Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona) Massimo Saracinoa, Lara Maritanb and Claudio Mazzolib a Independent researcher, Verona, Italy Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Via G. Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova, Italy b Abstract - The archaeometric study of pottery from the settlement of Oppeano (Verona, NE Italy) indicates important changes in production technology taking place between the 10th and 5th centuries BC. Ceramic production in the Final Bronze Age was characterised by the use of grog, as in other coeval sites of the southern Adige and eastern Po plains. From the beginning of the Iron Age, the number of recipes increased considerably, the use of grog gradually decreased, and cases of importation are also attested. These changes were probably due to increasing socio-economic complexity and the introduction of new production techniques. 1. Introduction The production technology of pottery from the Final Bronze and First Iron Ages in the Veneto region (NE Italy) has been only partially investigated from an archaeometric viewpoint, as a result of studies carried out on both microregional areas, particularly in the southern Verona and Rovigo areas (Jenkins et al. 1999; Jones et al. 2002; Saracino 2006; Saracino et al. 2006), and isolated settlements and specific ceramic classes, as in the case of Concordia Sagittaria (Bertelle et al. 2001), Montebelluna (Bianchin Citton et al. 2000), Montagnana (Crivellari et al. 2007), and Este (Maritan 2001) (Fig. 1a). These studies indicate that the coarse ware (known as ‘impasto’) of this period was locally produced with raw materials available within the hydrographical basin on which the settlement lies, and that the paste was often tempered with grog. Chemical analyses also covered a set of ‘Italo-Mycenaean’ potsherds from several settlements in the region (Frattesina, Montagnana, Fabbrica dei Soci, Castello del Tartaro, Fondo Paviani), dated to the Late Helladic III C, revealing probable importation from both the Aegean and southern Italy (Jones et al. 2002). In contrast, during the First Iron Age, the temper was almost completely substituted by rock inclusions collected from coarse alluvial deposits or locally available outcrops, such as the Euganean Hills in the case of Este (Maritan 2001). As for fine ware, only a few archaeometric studies have been carried out in this area (Maritan 1998, 2004; Maritan et al. 2005), investigating ceramica zonata, Etruscan-Padan and grey pottery, respectively. The studies report that these ceramic classes were locally produced, and that short-distance exchanges took place between regional centres, such as those of grey and Etruscan-Padan pottery between Padua and Este. Recent archaeometric studies carried out using LIBS and Raman spectroscopy on ceramica zonata from several tombs of the Este necropolis dated to the 6th–4th centuries BC have focused on the provenance of sherds and the nature of the black and red colouring (Lenzi 2008), partially confirming older analyses (Biscontin et al. 1984). In this framework, the settlement of Oppeano is an interesting case, due to the presence of Final Bronze Age to First Iron Age pottery (Guidi 2008), the archaeometric analysis of which can supply important information regarding production technology and possible exchanges with other regional and extra-regional centres. The settlement of Oppeano is located about 20 km south-east of Verona, on an alluvial plateau 82 hectares across and elliptic in shape, surrounded by alluvial Holocene plain (Fig. 1a). The terrace on which the settlement lies is south of the spring-water line, on an ancient alluvial cone of the Adige river, composed of sandy-, silty- and clayey-sized deposits and pit lenses on the south-eastern side of the plateau (Fig. 1b). The terrace rises between 26 and 30 m above sea level, about 2 to 5 m from the surrounding plain (Figs. 1c, d), and is composed of the steps which are very common in the high and middle Verona plain, and which are especially common where river erosion was particularly incisive (Balista 2004; Rioda 2008). The southern slope of the plateau, which formed during the late Pleistocene (Sorbini et al. 1985) is of lower altitude than the northern one, and was shaped by the Cite this article as: Saracino M, Maritan L, Mazzoli C (2014). Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona). In M Martinón-Torres (Ed.), Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics. Doha, Qatar: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.5339/ uclq.2014.cas.ch10 UCL Qatar Series in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Saracino et al. Figure 1. a) Geographic location of Oppeano in the eastern Po plain; main rivers and palaeo-rivers also indicated; b) geomorphological sketch of the alluvial plateau of Oppeano (Rioda 2008, modified); black outline: settlement area; black box: excavation from which the analysed potsherds were collected; c-d) digital terrain model and contour line of the Oppeano settlement, processed by ITABC – CNR Rome. Adige during the early Holocene. A ‘defensive system’ (articulated in three main phases), originating in the First Iron Age, has been identified next to the older slope (Balista 2004; Saracino 2004). The discovery of the settlement and of several necropoles at Oppeano was documented since the 18th century, but it is only from the last decades of the 19th century that the area has been archeologically investigated (Ferrari 2008). Intensive archaeological research carried out since 2000 by the University of Verona in collaboration with the Veneto Archaeological State Antiquity Office, both through surveys on the settlement and necropoles areas and excavation campaigns in the north-western part of the plateau (Fig. 1b), indicates that the area was continuously settled from the Final Bronze Age to the First Iron Age, from the 10th to the 5th centuries BC (Guidi and Salzani 2008). The distribution of pottery in the Final Bronze and First Iron Ages, according to ‘leopard-spotted’ scattering, corresponds to that detected in many other proto-urban centres in central and northern Italy (Guidi 2008; Guidi and Saracino 2008). During the First Iron Age (from the 6th century BC), the occupation expanded over most of the plateau, assuming the dimensions of a ‘town’. The importance and the socio-cultural vitality of the centre during this period are also attested by the increasingly richer funeral sets, the construction of a complex defensive system along the southern slope, and the increasingly frequent occurrence of Attic, black-glazed, and Etruscan-Padan pottery, inscriptions borrowed from Northern Etruscan models, and the higher concentration of manufacturing (i.e., metallurgy and pottery). The ceramic repertoire found during the excavation of 2003 (Guidi et al. 2008; Saracino and Sboarina 2010), the subject of this research, is mainly composed of common ware, showing various surface treatments and colours (Saracino 2009), and of a few findings of ceramica zonata, a wheel-made type of pottery produced in the ancient Veneto region from the 6th century BC onwards and characterised by alternating black and red coloured bands on the outer surface. Rare fragments of fine ware, typical of various Italian and Mediterranean cultures, were also found and archaeologically interpreted as commercial products and/ or gifts for the aristocracy (Saracino 2009). The present research is an archaeometric study of a set of 37 potsherds found at the site, with the main aims of determining the production technology and possible cases of importation during the period between the Final Bronze and Second Iron Ages, over a timespan of six centuries. This study represents preliminary research on the Oppeano pottery, which needs to be integrated with future work on a larger sample to increase its representativeness. The selection of samples presented in this paper was based on the effective frequency and identification of archaeological structures in this and several other parts of the settlement. The older layers (Final Bronze Age) are less well preserved and are disturbed by later structures (i.e., Early, and mainly First Iron Age) (Morandini and Saracino 2008; Saracino 2008). Fragments of common ware, represented by open and closed shapes such as bowls, ollae, biconical pots and dolia (Figs. 2 and 3), and of fine ware, represented by Etruscan-Padan pottery, ceramica zonata, a small amphora Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics 92 Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona) 2. Results and discussion The petrographic analysis shows that most of the samples are characterised by a homogeneous groundmass, optically active, with a striated birefringent-fabric (b-fabric), sometimes with clay pellets, and few pores, mainly represented by some vughs with a size ranging from dozens to hundreds of microns and scarce millimetric channels. According to the textural features and mineral-petrographic nature of the inclusions, they were divided into seven main petrographic groups (Fig. 4), a brief description of which