SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. PR RESS RELE EASE AP PPROVAL L OF THE INTERME EDIATE M MANAGEM MENT REP PORT AS A AT 30 SEPT TEMBER 2014 2 AN ND OF TH HE INTERIIM DIVIDE END A AUTHORIZ ZED THE SUBSIDIA ARY ATIV VA S.p.A. TO FORMU ULATE A BID B FO OR THE ACQUISITI A ION OF A STAKE IN N SITAF S..p.A. • As at 330 Septemberr 2014, the im mprovement trend of economic-financial indicatoors was confiirmed. o Traffic: +00.79% R 694 millionn (+EUR 38.2 2 million) o Net toll revvenues: EUR E 479 milllion (+EUR 38.2 million n) o EBITDA: EUR ness: EUR 1,,574 million (with an imp provement off EUR 66 miillion comparred to o Net financiial indebtedn 30 June 20014) • oved equal too EUR 0.14 per p share, for fo a total vaalue of appro oximately EU UR 32 An inteerim dividennd was appro millionn • Authorrised the form mulation of a bid – by thee subsidiary ATIVA S.p.A A. – for the aacquisition off a stake in SITAF S S.p.A. mber 2014 - Thee Board of Direcctors of SIAS m met today and (i) ( examined and approved thee Intermediate management m repport as Torrtona, 7 Novem at 30 3 September 2014 and (ii) ressolved on the diistribution of ann interim divideend. As compared to thhe figures for thhe first half of 2014, 2 the third quarter of 201 14 showed a fu urther consolidaation of the Gro oup’s positive inncome ults (“gross op perating margiin” +EUR 0.3 million). m Thereefore, the “gross operating margin” as at 30 SSeptember 201 14 amounted too EUR resu 479 9 million (+EU UR 38.2 million n). Mo ore specifically,, in the first nine months of thee year, the increease in traffic (+0.79%), togeether with the tooll increases as from 1 Januaryy 2014 (+E EUR 33.8 millioon), led to an inncrease in “net toll revenues” equal to EUR 38.2 million (+ +5.83%) that, aas a result of thee fact that “opeerating cossts” for the mottorway sector and a the contrib bution of the soo-called “ancillary sectors” haave remained uunchanged, fully y affected the “gross “ opeerating margin””. Thee recognition, aas “non-recurrinng” items, of (i)) insurance refuunds (equal to +EUR + 1.5 milliion) and (ii) thee partial write-d down (equal to -EUR 11.7 million) of a receivable reccorded in previo ous financial yyears, led to an “adjusted grosss operating maargin” of EUR 469 million ass at 30 Sep ptember 2014. Thee positive perfoormance of the operating cash h flow during thhe summer, alth hough partially offset by the ppayments relateed to the continuuation of the t investment programme foor the motorwaay infrastructuree, was reflected d in the “net financial f indebbtedness” that, in the third quuarter, imp proved by apprroximately EUR R 66 million co ompared to the figures as at 30 0 June 2014, am mounting to EU UR 1,574 millio on as at 30 September 201 14. 1 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. TRAFFIC PERFOR RMANCE Traaffic performancce by individuaal Licensee is sh hown below: (milllions vehicle/km) Light vehicles Com mpany SAT TAP S.p.A. - A4 Strretch 1/1-3 30/9/2014 Heavy vehicles 1/1--30/9/2013 “resta ated”(1) Light Heavy Total vehiclles vehicles T Total Ch hanges Heavy L Light vehicles vehicles Total 1,187 388 1,575 1,213 393 1,606 -2.13% -1.23% SAT TAP S.p.A. - A21 Stretch 977 451 1,428 963 442 1,405 1.44% 2.24% 1.69% SAV V S.p.A. 198 54 252 207 55 262 -4.34% -1.50% -3.75% Auto ostrada dei Fiori S.pp.A. -1.91% 759 198 957 739 193 932 2.71% 2.29% 2.62% 1,133 266 1,399 1,111 268 1,379 1.95% -0.96% 1.39% Auto ocamionale della Ciisa S.p.A. 482 139 621 471 137 608 2.34% 1.29% 2.10% Auto ostrada Torino-Savoona S.p.A. 577 112 689 568 108 676 1.64% 3.12% 1.88% 72 22 94 71 21 92 2.35% 3.06% 2.51% 5,385 1,630 7,015 5,343 1,617 6,960 0.80% 0.74% 0.79% SAL LT S.p.A. Auto ostrada Asti-Cuneo S.p.A. Tota al