Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Fabio LEONARDI VIA DI COLLINAIA 46, 57128 LIVORNO (Italy) ++ 39 328 3261083 ++ 39 0586 223620 ++ 39 3703149160 [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] Sex Male | Date of birth 26/12/1968 | Nationality Italian JOB APPLIED FOR Psychologist and Psychotherapist in the National Health Service Scientific Director of Psychotherapy and Strategic Comunications Research Centre B.I.T. WORK EXPERIENCE 01/06/2007–Present Psychologist - Psychotherapist Psychotherapy and Psychodiagnosis Centre of A.Usl 6 of National Health Service, Leghorn (Italy) Psychological examination of subjects with hypothesis of mental disorder Diagnosis of patients with mental disorders by psychological test and clinical interview Treatment of patients with mental disorders by psychotherapy Research regarding psychotherapies outcomes Group therapies with psychiatric patients 01/09/2012–Present Scientific Director Psychotherapy and Strategic Comunications Research Centre - B.I.T - Brief Innovative Therapy, Cecina (Italy) Coordination of applyed and theoretical researches in the field of psychotherapy and clinical psychology Research regarding the health concept, its developments during the last century and the new perspectives. Research regarding the status of psychotherapy: critical aspect and potentiality Research regarding some new techniques of strategic psychotherapy in order to maximize the effectiveness. Organizing of master in psychotherapy and clinical psychology Management of educational training in psychotherapy and clinical psychology Coordination of applyed and theoretical researches in the field of comunication Organization of master in strategic comunication Management of educational training in comunication Publication of scientific books Publication of articles in scientific review 01/02/2006–31/05/2007 Psychologist - Psychotherapist Family Counselling Centre of Usl6 - Leghorn of National Health Service, Cecina (Italy) Psychological counselling to children, adolescents, young, mothers and fathers Psychological prevention in elementary, middle and upper schools Peer Education management in upper schools Protection activities of minors with family risks Psychological treatment of minors victime of sexual abuse Psychological examination of couples asking minors in adoption or in fostering Adoptions management Foster care management Psychological treatment of subjects with psychological problems linked to family conditions 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 1 / 7 Curriculum Vitae 01/02/2002–31/01/2006 Fabio LEONARDI Psychologist - Psychotherapist Counselling Family Centr of Asl of Bergamo -National Health Service, Bergamo (Italy) Protection activities of minors with family risks Adoptions management Foster care management Psychological treatment of minors victime of sexual abuse Psychological treatment of subjects with psychological problems linked to family conditions Psychological counselling to children, adolescents, young, mothers and fathers Psychological prevention in elementary, middle and upper schools Psychological examination of couples asking minors in adoption or in fostering 01/11/2001–31/01/2002 Professor of Socialization Course for "Operator in Old People's Home" (financed by European Social Fund), Coop Labirinto Pesaro (Italy) Lessons concerning social and psychological aspect of older people 01/04/2001–31/12/2001 Psychologist reseacher by a contract I.N.R.C.A. Italian National Research Centre on Ageing, Ancona (Italy) Partecipation to the European research on ageing "Mobilate" Scientific papers concerning ageing (see Publications) Preparation of lessons and presentation at international and national conferences on ageing 01/01/2001–30/06/2001 Psychological consultant Daily Care Centre for Severe Mental Disabilities - ASCCOP, Fano (Italy) Supervion of educators and psychologists 29/02/2000–10/06/2000 Professor of Social Sciences Liceo Scienze Sociali (High School of Social Sciences), Fano (Italy) Lessons of Social Sciences 01/09/2000–31/03/2001 Scientific Director and Operations Responsible C.S.R.S.S. Centro Studi Ricerche Scienze Sociali - Social Sciences Researches and Studies Centre, Fano (Italy) Data collecting in Italy of the European Survey "MOBILATE" on order of INRCA - Italian National research Centre on Ageing - the first phase was a quantitative research on 600 subjects by a questionnaire - the second phase was a qualitative research on 297 subjects by structered interview 01/07/2000–30/06/2001 Scientific Director and Operations Responsible C.S.R.S.S. Centro Studi Ricerche Scienze Sociali - Social Sciences Researches and Studies Centre, Fano (Italy) Data collecting in a region (Marche) of Italian Survey "FA.S.S."