9. Modello_bibliografia

Queerness in the Middle East and
South Asia
Bibliografia orientativa e strumenti di ricerca nel web
a cura di
Jolanda Guardi
Dall’inizio degli anni ’90 a oggi, i riferimenti bibliografici per chi desidera occuparsi di studi queer in generale e nei paesi oggetto del presente numero sono
orami molto numerosi. In questa sede vengono segnalati solamente quelli considerati essenziali per una visione d’insieme.
Lo stesso a maggior ragione per quanto riguarda la filmografia e la sitografia; le
indicazioni sono di carattere orientativo per chi volesse cominciare un percorso di
ricerca in questo senso.
In lingue occidentali. Monografie
Afary, Janet. 2009. Sexual politics in Modern Iran. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Aldrich, Robert. 2003. Colonialism and Homosexuality. London and New York:
Allen, Roger. Kilpatrick, Hilary & de Moor, Ed. eds. 1995. Love and Sexuality
in Modern Arabic Literature. London: Saqi Books.
Amer, Sahar. 2008. Crossing Borders. Love between Women in Medieval
French and Arabic Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Armour, Ellen T.-St. Ville, Susan M. eds. 2006. Bodily Citations. Religion and
Judith Butler. New York: Columbia University Press.
Arondekar, Anjali. 2009. For the record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India. Durham: Duke University Press.
Babayan, Kathryn. & Najmabadi, Afsaneh. eds. 2008. Islamicate Sexualities.
Translations across Temporal Geographies of Desire. Cambridge: Harvard Middle
East Monographs.
Ballhatchet, Kenneth. 1980. Race, Sex and Class Under the Raj: Imperial Attitudes and Policies and their Critics, 1793-1905. New York: St. Martin’s. Press.
ISSN 1824 - 4483
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Bareed Mista3jil. True Stories. 2009. Beirut: meem.
Blackwood, Evelyn, Abha Bhaiya, and Saskia Wieringa. 2009. Women’s Sexualities and Masculinities in a Globalizing Asia. New York: PalgraveMacmillan.
Bose, Brinda. ed. 2005. Translating Desire: The Politics of Gender and Culture
in India. New Delhi: Katha.
Bose, Brinda and Subhabrata, Bhattacharyya. Eds. 2006. The Phobic and the
Erotic: The Politics of Sexualities in Contemporary India. London: Seagull Books.
Butler, Judith. 1996. Corpi che contano. I limiti discorsivi del “sesso”. Milano:
Chebel, Malik. 1995. Encyclopédie de l’Amour en Islam. Paris: Payot.
Dabaghi, Lara. Alena, Mack and Doris, Jaalouk. 2008. A Case Study of the First
Legal, Above-Ground LGBT Organization in the MENA Region. Beirut: Ministry
of Public Health.
Dave, Naisargi N. 2012. Queer Activism in India: A Story in the Anthropology
of Ethics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Devi, Shakuntala. 1977. The World of Homosexuals. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
Al Farchichi, Wahid. & Saghiyeh, Nizar. 2009. Homosexual Relations in the
Penal Codes: General Study Regarding the Laws in the Arab Countries with a Report on Lebanon and Tunisia. Beirut: Helem.
Fernandez, Bina. ed. 2002. Humjinsi: A Resource Book on Lesbian, Gay and
Bisexual Rights in India. Bombay: India Center for Human Rights and Law.
Floor, Willem. 2008. A Social History of Sexual Relations in Iran. Washington:
Gautam, Bhan and Arvind, Narrain. ed. 2005. Because I have a Voice: Queer
Politics in India, New Delhi: Yoda Press.
Ghoussoub, Mai. & Sincalir-Webb, Emma. eds. 2006 Imagined Masculinities.
Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East. London: Saqi Books.
Gopinath, Gayatri. 2005. Impossible Desires: Queer Diasporas and South Asian
Public Cultures. Durham: Duke University Press.
