Buckle up! Fatalities CraSHES 1 LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date 168 LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date office of highway safety Famous bidders already lining up for LA Clippers B1 C M Y K Leai se manatu fa’amasinoga e fa’asala tupulaga talavou toese 10 This is Teachers’ Appreciation week in the territory. Pictured are three teachers from Manulele Elementary School, who have been teaching for over 20 years. Their years of service have been in the classroom day in and day out — ensuring our children get the education they need. (L-R) Si’ivale Molia Pasesa, Corazon Asalele Fa’pouli, Valerie Sagote and Naomi Vaeao. Samoa News joins together with the community in thanking all our teachers — whether in private or public schools, daycare centers or the Early Childhood program — or for that matter, all who teach our territory’s children, in formal and informal endeavors. As the great Greek philosopher said, “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” —Socrates [photo: JL] online @ samoanews.com Daily Circulation 7,000 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Thursday, May 1, 2014 $1.00 The money is there, but Lolo says no to overtime payments for Customs agents by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter C M Y K Nu’uuli VocTech High School had their Annual Trades Fair yesterday on campus. It’s the one day of the year when the high school that was created to focus on trades — such as welding, sewing, cooking, flower arranging, auto body repair and auto mechanics, in an apprenticeship-type environment — showcases the student’s projects. Projects such as a mobile grill (specially for vilivili pig) and auto body repair could be [photo: TG] viewed. For videos, interviews and more photos go to samoanews.com Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga has not authorized the payment of $144,000 which the United States Department of Labor has cited ASG must pay for overtime incurred by Customs Officers. Samoa News understands Lolo has instructed the Department of Human Resources not to act on anything yet, until after he consults with the USDOL’s main office in Honolulu, Hawai’i. It was reported last week in the media that The Treasury Department was expected to issue a lump sum payment of $114,000 for the Customs agents who had insisted that their unpaid overtime be reviewed and paid. In January, 2014 a petition was signed by close to 30 Customs Officers regarding their overtime and comp time. The petition was sent to Sam Tinae, the EEO Officer. Samoa News understands this prompted the investigation by the USDOL’s local office. According to the customs officers, they worked overtime servicing after-hours flights, weekend flights, Saturdays at the post office as well as night time flights for Hawaiian Air, Pacific Airlines Cargo, Military flights, and private flights and yet they are not compensated properly. Altogether, the overtime hours that were submitted totaled 2,500 hours, covering payrolls 15-24. However, last month, the amount of overtime payment was reduced because a review found discrepancies including double claiming of hours and questionable record keeping. The governor last year put his foot down to end overtime incurred by government employees who work after hours at the airport on flight nights. He pointed out the issue of incurring exorbitant amounts of overtime by personnel servicing the flights after hours is a practice that should be abated right away. Lolo noted the agencies working at the Airport — which are Customs, Port Administration and Agriculture — should hire part time employees, which would eliminate the over-time charges and provide opportunities of financial assistance to others in the community. He made it clear in his letter there will be no more overtime incurred. According to the petition, the Customs officers say they are being forced to work extra hours and are not sure how they are being compensated. Treasurer Falema’o Phil Pili has informed HR that there is money available in ASG to pay off this overtime. However, Samoa News understands that the local investigator presented a report on the overtime, for the approval of HR Human Acting Director Eseneiaso Liu, however Mrs. Liu refused to sign the document. Efforts to get a direct comment from Liu were unsuccessful as of press time, and emails to U.S. Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) local investigator Siriporn Poondee were not immediately answered. Page 2 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 NOTICE FOR SEPARATION AGREEMENT TO Members of the UTA Family and to all whom these present may come! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PAULO LAUTI (1) of VATIA has offered for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be erected, on land AMALAU allegedly belonging to UTA FAMILY of the village of VATIA. Said land AMALAU is situated in or near the village of VATIA in the County of VAIFANUA, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date of posting of this notice. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period, the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office. POSTED: APRIL 11, 2014 thru MAY 12, 2014 SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar FA’AALIGA O LE FEAGAIGA MO SE TU’U’ESEINA I tagata o le aiga sa UTA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga! O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o PAULO LAUTI (1) o le nu’u o VATIA ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o AMALAU e fa’asino i le aiga sa UTA, o le nu’u o VATIA. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o VATIA , itumalo o VAIFANUA, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa. O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga. Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma. 04/17 & 05/01/14 MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel On May 14, 1796, Edward Jenner, an English country doctor from Gloucestershire, administers the world’s first vaccination as a preventive treatment for smallpox by scratching the fluid from cowpox into the skin of an 8-year-old boy. The disease had killed millions of people over the centuries. On May 17, 1885, for the second time in two years, the Apache chief Geronimo breaks out of an Arizona reservation. A famous medicine man and the leader of the Chiricahua Apache, Geronimo achieved national fame by being the last American Indian to surrender formally to the United States. On May 15, 1942, Lt. Ronald Reagan, a cavalry officer, applies for reassignment to the Army Air Force, where he would eventually put his thespian background to use on World War II propaganda films. Reagan was given a job in the First Motion Picture Unit. On May 13, 1958, during a goodwill trip through Latin America, Vice President Richard Nixon’s car is attacked by an angry crowd in Caracas, Venezuela. The trip began with some controversy, as Nixon had engaged in loud and bitter debates with student groups during his travels through Peru and Uruguay. On May 12, 1963, Bob Dylan walks out of what was to be his first appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” He had previewed “Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” for Sullivan, who’d approved it days before. But the CBS Standards and Practices department equated the John Birch Society’s views with those of Adolf Hitler. On May 16, 1975, Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei becomes the first woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. Located in the central Himalayas, Everest stands 29,035 feet above sea level. In 1988, Stacy Allison became the first American woman to successfully climb Everest. On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens, a volcanic peak in southwestern Washington, erupts, killing 57 people and devastating some 210 square miles of wilderness. The lateral blast leveled nearly all vegetation for as far as 12 miles away. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. ALL PUZZLE ANSWERs on page 14 Lt. Governor reminds cabinet their budget comes to Gov’s office first 2014 budget ceilings remain for FY 2015 by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter The budget for Fiscal Year 2015 (which officially begins Oct. 1, 2014), two inter Samoa talks, food safety in the territory and a possible new phone directory by Bluesky Communications were among the issues discussed during the Cabinet meeting held Monday, prior to Lt. Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga’s departure from the territory. Lemanu, who is also acting governor, first acknowledged ASG directors and departments for a successful Flag Day celebration and he was very appreciative of the countless hours spent in preparation by ASG employees. During the meeting, Director of Agriculture Lealao Melila Purcell conducted a presentation on food safety and sustainability in the territory. He discussed aquaponics, pesticide regulation and safe practices for agriculture. Lealao emphasized the prevention of food borne illnesses through various programs conducted by DoA, DoH, DOE and LBJ. Awareness of proper food preparation, harvesting, packaging, and food storage were topics of discussion, along with the ASG school lunch program. The DoA is also involved with piggeries, and is helping to eliminate the contamination from runoffs and landfills with aid for dry litter piggeries. (Samoa News will provide details on these issues in later editions.) Secretary of Samoan Affairs, Satele Galu Satele, who chaired the Flag Day celebrations this year, expressed gratitude for the substantial undertaking by all cabinet members to make this Flag Day celebration an extraordinary success. He acknowledged the personal participation by the directors and praised Bluesky, ASPA and the private sector for making this Flag Day special. He also encouraged cabinet members to be honest employees and to avoid questionable practices as they carry out their duties and responsibilities. Budget & Planning Director Catherine Dora Aigamaua Saelua reminded the cabinet that budgets are due May 2, 2014 for FY 2015, with budget negotiation meetings slated for May 5, 2014 with the Lt. Governor. She stated that the 2015 budget ceiling is the 2014 budget amount. The budget director further requested that all departments that utilized the “special programs budget” for personnel positions this year need to incorporate such positions into their own departmental budgets for 2015, e.g. College graduate initiative, DPW special hires, Treasury professional staff hires and other positions. Lemanu then reminded cabinet members the Fono is not where you ask for funds for ASG projects — directors must bring their budget and vision statements to the Budget meeting with the governor first. He said the Fono is where directors need to “defend” their budget requests that have been submitted to the legislature. He also pointed out that it is required that directors personally attend the Budget meeting with the Governor’s Office and not to send their deputy director or representatives. Lemanu noted that the Two Inter Samoa Talks will be scheduled for June 27, 2014 and all items to be discussed at this meeting will be presented to DOC Director Keniseli Lafaele for pre-approval. The DOC Director will coordinate and work directly with the Governor’s office on these issues. The Lt Governor gave the cabinet members a deadline for their quarterly reports, due on Monday at 4p.m. and thanked the department and agencies who have already submitted their quarterly reports. Information about the new phone directory can be found elsewhere in this edition. samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 3 The Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR), which oversees the Fish Aggregation Program, recently deployed two nearshore Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) which will assist local and recreational fishermen, so they don’t have to travel far out to sea to fish. The Fish Aggregation Program is funded under the Fish and Wildlife Service Sport Fish Restoration Grant. The program is coordinated by TJ Letalie under the supervision of DMWRs Chief Biologist Dr. Domingo Ochavillo. According to DMWR Director Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga, the deployment of the neashore FADS will also assist our Recreational Fishers in the I’a Lapo’a Tournament. FAD deployment for Manu’a is scheduled for next week. Dr. Ochavillo explained that the data collected from these FADs indicate the attraction of pelagic fishes