Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 Telephone: 718-295-3770 Fax: 718-367-2240 PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Fr. Eric Rapaglia PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Rev. Fr. Alejandro Baumann PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. John A. Ruvo PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Telephone: 718-295-6080 Fax: 718-561-5205 CATECHETICAL CENTER COORDINATOR Sr. Loreto Bigay, S.M.C. Telephone: 718-295-7397 Fax: 718-295-7656 MASSES: Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), 11:00am (Italian),12:30pm (English) Weekdays: 8:30am (English, Mon.-Sat.) 12noon (English, Mon.-Sat.) 7:00pm (English, Mon.-Fri.) HOLY HOUR: 12:30pm (Sat.) CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS: Each night from 6 - 7 pm we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and say the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration and nightly devotions until Benediction. Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: Divine Mercy; Wednesday:O. L. of Perpetual Help; Thursday: St. Joseph; Friday: St. Pio (1st Friday); O. L. of Guadalupe (2nd and 5th Friday); St. Anne (3rd Friday);St. John Vianney (4th Friday). BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated at 1:45 pm on the 2ND SUNDAY of each month in SPANISH, the 3RD SUNDAY in ENGLISH. Arrangements must be made by phoning one of the priests at the rectory at least one month prior to the Baptism. Parents and godparents MUST attend a Pre-Baptism instruction at 8:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Baptism. Sponsors must present Confirmation Certificates from the parish from which they received this Sacrament. MARRIAGES: Couples desiring to be married must make the necessary arrangements beginning with a phone call to one of the priests at the rectory at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Information will be given regarding the church requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK A priest should be called whenever anyone is seriously ill. Families should take care not to wait until the person is dying. In case of an emergency, the rectory should be called at any time. PARISH MEMBERSHIP New parishioners should register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. ENVELOPES Every adult in the parish should receive and use our envelopes for the Sunday collection. Children attending our Parish School or Religious Ed. classes receive and are encouraged to use their children’s envelopes. MT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Avenue. Information concerning the parish school should be obtained from the school during the normal school hours. The parish school telephone number is published above. March 30, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH ANNOUNCED MASSES SUN. MARCH 30th FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 8:30am Pro Populo 9:30 Difuntos de la Familia San Pedro 11:00 Emma Ambroselli 12:30pm Joseph Ferrari 31st LENTEN MON. MARCH WEEKDAY 7:30am Fr. Basile, Fr. D’Antonio & Msgr. Heneghan 8:30am Salvatore Cinelli 12:00pm For the speedy recovery of Vincent Vitale 7:00pm Rosaria Vitale TUES. APRIL 1st LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30am Fr. Basile, Fr. D’Antonio & Msgr. Heneghan 8:30am For the Most Abandoned Souls in Purgatory 12:00pm For the speedy recovery of Marie Salomon 7:00pm Frank Pappas, Nicholas Longo & Thomas Covino WED. APRIL 2nd LENTEN WEEKDAY; ST. FRANCIS OF PAOLA 7:30am Nicholas Giovanniello (living) 8:30am Pasquale Ferro 12:00pm Larry Mercatini 7:00pm Alcides Jorge Figueroa & Naomi Alvarado THURS. APRIL 3rd LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30am Steve Giovanniello (living) 8:30am Assunta Raffuti 12:00pm Gaetana Giugliano 7:00pm Jennie Salce, Frank Pappas & Christine Covino FRI. APRIL 4th LENTEN WEEKDAY; ST. ISIDORE 7:30am For vocations to the Priesthood 8:30am Robert Morales 12:00pm In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 7:00pm Antonio & Pietro Merolla SAT. APRIL 5th LENTEN WEEKDAY; ST. VINCENT FERRER 8:30am Beniamino Raffuti 12:00pm Maria Civita Signore 5:00pm Gaetano Lo Cicero (1st Anniversary) SUN. APRIL 6th SIXTH SUNDAY OF LENT 8:30am Fr. Nicholas Basile 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Francesco e Vincenza Bordenga 12:30pm Frank Pappas MASS ATTENDANCE FOR WEEKEND OF MAR. 23, ‘14 Adults………………………………………....627 Children……………………………………….162 Total…………………………………………...789 2 REST IN PEACE...Please pray for the deceased members of our parish, especially Anthony Colosimo, & for our military. WEDDING BANNS… II. Christopher Gerard Barbieri & Lindsay Peguero Pasquale Gennaro Porpora & Regina Lee Buonfiglio MEMORIALS OFFERED THIS WEEK Sanctuary Lamp - Gennaro Scotti by wife Maria St. Anthony’s Bread - April 1st: Patty Peters - For Family & Friends Ermelinda Settembre - In Memoria di Luisa, Giuseppe