01.10.2014 Arkheolohii͡a = Archéologie. yr.2014:no.3(2014) R.viii.801 Bulletin of the Association of Art Historians. 117(2014:Oct.) 902.8 Art.6 Epigraphica. anno.76(2014) R.i.171 Furniture history : the journal of the Furniture History Society. Geographia antiqua. v.50(2014) 902.8 Fur no.22(2013) R.i.172j Newsletter / Furniture History Society. no.195(2014:Aug.) 902.8 Fur The Rijksmuseum bulletin. v.62:no.3(2014) 902.4 Bul.A Transactions / English Ceramic Circle. v.24(2013) 902.8 Eng 04.10.2014 Archaeometry. v.56:no.5(2014:Oct.) R.xxv. 23 v.30:no.8(2014:ag.) v.30:no.9(2014:sett.) v.78 (2014) R.vi.303 (Haverfield) R.x. 15c t.62 (2013) R.x.46 983(2014:sett.) 983(2014:sett.) Supplement v.36(2013) 902.1 Dom Grafica d'arte : rivista di storia dell'incisione antica e moderna, e storia del disegno Hermes : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie. v.25:no.99(2014:luglio/sett.) 902.1 Gra Jahrg.142:Heft.4(2014) R.i.135 Ricerche di storia dell'arte 2014:no.112 902.1 Ric Semitica. 56(2014) R.x.53b Studi ellenistici. 28(2014) R.i.218h Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni : pubblicati dalla Scuola di Studi storico-religiosi dell'Università di Roma. The antiquaries journal. v 80:fasc.1(2014) R.i.192b (Haverfield) v.94(2014) R.ii. 17h 902.9 Art Printmaking today. v.102:no.3(2014:Mar.) v.102:no.8(2014:Sept.) v.23:no.3(2014:Autumn) 07.10.2014 Armenian numismatic journal. v.40:no.4(2014:Dec.) R.xiii. 44 (Haverfield) R.v. 19b (Haverfield) R.ii.173 env Archeo : attualità del passato. 'Atiqot : journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities. / Bulletin d'études orientales. Domus. Egitto e vicino oriente 06.10.2014 Art in America. Fynd : tidskrift för Göteborgs arkeologiska förening och Fornminnesföreningen i Göteborg. Newsletter / CBA Wales/Cymru. 2013 The bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. v.72:no.1(2014:Summer) no.48(2014:Autumn) R.xi.122 902.8 Pri R.i. 68ma (Haverfield) 08.10.2014 American journal of archaeology. v.118:no.4(2014:Oct.) R.i. 51 Art in America. v.102:no.6(2014:June/July) 902.9 Art Coin news. v.51:no.10(2014:Oct.) Das Altertum. Bd.59:no.2(2014) Kemet. v.23:pt.4(2014:Okt.) R.xiii. 11 (Haverfield) R.i.118 (Haverfield) R.xi. 35 Kunstchronik / Jahrg.67:Heft.9/10(2014:Sept./Okt.) 902.5 Kun MAHG des Musées d'art et d'histoire de Genève. SEP/JAN(2014-2015) 902.6 Gen The journal of the British Archaeological Association. Tōsetsu. v.167(2014) R.ii. 26 737 [EAL] Y 60 Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte. Bd.77:Heft.4(2014) 902.5 Zei 10.10.2014 Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae t.53:fasc.2-3(2013) R.i.218d American journal of philology. v.135:no.3(2014:Autumn) R.i. 55f Annuario / Accademia etrusca di Cortona. v.34 (2011-2012) ARTnews. v.113:no.9(2014:Oct.) R.i.170b (Haverfield) 902.9 Art Arts of Asia. v.44:no.5(2014:Sept./Oct.) [EAL] Y 68 British archaeology. no.139(2014:Nov./Dec.) Ceramics, art and perception. v.24:no.3:issue 97(2014:Sept.