Collezione Italia Fiorenza Design: Martinelli Lab OGH ONV R OROF 31 50 150 523 523/P 523/Y 523/t 64 137 137 ORO 137 520 50 150 64 521 Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass 150 50 50 320 31 137 64 5 Ø5 65 31 137 137 Fiore Design: Martinelli Lab OGH ONV OROF R 64 135 135 64 525 Ø 56 56 65 35 526 153 64 31 Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass ORO 135 55 320 5 Ø5 135 31 153 522 522/P 522/Y 522/t 56 56 251 135 31 153 135 40 Fedora Design: Martinelli Lab ab ogh 56 530/12 530/12P 530/12Y 530/12t R 528 528P 528Y 528t 31 64 VIS oc 153 135 Pcs 529 153 64 31 Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass DI MANO IN MANO Virginia Ardea Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Mauro Ronchi OGH olv OGH ORO ONV 48 48 475 48 103 146 31 167 63 63 50 252 300 48 146 AD22 31 Ottone Solid brass 167 63 63 252 64 146 fan Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass 64 64 AD13 AD13P AD13Y AD13T AD10 146 31 31 R 64 103 AD12 AD12P AD12Y AD12T 63 63 50 476 476P 476Y 476T 146 146 VIS 167 167 146 146 VIS 252 252 103 63 63 103 OGS Appia Cassia Design: Mauro Ronchi olv Design: Mauro Ronchi ogh ogh bss onv ogs ogs pvd Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass Sinfonia Latina Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Mauro Ronchi ab p4 ogh bss ogh p4 ogs pvd Ottone + porcellana Solid brass + porcelain Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass Lirica Airone Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Mauro Ronchi olv os olv ogc af oc bss 37 B 55 801/b 801/bP 801/bY 801/bt 803 803p 803Y 803t 64 96 806/12 806/12P 806/12Y 806/12t 31 V Ottone Solid brass 146 VIS 170 124 ocs fan 64 onv Design: Martinelli Lab 146 26 96 66 26 385 66 96 146 64 170 96 805 ab 66 55 26 31 olv 64 146 146 170 31 64 170 96 170 96 96 55 55 31 31 37 124 Classic 37 382 383 37 124 124 37 66 800 46 252 96 26 af 66 26 Ottone Solid brass Ottone Solid brass ogh For more information check our 2014 Catalogue or visit Monica Lady Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Martinelli Lab Ottone + porcellana Solid brass + porcelain Katy Design: Martinelli Lab Ottone Solid brass OLV P1 olv ONV P1 ogc AF P8 OLV Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass Lorena Design: Martinelli Lab bss OLV OGC AF AF AB Ottone Solid brass ONS Beauty Doria Design: Martinelli Lab OLV OLV OGC AF AF 45 471 471P 471Y 471t OLV P1 45 45 136 59 FAN Ottone / Ottone + porcellina Solid brass / Brass + porcelain 486 31 64 64 305 142 142 305 31 486 59 305 45 142 31 136 64 31 305 142 136 136 64 AF 142 305 59 59 45 45 136 64 64 305 142 305 45 31 31 31 AF P8 305 472 136 64 472 142 31 136 OLV Ottone Solid brass 474/B 474/BP 474/BY 474/Bt 45 136 31 V 142 59 305 142 474/12 474/12P 474/12Y 474/12t 45 Design: Martinelli Lab B 64 VIS 142 136 305 136 Bruxelles OGC 45 31 64 FAN Ottone Solid brass Daniela Daniela porcellana Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Martinelli Lab OLV P1 OLV 62 143 47 64 137 47 64 31 26 66 99 66 99 66 99 137 64 137 170 97 Ottone + porcellana Solid brass + porcelain 26 26 170 137 99 97 247 170 97 47 47 66 66 99 396 31 394 395 26 99 170 247 64 62 99 37 115 247 140 64 64 396 115 26 Ottone Solid brass 31 26 247 31 170 394 395 140 99 170 99 119 115 37 40 31 125 37 390 26 40 37 37 40 31 51 ONV 47 47 47 390 170 134 134 31 399 399P 399Y 399t 391/12 391P 391/12P 391Y 391/12Y 391/12t 32 99 247 391/16 391/16P 391/16Y 391/16t 37 32 119 AF P6 V N ONV P1 140 66 99 40 32 VIS pag - EDRA 02 FAN 62 62 pag - DOLCE 02 26 S 47 140 pag - DOLCE 32 37 115 64 170 99 