SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering Company Profile 2014 Azienda di Eccellenza CORPORATE HIGHLIGHTS 1 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering Srl is a System Integrator and a Software House founded in the 1998 with an ambitious goal: helping and supporting our customers to grow by offering innovative and tailored ICT solutions. Its mission is focused on improving the vision of integrated information system as a critical factor for innovation and success. SMS Engineering is headquartered in Naples and has a commercial branch office in London. Annual turnover: € 2.600.000 Staff Employed: 28 Management/Officer: 4 Other Staff: 19 full time, 1 part time, 4 limited time, 5 Consultants SMS Engineering will deliver the Software Development or Product Development under Daily Retainer engagement model. SMS Engineering will provide dedicated resources on project need basis. The team structure and number of people would be decided upon mutual discussions with SMS Engineering. This will depend upon project or product roadmap, timelines to achieve, technology and SMS Engineering scope. SMS Engineering works closely with its customer on all stages of development and implementation of solutions from organizational and business consulting to planning and the creation and operative management of applications. Certifications SMS Engineering is among the top Italian software house offering a 360 degree integrated services of consulting, ISO 9000:2008 certified for: - Software Engineering, Development and maintenance - Web Site design, Development and maintenance - LAN and WAN plant design, installing and maintenance - ICT Body Rental and ICT Consultancy Certification from Italian Economic Minister for International NATO ICT Tenders Basic Ordering Agreement NATO for ICT solutions 2 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering Awards for Innovation and Technology Transfer Activities Naples Enterprise Excellence Award 2014 – Valenzi Foundation European Business Awards 2012/13 National Finalist European Business Awards 2011 Country Representative Nomination for Dow Jones Innovation Awards of WSJ 2010 UKTI Market Entrant Awards 2010 Italian Government Recognition 2008 Confederation of Italian Industries Innovation Awards 2008 3 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SERVICE OFFERING PORTFOLIO Management Consulting Application Project Management Technology Consulting Process Innovation International Development Application Migration & Modernization Software Selection Warehouse Optimization Supply Chain Optimization Anti Contraffazione WEB Marketing Business Analytics Business Process Management Portal & Collaboration Gestione Non Conformità (NCMs) Services Software Development On-Site IT Support Maintenance System Management Controllo di gestione Sales Force Automation ERP & CRM Document Management Cloud services and applications (Saas) Order Management System Microsoft Dynamics NAV Finance & Planning Microsoft Dynamics CRM Carrier Costs Management&Optimization Zucchetti Ad Hoc Open Source Solutions Data Center Networking Extended ERP Server, desktop and helpdesk management Server Virtualization Desktop Virtualization Unified Storage Unified Communication and Collaboration Warehouse Management Data Center architectural design and implementation solutions Backup and deduplication Business Continuity e Disaster Recovery Data center facilities Private Cloud Services (Iaas - Paas) Network Management Switching and Routing Enterprise Wireless Network Data Collection Tracciabilità e Rintracciabilità Security Video and Telepresence solutions Wan Optimization, Acceleration & bandwidth Network Access and Edge Security Management Security assessment and audit Log Management Data Loss Prevenction - DLP Architectural design and implementation Enterprise Antivirus and AntiSpam LAN and Campus solutions Asset and Connectivity Management Cyber Security BUSINESS UNITS BU ERP – Extended ERP BU Application • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Application & Data Integration (EAI, EDI) Business Analytics & Performance Management Business Process Management Application Renewal Application Lifecycle Management Agile Project Management Cloud Services and Applications (Saas) Gestione Non Conformità (NCMs) Portal & Collaboration CMS Sales Force Automation Mobility Document Management Application Outsourcing • • • • • • • • • • Microsoft Dynamics NAV Zucchetti Ad Hoc Soluzioni per Controllo di gestione Warehouse Management Systems Open Source Solutions Data Collection Order Management System CRM Solution Traceability Solutions Industry & Process Focus Manufacturing Retail & Distribution Public Sector Supply Chain Services & Utilities Automotive BU Infrastructure Data Center • Architectures • Server, desktop and helpdesk • Optimization & Virtualization • Unified Storage • Backup and deduplication Networking • Cloud Platforms • Unified Communication and Collaboration • Enterprise Indoor & Outdoor Wireless Network • Wan Optimization, Acceleration & bandwidth Management • Log Management • Asset and Connectivity