Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia Pip es export January 2015 PIPE BREBB IA Srl VIA PIAVE 21 – 21020 BREBB IA (VA) TEL. 0332770286 FAX 0332770265 info@brebbi api pe.i t PIPE BREBBIA Srl VIA PIAVE 21 – 21020 BREBBIA (VA) -0- -1- Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 STAND-UP Pipes that do not need pipe racks as they stand by their own B r e b b i a t o d a y p r o d u c e s p i p e s i n t h e e r a o f t h e c om p u t e r t h a t w e b e l i e v e have a c ertain fas c ination a nd Luc ian o Buz z i know s it. B r e b b i a i s a s m a l l a n d s o l i d c om p a n y w i t h a g r e a t i m a g e t h a t p r o d uc e s quality pipe s and c ollec tor's pipes and that has great pl ans for the future. 2811 2835 B r ebbia pipes ar e u ndoubte dly am ongs t the bes t that you c an find on the Ma r k e t t o d a y . 2863 The br iar w ood is s elec ted and aged and the m outhpiec es have an anatom ic s hape that helps the pass age of the s m oke totally elim inating the fas tidious effec t of c ondens ation c aus ed by th e c ondens ate. 2817 B r ebbia is als o the futur e and i nnovat ion. s uc h as the inven tion of the s m oke s epar ator pr otec ted by an inter nation al patent w hic h is a devic e that is appl ied to the e nd of t he m outhpiec e tha t perm its the dev iatio n of t h e s m o k e i n v a r i o u s d i r e c t i o n s . In t h i s w a y t h e s m o k e i s c o o l e d avoidi ng the c r eation of ir r itat ion to the pal ate and the ton gue. 2801 S INC E T HE 2 1 / 1 2 / 1 9 9 9 B R E B B IA IS AL S O A W AR E HO US E , T A X NO . V AT 0 0 0 0 1 V A UT HO R IS E D F O R T HE D IS T R IB UT IO N O F T O B AC C O S AND D IS T R IB UT E S E XC L US I VE L Y C I GAR S AND P IP E T O B AC C O S . 2831 Filter 9mm. #2811 #2835 #2863 #2817 #2801 #2831 -2- Gr.6 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-35mm. B-125mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. B-110mm. H-45mm. D-35mm. B-140mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. B-140mm. H-39mm. D-29mm. B-140mm. H-47mm. D-30mm. W-55gr. W-50gr. W-45gr. W-55gr. W-55gr. W-52gr. SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 6 AMBRA Smooth amber Acrilic -3- EURO 35,75 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 STAND-UP STAND-UP Pipes that do not need pipe racks as they stand by their own Pipes that do not need pipe racks as they stand by their own 2835 2835 2811 2811 2863 2863 2817 2817 2801 2801 2831 2831 Filter 9mm. Gr.6 Filter 9mm. #2811 #2835 #2863 #2817 #2801 #2831 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-35mm. B-125mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. B-110mm. H-45mm. D-35mm. B-140mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. B-140mm. H-39mm. D-29mm. B-140mm. H-47mm. D-30mm. W-55gr. W-50gr. W-45gr. W-55gr. W-55gr. W-52gr. #2811 #2835 #2863 #2817 #2801 #2831 SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 6 NOCE Smooth walnut Acrilic -4- EURO 33,00 Gr.6 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-35mm. B-125mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. B-110mm. H-45mm. D-35mm. B-140mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. B-140mm. H-39mm. D-29mm. B-140mm. H-47mm. D-30mm. W-55gr. W-50gr. W-45gr. W-55gr. W-55gr. W-52gr. SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 6 SABBIATA Nera Acrilico -5- EURO 31,50 