47 pag - DANIELA 119 399 399P 399Y 399t 391/12 391P 391/12P 391Y 391/12Y 391/12t 40 AF 31 V N 52 37 62 48 50 VIS 137 58 126 119 AB P6 32 62 62 62 32 120 40 AB 97 32 32 pag - AIRONE pag - ART 66 pag - ARTK 66 pag - CAROLA /CAROLA Z Daniela Latina Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Mauro Ronchi OLV 4747 ONV OGS 5959 af OGH 205 205 195 195 300 51 ab 1150 81 1170 1111 fan PVD Ottone Solid brass Ottone stampato a caldo Hot stamped brass Katy Lirica Design: Martinelli Lab Design: Martinelli Lab OLV 200 185 OGC 55 250 55 58 aF 1156 BBS olv af bbs 1196 fan Ottone Solid brass Ottone Solid brass Diamante OLV Design: Martinelli Lab 1572 pomolo door knob Margherita Design: Martinelli Lab Wall door stop ogc 2268/1 af fermaporta Classic a parete Classic on wall door stop Ø 33x87mm olv AF OS ORO OLV 1580 pomolo door knob ogc Anello olv Design: Martinelli Lab af OC OCS OGH Floor door stop 2151/1 battente door knocker ocs 2268 fermaporta Classic a pavimento Classic on floor door stop Ø 33x95mm Leone olv Design: Martinelli Lab 2152 af battente door knocker ogc AF OS ORO OLV OC OCS OGH Nottolini Turn & releases Bocchette Escutcheons R RDN18+A BD30P BD30Y set nottolino dnd su rosetta Ardea dnd turn & release set on Ardea rose bocchetta Cassia Cassia escutcheon 50X60mm R BD31P BD31Y RDN19+A set nottolino dnd su rosetta Cassia dnd turn & release set on Cassia rose bocchetta Ardea Ardea escutcheon 45X50mm 2315+a BO42P BO42Y set nottolino Tedesco su rosetta Fiorenza Tedesco turn & release set on Fiorenza rose OLV OS AF AB OGC OGH BSS FAN OGS ONV PVD bocchetta Latina Latina escutcheon 55mm 63x52mm R 2300+A set nottolino Tedesco su rosetta Latina Tedesco turn & release set on Latina rose BO14P BO14Y 63X52mm bocchetta ovale oval escutcheon 40x60mm V 2280+A BF10P BF10Y set nottolino Tedesco su rosetta ovale Tedesco turn & release set on oval rose bocchetta Fiorenza Fiorenza escutcheon 40X60mm 55mm Ottone Solid brass Ottone Solid brass OGH ONV OROF ORO Copricerniere Cover hinges OS 2313/2 38 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 AB OGC 2313/2 38 OLV OS 2307 AF cerniera Classic Classic hinge AB OGC OGH OGH FAN FAN set copricerniere lungo con piramide asole lunghe long cover hinges set with pyramid long holes 70 38 82 55 40 52 40 12 Ø16-15 Ø15-16 AF set copricerniere corto con piramide short cover hinges set with pyramid 70 12 82 55 2313/1 12 40 52 12 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 70 100 12 38 cerniera Classic Classic hinge 95 90 Ø16 2312/2 90 42 set copricerniere lungo con piramide zigrinata long cover hinges set with milled pyramid 125 95 42 100 38 38 70 82 55 38 2307/1 70 38 82 55 set copricerniere lungo con asole lunghe e corte long cover hinges with long or short holes 38 12 40 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø15-16 40 Ø16 125 52 40 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 Ø15-16 2314/2 70 12 52 40 52 55 12 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 55 12 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 2313/2 2313/1 12 6-15 6-15 40 52 12 Ø16-15 Ø16-15 32 12 40 52 12 52 Ø16-15 Ø16-152313 2314/2 82 12 32 Ø16 2313/2 2313/1 set copricerniere corto piatto flat short cover hinges set 70 2314/2 2313 82 2314/1 2314 2314 42 95 70 2314/1 52 OLV 2313 2313 2314/2 Cerniere Hinges Ottone Solid brass Ottone Solid brass dnd by Martinelli is a trademark of FMN Martinelli SpA Loc. Piani di Mura 2, 25070 Casto (BS) Italia. Ph. +39 0365 899 113 - Fax. +39 0365 899 118 [email protected] -
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