Giovanni Favero Giovanni Favero, PhD in Urban and Rural History – University of Perugia (1999), is associate professor of Economic history at the Department of Management at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). He has been visiting scholar at the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (Ined) and at the School of Social Sciences – University of California, Irvine. He is the deputy director of the PHD program in Management of Ca’ Foscari University, where he teaches Business History, and he is member of the Board of the Graduate School of Economics and Management (Ca’ Foscari University, Padua University and Verona University). He is deputy dean for the development of careers in the Board of the Department of Management (2011-14) and member of the Ca' Foscari University Working Group on Research Quality (2013-). He is also the scientific head of the Vicenza Historical Institute of the Resistance (Istrevi) since 2006. Research Areas His areas of interests are business history, the history of statistics, historical demography and urban history. Main focuses are the use of quantitative data in corporate governance, the production and use of statistics in the long term, innovation and property rights in historical perspective, the historical coevolution of urban and logistic networks. Research Projects He participated in several national research projects on business and economic history, among which research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and research: PRIN_MURST 2005-2007, FIRB_MURST 2010-2014. Conference Participation He presented papers at international conferences such as the Macromarketing Conference, the World Economic History Conference, the European Social Science History Conference, and the meetings of the British Academy of Management, the Social Science History Association, the Renaissance Society of America, the European Business History Association, the European Association of Urban History. In many of these he was also session organiser and discussant. He was the scientific co-organiser of some international workshops: (Econo)metrics: From Political Arithmetic to the Probabilistic Revolution (Rome 2012), funded by the Ecole Française de Rome and the Collegio Carlo Alberto; and Gateways and Hinterlands in Europe, 1400-1900 (Venice 2011), funded by the Japan Foundation. Teaching Activities He teaches at bachelor and graduate level courses in Italian and English on Economic history, History of management, Comparative business history. He teaches the PhD course in English “Business history”. He also teaches in the Ca' Foscari – Harvard Summer School a course in English “A history of consumption”. Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees Membership Member of the editorial board of the journals Popolazione e storia and Venetica, he is member of the scientific committee of the Italian Society of Historical Demography (SIDeS). He is the chief editor of the book collections Istrevi Ricerche (Cierre, Verona, Italy) and Culture del lavoro (Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy). Books, chapters, articles and conference papers Books and chapters Favero G. (2012), L’impresa a rete come strumento di contenimento del rischio: il caso Benetton, in Chastagneret G., Marin B., Raveaux O., Travaglini C. (eds.), Les sociétés méditerranéennes face au risque: économies, Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale Favero G. (2011), La statistica fra scienza e amministrazione, in Cassata F., Pogliano C. (eds.), Storia d’Italia. Annali 26. Scienze e cultura dell’Italia unita, Turin: Einaudi. Favero G., Lanaro P. (2006), Italy, in Rodgers R., Menjot D. (eds.), Teaching Urban History in Europe / L’enseignement de l’histoire urbane en Europe, Leicester: Centre for Urban History. Favero G. (2006), Old and New Ceramics: Manufacturers, Products and Markets in the Venetian State (17th-18th Centuries), in Lanaro P. (ed.), At the Center of the Old World: Trade and Manufacturing in Venice and the Venetian Mainland, Toronto: Center for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. Favero G. (2006), Le tour du monde: les mémoires de voyage d’un émigrant de Schio en Russie et au Canada au début du XXe siècle, in Chauvard J-F., Lebeau C. (eds.), Éloignement géographique et cohésion familiale (XVe-XXe siècle), Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg. Favero G. (2005), Benetton: I colori del successo, Milan: Egea-Bocconi. Favero G. (2001), Le misure del Regno: Direzione di statistica e municipi nell’Italia liberale, Padua: Il Poligrafo. Articles Favero G. (2014), I quartieri di Firenze: La costruzione statistica dello spazio urbano, in Città e storia, vol. 9, forthcoming. Favero G., Lanaro P. (2012), Introduction to La città che cambia: riconversioni e metamorfosi, in Città e storia, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 211-218. Favero G. (2011), Privilegi d’industria e diritti di proprietà nelle manifatture di ceramica della Repubblica di Venezia (XVII-XVIII secolo), in Quaderni Storici, vol. 46, n. 136.1, pp. 185-220. Favero G. (2011), Business Attitudes towards Statistical Investigation in Late-19th-Century Italy: A Wool Industrialist from Reticence to Influence, in Enterprise & Society, vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 265-316. Favero G. (2010), La statistica dei salari industriali in periodo fascista, in Quaderni Storici, vol. 45, n. 134.2, pp. 319-357. Favero G., Trivellato F. (2004), Gli abitanti del ghetto di Venezia in età moderna: Dati e ipotesi, in Zakhor: rivista di storia degli ebrei d’Italia, vol. 7, pp. 9-50. Favero G. (2004), Corrado Gini and Italian Statistics under Fascism, in Il pensiero economico italiano, vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 45-59. Favero G. (1998), Due storie della statistica in Italia, in Quaderni Storici, vol. 33, n. 98, pp. 415-427. Favero G., Moro M., Spinelli P., Trivellato F., Vianello F. (1991), Le anime dei demografi: Fonti per la rilevazione dello stato della popolazione di Venezia nei secoli XVI e XVII, in Bollettino di Demografia Storica, n. 15, pp. 23-110. Recent conference papers Favero G. 2013, Building a Nation on Numbers: The Rise and Fall of the Italian Statistical Office in the Late Nineteenth Century, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Organizing Powers, Chicago, Il, USA, Nov 21-24. Favero G. 2013, A Foreign Family Company in a Small Urban Community: From Political Involvement to Capital Flight, British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, UK, Sep 10-12. Favero G. 2013, The Automobile Unimagined: Technological Scenarios on People's Mobility in Italian Proto-Science-Fiction, 1861-1945, European Business History Association Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, Aug 22-24. Favero G. 2012, Benettonians: The Marketing Strategies of an Italian Apparel Company, 1965-2005, Macromarketing Conference, Berlin, Germany, Jun 13-16. Favero G. 2010, The Official Statistics of Industrial Wages in Italy, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Power and Politics, Chicago, Il, USA, Nov 18-21. Favero G. 2010, Industrial Privileges in the Venetian Republic (17th to 18th Centuries), Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Venice, Italy, Apr 8-13. Favero G. 2010, Inter-Modal Nodes in Different Times: A Case Study, European Social Science History Conference, Ghent, Belgium, Apr 13-16.
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