Management Security & Cyber Security • Network Access and Edge Security • Security assessment and audit • Data Loss Prevenction - DLP • Enterprise Antivirus and AntiSpam 4 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 TECHNOLOGIES - CERTIFICATIONS OUR CLIENTS 5 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 From NATO NCI website - SMS Engineering certified as a current supplier - with Basic Ordering Agrement 6 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering Products and Solutions 2014 …The ICT Innovation Tailors… 7 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 “Il BCM (Business Continuity Management”, come previsto nella norma ISO/IEC 17799, è il processo i cui obiettivi primari sono quelli di contrastare gli eventi che possono ledere la continuità delle attività di business aziendale e di proteggere i processi critici dagli effetti derivanti da situazioni potenzialmente dannose”. In altre e più semplici parole con il termine BCM s'intende la realizzazione di un'infrastruttura di rete altamente affidabile, resiliente, scalabile, ridondante concepita per non fermarsi mai!!! myBCM è la soluzione di Business Contuinity Management di SMS Engineering che si basa su tecnologia Cisco, leader mondiale ed indiscusso di piattaforma per il networking e su tecnologia EMC per lo storage e la virtualizzazone.I benefici generati dal mancato fermo dell'infrastruttura sono molteplici, si riportano di seguito i più significativi: LAN & Campus: Infrastruttura di rete IP ad altissima ridondanza e resilienza; Asset and Connectivity Management Interconnessioni con il Data Center ad alte prestazioni, bassa latenza e sistemi intelligenti di repository basati su storage area network (SAN) WAN & Internet Access: Rete geografica/Internet/Intranet ad altissima resilienza e sicurezza; WAN Acceleration and Optimization Connettività ISP ridondata e con avanzate tecnologie di routing; Terminazioni VPN flessibili e scalabili Componenti ridondanti modulari per switches e routers; Links ridondanti tra switches, routers, e servers; Alta disponibilità e intelligenza per failover trasparenti nei confronti di componenti di backup, dispositivi e collegamenti. Tecnologia di myBCM Cisco TwinGig converter module for 10 Gigabit Ethernet; Cisco StackWisePlus technology Modular power supply with externally available backup; Layer3 (IPv4, IPv6) Routing High Availability Features; Cross-Stack EtherChannel. Flexlink for link redundancy with convergence time less than 100 ms Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree (PVRST+); Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP). CONSOLIDAMENTO DEI DATACENTER Le soluzioni EMC per il consolidamento di data center consentono di allineare l'infrastruttura del data center ai requisiti di business. Grazie alle tecnologie e ai servizi per il consolidamento di data center è possibile ridurre al minimo i rischi, controllare i costi associati alle operazioni a livello di data center e semplificare i trasferimenti. CONSOLIDAMENTO DELLO STORAGE E DEI DATABASE EMC consente di superare le problematiche legate al consolidamento fornendo tutte le funzionalità avanzate necessarie, tra cui lo storage su più livelli e la virtualizzazione dei server e dei sistemi di storage. Le soluzioni EMC per il consolidamento delle applicazioni e dei database consentono alle aziende di allineare i requisiti di consolidamento delle applicazioni e dei database all'infrastruttura informativa sottostante. 8 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 myWMs is the SMS Engineering’s warehouse management system. myWMs is a key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking. The systems also direct and optimize stock putaway based on real-time information about the status of bin utilization. myWMs monitors the progress of products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure, tracking systems, and communication between product stations. Attraverso l'analisi dei processi, la pianificazione e la valutazione degli impianti, e con l’ausilio dei dispositivi portatili, dei codici a barre e dei sistemi RF e RFID, myWMs (frutto di competenza e decennale esperienza nel mondo della gestione dei magazzini per impianti di distribuzione e di produzione) garantisce una gestione più efficiente e razionale degli spazi, il totale controllo di tutte le attività di magazzino, la verifica in tempo reale delle merci movimentate, la completa tracciabilità dei prodotti e l’ottimizzazione dell’impiego delle risorse insieme ad una distribuzione coerente dei carichi di lavoro. myWMs si integra e si interfaccia con i principali sistemi ERP; il sistema gestionale aziendale provvede a processare le anagrafiche di base e gli ordini clienti/fornitori e invia le informazioni al sistema dipartimentale di logistica; myWMs restituisce tutte le movimentazioni di magazzino effettuate al fine di garantire un perfetto allineamento contabile delle giacenze. Benefici di myWMs Rapido ROI (Return of investment) Riduzione dei costi Tempi di avviamento estremamente brevi Facilità di integrazione con i principali sistemi ERP Impiego ottimale degli spazi e