Issue 2 Specification Edexcel GCSE in Italian (2IN01) Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language (3IN0S) Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language (3IN0W) For first teaching from 2009 Pearson Education Ltd is one of the UK’s largest awarding organisations, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning, both in the UK and internationally. Qualifications offered include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our BTEC suite of vocational qualifications, ranging from Entry Level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas. Pearson Education Ltd administers Edexcel GCSE examinations. This specification is Issue 2. Key changes are sidelined. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel website: References to third-party material made in this specification are made in good faith. We do not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other publications and websites.) Publications Code UG031000 All the material in this publication is copyright © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Introduction The Edexcel GCSE and Edexcel GCSE (Short Courses) in Italian are designed for use in schools and colleges. They are part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Edexcel. About this specification ■■ Choice of pathways, general, mixed or vocational, enabling personalised learning. ■■ Choice of focus in controlled speaking and writing assessments. ■■ Choice of tiers in reading and listening papers. ■■ Outcome-based assessment in speaking and writing. ■■ Emphasis on active use and manipulation of language. ■■ Builds on best practice from the previous Edexcel GCSE qualification (including Applied French). ■■ Written in consultation with practitioners. ■■ Facilitates content and language integrated learning (CLIL). ■■ Appropriate as additional or specialist learning (ASL) within the Diploma (Levels 1 and 2) ■■ Short Courses in two skill areas: listening and speaking or reading and writing. ■■ Logical progression route from Key Stage 3 and provides groundwork for the GCE AS and Advanced GCE in Italian. Key subject aims To enable students to develop: ■■ an understanding of Italian in a variety of contexts ■■ a knowledge of Italian vocabulary and structures ■■ transferable language learning skills ■■ the ability to communicate effectively in Italian ■■ awareness and understanding of countries and communities where Italian is spoken. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 1 Contents Specification at a glance 4 A Qualification content 8 Knowledge, skills and understanding Unit 1 8 Listening and Understanding in Italian Overview 11 Assessment overview 11 Unit 2 Speaking in Italian 13 Overview 13 Assessment overview 14 Assessment criteria 17 Unit 3 Reading and Understanding in Italian 19 Overview 19 Assessment overview 19 Unit 4 Writing in Italian 20 Overview 20 Assessment overview 21 Assessment criteria 23 BAssessment 26 Assessment summary 26 Assessment Objectives and weightings 27 Relationship of Assessment Objectives to units 28 Entering your students for assessment 29 Student entry 29 Forbidden combinations and classification code 29 Access arrangements and special requirements 29 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 30 Controlled assessment 30 Summary of conditions for controlled assessment 2 11 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification 30 © Edexcel Limited 2009 Contents Internal standardisation 33 Authentication33 Further information 33 Assessing your students 34 Your student assessment opportunities 34 Awarding and reporting 34 Unit results 35 Qualification results 35 Resitting of units 36 Language of assessment 36 Stretch and challenge 36 Malpractice and plagiarism 37 Student recruitment 37 Progression37 Grade descriptions 38 C Resources, support and training 40 Edexcel resources 40 Edexcel publications 40 Endorsed resources 40 Edexcel support services 40 Training 41 DAppendices 42 Appendix 1 Key skills 43 Appendix 2 Wider curriculum 44 Appendix 3 Codes 46 Appendix 4 Grammar list 47 Appendix 5 Minimum core vocabulary list 51 Appendix 6 Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Speaking 89 Appendix 7 Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Writing 90 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 3 Specification at a glance The Edexcel GCSE in Italian consists of four units based on the following skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language is formed of two of these units (speaking and listening) and the Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language is formed of the other two units (reading and writing). It is possible to amalgamate the results from the two Short Courses to form a GCSE. All qualifications offer choice, flexibility and focus. The Edexcel GCSE Short Courses are available for first certification in 2010 and the Edexcel GCSE is available for first certification in 2011. The GCSE combines controlled assessment of speaking and writing skills with Foundation or Higher tier external assessments for the listening and reading skills. Unit 1: Listening and Understanding in Italian *Unit code: 5IN01 •• Externally assessed 40% of the total GCSE Short Course •• Availability: June •• First assessment: June 2010 20% of the total GCSE Overview of content •• This unit draws on vocabulary and structures from across the four specified common topic areas (in the Common topic areas section on page 10). •• Students will be tested on their ability to understand spoken Italian. Testing is through a variety of tasks which require a response, written or non-verbal, to demonstrate understanding. Overview of assessment •• The examination consists of a number of passages or interactions in Italian with a variety of question types. •• The spoken material heard will include both formal (eg telephone message) and informal speech (for example social interaction). •• Timing: Foundation tier: 25 minutes + 5 minutes’ reading time Higher tier: 35 minutes + 5 minutes’ reading time •• Total number of marks is 40. *See Appendix 3 for description of this code and all other codes relevant to this qualification. 4 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Specification at a glance Unit 2: Speaking in Italian *Unit code: 5IN02 •• Internally assessed 60% of the total GCSE Short Course •• Availability: June •• First assessment: June 2010 30% of the total GCSE Overview of content •• The focus of the speaking unit will be chosen by the teacher in consultation with the student and will relate to one or more of the following themes: media and culture, sport and leisure, travel and tourism or business, work and employment (or the centre-devised option). •• A student may undertake formal assessments in any appropriate setting, so long as these do not replicate those undertaken in Unit 4: Writing in Italian. The theme may be the same as that chosen for Unit 4 but the purpose of the tasks must be different. Overview of assessment •• This unit is internally assessed under controlled conditions. •• Centres may use tasks provided by Edexcel, devise their own tasks or modify tasks proposed by Edexcel. •• Students must demonstrate the ability to use the Italian language for different purposes and in different settings, and will be assessed on two speaking activities chosen from the following task types: an open interaction, a picture-based free-flowing discussion or a presentation with discussion following. •• Each activity must last for 4-6 minutes and marks should be submitted from each student that relate to two different task types. •• These controlled speaking assessments can be carried out at any time during the course prior to the deadline selected for the submission of marks. This unit is set and marked by the centre and moderated by Edexcel. •• Total number of marks is 60. *See Appendix 3 for description of this code and all other codes relevant to this qualification. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 5 Specification at a glance Unit 3: Reading and Understanding in Italian •• Externally assessed *Unit code: 5IN03 40% of the total GCSE Short Course •• Availability: June •• First assessment: June 2010 20% of the total GCSE Overview of content •• This unit draws on vocabulary and structures from across the four specified common topic areas. •• Students will be tested on their ability to understand written Italian. Testing is through a variety of tasks which require a response, written or non-verbal, to demonstrate understanding Overview of assessment •• The examination consists of a number of short texts, notices or news reports in Italian which include a range of settings and styles, both formal and informal (for example text messages, advertisements, emails). •• Timing: Foundation tier: 35 minutes 50 minutes Higher tier: •• Total number of marks is 40. *See Appendix 3 for description of this code and all other codes relevant to this qualification. 6 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Specification at a glance Unit 4: Writing in Italian *Unit code: 5IN04 •• Internally assessed and externally marked by Edexcel •• Availability: June •• First assessment: June 2010 60% of the total GCSE Short Course 30% of the total GCSE Overview of content •• The focus of the writing unit will be chosen by the teacher in consultation with the student and will relate to one or more of the following themes: media and culture, sport and leisure, travel and tourism or business, work and employment (or the centre-devised option). •• A student may undertake formal assessments in any appropriate setting, so long as these do not replicate those undertaken in Unit 2: Speaking in Italian. The theme may be the same as that chosen for Unit 2 but the purpose of the tasks must be different. Overview of assessment •• This unit is internally assessed under controlled conditions. •• Centres may use tasks provided by Edexcel, devise their own tasks or modify tasks proposed by Edexcel. The student must demonstrate the ability to use the language for different purposes and in different settings. •• The student must complete two separate writing tasks** and each of these must be undertaken in controlled conditions in a single assessment session of no more than one hour. Although assessment is time constrained and primarily qualitative rather than quantitative, it is anticipated that students will produce at least 100 words in each of the two assessment sessions. •• Students aiming for grade C or above will need to demonstrate extended writing skills and are expected to produce over 200 words in each task. Centres must limit the work submitted for external marking from these students to two pieces of written work. •• The controlled assessments can be undertaken at any time during the course prior to the deadline selected for the submission of students’ work. Work is marked by Edexcel. •• Total number of marks is 60. *See Appendix 3 for description of this code and all other codes relevant to this qualification. **It may be more appropriate for certain students to complete two shorter tasks rather than one longer one in a single assessment session. Consequently, it is possible for centres to submit more than two pieces of writing from these students as long as the work has all been produced in two assessment sessions. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 7 A Qualification content Knowledge, skills and understanding Knowledge and understanding This Edexcel GCSE in Italian requires students to develop their knowledge of vocabulary and structures in a range of settings which: •• are relevant and of interest to the student •• correspond to the student’s level of maturity •• reflect, and are appropriate to, the culture of countries and communities where the language is spoken •• relate, where appropriate, to other areas of the curriculum. Skills The Edexcel GCSE in Italian qualification requires students to: •• develop the ability to listen to and understand spoken Italian in a range of contexts and a variety of styles •• communicate in speech for a variety of purposes •• read and respond to different types of written language •• communicate in writing for a variety of purposes •• understand and apply a range of vocabulary and structures •• develop language learning and communication skills which can be applied broadly. The Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language qualification requires students to: •• develop the ability to listen to and understand spoken Italian in a range of contexts and a variety of styles •• communicate in speech for a variety of purposes •• understand and apply a range of vocabulary and structures •• develop language learning and communication skills which can be applied broadly. The Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language qualification requires students to: •• read and respond to different types of written language •• communicate in writing for a variety of purposes •• understand and apply a range of vocabulary and structures •• develop language learning and communication skills which can be applied broadly. 8 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Qualification content A Following on from the Key Stage 3 curriculum in Modern Languages, the Edexcel GCSE in Italian provides flexibility, choice and scope for personalised learning. Teachers and students have considerable control of content in the speaking and writing units and are free to focus on one or more of the following broad themes. Theme Possible related content The following content is indicative only. Students may undertake work on other topics that relate to the chosen theme. 