DATED GREEK MINUSCULE MANUSCRIPTS TO THE YEAR 1200 EDITED BY KIRSOPP LAKE AND SILVA LAKE VII MANUSCRIPTS IN ROME, PART I • BOSTON, MASSACI-IUSETTS, U. S. A. THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MDCCCCXXXVII J//lde iII /he Uni/ed SlIlIu 01 America • PL.\T&5 f1T T U E; )jE;RIDE;S GRdo\·URE co. CO)lI'08I':I) ASI) PH I STEI) AT TU E WA\'EH L T " RESa. ISC. BALTl loIOHE. )11) ., U. S. do. " -- , IOHAl'lj\l] MERCATI, S. R. E. CARDINALI BlBLIOTHECAE APOSTOLI CAE VATICANAE SCR1PTORI EX PR}::FECTO BlBLIOTlIECA.RlO E COlUS DOCTRINA AUXILIO AM ICJTIA TANTAM MERCEDEM S ..;.\IPER FECERUNT TOT STUDIOS I D.D.D. E DIT ORES INTRODUCTION THE dated manuscripts in this fasciculus are only a l'art of those in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in Rome. The remainder will be published in Fasciculi VIII and IX. So far as possible, we have endeavomed to present them in chronological order but, in some cases, this has proved impossible. The manuscripts which are not given in their chronological order will be found at the end 01' the section on the manuscripts in the Vatican, in Fasciculus IX. In Il few cases, the date ofa manuscript differs considerably from that given in the catalogue, but under these circumstances we usually give the manuscript the position in the chronological scheme indicated by the date in the catalogue, sin ce it seemed to us that this would facilitate matt ers for other scholars who know it only from previous references. W e wish to express om thanks to the entire staff of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, whose patience and co-operation made om task so much easier than it might ha ve been, and particularly to the Prefect and to Monsignor de Vreese. Om gratitude is also especiallydue to Their Eminences Giovanni Cardinal Mercati and Eugene Cardinal Tisserant who, at the time when these volumes were fìrst in preparation, were Prefetto and Proprefetto of the library and were prodigaI of their time and their learning for om benefìt. Moreover, the elder of the two editors desires to ex press his indebtedness to the late Cardinal Ehrle, who lives on in the minds of so many who were helped by him in their youth and remember him in their later years. Kmsopp LAKE SILVA LAKE Rome, Italy, 1937 NOTE S INCE it is in evitable that d ifferen t studenls should wish lo urrange lhe manuscripts included in this series III different ways it hus been decided to lcave the pl ates unbound. 1='or purposes of publication, however. thc manu scripts from each library are givcn in chrollological OI'der aocl numbered serially t hroughout the separate fascicul i. This serial number is rcpeated in t hc upper left·hand corner of each plate iIlustrating tbc particu lar manuscript lo which the num ber refers. Tbc plates themsclves are also numbered serially, and t hc number of l he indi viduai plate is given in the UppCl' r ight-hand corner of euch. ,,'c bave red uced t he descriptive material to a min imu m, omi tting detai ls of exact sizc aud 5uch other data as may be found in t he catalogues of the indi viduai libraries. After some hesitntion we incl uded ce rtain details, such as tbe colour of the in k aud the q uulity of th e pal'chmen t in each manuscript, which mi ght seem unduly subjective. ' The Ruling Types in clude, of course, mun y which are not foun cl in the manuscripts described in this fa sciculu s. In theil' pl'eparatioll a rigidly schcmatic treatment was adhered to. They are di agrums, not pi ctures. In particul ar, it wOlllci have bcen impossible to indicate in t be diagrams wbclhcr t hc l'u]cd lincs enclcd evenly or un evenly, alld whether in any particular instance t he r uliug was done more or less carefully. The dots indicate lines of wl'iting for which there are no ruled lin es. U nless olherwise indicated, thc plates are facsim iles, and in t he few cuses where this is not so there is at a sample facsimile of the hand, or bancls. In transcribin g the colophons abbreviations are expandecl. The spelling of these expansions is conventi onalized, although elsewbere t he peculi al'ities of t he individuai sCl'ibcs have been retnined. Tbe last fasciculus wi ll contain coniplcte indices aud the descriptions and facs imiles of any mUl1uscripts wh ich could not be inserted in their proper posi tions. ' Ve shall be extremely grateful for any information as to additions or corrections whicll should then be made. I lt is to be note<! thal '\'er mi!ion" has been u!ed (or n:ds whicl! shade towanl ornuge, and "carmine" (or tho!e ",hich hnve the mss. 011 " .I t. Athos ibis di stinction "'"! often ignoreo:l. • 1\ bluish t inge, but in de!l(:ribing ROME, BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA 258 COD. n,um. GH. 528 A.D. 892 (?), 1. J ohn Chrl'saslam, Sl. Ephraim. 2 . Ruling 'l'l'PC T, ~6d. 3 . Signalures in thc upper right· hand corner of t hc first reelo, and thc ccnlcr of thc lower margin of the last verso of ellch galhering; Il cross in lbe cenLer of thc uppcr margin of the first rcelo of each gathering. 4. Parchment medium thick, smooth , g reyis h ~ye llow . 5. lnk black allei vermil ioll. 6. Some inilials anel geometrical d ivision-lines in red and blue, a Iittle ver,'? dull yello\\' \Vash. 7. Writi ng pendent lrom lhe ru led lines. 8. 'l'here are t\\'o colophons: the first is above a noLe on r. 19;2 recta, al the end of lhe part of thc volume devoted lo Chrysostom; it gives thc Dame of lhe scribe and the :v ear. 'l'he book continues (or a few lines in the same hand , thc gathering numbers are con· tinuous throughout and probably originaI. On f. 193 rccto 259 COD. PAL. GR. 44 A.D. l. Psalter. 2. Ruling T ype probably 1, fle. 3. Signatures in the upper right-hand corner of t he first recto of each gathering. 4. Parcbment thin and medium-thick, very smooth , once ehalk-whitc, but now mueh yellowed. 5. ]uk medium reddish-brown , one trace oC faded ca rmine. 