ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 FINAL PROGRAMME Rome Cardiology Forum 2014 An ESC Update Programme in Cardiology Rome, Italy, January, 29-31 2014 Welcome Address Dear Colleagues, the Organizing Committee takes a great pleasure in inviting you to the fifth edition of the “Rome Cardiology Forum” that will be held in Rome on January 29-31, 2014 . Like the past editions, the present one will be organized with the patronage of the“Università Sapienza” and the “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” of Rome. The Rome Cardiology Forum is one of the three official update meetings of the European Society of Cardiology. The event represents an opportunity for creative exchange of ideas on the latest developments for the diagnosis, management and treatment of cardiovascular diseases with the participation of international and local experts. The Forum’s core agenda will be organized into three days with special lectures, symposia, dynamic and interactive educational sessions. We would appreciate the honour of your presence at the meeting and look forward to welcoming you. Sincerely yours, Filippo Crea Professor and Chairman in Cardiology Faculty of Medicine Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Policlinico A. Gemelli - Rome Massimo Volpe Professor and Chairman in Cardiology Faculty of Medicine and Psychology Università Sapienza Ospedale Sant’Andrea - Rome ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Co-Chairmen F. Crea Professor and Chairman in Cardiology Faculty of Medicine - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico A. Gemelli - Rome M. Volpe Professor and Chairman in Cardiology Faculty of Medicine and Psychology - Università Sapienza - Ospedale Sant’Andrea - Rome European Programme Committee R. Amstein (Zürich) F. Crea (Rome) D. Gaita (Timisoara) T.C. Gillebert (Ghent) T.F. Lüscher (Zürich) D. Milicic (Zagreb) M.L. Simoons (Rotterdam) M. Volpe (Rome) Local Programme Committee L.M. Biasucci (Rome) F. Cosentino (Rome) G.A. Lanza (Rome) S. Rubattu (Rome) FACULTY Andreotti F. (Rome) Arca M. (Rome) Autore C. (Rome) Barbato E. (Bruxelles) Bartunek J. (Aalst) Biasucci L.M. (Rome) Birt C.A. (Liverpool) Borghi C. (Bologna) Branzi A. (Bologna) Brugada R. (Girona) Camici P.G. (Milan) Camm A.J. (London) Capodanno D.F. (Catania) Catapano A.L. (Milan) Cifkova R. (Prague) Cosentino F. (Rome) Crea F. (Rome) Crotti L. (Pavia) D’Amario D. (Rome) De Biase L. (Rome) Di Angelantonio E. (Cambridge) Di Pasquale E. (Milan) Di Sciascio G. (Rome) Ferrari R. (Ferrara) Gillebert T. (Gent) Golino P. (Naples) Hobbs A.J. (London) Kaski J.C. (London) Iliceto S. (Padua) Indolfi C. (Catanzaro) Janssens S. (Leuven) Jørgensen T. (Glostrup) Lanza G.A. (Rome) Leone A.M. (Rome) Libby P. (Boston) Løgstrup S. (Bruxelles) Lombardi F. (Milan) Mancia G. (Milan) Manolis A. (Athens) Maseri A. (Milan) Massetti M. (Rome) Mckenna W.J. (London) Niccoli G. (Rome) Pedersen T.R. (Oslo) Pinto F. (Lisboa) Poli A. (Milan) Prescott E. (Copenaghen) Rosenhek R. (Wien) Rubattu S. (Rome) Sechtem U. (Stuttgart) Trimarco B. (Naples) Vahanian A. (Paris) Vanuzzo D. (Udine) Volpe M. (Rome) Windecker S. (Bern) Zeiher A.M. (Frankfurt) ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 Wednesday, January 29 2014 13.00-13.30 Opening remarks 13.30-14.00 2013 ESC core curriculum T. Gillebert Introduced by F. Crea 14.00-15.30 SYMPOSIUM: Update on life-style and cardiovascular disease prevention Chairmen: S. Løgstrup - D. Vanuzzo 14.00-14.20 The dimension of the problem E. Prescott 14.20-14.40 The approach to the problem T. Jørgensen 14.40-15.00 The drawbacks and