1. Media and culture Music/film/reading Fashion/celebrities/religion Blogs/internet 2. Sport and leisure Hobbies/interests Sporting events Lifestyle choices 3. Travel and tourism Holidays Accommodation Eating, food, drink 4. Business, work and employment Work experience/part-time jobs 5. Centre-devised option This option enables Italian language learning to be linked to other areas of the curriculum not specified above. It may particularly appeal to centres offering content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Product or service information NB: Centres should seek approval from Edexcel, using the Ask the Expert Service (see Section C: Resources, support and training). Many students will appreciate the opportunity to focus on one broad theme relating to a specific interest or relevant curriculum area. However, it is acknowledged that some centres may wish to cover more than one theme, and this specification accommodates both approaches. Similarly, students can focus on one theme for the speaking unit and on a different one for the writing unit. The qualification allows for general, mixed or vocationally focused pathways through the choice of themes. Although travel and tourism and business, work and employment offer more ‘specialist’ pathways, they provide contexts in which students can apply language skills and do not require any ‘specialist’ subject knowledge on the part of the student or teacher. Alongside the themes, Edexcel has set the following four common topic areas and linked subtopics. These, together with the minimum core generic vocabulary list (Appendix 5), have been produced to help teachers in planning and preparing students for the external examinations (listening and understanding and reading and understanding). Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 9 A Qualification content Common topic areas The papers for listening and reading skills refer to the generic content areas specified below and feature scenarios set in a country where Italian is spoken. All students, regardless of their chosen pathway and theme(s), will be expected to become familiar with them. Out and about •• Visitor information •• Basic weather •• Local amenities •• Accommodation •• Public transport •• Directions Customer service and transactions •• Cafés and restaurants •• Shops •• Dealing with problems Personal information •• General interests •• Leisure activities •• Family and friends •• Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise) Future plans, education and work •• Basic language of the internet •• Simple job advertisements •• Simple job applications and CV •• School and college •• Work and work experience 10 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 1 Qualification content A Unit 1 Listening and Understanding in Italian Overview Content overview To prepare students adequately for this unit, teachers should present and exploit a range of vocabulary relevant to all the common topic areas listed in the Common topic areas section on page 10 and, where appropriate, building on the Key Stage 3 Programme of Study. Students should become accustomed to hearing the Italian language spoken in a range of styles or registers and in a variety of different contexts, as appropriate to their age and level of understanding. Spoken material will feature both male and female voices and represent different age groups. Featured scenarios and situations are generally set in an Italian-speaking country and students will be expected to develop appropriate cultural awareness and understanding. Assessment overview •• The content of the assessment tasks should be familiar and accessible to most students. •• Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of prerecorded spoken Italian. The recording will feature male and female native Italian speakers who will speak at a rate appropriate to the expected level of student understanding. •• In addition to the times indicated below, students have five minutes in which to read through the paper before the examination starts. This gives students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the length and the layout of the examination paper before hearing the recordings. Foundation tier: 25 minutes plus 5 minutes’ reading time Higher tier: 35 minutes plus 5 minutes’ reading time •• Each Italian passage is recorded twice, with pauses following the second hearing to allow each student sufficient time to write or note their response to each question (or part of a question) and to read the next question before the related extract is played. The recordings are sent out in CD ROM format or as sound files accessed via a secure download. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 11 A Qualification content Unit 1 •• A number of question types will be used in the Foundation tier paper, inviting non-verbal responses such as multiple-choice questions and matching exercises. A mixture of visual and short verbal cues in English will be given. In addition, certain questions will award marks for a student’s own short, written English-language responses (two or three words may suffice) to certain questions. To encourage students to complete the entire paper, the Foundation tier will follow a ‘peaks and troughs’ model. Questions will appear in a mixed order in terms of difficulty rather than in order of increasing difficulty. •• The Higher tier paper will include the same questions targeting the C and D grades as used in the Foundation tier paper. These are commonly referred to as ‘crossover’ questions. It will also contain some questions that require short answers in English. Both papers carry a total of 40 marks. •• The question titles and rubrics will be in English throughout the papers. 12 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 2 Qualification content A Unit 2 Speaking in Italian Overview Content overview •• Students are required to develop oral communication skills in different settings and for different purposes, related to one or more of the following themes: {{ media and culture {{ sport and leisure {{ travel and tourism {{ business, work and employment {{ centre-devised option. •• Each of the broad themes gives students the scope to engage in activities that coincide with their true interests, experience and aspirations. Assessment scenarios should provide opportunities for them to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Italian language and grammar, as well as to present, discuss, interact, ask and respond to questions, express feelings and give opinions in Italian. Teachers can adapt Edexcel-produced stimuli or create their own, and have considerable control over content. They can target assessment to the specific interests, learning needs and optimal performance level of each student. However, if teachers need reassurance on the suitability of a particular approach, topic or theme, they can consult an experienced examiner through Edexcel’s Ask the Expert service. •• Teachers are encouraged to engage students in a variety of speaking activities as they prepare for their assessments. These may range from a simple transactional role play to a more complex group discussion or podcast production. Some possible sub-topics are listed in the Common Topic Areas table and many more can be used. Additional information on potential speaking activities is given in the Teacher’s Guide that accompanies this specification. When determining the speaking tasks for formal assessment, it is important to avoid duplication across speaking and writing skills. Although the chosen theme and general topic may be the same, the content and purpose of the formally assessed tasks must be different in the speaking and writing units. However, teachers can assess a student informally using tasks that overlap in this way either as part of their general language learning and development, or if only one of these tasks (speaking or writing) is counted towards final assessment. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 13 A Qualification content Unit 2 •• Tasks may relate to contexts or situations in an Italian-speaking country, although this is not always feasible and could involve interactions and discussions with Italian speakers in their own country. Students are, therefore, expected to develop an appropriate awareness and understanding of the culture and society of Italianspeaking countries and communities as part of their Italian language study. •• NB: If the centre is in any doubt about the suitability of the approach or potential overlap, the teacher responsible should refer to Edexcel’s Ask the Expert service, clearly setting out the context, purpose and requirements of the tasks proposed for Unit 2 and outlining the tasks proposed for Unit 4. Assessment overview •• Students need to undertake controlled assessments that are marked by the teacher and Edexcel moderated. Please refer to the Controlled Assessment section for further information about controlled assessment and its impact on this unit. •• Centres must submit the marks from each student’s two speaking tasks. Although it is anticipated that both will relate to one theme, the two tasks could be linked to different themes. Marks must be submitted from each student that relate to two different task types chosen from the following: {{ an open interaction {{ a picture-based free-flowing discussion {{ a presentation followed by discussion. •• Each task should last approximately 4-6 minutes and must take place in controlled conditions. This, together with reduced recording requirements, facilitates ongoing and classroom-based assessment rather than end-of-course oral tests. The latter are, however, possible and teachers can assess whenever it is most appropriate and practical for their students. Final marks and sample recordings can be submitted in May. •• Full details of internal moderation procedures, marks submission arrangements, recording and sampling requirements for this qualification appear in the Instructions and administrative documentation for internally assessed units document. •• All three task types involve interaction. An open interaction can take place between a student and a teacher or, if feasible, between two supervised students. It is essentially an unscripted role play in response to a stimulus that students prepare on an individual basis in class, or under direct supervision, up to two weeks in advance and involving no more than six hours contact time. 14 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 2 Qualification content A •• The interaction relates to a stimulus that provides both context and purpose. They may be formal and transactional in nature or, alternatively, relate to more informal situations such as a focused dialogue between friends. Students may refer to the stimulus when undertaking their open interaction assessment as well as their own notes – these should contain no more than 30 words and must be written in bullet point or mind map format. Although Edexcel produces a range of stimuli for each of the main themes (excluding centre-devised themes), teachers can adapt these or produce their own. The stimuli are generally open ended to invite student responses at different levels and may include teacher prompts and questions. Stimuli must be treated as live assessments and must be kept securely. Students should have access to stimuli only under supervised conditions and must not, under any circumstances, remove them from the centre. The stimuli usually provide some initial clues to support students and teachers can reduce or add to this according to the needs of the individual student. Both Edexcel-produced and centre-devised stimuli must be refreshed at least every two years. Please see the sample assessment materials for examples. •• Students can also engage in a discussion related to a picture (or other visual) that they have chosen or give a presentation and then respond to a series of linked, follow-up questions and answers. These tasks give students a choice of content and, therefore, enable them to take some ownership of their assessment. It is intended that students use the picture as a prompt to discussion and that it relates to something they have interest or involvement in (for example an activity, club or place). It is not envisaged that students will be presented with an unseen picture a few minutes before assessment or that they will be asked in-depth questions on every aspect of its visual content. Similarly, students giving a presentation must be able to choose its content and prepare. Students can prepare for a specific picture or presentation-based assessment on an individual basis in class, or under other direct supervision, up to two weeks in advance and involving no more than six hours’ contact time. •• Students wishing to give a short presentation (three minutes maximum) or discuss a picture should be able to refer to an A5 sheet of paper with bulleted notes (30 words maximum) or a mind map equivalent (30 words maximum). Those wishing to discuss a picture can give a short initial presentation (one minute maximum) to introduce their picture. •• As the assessment for all task types is outcome based, teachers should ensure that they exploit the stimuli or ask questions that are sufficiently challenging to maximise student performance. Teachers should be familiar with the general content of student discussions and/or presentations in advance, so that they can prepare accordingly. However, teachers must not reveal any potential questions to students in advance. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 15 A Qualification content Unit 2 •• Students may, of course, engage in research or general preparation work related to the content of their chosen theme(s) on an ongoing basis. This may be undertaken outside the classroom and can be marked. However, no teacher feedback or guidance should be given to students when they are preparing for a specific live assessment other than to clarify the general requirements of the task. •• Teachers may assess students on more than one occasion (using different assessment tasks) and submit students’ best marks. Each task attracts a maximum of 30 marks in accordance with the following assessment criteria that require a ‘best fit’ approach to marking. (Please also refer to the Teacher’s Guide.) Marks are awarded for content and response, range of language and accuracy. 