CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM • Particulars Name: MARCO Surname: MORIGGI • Education 2003 (July): Fulfilment of the Ph.D. in “Scienze Filologiche e Storiche del Vicino Oriente” (Philology and History of the Near East) at the Università di Firenze. 2000-2003: Ph.D. courses at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Florence - Italy) in: “Scienze Filologiche e Storiche del Vicino Oriente” (Philology and History of the Near East), curriculum: “Linguistica semitica” (Semitic Linguistics). Ph.D. supervisor: Prof. Pelio Fronzaroli (Firenze); Ph.D. advisor: Prof. Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo (“La Sapienza” Roma). 2000 (February): M.A. Degree (Classical Studies) (Dissertation’s subject: Semitic Philology) at the Università di Torino (Turin - Italy), Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (Faculty of Humanities). Final evaluation: 110/110 cum laude (with formal licence to publish). Dissertation’s lecturer: Prof. Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti (Torino). Assistant lecturers: Prof. Roberta Ricciardi Venco (Torino); Prof. Gherardo Gnoli (“La Sapienza” Roma and IsIAO, Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente). • Current position 2014-: reader (associate professor) in Semitic Philology at the Università di Catania (Italy), Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (Department of Humanities). 2014: National Italian Abilitation for the position of Reader (UK) / Associate Professor (USA) in Ancient Near Eastern, Middle Eastern and African Studies from 18.02. • Academic activities 2009-2014: researcher (tenure track position) in Semitic Philology at the Università di Catania (Italy). Teaching Università di Catania: A.Y. 2011-2012-: assistant professor of SEMITIC PHILOLOGY at the Università di Catania (Italy). 2 A.Y. 2013-2014: professor (single appointment) of “Religions, intercultural studies and the Mediterranean” at the Master (II level EU) “Orientamento e Mediazione Culturale” (Dept. of Humanities). A.Y. 2008-2009 - 2010-2011: assistant professor (tenure track position) of SEMITIC PHILOLOGY, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Faculty of Languages). A.Y. 2003-2004 - 2007-2008: one-year-appointment lecturer of SEMITIC PHILOLOGY, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Faculty of Languages). The courses were taught in Ragusa (branch seat of the University). A.Y 2004-2005 - 2007-2008: one-year-appointment lecturer of HEBREW CULTURE, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Faculty of Languages). The courses were taught in Ragusa (branch seat of the University). Università di Bari: A.Y. 2006-2007: one-year-appointment lecturer of SEMITIC PHILOLOGY, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Faculty of Languages). • Current and past research activities 2014-: epigraphist (in cooperation with Dr. Siam Bhayro, University of Exeter, UK) in charge of the study of a group of Square script texts housed at the History Department (National Museum of Iran, Teheran). 2013-: member (alternate) of the Research Commission at the Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (Dept. of Humanities, Catania). 2012-: epigraphist in charge of the study of the Semitic graffiti in the “House of St Peter” of Capernaum (Israel). International research project on behalf of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (Jerusalem, Israel). 2012 (February): peer reviewer of a research proposal on behalf of the Israel Science Foundation founded by The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Jerusalem, Israel). 2011 (September): author of the entry “Aramaic” in the web portal “Mnamon”, on behalf of the Laboratorio Informatico per le Lingue Antiche of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa). Site: 2009-2010: grant for research of the University of Catania in the framework of the “Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo” funding. Research’s title: Documenta aramaica. Study of unpublished Aramaic inscription from Hatra, Kifrin (Iraq) and ancient Elymais (Iran). The grant was confirmed and extended to the a.y. 20112012. 2008-2009: research grant at the Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna (Dept. of Modern Philology) of the Università di Catania. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Mirella Cassarino (Università di Catania). 3 2006-2008: research grant of the Progetto Alfieri, based in the Fondazione CRT (Turin). Scientific supervisor: Prof. F.A. Pennacchietti (Università di Torino). 2005-2006: study and publication of the bilingual (Greek-Hebrew) silver lamella inv. no. 17137 housed at Musei Capitolini in Rome (Medagliere Capitolino). 2000: study and publication of ten bowls included in the typology “Mesopotamian incantation bowls” inscribed in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Syriac and Mandaic, housed at the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale in Rome (Is.I.A.O. property). • Prizes and titles 2005: appointment as cultore della materia (“expert on the subject”) in Semitic Philology at the Faculty of Humanities (Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia) of the Università di Torino. 2001: winner of the Medal for the best M.A. dissertation in Classical Studies of the Università di Torino (A.Y. 1998-99). The winner is proposed by the Academic Senate. 2000: winner of the “Premium Optime” of the Unione Industriale di Torino. The prize is assigned to graduate students particularly worthy and recommended by the University. • Archaeology 1998 (march-may): member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition in Iraq (Hatra 1998) organized by Università di Torino, Faculty of Humanities and Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology (Supervisor: Prof. Roberta Ricciardi Venco). • Languages European Languages English: written: good; spoken: good; reading: very good. (Cert. The American School in London 1992). French: written: average; spoken: good; reading: very good. German: written: average; spoken: average; reading: good. Semitic languages Arabic: written: average; spoken: good; reading: good (Cert. I.F.E.A.D., intermediate level - stage d’arabe estival en vue de la recherche, niveau intermédiaire, Institut Français d’Études Arabes de Damas Damascus, Juillet 2001; Cert. SIAL, Sana’a Institute of Arabic Language, intermediate advanced level, grade: excellent - Yemen, August 2005). • Congresses, meetings, seminars Organizer of the following congresses: 4 6-9 June 2005: 12th Italian Meeting of Afro-asiatic Linguistics, Ragusa (Sicily-Italy), by appointment of the Faculty of Languages of the Università di Catania. Lecturer by invitation for the following lectures: 18 March 2014: “Alessandro Magno nelle tradizioni semitiche: sguardi incrociati dal greco, al siriaco, all’arabo”. Università di Torino. Dip. di Studi Storici. Dottorato di ricerca “Scienze archeologiche, storiche e storico-artistiche” (PhD in Archaeology, History and History of Art). Invitation by Prof. Stefano de Martino. 16 May 2012: “3000 anni di aramaico in Mesopotamia”. Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Dip. Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo. Dottorato di ricerca “Vicino Oriente Antico” (PhD in Ancient Near Eastern Studies). Invitation by Profs Riccardo Contini e Roberto Tottoli. 24 February 2012: “Le scritture aramaiche e la loro evoluzione storica”. Seminari di Mnamon. Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) - Laboratorio informatico per le lingue antiche. Invitation by Prof. Carmine Ampolo. 8 December 2011: „Hatra and Kifrin: Aramaic Epigraphy on the Euphrates Limes“. Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients - Abteilung Semitistik - Universität Heidelberg. Invitation by Profs Werner Arnold e Klaus Beyer. Lecturer in the following congresses, meetings and seminars (only most relevant listed): 7-8 October 2014: I Colloquio di Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università di Catania “Abitare la frontiera. Sondaggi al confine delle culture, delle lingue e dei saperi”. Lecture’s title: “Oriente romano e Occidente persiano. Osmosi di scritture e culture sul limes dell’Eufrate (II-III sec. d.C.)”. 17-19 September 2014: 15th Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Dip. di Scienze dell’Antichità; Museo dell’Arte Classica. Lecture’s title: “Syriac scripts in Sasanian Mesopotamia: Estrangelo and other Syriac scripts on the eve of the Islamic conquests”. 