6. Very liUle ornnmentntion: afe \\' capitnls alld olle or two geometrica l designs in t he ink of t he text. 7. Wri ting on 260 COD. VAT. GR. 1660 r / COD . VAl'. GR. ~022 1073] PLATES 453- 457 ANO 463 t he chunge to the second hand occurs uud , cxccpt for occasionai short bits by the first band , this conlillues t o thc end oCth e volu me. On f. 3 14 ve rso is n sccond colopholl which is legiblc bul probably not originaI. Ju st above il is Il long erasu re in which wc believe wc can see lraces of thc origina i colopholl . 'l'be colophon on 192 rccto, of which l hat 0 11 314 vcrso is u copy, reads : + U"-11q, E Tf"-OU O'UII BEw '1/ /3 1/3"- 00' a u'T'I/ 010. XEtpOU 1fETPOU 'TOtl EtlTf"-OUU 1l0llaXOU "al E"-aX'O'TOtl 7rPEU/3u- (man. sec. fU) tIlDu.:nWIlOO'. lO. + 9. On f. 192 rccto allei verso is a. lisl of tbe title deecls allei posscss ions T'l/O' tI'lI'Epa"( t aU BEOTO"OU IlO/l1jU TWI' Kpt/l1jWII. The ms. bclonged in succession to Nicolas de ' icolis, St. Mark's in H orencc. und to Carolus Strozze Th . fil. KOO'IlOtl f cp1fa 897 PLA TES 458- 460 l he ruled lines. 8. The colophon is at thc end of thc text in t he samc ink alld a var intion of t hc samc hund : + E"(paq,'I/ OVII '1/ 1fapovO'a DE"-TOU 'TOV f PIl'l/"EVTOU y,a"-T'l/pOO', D,a x u pou "-EW II- TOU Ta/3ov"-aptov 1l01l0/3 auta<:1 Il'l/Ilt all"(OV<:1TW "11' 11IlEpa WIlOO' eypa.qHI a U'Tl111 1fallapU1'TOO' /3t/3 }.. o O': 1fa"-allatU xpaliTatU TO U K"-11- p, tI'DtK.n· [tEJ ETOllO' f UE ' " 9 . Theoriginal second allei th ird gather- II1gs are mlssmg. l>LATES 461 -462 AND 463 iETE"- EO' Ta, 11 7rapouO'a /3 t/3"-OO', Il1/ 1I1 Ilapnw Ka tllDtKnWIIOQ' "00'1l 0U fVKO' "(po..q,uO'o.. D,o.. X tUTO U 1l0l'o..XOV. E1I' t X UpOO' o..lIa'T O"-IOV tWo..l'l' OV To..'lI'UIIOV 6' ETOUO' Ko..t f}..a- TOll O<:1tWTaTOU 'I/"(OllJHIIOV TWII 9. }<"'oli a. 3 15 reclo- 32!il verso are by a. different band, but may be origina i. They are insertcd iuto a gathering, not beLweelllwo. The ru ling is di ffel'ent from l hat of th c remainder of the mllnuscript, being the second of thc ty pes mcntioned above, an d thcre is no signature, but it conta illS the only ornamentution founcl in thc lexl. (For scconcl hand see PI. 46Q.) This ms. was once in Grottaferrata. O'TOVD t Oll: PLAT E 46 '~ A.D. 954 l. l\Ionastic treatises. 2 . Ruling type I , l e. 3. Signatu res in th e lower right-hund corne r of the first reclo of eacb galheri ng, in uncials. 4. P arehmcntmcel ium-thick, smooth , yellowish . 5 . ]n k very pale browu. 6. Somc ca pitals nnd geom ctrical des igns in t he ink of Lhe text. 7 . Wri ti ng pendcnt from the ruled lines. 8 . The colophon is at the end of the originai IllIl11uscript in the silme ink anel Il variat ioo of l hc sa me hand. Thc importunt part has becn re· inked: fl' fn ~/3 KOUIlOU Ka.l TfTpaK.OUTw· ftaKlO'Xt"-alO"w: , ./ + ./., E'TOllO' TEPOU' w X EO' BE Ot alla"(tIlWO'KoIlTEU' WU lha 'TOI' /WPIOIi A.D. 916 l. Menology. 2. Ruling 'l'ypes I , la. nnd l , Qc. 3 . Siguatures in the upper right-hand corner of the first rect o of euch .gathering; a cross in t he uppe r right and uppe r IcCt of the first rccto of encl! gat hering. 4. ]larchmcnt mediumthick . smooth , greyish-yellow. 5. In k medium to dnrk rcddish-brown . 6 . Initiuls and geometr ical hcad -picce in the ink of t he text. The onl", olher ornumelltation is ut t he e nd of the manuscr ipt in the purt whieh is by a differcnt band. 7 . Wri ting on t he rulcd lines. 8. Thc colophou is at the end of the manu script in the sa me hand and ink: 261 [A.D. pOO' p.apKOU: 'l/l'tKa, rll"fov tnrHO'Jj"-BEI' TOII BuoII: 'l'W xp OIlW. 'T'l/O' O'WllaTtKJjU 1fEpto.."(OIlTt /3 t OU ( ?) "'1/ '1'1/0' Jj"-tKtaU DOta TW OEW 1faIlTWII El' f KEII .:. ati'l/uau DE '1'1/11 /3'/3"-011 O'UIIOVTt 1l0ll 1I'pOO'W'lfOU TaVTJj<:1 OvOt (?) 11llo..PTOIi TW . . . "-OIlEIIOII DE T'l/I' Dlo..II0to..II Eli O"-t"(OtU XPO· 1I0tO' .. Ot "OU Eli E'TEp atU ftfrJ>Po..~E "-f tEO' t ' Tl1U Dto..votO.U IlEIi OUUlJU (?) TWII "-ftfWII .: . DOto. TW 9 . 'l'he originai manu script begins on f. QO recto, IInd ends on f. 205 verso. The remainder of t he volume is in several hallds and came origi nully from more Lhan onc book. Frequenl li se of ycllow wn sh in this parto 'T'l/O' aVT'l/U Eli Tl1 /3po..XUTaT'I/"-a"-H BEW 1I'allTWII EIIUo... lO DATED GREEK i\lINUSCULE )fAl\'USC HIPTS 262 COD. VAl'. GR. ~027 _.0\ .0. 959 1. i\1ollllstic Treatiscs. 2. lluling 1'ypc lI , lb. 3. Sig· natures missing, tbc manuscripl has been much trimmcd. 4. Parchmcnt medium-lhick lo thick, greyish-white, smooth . vcry chalky, much hair-marked. 5. Ink dark-brown lo black. 6 . Cnpilals in outline and some geometrical desiglls in thc ink of thc lexl or in blu e. A browll wl1s h is ofteo liscd :md Il b lue more rarely. 7. Writing pendent (rom thc 263 COD. VAl'. GR 1591 uppcr right-hand corner of the first recto of cuch gllthering, in uncia\s. 4. 1l arclunelll medium-thick, smooth, 1l0L sl ippcry . ycllow lo while OD thc flesh sidc, ycllow :md ralher coarsc on thc hair side. 5. lnk medium-brown. 6. Cal>ital5 and geometrical head-pieces in yellow, vcrmi lion and gree n, alI of very low chroma; some yellow wllsh. 7. Writing pendcnt (rom t he mled lillcs. 8. There are lwo colophoos, both being in the ink oC lhe lext ami a variation of the stime hand: (i) °OWU l.wl/u8.,., /JO~ {3aUtXEtWTW ~vuavTIl + 'i<; {3autXUolJ /JovaxolJ 501:1 XPH1TE 1raXa TOtU "lt"OVO~U :. WU1rEp TO'U 264 ° o.pTOU OVTW Ko.~ TO'U -ypaq,oVutll ° EUXaTOI:1 UTtXOU .:- CO D. YAT. GR. 539 2. Uuling Type 11 , 4a. 3 . Signalures in thc uppcr rigbt-bund corner of thc first recto of each galherillg. 4 . Parclunent llledium-thick, smoolh, while 011 the flcsh sidc. 5. Ink dark-brown and black , blue, "crmilion. 6. Titles and ICJllllll.ltl.l in "cnuilion ; cl.lpitals and geometrica l division lincs in vcrmilion ancl bright blue. 7 . \Vriting pcndent Crom the mled lilles. 8 . Thc colophon, Illuch oblitcnlted. is aL the cnd of thc tcxt in thc snmc hnnd COD. YAT. GR. 2155 A.D. t. Chrysoslom. 2. Ruling 'l~y pe 11, 34c. 3. Signntures in thc lowcr IcCt-hand corner of the first reclo or cach gatheri ng. 4. PllI"chmcllt thin Ilud Illedium lhick, very smooth, ycllowisb-wbite. 5. l.nk I.llcdium-brown. 6. Ali clll>ita ls ulld geometrical division lincs in the ink of the lext. 7. "'riting pcndenl from the mlcd lilles. 