FRANCESCO PIGOZZO CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Francesco Surname: Pigozzo Place and date of birth: Genova, 18 January 1982 Nationality: Italian Office: DirPolis Insitute - Studi Europei - Via San Zeno 2 – 56127 Pisa – Italy Tel: + 39 050 88 3825 Permanent address: c/o MAGRO - Corso Italia 42/7 - 19013 Deiva Marina (SP) - Italy Mobile: +39 3491254903 E-mail: [email protected] CURRENT POSITION From August 2011: Research Fellow in Political Science at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, co-funded by the Centre for Studies on Federalism (Turin). Research project: “ENPI - Epistemic Nature of Political Ideas”. MEMBERSHIPS AND OTHER ACTIVE POSITIONS Since 2013 (January) CEO and Founder of the International Centre for European and Global Governance Ltd (CesUE) - Education and Communication Director ( Since 2011 (May) Collaborator of the Centre for Studies on Federalism in Turin and member of the editorial staff of the Bibliographical Bulletin on Federalism ( Since 2007 Founder and President of “Gli Spaesati”, a cultural association aiming at cross-fertilizing artistic and scientific research with particular regard to the field of human beings multiple and multilevel belongings Since 2011: member of the editorial staff of the Bibliographical Bulletin on Federalism ( Since 2010: SUSSLF member ( and Seminario di Filologia Francese member ( 2009-2012 and 2012-today: Tuscany Regional Secretary of the Young European Federalists (first period) and of the Movimento Federalista Europeo (actual period) Since 2008: member of the editorial board of The Federalist Debate. 2005-2009 (selected tutor for participant students) and 2010-2014 scientific coordinator and coorganizer of the “Luciano Bolis” Summer Seminar on the European unification process and European federalism (, promoted by the Regione Toscana, the Union of European Federalists - Italy, the Associazione Italiana del Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d'Europa, the Association Éuropéenne Des Enseignants (multidisciplinary approach to the history, the cultural meaning and the political perspectives of the european unification process). CV Francesco Pigozzo - May 2014 1 EDUCATION July 2010: Ph.D. in “Letterature Straniere Moderne” [“Modern Foreign Literatures”], curriculum of French Literature, University of Pisa. Dissertation title: Saint-Simon the genuine. Between indignation and astonishment: stylistics and aesthetics of inconsistency in his Mémoires. Advisor: prof. F. Orlando. December 2007: Diploma certificate, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. Dissertation title: Proust’s pastiche of the duke of Saint-Simon. Final mark: 70/70 cum laude. Advisor: prof. F. Orlando. January 2007 – January 2010: Ph.D. course in “Letterature Straniere Moderne” (french, english, german and spanish), University of Pisa. October 2006: M.A. of European Literatures and Philologies, University of Pisa. Dissertation title: Lyricism, story-telling and essayism in André Malraux’s Les noyers de l’Altenburg. Advisor: prof. G. Iotti. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude. October 2004: B.A. of Modern Literatures at the University of Pisa. Dissertation title: Material unconcern in André Malraux’s Condition Humaine. Advisor: prof. G. Iotti. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude. October 2001 – October 2006: student (“allievo ordinario”) of the Faculty of Arts, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. EXPERIENCES ABROAD January – February 2010: research period at the London School of Economics, appointed by the C.E.S.U.E. (Centro Studi e Documentazione sull'Unione Europea) to attend the LSE Literary Festival and some lectures of the LSESU cycle on Global Society. January – February 2006, april – may 2008, may 2009: research periods at the Bibliohèque Nationale de France in Paris (Carte de Recherche), co-funded by the University of Pisa. April and June-July 2004: research period at the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique/Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België in Bruxelles, funded by the Scuola Normale Superiore. OTHER WORK EXPERIENCES 2012-2014 project manager and module leader in SSSUP’s EUGlobal (, EUWay ( and EUrgencies@Dem ( projects (selected for funding by the EC, under the “Learning EU at School” calls for proposals). 2013-2014 module leader and member of the teaching staff in “A Scuola di Diversità” ( project funded by Regione Toscana in the ESF framework to train all personnel typologies in the regional school system on intercultural topics, methodologies and practices. October 2010 – April 2011: lecturer of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and CESUE Association in a professional development course for teachers of the compulsory cycle, “La Scuola di Tutti” ( co-funded by the Tuscany region in the ESF framework (introductory lessons on the global context and specific lessons on a post-national method to teach literature). July – September 2010: comparative survey on the academic grading systems in Europe, commissioned and funded by the Political Science Faculty of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in order to better assess the european candidates to the PhD in Politics, humain rights and sustainability. Planning and drafting of the UEF-Pisa project “Europa fattore