is provided below (Table 1). Samples belonging to group 1 (alluvial sand-rich potsherds) contain abundant inclusions of quartz, showing singlespace distribution, angular to sub-rounded shape, and occurring as single crystals, polycrystalline aggregates of metamorphic origin, and chert, associated with scarce crystals of plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, epidote, a few opaque minerals, and occasionally fragments of micritic limestone, rhyolite, crystals of rutile, tourmaline, garnet, zircon, pyroxene, chlorite, and/or amphibole (Fig. 4a). On the basis of the abundance and maximum grain size, two subgroups were distinguished, with a 50:50 c:f (coarse:fine) ratio and inclusions up to approximately two millimetres (samples: OP01, OP08, OP09, OP30), and 30:70–40:60 c:f ratio and inclusions up to approximately one millimetre (samples: OP05, OP23, OP24, OP34, OP35, OP37), respectively. The samples of group 2 (alluvial sand- and calcite-rich potsherds) (samples: OP07, OP16, OP18, OP20) are characterised by abundant (40:60 c:f ratio) micron-sized, Figure 2. Archaeological drawing of some of the studied samples: fragments dating to the Early Iron Age (OP01, OP02, OP05, OP09, OP10) and First Iron Age (OP12, OP13, OP15, OP19, OP23, OP24). with a horizontal grey-brownish band and a wavy line motif, of uncertain origin, and a black-glazed kylix (Fig. 3) were studied from the petrographic and mineralogical viewpoints. A secondary deposition sherd of final Neolithic Age with scratched/impressed decoration (end of the fourth millennium BC) was also studied in order to define provenance and understand the possible oldest human occupation of the site. In addition, four samples of clay, representing locally available material, were collected immediately outside the plateau, from the Holocene alluvial deposits of the Adige, and subsequently analysed (Fig. 1b). Petrographic analysis was carried out following the terminology and descriptive scheme proposed by Whitbread (1986, 1989, 1995). The surfaces of the potsherds were removed with a micro-drill in order to eliminate possible surface contamination. Samples were then reduced to powder in an agate mortar. The mineralogical composition was obtained by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) on a PANalytical X'Pert PRO diffractometer in BraggBrentano geometry, equipped with a Cu X-ray tube (40 kV and 30 mA, Cu-Ka radiation) and an X'Celerator detector, in the 3–70° 2u range with 0.02° step size and counting 1 s per step. The results were compared with archaeometric data from other coeval sites referable to the same culture, in order to define analogies in pottery production and reconstruct possible trade routes. 93 Figure 3. Archaeological drawing of some of the studied samples: fragments dating to the Second Iron Age (OP25) and Final Bronze Age (OP27, OP28, OP29), small amphora (OP30), black-glazed kylix (OP31), and ceramica zonata (OP34, OP35, OP36). Ed. Marcos Martinón-Torres Saracino et al. Figure 4. Microphotographs of representative samples from the petrographic groups identified: a) group 1 (sample OP34); b) group 2 (sample OP16); c) group 3 (sample OP04); d) group 4 (sample OP13); e) group 5 (sample OP10); f) clay pellet in sample OP12; g) group 6 (sample OP15); h) group 7 (sample OP12). Image width: 3.5 mm. Crossed polars: images a, b, c, g, h; parallel polars: images d, e, f. angular fragments of calcite (Fig. 4b), as well as the same type of inclusions as group 1. drastically in comparison with the previous groups (Fig. 4c). The quantity of calcite fragments increases in group 3 (calcite-rich potsherds) (samples: OP04, OP19, OP21, OP22), and the alluvial sand component decreases Potsherds belonging to groups 4 and 5 are characterised by fragments of grog up to millimetric size (Figs. 4d, e). This type of temper was distinguished from other possible Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics 94 95 OP02 OP03 OP04 OP05 OP07 OP08 OP09 OP10 OP11 OP12 OP13 OP14 OP15 OP16 OP17 OP18 OP19 OP20 OP21 OP22 5 5 3 1 2 1 1 5 5 4 4 4 6 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 Ovoi pot End-conical pot Ovoid pot Ovoid pot Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Ovoid dolium Bowl End-conical bowl Decorated sherd Ovoid pot Small ovoid pot Ovoid pot End-conical bowl Ovoid pot HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM IN HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) OP01 1 Ovoid pot Homogenity (b-fabric) Ceramic Group Sample typology Optical state Shape Pores Inclusions Shape OR OR OR OR OR