Guardi, Jolanda e Vanzan, Anna. 2012. Che genere di islam. Omosessuali,
queer e transessuali tra shari‘a e nuove interpretazioni. Roma: Ediesse.
Habib, Sahar. 2007. Female Homosexuality in the Middle East. New York and
London: Routledge.
Habib, Sahar. 2009. Arabo-Islamic Texts on Female Homosexuality 850-1780 a.
d. Youngstown New York: Teneo Press.
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Haeri, Shahla. 1989. Law of Desire. Temporary Marriage in Shi'i Iran. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
Jackson, Peter A. and Gerard Sullivan. eds. 2000. Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity, Community. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Jaffrey, Zia. 1996. The Invisibles: A Tale of the Eunuchs of India. New York:
Kala, Arvind. 1992. Invisible Minority: The Unknown World of the Indian Homosexual. New Delhi: Dynamic Books.
Kugle, Scott S. A. 2010. Homosexuality in Islam. A critical reflection on gay,
lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oxford: Oneworld.
Less than Gay: A Citizens’ Report on the Status of Homosexuality in India.
1991. New Delhi: AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan.
Marmon, Shaun Elizabeth. 1995. Eunuchs & Sacred Boundaries in Islamic Society. New York Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Massad, Joseph A. 2007. Desiring Arabs. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Mathee, Rudi. 2005. The Pursuit of Pleasure. Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian
History, 1500-1900. Washington: Mage.
Merchant, Hoshang. 1999. Yaarana: Gay Writing from India. New Delhi: Penguin India.
Misra, Geetanjali and Radhika Chandiramani. 2005. Sexuality, Gender and
Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia. New Delhi:
Sage Publications.
Murray, Sthephen O. & Roscoe, Will. 1997. Islamic Homosexualities. Culture,
History and Literature. New York and London: New York University Press.
Najmabadi, Afsaneh. 2005. Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards:
Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity. Berkley and Los Angeles: California University Press.
Nanda, Serena. 1990. Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth.
Narrain, Arvind and Alok, Gupta. eds. 2011. Law Like Love: Queer Perspectives on the Law. New Delhi Yoda Press.
Narrain, Arvind. 2004. Queer: Despised Sexuality, Law and Legal Change.
Bangalore: Books for Change.
Narrain, Arvind with Gautam, Bhan. 2006. Because I Have a Voice: Queer Politics in India. New Delhi: Yoda Press.
Ouzgane, Lahoucine. 2006. Islamic Masculinities. London New York: Zed
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Pattanaik, Devdutt. 2002. The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales
from Hindu Lore. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Puri, Jyoti. 1999. Woman Body Desire: Narratives on Gender and Sexuality in
Post-colonial India. New York: Routledge.
Rao, R. Raj and Dibyajioty, Sarma. eds. 2009. Whistling in the dark: twenty-one
queer interviews. New Delhi: Sage.
Ratti, Rakesh. ed. 1993. A Lotus of Another Color: An Unfolding of the South
Asian Gay and Lesbian Experience. Boston: Alyson Publications.
Reddy, Gayatri. 2005. With Respect to Sex: Negotiating Hijra Identity in South
India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
El-Rouayheb, Khaled. 2005. Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World,
1500-1800. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
Safi, Omid. ed. 2003. Progressive Muslims. On Justice, Gender and Pluralism.
Oxford: Oneworld.
Schmitt, Arno.-Sofer, Jehoeda. 1992. Sexuality and Erotism among Males in
Moslem Societies, London: Harrington Park Press.
Schmitt, Arno-Soefer Jehoeda. 1995. Bio-biliography of Male-male Sexuality
and Eroticism in Muslim Societies. Berlin: Rosa Winkel Verlag.
Seabrook, Jeremy. 1999. Love in a Different Climate: Men Who Have Sex With
Men in India. New York, London: Verso.
Shahani, Parmesh. 2008. Gay Bombay: Globalization, Love and (Be)longing in
Contemporary India. Delhi: SAGE Publications.
Sharma, Maya. 2006. Loving Women: Being Lesbian in Unprivileged India.