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Classic 2016 Classic 2015 2015 # CL2015 -155mm. H-40mm. D-38mm. W-85 gr. Filtro 9mm. Gr.7 # CL2016 -150mm. H-40mm. D-46mm. W-70 gr. Filtro 9mm. Gr.7 PURA NAT PURA NAT PURA NOCE NOCE NOCE SHAPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINISH SABBIATA ROCCIATA DESCRIPTION PURA CHIARA "Pure" natural PURA NOCE "Pure" stained SELECTED light contrast grain NOCE dark contrast grain ROCCIATA hand carved SABBIATA Sandblasted -6- PURA NOCE SELECTED SELECTED MOUTHPIECE Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite EURO 90,75 74,80 55,00 50,60 48,40 45,10 SHAPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINISH SABBIATA ROCCIATA DESCRIPTION PURA CHIARA "Pure" natural PURA NOCE "Pure" stained SELECTED light contrast grain NOCE dark contrast grain ROCCIATA hand carved SABBIATA Sandblasted -7- MOUTHPIECE Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite EURO 90,75 74,80 55,00 50,60 48,40 45,10 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 GIO’ GIO’ SELECTED PURA NOCE PURA NOCE SHAPE FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 1 1 1 1 PURA CHIARA PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE "Pure" natural "Pure" stained light contrast grain dark contrast grain Lucite Lucite Lucite Lucite -8- EURO 90,75 74,80 55,00 50,60 Filter 9mm. Gr.6 # GIO’ B-140mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. W-64 gr. -9- Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 NEMO NEMO PURA NOCE PURA SELECTED NOCE SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 1 1 1 1 1 *** PURA CHIARA PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE Straight Grain if available Nat. " Pure" smooth " Pure" smooth stained Smooth Smooth Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic EURO Filter 9mm. - 10 - 242,00 90,75 75,90 55,00 50,60 Gr.6 # NEMO B-125mm. H-65mm. D-40mm. W-39 gr. - 11 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 TRE TRE 3 is the number of perfection FIAMMATA PURA NOCE NOCE SABBIATA SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 1 1 1 1 1 1 *** ** * PURA NOCE NOCE SABBIATA Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available " Pure" smooth stained Smooth Sandblasted Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic EURO 242, 00 203, 50 170, 50 75, 90 52, 80 46, 20 Filter 9mm. # Tre B-142mm.H-50mm.D-20mm. W-60gr. - 12 - - 13 - Gr.7 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 CHIOCCIOLA CHIOCCIOLA The @ The @ Pura chiara Pura noce Selected Noce Sabbiata Filter 9mm. Gr.6 Filter 9mm. SHA PES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 1 1 1 1 1 PURA CHIARA PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE SABBIATA Nat. " Pure" s mooth " Pure" smooth stained Smooth Smooth Sandblasted Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic - 14 - Gr.6 EURO 90,75 75,80 57,20 52,80 46,20 # Chiocciola B-140mm. H-50mm. D-20mm. W-55gr. - 15 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 DISEGUALE DISEGUALE Very difficult shape to realize : The head turns clockwise. The shape is very confortable in both hands. Pura chiara Selected Pura noce Noce SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 1 1 1 1 1 1 *** ** * PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available " Pure" smooth stained Smooth Smooth Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic - 16 - Filter 9mm. EURO 242,00 203,50 