16 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 2 Qualification content A Assessment criteria Content and response Mark •• Communicates comprehensive and detailed information related to chosen visual/topic/ 16-18 stimulus. •• Interacts very well. •• Speaks very confidently and with clear spontaneity. •• Frequently takes initiative and develops elaborate responses. •• No difficulty in expressing and explaining a range of ideas and points of view. •• Very little or no hesitation. •• Able to deal with unpredictable elements without difficulty. •• Communicates detailed and relevant information related to chosen visual/topic/stimulus. •• Interacts well. •• Speaks confidently. •• Takes initiative and develops more elaborate responses. •• Has little difficulty expressing and explaining ideas and points of view. •• Little hesitation and little or no prompting necessary. •• Able to deal with unpredictable elements with some success. 12-15 •• Communicates relevant information related to the chosen visual/topic/stimulus but with 8-11 some obvious omissions. •• Some interaction. •• Able to participate in familiar, straightforward discussion and conversation, but experiences problems with more complex question forms. •• Conveys opinions, but rarely expands. •• Some hesitation. •• Able to deal with some unpredictable elements. •• Limited communication related to chosen visual/topic/stimulus. •• Some coherence in unambiguous presentation of simple information and opinions, but 4-7 responses very limited. •• Very hesitant and reliant on teacher-examiner prompting. •• Able to deal with isolated unpredictable elements. •• Minimal description of chosen visual/topic/stimulus. •• Conveys very little relevant information in minimal responses (mainly one word replies). •• Largely disjointed and unconnected ideas. •• Very limited comprehension of basic questions. •• Wholly reliant on teacher-examiner prompting. 1-3 •• No rewardable content. 0 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 17 A Qualification content Unit 2 Range of language Mark Accuracy Mark •• Uses wide range of appropriate 6 •• Very accurate, with only isolated 6 vocabulary and structures, including some complex lexical items. and usually insignificant errors. •• Consistently good pronunciation and •• Consistently competent use of intonation. different tenses. •• Good variety of appropriate 5 vocabulary and structures. •• Some errors, especially in more 5 complex structures, but generally accurate. •• Unambiguous use of different verb •• Pronunciation and intonation tenses. generally good. •• Generally at ease with subordination. •• Adequate but predictable range of 3-4 vocabulary and structures. •• A fair number of errors made, 3-4 including some basic, but communication overall unaffected. •• May include different tenses or •• Pronunciation and intonation time frames, perhaps with some ambiguity. generally accurate. •• Some examples of subordination. •• Limited and/or repetitive range of 2 vocabulary or structures. •• Many basic errors, but main points 2 communicated. •• Predominantly uses short sentences. •• Simple ‘pre-learnt’ stereotypes correct. •• Pronunciation generally understandable. •• Very limited range of basic 1 structures. •• Only isolated examples of accurate language. language. •• Rarely offers complete sentences. 18 Edexcel GCSE in Italian 1 and pronunciation frequently impede basic communication. •• Frequently resorts to non-target •• No rewardable language. •• Consistently inaccurate language 0 •• No rewardable language. Specification 0 © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 3 Qualification content A Unit 3 Reading and Understanding in Italian Overview Content overview To prepare students adequately for this unit, teachers should present and exploit a range of vocabulary relevant to all the common topic areas (in the Common topic areas section on page 10) and, where appropriate, building on the Key Stage 3 Programme of Study. Students should be presented with Italian language in a range of styles or registers and in a variety of different contexts, as appropriate to their age and level of understanding. Students will also be presented with different fonts and formats, for example short printed messages, advertisements and email messages. Material presented will usually relate to an Italian-speaking country and students will be expected to develop appropriate cultural awareness and understanding. Assessment overview •• Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of a number of short texts. The texts will be in a range of contexts and styles, both formal and informal. Foundation tier: 35 minutes Higher tier: 50 minutes •• A number of question types will be used in the Foundation tier paper that invite non-verbal responses, such as multiple choice and matching exercises. A mixture of visual and short verbal cues in English will be given, and marks will be awarded for a student’s own short, written English-language responses (two or three words may suffice). To encourage students to complete the entire paper, the Foundation tier will follow a ‘peaks and troughs’ model. Questions will appear in a mixed order in terms of difficulty rather than in order of increasing difficulty. •• The Higher tier paper will include the same questions targeting the C and D grades as used in the Foundation tier paper. These are commonly referred to as ‘crossover’ questions. It will also contain some questions that require short answers in English. •• Both papers carry a total of 40 marks. The question titles and rubrics will be in English throughout the papers. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 19 A Qualification content Unit 4 Unit 4 Writing in Italian Overview Content overview •• Centres are required to submit students’ written work for external marking by Edexcel. This work must be completed during two sessions of no more than one hour each. Students may choose the context of the written tasks according to the pathway that they have chosen to follow (general or vocational) and the work must relate to one or more themes selected from the following: {{ media and culture {{ sport and leisure {{ travel and tourism {{ business, work and employment {{ centre-devised option. •• Each of the broad themes gives students the scope to engage in activities that coincide with their true interests, experience and aspirations. Assessment scenarios should provide opportunities for them to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Italian language and grammar, as well as to inform, describe, give detail, express feelings and to give opinions in Italian. Teachers can adapt Edexcel-produced stimuli or create their own, and have considerable control over content so that they can target assessment to the specific interests, learning needs and optimal performance level of each student. However, if teachers need reassurance on the suitability of a particular approach, topic or theme, they can consult an experienced examiner through Edexcel’s Ask the Expert service. •• Teachers must ensure that the formal assessments used enable students to demonstrate their ability to use language for different purposes. Although the context of the tasks may be common, teachers must check that there is no direct overlap of content across the formal speaking and writing assessments. For example, in Unit 2: Speaking in Italian the student completes an open interaction as an assistant in a tourist information office, providing information about local amenities (formal, giving information). For their second task, they present a picture stimulus related to a holiday/exchange visit spent in an Italian-speaking country and then follow this up with a discussion (informal, expressing opinions, evaluative). In Unit 4, the student may present a letter of complaint (formal) to the tourist information office about transport arrangements and also design a poster to attract fellow students to a school exchange. (informal, descriptive). 20 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 4 Qualification content A •• Teachers can informally assess a student using tasks that overlap in content and purpose either as part of their general language learning and development, or if only one of these tasks (speaking or writing) is counted towards final assessment. NB: If the centre is in any doubt about the suitability of the approach or the content of the tasks, the teacher responsible should refer to Edexcel’s Ask the Expert service, setting out clearly the context, purpose and requirements of the tasks for Unit 4 and also for Unit 2. Assessment overview •• This unit is internally assessed under controlled conditions but marked by Edexcel. •• Controlled assessment allows for ongoing and classroom-based assessment rather than end-of-course testing, although this is still possible. Centres can only submit students’ written work to Edexcel in the June examination series. More information is provided in the Teachers’ Guide that accompanies this specification. •• The student must complete two separate writing tasks* and each must be undertaken in controlled conditions in a single assessment session of no more than one hour. Although assessment is time constrained and primarily qualitative rather than quantitative, it is anticipated that students will produce at least 100 words in each of the two assessment sessions. •• Students aiming for grade C or above will need to demonstrate extended writing skills and are expected to produce over 200 words for each task. Centres must limit the work submitted for external marking from these students to two pieces of written work. •• Controlled assessments can be undertaken at any time during the course prior to the deadline selected for the submission of students’ work. •• When undertaking their assessments in controlled conditions, students can refer to a dictionary or online dictionary, the relevant stimulus and brief notes in bullet point or mind map type format (30 words maximum) that must accompany the submitted work. Students will not be permitted access to online grammar – or spell-checkers. *It may be more appropriate for some students to complete two shorter tasks rather than a longer one in a single assessment session. Consequently, centres can submit more than two pieces of writing from these students as long as the work has all been produced in two separate assessment sessions (maximum of four pieces of writing). Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 21 A Qualification content Unit 4 •• Stimuli should usually include task instructions and a scenario outline in English but task prompts can be in either Italian or English, as appropriate to context (for example an extract from an Italian website questionnaire should be in Italian, whereas a request to send information about a student’s leisure interests to an Italian partner school might be more appropriate in English language bullets). The tasks require students to respond in Italian to a stimulus linked to a prescribed or centre-devised theme. Edexcel produces a range of stimuli for each of these (excluding centre-devised options) and teachers can adapt them or produce their own. For many students, an essay title supported by open-ended bullets could be a suitable task. The Edexcel stimuli are generally open-ended but teachers can target the assessments by modifying content to meet the different needs of their students more closely. Both Edexcel-produced and centre-devised stimuli must be refreshed at least every two years. Please see the sample assessment materials for examples. •• Teachers must not provide any help or give specific feedback to students on their preparatory work. •• The assessments can be undertaken at any time during the course, before the deadline selected for the submission of students’ work. Teachers may carry out more than two controlled writing assessments with their students as long as the stimuli used and work produced are different on each occasion. Teachers could then select the two best pieces of written work to submit for external marking. It is not possible for a student to carry over written work from one controlled assessment session to another. Teachers and students must complete the controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Writing (Appendix 7) before submitting work to Edexcel with related notes and stimuli. •• This is a non-tiered unit since the final mark will be determined by the variety, appropriateness and complexity of language used and the length of the submitted tasks. Submitted work will be assessed by external examiners. Marks will be awarded for communication and content, knowledge and application of language and accuracy. 22 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 4 Qualification content A Assessment criteria Communication and content Mark •• Very detailed and fully relevant response to the stimulus. •• Shows a clear ability to narrate, describe, express opinions and expand, as appropriate to 13-15 the task. •• Communicates with no ambiguity. •• Excellent linking of the piece into a whole. •• Coherent and pleasant to read. •• Detailed response to the stimulus but there may be minor omissions. •• Provides evidence of description, opinion and expansion, as appropriate to the task. •• Generally communicates clearly, with some lapses. •• Reasonable attempt to link the piece into a whole. •• Generally coherent. •• Pedestrian or, alternatively, somewhat over ambitious. 10-12 •• Most of the task is completed and relevant information is conveyed, although there may be 7-9 some omissions and/or irrelevancies. •• Provides evidence of an ability to go beyond a minimal response. •• Begins to expand ideas and express opinions, as appropriate to the task. •• Comprehensible overall with some lapses, sometimes leading to ambiguity, especially if more ambitious language is attempted. •• Some attempt at linking piece into a whole. •• Relevant key information is given but there may be major omissions, irrelevance and/or 4-6 repetition. •• The level of response is minimal •• There is no evidence of description or opinions (other than simple likes/dislikes). •• Some ambiguity. •• Just about comprehensible overall. •• Sentences mostly written in isolation. •• Not easy to read. •• Little relevant information is conveyed. •• Much ambiguity and omission. •• The level of response is very limited. •• Substantial degree of irrelevance and incoherence. •• Except for isolated items, would not be comprehensible to a native speaker. 