1st State of the art and Challenges of Research

1st State of the art and Challenges of Research Efforts (S.C.O.R.E.) at (@) POLIBA
3rd- 5th December 2014
Scheda dei gruppi di ricerca
Professori (3): Mauro Mezzina, PO, ICAR/09 (responsabile scientifico); Giuseppina Uva, PhD, PA, ICAR/09;
Antonio Tosto PA, ICAR/09
Ricercatori (2): Domenico Raffaele, ICAR/09; Rita Greco, PhD, ICAR/09.
Prof. a contratto (1): Dott. Ing. Francesco Porco, PhD, ICAR/09.
Dottorandi (3): – Dott. Ing. Andrea Fiore, 27°, ICAR/09; Dott. Ing. Marialuigia Sangirardi, 28°, ICAR/09;
Dott. Roberto Gentile, 30°, ICAR/09
SETTORI ERC (European Research Council)
ICAR/09, Tecnica delle Costruzioni
PE8_3 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering,
geotechnics, waste treatment
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE6_12 - Scientific computing, simulation and modeling tools
SH5_11 - Cultural heritage, cultural memory
Earthquake Engineering; nonlinear structural analysis; analysis and constitutive modelling of masonry
structures; vulnerability, seismic risk and scenario analysis at the regional and urban scale; diagnosis and
assessment of existing structures; protection of the architectural heritage and monumental buildings from
earthquakes; stochastic dynamics; Sustainable structural design; Modelling and vulnerability analysis of
bridges. (Ingegneria sismica; analisi strutturale non lineare; analisi e modellazione costitutiva di strutture
murarie; vulnerabilità rischio sismico e analisi di scenario a scala territoriale e urbana; diagnostica e verifica
delle strutture esistenti in c.a. e muratura; protezione del patrimonio architettonico e degli edifici
monumentali dai terremoti; dinamica stocastica; Progettazione strutturale sostenibile; Modellazione ed analisi
di vulnerabilità di ponti)
Multi-level assessment procedures of the seismic risk and vulnerability of the built environment (residential
buildings, strategic and sensitive structures, infrastructures, cultural heritage) for the sustainable reuse of
existing structures. [Valutazione multi-livello del rischio e vulnerabilità sismica dell'ambiente costruito (edifici
residenziali, strutture strategiche e sensibili, infrastrutture, beni culturali) per il riutilizzo sostenibile delle
costruzioni esistenti.]
Mechanical modelling and seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings, monuments and structural
aggregates: from the micro-scale to the global dynamics. [Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica con
modellazione meccanica di edifici in muratura monumentali e di aggregati strutturali: dalla risposta del
materiale murario micro-strutturato alla dinamica sismica complessiva degli edifici]
Multi-objective assessment of bridges and viaducts based on simplified mechanical vulnerability models.
[Valutazione multi-obiettivo di ponti e viadotti sulla base di modelli di vulnerabilità meccanici semplificati]
Modelling and analysis of the contribution of infill panels in nonlinear seismic analysis of existing RC framed
buildings: uncertainty analysis; two-scale modelling (meso-micro); calibration of equivalent macroscopic
models equivalent. [Modellazione ed analisi del contributo delle tamponature nell’analisi sismica non lineare di
edifici intelaiati esistenti in ca: analisi dell’incertezza; modellazione a più scale (meso–micro); calibrazione di
modelli macroscopici equivalenti.]
Mechanical characterization methods using soft-computing and optimization of passive seismic protection
devices. [Caratterizzazione meccanica mediante metodologie di soft-computing e ottimizzazione di dispositivi
di protezione sismica passiva]
• Contributi in rivista internazionale ISI/Scopus: Mezzina: 2; Uva: 12; Greco: 4; Raffaele: 4; Tosto; Fiore: 5;
Sangirardi: 2; Porco: 8.
• Contributi in volume: Uva: 1; Greco: 1.
• Monografie: 1
• Proceedings: Mezzina: 3; Uva: 6; Raffaele: 4; Tosto: 3; Fiore: 2; Porco: 2.
MOBILITÀ INTERNAZIONALE: Sangirardi (Portogallo)
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Sustainability
Mauro Mezzina1, Giuseppina Uva1*, Domenico Raffaele1, Rita Greco, Antonio F.
Tosto1; Andrea Fiore1; Marialuigia Sangirardi1; Roberto Gentile1; Francesco Porco1
Dep. Dicatech, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy
Abstract. The group is involved in the development of multi-level assessment
procedures of the seismic risk and vulnerability of the built environment (residential
buildings, strategic and sensitive structures and infrastructures, cultural heritage).
