Eighth International Conference on Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning Naples, June 4-6 2014 www.i np ut2014. i t smart city planning for energy, transportation and sustainability of the urban system The Conference From 4 to 6 June 2014 The Congress Center of the University of Naples “Federico II” will host the Eight International Conference on Informatics jointly organized by the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale) of the University of Naples “Federico II” and by the Department of Engineering (Dipartimento di Ingegneria) of the University of Sannio. Since the first conference, held in 1999, INPUT has been representing an opportunity to reflect on the use of Information and Communication Technologies as key planning support tools. It has especially focused on models, techniques, and tools used to support planning processes, paying special attention to case‐studies and shedding light on issues related to democracy, efficiency, sustainability, and equity in planning. The general theme of INPUT 2014 is: “Smart City: planning for energy, transportation and sustainability of the urban system “. Smart City seems to be the new dimension towards where every city should go. From an urban planning point of view, it’s not very clear what is the way to get this new dimension and moreover what actually is a “smart city”. At present, the questions widely spreading among cities are: how is it possible to become a smart city? Which factors are strategic to drive the city towards this new dimension? How can urban smartness be promoted? This conference tries to answer to these questions by adopting a new approach to study the city and to discover a new urban planning way, in order to drive the city development towards sustainable states. This allows to consider the city as a Technological innovation as a whole, which is a key factor interacting with the different urban dimensions but not only in a mechanic way. The conference aims at investigating this new urban dimension within the field of urban sciences and considering the relationship between technological innovation and town planning. Scholars and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions on innovative experiences within the framework of the general theme and in the light of the crosscutting technology domains. History of INPUT INPUT is managed by an informal group of Italian academic researchers working in many fields related to the exploitation of informatics in planning. Since the first conference, held in 1999, INPUT has represented an opportunity to reflect on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key planning support tools. The first conference (Venice, 1999), titled “Models and management of processes of spatial transformations,” was organized by the IUAV University of Venice in conjunction with the Sixth Conference “Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management” (CUPUM) and focused on the relations between three main topics as follows: new technologies, tools for analysis and forecast, planning and management of processes of spatial change. The conference laid the foundations for the setting up of a network of models designers, users, and clients. The second conference (Isole Tremiti, 2001), titled “Democracy and technologies,” was organized by the Polytechnic University of Bari and proposed a discussion on three topics as follows: democracy and technologies, worlds and models; knowledge and intelligent agents. The third conference (Pisa, 2003), titled “Knowledge modeling and management,” was organized by the University of Pisa and explored not only new methodologies and tools for constructing and managing spatial knowledge, but also the issue of their efficient use in planning. The fourth conference (Alghero, 2005), titled “Teaching the city, the territory, the environment. Reading, describing, interpreting, managing, designing,” was organized by the University of Sassari and discussed planning skills required by emerging changes in planning practices, with a view to the pursuit of equity, sustainability, and rights. The fifth conference (Lecco, 2009), titled “New ICTs, design and management of the space. Tools and practices put to the test,” was organized by the Polytechnic University of Milan and investigated, in terms of both proliferation and success, planning practices supported by ICTs. The sixth conference (Potenza, 2010) was organized by the University of Basilicata and questioned the role of ICTs in planning and their ability to bring about real changes in planning processes. The seventh conference (Cagliari, 2012) was organized by the University of Cagliari and the University of Sassari and was titled: “Planning Support Tools: Policy Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation”. TIME 9:00 - 13,15 10,00-11,15 04 June 2014 REGISTRATION WELCOME ADDRESSES R. Papa (Ch. - DICEA University of Naples "Federico II") G. Trombetti (Vice-President of Regione Campania) E. Cosenza (Councillor of Regione Campania) B. Montella (Director of DICEA University of Naples "Federico II") U. Villano (Director of DING University of Sannio) F. de Rossi (Dean of the University of Sannio) M. Marrelli (Dean of the University of Naples "Federico II") 11:00-11:15 11.15 -13.15 PLENARY SESSION Smart City: planning in a time of change R. Fistola (Ch. - DING University of Sannio) M. Deakin (Edimburgh Napier University) D. De Kerchove (University of Naples "Federico II") 13,15-14,00 14,00-16,00 05 June 2014 06 June 2014 09:00-11:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 09:00-11:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS S9-Room CLA, Ch. Gargiulo S10-Room M, Ch. De Montis S11-Room A, Ch. La Rosa S12-Room B, Ch. Zoppi S17-Room M, Ch. Borri S18-Room A, Ch. Cecchini S19- Room B, Ch. Rabino S20-Room CLA, Ch. Las Casas COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK PARALLEL SESSIONS ROUNDTABLE S13-Room CLA, Ch. La Rocca S14-Room M, Cialdea S15-Room A, Ch. Pelorosso S16-Room B, Ch. Galderisi LUNCH LUNCH PARALLEL SESSIONS PLENARY SESSION S1-Room CLA, Ch. Campagna S2- Room M, Ch. Camarda S3-Room A, Ch. Tira S4-Room B, Ch. Boscacci Italian INPUT network: thinking on the mission G. Rabino - A. B. Cecchini 16,00-16,15 COFFEE BREAK 16,15-18,15 COFFEE BREAK PARALLEL SESSIONS S5-Room CLA, Ch. Mazzeo S6-Room M, Ch. Lombardini S7-Room A, Ch. Gallo S8-Room B, Ch. Russo h. 20.00 SOCIAL DINNER Smart City and the future of the urban system R. Papa (ch.), D. Borri, G. Rabino, M.Tira, A. Leone, B. Cecchini, G. Las Casas, F.D. Moccia, A. Nuzzolo END OF THE CONFERENCE AULA B AULA A GROUND FLOOR AULA M COFFEE AND LUNCH AREA AULA M 1st FLOOR AULA CLA 3rd FLOOR Conference Program by authors and date (PARALLEL SESSIONS) AUTHORS PAPER TITLE P-ID Luisa Santini, Serena Pecori Sensitivity assessment. Localization of road transport infrastructures in the province of Lucca P-48 Mariano Gallo, Giuseppina De Luca, Luca D'Acierno The design of segnalised intersections at area level. Models and methods P-49 A.P. Vavatsikos, M. Giannopoulou Transportation infrastructure impacts evaluation. The case of Egnatia Motorway in Greece P-44 M. Francini, A. Palermo, M.F. Viapiana Urban smart uses and smart mobility P-79 Michela Tiboni, Silvia Rossetti Achieving people friendly accessibility. Key concepts and a case study overview P-15 Giampiero Lombardini Dealing with Resilience Conceptualisation Formal Ontologies as a Tool for Implementation of Intelligent Geographic Information Systems P-63 Giovanni Rabino (Denise Farese, Roberto Gallo, Andrea Moro) ONTOLOGIES AND METHODS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN URBAN PLANNING P-72 Maria Rosaria Stufano Mellone, Giovanni Rabino (Erika Ferrari, Alessia Goffi, Stefania Folli) THE CREATIVE SIDE OF THE REFLECTIVE PLANNER: UPDATING THE SCHÖN’S FINDINGS DATE TIME ROOM CHAIRMAN SESSION 04/06/14 14:00-16:00 A TIRA smart mobility and urban transport CAMARDA Qualitative cognitive models and formal ontologies 04/06/14 P-73 14:00-16:00 M Dino Borri, Domenico Camarda, Laura Grassini, Mauro Patano Learning and sharing technology in informal contexts: A multiagent-based ontological approach P-65 Jonas Breuer, Nils Walravens, Pieter Ballon Beyond defining the smart city. Meeting