delle risorse disponibili Riduzione degli errori Incremento di produttività Assenza di supporto cartaceo (sistema paperless) Caratteristiche tecniche Sistema operativo: Windows Database: MSSQL Linguaggi: Microsoft .NET Architettura: Client Server, Web Oriented myWMs utilizza un’infrastruttura wireless e terminali RF ed è indipendente dalla piattaforma hardware essendo un’applicazione web oriented. Principali moduli Layout Impianto: mappatura dei magazzini e delle aree WIP (work in progress), logiche customizzabili in funzione della tipologia dei prodotti, definizione delle risorse. Ricevimento merci: gestione ordini fornitori, composizione UDC, gestione differenti contenitori UDC, messa a dimora con allocazione dinamica dell’ubicazione di stock per ottimizzare i rifornimenti agli slot di picking. Prelievi: gestione ordini clienti, Kanban elettronico, ottimizzazione percorsi picking (trasversal – return), generazione missioni di picking in funzione della politica di gestione (lifo, fifo,...),della tipologia di prelievo (picking o pallet interi), della volumetria e del peso dei contenitori di spedizione, composizione UDS e stampa etichette. Spedizione: gestione e stampa documenti di spedizione. Processo di carico automezzo. Spunta UDS. Cruscotto supervisore: monitor di stato dell'impianto logistico, per l'impiego delle risorse e le attività in corso ed il loro stato. Gestione resi: mappature aree resi, gestione resi da clienti, gestione resi a fornitore. 9 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 Oggi anche aziende di piccole e medie dimensioni possono avvalersi di comunicazioni estremamente avanzate grazie ad una soluzione “all-in-one” studiata per risolvere le problematiche che devono affrontare. myUC si basa sulla piattaforma Cisco® Smart Business Communications System che raggruppa voce, dati, video, sicurezza e connessione wireless in una singola piattaforma a basso costo che interagisce con le applicazioni di gestione più diffuse come agenda, e-mail e customer relationship management (CRM). Progettato per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche delle piccole e medie aziende, Cisco Smart Business Communications System supporta sistemi fino a 1.000 telefoni e consente ai dipendenti di potersi mettere in contatto con clienti, fornitori e collaboratori esterni, dall'ufficio, dall'auto, da casa e svolgere il proprio lavoro da qualsiasi luogo e in qualunque momento. myUC è la soluzione di Unified Communications di SMS Engineering che gestisce in modo efficiente e integrato le comunicazioni all'interno ed all'esterno dell'azienda, la piattaforma utilizza una tecnologia poco dispendiosa, il VoIP (voice-over-IP) che abilita il trasporto delle telefonate lungo una rete dati IP, che sia Internet o la rete aziendale interna. Inoltre, a parte il VoIP, che può trasportare solo chiamate vocali, myUC integra il sistema telefonico con le applicazioni di gestione e con le soluzioni di mobilità, che aumentano l'efficienza dell'attività operativa. myUC rende più efficace la collaborazione tra dipendenti, clienti, fornitori e partner. L'azienda segue l'utente, la sicurezza è presente in qualsiasi punto e le informazioni sono sempre disponibili quando e dove servono. myUC è una soluzione completa che va a sostituirsi al sistema telefonico tradizionale e che fornisce capacità Internet sicure con una rete dati e connettività wireless per supportare applicazioni di gestione avanzate. myUC può svolgere un ruolo fondamentale qualunque sia l'obiettivo dell'azienda: ottimizzazione dell'attività operativa, miglioramento dell'assistenza clienti, incremento della redditività, crescita dell'azienda, aumento della sicurezza e affidabilità della rete voce e dati. In particolare, i principali benefici sono di seguito riportati: Collaborare meglio con i partner commerciali: Un accesso sicuro a Internet è un elemento chiave per partner commerciali come fornitori e contractor nonché per i clienti. Con myUC è possibile offrire ad un ospite un accesso alla rete sicuro permettendo ai visitatori di accedere alle proprie risorse di business senza compromettere la sicurezza e l'integrità della rete aziendale che li ospita. Comunicare nel modo, nel momento e nel luogo desiderato: Grazie alle funzionalità wireless è possibile raggiungere la risorsa giusta da qualsiasi punto, dalla propria scrivania come da una sala convegni. I dipendenti restano sempre in contatto grazie all'uso di applicazioni di gestione e di tool di comunicazione come instant messaging e possono scambiarsi rapidamente informazioni ad esempio con l'uso di conferenze “point and click”. Concentrasi sul proprio business e non sugli aspetti tecnologici: L'uso di un'unica soluzione completamente integrata consente ad SMS engineering di fornire un supporto migliore alle esigenze di comunicazione dell'azienda. Una soluzione “all-in-one” diminuisce i costi di gestione, il total cost of ownership (TCO) e la complessità della componente informatica innalzando contemporaneamente il livello di sicurezza. 