OR OR IS IS OR OR IS OR OR OR IS OR OR OR OR OR * * * * * * 10 500 * 20 2200 * 5 600 3 800 10 2500 * 10 2000 * 10 1800 * 3 1000 5 1600 * 10 1800 * 3 600 10 1000 * 10 1200 * 5 600 10 1000 * 10 1000 * 3 700 3 400 5 500 3 700 5 2000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 30:70 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 30:70 SS 40:60 SS 50:50 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS 50:50 CS 50:50 SS 50:50 CS 40:60 SS 30:70 SS 50:50 CS B B B B B B B B B B B B B B U B U B B B U * * * * 1400 * * 1800 * * 1800 * * 2000 * * 2100 * * 1500 * * 2200 * * 2400 * * 2100 * * 2300 * * 2500 * * 1500 * * 3000 * * 2500 * * 3000 * * 1200 * * 700 2000 * * 2000 * * 2000 * * 900 * * * OP22 OP21 * OP20 * OP19 * OP18 * OP17 * OP16 * OP15 * OP14 * OP13 * OP12 * OP11 OP10 * OP09 * OP08 OP07 * OP05 OP04 OP03 * OP02 * OP01 Cc xxxxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xx xxxx xxxxx þ x þ þþ þ þ x x þ þ þþ þ þ þ þ þþ þ þþ þ þ þþ þþ þþ þþ þ þ þ x x þ þþ þþ þþ þþ x þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þþ þ þ x x þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þþ þ þ þ þ x þ þ þ þ xx xx þ x þ þþ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ x þ þ þ þ þ þ x þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þþ x x þ x þ þ þ þþ þ þ þþ þ þ þ þþ xx þ þ þ þ þ þ þþ þ þ x þþ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ x xx þþ þþ þþ x x x x xxx xx x xxx x xx x xxx xx þ x x x xx x xx x x x x x þ x x xx x x xx þþ x þþ þþ þþ þþ xxx x x þ x þþ xxxx þ xxx x xxx xx xxx þ x xx xx Qtz Ms Rt Ep Zr Grt Px Am Tor Chl Chert met Lim Ry Inclusion composition þ x þþ þ þ þþ x þ x þ þþ þ x þþ þþ x þþ þ þþ þ þ x Bt þ Kfs Op þþ þ Pl xxxx þ xx xxx xxx xx xx xxx xxx xx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xxx x xxx xxx xxx xx Max Max size Preferred c:f c:f related Grain-size size orientation % (mm) Ch PV Ve Vu ratio distribution distribution (mm) A SA SR R Sample Qzt Groundmass x x þþ xx þþ x xx x (Continued) xxx x x xxxx xxx x Tr Met Grog Table 1. Schematic petrographic description of samples. Groundmass: homogeneity: HOM = homogeneous; Optical state: A= active, IN = inactive; b-fabric: ST = striated; OR = oriented, IS = isotropic; Pores: shape: Ch = channels, PV = planar voids, Ve=vesicles, Vu = vughs; Inclusions: c:f related distribution: CS = close-spaced, SS = single-spaced, DS = double-spaced, OP = open-spaced; grain-size distribution: B= bimodal, U= unimodal; shape: A= angular, SA = sub-angular, SR = sub-rounded, R=rounded; composition: Qtz = quartz, Cc = calcite, Pl = plagioclase, Kfs =K-feldspar, Op = opaque minerals, Bt = biotite, Ms = muscovite, Rt = rutile, Ep = epidote, Zr = zircon, Grt = garnet, Px = pyroxene, Am = amphibole, Tor = tourmaline, Chl=chlorite, Qtz met = metamorphic quartz, Lim = limestone, Ry = rhyolite, Tr = trachyte, Met = fragments of metamorphic rocks; abundance: xxxxx = predominant (>70%), xxxx = dominant (50–70%), xxx = frequent (30–50%), xx = common (15–30%), x= few (5–15%),þþ = very few (2–5%), þ = rare (< 5%). Ceramic types also listed. Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona) Ed. Marcos Martinón-Torres OP25 OP26 OP27 OP28 OP29 OP30 OP31 OP32 OP34 OP35 OP36 OP37 1 5 5 5 5 7 7 3 1 1 6 1 OP23 OP24 1 1 Homogenity (b-fabric) Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics HOM IN HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM A (ST) HOM IN Ceramica zonata HOM A (ST) Ceramica zonata HOM A (ST) Ceramica zonata HOM A (ST) Ceramica zonata HOM A (ST) Globular bowl Black-glaze kylix HOM IN Small amphora Ovoi pot Ovoi pot Ovoi pot Biconic pot End-conical bowl HOM IN End-conical bowl HOM A (ST) Ceramica zonata HOM A (ST) Ceramic Group Sample typology Optical state Shape Pores Inclusions Shape - continued OR OR OR OR IS IS OR IS IS OR OR OR OR OR * * 20 1000 * 10 1100 * 15 1500 * 20 800 20 2000 1 200 5 600 10 1000 * 20 3000 * 10 1200 * 15 2000 * 15 1800 * 15 1800 * 10 600 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30:70 DS 30:70 DS 30:70 DS 30:70 DS 30:70 DS 10:90 OS 30:70 DS 30:70 SS 30:70 DS 30:70 DS 40:60 SS 30:70 SS 40:60 SS 40:60 SS B U U U U U B B B B U U U B * * * * * * * 700 * * 1300 * * 1200 * * 1200 * * 1200 * * 50 2000 * * 1500 * 2000 * * 2000 * 1500 * * 600 500 900 * * * * * * * OP37 * OP36 * OP35 * OP34 OP32 OP31 OP30 * OP29 * OP28 * OP27 * OP26 * OP25 * OP24 * OP23 Cc xx xxx xx xx xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx þ þ þ þ þ þ x x þ þ x þ þ þþ x x þþ þ þ þ þ þþ x þþ þ þþ þ þ þ þ þ þ þþ þ þ þþ þþ þþ xx þ þ þ þ þ þ þ xx þþ x þ þþ x þ x x x þ þ þþ þ xx þ þ þ þþ þ þ þ x þþ x þ þ þ Inclusion composition þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ xx þþ xx xx þþ x x xx xx xx xx x þþ xx xx þ þþ x xx þ xx x xx xx x x xx þ þþ xx þþ x xx x þþ x Qtz Ms Rt Ep Zr Grt Px Am Tor Chl Chert met Lim Ry þþ þþ þ Bt þ þ þþ x x Kfs Op Pl xxxx þ xxx x xxx xx Max Max size Preferred c:f c:f related Grain-size size orientation % (mm) Ch PV Ve Vu ratio distribution distribution (mm) A SA SR R Sample Qzt Groundmass Table 1. xx þ þþ þþ þ þ þþ þþ xx xx xxx xx Tr Met Grog Saracino et al. 96 Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona) 9 Age 8 Late lron Age Frequency 7 6 First lron Age 5 Final Bronze Age 4 3 2 1 0 Frequency b) 1 2 3 4 5 Petrographic group 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 6 7 Petrographic group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final Bronze Age First lron Age Late lron Age Figure 5. Frequency distribution of potsherds according to: a) petrographic group; b) age. argillaceous inclusions, in particular clay pellets, according to microscopic features, as described by Whitbread (1986). Examined in more detail, the grog is angular in shape, has sharp boundaries, and in many cases shows preferred orientation and neutral optical density, whereas the clay pellets are rounded, with merging boundaries, concentric internal structure, and equant shape (Fig. 4f). In group 4 (calcite and grog-bearing potsherds), recycled pottery is associated with abundant fragments of calcite (samples: OP12, OP13, OP14, OP17); in group 5 (grog-rich potsherds) (OP02, OPO3, OP10, OP11, OP26, OP27, OP28, OP29), it constitutes the only type of added temper, associated with more or less abundant sand, representing the naturally occurring coarser fraction of the clay materials. Only two potsherd samples (OP15, OP36) also contain fine sandysized inclusions, with a mineral-petrographic composition analogous to that of the previous groups, with sub-rounded fragments of trachyte of some hundreds of microns (group 6, trachyte-bearing potsherds) (Fig. 4g). Lastly, although samples OP30 (oinochoe) and OP31 (kylix) contain different quantities of inclusions, 20% and 10% respectively, they were classified together in group 7 ( fine potsherds), as they are both fine-grained and mainly composed of quartz and subordinate opaque minerals, crystals of muscovite, biotite, rutile and, in the case of OP30, also by rare plagioclase, K-feldspar, zircon, garnet and chert (Fig. 4h). The results of petrographic analysis were used to define the main technological features of this pottery, as well as to constrain its provenance. As such, the textural features of the groundmass, and in particular the oriented b-fabric, according to the results of experimental shaping studies by Courty and Roux (1995), indicate that the pastes were wheel-turned. Fragments of grog in the potsherds of two of the groups (4 and 5) indicate that these ceramic pastes 97 were deliberately tempered by the potters. The samples of groups 2 and 3, containing angular sand-sized crystals of calcite, were also produced by mixing base clays with crushed calcite. The potsherds of groups 1 and 6 show a continuous grain-size distribution, and the sub-rounded shape of the coarser fraction is not useful for identifying features that would allow interpreting production recipes. The possible addition of sand to the base clay is very hard to detect and demonstrate. A particular case is represented by fine potsherds (OP30, OP31), which were probably produced with depurated clay materials. As regards provenance, the presence in many of the samples of groups 1, 2, and 5 of fragments of rhyolite, referable to the Permian volcanites which constitute the porphyric platform of the Trentino Alto Adige region, as well as of metamorphic quartz and minerals related to metamorphic rocks such as garnet, epidote, tourmaline, and zircon, indicate that the clay materials were locally collected from the Adige plain deposits (Jobstraibizer and Mallesani 1973). The lack of any mineral-petrographic marker in the samples of groups 3, 4 and 7 do not allow a delimitation of the provenance of these ceramic objects, although the presence of marble and sparitic limestone in the coarser Adige deposits does not exclude the possibility that the pottery of groups 3 and 4 was locally produced. According to this petrographic evidence, only the samples of group 6 were certainly imported from another production centre. The presence of small fragments of trachyte, a rock outcropping in the area of the Euganean Hills – Padua (Piccoli et al. 