BEI P U B L I C A T I O N S PME M E C A N I S M E S FONDS BEI SOUS-FONDS PUBLICATIONS SERIES EVENEMENTIELLES SOUS-SERIES : PME DOSSIERS PIECES MECANISMES PRET DATES : 1994 VERSIONS LINGUISTIQUES : EN PRET 1994 ENO THE SME FACILITY Subsidised Loans from the European Union for SMEs creating employment 'fc^i^'î THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK THE SME FACILITY Subsidised Loans from the European Union for SMEs creating employment I he European Union is nnaking available ECU AMOUNT OF LOAN AND SUBSIDY Ì 000 million of subsidised loons for capitai invest• Subsidised loons may be for up to ECU 30 000 ment by small and medium-sized enterprises (S/V\Es) (or the equivalent in notional currency) per job to be creating employment. The S/\AE subsidised loan created and will hove α maturity of at least five years. facility forms part of tlie Union's ongoing initiative to • Loons may exceed the amount of ECU 30 000 per job created, but the additional amount will not stimulate econonhic growth, employment and com- benefit from the·interest subsidy. petitiveness. Following approval of α 2/Ó interest rate • The interest subsidy will be of up to ECU 3 000 subsidy by the Council of Ministers in April 1994, •per job created or 10% of the subsidised loon; this j the European Commission has given the European is equivalent to α 2% interest subsidy over 5 years. • The interest subsidy will be mode available in α Investment Bonk |(EIB) α mandate to administer the single payment for new jobs in place for at least 6 facility. The S/\AE facility is being implemented under continuous months. the ElB's global loon scheme in co-operation with bonks and financial institutions in the Union's CONDITIONS /V\ember States. • Applications for subsidised loons must be recei ved before 31 July 1995. WHO CAN BENEFIT • Jobs must be created before 31 December 1996. • SMEs located in one of the Member States of • Applications will be processed until the entire the European Union carrying out capital investment amount of the subsidised loans has been allocated. in the industrial, agro-industrial, tourism and service sectors (excluding retail]. • SMEs are enterprises with fewer than WHERE AND HOW TO APPLY 500 employees, whose net fixed assets do not exceed ECU 75 million, and with not more than α • Requests for more detailed information, as well third of equity owned by α company that is not an as applications for subsidised loans from the present SME. Priority will be given to SMEs with not more facility, should be addressed to one of the banks or than 250 employees. financial institutions listed below. BANKS MANAGING THE SME SUBSIDISED LOANS FACILITY (Novennber 1994)* BELGIUM /\Aidland Bank la, Sekeri Street 106 71 ATHENS Mr Mardikian Société Nationale de Crédita l'Industrie (SNCI/N/v\KN) Nationale Maatschappij voor Krediet απη de Nijverheid Avenue dß l'Astronomie, M Sterrekundelaan M 1030 BRUXELLES /v\r André Taymans Tel.: 2 / 2 1 4 510 Directeur Adjoint Fax: 2 / 2 1 8 0478 Tel.: 364 7410 Fax: 361 5340 National Investment Bank for Industrial Development ETEBA 12-14, Amalias Street 102 36 ATHENS Mr Pascholigos Tel.: 329 6358 Fax: 329 6211 Société Générale 23, Ippocratous Street 106 79 ATHENS Mr Catsaros DENMARK Finansieringsinstituttet for Industri og Hândvaerk A/S (FIH) La Cours Vej 7 2000 FREDERIKSBERG Mr Peter Fobian Tel.: 3 8 / 3 3 1 8 88 Assistant Manager Fox: 3 8 / 3 3 26 66 Tel.: 364 2010 Fax: 364 0047 SPAIN Instituto de Crédito Oficial - ICO Departamento de Mediación y Capital Riesgo P° del Prado 4 GERMANY Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Palmengartenstrasse 5-9 60325 FRANKFURT A M MAIN Mr Christian Krekel Tel.: 7431 251 2 Fax:7431 3608 