10 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 La Business Intelligence ha un semplice obiettivo: migliorare le prestazioni del business rendendo più efficienti ed efficaci i processi decisionali a tutti i livelli dell'organizzazione. Solo quando si ha una conoscenza chiara e completa dei dati aziendali è possibile investire il proprio tempo nel prendere decisioni e non nel cercare i dati. Con la Business Intelligence le prestazioni del business si incrementano perché migliorano i processi decisionali. In poche parole la Business Intelligence permette di concentrare gli sforzi dei manager ad analizzare le informazione per prendere decisioni in tempi rapidi, senza perder tempo a recuperarle. La Soluzione myBi è la soluzione di Business Intelligence creata da SMS Engineering basata interamente sulle funzionalità offerte da Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SharePoint 2013 ed Excel Web Services 2013 e Power View. Essa estende la Business Intelligence a ogni livello dell'organizzazione, offrendo una visione integrata dei dati di business come base per report tradizionali, analisi mediante scorecard degli indicatori di prestazioni chiave (KPI) e data mining rendendo fruibile la tecnologia anche a chi non è on-line. E' un set completo e perfettamente integrato di tecnologie che riducono la complessità nell'organizzare, recuperare e distribuire le informazioni, portando vantaggi competitivi, consentendo decisioni rapide. La sua struttura è fondata su tre livelli: data warehousing, reportistica e analisi. Con le informazioni sono disponibili in qualunque luogo, in qualsiasi momento e su qualsiasi dispositivo (palmari, smartphone, desktop, etc). Gli utenti hanno a disposizione strumenti affidabili e dinamici per la creazione di scorecard, analisi e report. Inoltre è perfettamente integrato con Microsoft Office 365. I report possono essere creati, pubblicati e distribuiti attraverso e-mail e/o portali sharepoint. Sono disponibili funzionalità avanzate per la creazione di scorecard, grafici, diagrammi, analisi e KPI. Infine, grazie all'utilizzo di strumenti familiari (Internet Explorer e Excel), accessibili e ampiamente supportati, si limitano i costi di formazione e si riduce significativamente la curva di apprendimento. myBi was among the nominees to Microsoft WPC Awards 2007 myBi received a nomination in the “Business Intelligence” Category, during the Partner Celebration ceremony that closed the event on 2007 July 12 2. The SMS Engineering has been the only Italian companypresent at the awards ceremony held in Denver (Colorado). MicrosoftWPC Awards have involved 8.000 Microsoft partner on 600,000 total. Every year, through the Worldwide Partner Conference Award Program, Microsoft rewards the partners who have used Microsoft technologies for the implementation of a viable and meaningful solutions. The SMS Engineering Srl has received congratulations for the nomination, by the Vice President of Microsoft International, Allison Watson. Ms Watsonhas accepted the T-Shirt of Eldo Napoli Basket, customized by TLC SpA,and had delivered to Bill Gates. 11 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering Cyber Security Advisors have been formed to provide ICT Services for industry working in “high threat” areas including defence, national security and the protection of critical infrastructures. The Staff provides a channel for Defence, Industry, University and the wide stakeholder community to discuss policy, strategy and implementation issue in event and conference. Cyb isn’t only About the Network! NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency CSC² CYBER SECURITY Conference & Challenge march 12th -13th 2012 AFCEA The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, established in 1946, is a non-profit membership association serving the military, government, industry, and academia as an ethical forum for advancing professional knowledge and relationships in the fields of communications, IT, intelligence, and global security. CYBER SECURITY SOLUTIONS AND CONSULTANCY SERVICES Specialist Certified Partner Certified More than a connectivity management system, CableSolve is a complete IT Infrastructure management solution for your office and data center, with the ability to manage the entire physical layer, including all assets, connectivity and live data from SNMP and WMI devices. It includes data and power connectivity documentation, real-time and historical records of critical data center information like power, energy and temperature as well as customizable information of your assets. Riverbed Partner Network Partner Certified A customer’s Wide-Area Network (WAN) is the foundation of their globally connected enterprise, enabling collaboration, communication, business productivity, and risk mitigation. The performance of their WAN is critical to everything customers do. With Riverbed WAN Optimization solutions, their business runs faster and more efficiently, delivering consistent service levels and cutting the costs of their IT infrastructure the Best Information Technology for IDentification. Bit4id activities range from the development of systems through the design and market of secure personal devices