New Delhi: Yoda Press.
Sinha, Mrinalini. 1995. Colonial Masculinity: The ‘Manly Englishman’ and the
‘Effeminate Bengali’ in the Late Nineteenth Century. Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Srivastava, Sanjay. 2004. Sexual sites, seminal attitudes : sexualities, masculinities, and culture in South Asia. New Delhi: Thousand Oaks.
Sukthankar, Ashwini. ed. 1999. Facing the Mirror: Lesbian Writing in India.
New Delhi: Penguin.
Sullivan, G. and P. Jackson. 2001. Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity,
Community. New York: Routledge.
Thadani, Giti. 1996. Sakhiyani: Lesbian Desire in Ancient and Modern India.
London-New York: Cassell.
Tolino, Serena. 2009. L’omosessualità nei paesi arabo-islamici. Bella (PZ): Arduino Sacco Editore.
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Vanita, Ruth. 2005. Gandhi’s Tiger and Sita’s Smile: Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Culture. New Delhi: Yoda Press.
Vanita, Ruth. 2009. Chocolate and Other Writings on Male Homoeroticism.
Durham: Duke University Press.
Vanita, Ruth. ed. 2002. Queering India: Same-sex Love and Eroticism in Indian
Culture and Society. London New York: Routledge.
Vanita, Ruth and Kidwai Saleem. 2000. Same Sex Love in India: Readings from
Literature and History. New Delhi: Macmillan.
Walker King, D. ed. 2000. Body Politics and the Fictional Double. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Whitaker, Brian. 2006. Unspeakable Love. Gay and lesbian life in the Middle
East. London: aqi Books.
Wright, J. W. Jr. & Rowson, Everett. K. eds. 1997. Homoeroticism in Classical
Arabic Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Articoli in riviste e capitoli di libri
Adang, Camille. 2003. “Ibn Ḥazm on Homosexuality. A Case Study of Ẓāhirī
Legal Methodology”. Al-Qantara, XXIV, 1: 5-31.
Amar, Paul. 2011. “Middle East Masculinities Studies. Discourses of “Men in
Crisis”, Industries of Gender in Revolution”. Journal of Middle East Women’s
Studies, Vol. 7, n.3: 36-70.
Amer, Sahar. 2009. “Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-like Women”. Journal of the History of Sexuality, Vol. 18, Number 2: 215-236.
Amreen, Jamal Mohammed Ebrahim. 2001. “The Story of Lot and the Qur’an
perception of the Morality of Same-Sex Sexuality”. Journal of Homosexuality. 41:
Ayalon, David. 1985. “The Term “Khādim” in the sense of “eunuch” in the Early Muslim sources”. Arabica, T. 32, Fasc. 3: 289-308.
Bacchetta, Paola. 1999. “When the (Hindu) Nation Exiles Its Queers”. Social
Text, 61, (4):141–166.
Bacchetta, Paola. 2002. “Rescaling Transnational “Queerdom”: Lesbian and
“Lesbian” Identitary Positionalities in Delhi in the 1980s”. Antipode: A Radical
Journal of Geography, 34, (5): 947–973.
Bahreini, Raha. 2008. “From Perversion to Pathology: Discourses and
Practices of Gender Policing in the Islamic Republic of Iran”. Muslim World
Journal of Human Rights, 5, 1: I-XXX.
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Cheikh Moussa, A. 1982. “Ğāḥiẓ et les eunuques ou la confusion du même et de
l’autre”. Arabica, T. 29, Fasc. 2: 184-214.
Čvorović, Jelena. 2006. “Islamic Homosexuality”. Antropolojia, 1: pp. 85-103.
Dave, Naisargi N. 2010. “To Render Real the Imagined: An Ethnographic History of Lesbian Community in India”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 35, (3): 595–619.
Dave, Naisargi N. 2011. “Activism as Ethical Practice: Queer Politics in Contemporary India”. Cultural Dynamics, 23, (1): 3–20.
