University of Pisa Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering DESTEC Thermodynamics and heat transfer Hydraulic constructions Environmental hydraulics Geotechnics Civil constructions Architecture and urban planning Building physics Fluid machinery Energy systems Renewable energies ENERGY Nuclear reactor safety ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Applied Electromagnetics Power Apparatuses Power Systems Measurement MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING ICT & Information Management Industrial Economics Innovation Management Logistics and operations management Quality management and organizational models CIVIL ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE Areas and People HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL HYDRAULICS GEOTECHNICS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING PhD Students and Fellows: Marco Andreini Gianluca Angelini Faculty: Erika Banti Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua Nicola Bazzichi Antonello Boschi Marco Cinotti Enzo Buffoni Rosella Condello Roberto B.F. Castiglia Barbara Cosanti Raffaello Cecchetti Laura Fastelli Fabrizio Cinelli Vincenzo Fresta Alessandro Gioeli Giorgio Croatto (until 31/10/2013) Lucia Giorgetti Valerio Cutini Linda Giresini Anna De Falco Ilaria Giusti Paolo Fiamma Stefania Landi Maurizio Froli Giulia Lenziardi Renato Iannelli Vincenzo Mamone Ewa Jolanta Karwacka Claudia Manca Luca Lanini Matteo Masi Silvana Maria Teresa Lombardo Beatrice Ostuni Diego Carlo Lo Presti Michele Palermo Valerio Milano (until 31/10/2013) Alessia Pierotti Stefano Pagliara Chiara Porroni Nicola Perilli Mario Lucio Puppio Roberto Pierini Raffaele Righini Giulia Romei Pietro Ruschi (until 31/10/2013) Simone Rusci Luisa Santini Giovanni Santi Mauro Sassu Lorenzo Secchiari Nunziante Squeglia Domenico Taddei (until 31/10/2013) Stefano Stacul Davide Tonelli Civil Engineering │ Former Activity 2007‐2013 Research Projects granted by international funds: • The Polytechnik - Blantyre (Malawi). • Office of Adv HM for Cultural Affairs (Oman). Research Projects granted by Italian national funds: • Tuscany Region - "Seismic monitoring of public hospitals of Pisa (ASL5-AOUP), Livorno (ASL6), Lucca (ASL2 – ASL12) and Massa Carrara (ASL1)" (2010). • Abruzzo Region - " Rebuilding plan in the Municipality of San Pio delle Camere" (AQ) (2012). • Tuscany Region - “Seismic assessment of regional public buildings" (2012). • CASALP Livorno (social housing institute) - “Seismic monitoring of public buildings" (2012). • Tuscany Region - “financing of 41 internships for undergraduates in Engineering and Civil Engineering and Architecture in the Abruzzo territory for the damage survey after the 2009 earthquake” (2010-2011). • Tuscany Region - “Researches and experimental studies on masonry constructions" (2011). • Tuscany Region – Seismic Service / Genio Civile “2D seismic response analyses of urban centres in seismic areas of Tuscany (Castelnuovo Garfagnana)” (2012). • Soprintendenza BAPPSAE for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno - “Laboratory tests for the characterization of the subsoil of the bell tower of San Piero a Grado” (2008). • Opera della Primaziale Pisana - “3D numerical analysis of the Tower of Pisa and the subsoil for the forecasting of future scenarios resulting from the operations of the Committee Jamiolkowski” (2006). • Pagani Geotechnical Equipment (PC) - “Support of a doctoral thesis on the interpretation of CPTU, considering the penetration rate effects in collaboration with MIT and Technical University of Braunschweig (international doctoral school in civil & environmental engineering)” (2011). • ASL 1 Massa – Carrara - “Support of a doctoral thesis on the stress state around underground cavities in the Carrara marble mines (Doctoral School Leonardo da Vinci)” (2011). • Municipality of Massa - “Information technology solutions and methodologies for surveying and mapping the control of the stability of trees of green municipal heritage" (2013-2014). • Municipality of Cecina - “For a qualitative management of the vertical green of Cecina city” (2011-2013). • Muncipality of Mass – Study of informatics technology solutions and methodologies for mapping and survey of tree stability of green municipality heritage (2013-14). • Municipality of Calcinaia – Study for a qualitative management of green areas and landscape of Calcinaia, Pisa (2013-14). Civil Engineering │ Past and present Partners Tuscany Region Pagani Geotechnical Equipment Tuscany Health Service Opera Primaziale Pisana Municipality of Massa Municipality of Cecina Abruzzo Region Social Housing Livorno Municipality