(Increase School successing") on 1500 subjects by a questionnaire 01/09/1999–31/12/1999 Professor of Health Education and Prevention Course of Educator for patients with Alzheimer disease - (financed by European Social fund), A.U. S.L. of Pesaro - National Health Service (Italy) Lessons concernig Health Education and Prevention 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 2 / 7 Curriculum Vitae 01/01/1996–31/12/1999 Fabio LEONARDI Grant Holder in Psychology I.N.R.C.A. Italian National Research Centre on Ageing, Ancona (Italy) Theoretical researches on ageing Partecipation to the European research on ageing "Outdoor mobilit of elderly people" financed by COST A5 "Ageing and technology" Scientific papers concerning ageing (see Publications) Preparation of lessons and presentation at international and national conferences on ageing Collaboration to a scientific book on ageing (see Publications) 01/09/1996–31/08/1998 Assisstant Professor University of Padua - Faculty of Psychology - Course of Techniques for Personality Investigation, Padua (Italy) Preparation of lessons Member of Commission in University exams Collaboration to researches concernings the techniques of personality investigation 01/09/1994–31/08/1997 Assistant Professor University of Urbino (Italy) - Faculty of Psychology - Course of Psychology of Personality and individual differences Preparation of lessons and study book for student (see publications) Member of Commision in the University Exams Partecipation to the researches concernig psychology of personality 01/10/1997–31/12/2001 Scientific Director and Operations Responsible Care Centre for Women with social and psychological problems - Ass. Cante di Montevecchio, Fano (Italy) Scientific planning of the interventions performed by Care Centre Operating planning of the interventions performed by Care Centre Selection and coordination of social operators and psychologists working in the Centre 01/09/1996–31/08/1999 Psychological consultant Residential Care Centre for Children and Adolescent - Ass. Cante di Montevecchio, Fano (Italy) Supervision of educators Psychological treatments 01/07/1995–31/12/2001 Psychological Consultant Residential Centre for elderly - Ass. Cante di Montevecchio, Fano (Italy) Plannig of psychological rehabilitation of elderly Supervision of educator and operators Multidimensional assessment of elderly Psychological treatments 01/02/1995–30/04/1995 Psychologist in group of adolescents' parents A.Usl of Fano - National Health Service, Fano (Italy) Co-leader of the group 01/07/1994–30/06/1995 Psychologist Researcher Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori - Italian Public Anti-Cancer Association, Pesaro (Italy) Plannig and realization of action-research concerning oncology prevention in primary and secondary schools of Pesaro (Italy) 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 3 / 7 Curriculum Vitae 01/10/1994–30/06/1995 Fabio LEONARDI Psychologist Researcher A.Usl 3 of Fano - National Health Service, Fano (Italy) Research regarding outcomes of prevention action in a group of 120 students EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/10/1989–20/06/1994 Degree in Psychology - Cinical and Community Psychology University of Padua - Faculty of Psychology, Padua (Italy) 15/09/1994–15/09/1995 Training in Drug Addiction Department of the National Health Service A.Usl of Fano - National Health Service, Fano (Italy) 01/01/1996–10/02/2000 Post-Graduate in Psychotherapy: Interactive Psychotherapy Postgraduate School of Interactionist Psychotherapy, Padua (Italy) 01/10/2004–30/06/2005 Master "Cultural Matrix of Diagnosis and Clinical Treatments" University of Bergamo - Faculty of Psychology, Bergamo (Italy) PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B1 B2 B2 B2 C1 French B1 B1 B1 B1 A2 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Excellent communication skills gained through my experience as psychologist and psychotherapist Related document(s): Organisational / managerial skills Good team-leading skills gained through my different work expeeriences as Scientific Director, Responsibile, Coordinator, Supervisor, Consultant Related document(s): Computer