1st EUROPEAN ADVANCED COURSE ON SURGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR SNORING AND OSAHS UNIVERSITAʼ degli STUDI di ROMA TOR VERGATA Coordinator: Fabrizio Ottaviani PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Theory and practice 4 Steps of live surgery and a course of laboratory anatomical dissection Course Directors: Gianluca Bellocchi, Andrea Marzetti, Francesco Peverini Scientific Committee: Michele de Benedetto, Nico de Vries, Desiderio Passali, Claudio Vicini CALENDAR OF EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS • 11-12/03/2015 • 15-16/04/2015 • 10-11/06/2015 • 14-15/10/2015 - 13/03/2015 (Anatomical dissection I Group) 17/04/2015 (Anatomical dissection II Group) 12/06/2015 (Anatomical dissection III Group) 16/10/2015 (Anatomical dissection IV Group) The course will be held in Rome in 3 institutional locations: IDI Hospital - San Carlo di Nancy, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo-Forlanini San Carlo SIACH ITALIA Società Internazionale di Anatomia Chirurgica Sede Italiana - Torino 1ST STEP: ClInICal DIagnoSIS anD SurgICal TrEaTMEnT PlannIng 11-13/03/2015 11-12/03/2015 Two full days of theoretical lessons, clinical cases presentation and live surgery ToPICS • Physiopathological concepts • Diagnostical work up • Polysomnography concepts • radiological features • Endoscopic diagnosis • Treatment strategies • Positional therapy • Pharyngeal obstruction topographic classifications • Planning of the integrated treatment • Mandibular advancement Devices (MaD) 13/03/2015 A day of in laboratory dissection on anatomical specimens - I Group 2nD STEP: MInIMally InvaSIvE SurgICal TECHnIquES For SnorIng anD MIlD oSaHS 15-17/04/2015 15-16/04/2015 Two full days of theoretical lessons, clinical cases presentation and live surgery ToPICS • Tissue volume reduction concepts in uaW obstruction • radiofrequency technologies • Management of pediatric oSaHS • Concepts of palatal surgery • The barbed surgery evolution • Base of the tongue volume reduction • The tongue implants 17/04/2015 A day of in laboratory dissection on anatomical specimens - II Group 3rD STEP: aDvanCED PHaryngEal anD SkElETal SurgEry 10-12/06/2015 10-11/06/2015 Two full days of theoretical lessons, clinical cases presentation and live surgery ToPICS • anatomical landmarks of the pharynx and skeletal structure of the face & physiopatological concepts • Surgical techniques for anterior palatopharyngoplasty • Surgical techniques for lateral pharyngoplasty • Surgical techniques for hyoid advancement • role of the genioglossus muscle in sleep apnea • genioglossus advancement • Maxillo-facial anomalies • Maxillomandibular advancement • Maxillomandibular distraction 12/06/2015 A day of in laboratory dissection on anatomical specimens - III Group 4TH STEP: BaSE oF THE TonguE anD HIPoPHaryngEal SurgEry 14-16/10/2015 14-15/10/2015 Two full days of theoretical lessons, clinical cases presentation and live surgery ToPICS • Base of the tongue: anatomical concepts • Trans-oral robotic Surgery (TorS) for oSaHS • Surgery – “What and When” • Medical economy and oSaHS • anesthesia in oSaHS patients • Hypoglossal nerve neuromodulation • Patient information and legal aspects in oSaHS dealing • Transcutaneous neuromuscular stimulation • Pain and peri-operative dealing of the oSaHS patients 16/10/2015 A day of in laboratory dissection on anatomical specimens - IV Group FaCulTy FaCulTy ✔ Alessandro Abramo (Venice-Mestre) ✔ Giovanni Carlo de Vincentiis (Rome) ✔ Bruno Pesucci (Rome) ✔ Marco Barbieri (Genoa) ✔ Alberto Dragonetti (Milan) ✔ Luca Pianta (Brescia) ✔ Fulvio Benassi (Rome) ✔ Mario Fabiani (Rome) ✔ Marco Piemonte (Udine) ✔ Marco