ALLEGATO N. 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità D.R. n. 391 del 7 marzo 2014 Si precisa che, al momento della pubblicazione del presente bando, alcuni accordi con le Università partner non sono ancora stati formalmente rinnovati. Nella scelta della borsa è assolutamente fondamentale tenere presente la disciplina indicata accanto a ciascuna Università perché in numerosi casi non è possibile iscriversi a corsi in aree disciplinari diverse da quelle menzionate. Si prega inoltre di voler consultare la pagina web delle università selezionate in modo da conoscere i corsi offerti. Gli studenti che intendono andare all’estero nel primo semestre: alcune sedi richiedono l’application per il primo semestre entro il 30 aprile 2014 (si veda allegato n.1 al Bando). In tal caso, gli studenti devono allegare alla domanda il Learning Agreement già firmato dal delegato di Dipartimento. Si raccomanda di tenere conto del livello di conoscenza linguistica richiesto. Gli studenti del Dipartimento di Economia, oltre ai requisiti generali previsti dal Bando, dovranno possedere i seguenti requisiti: a. per gli studenti iscritti ad un corso di laurea triennale, media aritmetica dei esami sostenuti non inferiore a 24/30; b. per gli studenti iscritti ad un corso di laurea magistrale, media aritmetica degli esami sostenuti non inferiore a 25/30; c. per gli studenti iscritti ad un corso di laurea magistrale, si considera anche il voto di laurea conseguito nel corso di laurea triennale. d. prevedere un piano di studi (Learning Agreement) che preveda l'acquisizione di almeno 20 CFU per un periodo di studio della durata di almeno sei mesi). * Riservato a: 1° ciclo: studenti di Laurea Triennale; 2° ciclo: studenti di Laurea Magistrale e a Ciclo Unico; 3° ciclo: studenti di Scuola di Dottorato e di Specializzazione. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B GENT01 UNIVERSITEIT GENT 442 - Chemistry Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo CROAZIA HR ZAGREB01 UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2° ciclo DANIMARCA DK ARHUS01 Aarhus University Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi LAGANA' ANTONIO 3 6 English or Dutch B2 (For more May 15th details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution ) November 15th 380 - Law 442 - Chemistry 226 Philosophy and ethics , 442- Chemistry ents/exchange_students SPALLETTI ANNA 3 5 380 - Law Croatian B2 English 10 May B2 226 - Philosophy and ethics Croatian B1 English B1 442- Chemistry Croatian B2 English B2 10 November HR ZAGREB01: In case of additional requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with special needs) please contact the International Office: [email protected] REBORA Manuela 2 12 English CEFR C1 TOEFL IBT Nomination deadline 83 IELTS 6.5 15 April Application deadline 1 May Nomination deadline 15 October Application deadline 1 November All applicants must document English language qualifications comparable to a Danish B level in English (CEFR C1, TOEFL IBT 83, IELT S 6.5). English language qualifications can be documented as follows: TOEFL test, IELTS (academic) test, "C1 level" obtained by examination from a CEFR-validated English language course. Exempted from this rule are applicants with a completed Englishtaught entrance examination (high school) or an English-taught Bachelor's programme. Applicants with a Danish/Nordic entrance examination (high school) or International Baccalaureate (high school) with an English level comparable to a Danish B level in English 421 - Biology and biochemistry Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Information about services for incoming students Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F BORDEAU01 UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX I 442 - Chemistry Balucani Nadia 1 6 French B2 Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F LILLE01 UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE 421 - Biology and biochemistry PASQUALINI STEFANIA 2 9 FRENCH/ENGLISH( only Receiving application Receiving applies if selected courses are 1st of June application 15th of taught in english) B1 November Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS005 UNIVERSITE' PARIS DESCARTES (PARIS V) 421 - Biology and biochemistry EMILIANI CARLA 3 6 French B2 31st May 30th November Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D HAMBURG01 UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG 421 - Biology and biochemistry EMILIANI CARLA 2 4 Health: German B2 Math, Biology, History: German B1 (recommended: B2) Nomination: May 15 (all subjects) Nomination: November 15 (History, Mathematics, Biology) (Medicine: May 15) The Universität Hamburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and has the infrastructure to support people with disabilities. Please contact the Institutional Coordinator to obtain further information concerning the support available in your respective institute or school. You will find information on the support available at Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D HAMBURG01 UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG 729 - Health (others) PASQUALINI STEFANIA 4 4 Health: German B2 Math, Biology, History: German B1 (recommended: B2) Nomination: May 15 (all subjects) Nomination: November 15 (History, Mathematics, Biology) (Medicine: May 15) The Universität Hamburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and has the infrastructure to support people with disabilities. Please contact the Institutional Coordinator to obtain further information concerning the support available in your respective institute or school. You will find information on the support available at Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D KIEL01 421 - Biology and biochemistry PASQUALINI STEFANIA 1 6 German, English (limited offers) B1 (English OR German) June 01 December 01 UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL Pagina 2 di 97 31st May 30th November Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Nome Università partner Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi EMILIANI CARLA 4 6 July 15th As a rule, the language of instruction is the institution’s official language and/or English. This applies to both the sending and receiving institution. The PhilippsUniversität Marburg recommends a minimum level of B1, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the language of instruction. A level of B2 is advisable. In philology courses the language of instruction is often the language of the region studied. Language requirements for individual faculties or areas of study that differ from this general recommendation are specified in the Interinstitutional agreement. The course catalogue provides more information on the language of instruction at mus/vorlesung January 15th At Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01), intensive language courses are offered before each semester; orientation weeks for Incoming students are held twice before each semester (before and after the language courses). Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), though not all university buildings are barrier-free. Depending on the nature of the disability, the city infrastructure may not be adequate. We would advise to contact the International Office at [email protected] as early as possible before the intended stay in order to inform the student/staff of all relevant details and organize any additional services in time for the mobility. 0512 - Biochemistry EMILIANI CARLA 4 6 July 15th As a rule, the language of instruction is the institution’s official language and/or English. This applies to both the sending and receiving institution. The PhilippsUniversität Marburg recommends a minimum level of B1, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the language of instruction. A level of B2 is advisable. In philology courses the language of instruction is often the language of the region studied. Language requirements for individual faculties or areas of study that differ from this general recommendation are specified in the Interinstitutional agreement. The course catalogue provides more information on the language of instruction at mus/vorlesung January 15th At Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01), intensive language courses are offered before each semester; orientation weeks for Incoming students are held twice before each semester (before and after the language courses). Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), though not all university buildings are barrier-free. Depending on the nature of the disability, the city infrastructure may not be adequate. We would advise to contact the International Office at [email protected] as early as possible before the intended stay in order to inform the student/staff of all relevant details and organize any additional services in time for the mobility. GIGANTE DANIELA 1 5 German English (or another 15th July foreign language in the case of philology programmes) B1 (unless the student intends to take classes in English only: B2) 15th January For student mobility for traineeships an Inter-institutional agreement is not necessary. Traineeships in Oldenburg run on individual contact with the departments EMILIANI CARLA 1 6 Greek and English B1 December 31st Sito internet Area disciplinare D MARBURG01 PHILIPPSUNIVERSITÄT MARBURG 0531 - Chemistry GERMANIA D MARBURG01 PHILIPPSUNIVERSITÄT MARBURG 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D OLDENBU01 CARL VON OSSIETZKYUNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG www.uni0521 Environmental oldenburg/erasmusexchange-studies-insciences oldenburg/ 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA G VOLOS01 PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS 421 - Biology and biochemistry Pagina 3 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici July 31st Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1° ciclo IRLANDA IRL CORK01 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 4421 - Biochemistry PASQUALINI STEFANIA Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1° ciclo MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA Dipartimento Area disciplinare 442 - Chemistry Referente dell' Numero accordo borse ELISEI FAUSTO Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 2 6 English B1 Nomination: 10 May Application: 7 June Nomination: 4 October Application: 25 October 2 5 English B2 1st June 1st November Ulteriori indicazioni MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. PL KATOWIC01 UNIWERSYTET SLASKI 442 - Chemistry LAGANA' ANTONIO 1 5 PL B2 EN (for indicated subjects or projects) 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 442 - Chemistry LAGANA' ANTONIO 1 10 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 15th May English B1/B2 (Polish language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 443 - Earth science GORETTI Enzo 1 10 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 15th May English B1/B2 (Polish language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie POLONIA Pagina 4 di 97 30th June 30th November Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P LISBOA03 UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 442 - Chemistry LAGANA' ANTONIO 1 6 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) 0531 - Chemistry BRUNETTI BRUNETTO GIOVANNI 2 12 Area 0232: Portuguese A2 Area 0232: June 30th Area 0232: English B2 Area 0531: Area 0531: May 31st November 30th Area Portuguese (for 1st cycles) B1 0531: October 31st Portuguese and/or English (for 2nd and 3rd cycles) B1 Requisiti Linguistici June, 1st November 1st Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Area 0232: • Students have to attend at least one subject per semester, among the other courses (max. 36 ECTS credits per semester), in the Department of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literature / Section of Spanish, French and Italian Studies. • The stay' period of students can only be testified according to our academic calendar: 4 or 5 months for one semester and 9 months for full academic year. AREA 0531: CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO ARTS Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK BRISTOL01 Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo REPUBBLICA CECA CZ BRNO05 UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL 442 - Chemistry asmus/ LAGANA' ANTONIO 2 10 English B2 31/07 30/11 MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO 421 - Biology and info biochemistry GIGANTE DANIELA 1 6 English B2 15 July 15November Pagina 5 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO01 Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 3° ciclo SPAGNA Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Dipartimento Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 442 - Chemistry LAGANA' ANTONIO 3 5 Spanish /catalan* B1 (*) Application: June, 15th Application: Classes at the UB can be November, 15th taught in Spanish or Catalan, depending on the teachers’ choice. In the same way, students may exercise the right to express themselves, orally or in writing, in whichever they prefer of Catalonia’s two official languages, Spanish and Catalan, regardless of the language in which the teachers have conducted their classes. The information regarding the language of instruction of each lecture is published on the UB website before the beginning of the academic year. A good command of Spanish is especially important for students interested in taking the Introductory Course to Spanish Law. • Visiting students at master’s level at the UB must apply to a specific master's degree and meet the academic requirements of the program. With the approval of their home university, master students may also be allowed to enrol in final year courses of bachelor’s studies. Master’s degrees offered at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) are not available to exchange students. • Incoming students are allowed to select courses from other UB faculties, provided the percentage of credits completed outside the Faculty of Law does not exceed 49%. • Language courses taken at the University of Barcelona might be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement, but the final grades for theses courses will not be part of the regular Transcript of Records issued by the Faculty of Law. An additional document should be provided by the specific department offering the course. • The Integration Programmes Office provides assistance and support to students with disabilities. The office is also responsible for helping students find suitable accommodation adapted to their needs. Contact: c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 (08028 – Barcelona); Tel. 934 035 415 Fax 934 035 917 421 - Biology and biochemistry PASQUALINI STEFANIA 3 10 Spanish English B1( Spanish) May 30 th (recommended) , B2( English) (recommended) October 30 th Placement test is required for any student to enrol any Spanish language course of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation 422 - Environmental LAGANA' science ANTONIO 2 5 Spanish English B1 June 30th November 30th The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. 422 - Environmental LAGANA' science ANTONIO 1 9 Spanish English B1 June 30th November 30th The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA E BARCELO15 UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO Pagina 6 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 4433 Environmental Sciences, Ecology AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse GIGANTE DANIELA 1 Durata in mesi 9 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 7 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 4421 - Biochemistry PASQUALINI STEFANIA AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html 1 Durata in mesi 9 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 8 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 421 - Biology and biochemistry AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse GORETTI Enzo 2 Durata in mesi 9 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 9 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 442 - Chemistry AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Tarantelli Francesco 9 1 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1° ciclo SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 421 - Biology and biochemistry GORETTI Enzo 1 9 AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 June Are 727: June AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) October Are 727: UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students Deadline: 30th november ecesidadesEspeciales.shtml 31st October - Postgraduate students must fulfill the requirements of the specific Master or Doctoral Programme, for more information they must contact the international Relations Office of the Faculty concerned. - There is an office in charge of counseling and helping disabled students that can be contacted by email at [email protected] Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E LOGRONO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJA 442 - Chemistry MACCHIONI ALCEO 1 6 Spanish B1 English (few courses) B1 Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID04 442 - Chemistry LAGANA' ANTONIO 3 10 Spanish - Minimum B1 for 31st May graduate studies (B2 recommended) - B2 for: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hispanic Studies Degree and Postgraduate Studies With the exception of specific studies that request a specific level UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID Pagina 10 di 97 Deadline: 30th may The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 421 - Biology and biochemistry SABATA MARTINO 2 5 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 B1 May 31st Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 October 31st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 441 - Physics Area 227: LAGANA' ANTONIO 2 9 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required 15th July Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1° ciclo SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 421 - Biology and I VIRGILI biochemistry ELISEI FAUSTO 2 6 Language of Instruction 1: 15th June Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR BOLU01 ABANT IZZET BAYSAL UNIVERSITY lang=en&itemid=114 421 - Biology and biochemistry EMILIANI CARLA 2 3 ENGLISH B1 15 JULY 15 DECEMBER Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ESKISEH01 ANADOLU UNIVERSITESI 42 - Life science GIGANTE DANIELA 4 5 END OF AUGUST END OF JANUARY 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A EISENST02 FACHHOCHSCHULST DIENGÄNGE BURGENLAND UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 340 - Business and LUSSANA ELVIRA administration (broad programmes) 1 6 ENGLISH B1 (RECOMMENDED) GERMAN B1 ENGLISH B1 May15th November 15th Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A INNSBRU08 MANAGEMENT CENTER INNSBRUCK G.M.B.H 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management DE SALVO PAOLA 2 5 German: Bachelor B2 - Master 15th May Details: CI English: Bachelor B2 Master CI international/students/ exchangestudents/academiccalendar 1th November For more details on the Language of instruction recommendations, Details: see the course catalogue of each institution n/international/stude nts/exchangestudents/academiccalendar Economia 1°, 2° ciclo AUSTRIA A KREMS03 IMC UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES KREMS G.M.B.H. 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management DE SALVO PAOLA 2 5 English B2/C1 German B2/C1 May, 1st November, 1st Economia 1°, 2° ciclo BELGIO B ANTWERP01 UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN 314 - Economics General: Journalism and information: Medicine: Economics: LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 5 Dutch: B2 English: B2 Student applications: 1 November, when a visa is required 15 November, when no visa is required Economia 1° ciclo BELGIO B HASSELT22 PXL University College [email protected] 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 2 5 B1 English or B2 Dutch Application deadline 1 Application deadline (degree programmes). For an June 1 November easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http://europass.cedefop.europ Exchange students are required to complete the online application procedure. For all additional requirements, please consult the application instructions at PXL University College has the appropriate infrastructure for students and staff with disabilities. However, it is important to note that PXL is informed well in advance of the special needs of the exchange student or staff member. Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B LEUVEN01 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN 3 10 English B2 certificate required April 14th Applications October 1st should be send to the contact at the faculty level. All courses are in Dutch, guidance and exams are in English 340 - Business and FERRUCCI LUCA web/HUB-English/HUBrusseladministration (broad programmes) Pagina 11 di 97 Durata in mesi Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Codice Università' Requisiti Linguistici 15th July Student applications: 1 May, when a visa is required 1 June, when no a visa is required Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 1 6 Bulgarian B1 English B1 June 30 041 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA 4 5 English B1 (some courses) 15th June Greek (B1(majority of courses) 15th November 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 2 5 English B1 30th April 31st October LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 5 English B1 30th April 31st October 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 2 6 FRENCH B2 May , 30th November, 15th UNIVERSITE D'EVRY- VAL D'ESSONNE 314 - Economics LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 6 French B1 English B1 1st June 30th October Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BULGARIA BG SOFIA06 SOFIISKI UNIVERSITET "SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI" 340 - Business and FERRUCCI administration https://www.uniLUCA (broad programmes) onal_relations onal_relations/erasmus_incomings Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo CIPRO CY NICOSIA01 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS Economia 1° ciclo FINLANDIA SF LAPPEEN07 SAIMAA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Economia 1° ciclo FINLANDIA 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management Economia 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA SF LAPPEEN07 SAIMAA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES F CLERMON02 UNIVERSITE BLAISE http://www.univPASCAL (CLERMONT- FERRAND) Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F EVRY04 Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA Economia 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia Dipartimento Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse November 30 F EVRY04 UNIVERSITE D'EVRY- VAL D'ESSONNE 344 - Accounting and taxation LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 6 French B1 English B1 1st June 30th October F GRENOBL02 UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE 2 314 - Economics BURCHI ALBERTO 2 10 French B1 Application deadline for full-year (September through May) or for first semester (September through January) exchanges: 1st of June Application deadline for second semester (January through May) exchanges: 1st of November FRANCIA F LILLE01 UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE 314 - Economics LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 9 Receiving application Receiving FRENCH/ENGLISH( only application 15th of applies if selected courses are 1st of June November taught in english) B1 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F LILLE01 UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 3 6 FRENCH/ENGLISH( only Receiving application Receiving applies if selected courses are 1st of June application 15th of taught in english) B1 November Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS012 UNIVERSITE PARIS Area 225: Faculty of Humanities and Human EST CRETEIL VAL DE Sciences: des-lettres-langues-et-sciences-humaines342062.kjsp?RF=LSH Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 727, 4433: Faculty of Science and Technology Learning French RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 340 Faculty of Administration and International exchanges Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 5 10 Area 225: French B2 English B2 Area 727, 4433, 340: French B1 English B1 May, 31st November, 15 th Economia 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F ST-ETIE17 LYCEE' D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR TEZENAS DU MONTCEL 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 9 French B1 June 1st For information please contact: interoffice@tezenas. org Pagina 12 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Incoming student: The original learning agreement (no copy is accepted) with the exams done by the student can be given or sent directly to him/her OR to the International Relations and Mobility Office of the student university. For all other information, the student can get in touch the person in charge of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 3 6 German B1 English B1 30th April 30th Octobe 2 9 German (Bachelor) English (partial Master) B2/B2 June 1st December 1st • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. This decision will be subject to the capacities of the faculties. • Before arrival: Nominated incoming students should contact in time the Departmental Coordinator concerning the selection of courses: [email protected] • After arrival: It is recommended that incoming students meet the Departmental Coordinator contemporary after their arrival in Göttingen: • Incoming students should participate in the introduction days of the International Office: • • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the Department that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the department. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the International Office based on the proposed working plan. The International Office will check the availability of the concerned department, service or unit. 340 - Business and FERRUCCI LUCA administration (broad programmes) 1 6 German (Bachelor) English (partial Master) B2/B2 June 1st December 1st • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. This decision will be subject to the capacities of the faculties. • Before arrival: Nominated incoming students should contact in time the Departmental Coordinator concerning the selection of courses: [email protected] • After arrival: It is recommended that incoming students meet the Departmental Coordinator contemporary after their arrival in Göttingen: • Incoming students should participate in the introduction days of the International Office: • • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the Department that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the department. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the International Office based on the proposed working plan. The International Office will check the availability of the concerned department, service or unit. 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 1 9 A2 GERMAN A2 ENGLISH June 15th December 15th Orientation weeks for international students: UNIVERSITÄT REGENSBURG 314 - Economics PERUGINI CRISTIANO 3 6 Nomination and German and English B2* *Exception: for Business and application deadline: Economics courses in English: 15 June C1 Nomination and application deadline: 15 December D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 314 - Economics l FERRUCCI LUCA 2 5 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st D ZWICKAU01 WESTSÄCHSISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZWICKAU (FH) 2 6 Area 041 - 0715: German - B1 30th May English – B2 30th November Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo D AUGSBUR02 Economia 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Economia Dipartimento Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare FACHHOCHSCHULE AUGSBURG 340 - Business and MARTELLI administration DUCCIO (broad programmes) D GOTTING01 GEORG-AUGUSTUNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN 314 - Economics 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D GOTTING01 GEORG-AUGUSTUNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN Economia 1° ciclo GERMANIA D PASSAU01 UNIVERSITÄT PASSAU Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D REGENSB01 Economia 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Economia 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA GERMANIA LUSSANA ELVIRA 041 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA Pagina 13 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre STANGHELLI 2 NI ELENA 1 340 - Business and LUSSANA php administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 5 English B1 May 31st October 31st 6 English B2 Greek B2 15th July 15th July IKONOMIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON 462 - Statistics php 6 Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1°, 2° ciclo GRECIA G ATHINE02 ETHNIKO METSOVIO POLYTECHNIO Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA G ATHINE04 IKONOMIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON 1° ciclo GRECIA Sito internet Area disciplinare 46 - Mathematics and statistics Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Ulteriori indicazioni A modern Greek labguage course free of charge for erasmus students, is organised by the AUEB Erasmus Office: Contact person for students with disabilities: [email protected] Economia G ATHINE04 STANGHELLI 1 NI ELENA English B2 Greek B2 15th July 15th July A modern Greek labguage course free of charge for erasmus students, is organised by the AUEB Erasmus Office: Contact person for students with disabilities: [email protected] Economia 1° ciclo GRECIA G KALAMAT01 TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF KALAMATA 340 - Business and FERRUCCI administration LUCA (broad programmes) 1 5 English B2 Economia 1° ciclo GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 314 - Economics LUSSANA ELVIRA 1 6 -AREA 228 Greek B2 30 June VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November Economia 1° ciclo LITUANIA LT KLAIPED01 KLAIPÉDA UNIVERSITY 3452 - Tourism, admission/international-studies/non-degree- Catering, Hotel studies/ Management LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 5 English/Lithaunian B1 June 1st November 1st Economia 1° ciclo MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 5 English B2 1st June 1st November 314 - Economics 30 June 31 January MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. Economia 1° ciclo MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA 46 - Mathematics and statistics BURCHI ALBERTO 2 5 English B2 1st June 1st November MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. Pagina 14 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni PL KATOWIC02 AKADEMIA EKONOMICZNA IM. KAROLA ADAMIECKIEGO W KATOWICACH PL KATOWIC06 SLASKA WYZSZA SZKOLA ZARZADZANIA IM. GENERALA JERZEGO ZIETKA 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 1 6 English or Polish B2 June 1st December 1st 340 - Business and FERRUCCI administration LUCA (broad programmes) 2 4 English/Polish B2 15 June 15 November POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 314 - Economics 5 5 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 15th May English B1/B2 (Polish language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL OLSZTYN01 WARMIA AND MASURIA UNIVERSITY IN OLSZTYN 041 - Business and TERZANI administration SIMONE 2 6 Polish B1 English B1 Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL OLSZTYN01 WARMIA AND MASURIA UNIVERSITY IN OLSZTYN 0311 - Economics TERZANI SIMONE 2 6 Polish B1 English B1 Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW01 UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI 314 - Economics SIGNORELLI MARCELLO 4 5 Polish/English or language of instruction of the specific programme B2 MAy 15th November 15th Economia 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WROCLAW03 UNIWERSYTET EKONOMICZNY WE WROCLAWIU 310 - Social and LUSSANA on/6687/information_for_incoming_students.h behavioural science ELVIRA tml (broad programmes) 5 6 English, Polish B2 10th of July 10th of July PL WROCLAW03: In case of additional requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with special needs) please contact the International Office: [email protected] Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL WROCLAW03 UNIWERSYTET EKONOMICZNY WE WROCLAWIU 340 - Business and LUSSANA ELVIRA on/6687/information_for_incoming_students.h administration (broad tml programmes) 5 5 English, Polish B2 10th of July 10th of July PL WROCLAW03: In case of additional requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with special needs) please contact the International Office: [email protected] Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P AVEIRO01 UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO 1 9 Portuguese B1 English B2 Area 0211: Portuguese B1 English B1 1st June Area 0211: My 31st 1st November Area Erasmus Student network Aveiro: 0211: November 15th UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management LUSSANA ELVIRA LUSSANA ELVIRA Pagina 15 di 97 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th 15 May for nomination 30 October for 15 June for application nomination 30 November for application 15 May for nomination 30 October for 15 June for application nomination 30 November for application PL OLSZTYN01: currently in the process of adapting its infrastructure to the needs of disabled students and staff. More information in the Office for Students with Disabilities ( PL OLSZTYN01: currently in the process of adapting its infrastructure to the needs of disabled students and staff. More information in the Office for Students with Disabilities ( Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA 3803 - Civil Law 3452 - Tourism, s/GabineteRelacoesInternacionaisMobilidade Catering, Hotel /foreign_students/Paginas/foreignManagement students.aspx Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi MEZZASOMA 3 LORENZO 9 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) June, 1st 3 6 Portuguese B1 30th June (nomination 30th November until April, 30) (nomination until April, 30) 1 9 on website on website on website 462 - Statistics STANGHELLI 1 NI ELENA 6 English C1 STANGHELLI 1 NI ELENA 9 English B2 Student application deadline - late June Student application deadline - late October Requisiti Linguistici Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P VILA-RE01 UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO Economia 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK HULL01 UNIVERSITY OF HULL Economia 3° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK LONDON020 THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Economia 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK SHEFFIE01 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD 462 - Statistics e Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO BRASOV01 TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 2 10 English B1 15th July 15th January Economia 1° ciclo ROMANIA RO IASI02 UNIVERSITATEA "ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA" 349 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (others) 2 6 English B1 1st August 1st December Economia 1° ciclo ROMANIA RO IASI02 UNIVERSITATEA "ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA" 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 1 6 English B1 1st August 1st December Economia 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO IASI02 UNIVERSITATEA "ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA" 462 - Statistics STANGHELLI 2 NI ELENA 5 English B1 1st August 1st December LUSSANA ELVIRA 340 - Business and FERRUCCI administration LUCA (broad programmes) Pagina 16 di 97 November 1st Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Students should check out the university's website in order to know what they should do before, during and after their mobility: ernacionaisMobilidade/foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Economia 1° ciclo ROMANIA Economia 1° ciclo Economia 1° ciclo Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Economia 2° ciclo Nome Università partner Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 2 6 B1 30 July 1 5 English B1 July 1 - Student from December 1 EU June 1 - Student Student from EU from non-EU countries November 1 Student from nonEU countries 380 - Law bierno/vinternacional/index.htm MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 9 Spanish Some courses English B1 June 15th MEZZASOMA 1 LORENZO 6 (Language of Instruction1): Application Form: May Application Form: Catalan (Language of 1st to June 15th Nov 1st to Dec 10th Instruction2):Spanish (language of Instruction 3):English B1 (*) • (*) There is no specific language level required, but it is deemed understood that students must have the necessary level to be able to attend lessons and sit exams. • During both semesters, Catalan basic language lessons are offered (free of charge at the moment; however this may be subject to change in the future). Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare RO TARGOVI01 UNIVERSITATEA 'VALAHIA' DIN TARGOVISTE 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) SLOVENIA SI MARIBOR01 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU 340 - Business and SPLENDIANI SIMONE ges/Faculties-information.aspx administration (broad programmes) SPAGNA E ALMERIA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA E BARCELO02 UNIVERSITAT AUTÓNOMA DE BARCELONA SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 380 - Law 462 - Statistics STANGHELLI 2 NI ELENA Pagina 17 di 97 6 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 Ulteriori indicazioni 30 November November 15th tividades/index.htm enrol for at least the 50% of their credits at the faculty of admission. The other 50% can be taken at the rest of the UAB centres/faculties, provided the groups are still open. • Admission to Master’s programmes at the UAB. This only possible when the agreement specifies a UAB Master’s programme. In order to be admitted to a Master's programme at the UAB as an exchange student, prior written approval from the coordinator of this Master is compulsory. Otherwise admission will be for fourth year courses in our 4 year bachelor programmes. AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with for applications: June for applications: disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement December 1st 1st Application between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general Application Procedure: orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Procedure: economic support is provided. en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st October - 1st All incoming students have to register online at December, where the related deadlines can be found. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1° ciclo E BILBAO02 UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel 101307572844/_cast/ Management %231101307572844/c0/Inicio Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi DE SALVO PAOLA 5 2 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre SPANISH BASQUE ENGLISH JUNE 15th B1 NOVEMBER 15th Ulteriori indicazioni • To prepare the students’ arrival these are sent a Welcome E-mail with information and instructions on how to start preparing their stay with us (on-line form, how to apply for accommodation, information about Spanish courses and course catalogue, visa application, etc.). The following documents will be required: - Copy of legal ID card or passport - Copy of European Health Insurance Card (only for EU citizens) and/or private insurance - Sending Institution´s statement of participation by the student in a mobility to UD specifying programme - (Only Campus Bilbao) Statement/Certificate/Proof of Enrollment in the Home University for the period of the mobility indicating: the field, the level and the year of studies - Scanned passport-sized photograph with white background saved as jpg file named with name and surname - Provisional Learning Agreement signed by Home University coordinators • Before the semester begins an Orientation Week is offered. Meetings in Spanish and English are held. In these meetings information is provided about steps to follow to register, learn how to use the ICTs the university offers, academic coordinators, Spanish courses, Sports, cultural activities, groups, etc. • Students are offered a Spanish intensive course before the semester begins. Also a Regular course is offered throughout the semester. Students take a placement test upon arrival and they are placed in groups according to their level of the language. • Students are offered to participate in a Buddy Programme which enables local and international students to meet people from different countries, cultures and allows the students to get immerse in a new atmosphere, to enhance the university experience but above all, the personal experience. Those international students applying for the programme will be assigned a Buddy. The Buddy will advise and guide international students during their stay at UD. Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E BURGOS01 UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS 340 - Business and CASTELLANI 2 international-office/guide-for-foreign-students- administration DAVIDE and-visitors/what-to-do-upon-arrival/erasmus- (broad exchange-students programmes) 9 Spanish (majority of courses) 30TH May for B1 Spanish language English application (limited number of courses) and wide number of “English friendly” courses Strongly recommended B1 30TH October for application University of Burgos has the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities and has a Unit that takes care of students with disabilities. Each case is considered individually. The possibility of fulfilling Final projects has to be arranged with the corresponding academic coordinators/Departments before including it in the Learning agreement. Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E CIUDA-R01 UNIVERSIDAD DE 380 - Law CASTILLA-LA MANCHA o.aspx MEZZASOMA 3 LORENZO 9 Labguage of Instruction 1:SPANISH B1 Language of Instruction 2: ENGLISH B1 June 15 November 30 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha has infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities, more information at: Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E GIRONA02 UNIVERSITAT GIRONA 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management DE SALVO PAOLA 2 5 English B2 Area 3452, 811 Spanish A2 English B2 June 15th November 15th Economia 2° ciclo SPAGNA E GIRONA02 UNIVERSITAT GIRONA 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management DE SALVO PAOLA 1 5 English B2 Area 3452, 811 Spanish A2 English B2 June 15th November 15th Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 380 - Law MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 9 AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 June Are 727: June AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) Pagina 18 di 97 UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October Are 727: October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LA-CORU01 Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia 1°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Economia Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 314 - Economics PAGLIACCI MAURO 1 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 34 - Business and administration LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php SPAGNA E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 38 - Law MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 12 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php SPAGNA E LAS-PAL01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA 2 9 SPANISH B1 31st of May 30th of November Institutions must nominate their students by an on-line nomination. Instructions will be sent to our partners every year. Students are recommended to arrive one week before the academic calendar in order to attend the welcome week. Students, should attend the Faculty in which we have an agreement, having the option of taking courses of other faculties, only if it does not exceed the 40% of the total of courses in the learning agreemen Deadline: 30th november ecesidadesEspeciales.shtml 340 - Business and BOLLINO administration CARLO (broad ANDREA programmes) Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni E LOGRONO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJA 380 - Law MEZZASOMA 1 LORENZO 9 Spanish B1 English (few courses) B1 Deadline: 30th may SPAGNA E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 380 - Law MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 345 - Management DE SALVO and administration PAOLA 3 6 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 B1 May 31st Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 October 31st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID28 CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE FRANCISCO DE VITORIA POZUELO 38 - Law 10 Spanish B1 15th November SCAGLIONE 2 FRANCESCO 15TH June Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). Lumsa University has several facilities for students with disabilities as an urban transport service with a van equipped and an accompanying service within the university. UFV is able to receive disabled students. AREA 38: Students can attend courses and take exams at the Faculty of Economics within the Economics Department Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 380 - Law Area 227: MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 10 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required 15th July 15th July Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA DE SALVO PAOLA Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 3401 - Business xchange-students Studies with Languages 380 - Law xchange-students 3 6 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 9 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November Pagina 19 di 97 Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 340 - Business and LUSSANA administration ELVIRA (broad programmes) 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 3451 - Industrial Relations and Personnel Management LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 380 - Law MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: Pagina 20 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Economia 1° ciclo Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 314 - Economics s_entrantes/en/True ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s DADDI PIERLUIGI 6 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 380 - Law MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. E VALENCI02 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA 04 - Business, administration and law LUSSANA ELVIRA 2 9 Language requirements. All 30th June for Fall incoming exchange students Semester or Full coming to UPV should give Academic Year proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes SPAGNA E VALLADO01 314 - Economics 10 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 LUSSANA ELVIRA 340 - Business and DE SALVO administration PAOLA (broad programmes) 2 Economia UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 3 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 340 - Business and LUSSANA ELVIRA administration (broad programmes) 4 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management 3 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Economia SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities SPAGNA E VALLADO03 UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MIGUEL DE CERVANTES (UEMC) MEZZASOMA 2 LORENZO 1 342 - Marketing and FERRUCCI advertising LUCA 6 Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo 1° ciclo 9 Spanish B1 30th of June 20th of December The university welcomes students and staff with disabilities and offers the necessary facilities and support. Useful information: Information about infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities available on individual request depending on special needs. Please contact: [email protected] Economia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO03 UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MIGUEL DE CERVANTES (UEMC) 1 9 Spanish B1 30th of June 20th of December The university welcomes students and staff with disabilities and offers the necessary facilities and support. Useful information: Information about infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities available on individual request depending on special needs. Please contact: [email protected] Economia 1° ciclo SVEZIA S KRISTIA01 HÖGSKOLAN KRISTIANSTAD 2 5 Swedish B1 - English for 15th April (online) several programs and courses for exchange students - B1 but always check the specific course description - there may be exceptions 15th April (online) Integration: Sito internet Area disciplinare DE SALVO PAOLA 2 380 - Law 34 - Business and administration FERRUCCI LUCA 340 - Business and RUNFOLA ANDREA student/ administration (broad programmes) Pagina 21 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Functional disabilities: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Economia 3° ciclo S UMEA01 UMEÅ UNIVERSITET 462 - Statistics Economia 1°, 2° ciclo SVIZZERA CH ZURICH01 UNIVERSITÄT ZURICH 340 - Business and FERRUCCI LUCA administration (broad programmes) Economia 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ADANA01 CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI 462 - Statistics Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR BURDUR01 Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 340 - Business and FERRUCCI administration LUCA (broad programmes) Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ESKISEH01 ANADOLU UNIVERSITESI 462 - Statistics Economia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR IZMIR06 IZMIR UNIVERSITY 340 - Business and DADDI PIERLUIGI administration (broad programmes) Economia 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR KONYA04 Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi 314 - Economics Economia 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR KONYA04 Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Economia 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR KONYA04 Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A KLAGENF01 UNIVERSITÄT KLAGENFURT 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B BRUXEL04 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione BELGIO Filosofia, Scienze 1° ciclo Sociali, Umane e della Formazione BELGIO SVEZIA Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici STANGHELLI 1 NI ELENA 3 SWEDISH/ENGLISH B2 4 5 German B2** English B2** ** 30 April 30 April The language centre offers different German courses for ies/dates_en.html udies/dates_en.html exchange students: http://www.sprachenzentrum.u BARTOLUCCI 2 FRANCESCO 6 TURKISH/ENGLISH B1 30th JUNE 30th DECEMBER 3 5 Turkish English 30 June 30 November 10 ENGLISH B1 (RECOMMENDED) END OF AUGUST END OF JANUARY 2 6 English - B1 31 August 31 January FERRUCCI LUCA 1 6 ENGLISH B1 15th SEPTEMBER 15th FEBRUARY 314 - Economics FERRUCCI LUCA 2 6 ENGLISH B1 15th SEPTEMBER 15th FEBRUARY 314 - Economics FERRUCCI LUCA 1 6 ENGLISH B1 15th SEPTEMBER 15th FEBRUARY 141 - Teaching and KLEIN training GABRIELLA 2 6 German min.B1 and/or English June 1st min: B2 November 1st UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES 317 - Anthropology PAPA CRISTINA 2 5 FRENCH B1 May 1st Area 721: June 1st October 1st Area 721: October 1st B BRUXEL84 HAUTE ECOLE GALILEE 213 - Audio-visual techniques and media production VALORI FURIA 1 5 French B1 (a proof of the language level will be asked with the application form For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution) Deadline for sending application material: 1st June Deadline for sending The home institution is the unique authority for the selection of their application material: candidates. If the host institution requests to add some specific selection criteria or wants to have their own selection of incoming 30th October students, it needs to be specified here. B BRUXEL84 HAUTE ECOLE GALILEE 32 - Journalism and VALORI information FURIA 1 5 French B1 (a proof of the language level will be asked with the application form For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution) Deadline for sending application material: 1st June Deadline for sending The home institution is the unique authority for the selection of their application material: candidates. If the host institution requests to add some specific selection criteria or wants to have their own selection of incoming 30th October students, it needs to be specified here. STANGHELLI 2 NI ELENA Pagina 22 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni lish/education/estuden nglish/education/est ts/important-dates udents/importantdates - İZÜ (TR IZMIR06) organizes an orientation program each semester for welcoming incoming students. It is highly recommended to incoming students to participate in the orientation program because students are provided with vital information on course registration, campus accommodation, health issues, İZÜ’s IT facilities and residence permit. - İZÜ (TR IZMIR06) provides the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities and will try to support them according to their special needs. But partner universities are advised to contact the international office very early to make sure that the student concerned can be accepted. - İZÜ also supports students and staff with disabilities if they want to go abroad. ULB's student disabilities’ service, offer of the assistance and organize, if required, assistance or possible timetable adjustments, to allow disabled students to complete their exchange’s period in the best possible conditions. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Codice Università' Nome Università partner B BRUXEL84 HAUTE ECOLE GALILEE 1°, 2° ciclo BELGIO Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione B LIEGE01 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione BELGIO 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare 342 - Marketing and VALORI advertising FURIA 1 5 French B1 (a proof of the language level will be asked with the application form For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution) Deadline for sending application material: 1st June Deadline for sending The home institution is the unique authority for the selection of their application material: candidates. If the host institution requests to add some specific selection criteria or wants to have their own selection of incoming 30th October students, it needs to be specified here. UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE 312 - Sociology and D'ANDREA cultural studies FABIO 2 5 French and English B1 15 May (online) – 31 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: – 15 November • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French (printed) lessons: • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through B LIEGE01 UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE 0223 - Philosophy and ethics MOSCHINI MARCO 1 5 15 May (online) – 31 French and English B1 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French – 15 November lessons: (printed) • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through CIPRO CY NICOSIA01 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS 0223 - Philosophy and ethics MOSCHINI MARCO 2 6 English B1 (some courses) 15th June Greek (B1(majority of courses) 15th November Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione CROAZIA HR ZAGREB01 UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 226 - Philosophy 380 - Law and ethics 226 Philosophy and ethics , 442- Chemistry ents/exchange_students MOSCHINI MARCO 2 5 380 - Law Croatian B2 English 10 May B2 226 - Philosophy and ethics Croatian B1 English B1 442- Chemistry Croatian B2 English B2 10 November HR ZAGREB01: In case of additional requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with special needs) please contact the International Office: [email protected] Filosofia, Scienze 1° ciclo Sociali, Umane e della Formazione DANIMARCA DK KOBENHA01 KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET 2 10 English B2 For an easier and 1st May consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http://europass.cedefop.europ 1st October Should students wish to take English courses offered at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, they are required to show proof of their proficiency in English. Information about the accepted tests and scores can be found on the following website: A language test is not required if students are only interested in taking the academic English courses offered by our Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use ( - only for BA students!) 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 3° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione FRANCIA F DIJON01 UNIVERSITE DE http://www.u226 - Philosophy BOURGOGNE - DIJON and ethics VINTI CARLO 2 6 French B2 May 15th November 15th FRANCIA F DIJON01 UNIVERSITE DE http://www.u226 - Philosophy BOURGOGNE - DIJON and ethics VINTI CARLO 2 6 French B2 May 15th November 15th FRANCIA F DIJON01 UNIVERSITE DE http://www.u226 - Philosophy BOURGOGNE - DIJON and ethics VINTI CARLO 1 6 French B2 May 15th November 15th Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione FRANCIA F LYON10 UNIVERSITE' CATHOLIQUE DE LYON 226 - Philosophy and ethics 2 CAPECCI ANGELO MARIANELLI MASSIMILIAN O 6 French B2* * French support 7th July courses offered during the 1srt semester (4hours/week) 7th July Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione FRANCIA F LYON10 UNIVERSITE' CATHOLIQUE DE LYON 311 - Psychology MAZZESCHI CLAUDIA 2 5 French B2* * French support 7th July courses offered during the 1srt semester (4hours/week) 7th July 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione FRANCIA F MARSEIL84 AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITE' 0231 - Language acquisition KLEIN GABRIELLA 1 5 FRENCH B1 July 15th December 15th FRANCIA F MARSEIL84 AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITE' 2221 - Modern EC Languages KLEIN GABRIELLA 2 5 FRENCH B1 July 15th December 15th Filosofia, Scienze 1° ciclo Sociali, Umane e della Formazione BELGIO 223 - Mother tongue KLEIN GABRIELLA Pagina 23 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Filosofia, Scienze 1° ciclo Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 3° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione FRANCIA FRANCIA FRANCIA Codice Università' Nome Università partner F PARIS001 F PARIS001 F PARIS001 Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici All courses: http://www.univUNIVERSITE 226 - Philosophy ethics SORBONNE (PARIS I) etudier/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange-en-licence-et-master/etudiantsentrants-preparez-votre-projet-detudes/listedes-cours-pour-les-etudiants-enprogrammes-dechange/ VINTI CARLO 2 6 French B2 UNIVERSITE All courses: http://www.univ226 - Philosophy ethics SORBONNE (PARIS I) etudier/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange-en-licence-et-master/etudiantsentrants-preparez-votre-projet-detudes/listedes-cours-pour-les-etudiants-enprogrammes-dechange/ VINTI CARLO 1 226 - Philosophy All courses: http://www.univUNIVERSITE and ethics (PARIS I) etudier/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange/venir-etudier-en-programmesdechange-en-licence-et-master/etudiantsentrants-preparez-votre-projet-detudes/listedes-cours-pour-les-etudiants-enprogrammes-dechange/ VINTI CARLO 1 Sito internet Area disciplinare 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione F PARIS003 UNIVERSITE DE LA SORBONNE NOUVELLE (PARIS III) 2122 - Performing Arts Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione FRANCIA F PARIS004 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione FRANCIA F PARIS005 UNIVERSITE' PARIS DESCARTES (PARIS V) 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione F PARIS008 UNIVERSITE DE VINCENNES - SAINT DENIS (PARIS VIII) 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione F PARIS008 UNIVERSITE DE VINCENNES - SAINT DENIS (PARIS VIII) 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione F PARIS010 http://www.uUNIVERSITE PARIS OUEST NANTERRE LA echange-381549.kjsp?RH=INT_EINT Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Nomination deadline: June lst Application deadline: June 15th Nomination deadline: October lst Application deadline: October 15th Ulteriori indicazioni F PARIS001; • All relevant information for incoming students can be found at: http://www.univ-paris1,fr/international/etudiants/venir-etudier/veniretudier-en-programmes-dechange/ • Information for students with disabilities: httn:// 6 French B2 Nomination deadline: June lst Application deadline: June 15th Nomination deadline: October lst Application deadline: October 15th F PARIS001; • All relevant information for incoming students can be found at: http://www.univ-paris1,fr/international/etudiants/venir-etudier/veniretudier-en-programmes-dechange/ • Information for students with disabilities: httn:// 6 French B2 Nomination deadline: June lst Application deadline: June 15th Nomination deadline: October lst Application deadline: October 15th F PARIS001; • All relevant information for incoming students can be found at: http://www.univ-paris1,fr/international/etudiants/venir-etudier/veniretudier-en-programmes-dechange/ • Information for students with disabilities: httn:// PAPA CRISTINA 1 5 French B2 Application deadline: Application deadline: May 15th Academic November 15th calendar available on RH=1209061830093 0314 - Sociology FEDERICI and cultural studies MARIA CATERINA 2 5 FRENCH B2 The Université Paris-Sorbonne welcomes students and staff with Nomination : May 15th Nomination : disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn Application : May 31st October 15th Application : October more at ( 31st 031 - Social and behavioural sciences 4 6 French B2 31st May 317 - Anthropology PAPA CRISTINA 1 9 Area 222: French B2 Area 2122, 317, 3421: French B2 no certificate required Nomination May 30th Nomination October Language courses and orientation session: International students are Application June 30th 31th Application encouragde to partecipate in the intensive courses before their November 30th studies in paris 8 start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for two weeks in september or one week in February. 2122 - Performing Arts PAPA CRISTINA 1 9 Area 222: French B2 Area 2122, 317, 3421: French B2 no certificate required Nomination May 30th Nomination October Language courses and orientation session: International students are Application June 30th 31th Application encouragde to partecipate in the intensive courses before their November 30th studies in paris 8 start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for two weeks in september or one week in February. 310 - Social and PAPA behavioural science CRISTINA (broad programmes) 2 6 French B1 May 15th FEDERICI MARIA CATERINA Pagina 24 di 97 30th November November 15th Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Sociali, Umane e della Formazione Codice Università' Nome Università partner F PARIS052 INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE PARIS Sito internet Area disciplinare F PARIS 052 2. The International 226 - Philosophy and ethics Relations Office (IRO) of the Catholic University of Paris uses the e-nomination procedure offered by MoveOn for incoming students. The student coordinator of the home university must register its candidate(s) for an exchange through the MoveOnNet portal . Once our IRO receives the nomination(s), we e-mail directly the student(s) with the Student Application form and the Learning Agreement to be filled in and returned to us, as well as practical information for his/her arrival in Paris (accommodation, academic calendar, courses, integration activities…). ICP will send its decision within a maximum of 4 weeks 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 1°, 2°, 3° GERMANIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione F RENNES02 UNIVERSITE DE HAUTE-BRETAGNE (RENNES II) D KIEL01 ALBRECHTSUNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione GERMANIA D KIEL01 UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione GERMANIA D MUNSTER01 WESTFÄLISCHE WILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER state=user&type=0 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione GERMANIA D PASSAU01 UNIVERSITÄT PASSAU 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione GERMANIA D PASSAU01 3° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione GERMANIA 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° GERMANIA Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi VINTI CARLO 3 6 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre French - A minimum of B1 is 15th May recommended. No certificate required for admission. All our partner universities are required to test and validate the level of their own students' spoken and written French prior to sending their applications, and to acknowledge that it is sufficient for them to successfully pursue their studies during their stay at the Catholic University of Paris. English (few courses) 15th November Ulteriori indicazioni F Paris 052: In order to facilitate their integration, an orientation/welcome session is organized at the beginning of each semester. Upon their arrival in France, each exchange student will be guided by a volunteer student within a buddy program called “Tandem”. The whole semester long a wide range of social events is organized to ensure international student integration at ICP. Language courses: The university’s French language school, the Institut de Langue et Culture Françaises, offers a 2-hour French course per week to each international student in exchange. An intensive 3 or 4 week session of French as a foreign language is organized before the beginning of each semester at ILCF. These courses are not included in the exchange agreement and are on a fee-paying basis. Elevators and ramps throughout the campus render most buildings and facilities accessible to handicapped persons. 