such as wahoo, marlin, masimasi and albacore. Dr. Matagi-Tofiga concluded, “We urge the fishing community, as well as the public, to please report any vessel or vessels that try to tie on to the FADS or try to cut the FADs lose, as we have been receiving reports of vessels that have been doing this.” [photo: DMWR staff] All reports can be forwarded directly to the DMWR office at 633-4456. UNIQUE FURNITURE Alamai Building - Leone • 688-7214 NEW ARRIVAL OF WHITE HATS FOR MOTHER’S DAY! by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter FATHER PLEADS GUILTY TO PPD IN MACHETE CASE INVOLVING DAUGHTER The father who went after his daughter with a machete in Lauli’i has apologized to his family for his actions which he says have denigrated their good family name. The father, on Monday, entered into a plea agreement with the government. In the interest of protecting the identity of the victim, Samoa News will not name the father. The father, who is a teacher at Fagaitua High School and in his 50s, was arrested the first week of April on a Public Peace Disturbance charge. Samoa News points out that the arrest followed an incident which allegedly uncovered a sexual relationship the defendant had with his female student. That case is pending in High Court. For the PPD case, the father in an agreement with the Attorney General’s office, pled guilty to the PPD count and in return ASG did not recommend any jail time. During sentencing before District Court Judge John Ward, the defendant apologized for what happened. Ward sentenced the father to six months probation, and ordered him to undergo anger management counseling and not consume any alcohol while on probation. MAN IN JAIL SINCE DECEMBER ON STEALING CASE, HAS BEEN RELEASED A 22-year-old Aua man who pled guilty to stealing ASG checks that belonged to his uncle was released from jail last Friday, during sentencing. Brandon Vaiula was charged with forgery and stealing. However, in a plea agreement with the government, the defendant pled guilty to stealing while the forgery count was dismissed. The stealing count is a class C felony punishable with up to seven years in jail, a fine of up to $5,000 or both. During the plea agreement hearing on this case the defendant admitted to the court that on Apr. 11, 2013 he stole a government check on a desk at the Police Station, along with the driver’s license of the man who owns the check, who is his uncle. He noted he went to a store in Leloaloa with the victim’s driver’s license and cashed the check in the amount of $1,324.54. The defendant admitted not only did he use the driver’s license of the victim but he also forged the victim’s signature. Chief Justice Michael Kruse asked the defendant how could he have used the driver’s license to cash the check when his face is not the same as the owner of the driver’s license, and the defendant replied he just showed the driver’s license to the cashier and he was able to cash the check. During sentencing last week, the defendant said he was sorry for what happened and asked the court for a second chance. He also apologized to his uncle, who owns the check he stole. Assistant Public Defender Karen Shelley informed the court police found $600 on the defendant, while $700 had already been used by the defendant. Kruse sentenced the defendant to three years in jail, however execution of sentence was stayed, and the defendant is placed on probation for three years under the condition that he serves one year in jail. The court however stayed that one year, and Vaiul was ordered to undergo 200 hours of community service. Court filings say the victim informed police he had received two government checks and placed them in his desk on Apr. 10, 2013, however the next day when he arrived at his office, both checks were missing. The victim stated he drove around to different stores to see if anyone had cashed the checks, and it was at T.I. Inc., he saw video footage of the defendant using his (the victim’s) driver’s license for identification and cashing the check for the amount of $1,324.54. The owner showed the victim the check, and the victim reported the matter to police. The store owner told police the defendant came into the store three times to cash government checks, and the owner told Vaiula that in order for him to cash the checks, he must provide a valid ID. (Continued on page 14) We also have: • SOFA SETS • SECTIONAL SOFAS • BEDS - Cal King, Eastern King, Queen, Full & Twin • BUNK BEDS - Twin over full and Twin over twin • BEDROOM SETS - Dresser, Mirror, Night Stand and Chest • 5pc Dinette Sets • Houseware items • 7pc Dining Set dishes, bowls, cups • Hutch/ Buffet • We also have all your • Curio Cabinets floral supply needs • Accent Chairs OPEN: Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday from 8:00am - 2:00pm 688-7214 NOTICE FOR SEPARATION AGREEMENT TO Members of the UTA Family and to all whom these present may come! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PAULO LAUTI (2) of VATIA has offered for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be erected, on land AMALAU allegedly belonging to UTA FAMILY of the village of VATIA. Said land AMALAU is situated in or near the village of VATIA in the County of VAIFANUA, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date of posting of this notice. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period, the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office. POSTED: APRIL 11, 2014 thru MAY 12, 2014 SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar FA’AALIGA O LE FEAGAIGA MO SE TU’U’ESEINA I tagata o le aiga sa UTA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga! O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o PAULO LAUTI (2) o le nu’u o VATIA ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o AMALAU e fa’asino i le aiga sa UTA, o le nu’u o VATIA. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o VATIA , itumalo o VAIFANUA, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa. O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga. Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma. 04/17 & 05/01/14 Page 4 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 WPRFMC schedules a busy week in territory (BASED ON A PRESS RELEASE) — The Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council staff will be traveling to American Samoa for a busy week of meetings and workshops. Beginning on Saturday May 3, the Council will be providing a fresh fish training workshop with local tuna processors and vessel owners and operators. This training will provide hands on training in fresh fish operations, focusing on proper storage with ice and refrigerated seawater. The Council will be bringing two experts in the field to train attendees. John Kaneko, Program Manager of the Hawaii Seafood Council, and Nelson Aberilla, Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) Manager of the United Fishing Agency, will be conducting the workshop and providing information that will greatly benefit the attendees. This workshop is being hosted at the Samoa Tuna Processors facility in Atu’u. Also on Saturday May 3, the Council will be holding a public hearing on the draft amendment to the Council’s Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan which will modify the Large Vessel Prohibited Area around American Samoa. This hearing will be convened at Sadie’s by the Sea upstairs conference room from 4pm to 6pm. On Monday May 5, the Council will be holding its Regional Ecosystem Advisory Committee meeting with local committee members. The meeting will cover local fishery management topics including fishery development programs in the Territory, the modification to the Large Vessel Prohibited Area, and the Marine Conservation Plan for American Samoa. A wide range of local and federal leaders and experts have been invited to this meeting to provide feedback on these and other related topics. Also on Monday May 5, the Council will be honoring local student winners for the Council sponsored Poster Art Contest for the 2014 Amerika Samoa Lunar Tide Calendar (grades K-12) and the Photo Essay Contest (grades 9-12). The theme of both of these contests was Suiga o le Tau ma Nofoaga Talafa’asolopito: O aiā Tatau ma Matāfaioi (Climate Change and Traditional Places: Rights and Responsibilities). Sixteen students will be recognized for being overall winners in the various categories. Top student honors go to Gayathri Murali, 8th grade of South Pacific Academy. She won the middle school division for American Samoa and her art will be on display at the First Stewards Symposium and Living Earth Festival at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC this July. Taylor Falealili, a senior at Fagaitua High School won the top overall prize for best artwork submission. Louisa Faulkner, a senior at South Pacific Academy won the Photo Essay Contest. The Council will be sending her to attend the First Stewards Symposium and Living Earth Festival at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC this summer to present her photo and essay along with other regional winners from Guam, the CNMI, and Hawai’i. Bluesky plans to publish Yellow Pages telephone directory for the Territory by Samoa News staff Bluesky Communications is publishing an American Samoa Yellow Pages Telephone Directory later this year, with a briefing given early this week during a cabinet meeting, which was attended by Lt. Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga, before he departed for Honolulu, according to minutes of the meeting. Bluesky country manager Lewis Wolman made the presentation about the yellow pages. It was revealed during the cabinet meeting that all telephone entries from ASG departments and entities were invited to contact Bluesky for inclusion in the government section of the phone directory. Responding to Samoa News questions, Wolman told Samoa News yesterday morning that there will be no cost for phone number listings for businesses and government agencies and organizations. Asked about the listing of residential landlines, which is a service provided by the American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority, Wolman said “We will be meeting with ASTCA soon to discuss residential landline listings” adding that “we don’t yet know if those listings will be included.” Wolman, who is also chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, says more than 10,000 copies will be distributed free to households, government offices, and workplaces. “There will be a cost for advertisements. That is how the book is financed,” Wolman said. Samoa News understands that the last time ASTCA published a directory, which included yellow pages for businesses and government, was in 2008. The ASCTA book provided a section for cell phone listing. Meanwhile, the 2014 edition of the Samoa Islands Business Directory — covering Am. Samoa and Samoa — was released in late February. This is the 8th Edition of the directory published by Apia-based Talamua Media & Publications. From American Samoa to Afghanistan: Leaving home for 1st time, a huge culture shock by Senior Master Sgt. Gary J. Rihn 455th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan— Lackland Air Force Base is worlds away from American Samoa, in more ways than one. And for Senior Airman Desirae Faasavalu, she found a few of those differences right away. “It was a huge culture shock, seeing all of the buildings and freeways and no greenery,” she said. Faasavalu is a native of American Samoa, who left her island for the first time to travel to Air Force Basic Training in Texas. Despite being initially homesick, she soon adapted, and even thrived in her new setting. She started off with a strong performance in basic training, where she was named Honor Graduate for her flight. “I persevered in basic training because I wanted to make my parents proud. They were my main motivation,” she said. Coming from a family of five other siblings, she wanted to get an education and better herself. “Besides Air Force training, I have already completed my Community College of the Air Force degree, am working on my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and would like to go on to get a master’s,” said Faasavalu. Following basic training, Faasavalu continued her military training, and was assigned to the Force Support Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. She is currently deployed to Bagram as a member of the Personnel Support for Contingency Operations team, where she is in charge of waivers and extensions. Early in her career, Faasavalu was selected to perform as a vocalist with the Air Force’s premier Tops In Blue touring ensemble. She spent a year with the program, traveling around the United States and Europe, performing for Service members. In addition to her singing, she enjoys dancing and playing musical instruments. When not busy processing passengers arriving at or departing Bagram, she volunteers as the public affairs representative for the Airmen Committed to Excellence group on base, where she helps to tell the story of the Airmen at Bagram. Faasavalu said that she is the first of her family to join the military, and is proud that she can help to support her family in American Samoa, where her father is the High Talking Chief for their village, Nu’uuli. Even with her family’s prominent position on the island, she saw how her parents struggled trying to send her older brother and sister through college. “If I could help my parents and take away that burden from them, I knew that I wanted to help,” she said. She is also very proud of her heritage, and enjoys talking about it when possible. “I love representing our Polynesian culture. Everyone should be prideful and love where they come from. If there’s one thing about me that people know, it’s how much I love my culture.” © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799. Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599 Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864 Contact us by Email at [email protected] Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 5 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Pago Pago American Samoa 96799 Proclamation SENIOR CITIZENS MONTH “Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow” WHEREAS, the Territory of American Samoa includes 5804 senior citizens ages 60 and older; and WHEREAS, the Territory Administration of Aging ( TAOA ) is committed to helping all individuals live longer, healthier lives; and WHEREAS, the Senior Citizens of American Samoa have made countless contributions and sacrifices to ensure a better life for future generations; and WHEREAS, we recognize the value of injury prevention and safety awareness in helping older adults remain healthy and active; and WHEREAS, our Territory can provide opportunities to enrich the lives of individuals young and old by: • Emphasizing the need to take action to safeguard themselves from unintentional injuries where they live,work and socialize. • Providing information on avoiding leading causes of injury for older adults - falls, motor vehicle-related incidents, suffocation, medication overdose, and fire/burns. • Helping the Seniors of American Samoa take control of their safety and well-being. NOW, THEREFORE, I, LEMANU P. MAUGA, Lieutenant Governor of American Samoa, do hereby proclaim the Month of May 2014, to be THE SENIOR CITIZENS’ MONTH. I urge every resident of American Samoa to take time this month to recognize our senior citizens and the people who serve and support them as powerful and vital individuals who greatly contribute to the Territory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my Signature and Seal of the Office of the Governor on this 28th day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen. LEMANU P. MAUGA Acting Governor of American Samoa Page 6 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Russia evokes Nazi horrors to ‘bash’ Ukraine ZHDANIVKA, Ukraine (AP) — Moscow calls the detention center under construction near the Russian border a “fascist concentration camp.” Inside the barbed-wire fences, the reality is less ominous: It’s an EU-funded project to hold asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, similar to other such detention centers across Europe. The accusation is part of a relentless Kremlin-driven propaganda offensive that uses World War II-era terms and imagery to rail against Ukraine’s fledging government. “Nazis,” ‘’fascists” and “Fritzes” are some of the terms that Russia is hurling at Ukrainian authorities who took power after the ouster of the last elected president, a reversal in political fortunes that has led to a pro-Western Ukrainian government in Kiev and a pro-Russian insurgency in the country’s east. It’s an effective tactic because of the emotional weight that World War II has in Russia. The Soviet victory against Hitler is the nation’s single most powerful rallying cry. In evoking the ugliest words related to Nazi Germany, the Russian media loyal to President Vladimir Putin is galvanizing support for his aggressive stance toward Ukraine, both among his countrymen and among Russian-speakers in Ukraine’s east. It’s also a dangerous tactic, because the inflammatory propaganda may provoke the anti-Kiev opposition in the east. The propaganda assault began during the monthslong proWestern protests that ousted Ukraine’s pro-Russian president in February. Russian state news media were quick to dismiss the protests as the work of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, a particularly loaded accusation because Ukrainian nationalists collaborating with the Nazis are blamed for horrific reprisal attacks during World War II. The Maidan movement did contain an ultranationalist element, known as the Right Sector, but its influence appears greatly amplified by the Russian media. Putin has set the national tone by eagerly using the word “Nazis” to refer to the protesters in Ukraine. Speaking at his annual April call-in show, Putin warned that “neo-Nazism is on the rise” in Ukraine. By invoking World War II imagery, the Kremlin is stirring a cauldron of emotion; millions of Russians were killed in battle or thrown into Nazi camps in a war that left no family unaffected. “The only thing that truly unites the nation is the mythology of the Second World War and the idea of victory,” said political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin. “Putin appeals to that; there’s nothing else to rally around.” Arkady Mamontov, a TV journalist who led the media assault against punk band Pussy Riot, broadcast footage of the Zhdanivka detention center, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of the major eastern city of Donetsk, on his Sunday program and declared that Ukraine was constructing “fascist concentration camps” for proRussian activists rallying in eastern Ukrainian cities. “There will be enough cells for everyone,” Mamontov said as he walked along the barbed-wire fence, though he failed to provide any evidence of it. On an unannounced visit to the facility, The Associated Press was given an extensive tour of the grounds, and found nothing to suggest it was not an ordinary detention center. There were rows of barracks under construction for 100 people, but no barred windows or watch-towers. “We’re not building any Auschwitz here,” said Volodymyr Pashchenko, a Ukrainian official with the Turkish company building the facility. “This is not a prison. This is a center which is to provide normal accommodation to people who have fled to Europe or who have somehow ended up in Ukraine illegally.” Pashchenko said his company secured the deal in 2010 to build the immigration detention center, which is being completed under an EU-funded project. There is a deep and dark history behind the anti-Ukrainian messages now emanating from Russia. When Nazi troops entered Ukraine in 1941, they enlisted local Ukrainians to fight for them and against the Soviet Union. The nationalist Ukrainian brigades that were formed saw themselves as patriots fighting for independence. But while serving under the Nazis, some participated in war crimes, including extermination campaigns against Jews, Poles and fellow Ukrainians. Even after the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945, bands of Ukrainian nationalists fought on in the forests against the Soviet re-occupation of Ukraine until finally subdued or annihilated by around 1948. (Continued on page 14) Air Force Senior Airman Desirae Faasavalu passes out paperwork during the in-processing briefing for Airmen arriving at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Apr. 17, 2014. Faasavalu is assigned to the 455th PERSCO (Personnel Support for Contingency Operations) team, and is responsible for [photo: Senior Master Sgt. Gary J. Rihn] in-processing of Airmen arriving at Bagram. NEWS IN BRIEF Study: Wealth gap growing across rich countries PARIS (AP) — A new study says the gap between the richest and poorest is growing across leading economies, and recommends fairer tax laws to reduce it. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says the gap is growing even in countries seen as more equal, such as Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Paris-based OECD is made up of 34 major economies, including the United States. The study says the top 1 percent of earners in the United States earned 47 percent of all income growth over the past three decades. It warns that the gap will continue to grow “without concerted policy action.” Ideas it is mooting include reducing tax breaks and havens that reward the rich more than the poor. Police arrest two in ‘wrong car color’ killing SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — San Jose police say they have arrested two people in the shooting death of a man relatives say was targeted for driving the wrong-colored car in a gang-plagued neighborhood. The San Jose Mercury News reported Tuesday that 21-yearold Richard James Guerrero was arrested on suspicion of murder and 20-year-old David Ramiro Martinez was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to the murder. Eric Mendoza was gunned down April 3 in East San Jose. Family members say the 25-year-old was driving a red car in a neighborhood where the Sureno street gang is active. The gang claims the color blue and clashes with its red-bearing Norteno rivals. Relatives say Mendoza had no gang ties. Puerto Rico formally submits balanced budget SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico’s government has released more details on the island’s first balanced budget in more than a decade. Officials say the U.S. territory’s education and police departments will receive the bulk of general funds spent. However, the education department also will see several cuts amid $1.4 billion in spending reductions, including a 40 percent decrease in school transportation funds that is expected to save about $65 million. Office of Management & Budget Director Carlos Rivas says municipalities are now expected to coordinate school transportation. Rivas also says the government will close roughly 100 schools because of the drop in the island’s population. Some 450,000 people have left Puerto Rico in the past decade amid economic struggles. The government’s $9.64 billion budget was formally submitted to the legislature Wednesday. May Day clashes are expected in Istanbul ISTANBUL (AP) — Thousands of demonstrators are gathering in Istanbul in observance of May Day, with many pledging to defy a government ban on protests in the central Taksim Square. Demonstrators are massing at different spots throughout the city, as well as in other cities in Turkey. In Istanbul, clashes are expected with protesters determined to mark International Workers’ Day in Taksim, the city’s most iconic square. Before being declared a national holiday in 2009, May 1 was a day of conflict that often led to violence across Turkey. Taksim carries significant importance for May Day, which is also known as Labor Day. In 1977, 34 people were killed in the square when shots were fired into the crowd from a nearby building. Governor calls for review after botched execution OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin named a member of her Cabinet on Wednesday to lead a review of how the state conducts executions after a botched procedure that the White House said fell short of the humane standards required. Fallin said Clayton Lockett, who had an apparent heart attack 43 minutes after the start of an execution in which the state was using a new drug combination for the first time, had his day in court. “I believe the death penalty is an appropriate response and punishment to those who commit heinous crimes against their fellow men and women,” he said. “However, I also believe the state needs to be certain of its protocols and its procedures for executions and that they work.” Lockett convulsed violently and tried to lift his head after a doctor declared him unconscious, and prison officials halted the execution. Fallin said “an independent review” would be effective and appropriate. July trial set in Michigan porch shooting case DETROIT (AP) — A July trial is scheduled for a Detroit-area man who fatally shot an unarmed woman last fall on his porch. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Dana Hathaway on Wednesday set Theodore Wafer’s trial for July 21. It’s expected to last about three weeks. A final conference is June 20. Last week, Wayne County Circuit Chief Judge Pro Tem Timothy Kenny removed Judge Qiana Lillard from the case. Hathaway was drawn to take over. There’s no dispute that Wafer shot Renisha McBride in the face on Nov. 2 in Dearborn Heights. His lawyers insist he opened the front door and fired in selfdefense, fearing that the drunken 19-year-old was trying to break into his home before dawn. (Continued on page 7) samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 7 H appy 3rd B irthday FONZELINA JUBILEE FALEFONO May IAKOPO 1, 2011 At a recent Lions Club board meeting, Lion Tafa Tua Tupuola, chairperson for the Special Olympics Amerika Samoa (SOAS), presented a beautiful pin of appreciation to the club. The pin itself came from the Special Olympic Asia Pacific Regional Games, which our athletes were able to attend in Australia, with the help of many community organizations and individuals. SOAS wanted to acknowledge the Lions for their support, not just in fundraising, but for sponsoring a fun day for the Special Olympians at Luna’s Park, an amusement theme park in Sydney. [photo: tlh] Receiving the pin on behalf of the Lion membership was president Chris King. ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Prosecutors, however, say he should have called 911 and kept the door shut. Blasts in south Indian train station kill 1 woman CHENNAI, India (AP) — Twin blasts ripped through two coaches of a passenger train Thursday morning minutes after it pulled into the station, killing a 22-year-old woman and injuring nine people, officials said. Authorities suspect the blasts were caused by bombs planted on the Bangalore-Guwahati Express train, said M. Bhupati, the spokesman for India’s southern railway system. “The police are already on the job, they are investigating what kind of bomb it was and what was the purpose,” Chennai Central station General Manager R.K. Mishra told reporters. The blasts come amid heightened security nationwide for India’s massive general election, which is held in phases over several weeks. At least one of the blasts erupted from underneath a seat where the 22-year-old victim was sitting, killing her, Mishra said. China-Russia to hold East China Sea naval drills BEIJING (AP) — China and Russia will hold joint naval exercises in the East China Sea later this month, amid regional tensions over island groups and airspace. A notice on the Chinese Defense Ministry’s website Thursday said the “Jointly At Sea 2014” drills would begin in late May near Shanghai. It said the latest in a series of joint drills aimed to “deepen practical cooperation and boost their abilities to work together to respond to seaborne threats.” The East China Sea includes a string of uninhabited islands controlled by Japan but claimed by China, which regular dispatches patrol boats to confront Japanese coast guard vessels in the area. The long-running dispute over the islands that Japan calls Senkaku and China calls Diaoyu has grown more intense since Japan, a U.S. ally, nationalized some of them in 2012. China also sparked denouncements from Tokyo, Washington and others over its announcement in December of an air defense zone encompassing much of the airspace above the sea, including over the disputed islands. Both said they wouldn’t recognize China’s demands that flights passing through the area identify themselves and follow Chinese instructions, requirements Beijing has apparently not sought to enforce. China and Russia have conducted a number of joint naval and other military exercises since 2005 within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Continued from page 6 Sheriff: 2 killed, 9 hurt in oil field explosion MENTONE, Texas (AP) — A buildup of pressure caused an explosion as workers were changing a wellhead Wednesday at a West Texas oil field, killing two of them and injuring nine others, a sheriff said. Loving County Sheriff Billy Hopper said authorities received an emergency call before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday about the explosion some 60 miles southeast of Carlsbad, N.M. The two workers who were killed died at the scene, he said. Their names have not been released. Hopper said all of the nine workers who were hurt had minor injuries and did not go to a hospital. It was not clear Wednesday which company operates the oil field, he said. Initial reports indicated the workers were operating an oil rig, but Hopper later clarified they were using heavy machinery to switch out the wellhead. “Those wellheads are tremendously heavy pieces of equipment,” he said, explaining they can weigh more than 1,000 pounds. Beached dead whale stinks up town in Newfoundland TROUT RIVER, Newfoundland (AP) — The 60-ton carcass of a blue whale is rotting on the shore on Canada’s east coast, stinking up a town and triggering fears that it could burst. Provincial officials said Wednesday they’re working with federal agencies to help small towns on Newfoundland’s west coast deal with the rotting carcasses of whales, including one that washed ashore near the town of Trout River. The town’s clerk, Emily Butler, said the 26-meter (85-foot) blue whale is beached next to a community boardwalk and is emitting a powerful stench that is spreading through the town of 600 people. Butler said residents are worried that the methane gas brought on by decomposition could cause the animal to burst. “I’m not sure with the heat and gases that are trapped inside of this mammal if at some point in time it will explode,” Butler said. Jack Lawson, a research scientist with Canada’s Fisheries Department, said the risk of the whale blowing up is “very small.” It’s more likely gases will escape as the whale’s skin breaks down, deflating like an old balloon, Lawson said. Local officials have raised health concerns, and worry that the stench could affect the looming tourism season. (Continued on page 12) Three years ago, God blessed us with a precious baby girl with such a vivacious & witty personality. Your beautiful smile brings joy to our lives every single day. May the Lord continue to bless and guide your life always. We love you “Fonzy”. Love from, Your families here and abroad Your Papa Ti’a & Nana Fono Dad & Mom Especially from your older brothers Jake, Jack & Jerry 3 ONE DAY ONLY! COOK ISLAND BLACK PEARLS DISPLAY When: Friday, May 2nd Where: SADIE’S BY THE SEA - CONFERENCE ROOM Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm THE PUBLIC IS WELCOMED!! A wonderful gift for Mothers on Mother’s Day around the corner! Or for that special lady in your life! WE HAVE ALL SORTS OF PEARLS GROWN AND CULTIVATED FROM OUR OWN FARM! Negotiable! No Middle Man! Trade folks are welcome so we may help with new/different ideas! Contact: 733-9208 (Rosa) Sadies by the Sea Page 8 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Happy 1st Birthday AATASI “LOINA” TAGOAI by B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent We thank the Lord for blessing us with a wonderful Princess. May God continue to bless and guide you with many years to come so that you may explore the world. 1 Love always, Your Grandparents, Uncle, Aunty and the whole family Especially your Parents; Sinaafulilo & Loia Tagoai Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions FAGATOGO SEAWALL FINALLY GETS REPAIR The seawall that extends from behind the Fagatogo Marketplace to the Fono building is getting a long awaited makeover. After being severely damaged during the tsunami of 2009, work to restrengthen and rebuild the seawall has finally commenced. The project addresses long standing concerns about the road giving way to erosion. Samoa Maritime Construction is carrying out the work which is set to be completed in 90 days. The project is being funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The work is being carried out in an area that Faga- TOFIA MINISITA FOU Ua faavaeina nei se matagaluega fou a le malo ma ua tofia ai foi se minisita fou na te faatautaia. Na faatumulia le maota o Luafatasaga po o le maota lea e malolo i ai sui o le Palemene i taimi o tauaofiaga a le maota, i sui o le malo, sui o malo mai fafo, ma le mamalu o le atunuu sa autovaa atu e molimauina le tofia aloaia ma le faatautoina o se sui fou o le Kapeneta e suia le afioga Faumuina Tiatia Liuga, lea ua faamavae mai lona tofi minisita o Tupe. Sa toatele i latou sa taumate po o ai o le a tofgia e le alii palemia, ma na faateia uma i latou ina ua faailoa mai e le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, le tofia ai o le afioga i le alii faipule o le itumalo Satupaitea, le afioga Lautafi Fio Serafi Purcell, e avea ma sui o le Kapeneta. Na faailoa foi e le alii palemia, o le alii minisita fou ua tofia o le a ia vaaia le matagaluega fou ua faavaeina e gafa ma le pulea o nisi o faalapotopotoga a le malo e pei o le Komisi e Pulea le Aufaigaluega a le Malo (PSC), o le Ofisa o Fuainumera Faamauina, o le Ofisa o Eleele a Samoa (SLC), o le Pulega o Malae Taalo a Samoa (SSFA) ma le Pulega o Fale a le malo (SHA). I lana saunoaga, na faaalia ai e Tuilaepa, e to’a 13 sui o le Kapeneta – e to’a 10 mai Upolu ma le to’atolu mai Savaii. “Ma ua alagatatau ai le tofia o se isi sui mai Salafai e suia le sui o Salafai ua faamavae, le afioga Faumuina,” a Tuilaepa lea. Sa faapea ona faatautoina le alii minisita fou i luma o le Ao o le Malo, le afioga Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi. Ua see atu nei le Matagaluega o Tupe i lalo o le vaavaaiga a le alii palemia. TALOSAGA LOIA MO SALA TUPE Ua talosaga loia o lo o tulai mo le alii sui palemia, le tofa Fonotoe Nuafesili Pierre Lauofo ma le alii minisita lagolago ia Muagututagata Peter Ah Him, i le Faamasinoga ina ia tuuina atu ni faasalaga tupe. E pei ona lipoti muamua, ua faamaonia nei le moliaga e tasi o le faalavelave i galuega a leoleo faasaga ia Fonotoe, ae faamaonia le moliaga e tasi o le le usitaia o tulaga moomia i le feulaina o le masini e iloa ai le aofaiga o le ava malosi i le tino o le tagata faasaga ia Muagututagata. Na vali e le alii loia o Donald Kerslake lea o lo o tulai mo Fonotoe, se ata felanulanua’i o le alii sui palemia i lana talosaga i le afioga Faamasino Vaepule Vaemoa Vaai. Fai mai a ia, o Fonotoe o lo o ia tauaveina le tofiga lona lua i le faasologa o tofiga o le malo, e tasi le tausaga sa faigaluega ai i le Ofisa o le Komesina Maualuga o Niu Sila, o se alii loia, o se matai Samoa, o le sui o le itumalo faaalalafaga o Anoamaa, o se sui o le Sosaiete o Loia a Samoa ma o se tama e toafa lana fanau. Peitai e lei avaga ai le tofa a le afioga i le alii faamasino. Na saunoa Vaepule, e le avea le tulaga maualuga ua i ai I le malo e avea ma ‘alofaga mai le solitulafono sa tulai mai ma e le ‘alo foi le tulafono. Sa tulai foi le loia a Muagututagata, le susuga Patrick Fepuleai ma ia talosagaina se sala tupe e $200 mo le alii minisita lagolago. Ua tolopoina nei le lauina o a la faasalaga i le aso 13 o Me. TOLOPO LE FAAMASINOGA O BRIAN LIMA O le vaiaso ua te’a na faagasolo ai le faamasinoga o le alii lakapi lauiloa o Muliagatele Brian Lima, lea o lo o molia i moliaga o le faaoomanua tuga, o le lafo o mea faitino matautia ma le taufaamatau. E pei ona lipotia muamua i a tatou tala, o ia moliaga e mafua mai i se feeseeseaiga i le va o Muliagatele ma le tamaitai sa avea ma ona toalua faaipoipo, o Lemalu Sina Retzlaff i fafo o le falekalapu o le Y-Not i Matautu-tai i le tausaga na te’a nei. Sa molimau le tamaitai Lemalu i le vaiaso ua te’a ma ia faamatala ai lea faalavelave. Fai mai a ia, sa la feosofi i totonu o le la taavale ma lana uo alii sa la tafafao i lea po, le alii o Sialofi, ae oo atu loa Muliagatele. Na molimau Lemalu sa ia vaaia foliga ataata o Muliagatele i le amataga o le la talanoaga. Sa fesili atu Muliagatele po o le alii lea ua la feoa’i, ma pe ua ia fetaui i o la alo. Sa tali o ia, ioe ua uma. Peitai sa faafuasei ona fesili atu Muliagatele, po o la faiaiga ma lea alii i luga o le la (Muliagatele ma Lemalu) moega. O le faafuasei o lea fesili sa toe fesili ai Lemalu po o le a le moega, ae amata loa ona tatu’i e Muliagatele o ia ma lana uo. Ua toe tolo nei e Faamasino Ida Malosi lea faamasinoga i le aso 7 o Me. togo faipule Rep. Maugaoali’i Leapai Tusipa Anoa’i told Samoa News last month, will be included in the development of a board walk, to coincide with the playground/multi-use