1-3 •• No relevant communication worthy of credit. •• A mark of zero for communication and content will mean a mark of zero for knowledge and 0 application of language and for accuracy Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 23 A Qualification content Unit 4 Knowledge and application of language Mark •• Wide range of vocabulary and structures, fully appropriate to the task and used effectively. •• Little or no repetition. •• Confident use of more complex structures, such as object pronouns, negatives, superlatives 9-10 and range of tenses, with very few lapses. •• Clear ability to manipulate language and to produce longer, fluent sentences with ease. •• Quite a wide range of vocabulary and structures appropriate to describe and to express and 7-8 justify opinions. •• Some attempt to use ambitious structures (subordinate clauses, object pronouns, tenses, etc) with a fair measure of success. •• Tenses are generally used correctly. •• Some ability to manipulate language although not always successful. •• Vocabulary and structures are generally appropriate to the task. •• Correct syntax when using simple, short sentences. •• Some longer sentences where syntax is not always correct. •• Attempts enhancement of fact with adjectives and adverbial phrases with some success. •• Some evidence of correct use of a range of tenses, with some lapses. •• Attempts to use subordinate clauses/simple linking with some success. 5-6 •• Limited vocabulary and structures, often repetitive and stereotyped. •• Language is basic and sometimes inappropriate to the task. •• Pre-learnt, set phrases predominate but there are some short simple sentences, which are 3-4 more or less correct. •• Some attempts at tenses, but many mistakes. •• Some attempt to use adjectives. •• There may be some simple subordination. •• Very limited vocabulary, with occasional correct words. •• Very little understanding of language structures. •• There may be the occasional correct phrase or short sentence pre-learnt or ‘lifted’. 1-2 •• No language worthy of credit. 0 24 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Unit 4 Qualification content A Accuracy Mark •• High level of accuracy, though not necessarily faultless. •• Spellings, genders, agreements, verb forms mastered with the odd slip. •• Secure when using more complex language with only a few minor errors. 5 •• Generally accurate language. •• Most verb forms correct, secure in genders and agreements but the odd lapse. •• Spellings mostly accurate. •• When more complex structures are attempted, accuracy can be more variable. 4 •• Fairly accurate in straightforward language, but some lapses with more complex language. •• Inconsistency in verb forms but more correct than incorrect. •• Spelling of common words generally accurate. •• The work is clearly more accurate than inaccurate. •• Language errors do not significantly hinder communication. •• Inaccuracy increases if more complex structures are attempted. 3 •• Many basic errors which often impede communication. •• Some correct phrases but frequent misspellings, inaccurate genders and incorrect verb 2 •• Frequent basic errors and inaccuracies prevent communication. •• Isolated examples of correct language. •• Spellings and genders very weak. •• Little or no evidence of correct verb formation. 1 •• No language worthy of credit. 0 forms. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 25 B Assessment Assessment summary Units 1 and 3 are external units, set and marked by Edexcel. Unit 2 is an internal unit which is internally assessed by the centre and externally moderated by Edexcel. Unit 4 is an internal unit which is marked by Edexcel. Summary of table of assessment Unit 1 Listening and Understanding in Italian Unit code: 5IN01 •• This unit draws on vocabulary and structures from across the four specified common topic areas (in the Common topic areas section on page 10). •• The examination consists of a number of passages or interactions in Italian with a variety of question types Timing Foundation tier: Higher tier: 25 minutes + 5 minutes’ reading time 35 minutes + 5 minutes’ reading time Total number of marks is 40. Unit 2 Speaking in Italian Unit code: 5IN02 Samples of student performance are submitted to Edexcel for external moderation in May. Students may undertake their assessment when ready (on an ongoing basis) or as end-of-course oral tests, if these are more practical and appropriate for students. There is potential for students to focus on a specific chosen theme. Students must undertake two different task types, each lasting 4-6 minutes. Total number of marks is 60. 26 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Unit 3 Reading and Understanding in Italian Unit code: 5IN03 •• The examination consists of a number of short texts, notices or news reports in Italian which include a range of settings and styles, both formal and informal (for example text messages, advertisements, emails). Content relates to prescribed common topic areas. Timing 35 minutes 50 minutes Foundation tier: Higher tier: Total number of marks is 40. Unit 4 Writing in Italian Unit code: 5IN04 This unit is internally conducted under controlled conditions but externally marked by Edexcel. Student work is submitted to Edexcel for external marking. The tasks may be completed at any time during the course but must be submitted for marking in the June examination series. Students are allowed to focus on a specific chosen theme. Students must produce a piece of writing in Italian in two separate controlled assessment sessions. Each session can be a maximum of one hour. Total number of marks is 60. Assessment Objectives and weightings % in GCSE Short Course (Spoken Language) % in GCSE Short Course (Written Language) % in GCSE AO1: Understand spoken language. 40% 0% 20% AO2: Communicate in speech. 60% 0% 30% AO3: Understand written language. 0% 40% 20% AO4: Communicate in writing. 0% 60% 30% 100% 100% 100% TOTAL Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 27 B Assessment Relationship of Assessment Objectives to units Edexcel GCSE in Italian Unit number Assessment Objective AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 Total for AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 Unit 1 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% Unit 2 0% 30% 0% 0% 30% Unit 3 0% 0% 20% 0% 20% Unit 4 0% 0% 0% 30% 30% Total for GCSE 20% 30% 20% 30% 100% Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language Unit number Assessment Objective AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 Total for AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 Unit 1 40% 0% 0% 0% 40% Unit 2 0% 60% 0% 0% 60% Unit 3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Unit 4 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total for GCSE Short Course 40% 60% 0% 0% 100% Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language Unit number Assessment Objective AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 Total for AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 Unit 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Unit 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Unit 3 0% 0% 40% 0% 40% Unit 4 0% 0% 0% 60% 60% Total for GCSE Short Course 0% 0% 40% 60% 100% 28 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Entering your students for assessment Student entry Details of how to enter students for this qualification can be found in Edexcel’s Information Manual, a copy is sent to all examinations officers. The information can also be found on Edexcel’s website: Students studying unitised GCSE Short Course and GCSE qualifications are required to complete at least 40 per cent of the overall assessment requirements as terminal assessment. Forbidden combinations and classification code Centres should be aware that students who enter for more than one GCSE qualification with the same classification code will have only one grade (the highest) counted for the purpose of the school and college performance tables. Students should be advised that, if they take two qualifications with the same classification code, schools and colleges are very likely to take the view that they have achieved only one of the two GCSEs. The same view may be taken if students take two GCSE qualifications that have different classification codes but have significant overlap of content. Students who have any doubts about their subject combinations should check with the institution to which they wish to progress before embarking on their programmes. Access arrangements and special requirements Edexcel’s policy on access arrangements and special considerations for GCE, GCSE, and Entry Level aims to enhance access to the qualifications for students with disabilities and other difficulties (as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the amendments to the Act) without compromising the assessment of skills, knowledge, understanding or competence. Please see the Edexcel website ( for: •• the JCQ policy Access Arrangements and Special Considerations, Regulations and Guidance Relating to students who are Eligible for Adjustments in Examinations. •• the forms to submit for requests for access arrangements and special considerations •• dates for submission of the forms. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 29 B Assessment Requests for access arrangements and special considerations must be addressed to: Special Requirements Edexcel One90 High Holborn London WC1V 7BH Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Please see the Edexcel website ( for information relating to the Disability Discrimination Act. Controlled assessment In controlled assessments, control levels are set for three linked processes: task setting, task taking and task marking. The control levels (high, medium or limited are dependent on the subject) are set for each process so that the overall level of control secures validity and reliability, provides good manageability for all involved and allows teachers to authenticate the student work confidently. The summary of the controlled conditions for this specification are shown below. Summary of conditions for controlled assessment Control levels for the controlled assessment in Italian are defined for the three stages of the assessment. Task setting To give teachers some control over assessment content, and to permit personalised learning, there is a limited level of control for task setting for both the speaking and writing units. Although Edexcel provides exemplar stimuli for use in controlled assessments, teachers may adapt these or create their own. All tasks used for live assessments must be refreshed every two years. Task requirements should be clear and concise for students. As tasks are designed to develop Italian language speaking or writing skills, related stimuli should feature a minimal amount of text (maximum 70 words) and may feature visual prompts, potentially with some additional Englishlanguage explanation of context. Prompts and cues may be set in either English or Italian, appropriate to the specific scenario. 30 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB As tasks allow outcome-based assessment, teachers must ensure that students can perform at their optimal level. This means that tasks should provide opportunities for appropriate stretch and challenge for all students. It is important that students’ performances are not unduly constrained by stimuli content and demands in the case of speaking – related teacher questioning. For example, it should be possible to ask most students to express a simple opinion (although the level of response may vary considerably from student to student). Task taking To facilitate potential for less ‘high stakes’ oral assessment and to enable teachers to assess students more flexibly, a medium level of control has been set for task taking in Unit 2: Speaking in Italian. However, as students must complete all the written work submitted for assessment independently, Unit 4: Writing in Italian has a high level of control for task taking. The following task setting controls relate to both the speaking and writing units. Authenticity controls: Students must undertake all formally assessed work in controlled conditions under the supervision of a teacher. Any preparation for a specific formal assessment must also be teacher supervised (although not necessarily in the classroom) and must not, under any circumstance, be set as homework. They should have up to two weeks in advance and no more than six hours’ contact time for a formal speaking assessment and may have longer for writing controlled assessments. Students and teachers must complete and sign a controlled assessment authenticity record sheet (Appendices 6 and 7). Students can, as part of their language learning development, receive general guidance on the requirements of the task types used for assessment and be trained to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge to undertake them effectively. In this period, before starting work on a formal assessment task, they should have full access to resources and feedback to support them. Feedback control: All formal assessment-specific preparatory work must be done under fully supervised conditions. Teacher feedback is restricted to the clarification of general task requirements. Collaboration control: It may be possible for some assessment tasks in Unit 2: Speaking in Italian to involve more than one student in task taking, although this is not an assessment requirement. If teachers undertake assessments that involve more than one student, they should exercise extreme caution and ensure that the performance of one student does not prejudice or restrict the performance of another. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 31 B Assessment Resource control: Key resources that students have consulted for each specific assessment must be identified on the controlled assessment authenticity record sheet (Appendices 6 and 7). In Unit 2: Speaking in Italian, students are able to refer to a visual notes depending on the task during their test but they must not refer to a dictionary, except when preparing. Conversely, in Unit 4: Writing in Italian, students may refer to notes and a dictionary although access to an earlier draft, online grammar – or spell-checker is prohibited. Time control: In Unit 2: Speaking in Italian, students must carry out two different types of controlled assessment. Each task should last between 46 minutes and may relate to one specific chosen theme. In Unit 4: Writing in Italian, students must produce two* distinctly different pieces of work, although these may relate to one specific chosen theme. The work should be completed in two sessions of up to one hour each. Teachers are free to assess Units 2 and 4 whenever it is most appropriate and practical for their students. Students can be assessed on repeat occasions but must not undertake the same assessment task twice if it is being counted towards their final assessment. Task marking Again, to facilitate less ‘high stakes’ and more flexible oral assessment, Unit 2: Speaking in Italian features a medium level of marking control. Teachers can assess their own students’ work and this is then externally moderated. Edexcel provides marking support and guidance for teachers through comprehensive training and guidance. Please refer to the unit description to view the assessment criteria and to the Instructions and administrative documentation for internally assessed units for full details on recording and sampling requirements and marks submission arrangements. In Unit 4: Writing in Italian, there is a high level of marking control. Edexcel will mark work from all students. Examiners will require the stimuli and student notes used in the writing assessments to accompany all submissions. *It is possible that, for some students, it is appropriate to set two shorter tasks rather than one longer one in an assessment session. However, students aiming for grade C or above will need to demonstrate more extended-writing skills and are, therefore, expected to produce over 200 words in each task. 32 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Internal standardisation Teachers must show clearly how the marks have been awarded in relation to the assessment criteria. If more than one teacher in a centre is marking students’ work, there must be a process of internal standardisation to ensure that there is consistent application of the assessment criteria. Authentication All students must sign an authentication statement. Statements relating to work not sampled should be held securely in your centre. Those which relate to sampled students must be attached to the work and sent to the moderator. In accordance with a revision to the current Code of Practice, any candidate unable to provide an authentication statement will receive zero credit for the component. Where credit has been awarded by a centre-assessor to sampled work without an accompanying authentication statement, the moderator will inform Edexcel and the mark adjusted to zero. Further information For more information on annotation, authentication, mark submission and moderation procedures, please refer to the Edexcel GCSE in Italian: Instructions and administrative documentation for internally assessed units document, which is available on the Edexcel website. For up-to-date advice on teacher involvement, please refer to the JCQ Instructions for conducting coursework/portfolio document on the JCQ website: For up-to-date advice on malpractice and plagiarism, please refer to the JCQ Suspected Malpractice in Examinations: Policies and Procedures and Instructions for conducting coursework/ portfolio documents on the JCQ website ( Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 33 B Assessment Assessing your students The first assessment opportunity for Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 will take place in the June 2010 series and in each following June series for the lifetime of the specification. Your student assessment opportunities Unit June 2010 June 2011 Unit 1: Listening and Understanding in Italian Unit 2: Speaking in Italian Unit 3: Reading and Understanding in Italian Unit 4: Writing in Italian * * * * * The controlled assessments may occur at any time during the GCSE in Italian course but final marks and student work must be submitted in May (*June exam series). From September 2011, the assessment opportunities will mirror those of 2010 as indicated above. Awarding and reporting The grading, awarding and certification of this qualification will comply with the requirements of the current GCSE/GCE Code of Practice for courses starting in September 2009, which is published by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). The GCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on an eight-grade scale from A* to G. Individual unit results will be reported. The first certification opportunity for the Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language or Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language will be 2010, and the first certification opportunity for the Edexcel GCSE in Italian will be 2011. Students whose level of achievement is below the minimum judged by Edexcel to be of sufficient standard to be recorded on a certificate will receive an unclassified U result. 34 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Unit results The minimum uniform marks required for each grade for each unit: Units 1 and 3 Unit grade *A A B C D E F G Maximum uniform mark = 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–11. Units 2 and 4 Unit grade *A A B C D E F G Maximum uniform mark = 90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–17. Qualification results The minimum uniform marks required for each grade: GCSE in Italian cash-in code: 2IN01 Qualification grade *A A B C D E F G Maximum uniform mark = 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–59. GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language cash-in code: 3IN0S GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language cash-in code: 3IN0W Qualification grade *A A B C D E F G Maximum uniform mark = 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–29. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 35 B Assessment Resitting of units Students can resit the assessment requirements for an internally and externally unit once before claiming certification for the qualification. The best available result for each contributing unit will count towards the final grade. For internally assessed units students will need to retake the entire assessment requirements for that unit. In terms of controlled assessment for this qualification, students can be assessed on repeat occasions but must not undertake the same assessment task twice if it is being counted towards their final assessment. Students who want to resit after they have completed all the assessment requirements of the course will be required to retake at least 40 per cent of the assessment requirements. Results of units will be held in Edexcel’s unit bank for as many years as this specification remains available. Once the GCSE Short Course and GCSE qualification has been certificated, all unit results are deemed to be used up at that level. These results cannot be used again towards a further award of the same qualification at the same level but unit results used for a GCSE Short Course remain available for use in a GCSE qualification. Language of assessment Assessment of this specification will be available in Italian although some questions will be set in English and require responses in English. Assessment materials will be published in Italian. Stretch and challenge Students can be stretched and challenged in all units through the use of different assessment strategies, for example: •• a requirement to use and recognise complex language structures and grammar •• a requirement to recognise and convey feelings and opinions •• use of open-ended questioning and stimuli •• a requirement to communicate effectively and accurately in Italian (Units 2 and 4) •• a requirement to produce extended Italian (Unit 4 only). 36 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Malpractice and plagiarism For up-to-date advice on malpractice and plagiarism, please refer to the Joint Council for Qualifications Suspected Malpractice in Examinations: Policies and Procedures document on the JCQ website Student recruitment Edexcel’s access policy concerning recruitment to our qualifications is that: •• they must be available to anyone who is capable of reaching the required standard •• they must be free from barriers that restrict access and progression •• equal opportunities exist for all students. Progression This qualification offers a suitable progression route to GCE AS and GCE Advanced Level in Italian language study as well as other Level 3 qualifications. In addition, the study of one language at GCSE can facilitate and help promote the learning of other languages. The qualification may also add to an individual’s employability profile. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 37 B Assessment Grade descriptions Candidates show understanding of a variety of spoken language that contains some complex language and relates to a range of contexts. They can identify main points, details and points of view and draw simple conclusions. A They initiate and develop conversations and discussions, present information and narrate events. They express and explain ideas and points of view, and produce extended sequences of speech using a variety of vocabulary, structures and verb tenses. They speak confidently, with reasonably accurate pronunciation and intonation. The message is clear but there may be some errors, especially when they use more complex structures. They show understanding of a variety of written texts relating to a range of contexts. They understand some unfamiliar language and extract meaning from more complex language and extended texts. They can identify main points, extract details, recognise points of view, attitudes and emotions and draw simple conclusions. They write for different purposes and contexts about real or imaginary subjects. They express and explain ideas and points of view. They use a variety of vocabulary, structures and verb tenses. Their spelling and grammar are generally accurate. The message is clear but there may be some errors, especially when they write more complex sentences. 38 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 AssessmentB Candidates show understanding of different types of spoken language that contain a variety of structures. The spoken material relates to a range of contexts, including some that may be unfamiliar, and may relate to past and future events. They can identify main points, details and opinions. C They take part in conversations and simple discussions and present information. They express points of view and show an ability to deal with some unpredictable elements. Their spoken language contains a variety of structures and may relate to past and future events. Their pronunciation and intonation are more accurate than inaccurate. They convey a clear message but there may be some errors. They show understanding of different types of written texts that contain a variety of structures. The written material relates to a range of contexts, including some that may be unfamiliar and may relate to past and future events. They can identify main points, extract details and recognise opinions. They write for different contexts that may be real or imaginary. They communicate information and express points of view. They use a variety of structures and may include different tenses or time frames. The style is basic. They convey a clear message but there may be some errors. Candidates show some understanding of simple language spoken clearly that relates to familiar contexts. They can identify main points and extract some details. F They take part in simple conversations, present simple information and can express their opinion. They use a limited range of language. Their pronunciation is understandable. There are grammatical inaccuracies but the main points are usually conveyed. They show some understanding of short, simple written texts that relate to familiar contexts. They show limited understanding of unfamiliar language. They can identify main points and some details. They write short texts that relate to familiar contexts. They can express simple opinions. They use simple sentences. The main points are usually conveyed but there are mistakes in spelling and grammar. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 39 C Resources, support and training Edexcel resources Edexcel aims to provide the most comprehensive support for our qualifications. For up-to-date information on published resources, please visit Edexcel publications You can order further copies of the specification, sample assessment materials (SAMs) and teacher’s guide documents from: Edexcel Publications Adamsway Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 4FN Telephone: Fax: Email: Website: 01623 467467 01623 450481 [email protected] Endorsed resources Edexcel also endorses some additional materials written to support this qualification. Any resources bearing the Edexcel logo have been through a quality assurance process to ensure complete and accurate support for the specification. For up-to-date information about endorsed resources, please visit Please note that while resources are checked at the time of publication, materials may be withdrawn from circulation and website locations may change. Edexcel support services Edexcel has a wide range of support services to help you implement this qualification successfully. ResultsPlus – ResultsPlus is an application launched by Edexcel to help subject teachers, senior management teams, and students by providing detailed analysis of examination performance. Reports that compare performance between subjects, classes, your centre and similar centres can be generated in ‘one-click’. Skills maps that show performance according to the specification topic being tested are available for some subjects. For further information about which subjects will be analysed through ResultsPlus, and for information on how to access and use the service, please visit 40 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Resources, support and training C Ask the Expert – Ask the Expert is a new service, launched in 2007, that provides direct email access to senior subject specialists who will be able to answer any questions you might have about this or any other specification. All of our specialists are senior examiners, moderators or verifiers and they will answer your email personally. You can read a biography for all of them and learn more about this unique service on our website at Ask Edexcel – Ask Edexcel is Edexcel’s online question and answer service. You can access it at or by going to the main website and selecting the Ask Edexcel menu item on the left. The service allows you to search through a database of thousands of questions and answers on everything Edexcel offers. If you don’t find an answer to your question, you can choose to submit it straight to us. One of our customer services team will log your query, find an answer and send it to you. They’ll also consider adding it to the database if appropriate. This way the volume of helpful information that can be accessed via the service is growing all the time. Examzone – The Examzone site is aimed at students sitting external examinations and gives information on revision, advice from examiners and guidance on results, including re-marking, resitting and progression opportunities. Further services for students – many of which will also be of interest to parents – will be available in the near future. Links to this site can be found on the main homepage at Training A programme of professional development and training courses, covering various aspects of the specification and examination, will be arranged by Edexcel each year on a regional basis. Full details can be obtained from: Training from Edexcel Edexcel One90 High Holborn London WC1V 7BH Telephone: 0844 576 0027 Email: [email protected] Website: Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 41 D Appendices 42 Appendix 1 Key skills 43 Appendix 2 Wider curriculum 44 Appendix 3 Codes 46 Appendix 4 Grammar list 47 Appendix 5 Minimum core vocabulary list 51 Appendix 6 Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Speaking 89 Appendix 7 Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Writing 90 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 AppendicesD Key skills Signposting Key skills (Level 2) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Communication C2.1a C2.1b C2.2 C2.3 Information and communication technology ICT2.1 ICT2.2 ICT2.3 Improving own learning and performance LP2.1 LP2.2 LP2.3 Working with others WO2.1 WO2.2 WO2.3 Teachers should note that assessment of the key skill in communication must be in English, Irish or Welsh and that, although foreign language study clearly presents opportunities to develop skills in communication, assessment in the foreign language is not appropriate. For this specification, all key skills communication evidence must be in English. Development suggestions Please refer to the Edexcel website ( for key skills development suggestions. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 43 D Appendices Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Wider curriculum Signposting Issue Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Spiritual Moral Ethical Social Cultural Citizenship Environmental European initiatives Health and safety Legislative Economic Sustainable development In addition to acquiring knowledge about language structures and the development of practical language skills, effective language learning involves a promotion of cultural understanding. This specification requires students to consider a range of common topic areas, to focus on one or more broad themes and develop an appreciation of the culture and society of Italian-speaking countries and communities. Consequently, teachers can link students’ language study to the issues listed above. 44 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 2 AppendicesD Development suggestions Issue Units Opportunities for development or internal assessment Spiritual Unit 4 A student may produce a report on a particular religious festival and reflect on its meaning and significance. Moral Unit 2 A student could refer to a moral tension that young people face when discussing an aspect of youth culture. Ethical Unit 2 A student might wish to deliver a presentation advocating ‘fair trade’ business. Social Unit 4 A student considering work issues might produce a piece of writing on voluntary work and related social issues. Cultural Unit 3 Reading a short passage on visitor information, a student might become more aware of the different cultural activities and facilities available. Citizenship Units 1 and 3 When undertaking listening and reading activities, related to the prescribed common topic areas, students may become aware of issues that can be linked to citizenship. Environmental Unit 1 A student might hear a recording in Italian referring to the environmental benefits of public transport. European initiatives Unit 4 A student undertaking written work on a local amenity or visitor attraction may discover that it has been partly supported through the European Regional Development Fund. Health and safety Unit 2 A student giving an oral presentation on a healthy lifestyle may refer to the negative impact of smoking, alcohol or drug abuse. Legislative Units 2 and 4 Students may, through projects related to the world of work, become aware of workplace-related legislation. Economic Units 2 A student undertaking work related to the leisure industry may become aware of the contribution of this sector to different national economies. Sustainable development Units 2 and 4 A student considering travel-related issues may consider projects that promote sustainable tourism. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 45 D Appendices Appendix 3 Appendix 3Codes Type of code Use of code Code number National classification codes Every qualification is assigned to a national classification code indicating the subject area to which it belongs. Centres should be aware that students who enter for more than one GCSE qualification with the same classification code will have only one grade (the highest) counted for the purpose of the school and college performance tables. 5690 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) codes Each qualification title is allocated a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) code. The QANs for the qualifications in this publication are: Unit codes Cash-in codes The NQF code is known as a Qualification Number (QN). This is the code that features in the DfE’s Sections 96 and on the LARA as being eligible for 16-18 and 19+ funding, and is to be used for all qualification funding purposes. The QN is the number that will appear on the student’s final certification documentation. GCSE in Italian 500/4594/5 GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language 500/4625/1 GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language 500/4622/6 Each unit is assigned a unit code. This unit code is used as an entry code to indicate that a student wishes to take the assessment for that unit. Centres will need to use the entry codes only when entering students for their examination. Unit 1 – 5IN01 The cash-in code is used as an entry code to aggregate the student’s unit scores to obtain the overall grade for the qualification. Centres will need to use the entry codes only when entering students for their qualification. GCSE in Italian – 2IN01 Unit 2 – 5IN02 Unit 3 – 5IN03 Unit 4 – 5IN04 GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language – 3IN0S GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language – 3IN0W Entry codes The entry codes are used to: •• enter a student for the assessment of a unit •• aggregate the student’s unit to obtain the overall Please refer to the Edexcel Information Manual, available on the Edexcel website. grade for the qualification. 46 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 4 Appendix 4 AppendicesD Grammar list GCSE candidates will be expected to have acquired knowledge and understanding of Italian grammar and linguistic structures during their course. In the examination they will be required to apply their knowledge and understanding in tasks appropriate to the tier for which they are entered, drawing from the following lists which are divided into Foundation and Higher tier. The examples in brackets are indicative, not exclusive. For structures marked (R), only receptive knowledge is required. Italian (Foundation tier) Nouns •• gender •• singular and plural forms Articles •• definite and indefinite •• partitive •• definite article + preposition (al, sul, nel, etc) Adjectives •• agreement •• position •• comparative and superlative •• demonstrative •• indefinite (tutto, ogni, altro) (qualche – (R)) •• possessive, short and long forms •• interrogative •• use of di and che after comparatives Adverbs •• formation •• comparative and superlative •• interrogative •• adverbs of time and place (oggi, domani, qui, qua) •• common adverbial phrases Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 47 D Appendices Appendix 4 Quantifiers/intensifiers: (molto) Pronouns •• subject •• object •• position and order of pronouns •• reflexive •• relative (che cui, il quale) (quel che/il cui – (R)) •• disjunctive •• demonstrative •• indefinite •• possessive •• interrogative •• impersonal use of si (si fanno i compiti) •• combinations of pronouns and their modifications •• use of plural adjectives after si (R) •• position of pronouns with imperatives Verbs •• regular and irregular forms of verbs, including reflexive verbs •• modes of address (tu, Lei) •• all persons of the verb, singular and plural •• negative forms •• interrogative forms •• impersonal constructions (si dice) •• tenses: {{ present {{ stare + gerund (R) {{ imperfect {{ future {{ perfect {{ conditional (vorrei + mi piacerebbe only) {{ pluperfect (R) 48 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 4 AppendicesD •• imperative: common forms including negative •• use of infinitives after modal verbs and per •• use of the infinitive after prepositions •• use of the past infinitive after dopo •• passive forms (with essere and venire) (with andare – (R)) Subjunctive •• present (R) •• imperfect (R) {{ pluperfect subjunctive (R) Prepositions •• common, including use of a (vicino a) •• use of di and da with prepositions (senza di te/lontano da) Conjunctions •• coordinating and subordinating •• use of key conjunctions with the subjunctive Number, quantity and time (da quando…) Italian (Higher tier) All grammar and structures listed for Foundation tier, as well as: Pronouns •• use of ci, ne Verbs •• modal verbs •• verbs followed by an infinitive (with or without a preposition) •• dependent infinitives (far vedere) •• perfect infinitive •• negative forms •• interrogative forms •• impersonal constructions (si dice, si crede) Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 49 D Appendices Appendix 4 •• tenses: {{ present {{ perfect (including agreement of past participle) {{ imperfect {{ future {{ conditional {{ future perfect (R) {{ conditional perfect {{ pluperfect {{ past definite •• passive voice: alternative forms to the passive •• subjunctive: {{ present {{ perfect {{ imperfect (R) {{ pluperfect (R) •• uses of subjunctive: {{ as positive and negative imperative for Lei after verbs of wishing, {{ request, opinion, emotion {{ to express possibility/impossibility after impersonal expressions {{ (è importante/facile/necessario che…) {{ in hypothetical clauses after se 50 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Appendix 5 AppendicesD Minimum core vocabulary list The following vocabulary list is intended to assist teachers in planning their work. It provides the minimum core generic vocabulary that all students will need to acquire (regardless of chosen theme). It is an essential vocabulary list that students should refer to and build on when preparing for listening and reading examinations. All assessment tasks in Unit 1: Listening and understanding in Italian and Unit 3: Reading and understanding in Italian targeted at grades G-C will be based on this vocabulary list. Occasional glossing of individual words may occur in the examinations although this will be avoided whenever possible. The speaking and writing units, it is important to note that the vocabulary requirements, even within each of the chosen pathways (media and culture, sport and leisure, travel and tourism, business, work and employment or centre-devised), could vary between students. High frequency language (multiple contexts) Verbs Edexcel GCSE in Italian abitare to live accendere to light, turn switch on accettare to accept accompagnare to accompany adorare to adore, love affittare to rent/to hire affrettarsi to hurry aggiungere to add aiutare to help amare to love annullare to cancel aprire to open arrabbiarsi to get angry arrangiarsi to manage arrivare to arrive ascoltare to listen Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 51 D Appendices 52 Appendix 5 aspettare to wait for assomigliare to look like, to resemble atterrare to land augurare to wish avere to have avvisare to inform, to warn bere to drink cadere to fall cambiare to change camminare to walk capire to understand caricare to load, charge cercare to try, to look for chiacchierare to chat chiamare to call chiamarsi to be called chiedere to ask chiudere to close cliccare to click colpire to knock, hit cominciare to begin comprare to buy conoscere to know (be familiar with) consigliare to advise contare to count contattare to contact controllare to check costare to cost credere to think, believe dare to give decidere to