3 5 French B2 May 1 October 1 KLEIN GABRIELLA 1 5 German, English (limited offers) B1 (English OR German) June 01 December 01 310 - Social and KLEIN behavioural science GABRIELLA (broad programmes) 1 5 German, English (limited offers) B1 (English OR German) June 01 December 01 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 4 9 Area 226,225 (Prontera), 4432: German B1 Area 225 (Lupi): German B1 May 1st November 1st 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 3 6 A2 GERMAN A2 ENGLISH June 15th December 15th Orientation weeks for international students: UNIVERSITÄT PASSAU 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 3 6 A2 GERMAN A2 ENGLISH June 15th December 15th Orientation weeks for international students: D PASSAU01 UNIVERSITÄT PASSAU 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 1 6 A2 GERMAN A2 ENGLISH June 15th December 15th Orientation weeks for international students: D POTSDAM01 UNIVERSITÄT POTSDAM [email protected] 023 - Languages KLEIN GABRIELLA 2 6 Area 023: German B1 Area 023: July 15th Area 023: Jan. 15th 2221 - Modern EC Languages KLEIN GABRIELLA 2 10 If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission Area 2221, 46, 461: German/ English If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission 15th June 15th January 312 - Sociology and FEDERICI internationales/incoming cultural studies MARIA CATERINA D WURZBUR01 BAYERISCHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG Pagina 25 di 97 University of Würzburg: Preparatory classes are offered in many fields of study before the terms starts. Exchange students are welcome and participation is recommended. A tutor program is offered for all international students for having a better start with all practical issues like opening a bank account, registrations procedures etc. : ddy_programm/ and/or Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 German or less are asked to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Würzburg start. The courses are free of charge and are offered four weeks in September and March. The University of Würzburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at, Contact person: Mrs Sandra Ohlenforst, Universität Würzburg, KIS, Am Hubland, 97070 Würzburg. Tel.: 0931/31-84052, Email: [email protected] Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare 312 - Sociology and PAPA cultural studies CRISTINA 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione IRLANDA IRL CORK01 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 1 6 30 June -AREA 228 Greek B2 VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 2 9 English B1 Nomination: 10 May Application: 7 June Nomination: 4 October Application: 25 October KLEIN GABRIELLA 10 English B2 1st June 1st November 142 - Education science 2 Ulteriori indicazioni MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione PL KATOWIC06 SLASKA WYZSZA SZKOLA ZARZADZANIA IM. GENERALA JERZEGO ZIETKA PORTOGALLO P AVEIRO01 UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO 14 - Teacher training and education science KLEIN GABRIELLA 0211 - Audio-visual D'ANDREA FABIO techniques and media production 2 4 English/Polish B2 15 June 15 November 2 5 Portuguese B1 English B2 Area 0211: Portuguese B1 English B1 1st June Area 0211: My 31st 1st November Area Erasmus Student network Aveiro: 0211: November 15th Pagina 26 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA 317 - Anthropology PAPA CRISTINA 1 6 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) June, 1st November 1st RO BUCURES09 UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI 317 - Anthropology PAPA CRISTINA 1 6 B1 English/French 30 June 31 October RO BUCURES09 UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI 313 - Political science and civics PAPA CRISTINA 2 6 B1 English/French 30 June 31 October RO BUCURES13 SCOALA NATIONALA DE STUDII POLITICE SI ADMINISTRATIVE DIN BUCURESTI 317 - Anthropology PAPA CRISTINA 1 6 English B1 15 th June 15th November E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE 14 - Teacher training and education science FALCINELLI FLORIANA 2 9 Spanish B1 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Sociali, Umane e della Formazione E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO 225 - History and archeology MAGLIANI STEFANIA 1 9 Spanish English B1 June 30th November 30th The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences KLEIN GABRIELLA 1 10 Spanish English B1 June 30th November 30th The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 1° ciclo ROMANIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 1°, 2° ciclo ROMANIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° ROMANIA Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione Codice Università' SPAGNA Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Pagina 27 di 97 Durata in mesi Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Nome Università partner Dipartimento Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione SPAGNA E BURGOS01 UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS 310 - Social and DE SANTIS international-office/guide-for-foreign-students- behavioural science MINA and-visitors/what-to-do-upon-arrival/erasmus- (broad exchange-students programmes) 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 226 - Philosophy and ethics 1 - Basic/broad, general programmes Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Sociali, Umane e della Formazione E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 142 - Education science 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E MADRID04 UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E MADRID04 UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni 4 9 Spanish (majority of courses) 30TH May for B1 Spanish language English application (limited number of courses) and wide number of “English friendly” courses Strongly recommended B1 30TH October for application VINTI CARLO 2 6 June Are 727: June AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 15th 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October Are 727: October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students June Are 727: June AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October Are 727: October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students ROSATI AGNESE 2 6 University of Burgos has the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities and has a Unit that takes care of students with disabilities. Each case is considered individually. The possibility of fulfilling Final projects has to be arranged with the corresponding academic coordinators/Departments before including it in the Learning agreement. The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see 2 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program November 15th June 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php 312 - Sociology and PAPA cultural studies CRISTINA 1 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th 142 - Education science KLEIN GABRIELLA 5 6 Spanish - Minimum B1 for 31st May graduate studies (B2 recommended) - B2 for: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hispanic Studies Degree and Postgraduate Studies With the exception of specific studies that request a specific level 31st October - Postgraduate students must fulfill the requirements of the specific Master or Doctoral Programme, for more information they must contact the international Relations Office of the Faculty concerned. - There is an office in charge of counseling and helping disabled students that can be contacted by email at [email protected] 1443 - Primary teaching KLEIN GABRIELLA 4 4 31st May Spanish - Minimum B1 for graduate studies (B2 recommended) - B2 for: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hispanic Studies Degree and Postgraduate Studies With the exception of specific studies that request a specific level 31st October - Postgraduate students must fulfill the requirements of the specific Master or Doctoral Programme, for more information they must contact the international Relations Office of the Faculty concerned. - There is an office in charge of counseling and helping disabled students that can be contacted by email at [email protected] KLEIN GABRIELLA Pagina 28 di 97 Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 224 - History, philosophy and movilidad/movilidad-erasmus-entrerelated subjects universidades-europeas Area 227: MARIANELLI 2 MASSIMILIAN O 5 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required 15th July 15th July 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 1 - Basic/broad, xchange-students general programmes ROSATI AGNESE 2 5 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 220 - Humanities (broad programmes) VINTI CARLO 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 142 - Education science MOSCHINI MARCO 2 10 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER Filosofia, Scienze 1° ciclo Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 144 - Training for teachers at basic levels MOSCHINI MARCO 2 10 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 141 - Teaching and MOSCHINI training MARCO 2 9 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 144 - Training for teachers at basic levels MOSCHINI MARCO 2 9 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER Filosofia, Scienze 1°, 2°, 3° Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 14 - Teacher I VIRGILI training and education science KLEIN GABRIELLA 2 6 15th June Language of Instruction 1: Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 312 - Sociology and PAPA I VIRGILI cultural studies CRISTINA 2 5 15th June Language of Instruction 1: Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA VINTI CARLO 4 6 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione 226 - Philosophy s_entrantes/en/True and ethics ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s Pagina 29 di 97 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] 30 November Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 2 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 2° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 226 - Philosophy and ethics VINTI CARLO 1 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 14 - Teacher training and education science ROSATI AGNESE 2 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 1°, 2°, 3° Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della ciclo Formazione SVIZZERA CH ST GALL11 UNIVERSITY OF TEACHER EDUCATION ST.GALLEN 011 - Education MOSCHINI MARCO 1 5 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione TR ANKARA12 TURKISH MILITARY Area 9025: 220 - Humanities ACADEMY - DEFENSE (broad SCIENCES INSTITUTE te/institute_erasmus.html programmes) MOSCHINI MARCO 4 6 Area 9025: Turkish or English Area 9025: August 1st Area 9025: December 1st B1 [Turkish Military Academy Defense Sciences Institute offers Turkish Language course free of charge for one Semester for all international students.] 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione TURCHIA TR ESKISEH02 ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITESI 023 - Languages MOSCHINI MARCO 2 5 Turkish B1 English B1 31th of July 15th of December Incoming Erasmus students can attend Turkish Language Course organized by Turkish Teaching Center (TÖMER) within the campus. Courses at A1 level are offered with 5 ECTS and free of charge for the Erasmus Students during their studies in Eskisehir. • The students are guided by mentors and International Relations Office for practical issues like registration, residence permit, student ID, transportation options, accommodation etc. • ESOGÜ, welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides information and assistance. 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione TURCHIA TR ESKISEH02 ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITESI 022 - Humanities MOSCHINI (except languages) MARCO 3 5 Turkish B1 English B1 31th of July 15th of December Incoming Erasmus students can attend Turkish Language Course organized by Turkish Teaching Center (TÖMER) within the campus. Courses at A1 level are offered with 5 ECTS and free of charge for the Erasmus Students during their studies in Eskisehir. • The students are guided by mentors and International Relations Office for practical issues like registration, residence permit, student ID, transportation options, accommodation etc. • ESOGÜ, welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides information and assistance. 1° ciclo Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione TURCHIA TR ESKISEH02 ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITESI 0111 - Education science MOSCHINI MARCO 2 5 Turkish B1 English B1 31th of July 15th of December Incoming Erasmus students can attend Turkish Language Course organized by Turkish Teaching Center (TÖMER) within the campus. Courses at A1 level are offered with 5 ECTS and free of charge for the Erasmus Students during their studies in Eskisehir. • The students are guided by mentors and International Relations Office for practical issues like registration, residence permit, student ID, transportation options, accommodation etc. • ESOGÜ, welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides information and assistance. 4434 - Geology NAZZARENI SABRINA 2 5 German B2 English B2 15th June 30th October BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 3 10 French B1/B2 English B1/B2 1st June 1st November 443 - Earth science NAZZARENI SABRINA 1 10 French B1-B2 English B1-B2 June 5th November 15th 4434 - Geology 1 12 Applications deadline: Applications German B1 English (not deadline: December applicable for Law and only at June 15 master + levels for Geology Bl 15 Fisica e Geologia A LEOBEN01 MONTANUNIVERSITÄ T LEOBEN Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° AUSTRIA ciclo 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F GRENOBL01 UNIVERSITE JOSEPH Application forms: http://www.ujf441 - Physics FOURIER GRENOBLE I in English: Coming to the University as part of an exchange programme Academic Calendar : Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS011 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SUD (PARIS XI) Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MUNCHEN01 LUDWIGMAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN PERUGINI DIEGO Pagina 30 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Fisica e Geologia 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA G THESSAL01 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Fisica e Geologia Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 443 - Earth science PERUGINI DIEGO 1 4 30 June -AREA 228 Greek B2 VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November PL KRAKOW03 POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA 441 - Physics BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 2 5 English B1 31 May 31 October POLONIA PL LUBLIN03 POLITECHNIKA LUBELSKA 441 - Physics BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 2 5 English B2 June 15 November 30 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL LUBLIN03 POLITECHNIKA LUBELSKA 521 - Mechanics and metal work BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 2 5 English B2 June 15 November 30 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P ACORES01 UNIVERSIDADE DOS AÇORES 4434 - Geology NAZZARENI SABRINA 2 6 Area 2221: B1 English All Nomination: May classes are taught in Application: June Portuguese, though some courses are given in English tutorial system. Area 4434: English only for students who apply for Laboratory training Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P PORTO02 UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Area 582, 380: [email protected] Area 0532 - Earth 380: sciences NAZZARENI SABRINA 1 6 Area 521: English/Suitable for Area 521, 582: Applications to the English Studies B1 Portuguese Applications to the 1st 2nd semester: 30 (no certification required) semester: 15 June November Areas 023, 4433: Portuguese Applications to the B2, or English B2, or French academic year: 15 B2, or Spanish B2 Area 582: June Areas 023, 4433, Portoguese B1 380: 15 June English/suitable for English speaking students B1 Area 380: Portoguese B1 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo REPUBBLICA CECA CZ PRAHA07 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Fisica e Geologia 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Nomination: October Application: November 4434 - Geology RETTORI ROBERTO 2 5 English - Czech B2 June 15 October 31 4439 - Others Geography, Geology RETTORI ROBERTO 2 6 Spanish B1 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) Pagina 31 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Area 582; information for Disabled Students: iaqina?P_paqina=31 549 Area 380: incoming Erasmus students must take at least 3 subjects at the Faculty of Law, per semester The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO01 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E CORDOBA01 Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA 4434 - Geology UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 441 - Physics AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi RETTORI ROBERTO 2 10 Spanish /catalan* B1 (*) Application: June, 15th Application: Classes at the UB can be November, 15th taught in Spanish or Catalan, depending on the teachers’ choice. In the same way, students may exercise the right to express themselves, orally or in writing, in whichever they prefer of Catalonia’s two official languages, Spanish and Catalan, regardless of the language in which the teachers have conducted their classes. The information regarding the language of instruction of each lecture is published on the UB website before the beginning of the academic year. A good command of Spanish is especially important for students interested in taking the Introductory Course to Spanish Law. • Visiting students at master’s level at the UB must apply to a specific master's degree and meet the academic requirements of the program. With the approval of their home university, master students may also be allowed to enrol in final year courses of bachelor’s studies. Master’s degrees offered at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) are not available to exchange students. • Incoming students are allowed to select courses from other UB faculties, provided the percentage of credits completed outside the Faculty of Law does not exceed 49%. • Language courses taken at the University of Barcelona might be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement, but the final grades for theses courses will not be part of the regular Transcript of Records issued by the Faculty of Law. An additional document should be provided by the specific department offering the course. • The Integration Programmes Office provides assistance and support to students with disabilities. The office is also responsible for helping students find suitable accommodation adapted to their needs. Contact: c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 (08028 – Barcelona); Tel. 934 035 415 Fax 934 035 917 BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 1 9 Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 A2 English A2 AREA 380-640: 30 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: Requisiti Linguistici AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 32 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 4434 - Geology RETTORI ROBERTO 1 9 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SVIZZERA CH GENEVE01 UNIVERSITE' DE GENEVE Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SVIZZERA CH ZURICH07 ETH Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich 4434 - Geology MINELLI GIORGIO 1 5 Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR BATMAN01 BATMAN UNIVERSITY 4434 - Geology DRAGONI VALTER ULDERICO 2 Fisica e Geologia 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR BOLU01 ABANT IZZET BAYSAL UNIVERSITY lang=en&itemid=114 441 - Physics Fisica e Geologia 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR BURSA01 ULUDAG UNIVERSITESI BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISPARTA01 SULEYMAN DEMIREL UNIVERSITY 441 - Physics Fisica e Geologia 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR IZMIR03 IZMIR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A SALZBUR01 UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F BESANCO01 UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo FRANCIA F CORTE01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni French B2 English: upon agreement B2 Follow the instructions to register online on our website: A letter of acceptance and other information will be sent directly to the students in July at the latest. Nominations: 14.11.2014 Follow the instructions to register online on our website: 8. A letter of acceptance and other information will be sent directly to the students in July at the latest. Nominations: 15.05.2015 6 Turkish, English B1 June 30th December 1st 1 5 ENGLISH B1 15 JULY 15 DECEMBER 1 6 ENGLISH B1 JULY DECEMBER BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 2 6 ENGLISH B1 30 JUNE 30 DECEMBER 441 - Physics BUSSO MAURIZIO MARIA 3 6 English B1 June 1st December 1st Izmir Institute of Technology has NO infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities. 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 1 12 380 - Law ANGELINI MARCO 1 9 French B2 - No certificate required June 1st October 15th F BESANCO01: UNIVERSITE DE CORSE PASCAL PAOLI 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 10 French B1 May 31st October 30th - Free French as a foreign language courses for Erasmus students - Service dedicated to students with disabilities within the Health Service F PARIS005 UNIVERSITE' PARIS DESCARTES (PARIS V) 042 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 5 French B2 31st May 30th November F TOULON01 UNIVERSITE DE TOULON ET DU VAR 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 6 French B2 recommended 31 May 31 October 441 - Physics tm MATEMATICA FISICA Pagina 33 di 97 Orientation Session: the week before the beginning of the term Academic Preparation: Before coming to Geneva, students should select the courses they wish to attend using the course catalogue: http:/ or the website of the faculty/department. They must send their Learning Agreement to the International Relations Office. The academic coordinator of the agreement in Geneva will validate it. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D GOTTING01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MAINZ01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo GERMANIA Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo GRECIA Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 380 - Law ANGELINI MARCO 1 5 German (Bachelor) English (partial Master) B2/B2 June 1st December 1st • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. This decision will be subject to the capacities of the faculties. • Before arrival: Nominated incoming students should contact in time the Departmental Coordinator concerning the selection of courses: [email protected] • After arrival: It is recommended that incoming students meet the Departmental Coordinator contemporary after their arrival in Göttingen: • Incoming students should participate in the introduction days of the International Office: • • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the Department that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the department. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the International Office based on the proposed working plan. The International Office will check the availability of the concerned department, service or unit. 380 - Law GIGLIO STEFANO 2 12 German B1 occasionally English B1 July 15th January 15th JGU’s Student Disabilities’ Service offer assistance to help disabled students to complete their exchange period under the best possible conditions. D MUNCHEN01 LUDWIGMAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN 380 - Law ANGELINI MARCO 1 10 German B1 English (not Applications deadline: Applications applicable for Law and only at June 15 deadline: December master + levels for Geology Bl 15 D PASSAU01 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 1 9 A2 GERMAN A2 ENGLISH June 15th December 15th Orientation weeks for international students: D WURZBUR01 BAYERISCHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 10 If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission Area 2221, 46, 461: German/ English If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission 15th June 15th January University of Würzburg: Preparatory classes are offered in many fields of study before the terms starts. Exchange students are welcome and participation is recommended. A tutor program is offered for all international students for having a better start with all practical issues like opening a bank account, registrations procedures etc. : ddy_programm/ and/or Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 German or less are asked to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Würzburg start. The courses are free of charge and are offered four weeks in September and March. The University of Würzburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at, Contact person: Mrs Sandra Ohlenforst, Universität Würzburg, KIS, Am Hubland, 97070 Würzburg. Tel.: 0931/31-84052, Email: [email protected] G THESSAL01 380 - Law ANGELINI MARCO 1 12 30 June -AREA 228 Greek B2 VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 Sito internet Area disciplinare GEORG-AUGUSTUNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN JOHANNESGUTENBERGUNIVERSITÄT MAINZ UNIVERSITÄT PASSAU ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Pagina 34 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici 30 November Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 2° ciclo MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA MALTA Sito internet Area disciplinare 380 - Law Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 English B2 1st June 6 1st November Ulteriori indicazioni MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL SZCZECI01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P PORTO02 380 - Law Cerrone Francesco 1 5 Polish or English B1 Area 582, 380: [email protected] Area 380 - Law 380: BELLOMO STEFANO 2 5 Area 521: English/Suitable for Area 521, 582: Applications to the English Studies B1 Portuguese Applications to the 1st 2nd semester: 30 (no certification required) November semester: 15 June Areas 023, 4433: Portuguese Applications to the B2, or English B2, or French academic year: 15 B2, or Spanish B2 Area 582: June Areas 023, 4433, Portoguese B1 380: 15 June English/suitable for English speaking students B1 Area 380: Portoguese B1 Uniwersytet Szczecinski UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SLOVACCHIA SK BRATISL02 UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE Nomination; no later than 30 April, application no later than 31th May Nomination: no later than 30 November, application no later than 31st December Area 582; information for Disabled Students: iaqina?P_paqina=31 549 Area 380: incoming Erasmus students must take at least 3 subjects at the Faculty of Law, per semester OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 5 Area 721 (Medicine) Slovak/English B2 Area 380 (Law) English B2 15th June 15 November 38 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 5 Spanish B1 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. 3804 - Criminal Law, Criminology ANGELINI MARCO 3 5 Spanish B1 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. 380 - Law Pagina 35 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E BADAJOZ01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO01 Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 38 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 5 Spanish A2 Certification is not I TERM II TERM required (September/Deecemb (January/May); er): Application Application deadline: deadline: 1 May mid mid October mid June December anizacion/secretariado rganizacion/secretari s/sri/incomingados/sri/incomingerasmus-students-on- erasmus-studentslineon-lineregistration/european- registration/europea erasmus-students n-erasmus-students 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 4 10 Application: June, 15th Application: Spanish /catalan* B1 (*) November, 15th Classes at the UB can be taught in Spanish or Catalan, depending on the teachers’ choice. In the same way, students may exercise the right to express themselves, orally or in writing, in whichever they prefer of Catalonia’s two official languages, Spanish and Catalan, regardless of the language in which the teachers have conducted their classes. The information regarding the language of instruction of each lecture is published on the UB website before the beginning of the academic year. A good command of Spanish is especially important for students interested in taking the Introductory Course to Spanish Law. Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE EXTREMADURA UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Pagina 36 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni • Visiting students at master’s level at the UB must apply to a specific master's degree and meet the academic requirements of the program. With the approval of their home university, master students may also be allowed to enrol in final year courses of bachelor’s studies. Master’s degrees offered at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) are not available to exchange students. • Incoming students are allowed to select courses from other UB faculties, provided the percentage of credits completed outside the Faculty of Law does not exceed 49%. • Language courses taken at the University of Barcelona might be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement, but the final grades for theses courses will not be part of the regular Transcript of Records issued by the Faculty of Law. An additional document should be provided by the specific department offering the course. • The Integration Programmes Office provides assistance and support to students with disabilities. The office is also responsible for helping students find suitable accommodation adapted to their needs. Contact: c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 (08028 – Barcelona); Tel. 934 035 415 Fax 934 035 917 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 380 - Law AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 9 2 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E ELCHE01 UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 6 Spanish English* B1 English May, 15th A2 Spanish ** * See the list of subject taught in English (updated yearly) rses-catalogue/ ** Medicine, Pharmacy, Ocupational Therapy, Podology and Physiotherapy students must have a B1 Spanish level. Miguel Hernandez University recommends Incoming student to visit our website for Spanish Intensive and Non Intensive courses mas/ November 1st Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E JAEN01 UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN 380 - Law les OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 3 9 Spanish B1; or English B1 for June 30th courses taught in English November 30th Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 5 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program 380 - Law Pagina 37 di 97 Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID14 Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 3 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th 5 10 English B2 Spanish B2 Area 32: English B2 Spanish B1 May 15th Area 32: November 1st Area Welcome Event, Buddy Program, Students with disabilities, ESN Nomination & 32: Nomination & Carlos III: Application: Mid-March Application: to mid-May Beginning of ge October to beginning of November. Area 071, 0715: Buddy Program: ge/prior_arrival/buddy Ulteriori indicazioni Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). The University has developed actions with the aim of improving the assistance offered to disabled persons. Among others, we offer specific services under the Integration Program for Disabled Students (see link), infrastructure adaptation and investigation projects devoted to improve their quality of life: d/english Orientation Program and Welcome Event: The Welcome Event and the Orientation for international students will take place at the beginning of each semester: ge/upon_arrival Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 38 - Law BELLOMO STEFANO 2 5 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 May 31st B1 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: October 31st os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E PAMPLON02 UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA DE NAVARRA 380 - Law BELLOMO STEFANO 2 6 Area 38: Spanish English B1 Area 723: Spanish B1 October 30th all useful information at: Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 380 - Law BELLOMO STEFANO 3 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Giurisprudenza 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 3804 - Criminal Law, Criminology ANGELINI MARCO 3 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Pagina 38 di 97 June 30th Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Giurisprudenza 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VIGO01 Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA Giurisprudenza 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 2 10 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th BELLOMO STEFANO 2 10 Spanish B1 AREA 640: 3rd March - 1st July for whole year and 1st semester students AREA721 AND AREA380: July 01 st - For whole year and first semester students November 28 th - For second semester students AREA 640: 2nd. September -28 November 2nd semester students AREA 721 AND AREA 380: November 28 th For second semester students 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO 2 5 ENGLISH B1 (RECOMMENDED) END OF AUGUST END OF JANUARY 582 - Building and civil engineering COTANA FRANCO 2 6 GERMAN B2 or higher ENGLISH B2 or higher JUNE 1st, TU GRAZ NOVEMBER 1st, TU needs to receive the GRAZ needs to signed and complete receive the signed application package by and complete 1 MAY (Students who application package by 1 OCTOBER need a visa) - 15 JUNE (Students who (Students who need a visa) - 15 do not need a visa) NOVEMBER (Students who do not need a visa) Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 380 - Law OLIVIERO MAURIZIO E ZARAGOZ01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA http:/ 380 - Law TURCHIA TR ESKISEH01 ANADOLU UNIVERSITESI AUSTRIA A GRAZ02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ Ulteriori indicazioni Incoming Exchange Students are required to attend the Orientation Sessions I & II and the Intercultural Orientation Sessions Exchange students can request to perform a final degree project/Master's thesis, at TU Graz. However, there is no service provided to match student requests with research projects at TU Graz. Therefore students cannot be guaranteed to be accepted for a project. A student who wants to carry out a project must contact a relevant institute or professor directly and make the arrangements with them. If students receive a confirmation of approval, they are asked to contact the Office of International Relations and Programmes. Teaching Assignments and staff training need to be discussed and agreed upon with the relevant institutes/ academic units at the partner institutions. Graz University of Technology welcomes students and staff with disabilities. Contact: Karin Krottmayer Phone: +43 316 873 6599 email: [email protected] Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A LEOBEN01 Ingegneria 2° ciclo BELGIO B BRUSSEL01 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B LIEGE01 UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE MONTANUNIVERSITÄ T LEOBEN 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 5 German B2 English B2 15th June 30th October 523 - Electronics and automation REALI GIANLUCA 3 5 English B1 Dutch B1 15th May 15th October 2 5 15 May (online) – 31 French and