f the first ninee months of 20114, as compared d to the same period in 2013, iis detailed below w: Thee general trafficc performance for (millions vehicle/km m) Ligh ht vehiccles 1Q: 1/1 – 31/3 2Q: 1/4 - 30/6 July August September 3Q: 1/7 - 30/9 Total 1/1 – 30/99 (1) 1/1-30/9/2 2014 Heavy y vehiclees 1,412 1,806 740 804 623 2,167 5,385 509 568 209 148 196 553 1,630 Totaal 1/1--30/9/2013 “resta ated”(1) Light Heavy Total vehicles vehicles 1,9921 2,3374 9949 9952 8819 2,7720 7,0015 1,39 91 1,77 76 76 66 78 85 62 25 2,17 76 5,34 43 504 564 209 150 190 549 1,617 1,895 2,340 975 935 815 2,725 6,960 Light vehicles 1.50% 1.74% -3.44% 2.39% -0.21% -0.41% 0.80% Changes C Heavy vehicles v 1.04% 0.48% -0.04% -1.16% 3.06% 0.73% 0.74% T Total 1.38% 1.43% -2.71% 1.82% 0.55% -0.18% 0.79% In n the first nine months of 2013, ATIVA S.p.A A. was consolidated acccording to the “proporttional method”. Follow wing the adoption of IFRS 11 starting with thee consolidated financiaal statements as at 31 December D 2013 3, this investment was aaccounted for by the “eequity method”. In ordeer to provide comparabble figures, the figures for the 3rd quarter of 2013 2 and the first nine m months of 2013 have been b recalculated. Traaffic figures forr the third quarrter were influeenced by the uunfavourable weeather conditions that affectedd the North-Western part of Italy I durring the summeer and, in partiicular, in July 2014. 2 Despite tthe decrease reecorded in this month, in the first nine mon nths of 2014 traaffic incrreased by 0.79% % (light vehiclees: +0.80%, heaavy vehicles: +00.74%). 4,0% 4 2,0% 2 0,0% 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20 010 ‐2 2,0% ‐4 4,0% ‐6 6,0% ‐8 8,0% 2 2011 1 2012 2013 30 sept. 2014 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. GROUP R ECONOM MIC DATA Thee following economic data forr the third quarrter and the firsst nine months of 2013 have been b “restated”” following the adoption of IF FRS 11 starrting with the consolidated financial fi statem ments of the SIA AS Group as at a 31 Decembeer 2013. As a cconsequence, th he Ativa Groupp was assessed using thee “equity methood” (instead off the “proportionnal method”). Thee main revenuee and expenditture items may be summarisedd as follows: 1..1-30.9-2014 (1) (2) 1.1-30.9-20133 “restated” Changes 717,855 679,999 37,85 56 5,308 37,779 31,600 792,542 (313,291) 479,251 (10,236) 469,015 5,137 16,4426 28,7767 730,3329 (289,2288) 441,041 441,041 17 71 21,35 53 2,83 33 62,21 13 (24,003 3) 38,21 10 (10,236 6) 27,97 74 (amounts in thhousands of EUR) perating activitiess Motorway seector revenue – op (1) (2) Construction and engineering sector revenue Technology ssector revenue Other revenuues Turnover (A A) Operating cossts (1) (2) (B) Gross operatting margin (A) + (B) Non-recurring ng items “Adjusted” ggross operating margin 33Q 2014 3Q 2013 “restated” 2271,699 263,356 8,343 1,526 12,779 11,653 2297,657 (1007,140) 1190,517 1,500 1192,017 2,548 7,500 9,503 282,907 (92,663) 190,244 190,244 (1,022) 5,279 2,150 14,750 (14,477) 273 1,500 1,773 Changes Amounts net of the fee/additional fee payyable to ANAS, equal to EUR 20.2 million inn the third quarter of 2014 and EUR 53.9 million as at 30 Septembeer 2014 (EUR 20.2 milllion in the third quarteer of 2013 and EUR 53.4 million as at 30 Septembeer 2014). With regard to mootorway companies, thee IFRIC12 sets out full recognition in the incoome statement of costs and revenues for “construction activity” conc ncerning non-compensaated revertible assets. Inn order to provide a clearer rrepresentation in the taable above, these comp ponents – amounting too EUR 52 million in th he third quarter of 2014 4 and EUR 154.7 millio ion as at 30 Septemberr 2014 (EUR 63.1 milliion in the third