skills 25/9/14 Very good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation sofware) gained through my work experiences as researcher Good command of statistical softwares gained through my work experiences as researcher © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 4 / 7 Curriculum Vitae Fabio LEONARDI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications 1) “La relazione operatore-utente nelle comunità terapeutiche per tossicodipendenti: auto-percezione, etero-percezione e immagine dello stereotipo tossicomanico" Leonardi F., Russo E. Paper published in P.L. Garotti (ed.) “Psicologia della salute”, Il Ponte Vecchio, Cesena 1995 2) “La Prevenzione” Leonardi F. Paper published in AA.VV. “Bisogni emergenti ed esperienza degli operatori”, Edizione Centro Stampa I.R.S. L’Aurora Coop Soc – 1995. 3) “Influenza del sistema di valori nella relazione terapeutica all’interno delle Comunità per tossicodipendenti: una ricerca sul campo”, Leonardi F., Russo E. Paper published in the Italian scientific review “Scienze dell’Interazione” N.2 - 1996 4) “L’anziano in strutture residenziali: interventi psicosociali e qualità dell’assistenza" Leonardi F., Marcellini F. Paper published in the Italian scientific review “La Rivista dei Servizi Sociali” N.3 - 1996 5) “Esercitazioni di Psicologia della Personalità”. Lorenzetti M., Russo E., Leonardi F. Ed. Guerini Scientifica, 1997 Scientific book chosen by University of Urbin, Faculty of Psychology - Course of Psychology of personality and individual differences. 6) “Keeping the elderly mobile, a comparative research project: findings from Italy", Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Spazzafumo L., Leonardi F. Chapter in Mollenkopf H. & Marcellini F. (eds.) “The outdoor mobility of older people - Technological support and future possibilities”, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities - 1997. 7) “Risk and improvements for the elderly in outdoor enviroment”, Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L Paper published in L.F.Heumann (ed.) “Managing care, risk and responsibility”. Scott Miller, Chicago - 1997. (Book regarding the “Systed 97” 6th International Conference on System Sciences in Health Social Services for the Elderly and the Disabled, Chicago). 8) “Mobilità fuori casa e partecipazione sociale degli anziani: una ricerca in tre Paesi Europei”, Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L., Mollenkopf H., Ruoppila I. Paper published in the Italian scientific review “La Rivista dei Servizi Sociali” N.2-1997 9) “Il tempo libero: un aspetto fondamentale dello stile di vita degli anziani, Leonardi F., Gagliardi C., Marcellini F., Spazzafumo L. Paper published in the Italian scientific review “Giornale di Gerontologia”, Vol. XLV, 3/4, 1997. 10) “Ostacoli ambientali e mobilità dell’anziano in tre Paesi europei”, Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Mollenkopf H., Ruoppila I., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L. Paper published in the Italian scientific review “Giornale di Gerontologia” Vol. XLV, 3/4, 1997. 11) “Stabilità e cambiamento dell’identità. L’interazione tra tossicodipendente e terapia comunitaria", Leonardi F., Melosi S., Turchi G., Zanin M. Chapter in A. Salvini & L. Zanellato (eds.) “Psicologia clinica delle tossicodipendenze" -Lombardo ed. Roma 1998 Scientific book chosen by University of Padua- Faculty of Psychology - Course of Clinical Psychology of drug addiction. 12) “Leisure activities and outdoor mobility : cultural and fisical obstacle", Leonardi F. Paper published in the Acts of Euroconference “Keeping the elderly mobile. OutdoorMobility of the elderly : Problems and solutions” - Ed. TRAIL Research School - Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands 1998 13) “Outdoor mobility survey: findings from Italy", Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L. Paper published in the Acts of Euroconference “Keeping the elderly mobile. OutdoorMobility of the elderly : Problems and solutions” - Ed. TRAIL Research School - Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands 1998 14) “Gli adolescenti ed il loro mondo interpersonale: una ricerca sul campo” Carloni P., Leonardi F., Cinti Luciani B., Volpini L. Paper published in the Italian scientific review "Salute e Prevenzione", 2/1999 15) “The top-down/bottom-up controversy from a constructionist approach. A method for measuring top-down effects applied to a sample of older people” Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L., Marcellini F., Gagliardi C. Article published in the international scientfic review “Social Indicator Research” VOL. 48, n.2, p.187-216, 1999. 