Queerness in the Middle East and South Asia Bibliografia orientativa e strumenti di ricerca nel web a cura di Jolanda Guardi Dall’inizio degli anni ’90 a oggi, i riferimenti bibliografici per chi desidera occuparsi di studi queer in generale e nei paesi oggetto del presente numero sono orami molto numerosi. In questa sede vengono segnalati solamente quelli considerati essenziali per una visione d’insieme. Lo stesso a maggior ragione per quanto riguarda la filmografia e la sitografia; le indicazioni sono di carattere orientativo per chi volesse cominciare un percorso di ricerca in questo senso. In lingue occidentali. Monografie Afary, Janet. 2009. Sexual politics in Modern Iran. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Aldrich, Robert. 2003. Colonialism and Homosexuality. London and New York: Routledge. Allen, Roger. Kilpatrick, Hilary & de Moor, Ed. eds. 1995. Love and Sexuality in Modern Arabic Literature. London: Saqi Books. Amer, Sahar. 2008. Crossing Borders. Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Armour, Ellen T.-St. Ville, Susan M. eds. 2006. Bodily Citations. Religion and Judith Butler. New York: Columbia University Press. Arondekar, Anjali. 2009. For the record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India. Durham: Duke University Press. Babayan, Kathryn. & Najmabadi, Afsaneh. eds. 2008. Islamicate Sexualities. Translations across Temporal Geographies of Desire. Cambridge: Harvard Middle East Monographs. Ballhatchet, Kenneth. 1980. Race, Sex and Class Under the Raj: Imperial Attitudes and Policies and their Critics, 1793-1905. New York: St. Martin’s. Press. © DEP ISSN 1824 - 4483 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 Bareed Mista3jil. True Stories. 2009. Beirut: meem. Blackwood, Evelyn, Abha Bhaiya, and Saskia Wieringa. 2009. Women’s Sexualities and Masculinities in a Globalizing Asia. New York: PalgraveMacmillan. Bose, Brinda. ed. 2005. Translating Desire: The Politics of Gender and Culture in India. New Delhi: Katha. Bose, Brinda and Subhabrata, Bhattacharyya. Eds. 2006. The Phobic and the Erotic: The Politics of Sexualities in Contemporary India. London: Seagull Books. Butler, Judith. 1996. Corpi che contano. I limiti discorsivi del “sesso”. Milano: Feltrinelli. Chebel, Malik. 1995. Encyclopédie de l’Amour en Islam. Paris: Payot. Dabaghi, Lara. Alena, Mack and Doris, Jaalouk. 2008. A Case Study of the First Legal, Above-Ground LGBT Organization in the MENA Region. Beirut: Ministry of Public Health. Dave, Naisargi N. 2012. Queer Activism in India: A Story in the Anthropology of Ethics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Devi, Shakuntala. 1977. The World of Homosexuals. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. Al Farchichi, Wahid. & Saghiyeh, Nizar. 2009. Homosexual Relations in the Penal Codes: General Study Regarding the Laws in the Arab Countries with a Report on Lebanon and Tunisia. Beirut: Helem. Fernandez, Bina. ed. 2002. Humjinsi: A Resource Book on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Rights in India. Bombay: India Center for Human Rights and Law. Floor, Willem. 2008. A Social History of Sexual Relations in Iran. Washington: Mage. Gautam, Bhan and Arvind, Narrain. ed. 2005. Because I have a Voice: Queer Politics in India, New Delhi: Yoda Press. Ghoussoub, Mai. & Sincalir-Webb, Emma. eds. 2006 Imagined Masculinities. Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East. London: Saqi Books. Gopinath, Gayatri. 2005. Impossible Desires: Queer Diasporas and South Asian Public Cultures. Durham: Duke University Press. Guardi, Jolanda e Vanzan, Anna. 2012. Che genere di islam. Omosessuali, queer e transessuali tra shari‘a e nuove interpretazioni. Roma: Ediesse. Habib, Sahar. 2007. Female Homosexuality in the Middle East. New York and London: Routledge. Habib, Sahar. 2009. Arabo-Islamic Texts on Female Homosexuality 850-1780 a. d. Youngstown New York: Teneo Press. 107 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 Haeri, Shahla. 1989. Law of Desire. Temporary Marriage in Shi'i Iran. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. Jackson, Peter A. and Gerard Sullivan. eds. 2000. Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity, Community. New York: Harrington Park Press. Jaffrey, Zia. 1996. The Invisibles: A Tale of the Eunuchs of India. New York: Pantheon. Kala, Arvind. 1992. Invisible Minority: The Unknown World of the Indian Homosexual. New Delhi: Dynamic Books. Kugle, Scott S. A. 2010. Homosexuality in Islam. A critical reflection on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oxford: Oneworld. Less than Gay: A Citizens’ Report on the Status of Homosexuality in India. 1991. New Delhi: AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan. Marmon, Shaun Elizabeth. 1995. Eunuchs & Sacred Boundaries in Islamic Society. New York Oxford: Oxford University Press. Massad, Joseph A. 2007. Desiring Arabs. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Mathee, Rudi. 2005. The Pursuit of Pleasure. Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900. Washington: Mage. Merchant, Hoshang. 1999. Yaarana: Gay Writing from India. New Delhi: Penguin India. Misra, Geetanjali and Radhika Chandiramani. 2005. Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Murray, Sthephen O. & Roscoe, Will. 1997. Islamic Homosexualities. Culture, History and Literature. New York and London: New York University Press. Najmabadi, Afsaneh. 2005. Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards: Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity. Berkley and Los Angeles: California University Press. Nanda, Serena. 1990. Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Narrain, Arvind and Alok, Gupta. eds. 2011. Law Like Love: Queer Perspectives on the Law. New Delhi Yoda Press. Narrain, Arvind. 2004. Queer: Despised Sexuality, Law and Legal Change. Bangalore: Books for Change. Narrain, Arvind with Gautam, Bhan. 2006. Because I Have a Voice: Queer Politics in India. New Delhi: Yoda Press. Ouzgane, Lahoucine. 2006. Islamic Masculinities. London New York: Zed Books. 108 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 Pattanaik, Devdutt. 2002. The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales from Hindu Lore. New York: Harrington Park Press. Puri, Jyoti. 1999. Woman Body Desire: Narratives on Gender and Sexuality in Post-colonial India. New York: Routledge. Rao, R. Raj and Dibyajioty, Sarma. eds. 2009. Whistling in the dark: twenty-one queer interviews. New Delhi: Sage. Ratti, Rakesh. ed. 1993. A Lotus of Another Color: An Unfolding of the South Asian Gay and Lesbian Experience. Boston: Alyson Publications. Reddy, Gayatri. 2005. With Respect to Sex: Negotiating Hijra Identity in South India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. El-Rouayheb, Khaled. 2005. Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Safi, Omid. ed. 2003. Progressive Muslims. On Justice, Gender and Pluralism. Oxford: Oneworld. Schmitt, Arno.-Sofer, Jehoeda. 1992. Sexuality and Erotism among Males in Moslem Societies, London: Harrington Park Press. Schmitt, Arno-Soefer Jehoeda. 1995. Bio-biliography of Male-male Sexuality and Eroticism in Muslim Societies. Berlin: Rosa Winkel Verlag. Seabrook, Jeremy. 1999. Love in a Different Climate: Men Who Have Sex With Men in India. New York, London: Verso. Shahani, Parmesh. 2008. Gay Bombay: Globalization, Love and (Be)longing in Contemporary India. Delhi: SAGE Publications. Sharma, Maya. 2006. Loving Women: Being Lesbian in Unprivileged India. New Delhi: Yoda Press. Sinha, Mrinalini. 1995. Colonial Masculinity: The ‘Manly Englishman’ and the ‘Effeminate Bengali’ in the Late Nineteenth Century. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Srivastava, Sanjay. 2004. Sexual sites, seminal attitudes : sexualities, masculinities, and culture in South Asia. New Delhi: Thousand Oaks. Sukthankar, Ashwini. ed. 1999. Facing the Mirror: Lesbian Writing in India. New Delhi: Penguin. Sullivan, G. and P. Jackson. 2001. Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity, Community. New York: Routledge. Thadani, Giti. 1996. Sakhiyani: Lesbian Desire in Ancient and Modern India. London-New York: Cassell. Tolino, Serena. 2009. L’omosessualità nei paesi arabo-islamici. Bella (PZ): Arduino Sacco Editore. 