quarter of 2013 and EUR 194.6 milllion as at 30 Septembeer 2013) – were reverseed for the same amountt from the correspondin ng revenue/cost items. t third quartter of 2014 the item “motorwa ay sector reven ue” totalled EU UR 271.7 millio on (EUR 263.3 million in the third t quarter off 2013) In the and d breaks down aas follows: (am mounts in thousannds of EUR) 3Q 2014 3Q 2013 Changes Neet toll revenues 263,358 254,627 8,731 8,341 8,729 (388) 271,699 263,356 8,343 Reental income – Rooyalties from servvice areas To otal motorway secctor revenue Thee increase in “nnet toll revenuees” equal to EU UR 8.7 millionn (+3.43%) wass due to the inccrease in toll raates (+EUR 9.4 4 million) and to the deccrease in traffic volumes (-EUR R 0.7 million). Thee item “Rental iincome – Royaalties from serviice areas” decreeased by EUR 0.4 0 million, duee to the decreasee in consumptio on. Thee change in thee item “construction and engin neering sector revenue” was due d to the absence of productiion related to th he investee com mpany Colllegamenti Inteegrati Veloci S.pp.A., which waas transferred inn May 2014 (-E EUR 2.5 million) and the incrrease in the actiivities carried out o for thirrd parties by thee subsidiary AB BC Costruzioni S.p.A. (+EUR 1.5 million). Thee “technology” sector, despitee a decrease in the activities caarried out for Group G companies, showed an iincrease in the activities carried out for third parties, w with a consequennt increase in “operating costss”. w mainly duee to higher reveenues resulting from the chargee back to third pparties of work ks and services and to Thee change in “othher revenues” was the allocation to m motorway companies of grants for traffic-relatted European prrojects. Thee change in “opperating costs”” (+EUR 14.5 million) m is due to (i) the increease in the costts of companiess belonging to the motorway sector (+E EUR 6.3 millionn), mainly due to the increasee in maintenancce activities, ass well as to hig gher payroll cossts and (ii) high her “operating costs” (eq qual to approxim mately EUR 8 million) m mainly linked to the acctivities carried d out by the com mpanies operatinng in the techno ology sector. Witth regard to thee above, the “grross operating margin” m increaased by EUR 0.3 0 million. Morre specifically: (amo ounts in millions of EU UR) • • • • Motorway Seector Construction//engineering sector Technology S Sector Services Secttor (holding compannies) Total 3Q 2014 3Q 2013 Changes 186.0 0.6 5.5 (1.6) 181.9 1 2.3 7.3 (1.3) 4.1 (1.7) (1.8) (0.3) 190.5 190.2 1 0.3 Thee decrease in tthe margins rellated to the “co onstruction/enggineering” and “technology” sectors s is due tto the lower profitability p of orders com mpared to the thhird quarter of 2013. 2 In the t third quarrter of 2014, “nnon-recurring items”, i equal too EUR 1.5 milllion (0 in the th hird quarter of 2013) refer to the insurance refund r received by the suubsidiary SATA AP S.p.A. for accidents occurreed in 2011 and 2012. 2 3 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. ***** t period from m 1 January to 30 Septemberr 2014, the item m “motorway seector revenue” totalled t EUR 7117.8 million (E EUR 680 millionn as at In the 30 September 2013) and breaks down d as followss: (am mounts in thousannds of EUR) 1..1-30.9.2014 1.1-30.9..2013 Changes 694,100 655 5,885 38,215 23,755 24 4,114 (359) 717,855 679 9,999 37,856 Nett toll revenues Ren ntal income – Royyalties from serviice areas Total motorway secttor revenue Thee increase in “nnet toll revenuees”, equal to EU UR 38.2 millioon (+5.83%) waas due to the grrowth in trafficc volumes for EUR E 4.4 millionn (this 0.79% increase haad an effect onn “net toll reveenues” equal too 0.67% if con nsidering the traaffic mix) and to the