Edelweiss Hundred years vintage posters from 1895 to 1995 19. Martin Peikert 20. Walter Monticelli 23. Anonymous 24. Ernst Thommen (Giebenach 1891-1976 Ascona) (Amburgo 1914) 27. Wolfgang Hausamann 28. Donald Brun La Gruyère Valais Pilatus Pontresina Engadin Davos Lega Svizzera per la Protezione della Natura print Orell Füssli Arts Graphiques, Zürich print Lith. Klausfelder SA, Vevey print Roto-Sadag SA, Genève print Gebr. Fretz AG, Zürich print Conzett & Huber, Zürich print Offsetdruck AG, Basel 21. Alois Carigiet 22. Edi Hauri 25. Rolf Gfeller 26. Anonymous 29. Anonymous 30. Werbeatelier ZIS Zimmermann Burgdorf Chocolat Suchard Hotel Seiler, Zermatt Bern. Kant. Jodlerfest Thun Fête Nationale pour les suisses à l’étranger Adelboden 18. Eidg. Jodlerfest, Burgdorf print Wolfsberg Druck, Zürich print Wassemann AG, Basel print Druck Fr. Weibel, Thun print Wassermann SA, Bâle print Brugger AG, Meiringen print Serigraphie K.Vogt, Bern Tel. +41 (0)91 985 28 28 Fax+41 (0)91 985 28 29 31. Publispot Martigny 32. Synthèse SA [email protected] www.montesansalvatore.ch 125e Anniversaire de la Fanfare Edelweiss Comptoir Suisse print Imprimerie Pillet, Martigny print Attitude, Lausanne 1943 (Trun 1902-1985) 1944 (Zurigo 1915 Zürich-1980) 1944 (Basilea 1911-1988) 1945 1948 (Bern 1924) 1951 1951 1953 1955 1961 (Basilea 1909-1999 Clarens) 1956 1981 Artistic consultancy and the texts are by Paolo Blendinger, Lugano The exhibition has been organised with the collaboration of Hans Kaspar Schiesser, Herzogenbuchsee Reservations Tel. +41 (0)91 993 26 70 Casella Postale 442 CH-6902 Lugano-Paradiso 1985 1995 Tourist poster exibition (Zugo 1901-1975) Edelweiss Hundred years of vintage posters from 1895 to 1995 After several editions dedicated to different themes such as Ticinese Tourist Posters (2008), Swiss cable cars (2010) and Switzerland, the Land of Water, this fourth edition of the poster exhibition on top of Mount San Salvatore is centred on the Edelweiss, the tiny candid and noble herbaceous perennial , with its tufted aspect, which we often consider a simple flower. Originating in the desert plateaus of Asia, its scientific name is Leontopodium alpinum. Ever since the 19th century, it has enjoyed great popularity so much so that it has become one of the emblems of the Switzerland, a symbol that has never declined and of which this exhibition illustrates some of its importance. Its praise has been sung in music, in literature, in films and its name has been bestowed on many inns and hotels; at the tourist level, it remains one of the main motives of attraction to visit our country, so much so, that it has been adopted as the element that characterizes the logo of Switzerland Tourism, that circulates the image of our Alpine region throughout the world. Flowers have often been made the symbol of a region or nation - just think of the Florentine Iris or the Dutch tulip - similarly our edelweiss, due to its size, delicacy but also to its capacity to adapt itself to extreme and bitter climates has become the symbol of some of the most typical characteristics of Switzerland and of its population. The posters exhibited here illustrate how widely it has been applied, going from cultural proposals, to the promotion of events, to tourism and even to industrial production and services such as airlines, as an emblem of quality guarantee. 1. Anton Reckziegel 2. Anonymous 7. Anonymous 8. Ernst Emil Schlatter 13. Armin Bieber 14. Martin Peikert Fribourg (Suisse) Stanserhorn Bahn Berner Alpen Milch RhB - Rhätische Bahn Lötschberg Bad Schuls Tarasp Vulpera print Lith.art Hubacher&Co, Berna print Lith. Kunstanstalt, Zürich print Graphisce Anstalt J.E.Wolfensberger, Zürich print Lith. Armbruster Söhne, Bern print Gebrüder Fretz, Zürich 3. Anonymous 4. Anonymous 10. Selecta Studio 15. Herbert Leupin 16. Charles l’Eplattenier Weissbad Appenzell Bellinzona-Mesocco 1900 1937 Swissair Jetzt hilft das Buch I 650 anni della Confederazione print Lith. Walter Marty, Herisau & St. Gallen print Istituto Elvetico d’arti grafiche, Lugano print Wolfensberg Druck, Zürich print Wassermann AG, Basel print Lith. Atar, Genève 5. Anonymous 6. Gabriele Chiattone 11. Emil Cardinaux (Berna 1877-1936) 12. Victor Rutz 17. Anonymous (Lugano 1853-1934) 18. Herbert Leupin Theater in Thalweil Almenrausch & Edelweiss, 1900 Gotthardbahn 1903 Esposizione Nazionale Svizzera: l’anno della donna, 1939 Mahalla Die Schweiz als Reiseland Binaca Edel-weisse Zähne print Lith.A.Eglin, Luzern print Stabilimento Arti Grafiche Chiattone, Milano print Wolfsberg Druck, Zürich print J.C. Müller, Zürich print Wolfsberg Druck, Zürich print Wolfsberg Druck, Zürich (Gablonz 1865-1936 Mödling presso Vienna) 1895 1900 1898 1910 9. Alois Carigiet (Trun 1902-1985) (Zurigo 1883-1954 Uttwil) 1911 1938 (Schinznach Dorf 1892-1970 Berna) 1940 (Beinwil am See 1916-1999 Basilea) 1941 (Straubenzell 1913-2008 Montreux) 1939 (Zugo 1901-1975) 1940 (Neuchâtel 1874-1946 Les Côtes-du-Doub) 1941 (Beinwil am See 1916-1999 Basilea) 1942 1942
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