170,50 75,90 62,15 55,00 # Diseguale B-1350mm. H-70mm. D-42mm. W-60gr. - 17 - Gr.8 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 VOLCANO VOLCANO Fiammata Pura noce Selected Noce Sabbiata SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *** ** * PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE SABBIATA Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available Straight Grain if available " Pure" smooth stained Smoot h Smoot h Sandblasted - 18 - MOUTHPIECE EURO Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic 242,00 203,50 170,50 75,90 57,20 52,80 46,20 Filter 9mm. # Volcano B-1350mm. H-65mm. D-30mm. W-62gr. - 19 - Gr.8 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 DEA DEA Every pipes is delivered with 1 standard and 1 extra-long acrilic mouthpiece Every pipe is delivered with 1 standard and 1 extra-long acrilic mouthpiece 2906 Pura noce 2906 Pura naturale 2901 Pura naturale 2901 Pura noce Filter 9mm. Filter 9mm. Gr.6 #2906 B-120/170mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. W-60gr. #2901 B-154/210mm. H-45mm. D-48mm. W-90gr. SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 2 PURA NATURALE "Pure" lucite - 20 - EURO 74,80 Gr.6 #2906 B-120/170mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. W-60gr. #2901 B-154/210mm. H-45mm. D-48mm. W-90gr. SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 2 NOCE PURA Pure stained lucite - 21 - EURO 67,70 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 ITALIA ITALIA Sterling Silver band 100 Pura nat. Sterling Silver band 100 Sabbiata Nera 60 Pura nat. 100 Pura noce 60 Sabbiata Nera 60 Sabbiata Mogano 100 Sabbiata Mogano 60 Pura noce Filter 9mm. Group 7 # 60 B-152mm. H-55mm. D-35mm. W-58gr. # 100 B-140mm. H-55mm. D-35mm. W-70gr. 60 Amaranto 100 Amaranto 60 Sabbiata Cappuccio 100 Fiammata** Cappuccio Sterling Silver cap + Euro 12,00 60 Rossa 100 Rossa - 22 - SHAPES FINISH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 On request *** ** * PURA NATURALE PURA NOCE AMARANTO ROSSA SABBIATA NERA SABBIATA MOGANO STERLING SILVER CAP Sterling Silver cap + Euro 12,00 DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE Straight Grain Straight Grain Straight Grain Natural "Pure" "Pure " Stained Smooth stained Smooth stained Sandblasted Sandblasted Fixed on top - 23 - Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic add + EURO 231,00 176,00 130,90 74,80 67,70 60,50 57,75 41,25 43,50 13,20 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 JUMBO PIOMBO JUMBO AMBRA Series of 4 giant shapes 2715 2715 2724 2724 #2715 #2724 #2710 #2701 B-175mm. H-50mm. D-65mm. B-190mm. H-50mm. D-42mm. B-185mm. H-58mm. D-38mm. B-145mm. H-45mm. D-48mm. W-100gr. W-110gr. W- 95gr. W- 80gr. 2710 2710 W/out filter onl y 2701 Scala 1:1 With or w/out 9 mm. filter lodg ment SHAPES FINISHES 4 AMBRA Group 9 Group 7 DESCRIPTION STEM EURO SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION STEM EURO Golden contrast Acrilic 59.50 4 PIOMBO Brown contrast Acrilic 53,50 - 24 - - 25 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 FAT BOB FAT BOB Series of 4 giant chubby shapes SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION 3 4 4 3 4 PURA NATURALE * PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE SABBIATA * up on availability " Pure " natural " Pure " stained Smooth Smooth Sandblasted MOUTHPIECE EURO Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic 74,80 