Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana

ISSN 2035-8008
RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana
Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014
main partner
Direttore responsabile: DOMENICO CALCATERRA
Iscrizione ROC 18414.
Pubblicato online il 1 Agosto 2014.
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 31, Suppl. n. 1 (2014) pp. 1-816.
doi: 10.3301/ROL.2014.140
Società Geologica Italiana
Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014
The Future of the Italian Geosciences The Italian Geosciences of the Future
87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e
90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
Abstract Book
Milan, Italy, September 10-12, 2014
edited by: B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina,
L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari.
RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana, è un periodico quadrimestrale della Società Geologica Italiana. Esce nei mesi
di Dicembre, Aprile ed Agosto.
The RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana is a journal of the Italian Geological Society. It is published every four
months in December, April and August.
Direttore responsabile e Redattore (Editor-in-Chief): Domenico CALCATERRA (Napoli).
Responsabili editoriali (Editorial Managers): Alessandro ZUCCARI (SGI - Roma), Fabio Massimo PETTI (SGI - Roma).
Comitato di redazione (Associate Editors):
Alessandra ASCIONE (Napoli), Domenico COSENTINO (Roma TRE - Roma), Corrado CENCETTI (Perugia), Gianfranco CIANCETTI
(Pavia), Massimo CIVITA (Torino), Piero FARABOLLINI (Camerino), Fabrizio GALLUZZO (ISPRA - Roma), Massimo MATTEI (Roma
TRE - Roma), Carmelo MONACO (Catania), Paolo MOZZI (Padova), Mariano PARENTE (Napoli), Dario SLEJKO (OGS - Trieste), Iole
SPALLA (Milano).
La SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA fu fondata il 29 settembre 1881, eretta ad Ente Morale con Regio Decreto del 17 Ottobre
1885. La Segreteria è ospitata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra della Sapienza, Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma, Italy.
The SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA was founded in Bologna on September 29th, 1881. It was recognized as non-profit
corporation with the Royal Decree of October 17th, 1885. The secretary office is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra of
the Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma, Italy.
Contatti (Contacts): Tel. +39-06-4959-390; Fax +39-06-4991-4154; e-mail: [email protected]
Sito web (Society Web Site):
Codice Fiscale (Income Tax Number): 80258790585; Conto corrente postale (Postal giro account): 350009.
CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO 2014 (Council Members for 2014):
Carlo DOGLIONI - President, Alessandro ZUCCARI - General Secretary, Marco PETITTA - Treasurer, Elisabetta ERBA,
Domenico CALCATERRA (EiC of the ROL), Piero CASERO, Paolo CONTI, Domenico COSENTINO, Stefano DALLA, David GOVONI,
Carmelo MONACO, Fabio Massimo PETTI, Sandro CONTICELLI (EiC of the IJG - BSGI).
REVISORI DEI CONTI 2014 (Financial Auditors 2014):
Marine Geology: Francesco CHIOCCI - Chair
Planetary Geology: Gian Gabriele ORI - Chair
Hydrogeology: Giovanni BARROCU - Chair
Carbonate Geology: Gloria CIARAPICA, Antonio PRATURLON - Chairs
Geo-informatics: Chiara D’AMBROGI - Chair
Structural Geology: Giovanni CAPPONI - Chair
Young Geologists: Ester TIGANO - Chair
Environmental Geology: Leo ADAMOLI - Chair
Himalayan Geology: Rodolfo CAROSI - Chair
GeoSed: Simonetta CIRILLI - Chair
History of Geosciences: Alessio ARGENTIERI, Marco PANTALONI - Chairs
Geoethics and Geological Culture: Silvia PEPPOLONI - Chair
La Società Geologica Italiana è affiliata alla European Geosciences Union (EGU).
The Società Geologica Italiana is affiliated to the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
QUOTA ASSOCIATIVA 2014 (Association Fees 2014): socio sostenitore (supporter fellow) € 100, socio ordinario (ordinary fellow) €
93; socio senior (senior fellow) € 68, socio junior (junior fellow) € 68; studente (student) € 36; Istituzioni (Institutions) € 300.
Iscrizione alla pagina (Subscription at): or at
La Società Geologica Italiana detiene il copyright degli articoli, dei dati, delle figure e di tutto il materiale pubblicato.
Papers, data, figures, maps and any other material published are covered by the copyright own by the Società Geologica Italiana.
DISCLAIMER: The Società Geologica Italiana, the Editors (Chief, Associates), and the Publisher are not responsible for the
ideas, opinions, and contents of the papers published; the authors of each paper are responsible for the ideas, opinions and
contents published.
