CURRICULUM VITAE EUROPEO PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Chiara Forina th Date of Birth 13 December 1988 Place of Birth Rome Nationality Italian Gender female Title Biomedical Engineer ORAL PRESENTATION May 2014 Corso di aggiornamento: "L'imaging di perfusione nelle neoplasie cerebrali primitive e secondarie", sponsored by BRACCO, Centro Congressi "Raffaele Bastianelli", National Cancer Institute Regina Elena, Rome-9th May 2014. Forina C., Tecniche di analisi dei dati: dalla ROI, agli istogrammi , al clustering. WORK EXPERIENCE January 2014 - January 2017 Research fellowship sponsored by AIRC (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro), at Laboratory of Medical Physics and Expert Systems, National Cancer Institute Regina Elena (IRE). Project title MR Imaging Biomarkers in the Evaluation of the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Rectal Cancer. Principle Investigator Prof. Andrea Laghi, Department of Radiological Sciences, Oncology and Pathology, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma. Aim of the study Primary Objectives: to evaluate novel MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) biomarkers as texture analysis, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI), Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and perfusion MRI (pMRI) able to assess therapy response in rectal cancer. MRI examinations are performed using a 3T scanner (Discovery MR750, GE, Milwaukee, USA). WORK EXPERIENCE June 2013 to November 2013 Magnetic Resonance Internship Sales and Marketing support at Policlinico Umberto I, Rome. Name of employers GE Healthcare MR Modality Manager Pier Paolo Buò, GE Healthcare. Main Activities Technical and clinical support to the medical staff about clinical protocols management on GE MR Discovery 750 (3 Tesla); Technical support for the MRgFUS (MR guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery); Support and management of the customers visits organization; Reporting to MR European marketing team to carry out the clinical activity; Preparation of brochure, depliant and ppt to support sales team; Using GE softwares (ReadyView, GenIQ) for the MR images post-processing. TRAINING April 2012 to March 2013 Professional training for the elaboration of a master thesis at the Laboratory of Medical Physics and Expert Systems, IRE. Professional skills involved in the study Referents Participation to a training course on a GE 3T MR system: description of machine equipment (coils), sequences optimization, parameters manipulation (in morphological and functional studies) and GE softwares for the imaging post-processing ; Practice on MATLAB applications and implementation of MR images analysis procedures. Dott.ssa Simona Marzi (Medical Physicist), Dott. Antonello Vidiri (Radiologist), Dott.ssa Lidia Strigari (Medical Physicist), at National Cancer Institute Regina Elena, IRE, Rome. EDUCATION Master Degree: Biomedical Engineering obtained on 18 January 2013 with mark 110/110 cum Laude. 2010/2011 - 2011/2012 Education institute University: Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy. Thesis title “An approach to the quantitative analysis of multimodal MR images: examples of application of diffusion and perfusion MRI in oncology”. 2007/2008-2010/2011 Bachelor’s degree: Clinical Engineering obtained on 20 December 2010 with mark 100/110. Education institute University: Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy. Thesis title “An histomorphometric analysis of biological tissues: objects recognition”. 2002/2003 – 2006/2007 Scientific High School Education institute Stanislao Cannizzaro, Rome, Italy. LANGUAGES First language Italian UNDERSTANDING Other Language English SPEAKING Listening Reading Spoken Interaction Spoken Production B2 C1 B2 B2 WRITING B2 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Currently: English course (level: upper/intermediate, 3 times a week) at The new British Centre, in Rome. SKILLS AND COMPUTER EXPERTISE Programming in C++ language Programming in MATLAB Knowledge and usage of the 3D Slicer program for clinical imaging elaboration Programming basics in LabVIEW (Vision package) Knowledge of the Office Microsoft package particularly as refers to Excel. 1. Marzi S. Forina C. Marucci L. Giovinazzo G., Giordano C., Piludu F., Landoni V., Spriano G.,Vidiri A. Evaluation of Early Radiation-Induced Changes of Diffusion Parameters by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Major Salivary Glands: Correlation with Anatomical Modifications. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2014, April 3. 2nd European Symposium on “Focused Ultrasound Therapy”, Rome, October 10-11, 2013. Medical device software training programme at Donawa Lifescience Consulting Srl, “Software Requirements for Medical Devices – EU and US”, Rome, March 22nd, 2013. Attendance certificate to the Conference on “Active Implantable Cardiac Devices and Magnetic Resonance: Possibilities, Problems and Outlook”, at Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, June 21st, 2012. Seminar on Data Analysis in MATLAB held by Brett Shoelson, MathWorks US, concerning Image Processing and Algorithms Optimization in MATLAB, Rome, October 3rd, 2012. PUBLICATIONS ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCES ORGANISATIONAL COMPETENCES SKILLS AND Date Study and research groups: “Design of an air-conditioning system of a dialysis center in Bologna”. Sport: crossifit, fuctional training (currently),rhythmic gymnastics team (4 years), volley ball team (3 years). Social: excellent ability to relate with medical staff (medical specialists, technicians…), team spirit capability. Signature C.F.
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