increasee in tolls (EUR R 33.8 milllion). If compared c with the same periood last year, thee latter increas ed (i) by EUR 25.1 million (+ +3.83%) with rregard to the in ncreases approvved as from m 1 January 20014, and (ii) by EUR 8.7 millio on (+1.33%)(1•)), with regard to o the sections managed m by SAT TAP S.p.A.. Ass a matter of faact, the firsst nine months oof 2013 only paartially benefited from the tarifff increase due, since it had been acknowledgged starting from m 12 April 20133. Thee item “rental inncome – royaltties from servicce areas” decreaased by EUR 0..4 million, due to the decreasee in consumptio on in the third quarter q of the t year. Witth regard to thhe so-called “anncillary sectors”, particularly noteworthy is the increase in n “production” for the compan nies operating in the “tecchnology sector”, due to the works w carried ou ut for the consttruction of the Tangenziale T Essterna Est di Miilano (Milan Eaast Outer Ring Road) and d the Brescia-Beergamo-Milan motorway m sectiion. This led to a consequent in ncrease in operating costs. Thee change in “opperating costs”” (+EUR 24 million) m is due tto (i) the increaase in the costss of companiess belonging to the motorway sector (+E EUR 1.5 millionn), mainly due to: a) higher co osts for maintennance activitiess and payroll co osts (for a total amount of +EU UR 6 million), which are partially offsett by b) lower coosts for “winterr services” (-EU UR 4.5 million)) as a consequen nce of low snow wfalls during th he first months of the w), and (ii) the inncrease in “opeerating costs” (eequal to approximately EUR 22.5 million) maainly due to thee increase in thee work yeaar under review carrried out by the companies opeerating in the “teechnology” secctor. Witth regard to thee above, the “ggross operating g margin” incrreased by EUR R 38.2 million and reflects thee changes in th he Group’s opeerating sectors. More speccifically: (amo ounts in millions of EU UR) • • • • Motorway Seector Construction//engineering sector Technology S Sector Services Secttor (holding compannies) Total 11.1-30.9.2014 1.1-30.9.20 013 Changes 461.0 2.9 18.9 (3.6) 422 2.5 5.8 5 16 6.4 (3.7) 38.5 (2.9) 2.5 0.1 479.2 1.0 441 38.2 Witth regard to “noon-recurring iteems” for the firrst nine month hs of 2014, this item is negativ ve for EUR 10.22 million (0 in the first nine months m of 2013) 2 and is duue to (i) the saidd insurance refu und for EUR 1..5 million, and (ii) the partial write-down of a receivable ow wed to the subsidiary Fin nanziaria di Parrtecipazioni e Investimenti I S.p p.A. from ANA AS S.p.A. (EU UR 11.7 million n). This receivaable (which oriiginally amountted to EU UR 23.5 millionn) - posted folloowing the posittive outcome oof the arbitratio on award of 20 July 2005 (subbsequently challenged by AN NAS) refeers to the comppensation to be paid with regaards to the mannagement of thee A24 and A25 motorways carrried out by thee Company for more than n twenty years on behalf of ANAS. A The wriite-down was ccarried out also based on the information inccluded in the prroposal of settleement agrreement made iin April 2014 by b Finanziaria di d Partecipazionni e Investimen nti S.p.A. in order to solve thee dispute and facilitate f the (paartial) collection of the crredit. (•) Th his percentage will gradually “dilute” over o the course of th he year. 4 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. GR ROUP FINANCIAL DATA Thee item net finan ncial indebtedn ness is broken down d as follow ws: (am mounts in thousandss of EUR) A) Cash C and cash eqquivalents B) Securities S held foor trading C) Liquidity L (A) + ((B) D) Financial F receivables E) Bank B short-term bborrowings F) Current C portion off medium/long-teerm borrowings G) Other O