di Pace”, co-funded by the Regione Toscana as a winner of the 2008 competition to “Promote a culture of Peace”. LANGUAGES Italian: native speaker. English: fluent. French: fluent. Spanish: reading proficiency. German: reading ability (I'm currently improving my overall competences in German). CV Francesco Pigozzo - May 2014 2 PUBLICATIONS Entries « Singularité », « Raison d’État » and « Diplomate » in the Dictionnaire Saint-Simon,Marie-Paule de Weerdt-Pilorge, François Raviez, Marc Hersant eds., forthcoming for Laffont, Paris. Saint-Simon et la Raison d’État, in Saint-Simon, ou le sens de l’intrigue, Marc Hersant ed., forthcoming for Classiques Garnier, Paris. Sovereignty and Democracy: overcoming super-national mutual Double-Binds from the Eurozone, in “Proceedings of the international conference From Schuman Declaration to Lisbon Treaty: what political Finality for the European Union?”, international conference organized by the Universities of Oradea and Debrecen (Romania), Oradea, 25-26 April 2013, forthcoming for Cambridge Scholar Publishing. Sur le prophétisme de la Littérature, in « Actes du colloque international La représentation de la vie psychique dans les récits historiques et fictionnels des XVII et XVIII siècles », international conference organized by the Universities of Bordeaux 3 and Lyon 3, Lyon, 10-12 October 2012, forthcoming for Rodopi (Amsterdam-New York). Esclavage et liberté du singulier, in Cahiers Saint-Simon, n°41 (2013), pp. 67-77. La mémoire des événements: choix, nécessité et idéologie. La logique événementielle dans les Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon, in E. Ballardini, R. Pederzoli, S. Reboul-Touré, G. Tréguer-Felten (éds.), Les facettes de l’événement : des formes aux signes, mediAzioni 15,, ISSN 1974-4382. L’esthétique de l’inattendu dans les Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon. Bilan et perspectives d'une enquête orlandienne sur les « Mémoires », in Ricerche Dottorali in Francesistica, Publifarum, n. 19, published 20/05/2013, consulted 23/05/2013, url: La Double Exigence éthique dans les Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon, in French Studies, n°67 (1/2013), pp. 1-14. Verità sul Potere. Elementi di una bibliografia ragionata, in Verità del potere, potere della verità, ed. by A. Pirni, ETS, Pisa 2012, pp. 247-278. Proust pasticheur del duca di Saint-Simon, in Il Confronto letterario, n°56 (2/2011), pp. 273-294. Les Silences du mariage ou de l’imprévisible succès des intrigues, in Méthode!, n°20 (2011), pp. 153-157. Du Bon Usage du savoir chez Saint-Simon. Le fardeau de la connaissance et l'asymétrie de l'information dans l'Intrigue du mariage du duc de Berry, in La littérature française à l'agrégation de lettres modernes, J.M. Gouvard ed., Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Bordeaux 2011, pp. 171-180. Le Jeu du prévu et de l'imprévu: politique des émotions et émotion de la politique chez le duc de SaintSimon, in Lectures de Saint-Simon, F. Raviez ed., Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes 2011, pp. 141154. Explication de texte, in Saint-Simon, "une puissante cabale", M. Hersant ed., P.U.F., Paris 2011, pp. 164175. Intriguer pour le bien. Le duc de Saint-Simon à l’épreuve du pragmatisme des valeurs, inLa guerre civile des langues, M. Hersant ed., Classiques Garnier, Paris 2011, pp. 139-155. “Bagatelles qui caractérisent”. L’esprit sociologique du duc de Saint-Simon, in Cahiers Saint-Simon, n°39 CV Francesco Pigozzo - May 2014 3 (2011), pp. 89-99. L'iniziativa GFE nel 60° anniversario della Dichiarazione Schuman. Contributi organizzativi al rilancio della lotta per la Federazione Europea, in l'Unità Europea, XXXVII, n°3/2010, pp. 8-9 La visione della storia nella tradizione federalista, in “Atti del primo Seminario Nazionale di Formazione del Movimento Federalista Europeo”, Verona 17-18 April 2010: Il duca di Saint-Simon commenta il diario del marchese di Dangeau, in “Quaderni del dottorato in lettere e filologie moderne”, n. 1 (Testo e commento. Prima giornata di studi della scuola di Dottorato in Letterature e Filologie Moderne), M.C. Cabani and G. Poggi eds., Felici Editore, Pisa 2009, pp. 137-149. Incontro con Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, interview to Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa with R. Novelli, in Voci d'Europa (iniziativa editoriale finanziata con i fondi per le attività culturali e sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Milano), a. I n. 2 (December 2008), p. II. La crisi dei partiti che intercettano il consenso dei progressisti nella crisi della politica nazionale, in Giovane Europa - il giornale dei democratici europei, a. I (2008) n. 4, p. 3. Viva Obama! Ma noi non abbiamo votato..., in Voci d'Europa (iniziativa editoriale finanziata con i fondi per le attività culturali e sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Milano), a. I n. 1 (ottobre-novembre 2008), p. I. Unità italiana ed unità europea. Per una lettura politica del settennato di Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, in Dialoghi con il Presidente. Allievi ed ex allievi delle scuole d'eccellenza pisane a colloquio con Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Ed. della Normale, Pisa 2008, pp. 371-379. I ruggenti anni '90, review di J. Stiglitz, Roaring Nineties, in ilcontesto. Rivista di