Dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Culture Straniere Realizzazione grafica: Centro Multimediale del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere James Joyce: The Recirculation of Realism Comitato scientifico Enrico Terrinoni, John McCourt, Franca Ruggieri Per informazioni [email protected] Realizzazione tecnica Davide Bevilacqua, Claudio Mosticone, Marco Pagliai, Roberto Parlavecchio Segreteria amministrativa Giuliano Passeri, Tiziana Pierdominici, Anna Siepracki, Daniela Tosoni, Sabina Truini, Margherita Zei [email protected] The VII James Joyce Italian Foundation Graduate Conference in Rome 5 - 6 - 7 F EBRUARY 2014 tel. +39 06 57338999 Sede del convegno Sala Conferenze "Ignazio Ambrogio" via del Valco di S. Paolo, 19 accesso anche da via Ostiense, 234 METRO B "MARCONI" S ALA C ONFERENZE “I GNAZIO A MBROGIO ” VIA DEL VALCO DI S AN PAOLO , 19 5 FEBRUARY 20.30 – VII JAMES JOYCE BIRTHDAY CONFERENCE WELCOME NIGHT Venue: Fiddler’s Elbow, via dell’Olmata, 43 6 FEBRUARY Venue: Sala Conferenze “Ignazio Ambrogio” 9.00 – REGISTRATION 10.00 – OFFICIAL WELCOME Mario Panizza, Rector, Università Roma Tre Giuseppe Grilli, Director, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, Università Roma Tre Franca Ruggieri, President, James Joyce Italian Foundation, Università Roma Tre 10.30 PLENARY Anne Fogarty, University College Dublin The odour of ashpits and old weeds and offal: Reading Affects in Dubliners 11.20 - PANEL 1 CHAIR: ANNE FOGARTY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN Francesca Caraceni, University of Tuscia “the reader, as he comes at them, shall decide”: Sterne’s and Joyce’s Writerly Texts as Challenges to Realism KatieRose Keenan, Cabrini College: The Reality of Ireland: Examining Realism and Exile in the Work of James Joyce, Maeve Brennan, and Edna O’Brien Ilaria Aletto, Università Roma Tre: Joyce and Soviet Realism: from censorship to rehabilitation Victoria Lévêque, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III: The Body on the Page: Joyce, Woolf and the Frustration of the Real 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (Foyer dell'Aula Magna) 14.00-15-40 PANEL 2 CHAIR: JOHN MCCOURT, UNIVERSITÀ ROMA TRE Sophie Corser, Goldsmiths College, University of London My Experiences in a Cabman’s Shelter: Kenner, Homer, and the disappearance of the author in ‘Eumeus’ Silvia Annavini, Independent scholar “I am here to read the signatures of all things”. Between Realism and Idealism, Through Epiphanies to Phenomenology, from Dubliners to Ulysses and Back Geraldina Colombo, Catholic University of Milan The (im)possibility of realism in Joyce’s Chamber Music Neslihan Ekmekçioglu, Hacettepe University The Reshaping Power of Memory and Imagination: Surrealistic Images Within Consciousness as Seen in Joyce’s Ulysses 15.40-16.30 PLENARY Fritz Senn, Zurich James Joyce Foundation Craftsman Joyce 16.30-16.45 Coffee 16.45-18.00 PANEL 3 CHAIR: FRITZ SENN, ZURICH JAMES JOYCE FOUNDATION Andrea Selleri, University of Warwick The “Mirror Argument”: Notes on a Critical Trope from Stendhal to Joyce Sameera Siddiqe, Independent scholar Stephen and the reading sense Riley Dishner, Radford University Consuming Culture: A Marxist Postcolonial Examination of Eating Practices in Select stories from Dubliners 19.00-21.00 RECEPTION HOSTED BY HIS EXCELLENCY, BOBBY MCDONAGH, IRISH AMBASSADOR TO ITALY Venue: Villa Spada, Via Giacomo Medici, 1 7 FEBRUARY Sala Conferenze “Ignazio Ambrogio” 9.00-10.20 PANEL 4 CHAIR: SONIA BUTTINELLI, Università Roma Tre Annalisa Federici, University of Rome “La Sapienza” & University of Tuscia “Art Thou Real, My Ideal?”: Realism and Anti-Realism in Ulysses Martha Gilchrist, Radford University Joyce Brothers, Mr. Duffy, “A Painful Case”: Synthesizing Oppositions Georgina Binnie, University of Leeds Stereoscopic Unreality in Stephen Hero 10.20-11.10 PLENARY Jolanta Wawrzycka, Radford University “Dubliner di color che sanno” 11.10-11.40 Coffee 11.40- 13.00 Panel 5 CHAIR: IRA TORRESI, UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA Ann Fallon, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University The Trumped UP Charge of Denis Breen Giuliana Arena, University “G. d’Annunzio”, Pescara James Joyce’s Fantasy World: Surrealism and Humour in The Cat and the Devil (1964) & The Cats of Copenhagen (2012) Benjamin Boysen, Syddansk Universitet, Odense Joyce’s ‘mimic miening’: The Wake Language as the Language of Love 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (Foyer dell'Aula Magna) 14.00 – 14.30 Paolo Colomboand Orlando Mezzabotta "From Stephen's Tower to Molly's Room": exhibition and performance 14.30 – 16.10 Panel 6 CHAIR: ROSA MARIA BOSINELLI, UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA Fabio Ciambella, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Tuscia “Moments of ecstasy”: Austen and Joyce’s realism in Persuasion and “The Dead” Luca Congia, Independent scholar Diavoloh! Comes Tichiami Monsignore Ombrellone innamorate – An Italian lexicon for Finnegans Wake Elisabetta D’Erme, Independent Scholar "Approaching reality": Joyce's use of newspapers and periodicals Fabio Luppi, Università Roma Tre The traditional aesthetic of realism and “The Dead”: Lukàcs and Auerbach 16.10 – 17.00 PLENARY Rosa Maria Bosinelli, University of Bologna How real is “real” in Joyce? 17.00 -18.00 JJIF MEETING
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