of San Pio delle Camere Civil Engineering │ Hydraulics and Naturalistic Engineering maritime engineering bridge piles dam engineering wastewater treatment hydraulic structures two-phase flows treatment of stem cuttings water treatment numerical modeling Civil Engineering │ Geotechnics 2D analysis for the evaluation of the local seismic response marine foundations Foundations Embankments Seismic microzonation study and monitoring of the Leaning Tower of Pisa study of the behaviour of earth dams innovative glass structures glass tensegrity trusses Civil Engineering │ Structural Engineering optimal form finding and stability problems of glass shells Structural modelling and design Innovative materials and structures low cost materials and structures low cost dissipator Civil Engineering │ Structural Engineering structural evaluations and seismic vulnerability of ancient structures innovative on site tests hot mechanical characterisation of masonry materials innovative provisional structures and safety devices Innovative experimental surveys Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing constructions Study of masonry materials archaeological consolidation Architecture │ Former Activity 2007‐2013 Research Projects granted by international funds: • Progetto Interlink 2004-006 “Pilot scheme for knowledge, conservation and improvement of Elbasan kala fortress, Albania” cofinanziato da: MIUR, UniPi, UniFI, UniElbasan, IMK di Tirana. Research Projects granted by Italian national funds: • Study focused on the definition of a cycle paths municipal network related to the following areas of the Municipality of Pisa: the area along the river and adjacent bands, up to Bocca d'Arno; the waterfront area; the Park of S.Rossore area“. • “Evaluation of structural safety and seismic vulnerability of historical-monumental buildings: La Sapienza in Pisa“. • PRIN “Mental hospitals in Italy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. Atlas of historical and architectural heritage for the knowledge and appreciation “. • PRIN “Needs of contemporary building in areas with environmental excellences: the sustainability of underground architectural“. • MIUR Cooperlink – Universities: Barcellona, Elbasan, Pavia, Pisa: “Social Housing and urban development of Cassette” in Massa (IT) ; “Experiences in projects of recovering and development of cities and historical centers” in L’Hospitalet de l’Infant (ES). • MIUR Cooperlink - Universities: Barcellona, Elbasan, Pavia, Pisa: “Urban regeneration of European cities. Spaces of transformation at the limits of a city: the Besòs river area” in Barcelona (ES); “Urban regeneration of European cities. Spaces of transformation at the limits of a city: The Badia Camaldolese, San Giusto, San Girolamo, Poggio alle Croci” in Volterra (IT). • “Architectural valorization of Castello Malaspina” (Massa). • “Research project for the recovery and valorization of Borgo del Ponte in the city of Massa”. • “Research project for the recovery and valorization of Borgo della Rocca in the city of Massa”. • “Research project for the recovery and valorization of the agricultural centers Is Pinnas and Is Scanus”. • “Laboratorio Universitario Volterrano” interdisciplinary research project focused on the survey of Volterra cultural heritage. Architecture │ Past and present Partners ICVBC-CNR Institute for the conservation and valorization of cultural heritage SCIBEC Chimical science for the safeguard of cultural heritage group Municipality of Massa Municipality of Pontedera LUV Laboratorio Universitario Volterrano Città Infinite association Municipality of Santadi Architecture │ Cultural Heritage KNOWLEDGE of architectural heritage and urban landascapes KNOWLEDGE history of architecture CONSERVATION PROTECTION VALORISATION digital graphics for the valorization of the cultural heritage Piazza del Priori,Volterra, development between XVIII and XX centuries Cathedral of Volterra, Lithography,1863 Maggiano’s Psychiatric hospital architectural survey architectural heritage of the University of Pisa, Palazzo Bianchi Monzon CONSERVATION PROTECTION VALORISATION Architecture │ Cultural Heritage KNOWLEDGE of architectural heritage and urban landascapes architectural survey and restoration CONSERVATION PROTECTION VALORISATION urban and landscape recovery Massa Marittima Cathedral Elbasan Kalà Fortress, Albania Is Scanus, Santadi, Sardinia Architecture │ Architectural design architectural shells relationship between design, construction and new digital technologies experimentation of flexible and affordable housing types the use of prefabricated structural systems and performing curtain walls converge towards