English B1 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques 524 - Chemical and Fantozzi process Francesco Pagina 39 di 97 B BRUSSEL01 : See 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: – 15 November • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French (printed) lessons: • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo DANIMARCA DK ALBORG01 AALBORG UNIVERSITYævn/ 523 - Electronics and automation ROSELLI LUCA 2 5 English Danish English 1 May language qualifications corresponding to an 'English B level' in Danmark must be documented via the following official English language tests. The following tests must be sent directly from the test centre: TOEFL (PBT paperbased): 550 TOEFL (CBT computerbased): 230 TOEFL (iBT internet-based): 80 Cambridge ESOL: C1 1 October Ingegneria 2° ciclo DANIMARCA DK ALBORG01 AALBORG UNIVERSITYævn/ 529 - Engineering and engineering trades (others) ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 5 1 May English Danish English language qualifications corresponding to an 'English B level' in Danmark must be documented via the following official English language tests. The following tests must be sent directly from the test centre: TOEFL (PBT paperbased): 550 TOEFL (CBT computerbased): 230 TOEFL (iBT internet-based): 80 Cambridge ESOL: C1 1 October Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F MONTPEL02 UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER II http://www.fdsweb.univ- 071 - Engineering and engineering trades 1 10 French B1 15th May 30th November Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS012 UNIVERSITE PARIS Area 225: Faculty of Humanities and Human 4433 EST CRETEIL VAL DE Sciences: MARNE des-lettres-langues-et-sciences-humainesSciences, Ecology 342062.kjsp?RF=LSH Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 727, 4433: Faculty of Science and Technology Learning French RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 340 Faculty of Administration and International exchanges Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 10 Area 225: French B2 English B2 Area 727, 4433, 340: French B1 English B1 May, 31st November, 15 th Incoming student: The original learning agreement (no copy is accepted) with the exams done by the student can be given or sent directly to him/her OR to the International Relations and Mobility Office of the student university. For all other information, the student can get in touch the person in charge of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. Dipartimento VINTI GIANLUCA Pagina 40 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Ingegneria 2° ciclo GERMANIA D AACHEN01 RHEINISCHWESTFÄLISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D AACHEN02 FACHHOCHSCHULE AACHEN Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D BERLIN02 Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D KASSEL01 Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D KONSTAN01 UNIVERSITÄT KONSTANZ Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D MITTWEI01 HOCHSCHULE MITTWEIDA (FH) 441 - Physics Ingegneria 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo D MUNCHEN02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN D OLDENBU01 CARL VON OSSIETZKYUNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 522 - Electricity and ANGELONI energy LAURA 1 6 521 - Mechanics and metal work DESIDERI UMBERTO 1 6 German B1 or in Opt. English May 31st B1 (if thè courses are offered in English) October 31st TECHNISCHE office UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN 52 - Engineering and engineering trades ASDRUBALI 1 FRANCESCO 10 Proficiency In German at least June 1st on level A2 of CEFR December 1st D BERLIN02 TECHNISCHE office UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN DESIDERI UMBERTO 2 10 Proficiency In German at least June 1st on level A2 of CEFR December 1st D ERLANGE01 FRIEDRICHALEXANDERUNIVERSITÄT ERLANGENNÜRNBERG UNIVERSITÄT KASSEL 52 - Engineering and engineering trades 524 - Chemical and process BALDINELLI GIORGIO 2 5 German, English B1 15th November 0714 - Electronics and automation SORRENTINO 2 ROBERTO 6 German*B1 English** *A B1 July 15th German competence is obligatory for every incoming student unless he just wants to write his maser's thesis. **There are some courses also taught in English, especially in the area of "Informations and Comunication Technologies" For an overview check the course list of the Department: Students who don't speak German (B1 is the minimum requirement), should have a very good command of the English language. Students have the possibility to write their master's thesis in Kassel (in German, as well as in English) January 15th 481 - Computer science LIOTTA GIUSEPPE 10 German and/or English B1 May 15th November 15th ASDRUBALI 1 FRANCESCO 5 German A2 / B1 English B1 Nomination 15 May Nomination 15 November FANTOZZI 2 FRANCESCO 6 VALIGI PAOLO 1 5 German English (or another 15th July foreign language in the case of philology programmes) B1 (unless the student intends to take classes in English only: B2) 15th January 521 - Mechanics and metal work www.uni0533 - Physics 2 15th May D ZWICKAU01 WESTSÄCHSISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZWICKAU (FH) 521 - Mechanics and metal work GRIMALDI CARLO NAZARENO 2 6 Area 041 - 0715: German - B1 30th May English – B2 30th November GRECIA G KRITIS01 PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS 48 - Computing LIOTTA GIUSEPPE 2 6 Greek B2 English B2 15th June 15th November GRECIA G VOLOS01 PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS 52 - Engineering and engineering trades BIDINI GIANNI 2 6 Greek and English B1 July 31st December 31st Pagina 41 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Kassel University welcomes students and staff members with disabilities, however acceptance requires approval. For student mobility for traineeships an Inter-institutional agreement is not necessary. Traineeships in Oldenburg run on individual contact with the departments Language of instruction at UoC is Greek. A certificate B2 Level of knowledge of the languange is required for the attendance of taught courses. However, a number of courses is offered in English and/or an arrangement can be made with specific departments of the UoC so that alternatives ca be found, such as tutorials/projects/separate examinations in english (Certified B2 level), Please contact the departments for the further information. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Requisiti Linguistici Ingegneria 2° ciclo IRLANDA IRL CORK01 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 523 - Electronics and automation ALIMENTI FEDERICO 1 6 English B1 Nomination: 10 May Application: 7 June Nomination: 4 October Application: 25 October Ingegneria 3° ciclo IRLANDA IRL CORK01 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 523 - Electronics and automation ALIMENTI FEDERICO 1 6 English B1 Nomination: 10 May Application: 7 June Nomination: 4 October Application: 25 October Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW03 POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL RZESZOW02 UNIVERSYTET RZESZOWSKI 521 - Mechanics and metal work VINTI GIANLUCA 2 5 English B1 31 May 31 October 52 - Engineering and engineering trades VINTI GIANLUCA 1 9 English B1 May 31st October 31st Ingegneria 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW02 POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA 521 - Mechanics item1=education_programmes&item2=erasm and metal work us ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 8 English B1 (Exchange October 01 (winter students coming to WUT must semester) Area:48, be able to understand lectures, 461 May 15 do workgroup and write reports and exams, all in English) Information for incoming students: February 20 (summer semester) Area:48, 461 November 30 Ingegneria 1° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW21 KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY 340 - Business and BIDINI GIANNI 4 administration (broad programmes) 5 English, Polish B2 Komzminski May 30th University offers Polish course free of charge during the Fall and Spring semesters November 30th Ingegneria 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW21 KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY 340 - Business and BIDINI GIANNI 4 administration (broad programmes) 5 English, Polish B2 Komzminski May 30th University offers Polish course free of charge during the Fall and Spring semesters November 30th Ingegneria 3° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW21 KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY 340 - Business and BIDINI GIANNI 4 administration (broad programmes) 5 English, Polish B2 Komzminski May 30th University offers Polish course free of charge during the Fall and Spring semesters November 30th Ingegneria 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P PORTO02 ASDRUBALI 1 FRANCESCO 5 Area 521: English/Suitable for Area 521, 582: Applications to the English Studies B1 Portuguese Applications to the 1st 2nd semester: 30 (no certification required) November semester: 15 June Areas 023, 4433: Portuguese Applications to the B2, or English B2, or French academic year: 15 B2, or Spanish B2 Area 582: June Areas 023, 4433, Portoguese B1 380: 15 June English/suitable for English speaking students B1 Area 380: Portoguese B1 UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Area 582, 380: [email protected] Area 521 - Mechanics 380: and metal work Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Area disciplinare Ingegneria 2°, 3° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK BRADFOR01 UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD 041 - Business and Carbone Paolo 2 administration 6 June 30th English B2 minimum Full details: national/before-youapply/english-languagerequirements/ December 1st Ingegneria 3° ciclo 0732 - Building and ASDRUBALI 1 civil engineering FRANCESCO 6 June 30th English B2 minimum Full details: national/before-youapply/english-languagerequirements/ December 1st REGNO UNITO UK BRADFOR01 UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD Pagina 42 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Area 582; information for Disabled Students: iaqina?P_paqina=31 549 Area 380: incoming Erasmus students must take at least 3 subjects at the Faculty of Law, per semester Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Ingegneria 1° ciclo Ingegneria 2°, 3° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK SOUTHAM01 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON Ingegneria 1° ciclo ROMANIA Ingegneria 2° ciclo Ingegneria Ingegneria Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 521 - Mechanics and metal work DESIDERI UMBERTO 1 6 English language entry requirements: y/research-degrees/entryrequirements/ Master of Science Project Studentes Start date - the first Any time throughout Monday in October - the year no deadline for applications but suggestion is by the end of April for courses starting in October. For courses bginning in MArch a suggested application date would be October. CONTI PAOLO 2 525 - Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft 9 English B2 15th May 15th November RO BUCURES11 UNIVERSITATEA "POLITEHNICA" DIN BUCURESTI 522 - Electricity and DESIDERI energy UMBERTO 3 5 English B2 French / German B2 30th June 30th November Students have to fill in a Learning Agreement reporting the courses they would like to attend during the Erasmus studying period and they must send us. Information on the courses is available on ROMANIA RO BUCURES11 UNIVERSITATEA "POLITEHNICA" DIN BUCURESTI 522 - Electricity and DESIDERI energy UMBERTO 2 5 English B2 French / German B2 30th June 30th November Students have to fill in a Learning Agreement reporting the courses they would like to attend during the Erasmus studying period and they must send us. Information on the courses is available on 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SLOVACCHIA SK KOSICE03 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V KOSICIACH 52 - Engineering and engineering trades BIDINI GIANNI 2 6 English B1 June 30th November 30th 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO01 UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA 521 - Mechanics and metal work BURATTI CINZIA 2 5 Spanish /catalan* B1 (*) Application: June, 15th Application: Classes at the UB can be November, 15th taught in Spanish or Catalan, depending on the teachers’ choice. In the same way, students may exercise the right to express themselves, orally or in writing, in whichever they prefer of Catalonia’s two official languages, Spanish and Catalan, regardless of the language in which the teachers have conducted their classes. The information regarding the language of instruction of each lecture is published on the UB website before the beginning of the academic year. A good command of Spanish is especially important for students interested in taking the Introductory Course to Spanish Law. REGNO UNITO UK CRANFIE01 CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY Pagina 43 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni • Visiting students at master’s level at the UB must apply to a specific master's degree and meet the academic requirements of the program. With the approval of their home university, master students may also be allowed to enrol in final year courses of bachelor’s studies. Master’s degrees offered at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) are not available to exchange students. • Incoming students are allowed to select courses from other UB faculties, provided the percentage of credits completed outside the Faculty of Law does not exceed 49%. • Language courses taken at the University of Barcelona might be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement, but the final grades for theses courses will not be part of the regular Transcript of Records issued by the Faculty of Law. An additional document should be provided by the specific department offering the course. • The Integration Programmes Office provides assistance and support to students with disabilities. The office is also responsible for helping students find suitable accommodation adapted to their needs. Contact: c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 (08028 – Barcelona); Tel. 934 035 415 Fax 934 035 917 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Ingegneria 3° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 523 - Electronics and automation ALIMENTI FEDERICO 1 6 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement for applications: June for applications: between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general December 1st 1st Application orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Application Procedure: economic support is provided. Procedure: en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st All incoming students have to register online at October - 1st requisites, where the related deadlines can be found. Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 523 - Electronics and automation ALIMENTI FEDERICO 1 6 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with for applications: June for applications: disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement 1st Application December 1st between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general Procedure: Application orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Procedure: economic support is provided. en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st October - 1st All incoming students have to register online at December, where the related deadlines can be found. Ingegneria 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 523 - Electronics and automation ALIMENTI FEDERICO 1 6 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement for applications: June for applications: between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general December 1st 1st Application orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Application Procedure: economic support is provided. Procedure: en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st All incoming students have to register online at October - 1st requisites, where the related deadlines can be found. Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E CIUDA-R01 UNIVERSIDAD DE 52 - Engineering and engineering CASTILLA-LA MANCHA o.aspx trades DESIDERI UMBERTO 2 9 Labguage of Instruction 1:SPANISH B1 Language of Instruction 2: ENGLISH B1 June 15 November 30 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha has infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities, more information at: Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E CIUDA-R01 521 - Mechanics UNIVERSIDAD DE and metal work CASTILLA-LA MANCHA o.aspx DESIDERI UMBERTO 2 9 Labguage of Instruction 1:SPANISH B1 Language of Instruction 2: ENGLISH B1 June 15 November 30 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha has infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities, more information at: Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LEON01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN 529 - Engineering and engineering trades (others) VINTI GIANLUCA 7 10 Spanish A2 (If the student 15TH JUNE selects courses in English B1) 1ST DECEMBER Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LEON01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN 52 - Engineering and engineering trades VINTI GIANLUCA 4 10 Spanish A2 (If the student 15TH JUNE selects courses in English B1) 1ST DECEMBER Pagina 44 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Requisiti Linguistici 2 524 - Chemical and FANTOZZI process FRANCESCO 6 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th 2 6 SPANISH A1-A2 Area 641521: Spanish: A2-B1 Area 62, 641, 521: June 10th Area 52: June 1 BIDINI GIANNI 2 9 English B2 Spanish B2 Area 32: English B2 Spanish B1 May 15th Area 32: November 1st Area Welcome Event, Buddy Program, Students with disabilities, ESN Nomination & 32: Nomination & Carlos III: Application: Mid-March Application: to mid-May Beginning of ge October to beginning of November. Area 071, 0715: Buddy Program: ge/prior_arrival/buddy Area disciplinare Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID05 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID Area 62: 52 - Engineering Area 52: Area and engineering 641, 521: Area 641: trades Area 521: Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID14 UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID 071 - Engineering and engineering trades Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Sito internet DESIDERI UMBERTO Ulteriori indicazioni Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). Area 62, 52, 641, 521: December 1st The University has developed actions with the aim of improving the assistance offered to disabled persons. Among others, we offer specific services under the Integration Program for Disabled Students (see link), infrastructure adaptation and investigation projects devoted to improve their quality of life: d/english Orientation Program and Welcome Event: The Welcome Event and the Orientation for international students will take place at the beginning of each semester: ge/upon_arrival Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID14 UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 6 English B2 Spanish B2 Area 32: English B2 Spanish B1 May 15th Area 32: November 1st Area Welcome Event, Buddy Program, Students with disabilities, ESN Nomination & 32: Nomination & Carlos III: Application: Mid-March Application: to mid-May Beginning of ge October to beginning of November. Area 071, 0715: Buddy Program: ge/prior_arrival/buddy The University has developed actions with the aim of improving the assistance offered to disabled persons. Among others, we offer specific services under the Integration Program for Disabled Students (see link), infrastructure adaptation and investigation projects devoted to improve their quality of life: d/english Orientation Program and Welcome Event: The Welcome Event and the Orientation for international students will take place at the beginning of each semester: ge/upon_arrival Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 523 - Electronics and automation SORRENTINO 4 ROBERTO Pagina 45 di 97 5 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 May 31st B1 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 October 31st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CARTAGENA 523 - Electronics and automation SORRENTINO 2 ROBERTO 9 Spanish B1 June 15th November 30th E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 523 - Electronics xchange-students and automation SORRENTINO 2 ROBERTO 6 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 523 - Electronics xchange-students and automation SORRENTINO 1 ROBERTO 5 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 521 - Mechanics I VIRGILI and metal work DESIDERI UMBERTO 1 6 Language of Instruction 1: 15th June Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: 2° ciclo SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 522 - Electricity and DESIDERI I VIRGILI energy UMBERTO 2 6 15th June Language of Instruction 1: Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: Ingegneria 3° ciclo SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 522 - Electricity and DESIDERI I VIRGILI energy UMBERTO 1 6 Language of Instruction 1: 15th June Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 523 - Electronics and automation SORRENTINO 1 ROBERTO 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Ingegneria 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 523 - Electronics and automation SORRENTINO 1 ROBERTO 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI02 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA 0713 - Electricity and energy SORRENTINO 2 ROBERTO 9 30th June for Fall Language requirements. All incoming exchange students Semester or Full Academic Year coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI02 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes SORRENTINO 2 ROBERTO 9 30th June for Fall Language requirements. All incoming exchange students Semester or Full Academic Year coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes Ingegneria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 521 - Mechanics and metal work DESIDERI UMBERTO 1 6 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Ingegneria 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 521 - Mechanics and metal work DESIDERI UMBERTO 1 6 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Ingegneria 3° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 1 522 - Electricity and CARDELLI energy ERMANNO 54 - Manufacturing CONTI PAOLO 2 and processing 3 Ingegneria 6 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MURCIA04 Ingegneria 2° ciclo SPAGNA Ingegneria 3° ciclo SPAGNA Ingegneria 1° ciclo Ingegneria Dipartimento Pagina 46 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 48 - Computing CONTI PAOLO 2 6 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 523 - Electronics and automation VALIGI PAOLO 2 5 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th 522 - Electricity and ASDRUBALI 2 energy FRANCESCO 2 52 - Engineering DESIDERI and engineering UMBERTO trades 2 54 - Manufacturing VINTI and processing GIANLUCA 6 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th 5 Swedish B2 English B2 15 May 15 October 6 ENGLISH B1 ENGINEERING 15th June PHARMACY 15th September ENGINEERING 15th November PHARMACY 15th February BIDINI GIANNI 2 5 ENGLISH B2 15 MAY 15 NOVEMBER BIDINI GIANNI 2 5 ENGLISH B2 15 MAY 15 NOVEMBER 12 ENGLISH B1 ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 MAY-15 JULY ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 OCTOBER-15 DECEMBER BIDINI GIANNI 2 5 ENGLISH B1 ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 MAY-15 JULY ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 OCTOBER-15 DECEMBER 52 - Engineering and engineering trades BIDINI GIANNI 1 5 ENGLISH B1 ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 MAY-15 JULY ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 OCTOBER-15 DECEMBER 52 - Engineering and engineering trades BIDINI GIANNI 1 5 ENGLISH B1 ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 MAY-15 JULY ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 OCTOBER-15 DECEMBER 52 - Engineering and engineering trades CONTI PAOLO 3 10 ENGLISH B1 ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 MAY-15 JULY ONLINE APPLICATION PERIOD 15 OCTOBER-15 DECEMBER IZMIR UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS 529 - Engineering and engineering trades (others) ASDRUBALI 1 FRANCESCO 5 ENGLISH B2 30 JUNE 15 DECEMBER TR IZMIR04 IZMIR UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS 48 - Computing 5 ENGLISH B2 30 JUNE 15 DECEMBER TURCHIA TR IZMIR07 Gediz University 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction ASDRUBALI 1 FRANCESCO ASDRUBALI 2 FRANCESCO 5 Area 06, 07 English B1 Turkish B1 Area 06, 07 August 15th Area 06, 07 December 15th TURCHIA TR IZMIR07 Gediz University 06 - Information and SORRENTINO 2 Communication ROBERTO Technologies (ICTs) 5 Area 06, 07 English B1 Turkish B1 Area 06, 07 August 15th Area 06, 07 December 15th Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner E VIGO01 Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° SPAGNA ciclo 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Ingegneria 1° ciclo Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo SVEZIA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA Ingegneria 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ANKARA07 BILKENT UNIVERSITY 582 - Building and hange/ civil engineering Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR ANKARA07 BILKENT UNIVERSITY 518 - Architecture hange/ and town planning Ingegneria 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU07 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY 54 - Manufacturing VINTI and processing GIANLUCA Ingegneria 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU07 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY 52 - Engineering and engineering trades Ingegneria 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU07 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Ingegneria 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU07 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU07 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR IZMIR04 Ingegneria 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Ingegneria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Dipartimento Ingegneria SPAGNA E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO S VASTERA01 MÄRLADEN UNIVERSITY TR ANKARA02 GAZI UNIVERSITY %28ects%29-bilgi-paketi-4487 5 Pagina 47 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Disability: l=en_UK Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo A GRAZ02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ AUSTRIA Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare 524 - Chemical and KENNY JOSE 2 process MARIA Durata in mesi 6 Requisiti Linguistici GERMAN B2 or higher ENGLISH B2 or higher Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre JUNE 1st, TU GRAZ NOVEMBER 1st, TU needs to receive the GRAZ needs to signed and complete receive the signed application package by and complete 1 MAY (Students who application package need a visa) - 15 by 1 OCTOBER JUNE (Students who (Students who need do not need a visa) a visa) - 15 NOVEMBER (Students who do not need a visa) Ulteriori indicazioni Incoming Exchange Students are required to attend the Orientation Sessions I & II and the Intercultural Orientation Sessions Exchange students can request to perform a final degree project/Master's thesis, at TU Graz. However, there is no service provided to match student requests with research projects at TU Graz. Therefore students cannot be guaranteed to be accepted for a project. A student who wants to carry out a project must contact a relevant institute or professor directly and make the arrangements with them. If students receive a confirmation of approval, they are asked to contact the Office of International Relations and Programmes. Teaching Assignments and staff training need to be discussed and agreed upon with the relevant institutes/ academic units at the partner institutions. Graz University of Technology welcomes students and staff with disabilities. Contact: Karin Krottmayer Phone: +43 316 873 6599 email: [email protected] Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo AUSTRIA A INNSBRU01 LEOPOLD-FRANZENS- Erasmus incomings: UNIVERSITÄT relations/erasmus/incominq/ 582 - Building and civil engineering TAMAGNINI CLAUDIO 2 5 222 - Languages and 31st July Philological sciences GERMAN B1 443 - Geography 225 - History 582 - Building and civil engineering GERMAN B1 ENGLISH in Master B1 No certificate required 31st December Support is offered to students and staff with a special need or disability: Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 2° ciclo FRANCIA F GRENOBL01 UNIVERSITE JOSEPH Application forms: http://www.ujf582 - Building and FOURIER GRENOBLE I in English: Coming to civil engineering the University as part of an exchange programme Academic Calendar : TAMAGNINI CLAUDIO 1 12 French B1/B2 English B1/B2 1st June 1st November Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS004 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) 0731 - Architecture SALCIARINI and town planning DIANA 1 9 FRENCH B2 Nomination : May 15th Nomination : The Université Paris-Sorbonne welcomes students and staff with Application : May 31st October 15th disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn Application : October more at ( questions/vie-etudiante-5903/handicap-5453/ Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D DRESDEN02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN - TU DRESDEN 582 - Building and civil engineering TAMAGNINI CLAUDIO 2 6 Area 2121: German B1 Area 582: German - English B1 Areas 2121 and 582: 15th July Areas 2121 and 582: 15th January Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL GDANSK02 POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA 5821 - Materials Science KENNY JOSE 2 MARIA 10 Polish B1 English B1 June 30th December 15th Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P PORTO02 UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Area 582, 380: [email protected] Area 582 - Building and 380: civil engineering 5 Area 521: English/Suitable for Area 521, 582: Applications to the English Studies B1 Portuguese Applications to the 1st 2nd semester: 30 (no certification required) semester: 15 June November Areas 023, 4433: Portuguese Applications to the B2, or English B2, or French academic year: 15 B2, or Spanish B2 Area 582: June Areas 023, 4433, Portoguese B1 380: 15 June English/suitable for English speaking students B1 Area 380: Portoguese B1 Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo ROMANIA RO TARGOVI01 UNIVERSITATEA 'VALAHIA' DIN TARGOVISTE 4433 Environmental Sciences, Ecology UBERTINI FILIPPO CASADEI STEFANO 2 2 Pagina 48 di 97 6 B1 30 July 30 November Area 582; information for Disabled Students: iaqina?P_paqina=31 549 Area 380: incoming Erasmus students must take at least 3 subjects at the Faculty of Law, per semester Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo SPAGNA E BADAJOZ01 UNIVERSIDAD DE EXTREMADURA Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo SPAGNA E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI02 Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 2° ciclo SPAGNA Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale 1° ciclo Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Dipartimento Requisiti Linguistici 524 - Chemical and KENNY JOSE 1 process MARIA 5 Spanish B1 3 9 Spanish A2 Certification is not I TERM II TERM (September/Deecemb (January/May); erasmus-students-on-line-registration/european-erasmus-students er): Application Application deadline: deadline: 1 May mid mid October mid June December anizacion/secretariado rganizacion/secretari s/sri/incomingados/sri/incomingerasmus-students-on- erasmus-studentslineon-lineregistration/european- registration/europea erasmus-students n-erasmus-students 5821 - Materials Science KENNY JOSE 1 MARIA 6 Spanish English B1 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA 0714 - Electronics and automation KENNY JOSE 2 MARIA 9 E VALENCI02 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA 0722 - Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) KENNY JOSE 2 MARIA SPAGNA E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 529 - Engineering and engineering trades (others) TAMAGNINI CLAUDIO SPAGNA E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 52 - Engineering and engineering trades TAMAGNINI CLAUDIO 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR IZMIR03 IZMIR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TR KIRKLAR01 KIRKLARELI UNIVERSITY TURCHIA 582 - Building and civil engineering Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Area disciplinare MATERAZZI ANNIBALE LUIGI 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. November 30th The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. 