Dave, Naisargi N. 2008. “Between Queer Ethics and Sexual Morality”. In The
Sarai Reader 07: Frontiers, edited by Monica Narula. 387–395. New Delhi: Centre
for Studies in Developing Societies.
Dunne, Bruce. 1990. “Homosexuality in the Middle East: an agenda for historical research”. Arab Studies Quarterly 12: 55-83.
Floor, W. 1971. “The lūṭīs: A social phenomenon in qājār Persia: A Reappraisal”. Die Welt des Islams, New Series, Vol. 13, Issue 1-2: 103-120.
Gopinath, Gayatri. 2000. ‘Queering Bollywood: Alternative Sexualities in Popular Indian Cinema’. Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 39, (3/4): 283–97.
Grewal, Inderpal, and Kaplan, Caren. 2001. “Global identities: theorizing transnational studies of sexuality”. GLQ, A journal of lesbian and gay studies, 7, (4):
Habib, Sahar 2008. “Queer-Friendly Islamic Hermeneutics”. ISIM Newsletter,
21: 32-33.
Habib, Sahar. 2005-2006. “The Historical Context and reception of the first Arabic-Lesbian Novel I am you, by Elham Mansour”. EnterText, Volume 5, Number
3: 201-235.
Hatem, Mervat. 1986. “The Politics of Sexuality and Gender in Segregated Patriarchal Systems: The Case of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Egypt”. Feminist Studies, 12, 2: 250-274.
Kheshti, Roshanak. 2009. “Cross-Dressing and Gender (Tres)Passing: The
Transgender Move as a Site of Agential Potential in the New Iranian Cinema”. Hypatia, 24, 3: 158-177.
Kligerman, Nicole. 2008. “Homosexuality in Islam: A Difficult Paradox”.
Macalester Islam Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3: 52-64.
Lewis, Franklin. 2009. “Conversion, Christian-love and Boy-love in ‘Attār”.
Iranian Studies, 42, 5: 693-723.
Lunsing, Wim. 2003. “Islam versus Homosexuality? Some Reflections on the
Assassination of Pim Fortuyn”. Anthropology Today, Vol. 19, No. 2: 19-21.
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Makhlouf Obermeyer, Carla. 2000. “Sexuality in Morocco: Changing Context
and Contested Domain.” Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2, (3): 239-254.
Massad, Joseph. 2002. “Re-Orienting Desire: The Gay International and the Arab World”. Public Culture, 14, (2): 361-385.
Omar, Sara. 2012. “From Semantics to Normative Law: Perceptions of Liwāṭ
(Sodomy) and Siḥāq (Tribadism) in Islamic Jurisprudence, (8th-15th Century
CE)”. Islamic Law and Society, 19: 222-256.
Patel, Geeta. 2004. “Homely Housewives Run Amok: Lesbians in Marital Fixes”. Public Culture, 16, (1): 131–158.
Petievich, Carla. 2002. “Doganas and Zanakhis: The invention and subsequent
Erasure of Urdu Poetry's “Lesbian” Voice”. In Queering India, Same sex love and
Eroticism in India Culture and Society. edited by R.Vanita. 47-60. New York:
Pökel, Hans Peter. 2009. “Der sexualpathologische Diskurs über den penetrierten Mann in der arabisch-islamischen Medizin des 10. und 11. Jahrhundert”. In
Liebe, Sexualität, Ehe und Partnerschaft - Paradigmen im Wandel, edited by
Roswitha Badry, Maria Rohrer, and Karin Steiner. 65-81. Fördergemeinschaft wissenschaftlicher. Freiburg: Publikationen von Frauen.
Puar, Jasbir .1998. “Transnational Sexualities: South Asian (Trans)national(ism)s and Queer Diasporas”. In Q and A: Queer in Asian America, edited by David Eng and A. Y. Hom. 405–422. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Rahman, Tariq. 1990. “Boy Love in the Urdu Ghazal”. Annual of Urdu Studies,
(7): 1-20.