70,40 53,50 48,40 44,00 2111 2112 2113 SELECT ED 2114 SABBIATA # 2111 # 2112 # 2113 # 2114 NOCE With 9 mm. filter - 26 - B-135mm. H-43mm. D-50mm. B-145mm. H-42mm. D-62mm. B-148mm. H-43mm. D-62mm. B-145mm. H-42mm. D-62mm. W- 80gr. W- 118gr. W- 100gr. W- 90gr. Group 9 - 27 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 FIRST CALABASH * FIRST LONG Sterling Silver band and spigot In the 2003 this shape won a contest among “Pipes & Tobacco” readers as the most beautiful Calabash in the world and it is one of the best selling design pipes of Brebbia. Bent drilling draught hole. 3 smart shapes of pipes offered with two mouthpieces ( short and extra long) Sterling Silver band and spigot . 1994 Mod. 1997 Pura Chiara 60 #1997 B-135mm. H-70mm. D-45mm. W-62gr. With 9mm. filter Pura nat. 100 Filter 9mm. Gr.7 Group 7 Pura noce Selected Noce Rocciata nat. Rocciata noce Sabbiata FINISH DESCRIPTION 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 PURA CHIARA PURA NOCE SELECTED NOCE ROCCIATA NATURALE ROCCIATA NOCE SABBIATA "Pure " natural " Pure " stained Smooth Smooth Rusticata Rusticata Sandblasted - 28 - MOUTHPIECE Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Pura noce Selected ( Solo #60 e #100 ) # 60 B-152mm. H-55mm. D-35mm. W-58gr. # 100 B-140mm. H-55mm. D-35mm. W-70gr. #1994 B-158mm. H-55mm. D-40mm. W-50gr. *Delivery planned for the end of October SHAPE Pura naturale EURO 74,80 70,40 53,50 48,50 49,00 49,00 44,00 SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 60,100,1997 60,100,1997 60, 100 PURA CHIARA PURA NOCE SELECTED " Pure " natural "Pure " stained Smooth Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic - 29 - EURO 74,80 70,40 49,50 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 LINEA A 2011 LA20 LA23 LINEA A Hand-made classic pipes made by Straight grain platoes SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION Giant size Giant size Giant size AAA AA A Straight grain natural "Pura" Straight grain natural "Pura" Straight grain natural "Pura" LA27 LA25 EURO from from from 198,00 151,80 119,00 LA21 LA26 Those pipes are free-hand cut from Straight grain briar platoes and shapes are unique. This way every pipe even similar to the ones showed in the pictures is slightly different . Standard sizes are: B from 136 to 145 mm. ; H from 48 to 50 mm. ; D from 33 to 50 mm. e W from 46 to 68 gr. LA22 LA19 LA24 LA31 LA12 LA11 Filter 9 mm. - 30 - Group 6/7 - 31 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 COLLECTION SS NATURAL COLLECTION SS STAINED Hand cut pipes made by straight grain platoes Hand cut pipes made by straight grain platoes 14A 14A 14B 14B 14C 14C 14D 14D 14E As those series are free-hand pls. consider the shapes al most fi xed. Standard sizes are: B from 130 to 180 mm. H from 48 to 60 mm. D from 30 to 60 mm W from 40 to 90 gr. Available with 9mm. filte r or w/out Group 7 14E As those series are free-hand pls. consider the shapes al most fi xed. Standard sizes are: B from 130 to 180 mm. H from 48 to 60 mm. D from 30 to 60 mm W from 40 to 90 gr. Available with 9mm. filte r or w/out Group 7 SHAPES SIZE FINISH MOUTHPIECE EURO SHAPES SIZE FINISH MOUTHPIECE EURO Free Group7/8 Natural half sandblasted Acrilic 53,90 Free Group7/8 Natural half sandblasted Acrilic 49,50 - 32 - - 33 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 OOM PAUL DUO FILTER Very difficult and complicate pipe to produce Revisited