20-24 July 2014: European Association for Jewish Studies X Congress “Jewish and non-Jewish cultures in contact: new research perspectives”, École Normale Supérieure - Sorbonne, Paris. Lecture’s title: “Jewish Divorce Formulae in Syriac Incantation Bowls”. 14-16 July 2014: ARAM XL International Conference “Hatra, Palmyra, Edessa: Contacts and Cultural Exchange between Cities in the Fertile Crescent before Islam”, University of Oxford, The Oriental Institute. Lecture’s title: “Hatra epigraphy: evidence from published and unpublished graffiti”. 15-18 June 2011: 14th Italian Meeting of Afroasiatic Linguistics, Università di Torino. Lecture’s title: “Phoenicians in Turin. Recent Considerations on Ancient Antiquities”. 11-14 October 2010: Association internationale pour l’étude du moyen arabe et des variétés mixtes de l’arabe - International Association for the Study of Middle and Mixed Arabic, 3rd International Symposium, Università di Firenze. Lecture’s title: “Middle Aramaic and Late Aramaic: Outlines for a Definition”. 5 06-08 July 2009: ARAM XXVI International Conference “Neo-Aramaic Dialects”, University of Oxford, The Oriental Institute. Lecture’s title: “Between Late and Modern Aramaic: reflections on some phenomena in Aramaic varieties of Late Antiquity”. 21-24 May 2007: 13th Italian Meeting of Hamito-Semitic (Afro-asiatic) Linguistics, organized by F.M. Fales, Università di Udine. Lecture’s title: “Some Reflections on Pre-islamic Arabic Epigraphy”. 13-15 September 2004: 7th Internationaler Semitohamitistenkongreß, Freie Universität Berlin, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik (organized by R. Voigt). Lecture’s title: “A New Grammar of Syriac Incantation Bowls”. 5-7 June 2003: 11th Italian Meeting of Hamito-Semitic (Afro-asiatic) Linguistics, organized by A. Mengozzi, Università di Bergamo. Lecture’s title: “Syriac Incantation Bowls and Linguistic Interference in Sasanian Babylonia”. 23-25 July 2002: “ARAMITH. Aramaic Lexicography” International Conference (Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield, 23th - 25th July 2002). Lecture’s title: “A New Collection of Incantation Bowls from Rome (Italy)”. 31 May - 1 June 2001: “L’albero della Croce: prima, dopo, nell’esilio e nell’Islam” National Meeting. Organization by Prof. G. Scarcia (Università degli Studi di Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”, Dipartimento di Studi Eurasiatici). Lecture’s title: “Per un’iconologia della “croce iranica”: Agnolo Gaddi, Iacopo da Varazze e una immagine trecentesca di Takht-i Sulayman?”. 17-21 April 2001: 10th Italian Meeting of Hamito-semitic (Afro-asiatic) Linguistics, organized by the Dipartimento di Linguistica dell’Università di Firenze, president: Prof. Pelio Fronzaroli. Lecture’s title: “Peculiarità linguistiche in una coppa magica aramaica inedita”. • Scientific committees, journals, series 2013-: referee (Semitic studies) for the journal “Le Forme e la Storia” (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, University of Catania). • Associations, societies and study groups 2014-: ordinary member of the “Istituto per l’Oriente ‘C.A. Nallino’” (Roma). 2014-: full member of the “Europaean Association for Jewish Studies”, Oxford (UK). 2009-: member of the “Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica ‘Atene e Roma’”, Cuneo section. 2009-: collaborator of “Virtual Magic Bowl Archive”, database devoted to the study of Mesopotamian Aramaic incantation bowls (cf. 2006-2008: member of the Society for Biblical Literature. 2004-: member of the association “Syriaca”, grouping distinguished Italian scholars in Syriac language and literature (Direction: Dr Sabino Chialà; Dr Vittorio Berti; Dr Alessandro Mengozzi). 2004-: member of the “Société d’Etudes Syriaques”, society for the study of Syriac language and culture as a whole. Founded in Paris in 2004 by the most relevant European scholars in Syriac (Direction: Profs. Françoise Briquel Chatonnet, Alain Desreumaux, Muriel Debié). 6 All data contained in the present curriculum are to be used according to privacy policy statements and laws of the European Communities and of the country it is sent to. Marco Moriggi
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