La Società Geologica Italiana, i curatori scientifici (Chief, Associates), e la Casa Editrice non sono responsabili delle opinioni
espresse e delle affermazioni pubblicate negli articoli: l’autore/i è/sono il/i solo/i responsabile/i.
ISSN 2035-8008
Società Geologica Italiana
Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014
The Future of the Italian Geosciences The Italian Geosciences of the Future
87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e
90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
Abstract Book
Milan, Italy, September 10-12, 2014
edited by:
B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina,
L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari.
A cura di: Domenico Calcaterra & Silvia Fabbrocino
Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 31 (2014)
© Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2014
Studying and collecting past earthquake environmental effects to properly face future
impacts: the 1783 Calabria earthquakes case study
Blumetti A.M.*1, Guerrieri L.1, Porfido S.2 & Michetti A.M.3
1. Servizio Geologico d'Italia, ISPRA, Roma. 2. Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, CNR, Napoli. 3. Università dell'Isubria.
Corresponding email: [email protected]
Keywords: earthquake environmental effects, seismites, seismic hazard.
Earthquake Environmental Effects (EEE) are the effects caused by an earthquake on natural environment, including
surface faulting, regional uplift and subsidence, tsunamis, liquefactions, landslides and ground failure, either directly
linked to the earthquake source or provoked by the ground shaking.
Since EEE are a major source of seismic hazards, in addition to ground shaking, the knowledge of the characteristics
and spatial distribution of EEE induced by past earthquakes will strongly improve standard seismic hazard assessments.
Nowadays, a significant amount of data about EEEs is available for many earthquakes. However, available
information is located in several different sources (scientific papers, historical documents, professional reports), and
often difficult to access.
The EEE Catalogue has been promoted with the aim to properly retrieve the available information about EEE at
global level and archive it into a unique database, in order to facilitate their use for seismic hazard purposes. Its
implementation has been endorsed at global level by INQUA through a WG coordinated by ISPRA - Geological Survey
of Italy.
The EEE Catalogue major added valueis the possibility to view the scenarios of environmental effects induced by
past earthquakes and therefore the most vulnerable areas over the anthropic settlements and infrastructures exposed to
this potential source of hazard. To this end, a good location accuracy becomes crucial. Typically, EEEs from recent
earthquakes are mapped with good accuracy immediately after the event. Nevertheless, even for some historical
earthquakes it is possible to retrieve with very good detail this information.
This is the case of the seismic sequence occurred in Calabria (Southern Italy) in 1783, started with a main shock on
5th February (Intensity 11 MCS; M>7), that caused more than 30.000 casualties and drastically changed the local
landscape. This event was followed by other strong earthquakes in the night and during the following days. Particularly,
on 6th February, a strong shock triggered in Scilla, along the cliff of the Monte Pacı, a huge rock avalanche (5 Mm3
inland and 3 Mm3 in the off shore zone), generating a disastrous tsunamis. On 7 February another catastrophic event
rocked the Mesima Valley (Intensity 10.5 MCS; M = 6.7) followed by another strong event on 28 March, in the
Catanzaro Straits (Io = 11 MCS, M = 7).
The geological effects related to this catastrophic sequence, were studied by Sarconi of the Naples Reale Accademia
and published in the Istoria, a volume complete of a large atlas of illustrations of many ground effects, such as
landslides, liquefaction phenomena and rivers diverted or dammed by landslides. This last phenomenon caused the
formation of numerous lakes.
Cotecchia dedicated a monography to “The geomorphogenetic crisis” triggered by the 1783 earthquakes. These
Authors studied the Sarconi’s report together with other scientific reports and carefully described and mapped many of
the coseismic landslides whose trace is still preserved in the landscape, after 200 years. They called these features
“seismites” using the term normally used to indicate the characteristic deformation of sediments induced by the seismic
shaking, to point out the importance of these features that are often ignored by seismotectonic studies.
The EEE Catalogue allows us to define the impact of the EEEs related to possible future earthquake/tsunami on the
present urban texture, pointing out the areas characterized by largest risk.
598 Copertina Vol. 31_Suppl_1.pdf 1 15/07/2014 16:35:34
RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana
Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014
main partner
Direttore responsabile: DOMENICO CALCATERRA
Iscrizione ROC 18414.
Pubblicato online il 1 Agosto 2014.
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 31, Suppl. n. 1 (2014) pp. 1-816.
ISSN 2035-8008
Società Geologica Italiana
Volume 31, Supplemento n. 1 - Settembre 2014
The Future of the Italian Geosciences The Italian Geosciences of the Future
87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana e
90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
Abstract Book
Milan, Italy, September 10-12, 2014
edited by: B. Cesare, E. Erba, B. Carmina,
L. Fascio, F.M. Petti, A. Zuccari.