the design of low cost/high performing buildings Architecture │ Urban planning Configurational Analysis. Exploration, development and application The Configurational Analysis techniques are based on the analysis of the relationship between the spatial elements of the urban grid. The activity, based on the theory introduced by Bill Hillier (UCL) under the name of Space Syntax in the mid-80s, and followed by numerous research groups around the world, has received numerous awards and has led to a significant refinement of operational techniques, including the processing of the model called Ma.PPA (Mark Point Parameter Analysis), built at the laboratory LISTA of the Department, which allows immediate interaction with the GIS environment and the possibility of extending the analysis to altimetry aspects (3D MA.PPA). Distribution of the Integration value on the urban grid of Volterra Built spaces in the historical center of Volterra Distribution of the Integration value on the urban grid of Pisa ENERGY ENGINEERING Areas and People BUILDING PHYSICS THERMODYNAMICS HEAT TRANSFER FLUID MACHINERY ENERGY SYSTEMS NUCLEAR REACTOR SAFETY Faculty: Marco Antonelli Claudio Bartoli Claudio Casarosa Francesco D’Auria Paolo Di Marco Fabio Fantozzi Sauro Filippeschi Alessandro Franco Pietro Galbiati Roberto Gentili Walter Grassi Luigi Martorano Francesco Leccese Roberto Lensi Panaiotis Psaroudakis Daniele Testi Stefania Zanforlin PhD Students and Fellows: Dino Araneo Federico Belfi Andrea Baccioli Stefano Briola Marco Cherubini Paolo Conti Marco Francesconi Walter Giannotti Davoud Jafari Fabio Moretti Gianluca Pasini Alessandro Petruzzi Eva Schito Giulia Romei Fulvio Terzuoli Sabino Sottile Michele Rocca Maurizio Vaccaro Former Activity 2007‐2013 Research projects granted by EU, Italian national funds or other Institutions: Project H2 Filiera Idrogeno (tasks on internal combustion engines fed with hydrogen) Project SAVIA “Vehicles fed with hydrogen and ammonia” Project with Continental “Research and development of innovative injectors for gasoline direct injection working at high pressure for high efficiency and low emission engines” Project ICGBL “Cogenerative small size plant with gasification of lignocellulosic biomass” Research granted by foreign Institutions (nuclear reactor safety): “Support to licensing Atucha-2 NPP and related research activities”. “Design, construction of a test facility called CHF-TF (Critical Heat Flux – Test Facility) including two Test Sections and execution of experiments regarding the CHF for the validation of CTMSP PWR small size fuel project” LABGENE Core design review NURESIM (Nuclear Reactor Simulation) Project, FP6, 2005 to 2008 NURISP (Nuclear Reactor Integrated Simulation Project), FP7, 2009-2011 NURESAFE (Nuclear Reactor Safety Simulation Platform) Project, FP7, 2013-2015 ITER: Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System (VVPSS) Condensation Study Past and present Partners IAEA CTMSP Centro Tecnològico da Marinha em São Paulo Research topics in Building physics ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS Energy diagnosis of residential and office existing buildings Energy audit of buildings and thermal plants with infrared thermography inspections Ventilated facades and roofs, dynamic thermal insulation of building envelope Indoor comfort and air quality in rooms Measurements of thermal transmittance of building walls and building components Measurements of temperature and relative humidity in the internal and external environments Measurements of air speed in confined spaces Research topics in Lighting and Acoustics LIGHTING Measurements of luminance and illuminance in indoor workplaces Measurements of luminance in roads for motorized traffic Measurement of AOR (Artificial Optical Radiation) Architectural lighting, urban lighting and light pollution Ergonomics of vision and lighting of workstation with VDTs Analisys of energy consumption of lighting systems Lighting design with advanced calculation software (Dialux, Relux, ...) ACOUSTICS Measurement of reverberation and acoustic requirements in rooms halls Measurement of sound insulation of building, impact sound level, plants noise Measurement of acoustic characteristics for highway noise barriers Sound quality in theathers, music rooms, variable acoustic rooms Human sound exposure level in workplaces Analysis of sound propagation in the external environment and noise pollution Acoustic design with advanced calculation software (CATT Acoustic, Raynoise, ...) Research topics in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Thermal control applications, thermo-fluid dynamics and heat transfer enhancement