Benazzo (Pavia) ✔ Marco Fusetti (L’Aquila) ✔ Giuseppe Pozzi (Rome) ✔ Paolo Borgonuovo (Rome) ✔ Paolo Gentileschi (Rome) ✔ Alberto Braghiroli (Veruno) ✔ Emanuele Gobbi (Rome) ✔ Bruno Brevi (Parma) ✔ Carlo Antonio Leone (Naples) ✔ Marco Brunori (Rome) ✔ Mario Mantovani (Milan) ✔ Michele Cassano (Foggia) ✔ Maria Grazia Marciani (Rome) ✔ Maurizio Catalani (Turin) ✔ Marco Micozzi (Rome) ✔ Ruggero Corso (Forlì) ✔ Stefano Millarelli (Rome) ✔ Roberto Spinato (Mirano - Venice) ✔ Fabrizio Cottini (Rome) ✔ Filippo Montevecchi (Forlì) ✔ Sergio Terranova (Rome) ✔ Iacopo Dallan (Pisa) ✔ Gaetano Paludetti (Rome) ✔ Stefano Urbini (Tivoli) ✔ Mario Dauri (Rome) ✔ Francesco Maria Passali (Rome) ✔ Maurizio Giovanni Vigili (Rome) ✔ Roberto Puxeddu (Cagliari) ✔ Fabrizio Salamanca (Milan) ✔ Emanuele Scarano (Rome) ✔ Agostino Serra (Catania) ✔ Giovanni Sorrenti (Bologna) InTErnaTIonal FaCulTy ✔ Marc Blumen (France) ✔ Bhik Kotecha (England) ✔ Codrut Sarafoleanu (Romania) ✔ Marina Carrasco Llatas (Spain) ✔ Joachim T. Maurer (Germany) ✔ Olivier Van der Veken (Belgium) ✔ Nico de Vries (Netherlands) ✔ Madeline Ravesloot ( Netherlands) InForMaTIon POSTGRADUATE COURSE UNIVERSITY The course will develop in 4 sessions of two days each, consisting of theoretical lectures, live surgery and Cadaver lab training. You will be able to sign up for just one session. For the achievement of the university certification the 70% of the entire SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY Francesco Maria Passali ENROLMENT Registration must be done via the Tor Vergata University website http://web.uniroma2.it/ in the days indicated by the notice of the course. The interested clinicians are invited to contact the course secretariat, which will be offering support to facilitate the enrollment procedures. SECRETARIAT S.r.l. Via Cossignano, 26/28 - 00138 Rome Tel. 06 88 45 351/2 • Fax 06 88 45 354 [email protected] - www.mediprint.it the end of each step. A single or double step subscription is also allowed. One anatomical ANATOMICAL DISSECTION LABORATORY specimen every two participants will be In collaboration with SIACH Italia provided. 4 groups of 12 participants will be The cadaver lab session is not selected for each session. Only one mandatory for the achievement of the “full day” dissection is planned for each university certification but strongly group and will take place the day after suggested by the EOS DRS board. course must be attended. A final exam is also mandatory. COSTS ✔ SINGLE STEP (2 DAYS) € 700 + VAT + ANATOMICAL DISSECTION STEP € 1.100 + VAT ✔ ADVANCED COURSE (4 STEPS) € 2.500 + VAT ✔ ADVANCED COURSE (4 STEPS) + ANATOMICAL DISSECTION STEP € 3.000 + VAT Total places for each step = 50 Priority will be given to the full course subscribers Maximum number of participants for each “Cadaver training” session = 12 Registration for the course is open to holders of: - Degree in Medicine and Surgery in the old system; - Single-cycle degree in Medicine and Surgery; - Single-cycle degree in Dentistry. 1st European Advanced Course on Surgical Techniques for Snoring and OSAHS UNIVERSITAʼ degli STUDI di ROMA TOR VERGATA • Credits (CFU) The attendance of at least 70% of the entire advanced course (days of anatomical dissection excluded) and to pass a written and oral final exam allow the acquisition of 20 credits. CME accreditation required for each session of the course. This Course is a EOS DRS continuous and integrated training project advanced module. Sponsorship Patronages aooI ASSOCIAZIONE OTORINOLARINGOLOGI OSPEDALIERI ITALIANI AUORL aSSoCIazIonE unIvErSITarIa oTorInolarIngologI Società Italiana di Rinologia
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