top-down and botton-up approaches in the middle P-03 Corrado Iannucci, Fabrizio Pini LI-FI for a digital urban infrastructure. A novel technology for the smart city P-29 Sylvie Occelli, Alessandro Sciullo Mapping smart regions. An exploratory approach P-34 Flavio Boscacci, Ila Maltese, Ilaria Mariotti Smartness and Italian cities. A cluster analysis P-35 Ana Clara Moura, Suellen Ribeiro, Isadora Correa, Bruno Braga Parametric modelling of urban landscape: decoding the Brasilia of Lucio Costa from modernism to present days P-22 Michele Campagna Geodesign from theory to practice. From metaplanning to 2nd generation of Planning Support Systems P-39 Diogo De Castro Guadalupe, Ana Clara Mourao Moura The model of Voronoi's polygons and density: diagnosis of spatial distribution of education services of EJA in Divinopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil P-46 Michele Campagna, Elisabetta Anna Di Cesare Geodesign from Theory to practice. In the search for Geodesign principles in Italian planning regulations P-50 A. Grieco, C. Montaldo, S. Occelli, S. Tarditi Network screening for smarter road sites. A regional case P-25 04/06/14 14:00-16:00 B BOSCACCI Defining Smart city 04/06/14 14:00-16:00 CLA CAMPAGNA Planning Support Systems: from models to geodesign Simona Bulferetti, Francesca Ferrari, Stefano Riccardi ITS system to manage parking supply. Considerations on application to the "Ring" in the city of Brescia P-28 Giulio Maternini, Stefano Riccardi, Margherita Cadei Zero emission mobility systems in cities. Inductive recharge system planning in urban areas P-20 Riccardo Bonotti, Silvia Rossetti, Michela Tiboni, Maurizio Tira Diachronic analysis of parking usage. The case study of Brescia P-30 Ignazio Vinci, Salvatore di Dio Designing mobility in a city in transition. Challenges from the case of Palermo P-37 Sabrina Lai, Corrado Zoppi An ontology of implementation plans of historic centers. A case study concerning Sardinia. Italy P-32 Farnaz Mosannenzadeh, Daniele Vettorato Defining smart city: a conceptual framework (and literature review) P-45 Matteo Caglioni Formal Ontologies and Uncertainty in Geographical Knowledge P-52 Elena Masala, Giovanni Rabino, Stefano Pensa Visualization as a model. Overview on communication techniques in transport and urban planning P-54 Donato di Ludovico, Pierluigi From a smart city to a smart-up country. Properzi, Fabio The new city-territory of L'Aquila Graziosi 16:15-18:15 A GALLO smart mobility and urban transport 04/06/14 16:15-18:15 M LOMBARDINI Qualitative cognitive models and formal ontologies 04/06/14 16:15-18:15 CLA MAZZEO S5-Smart city and smart citizen 1 P-10 Creating smart urban landscapes: a multimedia platform for placemaking P-02 Pierangelo Massa, Michele Campagna Social Media Geographical Information: recent findings and opportunities for smart spatial planning P-26 Roberta Floris, Michele Campagna Social media geographical information in tourism planning P-27 Marichela Sepe 04/06/14 Giulia Baù, Luisa Ingaramo Temporary dwelling of social housing in Turin. New responses to housing discomfort P-06 Enrico Formato, Michelangelo Russo Re-use/re-cycle territories. A retroactive conceptualisation for East Naples P-23 Maria Antonia Giannino, Ferdinando Orabona Social housing in urban regeneration. Regeneration heritage existing building: methods and strategies P-36 Luciano De Bonis, Grazia Concilio, Eugenio Leanza, Jesse Marsh, Ferdinando Trapani CO-CREATIVE, RE-GENERATIVE SMART CITIES. SMART CITIES AND PLANNING IN A LIVING LAB PERSPECTIVE 2 P-76 Rocco Papa, Urban smartness vs urban Carmela Gargiulo, competitiveness. A comparison of Italian Stefano Franco, cities rankings Laura Russo P-78 Rocco Papa, The factors influencing transport energy Carmela Gargiulo, consumption in urban areas: A review Gennaro Angiello P-82 Rocco Papa, INTEGRATED URBAN SYSTEM AND Carmela Gargiulo, ENERGY CONSUMPTION MODEL: PUBLIC AND SINGULAR BUILDINGS Mario Cristiano P-83 Rocco Papa, Carmela Gargiulo, INTEGRATED URBAN SYSTEM AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION MODEL: Gerardo RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Carpentieri