Corso tirocinanti.pdf - Collegio dei Geometri della provincia di

Employment Services in Europe
Rome, Farnesina 9 – 10 September 2014
9 September
1.00 pm - Welcoming of Delegations and Lunch
2.00 pm - Plenary Opening Session
Salvatore Pirrone – General director for active employment policies, employment
services and training
Contributions by Institutional Representatives
Giuliano Poletti – Minister of Labour and Social Policies
Jackie Morin – Head of unit, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Gianfranco Simoncini – Tuscany Regional Councillor for Employment, Coordination of Regions
Presentation of the concept document by Salvatore Pirrone
4.00 pm
Paolo Reboani – Chairman and CEO of Italia Lavoro
Workshop - A Comparison between Italian and European Best Practices
a. Integration between industrial policies and active employment policies
b. Cooperation between public and private employment services
c. Information and monitoring systems for employment policies
(For Europe: United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, Croatia)
(For Italy: Piemonte, Marche, Campania)
5.30 pm - End of Session and Transfer to Hotel
6.30 pm - Special Tour of the Capitoline Museums
8.00 pm - Dinner
10 September
9.30 am - Round Table: Local Employment Services Network Between Public and Private
Sectors in Italy
Presentation of an Italian example of an established public–private system
Giovanni Bocchieri – General Director, Education Training and Employment,Lombardy Regional
Daniele Lunetta - HoPES Assistant, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
Contributions from:
CGIL – Serena Sorrentino
CISL – Luigi Sbarra
UIL – Guglielmo Loy
UGL – Stefano Conti
Confindustria – Pierangelo Albini
Assolavoro – Agostino Di Maio
Rete Lavoro – Marco Gaione
Assosomm – Rosario Rasizza
Confcommercio – Jole Vernola
Confartigianato – Riccardo Giovani
Alleanza delle Cooperative – Sabina Valentini
Speakers will also include representatives from the UK, Spain, Belgium and Croatia
11.45 pm - Workshop Feedback in Plenary Session
12.30 pm - Wrap up
Luigi Bobba, Under-Secretary for Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
1.00 pm - Light Lunch
Transfers to the airport