In particular, these track is strongly addressed to the possibility of providing an
effective supporting tool for the seismic safety assessment of historical masonry
buildings and the design of interventions aimed at the rehabilitation and sustainable
re-use of historical centres. Another class of structures that has been investigated is
that of bridges and viaducts. The objective is to propose a simple mechanical
vulnerability model, which can be easily applied at the regional scale. The model can
be enriched in order incorporate the interaction with other hazards (such as
floods,…) and a multi-objective “condition”/“functionality” rating, to be used in the
evaluation and optimization of the intervention strategy.
Keywords: Seismic Risk and Vulnerability; Structural Safety; Protection of
Historical and Monumental Buildings from Earthquakes; Sustainable Reuse of
Existing Buildings and Historical Centers; Retrofitting Techniques; Mechanical and
Computational Modelling; Non-Linear Dynamic and Pushover Analysis Techniques
for Seismic Protection.
Multi-level assessment procedures of the seismic risk and
vulnerability of the built environment (residential buildings,
strategic and sensitive structures, infrastructures, cultural
heritage) for the sustainable reuse of existing structures
"While every year 50,000 acres of land is lost in new development, thousands of ancient villages and
historic towns risk the abandonment and the complete degradation. [...]." [1]. The sustainability of
settlement models is a priority, particularly in Italy, lacking in building land, where
urbanization disorderly builds free land, floods agricultural areas, besieges the natural
landscape resources, even occupying areas unsuited to settlement, as the ones at
landslide risk. The expectations for the future foresee further pressure on urban
centers, with an enlargement of the problem. In the past, a number of attempts, aimed
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at promoting the restoration of abandoned or degraded historical centres, degraded
industrial areas and cities' quarters, dismissed infrastructures were developed, but often
resulted to be poorly incisive and enduring. Above all, they did not mark a turning
point towards a new vision of the urban development, which has continued to
promote brand new settlements.
Nowadays, the option of reusing existing buildings is raising the attention of the
building enterprises, but is inhibited by a number of technical and operational
difficulties, mainly driven by the strict requirements of the recently issued technical
seismic standards and by the complexity of the matter. The seismic building code [2],
in fact, has been completely reviewed in the last 5 years, in order to comply with the
most advanced international standards, and is particularly demanding with respect to
the seismic safety assessment of existing constructions. This generated confusion
among professionals and technicians, as pointed out by the significant efforts put in
place by the scientific community and by professional associations to support and
update the technicians and did not favour a recovery of the construction market. Due
to their strategic and central position in the city, to the high potential for settlement
and to the historical, cultural and touristic value, the importance of focusing on reuse
of historic centres and neighbourhoods is now recognized at all levels, and is the
subject of great interest by different stakeholders.
In this context, a crucial point is the seismic and structural safety of buildings. This is a
very complex problem which interferes with every step of the strategies of sustainable
reuse of existing buildings, and is one of the central object of the research activity of
the group.
Within this framework, the group has been involved, in the last few years, in the
development of Multi-level assessment procedures of the seismic risk and vulnerability
of the built environment (residential buildings, strategic and sensitive structures and
infrastructures, cultural heritage). The analyses start from the regional scale, in order
to provide a rational basis for the prioritization of interventions, mitigation strategies
and fund allocation.
In particular, these track is strongly addressed to the possibility of providing an
effective supporting tool for the seismic safety assessment of historical masonry
buildings and the design of interventions aimed at the rehabilitation and sustainable reuse of historical centres.
Another class of structures that has been investigated in detail is that of bridges and
viaducts. The objective is to propose a mechanically based –but simple – vulnerability
model that can be easily applied at the regional scale. Besides the seismic vulnerability,
the model is being enriched in order to account for the interaction with other hazards
(such as floods, undermining, …) and incorporate a multi-objective definition of the
“condition” and “functionality” rating, to be used in the evaluation and optimization
of the intervention strategy. With regard to these issues, the research group has
developed several studies and research projects in collaboration with local authorities
and administrations. For example, the regional municipality of Puglia has promoted
studies on the vulnerability of Apulia, with reference to residential buildings, school
buildings and bridges (Antaeus Project, Project Sprepas). The results of the research
studies have been published in several papers and books [3-32]
“The new life of old villages”, Tekneco (2012), n.6 2012, www.Tekneco.it.
D.M. 14 gennaio 2008. Norme tecniche per le costruzioni.
Porco F., Porco G., Uva G., Sangirardi M. (2013), “Experimental characterization of
“Non-engineered” masonry systems in a highly seismic prone area”, Construction and
Building Materials, 48, pp. 406-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.07.028.