30th June for Fall Language requirements. All incoming exchange students Semester or Full Academic Year coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 9 30th June for Fall Language requirements. All incoming exchange students Semester or Full Academic Year coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 2 6 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th 2 6 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th 582 - Building and civil engineering MORBIDELLI 3 RENATO 6 English B1 June 1st December 1st 582 - Building and civil engineering MATERAZZI ANNIBALE LUIGI 10 ENGLISH B1 1st JUNE 1st DECEMBER 3 Pagina 49 di 97 June 30th 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) Ulteriori indicazioni Izmir Institute of Technology has NO infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A INNSBRU01 LEOPOLD-FRANZENS- Erasmus incomings:ÄT relations/erasmus/incominq/ INNSBRUCK Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo AUSTRIA A INNSBRU01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo AUSTRIA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences PULSONI CARLO 2 6 222 - Languages and 31st July Philological sciences GERMAN B1 443 - Geography 225 - History 582 - Building and civil engineering GERMAN B1 ENGLISH in Master B1 No certificate required 31st December Support is offered to students and staff with a special need or disability: LEOPOLD-FRANZENS- Erasmus incomings: UNIVERSITÄT relations/erasmus/incominq/ 225 - History and archeology PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 5 222 - Languages and 31st July Philological sciences GERMAN B1 443 - Geography 225 - History 582 - Building and civil engineering GERMAN B1 ENGLISH in Master B1 No certificate required 31st December Support is offered to students and staff with a special need or disability: A INNSBRU01 LEOPOLD-FRANZENS- Erasmus incomings:ÄT relations/erasmus/incominq/ INNSBRUCK 4432 - Geography DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 1 10 31st July 222 - Languages and Philological sciences GERMAN B1 443 - Geography 225 - History 582 - Building and civil engineering GERMAN B1 ENGLISH in Master B1 No certificate required 31st December Support is offered to students and staff with a special need or disability: AUSTRIA A SALZBUR01 UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences SCRIVANO FABRIZIO 1 9 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN01 UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DOROWIN HERMANN 6 5 Area 727: German B2 Area 727 (Joint PhD EUROPIAN) German B2 English B2 Area 222: German B2 MA programme German As a Foreing Language C1 Area 225: German B1 English B1 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B GENT01 UNIVERSITEIT GENT 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences SANTINI CARLO 2 10 English or Dutch B2 (For more May 15th details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution ) November 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B GENT01 UNIVERSITEIT GENT 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences TORTORA 2 MASSIMILIAN O 5 English or Dutch B2 (For more May 15th details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution ) November 15th Dipartimento Sito internet Area disciplinare Pagina 50 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici 1st May 1st November Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo B NAMUR01 FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES NOTRE-DAME DE LA PAIX BELGIO Sito internet Area disciplinare 222 - Languages nge and Philological Sciences Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi PULSONI CARLO 6 2 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre B2 in French, if courses taught online application: May online application: in French are included in 15 November 15 Learning Agreement, B1 for all other languages, except for language introductory courses. Ulteriori indicazioni B NAMUR01: All practical information (in French) for incoming students can be found on this address: The English version of this website is: A French language course, free of charge, is organized by the University during the entire academic year: The fall semester at the University of Namur begins around September 15 of each year and courses end at Christmas. The examination session for the fall semester takes place in January. The spring semester begins in early February and ends at the end of May. The exam session for the spring semester is in June. A second exam session for both, fall and spring semester takes place in late August/early September of each year. The University of Namur welcomes students with disabilities but students with disabilities should contact the institutional coordinator, Henrich Brunke, to discuss institutions and possibilities. You will find more information under the following link: Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo CIPRO CY NICOSIA01 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS PRONTERA 3 FRANCESCO 9 English B1 (some courses) 15th June Greek (B1(majority of courses) 15th November Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ESTONIA EE TARTU02 TARTU ÜLIKOOL http : //www. ut. 222 - Languages eelen/prospectivestudents/excha ngestudenļs and Philological Sciences Plioukhanova Maria 3 6 English B2 May 1 - non EU citizens June 1-EU citizens November 1 - aļl applicants Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo FRANCIA F CHAMBER01 UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE 2221 - Modern EC Languages TORTORA 2 MASSIMILIAN O 9 FRENCH B2 ONLINE ONLINE APPLICATION FROM APPLICATION BEGINNING OF FROM MIDDLE OF APRIL UNTIL MIDDLE OCTOBER UNTIL OF MAY MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 2° ciclo FRANCIA F CHAMBER01 UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE 2221 - Modern EC Languages TORTORA 1 MASSIMILIAN O 9 FRENCH B2 ONLINE ONLINE APPLICATION FROM APPLICATION FROM MIDDLE OF BEGINNING OF APRIL UNTIL MIDDLE OCTOBER UNTIL MIDDLE OF OF MAY NOVEMBER Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 3° ciclo FRANCIA F CHAMBER01 UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE 2221 - Modern EC Languages TORTORA 1 MASSIMILIAN O 9 FRENCH B2 ONLINE ONLINE APPLICATION FROM APPLICATION BEGINNING OF FROM MIDDLE OF APRIL UNTIL MIDDLE OCTOBER UNTIL OF MAY MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F CLERMON02 UNIVERSITE BLAISE http://www.univPASCAL (CLERMONT- FERRAND) 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 6 FRENCH B2 May , 30th 0222 - History and archaeology Pagina 51 di 97 November, 15th UT incoming students are expected to participate in the orientation course prior beginning of the respective semester. More information about the course content can be found at: http : / /www. ut. ee/ e n / ori e nta ti o n - co u rse- i nte rnati o n a I -stu d e nts. Students need to register for the regular courses within the first two weeks of the semester, Course registration is better described at: http:/ ttww'ut'ee ņ/organisation-studv. Exchange students are required to complete at least 75 ECTS per semester. Non-EU citizens, who need to apply for a temporary residence permit to study in Estonia, need to complete at least 22.5 ECTS per semester. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo F LILLE03 http: //www. UNIVERSITE CHARLES DE GAULLE - LILLE III 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences FRANCIA Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi MIOTTI 2 MARIANGELA 9 Requisiti Linguistici French B2 (no certificate required) Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni May, 15 F LILLE03 Oct,15 University of Lille 3 will offer a free French course for exchange. Students willing to take this course must submit their request in the Student Application Form. A test of placement is mandatory. The course can only be followed during one semester. F LILLE03 : Coming to Lille 3 : Step by step to Lille 3 Application form : la ire-candidature/ Exchange students have access to a dedicated and free support service for disabled students and to the medical center in Viileneuve d'Ascq Campus. For the implementation of Staff Mobtiity for Teaching and Training {for Incoming staff), a letter of invitation issued by a University Lil!e3 contact person is required Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo FRANCIA F MONTPEL03 UNIVERSITE PAUL VALERY (MONTPELLIER III) 225 - History and archeology PRONTERA 1 FRANCESCO 10 French B1 April 15 th September 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo FRANCIA F MONTPEL03 UNIVERSITE PAUL VALERY (MONTPELLIER III) 4432 - Geography DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 10 French B1 April 15 th September 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F NANCY43 UNIVERSITÉ DE LORRAINE 212 - Music and performing arts BRUMANA 2 BIANCAMARI A 5 French [Minimum May 31th recommended level: B1]* * Level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), see http://europass.cedefop.europ For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, please refer to our course catalogue. Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS003 UNIVERSITE DE LA SORBONNE NOUVELLE (PARIS III) 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 9 French B2 Application deadline: Application deadline: May 15th Academic November 15th calendar available on RH=1209061830093 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS004 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) 0215 - Music and performing arts 1 BRUMANA BIANCAMARI A 6 FRENCH B2 The Université Paris-Sorbonne welcomes students and staff with Nomination : May 15th Nomination : disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn Application : May 31st October 15th Application : October more at ( 31st Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS004 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) 023 - Languages PULSONI CARLO 5 FRENCH B2 Nomination : May 15th Nomination : The Université Paris-Sorbonne welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn Application : May 31st October 15th Application : October more at ( questions/vie-etudiante-5903/handicap-5453/ 1 2 Pagina 52 di 97 October 31th Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS008 UNIVERSITE DE VINCENNES - SAINT DENIS (PARIS VIII) 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 2° ciclo FRANCIA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA Dipartimento Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi CHESSA SILVIA 2 5 Area 222: French B2 Area 2122, 317, 3421: French B2 no certificate required Nomination May 30th Nomination October Language courses and orientation session: International students are Application June 30th 31th Application encouragde to partecipate in the intensive courses before their November 30th studies in paris 8 start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for two weeks in september or one week in February. F PARIS010 UNIVERSITE PARIS http://www.u227 - History of Art NERI ENRICA 2 OUEST NANTERRE LA l-etudiant-br-international-en-programme-dechange-381549.kjsp?RH=INT_EINT 5 French B1 May 15th November 15th F PARIS012 Area 225: Faculty of Humanities and Human 225 - History and UNIVERSITE PARIS archeology EST CRETEIL VAL DE Sciences: 342062.kjsp?RF=LSH Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 727, 4433: Faculty of Science and Technology Learning French RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 340 Faculty of Administration and International exchanges Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 6 Area 225: French B2 English B2 Area 727, 4433, 340: French B1 English B1 May, 31st November, 15 th Area disciplinare LIZZI TESTA RITA 2 Pagina 53 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Incoming student: The original learning agreement (no copy is accepted) with the exams done by the student can be given or sent directly to him/her OR to the International Relations and Mobility Office of the student university. For all other information, the student can get in touch the person in charge of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo D BERLIN01 FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN GERMANIA Sito internet Area disciplinare 225 - History and archeology auslandssemester/erasmus_in Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 5 German B1 English B1 May, 1st November, 1st Ulteriori indicazioni D BERLIN 01: • Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. All master programs are consecutive master programs at D BERLIN 01. A consecutive master’s program builds on a previously completed bachelor’s program in the same field. • PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. • It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. • Family-friendly organization of studies: To enhance compatibility between academic careers and family life, Freie Universität Berlin strives to ensure a family-friendly higher education environment. The university has already taken a number of actions to ensure that academic activities are organized to be friendly toward families, including preferential registration for seminars. Contact: Family Support Center of Freie Universität Berlin, [email protected], • Freie Universität Berlin offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Freie Universität Berlin, Georg Classen, Counselling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases, Thielallee 38, at corner of Otto von Simson Str, D 14195 Berlin, 1. OG Raum 213 (opposite to Career-Service), Tel 030-838-55292 Fax -54511, E-mail: [email protected] • For the implementation of STA/STT-mobilities, a letter of invitation – issued by an FU Berlin contact person – is required. Pagina 54 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 1°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D BERLIN01 FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN Sito internet Area disciplinare 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences auslandssemester/erasmus_in Referente dell' Numero accordo borse VOLPONE ANNALISA 1 Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 5 German B1 English B1 May, 1st November, 1st Ulteriori indicazioni D BERLIN 01: • Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. All master programs are consecutive master programs at D BERLIN 01. A consecutive master’s program builds on a previously completed bachelor’s program in the same field. • PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. • It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. • Family-friendly organization of studies: To enhance compatibility between academic careers and family life, Freie Universität Berlin strives to ensure a family-friendly higher education environment. The university has already taken a number of actions to ensure that academic activities are organized to be friendly toward families, including preferential registration for seminars. Contact: Family Support Center of Freie Universität Berlin, [email protected], • Freie Universität Berlin offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Freie Universität Berlin, Georg Classen, Counselling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases, Thielallee 38, at corner of Otto von Simson Str, D 14195 Berlin, 1. OG Raum 213 (opposite to Career-Service), Tel 030-838-55292 Fax -54511, E-mail: [email protected] • For the implementation of STA/STT-mobilities, a letter of invitation – issued by an FU Berlin contact person – is required. Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D BERLIN13 HUMBOLDTUNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN [email protected] Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D BONN01 RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICHWILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT BONN 225 - History and archeology Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D DRESDEN02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN - TU DRESDEN Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo D FREIBUR01 ALBERT-LUDWIGSUNIVERSITÄT FREIBURG IM BREISGAU GERMANIA 2 TORTORA MASSIMILIAN O TOSTI MARIO 4 10 German B2 April 1st – Mai 31st October 1st – November 30th 5 German B1 15th May 1st November 2121 - Music and Musicology 1 BRUMANA BIANCAMARI A 10 Area 2121: German B1 Area 582: German - English B1 Areas 2121 and 582: 15th July Areas 2121 and 582: 15th January 225 - History and archeology PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 5 German B1 Application deadline: June 15th Academic calendar: OctoberFebruary November 30th Aprii - August 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences Pagina 55 di 97 • Orientation programme (Welcome Week) for ERASMUS students one week before the beginning of each semester available; attendance recommended. For information: • Students with disabilities can contact the appointed disabilities advisor before their arrival for information on e.g. accessibility or questions related to facilitating exams. For more information: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner 222 - Languages http://www.uniERNST-MORITZARNDT-UNIVERSITÄT and Philological Sciences oming-students.html?L=1 GREIFSWALD Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 1 9 German B1 Application deadline: May 31st Application deadline: D GREIFS01: November 30th • Please make sure that the language proficiency of the outgoing student(s) is a minimum B1. However, we might be able to accommodate students with a lower language level as an exception. Please contact us. • Services for incoming students: o Pre-Departure information, assistance with administrative issues and student housing guaranteed. o Arrival and Orientation Days organized for international students each semester. o Intensive two week German language course free of charge prior to semester start as well as during semester offered. o Wide range of cultural activities and excursions offered through International Office and ESN to all international students. Nomination: November 15 (History, Mathematics, Biology) (Medicine: May 15) Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D GREIFS01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo GERMANIA D HAMBURG01 UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 5 Health: German B2 Math, Biology, History: German B1 (recommended: B2) Nomination: May 15 (all subjects) Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D JENA01 FRIEDRICHSCHILLERUNIVERSITÄT JENA 2221 - Modern EC Languages DOROWIN HERMANN 3 9 Area 721: German B1 Areas 2221,224,6202: German B1, Better B2 Nomination: June 30th Nomination: Application: July 15th December 31st Application: January 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D JENA01 FRIEDRICHSCHILLERUNIVERSITÄT JENA 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects TOSTI MARIO 3 10 Area 721: German B1 Areas 2221,224,6202: German B1, Better B2 Nomination: June 30th Nomination: Application: July 15th December 31st Application: January 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MARBURG01 PHILIPPSUNIVERSITÄT MARBURG 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 5 As a rule, the language of July 15th instruction is the institution’s official language and/or English. This applies to both the sending and receiving institution. The PhilippsUniversität Marburg recommends a minimum level of B1, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the language of instruction. A level of B2 is advisable. In philology courses the language of instruction is often the language of the region studied. Language requirements for individual faculties or areas of study that differ from this general recommendation are specified in the Interinstitutional agreement. The course catalogue provides more information on the language of instruction at mus/vorlesung Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MUNSTER01 state=user&type=0 225 - History and archeology PRONTERA 5 FRANCESCO 10 Area 226,225 (Prontera), 4432: German B1 Area 225 (Lupi): German B1 WESTFÄLISCHE WILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER SANTINI CARLO Pagina 56 di 97 May 1st January 15th November 1st Ulteriori indicazioni The Universität Hamburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and has the infrastructure to support people with disabilities. Please contact the Institutional Coordinator to obtain further information concerning the support available in your respective institute or school. You will find information on the support available at At Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01), intensive language courses are offered before each semester; orientation weeks for Incoming students are held twice before each semester (before and after the language courses). Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), though not all university buildings are barrier-free. Depending on the nature of the disability, the city infrastructure may not be adequate. We would advise to contact the International Office at [email protected] as early as possible before the intended stay in order to inform the student/staff of all relevant details and organize any additional services in time for the mobility. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA D MUNSTER01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Dipartimento Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare WESTFÄLISCHE WILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER state=user&type=0 4432 - Geography DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 1 10 Area 226,225 (Prontera), 4432: German B1 Area 225 (Lupi): German B1 May 1st November 1st D PADERBO01 UNIVERSITÄT PADERBORN 2223 - Linguistics VOLPONE ANNALISA 2 6 German /English B1 June 30 December 31 D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN http://www.uni222 - Languages Philological Sciences studierende-intuebingen/studienangebot/studiengaenge.htm l DOROWIN HERMANN 5 9 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st G ATHINE01 NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects PRONTERA 1 FRANCESCO 6 Greek B2 English B2 JULY DECEMBER 1°, 2° ciclo GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences VERGARO CARLA 2 6 -AREA 228 Greek B2 30 June VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 225 - History and archeology DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 1 9 -AREA 228 Greek B2 30 June VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo IRLANDA IRL CORK01 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 4432 - Geography DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 9 English B1 Nomination: 10 May Application: 7 June Nomination: 4 October Application: 25 October Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo LETTONIA LV RIGA01 University of Latvia 023 - Languages Plioukhanova Maria 2 5 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 5 English B2 1st June 1st November GRECIA Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo NORVEGIA POLONIA N OSLO01 PL KRAKOW01 225 - History and archeology UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 220 - Humanities (broad programmes) DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 3 TORTORA MASSIMILIAN O Pagina 57 di 97 10 6 Bachelor Level: English CEFR: 1 May B1/B2, TOEFL: 60 IBT, IELTS: 5.5 Master Level: English CEFR: B2, TOEFL: 80 IBT, IELTS: 6.0 1 November Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 English B1/B2 (Polish 15th May language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th Nomination and application procedure: For disabilities and special needs: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo Dipartimento Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences VOLPONE ANNALISA 2 6 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 15th May English B1/B2 (Polish language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th 2221 - Modern EC Languages DE CUSATIS BRUNELLO 2 6 Area 2221: B1 English All Nomination: May classes are taught in Application: June Portuguese, though some courses are given in English tutorial system. Area 4434: English only for students who apply for Laboratory training Nomination: October Application: November 2221 - Modern EC Languages SCRIVANO FABRIZIO 2 9 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) November 1st Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI PORTOGALLO P ACORES01 UNIVERSIDADE DOS AÇORES PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA Pagina 58 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici June, 1st Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DE CUSATIS BRUNELLO 4 6 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) June, 1st November 1st Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P FUNCHAL03 UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA 2222 - General and DE CUSATIS Comparative BRUNELLO Literature 2 6 Portuguese, English only for students who apply for languages courses B1 July 15th December 15th Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo PORTOGALLO P LISBOA03 UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA 0232 - Literature and linguistics 4 5 Area 0232: Portuguese A2 Area 0232: June 30th Area 0232: English B2 Area 0531: Area 0531: May 31st November 30th Area Portuguese (for 1st cycles) B1 0531: October 31st Portuguese and/or English (for 2nd and 3rd cycles) B1 DE CUSATIS BRUNELLO Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Area 0232: • Students have to attend at least one subject per semester, among the other courses (max. 36 ECTS credits per semester), in the Department of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literature / Section of Spanish, French and Italian Studies. • The stay' period of students can only be testified according to our academic calendar: 4 or 5 months for one semester and 9 months for full academic year. AREA 0531: CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO ARTS Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P LISBOA109 UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA 2222 - General and DE CUSATIS BRUNELLO Comparative Literature 4 6 Portuguese/English (depending on the course unit/professor) B1 Nominations: May Applications: June Nominations: October Applications: November Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P LISBOA52 UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA DE HUMANIDADES E TECNOLOGIAS 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences DE OLIVEIRA 2 VERA LUCIA 6 English B2 31 May 31 October Pagina 59 di 97 P LISBOA 109: Procedures and deadlines: Facilities for disabilities: Academic Calendar: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Riservata Nazione a 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Codice Università' PORTOGALLO P PORTO02 Nome Università partner Sito internet UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Area 582, 380: [email protected] Area 023 - Languages 380: Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse DE CUSATIS BRUNELLO 4 Durata in mesi 6 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 521: English/Suitable for Area 521, 582: Applications to the English Studies B1 Portuguese Applications to the 1st 2nd semester: 30 (no certification required) semester: 15 June November Areas 023, 4433: Portuguese Applications to the B2, or English B2, or French academic year: 15 B2, or Spanish B2 Area 582: June Areas 023, 4433, Portoguese B1 380: 15 June English/suitable for English speaking students B1 Area 380: Portoguese B1 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK BANGOR01 BANGOR UNIVERSITY 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences SCRIVANO FABRIZIO 2 5 English. A minimum of B2 recommended. For students requiring a visa, please see: national/future/englishlanguag e Nomination Deadline: 1st June main/calendar Nomination Deadline: 1st October r/main/calendar Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK LEEDS01 UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences VOLPONE ANNALISA 4 9 English CEFR B2 15th April 31st October Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK MANCHES01 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER 2221 - Modern EC dyabroadandexchanges/erasmus/choosingyo Languages urcourses/ VOLPONE ANNALISA 4 10 English B2 (min. 6.0 IELTS or 1st June equivalent) Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK OXFORD04 225 - History and archeology 2 MANCINI FRANCESCO FEDERICO 3 PULSONI CARLO 6 English (IELTS score a min of 6 - TOELF IBT score a min of 79/80 see website (AREA 0232) ENGLISH B2 RECOMMENDED Mid May (see website) Mid October (see website) - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/07 Application 15/07 AREA 340 e 3452 Nomination 15/06 Application 15/07 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/07 Application 1/08 - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 AREA 340 E 3452 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/11 Application 1/12 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo ROMANIA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY RO CLUJNAP01 UNIVERSITY BABESBOLYAI OF CLUJNAPOCA 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences ROMANIA RO SUCEAVA01 UNIVERSITATEA "STEFAN CEL MARE" DIN SUCEAVA RO SUCEAVA01 UNIVERSITATEA "STEFAN CEL MARE" DIN SUCEAVA 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences VERGARO CARLA 3 5 - AREA 22 B1 - AREA 224 ENGLISH B1 1st August 1st August 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects Costantini Emanuela 2 5 - AREA 22 B1 - AREA 224 ENGLISH B1 1st August 1st August SPAGNA E ALICANT01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE 225 - History and archeology BRACONI PAOLO 4 5 Spanish B1 1 June (nomination)/15 June (applic) 1 November (nomin)/15 November (applic) SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA VOLPONE ANNALISA 1 9 AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 June Are 727: June AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) Pagina 60 di 97 Area 582; information for Disabled Students: iaqina?P_paqina=31 549 Area 380: incoming Erasmus students must take at least 3 subjects at the Faculty of Law, per semester 1st November 1°, 2° ciclo ROMANIA 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences 5 Ulteriori indicazioni The Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante, CAE, consists of a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, managers and technical ICT accessibility, sociologists, whose mission is to offer a specific attention to the students with special needs in order to ensure their full participation in the University following the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility. In order for the CAE to assess and plan the special support, the students need to provide some additional documentation (such a professional diagnosis/ prognosis/ assessment plan of the home institution) to get a more complete understanding of the situation. October Are 727: UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LA-CORU01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences 3 LIEVENS ANNE MARIE 12 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php 225 - History and archeology PRONTERA 2 FRANCESCO 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN 2 227 - History of Art MANCINI FRANCESCO FEDERICO 10 15TH JUNE Spanish A2 (If the student selects courses in English B1) E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 222 - Languages and Philological Sciences 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 222 - Languages and Philological movilidad/movilidad-erasmus-entreSciences universidades-europeas Area 227: 2 LIEVENS ANNE MARIE 10 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required 15th July 15th July Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 227 - History of Art Area 227: DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO 2 9 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required 15th July 15th July Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 6 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 3 2222 - General and LIEVENS ANNE MARIE xchange-students Comparative Literature 2 222 - Languages PULSONI and Philological CARLO Sciences 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate Dipartimento Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E LEON01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne SCRIVANO FABRIZIO 2 Pagina 61 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni 1ST DECEMBER 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo SPAGNA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Dipartimento Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 4432 - Geography E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 223 - Mother tongue PULSONI CARLO SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SVIZZERA Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 1 9 2 9 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER 7 227 - History of Art MANCINI FRANCESCO FEDERICO 2 DOROWIN UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 222 - Languages HERMANN I VIRGILI and Philological Sciences 6 30TH JUNE 30TH NOVEMBER UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 6 Language of Instruction 1: 15th June Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 30 November Ulteriori indicazioni • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects TOSTI MARIO 1 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 CH FRIBOUR01 UNIVERSITE' DE FRIBOURG 4432 - Geography 5 German B1 French B1 31st May 31st October SVIZZERA CH LAUSANN01 UNIVERSITE' DE LAUSANNE e9044.html 225 - History and archeology 1 DE SANTIS GIOVANNI MARIA PERFETTO NERI ENRICA 2 9 French B2 English B2 30.06(Medicine:30.04) 30.11(Medicine:30.0 Courses in French as a foreign language •WelcomeDay:Thursd 4) - Cours de vacances: aybeforethèbeginningo •WelcomeDay:Frida The Cours de vacances offer courses in French during thè University ybeforethèbeginning break in Summer fthècourses •Periodofcourse:mid- ofthècourses and Winter. September/endofDece •Periodofcourse:mid- - Ecole de frangais langue étrangère: February/endofMay The school of French as a Foreign Language offers courses in mber •Exams:beginningofJa •Exams:beginningof French during thè Autumn and nuary/beginningofFebr June/beginningofJul Spring semesters. y uary •Springsemester:sec ondweekofFebruary 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 222 - Languages h/index.php and Philological Sciences 1 5 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 15 NOVEMBER 1° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 32 - Journalism and PRONTERA 4 h/index.php information FRANCESCO 5 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 15 NOVEMBER SCRIVANO FABRIZIO Pagina 62 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 32 - Journalism and PRONTERA 2 h/index.php information FRANCESCO 5 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 32 - Journalism and PRONTERA 2 h/index.php information FRANCESCO 5 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 222 - Languages h/index.php and Philological Sciences SCRIVANO FABRIZIO 2 Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR KIRKLAR01 KIRKLARELI UNIVERSITY Lettere, Lingue, Letterature e Civiltà antiche e moderne 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo UNGHERIA Matematica e Informatica Matematica e Informatica Dipartimento Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 15 NOVEMBER 4 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 15 NOVEMBER PRONTERA 3 FRANCESCO 10 ENGLISH B1 1st JUNE 1st DECEMBER HU BUDAPES01 EÖTVÖS LORÁND 2 227 - History of Art MANCINI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM FRANCESCO courses FEDERICO lang=en 10 ENGLISH B2 30 May 30 November 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B GENT01 UNIVERSITEIT GENT 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B LIEGE01 Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FINLANDIA Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo FRANCIA 225 - History and archeology Ulteriori indicazioni 15 NOVEMBER • Incoming students receive minimum 20 credits in their subject area. Students are also allowed to take courses in other study fields to a maximum of 10 credits. (A maximum of 30 credits can be received for the courses taken.) • Selection process: the partner university is kindly requested to ensure that the language proficiency of the outgoing student(s) is a minimum B2. • ELTE welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides information and assistance. Learn more at • Services for incoming students: o Orientation Day is organized for international students each semester where students get information about the university in general, administrative issues, student activities, the Hungarian language course, and other services. The integration of incoming students is fostered also in the areas of education and social life. o The ESN mentor system ensures the acculturation of foreign students by organizing a series of cultural and leisure activities. o Hungarian language (and culture) courses are offered for incoming students in the frame of Summer University programmes as well as regular courses during the semesters ( • For the implementation of STA/STT-mobilities, a letter of invitation – issued by an ELTE contact person – is required. 