THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Jump start the year by journeying with the magi January 5th –11th 2015 Monday: January 5th 8:00am- +Raniero Rotondo 7:00pm- +Joseph,Thankamma Babu Tuesday: January 6th 8:00am7:00pm- +Guiseppina Lunardo Wednesday: January 7th 8:00am- +Cajetan Lawrence Fernandes 7:00pm- +Immacolata Simone Thursday: January 8th 8:00am7:00pm- +Maria Perugini Friday: January 9th 8:00am-+Leonardo Sorio 7:00pm- +Paul + Mildred Antony +Roy Thuraisngham Saturday: January 10th 8:30am5:00pm- For the Community of OLA Sunday: January 11th 9:00am- +Mary Magdalene & James Theophilus Balthazaar 10:30am- +Giacomo Quatrociocchi 12:00pm - +Maria Fernandes Marques LET US PRAY! for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 7,151.50 Maintenance $ 1,060 Christmas Collection $15,108.00 Other Revenues $10,193.30 Total Revenues $ 33,512.80 Many thanks for your generosity! ++++++++++ Total Roof Renovation Expenses $ 450,795.08 Deposited $ 177.951.45 Loan Balance $ 272,843.63 “In our first reading on this Solemnity of the Epiphany, we hear, ‘Rise up in splendour, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you’ (Isaiah 60:1). Jesus is that light and He now shines upon each of us. “The Gospel tells the story of the Magi from the East who travelled in search of Christ, the new-born king. Again, we see this truth, the God of all creation has come to the world, and those of good will seek Him. The Magi travelled over great distance and time to seek the new-born king. They found Him and brought great gifts for Him. And they followed Him thereafter according to right judgment, forsaking the lure and temptations of the culture and corrupt government (cf. Matthew 2). “The story of the Magi and the Revelation of the Christ-Child in what we call the Epiphany is a wonderful occasion and opportunity to begin anew our prayer life. There is much for us to meditate on here. “Each of us can consider our own life, in one sense, as the journey of the magi to find and give homage to the new king who is revealed to them – and to us – as the Saviour of the world. So during the remaining week of Christmastide, let’s jump-start our prayer lives by reflecting on this passage and our lives.” Lay Pastoral Visitors’ Training Are you interested and available to help your parish to minister to the sick and the home-bound in your community? This programme, of three Saturdays of six hours each, will prepare you to provide pastoral visits and/or bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are confined in their homes, nursing homes and hospitals due to illness or infirmity. You can help bring Catholic Social Teaching to life by responding to the needs of the sick and the home-bound in a way that is both affirming and encouraging. Saturdays, January 24, 31, and February 7, 2015 / 9:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. St. Anne's Parish, 115 Vodden St. East, Brampton ON, L6V 1M4 ++++ REST IN PEACE WITH GOD! Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who passed away this year 2014 in our parish. Angelo Ciccacerelli, Giuseppe Ventura, Ezio Veri, Saverio Antonacci, Julian Morgan, Angelino Iezzi, Frank Bartolumucci, Benjamin Chiavaroli, Cosimo Trichilo, Graziella Ciuffreda, Annammah Sebastianpillai, Shirley Franks, Angelo Pagliuca, Lucia Patriaca, Joseph Patriaca, Giuseppina Alfano, Domenico Murru, Bernard Carbonneau, Lino Valentino Colagiacomo, Erminia Spadafora, Bruna Fabris, Frank Gullusci, Albert Jacob Mann, Italia Iaboni, Ortenzia Micieli, John Conroy, Mary Margaret Hayes, Benedict Andrew, Vicenzio Iercaci, Pio Guido Pietrangeli, Maria Prataviera, Gary Thomas Fitzpatrick, Silvia Venditto, Antonia Stumpo, Maria Luisa Guinto, Bridget Ivory, Giusepina Lunardo, Immacolata Simone, Maria Camina Perugini, Giovanni Nardulli, Ezio Pavan, JANUARY 4TH, 2015 “A little "Thanks" to All” VOCATION CORNER….. A sincere attitude of gratitude is a beatitude for a safe Life Journey. I thank you all for being part of my support system. Thank you for reminding me of my strengths when I feel so weak at times. Thank you for helping me to see the other side of the clouds when the rain comes in. May the good souls of my Grandfather and Aunt Rest in Peace. With lots of prayers Fr. Jimmy Joseph The Son of God was first manifested to the world through the visit of the magi. Today, God's Son is brought into the world and is present to the world through His Church. If you think that God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Toronto 416-968HAVE A SAFE TRIP! 0997 Let us pray for Fr. Jimmy as he takes his annual vacation to India on Januemail [email protected] ary 6th, 2015 and to be with his family in this difficult time as he mourns SACRAMENTAL PREPARATIONS FIRST COMMUNION Saturday, January 10th, 2015 Classes begin at 9-45am—11:45am CONFIRMATION Thursday, January 29th, 2015 Class begins at 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. .CHILDREN LITURGY NEWS The special Children Liturgy at the 12:00 noon Mass Is off until Sunday, January 11, 2015. HAPPY NEW YEAR…. And REMEMBER that JESUS Loves you! Our Lady of the Airways Church Valentine Dinner and Dance Saturday, February 14, 2015 Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre Rich Menu - Red and White Wine Open Bar Music for all Door Prizes – Raffle and more… Adults $65.00 per person Children under 12-$45.00 Tickets and contact information will be available soon. ********** with the loss of his Aunt and Grandfather. Have a safe trip and may God be with you and with your family. EPIFANIA DEL SIGNORE Una stella ha guidato i Magi fino a Betlemme perché là scoprissero “il re dei Giudei che è nato” e lo adorassero. Matteo aggiunge nel suo Vangelo: “Entrati nella casa, videro il bambino con Maria sua madre, e prostratisi lo adorarono”. Il viaggio dall’Oriente, la ricerca, la stella apparsa ai Magi, la vista del Salvatore e la sua adorazione costituiscono le tappe che i popoli e gli individui dovevano percorrere nel loro andare incontro al Salvatore del mondo. La luce e il suo richiamo non sono cose passate, poiché ad esse si richiama la storia della fede di ognuno di noi. Perché potessero provare la gioia del vedere Cristo, dell’adorarlo e dell’offrirgli i loro doni, i Magi sono passati per situazioni in cui hanno dovuto sempre chiedere, sempre seguire il segno inviato loro da Dio. La fermezza, la costanza, soprattutto nella fede, è impossibile senza sacrifici, ma è proprio da qui che nasce la gioia indicibile della contemplazione di Dio che si rivela a noi, così come la gioia di dare o di darsi a Dio. “Al vedere la stella, essi provarono una grandissima gioia”.Noi possiamo vedere la stella nella dottrina e nei sacramenti della Chiesa, nei segni dei tempi, nelle parole sagge e nei buoni consigli che, insieme, costituiscono la risposta alle nostre domande sulla salvezza e sul Salvatore. Rallegriamoci, anche noi, per il fatto che Dio, vegliando sempre, nella sua misericordia, su chi cammina guidato da una stella ci rivela in tanti modi la vera luce, il Cristo, il Re Salvatore. Our Lady of the Airways Church Cena e Ballo di San Valentino Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre Ricca Cena -Vino Rosso & Bianco Open Bar Musica per tutti i gusti… Premi abbinati al biglietto d’ammissione - sorteggio per la lotteria e altro… Adulti $65.00 a persona Bambini al di sotto di 12anni -$45.00 Biglietti e altre informazioni saranno disponibili presto.
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