Agenzia Servizi Editoriali FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2011 Children and Young Adults Rights List Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Anna Spadolini, Guido Lagomarsino Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 email: [email protected] www.serv-ed Works by Pinin Carpi Pinin Carpi (1920-2004) was one of the most popular and appreciated Italian authors of children books. Generations of children have grown up with is most famous books: Cion Cion Blu, Mauro e il leone, Sussanna e il soldato, Dietro alla porta d’oro, Le avventure di Lupo Uragano. And a number of boys and girls were introduced to arts by his albums – Vermeer, il silenzio abitato delle case, Canaletto, il ponte del paradise,Rousseau, la zingara della giungla, Van Gogh, la notte stellata. Most of his books were illustrated by himself. The full list of hos novels includes: L’ESTATE CHE UNO DIVENTA GRANDE by Francesca Capelli Sinnos (2010) 128 p. 14x21 cm € 10,00 + 13 y.o. An amazing coming-of-age novel for young people about experiences of the past that, though painful, can result in a new strength which allows to change the present and hope again in the future. Summer is coming. Saverio’s father must go to Argentina on business and he invites his son to go with him for the whole month of July. But it’s Winter in Buenos Aires, cold and rainy, and the proposal doesn’t seem so attractive to Saverio… However, it will be “the most important summer of his life”. Saverio will meet Rosana and the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo), he will learn about their stories full of pain, but also of love and hope in the future, and he will eventually develop a new awareness and a new way of looking at his own life. Francesca Capelli was born in Bologna, she is a freelance journalist and a specialist in science subjects. In the last years she has been writing novels and educational books for teenagers, treating of environmental education, nutrition problems, citizenship etc. In 2001 she started the blog She is also translator of children and young adults books. A Aggeen nzziia aS Seerrvviizzii E orriia allii Eddiitto Fabrizio Casa PIOGGIA SPORCA Sinnos 2010 128 pages € 12,00 14x21 cm + 14 y.o. An amazing YA novel, set in one of the many suburbs of our cities, that tells, with pressing pace and passion, the tensions, errors, but also the positive forces that animate boys. Alex, “Bone” and Luca are 15 years old boys who live in one of the many suburbs of our major cities. Mosca (Fly) is their idol, the older brother of Alex, an amateur boxer (Hence his nickname). The three boys, dragged from Mosca and his friends, find themselves involved in a punitive raid against a nomad camp, during which the Novaks, a Sinti family, are particularly hit. The Novaks are a Gipsy family coming from Germany and traditionally work with merry-go-rounds. A young police inspector – Salvatore Mitraglia – investigates on this act of hooliganism - he will plunge into that “black rain”, to bring out the lights and shadows of the event, but also to reveal the heroic role of Tony Novak, the head of the family, during World War II. Meanwhile, between Moscow and Myra, the oldest daughter of Novak, a striking tension is growing, which will lead to unexpected results ... Fabrizio Casa is the author of TV shows for children and creator of table games, dealing with literature and leisure for children. He collaborated with Treccani – the Italian Encyclopedia Institute - for initiatives on the Italian language for kids, worked with the 'Almanac on line "of the National Research Council, writing science stories for children and book reviews, and worked for the Auditorium of Rome in organizing scientific events for high school students. Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: [email protected] | The unpleasant Beatrice, the insufferable Aunt Clodomira and the terrible Senofonte Affoghi, swimming teacher, are the nuisance of Ester and Bernardo. But a special broom is going to revenge them… Author: Claudio Comini Title: BUTTATI, BERNARDO! (Plunge in, Bernardo!) ISBN: 978-88-89921-50-0 Price: 8,50 euro Size: 14 x 21 Pages: 64 Illustrated by: Umberto Mischi Age: 8-10 Special editing and design processes support children with reading difficulties. Special editing and design processes support the children with reading difficulties CHARLOT AND I author: Arianna Di Genova illustrator: Alessandro Sanna size: 14,5 x 19 cm pages: 80 The book tells the true story of Charlie Chaplin, and of the magic that transformed a poor boy, born in the slums of London at the end of the nineteenth century, into a genius of