Heat transfer enhancement by ultrasounds Electroconvection Heat pipe Bubbles and drops Boiling Micro-loops for thermal control Compact heat sinks Experiment in microgravity Infrared Technologies Innovative devices for renewable energies and simulation of energy systems ORC PLANTS turbine ENERGY FOUNDATION PILES generator ENERGY PLANNING G condenser heat exchanger cooling device circulation pump geothermal reservoir SOLAR COOLING DESIGN OF WIND SIMULATION OF GEOTHERMAL ADVANCED SOLAR COLLECTOR ADVANCED MEASUREMENT LAB. Research topics in Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems Reciprocating engines Novel injection and combustion systems Renewable and alternative fuels applications Polluting emissions analysis and reduction Renewable energies Direct solid biomasses combustion plants Solid biomass gasification CHP plants Components for micro CHPs Environmental impact of biomasses Computational Fluid Dynamics of wind turbines Low concentration micro solar power plants Energy systems Thermodynamic analysis on thermal power plants Production evaluations from renewable energies Waste heat recovery ORC plants (above) Direct Injection Hydrogen Engine, Wankel Steam Engine; (left) ORC schematical plant layout Experimental facilities in Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems Engine test bench, polluting emissions analysis bench, fuel consumption measurement system, in-cylinder pressure measurement system. Fluid dynamic test bench for discharge coefficient measurement, Jante test, injectors characterization. Saturated steam boiler (at CRIBE) for external combustion engines for micro CHP. Optical chamber for spray analysis. (right) spray visualisation facilities (below) steam boiler at “Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario Biomasse da Energia (CRIBE) (above) engine test room (left) Fluid dynamic test bench Numerical techniques in Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems CFD Lab for Internal Combustion Engines 0-1 dimensional CFD codes are used for: - breathing capability of reciprocating engines; - pressure trace analysis of external combustion engines; - analysis of injection systems for gaseous and liquid fuels. 3 dimensional CFD codes are used for: - development of new direct injection systems for gaseous fuels; - analysis of conventional and innovative combustion strategies for Diesel engines; - analysis of coolant systems. mixture formation and combustion simulation in 4-stroke (top) and 2-stroke engines (bottom) (above) innovative Diesel combustion system (“splitcycle engine”) combining low exhaust emissions with high thermal efficiency (above) Coolant system analysis, hydrogen distribution in a direct injection engine Numerical techniques in Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems Research and Education Laboratory of CFD for Renewable Energies Our graduated programs include courses in theoretical Computational Fluid Dynamics. In addiction, MSc students have the opportunity to practice commercial and open-source CFD tools in the Lab during the projects of several courses and during their thesis work. In this way they are involved in the Department research programs, practicing the state of the art and facing current and concrete research issues. b a (above) 2D simulation to evaluate suitable locations on building roofs for wind turbines. c three bladed Darrieus wind turbine simulation: (a) grid; (b) grid detail; (c) turbulent kinetic energy; (d) velocity d (from left) ORC Wankel model; comparison between regulation strategies; predicted vs. measured indicated cycle Research topics in Nuclear Reactor Safety Development of procedures to demonstrate the technological applicability of computational tools Computational tools and procedures are essential to prove the safety and the quality of the design of nuclear installations. The scaling demonstration is needed for the application of any numerical tool: this also implies planning and execution of experiments Figure at right: (1) Seed figure for accuracy extrapolation. (2) NC exp data in a suitable scaling phase-space. (3) ‘UMAE-precursor’ flow diagram. (4) Data accuracy as a function of Kv. (5) The scale independent formula for 1F NC. (6) UMAE diagram with process stop. (7) FFTBM application to CT analysis. (8) Identification of scaling dependent phenomena (9) Scaling application: use of NC flow map. (10) ‘Enlarging’ an input deck: a way to perform scaling. (11) The simplified flow diagram of CIAU. Each step is part of papers published in International Journals Research Projects in Nuclear Reactor Safety Sample activities carried out @ San Piero a Grado Research Group (GRNSPG) R&D