e Carmine Settembre Fridays in Lent - Stations of the Cross Each Friday of Lent one of the Parish Priests will lead the Congregation in the Stations of the Cross: 11:15 am (Italian); 5:15 pm (English); 7:45 pm (Spanish). Recall that Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence. Bible Group in Lent Bible Group will continue every Thursday in Lent at 7:30pm in the Catechetical Center. Thirteen Tuesdays in Honor of Saint Anthony Each Tuesday until the Tredicina in June, we pray the 13 Tuesday Novena to St. Anthony at 6 pm, followed by Mass. Blessed Bread is available. Lenten Afternoon of Reflection (English) Please join us as we welcome Fr. Pascual Cervera, who, along with Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, founded the worldwide Corpus Christi Movement of Priests. Fr. Cervera will celebrate the 12 noon Mass on Saturday April 5th (with music) and during the eucharistic holy hour afterwards will offer a Lenten Reflection based upon the spirituality of Mother Teresa. All are welcome. Pomeriggio di riflessione Quaresimale (Inglese) Unitevi a noi mentre accogliamo P. Pasquale Cervera, che, insieme alla B. Teresa di Calcutta, ha fondato il Movimento Corpus Christi dei Sacerdoti a livello mondiale. P. Cervera celebrerà la Santa Messa alle ore 12 il sabato 5 aprile (con musica) e durante l'ora santa eucaristica in seguito offrirà una riflessione quaresimale sulla base della spiritualità di Madre Teresa. Tutti sono i benvenuti. Tarde de reflexión sobre Cuaresma (Ingles) Todos están invitados a darle la bienvenida al P. Pascual Cervera, que junto con la B. Teresa de Calcuta, fundó el Movimiento del Corpus Christi para los presbíteros en todo el mundo. P. Cervera celebrará la Misa a las 12 del día el sábado 5 de abril (con música) y durante la hora santa después ofrecerá una reflexión cuaresmal basada en la espiritualidad de la Madre Teresa. Todos son bienvenidos. SUNDAY MASS COLLECTION 3/23/14 Collection ..............................................$3,031.50 3/23/14 Children’s Collection ............................. 239.25 Last year’s Collection ….................................... $3,389.30 March 30, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH 3 CATECHETICAL CORNER This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley ANGOLO CATECHETICO Questa è la Fede dal Canonico Francesco Ripley “The Fifth Commandment” "Il Quinto Comandamento" The Fifth Commandment is “You shall not kill.” Without this Commandment, there would be no security for the life of man, either for his physical life or his spiritual life. Il Quinto Comandamento è "Non uccidere". Senza questo comandamento, non ci sarebbe la sicurezza per la vita dell'uomo, sia per la sua vita fisica che per la sua vita spirituale. Life is man’s greatest good, so God wishes to safeguard it against attack. God alone is the author of life; He alone may take life—apart from the circumstances of a just war, the execution of a criminal, and legitimate self-defense. The Fifth Commandment forbids: a) Willful murder, which is one of the sins crying to Heaven for vengeance because it usurps God’s right over life, destroys one whom God has made to His own image and likeness, robs him of his most precious possession, and sends a soul into eternity unprepared. b) Abortion, which is willful murder committed before a child’s birth. Often disguised as “termination of pregnancy,” it is punished by the Church with excommunication. c) Suicide, which is willful self-murder—a crime against God, society, against one’s family and against oneself. d) Exposing one’s life or health to unnecessary danger without sufficient cause. e) Fighting, which is opposed to the law of charity and which can lead to physical harm to self or others, and which can lead to murder. Meditazione Quaresimale S. Tommaso d’Aquino (†1274) Noi digiuniamo per tre motivi : La vita è il più grande bene dell'uomo, così Dio vuole tutelarlo contro l'attacco. Solo Dio è l'autore della vita, Lui solo può togliere la vita, a parte le circostanze di una guerra giusta, l'esecuzione di un criminale, e di legittima difesa. Il Quinto Comandamento proibisce : a) L’omicidio volontario, che è uno dei peccati che grida vendetta al Cielo, perché usurpa il diritto di Dio sulla vita, distrugge colui che Dio ha fatto a sua immagine e somiglianza, lo deruba del suo bene più prezioso, e invia un anima in eternità impreparata. b) L'aborto, che è omicidio volontario commesso prima della nascita di un bambino. Spesso travestito da " interruzione di gravidanza", è punito dalla Chiesa con la scomunica. c) Il suicidio, che è volontaria auto-omicidio un crimine contro Dio, la società, contro la propria famiglia e contro se stessi. d) Esporre la propria vita o la salute di pericolo inutile senza motivo sufficiente. e) Lottare, che si oppone alla legge della carità e che può portare a danni fisici a sé o ad altri, e che può portare ad