world cinema and one of the richest men in America. At the outset, Chaplie was just a young boy who lived from hand to mouth in a bad neighbourhood, sharing the misery of his daily life with his step-brother Sidney. But, unlike his companions in misfortune, he had a dream: to act, to make people laugh, to become a great comedian. First he did it in the theater, following in the footsteps of his parents. Then he moved to America, where the new art form that was the cinema had been born. It was in America that Charlie became Charlot. All it took was a very British bowler hat, over-sized shoes, a thread-bare jacket, and a swirling walking stick; and so the eternal vagabond wandered out into the world, hoping for a better future. The author Arianna di Genova, culture correspondent for Il Manifesto, an expert on the cinema and on art history, she is the author of The Circus in Art, published by Il Saggiatore and aimed at adult readers. The illustrator Alessandro Sanna likes to think that he writes with images. He has illustrated books written by David Grossman, Italo Calvino, Gianni Rodari and Beppe Fenoglio. He is the designer and author of illustrated books and graphic novels. He works with publishing houses such as Edizioni Corraini, Arte bambini, Einaudi Ragazzi. He won the Andersen prize for the best book on art in 2006 with his book Have you ever seen Mondrian. ZÁTOPEK THE HUMAN LOCOMOTIVE author: Marco Franzelli illustrator: Umberto Mischi size: 14,5 x 21 cm pages: 144 A famous sports journalist recounts the extraordinary life of Emil Zátopek, the athlete and the man, who from being a worker in a shoe factory, became a record holder and a winner of olympic gold medals. A story of dedication, determination and modesty, both in life and in athletic competitions. A fast paced narrative, which also takes in the history of the twentieth century – the nazi occupation of czechoslovakia, the initial hopes after the end of the war, the onset of the cold war, the days of the springtime of prague, when zatopek courageously defended democracy. Against the background of these events, zatopek’s story is a wonderful example, both his stunning victories and his defeats, which restored to sport the highest and best sense of a school for life. “An athlete should run with hope in his heart, dreams in his head, and not much money in his pocket” Emil Zátopek A message that is more relevant than ever for young people today. The author Marco Franzelli has worked in TV news in the Italian channel RAI 1 since 1980. He has covered the main international sporting events, from the Olympics to the Formula 1 World Championship, as well as light athletics, and is a contributor to the Sunday sports programme in Domenica Sportiva. Since 2008, he has been editor for society and sport. He is the author of Luca Montezemolo, the great victories of Ferrari (2001, Bompiani, publisher), Godot’s grimace – Alessandro Del Piero with Donatella Scarnati (2006, Limina-Rai Eri), The most important match, the autobiography of Gianluca Pessotto with Donatella Scarnati 2008, Rizzoli, winner of the essay section of the Coni Prize for Literature in 2009, and Carlo Mazzone – a life on the field with Donatella Scarnati (2010 Baldini Castoldi Dalai, publisher). The illustrator Umberto Mischi works as illustrator and art director with the publisher Bianconero. He is a graduate of ISIA in Urbino, and has studied illustration and type design at the École Estienne in Paris. He has worked as an illustrator with the publishers Edizioni Corraini and Contras Books, and with newspapers including The New York Times. Per i più piccoli Pre-school stories Hardcover 17x17 or 20x20 cm 32 full colour illustrated albums Il Signor Stella Buongiorno oggi Sono quello che mi pare! by Anna Curti by Sophie Fatus by Simone Frasca Special editions FAIRY TALES Cardboard Albums – 32 full colour illustrated pages – first readings Illustrators: Andrea Rauch, Pirro Cuniberti, Sergio Traquandi Ricky with the Tuft Master Puss in Boots Snow White Aesop’s Fables Little Red Riding Hood STORIE DEL NOSTRO TEMPO Original stories – Hardcover albums – 32 pages - + 6 y.o. Il grande cane nella città fantasma In viaggio H.H. by Francesca Capelli Ill. by Brunella Baldi by Antonio Ferrara Ill. by Serena Intilia by Carolina D’Angelo Ill. by Marco Paci C.C.P. Cicogne, cavoli, provette Il dono di Alma by Brunella Baldi by Federica Iacobelli Ill. by Chiara Carrer PICCOLA BIBLIOTECA DELL’IMMAGINARIO Classic stories illustrated by outstanding contemporary artists: Guido Scarabattolo, Andrea Rauch, Gianni Fanello, Fabian Negrin, Gianni De Conno, Libero Gozzini, Ivan Canu, Ale+Ale, Octavia