109 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 Vanita, Ruth. 2005. Gandhi’s Tiger and Sita’s Smile: Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Culture. New Delhi: Yoda Press. Vanita, Ruth. 2009. Chocolate and Other Writings on Male Homoeroticism. Durham: Duke University Press. Vanita, Ruth. ed. 2002. Queering India: Same-sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society. London New York: Routledge. Vanita, Ruth and Kidwai Saleem. 2000. Same Sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History. New Delhi: Macmillan. Walker King, D. ed. 2000. Body Politics and the Fictional Double. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Whitaker, Brian. 2006. Unspeakable Love. Gay and lesbian life in the Middle East. London: aqi Books. Wright, J. W. Jr. & Rowson, Everett. K. eds. 1997. Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature. New York: Columbia University Press. Articoli in riviste e capitoli di libri Adang, Camille. 2003. “Ibn Ḥazm on Homosexuality. A Case Study of Ẓāhirī Legal Methodology”. Al-Qantara, XXIV, 1: 5-31. Amar, Paul. 2011. “Middle East Masculinities Studies. Discourses of “Men in Crisis”, Industries of Gender in Revolution”. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Vol. 7, n.3: 36-70. Amer, Sahar. 2009. “Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-like Women”. Journal of the History of Sexuality, Vol. 18, Number 2: 215-236. Amreen, Jamal Mohammed Ebrahim. 2001. “The Story of Lot and the Qur’an perception of the Morality of Same-Sex Sexuality”. Journal of Homosexuality. 41: 1-88. Ayalon, David. 1985. “The Term “Khādim” in the sense of “eunuch” in the Early Muslim sources”. Arabica, T. 32, Fasc. 3: 289-308. Bacchetta, Paola. 1999. “When the (Hindu) Nation Exiles Its Queers”. Social Text, 61, (4):141–166. Bacchetta, Paola. 2002. “Rescaling Transnational “Queerdom”: Lesbian and “Lesbian” Identitary Positionalities in Delhi in the 1980s”. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 34, (5): 947–973. Bahreini, Raha. 2008. “From Perversion to Pathology: Discourses and Practices of Gender Policing in the Islamic Republic of Iran”. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 5, 1: I-XXX. 110 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 Cheikh Moussa, A. 1982. “Ğāḥiẓ et les eunuques ou la confusion du même et de l’autre”. Arabica, T. 29, Fasc. 2: 184-214. Čvorović, Jelena. 2006. “Islamic Homosexuality”. Antropolojia, 1: pp. 85-103. Dave, Naisargi N. 2010. “To Render Real the Imagined: An Ethnographic History of Lesbian Community in India”. 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Sitografia http://www.calem.eu/publications.html Confederazione di associazioni LGBTQ europee e musulmane. http://equalindiaalliance.wix.com/home Equal India Alliance http://www.galva108.org/ Galva -108: gay & lesbian vaishnava association http://ganjoor.net/ (Sito di letteratura persiana classica in versione originale). http://www.gaylaxymag.com/ Gaylaxy http://www.gaylaxymag.com/hindi/ Gaylaxy hindi http://gaysifamily.com/ Gaysi http://www.glas.org/ Organizzazione di sostegno a LGBTQ arabi con sede principale negli Stati Uniti. http://www.humsafar.org The Humsafar Trust http://www.ilgrandecolibri.com/p/moi-musulmani-omosessuali-initalia.html Sito del MOI, Musulmani Omosessuali Italiani. http://www.imaan.org.uk/ Sito di supporto alla comunità LGBTQ in Gran Bretagna. www.irqr.net Sito dell’organizzazione canadese Iranian Network for Queer Refugees, che si occupa di LGBTQ iraniani. 116 Jolanda Guardi DEP n. 25 / 2014 http://majalehmaha.wordpress.com/ Sito della rivista LGBTQ Māhā. http://nigahdelhi.blogspot.it/ Nigah Queering Perspectives http://pink-pages.co.in/ Pink Pages India's National Gay & Lesbian magazine! http://queer-ink.com Queer Ink publishing http://queermuslimrevolution.blogspot.it/ Sito di informazione su LGBTQ musulmani nel mondo. http://queerazaadi.wordpress.com/ Queer Azadi http://sangama.org/files/sexualminorities.pdf Sangama http://www.samabhavanasociety.org/education.html Samabhavana Society http://www.sanginii.org/sangini.htm Sanginii Trust’s website http://sansadhan.wordpress.com/ Samlaiṃgik-sambandhī jānkārī Netherlands 2006, 65’. 117
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