Rao, Raj R. 2000. “Memories Pierce the Heart: Homoeroticism, BollywoodStyle”. Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 39, (3/4): 299–306.
Rosenthal, Franz. 1978. “Ar-Râzî on the hidden illness”. Bulletin of the History
of Medicine. 52: 45-60.
Schmidtke, Sabine. 1999. “Homoeroticism and Homosexuality in Islam: A Review Article”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies of London,
Vol. 62, No. 2: 260-266.
Schmitt, Arno. 2001-2002. “Liwāṭ in fiqh: Männliche Homosexualität?”. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 4: 49-110.
Shakerifar, Elhum. 2011. “Visual Representation of Iranian Transgender”. Iranian Studies, 44, 3: 327-339.
Simonon, Alexandra. 2006. “Gay and Lesbian Middle East”. Democratiya, 6:
Southgate, Minoo S. 1984. “Men, Women and boys: Love and Sex in the Works
of Sa‘di”. Iranian Studies, XVII, 4: 413-452.
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Sweet, Michael J. and Leonard Zwilling. 1993. “The First Medicalization: The
Taxonomy and Etiology of Queers in Classical Indian Medicine”. Journal of the
History of Sexuality, 3, 4: 590–607.
Vanita, Ruth. 2000. “The New Homophobia. Ugra's Chocolate”. In Same Sex
Love in India, edited by R. Vanita-S. Kidwani. 246-252. New York: S. Martin
Veneuse, Mohamed Jeaan. J. 2010. “The Body of the Condemned Sally: Paths
to Queering anarca-Islam”. Anarchist Development in Cultural Studies “PostAnarchism Today”, 1: 217-239.
In lingua araba. Volumi
al-Ağurrī. 1990. Dhamm al-liwāt, edizione a cura di M. al-Yad Ibrāhīm. alQāhira: Maktabat al-qur'ān.
aḏ-Ḏahabī. 2001. Al-kabā’ir. al-Qāhira: Dār al-bayān al-ḥadīṯa.
al-Ğāḥiẓ. 2007. Kitāb Mufāḫarat al-ǧawārī wa’l-ġilmān. Bayrūt: Muʼassasat alIntišār al-ʻArabī.
Ibn al-Ğawzī. 1998. Dhamm al-hawà. edizione a cura di Kh. ‘A. as-S. al‘Alāmī. Bayrūt: Dār al-kitāb al-‘arabī.
Ibn Ḥazm. S.d. Al-maḥallà. 11 voll. Edizione a cura di M. M. ad-Dimašqī. alQāhira: Idārat al-munīriyya bi-miṣr.
al-Haytamī. S.d. Az-zawāğir ‘an iqtirāf al-kabā’ir. al-Qāhira: Mu’assasat dār
aš-ša‘b li-l-ṣaḥāfa wa-ṭ-ṭibā‘a wa-n-našr.
al-Kātibī al-Qazwīnī ‘A. 2002. Ğawāmi‘ al-laḏḏa. Bayrūt: Tāla.
al-Quḍā, ‘Abd al-Raḥmān. 2007. Qawm Lūṭ fī ṯawb ğadīd. ‘Ammān: Ğam‘iyyat
al-āfāq al-ḫayriyya.
Taqī al-Dīn, Aḥmad al-Sayyid. 2004. “Waraṯat Qawm Lūṭ”. Mağallat al-Azhar,
77, (7): 1167-1169.
In lingua persiana. Volumi
Āstarābādī Bībī Ḫānūm. 1992. Ma'āyeb al-reğāl. A cura di Afsaneh Najmabadi.
Chicaago: Midland Printers.
'Āqā'ī, Farkhondeh. 2000. Ğensyat-e gomšodeh. Teheran: Alborz.
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Šarīf Kāshī, Muḥammad Mehdī. 1983. Vāqe'yāt-e ettefāqīyeh dar ruzgār, 3
voll. Tehran: Našr-e tārīḫ.
