2014 ITALIAN PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY FOR EU GROWTH ROME, ITALY – Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th November 2014 @Auditorium Massimo MONDAY NOVEMBER 17TH, 2014 WHEN? WHAT? 08:30 - 09:00 Registration and welcome coffee 09:00 - 09.30 Opening: From Italy to Europe, It’s time for the Social Economy 09:30 – 10:15 Keynote: The Social Economy goes global 10.15 – 10.30 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 12:30 Introductory remarks & setting the context WHO? WHERE? Giuliano Poletti, Minister of Labor and Social Policy Italy Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Istitut d’Etudes Politique de Paris e Luiss - France Luigi Bobba, Undersecretary of Labor and Social Policy Italy Coffee Break Working groups // parallel sessions Aurélie Duprés (ENSIE), Belgium; Charlotte Holmer Kaufmanas (National Center of Social Enterprise), Denmark; 3. Emmanuel Verny (Ceges), France; 4. Katarina Ivankovic (Ministry of Labor and Pension System), Croatia; 5. Knud Aarup (The National Board of Social Service), Denmark; 6. Luca Dal Pozzo (CECOP-CICOPA), Belgium; 7. Pavel Novak (Fokus), Czech Republic; 8. Peter Holbrook (Social Enterprise UK), UK; 9. Raluca Ouriaghli (RISE) Romania; 10. Rita Pires (Ministério da Solidariedade e Seguranşe Social), Portugal; 11. Todor Ivanov (Euro Coop), Belgium; 1. 2. WG 1: Policy support at National and European level: regulation, State aid, fiscal incentives, and related matters Moderates and Introduces: Marie-Caroline Collard (SAW-B), Belgium; Rapporteur: Monika Klimowicz (University of Wroslaw), Poland; WG 2: The role of EU Structural Funds for supporting the Social Economy Moderates and Introduces: Pavel Chorazy (Ministry of Infrastructure and Development), Poland 1. 2. 3. Dragomir Draganov (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy), Bulgaria; Gerhard Braunling, Germany; Lippe Koivuneva (Ministry of Employment and the Economy), Finland; Rapporteur: Dorotea Daniele (Diesis), Belgium; 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. WG 3: Collaborating with the public sector: public procurement and not only Moderates and Introduces: Miguel Angel Cabra de Luna (ONCE), Spain Rapporteur: Patrizia Bussi (Ensie), Belgium; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. WG 4: Financial instruments and intermediaries Moderates and Introduces: Leonardo Becchetti (University Roma Tre), Italy Rapporteur: Yiorgos Alexopoulos (Agricultural University of Athens / Euricse), Greece Maria Jeliazkova (University of Sofia), Bulgaria; Marie-Anne Paraskevas, (European Commission - DG Employment), Belgium. Roman Haken (CESE), Czech Republic; Tom Jones (WCVA), UK; Giuseppe Daconto (Alleanza delle cooperative Italiane), Italy; Sabina De Luca (Ministery of Economic Development), Italy. Diana Dovgan (CECOP), Belgium; Ewa Les (University of Varsaw), Poland; Felice Scalvini (City of Brescia), Italy; Gianfranco Marocchi (Idee in Rete), Italy Jean-Marc Brulé (L’Atelier), France; Julien Van Geertsom (Belgian Federal Public Planning Service), Belgium; Krzysztof Herbst (FISE), Poland; Letizia Piangerelli (Rena), Italy; Lucie Watrinet (CCFD), France Luigi Martignetti (REVES), Belgium; Marc Calon (Housing Europe), Belgium; Pauline Graham (Social Firms Scotland), UK; Teresa Marzocchi (Emilia Romagna Region), Italy; Diego Dutto (Self C.S.), Italy Thomas Bignal (Social Service Europe), Belgium. Aldo Soldi (Coopfond), Italy; Alessandra Viscovi (Etica sgr), Italy; Alessandro Azzi (Federasse), Italy; Fabio Salviato (FEBEA), Belgium; Francois Passant (Eurosif), Belgium; Gordon Hanh (SERUS) Sweden; Hervé Guider (EACB), Belgium; Marco Morganti (Banca Prossima), Italy; Mario Calderini (Politecnico di Milano), Italy; Mercedes Valcárcel, (GECES/ISIS) Spain; Oliver Ropke (Austrian Confederation of Trade Unions) Austria; 12. Pascal Trideau (SFIN -IDES), France; 13. Peru Sasia (Fiare), Spain; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14. Slobodan Cvejic (SeConS – Development Initiative Group), Serbia; 15. Thierry Philipponnat (Finance Watch), Belgium; 16. Massimo Motta (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Italy. 1. 