8. The colopholl is nt thc cnd of the manuscripl in thc same illk allei in a variation of thc baud whicb is {ound t hroughoul the volume: + ETEXUw81lIl 1ro.povcro. {3t{3Xou. /JIlV~ o.1rp,),tW tVaH~ TtWVOU 8' + eypat!J1l OE' a~o. xupou OEOYVWUTOV' all"o J.l.TJlloa ~Ot1l1tOtl OUo.TTjU /JEXPIU /JTjvou tOVX,OV tr o 1raIlOEKTOU TOV 8EOV KEXEVOIITOcr Ko.' "7"WII o.-ytWV o.1rOQ"TOXWII ET OlJcr sv~r ,"O'KTtWVOU {3. 9. A number or marginaI notes in Latin. / (ii) a VII 8EW TEP/Jo.1fVK"T'OOU ~:( 'YPo.q,EI' ETOIJU all"o ItnUEWU KOI:1J.1.01J SV1rO' un E1rI..po.IIIOIJ /JOVo.XO IJ O~o. XUPOU {3au,Xuov /Jovo.- XOIJ Ta1l""UVOV /(0.1 o./Jo.PTW),OV /J1lV1/ OEKE/J{3p~W' Ito·Il/JEpo. Uo.{3{3o.TW wpa 9. Clcarly this manllscript wns originali;.' lwo, alld OIlC or thc colopholls is at t hc end 01 cnch parli thc first ends on r. 108 ,"erso, there is then a blullk folium :luci the mallll scripl bcgins again ou 110 recLo, from which Jloint thc gntherings a re also numbercd , begillnillg with a.. Ali or both parts of thc manuseript arc by alle hand with the cxccplion or a pnrt of ff. 65 verso and 06 recto (See plate 466) which arc by a sccond scr ibc. Once at Groltl.lfcrrl.lta. ;.:- ,"5,ltTtwl'OU-;j"ETOVUSVOY:. UEXIlV1Ja KVKXW'..y:. A.D. 975 1. ChQ:sostom. 265 mled lines. 8. The colopholl is ncar lhe end of the manuseript in t he same ink alld a varintion of the same band : A.D. 964 1. Bia i. 2 . Ruling l'l'pe H, H. 3 . SignaLures in thc 1I"U1I0I:1~ vovu PLATE 465 alld ink: P LATES 468 AND 469 + wpo. • . E"TOtlU + UEXtOOU avl' OEW a1to "nafwa KOI:1J.1.0U /JIlV~ OltTw{3ptw • . TjP.fpo. -y SlJlI"O Iva~ltnWIIOI:1 o ( ?) E1r~ IWalll'OIJ ( ?) aVo.Io:TOO'" 9 . ff. 1'- 19· are nol originaI. Thc ms. bcgills with galhering KIl on r. 20 recto. This is the firtyfirsl H omil;.'. Thc preccd ing folios, 1- 19, are in ndifrerelll alld much later hand. ulld are nol dated, A later nole says thnl the mnuliscript belongcd El' TIl T1/U 1ro.P.P.o.KapLOV P.0Il71. PI.. . \ 'fES 470- 471 98 1 TOV EvXo.{3EUTo.TOVIl'YOIJ/JEvov /JOV1/U "7"WII afJpa/J'TWl" 'Ypaq,uuo. xupoa a,ol'vu~ov /JOlIo.XOV· hand reads: pVllaa + 0,0. 9. An additional note in l.llater ° ItoyxvXo.u ·Ko.l o.lIo.~,OU OovXoa XPtUTOV' EVPOII "7"0 1fapov {3t{3XLOV: /(at TJ'Y0pauo. alITo "a, fP.o. OOV OTt 0."11"0 (TIlII /JE'Yo.XIlII J.l.oV1Jv?I TOV X~"OfJOVIIOV tanll' 1l8E),llaa alJTW "/I"aX~v? EIIE ~o., uu Tlll' TtallTllV o.'Y~o.v p.0V1/V· V1f Ep y,vX'ltTJU p.ov uWTIlPtau. 1ro.po.Ko.XW OE TOII OUIWTo.TOII Ko.0Il-YOV/JEllol' TOIJ TtOIJTOtl l'aov' Ito.~ TOIJU UIJV o.lITOIJ 0.5EXt!JOVU· '"O. /JE 'Ypo.Y,OIJI' UU TO o.'YtOIi 10:0., IfpOl' EVo.'Y'YfXIOII: O"/l"OIJ ,,0., 01 'Y0l'OIU J.l.0V Ko.l f/JE: pvl'o. Ko.~ /Jo.Plo.U:EVUXIlU ~EpO/JOlIo.XOU 1/aalo.u: DATED GREEK MINUSCUJ,E MANUSClUPTS 266 COD. VAT. GR. 2138 A.D. l. Gospellectionary. 2. Ruling Tl'pe II, 2a. 3. Signalures in the upper right-hand corner of t hc firs1 rcelo of each gathering. 4. Parchment thick , slippery-smoo th , once cluite white but Il O\V greyish-yellow. 5.] nk dark-brown alld dnrk-curminc. 6 . Elaborate initinls in ycllow, blue, green and carmine; l'ellow, grCCII a ud blue wash, somctimes in alternating lines. 7. Writing pendenl fram the ruled lines. 8. The colophon is al the end of thc text in thc sa me illk alld a vnriation of thc sa me ha nd, ornamented with thc green 267 O'UII OEW 1"0 EI:Xo-ya61l11 "TOU Eua1'1'EX LoU "TOU"TOU. p.'1/1t LOU/lLW. uu "TaO' tiJ .:.:. a1rO 6E 1"IlU E/laIl8pw1rIlUEWO' colophon on f. 52 recto: aU"TEW Ka1l'0tn//T eypaiJ;EII. COD. OTT. GR. 422 Second Kup,aKOd pOllaxou 7rPEU{JUTEPOO'. Eli 9. This manuscript is not complete, the gatherings being numbe red 9- 19 inclusive. onc time in Grottaferrata. It was at PLATES 473- 474 metrica! division-lines in the iok ol the texl. 7. Writing pe nelent from the ruled lines. 8. 'l'be colophon is on C. 361 verso alld is Ilot the originai, although quite probably ao accu rate copy: + E-ypaq,'1 '11fapOuua {J L{JXOO' 6ta X UpOO' -YPIl-Y0plOU p.ovaxou apap1"wXou' /J.'1N av-yovO'1"W t{J' tIlÒt/("TtWIIOU srb:- A.D. A.D. l. Monastic treatises. 2. Ruling T y pe I , 3Sc. 3 . OriginaI signatures in the lower right-hand corne r or the 6rst recto of each gathering. 4 . Pal'chment tbin to medimnthick, smooth, very yellow , sometimes quite coarse. 5.1nk medium to dark reddish-brown. 6. Solid ca pitals in the ink or the text, a Cew geometrica l division-!ines alld initinls in red alld yellow; yellow wash over capita!s ancl lemm aLa. 7. Writing pendent from the ruled lines. 8. l'here is ilO colopholl. Tbc cIate is taken from th e calcuJatioll for Easter, in which thc first year given is 1004 and thc !ast 9. fr. 1-4 E' E"TOVU and 360-361 are rcplacements. 993 allei ink: E1fXIlPW(J'1 '1 (J,{JXOO' aV1"'1 Xup' KVpta/(OI1 pOllaxou ap.ap- TWXOU 7rPEO'{JUTEPOU' p.'1"t LOVIILW. X: '1p.Epa "S: wpa s: ETOVO' srba: Eli 1"0 a-YtW p.ollaU1"IlPtW XE-YOP.EIIW rb'1ÀÀtIlW "TIlU aUHWU Ka1l'0tn/0'(?) etc. 9. 'l'be manuscript is probably by one hand , but the type of writmg varies considc rably from page to page. 1fapaKaXw 6E A.D. 1. l\fonastic treatises. 2. Ruling Type n, 20a. 3 . Signatures in tbe lower left-hand corner of thc first recto allei the lower right-hand corner or the last verso of cach gathering. 4. llarchment thin to medium-thick, shiny -yelIow, very dirty, hair-marked. 5 . lnk medium to dark reddishbrown, black. 6. Some initials and geometrical head-pieces in carmine or carmine dull-b!ue ; titIoi in carmine . COD. OrI'. GR. 414 8: "TOU KUpLOU '1PW/I ''1uou XPtU1"OU . ET'1 E/I/laKOO'ta, EIIEYl'J/(OIlTa Eli'.' =':I ça. 1. Maximus, etc. 2. Ruling Type II, H. 3. Signatures nllssmg. 4. Parchmellt medium-thiek, smooth , chu lky, yellow, erackly. 5. Jnk medium to dark-brown, dark-vermilion. 6. Fantastic capitals and geometrical head-pieces in vermilioll, yellow, green, blue and lilac; much yellow and some green wash. 7. Writing pendcnt from the ruled lines. 8 . The colophon is at the end of the text in the sa me band 270 6La xupou KupLaKOU COD. URn. GR. 20 COD. VAl'. GR. 2020 1'tTEXHW"Ta~ 1rPEU{JUTEPOU' 1"XIlJ.l.W/lOO' 1"OU KaX01''1Pou : Eli E1"H suç8: LII&K"TIW/lOU lowcr right-hand corner of thc la5t verso of cuch gaLhering. 4. }larchment th in, vcry smooth , chalky-white on thc fl esh side, sl ippc ry and yellow on the hair sidc. 5 . Ink mcdium reddish-brown. 6. Small, solid capitals and vcry small geo- 269 Pr~A 'fE 472. 99l and blue wash used clscwhere inthe manuscript: 1. Chrysostom. 2 . Ruling Type II. 28b. 3. Signatures in thc lower lert-hand corner of thc 6rst recto, and the 268 Il 1004 PLATES 477- 478 7. 'Yriting pendent, on, across, or between the ruled !ines. 8. Thc co!ophon is at the end or thc text in the sa me hand and ink.: + eyparb'1 TI 7rapouua {J t{JXOO' xup, (JEoq,allouu "Ta1l'UIlOU p.ovaxou· Ka' E1I'X'1PW(J'1 Pll"' aV-YOUU1"W tll6tKTlWIIOU ~: E1"OUO" SrbL{J .:. 9. 'l'his codex is a unit, but the illk var ies greatly nncl it is poss ible that the re is more than one band. 1005 (?) PLATES 479- 481 AND 492 ]013. 'l'be ink and band or the tables are the same as that part oC thc tcxt which immediately precedes thell1: E"TOVO' sqw,! ,"6'KnWII00' ;y. O'EX1jIlIlU KUKXOd lE. 1jXWI1 KUKXOO' tr. VOP'KOII 1I'auxa. p.apnw K(J '1p.Epa f. xp,unallOIl 1I'auxa a1l'pLXXtW A.. '1 a1fOKpEa cpEupoUaptw 6. 9. There are at least (our han cis ill the originai munuscripL: ff. 230-237 are probably not a part of tbc originallllll.nuscript, although in one or the hands, or in a hand \'ery similar to thut of one or the se ri bes of this manuscripl. The first gathering is defective, having on!y six insteud of eightlea.ves. 1~ DATED GHEEK M1NUSCULE MANUSCIUPTS 271 COD. YAT. GR 1873 A.D. 1011 l. Psnltcr. 2. Huling Type J , !!c. 3. Signutures missing, thc manuscripl bus bcc il lri llllllctl. 4 . Parchmcnt mediumthick, chaJky-smoot h. much yellowccl und vcry dirty. 5 . Ink medillm lo dark rcddish-browll, vCflllilion. 6. 'l'itloi allei some capitnls in verm il ioll; initinls in red. blue ami yel lo\\'. 7. 'W riting pcndent from thc rulcd lilles. 8. The colophon is al thc end of thc P salms, in the vermilion ink 272 COD, Pll 11 ~I 2. Jluling Type lI, H. 3. Signaturcs missing. 4. Parchme nl lhin lo mediumthick , smooth, vcr.v ycllow , crackly. 5. Jnk mcdiUIll lo dllrk-brown , dllll-carminc. 6. Some gcometrical divisionlin cs a nel capilals in carmine anel brown. 7. Wrilin g pendent from thc lines. 8. Thc colophons Ilrc 00 ff. 48 verso IInti 133 vcrso: i. ETtÀUW(J1) o {3100 Ko.I Ta (JaupaTa 7011 OOWU KaleTapUo.eT Ko.1f'/ro.fÀa"IeTT OII Kal o.pap7WÀOII' o.ÀÀ' WeT Ota TOV /WPlOl' 1faTfpEU Kal aOEÀ4>ol: IKETEIIuaTE 701' (J W V O'/l"()(f O"V'YxwpurEt TaeT apapHaO" pOli au f7r0(1)eTa (l' 7W {JIW TOU7W TW pa7alW + ii. f'l'À1)pwO'7 o ÀO')'OtT o.IIo.eTTaUWII TO U dtl'a OpOIlU o Eli TW EK7W Y;o.Àpw fTEI s4>I\a IVOIKHWPOO la 010. 1/PW" Kal ap"If'l'IeTK07r"OIl {3o.eTIÀ UOV OOKtaeT Oto. XUp()(f KWO'TaVHVOII 7rPEeT{JllTEPOII KWlleTTo.PHPOII 273 .lIse Ir: ;-., ,./ OtrTO<T, ./. n}..oo TOli Oo.t!tn KOtl 'l'o.ÀTT/POO: f"(paq,1'/ la o .,ya.}..rTJp "v/ f rOl/O" -fqHQUJ{HKTlWlloa 8 / \ 9 .1'"r . 1- 11 , 180- 201.373- 378, are pllper replaCClllcnts which may perhaps be dated by tbc note al thc botloUl of t h e colophon page: 70 a VTO {31{3ÀIWV f"Et KTlWVOO A.D. l. Grcgory Nazianzcnus, n asi! clc. 7raTpOO of Lh e cnpital s of the lext anel in the same hand as lhe lexl XPOVOUU 7plo.KOtTlOOTOUU ii K EV 5WO")' Kal T1)eT IVOI- 'Y : 1013 PLA T.ES 483- 489 inked but not otherwisc tampcred with. m. A note on I. 76 recto rcads: PIll'/P'7d xaplv eypay;a 0'01 ~ T'7P Of O"uV"(Po.4>l1V OlOo.O"Ko.Àf 4>tÀTo.TE LP' 07' fl'T U,,'7U P'70' oÀWU f7rlÀ'7UH {3autÀ uou 7011 O"E 'l'O(JOU"TOtT eTOII TtPOVPTOtT. 9. The hands alternale throllghout thc manu scripL I-Iand I (PI. 486-487) : ff. 1-48 verso, 8 1 rccto- 133 ve rso. and al scallercd points .. fter 137 verso. B and 2 (PI. 483) : ff. 49 reclo-64 ,"crso. H and 3 (PI. 484) : ff. 68 reclo-76 rcclo, 78 recto- SO verso. H alld 4 (PI. 485) : fr. 76 vc rso-77 vcrso. B and 5 (1)1. 488) : ff. 134 rcclo- J37 vcrso, and lhcl1 nltcrn .. ting with Hand 1 lo 253 \·crso. 253 verso cnds incompletc, :md 254 recto-256 \"Crso are 110l included in lhe galhcring, and are by stili anothcr hand (Pl. 489). 7rPEU{JIITEPOII:- Folium 133 vcrso has bccn re- COD. VAT. GR. 619 A.D. 1. ]lsalter with commentary. 2. Uuling Typc I, 36a. 1014 (1) PLA 'I' ES 490- 49 1 ANI) 492 3. S ignalures in thc uppe r right-hand corner 01 lhe first rcclo or each gathcring in vcrmilioll ink. 4. PIIl'chmenl colophon: the dale is calcullllcd from thc Paschal Tablcs. The fì rsl of these is frag mc nlary. but c nough rcmains lo show thc sa me arrnngcm cnl a S l h tll on thc rollowing pagc, mcclium -l hick ami lhick, smooth, g!ossy, ycllow. 5. lnk Illed ium -brown :lIld vcrmilion. 6. llli tials alld capitals in \'c rmilion, blue , g rccn a nd ycllo", ; head ings, refercnce marks, a lld il can lhereforc be cnlcu latcd thal thc firsl .\'(~ar gi\'C1l was 10 15 ; thc lu sl is 1032. 9. The commenlnry is somctimcs in Illinu sc ulc, some! imcs in semi-uncini, and is fll"obabl y unti parts or l he lexl in vcrm ilion : geometrical divis iol1 lines in lhe same colours as lhe initials ; som c yellow W:lsh. 7. Writing pendenl trom l h e rubi lines. 8. l'hcre is no b:'o' seve ra! lmnds. The book contains considcrablc supplcmcnlary mallc r althc bcginning u nti ntthe e nd ; ff. 1- 6 arc nol origina l. 274 COD. YAT. GR 2030 l . Ephraim , etc. 2 . Ruling Type A.O. II, 4b. 3. Signalurcs missing; the manuscripl has h CC II trimmed. 4. Purc hmenl thin lo Illedium-lhick, smoolh , vcry chnlky , grcyish-white o n lhe fl csh sidc, y cllow on lhe hair side. 5. Jnk darkbrown. 6. Cllpit:t1s llnd geometrica l head-pi<.'Ccs in .vcllow, vcrmilio n and lilac, nl! of lo\\' chroma: ycllow wash. 7. Wri ling pendcnt rro m the rliled lincs. 8. The colopho n is on r. 105 ve .·so, at t he end o r the lcxt anel in thc sa me hand IInd ink . The dale 01 lhe ll111nuscript is nlmost obliterated, bul wc rcad il ns 1015. l\Iorcovcr, Scpt. 24,1015 was n Salllrday in thc 14th indictioll. Thc dlllc 994 , wh ich has sOlllclimes becn gi\'clI , is n mislnkc: + 070.V 1faPTa 1fÀ'7fX'JV 71) oo~a TfTf- 1015 (1) ÀEeT(Jat 11 {3t{3Àoo PL.