28014MADRID Tel.: 91 592 1600 Fox: 91 592 1700 Information and loons under the SME subsidised loon facility ore available through all banks who provide ICO facilities to SMEs. Information and bans under the SME subsidised loan facility are available through all German banks via the KfW facilities to SMEs. FRANCE GREECE Banque Federative du Crédit Mutuel 34, rue de Wacken 67000 STRASBOURG Ms Mireille Tavergne Tel.: 8814 751 3 Direction des Engagements Fox: 8814 7510 Banque Nationale de Paris 94, Vas. Sophias and Kerasountos Str. 1, 115 28 ATHENS Mr Kotsoulis Tel.: 748 6700 Fox: 748 6726 Credit Bank 40, Stadiou Street 102 52 ATHENS Mr Mastotas Ergobank Praxitelous 40-44 10561 ATHENS Mr Voudouris Tel.: 32Ó3812 Fax: 326 3826 Caisse Centrale de Crédit Coopératif 33, rue des Trois Fontanot BP211 92002 NANTERRE Cedex Mr Olivier de Louvigny Tel.: 1 / 4 7 2 4 8500 Direction Générale Fox: 1 / 4 7 2 4 8754 Tel.: 322 8846 Fax: 322 8906 Caisse Centrale des Banques Populaires 10, Avenue Winston Churchill 94677 CHARENTON LE PONT Cedex Mr Patrice Compin Tel.: 1/4039 3104 Fondé de Pouvoir Principal Fox: 1 / 4 0 3 9 4035 ••s. Caisse Française de Développement 3 5 / 3 7 rue Boissy d'Anglas 75379 PARIS Cedex 08 Mr André Hue Tel. 1 /4006 3086 Mr Romuald De Pontbriand Tel. 1 / 4006 3655 Fox 1 /4266 0740 Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole 128-130 Bid. Raspali 75006 PARIS Ms Anne-Morie Thierce Direction des Entreprises Tel.: 1/4323 2972 Fox: 1/4323 2583 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) Ufficio Direzione Retiitalia Commerciale e Marketing Ufficio Interscambio Estero Via V.Veneto 19 0 0 1 8 7 ROMA Mr Giorgio Bialetti Tel.: 0 6 / 4 7 0 2 7861 Fox: 0 6 / 4 7 0 2 7890 Banca p e r Finanziamenti a Medio e Lungo Termine (Interbanca) Corso Venezia 56 20121 MILANO Mr Danilo Castri Tel.: 02/77 311 Fax: 02/784 321 Confédération Nationale c υ Crédit Mutuel 88-90, rue Cardinet 7 5 0 1 7 PARIS Ms Marie-Claude Rigo Tel.: 1/4401 1134 Mr Dominique Hiscock Tel.: 1/4401 1171 Fox: 1/4401 1229 Servizio Crediti Speciali Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne 29808 BREST Cedex 09 Mr Jack Perrien Directeur Général des Seivices Tel.: 9800 2321 Fax: 9828 4903 Banco Ambrosiano Veneto Direzione Grandi Clienti Aziende e Progetti Piazza P. Ferrari IO 20121 MILANO Mr Maurizio Pepe Tel.: 0 2 / 8 5 9 4 7581 Fox: 0 2 / 8 5 9 4 7487 Banco di Napoli Servizio Credito Industriale wo Toledo 4 0 2 80134 NAPOLI Mr Vitale IRELAND ICC Bank Pie 3 2 / 3 4 Harcourt Street DUBLIN 2 Ms Ο. Cruise AIB Bank Bankcentre Ballsbridge DUBLIN 4 Mr John Kelly Mr Tom Branigan Banca Popolare di Verona Tel. 1/872 0055 Fax 1/478 0961 Tel. 1 / 6 6 0 0311 ITALY Banca Centrale di Credito Popolare (Centrobanca) Corso Europa 2 0 20122 MILANO Mr Candido Bianchi Tel.: 0 2 / 7 7 8 1 4 3 6 7 Fox: 0 2 / 7 7 8 1 4485 Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna Direzione Generale Via Guinzelli 17 4 0 1 2 5 BOLOGNA Front Office Settore Sviluppo Tel.: 0 5 1 / 6 3 6 5163 Fax: 0 5 1 / 6 3 6 5156 Tel.: 045/867 5513 Tel.: 045/867 5512 Tel.: 045/867 5269 Tel.: 0 8 1 / 7 9 3 5783 Fox: 0 8 1 / 7 9 3 5667 Banco S. Geminiano e S. Prospero viale Corossori 1 10 4 1 1 0 0 MODENA Ufficio Finanziamenti Speciali Tel.: 0 5 9 / 5 8 8490 Tel.: 0 5 9 / 5 8 8617 Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (CARIPLO) Servizio Mutui Via Monte di Pietà 16 20121 MILANO Mr Adelio Panizza Tel.: 0 2 / 8 8 6 6 2581 Fax: 02/8866 3245-3427 Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza Capo Ufficio Crediti Speciali Parma Via Mistrali 4 PARMA ' Mr Pierluigi Pezzani ' Tel.: 0 5 2 1 / 2 0 1 330 Fox: 0 5 2 1 / 2 0 1 359 Cassa per il Credito alle Imprese Artigiane (Artigiancassa - through the