2. WG 5: New trends and forms of Social Economy Moderates and Introduces: Jonathan Bland (Social Business International), UK Rapporteur: Giovanni Mazzanti (Aiccon / University of Bologna), Italy 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Alfonso Aliberti (European Youth Forum), Italy; Camillo di Berardinis (CFI), Italy; Claudia Fiaschi (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Italy; 4. Darina Zaimova (Trakia University) Bulgaria; 5. Haris Huskic (Federal Employment Institute), Bosnia; 6. Johannes Lindner (Schumpeter College), Austria; 7. Judith Puheringër (ENSIE, BDV, GECES), Austria; 8. Manuel Mariscal (COCETA), Spain; 9. Maria Nieves Ramos, ENSIE e FAEDEI) Spain; 10. Michel Marcadié, (Social Platform/GECES), France; 1. 2. 3. WG 6: Employment and the Social Economy Moderates and Introduces: Bruno Roelants, Cecop – Cicopa Europe Rapporteur: Sara Depedri (Euricse), Italy Arben Shamija (Youth Albania Professional Services), Albania; Davorka Vidovic (University of Zagreb), Croatia; Dirk Vansintjan (REScoops), Belgium; Dzenan Saric (Mozaik Foundation) Bosnia; Gianluca Pastorelli (DIESIS), Belgium; Luk Zelderloo (Social Service Europe), Belgium; Maria Juliana Byck (unMonastery), UK, Mercedes Giovinazzo (Interarts), Spain; Michele Mosca (University of Napels), Italy; Nicolas Hazard (Comptoir de l’innovation), France; Pier Angelo Mori (University of Florence), Italy; Scott Darraugh (Social Adventures), UK; Stefano Granata (CGM), Italy; Sven Bartilson (Coompanion) Sweden; Val Jones (Social Enterprise North West), UK; Andrea Bernardoni (ARCS), Italy. 11. Mikel Lezamiz (Mondragon), Spain; 12. Patrick Lenancker (Les Scop), France; 13. Prodromos Kalaitzis (COPA - COCGECA), Belgium; 14. Michela Vorgrig (Cosm), Italy 15. Giuseppina Colosimo (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Italy. 1. WG 7: A road map for legal frameworks 2. 3. 4. Moderates and Introduces: Hagen Henrÿ (University of Helsinki), Finland 5. Rapporteur: Antonio Fici (University of Molise), Italy 6. 7. 8. Emmanuelle Faure (European Foundation Center), Belgium; Jean-Christophe Burkel (ULESS), Luxembourg; Luke Fletcher (BWB), UK; Maria do Carmo Marques Pinto (Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa), Portugal; Mauro Iengo (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Italy; Patricia Lexcellent (CG Scop), France; Zoran Stojkovski (Center for Institutional Development-CIRa), FYR of Macedonia; Placido Putzolu (AIM, FIMIV), Belgium. Claudio Gagliardi (Unioncamere), Italy; Dina Rakin (European Movement in Serbia), Serbia; 3. Federica Bandini or Antonio Matacena (University of Bologna), Italy; 4. Francesca Calo or Michael Roy (Glasgow Caledonian University), UK; 5. Giampaolo Barbetta (Catholic University), Italy; 6. Jef Tavernier (University Kortrijk), Belgium; 7. Manlio Calzaroni (ISTAT), Italy; 8. Marieke Huysentruyt (iPropeller and Stockholm School of Economics), Belgium; 9. Mihaela Lambru (University of Bucarest), Romania; 10. Rafael Chavez (University of Valencia - CIRIEC), Spain; 11. Rocío Nogales (EMES), Belgium; 1. 2. WG 8: The contribution of research, education and statistics Moderates and Introduces: Lars Hulgard (EMES), Denmark; Rapporteur: Michael Roy, (Glasgow Caledonian University), UK WG 9: Collaborating with other actors: corporations and trade unions 1. 2. ________ (Dipartimento Politiche Sociali CGIL, CISL,UIL), Italy; Elisabet Abrahamsson (European Social Franchising Network), Sweden; Moderates and Introduces: Thierry Jeantet (Les Rencontres du Mont-Blanc), France Rapporteur: Laura Catana (Ashoka France), France; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.45 Working Groups // Parallel sessions Gérard Andreck (Medess Association), France; Letizia Moratti (San Patrignano), Italy; Marco Tognetti (Yunus Business Center), Italy; Marie Zvolska (Union of Czech Production Cooperatives), Czech Republic; Nina Koopman (Social Enterprise), Netherlands; Norbert Kunz (Social Impact), Germany; Petra Meyer (DGB), Germany; Pierre Laliberté (ACTRAV - ILO) Switzerland; Salvatore Vetro (Groupe Terre), Belgium; Sylvie Slangen (CEEP), Belgium; Eleonora Vanni (Alleanza delle Cooperative Sociali Italiane), Italy. WG 1: Policy support at National and European level: regulation, State aid, fiscal incentives, and related matters WG 2: The role of EU Structural Funds for supporting the Social Economy WG 3: Collaborating with the public sector: public procurement and not only WG 4: Financial instruments and intermediaries WG 5: New trends and forms of Social Economy WG 6: Employment and the Social Economy WG 10: Social impact: what should be measured and reported, and how? Moderates and Introduces: Ariane Rodert (EESC), Sweden 1. 