Raffaele, D., Porco, F., Fiore, A., Uva, G. (2013). “Simplified vulnerability assessment of
reinforced concrete circular piers in multi-span simply supported bridges”. Structure and
Infrastructure Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2013.772642.
Fiore, A., Porco, F., Uva, G., Mezzina M. (2013). “On the dispersion of data collected by
in situ diagnostic of the existing concrete”. Construction and Building Materials, 47, pp.
208-217. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.05.001. codice scopus 2-s2.0-84878663211
Porco, F., Fiore, A., Porco, G., Uva, G. (2013). "Monitoring and safety for prestressed
bridge girders by SOFO sensors”. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 3 (1), pp.
3-18. DOI: 10.1007/s13349-012-0029-9. Codice scopus 2-s2.0-84876564245.
Casolo, S., Uva, G. (2013) “Nonlinear analysis of out-of-plane masonry façades: Full
dynamic versus pushover methods by rigid body and spring model”. Earthquake
Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42 (4), pp. 499-521. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2224.
Casolo, S., Milani, G., Uva, G., Alessandri, C (2013). “Comparative seismic vulnerability
analysis on ten masonry towers in the coastal Po Valley in Italy”. Engineering Structures,
49, pp. 465-490. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.11.033.
Uva, G., Casolo, S. (2013), “Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis of Masonry Towers under
Natural Accelerograms Accounting for Soil-Structure Interaction”, Proc. COMPDYN
2013 (M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, V. Plevris eds.), Kos Island, Greece, 12–14
June 2013.
Uva, G., Fiore A. (2013), “Effects of “reinforced” infilled frames on existing RC
buildings”, Proc. COMPDYN 2013 (M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, V. Plevris eds.),
Kos Island, Greece, 12–14 June 2013.
Casolo, S., Porco F., Uva G. (2013), “An Analytical Approach for Assessment of the
Effects of Infill Panels in RC Frames”, Proc. COMPDYN 2013 (M. Papadrakakis, V.
Papadopoulos, V. Plevris eds.), Kos Island, Greece, 12–14 June 2013.
Uva, G., Raffaele, D., Porco, F., Fiore, A., Porco, G. (2012). “Bridge monitoring by fiber
optic deformation sensors: A case study”. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management,
Resilience and Sustainability - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pp. 3911-3918.
Casolo S, Uva G (2011). “Seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry towers: full nonlinear dynamics vs pushover analyses”. Proc. of Compdyn 2011Eds. M. Papadrakakis, M.
Fragiadakis and V. Plevris. ISBN 978-960-99994-0-3 (CD-ROM), Corfù, Greece, 26-28
May 2011.
Fiore A, Mezzina M, Porco F, Raffaele D, Uva G (2012). “Seismic safety assessment
program of school building in Puglia (Italy): overview and case studies”. Proceedings of
the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Lisbona, 24-28 settembre.
Fiore A, Mezzina M, Porco F, Raffaele D, Uva G. (2012). “A simplified approach for the
seismic vulnerability assessment of RC bridges with simply supported deck” Paper n.
3964 - Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Lisbona,
24-28 settembre.
Greco R, Marano G, M. Mezzina, S. Milella, D. Raffaele, F. Palmisano, F. Porco, I. Trulli,
G. Uva (2012). Il Progetto Aristoteles. Un'analisi tecnico-economica sulle strutture
scolastiche in Puglia. ISBN: 978-88-7522-043-3
M. Mezzina, F. Porco, D. Raffaele, G. Uva, “Linee guida per la valutazione della sicurezza
di edifici pubblici con strutture in c.a. o in muratura”, Convenzione Dipartimento ICAR
del Politecnico di Bari – Autorità di Bacino Regione Puglia, 2010.
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[18] S. Casolo, F. Porco, G. Porco, G. Uva. (2008). Vulnerabilità strutturale e rischio sismico
del Patrimonio Architettonico: indagini, analisi, modelli. Ed. Digilabs, Bari.
[19] Raffaele D., Porco F., Uva G. (2008) “Analisi di Vulnerabilità del Viadotto”, In: Sicurezza
e conservazione delle prime costruzioni in calcestruzzo armato (a cura di: M. Mezzina, G.
Uva, R. Greco). ISBN: 978-88-251-7311-6. Ed. Città Studi di De Agostini scuola.
[20] Mezzina M, Uva G. (2008). “Una conclusione per la salvaguardia del patrimonio
architettonico”. In: Sicurezza e conservazione delle prime costruzioni in calcestruzzo
armato (a cura di: M. Mezzina, G. Uva, R. Greco). ISBN: 978-88-251-7311-6. Ed. Città
Studi di De Agostini scuola. (ITALY).