the stakeholders C.A. Birt 15.00-15.30Discussion 15.30-17.00 SYMPOSIUM: Diabetes and vascular disease: from mechanisms to treatment Chairmen: E. Barbato - M. Volpe 15.30-15.50 Epigenetic changes: a new marker of vascular damage in type 2 diabetes? F. Cosentino 15.50-16.10 Coronary atherosclerotic burden and prognosis in type 2 diabetes D.F. Capodanno 16.10-16.30 Coronary stent choice S. Windecker 16.30-17.00Discussion 17.00-18.30 SYMPOSIUM: Satellite Symposium of the ESC-WG on hypertension and the heart Chairmen: C. Borghi - R. Cifkova 17.00-17.20 Highlights of new ESH/ESC guidelines 2013 G. Mancia 17.20-17.40 Management of perioperative hypertension in non-cardiac surgery A. Manolis 17.40-18.00 Definition and management of resistant hypertension M. Volpe 18.00-18.30Discussion 18.30-20.00 SYMPOSIUM: Advances on natriuretic peptides Chairmen: G. Di Sciascio - M. Volpe 18.30-18.50 Natriuretic peptide – C signalling and cardiovascular diseases A.J. Hobbs 18.50-19.10 Natriuretic peptides and cardiovascular risk prediction in the general population E. Di Angelantonio 19.10-19.30 Atrial natriuretic peptide: the perspective in cardiovascular diseases S. Rubattu 19.30-20.00Discussion ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 Thursday, January 30 2014 09.00-10.00 SYMPOSIUM: Focus on dyslipedemia Chairmen: M. Arca - A. Poli 09.00-09.20 Raising HDL: an update T.R. Pedersen 09.20-09.40 Beyond HDL: new therapeutic targets A.L. Catapano 09.40-10.00Discussion 10.00-10.30 LECTURE: Update on coronary microvascular dysfunction P.G. Camici Introduced by G.A. Lanza 10.30-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-12.00 SYMPOSIUM: Update on the vulnerable plaque Chairmen: P. Golino - A. Maseri 11.00-11.20 The vulnerable plaque in the natural history of atherosclerosis F. Crea 11.20-11.40 Pharmacological approaches to the vulnerable plaque J.C. Kaski 11.40-12.00Discussion 12.00-12.30 LECTURE: Inflammation and atherosclerosis P. Libby Introduced by F. Crea 12.30-13.30Lunch 13.30–14.00 SPECIAL LECTURE: Scientific societies and biomedical research F. Pinto Introduced by F. Crea 14.00-15.30 SYMPOSIUM: Update on management of acute coronary syndromes Chairmen: J.C. Kaski - U. Sechtem 14.00-14.20 Antithrombotic treatment L.M. Biasucci 14.20-14.40 Microvascular obstruction G. Niccoli 14.40-15.00 Invasive treatment C. Indolfi 15.00-15.30Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee break 16.00-17.00 SYMPOSIUM: Update on stable coronary artery disease Chairmen: L. De Biase - A.M. Leone 16.00-16.20 Diagnostic algorithms U. Sechtem 16.20-16.40 Risk stratification G.A. Lanza 16.40-17.00Discussion 17.00-17.30 LECTURE: Functional assessment of coronary circulation E. Barbato Introduced by M. Volpe 17.30-18.00 LECTURE: Brugada syndrome: an update R. Brugada Introduced by M. Volpe ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 Friday, January 31 2014 09.00-10.30 SYMPOSIUM: Update on heart failure Chairmen: M. Volpe - A.M. Zeiher 09.00-09.20 Role of imaging S. Iliceto 09.20-09.40 Pharmacological treatment R. Ferrari 09.40-10.00 Surgical treatment of end-stage heart failure M. Massetti 10.00-10.30Discussion 10.30-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-12.50 SYMPOSIUM: Update on stem cells Chairmen: S. Janssens - A.M. Leone 11.00-11.20 Stem cells as a model of cardiovascular diseases E. Di Pasquale 11.20-11.40 Cardiac regenerative interventions in clinical translation: what to expect? J. Bartunek 11.40-12.00 Update on clinical trials A.M. Zeiher 12.00-12.20 Cardiac stem cells D. D’Amario 12.20-12.50Discussion 12.50-13.20 LECTURE: Management of