-Nov.) R.ii. 11f (Haverfield) 902.8 Cer Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg / Bd.34:1(2014) Bd.34:1(2014) Bd.63:Heft.4(2014) Historia : Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte. Kokka. An illustrated monthly journal of the fine 1427(2014) and applied arts of Japan and other eastern countries. The new regard of the Forest of Dean : journal of the no.29(2015) Forest of Dean Local History Society. R.vi. 17b R.i.133 [EAL] Y 59* [oversized] R.ii. 78ag (Haverfield) 13.10.2014 American Numismatic Society magazine. v.13:no.3(2014:Autumn) ARA news / Association for Roman Archaeology. issue.32(2014:Sept.) Archäologie im Rheinland / (2013) R.xiii. 33a (Haverfield) R.i. 52c (Haverfield) R.vi. 15a Art newspaper Russia v.27:no.8(2014:Oct.) 902.7 K.Art Biblical archaeology review v.40:no.6(2014:Nov.-Dec.) Grey room. 56(2014:Summer) R.x. 33e (Haverfield) 902.9 Gre Journal of Near Eastern studies. v.73: no.2 (2014: Oct.) R.x. 30 Lincolnshire past & present. 97(2014:Autumn) R.ii. 97l (Haverfield) Metafisica : quaderni della Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico. Near Eastern archaeology. v.11/13(2013) 902.1 Met v.77:no.3(2014) Photographies. v.7:issue.2(2014:Sept.) R.x.33b (Haverfield) 902.8 Pho Yishu : journal of contemporary Chinese art. v.13:no.5(2014:Sept./Oct.) [EAL] Y 260 v.22 (2014) R.x.28g v.65(2014) R.viii.262 History of technology v.32(2014) Journal of archaeological research v.22:no.4(2014:Dec.) 610 His (Classified as a book, Lower Ground Floor). R.xx.113 Kent archæological review. no.196(2014:Autumn) R.ii. 89 Newsletter/Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics (ASPROM) The Numismatist; for collectors of coins, medals, tokens and paper money no.65(2014) R.i. 97b env v.127:no.10(2014:Oct.) R.xiii. 38 (Haverfield) v.28:no.2(2014:Summer) [EAL] Y 148 Museums journal. v.25:no.2(2014:Mar./Apr.) v.25:no.3(2014:May/June) v.114:no.[10](2014:Oct.) The British art journal. v.15:no.1(2014:Autumn) R.i. 39 (Haverfield) Museum Bulletins (Haverfield) 902.8 Bri Treasure hunting. (2014:Nov.) R.ii. 33a (Haverfield) (2014:Sept.) (2014:Oct.) 40 under 40 supplement (2014:Sept.) Bd.60:Heft.1(2014) 902.8 Apo v.20(2014) 902.2 Bul.A Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art français. (2011) 902.2 Bul Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. v.111:no.3(2014) R.iii. 1f Bulletin monumental. t.172:no.1(2014) R.iii. 2 Comptes rendus des séances / 2013:fasc.1(2013:janv.-mars) R.i. 71 Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale / 14(2011) R.x.97d Égypte : Afrique & Orient. 2014:no.74 R.xi.68a 14.10.2014 Anatolia antiqua = Eskı Anadolu : travaux et recherches de l'Institut français d'études anatoliennes / Arheološki vestnik. 15.10.2014 Koreana. Minerva. 17.10.2014 Apollo. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Bulletin / AHAI/ArtItalies R.xii. 40 Le Petit journal des grandes expositions. no.443 902.2 Pet N.A.B.U/Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires Revue archéologique de l'Est. 2014: no.3 (2014: SEPT.) R.x. 45d v.62(2013) R.iii. 18 Société polymathique du Morbihan. no.1778(2014:sept.) R.iii. 14da Wavriensia : bulletin du Cercle historique et archéologique de Wavre et de la région. v.63:no.1(2014) v.63:no.2(2014) v.63:no.3(2014) v.63:no.4-5(2014) R.vi. 