Sud Tirol shape with briar cap and Sterling Silve r chain The Duo filter is a pipe with two filter lodgme nts: One in the bottom and the other in between the shank and the mouthpiece. It is possible this way to take full advantages from different types of filters : Below a balsa filter to drain the condensation and above the coal filte r or both coal filters to get a really dry and fresh smoke: the choice is yours Gol den Extra Coperchio radica Noce Duo Filte r B-100mm. H-200mm. D-32mm. W-56gr. Rocci ata Sabbiata #Oom Paul B-110mm. H-55mm. D-32mm. W-65gr. “ Pura “ “Pura Noce Selected Noce Sabbi ata Rocciata SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE EURO SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE EURO 1 1 1 1 GOLDEN EXTRA NOCE RUSTICA SABBIATA Smooth amber Smooth walnut Rustic brown sandblasted black Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic 68,20 61,60 57,50 55,00 1 1 1 1 1 1 "PURA" NAT. "PURA"NOCE SELECTED NOCE RUSTICA SABBIATA Pure natural Pure walnut Smooth amber Smooth walnut Rustic brown sandblasted black Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic Acrilic 101,75 86,90 68,20 61,60 57,20 55,00 - 34 - - 35 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 NINJA NINJA Extra quality briar and acrilic turtle color mouthpieces with real boxwood band SHAPES 6 6 6 6 FINISHES DESCRIPTION AMBRA Smooth natural NOCE Smooth walnut SABBIATA MOGANO Sandblasted amaranth ROCCIATA Rock STEM Turtle acrilic Turtle acrilic Turtle acrilic Turtle acrilic #8311 B-138mm. H-51mm. D-35mm. # 834 B-135mm. H-42mm. D-29mm. #6002 B-120mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. #1001 B-150mm. H-48mm. D-32mm. # 301 B-148mm. H-35mm. D-28mm. # 839 B-138mm. H-50mm. D-28mm. EURO 43,50 37,50 32,50 34,70 W-55gr. W-50gr. W-53gr. W-52gr. W-55gr. W-55gr. 1001 8311 301 834 AMBRA NOCE SABBIATA 6002 839 ROCCIATA Filter 9mm. - 36 - Group 6 - 37 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 SERIE “ X” SERIE “ X” First quality briar wood selected for grain and texture natural finish.l 6007 839 834 1007 835 2007 #1007 B-145mm. H-48mm. D-33mm. #2007 B-147mm. H-45mm. D-28mm. # 624 B-140mm. H-39mm. D-30mm. #8487 B-145mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. # 835 B-125mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. # 602 B-135mm. H-39mm. D-32mm. #6010 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-41mm. #6007 B-108mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. #8311 B-138mm. H-51mm. D-35mm. # 834 B-135mm. H-42mm. D-29mm. # 301 B-148mm. H-35mm. D-28mm. # 839 B-138mm. H-50mm. D-28mm. W-46gr. W-44gr. W-45gr. W-48gr. W-45gr.. W-65gr. W-43gr. W-44gr. W-55gr. W-50gr. W-55gr. W-55gr. 6010 8487 624 301 602 SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION STEM EURO 12 AMBRATA Smooth amber polished Acrilic 37,50 - 38 - 8311 Filter 9mm Gr. 6 - 39 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 SUN SUN 602 8310 834 1001 301 1001 839 2007 6007 6002 1007 834 6002 #8310 B-150mm. H-50mm. D-35mm. #1001 B-150mm. H-48mm. D-32mm. #2007 B-147mm. H-45mm. D-28mm. #1007 B-145mm. H-48mm. D-33mm. #8311 B-138mm. H-51mm. D-35mm. # 834 B-135mm. H-42mm. D-29mm. # 602 B-135mm. H-39mm. D-32mm. # 301 B-148mm. H-35mm. D-28mm. #6007 B-108mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. #6002 B-120mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. #6010 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-41mm. # 839 B-138mm. H-50mm. D-28mm. W-62gr. W-52gr. W-44gr. W-46gr. W-55gr. W-50gr. W-65gr. W-55gr. W-44gr. W-53gr. W-43gr. W-55gr. 2007 301 8311 Pipe with meershaum chimney inside. 