Art. 1 – GAMES AND ORGANIZATION The Gal CSR Marmo Melandro (Centre for Rural Development) promotes the Rural Olympic Games in the Marmo Melandro area. This event, called “Le Ruraliadi: le olimpiadi della ruralità nel Marmo Melandro”, will take place in the Marmo Melandro Leader area, in the hamlets and in the squares of the following municipalities: Balvano, Baragiano, Bella, Brienza, Castelgrande, Muro, Lucano, Pescopagano, Picerno, Ruoti, Sant’Angelo, Le Fratte, Sasso di Castalda, Satriano di Lucania, Savoia di Lucania, Tito, Vietri di Potenza. The company that organizes the event is the Cooperative Company Iridia (Tax Code: 01802200764). Art. 2 – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS The communications concerning the Ruraliadi event will be published on the institutional website, as well as to the Facebook page For more information please contact: e-mail address: [email protected] Francesco: +39 349 6786963 Antonio: +39 320 6416621 Doriano: +39 320 5577538 Art. 3 – AIM OF THE RURALIADI The games are aimed at creating an itinerant series of events during which the municipalities of the Leader area will challenge each other and compare their skills, always related to the cultural and anthropological aspects of the territory. Art. 4 – TEAMS Each municipality can register just one team composed by at most 20 participants, through a representative indicated to the Gal CSR Marmo Melandro. Each team is assigned a different colour. Each participant must compete wearing the t-shirt of his/her team supplied by the organization. Art. 5 – TEAMS REPRESENTATIVES For each municipality one or more representatives will be chosen. Representatives will communicate the following information as for each participant: name, surname, date of birth, domicile, residence (if different), tax code. Representatives have to coordinate their team and to ensure the presence of the minimum number of participants for each competition (as indicated by the relevant Rules and Regulations). Each participant is aware that his/her personal details will be treated as confidential, as provided for by the following art. 6. Art. 6 - PARTICIPANTS The Ruraliadi are opened to all participants domiciled/resident and/or first degree relatives of people living in the Marmo Melandro area. The domicile/residence of participants determines their “natural” belonging to a specific municipality. All the information collected by the Cooperative Company Iridia will be used only for the purpose of the event “Ruraliadi: olimpiadi della ruralità nel Marmo Melandro”. However, the confidentiality of personal information is protected by rules aimed at avoiding their disclosure to third parties. If participants consent to their personal data being collected as provided for by art.13 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, the Cooperative Company Iridia declares to be responsible for it. Therefore, the Cooperative Company Iridia , represented by its legal representative and located in via del Gallitello, 53, 85100 Potenza, is responsible for the processing of personal data. The processing of personal data is made through management information systems and manual systems that ensure the safety required by the law in force. Personal data will be collected, stored and protected against damage, loss or abuse. As provided for by art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, it is possible to know whether the Cooperative Company Iridia has collected personal data about an individual or not, even though he/she is not yet registered. The person concerned is also entitled to know how his/her data are processed. Furthermore, if required, the Cooperative Company Iridia must update, modify, complete or delete personal data. The exercise of the rights must be communicated to Iridia, via del Gallitello, 53, 85100 Potenza, through a registered mail, with the following subject: “Exercise of the rights as provided for by art.7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003”. Art. 7 - COMPETITIONS Besides the present regulations, each competition is subject to the terms of the specific game. Therefore, all participants should take a close look at the website ( ) Art. 8 – CONTROL OF LISTS The Organization can check the belonging of participants to their municipalities and intervene at its incontestable discretion in case of infractions. Art. 9 – RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE The minimum age requirement is indicated by the rules and regulations of each competition. Each participant can compete in several games, provided that he/she is included in the LIST OF PARTICIPANTS as provided for by art.5. If a team does not have the minimum number of players required by a competition, it will get the minimum score for that competition. Art. 10 - LIABILITY Each individual who autonomously decides to participate in a game, competition, sport or event related to the “Ruraliadi: olimpiadi della ruralità nel Marmo Melandro”, is covered by an insurance policy. However, the Organization does not take responsibility (outside the insurance coverage) for possible accidents or damage to people, animal, things before, during and after the competitions. Each participant commits to give to the organization a true copy of the certificate of good health, if required (by the specific rules and regulations of competitions). Art. 11 - DECISIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION In case of extraordinary circumstances, as bad weather etc., the Organization can decide at any time to change the schedule. It is not compulsory to perform games and competitions possibly postponed and/or suspended. Art. 12 – SPORTS COMPETITIONS During the “RURALIADI” the following sports will take place: SCHEDULE September, 7th – October, 12th Competition date Sunday, September 7th Opening Ceremony Sunday, September 7th Friday, September 12th Sunday, September 14th Monday, September 15th Thursday, September 18th Friday, September 19th Sunday, September 21st Friday, September 26th Saturday, September 27th Sunday, September 28th Friday, October 3rd Saturday, October 4th Sunday, October 5th Saturday, October 11th Sunday, October 12th Sunday, October 12th Closing Ceremony Municipality Bella Bella Castelgrande Pescopagano Brienza Sant’Angelo Le Fratte Tito Sasso di Castalda Ruoti Satriano di Lucania Baragiano Muro Lucano Picerno Savoia di Lucania Vietri di Potenza Balvano Balvano Competition Rural Olympic Games Mazz e piuz Mountain Marathon Archery Relay Race Grape Harvest Competition Bucket of water Competition The Rurality Quiz Adventure paths Hot chili peppers Competition Tug of war Relay sack Race Hit the pork Lasso throwing Olive throwing Hay bales Competition Rural Olympic Games The sports competitions can be cancelled if the organization ascertains that there is not the minimum number of participants. Art. 12 - RESULTS For each sport there detailed results will be available. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 7th place 8th place 9th place 10th place 11th-15th place 15 points 10 points 8 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2.5 points 2 points 1.5 points 1 point 0.5 points As for the score for each sport, please read the relevant regulations. The final results are determined by the sum of the points obtained in each competition by each team. The team in first place will be awarded the title of Borgo Ruraliadi 2014. Art. 13 REFUND The participants of each team will receive a reimbursement of actual travel costs. Art. 14 TIMETABLE For each competition we will indicate the start time and the arrival time. Punctuality is fundamental. Teams are invited to collaborate and ensure that the start time and the arrival time are met. Art. 15 – CODE OF CONDUCT As specified in art.1, the Organization can also modify the present Regulation as well as the Rules and Regulations of each competition at any time and at its incontestable discretion. In case of unfair behaviours, the Organization will intervene throwing the participants responsible for violent/offensive behaviour out of the game to the detriment of the team score. Violent or unsporting behaviour towards other competitors or judges shall be punished by disqualification of the responsible competitor. However, any choice is up to the organization that, together with judges, can make a decision about the possible disqualification of a competitor and the relegation of the team as for that competition. Possible violent or unsporting behavior of the team representative can imply the disqualification of the whole team and, as a consequence, the relegation of the team in the final results. Therefore, considering the amateur and party aspect of the competition, we ask for collaboration and spirit of the game among participants.
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