SOCIETÀ ITALIANA VETERINARI PER EQUINI XX SIVE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FEBRUARY 7TH 9TH - 2014 NH CENTRO CONGRESSI MILANO FIORI Friday February 7th 2014 NO SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION REGISTRATION AT 8.30 Workshop on ORTHOPAEDICS Workshop on REPRODUCTION Workshop on INTERNAL MEDECINE LAMENESS PANEL S. DYSON Case presentation J. SAMPER- P.WILKINS Presentation of Interesting Cases T.DIVERS – D.KNOTTENBELT 10.30 12.30 LUNCH BREAK SALA A SALA B SALA C Chairperson: Chairperson: Chairperson: 14.00 The response of the joint to insult, the basis of treatment. L.BRAMLAGE 14.45 Surgery’s role in treatment What are the options for of joint injury, what it can subfertile mares? and cannot do. J. SAMPER L. BRAMLAGE 15.30 Clinical evaluation of Muscle Disorders S. VALBERG 16.15 16.45 17.30 Coffee break The value of ridden exercise in a lameness investigation S.DYSON Neck problems in sports horses S.DYSON 18.15 CD 200613 Interpretation of Uterine Edema in the mare J.SAMPER Uses and abuses of Hormones in Equine Reproduction J. SAMPER Coffee break An Equine Medicine News hour- Current internal medicine publications with relevance for equine practice T. DIVERS Treating Septic Shock in Adult horses and Foals T.DIVERS Update of Equine Neurologic Emergencies- EHV-1, WNV, Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy etc. T. DIVERS Coffee break Aspetti legali nella nostra professione: la responsabilità civile AFFERNI – GARRONE - GUERRINI – AMODEO Tavola rotonda: la responsabilità Prognostic Indicators for civile e aspetti assicurativi Survival of Critically Ill Neonatal AFFERNI – GARRONE - GUERRINI Foals – AMODEO P.WILKINS What Can a Coordinated Dystocia Management Plan do for You and Your Clients? P. WILKINS ADJOURN Saturday February 8th, 2014 SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION IN ROOM A AND B 08.00 REGISTRATION SALA A SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION Chairperson: 09.00 Exertional Rhabdomyolysis S.VALBERG SALA B SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION Chairperson: Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Colitis in Adult horses T. DIVERS SALA C no translation Chairperson: 9.00 Longitudynal study of serum aldosterone concentration in spanish purebred mares: interrelationships with oestradiol-17β and progesterone SATUE 9.15 Evolution and interaction between cortisol and oestradiol 17β concentrations, in spanish purebred mares during periovulatory period SATUE 9.30 Caratterizzazione dell’ovocita equino osservato in microscopia ottica a luce polarizzata NERVO 9.45 Alcolizzazione delle cisti endometriali nelle fattrici MARIOTTI 10.00 Prime esperienze di utilizzo di una soluzione salina attivata elettrochimicamente per il trattamento dell'endometrite della cavalla BERGAMINI 10.15 Precautionary measures by veterinarians to avoid transmission of infectious agents in Italian equine breedings farms GRONLUND 09.45 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM) S.VALBERG 10.30 CD 200613 Diagnosing and treating acute septic inflammatory swelling:, lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis, Clostridial cellulitis, mastitis, etc.T. DIVERS COFFEE BREAK 11.30 Carpal problems in sports horses S.DYSON Colic and gastric ulceration P.WILKINS 11.30 Uteropexy in 3 mares using an absorbable suture with unidirectional shallow barbs CORSALINI 11.45Applicazione di legature emostatiche nella castrazione: confronto in vitro di 6 tecniche COMINO 12.00 Ernia diaframmatica: risoluzione mediante toracoscopia in stazione con un mesh GIALLETTI 12.15 Fracture repair in a population of irish national hunt horses: preliminary