financial liabilities 30/09/2014 3 30/06/2014 Changes 1,145,531 1,036,409 109,122 18,649 18,648 1 1,164,180 1,055,057 109,123 492,219 503,102 (10,883) (3,599) (12,325) 8,726 (219,892) (202,222) (17,670) (62,971) (43,923) (19,048) H) Short-term borrrowings (E) + (F F) + (G) (286,462) (258,470) (27,992) I) Current C net cash h (C) + (D) + (H) 1,369,937 1,299,689 70,248 (1,224,960) ( (1,231,318) 6,358 (125,166) (119,944) (5,222) (1,309,701) ( (1,308,129) (1,572) J) Bank B long-term boorrowings K) Hedging H derivativves L) Bonds B issued M) Other long-term payables (1,779) (1,845) 66 N) Long-term L borrowings (J) + (K)) + (L) + (M) (2,661,606) ( (2,661,236) (370) O) Net N financial ind debtedness (I) + (N) (1,291,669) ( (1,361,547) 69,878 - - - (282,729) (278,955) (3,774) (1,574,398) ( (1,640,502) 66,104 P) Non-current N finanncial receivables Q) Discounted D valuee of the payable due d to ANAS-Cen ntral Insurance Fuund R) “Adjusted” “ net ffinancial indebteedness (O) + (P) + (Q) Thee positive perfoormance of the operating cash h flow during thhe summer, alth hough partially offset by the ppayments relateed to the continuuation of the t investment programme foor the motorwaay infrastructuree, was reflected d in the “net financial f indebbtedness” that, in the third quuarter, imp proved by apprroximately EUR R 66 million co ompared to the figures as at 30 0 June 2014, am mounting to EU UR 1,574 millio on as at 30 September 201 14. As at 30 Septembber 2014, approoximately 83% of the Group medium/long-tterm indebtedneess is at “fixedd rate”/hedged. The all-in weiighted aveerage rate relatted to the total Group G indebted dness is equal too 3.64%. *** Thee financial resoources available as at 30 Septtember 2014 breeak down as follows: (amo ounts in millions of EU UR) • • • • Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Deposit and Loan Bank) loan (pertainin ng to SATAP S.p.A A.) EIB loans (pertaining to SIA AS S.p.A.) “Uncommitteed” credit linees (pertaining to SIAS S.p.A A. and consolidated companies) Sub btotal Cash and financial receivabbles Tootal financial reesources as at 30 September 2014 5 45 50 14 40 83 38 97 73 1,65 56 2,62 29 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. REGULATORY FR RAMEWORK AND A RELATIO ONS WITH THE E GRANTING BODY In June 2014, thhe licensees Au utostrada dei Fiori S.p.A., Autostrada Torino-Savona T S.p.A., Societtà Autostrade Valdostane S.p.A., S da Ligure-Tosscana S.p.A. an nd Autocamion nale della Cisa a S.p.A., for wh hich the five-yeear regulatory period p expired on 31 Soccietà Autostrad Deccember 2013, submitted to the Ministry of o Infrastructurre and Transpo ort (“MIT”) th he updates of the economicc-financial plans, as prescribed by CIPE Resolution no. 27 of 21 Marrch 2013. Witth regard to SA ATAP (A21 strretch), for whicch the five-yearr regulatory perriod expired on n 31 December 2012, the comp petent authoritiies did nott approve, by 330 March 20144, the Economicc-Financial Plaan transmitted to t the Ministry y of Infrastructuure and Transp port on 30 December 201 13. Upon requeest by the Minisstry of Infrastru ucture and Trannsport, a new economic-financcial plan was suubmitted in July 2014 (compaared to the plan submittedd on 30 Decembber 2013, the taakeover value w was increased from f approximaately EUR 170 million to EUR R 184 million, taking o account the reecovery of the toll t difference not n obtained sinnce 1 January 20 014). into ATAP S.p.A. (A A4 stretch), it should be men ntioned that thee additional agrreement to the Standard Concession Witth regard to thee subsidiary SA Agrreement of 10 O October 2007 was w signed with h the Ministry oof Infrastructuree and Transportt on 27 Decembber 2013. On 26 6 June 2014, thee MIT nottified