9mm. filter and e adaptor High temperature resistant. 6010 602 SHAPES FINISHES STEM EURO 7 12 AMBER MEERSHAUM BOW L AMBER MATT Acrilic amber Acrilic amber 44,50 37,40 Filter 9 mm. - 40 - Gr. 6 - 41 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 JUNIOR JUNIOR 2767 2767 2717 2717 2735 2735 2773 2773 2764 2710 2764 2710 2716 2716 2752 2752 2765 2731 2765 2731 2761 2766 2761 Filter 9 mm. Gr. 5 2766 Filter 9 mm. MODELS FINISHES DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 12 AMBRA Smooth Amber Acrilic - 42 - EURO 37,50 Gr. 5 SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION RING MOUTHPIECE 12 NERA Hi gloss Black Briar Ac rilic - 43 - EURO 40,10 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 JUNIOR JUNIOR 2767 2767 2717 2717 2735 2735 2773 2773 2764 2764 2710 2710 2716 2716 2752 2752 2765 2765 2731 2731 2761 2766 2761 2766 Filter 9 mm. Group 5 MODELS FINISHES DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE 12 NOCE Smooth Walnut Acrilic - 44 - EURO 29,20 #2766 B-122mm. H-38mm. D-29mm. W-34gr. #2735 B-120mm. H-43mm. D-28mm. W-43gr. #2764 B-127mm. H-46mm. D-30mm. W-40gr. #2716 B-130mm. H-38mm. D-40mm. W-38gr. #2765 B-136mm. H-40mm. D-40mm. W-34gr. #2761 B-140mm. H-32mm. D-40mm. W-34gr. Filter 9 mm. Group 5 #2767 B-118mm. H-48mm. D-30mm. W-44gr. #2773 B-132mm. H-47mm. D-32mm. W-40gr. #2710 B-128mm. H-48mm. D-34mm. W-38gr. #2752 B-123mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. W-30gr. #2731 B-127mm. H-45mm. D-28mm. W-35gr. #2717 B-145mm. H-48mm. D-34mm. W-44gr. MODELS FINISHE S DE SCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE EURO 12 SAB BIATA NOCE Sandblasted brown A crilic 26,50 - 45 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 SERIE 1960 SERIE 1960 CAPPUCCIO 6000 6006 1005 1005 6006 7001 601 2002 4001 601 2002 4001 623 8006 NOCE W/out filter SABBIATA W/out filter Gr. 4 #1005 B-135mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. #6000 B-125mm. H-45mm. D-33mm. #7001 B-133mm. H-43mm. D-32mm. #6006 B-125mm. H-45mm. D-33mm. #2002 B-143mm. H-38mm. D-30mm. # 601 B-130mm. H-34mm. D-32mm. #4001 B-145mm. H-45mm. D-35mm. # 623 B-133mm. H-33mm. D-31mm. #8006 B-127mm. H-44mm. D-31mm. Group 4 W-37gr. W-38gr. W-29gr. W-38gr. W-34gr. W-42gr. W-32gr. W-34gr. W-32gr. SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION STEM EURO SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION STEM EURO 6 6 NOCE SABBIATA Smooth brown Sandblasted amaranth Ebonite Ebonite 29,20 24,80 9 SABBIATA NERA Sandblasted black Ebonite 20,90 - 46 - - 47 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 SERIE 1960 JUNIOR SET AERO Gun sprayed pipes with a special two tones relief polyester coating The set encloses 1 pipe ’60 series, a lighter , a tampe r the bag , 5 cleane rs and the access to our video tutorial to learn to smoke the pipe in 4 lessons posted on our blog. *6 shapes assorted 9mm.Filter B-125mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. W-45gr. SHAPES FINISH 9 Black sandblasted DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE EURO SET Ebonite 31,90 SHAPES FINISH 6* AERO DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE Gun-sprayed Lucite Group 6 PACKING 6 pipe ass. in folding boxes - 48 - - 