banks that have an agreement) Consorzio di Credito per le Opere Pubbliche (Crediop) Ufficio Operativo Italia Via XX Settembre 30 00187 ROMA Mr Carpinelli Tel,: 0 6 / 4 7 7 1 41 52 Fax: 0 6 / 4 7 7 1 5952 Istituto per lo Sviluppo Economico dell'Italia Meridionale (ISVEIMER) Via A. De Gasperi 71 80133 NAPOLI Ufficio Supporto Tecnico Mr Ciro Cava Tel.: 0 8 1 / 7 8 5 3520 Fox: 081 / 5 5 1 9642 Consorzio Nazionale per il Credito Agrario di Miglioramento (Meliorconsorzio) Viale Castro Pretorio 1 16 1-00100 ROMA Servizio Fidi Tel.: 0 6 / 4 9 4 1 545 Fox: 0 6 / 4 4 5 1776 Mediocredito Centrale : Servizio Agevolazioni Interno Via Piemonte 51 0 0 1 8 7 ROMA Credito Romagnolo Direzione Generale Ufficio Mediotermine e Parabancario Via Zamboni 20 Information and loans under the SME subsidised loan facilit/ ore available through other Italian Banks utilizing the ElB's global loons to Mediocredito Centrale. 40126 BOLOGNA Tel.:051/640 8283 Fax: 051/640 8345 Ente Finanziario Interbancario (Efibanca) Via Po 2 8 / 3 2 00198 ROMA Ufficio Assistenza Crediti Europei e Agevolati Mr R. Zoppellari Tel. : 0 6 / 8 5 9 9679 Fox: 0 6 / 8 5 9 9628 Federbanca - Gruppo CRT Ufficio Istruttorie Corso Montevecchio 39 10129 TORINO Mr Valerio Vivani Fonspa Via Cristoforo Colombo 9 0 0 0 1 4 7 ROMA Mr Luciano Fabi Tel.: 01 1/564 8154 Fax; 011/561 2210 Mediocredito di Roma Ufficio Marketing e Sviluppo Via Delle Muratte 78 0 0 1 6 7 ROMA Mr Del Monaco Mediocredito Lombardo Mr Roberto Capretti Tel.: 06/4791 350 Fax: 06/4791557 Tel.: 06/67 621 Fax: 06/676 2227 Tel:: 02/8870 5692 Mediocredito Toscano (Gruppo MontePaschi) Viale G. Mazzini 4ó 50132 FIRENZE Mr Giampiero Meschino Tel.: 0 5 5 / 2 4 8 3416 Fox: 0 5 5 / 2 3 4 5018 LUXEMBOURG Tel.: 0 6 / 5 7 9 6386 Fox: 0 6 / 5 7 4 7799 Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino Piazza San Carlo 156 10121 TORINO Servizio Crediti Speciali Tel.: 01 1/555 21 35 Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement (SNCI) 7, rue du Saint Esprit 1475 LUXEMBOURG Mr Lucien Bechthold Tel.: 4619 71 28 Fax: 4619 79 NETHERLANDS Istituto di Credito Fondiario delle Venezie (Venefondiario) Area Commerciale Via A. Forti 3/A 37121 VERONA Mr Mario Cosorotti Tel.: 0 4 5 / 8 6 7 8770 ABN-AMRO Bank N.V. Postbus 283 1000 EA AMSTERDAM MrS. A. Blok Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (IMI) Segreteria Organismi Comunitari Viale dell'Arte 25 00144 ROMA Mr Paolo Pulitano Tel.: 0 6 / 5 9 5 9 3858 Fax:06/5959 3640 De Nationale Investeringsbonk N.V. Postbus 380 2501 BH DEN HAAG MrJ. F. Snik Tel.: 70-342 5282 Ραχ:7σ365 1071 Tel.:20-629 3980 Fox: 20^529 5324 ING Bonk N.V. De Amsterdaamse Poort Amsterdam-Zuidoost Postbus 1800 1000 BV AMSTERDAM Mr R. H. M. Rühl lAPMEI - Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas e αο Investimento Rua Rodrigo do Fonseca 73 1297 LISBOA CODEX Tel. 386 2935 Mr José Furtado Mr Amadeu Boleixa Tel. 386 4333 Fax 3 8 6 3 1 6 1 Tel.: 20-563 5083 Fox: 20-563 5853 PORTUGAL UNITED K I N G D O M Banco de Fomento e Exterior S.A (BFE) Av. Casai Ribeiro 57-59 1000 LISBOA , Ms Goretti Macedo Tel. 356 1071 Tel. 356 2021 Barclays Bank PLC P.O. Box 256 Fleetway House 7th Floor 25 Farringdon Street LONDON EC4A 4LP Mr Martin Moron, or Mr Adrian Block European Loons Unit Fax 353 4925 Banco Espirilo Santo e Comercial de Lisboa (BESCL) Avenida da Liberdade 195 1200 LISBOA . Mr Licinio Colado Tel.: 315 8331 Fox: 529 759 Tel.:071-832 3084 or 832 3085 Fox: 071-832 3086 Barclays Mercantile Business Finance Limited Churchill Plaza Churchill Way Basingstoke HAMPSHIRE RG21 ÌGL Ms Wendy Horstman or Ms Karen Newsome Tel.:0256-791 867 or Business Development Unit 791 173 Fax:0256-57 107 Banco Portugués de Investimento S.A. (BRI) Largo