the Comppany that the Coourt of Auditorss (Corte dei Coonti) recorded th he Inter-ministeerial Decree of 30 December 2013 2 which appproved it. This T completedd the renewal off the economic-financial plan ffor the “new” fiive-year regulattory period. By 15 October 20014, the said Grroup Licensees notified the M Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport T of thee requests for toll t adjustments due 2 which weere calculated according to the said “updates”” of the econom mic-financial plaans. in 2015, On the basis of the estimates made in thesee financial planns, investmentts amount to over EUR 1.77 billion (excluding the addiitional vestments expeccted for the com mpletion of the “Asti-Cuneo” “ ssection). inv s be notedd that Law Deccree no. 133 of 12 Septembeer 2014 was pu ublished in the Official Journaal of the Italian n Republic (Gaazzetta It should Uffficiale della Reppubblica Italianna) no. 212 of 12 September 20014, concernin ng “emergency measures for thhe opening of construction c sitees, the rea alisation of pubblic works, thee digitalisation n of the countrry, the simplifi fication of bureeaucratic proce cedures, the em mergency conceerning hyd drogeological innstability and for fo the recoveryy of production aactivities” (the so-called “Deccreto Sblocca IItalia”). Witth regard to nattional motorwaay infrastructurees, in order to eensure that all necessary n invesstments are carrried out for dev velopment actioons, as welll as structural, technological and environmeental adjustment nts, article 5 of the said Decreee sets out that llicensees can su uggest any channge to the concession relaationship by 311 December 201 14, also by unify fying interconneected, adjoining g or complemenntary sections for fo joint manageement. wever, all this should be carriied out in comp pliance with thee principles of the t European Union. U The licennsee shall prepare a new econnomicHow finaancial plan in order to sign an a additional or o joint agreem ment that shall enter into forcce by 31 Auguust 2015. This plan shall ensuure (i) eco onomic-financiaal balance (witth no additionaal charges for the State), (ii)) the availability of those ressources necessary to carry out o the infrrastructure worrks set out in the original agreeements and tho se resulting fro om the unification of sections, and (iii) mainttenance of favouurable tollls for customerss. Thiis measure, (ulttimately approvved by the Senaate on 5 Novem mber 2014 and currently waiting to be publisheed on the Italiaan Official Gazeette) is releevant for SIAS Group, since long l time intereested in the pottential aggregattion of motorw way concessionss, in the light of o the positive impact i derriving from bothh the alignmentt of the concesssions’ duration aand from the in ncrease of the in nvestment progrram, that would d favor both thee users and d the Governmeent (having takeen into account the current Itallian economic situation). s 6 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. AUTHORISATION U N OF THE FOR RMULATION OF O A BID – BY Y THE SUBSIDIIARY ATIVA S.P.A. – FOR TH HE ACQUISITIION OF A STAK KE IN SIT TAF S.P.A. SIA AS, during todaay Board, approoved – pursuantt to the Proceduure of ‘the tran nsactions of greater strategic, eeconomic, patriimonial and finnancial releevance” – the fformulation of a bid, by the subsidiary ATIV VA S.p.A. (sub bject to joint co ontrol of the shhareholder Matttioda Pierino & Figli Auttostrade S.r.l.) – for the acquiisition of n° 1,3 342,243 SITAF shares owned by Finanziaria Città di Torinoo S.r.l. (equal to o 10.65% of thee share cap pital) and – separately – of n° 1,095,394 SITAF shares ownned by Turin Prrovince (equal to 8.69% of thee share capital)); the total amoount of