P-80 04/06/14 16:15-18:15 B RUSSO Innovative processes for urban regeneration 05/06/14 9:00-11:00 CLA GARGIULO Smart Energy Master: an interpretative model Rocco Papa, Urban systems and energy Carmela Gargiulo, consumption: a critical approach Floriana Zucaro P-75 Federica Isola, Cheti Pira From RLP tp SLP: two different approaches to landscape planning P-17 Donatella Cialdea, Alessandra Maccarone The energy networks landscape. Impacts on rural land in the Molise Region P-40 Donatella Cialdea, Luigi Mastronardi Marginality phenomena and new uses of the agricultural land. Diachronic and spatial analyses of the Molise coastal area P-41 Roberto De Lotto, Tiziano Cattaneo, Cecilia Morelli di Popolo, Sara Morettini, Susanna Sturla, Elisabetta Venco Rural architectural intensification. A multidisciplinar planning tool P-51 Christine Fürst How to assess the efficiency of ecosystem services to support planning processes (introduction) P-XX Daniele La Rosa Geodesign for Urban Ecosystem Services P-60 Raffaele Pelorosso, Federica Gobattoni, Francesco Geri, Roberto Monaco, Antonio Leone CONNECTIVITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AN ASSESSMENT BY PANDORA 3.0 MODEL FOR LAND USE DECISION MAKING P-67 Luis Inostroza Open spaces and urban ecosystem services. Cooling effect towards urban planning in South American cities P-64 05/06/14 09:00-11:00 M DE MONTIS Landscape, Rural and Urban planning LA ROSA 05/06/14 09:00-11:00 A PELOROSSO Ecosystem and landscape services for urban and regional planning Valerio Cutini Spatial analysis of urban squares. '… siccome umbellico al corpo dell'uomo…' P-04 Federica Leoni, Corrado Zoppi Strategic planning of municipal historic centers. A case study concerning Sardinia, Italy P-08 Giuseppe Mazzeo Urban labelling: resilience and vulnerability as key concepts for a sustainable planning P-11 Pablo V. Florentino, Maria Celia F. Rocha, Gilberto Corso Pereira Digital social networks and urban spaces P-14 M. Giannopoulou, A.P. Vavatsikos, K. Lykostratis, A. Roukouni Using GIS to record and analyse historical urban areas P-47 Michelangelo Russo, Enrico Formato (Limera Amenta, Anna Attademo, Susanna Castiello, Cecilia Di Marco, Marilena Prisco) City/sea searching for a new connection. Regeneration proposal for Naples waterfront like an harbourscape: comparing three case studies P-24 Rocco Papa, Climate change and energy Carmela Gargiulo, sustainability. Which innovations in Floriana Zucaro European strategies and plans 05/06/14 09:00-11:00 B ZOPPI looking to the the urban system 05/06/14 11:15-13:15 CLA LA ROCCA Environmental factors and the urban changes P-77 Grazielle Anjos Carvalho Assessment on the Expansion of Basic Sanitation Infrastructure in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte 2000 e 2010 P-56 Fulvia Pinto Urban planning and climate change: Adaptation and mitigation strategies P-70 Sarunwit Promsaka Na Sakonnakron, Pongpisit Hukakorn, Paola Rizzi Gaming Simulation for Enhancing Disaster Resilience a Social Learning Tool for Modern Disaster Risk Management P-84 Andrea De Montis, Maria Antonietta Bardi, Amedeo Ganciu, Antonio Ledda, Simone Caschili, Maurizio Mulas, Leonarda Dessena, Giuseppe Modica, Luigi Laudari, Carmelo Riccardo Fichera Landscape planning and ecological networks. Part A. A rural system in Nuoro, Sardinia P-13 Andrea De Montis, Maria Antonietta Bardi, Amedeo Ganciu, Antonio Ledda, Simone Caschili, Maurizio Mulas, Leonarda Dessena, Giuseppe Modica, Luigi Laudari, Carmelo Riccardo Fichera Landscape planning and ecological networks. Part B. A rural system in Nuoro, Sardinia P-16 Emanuela Nan Smart Mediterranean logics. Old-new dimensions and transformations of territories and cities-ports in Mediterranean P-01 05/06/14 11:15-13:15 M CIALDEA Landscape, Rural and Urban planning Andrea De Montis, Antonio Ledda, Simone Caschili, Amedeo Ganciu, Gianluca Cocco, Agnese Marcus Sea guidelines. A comparative analysis: first outcomes P-12 Grazia Brunetta, Angioletta Voghera RESILIENCE THROUGH ECOLOGICAL NETWORK P-61 LA ROSA Marcin Spyra SERVICES AND BORDER REGIONS Case study from Czech – Polish