1981), about 50 kilometres downriver from Oppeano (Fig. 1) constrain these samples a) 16 14 12 Frequency 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 <550°C 750-850°C 750-950°C 850-950°C Temperature °C b) Frequency a) 8 <550°C 7 750-850°C 6 750-950°C 850-950°C 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Petrogtaphic groups Figure 6. Firing temperatures of potsherds, according to: a) mineralogical assemblage; b) petrographic group. Ed. Marcos Martinón-Torres Saracino et al. to this area. In particular, the ceramic paste of these samples, which is very similar to the one described by Maritan (1998) for the ceramica zonata production at Este, indicates that these objects, a ceramica zonata (OP36) and a dolium with internal and horizontal red and black stripes (OP15), were imported from there. It is very interesting that other objects, the stylistic features of which correspond to those of the ceramica zonata (OP34, OP35), were produced with a different recipe, petrographically corresponding to group 1 (alluvial sand-rich potsherds), which may be considered as locally produced at Oppeano. When examining the distribution of petrographic groups over the three main chronological phases, Final Bronze Age, First Iron Age, and Second Iron Age, it is very interesting to note that, despite the poor statistics, the number of production recipes drastically increased from the Final Bronze Age to the First and Second Iron Ages (Fig. 5). In particular, pottery using exclusively grog temper was produced during the Final Bronze Age, whereas in the Iron Age other types of temper were also used, and many new recipes were introduced in the ceramic production technology at Oppeano. Petrographic groups are generally not correlated with specific ceramic types, with the exception of ceramica zonata, produced according to recipe 1, with the exception of the imported object OP36, which belongs to group 6. This suggests that, at least for the more abundant ceramic types, little care was taken in the selection of the raw materials. The mineralogical composition of the ceramic sherds is closely related to the nature of the raw materials, maximum firing temperature, and oxygen fugacity during firing (Bimson 1969; Philpotts and Wilson 1994). Therefore, the presence or absence of specific minerals is essential in defining the technological features of production. The differing mineral assemblages identified in the potsherds are listed below: – quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, illite/muscovite, chlorite, ± calcite, ± dolomite; – quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, illite/muscovite, calcite ± haematite; – quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, illite/muscovite; – quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, illite/muscovite, pyroxene. Quartz is generally the most abundant phase, followed by plagioclase, K-feldspar, and illite/muscovite. Calcite, dolomite, pyroxene, haematite and/or chlorite occur only in some samples. The XRD analysis of four samples of clay, collected from the surroundings of the Adige plain site and representing locally available raw materials, indicated that they are composed of quartz, dolomite, calcite, illite/muscovite, chlorite, plagioclase and K-feldspar, in differing proportions. The maximum firing temperatures of the Oppeano potsherds were determined according to the mineralogical association of samples and after comparisons with firing experiments in both oxidising and reducing conditions, on illitic-chloritic calcareous and non-calcareous clays similar in terms of mineralogical composition to locally available clay materials (Maritan 2003; Maritan et al. 2006; Nodari et al. 2007) (Fig. 6). About one third of the samples were fired at a temperature lower than 550°C, and half of them between 750°C and 850°C (Fig. 6a). These temperatures are determined by the occurrence of chlorite peaks in the former (lower temperature) group and the lack of chlorite and presence of calcite and haematite in the latter (high temperature). Where calcite was lacking, the firing temperature was identified on the basis of the absence of chlorite peaks and the occurrence of those of illite/ muscovite. Only in a few cases did the maximum firing temperature fall in the interval 850–950°C, associated with the occurrence of both pyroxene and illite/muscovite. When considering firing temperatures in relation to petrographic groups, it is interesting to note that some correspondences were found (Fig. 6b), despite the poor statistical representativeness of most of the petrographic groups. In particular, the samples of group 2 were fired at a temperature below 550°C, while those of groups 4 and 6 were fired at temperatures between 750 and 850°C. Pottery produced according to recipes 1, 3, 5 and 7 displays a wide range of firing temperatures, from below 550°C to 950°C, probably as the result of poor control of the firing technology. All this evidence suggests specific and differentiated production technologies, in terms of both production recipes and control of firing conditions. 