“Republic of Belarus - un ponte fra occidente ed oriente”

“Republic of Belarus - un ponte fra occidente ed oriente”
Con la partecipazione di:
dott. Claudio Catania. Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italia Belarus
La Repubblica di Belarus nel quadro della Unione Doganale Russia Belarus e Kazakhistan Belarus inside the Custom
Union with Russia and Kazakhistan
Vantaggi derivanti da una strategica posizione geografica
Fare business nel territorio della Bielorussia significa avere una centralità rispetto ad un bacino di
consumatori europei ( circa 500 milioni ) ma anche degli ex Paesi CSI Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan ed altri ( 280
milioni di consumatori)
Accesso diretto al mercato della Unione Doganale
Oggi le imprese che investono in Bielroussia automaticamente entrano in un mercato da 170 milioni di
consumatori grazie alla sottoscrizione della Unione Doganale con la Russia ed il Kazakhistan che assicura
libera circolazione di merci, beni, capitali e persone. I tre paesi sono impegnati per sviluppare una politica
comune basata su principi e regole di competizione condivisi.
Strategically advantageous location
Placing a business in the territory of Belarus enables companies to efficiently serve the most high-capacity and
quick-growing target markets: EU countries (500 million consumers), Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other
CIS countries (280 million consumers).
Direct access to the market of the three CES countries (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan)
Today companies investing in Belarus automatically enter the 170-million market of the three CES countries.
Since 2010 the economies of three states (Belarus,Kazakhstan and Russia) have been functioning in the form
of the Customs Union.Starting from January 1, 2012 came into effect the package of basic agreements on the
Common Economic Space (CES) of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Besides the free movement of goods the
freedom of movement of goods, capital and labour force is also secured within the CES.
It is stipulated in the CES that three countries implement coordinated macroeconomic policy, based on the
common principles and rules of competition and regulation of activities of natural monopolies. The parties
agreed on common approaches to the support of industry and agriculture as well as implementation of public
ing Angelo Ilardi – Representative officer Compagnia delle Opere nella Repubblica di Belarus. Vicepresidente della
Camera di Commercio Italia – Belarus
Condizioni generali per fare impresa nella Repubblica di Belarus. Environment for business into the Republic of Belarus
La Bielorussia è impegnata per creare le migliori condizioni per lo sviluppo del Business nel suo territorio.
Oggi il Paese è fra i più attivi nello sviluppo di una legislazione favorevole a tale scopo con risulta dalla World
Bank’s Doing Business 2013 research. In rapporto al 2012 la Bielorussia ha visto crescere il suo rating di 11
posizioni. Attualmente occupa il 58 posto su 185 Paesi maggiormente attraenti per la creazione di nuovo
Business nel Mondo
Investimenti competitivi e livelli di tassazione.
In Bielorussia ci sono un numero di regimi preferenziali che possono essere adottati dal aziende straniere. Essi
comprendono speciali condizioni nel caso in cui l’impianto della azienda avvenga in un delle sei free tax zones
(0% tassa sugli utili d’azienda per 5 anni, e 10% di IVA), ovvero nell’ High tech Park ( 0% tassa sugli utili
d’azienda per 15 anni, e 0% di IVA), o nel Parco Industriale China Belarus ( 0% tassa sugli utili d’azienda per 10
anni), ovvero nei piccoli centri abitati ( 0% tassa sugli utili d’azienda per 7 anni, e 0% di IVA per 5 anni),
Manodopera qualificata
La Bielorussia è caratterizzata da uno delle più alti e qualificati livelli di manodopera. Più del 90% della
popolazione ha un percorso formativo di livello alto adatto per tutti i tipi di settori commerciali, agricoli ed
Ottimi livelli di vita.
Nella classifica relative al livello di vita pubblicata da UN Human Development Report 2012, la Bielorussia
occupa il 50mo posto ed è diventata la prima nell’intero sistema dei paesi ex CSI. Il costo della vita, la qualità
dei servizi offerti, il livello elevato dell’offerta culturale e del tempo libero fanno della Bielorussia un posto
ideale non solo per fare business ma anche per vivere. Nel 2012 i ricercatori delle università di YALE e della
Columbia hanno premiato la Bielorussia come il Paese con la migliore qualità della vita fra tutti i paesi ex CSI.
Belarus strives to create open and favorable conditions for business in its territory. Today the country is the
leader in legislation improvement which is confirmed by the World Bank’s Doing Business 2013 research. In
comparison to 2012 Belarus improved its DB rating by 11 positions. As a result, in the conditions for business
Belarus occupied the 58th place out of 185 countries, having significantly overcome Russia and Ukraine.
Competitive investment and taxation conditions
In Belarus there are a number of preferential regimes which could be of use for foreign companies, including
from the point of view of their taxation planning and optimization. They include special beneficial business
conditions in the case of organizing business within six free economic areas (0% profit tax for 5 years; 10%
VAT), High-Tech Park (0% profit tax for 15 years; 0% VAT), and the Belarusian- Chinese Industrial Park (0%
profit tax for 10 years). Foreign companies can also derive additional profit by the maximum decrease of
investment expenses and taxation burden while placing their businesses in the territory of small and medium
towns of Belarus (0% profit tax for 7 years, 0% VAT for 5 years).
Highly qualified workforce
Belarus is the country of one of the most educated, highly qualified, and industrious peoples. Over 90% of the
population have higher, secondary or basic education. A well-developed system of professional training as
well as a high level of the industry and services development enable the Belarusian workforce work
successfully in companies of any industries, be it sewing, agriculture, biotechnologies or software
Decent living standards
In the rating of countries by living standards published in the UN Human Development Report 2012, Belarus
occupied the well-deserved 50th place (among 187) and became the renowned leader among all the CIS
countries. The living, dwelling costs, the costs of education and various cultural events are lower than in the
majority of Western and Eastern European countries. Besides a developed social infrastructure, Belarus has
preserved a unique coenvironment suitable for full and diverse life of people. In 2012 the researchers of Yale
and Columbia Universities awarded Belarus with the best environment rating among all the CIS countries.
Rappresentante della Ambasciata della Repubblica di Belarus in Italia
La politica di attrazione degli investimenti ed il nuovo programma di privatizzazioni. Policy of attraction investments
and the new privatization program
Favorable investment policy
The government of Belarus is taking a number of measures aimed at improving the investment climate.
Favorable investment policy along with natural advantages of Belarus and existing economic opportunities
resulted in steady growth of FDI. Another significant indicator is an increasing quantity of organizations with
foreign investments. On the other hand the role of enterprises with foreign capital in Belarusian economy is
constantly growing. That also stimulates the Government to take proactive measures in the field of
investment policy.
Unique privatization opportunities
Belarus provides foreign companies with unique opportunities of speedy development of their business
related to stepping up the privatization process in the country. Today around 70% of industrial production
falls within the governmental sector in the country. Unlike Russia, other CIS and Eastern Europe countries,
Belarus has preserved the largest national companies in state ownership, which has enabled to ensure their
full-scale support and, as a result, to increase their manufacturing potential and international
competitiveness significantly. Today the National Agency of Investment and Privatization, jointly with the
World Bank, introduces modern approaches and instruments corresponding to the advanced international
practice. They are aimed at establishing more open privatization conditions understandable to foreign
countries in Belarus.