Here is a PDF print of his libellous comments and

Giacomo Motta - Message to HADRIAN MAR ELIJAH, a self styled...
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Message to HADRIAN MAR ELIJAH, a self styled Metropolitan of Nazarani
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First of all I remember you that my English language is close to British
English and not American English. I tell this because in the past you had
misunderstanding some my email (e.g. page 6 of “
Two Letters and so on.
I define you “self-styled” because the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch
refused to recognize your ministry. The acknowledgment, you affirm,
would be possible only expending a large sum of money as you wrote in
your biography: , “a large sum of money was demanded in order to
officially recognise his ministry”!
The debate is not about the validity of my Bishop's Consecration took
place on January 31, 1998 in Seattle because, the principle of Saint
Augustine states that one bishop with the right intention to consecrate is
valid; in fact my principal Consecrator was Bishop David C. Strong and his
primary line is Bishop Dom Carlos Duarte Costa of Brazil's line.
The question is that YOU were present, and YOU passed me your
secondary line. You are a Bishop and a Bishop cannot affirm that the
ceremony was only a presbiteral ordination because also YOU put the
miter on my head after having put your hands on my head pronouncing
the consecration's words after Bishop's David Strong!!
Moreover I was ordained priest on August 28, 1988 by Metropolitan
Evloghios of Milan, Metropolitan of “Chiesa Greca del Vecchio
Calendario”and, “sub-conditione” on August 6, 1993 by Bishop Antonio De
Rosso, Metropolitan of “Chiesa Ortodossa Italiana – C.O.I.” with head in
Latina, Italy; in addition on June 13, 1993 I was named High Priest from
Metropolitan Evloghios of Milan.
Could you explain me why I would have come to USA, spending a lot of
money for hotel, travel expenses, church's rental, restaurants, etc, to be
one more ordained priest while I was already Priest and High Priest from
1998 and 1993? Why? Why? Why?
Initially you said that
1) you were not been present in Seattle on January, 31, 1998 because
you were far away from Seattle that day
2) then after when I sent you the pictures of the consecration, in which
you are portrayed you said it was only a priestly ordination and not an
episcopal consecration and
Chat (Off)
3) finally you said that the signatures on the documents are not yours but
a fake!
How is it possible to believe in a person lier as you are??
During these years I have consacrated two other bishops and I must
explain them the situation about my lines of apostolic succession and what
it is occuring
Really you should be ashamed of throwing piles of shit on me, on a
person who in life has always behaved honestly and with integrity.
You even stated that in my work as a bank, first as a clerk and later as a
branch manager I was taught to forge the signatures! Wow!!
Not only this, you have made a complaint against me asking for damage
compensation's for an amount of US. $ 20,000,000 (twenty million of
You're still in time to avoid a lot of problems: OFFICIALLY
This is my last letter; if within ten days you will not reply as above
mentioned I'll go to the Police to safeguard my honorability
Another thing: please let me have your address where do you live now
Stresa, 2014 October 10
Giacomo Motta - Message to HADRIAN MAR ELIJAH, a self styled...
++ Giacomo Motta
Archbishop and Primate Emeritus of Chiesa Cristiana Cattolica
Honorific Metropolitan of “Patriarcato Veterodoxo dell'Occidente Australe Esarcato d'Italia"
3 people like this.
Libero Arbitrio Torrisi Ai capito Giacomino il sacerdote congratulazioni.
GRAZIE SIGNORE GESU AVE MARIA.e stai lontano da Mário
To understand the priest Rafael congratulations. THANK YOU LORD JESUS
HAIL MARYS and you're far from Mário (Translated by Bing)
20 hrs
Alessandro Motta This is due to the fact that someone decided that God's
will passes through man's hands. But everything, filtered by man's hands, turns
into shit.
20 hrs
Libero Arbitrio Torrisi Le dispiacerebbe commentare in italiota !!!!! GRAZIE
Would you mind commenting on new!!!!! Thank you (Translated by Bing)
20 hrs
Alessandro Motta Traduco
Questo è dovuto al fatto che qualcuno ha
deciso che il volere di Dio debba passare attraverso le mani dell'uomo. Ma tutto
ciò che è filtrato dalle mani dell'uomo si trasforma in merda. Fine traduzione
Translate:) This is due to the fact that someone decided that the will of God
must pass through the hands of man. But everything is filtered by human hands
turns into shit. Order ^_^ translation (Translated by Bing)
20 hrs ·
Alessandro Motta Cmq Bab, tranquillo. Il procedimento è contro un certo
Motta Vescavo!
Cmq Bab, quiet. The case is against a certain Motta Vescavo! :D (Translated
by Bing)
20 hrs ·
Libero Arbitrio Torrisi Saggio...Il gelataio ....
Wise ...The ice cream maker etc.. (Translated by Bing)
20 hrs
Giancarlo Armando Zaganelli ciao Giacomo, serenità e preparati per il 7
dicembre in Cossato, Santa Liturgia al solito posto, benedizioni su di te e
famiglia, in Cristo in Unione di preghiera. +++Giovanni della B.V.M.C. Exarca
Giacomo Motta - Message to HADRIAN MAR ELIJAH, a self styled...
Hi James, serenity and preparations for the December 7 in Cossato, Holy
Liturgy in the usual place, blessings upon you and family in Christ prayer
Union. +++ B.V.M.C. Exarca of Giovanni of Italy (Translated by Bing)
3 hrs · Edited ·
Giacomo Motta Certificato di consacrazione, Lettera di mandato e email
inviatami da Hadrian Mar Elijah nel 1998 con la sua successione apostolica
Certificate of consecration, and email letter sent to me by Hadrian Mar Elijah in
1998 with its partial apostolic succession (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs
Giacomo Motta pagina 2
page 2 (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs
Giacomo Motta Bolla di Consacrazione
Bubble of Consecration (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs
Giacomo Motta Email del 1998 di Hadrian Mar Elijah con successione
apostolica parziale
1998 's Email of Hadrian Mar Elijah with partial apostolic succession
(Translated by Bing)
Giacomo Motta - Message to HADRIAN MAR ELIJAH, a self styled...
12 hrs
Giacomo Motta La penso esattamente come te carissimo Alessandro. Un
bacione a tutti voi. Comunque con i 40 milioni di euro che chiederò di danni
(contro i suoi miseri 20 milioni di dollari) saremo tutti ricchi e poi alle Bahamas!!
I think exactly like you Dear Alexander. A big kiss to all of you. However with the
40 million which will damage (against his measly 20 million dollars) we'll all be
rich and then to the Bahamas!! (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs ·
Giacomo Motta Libero Arbitrio, oggi pomeriggio spero di postare la
traduzione in lingua italiana (questa mattina ho impegno irrinunciabile!!
Free will, this afternoon I hope to post the translation in English language (this
morning I have commitment!! (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs
Giacomo Motta Ciao Giancarlo, bene ci vediamo il 7 dicembre. Grazie per
l'invito, Un abbraccio a tutti voi
Hello Giancarlo, good to see you on December 7. Thanks for the invitation,
hugs to you all (Translated by Bing)
12 hrs
Libero Arbitrio Torrisi Buon giorno Giacomo con vero piacere .SIA LODATO
Good morning James with pleasure.PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST.AVE
MARIA (Translated by Bing)
11 hrs ·
Giacomo Motta Sempre sia lodato, Libero; buona giornata
Always praised, free; Have a nice day (Translated by Bing)
6 hrs
Emmanuel DL Mons Giacomo Motta le sono vicino!
Mons Giacomo Motta are near! (Translated by Bing)
6 hrs