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA 2 12 English or Dutch B2 (For more May 15th details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution ) November 15th UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE 461 - Mathematics VINTI GIANLUCA 1 5 15 May (online) – 31 French and English B1 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French – 15 November lessons: (printed) • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through SF HELSINK01 HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO 461 - Mathematics VINTI GIANLUCA 1 10 Finnish, Swedish, English CEFR: B2 Application dl for spring term (JanMay): 15th of October F LYON01 UNIVERSITE CLAUDE http://www.univBERNARD (LYON I) 054 - Mathematics and statistics FATABBI GIULIANA 1 9 French English Pagina 63 di 97 Application dl for autumn term (SepDec) or full academic year (Sep-May): 15th of May SF HELSINK01: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Matematica e Informatica 2° ciclo FRANCIA F LYON01 Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo FRANCIA Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo Matematica e Informatica Matematica e Informatica 2° ciclo Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN Matematica e Informatica 2° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 Matematica e Informatica 3° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Dipartimento Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse UNIVERSITE CLAUDE http://www.univBERNARD (LYON I) 054 - Mathematics and statistics FATABBI GIULIANA F PARIS006 UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE 461 - Mathematics GERMANIA D BERLIN02 TECHNISCHE office UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN GERMANIA D BERLIN02 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 1 9 French English VINCENTI RITA 2 9 Area 721-461: French B1 46 - Mathematics and statistics VINCENTI RITA 1 10 Proficiency In German at least June 1st on level A2 of CEFR December 1st 46 - Mathematics and statistics 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA VINCENTI RITA 1 10 December 1st 2 10 Proficiency In German at least June 1st on level A2 of CEFR Health: German B2 Math, Nomination: May 15 Biology, History: German B1 (all subjects) (recommended: B2) Nomination: November 15 (History, Mathematics, Biology) (Medicine: May 15) The Universität Hamburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and has the infrastructure to support people with disabilities. Please contact the Institutional Coordinator to obtain further information concerning the support available in your respective institute or school. You will find information on the support available at http://www.uni461 - Mathematics l MUGNAI DIMITRI 1 12 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 461 - Mathematics l MUGNAI DIMITRI 1 12 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 461 - Mathematics l MUGNAI DIMITRI 1 12 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st VINTI GIANLUCA 1 6 If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission Area 2221, 46, 461: German/ English If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission 15th June 15th January University of Würzburg: Preparatory classes are offered in many fields of study before the terms starts. Exchange students are welcome and participation is recommended. A tutor program is offered for all international students for having a better start with all practical issues like opening a bank account, registrations procedures etc. : ddy_programm/ and/or Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 German or less are asked to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Würzburg start. The courses are free of charge and are offered four weeks in September and March. The University of Würzburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at, Contact person: Mrs Sandra Ohlenforst, Universität Würzburg, KIS, Am Hubland, 97070 Würzburg. Tel.: 0931/31-84052, Email: [email protected] Sito internet TECHNISCHE office UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN D HAMBURG01 UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG D WURZBUR01 BAYERISCHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG 46 - Mathematics and statistics Pagina 64 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Medicine and Medicine 30th April. Mathematics: 30th Hardcopy April. Hardcopy application form and application form and supporting supporting documents: documents: 31st 31st May May Mathematics: 15th October. Hardcopy application form and supporting documents: 15th November Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D WURZBUR01 BAYERISCHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANSUNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo GRECIA G ATHINE04 Matematica e Informatica 3° ciclo Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Matematica e Informatica Sito internet Area disciplinare 461 - Mathematics Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni VINTI GIANLUCA 2 10 If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission Area 2221, 46, 461: German/ English If ECTS-Points are needed a minimum of B1 is recommended. No certificate required for admission 15th June 15th January University of Würzburg: Preparatory classes are offered in many fields of study before the terms starts. Exchange students are welcome and participation is recommended. A tutor program is offered for all international students for having a better start with all practical issues like opening a bank account, registrations procedures etc. : ddy_programm/ and/or Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 German or less are asked to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Würzburg start. The courses are free of charge and are offered four weeks in September and March. The University of Würzburg welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at, Contact person: Mrs Sandra Ohlenforst, Universität Würzburg, KIS, Am Hubland, 97070 Würzburg. Tel.: 0931/31-84052, Email: [email protected] 6 English B2 Greek B2 15th July 15th July IKONOMIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON 46 - Mathematics php and statistics IANNAZZO BRUNO 1 IKONOMIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON 46 - Mathematics php and statistics IANNAZZO BRUNO 1 G VOLOS01 PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS 46 - Mathematics and statistics VINCENTI RITA 2 6 Greek and English B1 July 31st December 31st POLONIA PL KRAKOW03 POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA 481 - Computer science VINCENTI RITA 2 5 English B1 31 May 31 October POLONIA PL KRAKOW03 POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA 2 5 English B1 31 May 31 October 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA PL POZNAN01 UNIWERSYTET IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA W POZNANIU 461 - Mathematics VINTI GIANLUCA 2 10 Polish or English B1 English July 15th (for classes taught in English) B1 Polish (for classes taught in Polish) January 15th Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA PL POZNAN01 UNIWERSYTET IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA W POZNANIU 48 - Computing VINTI GIANLUCA 2 10 July 15th Polish or English B1 English (for classes taught in English) B1 Polish (for classes taught in Polish) January 15th Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW02 POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA 48 - Computing item1=education_programmes&item2=erasm us VINCENTI RITA 1 5 English B1 (Exchange October 01 (winter students coming to WUT must semester) Area:48, be able to understand lectures, 461 May 15 do workgroup and write reports and exams, all in English) February 20 Information for incoming students: (summer semester) Area:48, 461 November 30 Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW02 POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA 461 - Mathematics item1=education_programmes&item2=erasm us VINCENTI RITA 2 5 English B1 (Exchange October 01 (winter students coming to WUT must semester) Area:48, be able to understand lectures, 461 May 15 do workgroup and write reports and exams, all in English) February 20 Information for incoming students: (summer semester) Area:48, 461 November 30 Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo VINCENTI RITA 1 6 Portuguese, English only for students who apply for languages courses B1 December 15th A modern Greek labguage course free of charge for erasmus students, is organised by the AUEB Erasmus Office: Contact person for students with disabilities: [email protected] GRECIA G ATHINE04 6 English B2 Greek B2 15th July 15th July A modern Greek labguage course free of charge for erasmus students, is organised by the AUEB Erasmus Office: Contact person for students with disabilities: [email protected] PORTOGALLO P FUNCHAL03 UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA 46 - Mathematics and statistics Pagina 65 di 97 July 15th Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Matematica e Informatica Codice Università' Nome Università partner Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare RO CLUJNAP01 UNIVERSITY BABESBOLYAI OF CLUJNAPOCA 461 - Mathematics PUCCI PATRIZIA 1 5 see website (AREA 0232) ENGLISH B2 RECOMMENDED - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/07 Application 15/07 AREA 340 e 3452 Nomination 15/06 Application 15/07 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/07 Application 1/08 - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 AREA 340 E 3452 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/11 Application 1/12 RO CLUJNAP01 UNIVERSITY BABESBOLYAI OF CLUJNAPOCA 481 - Computer science PUCCI PATRIZIA 1 5 see website (AREA 0232) ENGLISH B2 RECOMMENDED - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/07 Application 15/07 AREA 340 e 3452 Nomination 15/06 Application 15/07 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/07 Application 1/08 - AREA 0232 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 AREA 340 E 3452 Nomination 01/11 Application 15/11 -AREA 461 E 481 Nomination 15/11 Application 1/12 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA 2 6 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement for applications: June for applications: between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general December 1st 1st Application orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Application Procedure: economic support is provided. Procedure: en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st All incoming students have to register online at October - 1st requisites, where the related deadlines can be found. Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO03 UNIVERSITAT POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA (area 461& 462) 48 - Computing VINCENTI RITA 2 5 (AREA 48 - Information and Communication technologies): CAT/ES/EN ts/internationalstudents/where-you-canstudy/language-status (AREA 461 - Mathematics): Catalan (most of the undergraduate courses) (*) English (master level) (*) B2 (*) Some courses of the bachelor and all the courses of the master are taught in English (AREA 462 Statistics): Spanish English B2 (AREA 523 - Electronic and automation): Spanish or English B1 AREA 48: Final date AREA 48: Final date UPC can provide some support to welcome students and staff with for applications: June for applications: disabilities; depending on the individual cases, with prior agreement December 1st 1st Application between both institutions. There is a service at UPC to give general Application Procedure: orientation to people with disabilities; but no additional personnel or Procedure: economic support is provided. en/erasmus/vols_venir http://www.fib.upc.ed UPC organizes an Orientation Week for international exchange .html AREA 461 - 462: u/en/erasmus/vols_v students and/or Welcome sessions for international master’s May 15th AREA 523: enir.html AREA 461- students at the beginning of their stay. Incoming students will receive 15th Aprile-15th June 462: November 15th information about it. The information is published at: AREA523: 1st October - 1st All incoming students have to register online at December, where the related deadlines can be found. Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 461 - Mathematics PUCCI PATRIZIA 2 9 AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 June Are 727: June AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) SPAGNA Pagina 66 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni October Are 727: UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo SPAGNA Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo SPAGNA Matematica e Informatica Matematica e Informatica Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 46 - Mathematics and statistics VINCENTI RITA 2 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA 3 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. E VALENCI02 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA VINCENTI 061 - Information and Communication RITA Technologies (ICTs) 2 9 Language requirements. All 30th June for Fall incoming exchange students Semester or Full coming to UPV should give Academic Year proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 30th November for Spring Semester Language requirements. All incoming exchange students coming to UPV should give proof of their sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language in one of the following ways: a Certificate of having achieved level A2 (CEFR) of Spanish a certificate stating that they have taken at least 100 hours of Spanish language classes 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 VINCENTI RITA VINTI GIANLUCA 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities TR BURSA01 46 - Mathematics and statistics 461 - Mathematics 2 TURCHIA UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID ULUDAG UNIVERSITESI 1° ciclo 4 10 ENGLISH B1 JULY DECEMBER Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ESKISEH01 ANADOLU UNIVERSITESI 461 - Mathematics VINCENTI RITA 2 6 ENGLISH B1 (RECOMMENDED) END OF AUGUST END OF JANUARY Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° TURCHIA ciclo 1°, 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU20 SABANCI UNIVERSITY 46 - Mathematics and statistics VINCENTI RITA 2 6 ENGLISH B2 MAY 30 th OCTOBER 31st TR IZMIR04 IZMIR UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS 46 - Mathematics and statistics GERVASI OSVALDO 1 5 ENGLISH B2 30 JUNE 15 DECEMBER Matematica e Informatica tm MATEMATICA FISICA Matematica e Informatica 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo UNGHERIA HU BUDAPES01 EÖTVÖS LORÁND 46 - Mathematics TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM and statistics courses lang=en VINCENTI RITA 2 5 ENGLISH B2 30 May 30 November Matematica e Informatica 1° ciclo UNGHERIA HU SZEGED01 SZEGEDI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM 46 - Mathematics and statistics PUCCI PATRIZIA 1 6 Hungarian B1 English B1 30 June 31 October Matematica e Informatica 2° ciclo UNGHERIA HU SZEGED01 SZEGEDI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM 46 - Mathematics and statistics PUCCI PATRIZIA 1 6 Hungarian B1 English B1 30 June 31 October Pagina 67 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni • Incoming students receive minimum 20 credits in their subject area. Students are also allowed to take courses in other study fields to a maximum of 10 credits. (A maximum of 30 credits can be received for the courses taken.) • Selection process: the partner university is kindly requested to ensure that the language proficiency of the outgoing student(s) is a minimum B2. • ELTE welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides information and assistance. Learn more at • Services for incoming students: o Orientation Day is organized for international students each semester where students get information about the university in general, administrative issues, student activities, the Hungarian language course, and other services. The integration of incoming students is fostered also in the areas of education and social life. o The ESN mentor system ensures the acculturation of foreign students by organizing a series of cultural and leisure activities. o Hungarian language (and culture) courses are offered for incoming students in the frame of Summer University programmes as well as regular courses during the semesters ( • For the implementation of STA/STT-mobilities, a letter of invitation – issued by an ELTE contact person – is required. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 1 6 Hungarian B1 English B1 30 June 31 October MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 6 German B1 30. April 30. Nov. MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 5 Dutch: B2 English: B2 Student applications: 1 May, when a visa is required 1 June, when no a visa is required Student applications: 1 November, when a visa is required 15 November, when no visa is required MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 10 FRENCH B1 May 1st Area 721: June 1st October 1st Area 721: October 1st 720 - Health (broad GRESELE PAOLO programmes) web/HUB-English/HUBrussel- 1 9 English B2 certificate required April 14th Applications October 1st should be send to the contact at the faculty level. HAUTE ECOLE DE NAMUR LIEGE LUXEMBOURG 723 - Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 3 See in FRENCH B1 June 1 June 30 for the Novermber 1 September 15 for paramedical the paramedical depertment The Student should fill in depertment The the online application Student should fill in the online form: https://services.henallu application form: https://services.hena ants/incoming/index.p etudiants/incoming/i hp?p=8# ndex.php?p=8# UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND METALLURGY 4211 - Microbiology, MIGLIORATI Biotechnology GRAZIELLA 1 3 English B1 1st July (for courses) Flexible for Diploma thesis and PhD students 15th October(for courses) Flexible for Diploma thesis and PhD students SF LAPPEEN07 SAIMAA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES SF TAMPERE06 PIRKANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOU LU 723* Physiotherapy MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 3 English B1 30th April 31st October 723 - Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 3 English B2 April 15 October 15 SF TAMPERE06: Tampere University of Applied Sciences has the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities. However, all applications will be reviewed case by case and must be brought to the receiving institution’s attention no less than six (6) months prior to intended time of arrival. FRANCIA F BREST01 UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 9 French B2 and English B2 15th May 15th November F BREST01: The Université de Bretagne Occidentale welcomes students and staff with disabilities. They can benefit from support and specific arrangements for the organization of courses and examinations as well as technical and teaching facilities and accessibility. 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS006 UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 6 Area 721-461: French B1 Medicine and Medicine 30th April. Mathematics: 30th Hardcopy April. Hardcopy application form and application form and supporting supporting documents: documents: 31st 31st May May Mathematics: 15th October. Hardcopy application form and supporting documents: 15th November Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Matematica e Informatica 3° ciclo UNGHERIA HU SZEGED01 SZEGEDI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM 46 - Mathematics and statistics PUCCI PATRIZIA Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN64 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA 721 - Medicine Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B ANTWERP01 UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN 721 - Medicine General: Journalism and information: Medicine: Economics: Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo BELGIO B BRUXEL04 UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo BELGIO B LEUVEN01 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Medicina 1° ciclo BELGIO B NAMUR15 Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BULGARIA BG SOFIA20 Medicina 1° ciclo FINLANDIA Medicina 1° ciclo FINLANDIA Medicina 2° ciclo Medicina Dipartimento Sito internet 721 - Medicine Pagina 68 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni ULB's student disabilities’ service, offer of the assistance and organize, if required, assistance or possible timetable adjustments, to allow disabled students to complete their exchange’s period in the best possible conditions. All courses are in Dutch, guidance and exams are in English Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F RENNES02 UNIVERSITE DE HAUTE-BRETAGNE (RENNES II) Medicina 1° ciclo GERMANIA D BONN01 RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICHWILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT BONN Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D FREIBUR01 ALBERT-LUDWIGSUNIVERSITÄT FREIBURG IM BREISGAU Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D HALLE01ÄT HALLE- WITTENBERG Medicina 2° ciclo GERMANIA D JENA01 FRIEDRICHSCHILLERUNIVERSITÄT JENA Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D KOLN01 UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 9 French B2 May 1 October 1 MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 German B1 15th May 1st November 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 German B1 Application deadline: June 15th Academic calendar: OctoberFebruary November 30th Aprii - August 6202 - Food Science and Technology MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 3 5 Area 727: 01.05 Area Area 727: 01.11. Area 727: German: 6202: 15.05 Area 6202: 15.11 requirement B2 for undergraduate studies (Staatsexamen), not required for graduate or research studies English: TOEFL iBT (at least 90/120), CBT (235/300), PBT (580/677), IELTS (at least band 6.5), or UNIcert-II (writing and speaking) for applicants whose native language is not English German: B2 recommended Area 6202: German: B2 recommended 721 - Medicine DE ANGELIS 2 MASSIMILIAN O 5 Area 721: German B1 Areas 2221,224,6202: German B1, Better B2 Nomination: June 30th Nomination: Application: July 15th December 31st Application: January 15th 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 9 German B1 15th July 9021 - Physical internationales/incoming Education, Sport Science 721 - Medicine Pagina 69 di 97 15th January Ulteriori indicazioni • Orientation programme (Welcome Week) for ERASMUS students one week before the beginning of each semester available; attendance recommended. For information: • Students with disabilities can contact the appointed disabilities advisor before their arrival for information on e.g. accessibility or questions related to facilitating exams. For more information: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Area disciplinare 720 - Health (broad MIGLIORATI programmes) GRAZIELLA 4 6 July 15th As a rule, the language of instruction is the institution’s official language and/or English. This applies to both the sending and receiving institution. The PhilippsUniversität Marburg recommends a minimum level of B1, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the language of instruction. A level of B2 is advisable. In philology courses the language of instruction is often the language of the region studied. Language requirements for individual faculties or areas of study that differ from this general recommendation are specified in the Interinstitutional agreement. The course catalogue provides more information on the language of instruction at mus/vorlesung January 15th At Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01), intensive language courses are offered before each semester; orientation weeks for Incoming students are held twice before each semester (before and after the language courses). Philipps-Universität Marburg (D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), though not all university buildings are barrier-free. Depending on the nature of the disability, the city infrastructure may not be adequate. We would advise to contact the International Office at [email protected] as early as possible before the intended stay in order to inform the student/staff of all relevant details and organize any additional services in time for the mobility. 1. Semester dates: ml 2. Contact for students with disabilities: “ Kontaktstelle Studium und Behinderung: 3. Departmental Coordinators of Saarland University: Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MARBURG01 PHILIPPSUNIVERSITÄT MARBURG Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D SAARBRU01 UNIVERSITÄT DES SAARLANDES 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 5 6 German B1 For more details June 15th on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution orlesungsverzeichnis.html December 15th Medicina 1° ciclo GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 6 30 June -AREA 228 Greek B2 VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November Medicina 1° ciclo LITUANIA LT KAUNAS13 LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES [general] [exchange students] 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 3 9 30 June Language of Instruction1: English B1* Language of Instruction 2: Lithuanian B1* * Incoming Erasmus students do not have to provide the evidence of internationally recognized English language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS etc.). A certificate stating the sufficient English language skills equal to the B1 CEFlevel, issued by the language department of the sending institution, may be submitted as an acceptable proof of language proficiency. 15 November Medicina 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL GDANSK03 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK 4211 - Microbiology, MIGLIORATI Biotechnology GRAZIELLA 2 6 English B2 June 30th Pagina 70 di 97 June 30th Ulteriori indicazioni Information for students and staff with disabilities: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 5 10 English B2 June 30th June 30th 724 - Dental studies MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 6 English or Poland B1 30th June/30th May 30th November/30th October 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 English/Polish B1 15 May 15 December AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA WE WROCLAWIU 721 - Medicine students MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 8 10 Polish B1 English B1 In case of medicine and dentistry 30th June 30th June PL WROCLAW05 AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA WE WROCLAWIU 723 - Nursing, students Midwifery, Physiotherapy MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 5 Polish B1 English B1 In case of medicine and dentistry 30th June 30th June PL WROCLAW05 AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA WE WROCLAWIU 724 - Dental studies MIGLIORATI students GRAZIELLA 2 10 Polish B1 English B1 In case of medicine and dentistry 30th June 30th June UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO 723 - Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 5 Portuguese B1 English B2 1 June 1 November 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P COIMBRA01 UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 Portuguese -English A2 (minimum), B1 (recommend) June, 1st November 1st Medicina 1° ciclo INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE SANTARÉM 9021 - Physical Education, Sport deInternacional/Incoming.asp Science MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 1 6 Portoguese B1 English B1 September January Medicina 2°, 3° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK LONDON055 ST GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF LONDON TRITTO Isabella 2 6 English IELTS 7.0 GCSE English Grade C 15th July 15th November Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL GDANSK03 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL POZNAN05 UNIVERSYTET MEDYCZNY IM. KAROLA MARCINKOWSKIEGO W POZNANIU Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL WARSZAW06 AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA W WARSZAWIE Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA PL WROCLAW05 Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo POLONIA Medicina 1° ciclo Medicina PORTOGALLO P BRAGA01 PORTOGALLO P SANTARE01 Sito internet Area disciplinare 721** - Medicine Cardiology Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Pagina 71 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni P COIMBRA01: Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students need to send a master certificate to the Student Exchange Office. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution. It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhDthesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. The University of Coimbra offers counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. We assist with finding suitable accommodation (wheelchair users are advised to apply for accommodation as early as possible), we provide information about public transport, access to health care, and about financial support in case of additional disability expenditure on the part of the student. The Office for Students with Special Needs moreover gives information concerning the accessibility of university buildings and helps to move a class to another room, if needed. Accommodated study and exam conditions, e.g. additional study papers for blind and visually impaired students, or extra time to use technical devices during exams can also be arranged. Contact: Support for Students with Special Educational Needs Colégio de S. Jerónimo Largo de D. Dinis Apartado 3026 3001-401 Coimbra Telefone: +351 239 857000 E-mail: [email protected] Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 4 9 English - Czech B2 June 15 October 31 724 - Dental studies MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 9 English - Czech B2 June 15 October 31 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 English B1 15th July 15th January 721 - Medicine smus MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 5 6 B1 - language certificate is optional 31 June 31 October www. / international 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 3 10 English B1 ( certificate required) French B1 ( certificate required) Romanian B1 ( certificate required) July 15th November 15th 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 Area 721 (Medicine) Slovak/English B2 Area 380 (Law) English B2 15th June 15 November UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 9 Spanish English* B1 English May, 15th A2 Spanish ** * See the list of subject taught in English (updated yearly) rses-catalogue/ ** Medicine, Pharmacy, Ocupational Therapy, Podology and Physiotherapy students must have a B1 Spanish level. Miguel Hernandez University recommends Incoming student to visit our website for Spanish Intensive and Non Intensive courses mas/ November 1st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities E ELCHE01 UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE 726 - Therapy and rehabilitation MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 3 3 Spanish English* B1 English May, 15th A2 Spanish ** * See the list of subject taught in English (updated yearly) rses-catalogue/ ** Medicine, Pharmacy, Ocupational Therapy, Podology and Physiotherapy students must have a B1 Spanish level. Miguel Hernandez University recommends Incoming student to visit our website for Spanish Intensive and Non Intensive courses mas/ November 1st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities SPAGNA E GIRONA02 UNIVERSITAT GIRONA 720 - Health (broad MIGLIORATI programmes) GRAZIELLA 2 3 English B2 Area 3452, 811 Spanish A2 English B2 June 15th November 15th SPAGNA E GIRONA02 UNIVERSITAT GIRONA 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 2 3 English B2 Area 3452, 811 Spanish A2 English B2 June 15th November 15th E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 813 - Sports 4 6 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15th November 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 2° ciclo REPUBBLICA CECA CZ PRAHA07 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA Medicina 2° ciclo REPUBBLICA CECA CZ PRAHA07 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO BRASOV01 TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO BUCURES10 UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE "CAROL DAVILA" DIN BUCURESTI RO CLUJNAP03 UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE "IULIU HATIEGANU" DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo SLOVACCHIA SK BRATISL02 UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E ELCHE01 Medicina 3° ciclo SPAGNA Medicina 2° ciclo Medicina 2° ciclo Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA Pagina 72 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1° ciclo E LLEIDA01 UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare 421 - Biology and anger/eng/erasmus.html Bachelor: biochemistry Master: Referente dell' Numero accordo borse MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 Pagina 73 di 97 Durata in mesi 3 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Spanish & Catalan (*) English Application deadline (some courses, practical July 1st placements and final thesis). Spanish (or Catalan): B1 recommended (A2 for speakers of other romance languages). or English: B1 recommended (*) At the University of Lleida courses are taught in Catalan or Spanish, some in English. The instruction language of each course can be checked by browsing the academic guide of each academic faculty ( studies_all.html) or by asking the correspondent mobility coordinator ( estudiantat_estranger/eng/info eng/department.html). The offer of courses in English can be checked at studiantat_estranger/eng/infoe ng/teaching.html. Regardless of the language the professor uses in class, the student has the right to address the professor, hand in projects and take exams in any of the three official teaching languages at the UdL: Catalan, Spanish or English. December 1st Ulteriori indicazioni The University of Lleida, by means of the service UdLxTothom (UdL for everybody), provides support tools and adaptation measures to students and staff with any kind of disability. If any student or member of staff has any special need, he will need to communicate it to the International Relations Office of the University of Lleida so that the facility UdLxTothom is able to arrange all the necessary measures to ensure a convenient stay. Website of the service UdLxTothom: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1° ciclo E LLEIDA01 UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare 721 - Medicine anger/eng/erasmus.html Bachelor: Master: Referente dell' Numero accordo borse MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 Pagina 74 di 97 Durata in mesi 10 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Spanish & Catalan (*) English Application deadline (some courses, practical July 1st placements and final thesis). Spanish (or Catalan): B1 recommended (A2 for speakers of other romance languages). or English: B1 recommended (*) At the University of Lleida courses are taught in Catalan or Spanish, some in English. The instruction language of each course can be checked by browsing the academic guide of each academic faculty ( studies_all.html) or by asking the correspondent mobility coordinator ( estudiantat_estranger/eng/info eng/department.html). The offer of courses in English can be checked at studiantat_estranger/eng/infoe ng/teaching.html. Regardless of the language the professor uses in class, the student has the right to address the professor, hand in projects and take exams in any of the three official teaching languages at the UdL: Catalan, Spanish or English. December 1st Ulteriori indicazioni The University of Lleida, by means of the service UdLxTothom (UdL for everybody), provides support tools and adaptation measures to students and staff with any kind of disability. If any student or member of staff has any special need, he will need to communicate it to the International Relations Office of the University of Lleida so that the facility UdLxTothom is able to arrange all the necessary measures to ensure a convenient stay. Website of the service UdLxTothom: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E LLEIDA01 UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA 729* - Health anger/eng/erasmus.html Bachelor: (others) - Nutrition Master: Medicina 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID28 CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE FRANCISCO DE VITORIA POZUELO Sito internet Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi DE ANGELIS 2 MASSIMILIAN O 10 Spanish & Catalan (*) English Application deadline (some courses, practical July 1st placements and final thesis). Spanish (or Catalan): B1 recommended (A2 for speakers of other romance languages). or English: B1 recommended (*) At the University of Lleida courses are taught in Catalan or Spanish, some in English. The instruction language of each course can be checked by browsing the academic guide of each academic faculty ( studies_all.html) or by asking the correspondent mobility coordinator ( estudiantat_estranger/eng/info eng/department.html). The offer of courses in English can be checked at studiantat_estranger/eng/infoe ng/teaching.html. Regardless of the language the professor uses in class, the student has the right to address the professor, hand in projects and take exams in any of the three official teaching languages at the UdL: Catalan, Spanish or English. 5 9 Spanish B1 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 2 3 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 B1 May 31st Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: October 31st os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf 721 - Medicine 4 10 Spanish B1 15th November Area disciplinare MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA Requisiti Linguistici December 1st The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th 15TH June Ulteriori indicazioni The University of Lleida, by means of the service UdLxTothom (UdL for everybody), provides support tools and adaptation measures to students and staff with any kind of disability. If any student or member of staff has any special need, he will need to communicate it to the International Relations Office of the University of Lleida so that the facility UdLxTothom is able to arrange all the necessary measures to ensure a convenient stay. Website of the service UdLxTothom: Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). Lumsa University has several facilities for students with disabilities as an urban transport service with a van equipped and an accompanying service within the university. UFV is able to receive disabled students. AREA 38: Students can attend courses and take exams at the Faculty of Economics within the Economics Department Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E PAMPLON02 UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA DE NAVARRA 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 4 5 Area 38: Spanish English B1 Area 723: Spanish B1 June 30th October 30th Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTAND01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI xchange-students Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 4 3 Spanish B1 English B2 30th June 1st November Pagina 75 di 97 all useful information at: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA 721 - Medicine s_entrantes/en/True ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E TENERIF01 Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA Medicina Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 4 10 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI s_entrantes/en/True Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s 2 3 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA 721* - Medicine s_entrantes/en/True Gynaecology ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 10 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 6 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 2 3 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 726* - Therapy and DE ANGELIS 2 rehabilitation MASSIMILIAN Nutrition O 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. Medicina 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 721 - Medicine MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 3 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO03 UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MIGUEL DE CERVANTES (UEMC) 813 - Sports MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 2 9 Spanish B1 30th of June 20th of December The university welcomes students and staff with disabilities and offers the necessary facilities and support. Useful information: Information about infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities available on individual request depending on special needs. Please contact: [email protected] Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VIGO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO 723** - Nursing and MIGLIORATI Physiotherapy GRAZIELLA 2 3 Spanish - English B1 May 31st October 15th Sito internet Area disciplinare Pagina 76 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ZARAGOZ01 Medicina 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA Medicina Sperimentale 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici MIGLIORATI GRAZIELLA 9 Spanish B1 AREA 640: 3rd March - 1st July for whole year and 1st semester students AREA721 AND AREA380: July 01 st - For whole year and first semester students November 28 th - For second semester students AREA 640: 2nd. September -28 November 2nd semester students AREA 721 AND AREA 380: November 28 th For second semester students 12 ENGLISH B1 NOMINATION DEAD LINE : 15 MAY APPLICATION DEAD LINE: 01 JUNE ACADEMIC CALENDAR: END OF SEMPTEMBER NOMINATION DEAD LINE : 15 OCTOBER APPLICATION DEAD LINE: 01 NOVEMBER ACADEMIC CALENDAR: SECOND WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2 6 Area 225: French B2 English B2 Area 727, 4433, 340: French B1 English B1 May, 31st November, 15 th 2 10 15 May (online) – 31 French and English B1 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA http:/ 721 - Medicine TR ANKARA03 HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY 720 - Health (broad DE ANGELIS 3 programmes) MASSIMILIAN O FRANCIA F PARIS012 Area 225: Faculty of Humanities and Human 727 - Pharmacy UNIVERSITE PARIS EST CRETEIL VAL DE Sciences: 342062.kjsp?RF=LSH Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 727, 4433: Faculty of Science and Technology Learning French RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 Area 340 Faculty of Administration and International exchanges Learning French: RH=1280326443843&RF=1280326888715 GROHMANN URSULA BELGIO B LIEGE01 UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE POLISCA ANGELA 640 - Veterinary Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet 2 Pagina 77 di 97 Ulteriori indicazioni Incoming student: The original learning agreement (no copy is accepted) with the exams done by the student can be given or sent directly to him/her OR to the International Relations and Mobility Office of the student university. For all other information, the student can get in touch the person in charge of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: – 15 November • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French (printed) lessons: • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P PORTALE01 Nome Università partner INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE PORTALEGRE Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare 62 - Agriculture, BUFALARI forestry and fishery ANTONELLO 3 Durata in mesi 9 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Portuguese, English, Spanish May (previous B1 academic year) November (same academic year) Ulteriori indicazioni P PORTALE01: For student Mobility Students from foreign partner institutions should contact the Departmental Coordinators concerned or the Institutional Coordinator. Students have to post the application form, accompanied by a transcript of records (filled in by their home university) and Learning Agreement. Learning Agreement may be modified after arrival and discussion with faculty coordinator. The final version must be delivered not later than 5 weeks after arrival. For teaching staff mobility The Teaching programme or Working programme form duly filled in and signed by home university should be sent to the Departmental Coordinators or the Institutional Coordinator. Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the School concerned, on the basis of the working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the School concerned. For non-teaching staff mobility Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, on the basis of the working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit concerned. Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P VILA-RE01 UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO Medicina Veterinaria 1° ciclo PORTOGALLO P VISEU01 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICO DE VISEU Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Medicina Veterinaria Medicina Veterinaria 640 - Veterinary s/GabineteRelacoesInternacionaisMobilidade /foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx CENCI GOGA 3 BENIAMINO TERZO 6 Portuguese B1 30th June (nomination 30th November until April, 30) (nomination until April, 30) Portuguese: B1 English: B2 Nomination: 01 May Application: 30 May Nomination: 01 November Application: 30 November 10 B1 English Nomination 30 May Application 15 June Nomination 31 October Application 15 November 9 TERM Spanish A2 Certification is not I TERM erasmus-students-on-line-registration/european-erasmus-students required (September/Deecemb (January/May); Application deadline: er): Application deadline: 1 May mid mid October mid December June anizacion/secretariado rganizacion/secretari ados/sri/incomings/sri/incomingerasmus-students-on- erasmus-studentson-linelineregistration/european- registration/europea n-erasmus-students erasmus-students 640 - Veterinary BUFALARI ANTONELLO 3 5 RO BUCURES12 UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA BUCURESTI 640 - Veterinary BRECCHIA GABRIELE 2 6 RO BUCURES12 UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA BUCURESTI 4211 - Microbiology, LEONARDI Biotechnology LEONARDO 3 6 2°, 3° ciclo SLOVACCHIA SK KOSICE01 UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN KOSICE 640 - Veterinary 1° ciclo E BADAJOZ01 UNIVERSIDAD DE EXTREMADURA 640 - Veterinary SPAGNA CENCI GOGA 3 BENIAMINO TERZO 2 PIERAMATI CAMILLO Pagina 78 di 97 Students should check out the university's website in order to know what they should do before, during and after their mobility: ernacionaisMobilidade/foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina Veterinaria 1° ciclo E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA SPAGNA Sito internet Area disciplinare AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 640 - Veterinary AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi PIERGILI FIORETTI DANIELA 9 3 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E LAS-PAL01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA 640 - Veterinary POLISCA ANGELA 2 9 SPANISH B1 Medicina Veterinaria 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID17 UNIVERSIDAD 'ALFONSO X EL SABIO' 640 - Veterinary CENCI GOGA 6 BENIAMINO TERZO 5 From May 15th to July November 15th Spanish B1 UniversidadAlfonso X El Sabio 15th offers a Spanish Language Course free of charge for international students Pagina 79 di 97 31st of May 30th of November Institutions must nominate their students by an on-line nomination. Instructions will be sent to our partners every year. Students are recommended to arrive one week before the academic calendar in order to attend the welcome week. Students, should attend the Faculty in which we have an agreement, having the option of taking courses of other faculties, only if it does not exceed the 40% of the total of courses in the learning agreemen Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Medicina Veterinaria 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 Medicina Veterinaria 1° ciclo SPAGNA Medicina Veterinaria 2° ciclo Medicina Veterinaria Medicina Veterinaria Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 640 - Veterinary VERINI SUPPLIZI ANDREA 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 640 - Veterinary VERINI SUPPLIZI ANDREA 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 541 - Food processing CENCI GOGA 1 BENIAMINO TERZO 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 2° ciclo SPAGNA E ZARAGOZ01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA http:/ 640 - Veterinary PIERAMATI CAMILLO 3 3 Spanish B1 AREA 640: 3rd March - 1st July for whole year and 1st semester students AREA721 AND AREA380: July 01 st - For whole year and first semester students November 28 th - For second semester students AREA 640: 2nd. September -28 November 2nd semester students AREA 721 AND AREA 380: November 28 th For second semester students 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR KONYA01 SELCUK UNIVERSITY 640 - Veterinary CENCI GOGA 2 BENIAMINO TERZO 6 ENGLISH B1 15 th AUGUST 30th DECEMBER 1° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali BELGIO B GEEL07 62 - Agriculture, BOGGIA forestry and fishery ANTONIO 1 3 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali BELGIO B GENT01 KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL KEMPEN UNIVERSITEIT GENT 62 - Agriculture, FORNACIARI 2 forestry and fishery DA PASSANO MARCO 6 Pagina 80 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet English or Dutch B2 (For more May 15th details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution ) November 15th Ulteriori indicazioni Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo BULGARIA BG PLOVDIV01 AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 622 - Horticulture TEI 3 FRANCESCO 5 Bulgarian/English B2 15th June 15th December Students have to send to the Erasmus Exchange coordinator – [email protected] • Application Form – to which are included Accommodation Form and Certification of nomination and knowledge of English language • Learning/Training Agreement • Transcript of records • Copy of ID card • Two photos • European Health Insurance Card (only for EU citizens) and/or private insurance Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo BULGARIA BG PLOVDIV01 AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 3 62 - Agriculture, TEI forestry and fishery FRANCESCO 5 Bulgarian/English B2 15th June 15th December Students have to send to the Erasmus Exchange coordinator – [email protected] • Application Form – to which are included Accommodation Form and Certification of nomination and knowledge of English language • Learning/Training Agreement • Transcript of records • Copy of ID card • Two photos • European Health Insurance Card (only for EU citizens) and/or private insurance May 15th October 31st FMONTPEL10 Please visit our website If an incoming student fails an exam Montpellier SupAgro will propose the student a resit exam Our Institution is equipped with all the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities. Scienze Agrarie, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA Alimentari e Ambientali F MONTPEL10 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES EN SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES DE MONTPELLIER idl=19&page=204 62 - Agriculture, MARCHINI forestry and fishery ANDREA 2 6 French and English B2 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali FRANCIA F RENNES47 AGROCAMPUS OUEST 62 - Agriculture, PROIETTI forestry and fishery PRIMO 2 6 French B1 June 1st Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo GRECIA G ATHINE03 GEOPONIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON NEGRI 629 - Agricolture, forestry and fishery VALERIA (others) 2 5 June 25th Greek English courses for exchange students/English for laboratory work English B2 November 25th GEOPONIKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON Greek English courses for June 25th exchange students/English for laboratory work English B2 November 25th 30 November 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali G ATHINE03 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo LITUANIA LT KAUNAS05 ALEKSANDRAS STULGINSKIS UNIVERSITY 1 SANTUCCI FABIO MARIA 3 62 - Agriculture, CIANI forestry and fishery ADRIANO 1 3 -AREA 228 Greek B2 30 June VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 62 - Agriculture, CIANI forestry and fishery ADRIANO 2 6 B1 English 314 - Economics Pagina 81 di 97 G ATHINE03 All candidate students and staff should consult the European Programmes’ Office website as regards the application procedure and necessary documents. It is not possible for exchange students to defend their BA/MA/PhD thesis at the host university. Applicants with special needs will be contacted before the final approval of the acceptance. Final decision depends on extra services/ facilities available. G ATHINE03 All candidate students and staff should consult the European Programmes’ Office website as regards the application procedure and necessary documents. It is not possible for exchange students to defend their BA/MA/PhD thesis at the host university. Applicants with special needs will be contacted before the final approval of the acceptance. Final decision depends on extra services/ facilities available. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Scienze Agrarie, 1° ciclo Alimentari e Ambientali MALTA Codice Università' Nome Università partner MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Sito internet Area disciplinare 620 - Agriculture, RUSSI LUIGI forestry and fishery (broad programmes) 1 Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 5 English B2 1st June 1st November Ulteriori indicazioni MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo POLONIA PL KATOWIC01 UNIWERSYTET SLASKI 421 - Biology and biochemistry FALISTOCCO 3 EGIZIA 5 PL B2 EN (for indicated subjects or projects) 30th June 30th November 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali POLONIA PL WARSZAW01 UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI 421 - Biology and biochemistry RUSSI LUIGI 2 5 Polish/English or language of instruction of the specific programme B2 MAy 15th November 15th 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P VILA-RE01 Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO 6201 - Agricultural s/GabineteRelacoesInternacionaisMobilidade Economics /foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx 3 SANTUCCI FABIO MARIA 6 Portuguese B1 30th June (nomination 30th November until April, 30) (nomination until April, 30) Students should check out the university's website in order to know what they should do before, during and after their mobility: ernacionaisMobilidade/foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx 1°, 2° ciclo PORTOGALLO P VILA-RE01 Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO 421 - Biology and s/GabineteRelacoesInternacionaisMobilidade biochemistry /foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx VERONESI FABIO 3 6 Portuguese B1 30th June (nomination 30th November until April, 30) (nomination until April, 30) Students should check out the university's website in order to know what they should do before, during and after their mobility: ernacionaisMobilidade/foreign_students/Paginas/foreignstudents.aspx Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo ROMANIA RO BUCURES12 UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA BUCURESTI 62 - Agriculture, GARDI forestry and fishery TIZIANO 1 6 Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo ROMANIA RO IASI03 "ION IONESCU DE LA BRAD" UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE CIANI 620 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery ADRIANO (broad programmes) 4 5 Romanian A2 English B1 30 June 30 November 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali RO SIBIU01 UNIVERSITATEA "LUCIAN BLAGA" DIN SIBIU NEGRI 620 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery VALERIA (broad programmes) 3 3 Italian B1 English B1 30th June 30th November Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Alimentari e Ambientali E BILBAO01 UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO 541 - Food processing 2 5 Spanish English B1 June 30th November 30th RUSSI LUIGI Pagina 82 di 97 The UPV/EHU has a Disabled People´s Service ( who works in the three campuses to attend to the needs of the university population with disabilities, taking into account each person's individual circumstances. Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA Codice Università' Nome Università partner E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 62 - Agriculture, FORNACIARI 1 forestry and fishery DA PASSANO MARCO AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Durata in mesi 5 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 83 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA Codice Università' Nome Università partner E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 1 62 - Agriculture, TEI forestry and fishery FRANCESCO AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html Durata in mesi 5 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: Pagina 84 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA Codice Università' Nome Università partner E CORDOBA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 RUSSI LUIGI 62 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery AREA 380: vilidad/internacionales.html#erasmus_extranj eros Area 640: cesos-movilidad/index.html AREA 62: -exteriores/index.html 1 Durata in mesi 5 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Area 380: Spanish A2 Area 62: AREA 421-4421-441Spanish B1 Area 640: Spanish 4433-442-62 July 31 AREA 380-640: 30 A2 English A2 June 2013 30 AREA 421-4421441-4433-442-62640 December 31 AREA 380: November 2013 Ulteriori indicazioni AREA 421-4421-441-4433-442 Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 380, 640: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration, accommodation , etc.: [email protected] Language course: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assistance center. Learn more at: AREA 62: University of Córdoba: Local mentors will help incoming students with practical issues like opening a bank account, registration procedures, etc..: [email protected] Language courses: International students with knowledge of B2 Spanish or less are encouraged to participate in the intensive courses before their studies in Córdoba start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for four weeks in September-October. The University of Córdoba welcomes students and staff with disabilities and provides an information and assitance center. Learn more at: 1° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali E ELCHE01 UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE 62 - Agriculture, FRASCARELLI 2 forestry and fishery ANGELO 6 Spanish English* B1 English May, 15th A2 Spanish ** * See the list of subject taught in English (updated yearly) rses-catalogue/ ** Medicine, Pharmacy, Ocupational Therapy, Podology and Physiotherapy students must have a B1 Spanish level. Miguel Hernandez University recommends Incoming student to visit our website for Spanish Intensive and Non Intensive courses mas/ November 1st E GIRONA02 UNIVERSITAT GIRONA 811 - Hotel, restaurant and catering 3 5 English B2 Area 3452, 811 Spanish A2 English B2 November 15th LASAGNA EMILIANO Pagina 85 di 97 June 15th Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA Alimentari e Ambientali E LLEIDA01 UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA 62 - Agriculture, RUSSI LUIGI anger/eng/erasmus.html Bachelor: forestry and fishery Master: 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID05 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID Area 62: 62 - Agriculture, LASAGNA Area 52: Area forestry and fishery EMILIANO 641, 521: Area 641: Area 521: Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID05 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID 1°, 2°, 3° Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID05 Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID05 Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre 10 Spanish & Catalan (*) English Application deadline (some courses, practical July 1st placements and final thesis). Spanish (or Catalan): B1 recommended (A2 for speakers of other romance languages). or English: B1 recommended (*) At the University of Lleida courses are taught in Catalan or Spanish, some in English. The instruction language of each course can be checked by browsing the academic guide of each academic faculty ( studies_all.html) or by asking the correspondent mobility coordinator ( estudiantat_estranger/eng/info eng/department.html). The offer of courses in English can be checked at studiantat_estranger/eng/infoe ng/teaching.html. Regardless of the language the professor uses in class, the student has the right to address the professor, hand in projects and take exams in any of the three official teaching languages at the UdL: Catalan, Spanish or English. 6 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th 1 12 SPANISH A1-A2 Area 641521: Spanish: A2-B1 Area 62, 641, 521: June 10th Area 52: June 1 Area 62, 52, 641, 521: December 1st RUSSI LUIGI 62 - Agriculture, Area 62: Area 52: Area forestry and fishery 641, 521: Area 641: Area 521: 2 12 SPANISH A1-A2 Area 641521: Spanish: A2-B1 Area 62, 641, 521: June 10th Area 52: June 1 Area 62, 52, 641, 521: December 1st UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID 62 - Agriculture, BOGGIA Area 62: Area 52: Area forestry and fishery ANTONIO 641, 521: Area 641: Area 521: 1 12 SPANISH A1-A2 Area 641521: Spanish: A2-B1 Area 62, 641, 521: June 10th Area 52: June 1 Area 62, 52, 641, 521: December 1st UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID Area 62: 641 - Animal Area 52: Area Husbandry 641, 521: Area 641: Area 521: 1 12 SPANISH A1-A2 Area 641521: Spanish: A2-B1 Area 62, 641, 521: June 10th Area 52: June 1 Area 62, 52, 641, 521: December 1st 641 - Animal Husbandry 2 Durata in mesi 1 SARTI FRANCESCA MARIA CASTELLINI CESARE Pagina 86 di 97 December 1st Ulteriori indicazioni The University of Lleida, by means of the service UdLxTothom (UdL for everybody), provides support tools and adaptation measures to students and staff with any kind of disability. If any student or member of staff has any special need, he will need to communicate it to the International Relations Office of the University of Lleida so that the facility UdLxTothom is able to arrange all the necessary measures to ensure a convenient stay. Website of the service UdLxTothom: Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Sito internet Area disciplinare Requisiti Linguistici MICHELI 620 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery MAURIZIO (broad programmes) RUSSI LUIGI 62 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery 2 6 1 10 Area 38: Spanish English B1 Area 723: Spanish B1 Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni June 30th October 30th all useful information at: Scienze Agrarie, 1° ciclo Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E PALMA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE ISLAS BALEARES 1° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E PAMPLON02 UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA DE NAVARRA Scienze Agrarie, 1° ciclo Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA GARDI 620 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery TIZIANO (broad programmes) 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA GARDI 620 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery TIZIANO (broad programmes) 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: 1° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 620 - Agriculture, MORBIDINI forestry and fishery LUCIANO (broad programmes) 2 9 2° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E TARRAGO01 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA 6202 - Food I VIRGILI Science and Technology RUSSI LUIGI 3 6 Language of Instruction 1: 15th June Catalan/ Spanish Language of Instruction 2: English Recommended: B1:Catalan or Spanish or English 1° ciclo Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA RUSSI LUIGI 2 10 Spanish Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 421 - Biology and h/index.php biochemistry ALBERTINI EMIDIO 2 5 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 541 - Food processing Pagina 87 di 97 30TH JUNE JUNE 15 30TH NOVEMBER 15th November Exchange students guide: s%20mobility%20guide%20%28compilada%29.pdf Guide for disabled students: November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 15 NOVEMBER Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Scienze Agrarie, 1°, 2°, 3° Alimentari e Ambientali ciclo Nome Università partner Sito internet TURCHIA TR ISTANBU03 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI 051 - Biological and ROSELLINI h/index.php related sciences DANIELE 2 5 TURKISH I-II /ENGLISH FOR 15 JUNE SOME COURSE (JOURNALISM) ENGLISH B2 (LETTERS) Area:421, 051: TURKISH B1 ENGLISH B1 3 10 Area 727: German B2 Area 727 (Joint PhD EUROPIAN) German B2 English B2 Area 222: German B2 MA programme German As a Foreing Language C1 Area 225: German B1 English B1 1st May 1st November Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Codice Università' Requisiti Linguistici Ulteriori indicazioni 15 NOVEMBER Scienze Farmaceutiche 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN01 UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 727 - Pharmacy GIOIELLO ANTIMO Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN01 UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 727 - Pharmacy MACCHIARUL 2 O ANTONIO 6 Area 727: German B2 Area 727 (Joint PhD EUROPIAN) German B2 English B2 Area 222: German B2 MA programme German As a Foreing Language C1 Area 225: German B1 English B1 1st May 1st November Scienze Farmaceutiche 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 5 German B2 English only for students who apply for Laboratory training 15th May 15th December Scienze Farmaceutiche 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN02 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 442 - Chemistry GIOIELLO ANTIMO 2 5 15th May 15th December Scienze Farmaceutiche 3° ciclo BELGIO B BRUXEL04 UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 German B2 English only for students who apply for Laboratory training FRENCH B1 May 1st Area 721: June 1st October 1st Area 721: October 1st Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B LEUVEN01 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN 727 - Pharmacy web/HUB-English/HUBrussel- GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 English B2 certificate required April 14th Applications October 1st should be send to the contact at the faculty level. Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo BELGIO B LIEGE01 UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 1 5 15 May (online) – 31 French and English B1 (exception: for Business and May (printed) Economics courses: B2). More information: 110/fr/exigences-linguistiques 1 November (online) B LIEGE01: • Integration of mobile students: Welcome Days, tutoring, French – 15 November lessons: (printed) • Disabled students: • The yearly updated information sheet for incoming students (application procedure,…) will be provided with this agreement. • Application procedure: through Scienze Farmaceutiche 2° ciclo FRANCIA F LILLE02 UNIVERSITE' LILLE 2 DROIT ET SANTE' http://www.univ727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 1 6 Courses at the faculty of Pharmacy – University Lille 2 are taught in French, we trust our partners to send us students with a sound knowledge of one of these languages to be able to attend the classes and take the exams. B2 (recommended in French) Receiving nominations : until 1st of June Receiving applications: 1st of June Receiving nominations: until 1st of November Receiving applications: 1st of November Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS005 UNIVERSITE' PARIS DESCARTES (PARIS V) 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 French B2 31st May 30th November Scienze Farmaceutiche 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS005 UNIVERSITE' PARIS DESCARTES (PARIS V) 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 3 French B2 31st May 30th November Scienze Farmaceutiche 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS054 EPHE - ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES 727 - Pharmacy me-erasmus/ GROHMANN URSULA 1 6 FRENCH B2 15 JUNE 31 DECEMBER Scienze Farmaceutiche 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS054 EPHE - ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES 421 - Biology and me-erasmus/ biochemistry GROHMANN URSULA 1 6 FRENCH B2 15 JUNE 31 DECEMBER Pagina 88 di 97 ULB's student disabilities’ service, offer of the assistance and organize, if required, assistance or possible timetable adjustments, to allow disabled students to complete their exchange’s period in the best possible conditions. All courses are in Dutch, guidance and exams are in English Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F STRASBO48 UNIVERSITY OF STRASBOURG Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo D FRANKFU01 Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2° ciclo GERMANIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Scienze Farmaceutiche Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 EM STRASBOURG: FRENCH B2 IUT ROBERT SCHUMAN: FRENCH B2 EOST: FRENCH B2 FLCE/ETUDES ALLEMANDES: OTHER FACULTIES: FRENCH B1 JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE UNIVERSITÄT 727 - Pharmacy MACCHIARUL 1 O ANTONIO 6 German B1/B2 English B1/B2 June 15th D HALLE01 MARTIN-LUTHERÄT HALLE- WITTENBERG 727 - Pharmacy MACCHIARUL 3 O ANTONIO 10 Area 727: 01.05 Area Area 727: 01.11. Area 727: German: 6202: 15.05 Area 6202: 15.11 requirement B2 for undergraduate studies (Staatsexamen), not required for graduate or research studies English: TOEFL iBT (at least 90/120), CBT (235/300), PBT (580/677), IELTS (at least band 6.5), or UNIcert-II (writing and speaking) for applicants whose native language is not English German: B2 recommended Area 6202: German: B2 recommended GERMANIA D JENA01 FRIEDRICHSCHILLERUNIVERSITÄT JENA 6202 - Food Science and Technology 1 GALLI FRANCESCO 5 Area 721: German B1 Areas 2221,224,6202: German B1, Better B2 Nomination: June 30th Nomination: Application: July 15th December 31st Application: January 15th 2° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 442 - Chemistry l MARINOZZI MAURA 1 6 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st Scienze Farmaceutiche 3° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 442 - Chemistry l MARINOZZI MAURA 1 6 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GRECIA G ATHINE01 NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 1 6 Greek B2 English B2 JULY DECEMBER Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo MALTA MT MALTA01 UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 5 English B2 1st June 1st November Dipartimento GERMANIA Sito internet Area disciplinare Requisiti Linguistici For EM Strasbourg Autumn term end of May For all others faculties Autumn term Mid May Ulteriori indicazioni For EM Strasbourg: Spring term end of October For all others faculties: Spring term Mid May December 15th nfuehrer/index.html MT MALTA01 Students who apply for Erasmus are chosen according to their academic performance. Prior to the students’ departures meetings are set up with students according to their Faculties, where specific information regarding their mobility is given out. This includes Erasmus packs which contain the relative documents which students needed to fill in prior to their mobility abroad. ACCESS-disability Support Unit has been set up at the University of Malta in order to ensure support to both local and visiting students and staff with disability. Students are informed that if the need arises, the International & EU Office will support their mobility and all their needs. As there have been cases for the incoming students, contact would be made with the host universities from beforehand, to ensure that the students would obtain full support from both institutions before their mobility takes place. POLONIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Scienze Farmaceutiche 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL CZESTOC02 JAN DLUGOSZ UNIVERSITY IN CZESTOCHOWA PL GDANSK03 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK 442 - Chemistry SANTI CLAUDIO 2 5 Polish - English B1 15th June 30th Novemebr 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 English B2 June 30th June 30th Pagina 89 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Scienze Farmaceutiche Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Area disciplinare UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 720 - Health (broad GROHMANN programmes) URSULA 1 5 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 15th May English B1/B2 (Polish language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th PL KRAKOW01 UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 5 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 English B1/B2 (Polish 15th May language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th POLONIA PL WROCLAW02 POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA 442 - Chemistry SANTI CLAUDIO 1 5 English B2 15 June 2014 15 November 2014 PL WROCLAW02: Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students. The university is able to welcome students and staff with disabilities, subject to prior notice. 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL WROCLAW02 POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA 421 - Biology and biochemistry SANTI CLAUDIO 1 5 English B2 15 June 2014 15 November 2014 PL WROCLAW02: Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students. The university is able to welcome students and staff with disabilities, subject to prior notice. Scienze Farmaceutiche 2° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK CAMBRID01 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 442 - Chemistry MARINOZZI MAURA 2 6 English C1 All non-native English speakers will be required to sit an online assessment as part of their application unless they have one of the following which must have been obtained in the last two years 30th April 30th September Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK CARDIFF01 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY 727 - Pharmacy ational/erasmus.html MARINOZZI MAURA 2 6 English B1 Area 727: May Area 442: 15th June Area 727: November As part of the application process for the Schoool of Pharmacy and Area 442: 15th Pharmaceutical Studies, incoming students are required to provide a September CV. This is to be sent to Dr Emma Kidd (Erasmus Academic Coordinator) [email protected] Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK CARDIFF01 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY 442 - Chemistry ational/erasmus.html SANTI CLAUDIO 2 9 English B1 Area 727: May Area 442: 15th June Area 727: November As part of the application process for the Schoool of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Studies, incoming students are required to provide a Area 442: 15th September CV. This is to be sent to Dr Emma Kidd (Erasmus Academic Coordinator) [email protected] Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E ELCHE01 UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 9 Spanish English* B1 English May, 15th A2 Spanish ** * See the list of subject taught in English (updated yearly) rses-catalogue/ ** Medicine, Pharmacy, Ocupational Therapy, Podology and Physiotherapy students must have a B1 Spanish level. Miguel Hernandez University recommends Incoming student to visit our website for Spanish Intensive and Non Intensive courses mas/ November 1st Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 12 9 June Are 727: June AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 15th 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) October Are 727: UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students Pagina 90 di 97 Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Sito internet Ulteriori indicazioni Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Dipartimento Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 4 12 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). GROHMANN URSULA 4 6 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 9 Spanish B1 From May 15th to July November 15th UniversidadAlfonso X El Sabio 15th offers a Spanish Language Course free of charge for international students 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 10 Spanish B1 Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 727 - Pharmacy SANTI CLAUDIO E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 727 - Pharmacy SPAGNA E MADRID17 UNIVERSIDAD 'ALFONSO X EL SABIO' SPAGNA E MADRID28 CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE FRANCISCO DE VITORIA POZUELO 15TH June 15th November Ulteriori indicazioni Lumsa University has several facilities for students with disabilities as an urban transport service with a van equipped and an accompanying service within the university. UFV is able to receive disabled students. AREA 38: Students can attend courses and take exams at the Faculty of Economics within the Economics Department Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SALAMAN02 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Area 380: 727 - Pharmacy Area 227: GROHMANN URSULA 2 9 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SANTIAG01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 9 Spanish (Galician) Spanish B1 15 July DELE certificate Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E SEVILLA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 9 Pagina 91 di 97 15th July 30TH JUNE 15th July Support is offered to students and staff with special need or disability. See 30 November • Incoming Erasmus students must take at least 50% of their workload from the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The rest of their workload can be made up of courses from different faculties. • Incoming Erasmus students are not allowed to register for courses/modules of study levels that differ from the one/s agreed in the present document. • Incoming teaching staff must be individually accepted by the USC Faculty that coordinates the bilateral agreement. The acceptance will be based on the candidate’s working plan and its adequacy to the teaching programme of the Faculty. • Incoming non-teaching staff must be individually accepted by the department, service or unit concerned, based on the proposed working plan and the availability of the department, service or unit to host visitors. • The University of Santiago de Compostela welcomes students and staff with disabilities, providing information and assistance through its University Integrations Service. Further information is available at: 30TH NOVEMBER Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA 727 - Pharmacy s_entrantes/en/True ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s GROHMANN URSULA Scienze Farmaceutiche 3° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 541 - Food processing Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALENCI01 Scienze Farmaceutiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA Scienze Farmaceutiche 3° ciclo Scienze Farmaceutiche Dipartimento Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni 10 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] COSSIGNANI 1 LINA 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 6202 - Food Science and Technology COSSIGNANI 1 LINA 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 3 10 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 1 6 Spanish JUNE 15 November 15 The Unit for the integration of people with disabilities at the Universitat de València promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Both students and staff with disabilities or special needs can access to the services provided by this Unit. TR ANKARA02 GAZI UNIVERSITY %28ects%29-bilgi-paketi-4487 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 2 6 ENGLISH B1 ENGINEERING 15th June PHARMACY 15th September ENGINEERING 15th November PHARMACY 15th February TURCHIA TR ANKARA02 GAZI UNIVERSITY %28ects%29-bilgi-paketi-4487 727 - Pharmacy MACCHIARUL 3 O ANTONIO 10 ENGLISH B1 ENGINEERING 15th June PHARMACY 15th September 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR ANKARA03 HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY 727 - Pharmacy GROHMANN URSULA 3 12 ENGLISH B1 Scienze Farmaceutiche 2° ciclo TURCHIA TR KAYSERI01 ERCIYES UNIVERSITY 421 - Biology and biochemistry BECCARI TOMMASO 1 5 ENGLISH B1 NOMINATION 1 JUNE NOMINATION 1 APPLICATION 1 JULY NOVEMBER APPLICATION 1 DECEMBER Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo AUSTRIA A WIEN01 UNIVERSITÄT WIEN 225 - History and archeology LUPI REGINA 2 9 Area 727: German B2 Area 727 (Joint PhD EUROPIAN) German B2 English B2 Area 222: German B2 MA programme German As a Foreing Language C1 Area 225: German B1 English B1 1st May 5 Durata in mesi Pagina 92 di 97 ENGINEERING 15th November PHARMACY 15th February NOMINATION DEAD NOMINATION DEAD LINE : 15 LINE : 15 MAY APPLICATION DEAD OCTOBER LINE: 01 JUNE APPLICATION ACADEMIC DEAD LINE: 01 CALENDAR: END OF NOVEMBER SEMPTEMBER ACADEMIC CALENDAR: SECOND WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1st November Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo B ANTWERP01 UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN 32 - Journalism and MANCINI General: information PAOLO Journalism and information: Medicine: Economics: Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo CROAZIA HR ZAGREB01 UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 380 - Law 380 - Law 226 Philosophy and ethics , 442- Chemistry ents/exchange_students VALONGO ALESSIA Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F ANGERS01 UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS Dipartimento BELGIO Sito internet Area disciplinare 225 - History and archeology Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 2 6 Dutch: B2 English: B2 4 5 380 - Law Croatian B2 English 10 May B2 226 - Philosophy and ethics Croatian B1 English B1 442- Chemistry Croatian B2 English B2 LUPI REGINA 2 5 FRENCH B1 Student applications: 1 May, when a visa is required 1 June, when no a visa is required Ulteriori indicazioni Student applications: 1 November, when a visa is required 15 November, when no visa is required 10 November 15th of March – 1st of 1st of October – 1st June 15 mars – 1er of November 1er juin octobre – 1er novembre HR ZAGREB01: In case of additional requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with special needs) please contact the International Office: [email protected] Université d’Angers: A welcome week is organized at the beginning of the Winter Term and a detailed Student’s Guide is made available with all useful information. Courses of French language and culture are available for students staying 6 months or more. ( The buildings of the Université d’Angers are accessible to students with disabilities and appropriate accommodation can be provided for them. However, a disabled student’s visit should be planned well in advance. A la rentrée, une semaine d’accueil est organisée par le Service de la Mobilité Entrante et un Guide d’Accueil est distribué avec tout genre de renseignements utiles. Des cours de langue mais aussi de conversation et de culture françaises sont ouverts aux étudiants d’échange qui restent pour au moins un semestre. ( La totalité de l’Université d’Angers est accessible aux personnes handicapées et nous pouvons les aider à trouver un logement adapté. Veuillez noter qu’il est conseillable que l’arrivée d’un étudiant porteur de handicap soit organisée avec beaucoup d’avance. Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo FRANCIA F BESANCO01 UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE 225 - History and archeology LUPI REGINA 1 9 French B2 - No certificate required June 1st October 15th F BESANCO01: Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo FRANCIA F CORTE01 UNIVERSITE DE CORSE PASCAL PAOLI 313 - Political science and civics CIANCI ALBERTO GIULIO 2 10 French B1 May 31st October 30th - Free French as a foreign language courses for Erasmus students - Service dedicated to students with disabilities within the Health Service Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F CORTE01 UNIVERSITE DE CORSE PASCAL PAOLI 32 - Journalism and CIANCI information ALBERTO GIULIO 2 9 French B1 May 31st October 30th - Free French as a foreign language courses for Erasmus students - Service dedicated to students with disabilities within the Health Service Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F NANCY43 UNIVERSITÉ DE LORRAINE 213 - Audio-visual techniques and media production 10 French [Minimum May 31th recommended level: B1]* * Level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), see http://europass.cedefop.europ For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, please refer to our course catalogue. October 31th BONERBA 2 GIUSEPPINA Pagina 93 di 97 Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Requisiti Linguistici Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS003 UNIVERSITE DE LA SORBONNE NOUVELLE (PARIS III) 2 32 - Journalism and BONERBA information GIUSEPPINA 9 French B2 Application deadline: Application deadline: November 15th May 15th Academic calendar available on RH=1209061830093 Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS008 UNIVERSITE DE VINCENNES - SAINT DENIS (PARIS VIII) 3421 - Public 1 BONERBA Relations, Publicity, GIUSEPPINA Advertising 9 Area 222: French B2 Area 2122, 317, 3421: French B2 no certificate required Nomination May 30th Nomination October Language courses and orientation session: International students are Application June 30th 31th Application encouragde to partecipate in the intensive courses before their November 30th studies in paris 8 start. The courses are free of charge and are offered for two weeks in september or one week in February. Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo FRANCIA F PARIS010 UNIVERSITE PARIS http://www.u224 - History, OUEST NANTERRE LA philosophy and DEFENSE l-etudiant-br-international-en-programme-d- related subjects echange-381549.kjsp?RH=INT_EINT LUPI REGINA 1 6 French B1 May 15th November 15th Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo FRANCIA F PERPIGN01 UNIVERSITE' DE PERPIGNAN 3452 - Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management 321 - Journalism and reporting DE SALVO PAOLA 2 5 Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D DORTMUN01 UNIVERSITÄT DORTMUND MANCINI PAOLO 2 5 German: Minimum: B1 For newsroom training: B2 May 15th November 15th Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo GERMANIA D KREFELD01 FACHHOCHSCHULE NIEDERRHEIN 315 - Social work CANIGLIA ENRICO 1 5 B1 German B2 English 1st May 1st November Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D MUNSTER01 WESTFÄLISCHE WILHELMSUNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER state=user&type=0 225 - History and archeology LUPI REGINA 2 6 Area 226,225 (Prontera), 4432: German B1 Area 225 (Lupi): German B1 May 1st November 1st Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 380 - Law l MERLONI 2 FRANCESCO 5 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo GERMANIA D TUBINGE01 EBERHARD-KARLSUNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN 2 MERLONI FRANCESCO 5 Area 313: Either B1 German or B1 English Area 314: B1 German or English May 31st December 31st GRECIA G THESSAL01 ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI http://www.uni313 - Political and civics studierende-intuebingen/studienangebot/studiengaenge.htm l 220 - Humanities (broad programmes) Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo 2 6 30 June -AREA 228 Greek B2 VANTAGE French B2 VANTAGE English B2 VANTAGE -AREE 62,314,380,222,225,312,721,4 43 GREEK/ENGLISH B2 30 November Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo LITUANIA LT KAUNAS01 VITAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY 1 5 English B2 Lithuanian B2 June 1st November 15th May, 1st October, 1st Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo OLANDA NL AMSTERD01 UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo POLONIA PL KRAKOW01 Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo REGNO UNITO UK HULL01 UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Durata in mesi Sito internet ZANETTIN FEDERICO Ulteriori indicazioni DORTMUND: Apart from colloquia, there is no structured PhD study programme with seminars. Study programmes for PhD students wuold have to be discussed on a case by case basis. 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 1 5 English B2 (required) Dutch C1 032 - Journalism and information MANCINI PAOLO 2 5 Area 220, Area 442, Area 443, May 31st Area 314: Area 314, Area 032: Polish or May 30th Area 032 English B1/B2 (Polish 15th May language courses offered) Area 222: Polish/ Italian, English B1 November 30th Area Disability Support Service, 032 November biurze 15th 2221 - Modern EC Languages LUPI REGINA 4 9 on website on website UNIVERSITY OF HULL Pagina 94 di 97 on website Useful information: Disability-Friendly University: Summer Schools: Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre RANDAZZO 4 3421 - Public Relations, Publicity, FRANCESCO Advertising 5 English B1 15 th June 15th November 2 RANDAZZO FRANCESCO 5 Romanian B1 English B1 June 15th November 15th selection/preparation/integration of mobile students and staff will be carried out in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus University Charter 2014-2020. Both academic and student tutors are provided for all incoming students UNIVERSITATEA "PETRU MAIOR" DIN TIRGU MURES 2 RANDAZZO 0312 - Political ml sciences and civics FRANCESCO html 5 Romanian B1 English B1 June 15th November 15th selection/preparation/integration of mobile students and staff will be carried out in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus University Charter 2014-2020. Both academic and student tutors are provided for all incoming students UNIVERSITAT AUTÓNOMA DE BARCELONA 6 Application Form: May Application Form: (Language of Instruction1): 1st to June 15th Nov 1st to Dec 10th Catalan (Language of Instruction2):Spanish (language of Instruction 3):English B1 (*) • (*) There is no specific language level required, but it is deemed understood that students must have the necessary level to be able to attend lessons and sit exams. • During both semesters, Catalan basic language lessons are offered (free of charge at the moment; however this may be subject to change in the future). enrol for at least the 50% of their credits at the faculty of admission. The other 50% can be taken at the rest of the UAB centres/faculties, provided the groups are still open. Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO BUCURES13 SCOALA NATIONALA DE STUDII POLITICE SI ADMINISTRATIVE DIN BUCURESTI RO TARGU03 UNIVERSITATEA "PETRU MAIOR" DIN TIRGU MURES Scienze Politiche 2°, 3° ciclo ROMANIA RO TARGU03 Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E BARCELO02 Dipartimento Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare 0222 - History and ml archaeology html Referente dell' Numero accordo borse 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E CASTELL01 UNIVERSITAT JAUME I http:/ http:/ http:/ Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E CIUDA-R01 UNIVERSIDAD DE 32 - Journalism and RASPADORI CASTILLA-LA MANCHA o.aspx information FABIO Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E GRANADA01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA Scienze Politiche Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA 1°, 2° ciclo SPAGNA E GRANADA01 E LA-CORU01 UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CORUÑA 313 - Political science and civics 225 - History and archeology 762 - Social work and counselling 2 Ulteriori indicazioni • Admission to Master’s programmes at the UAB. This only possible when the agreement specifies a UAB Master’s programme. In order to be admitted to a Master's programme at the UAB as an exchange student, prior written approval from the coordinator of this Master is compulsory. Otherwise admission will be for fourth year courses in our 4 year bachelor programmes. 3 5 Spanish Catalan 18% English February 1 - June 15 6% B1 We also accept students with A2 level September 1 November 15 F. CASTELL01: There is a service. USE. which helps sludents with disabilities with the academic integration. http:/.' All facilities on campus including the residence are accessible for wheelchairs. 2 5 Labguage of Instruction 1:SPANISH B1 Language of Instruction 2: ENGLISH B1 November 30 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha has infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities, more information at: LUPI REGINA 4 6 June Are 727: June AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October Are 727: October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students AREA 1-380: Spanish B1 June Are 727: June AREA 222-225-226-762- 421- 15th Area 380: July 461-727 Spanish B1 (B1 15th Language accreditation is recommended at undergraduate level and compulsory at master level) UGR Orientation Week is compulsory for incoming students October Are 727: October 31th Area 380: December 15th Area 762: WARNING : **VERY IMPORTANT** : E GRANADA 01 : InternshipPractice-Field placement : B2-Spanish Mandatory for incoming students MAZZONI MARCO CANIGLIA ENRICO 312 - Sociology and MANCINI cultural studies PAOLO 3 2 Pagina 95 di 97 5 10 Spanish and /or Galician Language B1 Spanish generally recommended unless some other specific level required for a special program June 15 The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see The University of Granada has infrastructures to welcome students and staff with disabilities see November 15th June 15th eonline3/moveonline/in oveonline3/moveonli coming/welcome.php ne/incoming/welcom e.php Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Scienze Politiche 2° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID03 Scienze Politiche 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici 225 - History and archeology LUPI REGINA 4 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). 313 - Political science and civics MANCINI PAOLO 1 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 6 9 Spanish B1 The students who are November 30th nominated for the whole year or the first semester will have to apply starting March 30th and ends June 15th Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM offer three types of stays to foreign students, namely individual subjects (only in Spanish) in undergraduate (1st cycle) and master courses (2nd cycle), scientific stays in a research laboratory and hospital training (the latter would be normally restricted to the October - December period). UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 4 5 English B2 Spanish B2 Area 32: English B2 Spanish B1 May 15th Area 32: November 1st Area Welcome Event, Buddy Program, Students with disabilities, ESN Carlos III: Nomination & 32: Nomination & Application: Mid-March Application: ge to mid-May Beginning of October to beginning of November. Area 071, 0715: Buddy Program: ge/prior_arrival/buddy Sito internet Area disciplinare UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID E MADRID03 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID SPAGNA E MADRID03 SPAGNA E MADRID14 Ulteriori indicazioni The University has developed actions with the aim of improving the assistance offered to disabled persons. Among others, we offer specific services under the Integration Program for Disabled Students (see link), infrastructure adaptation and investigation projects devoted to improve their quality of life: d/english Orientation Program and Welcome Event: The Welcome Event and the Orientation for international students will take place at the beginning of each semester: ge/upon_arrival Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E MADRID26 UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 4 10 Area: 523, 723, 3211 Spanish Area: 523, 723, 3211 B1 May 31st Area: 523, 723, 3211 Area: 523, 723, 3211 October 31st Infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities: os/incoming/discapacidad.pdf Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E PAMPLON01 UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA asignaturas/ 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 2 6 Spanish* English B2 *Special 1st May Spanish intensive courses take place for exchange students in the summer. It is also possible to join regular Spanish courses during the academic year. Dates and fees for the following year are published in Spring 31st October All buildings are wheelchair accessible and have lifts. The Vice rector of Students works closely with faculties and professors to ensure that any students with disabilities receive the necessary support the need in order to carry out their studies at this university. Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E PAMPLON02 UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA DE NAVARRA 315 - Social work 3 6 Area 38: Spanish English B1 Area 723: Spanish B1 October 30th all useful information at: CANIGLIA ENRICO Pagina 96 di 97 June 30th Allegato 1 - Elenco sedi partner e flussi di mobilità Dipartimento Riservata Nazione a Codice Università' Nome Università partner Sito internet Area disciplinare Referente dell' Numero accordo borse Durata in mesi Requisiti Linguistici Scadenza Scadenza Application Application II I semestre semestre Ulteriori indicazioni Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SPAGNA E TENERIF01 UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA 32 - Journalism and SORRENTINO 3 s_entrantes/en/True information VINCENZO ario_Academico_y_registro/en Area 226, 32: s_entrantes/en/True /wull/internacionales/europa/Alumnos %20Entrantes/ECTS%20Guides1.htm ario_Academico_y_registro/en s 6 Pharmacy: Spanish Medicine: Spanish B1 Economics: Spanish A1 Area 226, 32: Spanish A2 nstitucional/ull/Plazos_ de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form w/institucional/ull/Pla and Learning Agreement to [email protected] zos_de_solicitud/en All nominated Erasmus students must send their Application Form and Learning Agreement to [email protected] Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 224 - History, philosophy and related subjects LUPI REGINA 6 9 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Scienze Politiche 1° ciclo SPAGNA E VALLADO01 UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID 315 - Social work CANIGLIA ENRICO 3 6 SPANISH B1 June, 30th December 30th The institution intend to provide with the appropriate infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo SVEZIA S FALUN01 HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA 220 - Humanities (broad programmes) BALDINETTI ANNA 1 5 ENGLISH/SWEDISH B2 15th APRIL 15th OCTOBER Scienze Politiche 1°, 2° ciclo SVEZIA S FALUN01 HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA BALDINETTI 310 - Social and behavioural science ANNA (broad programmes) 1 5 ENGLISH/SWEDISH B2 15th APRIL 15th OCTOBER Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo SVEZIA S STOCKHO01 STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 2 6 Scienze Politiche 1°, 2°, 3° ciclo TURCHIA TR IZMIR06 IZMIR UNIVERSITY 32 - Journalism and MANCINI information PAOLO 2 6 English - B1 31 August 31 January Pagina 97 di 97 - İZÜ (TR IZMIR06) organizes an orientation program each semester for welcoming incoming students. It is highly recommended to incoming students to participate in the orientation program because students are provided with vital information on course registration, campus accommodation, health issues, İZÜ’s IT facilities and residence permit. - İZÜ (TR IZMIR06) provides the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities and will try to support them according to their special needs. But partner universities are advised to contact the international office very early to make sure that the student concerned can be accepted. - İZÜ also supports students and staff with disabilities if they want to go abroad.
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