decide Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD descrivere to describe desiderare to want, desire detestare to hate dimenticare to forget dire to say discutere to discuss dispiacere to regret, be sorry divertirsi to enjoy oneself domandare to ask dormire to sleep dovere to have to durare to last entrare to enter essere to be fare domanda to apply to fare una domanda to ask a question fare una passeggiata to go for a walk fermarsi to stop finire to finish, end firmare to sign gettare to throw giocare to play guadagnare to earn guidare to drive imparare to learn impedire to prevent incollare to stick incontrare to meet informare to inform intendere to intend interessarsi (di) to be interested in Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 53 D Appendices 54 Appendix 5 invitare to invite lasciare to leave (an object) lavorare to work litigare to argue mancare to miss mandare to send mangiare to eat meritare to deserve mettere to put migliorare to improve mostrare to show navigare su internet to surf the internet nevicare to snow notare to notice occuparsi (di) to look after offrire to offer ordinare to order organizzare to organise parcheggiare to park parlare to speak partire to leave passare to pass by, to pass (time) pensare to think perdere to lose perdonare to forgive permettere to allow piacere to please, to like piangere to cry piovere to rain potere to be able to preferire to prefer Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD prendere to take prenotare to book presentare to introduce prestare (dare in prestito) to lend prestare (prendere in prestito) to borrow produrre to produce provare to try (on) raccomandare to recommend raccontare to tell restare to stay ricercare to research ricevere to receive, be host to ricordarsi to remember ridere to laugh riempire to fill rimanere to remain rimborsare to refund rimettere to put back ringraziare to thank riparare to repair ripassare to revise ripetere to repeat riservare to reserve rispondere to answer ritornare to return riuscire to succeed, manage rubare to steal salire to climb, get on (transport) saltare to jump salvare to save sapere to know (a fact) Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 55 D Appendices 56 Appendix 5 sbagliare to be wrong/make a mistake scappare to escape scegliere to choose scendere to go down, get off (transport) scrivere to write scrivere a macchina to type sedersi to sit down seguire to follow sembrare to seem sentire to hear, to feel servire to serve servirsi di to use sorridere to smile sostituire to replace spendere to spend sperare to hope spingere to push stare to stay, to be (healthy) studiare to study suonare to ring/to play (instrument) telefonare to phone tenere to keep, to hold terminare to end tirare to pull toccare to touch trovare to find trovarsi to be located usare to use vedere to see vendere to sell venire to come Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD vincere to win visitare to visit vivere to live volare to fly volere to want alto/a high, tall altro/a other antico/a old, ancient anziano/a elderly, old aperto/a open arrabbiato/a angry basso/a short (person) bello/a beautiful breve brief brutto/a ugly buffo/a funny buono/a good caldo/a hot carino/a pretty chiuso/a closed chiuso/a a chiave locked comodo/a comfortable contento/a pleased corto/a short debole weak di buon umore in a good mood di fretta in a hurry di grande valore valuable Adjectives Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 57 D Appendices 58 Appendix 5 difficile difficult dinamico/a dynamic disgustoso/a disgusting divertente funny duro/a hard eccitante exciting falso/a false fantastico/a great, fantastic favorito/a favourite flessibile flexible forte strong gentile kind giovane young grande great grande big grasso/a fat grato/a grateful, thankful gratuito/a free in piedi standing incredibile unbelievable insieme together lavoratore/lavoratrice hardworking leggero/a light libero/a free lungo/a long magnifico/a magnificent marcio/a rotten maturo/a mature meraviglioso/a marvellous minore younger necessario/a necessary Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD noioso/a boring numeroso/a numerous nuovo/a new perfetto/a perfect perso/a lose pesante heavy piccolo/a small pieno/a full pigro/a lazy preferito/a favourite pronto/a ready proprio/a one’s own prossimo/a next pulito/a clean rapido/a fast reale real responsabile responsible ricco/a rich ricercato/a sought after riconoscente grateful rotto/a broken rumoroso/a noisy saggio/a wise sano/a healthy sensazionale sensational serio/a serious severo/a strict silenzioso/a silent soddisfatto/a satisfied solo/a alone, lonely spiacente sorry Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 59 D Appendices Appendix 5 sporco/a dirty stancante tiring stanco/a tired stesso/a same stupido/a stupid terribile awful timido/a shy tipico/a typical tutto/a all ultimo/a last utile useful valido/a valid variabile variable vecchio/a old veloce fast, quick vero/a true vicino/a close arancione orange azzurro blue bianco/a white blu navy blue castano/a chestnut brown chiaro/a light colore colour giallo/a yellow grigio/a grey marrone brown nero/a black Colours 60 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD rosa pink rosso/a red scuro dark verde green viola violet (per) molto tempo (for a) long time ancora more forse perhaps già already immediatamente immediately là, lì there laggiù over there lassù up there lentamente slowly mai never molto very piuttosto rather purtroppo unfortunately qua, qui here qualche volta sometimes quasi almost rapidamente quickly recentemente recently sempre always/still soprattutto above all specialmente especially spesso often subito straight away troppo too Adverbs Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 61 D Appendices Appendix 5 tuttavia however veramente really Numbers 1-100 Quantities abbastanza enough molti/e many parecchi/ie several un barattolo di a jar of un pacchetto di a packet of un pezzo di a piece of un po’ di a little of un terzo di a third of una bottiglia di a bottle of una dozzina di a dozen una fetta di a slice of una scatola di a tin, box of Connecting words 62 allora then anche also così so dopo then e and innanzitutto first of all ma but o or poi then Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD prima di tutto first of all Time expressions Edexcel GCSE in Italian adesso now a partire da from all’inizio at the start da since domani tomorrow dopodomani the day after tomorrow fine settimana (m.), weekend weekend giornata day giorno day ieri yesterday il giorno dopo, l’indomani the next day mattino/a morning mezzanotte midnight minuto minute notte (f.) night oggi today ogni tanto from time to time ora now più tardi later pomeriggio afternoon presto soon presto, di buon’ora on time, early prossimo/a next puntuale on time quindici giorni, due settimane a fortnight sempre always sera evening Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 63 D Appendices Appendix 5 serata evening settimana week tra poco in a little while tutti i giorni every day tutto il giorno all day long Times Awareness of times (analogue and digital) Days of the week lunedì Monday martedì Tuesday mercoledì Wednesday giovedì Thursday venerdì Friday sabato Saturday domenica Sunday Months of the year 64 gennaio January febbraio February marzo March aprile April maggio May giugno June luglio July agosto August settembre September ottobre October Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD novembre November dicembre December che cosa? What? chi? Who? perché? Why? quando? When? quanto/a/i/e? How much?/How many? a che ora? At what time? dove? Where? come? How? Question words Other expressions Edexcel GCSE in Italian (sto) bene I’m fine ancora una volta once again buona fortuna good luck certo of course che peccato what a shame come si scrive? How do you spell that? con piacere with pleasure d’accordo okay, agreed di solito usually dipende it depends è lo stesso I don’t mind ecco here you are in bocca al lupo break your leg (il/la) mio/a mine ne ho abbastanza I’ve had enough Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 65 D Appendices Appendix 5 non importa it doesn’t matter non m’importa I don’t care! secondo me in my opinion stare per to be about to tanto meglio all the better tanto peggio too bad va bene ok, fine volentieri willingly, with pleasure Other high frequency words 66 cifra figure come as, like cosa thing fine (f.) end forma shape mezzo middle, half modo way no no numero number per esempio for example perché because/why qualcosa something qualcuno someone questo/a that se if sì yes signora Mrs signore Mr signorina Miss tipo type Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD tutti everybody volta time Austria Austria Belgio Belgium Danimarca Denmark Francia France Galles Wales Germania Germany Gran Bretagna Great Britain Grecia Greece Inghilterra England Irlanda Ireland Italia Italy Olanda Holland Paesi Bassi Netherlands Regno Unito United Kingdom Russia Russia Scozia Scotland Spagna Spain Stati Uniti United States Svizzera Switzerland Africa Africa America del Nord North America America del Sud, Sudamerica South America Asia Asia Countries Continents Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 67 D Appendices Appendix 5 Australia Australia Europa Europe Nationalities etc africano/a African americano/a American austriaco/a Austrian belga Belgian britannico/a British danese Danish europeo/a European francese French gallese Welsh greco/a Greek inglese English irlandese Irish italiano/a Italian olandese Dutch russo/a Russian scozzese Scottish spagnolo/a Spanish svizzero/a Swiss tedesco/a German Areas/mountains 68 le Alpi the Alps gli Appennini the Appennines il Mezzogiorno the south of Italy La Manica the English Channel Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD Sardegna Sardinia Sicilia Sicily il tunnel (sotto la Manica) the Channel Tunnel Useful acronyms and abbreviations a.C. (avanti Cristo) BC (before Christ) ACI Automobile Club d’Italia AIDS AIDS CAP (Codice di Avviamento Postale) postcode CD ROM CD ROM CP (casella postale) PO Box CRI (Croce Rossa Italiana) Italian Red Cross CV curriculum vitae d.C. (dopo Cristo) AD Dr/Dott. (m.)/Dott.ssa (f.) Dr (Doctor, as a title) IVA value added tax (VAT) PP.TT Poste e Telegrafi (Italian post office and telecommunications service) RAI Italian Radio and TV Corporation Sig. Mr Miss Sig.ra Mrs TG Telegiornale (TV news) UE European Union Social conventions Edexcel GCSE in Italian a domani see you tomorrow a presto see you soon aiuto help Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 69 D Appendices Appendix 5 arrivederci goodbye auguri best wishes buonanotte goodnight buonasera good evening buongiorno hello, good day ci vediamo see you later ciao hi/goodbye grazie thank you per favore, per piacere please pronto hello (on the telephone) a at, to a causa di because of accanto a next to attraverso through circa about con with contro against da from, by dappertutto everywhere davanti a in front of di fianco a next to di fronte a opposite dietro behind dopo after durante during eccetto except fino a until fuori outside in in Prepositions 70 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 AppendicesD in alto above in fondo a at the end of intorno a around lontano da far from per for, in order to prima before secondo according to senza without sopra above sotto under su on tra, fra between tra, fra among tranne except verso towards vicino a near Language used in dialogues and messages (Some words may feature in other sections.) Edexcel GCSE in Italian a più tardi see you later a presto see you soon a seguito di further to/following aspetta/aspetti wait (informal/formal) attenda in linea wait (formal) attimo moment cellulare (m.) mobile phone chiamami/mi chiami call me (informal/formal) comporre il numero to dial the number elenco telefonico telephone book Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 71 D Appendices Appendix 5 fare il numero dial the number ha sbagliato numero you’ve got the wrong number in comunicazione con in communication with in linea on the line in realtà in fact mandato/a da sent by messaggio text, message momento moment per il momento for the moment per l’attenzione di for the attention of prefisso area code ricevitore receiver (telephone) rimanga in linea stay on the line (formal) segreteria telefonica voice mail sms sms, text (message) sono io on the line/speaking te la/gliela passo I will put you through (informal/formal) telefonino mobile phone telefono telephone testo text ti/la ascolto I’m listening (informal/formal) tono tone torno subito I’ll be right back Language related to common topic areas Out and about 72 1o, 2o piano ecc 1st/2nd floor, etc a destra on the right a piedi on foot Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD a sinistra on the left aereo plane aeroporto airport all’aria aperta outside, in the open air all’esterno outside all’estero abroad andata single ticket andata e ritorno return ticket angolo corner appena as soon as (to general) ascensore (m.) lift attraversare to cross austista (di taxi), tassista (f./m.) (taxi) driver autobus (m.) bus automobile (f.) car autostrada motorway azienda di turismo tourist information office bagagli (m./pl.) luggage bagno bath balcone (m.) balcony banca bank bar (m.) bar barca boat benvenuti welcome benzina petrol biblioteca library bicicletta bicycle biglietteria ticket office biglietto ticket binario platform buon soggiorno enjoy your stay Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 73 D Appendices 74 Appendix 5 buon viaggio have a good journey calore (m.) heat camera room camion (m.) lorry campagna country campeggio campsite carabiniere (m.) policeman carrozza carriage carta stradale road map carte d’identità identity card cartello sign, notice cartolina postcard castello castle cattedrale (f.) cathedral cattivo/a bad centre sportivo sports centre centro città town centre centro commerciale shopping centre chiave (f.) key chiesa church chiusura closing cielo sky cinema cinema città town clima (m.) climate coincidenza connection collina hill colonia (per le