Kick Off meeting Cagliari June 6th 2014 Pier Carlo Ricci UNICA - RESET coordinator - Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator 9 Academia, 4 Research centers, 7 Large companies, 13 European SME. Involving 8 EU countries: Italy, France, Spain,U.K. Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator WP1 Sustainable Substitution of REE in Photodevices. Application Field: Reduction Objective Technology: WP2 Substitution of Indium in transparent conductive layers. Application field: Reduction Objective Technology: Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator SC5-12a-2014 Materials for electronic devices: development of innovative and sustainable solutions for the appropriate substitution of critical and scarce raw materials in electronic devices, including substitution of indium in transparent conductive layers and substitution of CRMs in light sources, targeting appropriately materials and applications that are difficult to recycle and where there are limited prospects to increase primary supply within the EU. Proposals should actively involve end users from a variety of concerned sectors such as touch screen, flexible electronics, solar energy, lighting and the built environment (smart windows). Synergies with existing relevant initiatives should be ensured, in particular, with the Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship on graphene and the possible Photonics Public Private Partnership. Scope: Proposals should develop solutions proving concept and feasibility at the level of TRL 3-5 Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator WP2 WP1 SC5-12a-2014 Two proposals: 1) REFRAIN: REE FREE NEW PHOTODEVICES FOR AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY University of Cagliari; Georg-August University of Goettingen; University of Gent; University of Burgos; Technische Universität Braunschweig; Grupo Antolín; Centro Ricerche FIAT S.c.P.A.; IQE plc; Aixtron; Centro Ricerche Plast-optica • • 2) ReLight • • Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ENEA, VTT; University of Burgos; CEA; Picosun; Graphenea, Microoled, Aston-FIAMM Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator Action area: n° I.7: Materials for electronic devices. The actions cover the most important application areas in sectors related to the electronic and lighting industries for which CRM are a key component. - Synergy actions within the AG general roadmap will be undertaken with the Photonics Public Private Partnership and the Graphene Flagship. - International Cooperation: a detailed strategic plan of international cooperation will be developed in collaboration with the EU-Commission, targeting non-EU countries CRMs producers as identified in this AG. - Global EU dimension along the entire value chain. A public technological platform coupled to an expansion action plan will keep this EIP-AG open until involving the main EU actors in photoelectronic devices. Attention will be paid to producers, potential end-users, and SMEs. • Create a common state of the art document identifying new criticisms. • Elaborate a roadmap and time-line actions for substitution of CRM in electronic devices. Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator Washing machines, Dishwasher Cooling Air, conditioners Optical fibres Displays and panels (Laptop, Mobile Phones, Cameras) LED lighting Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus (MRI) Nd, Dy 12000 Ge 1400 Rare Earths, In, Br 15200 Rare Earths 7300 Dy, Gd, Nb, Nd, Pr,Tb 3300 Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator : Pier Carlo Ricci, UNICA – RESET coordinator
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