analisi critica, culturale, sociale e politica, 3-4/2004, pp. 87-89. ARTISTIC WORKS AND EXPERIENCES Co-author and co-director with Daniela Martinelli of: - a recital show on the history of the European unification process since WWII: Europa: che passione! Storia di un amore tormentato, 2010, also translated and represented in English and French) - here an Italian reportage broadcasted by Radio 24 - the drama Come Va il Mondo?, written on the occasion of the centenary of Altiero Spinelli (2007), an original pièce on the ideal of European unity that is also a theatrical research on the relationship between the Theatre of the Absurd and Community-Engaged Theatre. Both plays have been performed regularly all over Italy since their birth: I perform a character in the drama and act as voice-over in the show. Selected LECTURES AND CONFERENCES November-January 2013/2014: Lectures on Educating European Citizens in Naples, Milan and Rome for the professional training of secondary school teachers, in the framework of the project “Giornate di Consapevolezza Europea” funded by the Management Partnership in Italy and organized by CesUE Ltd 26 April 2013: Sovereigny and Democracy, invited speaker to the international conference From Schuman Declaration to Lisbon Treaty, Oradea (Romania), University of Oradea , 25-26 April. 9 March 2013: Esclavage et liberté du singulier, invited speaker to the Journée d’études organized by the CV Francesco Pigozzo - May 2014 4 Société Saint-Simon and the Centre de Recherche Château de Versailles, on La singularité chez le duc de Saint-Simon. 23-25 January 2013: invited speaker to the international conference Conte et Histoire, Lyon, Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin. 12 October 2012: Les Mémoires de Saint-Simon et l’observation de l’incontrôlé dans la vie psychique des autres, invited speaker to the international conference La représentation de la vie psychique dans les récits historiques et fictionnels des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Lyon, Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, 10-12 October 2012. 29-30 May 2012: selected speaker to the conference La ricerca dei giovani settecentisti italiani, Marina di Massa, organized by the Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII. 11 November 2011: L’esthétique de l’inattendu dans les Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon, selected contribution to the conference Nos voix/voies pour la recherche, University of Turin, organized by the Società Universitaria per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Francese 14 July 2011: selected speaker at the Society for the Study of French History Annual Conference 2011, Celebrating France, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam College, 14-15 July. 1 April 2011: selected speaker at the international conference Langage, discours, événement, organized by the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and Bologna University in Florence, Villa Finaly. 12 March 2011: invited speaker at the “Journée d’études” organized by the Saint-Simon Society and the “Centre de Recherche Château de Versailles”. Subject: Étiquette, cérémonial et politesse chez le duc de SaintSimon. April 2010: La visione della storia nella tradizione federalista, speaker at the 1st National Introductory Seminar of UEF-Italy, Verona (on-line publication: Organizer of two historical conferences on the fall of the Berlin wall: La caduta del muro di Berlino, crocevia tra storia mondiale e storia europea, 8 November 2009, Centro di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of La Spezia; 1989-2009 Da Berlino all'Unità Europea. Società, Politica, Globalizzazione, 9 November 2009, University of Florence - Polo delle Scienze Sociali. Co-organizer of UEF-Italy 2008 national Debate Meeting, Napoli, 29-30 October. Co-organizer of one of the three european celebrative conferences of the European Movement: The Congress of Europe: 1948-2008, Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano, 24 May 2008. October 2008: Dallo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali alla crisi alimentare: come colmare il divario tra conoscenze scientifiche e miglioramento della condizione umana?, introductory speaker at the national Debate Meeting of UEF-Italy, Napoli. September 2008: speaker with Bill Pace and Ferdinando Riccardi on The need for a new global, political and economic order, within the 25th International Seminar of the Istituto Spinelli, Ventotene (Latina). September 2007: Il federalismo e le ideologie tradizionali [“Federalism and traditional ideologies”], speaker at the 26th National Seminar of the Istituto Spinelli, Ventotene (Latina). Since July 2006: yearly speaker on Federalism as an independent political thought at the Introductory Seminars on European Federalism “Luciano Bolis”, Passo dei Carpinelli, Lucca. April 2006: La lettura del Misanthrope di Molière, lecture within the academic course of prof. Francesco Orlando on the Theory of Literature (course title: La figuralità dell'inventio). May 2005: Due articoli di Piero Sraffa sul sistema bancario italiano [“Two articles by Piero Sraffa on the italian banking system”], lecture within the SNS course of prof. Marcello De Cecco in Monetary History. CV Francesco Pigozzo - May 2014 5
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