2. 3. 4. Andrea Volterrani (University Roma Due) Italy; Barbara Scheck (University of Hamburg) Germany; Caroline Naett (Coop FR), France; Filippo Addarii (Young Foundation), UK; Rapporteur: Antonella Noya (OECD), France 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Helene Duclos (Trans-formation), France Jim Clifford (BWB), UK; Konstantina Zoehrer (SES Network), Greece; Lisa Hehenberger (EVPA), Belgium; Luisa Brunori (University of Bologna and Grameen Foundation), Italy; Manolis Tzouvelekas (Panteion University Athens), Greece; Nadia Johanisova (Masaryk University), Czech Republic; Nicole Alix (Confrontations Europe), France; Andrea Bassi (University of Bologna), Italy; Alberto Alberani (Arfie), Belgium. 1. 2. WG 11: Social economy and international cooperation Moderates and Introduces: Roberto Di Meglio (ILO), Switzerland Rapporteur: Danilo Salerno, Coopermondo, (Italy) WG 12: Enhancing cooperation through ICT Moderates and Introduces: Ivana Pais (Catholic University), Italy; Elena Casolari (Fondazione Opes), Italy Fernando Martinho (Cooperativa de Estudios de Economia Social), Portugal; 3. Guggi Laryea (World Bank) Belgium; 4. Jason Nardi (RIPESS), Luxembourg; 5. Roderick Egal (Medess), France; 6. Samuel Barco Serrano, Spain 7. Sarah Cook (UNIRISD), UK; 8. Gianfranco Cattai (Focsiv), Italy; 9. Maura Viezzoli (Cisp), Italy; 10. Stefania Marcone (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Italy; 11. Fabio Laurenzi (Cospe), Italy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15.45 – 16.00 Break Felix Oldenburg (Ashoka) Germany; Matteo Bartolomeo (Avanzi), Italy; Gabriele Mandolesi, Italy; Carlo Caiaffa (Always srl), Italy; Vanni Rinaldi (Cooperambiente), Italy. 16.00 – 17.15 MEP’s: Round Table: Social Economy and EU institutions: where we stand today Round Table: Social Economy and EU institutions: where we go from here 19.00 Social Economy Families: Dirk J. Lehnhoff*, Cooperatives Europe - Belgium Alain Coheur*, Social Economy Europe / AIM - Belgium Heather Roy*, Social Platform - Belgium Commissioners: 17.15 – 18.30 18.30 – 19.00 Patrizia Toia*, MEP, Vice-chair Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Italy Thomas Handel, MEP, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Germany Jens Nilsson, MEP, Sweden How the European parliament can support the social economy Social cocktail Elżbieta Bieńkowska*, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Poland Marianne Thyssen*, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility, Belgium Ministers: Representative of Latvian Presidency of the Council* of the European Union - Latvia Romain Schneider*, Minister of Social Security, Cooperation, Social Security, Humanitarian Action and Sports - Luxembourg Michel Sapin*, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue - France Martin Schulz*, President of the European Parliament Belgium TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18TH, 2014 09.00 – 09.10 09.10 – 09.20 Making the European Social Economy work: suggestions from EESC Project Social Enterprise in Europe: EC Mapping study, what we can learn 09.20 – 09.30 Social Enterprises: Italian Experiences 09.30 – 09.50 Keynote: New Actors, New Paradigms? 09.50 – 11.00 Panel - Change in Europe: How SE actors meet new social needs? Introduces and Moderates: Simon Willis,Young Foundation - UK 11.00 – 11.15 Jacques Defourny, (University of Liege) - Belgium Giuseppe Guzzetti, Fondazione Cariplo - Italy Mauro Lusetti, Alleanza delle cooperative italiane - Italy Giovanna Melandri, G7 Task Force - Italy Pietro Barbieri, Forum del Terzo Settore - Italy Hilde Vernaillen, AMICE - Belgium Jan Olsson, REVES - Sweden Juan Antonio Pedreño (CEPES) - Spain Wrap-Up of the Working Groups and presentation of the final document 11.15 – 12.00 A political dialogue on the future of the Social Economy: from the Strasbourg Declaration to the Rome Strategy and beyond * TBC Luca Jahier, European Economic and Social Committee Belgium Amaryllis Verhoeven (EC/DG Markt) with Charu Wilkinson (GFK) - Belgium Giuseppe Guerini, Alleanza delle Cooperative Sociali Italiane - Italy Jean-Claude Juncker*, President of the European Commission - Belgium Matteo Renzi*, Prime Minister of Italy
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