Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Vincenzo Noto Tripoli (Libya) +218 92 7000 118 [email protected] Skype vincenzonoto Sex Male | Date of birth 10 October 1956 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE 01/09/2009–Present Co-founder Al Fairouz Centre for ART, Tripoli, Libya. Infertility Consultant and Director of the IVF lab. 01/10/2008–31/08/2009 Director of the "1st Intensive Hands-on Training in IVF / ICSI Lab. From theory to Practice". National Infertility Centre, Tripoli, Libya. Director and Organizer. 01/02/2008–01/07/2009 Responsible and Organizer of Two Advanced Courses on Assisted Reproductive Technologies. National Infertility Centre, Tripoli, Libya. 01/10/2004–31/08/2009 Responsible and Organizer of the IVF Lab and Clinical Management of the National Infertility Centre. Tripoli, Libya. 01/08/2002–30/09/2004 Cooperation with the "Genesi Centre", Palermo, Italy. Reproductive Medicine and Molecular Biology (Genetics lab directed by Dr. R. Casiglia). 01/11/1993–30/07/2002 Director of the "Assisted Reproductive Technologies Centre". Verona, Italy. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/09/2009–12/10/2012 Master of Science in Reproduction & Development with Merit. University of Bristol, Bristol, UK., 06/1992 Postgraduate training in Diagnostic Ultrasound for Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA, 01/02/1991–30/03/1991 Postgraduate training in "In Vitro Fertilization". Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia., 01/04/1988–11/1991 Responsible for the Diagnostic Laboratory of Infertility & IVF. Medical Centre for Fertility Diagnostics & IVF-ET, Leuven, Belgium., 07/1985–03/1988 28.1.14 Free research-Fellowship grant from Italian Association for © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto Research in Cancer (AIRC). Catholic University of Leuven (Department of Pathological Biochemistry), Leuven, Belgium., Mullerian Inhibiting Substance in oncology. 03/1985–09/1986 Fellowship in Gynaecological Oncology. Catholic University of Leuven. Institute of Gynaecologic Oncology (Dir. Prof. J. Bonte), Leuven, Belgium., Ovarian tumours. 01/10/1983–01/10/1987 Specialization in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Magna cum Laude. University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy., 01/10/1975–01/10/1983 Bachelor degree in Medicine & Surgery Magna cum Laude. University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy., PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 C2 C1 C1 C2 French C1 C2 C1 C1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B1 A2 Dutch Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Organisational / managerial skills I like team work and I have good communication skills. I have a particular predisposition for teaching. 1. Leadership 2. Experience in organization of daily job 3. Experience in ISO certification 4. Good experience in managing projects 5. Good eperience in organizing research Job-related skills My competence covers the different aspects of the Infertility management (diagnosis, ultrasound, etc.) and all the A.R.T. techniques at a very high level. I have got a good experience in in-vitro cell cultures and in-vitro organ cultures. Furthermore, I acquired a very good experience in cryopreservation (slow freezing protocols and vitrification technique) of oocytes, zygotes, embryos and blastocysts. In the years spent in Belgium at the Pathological Biochemistry Department I acquired a good experience on proteomics. Computer skills Microsoft Office tools Word: Intermediate level Excel: Intermediate level PowerPoint: Expert level 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 2 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto Access: Intermediate level Statistical Software StatsDirect: Expert level Other skills Driving licence Diving, Tennis, Ping pong, Motobike, Karate. I like to play piano. A, B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: The Society for Low Temperature Biology (until 1991). European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (until 2000), then again member since 2008. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (until 1997). Società Italiana di Fertilità e Sterilità. Società Italiana di Colposcopia e Patologia Cervico Vaginale (year 2003). ACTIVE CONGRESS PARTECIPATIONS: (including oral presentations and posters) Progressi in Oncologia, Scuola Internazionale di Farmacologia, Erice, Italy 16 - 23 March 1984. LXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. Milano, Italy 30 Sept.- 3 Oct. 1984. Corso di Aggiornamento sul Carcinoma della Mammella. Palermo, Italy 19 April, 1985. 1st International Workshop on New Perspectives in Cancer Research. Halkis, Greece, 1988. Fourth Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, 1988. IIIrd International Symposium New Trends in Gynecology: Laser and Gn-RH Agonist. Brussels, Belgium, November 25-26, 1988. Joint Meeting of the Belgian FRSM/FGWO Contact Group on IVF and the Belgian Study Group for Fertility and Sterility. Egmont Foundation, Brussels, Belgium, February 25, 1989. European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology and Society for Low Temperature Biology. Joint Meeting on Cryopreservation of Human Gametes. London, United Kingdom, March 2021, 1989. Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie. Voorjaarsvergadering. Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1989. VI World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction. Jerusalem, Israel, April 2-7, 1989. International Symposium on The Present Place of LHRH Analogues in Gynaecology (Poster). Brussels, Belgium, June 9-10, 1989. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Malmoe, Sweden, June 25-28, 1989. The 7th Reiniers de Graaf Symposium. From Ovulation to Implan¬tation. Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 30-June 2, 1990. Symposium Fertiliteitsonderzoek en behandeling Anno 1990. Rotterdam, De Doelen, The Netherlands. Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie. Najaarsvergadering. Antwerpen, Belgium, October 20, 1990. Second Joint Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the European Sterility Congress Organization, Milan, Italy August 29 - September 1, 1990. 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto First International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics (Workshop). Chicago, Illinois, September 1990. Symposium on "LUF revisited" and IVF in the natural cycle. Palais des Congrès, Brussels, Belgium, May 1991. 7th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Procreation - Joint meeting with the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Paris, France, June 28 - July 3, 1991. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Leuven, Belgium, 7-12 July, 1991. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics. Leuven, Belgium, July 13-16, 1991. International Symposium on Implantation in Mammals. Geneva, Switzerland, April 23-24, 1992. Postgraduate Training in Diagnostic Ultrasound for Obstetrics and Gynecology (Workshop), Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 8-12, 1992. Infertilità Maschile. Università degli Studi di Verona, Clinica di Medicina Interna D. Verona, Italy June 20, 1992. International Symposium su I Concepimenti Assistiti alle Soglie del 2000 (CECOS ITALIA). Maratea, Italy 24-26 September, 1992. International Symposium on Male infertility and Assisted Reproduction. Andrology in the Nineties. Genk, Belgium, April 21-24, 1993. I Corso Multidisciplinare di Ecocardiografia Fetale. Padova, Italy 28-30 April, 1993. Second conference on The Endometrium. Bologna, 20-22 September, 1993. Training course on Tygerberg Strict Criteria. Genk, Belgium, 25 September, 1993. III Incontro di Montegrotto su Patologie del Patrimonio Cromosomico e Fertilità. Montegrotto Terme, Italy 22 December, 1993. 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embriology. Brussels, Belgium, 25-29 June, 1994. Corso di Ecografia Transvaginale. Bologna, Italy October 1st, 1994. XVII Congresso Nazionale SIFES 1994. Genova, Italy 1-3 December, 1994. IXth World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction. Vienna, Austria, 3-7 April, 1995. XVIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fertilità e Sterilità e Medicina della Riproduzione. Napoli, Italy 6-8 june, 1996. Gli induttori dell’ovulazione nei Concepimenti Assistiti. Linee guida e risvolti pratici. Udine, Italy 5 October, 1996. 