such as smartcards, readers, tokens, to the deployment of managed services for the customers. Defence: Smart cards, readers and Security tokens for strong authentication and digital identity management. Certification Authority: Devices and solution for digital signature and digital identity Palo Alto Networks' Approach to Application Visibility and Application Control By "fixing the firewall," Palo Alto Networks’ enterprise firewalls solve a variety of customer problems – while often simplifying enterprise security infrastructures. With the ability to control applications, users, and content at the enterprise firewall, customers realize improvements in security, performance, and cost. 12 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 Quality Certification demonstrates to the commitment of the entrepreneur, to the customers interests in its needs and in all areas in which it is sensitive, the compliance of the product compared to expectations, environment and to safeguard human rights. For Industry the application of Quality Certification is optional and regulated by the laws of competition, in Aviation is mandatory. Benefits of NCMs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Improves the information quality Eliminates the use of paper documents Optimezes and standardizes the processes Improving the monitoring of the processes The non-conformity management system is a Web Application based on a model "Group Work Site", completely based on Microsoft Technology. Framekork Net Foundation 4.0 and Windows Sharepoint 4.0 (WSF), this model offers a solution that allows groupware teams to create, organize and share information quickly and easily. The Not Conformities handled by the system are:Material NC, Process Technology and Organizational NC, System NC. The business areas involved, both in design and in using the system are: Quality,Engineering, Programming, Production. Because the system is completely customizable add / remove areas, CN, users, workflows, etc. is extremely simple and enforceable by the user. Its main features, which are a response to specific needs of the users type, are: Base data report for data storage, Web-based software system type, Multiuser system, Managing multi establishment, Interfacing to and from major ERP (SAP / Navision / ADHOC / JD Edwards), Integrated alert system, Woklist management company and user, Managing distribution lists. The analysis module allows you to monitor the progress and the correct assignment of the phases: Detection, Possible commissioning quarentena, Notification to the actors, Treatment of Not-Conformity (Technical Rules and RAC), Closing The Not-Conformity Report (NCR) is drawn up each time it detects a NC, once created, it is subject to its own lifecycle: from creation to closure undergoes a series of changes made by the actors of the system, according to respective powers. 13 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (BPM) is a set of methods, tools and technologies used to design, enact, analyze and control operational business processes. BPM is a process-centric approach for improving performance that combines IT with process and governance methodologies. Cosa è il Business Process Management ? Il Business Process Management è uno strumento per gestire e monitorare i processi aziendali. Accompagna l’azienda nelle fasi di: Identificazione, visualizzazione, documentazione e rappresentazione dei processi Esecuzione attraverso un motore di workflow Monitoraggio e misurazione SMS Engineering - IBM Business Partner SMS Engineering vanta una esperienza decennale nell’analisi e nel disegno dei processi aziendali, con un focus particolare su quelli inerenti alla produzione, alla logistica e finanziari. Una politica di investimenti continui sia in risorse umane che in sviluppo ed integrazione di applicazioni tecnologiche, è la strategia che la SMS Engineering ha adottato per competere sul mercato dell’ICT, focalizzando l'attenzione sull'eccellenza del livello di servizio offerto: per questo motivo ha scelto la piattaforma IBM BPM (Lombardi): Lombardi si posiziona come leader nel mercato BPM nel Magico Quadrante di Gartner. SMS Engineering integra IBM BPM nella infrastruttura esistente. IBM BPM è una suite di prodotti sviluppata per migliorare i processi di business e semplificare la collaborazione degli utenti di business, del settore IT e dei proprietari dei processi. E’ un ambiente unico per progettazione, esecuzione, monitoraggio e ottimizzazione dei processi che SMS Engineering integra direttamente con le soluzioni pre-esistenti (ERP, Paghe, WMS, MES etc) realizzando di fatto uno strato per il controllo, la visibilità e l’audit dei processi. E’ possibile gestire i processi direttamente da Microsoft Outlook, Sharepoint o dal browser Web. L’obiettivo perseguito è sempre quello di sfruttare i sistemi e i dati esistenti in azienda. Risk attitude: in BPM, risk comes from poor preparation. WHAT IF ANALYSIS… Customer first: You’d better the customer first, because if you don’t, you can be crtain taht they won’t put you first or second. Customer have more choices and freedoms, BPM aim you to be the first Globalization: Successful business now requires seamless intergration of processes and the instant exchange of information on a planetary scale. Continuos Process Improvement (CPI) methodologies like Six Sigma and Lean are naturally part of BPM. BPM provides the most comprehensive and flexible process-centric approach to operational business infrastructure ever devised. The technology architecture compliments the business, process and management architectures to meet business needs and goals. 