[21] Mezzina M, Uva G. (2008). “Capitolo 1: Comprendere il Rischio Sismico.” In: Rischio
sismico e strategie di mitigazione per i centri storici. Il caso di Laino Castello. A cura di M.
Mezzina, M. Aristodemo, L. Jurina, G. Uva. Bari, Biblios editore.
[22] Mezzina M., Uva G., Greco R., Trulli I. (2008). “Capitolo 9: Rischio Hazard e
Vulnerabilità”. In: Rischio sismico e strategie di mitigazione per i centri storici. Il caso di
Laino Castello (a cura di M. Mezzina, M. Aristodemo, L. Jurina, G. Uva). Bari, Biblios
editore. ISBN: 978-88-6225-020-7.
[23] Uva G., Trulli I. (2008). “Capitolo 10: Analisi del rischio sismico e geomorfologico”. In:
Rischio sismico e strategie di mitigazione per i centri storici. Il caso di Laino Castello (a
cura di M. Mezzina, M. Aristodemo, L. Jurina, G. Uva). Bari, Biblios editore. ISBN: 97888-6225-020-7.
[24] Rischio sismico e strategie di mitigazione per i centri storici. Il caso di Laino Castello.
(2008). A cura di M. Mezzina, M. Aristodemo, L. Jurina, G. Uva. Bari, Biblios editore.
ISBN: 978-88-6225-020-7.
[25] Uva G, Mezzina M, Sanjust CA (2011). “Progetto Antaeus: Una metodologia di
valutazione della vulnerabilità dell’edilizia diffusa nella Provincia di Foggia”. Atti del XIV
Convegno Anidis – l’Ingegneria sismica in Italia. Bari, 18-22 settembre 2011,
Bari:Digilabs Di Fiore G. & C. S.A.S. , ISBN: 978-88-7522-040-2
[26] Mezzina M, Uva G, Casolo S, Sanjust C A, Ferrandino A (2011). Applicazione della
metodologia “Antaeus” per la stima della vulnerabilità di livello 1 nella Provincia di
Foggia.” Atti del XIV Convegno Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Bari, Italy,
September 18-22, 2011, Bari:digilabs di Fiore G. & C. s.a.s. , ISBN: 978-88-7522-040-2
[27] Mezzina M, Greco R, Marano G, Milella S, Palmisano F, Porco F, Trulli I, Uva G (2011).
“Proposta di valutazione del rischio a “livello 0”, Atti del XIV Convegno Anidis –
l’Ingegneria sismica in Italia, Ed. Digilabs, Bari, ISBN 978-88-7522-040-2. Bari, 18-22
settembre 2011.
[28] M. Mezzina, G. Uva, D. Raffaele, F. Porco, A. Fiore (2011). “Linee guida per la verifica di
vulnerabilità sismica di edifici in c.a. nella provincia di Foggia: casi di studio”. Le
prospettive di sviluppo delle opere in calcestruzzo strutturale nel terzo millennio. Atti 26°
Congresso Nazionale giornate Aicap 2011, Padova 19-21 Maggio 2011.
[29] G. Uva, F. Porco, A. Fiore (2011). “Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici
strategici in c.a.: modellazione numerica e analisi dei risultati”, Le prospettive di sviluppo
delle opere in calcestruzzo strutturale nel terzo millennio. Atti 26° Congresso Nazionale
giornate Aicap 2011, Padova 19-21 Maggio 2011.
[30] Mezzina M, Porco F, Raffaele D, Uva G (2010). “Sicurezza strutturale delle scuole in
Puglia: strategie per la mitigazione del rischio e linee guida per le verifiche di sicurezza”,
Strategie di sviluppo sostenibile per le costruzioni in Cina in Europa e in Italia, atti del
convegno Roma 19-20 Aprile 2010, ISBN 978-88-548-4418-6.
[31] Trulli I, Uva G. (2009) “Valutazione integrata di rischio sismico e rischio
geomorfologico”, Atti del XIII Convegno Anidis – l’Ingegneria sismica in Italia. Bologna
28 giugno – 2 luglio 2009.
[32] Uva G, Mezzina M, Sanjust CA, Trulli I (2009). “Stima del rischio sismico territoriale con
dati poveri: Risk Rating per la Provincia di Foggia”, Atti del XIII Convegno Anidis –
l’Ingegneria sismica in Italia. Bologna 28 giugno – 2 luglio 2009.