2° Corso di Micromanipolazione di Gameti ed Embrioni Umani. Firenze, Italy 6-9 December, 1996. Sterilità Maschile: Trattamento con la Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ICSI. Bologna, Italy 21 December, 1996. ESHRE Campus Course on Endometriosis. 2nd International Congress. Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy11-12 April, 1997. 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization & Assisted Reproduction. Vancouver, Canada. 24-28 May, 1997. 5th International Congress on Advances In Assisted Reproduction Technologies In The Year 2000. Roma, Italy. 16-19 September, 1997. Four days conference on Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility. New York Hospital, Cornell Medical College, New York, 18-21 May, 1998. La Patologia Annessiale Benigna: gli attuali orientamenti diagnostici e terapeutici. Legnago, Verona, Italy 16 May 1998. 14th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embriology. Goteborg, Sweden, 21-24 June 1998. 16th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embriology. Bologna, Italy 2000. National School of Medically Assisted Procreation. Palermo, Italy. Some lessons to the School's students as teacher. 14/10/02 – 20/10/02. 8° Corso di fisiopatologia del tratto genitale distale: la gestione del Pap test anomalo. Palermo, Italy 2003. 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 4 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto Serono Symposia International - From Genetics to Implantation and Early Fetal Development in Infertile Couples. Rossano (Milan), Italy, October 24 - 25, 2003. Corso Annuale Teorico-Pratico di Procreazione Medico Assistita. Scuola Nazionale di P.M.A. c/o Casa di Cura Privata del Policlinico Matris. Milano, Italy 27-29 May 2004 (as teacher). Serono Symposia International conference. From oocyte to embryo: a pathway to life. Stresa, Italy, September 24-26, 2004. Convegno. Attualità in tema di procreazione medicalmente assistita. Ragusa, Italy 30 October 2004 (relatore). Corso di crioconservazione degli ovociti umani. Bologna, Italy 4-5 November 2004. 21st Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) Copenhagen, 2005. 22nd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) Prague, June 2006. Corso Annuale Teorico-Pratico di Procreazione Medico Assistita. Scuola Nazionale di P.M.A. Milan, Italy 21 October, 2006 (as teacher). Libyan – Italian cooperation for Medically Assisted Reproductive Technologies (videoconference). Tripoli, Libya October 28 – 2006. Presente e Futuro nella Medicina della Riproduzione. Livorno, Italy 16 December, 2006. 53° Congresso GEI – Gruppo Embriologico Italiano, Giardini – Naxos (Messina, Italy), 6 – 9 June, 2007. The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (EMMIT) International Conference. Tripoli, Libya. March 13 -15, 2008. 24nd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) Barcelona, July 2008. The 4th Annual Meeting of Infertility Diagnosis and Management, Benghazi – Libya, October 10 2008. The 6th Annual Congress of the Libyan Obstetrical and Gynecological Association. Tripoli, Libya, October 31 – November 2, 2008 (two papers). The 1st European Congress on In Vitro Maturation of Human Oocytes in Assisted Reproduction. Monza, Italy, December 12th – 13th , 2008. Tripoli Symposium on Infertility. Tripoli, Libya, March 20 – 21, 2009. 25th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. 26th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology). Rome, Italy, June 27 – 30, 2010. PathSoc Winter Meeting - Joint Meeting with the Dutch Pathological Society. Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 8 - 9, 2013 (poster). University of Maryland, College Park. Genes and the Human Condition (From Behavior to Biotechnology). November 4 - December 16, 2013 (online course). University of Rice. Nanotechnology: The Basics. November 11 - December 9, 2013 (online course). REFERENCES: 1980-1985. Prof. F. Carollo . Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica "R", University of Palermo. 1984-1988. Prof. L. Rausa. Institute of Pharmacological Oncology, University of Palermo. 1985-1988. Prof. J. Bonte. Department of gynaecological Oncology and Radiotherapy, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 1985-1988. Prof. W. De Loecker. Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 5 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto 1985-1988. Prof. W. Merlevede. Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 1988-1991. Prof. S. Gordts. Medical Centre for Fertility Diagnostics and IVF, Leuven, Belgium. 1988-1991. Prof. I. Brosens. Department of Gynaecology, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 1991. Prof. JJ. Cassiman. Department of Human Genetics, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 2004-2012. Prof. M. Mormesh, FRCOG. University of Tripoli Libya (until 2009), then Al Fairouz Centre for A.R.T. Tripoli Libya. 2009-2013. Dr. K. Whittinghton. University of Bristol, United Kingdom. PUBLICATIONS: 1. F Dones, G Cadili, C D'Amico, V Noto. Dosaggio dell'emoglobina glicosilata (HbA1c) nelle gravide affette da diabete gestazionale. Patologia e Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Vol. XII-N°1 - JanFebruary, 1984. 2. G Lo Dico, G Cadili, F Dones, V Noto, F Carollo. Il ruolo del cerchiaggio del collo nella prevenzione dell'aborto. LXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. Milano 30 Sept.-3 Oct. 1984. 3. G Cadili, F Dones, G Greco-Polito, V Noto, F Carollo. Dismetabolismo glicidico e poliabortività riscontrati nella Clinic Ostetrica e Ginecologica R dell'Università di Palermo. LXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia. Milano 30 Sept.-3 Oct. 1984. 4. G Cadili, F Dones, G Gargano, G Alongi, V Noto. Validità del dosaggio dell'emoglobina glicosilata come indice predittivo del peso dei neonati alla nascita. Patologia e Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica. Vol. XIII-N°3 Maggio-Giugno 1985. 5. G Lo Dico, F Dones, G Cadili, V Noto, G Gargano, G Guarneri, G Alongi. Oppioidi e pattern dell'LH nella policistosi ovarica. Ginecologia dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza, Vol.II-N°4, 1986. 6. V Noto, G Gargano, C Di Bella, F Dones, G Cadili, G Lo Dico. Cistoma misto mucinoso e sieroso dell'ovaio. Cosiderazioni etiopatogenetiche su di un caso clinico. Patologia e Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Vol. XIV-N°4 Luglio-Agosto 1986. 7. V Noto, G Gargano, F Dones, G Cadili. Su due casi di fibroleiomioma del legamento utero-sacrale. Patologia e Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica. Vol. XIV-N°2 Marzo-Aprile 1986. 8. J Janssens, C Wittevrongel, J Roelens, V Noto, J Bonte, J Lauwerijns, W De Loecker. Influence of Practice on the Biochemical Analysis of Steroid Receptors in Human Breast Cancer. Anticancer Research, Vol.8-N°1, 1988. 9. JP Janssens, V Noto, G Van Tendeloo, J Bonte, W De Loecker. Cytotoxic effects of Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS)? Anticancer Research, Vol.8-N° 4, pp. 781-784, 1988. 10. V Noto. Il Fattore di Inibizione Mülleriana nel controllo della crescita delle neoplasie ginecologiche. Tesi di Specializzazione, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia. Anno Accademico 1986-1987. 11. V Noto, H Taper, J Yi-Hua, J Janssens, J Bonte, W De Loecker. Effects of Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C) and 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (Vitamin K3) Treatment on Human Tumor Cell Growth in Vitro. I. Synergism of Combined Vitamin C and K3 Action. Cancer, Vol. 63-N°5, 1989. 12. S Gordts, R Campo, P Roziers, V Noto. Overlevingskansen van menselijke bevruchte eicellen na ultrarapid freezing. Annalen van de Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie, zestiende jaargang deel I, pp. 3136, 1989. 13. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Ultrarapid freezing of human embryos. Abstract of the VI World Congress in Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, Jerusalem, Israel, 1989. 