\ TE o.UT1) Oto. x.upOtT p.apKOU apa~toll KÀl'JPtKOII 493 1I'" P0lll'/O' TOII a'YtOV 1.Lt'Yo.ÀopapTlIpOeT aw!'" OPT OOP'7Pt eTE1f7EP.{3p t W KO l'Jpfpa O" a fJ{3aTw wpa ~ ETEI <;q,Ka I I'OlKTtWVOO tO EV 711J.fpa10" fJo.alÀEtOU Ko.l KWpaTaPTlVOII. aÀÀ o 1fPOOtOPElIWV Ko.t EVTV'YX.o.VWV. papTwÀOu 'l'oÀÀw 'YPo.ofo.P TOtT {31{3ÀWP 7a lJ1''7p: eTOt X.PlO"Tf ola TallTl1" T1/" Ep OlO" r.OPOleT Ko.Ta7l'aVeTIP : - O"tryXWP'7eT0.7E pOU 1faTfpEO' Ka t aOEÀq,Ol WeT 010. TOP KIlPtoV faI' Er.TfO"a fiO" T OV EP'Y 0P TOUTO KaTa a')'VOtap' OTI Kal '7 'Ypa4>oPTEO" 7rapa'Ypaq,ouv aÀÀa po.ÀÀOV ElIX Ea(JE pOli 07l"WO' ÀafJw a7r0 TWV a!J.apTtWV pOli T'7P eTlI'YXWP'7eTt" o.P'7p. r.À'7PWp.a r.allTWII TWV KaÀWV. WO'1ffp ~ fVOt elc . 9. The originai manuseript ends with 105 verso, lhc l'est is from !J.1Il'/0'(Jl'J 70V 1fo(Jw anot hc r \'oItunc. 13 DATED GIlE}:K )llN USCULE MAJ.'1USCRIPTS 275 COD. YAT. GR. 1675 A.D. 101 8 Pt.ATES 494- 496 l. Gregory tbe Theologia n eLc. 2 . Ru ling T ype H , 41a. 3. No sigllutures; the Illanuscripl hus bccn vcry lillie lrillllllcd, i( al u11. 4. Parchmcnt medium-thick and thick, smooth . chalky, " cry ",hite. 5 . ]nk medium -brown a nd ca rmi ne. 6. Some geometrical head-picces Il nd initillis in gold , red und bluc; ali capitals, litloi etc. in carm ine. 7. Writi ng 0 0 the rulcd lilles. 8 . Thc colopholl is allhc end or l he origi nnl manuscript in the ink or th c Illnlluscript and n variation or thc sa me band . Jf the re are two scribcs (sce below) il is probab ly by the fir sl: EOWPT/971 11 (3~fJ}"ou Q.tlTT/ 1"'l~ papTtwt tl'Òt,('TtWI'OO' 7rpWT'7U' tTOUU a7rO "TtUEWO' "OO#-,OU' tta"tu- fUQ'YEO'TaT'1~ 1l0l'f/l TOI) Cl-ytOU tWo.II110U TOV rpO<j)rrTOU rpoOpoJlOU Thc considerable vuriation in appCllrllllce \\'ould indicale lhul t here were lwo scribes in this manllscripl (see plale 49-&. a nd 495) , bul we \Vere lInable lo find t he point al which. onc slopped a nd thc olher began. Et"OO'TOU UTOV' 'fhe word s 7rapa a re disco lourcd by acid bul lInclouhlcdly originaI. 9. }"'(. 334- 341 \Vcre probably nol originally 11 parL of lhis manu scr ipl. A nole on lbe fl y·lcnf indicnlcs l blll it once belonged to lh e library 01 l he Illldi:t of Grottaferrala; lhis fly·leaf apparently belongs lo lhc prescnt bindi ng and is papero The note belo\\' tbc colophon s<.'C ms to rend in part : ....... {3t{3Xoo 7rP Et7{3vTEPOU "at fh(3).toO uo.p,ov H/U atfTl/eT X t). tOOTOU 7r EI'Ta"OOtO<1TOU •. .. a'Ytau #-,OJlTjU TWI' (fTOuOtOIl. K(U {J arTlI1Tou, 'WI' (T'TOvO IO\)' 1fapa. VI/I::O}"o.ou 1fptll'K'lPIOU KCU o. PX0l'· TOO TOU XPIXTOXUOU t'In l'tKo).aou 7rpt(f/luTEpou Kat Jj'Y0Il#-,tl'OU TJjU TOU tU).o./J EI7TaTOU #-,ol'axou aVTJjU a1' tWTaT'7U #-,OI'T]U' #-''71't 276 COD. VAl'. GR. 414 .'.D. 10~ 1 (1) l. Basil. 2. Rliling T y pc H , 19c. 3. Originnl signalures probubly in the lower rigbt·hand corner or th e fir st recto 01 each gntheri ng, but lhe mallusc ri pt has been lri mmed a nd rcw truces are leH. 4. Parchmenl lhin , mediulll llne! th ick, smoolh , oily ·looking, coarse, yello\\', very pliable. 5 . lnk medium· bro\Vn a nd carmine. 6 . 'l'itloi, initia ls a nd ve ry 277 COD. VAT. GR. 1815 A. D. l. Monastic lrealises. 2 . Ruling 'f)' pe lI, le. 3. Signa. tures uppcr right-hand corner o( the first recto o( each gnthering. 4. Parchment medjulll-thick and thick, fnirly smoolh , greyish-whitc, much yellowcd , pliablc. 5 . ]nk black. 6. Initinls in dull red, blue, or3nge nnd yello\V; some yellow wash. 7 . Wriling pendent from t he rul ecl Iincs . 8 . Tbc colopholl is al t he end o( the text in the sa me hnnd 278 COD. VAI'. GR. 1506 l't,,o).aou PLATES 497 505 geometr ical di" ision-lincs in carmi ne. 7. Wriling penclcnt Irom the ruled lines. 8. Tbc colophon is at t he end or the text in the same ink ancl fl "nriation or lh e same hand: + f'Ypaq,71 6 ,0. XUpO<1 tp OIl 71).tou tlln).ouu "o.t xOa#-,a).oll 7rPEU{3IlTEPOU' E1t).71PW071 Òt. #-'l/ I" alTpt).).,w i tl'6t"TtwI'00' ; . fTOIXT fq,"O: 9. Thc indiction is one yenr wrong for thc dnte. SJl1 Il 11 1023 and ink: + f'YpatP1/ ° OOtWTa,OO' "al palCo.ptO<1 EfPpo.IP òta XUpO<1 'WI'o. TOV o.papTW).OV tTOIXT ftP).a "o.T tT t To.'Y71I' TOIl OO'tWTo.TOU "a, 7rl'Wpo.Tt/WV 71#-'WI' 7raTpOO' l't''Ol'OO'' OV TtUU l"El7talU "a t Tal'TWI' TWI' OErxPOpWI' "a , o.'YIWI' 7raTEpWI" 6W71 1/1111' ° "VptOO pEp,òa " 41 9. A note on 9 recto says t hat this ms. belonged to Lh c monnslcry o( Grottaferrata. ").71POI' pE,a 1I'0. I"WI' ,Wl' o.1'tWI' o.llTOV .:. o.P1/i' .:. r. A.D. 1024 l. Apostolic Constitutions. 2. nuling Typc Il , 28a. 3. Signalu res in t he upper right-hand corner of the fi rst recto or euch galhering. 4 . Parchmenl medium -thick , glossy, smooth , yellowed-white. 5 . lnk medium-brown of lo\\' c broma. a nd dull-nrmilion. 6. CapitaIs, titloi etc . in verlllilion ; initial s and gcometrical divisioll-lincs in blue, rose. :vellow a nd green , ali dull :l.Ild ugly. 7. Writi ng pene!ent (rom t he ru led lines. 8 . Thc colophon is nt the end AND PLATES 499- 500 in lhc sam e hand and in Lhe carminc ink lI scd e1scwhere; the page is "ery dirly ;.lIld nlmost illegible, but thc date itself is c1enr: + TEppa u).71q,tl' Jj f3tf3XOO' ,Wl' Òto.TatfWI' TWI' a'Y tW I' o.TOO'TO).WI'. 610. XUpOO' 0.00.I'0.1710U ,011 EVTE). OIlO' af3f3o. 1rp E(f/JIlTEPOU: P71I" po.pTtW « 1/pEpa 8 wpo.:Y 'l'at,,TtWI'OO f fTOll17 sq,)./J + 9. According to il note in thc (ront, thc manuscript was once the propcrty or t hc li brary of the Badia or Santa M aria di Grotta(errn tn. DATED GREEK 14 279 COD. VAl'. GR. 1613 ~UNUSCULE ANTE "\.0. l. Mcnolog.v. 2. Iluling T ypc I , 38a. 3. Signatures Illlssmg. 4. Parclllnent Illcd ium -thick, "ery smooth , once "ery while. 5. Ink medium-brown , gold. 6 . lnit ia ls gold ; an elabornte miniature 0 11 cach pagc. 7. Wri ting pendent frollllhe rllled lines. 