14 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 SMS Engineering ICT Skills 2014 …The ICT Innovation Tailors… ENGAGEMENT MODEL 15 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 HRD PRACTICES & ENGAGEMENT MODEL SMS Engineering will deliver the Software Development or Product Development under Daily Retainer engagement model. SMS Engineering will provide dedicated resources on project need basis. The team structure and number of people would be decided upon mutual discussions with SMS Engineering. This will depend upon project or product roadmap, timelines to achieve, technology and SMS Engineering scope. Quality @ SMS Engineering is the function of 4 major components: 1)People: Experience & Committed 3)Process: Mature & Adherent 2)Technology: Innovative & Contemporary 4)Project Management: Dynamics & Trasparente SKILLS (PM) PROJECT MANAGER (4-8 Years of Experience) Summary statement Manages projects to achieve optimal performance conforming to original specifications. Mission Defines, implements and manages projects from conception to final delivery. Responsible for achieving optimal results, conforming to standards for quality, safety and sustainability and complying with defined scope, performance, costs, and schedule. Main task/s • Organize, coordinate and lead the project team • Supervise project progress • Coordinate, record and ensure quality compliance • Circulate and distribute information from the project owner • Implement the new application or service • Plan maintenance and user support • Ensure specification compliance • Comply with budgets and delivery times • Update the project according to changing circumstances Education University Degree (AE) BUSINESS ANALYST (4-8 Years of Experience) summary statement Analyses Information System for improving business performance. Designs, implements, or monitors and maintains Software and Databases Mission Identifies areas where information system changes are needed to support business plans and monitors the impact in terms of change management. Contributes to the general functional requirements of the business organization in the area of ICT solutions. Analyses business needs and translates them into ICT solutions. Verifies the development and design of database strategies, monitoring and improving database performance and capacity, and planning for future expansion requirements. Plans, coordinates and implements security measures to safeguard the database Manages Programmers. Main task/s • Contribute to the preparation of the business plan of the organization • Identify areas for improvement in business processes providing possible ICT solutions compliant With the ICT strategy • Build requirements, specifications, business processes and the business case related to the proposed solutions • Analyze required information and documents • Produce database procedures and instructions for other analysts or administrators Education University Degree (AS) SENIOR PROGRAMMER (4-6 Years of Experience) Summary statement Designs, implements, or monitors and maintains Software and Databases. Mission Ensures the design and the implementation (Developer), or ensures the maintenance and repair of an organization's database (Administrator) to support information system solutions that meet business information needs. Verifies the development and design of Database and Software strategies, monitoring and improving database performance and capacity, and planning for future expansion requirements. Plans, co-ordinates and implements security measures to safeguard the database.. Main task/s • Define/ build/optimize database models and schemas • Apply standards methods and tools for measuring and reporting on wide set of relevant performance indicators (response time, availability, safety, integrity …) • Produce database procedures and instructions for other analysts or administrators • Monitor and maintain databases • Identify, investigate and correct problems or incidents related to databases • Provide training, support, advice and guidance on database issues to other information system practitioners • Coordinate and manage staff Education University Degree/Technical High School (AP) PROGRAMMER (2-4 Years of Experience) Summary statement Proposes plans and manages functional and technical evolutions of the Information System within the relevant business domain. Mission Manages and implements updates to existing applications and maintenance activities guided by the needs, costs and plans agreed with internal users. Ensures quality of service and internal user satisfaction. Main task/s • Responsible for managing the information technology development within the business domain • Anticipate changes to the Information System and the business impact and vice versa • Formalize, consolidate and drive the development of the configuration of the information system • Evaluate the relevance of the Information systems to the business domain • Build a knowledge base through understanding the organization’s information system • Team Coordinator Education University Degree/Technical High School 16 SMS140127-SMSengineeringCompanyProfile2014 (PR) JUNIOR PROGRAMMER (6 Months - 2 Years of Experience) Summary statement Builds/codes ICT solutions and specifies ICT products according to customer needs. Mission Ensures building and implementing of ICT applications. Contributes to planning, low level design. Compiles diagnostic programs and designs and writes code for operating systems and software to ensure optimum efficiency and functionality. Main task/s • Develop component • Engineer component • Shape documentation Education University Degree/Technical High School (SE) ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT (4-8 Years of Experience) Summary statement Manages operations, people and overall resources for the ICT activity. Designs and maintains the Enterprise Architecture. Ensures the implementation of the organizations security policy. Mission Implements and maintains a designated part of the ICT infrastructure. Ensures that activities are conducted in accordance with organizational rules, processes and standards. Anticipates necessary changes according to company strategy and cost controls. Evaluates and recommends investments based on new technologies. Ensures the effectiveness of the ICT and associated risk management. Main task/s • Devise business improvement opportunities and create proposals • Align IT strategy and planning with the organisation’s business goals • Streamline business processes, functions, procedures and workflows • Coordinate and manage staff • Direct, organize, plan and monitor activities • Negotiate the objectives and resources • Manage the departmental budget • Establish and monitor management information • Analyse and propose solutions for the continuous productivity improvement • Manage the implementation and monitoring of IS quality assurance and security • Communicate with internal business departments and project owners Education University Degree (SI) SYSTEM ENGINEER (2-4 Years of Experience) Summary statement Administers ICT System components to meet service requirements. Ensures the alignment of the network, including telecommunication and/or computer infrastructure to meet the organization’s communication needs. Mission Installs software, configures and upgrades ICT systems. Administers day-today operations to satisfy continuity of service, recovery, security and performance needs. Main task/s • Investigate, diagnose and solve system related problems • Install and upgrades software • Schedule installation work, liaising with all concerned to ensure that installation priorities are met and disruption to the organization is minimized. • Diagnose and solve problems and faults occurring in the operation of hardware and software • Comply with organization procedures to ensure integrity of the system • Investigate, diagnose and solve network problems • Use network management system tools to determine network load and model performance statistics. • Team coordinator Education University Degree/Technical High School (SJ) JUNIOR SYSTEM ENGINEER (6 Months - 2 Years of Experience) Summary statement Maintains and repairs hardware and software on client premises. Mission To effectively maintain customer hardware/software. Responsible for delivering timely and effective repairs to ensure optimal system performance and superior customer satisfaction. Main task/s • Identify software and hardware problems and repair • Perform regular maintenance on hardware and software components • Install cables and configures hardware and software • Document system addresses and configurations • Run diagnostic programs or use test equipment to locate source of problems • Communicate effectively with end users and customer management • Maintain security and functionality through application of program temporary fixes Education University Degree/Technical High School (SS) SENIOR SYSTEM ENGINEER (4-6 Years of Experience) Summary statement Analyses requirements and specifies software and systems. Mission Ensures the technical design and contributes to implementation of new software and/or enhancements. Proposes and implements necessary security updates. Advises, supports, informs and provides training and security awareness. Main task/s • Recommend resolutions and improvements • Provide integrated solutions • Provide consolidate findings on components or processes • Contribute to define network design policies, philosophies and criteria. • Contribute to definition of security standards • Audit security vulnerability • Team leader Education University Degree/Technical High School 17
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