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 5 / 7 Curriculum Vitae Fabio LEONARDI 16) “Outdoor mobility survey: findings from Italy” Autori: Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L., Chapter published in “OutdoorMobility of the elderly: Problems and solutions” Ed: TRAIL Research School - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 1999 17) “Leisure activities and outdoor mobility : cultural and fisical obstacles”, Leonardi F., Marcellini F., Mollenkopf H., Ruoppila I. Chapter published in “Outdoor Mobility of the elderly: Problems and solutions” Ed: TRAIL Research School - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 1999 18) “Obstacles to the Outdoor mobility of elderly people: the problem of environmental safety in three european countries” Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L., Mollenkopf H., Ruoppila I. Paper published in the international scientific review “Gerontologie und Geriatrie” n. 32, 2 – 1999 19) “Mobilità e qualità della vita degli anziani” Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L. Scientifiic book edited by Franco Angeli – 1999 - Milan 20) “Transport and Aging of the population. A new balance between demand and supply” Marcellini F., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L. Chapter in “Transport and Aging of the population” O.C.S.E. –2000 21) “Health perception of elderly people: the results of a longitudinal study", Marcellini F., Leonardi F., Marcucci A., Freddi A. Article published in the international scientific review “Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics”, Suppl. 8, p 181-189, 2002. 22) "Subjective well-being: the constructionist point of view. A longitudinal study to verify the predective power of Top-Down effects and Bottom-up processes", Leonardi F., Spazzafumo L., Marcellini F. Article published in the international scientific review “Social Indicator Research” VOL. 70, 53-77, 2005 23) "Basic national conditioning factors of mobility among elderly people", Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Marcellini F. Chapter in H. Mollenkopf, F. Marcellini, I. Ruoppila, M. Tacken “Ageing and outdoor mobility” Ed. IOS Press, 2004 24) "Data and methodology". Mollenkopf H., Marcellini F., Ruoppila I., Tacken M., Gagliardi C., Leonardi F., Falk K., Raitanen T. Chapter in H. Mollenkopf, F. Marcellini, I. Ruoppila, M. Tacken “Ageing and outdoor mobility” Ed. IOS Press, 2004 25) "La ristrutturazione del senso di identità: la prescrizione delle improprietà situazionali" Leonardi F., Grassi G. Article published in the Italian scientific review “Scienze dell'interazione” .n. 2 -2011, pp30-45 26) "L'insostenibilità del concetto di salute. Nuove prospettive per il superamento dell'utopia salutista" Leonardi F. Scientific book in print 27) Il fenomeno psicoterapia tra vecchi scetticismi. imbarazzanti paradossi e aumento delle attese sociali" Scientific book in print 28) "Toward a new health concept" Article in evaluation by an international scientific review Conferences Speaker at the “BRIEF THERAPY CONFERENCE – Lasting Solutions”- San Francisco (CA) 6-10 december 2012. Title of Short Course presented: "Changing individual identity system in order to obtain lasting solution: three brief strategic techniques" Speaker at the 1° Word Conference of Brief Stratgic & Systemic Therapy Network "From the Art to the technology of change" - Chianciano Terme (Italy) 11-14 November 2010. Title of report presented: "The Prescription of situational impropreties: a clinical case" in the . Speaker at the European Conference “Keeping the elderly mobile” - Rolduc (The Netherlands) 10-14 june 1998. Title of report presented “Leisure activities and outdoor mobility: cultural and fisical obstacles”. Special lesson at the School of Social assistant - University of Urbino (Italy) “ 13 march 1996. Title of lesson: "The drug addict: psychological and social involvements" Special lesson at the "Centro Studi L. Milani - Filottrano (Italy) 7 march 1995 "How people become drug addicted. The drug addiction between prevention and recovery". 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 6 / 7 Curriculum Vitae 25/9/14 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Fabio LEONARDI Page 7 / 7
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