8. A colophon al the beginning, which will be rep rod uccd in :Fa sc. ix, sla les t hnt th is mCllolos." was wriLlcn for Basil. Thc language p l'oves t hat th is mtl st bave bcen al1 empcror: MANUSC IlIPTS PLA TES 501 - 503 1025 WU aÀÀolI 01l7WU OlipallOIl 7 E Ii~au fl t flÀolI" EK OEpptWII 7a(JE!O'all wu tXH q,1.I(1'LU· q, Epouuali wu q,WUT'1/paU WpalOI.l(1' TIi1fOIiU' 7rpWTO/l jlE/I aUTOU TOU (JEa/l(JpW1foU À Ol'ou' E7rUTa jl'1/TpO(1' T'1/O' 7EKouO'r/O' aO'7rOpwO" O'otPWV 1fPotP7'JTWV ' jlap7upWII' a1fOUToÀWII" 7raVTWV OLKaLWII" a'Y'YEÀWII" apxaj''YEÀwlI, TWII op(JoOo~W/I "/1"0.0'0.11 Eu<Ppat/lU q,p Ella' 7Ep1t U OE 7raO'all 7Ep1l"VOT'1/n "al (JEav' EHa vOn VIIV UKO'/l"71uav op8wu o fJÀurwI', a).,).,' OUO'7r~p U"OVL(1'EV E" TWV xpWjlaTWII apUTTOV EP-Y0l' E ~ apturwl' rrpa"'(po:rwv EUpOL (30'1/(JOUU "/I"al'7au El( TWV 7rpa'YjlaTWII· Ep-yOI! BEOI) Ka}.,ÀtO'TOII U:1rÀl1TTOII q,pEllatr "paTOUO' O'IiIlEPI'OIi(1'· (1'UjljlaxOU(1' Eli 70.10' jlaxalO" EP-Y0V TO TEP1f"Ol' 1I"ao"(111 UKOTWU KTtU1V' avw 'Yap aurpwv (1IITOO" WO' BEOII XOPUtUU Kat 1'f"a(JwlI ÀUTpWTaCf" q,apjlaKEtn"aO' TWV IlOUWII" OEU7rOT11U' rW'Ypaq,Tju(tu E/I T7'J KptUH 7rÀEOV OE 1fpOU TOII OEU7rOT7'J1I" TOII 11"0),,0"(JEPjlOUU jlEO't7aO" ov Ola OtPP LII t~E7HIIE 7W~ ÀOj'WI , 7rPO~EIIOUO' Kal T7'J0' allw 00~7'J0' aq,pa(1'TOU Kal (JEOU (1'K1/1fTOUXla(1' .:. KOUjlOIl oaooliXH 7rallucxPw 7rpojl'1/(Jta' Ka7W o' o There were only two emperors namcd Basil and t his colophon musl rcCer to the second o Tbc ms. must t herelore ha ve bcen fin ished bcfore 1025, whcn Basil II died. 701i7011 HKOIILfwII 70LU 7P07rOtU' alla ~ oÀ'1/(1' 'Y'1/U '1/ÀLOU 7'1/U 1folXPlipau' • flauIÀuou 70 (Jptjljla 7'1/U aÀouPl'tOOU' KpanU 70U aWPOLII Kal 7p07ratOL(1' Kal ÀOI'OI(1" 280 COD. VAT. GR 341 A.D. 1. P saltcr. 2. Ru ling T ype I , 26c. 3. Originai signalures missing. 4. Parchment medium-thick and t hick , 281 ETIj atro "TUTEWU KOUIlOU COD. \'AT. GH. 1981 EWU TOU p7f'Y' Ka l a7rO appaap. EWO' 17'J0'0U XP I(1'TOU . ET1/ fl oç hand) . Kal It is l10t con6rmed by tbe calClllations on f. 13 verso; which read: + tllOlKnwvou ~ Eli TW ETH TW COD. CHIG. GR. 18 1. J ohn Elachisles. nn.tu rcs missi ng. 4. Parchment mcd ium -thick, smoolh, ehalky, ycllowcd. 5 . Ink medium- browll , brighl-ve rm ilion. 6 . Titloi, etc. vcrmilion ; bcad-picees nnd initinls in vc rmilion. green . gold anel tbc ink or thc lcxl. 7. " 'ri t ing pendent rrom t hc. top line and on thc boltolU line; no g uide lincs bet ween thesc. 8. Thc originnl colophon is at the end or the m'lllUseript anel in t he ink anel a vnriation or the hand (JP1/IIOO' p.eya .:- À1/II'1/O' ~. 1/p.Epa t: 1027 (I) A.D. 2. Ruling T.vpe l , 13a. 3. Sig- sq,Àj" tIlOI"nWIIOU ~ : KUKÀOO' '1/ÀtOV (j KIi"ÀOU (1'E- Ij a"/l"OKpEa q,EupouaplW;:(;' VOP.,"OV r.auxa ar.pIÀÀIW XPIO'naVOIi 7raO'xa a7rplÀÀtW These notes mal' bave no hcnring l. l\lonn stie lrealiscs. 2. Ruling Type J. 2e. 3. Signatures missing. 4. P:lrchmcllt mcdillm-lhick .1Ild thick. smoot h, somewhllt, much hair-lllarkcd. 5. lnk rncdiu m greyish-brown. 6. Capita ls in t he ink or t he text; sm all geom etrical d ivision lines in green and lilac; -,"elio\\' wash over litloi elc. 7. W" ili ng pendcllt rrom the ruled lincs . 8. There is no colop hon. 'l'he date, whieh wc hltvc 282 a7rO '1/O'OU XptUTOU EWO' UIjJlEpOV aK(J· 0IlOU a7rO KTt- UEWU "oUJlOU ET'1/ Sq,K(J · KaTaKÀt(1'1l0U : A.D. [a. 2° hund] (ç by second fl(1'llfl' KaL ar.o TOV "aTaKÀlullou, EW(1' aflpaall. ET1/ gIOSSY-SlUOOth , soft, ver." yellow. 5. Ink dark-b rown and carmine, SOlllctiUlCS rathe r raded. vermilion. 6. Heud pieces, liUoi and capi tals in e:'l rmine or vcrmilion. 7. Writing pende nt from t he ruled lines. 8. The supposcd date is at tbe beginn ing or thc manusc ript, in thc culcu lations or the time rrom crealion: + 1/I1/q,ol olarfJopOL" '1/ÀIOU O'EÀ1/11"f/ Kat tVO'''TtOIlOU. Pr~A TES 504 AN D 505 1025 (1) t1j .:. 011 tf OVK En 1I"aO'xa -:. the date or the InS. PLATES 506- 501 tnken from the eatnlogue, is presumably based 01,} the lists of bishops. eonSllls and em perors. The previous catalogue recorded th is as a tcnth ccntury man usc ript, proba bl.v bccause thc cmpcror who seems to be ruling is R omanus. FrOlli the context t his Inu st be Romanus .I, whose reign ended in 943. 9. The manu scri pt is probably by ti singlc band. 1030 PLATES 508- 509 or lhe tcx1. The firs t linc, ho\\'ever, is thc only pa rt or t he origi nai stili comp letcly legible, the second linc being later a nel o\'er an crasurc: tTEÀuw(J1/O'all O'uv (JEW Ta p KErfJaÀaLa :. [mano sec. TOV rfJvÀouotjJov twaWoll 7rpEuflvTEPOIl TOV OaUKI/lOu.] . .. .•• . •. . . . . • • • . . . .. ETOUU sq,}..1j LIIOLKTtWIlOU 1'Y 9. 'Ve believe t hattherc are onl,v threc hands in t he manuscript, but there ma.\' be more. · DATED GREEK 283 ~UN USCULE COD. VAT. GR. 1650 A.D. 1. Acls and Epistlcs. 2. lluling T ype n , H. 3. Signa· tures in thc upper right·lland corner or t he first rceto or each galhering. 4. Parchmcnt medium-thick, sometimcs glossy-smooth , somelimes cllal.k.y, very whi te on the flesh sid e,crackly. 5. Ink mcd iu m und dark-brown . 6. Cap itals usually in thc ink oC the lext, buL so mcti mes with a lillle vermilion. 7 . Wriling pcndcnt (rom thc ruled lilles. 8. Thc colophon is al thc end or the text in t hc same ink all d a varialioD of thc same hand : + uÀ7Iq,t TEpjJ.Q. {3t{:Jx.ou 'l')'Àatu' IAtll1l" XpHITOV q, f.pouua TOUCT OEexf>8o'Y'Yovu ),O')'ouO"' eypay"f. r Q.UT11" VIKoÀaoO" El' 1roDw' El' t1/"lUK01l"OIU ap"XtfptuO' tJ7rapXWJI" 'YaLQ.O' KaÀafJptnoou pt')'totJ 7ro)..ur "al UIKE)..lau 8PT/VQ.KplnOou xwpacr 8T}uaupov o.VT1'1I' WU7rEp (J.tjJO(J.PTO" J.lf1'(J.· fXU" OEh7]U(J.U 'l'f'(J."TOU Ww,huuupa". XPUUOU UJ.I(J.pa1'ÒOU T ' }J.aP1'apw" TE TW" UEhauq,opWI' Xt(J."· ap'Yupou TE 'l'f'opq,upau uX'1U w'(J.t TE 'l'f'(J.U'1U tjJthT(J.T'1(1 Y,EUÒOhO'YW' Ta q,OapTa 1'(J.P 'l'f'f<P U" f TEp7rU" (J.<ppo"WY. w'T'11'WY Òt"'11' atuOT}UII' 01 XPIUTOU h0'Y0 I ' UP7rOUUIY <pwnSOUUIY fJ.lq,POl/WY l'oa(1' "al 7rPOtfl'OUO't TWI' J.lEhhOl'TWI/ TO "XEOU' (13 unimportunt lillCS) l'lKOh(J.Ol' OauJ.laS E T'1O' Eu{JouhlaO' TO" aUTOI' E'l'f'IO'''O'lfOl' TOI' lfpOPT}- 284 COD. VAT. GR. 1215 A . D. 2. Ruling T ype I, !le. 3. Signatures missing, thc mUll uscript has been trimmed. 4. P arch 1. Anastasios of Sinni. ment th in lo mcdiu lJl-thick, glossy, very ycll ow, was white . 