results in 45 cases PILATI 12.15 Soft tissue injuries of the hock region S.DYSON Renal disease and uroabdomen P.WILKINS 12.30 Applicazione clinica di medium condizionato derivato da cellule multipotenti amniotiche nella terapia teno-desmica del cavallo sportive TASSAN 12.45 Enfisema bolloso con emorragia conseguenza di trauma toracico in un cavallo adulto LOTTO 13.00 LUNCH BREAK Chairperson: Chairperson: 14.30 Management of injury of the metacarpo/metatarso phalangeal articulation. L.BRAMLAGE Low Dose and Low Volume AI are they same? J.SAMPER Chairperson: 14.30 Ultrasonographic findings in horses with complete or partial tears of the manica flexoria – RABBA 14.45 Reperti ultrasonografici in corso di sepsi sinoviale nel cavallo e nel puledro BECCATI 15.00 Review of ecg and holter monitoring findings in 27 horses with atrial fibrillation ZUCCA 15.15 Echocardiographic and serum biochemistry abnormalities in 17 horses successfully treated for atrial fibrillation STANCARI 15.30 Many faces of pericarditis: 4 cases (2012-2013) GUIDI 15.45 Retrospective study of clinical signs, haematological and biochemical findings in an equine population of confirmed piroplasmosis GUIDI CD 200613 15.15 Management of injury of the metacarpo/metatarso sesamoid articulation. L.BRAMLAGE Evaluation of the placentaA field prospective J.SAMPER 16.00 COFFEE BREAK Chairperson: Chairperson: 16.45 The sesamoid and its associated ligaments, injury and treatment. L.BRAMLAGE The reality of stallion sexed semen J.SAMPER Chairperson: 16.45 Approccio chirurgico alla cataratta mediante facoemulsificazione e lente intraoculare: risultati, complicazioni e valutazione della funzione visiva con follow – STOPPINI 17.00 Studio retrospettivo su 20 casi di sarcoide equino trattati con una pomata di tazarotene 0,1% e imiquimod 5% VISCHI 17.15 Confronto di due oppioidi associati a romifidina nella premedicazione del cavallo NANNARONE 17.30 SIVE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 18.00 Plenary Lesson Atypical myopathy/pasture myopathy – S. VALBERG 18.45 End of the day 19.00 DANCING HAPPY HOUR OFFERED BY SIVE CD 200613 SUNDAY February 9th , 2014 TRANSLATION PROVIDED IN ROOM A AND B 08.00 09.00 9.45 REGISTRATION SALA A SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION SALA B SIMOULTANEOUS TRANSLATION SALA C – NO TRANSLATION Chairperson: Chairperson: Chairperson: Sacroiliac joint region pain: a cause of poor performance S.DYSON Interactive stallion case based presentations I J.SAMPER Relazioni sul Practice Management e aspetti Medico/legali Suspensory branch injuries and related problems S.DYSON Interactive stallion case based presentations II J.SAMPER Relazioni sul Practice Management e aspetti Medico/legali COFFEE BREAK 10.30 Chairperson: 11.30 12.15 Chairperson: Chairperson: When nothing else works, arthrodesis of the fetlock joint is an option L. BRAMLAGE Diagnosis and treatment of A practical guide to the diagnosis immune mediated disorders in the of intestinal disease horse T.DIVERS D. KNOTTENBELT The response of bone to training, and injury. L. BRAMLAGE The High Risk Pregnancy: Causes and Therapies P.WILKINS The role of parasites in intestinal disease N. KERBYSON 13.00 LUNCH BREAK Chairperson: 14.30 15.15 Chairperson: Chairperson: Muscle atrophy; will it come back? S.VALBERG Clinical appearance and Diagnosis of non-cutaneous neoplasia in horses T.DIVERS Shivers and other movement disorders S. VALBERG Premature Onset Lactation: Three Intestinal neoplasia Major Causes and How to Manage Each N. KERBYSON P. WILKINS 16.00 CD 200613 END OF THE CONGRESS Infiltrative intestinal disease D. KNOTTENBELT
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