49 - EURO for pack 132,00 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 PRIMA LIBERTY Limited series of small shapes of the '30. The smooth series are supplied with the original Cumbe rland® mouthpieces of the New York Hamburger hand-carved from barrels 835 1007 6007 2007 8487 1001 6002 6010 834 Gr. 6 B-120/130mm. H-38/42mm. D-26/28mm. W-28/35gr. 839 Engraved ring with ” 1” all around Filter 9 mm. Group 3 w/out filter The set encloses: 1 Prima pipe, 1 piezo pipelighter, 1 horse nail tamper, 1 filter plug adapter, 10 pcs. 9mm. Coal filters.10 bristles, 1 booklet with the instructions, link to the video tutorial:how to smoke a pipe in 4 steps. FINISH SMOOTH WALNUT SANDBLASTED SHAPES BOCCHINO Assorted Cumberland Assorted Vulcanite Singly box and display - 50 - PACKING 6 pipes 6 pipes EURO A CONF. 150,00 99,00 SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION STEM EURO 10 10 Light smooth Sandblasted brown *Set *Set Ebonite Ebonite 37,50 29,50 - 51 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 PRIMA LORD Replica of pipes very popular in the years ‘60 835 1007 6007 2007 8487 1001 6002 With single box and display 6010 834 839 Gr. 6 Engraved ring with ” 1” all around Filter 9 mm. # 835 B-125mm. H-45mm. D-32mm. W-45gr. #6007 B-108mm. H-45mm. D-30mm. W-44gr. #2007 B-147mm. H-45mm. D-28mm. W-44gr. #6010 B-140mm. H-50mm. D-41mm. W-43gr. #6002 B-120mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. W-53gr. # 834 B-135mm. H-42mm. D-29mm. W-50gr. #1007 B-145mm. H-48mm. D-33mm. W-46gr. #1001 B-150mm. H-48mm. D-32mm. W-52gr. # 839 B-138mm. H-50mm. D-28mm. W-55gr. #8487 B-145mm. H-50mm. D-30mm. W-48gr. 3 mm. pape r filter or alloy system Group 3 Sizes. B-100/110mm. H-28/38mm. D-26/28mm. W-28/35gr. SHAPES 6 6 - 52 - FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE PACKING EURO FOR PACK MOGANO Smooth light Ebonite 6 pipes 79,20 SABBIATA NERA Sandblasted black with ring Ebonite 6 pipes 72,60 with single box and display - 53 - Brebbia pipes export January 2015 Brebbia pipes export January 2015 TUNDRA Gu illochè hand brushed INDEX W/out filter. Gr. 4 PIPE BREBBIA 6 shapes assorted B-110mm. H-35mm. D-26mm W-17mm in the average. SHAPES FINISH DESCRIPTION MOUTHPIECE PACKING 6 TUNDRA Brushed Ebonite 6 pipes assorted EURO FOR PACK 81,40 HOBBY HOBB Y 2 HOBB Y 1 B REBBIA HISTORY S TAND UP CLASSIC GIO' NEMO TRE CHIOCCIOLA DISEGUALE V OLCANO DEA ITALIA JUMBO FA T BOB FIRST LINEA A COLLECTION OOM PA UL DUO FILTER NINJA S ERIE "X" S UN JUNIOR S ERIE 1960 A ERO P RIMA LORD S AVANA HOBBY INDEX P AG. 2 3-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34 35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-46 47-49 50 51-52 53 54 54 55 MPB / MUSEUM M.P.B. HISTORY M.P.B. LECTURA M.P.B. 65° M.P.B. VINTAGE M.P.B. NOVA M.P.B. NICO M.P.B. NA IF M.P.B. SA ILING M.P.B. STE RLING MERSHA UM MUSEUM SERIES ALPINI MUSEUM SERIES PARTY MUSEUM SERIES PUCCINI MUSEUM SERIES BRERA ROMBO CORN-COBS W ALL PIPE S ADVERTISING MATERIAL TERMS INDEX HOBB Y 3 PLACCA W/out filter. Gr. 4 ARTICLE SHAPES FINISHES DESCRIPTION EURO PLATOE HOBBY 3 HOBBY 1/2 1 1 1 STRAIGHT GRAIN PLATEAUX STRAIGHT GRAIN PLATEAUX EBOUCHON - STRAIGHT BENT without mouthpiec e with mouthpiece with mouthpiece 27,50 37,50 15,40 - 54 - - 55 - PAG. 2 3 4-5 6-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22 23 24-25 26-27 28 29-30 31-32 33 34 35 36
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