
2008 Web-populism? The Political Communication Strategies of Beppe Grillo (with Duncan
McDonnell) (Pavia, SISP – Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, 4-6 September).
2008 From ‘news values’ to ‘entertainment values’. How studying the production of reality
TV can help to understand media content (Stockholm, IAMCR, 20-25 July).
2007 From Format to Reality Show: How Reality TV is Produced in Italian Television
(Braga, Universidade do Minho, Sopcom, 6-8 September).
2007 (with Gianpietro Mazzoleni) Italian Foreign Correspondents: producing
representations of France (Paris, Colloque International sur ‘L’actualité internationale:
croisements des approches des professionnels et des analyses des chercheurs’, 28-29 March).
2010 Stefanini, M., Il partito «Repubblica». Una storia politica del giornale di Scalfari e
Mauro, Roma, Boroli Editore, in ComPol, Il Mulino, Vol. 3.
2009 Gauntlett, D., Creative Explorations. New approaches to identities and audiences,
London and New York, Routledge, 2007, in International Journal of Social Research
Methodology: Theory & Practice, Taylor & Francis Journals, Vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 93-96.
2007 Sampugnaro, R. Dentro la campagna. Partiti, candidati e consulenza politica, AcirealeRoma, Bonanno Editore, in ComPol, Milano, Franco Angeli, Vol. VIII, n. 2.
2007 Baldi, P. e Hasenbrink (a cura di), Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe. Trends in
Media Accountability and Viewer Participation, Bristol, Chicago: Intellect, in ComPol,
Milano, Franco Angeli, Vol. VIII, n. 1.