Jean Monnet 1, 4° 5° ou 9° 1200 LISBOA ' Mr Rui Castro Mendes Tel. : 310 1000 Fox: 353 5694 Banco Portugués do Atlàntico S.A. (BPA) Rua do Ouro 110' 1100 LISBOA Mr André Pinto Bessa Tel.:346 1 321 Mr Antonio de Almeida Tel.: 346 6341 Fax:347 5 3 1 5 / 342 1 3 0 7 / 3 4 2 3294 RoyScot Trust pic RoyScot House The Promenade Cheltenham GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL50 IPL Mr John Evans Sales and Marketing Director, or Mr Tom Gardner Manager, Asset Finance Tel. 0242-224 455 Fax:0242-221 194 Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. (CGD) Av. Joào XXI, 63 1000 LISBOA Ms Mario José Constâncio Tel. : 790 5000 Mr Peres Brandôo ' Fax:790 5086 CISF Banco de Investimento S.A. Av. José Malhoa, Lote 1686 1000 LISBOA Mr Luis Guimaröes Tel.: 727 1111 Fax: 727 0877 The Royal Bank of Scotland pic P.O. Box 31 42 St Andrevy Square EDINBURGH EH2 2YE Mr Mike Rabone Assistant Manager, Loan Schemes Branch Banking Division Commercial Banking Services Tel.: 031-523 2091 > 556 8555 Fax:031-557 6565 Deutsche Bank de Investimento S.A. (DBI) Av. da Liberdade, 144-6° 1200 LISBOA Ms Isabel Cruz ' Tel.: 346 8471 Mr Joâo Azevedo Coutinho Tel.: 346 8805 Fax: 346 8413 \ This list may be enlarged. Λ For information you m o / also contact Euro Info Centres: more than 200 Euro Info Centres from the Member States of the European Union and from the European Economic Area provide information, advice and services to small and medium-sized enterprises. European Investment Bank Telephone Fax Responsible 4379-3249 4379-3289 Mr O. Arango 4719- 487 34 38 Mr B. Lago 3220 773 3220 774 3220 775 3220 776 Ms R. Yarmenitou 347 04 87 Ms T. Salreta Luxembourg 100, BD Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg Rome Via Sardegna, 38 1-00187 Rome Athens Amolios, 1 2 GR-1055 7 Athènes Lisbon Avenida da Liberdade, 144-156, 8° P-1 200 Lisbon 342 89 89 342 88 48 London 68, Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ES 071-839 3351 071-930 9929 Ms S. Vittorini or Ms C. Bex Madrid Colle José Ortega y Gasset, 29 E-28006 Madrid 431 13 40 431 13 83 Ms M. McMohon Brussels Rue de Ια Loi 227 B-1040 Bruxelles 230 98 9 0 230 58 27 Mr M. Schublin Published 11/1994 M E I N B A C H - D E S I G N 9 4 Pholo: Pierre Fabre - Printed in Luxembourg ο •ό ζ ΕΙΒ GLOBAL LOANS FOR SMEs Since the end of the 19ó0s, the EIB has offered απ indirect financing facility geared to supporting the activities of smaller businesses in the. European Union: global loans to banks and financial institu tions. These are akin to medium or long-term (5 to 1 2 years) credit lines which the intermediaries draw on to fund small and medium-scale ventures in kee ping with criteria laid down by the EIB. Global loans ore deployed through efficient part nerships between the ΈΙΒ and currently some 1 30 banks throughout the European Union with broodlybosed branch networks van/ much in touch with the real needs of smaller businesses, Before the EIB mokes funds available under each credit line, it checks that the intermediar/ has respected the geo graphical, sectoral, financial and business size criteria specified in the contract. The EIB moni tors implementation of ventures, sometimes through on-site visits by Bank staff. Between 1989 and 1993, α total of 3Ó 000 S/V\Es attracted ECU 9.Ó billion through EIB global Loans. Almost two thirds of ventures were locatedin assisted areas and were promoted largely by firms employing less than 50 persons. More than half of the ventures involved small industrial units, while the remainder centred on services, energy conservation and protecting the industrial environment. ISBN TE-fl2b-iElb-7 9"789282"692165">
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