Curriculum Vitae Lucio Conti Ricercatore a tempo determinato, Dipartimento di Bioscienze Università degli Studi di Milano Tenure track group leader, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan Em: [email protected] Tel: +39 0250315010 Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milano, ITALY Titoli accademici/Academic Titles 2006 1999 PhD, University of East Anglia, Norwich, GB Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli studi di Milano, voto 110/110 Carriera professionale/Professional career 2009 – 13 2005 – 09 2001 – 05 Post-doc, Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università degli studi di Milano Research Associate, University of Glasgow, GB PhD student, Cell and Developmental Biology Dept., John Innes Centre, Norwich, GB Attività accademiche/Academic activities Attività Didattica/Courses Taught • • Laurea Magistrale in Biologia Molecolare della cellula. Genetica Molecolare Laurea in Biotecnologie industriali e ambientali. Laboratorio Biotecnologie Vegetali e Laboratorio interdisciplinare. Attività editoriale/ Editorial activities Reviewer “Plant Cell”, “Plant Physiology”, BMC Plant Biology e PLosOne. 1 Lucio Conti curriculum vitae Attività di ricerca/Research activities Il mio interesse scientifico è capire come l’ambiente influenza lo sviluppo vegetale e quindi di identificare i meccanismi genetici e molecolari alla base della risposta pianta-ambiente. Il fine ultimo di questa ricerca è di sfruttare i meccanismi di adattamento a beneficio della crescita di specie di interesse agronomico. Utilizzando approcci genomici, genetici, e molecolari e Arabidopsis e Mais come organismi modello, la ricerca è focalizzata su due temi principali, tra di loro correlati. 1) Meccanismo molecolare dell’accelerazione della transizione fiorale in condizioni di siccità (Drought Escape.) 2) Regolazione spazio–temporale della traduzione del segnale del fito-ormone acido abscissico (ABA) e sua interazione con l’acido gibberellico, (GA) nel processo di fioritura e di crescita. My research is centred upon the study of plant adaptive responses to environmental stress. By probing model plant species like Arabidopsis and Maize we aim to discover the fundamental principles and regulatory networks that contribute to the remarkable adaptability of plants to their environment. A long-term goal will be to redirect adaptive responses to increase yield in sub-optimal field growth conditions. We are using a blend of genomic, genetics and molecular approaches to address two related research themes: 1) Deciphering the molecular basis for the floral acceleration observed upon drought stress (Drought Escape.) 2) Understanding the spatial and temporal regulation of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) signaling and its interaction with gibberellins (GA) during growth and flowering. Progetti internazionali/Grants • Coordinatore progetto CERES FLORIMAIZE (Role of florigen proteins in maize developmental reprogramming under drought stress Project FC ID 2013-1889; AF ID 1301-006) jointly funded by Agropolis Fondation and Fondazione Cariplo. 2 Lucio Conti Presentazioni orali a congressi international conferences • • • • • • curriculum vitae internazionali/Oral presentations at EMBO conference, Plant Development and Environmental Interactions, selected abstract, Matera, (IT), 2012 54° meeting della Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria, selected abstract, Matera, (IT), 2010 Society for Experimental Biology conference, selected abstract, Praga, (CZ), 2010 Society for Experimental Biology conference, selected abstract, Glasgow (UK) 2007 XIV International Antirrhinum meeting, Banyuls, (FR) 2004 XIII International Antirrhinum meeting, Cartagena, (ES), 2003 Seminari presso istituzioni accademiche/Invited seminars • • University of Durham, UK, 2011 Università di Milano, Milano, 2008 Pubblicazioni/Publications Lucio Conti*, Massimo Galbiati and Chiara Tonelli The (still) indefinable role of ABA during the floral transition in “Abscisic Acid: Metabolism, Transport and Signaling” Springer Publisher, Da-Peng Zhang, Editor (in press) Matteo Riboni, Alice Robustelli Test, Massimo Galbiati, Chiara Tonelli, Lucio Conti* (Published Online 30 Apr 2014) Environmental stress and flowering time: The photoperiodic connection. Plant Signaling & Behavior doi 10.4161/psb.29036 Conti, L., Nelis, S., Zhang, C., Woodcock, A., Swarup, R., Galbiati, M., Tonelli, C., Napier, R., Hedden, P., Bennett, M., Sadanandom, A. Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier Protein SUMO Enables Plants to Control Growth Independently of the Phytohormone Gibberellin (2014) Developmental Cell, 28 (1), pp. 102-110. Rusconi, F., Simeoni, F., Francia, P., Cominelli, E., Conti, L., Riboni, M., Simoni, L., Martin, C.R., Tonelli, C., Galbiati, M. The Arabidopsis thaliana MYB60 promoter provides a tool for the spatio-temporal control of gene expression in stomatal guard cells (2013) Journal of Experimental Botany, 64 (11), pp. 3361-3371. Cited 1 time. Riboni, M., Galbiati, M., Tonelli, C., Conti, L*. GIGANTEA enables drought escape response via abscisic acid-dependent activation of the florigens and SUPPRESSOR of OVEREXPRESSION of CONSTANS11[c][w] (2013) Plant Physiology, 162 (3), pp. 1706-1719. Cited 3 times. Cominelli, E., Conti, L., Tonelli, C., Galbiati, M. Challenges and perspectives to improve crop drought and salinity tolerance 3 Lucio Conti curriculum vitae (2013) New Biotechnology, 30 (4), pp. 355-361. Cited 5 times. Cominelli, E., Galbiati, M., Albertini, A., Fornara, F., Conti, L., Coupland, G., Tonelli, C. DOF-binding sites additively contribute to guard cell-specificity of AtMYB60 promoter (2011) BMC Plant Biology, 11, art. no. 162, . Cited 11 times. Galbiati, M., Matus, J.T., Francia, P., Rusconi, F., Cañón, P., Medina, C., Conti, L., Cominelli, E., Tonelli, C., Arce-Johnson, P. The grapevine guard cell-related VvMYB60 transcription factor is involved in the regulation of stomatal activity and is differentially expressed in response to ABA and osmotic stress (2011) BMC Plant Biology, 11, art. no. 142, . Cited 5 times. Haas, B.J., Kamoun, S., Zody, M.C., Jiang, R.H.Y., Handsaker, R.E., Cano, L.M., Grabherr, M., Kodira, C.D., Raffaele, S., Torto-Alalibo, T., Bozkurt, T.O., Ah-Fong, A.M.V., Alvarado, L., Anderson, V.L., Armstrong, M.R., Avrova, A., Baxter, L., Beynon, J., Boevink, P.C., Bollmann, S.R., Bos, J.I.B., Bulone, V., Cai, G., Cakir, C., Carrington, J.C., Chawner, M., Conti, L., Costanzo, S., Ewan, R., Fahlgren, N., Fischbach, M.A., Fugelstad, J., Gilroy, E.M., Gnerre, S., Green, P.J., Grenville-Briggs, L.J., Griffith, J., Grünwald, N.J., Horn, K., Horner, N.R., Hu, C.-H., Huitema, E., Jeong, D.-H., Jones, A.M.E., Jones, J.D.G., Jones, R.W., Karlsson, E.K., Kunjeti, S.G., Lamour, K., Liu, Z., Ma, L., MacLean, D., Chibucos, M.C., McDonald, H., McWalters, J., Meijer, H.J.G., Morgan, W., Morris, P.F., Munro, C.A., O'Neill, K., Ospina-Giraldo, M., Pinzón, A., Pritchard, L., Ramsahoye, B., Ren, Q., Restrepo, S., Roy, S., Sadanandom, A., Savidor, A., Schornack, S., Schwartz, D.C., Schumann, U.D., Schwessinger, B., Seyer, L., Sharpe, T., Silvar, C., Song, J., Studholme, D.J., Sykes, S., Thines, M., Van De Vondervoort, P.J.I., Phuntumart, V., Wawra, S., Weide, R., Win, J., Young, C., Zhou, S., Fry, W., Meyers, B.C., Van West, P., Ristaino, J., Govers, F., Birch, P.R.J., Whisson, S.C., Judelson, H.S., Nusbaum, C. Genome sequence and analysis of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans (2009) Nature, 461 (7262), pp. 393-398. Cited 305 times. Conti, L., Kioumourtzoglou, D., O'Donnell, E., Dominy, P., Sadanandom, A. OTS1 and OTS2 SUMO proteases link plant development and survival under salt stress (2009) Plant Signaling and Behavior, 4 (3), pp. 225-227. Cited 6 times. Birch, P.R.J., Armstrong, M., Bos, J., Boevink, P., Gilroy, E.M., Taylor, R.M., Wawra, S., Pritchard, L., Conti, L., Ewan, R., Whisson, S.C., Van West, P., Sadanandom, A., Kamoun, S. Towards understanding the virulence functions of RXLR effectors of the oomycete plant pathogen phytophthora infestans (2009) Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (4), pp. 1133-1140. Cited 40 times. Conti, L., Price, G., O'Donnell, E., Schwessinger, B., Dominy, P., Sadanandom, A. Small ubiquitin-like modifier proteases Overly Tolerant To Salt1 and -2 regulate salt stress responses in Arabidopsis (2008) Plant Cell, 20 (10), pp. 2894-2908. Cited 48 times. 4 Lucio Conti curriculum vitae Conti, L., Bradley, D. TERMINAL FLOWER1 is a mobile signal controlling Arabidopsis architecture (2007) Plant Cell, 19 (3), pp. 767-778. Cited 77 times. Cominelli, E., Galbiati, M., Vavasseur, A., Conti, L., Sala, T., Vuylsteke, M., Leonhardt, N., Dellaporta, S.L., Tonelli, C. A guard-cell-specific MYB transcription factor regulates stomatal movements and plant drought tolerance (2005) Current Biology, 15 (13), pp. 1196-1200. Cited 126 times. 5
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