vacanze) summer camp commercio business/trade commissariato police station compreso/a included Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD concerto concert controllo passaporti passport control controllore ticket inspector convalidare to validate a ticket coperto overcast costa coast cuccetta berth decollare to take off (plane) dépliant leaflet deposito bagagli left luggage deviazione (f.) diversion, detour discoteca disco divertimenti (m./pl.) entertainment, things to do duomo cathedral edicola newspaper stall edificio building entrata entrance escursione (f.) outing est (m.) east fabbrica factory fattoria farm fermata (dell’autobus) bus stop ferrovia railway festa feast, holiday, fair, fête fiume (m.) river freddo/a cold funzionare to function, to work furto flight/theft gasolio diesel giardini pubblici (m./pl.) park, public gardens giorno festivo public holiday Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 75 D Appendices 76 Appendix 5 girare to turn giro tour gita trip grado degree guasto breakdown guidatore (m.) driver in anticipo in advance in estate in summer in inverno in winter incluso/a included incrocio crossroads industria industry ingorgo traffic jam ipermercato hypermarket lago lake linea line/route lista degli alberghi hotel list lista dei prezzi price list lontano Far (away) luogo place macchina car macelleria butcher’s marca brand/make mare (m.) sea mercato market metro metre metropolitana metro/underground railway mezzi pubblici (m./pl.) (means of) public transport modulo form montagna mountain morto/a dead Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD mostra exhibition motocicletta motorbike motore (m.) engine/motor municipale public/municipal municipio hotel, town hall museo museum nebbia fog negozio shop neve (f.) snow nevica it snows nord (m.) north nuvola cloud nuvoloso cloudy occupato/a occupied, busy opuscolo brochure/leaflet orario timetable ospedale (m.) hospital ostello della gioventù youth hostel ovest (m.) west paese/Paese (m.) village/country palazzo palace, block of flats panetteria bakery parcheggio park parco park partenza departure patente di guida (f.) driving licence pattinaggio sul ghiaccio ice rink pedone (m.) pedestrian pellicola film (for a camera) periferia suburb piano (1o, 2o) floor (1st, 2nd) Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 77 D Appendices 78 Appendix 5 pianterreno, piano terra ground floor piantina della città map (of the town) piazza square pioggia rain piove it is raining piscina swimming pool pittoresco/a picturesque ponte (m.) bridge porta (d’ingresso) (front) door porto port poster poster posto place, seat potabile suitable for drinking precedenza a destra priority to the right pressione (f.) pressure previsioni del tempo weather forecast problema (m.) problem pullman (m.) coach punto d’incontro appointment/meeting place questura police headquarters réception (f.) reception receptionist (f./m.) receptionist regione region ritardo delay rotonda roundabout sala d’attesa waiting room sala giochi games room scala staircase schiarita sunny interval scompartimento compartment scusami/mi scusi I’m sorry/excuse me (informal, formal) Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD seguente following semaforo traffic lights seminterrato basement sempre dritto straight on senso unico one way system senso vietato no entry (road) senza piombo unleaded sindaco mayor situato/a situated sole (m.) sun soleggiato sunny (NB It’s sunny: C’è il sole) spiaggia beach sportello counter, teller stadio stadium stagione (f.) season stazione (f.) station stazione dei pullman coach station stazione della metropolitana underground station stazione di servizio service station storico/a historic strada road sud (m.) south supplemento supplement tavola calda self-service restaurant, buffet taxi taxi teatro theatre televisione (f.) television televisore m.) television set tempesta storm, tempest tempo weather temporale (m.) thunderstorm Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 79 D Appendices Appendix 5 toilettes (f./pl.) toilets torre (f.) tower traffico traffic tranquillo/a quiet trasporti pubblici (m./pl.) public transport trattoria restaurant turistico/a tourist ufficio office ufficio turistico tourist information office uscita way out/exit vagone letto (m.) sleeping car vagone ristorante (m.) restaurant car valigia suitcase variabile variable vento wind via street viaggio journey Vietato… forbidden to… villaggio village vista view WC (m.) wc zona pedonale pedestrianised area zoo, giardino zoologico zoo Personal information 80 amico/a friend anello ring anno year atletica athletics atmosfera atmosphere Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD attività (f.) activity attrezzatura sportiva sports equipment borsa bag calcio football (sport) campionato championship campo sportivo sports ground canzone (f.) song cappello hat capelli (m/pl) hair celebrità celebrity celibe (m.) unmarried (man) chiacchierone/a talkative chitarra guitar ciclismo cycling classico/a classical, classic club giovanile (m.) youth club codice postale (m.) postcode CD (compact disc) (m.) CD (compact disc) compleanno birthday conoscenza knowledge crespi frizzy cugino/a cousin data di nascita date of birth discoteca discoteque divertimento leisure/enjoyment divorziato/a divorced donna woman egoista selfish equitazione (f.) horse riding età (f.) age famiglia family Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 81 D Appendices 82 Appendix 5 fanatico di fanatical about febbre (f.) temperature flauto flute giacca jacket giocatore (m.)/giocatrice (f.) player gioco (di società/elettronico) board, electronic game giubbotto (casual) jacket hockey hockey indirizzo address informatica computing, ICT ingresso hall iPod (m.) ipod lettura reading lisci/dritti straight (hair) luogo di nascita birthplace madre (f.) mother maggiore older, first born magro/a thin marito husband mestiere (m.) job moda fashion moderno/a modern moglie (f.) wife mp3 MP3 musica music naso nose nato/a born nome (m.) first name nonno/a grandfather/grandmother nubile unmarried (woman) nuoto swimming Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD occhiali (m./pl.) glasses occhio (m.) eyes ombrello (m.) umbrella opera teatrale play oratorio (parish) youth club orchestra (f.) orchestra orecchino earring orecchio ear padre (m.) father pallone (m.) football (ball) passatempo pastime (leisure) pattinaggio skating piano piano (musica) pop pop (music) portare fuori (il cane) to take out for a walk (dog) rap rap (music) ricci curly rock rock (music) rossi red (hair) rugby (m.) rugby scarpe da ginnastica/da tennis (f/pl.) trainers sci (m.) skiing sci nautico (m.) water skiing separato/a separated simpatico/a likeable sport (m.) sport sportivo/a sporty sposato/a married squadra/équipe (f.) team star/celebrità (f.) star, celebrity tastiera keyboard Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 83 D Appendices Appendix 5 telefonino/cellulare (m.) mobile phone tempo libero (m.) free time tennis (m.) tennis tennis da tavolo/ping pong (m.) table tennis trasmissione (f.)/programma (m.) (television) programme tromba trumpet turismo tourism tuta tracksuit unico/a only child università university vecchio/a old vegetariano/a vegetarian vestiti (m/pl) clothes vestito/a dressed vestito/abito dress/suit violino violin zio/a uncle/aunt Future plans, education and work 84 adulto /a adult agenzia di viaggio (f.) travel agency agricoltore farmer all’ora per hour l’anno prossimo next year apprendistato apprenticeship architetto architect archiviare to file attore/attrice actor, actress ben pagato well paid biologia biology Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD buca per le lettere (f.) letter box cameriere/cameriera waiter/waitress cancellare to erase, rub out carta (m.) paper chimica chemistry collegamento (internet) (internet) connection collega (m./f.) colleague colloquio (job) interview colpa fault compagnia company computer (m.) computer condizioni di impiego (f./pl.) terms of employment conferenza/congresso conference cuoco/cuoca cook cursore (m.) cursor datore di lavoro (m.) employer diploma (m.) qualification direttore/direttrice headteacher (primary), director disco (f.) disc/record raccoglitore (m.) folder disoccupazione (f.) unemployment domanda di lavoro situation wanted/job application educazione fisica PE elettricista (m./f.) electrician email email esame (m.) examination esperto experienced/expert fare domanda (di lavoro) to apply for a job fare un corso to do a course fascicolo file fax (m.) fax Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 85 D Appendices 86 Appendix 5 fisica physics formazione (f.) training geografia geography gestore/direttore manager giornalista (m./f.) journalist guardaroba (m.) cloakroom hostess/steward (f./m.) air hostess/air steward idraulico plumber impiegato/a clerk impiegato/a statale civil servant impiego job ingegnere (m./f.) engineer insegnante(m./f.) teacher istruttore/istruttrice instructor laurea degree (university) lavoro work, job lingua language macellaio/a butcher mal pagato badly paid marketing (m.) marketing matematica maths materia (scolastica) (school) subject meccanico/a mechanic mensa canteen messaggio message moda fashion modulo form mouse (m.) mouse (of computer) muratore (m.) builder negozio business/shop orario timetable Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 5 Edexcel GCSE in Italian AppendicesD pagella school report panettiere/a baker part time part time password (f.) password occupato busy pausa caffé (f.) coffee (tea/lunch) break pausa pranzo (f.) lunch break perito informatico computer scientist poliziotto/a police officer pompiere (m.) fireman posta (elettronica) (electronic) mail posta/ufficio postale post/post office preside (m./f.) headteacher (secondary) professore/professoressa teacher progetto plan, project programmato planned programmatore (m.) programmer progresso progress pubblicità advert rappresentante (m./f.) representative risultati (m./pl.) results riunione (f.) meeting rete (f.) the web risposta answer, reply segreteria telefonica answer phone salario salary sarto/a tailor/dressmaker scambio (m.) exchange schermo (m.) screen scienze (f./pl.) science scuola school Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 87 D Appendices Appendix 5 sito website società society sondaggio opinion poll/survey stage (m.)/esperienza di lavoro work experience stampante (f.) printer stampare to print sterlina pound storia history studente/studentessa (m./f.) student studiare to study superiore superior/higher tastiera keyboard tasto key (of keyboard) tecnico technician telefonata telephone call trimestre (m.) term volta time web-mail (f.) web-mail 3041sb160909S:\LT\PD\GCSE 2009\GCSE Italian spec Issue 2.indd.-90/0 88 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 Appendix 6 AppendicesD Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Speaking Edexcel GCSE in Italian (2IN01) Edexcel GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Spoken Language (3IN0S) Language tested: Examination year: Centre name: Centre number: Candidate name: Candidate number: Marks from two different types of controlled speaking assessments are required: Open interaction Theme:________________________________________________________________ Content of picture/focus of presentation: _______________________________________ Content and response Range of language Accuracy TOTAL /18 /6 /6 /30 Picture-based discussion Theme:________________________________________________________________ Content of picture/focus of presentation: _______________________________________ Content and response Range of language Accuracy TOTAL /18 /6 /6 /30 Presentation-based discussion Theme:________________________________________________________________ Content of picture/focus of presentation: _______________________________________ Content and response Range of language Accuracy TOTAL /18 /6 /6 /30 OVERALL TOTAL: /60 Declaration of authentication I declare that the above assessments have been carried out without assistance other than that which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment. I also agree to samples of the work being used to support professional development, online support and training of both centre-assessors and Edexcel moderators. Signed (candidate): _______________________________ Date: ___________________ Signed (teacher): _______________________________ Date: ___________________ Name of teacher: _____________________________________________________________ Please submit this sheet to the moderator and enclose sampled work and stimuli used as required. Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009 89 D Appendices Appendix 7 Controlled assessment authenticity record sheet – Writing Edexcel GCSE in Italian (2IN01) GCSE (Short Course) in Italian: Written Language (3IN0W) Language tested: Examination year: Centre name: Centre number: Candidate name: Candidate number: Please provide information below relating to the written work submitted for marking. This must have been carried out in two sessions of not more than one hour. Please indicate key references and sources that students have consulted when preparing for these specific assessments. (A copy of any centre-devised preparatory material must be attached if appropriate.) Date work produced Titles Theme Declaration of authentication I declare that the above assessments have been carried out without assistance other than that which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment. I also agree to samples of the work being used to support professional development, online support and training of Edexcel examiners and moderators. Signed (candidate): _______________________________ Date: ___________________ Signed (teacher): _______________________________ Date: ___________________ Name of teacher: _____________________________________________________________ Please submit a copy of this form to the examiner with the writing tasks undertaken in controlled conditions. 90 Edexcel GCSE in Italian Specification © Edexcel Limited 2009
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