5. I nk dark-brown. 6. Small cllpitals in t hc ink of the text. 7. Writing pendcut from the ruled lines. 8. Thc colopbon is a t t he bottom of f. 164 rccto, and again, with slight 285 COD. BAHB GR. 319 A.D. l . Four Gospels. 2. Ruljng T ype I , 31a. 3. 'l'be signat urcs, wh.ich have usua lly been cut olI, wcrc in thc lower right-hand corner of the last verso of each gathcring. 4. P a rcbmcnt thill , very glossy, supple, yellow. 5. lnk dark-brown, laded-carmi nc. 6. Titloi , in itin ls, geometrical head-pieces and eanon tables in ladcd earm ine; yeJ low wash in eanon tables. 7. Writing usually pendent, but sometimes across thc ruled lines. 8. Tbc colophon is a t t hc end 01 the manuseript in thc salne hand and ink: + E'Ypaq,'1 XUpl hroYTOO'? lfpEO'{JUTEPOU /(a l '1'YOUJ.lE"OU (?) "aXX1/1'par!)Ou TOU q,O")'Xa ( ? ) atrTaOfh<pou J.l1/I" O/(TW{JP IW 'YOI/(UWI'OU 01 a"a'YII/WO'/(Ol'HO' fUXEUOE aUTW TW "E/(TT}J.lEI/W ~ ETOUO' fq,J.I'1· + 9. Three MANUSClllPTS 15 1037 PLATES 510- 516 OEI'Ta O'lfouoaO'}J.a lfoXXolO' OUTOU 7rPIi' EO'lfOUoaO'}J. EI'Ol'· /(al O''l'f'oooaO'al'Ta O'UI'TOl'W(1 7rpo()UJ.lLaUT' /(aL KahXteP1''1O'al/Ta KOU}J.OIO' 7rOIKIXOL(1' TOU(1 J.lfl' tEI"SU TO U(1 OpWI'TaU wu EXU' TOI(1 TOU ()EOU ÒE p'1J.1a(1tl' Y;UXOTPo<POI(1' EUEp')' EHI all'aYTaO' a"pOWJ.lEI'OUU· fl'Ta uOa T'1Y OEX"'(ouO'ai' UW,OTWO' Xupav' "II'WI' TEXWI' O'Ul'/(tl'U Kat TOU(1 hIOOUO" O()E" 1TXal'E O'I"'(1/O'OY opq,atou hupa' 'l'f'0"01(1 1'ap l'1,,oXaou TlPJ.l0O'E tEn;1II' KaO ' '1J.1EpouO'al' T'11' X,OOTp01TOY q,UO'IV tant lincs) E1'paq,'1 aUTT} '1 OEXTO(1 oLa XELPO(1 (5 unimpor- O~oOwpou KX'1Pt"OU ULKEXIWTOU "aT E7rtTP07r'11' l'1,,oXaou E7rLO'''O'l'f'OU /(T'1TOPOU TaU'TT}U' El' ETU a7ro KT!(1EWO' "OO'}J.OU ETU Sq,J.lf ,l'ÒIKTlWI'OO' E "u"XOO' UEX'1I1'1/O' O W,u"Xou 1/XIOU Ka "al E7rX'1PW()1/ }J.'11/' ,al'I'OuapIW UO' TOY aUTOI' XPOJlOI' '1J.1fpa (1a{j{JaTW wpa;:Y' 9. lt is possible that thc part or t he volume belore r. 161 recto wa s not origina lly the sa me ma nuscript; at this point t he ruliug type c hanges and also the character 01 t he parchmcnL 1\l oreover the gat herings are not numbercd bcyond I. 160 verso, The sa me ha nd, however, oceurs in both parts. \Ve are convinced that there are several hands in this Ill S" but Cll nllot fi nd the exaet points at whieh each begins, 1038 PLATE 5 17 ehanges, at t he end 01 t he mnnu script; t he first of t hese is in what appears to be the ink or the text, ami possibly in a vuriat ion of t hc same ha nd : fnXUW01/ xapLT! XplUTOU {lu{lXoO' TOU a"'(LOU 7raTp0(1 al'aO'TaO'LOU' oLa XlpOO' 'l'f'PE(1{lU'TEPOU. ET'1 fq,J.lS }J.alw ' l'Ò'''T!WI'oO' XEOl'TOO' aJ.lapTWXOu i. 1039 PLATE U'/I' Ep "a ol"aplwv' '11' El' XUPISWJ.lfl/OO' <pfPU T'1 1'XWTT'1 OUI'aJ.l'11' TOU 01 "a()'1P"Y"oLU' Ea l' T'1" 7rpa~l" Euap1'0(1 518 "at T1/I' u{J,flauu, O'EXaO'q,opoO' w<jJ01/O'EI El' T'1 J.lEXhOUO'I OI"U' U OE El' 7ra1't fiO' TWI' ')''1tYWY' aufJEO'TOI' aUTOY TO 'l'f' Up 7rpWETUJ.laO',' Ot aya')',I'o(1"ol'nO' ".T.X. F. 174 verso . xoO' {Jap(),oO' ° Second note : + "a"'(w ÒE ° WHX'1O''a- TOU 1I'0XUXPOl/,' WI'IO'a}J.EI'OO' TaUT1/I' T1/Y IEpai' flLfl hOl' TWI' o'a"'(lwl' TOU XPIO'TOU f u a')''''(fXIWI', Y0J.ltO'J.lQTa EXUI' Kal J.I'11'OXO")'IOI' fXOS ET! J.l1/I" '11'0UI' 7r1l'a"a. J.lapTlw /(at ola TO J.I'1 f'Ypay,a aUTO '1ÒtOXUpt , O'W a7roO'ToX,,,wI' al'a"'("aIWI', 01 al'a"'(II'WO'KOYnU ".T.X. reeto: TW El' TW Tpua ElO' IEpouoX ElO' F, ~ I'" 01 al'a')'II'WO'''Ol'TEO' EUXEO'OE KaJ.l01 TW Ta7rUI'W {JapOoXoJ.lalW alfo TOU {JpITSlal'OU. IIIa E7rtTUXW T'1O' al/w"X'1POuxa u TWI' notes a re concerned with t he lalcr history of the ms., two of thcm se rving to date fr. 175-214 as wr ittcn in the year 11 68. F. ] 74 verso. First note: + TaU'T'1" T'11' IEpa" ò,w,alWI' a}J.'11' :. fjl{JhOl', TWI' 7rpOO'Ta"'(}J.aTWY TOU OEOU' "at l'0J.l0Y TOI' U'II'apxol'Ta al'attou Ol'TOO' J.l0U· Otòa Kat TO a')',ol' !jJwO' TW J.lE')'IO'TW (1(J.flfjaT w ° Eu"XEO'TaTou 7rpW TWI' atWI'w". S IXW OUW <pEPWJ.lEYOU hEWI' OEorplXEO'TaToO' "al OfW EuapEO'TOO' Elf,O'K07rOU al'ò,òwI' "a, EtOl"UaTO tEpouoÀ OEOU OE OEUnpOl' El' TW SXOf, OTay '1h()E" wpa tUOWKOWTOO'. OEUTEp ( Ol') a . . . . . al' EIO' HO' 'l'f'poO'''UI''1(1LI' TO '/l'pwTOI' El' TW fXXf ET'1, TO "at 8 /(al T'11' 'l'f'apOUuay fl ,{JXol' '1')'opaO'a: UUO'E UO' TO" a"'( lo" Taq,Ol' TOU XPIO'TOU, DATED GllEEK MINUSCULE MANUSCRlPTS 16 286 COD. O1v 1'. GH. 457 ,'.D. 1039 l. Si meon l\ letnphrast , Ephrnim etc. 2. Huling 'I~\' I)C ll , Sa. 3. 'l'he signatllfcS are in the lowcr lelt-ba nd corner or thc (irsl rccto, allei thc lo\\'cr right-hand corner or thc lasl verso or cach gathcring. 4 . P a rclUllcnl Illcdiumthick, chaJ ky , smoolh. very yellow with a grcyish tinge. 5. Ink Ill cd ium unti dark-brown . raded-cnrminc, ve rm ilion. 6. Titloi allei capita ls in vermilion or carmine. 7. Writing pe ndent (rom lhe rulccl lines. 8 . 'l'he colopboll is al the e nd 01 thc Lext in the sa lll e ink allei a variution or the sa me band : S;VfUS, PL:\TES 5 19- 520 OTall ~II TaVT7/11"apaKa}.w w q,t}.Ot:- ~IITvyxall~Tal JHIJ.II1/q9E POIJ 1'01.1 Ta}.a:Illa 1'7/" }.UO'IJI apapnwII KOpU1W:- Kat EUpW Xap l ll fllW'/I"tOIl KUpIOU:Eli 1'7/ 7/P~pa 1'7/ q,ofl f pa EKUII7/:8EW TW oo~a ap7/11 Uq TOUq aIWllaq:- ~n}.ElW87/ 1'011 1I0~lJ.flp101l p7/lIa:11 fl lfl).OtT aVT7/ pOVTJq T7/q TOU qWT7/POtT :EIIXatq a')'I.WII Tanpwll fl01/801lIlTWII :- ~'/I'l allaKTOU pl xa7/). q,1}.OXptqTOU :Kat fW7/U 7rOP4>lIprry~IIII1/TOU a U'yOUUT7/U:- <. u>...ou T71CT 1fpWT'1U Pt{3ÀOIJ Eq,po.t~ TO ll O"lIpOIl:- 1ll0 l KnOll0tT rryOO1/q Ton OUO'7/U:- ){Upt 'Ypo.q,1/uo. (3apl'a{3a 1fPEU{3UTfpou:- ETOUO' OE 1ra).11l X l). IOtTTOU ~ ~aKlU: Il,,a~IOV TE KIU f).,o.XIUTOIJ 1fO,I'TC.W: - 'II'~IITaKOtTtOtTTOU UapaKO<1TOU O')'OOU:- 287 COD. VAl'. GR. ~ oo~ A.D. 1. Tctracva ngelion. 2 . Ruling T y pe H , Sa. 3 . Signatures Illissing. 4. Parchmcnt mcdium-thick, smooth, chalk", vello\\'. 5. Ink dark-brown nnd vermilion. 6. Tnitia ls and bcad-picccs in vcrmilion and :vello", wash. 7. Wriling penelent rrom the ruled lilles. 