Company Profile Vittoria Assicurazioni is an independent insurance company, founded in Milan in 1921. The company is active in all life and non-life lines of business, covering the whole of Italy via an extensive commercial network featuring over 400 agencies and 790 sub-agencies. Vittoria's mission is to be the elective insurer of families and small and medium enterprises. BOARD MEMBERS C.C.I.(1) C.R.(2) C.N.(3) Executive Non executive Independent CORPORATE GOVERNANCE * (CG) Giorgio Costa COMPANY Specialist broker ISIN VITTORIA ASSICURAZIONI Banca IMI S.p.A. BLOOMBERG VAS IM REUTERS VITI.MI Via Ignazio Gardella, 2 20149 MILANO Auditing company * Industry FINANCIALS Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. Tel.: +39 02 48219.1 Fax: +39 02 48203693 http://www.vittoriaassicurazi Super sector INSURANCE Investor relations * Market Segment STAR Andrea Acutis E-mail:[email protected] Tel.:+39 02 48219.1 - Fax:+39 02 40910404 BOARD MEMBERS OWNERSHIP IT0000062882 Carlo Acutis Chairman 38,664,400 shares on 12/31/13 Carlo Acutis KEY FIGURES * Executive Deputy Chairman Francesco Baggi Sisini Roberto Guarena 3,849,000 shares on 12/31/13 CEO Marco Brignone Net Equity 30/09/14 603.09 20,000 shares on 12/31/13 Source: company data. The year-end closing is at December, 31. Results are in compliance with IFRS Andrea Acutis Adriana Acutis Biscaretti Di Ruffia 117,730 shares on 12/31/13 Luca Paveri Fontana Director 69,000 shares on 12/31/13 Francesco Baggi Sisini Adriana Acutis Biscaretti Di Ruffia Director Marco Brignone 64,750 shares on 12/31/13 Director Giorgio Costa Pietro Carlo Marsani Roberto Guarena Giorgio Marsiaj 26,950 shares on 12/31/13 Director Lodovico Passerin D'Entrevès 30/09/13 120.52 693.67 82.39 10.12% 53.14 6.53% Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 167.34 117.99 982.80 898.51 107.36 77.87 9.34% 7.66% 53.53 49.27 4.65% 4.85% -99.90% 9 Months 50,000 shares on 12/31/13 Director Var % '14 vs '13 59.42% 6.31% 4.23% Life Business Gross Premiums P&C Gross Premiums Earnings Before Taxes as % of Gross Total Premium Net Result as % of Gross Total Premium 344,644 shares on 12/31/13 Executive Deputy Chairman 9 Months 30/09/14 192.14 737.44 85.87 9.24% 0.06 0.01% Giorgio Marsiaj Andrea Acutis €m Var % '14 vs '13 24.82% 30/09/13 483.16 Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 506.45 442.06 Director Luca Paveri Fontana TOP MANAGEMENT Director Giuseppe Spadafora SHARE ANALYSIS Director Bernhard Franz Josef Gierl Director CFO Fulvia Ferragamo Cesare Caldarelli Director General Manager Lorenza Guerra Seràgnoli Last Divid. (€) 0.180 Piero Angelo Parazzini Director Central Manager Anna Strazzera Ordinary Enzo Vighi Director Quantity 67,378,924 67,378,924 Number of shares outstanding Ordinary Nominal value (€) Mario Ravasio Capitalis. (€ m) 603.25 603.25 1.00 Detach Date 12/05/2014 Central Manager Paolo Novati Central Manager OTHER INFORMATION RELATING GOVERNANCE Compensation Stock Mbo Incentivo Last price Ord Performance Ord 28/01/2015 8.95 -2Y 61.96% -2Y INDEX ITSTAR 74.46% Relative perf. -12.50% Price range (-2y) Ord -1Y -2.80% -1Y 18.20% -21.00% MAX 10.75 -3M -0.20% -3M 18.84% -19.03% MIN 5.20 -1M 2.99% -1M 11.53% -8.54% List based voting system (BoD / MB) Quorum for minority shareholders TURNOVER AND VOLATILITY - STATISTICS FROM 02/01/2015 TO28/01/2015 2.5% Record Date (1): Internal Control Committee (2): Compensation Committee (3): Nomination Committee (CG) Corporate Governance: Traditional Model Turn over Total(€) Daily average(€) Number of shares traded Total Daily average SHAREHOLDERS * NORGES BANK (GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY): 3.66% SERFIS S.P.A.: 4.00% 307,804 16,200 Number of trades Total Daily average BAGGI SISINI FRANCESCO: 5.71% A OTHER SHAREHOLDERS < 2%: 29.24% Volatility ACUTIS CARLO: 57.38% 2,661,232 140,065 1,596 84 24.45% A Turnover velocity 6.11% Source: COMPANY. Update: 30/06/2014 Source: Borsa Italiana. Data refer to the ordinary shares. ANALYST REPORTS Analyst reports from Banca Intermediazione Mobiliare - IMI (18/09/2014) Banca Intermediazione Mobiliare - IMI (12/08/2014) Intermonte (05/08/2014) Intermonte (13/05/2014) Banca Intermediazione Mobiliare - IMI (13/05/2014) * The above information has been provided and updated by the issuing company
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