14. S Gordts, P Roziers, V Noto. Survival and pregnancy outcome after ultrarapid freezing of human embryos. Abstract of the Joint Meeting of the ESHRE and SLTB on cryopreservation of Human Gametes, London, United Kingdom, 1989. 15. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Survival and pregnancy outcome after ultrarapid freezing of human embryos. Abstract of the 5th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Malmoe, Sweden, 1989. 16. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Use of GnRH-HMG vs a CC-HMG protocol in an IVF program: analysis of different parameters. Abstract of the Symposium The present place of LHRH analogues in Gynaecology, Brussels, Belgium, 1989. 17. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Survival and pregnancy outcome after ultrarapid freezing of human embryos. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 53, N°3, 1990. 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 6 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto 18. V Noto, R Campo, P Roziers, S Gordts. Fluorescein diacetate assessment of embryo viability after ultrarapid freezing of human multipronucleate embryos. Fertility and Sterility, Vol.55, N°6, 1991. 19. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Survival and pregnancy outcome after ultrarapid freezing of human embryos. Fertility Digest, Vol.2:22, 1990. 20. S Gordts, P Roziers, R Campo, V Noto. Fluorescein diacetate assessment of embryo viability after ultrarapid freezing of human multipronucleate embryos. Human Reproduction, Abstracts of the II Joint ESCO-ESHRE Meeting, Milano, 1990. 21. V Noto, S Gordts, P Roziers, M Lauwers, A Battheu, R Campo. Fluorescein Diacetate Assessment of Embryo Viability after Ultrarapid Freezing of Human Multipronucleate Embryos. Abstract of the 7th Reinier de Graaf Symposium. Maastricht, 1990. 22. V Noto, R Campo, S Gordts. Fluoresceine diacetaat in de beoordeling van embryoviabiliteit na ultrarapid freezing. Annalen van de Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie. Zeventiende jaargang, deel II, pp. 10-13, 1990. 23. V. Noto, etc. Use of a fluorescent stain technique to assess blastomere viability after quick freezing of multipronucleate embryos. Abstracts of the Symposium on "LUF revisited" and IVF in the natural cycle. Brussels, May 4, 1991. 24. S Gordts, R Campo, V Noto. IVF outcome and severe periovarian adhesions. Abstracts of the 7th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Procreation - Joint Meeting with the 7th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE. Paris June 28 - July 3, 1991. 25. V Noto, R Campo, JJ Cassiman, R Wu, R Decorte, P Roziers, S Gordts. Biopsy of polar bodies and pre-implantation embryos for genetic analysis. Abstract of the Annual Meeting European Society of Human Genetics. Leuven, July 1991. 26. R Decorte, R Wu, S Gordts, V Noto, P Marynen, JJ Cassiman. Determination of sex in single cells by two-step PCR of the pseudoautosomal boundary of the X and the Y chromosome: a model for preimplantation diagnosis. Abstract of the Annual Meeting European Society of Human Genetics. Leuven, July 1991. 27. R Wu, H Cuppens, R Decorte, S Gordts, V Noto, P Marynen, JJ Cassiman. Coamplification of the D F508 cystic fibrosis mutation and a VNTR marker (YNZ22) by two step PCR on single human cells: towards preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Abstract of the Annual Meeting European Society of Human Genetics. Leuven, July 1991. 28. V Noto, R Campo, P Roziers, S Gordts. Examination by Rhodamine 123 fluorescence of mitochondrial distribution pattern in human polyspermic embryos before and after the ultrarapid freezing technique. Abstract of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology (Cryo 91). Leuven, Belgium, July 1991. 29. V. Noto, R Campo, P Roziers, K Swinnen, M Vercruyssen, S Gordts. Mitochondrial distribution after fast embryo freezing. Human Reproduction, vol. 8 n° 12, pp.2115-2118, 1993. 30. V. Noto, L. Mancaniello, G. Piccolboni. Influence of naloxone, a pure opiate receptor antagonist, on semen parameters. Abstract of the 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Brussels, Belgium, June 1994. 