activities connected to licensing of Atucha-2 Nuclear Power Plant (Long-term collaboration with NA-SA) • Accident analysis for safety demonstration • Development of new methodologies • Integration of advanced computational tools • Support to experimental investigations Developments in multi-phase thermal-fluid dynamics (NURESIM-series EC Projects) • • Contribution to validation of thermal-hydraulic system codes and CFD codes, for nuclear safety applications Development and assessment of uncertainty evaluation methodologies TH-SYS & CFD code validation against PSBT tests Reflood exps: code valid. + unc. eval. Final safety analysis report (FSAR) CFD studies (e.g. containment; instrumentation; etc.) Experimental investigation of Critical Heat Flux (CHF) in fuel simulator for LABGENE PWR (Collaboration with CTMSP) • • • Design and construction of full-pressure test facility Meas. of CHF over wide range of op. conditions To obtain design-specific CHF correlations Nuclear fusion technology (Collaboration with ITER Consortium) Computational condensation studies on Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System (VVP ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Faculty: Areas and People POWER SYSTEMS APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS POWER APPARATUSES Sami Barmada Stefano Barsali Paolo Bolognesi Dante Casini Massimo Ceraolo Emanuele Crisostomi Romano Giglioli Mirko Marracci Roberto Micheletti Antonino Musolino Paolo Pelacchi Davide Poli Marco Raugi Rocco Rizzo Luca Sani Bernardo Tellini Mauro Tucci Post doctoral researcher: MEASUREMENTS Maurizio Barcaglioni Francesco Bertoncini Roberto Biondi Roberto Ferrero Marco Giuntoli Giulia Ludovici Giovanni Lutzemberger Marco Mattioni Ernesto Tripodi Past and present Partners Past and present Partners Research topics in Power Systems Land based systems Deaerator MP to SH banks qv_out qg=q v_out -q fl -q fl_D Drums HP Drum qfl Exhaust stack qfl_D SH3-HP RH2-MP SH2-HP SH1-HP VAP-HP RH1-MP l_out ECO3-HP SH-MP SH-LP ECO2-HP VAP-MP ECO-MP ECO1-HP VAP-LP 10 ql q ECO-LP qgr only LP q l_in from ECO -q -q Exhausts q =q le l_in fl fl_D qd -qle qgr q Feed pumps downcomers MP valve LP valve ql d Mgnetic field [ T] LP 1 Qex (1-lw) L(1-lw) risers 0.1 HP valve LP MP HP Turbine by-pass Turbine by-pass Qexlw L lw 0.01 -100 qd -75 -50 CONDENSER Electricity market analysis Electricity market analysis System reliability analysis Montecarlo simulation -25 0 25 50 75 100 Distance from the line axis [m] Power plant dynamic modeling for operation flexibility Active shielding of transmission lines Smart Grid concept implementation I DC V DC _ P Maximum current control P P max V E VR I E Q V on/off pulses Lim I Frequency Voltage reference Droop control Pmax control 2 Pmin control P1 To valve pulsing control f Q f1 f Electricity generation from biomass V, V I inv f0 Virtual Power Plant optimization P, Q, I Filter E, E Firing pulses generator Measures from inverter terminals I inv + Storage V ref0 Qmax control V ref Qmin control Dynamic rating of transmission lines Q Reactive power Real power Distributed generation control Tempo (min) IG B GRID VG VS A Series I SH APF I SH Shunt APF IL LOAD IL UPQC 1000 Load levelling CAES Differimento T&D 100 Pompaggio Distribution system balancing Peak shaving 10 Batterie Batterie al litio al Pb 1 0.1 Batterie a flusso Regolazione della frequenza Super Power quality condens. 0.01 0.001 0.01 Demand response of electrified transport systems 0.1 1 10 1000 100 Potenza (MW) Storage and system services Storage systems for grid services Research topics in Power Systems Vehicular systems and storage Modeling and design of hybrid vehicles Fuel EGS EPC PEGS electric drive bus DC PU PED PRESS ON/OFF driver requests Testing, modeling and management EM 3.25 Param eters PAUX AUX ESS PEGS* ? s* EPC Energy storage systems mechanical power 3.245 TED* 3.24 SOC ON/ OFF SOC Driver input interpretation Fuel (and emission) optimisation algorithm a TED* PU SOC* driver requests driver long-term intention High Normal Low Ppaf other signals Load forecast Um PMM ISC power (kW) 20 10 0 -10 -20 s pe e d (km /h ) -30 600 PEGS(t)RESS PESS(t) ED PUFCS (t) 700 800 900 tim e (s) 1000 1100 1200 7 00 80 0 900 tim e (s) 10 00 110 0 120 0 80 40 0 6 00 VSC m * V*SC + 3.225 + eI + - ev k fb Vest Imod 3.22 supercap model SOCest 3.215 3.21 Hybrid commercial vehicles (HCV project) Hybrid bus (Industria 2015 ) Hybrid aircraft (Enfica project) Hybrid small van (Filiera Idrogeno) Hybrid working machine C2 U SOC 3.205 Im CQ 3.2 It 0 C1 It R0 R2 - URCn + 100 UOC=f(U SOC) Experimental voltage Technique 1 Technique 2 It R1 - URC1 + 200 + U300 t time (s) - 30 real