Sīrūs, Šamīsā. 2002. Šāhed bāzī dar adabīyāt-e fārsī. Tehran: Ketābnāk.
Articoli reperibili in formato digitale
Islam Online. 2004a. What Islam says on lesbianism. Accessed July 2013.
Islam Online. 2004b. Can Muslims endorse Gay marriages? Accessed March
Islam Online. 2004c. Gay Marriage: Islamic View. Accessed January 2011.
Islam Online. 2004d. Can I Attend a Homosexual ‘Wedding? Accessed Decem2011.
Islamqa. Why does Islam forbid lesbianism and homosexuality? Accessed
March 2014. www.islamqa.com/en/ref/10050.
Islamweb. 2000. Right of a former homosexual to marry. Accessed March 2014.
Islamweb. 2005. Wants to escape from homosexuality. Accessed March 2014.
Narrain, Arvind and Eldridge, M. 2009. The Right That Dares to Speak its
Name: Naz Foundation vs. Union of India and Others. Bangalore: Alternative Law
Onislam. 2002a. Death fall as punishment for homosexuality. Accessed March
OnIslam. 2004a. Homosexuality and lesbianism: Sexual Perversions. Accessed
March 2014. http://www.onislam.-net/english/ask-the-scholar/crimes-andpenalties/sexualperversity/169508.html.
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OnIslam. 2004b. Can’t help myself, but I am attracted to males. Accessed
OnIslam. 2007. How to give up homosexuality. Accessed March 2014.
OnIslam. 2010. What to Do With a Homosexual Relative? Accessed March
People’s Union for Civil Liberties. 2001. Human Rights Violations Against
Sexual Minorities in India. Bangalore, India: PUCL-K. Accessed March 2014.
People’s Union for Civil Liberties—Karnataka. 2003. Human Rights Violations
Against the Transgender Community. Bangalore, India: PUCL-K. Accessed January 2014. http://www.pucl.org/Topics/Gender/2004/transgender.htm
Rainey, Venetia. 2014. “Landmark ruling rubbishes anti-gay law in Lebanon”.
el-Shenawi, E. 2012. “The curious case of Egypt’s first gay magazine”. alArabiya News. Accessed March 2014.
Islamqa. Yu‘ānī min al-šuḏūḏ wa-yaḫšā an yatazawwağa. Accesssed March
2014. http://www.islamqa.-com/ar/ref/101169.
Islamweb. 2009. Salāmat al-fiṭra tašmalu al-salāma min al-šuḏūḏ al-ğinsī. Accessed March 2014.
Islamweb. 2010a. Mā yalzamu man waqa‘a fī fāḥišat al-liwāṭ. Accessed March
Islamweb. 2010b. Min subul al-bu‘ud ‘an al-fāḥiša. Accessed March 2014.
OnIslam. 2002b. Iqāmat munaẓẓama li’l-šawāḏḏ al-muslimīn. Accessed March
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al-Qaraḍāwī, Yūsuf. Fasād al-muğtama‘. Accessed March 2013.
Confederazione di associazioni LGBTQ europee e musulmane.
Equal India Alliance
Galva -108: gay & lesbian vaishnava association
http://ganjoor.net/ (Sito di letteratura persiana classica in versione originale).
Gaylaxy hindi
Organizzazione di sostegno a LGBTQ arabi con sede principale negli
Stati Uniti.
The Humsafar Trust
Sito del MOI, Musulmani Omosessuali Italiani.
Sito di supporto alla comunità LGBTQ in Gran Bretagna.
Sito dell’organizzazione canadese Iranian Network for Queer Refugees,
che si occupa di LGBTQ iraniani.
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Sito della rivista LGBTQ Māhā.
Nigah Queering Perspectives
Pink Pages India's National Gay & Lesbian magazine!
Queer Ink publishing
Sito di informazione su LGBTQ musulmani nel mondo.
Queer Azadi
Samabhavana Society
Sanginii Trust’s website
Samlaiṃgik-sambandhī jānkārī
Netherlands 2006, 65’.