8. The colophons are ntthc end or t he Gospcls or Murk nnd or John . in the sa me ink anel a variation or lhc same band. At cnd or l\Iark: 288 COD. VAl'. GH. 2082 A.D. f ~TOUO' sq,ç-y OO''II'Ep ~fJlOt PLATE 52 1 - - tOUIIIW ~II fJP~pa E TOU a'Ylou flap80).opa!Ou TOU aTOO'To}.oU wpa ')' T'IO' 8uaq ).UToup')' ta u + At the end or J ohn : XatpOllfT t ll 10'11 ra1"p lOa OVTWf1 Kapol 1"0 'Ypay,alln 7/0U TE"NxT ET~).uw87/ O'UII ')'paq,EII 010. XUpO<! KWllUTallnllOU apapTwÀo u Ka t Ta7r UII OU 7rpwT07ra7ra O'KWII fII 1I'0ÀH wpa '6 T afl ~pIIWW ~TOUU sq,~a /.l'IIIL UUrT~/.I{3ptW tllOtKnWIIO<1 ~ n}.uw87/ uu Tau 7/}.tOIi KUKÀW ~ f "I/.IEpa UE}.T}lI1/fT KUK}.W j3 E .: ..:..:. + rapwll 1"710' T}')'~/.IOIILaU 'YfW/yyl}.a I1TpaTT}'YOII Ka).aflp tal1 .:- 1052 ( 1), 1055 ( 1) 1. l\Ionastic trenlises. 2. Ruling T ypc l , 25a. 3 . Signalu rcs missing. 4 . Pnrchmenl medium-th ick, chalky, yellow, not crackly. 5. lnk dark-brown and sil"er. 6. Tilloi in sil ver; initial s in silver, green, yello\\' and brown. 7. Wri ling pendenl rrom l he ruled li nes. 8. The colophon is al t he end or l he lext in lhe same ink and probably t hc samc hand : /.I1I1/1197/T t KUpt E, TOU 1r08w KnuaIlTOO" T'III nallTT}II Of).TOII . •.••. KE 'lIounwIIO<! ( ?) 1052 PLATE 522 ii T)IJ.Epa l1afl{3aTw wpa 8 fla l11 ). (EUOIITOI1 .. . ]1I'0ptpUpo')'EIII'"f/TOIJ ''l')'~/.IOIIEIJWII1"00' TT)11 Ka).aflptal1 1raTpLKOII • . • . . . • • . . . Thc remaining three lines are exasperating. }"'ew complete words cnn be dcciphered, ancl alllong lhem only Tau xwpal1 ancl q,pa')'KwIIsccm important. Tbc end is tbc common formula : X Etp P.EII 11 'Ypa,pal1a I1t 1fETat Taq,w. 9. The dale hus usuully bccn rcad sq,t ( - 1052), but we t hink the ;Y is part or it, separntcd by a Baw in the parchment. JlOIIT}a ( ? ) TWII a')'LWII a1fOI1TO}..WII P7/Ilt /.Iapnw ( ? ) HfT TaO' 8fW 7/ OE}.1"OO' aVT7/ 010. XupOO' 8~oOwpolI 1"aTU IIOII 7fpEaflVT~pou 2 89 COD. l'AL. GR. 259 A.D. 1. Chrysoslom. 2. U uling Type H , 24b. 3. Signalures in t he lowe r righl-hand corne r 01 l he 6rst recto and lhe lower left-hand corncr or lhc last verso 01 each gathering; a cross in the cenlc r or l he upper ma rgin or lhe firsl recto or lhc gutbering, in lhc firsl pllrt or lhe manuscri pL 4 . Pnrchment lhill and medium -Lh ick, chalky, smooLh , grcyish-ycllow. 5 . Tnk medium :md dark-brown, cllrmine. 6. Small capilllis in carmine; initill is and geomelricn l hcadpieces in miniuturc slyle. 7 . Writing pendent {rom lhc ruled lilles. 8 . Thc colophon is at t he end or lhe tcxt in thc Sllllle ink alld Il variat ion or thc same hand: ~TfÀuw87/ 0'1.111 8EW l T) 9ua O~}.TOI1 aVTT)' Ota XUpO<! IIIKT)q,OPOU 1rp~(1fluTfpolJ 1'011 1054 PLATES 528- 524 xpuaoll (?) ' tK '/l''POO'TatEWf1 Ka l p.t(19a'/l"oOO<!taO' 1"OU 50uÀoll1"OU 8EOII 9~cxPalloua 7rpwTO'II'"aTpU l OU . Kat KWllfTTallTlIIOU 7rp~a{3VTtpoll Kat l1f(fUcxPIIÀaKO<! Kal TWII ).Ol,,"WII l~p~WII I<a' 1fp0<11Tf9T) ~II 1'1/ U1f' aVTOUI1 a'YlWTaTT) K(90).LKf/ Kat u,pL).7/ uK}.7/l1 ta TOU XWptOlI 'Yop5 .•. : U Tl(1 UI'" /.IEII TOU apxa'Y'Yf).OIl /.ItxaT)À tOpVTat' np.aTal Ka t 7rpO<TKIIIIU1"a,' Ka l U (11"O 1"T)q U1f~PfIlOOtOU OEO'1fO tll7/O' fJPWII 8 f 01"OKOII ollopa. Ka l 1"011 ~II (3afTl).EUO" ,,"pwTOII Kal peya).oll KWIII11"allnllOU 01 01lJl ~Jf'T IIXWllnl1 Ka, q,OflOU/.IfIlO' 1'011 9~oll. t llx fl18~ a VTOUI1 apa TW 'Ypay,alln O'/l"WI1 L).'OtT aVTOLI1 ')' EIIII1/ KUpLOtT Eli TT) T)/.I ~pa TT)11 Kpt- (1fWf1 -:. + U).T)q,E TEppa' /.11/111 I1UfTfp.flplW li 11l5LKTtWII0(1"ij ~TOUI1 \ DA'rED GREEK MINUSCULE MA.l'<USCRIP'!'S 290 COD. VAT. GR. 526 l. Chrysostom. A. D. 2. Ruling Type TI, 34e. 3. Signalures in the lower right-hand corner or t he firsl rcelo anel la5t ve rso of cuch gathering. 4. P archmcnt mcdium-thick, smoolh, chalky, much yellowed. 5. I nk dark-brown and lllcdium-carmine. 6. Initinls in gald; cap itnls and lem matn 17 PLATE 525 1058 in carmine; geometrical hcad-pieccs in mininlurc style. 7. Writing pClldenL from the ruled !ines. 8. The colophon is al the end or thc le"t in the same hand allei ink: "TO UO' ç4>ts' U/ÒU,TIWI'OU tVòu:aT17u:9. Tbis manuscripL is in three volurnes. Val. Gr. 1666 dated A.D. 800 noci Vat. Gr. 354 dateci A.D. 949 are uncini lUSSo anel are therefore Ilot included in t his series. Ht:L1.KG TYI'ES I.K GHEEK ),ONUSCULE )IAX1:SClUPTS PLATE 1 I .ta l,H l,te I.l d I.le. 1:.24 I. Z,b I ,2c r .2d I,2 e I.4 a 1:,5a I .Ga I.7a I, 9a. 1:.10a I,IO b X.O a. . ...... . . . I.ll a I.12 a. I .150. n ULI NG TYI'ES IN GHEEK MIN t:SC UI,E M,\ NUSCIlI P'f'5 l'L .\TE 2 I,1 6a l ,H a I , 10a 1,190. I, 2 0 a I,2i .. I,na I,n b 1,230. I ,23b 1 ,24 a. I, 24b 1 ,250. I,25b 1 ,25 1,260. I,26 b 1,2 6 c I ,26d I,26e I,Z6! 1,27 o. 1,290.. 1:,300. Co • Il ULI NG TYi>ES IN GBEE K :\I1NUSCULE MANUSCHWI'S I,31a l'LATE S I.31 b I.32 à. 1,330. 1,340. .::>.5 a I,:l6a I,37d I.30a I,36b I.30 c I,30d I ,3(le I,39 a 1,400. I • ;;:::::::;::;;; ............... ::: :::: :;: ::::: :::::;::::;:::; ............... ............... :=: =:::;:::::;; ............... ............. .. I ,40b I,40 c.. I , 40d 1,410. I ,42d IJ4~a I,44 a I,45a I.46a 1 ,4 70. • l'LATE" HULlNG T \' PES I N GHEt:K i\JI Nt.:SCt:L!·: :\I:\ xt:scnwrs .. .... éJ ..~ I D ,t o.. n ,1 b n,i l n,t e. D ,i d D,t e n ,1 h n ,z Oo. D ,3 e. , .. . . . .... ' D ,4 o. n,4 c D.4 d n ,5o. n .6 a n.7 b D .ò a n, Òb D .10 b n,tta D,iZa. D .9o. D.tO e. HULlI'G 'n' l'ES IN GHEEK MI NUSC ULE MA NUSC LUPTS 1'1...\ 1'1-: 5 I U I D ,n a II,f4 a n ,15a n ,16o. n ,i7a n,t!> " n,19a n,19 b D ,19 e ll,t9d n,1ge n ,i9f n,2 0 a n, 20b n, 2 1a n ,2Za n, 22b ll,23a ll,23 b D ,24a n,24 b n,24c n, 25a. n .26o.. • Il n UU NG TYrES m n ,27 a GItEEK MINUSCJ.:LE M ANUSCRlI'TS n,2Òo. n,J4 b l'LAT E 6 n,26 b n,29a. n,30 o. n,3:>a n,3:) b II ,:;4 0. n,34 d n,34 f .,a.. ll,3 . n,40a n,40b n ,40c.. m,ta nULI NG T\'J'''~S l:.~ GBEEK i\ UX USCULE i\l.\NUSCJHl>'I'S, SUl'I'LEi\lEXTA RY TYPES l'LATE 7 ·· .. ..... . . .... .. . . .. .. . . .. ... . . . . . . , ....... . · ... . ... . r,l! I,IS :r,lIb I,ll~ T,lh T,i O c.. I , 2(, S I,1&b I,48èl I 1,49 n,40d I,50~ I ,51~ n-,40e n,41éJ.. l,5th 1,5.21l.. n,42.a. lI,42. b II I lI, 430.. ll,43h :rr,45 CL n.4bn..
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