supercap measurement error Real Cell 3.23 EPC = Electronic Power Conditioner ESS = Energy Storage System voltage (V) PEGS* ? s* I Qe 3.235 Power Management Module (PMM) EGS = Electricity Generator System EM = Electrical Machine U Cell Model Ide ntification algorithm primary converter 400 500 600 Research topics in Applied Electromagnetics Magnetic Levitation: Special Electromagnetic Devices: Passive MAGLEV systems; ● Magnetic bearings; Haptic interfaces; ● Magnetorheological clutches and brakes; ● Tubular linear fast actuators; ● Magnetic systems for the locomotion and localization of wireless capsule endoscopy; ● Spherical motors; ● ● Electromagnetic Launchers: Combined coils‐rails EMLs; ● Travelling wave induction launchers; ● Multistage Railguns; ● Helical coil EMLs; ● Research topics in Applied Electromagnetics Numerical and analytical methods: Integral formulations; ● Hybrid FEM/MOM formulations; ● Equivalent Network formulations; ● FEM analysis of EM devices ● Fourier/Bessel analytical methods; ● GPU‐accelerated formulations; ● 6DoF electromechanical coupled formulations. ● Electromagnetic compatibility: Advanced Transmission Lines Modelling; ● Crosstalk Evaluation; ● Statistical analysis of systems with uncertain parameters and cable bundles; ● High Speed Interconnects identification; ● Sensitivity analysis of complex interconnects. ● Research topics in Applied Electromagnetics Powerline communications Channel modeling and estimation. In‐vehicle PLC channel characterization. Non destructive testing Guided waves, imaging, signal processing. Computational intelligence methodologies Forecasting algorithms in smart grids Load, power generation and energy price forecast. Optimal stochastic distributed algorithms in large‐scale (energy & mobility) networks Research topics in Measurements • EM Compatibility measurements, EM emission from fast current transients and magnetic shields • Characterization of magnetic materials • Development of magnetic metamaterials • Characterization of energy storage devices (Supercapacitors, Batteries, Fuel Cells) • MHD and rotating plasma analysis and measurements • Current sensors and transducers • Measurement and analysis in rail launchers and pulsed power applications • Measurements for biomedical applications • FEM analysis of electromagnetic devices E D B C F A Research topics in Power Apparatuses Drive for Hybrid electric vehicle Traction motor: IPM Brushless Pn = 40 kW Direc drive brushless for mix concrete Electric vehicle for Monorack railway (Imer Int. ) Paper drying system by indunction heating and infrared lamps Brurshless motor for circulator pump RALI (DAB Pumps) Generator for a Wave – Glider vehicle Research topics in Power Apparatuses Macro‐Topics: •Electric Machines •Power Electronics •Electrical Drives and Applications Activities: •Theoretical modeling and analysis •Numerical modeling and Simulation •Design and Experimentation Innovative Machines DC hybrid excitation Small Machines Large Machines Automotive actuators Magna Synchronous Ansaldo Energia ~1 PM Alternators Axis‐EU Rotary‐linear Brushless Brushless consequent pole Axial flux variable reluctance Power Electronics Heaters regulators Mains extender Modulation techniques Induction and PM ASI‐Nidec vk 1 ik [pu] 0.5 Active Filters 0 Uni Nottingham -0.5 -1 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.3 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 t [s] MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING Areas and People Faculty: ICT & Information Management Davide Aloini Giuseppe Bellandi Andrea Bonaccorsi Industrial Economics Gionata Carmignani Riccardo Dulmin Innovation Management Antonella Martini Valeria Mininno Luisa Pellegrini Logistics and Operations Management Quality Management and Organizational Models Research Fellows and PhD students: Francesco Paolo Appio Alberto Fonti Massimiliano Guerini Claudia Manca Former Activity 2007‐2013 Research Projects Granted by EU, Italian National funds or other Institutions • • • • • • • • • • • Project EUMIDA- Feasibility study for creating a European university data collection. European Commission- DG Research, DG Education, Eurostat. Coordination of a 29-country project. Project PRIME NoE - Network of excellence Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards the ERA. European Commission, DG Research. Project INNODEC- Indicateurs innovants pour une intervention dans les dynamiques du système economique local. European Commission, DG Regio, INTERREG III C. Project Smart specialization 1 – “Investigation of factors related to the competitiveness of the economic system with a peculiar orientation towards sustainable and