3. Conclusions The mineral-petrographic analysis of a selection of pottery samples from Oppeano (Verona, NE Italy) has provided very important data to define ceramic trade with other coeval regional and distant centres, and to characterise the production technology of this site. Although only preliminarily, the production recipes identified at Oppeano indicate in one case a link between pottery paste and type, as in the case of the ceramica zonata locally produced with the recipe corresponding to group 1. In view of these data, a wider investigation of the Oppeano pottery may provide important indications pertaining to the interpretation of functional pottery in relation to its paste type. This technological change observed at Oppeano cannot be easily associated with other regional and extra-regional situations, due – in terms of the statistical diachronic and synchronic representativeness of regional sites – to the limited number of archaeometric studies on pottery from this period (Final Bronze Age to Second Iron Age). During the Italian Bronze Age, grog was commonly used in those settlements located in sedimentary areas, because of the lack of rock outcrops nearby (Jenkins et al. 1999; Jones et al. 2002; Levi and Sonnino 2003; Saracino 2006; Saracino et al. 2006). For this reason, it is possible that grog was considered as an easily available raw material of good quality. During the First Iron Age, grog was less frequently used, as it possibly represented a temper related to the past, and from the 6th-5th centuries BC onwards it was replaced by sand as well as spathic calcite, probably collected from alluvial sand and pebble deposits. During the same period, important technological changes were introduced, such as wheel throwing andthrough or up-draught kilns, both of which have been archaeologically confirmed in Oppeano and other settlements in Italy (Iaia 2009; Saracino 2009). The increase in the number of recipes in the First and especially Second Iron Age (Fig. 5b) is interpreted as due to the developments related to socio-economic complexity and increased trade. Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics 98 Ceramic technology between the Final Bronze Age and the First Iron Age in NE Italy: The case of Oppeano (Verona) During the Final Bronze and First Iron Ages, ceramic production was carried out in household workshops, whereas from the Second Iron Age onwards, the emergence of a well-established aristocracy regulated settlement growth and led to a population increase (Guidi 2008), both of which gave rise to greater demand for products for local use or for trade, as attested in other parts of Europe (Gosden 1985). This demand could be satisfied by setting up more workshops in special areas of the settlement (a kind of artisan district, as, for example, in the settlements of Padua and Oppeano, or in those at Trebbio-Sansepolcro, in central Italy – De Min et al. 2005; Guidi and Salzani 2008; Iaia and Moroni Lanfredini 2009), where several full-time potters could practise their technological and cultural know-how. Nevertheless, we must also take into account the factor of importation. Petrographic and stylistic analyses indicate the importation of both dolia and ceramica zonata pottery from the Euganean Hills area, probably from Este, and of fine ware, a black-glazed kylix and a fine small decorated amphora from unidentified localities. The lack of any petrographic marker prevents us from assigning a particular area/district of provenance for these objects. Only a detailed analysis of the chemical composition, which was not ascertained due to the small quantity of material available, can provide information on the origin of these materials. In particular, the kylix may be related to a central Italic production or more probably to the local Greek-Etruscan emporium of Adria (F. Wiel-Marin personal communication). The small amphora seems to be made with a naturally fine clay, without any depuration process. 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