32. V. Noto, L. Mancaniello, G. Piccolboni, A. Portuese, L. Bosaro and S. Gordts. Paternal 16q22 chromosome fragile site and recurrent multiple fetal malformations: a case report. Abstract of the 5th International Congress on Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies in the Year 2000. Roma, Italia, September 1997. 33. S. Murmesh, C. Platt, M. Mormesh, V. Noto. Placenta examination, obesity and diabetes in Libya – The case for a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study. Poster at the PathSoc Winter Meeting - Joint Meeting with the Dutch Pathological Society. Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 8 - 9, 2013. CITATIONS: 1. A. Trounson and A.H. Sathananthan. Ultrarapid freezing. In Advances in Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Mashiach, Ben-Rafael, Laufer and Schenker Eds. Plenum Press, New York, (1990). 2. P.E. Barg, D.H. Barad, and W. Feichtinger. Ultrarapid Freezing (URF) of Mouse and Human preembryos: A modified Approach. In Journal of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, Vol.7, N°6, Plenum Publishing Corporation, (1990). 3. A. Demoulin, C. Jouan, C. Gerday, and M. Dubois. Pregnancy rates after transfer of embryos obtained from different stimulation protocols and frozen at either pronucleate or multicellular stages. In Human Reproduction, Vol.6, N°6, Oxford University Press, (1991). 4. S. Vasuthevan, Ng SC, Bongso A, and SS Ratnam. Embryonic behavior of two-cell mouse 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 7 / 8 Curriculum Vitae Vincenzo Noto embryos frozen by the one- and two-step ultrarapid techniques. In Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol.9, N°6, Plenum Press, New York and London, (1992). 5. J. Liu, E. Van den Abbeel and AC Van Steirteghem. Assessment of ultrarapid and slow freezing procedures for 1-cell and 4-cell mouse embryos. In Human Reproduction, Vol.8, N°7, Oxford University Press (1993). 6. In Mitochondria, vol. 17, n°05, 1994. Mitochondrial distribution after fast embryo freezing. Human Reproduction (1993), 8(12) 2115, Noto V, Campo R, Roziers, etc. 7. K Polgár, P W Yacono, J A Hill, D J Anderson, C Y Lee, D E Golan. Use of the translational mobility of a plasma membrane protein to assess fertilization of mouse oocytes and viability of mouse zygotes and two-cell embryos. Biology of Reproduction (1994) 50(3):474-80. 8. Nowshari MA, Nayudu PL, and Hodges JK. Effect of cryoprotectants and their concentration on post-thaw survival and development of rapid frozen-thawed pronuclear stage mouse embryos. In Human Reproduction, Vol. 10, N° 12, Oxford University Press, (1995). 9. Lai ACH, Lin BPH, Chang CC, Tsai HD, Hwang VWS, and Lo HY. Pregnancies after transfer of ultrarapidly frozen human embryos. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Vol. 13 N. 8, (1996). 10. Patrick Quinn. Criopreservazione di embrioni ed oociti. In Infertilità. Valutazione e Trattamento. Verduci Editore, (1997). 11. Mauri Al, Petersen CG, Baruffi RLR, Ferreira RC, and Franco Jr JG. Clinical experience with ultrarapid cryopreservation of human embryos resulting from intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In Human Reproduction (1999), Vol. 14 N. 9, 2362. 12. Hsieh YY, Tsai HT, Chang CC, Chang CC, Lo HY, and Lai ACH. Ultrarapid cryopreservation of human embryos: experience with 1,582 embryos. Fertility and Sterility Vol. 72 N. 2 August (1999). 13. Park SP, Kim EY, Oh JH, Narn HK, Lee KS, Park SY, Park EM, Yoon SH, Chung KS, and Lim JH. Ultrarapid freezing of human multipronuclear zygotes using electron microscope grids. Human Reproduction Vol. 15 N. 8 1787, (2000). 14. Taper HS, Jamison JM, Gilloteaux J, Summers JL, and Calderon PB. Inhibition of the development of metastases by dietary vitamin CK3 combination. Life Sciences 75 (2004) 955-967. 15. Masashige Kuwayama. Evidence-based Embryo Cryopreservation. Journal of Mammalian Ova Research (2009). 16. Jacki Y Y Wong, Alice Y K Wong. Phasing-in of vitrification into routine practice: why, how, and what. Hong Kong medical Journal (2011) 17(2):119-26. 28.1.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 8 / 8
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