borderland. P-66 PELOROSSO Antonio Leone, Federica Gobattoni, Raffaele Pelorosso Sustainability and planning. Thinking and acting according to thermodicamics laws P-74 Maurizio Sibilla Virtual power plant. Environmental technology management tools of the settlement processes P-19 Ilaria Delponte Achieving smart energy planning objectives. The approach of the transform project P-21 05/06/14 05/06/14 Paolo de Pascali, Valentina Alberti, Daniela de Ioris, Michele Reginaldi Energy and environment in urban regneration. Studies for a method of analysis of urban periphery P-09 Fabio Andreassi, Pierluigi Properzi The plan in addressing the post-shock conflict. 2009-2014. A first balance sheet of the reconstruction of L'Aquila P-07 Junia Borges, Camila Zynger Crowdsourcing. A citizen participation challenge P-33 11:15-13:15 11:00-13:00 A Ecosystem and landscape services for urban and regional planning B Energy Management for smart cities GALDERISI Jaroslaw Kazimierczak Revitalization and its impact on public space organization. A case study of Manchester in UK, lyon in France and Lodz in Poland P-43 Massimiliano Bencardino, Ilaria Greco SMART COMMUNITIES SOCIAL INNOVATION AT THE SERVICE OF THE SMART CITIES P-55 Ivan Blecic, Dario Canu, Arnaldo Cecchini, Giuseppe A. Triunfo ONLINE CITIZEN REPORTING ON URBAN MAINTENANCE: A COLLECTION, EVALUATION AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM P-58 Dino Borri, Laura Grassini DILEMMAS IN THE ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE.A COGNITIVE APPROACH TO UNDERSTAND INNOVATION AND CHANGE IN THE WATER SECTOR P-82 Ivan Blecic, Arnaldo Cecchini, Tanja Congiu, Giovanna Fancello, Giuseppe A. Triunfo WALKABILITY EXPLORER: AN EVALUATION AND DESIGN SUPPORT TOOL FOR WALKABILITY P-57 Ferdinando Orabona, Maria Antonia Giannino Planning un-sustainable development of Mezzogiorno. Methods and strategies for planning human sustainable development P-38 Giuseppe Las Casas, Silvana Lombardo, Beniamino Murgante, Piergiuseppe Pontrandolfi, Francesco Scorza Open Data for territorial specialization assessment. Territorial specialization in attracting local development funds: an assessment procedure based on open data and open tools P-81 Michele Pezzagno, Marco Rosini Enthropy and the city. GHG emissions inventory: a common baseline for the design of urban and industrial ecologies P-42 06/06/14 06/06/14 09:00-11:00 09:00-11:00 A M FISTOLA Smart city and smart citizen 2 LAS CASAS Urban Enthropy and evaluation in urban planning Roberto Gerundo, Gabriella Graziuso PIANO DEI SERVIZI. PROPOSAL FOR CONTENTS AND GUIDELINES P-68 Maria Veronica Izzo, Isidoro Fasolino Smart dialogue for smart citizens. Approcci assertivi per la pianificazione strategica P-69 Giorgio Limonta A GIS approach to supporting nightlife impact management P-18 Silvia Tondelli, S. Fatone Planning pharmacies. An operational method to find the best location P-71 Jonas Breuer, Nils Beyond Defining the Smart City: Meeting Walravens, Pieter top-down and bottom-up approaches Ballon P-62 Elena Masala, Camila Marques Zyngier, Stefano Pensa CONSIDERATIONS ON THE USE OF VISUAL TOOLS IN PLANNING PROCESSES. A Brazilian experience P-53 Junia Borges, Camila Zyngier, Jonatha Santos, Karen Laurenco SPATIAL PERCEPTION AND COGNITION REVIEW CONSIDERING GEOTECHNOLOGIES AS URBAN PLANNING STRATEGY P-60 Enrico Eynard, Marco Santangelo, Matteo Tabasso Geovisualization tool on urban quality. Interactive tool for urban planning P-31 Enrico Fabrizio, Gabriele Garnero Visual impact in the urban environment: the case of out-of-scale buildings P-05 Giovanni Rabino and 95 co-authors Google's Street View for building survey: a performance evaluation (an example of large scale collaborative science) P-XX 06/06/14 09:00-11:00 CLA BORRI Smart city and smart citizen 3 06/06/14 09:00-11:00 B RABINO Visualization and spatial percepition in urban planning LOCATION Centro Congressi Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” g g p Via Partenope n. 36 Napoli Organizzato da: Dipartimento di Ingegneria I Civile, Edile e Ambientale Con il patrocinio di:
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