平成 成 24 年 11 月吉日 月 お客様 様 各位 株式会社 社 代表取締 締役 ジオシス 加賀 芳 Ikon Sccience 社の のご紹介 拝啓 貴 貴下ますます すご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます す。平素は格 格別のご高配 配を賜り、厚 厚く御 礼申し上げます。 。 こ この度、弊社 社は Ikon Sciience 社(htttp://www.ik konscience.ccom)と代理 理店契約を結 結び、 同 社 の 岩 石 物 性 解 析 ソ フ ト ウ ェ ア 「 RokDocQEED 」 や 地 層 流 体 圧 解 析 ソ フ ト ウ ェ ア 「GeeoPressure」、コンサル ルティングサービス、併せ せて同社が所 所有するマル ルチクライア アント データなどを、日本国内のお お客様にご紹 紹介すること とになりまし した。 同社の のソフトウェ ェア製 サービスなどは、世界中 中の石油・天 天然ガス資源 源開発会社や や大学、研究 究機関などか から高 品やサ い評価 価を頂いてお おります。 今 今回は、12 月 10 日(月)か から 14 日(金 金)の 5 日間、 、Ikon 社の Mr. William m Slade (He ead of Grob bal Pre-saless)および Mrr. John Turv vill (Head off Sales & Su upport) が来 来日し、日本 本国内 のお客 客様を訪問し し、同社の業 業務のご紹介 介と同社製品 品のソフトウ ウェア「RokD Doc 1D/2D//3D」 の最新 新版のご紹介 介(デモ)を をさせて頂く くことになり りました。 またお客様 様からご要望 望があ れば、 、岩石物性解 解析ソフトウ ウェア「Rok kDoc 1D/2D D/3D」の上位 位版の「4D ChronoSeiis」や 地層流 流体圧解析ソ ソフトウェア ア「RokDocc GeoPressu ure」などのご紹介もさせ せて頂きます す。 師 師走を迎え、 大変お忙しい い時期ではご ございますが が、Ikon 社製 製品やサービ ビスなどのご ご紹介 させて て頂く機会を を設けて頂き きますよう、何卒宜しく くお願い申し し上げます。 尚 尚、ご不明な な点は弊社営業担当者まで でお気軽にお お問い合わせ せください。 敬具 添付資 資料 「Ikoon Science 社 RokDoccQED カタログ」 株式 式会社ジオシ シス 営業部 技術営 担当 当:飯塚、原 原、野田 〒112 2-0012 東京 京都文京区大 大塚 1-5-18 電話:03-5940-5 5952, 槌屋ビル 7F FA AX:03-5940 0-5955, E-mail:ha E anbai@geosy ys.co.jp RokDocQED - Quantitative Exploration & Development RokDoc has been developed in collaboration with major oil companies and academic experts since 2001. It is best used to analyse well and seismic data, determine value and apply quantitative methods to predict rock, fluid and pressure properties. RokDoc 1D The 1D modules in RokDoc allow seismic data to be integrated with log data and pressure data. A petrophysical interpretation can take place with all data viewable side-by-side. RokDoc has unparalleled rock physics modelling capabilities and Rock Physics Model Templates. In the 1D module; fluid subs, forward & reverse modelling, generating synthetics, seismic well ties and calculating impedance from seismic data are just some of the tools available to the RokDoc user. These tools can be used to identify porosity and many other types of geological variations, based on seismic and well data. RokDoc 2D Synthetic seismic and sythentic impedances: oil filled Far stack: 30-50o Near stack: 5-30o A RokDoc user will easily make geological ‘sketches’ of a seismic interpretation and then determine if the synthetic matches the seismic. RokDoc makes it simple to perform all the usual fluid substitutions, variable contacts and pressure perturbations, etc. The 2D tools include Wedge Models, for understanding the effects of tuning for thin reservoirs and Layer Cake Models, used to systematically vary different combinations of properties for sensitivity analysis. Near stack inversion (~AI): 5-30o Far stack inversion (EI): 30-50o NE W RokDoc GeoPressure The RokDoc Pressure Suite is the complete package for 1D to 3D pressure analysis and prediction, enabling users to integrate and analyse pressure, wireline and lithological data for offset wells and to gain greater insight in undrilled prospect areas. RokDoc PressureView enables the successful organisation, display and accurate interpretation of pressure data. RokDoc GeoPressure Calculators aid accurate pressure analysis by providing calibrated and geologically valid normal compaction trends, lithostatic pressure profiles, pore pressure and fracture pressure logs. The Seismic Pressure Calculator offers a complete 3D pore pressure prediction workflow, from seismic velocity QC and calibration, through building a 3D model and depth-time conversions, to deterministic and stochastic seismic based pore pressure prediction. RokDocQED - Quantitative Exploration & Development Utilise RokDoc to derive more geology from your data. development decisions. Optimise exploration and RokDocQED workflows and processes make it easier than ever to transfer game-changing technology to new users. Contact us to find out more, or visit ikon-rokdoc.com. Now interpreters can create quantitatively defined, meaningful 3D volumes & maps of all the risk elements associated with exploration & development; pressures, lithologies, fluids and porosity, etc. N EW RokDoc 3D Important new tools include an expansion of RokDoc’s pressure capability, with the addition of new features including calculators for fracture and seismic pressure, allowing the creation of 3D pressure cubes. Seismic data is now easily handled and the new inversion module includes a seismic data conditioning tool. The 3D framework allows users to create maps and 3D volumes in an interactive, quantitative environment. For a complete understanding of the RokDoc 3D framework, visit ikon-rokdoc.com/RokDoc_3D 4D ChronoSeis RokDoc ChronoSeis is an advanced 4D reservoir characterisation package, with a unique integrated workflow, based around a grid-less chronostratigraphic framework. It excels in 4D seismic reservoir monitoring, with date-dependent model properties and time-lapse AVO inversion and can be used to generate 4D seismic synthetics of any seismic attribute. It makes it possible to build recipe-based models on-the-fly for rapid updating and scenario modelling. It also provides high resolution interactive Joint AVO Stochastic Inversion - fast realisation generation and analysis, with multi-processing and multi-realisation post-processor capabilities. The 4D tools in RokDoc ChronoSeis are backed by an extensive range of sophisticated Rock Physics Models. These are guided models that have been developed in association with our Super Major, National Oil Company and leading Independent clients as well as pioneering geoscientists. Visit ikon-rokdoc.com/4D_ChronoSeis or contact us to request a demo. N EW Connectivity RokDoc is coded in Java and so will run in a Windows or Linux environment, delivering efficiency across the multi-disciplinary teams needed for quantitative interpretation. RokDocQED is built on a new 3D/4D architecture and is easily connected to Petrel* via Ocean. The new RokDoc/Petrel* embedded rock physics plug-in, which runs alongside the existing sophisticated links between Petrel* and RokDoc, has been written in native Ocean format using a combination of Java and C# to enable Petrel* users to directly run rock physics workflows in their Petrel* interpretation session. Ikon RokDoc is an Ikon Science brand - E: [email protected] W: ikon-rokdoc.com *Mark of Schlumberger
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