57 (Haverfield) v.22 (2012) R.iv. 14h v.66:no.1(2014:Sept.) [EAL] Y 32 [EAL] Y 142b Rephyrus. v.1:1(2003) v.3:no.1(2005) v.3:no.2(2005) v.4:no.1(2006:Summer) v.4:no.2(2006/2007:Winter) v.5:no.1(2007:Summer) v.5:no.2(2007:Winter) v.6:no.1(2008:Summer) v.6:no.2(2009:Winter/Spring) v.7(2009:Autumn) v.8(2010) v.9(2011) v.10(2012) v.11(2013) v.72(2013) Monumenti antichi. Serie miscellanea v. 16 (2014) R.i.198 21.10.2014 Annual report / Surrey Archaeological Society. (2013/2014) 20.10.2014 Cuadernos de prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada. Mārg̲ = Pathway. The silk road. R.iv. 18 Archäologie der Schweiz = Archéologie suisse = archeologia svizzera. Bulletin / Surrey Archaeological Society. v.37:no.3(2014) Current archaeology. no.296(2014:Nov.) R.ii.146c (Haverfield) R.vi. 72c (Haverfield) R.ii.146a (Haverfield) R.ii. 33 Das archäologische Jahr in Bayern / (2013) R.vi. 18w Journal of archaeological science. v.50(2014:Oct.) R.xxv. 21 Newsletter / The Oriental Ceramic Society. No.22 [EAL] Y 41b Source : notes in the history of art v.34:no.1(2014:Autumn) 902.9 Sou The Burlington magazine. v.156:no.1339(2014:Oct.) 902.8 Bur Anglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history 19 529 a. 49 Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. v.77 (2012-2013) [EAL] Y 41 Worcestershire recorder. ed.90(2014:Autumn) R.ii.159a (Haverfield) 447(2014:Oct.) 22.10.2014 Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Jahrg.44:Heft 2(2014) R.vi. 11 Flash art (International edition) v.47:no.298(2014:Oct.) 902.1 Fla Object. no.16(2014) 902.8 Obj Radiocarbon. v.56:no.3(2014) R.xxv. 75 Armenian numismatic journal v.40:no.4(2014:Dec.) R.xiii. 44 v.30 (2007) v.32 (2007) v.33 (2008) v.34 (2009) v.35 (2009) v.36 (2010) v.58(2013) R.viii.802m Bd.68(2012) R.xi.102 v.1(2011), v.2(2012) & v.3(2013) R.xiii. 68 24.10.2014 Lietuvos archeologija. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. The journal of archaeological numismatics. R.i. 68 29.10.2014 Ancient Egypt : the history, people and culture of v.15:no.1=issue.85(2014:Aug./Sept.) R.xi. 12a the Nile valley. Art in America. v.102:no.9(2014:Oct.) 902.9 Art Jahrbuch des OÖ. Musealvereines Gesellschaft für Landeskunde. Kunstforum international. Bd.158(2013) bd.229(2014:Okt.-Nov.) R.vii. 9c (Haverfield) 902.5 Kun Kratkie soobshchenii͡a (Institut arkheologii (Rossiĭskai͡a akademii͡a nauk)) Nordisk Numismatisk Unions medlemsblad. Nos.229,230,231,232 R.viii.814 2014:no.4 Nuovi studi : Rivista di arte antica e moderna. Orientations. v.19(2013) v.20(2014) v.45:no.8(2014:Nov./Dec.) R.xiii.172 (Haverfield) 902.1 Nuo Ostasiatische Zeitschrift. N.S.Nr.28(2014:Herbst) [EAL] Y 167 Papers of the British School at Rome. v.82(2014) R.i. 33m Phoenix : bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux. Studi etruschi. v.59:no.3(2013) R.xi.94 v.76(2010-2013) R.i.170 The ancient history bulletin. v.27:no.3-4(2013) R.i. 59h The London archaeologist. v.14:no.2(2014:Autumn) R.ii. 98c 31.10.2014 Numismatisches Nachrichtenblatt. Jahrg.63:no.11(2014:Nov.) R.xiii. 93a (Haverfield) [EAL] Y 116
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