the above mentionned stakes – alsoo backed by a fairness f opinionn set by an independent expert – range betweeen EUR 67.2 an nd EUR 74.3 million. m TIVA sharehold ders of the subsscription of a sp pecific capital increase, i ATIV VA’s offer is su ubject to the rem moval, Folllowing the unddertaken by AT from m SITAF bylaw w, of the constrrain that 51% off the share capittal has to be held by public shaareholders and the other provisions relating too such con nstrain. SIA AS S.p.A. has ttherefore underrtaken to subsccribe – both thrrough the exerccise of the optiion rights owneed and through h the purchase of the unssubscribed sharres – ATIVA’s capital increasee for a total am mount not in exccess of EUR35.5 million, provvided that, afterr the capital inccrease, the stake held by S SIAS S.p.A. in ATIVA S.p.A. (i) will be in liine with the one owned by Maattioda Pierino e Figli Autostraade S.r.l. and (iii) will be below b 50% of tthe share capitaal. FIL LING OF DOCU UMENTS Thee Intermediate m management reeport as at 30 Seeptember 2014 has been filed at the registereed office, at Borrsa Italiana S.p.A., on the authhorised storrage mechanism m 1Info and it is also availablee on the websitee APPROVAL P OF T THE DISTRIBUTION OF AN IN NTERIM DIVID DEND Tod day, the Board of Directors off SIAS S.p.A., following f on froom the work caarried out in the previous finanncial years, apprroved the distribbution of an a interim diviidend for 2014 equal to EUR 0.14 for each oof the 227,502,6 643 shares outsstanding, at the distribution daate, for a total am mount of approximately a E EUR 32 millionn. Tod day, the Indepeendent Auditorss Deloitte & Tou uche S.p.A. releeased the opinion set out in artticle 2433-bis oof the Italian Civil Code. Purrsuant to the reggulations issuedd by Borsa Italiiana S.p.A., the interim dividen nd can be paid from 26 Novem mber 2014 (in such s event, the shares shaall be quoted exx-interim dividdend from 24 November N 20144, against detacchment of the coupon no. 26) 6). The paymen nt of the said innterim div vidend will be vvalidated accorrding to the acccounting recorrds - as set outt in art. 83-quaater, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24//02/1998 - recorrded at the end of 25 Novembeer 2014 (recordd date). Mo oreover, it shouuld be noted thhat those who requested bondd conversion fo or the loan “SIIAS 2.625% 20005-2017 conv vertible into orddinary shaares” (Isin code IT00038723944) in the period from 1 Novem mber to 7 Novem mber 2014 inclu usive, may ask the Company in i order to colleect the said d interim divideend. The paym ment will be made at the “convversion date”, as a defined in article 6 of the R Regulation conccerning the saidd loan, sub bject to a properr certification isssued by the bro oker. *** wing up the corp rporate accountting documentss, Mr Sergio Prrati, hereby deeclares, pursuan nt to paragraph 2 of Thee manager in ccharge of draw Artticle 154 bis off the Consolidaated Law on Finance, F that thhe accounting information co ontained in this is press releasee corresponds to the doccumented resultts, books and acccounting recorrds. 7 SIAS – SOCIIETA’ INIZ ZIATIVE AUTOSTR A RADALI E SERVIZI S.p.A. SIA AS – Società In niziative Autosstradali e Serviizi S.p.A. Viaa Bonzanigo, 222 – 10144 Turinn (Italy) Tellephone +39 (011) 43.92.102 – Fax +39 (011)) 47.31.691 info [email protected] Website: www w.grupposias.itt Cerrtified e-mail adddress: [email protected] Inv vestor Relation ns e-m mail: [email protected] Tell.: +39 011 43922133 Meedia Relations Gio ovanni Frante Tell: +39 0131 8799309 [email protected] Mo occagatta assocciati Tell. +39 02 864511695 / +39 02 86451419 seg [email protected] 8
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