aortic valve disease R. Rosenhek Introduced by A. Branzi 13.20-14.20Lunch 14.20-14.50 LECTURE: Management of mitral valve disease A. Vahanian Introduced by M. Massetti 14.50-16.00 SYMPOSIUM: Update on atrial fibrillation Chairmen: W.J. McKenna - B. Trimarco 14.50-15.10 Pharmacological prevention of atrial fibrillation A.J. Camm 15-10-15.30 Prevention of thrombo-embolic complications F. Andreotti 15.30-16.00Discussion 16.00-17.00 SYMPOSIUM: Prevention of sudden death Chairmen: C. Autore - F. Lombardi 16.00-16.20 Long QT interval L. Crotti 16.20-16.40 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy W.J. McKenna 16.40-17.00Discussion 17.00-17.15 Closing Remarks ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION Congress Venue Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Nuovo Polo Universitario Giovanni XXIII AULA FRANCESCHINI Largo Francesco Vito, 1 – 00168 Roma Organizing Secretariat Devital Service SpA Piazza Wagner, 5 - 20145 Milano Tel. 0039 02 43319223 - Fax 0039 02 48513353 E-mail: [email protected] Secretary Opening Hours during the Forum Wednesday, January 29 2014 12.00 - 20.00 Thursday, January 30 2014 08.00 - 18.00 Friday, January 31 2014 08.00 - 17.30 Registration fee (VAT 22% included) Delegate fee Euro 600,00 Fellows (<35 years old) Free registration The fee is requested in cash and Euro currency. Registration will be processed only if accompanied by total payment. The registration fee includes admission to all scientific sessions, badge and congress kit, certificate of attendance, coffee break and lunch. Admission Participants are kindly requested to wear their badge during all congress activities. The badge will admit to the scientific sessions, coffee break and lunch. Language The official language is English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. Attendance Certificates Attendance certificates will be delivered on request to all regularly registered participants at the end of the forum. Insurance Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for personals injuries or for loss of or damage to property belonging to congress participants either during or as a results of the Forum. Please check the validity of your own insurance. ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 CREDITS Accreditation The “Rome Cardiology Forum 2014 – An ESC Update Programme in Cardiology” has been recognized by the National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGe.Na.S.) as accredited continuing education. Topic areas: Cardiology, Angiology, Internal Medicine, Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology, Heart Surgery, Geriatrics, General Practitioner. CME Reference Number: 171- 81598 Ed. 1 Italian Ministry of Health – Age.Na.S.: 3,8 CME Credits Learning objective: guidelines, protocols, procedures In order to obtain CME credits it is mandatory full attendance of the scientific sessions. The CME certificates will be sent by e-mail within 90 days. In compliance with Age.Na.S. guidelines, all Speakers/Chairpersons participating in this programme have disclosed or indicated potential conflicts of interest which might cause bias to the presentations. The Chairman is responsible for ensuring that all potential conflicts of interest relevant to the event are declared to the audience prior the CME activities. ROME CARDIOLOGY FORUM 2014 NOTES The Forum has been sponsored by unrestricted educational grant from: Organizing Secretariat Devital Service SpA Piazza Wagner, 5 - 20145 Milano Tel. +39 02 43319223 - Fax +39 02 48513353 e-mail: [email protected]
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