smart specialization” founded by IRPET – 2014 Project PMI 3.0 – “Collaborative innovation in SME networks with social semantic web and swarm intelligence” founded by Regione Toscana (POR CReO 2007-2013) – 2013/14 Project LILIT – “Living Labs for the Industries in Tuscany” founded by Regione Toscana (POR CReO 2007-2013) – 2011/12 Project For.Pas.Qua – “Development of a prototypical innovative machine for the forming and the automatic filling of double square bottom bags for food products with very high speed” founded by Regione Toscana (POR CReO 2007-2013) – 2011/12 Project SIGET – “Integrated Information Systems for the extended governance of Public Administrations” founded by Regione Toscana (POR CReO 2007-2013) – 2010/11 Project E.MO.T.I.O.N. – “Enhancing MObility Technologies Industrial Operative Networks” founded by Regione Toscana (DOCUP Ob.2) – 2007 Project KM – “Knowledge Management and New Organizational Models”, founded by MIUR (PRIN 2005) – 2006/2008 Project KM 2 – “Knowledge Management in Small & Medium Enterprises”, founded by MIUR (FIRB 2003) – 2005/2008 Past and present Partners Management Engineering MACRO-AMBITO: ICT & Information Management ERP Risk Management – Research Project Risk management in the context of complex information systems (such as ERP introduction project). Focus on identification of risk factors, methodologies for risk assessment and treatment strategies. E-Procurement – Research Collaboration Identification and analysis of critical success factors for the adoption of on-line reverse auction in the B2B context. PMI 3.0 – Funded research project Analysis of collaboration processes in network of small & medium enterprises and design of an innovative ICT platform, based on social semantic engine, and swarm intelligence for partner rating and selection. Management Engineering MACRO-AMBITO: Industrial Economics/Innovation Management Non parametric efficiency analysis – Research project Efficiency analysis: analysis and application of innovative robust and conditional / non parametric techniques on higher education microdata. Scientific production dynamic – Research project Analysis of scientific production based on the paradigm of science representation as an industrial system which is driven by incoming, growth, outcoming and diversification phenomena. Agile methodology and innovation outcome – International Research project The project involves the EU branches of the world leading company in the field of telecommunications, and concerns the analysis of the problems related to the implementation of the agile methodology and its impact on innovation performance. LILIT – Founded Research Project Functional models for New Product Development and technology foresight. Development of a computational linguistic platform for design problems’ modelling: formal analysis and management of the idea generation phases in conceptual design, design review, changes/variants management, advanced and cooperative crowdsourcing. Management Engineering MACRO-AMBITO: Innovation Management For.Pas.Qua – Founded Research Project Scouting and research on the supply chain for the development of a prototypical innovative machine for the forming and the automatic filling of double square bottom bags for food products with very high speed. Open Innovation – International Research Collaboration Opening the Innovation process to external partners: openness choices, intellectual property, absorptive capacity. Sectors: Manufacturing, food, family firms. Smart specialization 2 – International Research Collaboration Technical and scientific analysis of radical innovations to develop new indicators and to identify the stigmergy-based traces of patents in industries. Sectors: biotechnology, bioinformatics UNIPISA spin‐off Management Engineering MACRO-AMBITO: Logistics and Operations Management AOUP project – Research Collaboration Study and application of process-thinking logic and Operation Management tools to the Healthcare context (AOUP). Areas of interest: internal-external logistics, process management, accounting. SCM in ETO contexts – Research Project Development and application of Supply Chain Management practices in the Engineer-to-Order context (Mega-Yacht shipbuilding industry). Empirical analysis of strengths and limits of the application of a new methodology for planning. Sourcing: Power-One Italy – Research Contract Identification and analysis of the Supply Chain Risks (supplier side / sourcing strategies) and proposal of possible actions aimed at improving relations with suppliers in order to improve the Supply Chain operational performance.
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