court that will eventually turn out to be a minipark between the Iseula boat shed and the Fagatogo Square. The original contract for the seawall repair job was $98,000 but change orders that include the addition of another 25 feet of repairs has slightly increased that amount. SAMOA TALKS POSTPONED YET AGAIN The Inter-Samoa Summit, known to many as the Samoa Talks, has been postponed yet again, with the new date being June 27. The Samoa Talks were tentatively scheduled to be held next week in Samoa but Acting Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga announced during the cabinet meeting on Monday that the new date for the interSamoa talks is June 27. No explanation for the change of date was provided. (It should be noted that both the governor and Lemanu are to-date both off-island. ) The Samoa Talks were initially set for last year, Governor Lolo M. Moliga’s first year in office. But Lolo told reporters at the time that he needed more time to research certain issues that require detailed discussions, in addition to finding ways for both Samoas to benefit from the Summit. Lemanu has urged all cabinet members to relay any issues they want to see raised during the Samoa Talks to Dept. of Commerce Director Keniseli Lafaele who will then relay them to the Governor and Lt. Governor. DPW CARRYING OUT CONSTRUCTION OF EOB IN MANU’A An Executive Office Building for the Manu’a Islands is close to becoming reality, as employees from the Department of Public Works are carrying out the work in an area along the Ofu Airport. The new structure will be similar to a two-story classroom building and will house different agencies including Public Works, DPS, the Dept. of Marine and Wildlife Resources and the Territorial Administration on Aging (TAOA) in Ofu and Olosega. It is hopeful that the project will be fully completed in time for the Manu’a Flag Day celebrations. Funding for the project comes from the Governor’s Office. REV. FATHER VIANE ETUALE IS NOW A MONSIGNOR Vicar General of the Diocese of Samoa Pago Pago, Rev. Father Viane Etuale will now be addressed as Monsignor, which is a designation granted by the Pope “to individuals who have rendered valuable service to the Church or who provide some special function in church governance, or who are members of bodies such as certain chapters.” Monsignor Viane is currently the head of the CoCathedral Parish of St. Joseph the Worker in Fagatogo and is second in line to the Bishop in the chain of command for the Diocese of Samoa Pago Pago. A former Director of Catholic Education, Monsignor Viane is currently a member of the Board of Higher Education. Rev. Father Faitau Lemautu of Alao Parish told Samoa News C M Y K C M Y K (Continued on page 14) samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 9 C M Y K C M Y K Page 10 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Lali Le Leai se manatu fa’amasinoga e fa’asala tupulaga talavou toese… tusia Ausage Fausia Se vaaiga i ni isi o galuega sa mafai ona faailoa e fanau aoga o le aoga a le Nuuuli VoTech i se [ata: AF] latou polokalame sa faia i le aso ananafi i le lotoa a le aoga i Nuuuli. tusia Ausage Fausia XUI PENG O le alii faipisinisi Asia lea o lo o tuuaia e le malo i lona faaoolima lea i se isi alii Asia e faaaoga ai se naifi, ua ia talosaga i le faamasinoga maualuga ina ia faatulaga loa se aso e faia ai lana faamasinoga autu. O le vaiaso nei na toe valaau ai le mataupu a Xui Peng i luma o le faamasinoga mo le isi ana iloiloga, ae faailoa ai loa e lana loia fautua ia Joel Shiver i le faamasinoga le mana’o o Peng e fa’atulaga se aso e faia ai lana faamasinoga iloilo i luma o tagatanuu o Amerika Samoa. O lo o tuuaia e le malo ia Peng i le moliaga mamafa e tasi o le faaoolima i le tulaga lua, atoa ai ma le moliaga mama o le faatupu vevesi i nofoaga faitele. O tuuaiga faasaga ia Peng na afua mai i se vevesi na tulai mai i le va o sana tagata faigaluega ma se isi alii Asia i lona faleoloa i Aua, ma faaleagaina ai le masini tupe o le faleoloa, ina ua fufusu le alii faigaluega ma se isi alii Asia. Na logo e le aufaigaluega ia Peng i le mea ua tupu, ma tago ai loa le ua molia i le naifi ma tuli loa le alii na fufusu ma lana tama faigaluega, ma maua atu i le isi faleoloa i Atu’u, ma tauanau loa e Peng le alii lea e alu atu la te fusu. Na taua e le malo le tata’e e Peng i le tioata o le faleoloa ma ulufale atu ai loa i totonu ma lafo upu mataga i le alii na aafia, a’o faaauau pea ona ia sasau atu le tama’i naifi o lo o uu i lona lima ma lavea ai loa le lima o le ali’i na manu’a. O lo o tumau pea poloaiga o lo o tatala ai Peng i tua e fa’atali ai le aso lea ua faatulaga e lau ai lona fa’asalaga. TOLUPO HODGES JR Ua talia e le faamasinoga maualuga le talosaga na faaulu e le tamaitai loia ia Sharron Rancourt lea o lo o tula’i mo le alii o Tolupo Hodges Jr, mo se avanoa e toe tolopo ai le ulua’i iloiloga o lenei mataupu i le isi tolu vaiaso, ina ia mafai ai ona tuuina atu sana tali e tusa ai o ni isi o faamaumauga ua faila e le malo i luma o le fa’amasinoga. Na talia e le afioga i le alii faamasino sili lagolago ia Lyle L. Richmond le talosaga a Rancourt, ma toe tolopo ai loa le iloiloga a Hodges Jr i le aso 29 Me, 2014. Na taua e Rancourt e faapea, e foliga mai e ese lava faamaumauga ia ua faila e le malo i luma o le faamasinoga maualuga e faatatau i le mataupu lenei, ese faamaumauga na latou faila i luma o le faamasinoga faaitumalo i le aso na faia ai le ulua’i iloiloga o lenei mataupu. Na finau Rancourt e faapea, o le eseese o faamaumauga ua tuuina atu e le malo e faatatau i lenei mataupu, ua feteena’i ai ma mea moni e talitonu le itu tete’e sa tupu. Ae na taua e le loia a le malo ia Tony Graf e faapea, o faamaumauga lava ia na faila e le malo i luma o le faamasinoga faaitumalo, o faamaumauga lava fo’i na o lea ua latou failaina i luma o le faamasinoga maualuga. O Hodges Jr o lo o tuuaia i lona umia faasolitulafono o fualaau fa’asaina, ma o lo o taofia pea o ia i le toese i Tafuna e fa’atali ai le aso lea ua faatulaga e toe fofogaina ai lana mataupu i le masina fou. FITIAO FILEMU O le vaiaso na te’a nei na faila ai e le malo le moliaga mamafa o le ave ta’avale a o se’i le laisene fa’asaga ia Fitiao Filemu, ina ua maua e leoleo o lo o ia faafoeina se ta’avale i luga o le auala i Fagatogo ae o lo o se’i e le fa’amasinoga lona laisene. O le mataupu faasaga ia Filemu na tula’i mai ina ua ia kolosiina se isi ta’avale i luga o le auala i se auala e le tusa ai ma tulafono o le alatele, ma mafua ai loa ona taofia lana taavale e leoleo, ae ina ua fesiligia o ia i lona laisene, na manino ai o lo o se’i lona laisene mo le umi e 6 masina, ina ua ta’usala e le fa’amasinoga fa’aitumalo o ia i le masina o Fepuari na te’a nei i le moliaga o le ave ta’avale ‘ona. O lo o tatala pea i tua Filemu e fa’atali ai le aso lea ua fa’atulaga e toe iloilo ai e le fa’amasinoga lana mataupu. I le mae’a ai ona fofoga e le fa’amasinoga maualuga o lana fa’asalaga fa’asaga i le ali’i talavou o Henry Satila Jr i le vaiaso nei, na saunoa ai le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino lagolago ia Mamea Sala Jr e fa’apea, e naunau le fa’amasinoga ina ia mafai e tupulaga talavou o lo o a’afia i solitulafono ona latou a’oa’o se lesona mai le taimi o lo o taofia ai i latou i le toese, ina ia suia ai o latou olaga ma o ese mai ai i le olaga solitulafono o lo o fiafia le to’atele e fai. “E tu’u avanoa le fa’amasinoga i tupulaga talavou e pei o oe, ina ia mafai ona e a’oa’oina se lesona mai le mea sese sa e faia, ae afai e te le fa’aaogaina lelei le avanoa ua tu’uina atu e le fa’amasinoga ia te ia, o lou iuga o lou nofonofo ai i le falepuipui fa’atasi ai ma tagata fasioti tagata ma le au toso teine,” o le saunoaga tu’u sa’o lea a Mamea i le ali’i o Satila Jr. E tolu moliaga mama o le fa’ao’olima i le tulaga tolu na ta’usala ai e le fa’amasinoga maualuga ia Satila Jr, ona o se fa’alavelave na tula’i mai i totonu o le fale kalapu o le Bowling Alley, lea na ia fa’ao’olima ai i se tama’ita’i ma manu’a tigaina ai o ia, faapea ai ma lona taumafai e fa’ao’o manu’a i isi fo’i tama’ita’i e to’alua. O le mataupu e pei ona ta’usala ai Satila Jr e le faamasinoga na tula’i mai i le po o le aso 14 Tesema 2013 i se latou tafaoga sa alu i le Bowling Alley, lea na ia togiina ai le ulu o le tama’ita’i na manu’a tuga i se ipu malamalama ma mana’omia ai fila e 26 e su’i ai le manu’a sa i lona muaulu, ina ua tula’i mai se tauga upu i le va o lea tama’ita’i ma lona aunty. Na taua e le tama’ita’i na manu’a i luma o le fa’amasinoga a’o lumana’i le fofogaina o le fa’asalaga a Satila Jr, e ui i le matuia o le gaioia sa faia e Satila Jr ia te ia, ae ua ia maua le loto fa’amagalo mo ia. Na taua e le tina e fa’apea, i le taeao na soso’o ma le po na tupu ai le fa’alavelave, sa fefe ai si ana tama e tasi le tausaga e vaai atu ia te ia, ona o se mea faapipi’i tele sa fusi ai lona ulu e mafua mai ona o le manu’a sa a’afia ai o ia, ma e o o mai i le taimi nei o lo o ia lagonaina pea le nenefu o lana vaai talu mai ona mae’a le fa’alavelave na manu’a ai. Na fa’atoese Satila Jr, o lona tama faapea ai ma lona tuafafine i le tama’ita’i na a’afia, ina ia fa’amagalo se sese a le ua molia sa faia. Na ta’utino le tama o le ali’i ua molia e fa’apea, afai e tuu atu e le fa’amasinoga se isi avanoa mo lona atali’i, o le a faaauau pea lana galuega o le a’oa’i ma fa’atonu o ia, ma saili se isi lumana’i lelei mo ia e pei o le lesitala i le aoga po o le su’e fo’i o sana galuega. Ae na taua e le tuafafine a Satila Jr e fa’apea, o le ua molia, o se ali’i e filemu ma agamalu i totonu o le aiga, na te fa’amuamua lona aiga aemaise ai ona tuafafine i so o se taimi. Na tutu fa’atasi loia e talosaga i le fa’amasinoga ina ia fa’asala le ua molia i se fa’asalaga fa’a falepuipui, ina ia mafai ai ona ia maua le avanoa e usita’i ai i ni poloaiga e tu’uina atu e le fa’amasinoga. Na umi se taimi o iloilo e le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino sili ia Lyle L. Richmond ma Mamea se fa’asalaga mo le ua molia, ae i le tuana’i ai o le silia i le 10 minute o iloilo se fa’asalaga, na manatu ai loa le fa’amasinoga o le a fa’asala Satila Jr i se fa’asalaga nofovaavaaia. E tasi le tausaga na manatu le fa’amasinoga e faasala ai le ua molia i le toese, peitai ua faamalumalu lona tuliina o lea fa’asalaga, ae o le a nofovaavaaia o ia mo le 2 tausaga i lalo o poloaiga a le fa’amasinoga. O ni isi o ia poloaiga e aofia ai lona tuliina o fa’aiuga o vaiaso sosoo e 5 i le toese i Tafuna, amata atu i le faaiuga o le vaiaso nei, mai le itula e 6:00 i le afiafi o le aso Faraile ae tatala i le itula e 6:00 i le afiafi o le aso Sa. Ua faasa o ia ona ia toe tagofia le ava malosi, faasa ona toe alu i le Bowling Alley, faasa fo’i ona ia toe solia se tulafono a le malo, a ia avea o ia ma tagata nuu lelei e tausi i tulafono, totogi le salatupe e $1,000, saili sana galuega ma ia fa’atoese i le tama’ita’i na a’afia atoa ai ma lona aiga. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 11 Teena fa’amasinoga talosaga a le Komiti tuai a le Litaea… tusia Ausage Fausia Na teena e le Fa’amasinoga Maualuga a Amerika Samoa le talosaga na fa’aulu e le Komiti tuai o le Litaea a le malo, mo se avanoa e toe iloilo ai e le fa’amasinoga lana fa’aiuga sa tu’uina mai i le tausaga na te’a nei, faasaga i le mataupu e uiga i totino fou o le Komiti o le Litaea lea na tofia e le alii kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga. O le susuga i le ali’i loia ia Marcellus T. Uiagalelei na tula’i mo totino tuai o le komiti a le litaea, lea e aofia ai Aleki Sene Sr, Faoa Aitofele Sunia, Fanene Morris Scanlan, ma le afioga i le alii senatoa ia Magalei Logovi’i, ae o le tama’ita’i loia ia Elana Rivkin-Hass na tula’i mo le afioga i le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, lea o lo o faia fa’asaga i ai lenei tagi. O le mataupu lenei na tofu atu i le faamasinoga, ina ua faila e totino tuai o le komiti faafoe o le litaea sa latou tagi fa’asaga i le ali’i kovana, i lona tofiaina o ni totino fou mo le komiti faafoe a le litaea, e aunoa ma lona faatalatalanoaina o le mataupu pe fesiligia fo’i so latou finagalo, e tusa ai o ala o le tulafono o lo o lima taitaiina ai galuega a le komiti faafoe o le litaea. O le mae’a ai ona tuuina mai o le fa’aiuga a le fa’amasinoga i lemasina o Iulai 2013 e faatatau i le mataupu lenei, na toe tu’uina atu ai loa e le itu tagi sa latou talosaga i le fa’amasinoga mo se avanoa e toe iloilo ai lana faaiuga, atoa ai ma le talosaga mo se isi fa’amasinoga fou. Na faamanino e le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino sili ia Michael Kruse ina ua toe iloiloina lenei mataupu i le vaiaso nei e faapea, o le mataupu lenei e faasaga i sui e toafa o le komiti faafoe o le litaea sa latou faaulu se tagi faasaga i le alii kovana. Ae i lalo o le vaega 7.1410 o le tulafono, e agava’a ai ona avea i latou nei ma totino o le komiti faafoe mo le umi e ta’i lima tausaga, peitai o le mea ua tupu, ua leva ona tuana’i le ta’i lima tausaga sa tatau ona galulue ai i latou nei e avea ma totino o le komiti, ae ua faaauau ai pea ona galulue i latou o ni totino o le komiti faafoe. O le vaega sa fia manino i ai le fa’amasinoga, pe sa i ai se fa’aletonu o lana faaiuga ua mae’a ona tu’uina mai e tusa ai o lenei mataupu, lea ua mafua ai ona talosaga le itu tagi ina ia toe iloilo lana faaiuga ua tuuina mai, ae pe tatau fo’i i le fa’amasinoga ona taofi le faamalosia o lana faaiuga sei faatali se faaiuga o le talosaga apili mo lenei mataupu. “I le maea ai ona iloilo o le talosaga, ua teena ai e le faamasinoga le talosaga mo se isi faamasinoga fou, atoa ai ma le teena o le talosaga ina ia taofi le faamalosia o le poloaiga ua maea ona tuuina mai e le faamasinoga,” o le saunoaga lea a Kruse. I le talosaga mo se faamasinoga fou e pei ona taua e Kruse i lana faaiuga, e mafai ona tupu pe afai e i ai ni isi o suiga i le tulafono o lo o faatautaia ai gaioiga o lenei mataupu. O le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino lagolago ia Fa’amausili Pomele na lagolago i le fa’amasino sili i le iloiloina o lenei fa’aiuga. Couple’s death on tracks ruled a “murder-suicide” ONEIDA, N.Y. (AP) — The death of a New York couple who stood together in front of a freight train was ruled a murder-suicide Wednesday, but investigators can’t say why or when Earl Myatt Jr. decided to drive his beloved wife of 42 years to the railroad crossing. Relatives have said Myatt became despondent after his wife, Mary, suffered a brain aneurism in January that left her with the mental capacity of a toddler. Troopers said Earl Myatt called one of his sons and apologized two minutes before stepping with his wife onto tracks in the path of an oncoming CSX Railroad freight train on Sunday. Police said a railroad video showed them waiting on the tracks before they were hit and killed. A note was found in Myatt’s car. “We’re devastated,” Brad Myatt, one of their sons, told the Utica Observer-Dispatch. “But I want everyone to know that my father was a good man, and my mother was an angel who would do anything for anybody.” Trooper Jack Keller said it was determined Earl Myatt was responsible for the deaths after interviews with family, physicians and others. He said the investigation is continuing. “One thing we don’t know is if he decided that morning or the night before,” Keller said. “There’s no evidence of how long he had planned it.” Keller also said there are questions about why Myatt did what he did. “A lot may never be answered,” he said. Married in 1972, the couple had two sons, four grandchildren and a variety of jobs that made them familiar faces in Oneida, their hometown. Both were born there within about a month of each other in 1954. Mary had worked as a teacher’s aide, medical office receptionist and as manager of the Mohawk Community College bookstore in Rome before she was incapacitated and sent to recover at an extended care facility. Her husband was a golfer and worked as text book manager at the community college branch in Utica. Sone Vevela O le Fa’aliliu: Akenese Ilalio Zec Vaega: 146 Tatou fa’afetaia pea le alofa ma le agalelei o lo tatou Matai oi le lagi, ona o Lana tausiga alofa mo i tatou, o lea fo’i ua mafai ai ona o tatou alafa’i mai i le manuia i lenei taeao fou. E ao ai ona o tatou fa’apea ifo, “Ae o a’u, ou te fa’atalitali ma lo’u fa’amoemoe i lo’u Ali’i, ou te fa’atali mo le Atua lo’u Fa’aola, ma o le a fa’afofoga mai o ia i a te a’u i lenei aso ma aso uma o lo’u ola, ia vi’ia pea Oe Tama e fa’avavau, Amene.” ia manuia le alo faiva o le atunu’u i feau ma galuega o le a feagai ai i lenei aso. Ua fa’aauau pea le talanoaga a le ali’i foma’i o C.J. Peters ma le tuistala o Richard Preston, na fesili muamua ane Peters i a Preston, pe ua va’ai i foliga o le virusi o le Ebola, na tali le ali’i tusi tala, ioe, na fa’aali ane ia te ia e le tama’ita’i foma’i o Nancy Jaxx. “O lona uiga ua e iloa, ma e mafai ona e va’ai lelei lava i foliga o le Ebola i totonu o avanoa o le ma ma.” Na toe fesili le ali’i tusitala, “Pe sa e taumafai e fia iloa ma tu’u le Ebola Reston i le ea ma fa’asosolo ai pe mafai ona a’afia ai manuki? Na tali le ali’i foma’i o C.J. Peters, e leai, ona sa i ai lona manatu e le o se mea e tatau ona fai. Afai ae maua pe iloa e se tasi na taumafai le Ami e faia lea tulaga i le Ebola, o lona uiga, o le a tu’ua’ia le Ami i le gaosia o meatau, ma ua o’o ai le manatu i a i latou e ‘aua ne i faia lea tulaga.” Na toe fesili le ali’i tusi tala o Richard Preston, “O lona uiga tou te le o talitonu ma iloa e mafai ona a’afia le tagata po’o le manu e ala i le ea? Na tali le ali’i foma’i o C.J. Peters e fa’apea, “E sa’o. Matou te le iloa. O se mea e mafaufau ma saga mafaufau pea i ai, pe fa’aaoga e le Ebola le ea. Afai e mafai, o se tulaga mata’utia o le a aliali mai.” O le au uso e to’atolu- Marburg, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Zaire- o lea ua i ai nei ma le latou uso e to’afa ai, o le Ebola Reston. Ua galulue nei le vaega a le C.D.C, le ali’i foma’i o Anthony Sanchez ma le ali’i foma’i o Heinz Feldmann, e tu’u ‘ese’ese virusi ia e fa, ma ua o la iloa ai o le virusi o le Ebola Zaire ma le Ebola Reston, o se virusi e tutusa lelei lava, ma ua faigata ona i ai se talitonuga pe fa’apefea ona ‘ese’ese. Fai mai le fa’amatalaga a le ali’i tusi tala o Richard Preston, ina ua la feiloa’i ma le ali’i foma’i o Anthony Sanchez ma fesili i ai e tusa ma le fa’aiuga o a la su’esue’ga na fai ane i ai le ali’i foma’i, “Ua pei o se tausoga, virusi nei e lua, ae ou te le iloa pe aisea ua le mafai ai e le virusi o le Ebola Reston, ona a’afia ai tagata, ae na o manu.” O se manatu na paso ai ali’i foma’i ma tama’ita’i foma’i, ona e tutusa lelei rivusi nei e lua o le Ebola Zaire ma le Ebola Reston, ae o le mea ua tula’i mai, o le Ebola Zaire na matua’i mata’utia ana faiga lea na maliu ai le tama’ita’i o Mayling i totonu o Zaire, ae maise o le to’atele o isi tagata. A’o le Ebola Reston, lea na alia’e i totonu o Virginia i le nofoaga na fafaga ai manuki, ua na o manuki lava na a’afia ai, ae le a’afia ai tagata. O le Ebola Reston, na fa’aigoa ai le fa’ama’i lenei ina ua taunu’u ane i totonu o Reston i Virginia. O le mafua’aga lea ua fa’aioga ai e ali’i foma’i atamamai, i le Ebola Reston, ona o manuki ia sa tausi i Reston lea na a’afia tele i le virusi lea. O le fesili ua tula’i mai, aisea ua tutusa lelei ai le virusi o le Ebola Reston ma le virusi o le Ebola Zaire, ona o lea ua iloa atu nei, o le Ebola Reston na amata mai i le Atu Asia? Afai e ‘ese’ese konitineta (continents) o lona uiga e i ai fo’i le ‘ese’esega o virusi, e le tutusa uma, e pei ona i ai nei le virusi o le Ebola Reston. E faia pea… Page 12 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 GOP blocks Democrats’ minimum wage try in Senate Firefighters and rescue workers work along the tracks where several CSX tanker cars carrying crude oil derailed and caught fire along the James River near downtown in Lynchburg, Va., Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Nearby buildings were evacuated for a time, but officials said there were no injuries and the city on its website and Twitter said firefighters on the scene made the (AP Photo/Steve Helber) decision to let the fire burn out. ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Tankers carrying oil derail, catch fire in Va. LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) — Multiple CSX train cars carrying crude oil derailed and caught fire Wednesday along the James River, with three tankers ending up in the water and leaking some of their contents, becoming the most recent crash involving oil trains that has safety experts pushing for better oversight. Nearby buildings were evacuated for a time in downtown Lynchburg, but there were no injuries, authorities said. CSX said the train was on its way from Chicago to an unspecified destination when most of the cars on the train were knocked off the tracks. Online photos and videos showed large flames and thick, black smoke right after the crash. The fire burned itself out, but authorities were keeping people out of the area. Nicole Gibs, 32, a server at the Depot Grille just across the street from the tracks, said she was waiting on a table when she heard a train that sounded louder than usual. She saw several train cars wobbling, and then one fell over, sparking a fire immediately. Several other cars also toppled “like Tyco trains,” she said. The manager yelled: “Evacuate!” and the restaurant immediately began emptying, with some people in wheelchairs being carried down steps as the fire raged, filling the air with black smoke. The people from the restaurant moved a block away, then two. Russian FM rules out ‘stupid things’ over Ukraine SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Russia won’t rush into doing “stupid things” in response to U.S. and European Union pressure over the situation in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday. He said the series of sanctions imposed by the West over Russia’s annexation of Crimea and unrest in Ukraine’s eastern region “are totally without sense.” Despite that, Lavrov said, “We are not going to rush into stupid things. We want to give our partners the possibility to calm themselves.” But he cautioned that Russia could change its stance if Western nations kept trying to punish it. “If their actions are going to continue, if they are going to use economic levers, in that case we are going to have to study a different approach,” he said. Lavrov said the most important thing is for Russia, the United States and the European Union to ensure there is dialogue between Ukraine’s government and those who oppose it, particularly in areas where ethnic Russians are a large presence. Continued from page 7 Heroic Anaheim police dog to leave hospital ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Bruno, the Anaheim police dog hailed as a hero after he was shot trying to apprehend a man who had opened fire on officers, is going home from the hospital. Police say the 7-year-old German Shepherd will make a brief appearance at a news conference Friday at Yorba Linda Regional Animal Hospital. He’ll then head home to continue his recuperation. Bruno was severely wounded last month after he tracked Robert Moreno Jr. to an apartment complex the man had fled to after firing on probation officers trying to apprehend him. Police officers shot Moreno dead after he wounded Bruno in the jaw and chest. The dog had to undergo several surgeries. People have showered Bruno with chew toys, dog treats and other gifts during his long hospitalization. Paper says it has viewed second mayor crack tape TORONTO (AP) — The Globe and Mail newspaper is reporting that it has viewed a second video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking what appears to be crack cocaine in his sister’s basement. The national newspaper reported Wednesday night that two Globe reporters viewed a video from a self-professed drug dealer showing Ford taking a drag from a pipe early Saturday morning. It reports the video is part “of a package of three videos the dealer said was surreptitiously filmed around 1:15 a.m., and which he says he is now selling for “at least six figures.” The report comes as his lawyer says Ford will take a leave of absence for substance abuse. Ford is seeking re-election in the Oct. 27 vote. News reports of the existence of an earlier video of Ford apparently smoking crack first surfaced last May, igniting a media firestorm around Ford. California man whose gun killed boy gets prison SAN DIEGO (AP) — A San Diego man has been sentenced to four years in prison for leaving his gun in a garage where a 10-year-old boy who found it was shot to death. The Los Angeles Times reports that Todd Conrad Francis was sentenced Wednesday. Francis, 56, had pleaded guilty in February to two counts of felony child endangerment. Eric Klyaz, who lived next door, was playing with Francis’ 9-year-old daughter last year when the pair found the gun. Eric was shot in the chest. The girl’s parents weren’t home and her teenage brother was upstairs when the gun discharged. Francis told authorities he had hidden the weapon and thought it was unloaded. (Continued on page 14) WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans derailed a Democratic drive Wednesday to raise the federal minimum wage, blocking a cornerstone of President Barack Obama’s economic plans and ensuring the issue will be a major feature of this fall’s congressional elections. Facing the threat of a GOP Senate takeover, Democrats have forced votes on a procession of bills designed to amplify their message of economic fairness. Republican senators accused Democrats of playing politics by pushing a minimum wage measure designed to lure voters but too expensive for employers and sure to result in lost jobs and higher inflation. “This is about trying to make this side of the aisle look bad and hard-hearted, and to try to rescue this midterm election,” said No. 2 Senate GOP leader John Cornyn of Texas. The legislation by Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa would increase the $7.25 hourly minimum wage for American workers in three steps until it reached $10.10 after 30 months, with annual increases for inflation afterward. The minimum has been at $7.25 since 2009, with 3.3 million Americans — including disproportionate numbers of women and younger people — earning that figure or less last year. “We saw this morning a majority of senators saying yes, but almost every Republican saying no to giving America a raise,” Obama said in pointedly political remarks at a White House event with low-wage workers. “And then if they keep putting politics ahead of working Americans, you can put them out of office.” All but daring Republicans to vote against the measure, Harkin said before the vote, “Who’s going to vote to give these people a fair shot at the American dream? And who’s going to vote against it?” The answer came moments later when senators voted 54-42 to continue debating the legislation — six votes short of the 60 needed to keep the measure moving forward. Every voting Republican but one — Bob Corker of Tennessee — voted no. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada was the only Democrat to vote with Republicans. That was a procedural move that will let Reid stage a future vote on the measure, underscoring the political value Democrats see in it. Though Obama backed Harkin’s legislation, the president proposed a $9 minimum wage in his 2013 State of the Union address. That has fueled talk by lawmakers including Maine’s two senators, Republican Susan Collins and independent Angus King, that compromise is possible. But election-year politics suggests that would be difficult. Leaders of the GOP-run House have shown no interest in even allowing debate, giving Senate Democrats little incentive to cut a deal. And Obama has recently signed executive orders requiring a $10.10 minimum for many federal contractors, making it hard for him to agree to a lower figure for everyone else. Polls show that while the overall public favors an increase, Democratic voters strongly support one but Republicans — especially tea party backers — are against it. Powerful interest groups on each side are also against a middle ground, with unions backing a full increase and business groups opposing one. Republicans in turn point to a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimated that an increase to $10.10 could cost about 500,000 jobs in 2016. They did not mention that the report also found the boost would mean higher incomes for 16.5 million earners and lift 900,000 people out of poverty. Instead of a minimum wage increase, Congress should work on bills creating jobs, such as allowing construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, Republicans said. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said of the bill’s supporters: “These are the same Washington Democrats who have been at the helm of the economy for five-and-a-half years, the same ones who have been bragging about a recovery.” Democrats note that if the minimum reached $10.10 in 2016, it would mark the first time since 1979 that a family of three earning the minimum would have surpassed the federal poverty line. They also argue that the minimum wage, which began in 1938 at 25 cents an hour, has fallen well below its peak value. In 1968 when the minimum was $1.60, it was worth $10.86 in today’s buying power. Other Democratic bills that have hit GOP roadblocks this year would restore expired benefits for the long-term unemployed and pressure employers to pay men and women equally. Democrats plan future votes on bills easing the costs of college and child care. Harkin’s bill would also gradually increase the minimum wage for tipped workers like waiters to 70 percent of the minimum for most other workers. It is currently $2.13 hourly, which can be paid as long as workers’ hourly earnings including tips total at least $7.25. German consulate seeks justice for murdered student MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — The German consulate called for justice Wednesday after a homeowner fired four blasts from a shotgun into his garage, killing a 17-year-old exchange student who was inside. The investigation into the killing of Diren Dede of Hamburg should make clear that it is illegal to kill an unarmed juvenile just because he was trespassing, said Julia Reinhardt, spokeswoman for the consulate in San Francisco. “We consider what happened completely out of proportion to the probable risk,” Reinhardt said. Dede’s father, Celal, arrived in Missoula on Tuesday night with a family friend to recovery his son’s body. They spent part of the morning at the home of Diren Dede’s host family in Missoula and declined to be interviewed. The teen was studying at Missoula’s Big Sky High School and was to leave the U.S. after the school term ended in just a few weeks. It is not clear what Diren Dede was doing in Markus Kaarma’s garage just before the shooting early Sunday morning. Prosecutors allege the 29-yearold wildland firefighter shot into his garage without warning after an intruder tripped sensors he had installed. Just days before, Kaarma told a woman that his house had been burglarized twice and he had been waiting up nights to shoot an intruder, court records said. Kaarma’s attorney, Paul Ryan, said his client plans to plead not guilty to a charge of deliberate homicide because Montana law allows homeowners to protect their residences with deadly force when they believe they are going to be harmed. There had been a number of break-ins in the neighborhood and Kaarma believed the police weren’t doing anything about it, Ryan said. “We know with no question the individual entered garage. Kaarma didn’t know who he was, his intent or whether he was armed,” Ryan said. Kaarma and his partner have remained in their home since he was released on $30,000 bond Monday. A sign on their front door Wednesday told visitors not to ring the bell. Kaarma left the home once with a child in his arms and walked away without comment after an Associated Press reporter identified himself. An official from the German consulate is in Missoula to assist Celal Dede in recovering the body and to meet with local law enforcement and prosecutors, Reinhardt said. “This is very important to us, and she is there to put pressure on the authorities to investigate thoroughly,” Reinhardt said. “We don’t have any doubt that this will happen.” Dede’s family in Hamburg told the German newspaper Bild the family has lived in Germany since 1977, and Diren has two sisters ages 19 and 21. He was to be in the U.S. for just another six weeks, but now the family plans a burial in Turkey, the newspaper reported. Diren Dede played soccer for his Missoula high school and in Germany. His former team in Hamburg was to play a charity match Wednesday to help the family pay for the funeral and other costs. samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 13 Mine Lilomaiava Taufetee of Salelologa, Savai’i and Nu’uuli, and Rosa Perez from Tokelau and Malaeimi both received their Masters Degrees in Education from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon, Sat., Apr. 26. Both currently teach at Manulele Tausala Elementary. [courtesy photo] American Samoa Government TERRITORIAL ADMINISTRATION ON AGING (T.A.O.A. OFFICE) FA’ASALALAUGA TAUA O paia o ou sa ma faiga, Samoa, tulouna lava. A’o lenei fa’asilasilaga e fa’apito augafa lea mo tagata matutua o lo’o aofia i le polokalama o pepa taumafa a le T.A.O.A. O le a leai ni pepa taumafa e tufatufaina i le Aso Tofi nei, Me 1, 2014 ona o lo’o fuafuaina mea taumafa vevela e amata i le aso 27 o Me, 2014. O afioga nei o le a maua ai taumafa vevela: 1. AMANAVE 8. AUA 2. LEONE 9. FAGA’ITUA 3. PAVA’IA’I 10. AMOULI 4. ILIILI 11. AUNU’U 5. TAFUNA 12. OFU 6. NU’UULI 13. FITIUTA 7. PAGO PAGO 14. TA’U O lo’o matou galulue fa’atasi ma le Procurement Office mo nisi o fuafuaga, ma o le a fa’asalalauina atu i le ea ma nusipepa i le masina fou nisi o auiliiliga o lenei polokalama. Ma le fa’aaloalo lava. PUBLIC NOTICE There will be no food vouchers distributed this Thursday, May 1, 2014. However, the transition of vouchers to hot meals will start May 27, 2014 at the villages indicated above. T.A.O.A. and the Procurement Office are collaborating on issuance of bids and awarding of contracts for this program. Further details will be published in the media in the near future. HTC Ale Tifimalae Ale Director, Territorial Administration on Aging Page 14 samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 ➧ COURT BRIEFS… ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… ASG’S OFFICE DISMISSES SEX CASE AGAINST MARCADO UREZ Chief Justice Michael Kruse has dismissed a sex case against a 46-year-old Filipino man who was charged on allegations that he touched a five-year-old girl inappropriately. The dismissal came after the request by Assistant Attorney General Tiffany Oldfield who informed the court the victim’s mother, who filed the complaint, is no longer on island. The 46-year-old defendant was charged with child molestation and endangering the welfare of a child. Samoa News is withholding the defendant’s name to protect the identity of the victim in this case. According to the government’s case, on Jan. 20, 2013 the LBJ hospital Social Services reported the sexual abuse of a fouryear-old girl to the Police Station in Tafuna. Court filings say the victim calls the defendant her uncle. The victim and her parents lived together with other people in a seven-bedroom house that is rented by different families and the defendant is among the tenants. KERRY NAOLAVOA’S CASE REFERRED TO ACTING ASSOCIATE JUDGE ELVIS PATEA Chief Justice Michael Kruse has referred the case of Kerry Naoalava facing charges in a burglary case, to Acting Associate Justice Elvis Patea. Kruse pointed out that he’s related to the victims in this case. Naoalava was before the court last Friday for sentencing, where he was charged with second degree burglary and stealing on allegations that he had stolen speakers from a home last year in January. In the signed plea agreement that was read in open court earlier this month, Naoalava pleaded guilty to the burglary count and upon his plea of guilt, the government moved for the court to dismiss the stealing charge. In his guilty plea, the defendant admitted that between Jan. 13-15, 2013 he unlawfully entered a home by breaking a window to gain entrance, had gone into a bedroom and taken off with speakers. The defendant further admitted that after stealing the speakers he sold them to his friend Johnny Patu. The defendant stated he was not allowed by the family to enter their home. Associate Justice Lyle L Richmond has accepted the plea agreement and scheduled sentencing. The court has yet to schedule another sentencing date for this matter. UK prosecutor to help Ukraine find stolen assets LONDON (AP) — Britain will send a prosecutor to Ukraine to help local authorities there track down the billions of dollars believed to have been stolen by the government of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, officials said Wednesday. Attorney General Dominic Grieve made the announcement at the end of a twoday forum in London aimed at helping find and recover the assets. The event, co-hosted by Britain and the U.S., was attended by Ukrainian officials and anti-corruption experts from 30 countries. “During this forum we have heard from our Ukrainian colleagues of the shocking levels of dishonesty and greed of government ministers and public officials who held office under Yanukovych,” Grieve said. The assets will be difficult to trace, likely concealed through layers of corporate structures and laundered through legitimate businesses, he added. Earlier, Ukrainian general prosecutor Oleh Makhnitskyi said Yanukovych’s government systematically misappropriated public funds worth potentially tens of billions of dollars for personal use. He described the former government as an organized crime gang that left the country’s treasury bare. Ex-No. 2 at Vatican defends his “spacious apartment” VATICAN CITY (AP) — An Italian cardinal who served as the Vatican’s No. 2 has defended his new, sprawling apartment as “normal,” and denied that Pope Francis, who prizes frugality, is angry with him. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone was reacting to news reports last week claiming Francis was furious over his plans to move into a “mega-penthouse” in one of the buildings where prelates live on Vatican property. Bertone, a longtime aide to Benedict XVI, served as the now retired pope’s secretary of state. Francis replaced Bertone in the powerful post last year. Francis says he wants a “poor” church. He chose to live in a smallish, three-room suite in a modest hotel on Vatican’s grounds instead of in the grand Apostolic Palace where predecessors lived. Francis also gets around in an economy car, on occasion sitting next to the driver instead of in the back seat. In a post this week on the website of the Genoa archdiocese, where Bertone had been archbishop, he claimed Francis phoned him to “express his solidarity and disappointment over the attacks on me about the apartment, which he was told about from the day it was assigned to me.” Continued from page 3 ➧ COMMUNITY BRIEFS… Continued from page 8 that Monsignor Viane “deserves” to be addressed as a monsignor. “Father Viane is one of the priests that have worked and built the local diocese for the past two decades and I am very honored to work with him,” Father Faitau said. He explained that Monsignor Viane was his vocation director who worked with him during his years as a seminarian, which is the initial step to becoming a Catholic priest. “Viane is a good priest,” Father Faitau said of the new Monsignor. “Hopefully he will become bishop someday.” Continued from page 12 Biden: Russia can’t alter Europe borders by force WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden is drawing parallels between Russia’s interference in Ukraine and the world wars of the last century. Biden says Ukraine’s struggles start with Russia’s acute violation of rules that the 20th century taught us must be upheld. He says Russia has violated the fundamental principle that Europe’s borders cannot be changed by military force. He was speaking to the Atlantic Council a week after meeting with leaders of Ukraine’s government in Kiev. Biden sharply criticized corruption in Ukraine. He says Ukraine has been free for 25 years but hasn’t met its goals, largely because of corruption and obsolete institutions. British media: Prince Harry, girlfriend break up LONDON (AP) — British news media are reporting that Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas have split up. Press Association cited an unidentified source as saying that Harry, 29, and Bonas, 25, had decided to end their two-year relationship. Other news media — including the BBC, the Daily Mail and The Sun — also reported the breakup, giving no sources. Royal officials declined to comment. This year, Harry shifted his military career from flying Apache helicopters to organizing army events as a staff officer, meaning he could see Bonas more often. Speculation about a possible engagement had been rife since Bonas and Harry appeared together at an official charity event in March. Harry is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and is fourth in line for the throne. US faults China, India over intellectual property WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is highlighting failures by China and India to curb intellectual property theft in an annual report that could add to strains in relations between Washington and the two Asian powers. Each year, the U.S. Trade Representative reviews in its “Special 301 Report” the violations and enforcement of intellectual property by dozens of U.S. trading partners. Ten nations are included on a “priority watch list” in the 2014 report, released Wednesday. Among them, China and India are singled out for the most attention. The report says India has improved its legal framework in that area, but Internet piracy is growing and the trade in counterfeit goods remains “very troubling.” (Continued on page 15) ➧ Russia evokes Nazi horrors Continued from page 6 Pro-Russian protesters in eastern Ukraine are drawing inspiration from the Kremlin in pushing the fascism narrative. “No to fascism” banners flutter and wartime songs blare from loudspeakers in front of occupied government headquarters in the eastern city of Donetsk. One poster inside shows President Barack Obama’s face with a Hitler mustache and the distinctive blond braids of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Alarmist rumors have proliferated since Russia began calling the Ukraine leadership fascist. One popular claim is that the Kiev government has hatched a plan to “exterminate” Russianspeakers in the east. The rumors feed into Putin’s argument that Moscow needs to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine. “They already have it all planned out,” said retired coal miner Volodymyr Chernenko. “In the social networks, they say that a partisan war should be waged, and they list the names of those whose throats should be slashed and who should be blown up.” Russian news media regularly distort information to make it fit the black-and-white World War II mindset, condoning vigilante violence. Pro-Kremlin Life News television recently showed footage of gangs wearing St. George ribbons — the symbol of the proRussia movement — viciously beating marchers at a peaceful Ukrainian unity rally. Instead of condemning the brutality, the TV anchor announced: “Donetsk self-defense broke up a neo-Nazi march.” Russian officials have gradually adopted the media’s World War II rhetoric. The Russian foreign ministry quoted Mamontov’s concentration camp report in a statement and went further, asking: “Is the Kiev regime going to throw discontented citizens from the country’s southeast in there?” samoa news, Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 15 1 Where it’s at in American Samoa A Sunday, March 9, 2014 photo from files showing Britain’s Prince Harry, top left, with his girlfriend Cressida Bonas, top right, as they attend the Six Nations Rugby Union match between England and Wales at Twickenham stadium in London. British news media are reporting that Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas have split up. Press Association cited an unidentified source as saying that Harry, 29, and Bonas, 25, had decided to end their two-year relationship. Other news media _ including the BBC, the Daily Mail and The Sun _ also reported the (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File) breakup, giving no sources. Royal officials declined to comment. ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Malaysia to release plane investigation report KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia says it will release a preliminary report of its investigation into Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on Thursday, more than seven weeks after the plane vanished with 239 people on board. Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the report will be similar to the one the government sent to the International Civil Aviation Organization. The Boeing 777 jet disappeared March 8 while traveling from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing. Officials are still searching for the plane, which is believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. Radar and satellite data show the jet veered far off course for unknown reasons. An analysis indicates it would have run out of fuel in the ocean off western Australia where a massive multinational hunt has been focused, but not one piece of confirmed debris has been found. AFL-CIO: North Dakota’s worker death rate highest WILLISTON, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota continues to have the highest worker death rate in the country, with 17.7 fatalities per 100,000 employees in 2012, the nation’s largest labor federation said Wednesday. The 2012 rate is a dramatic increase from the 7 deaths per 100,000 workers recorded in 2007 before the state’s oil and economic boom took off. The data comes from an AFL-CIO report slated to be released next week and included in a statement to The Associated Press on Wednesday. In the statement, the AFL-CIO said North Dakota’s 2012 rate is one of the highest it has observed since the federation began issuing reports on worker fatalities more than 20 years ago. North Dakota also had the highest worker fatality rate in the nation in 2011, with 12.4 deaths per 100,000 employees that year. The national worker fatality rate was 3.5 deaths per 100,000 employees in 2011. Guyana and US in dispute over ‘democracy project’ GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — A program that the United States says is intended to improve democracy in Guyana has come under fire from the government of the South American country. Guyana officials revoked the work permit Wednesday of the official in charge of the Leadership and Democracy Project. Cabinet and Defense Secretary Roger Luncheon says the project should be put on hold until U.S. officials clarify its intent. The U.S. Embassy had no immediate comment. U.S. Ambassador D. Brent Hart has said the project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development is intended to build consensus in a divided country. It is run by Glen Bradbury, who has extensive government experience in his native Canada. Continued from page 14 Gov’t report says the US lost $11.2B on GM bailout NEW YORK (AP) — A new report says taxpayers lost $11.2 billion on the government’s bailout of General Motors. The estimate comes from a quarterly report to Congress by a government watchdog that oversees the bailout, and is up from a previous estimate of $10.5 billion. The Detroit automaker needed the $49.5 billion bailout to survive its bankruptcy restructuring in 2009. The company went public again in November 2010, and the government sold its last shares of GM in Dec. The report says the Treasury Dept. wrote off an $826 million administrative claim against General Motors Co. in March, ending its involvement with the company. In an interview last year, Special Inspector General Christy Romero said there was “no question” the department and the taxpayers would lose money on GM. The agency said last year that the government lost $2.9 billion on the bailout of Chrysler, which cost $12.5 billion. Bus collides with truck in Nepal; 18 dead, 19 hurt KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — A bus collided head-on with a truck on a narrow mountain highway in western Nepal on Wednesday, killing at least 18 people and injuring 19 others, officials said. The accident occurred on a turn where the road was barely wide enough for two large vehicles to pass, said Resham Raj Acharya, who was involved the rescue. He said both the truck, which was carrying cooking gas cylinders, and the bus were being driven rapidly. After they collided, the vehicles rolled over the edge of the highway. Police and villagers helped pull the injured out of the wreckage. The accident occurred near Narpani village, 250 kilometers (160 miles) west of Katmandu, police official Dipendra Chetri said. Top two Pentagon intelligence officials quitting WASHINGTON (AP) — The three-star Army general who has headed the Defense Intelligence Agency for less than two years is being nudged aside amid conflict within the agency and between the general and leaders elsewhere in the intelligence community, a senior defense official said Wednesday. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and the DIA’s civilian deputy director, David Shedd, announced in a joint statement to the agency’s workforce that they plan to retire by early fall. They made no reference to their reasons. A senior defense official said Flynn had already been considering retirement but was encouraged to leave early as a result of friction linked in part to Flynn’s aggressive efforts to shake up the way the DIA does business. The official spoke about the circumstances of Flynn’s departure on condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal matters. Located inside the Pago Plaza 633-0773 or 733-9644 Check out our daily lunch specials! 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