Monaco, Simone Frasca PINOCCHIO – ALICE IN WONDERLAND – THE METAMORPHOSIS – THE SAND-MAN - EVE’S DIARY - THE STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE – THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN – THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE – A STUDY IN SCARLET – THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS – THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ La Divina Avventura Dante’s Commedia retold by Enrico Cerni and Francesca Gambino Hardcover 16,5 x 22,5 cm 112 pages and 98 full colour illustrations Retail price: 19 euro World rights except US and Canada Anselmo Roveda E vallo a spiegare a Nino Illustrated by Nino De Conno + 8 y.o. 2011 8,5 X 12 cm Softcover with flaps 56 pages Two children confronting mafia bosses… In Viaggio - Il libro dei sogni 2011 illustrated by Cinzia e Valentina, Cocis Ferrari, Roberto Ferreccio, Cristina Gibellato, Matteo Gubellini, Desideria Guicciardini, Francesco Gulina, Sarah Edith Lombroso, Alice Lotti, Federico Maggioni, Anna Masina, Giulia Orecchia, Arianna Papini, Marilina Ricciardi, Laura Rigo, Manuela Santini, Franca Trabacchi, Natascia Ugliano, Alessandra Vitelli, Giulia Zaffaroni + 7 y.o. – 2011 - 30,5 X 21cm – Harcover – 48 pages Il Giardino dei Cedri A series of original illustrated albums for first readings – published by IL LEONE VERDE in connection with its successful series IL BAMBINO NATURALE to help parents to rear their children in a natural way Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via A. Bono Cairoli, 37 – I-20127 Milano Tel. +39 0228510504 / 0287393515 [email protected] “AH, SAPERLO!” [I wish I knew it!] A successful series of science books for children, sold in 9 countries Edizioni Lapis (Italy) Imaginary interviews with great scientists in the history of science, made from their original texts: a new way of approaching children to science, aiming at making it easier for them to understand the most difficult issues. Thanks to anecdotes, imaginary dialogues with scientists and the humorous illustrations included, the books result to be entertaining and ironic. Awarded with Andersen Prize for “Best science popularisation series” (2004) NEW TITLE 2011 ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Vincenzo Guarnieri ELETTRICITTÀ ELECTRICITY. Clean energy for a sustainable future publication: 2011 readership: from 9 years pages: 161 with b&w illustrations size: 20,5x13,5 cm selling price: € 13.00 Light bulbs, refrigerators, heaters and stoves, the cells of our body and the mobile phone, computers, cars: all these things need energy to work! Too bad that we are risking to make our planet uninhabitable. Maybe we should take inspiration from the people of ElectriCity: a metropolis that works with eco-friendly, renewable and clean sources, where cars are electric, and every house produces more energy than it consumes! In a visit to the neighborhoods of a fantasy city, and thanks to imagined dialogues with its inhabitants, children learn all about energy: what fossil fuels, renewable resources and nuclear energy are, and what you can do for a sustainable future. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via A. Bono Cairoli, 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel. +39 022851 0504|+39 028739 3515 | [email protected] | OTHER TITLES AVAILABLE IN THE SERIES ASTRONOMY Ettore Perozzi IL CIELO SOTTO LA TERRA THE SKY BENEATH THE EARTH -A journey through the solar system BIOLOGY Clara Frontali GENI GENES - From the first questions about heredity to genetic engineering Sara Capogrossi EVOLUZIONE EVOLUTION - The Story of Life on the Earth before and after Darwin CHEMISTRY Vincenzo Guarnieri MAGHI E REAZIONI MISTERIOSE WIZARDS AND MYSTERIOUS REACTIONS - Alchemy and chemistry in the course of time PALEONTOLOGY Dino Ticli FOSSILI E DINOSAURI FOSSILS & DINOSAURS - Science on the tracks of dragons and other incredible monsters PHYSICS Anna Parisi NUMERI MAGICI E STELLE VAGANTI MAGIC NUMBERS AND WANDERING STARS - The first steps in science Anna Parisi ALI, MELE E CANNOCCHIALI WINGS, APPLES AND TELESCOPES - The scientific revolution Anna Parisi, Alessandro Tonello IL FILO CONDUTTORE THE CONDUCTOR WIRE - From thermodynamics to the atom Anna Parisi, Lara Albanese DIPENDE IT DEPENDS - Einstein and the Relativity Theory SEISMOLOGY Mauro Mennuni LA TERRA TREMA! EARTH IS QUAKING! -Earthquakes, seaquakes and tsunamis AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via A. Bono Cairoli, 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel. +39 022851 0504|+39 028739 3515 | [email protected] |
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