un omicidio. Lenten Meditation St. Thomas Aquinas (†1274) Per controllare i desideri del corpo. Così san Paolo dice nei digiuni, nella castità (2 Cor 6,5), il che significa che il digiuno è una garanzia per la castità. Come dice San Girolamo, “Senza Cerere e Bacco, Venere sarebbe congelata", come per dire che la lussuria perde il suo calore attraverso la mancanza di cibi e bevande. We fast for three reasons: Che la mente può più liberamente sollevarsi alla contemplazione delle altezze. Leggiamo nel libro di Daniele che era dopo un digiuno di tre settimane che ha ricevuto la rivelazione da Dio (Dn 10:2-4). That the mind may more freely raise itself to contemplation of the heights. We read in the book of Daniel that it was after a fast of three weeks that he received the revelation from God (Dn 10:2-4). Per rendere soddisfazione per il peccato. Questo è il motivo dato dal profeta Gioele, Siate convertiti a me con tutto il cuore, nel digiuno e in pianto e in lutto (Gl 2,12). Ed ecco cosa scrive sant'Agostino sulla materia. "Il digiuno purifica l'anima. Solleva la mente, e porta il corpo in soggezione allo spirito. Essa rende il cuore contrito e umile, disperde le nubi del desiderio, mette fuori le fiamme della lussuria, e accende la vera luce della castità". To make satisfaction for sin. This is the reason given by the prophet Joel, Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting and in weeping and in mourning (Jl 2:12). And here is what Saint Augustine writes on the matter. “Fasting purifies the soul. It lifts up the mind, and it brings the body into subjection to the spirit. It makes the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of desire, puts out the flames of lust, and enkindles the true light of chastity.” C'è un comandamento dato a noi per digiunare. Poiché il digiuno aiuta a distruggere il peccato, e di sollevare la mente a pensieri del mondo spirituale. Ogni uomo è poi legato, per la legge naturale della materia, digiunare tanto quanto è necessario per aiutarlo in queste materie. Vale a dire che il digiuno, in generale, è una questione del diritto naturale. There is a commandment laid on us to fast. For fasting helps to destroy sin, and to raise the mind to thoughts of the spiritual world. Each man is then bound, by the natural law of matter, to fast just as much as is necessary to help him in these matters. Which is to say that fasting in general is a matter of natural law. To check the desires of the flesh. So Saint Paul says in fastings, in chastity (2 Cor 6:5), meaning that fasting is a safeguard for chastity. As Saint Jerome says, “Without Ceres, and Bacchus, Venus would freeze,” as much as to say that lust loses its heat through spareness of food and drink. LECCIONES DE CATECISMO Esta es la Fe por el canónigo Francisco Ripley “El Quinto Mandamiento” El quinto mandamiento es “No matarás”. Sin este mandamiento, no habría seguridad para la vida del hombre, ya sea por su vida física o su vida espiritual. La vida es el mayor bien del hombre, por lo que Dios quiere protegerla contra los ataques. Sólo Dios es el autor de la vida, sólo Él puede quitar la vida-al margen de las circunstancias de una guerra justa, la ejecución de un criminal, y la legítima defensa. El Quinto Mandamiento prohíbe: a) Homicidio intencional, que es uno de los pecados que el Cielo llora por venganza, ya que usurpa el derecho de Dios sobre la vida, destruye a quien Dios ha hecho a su imagen y semejanza, lo despoja de su bien más preciado, y envía a un alma a la eternidad sin preparación. b) Aborto, es un asesinato premeditado cometido antes del nacimiento de un niño. Muchas veces disfrazada de “interrupción del embarazo”, que es castigado por la Iglesia con la excomunión. c) Suicidio, es auto intencional -asesinato-un crimen contra Dios, la sociedad, contra la familia de uno y en contra de uno mismo. d) Exponer la vida o la salud en peligro innecesario sin causa suficiente. e) Luchar, contra quien se opone a la ley de la caridad y conduzca a un daño físico a sí mismo o a los demás, que pueda llevar al asesinato. Meditación de Cuaresma - Santo Tomás de Aquino ( † 1274 ) Ayunamos por tres razones : Para refrenar los deseos de la carne. Así dice San Pablo sobre el ayuno, y la castidad (2 Cor 6:5), lo que significa que el ayuno es una salvaguardia para la castidad. Como dice san Jerónimo: “Sin Ceres y Baco, Venus se congelaría”, tanto como decir que la lujuria pierde su calor a través de evitar la comida y bebida. Que la mente puede plantear con mayor libertad en sí la contemplación de las alturas. Leemos en el libro de Daniel que fue después de un ayuno de tres semanas que recibió la revelación de Dios (Dn 10:2-4). Hacer satisfacción por el pecado. Esta es la razón dada por el profeta Joel, Convertíos a mí con todo vuestro corazón, con ayunos, llantos y luto (Jl. 2:12). Y aquí está lo que San Agustín escribe sobre el asunto. “El ayuno purifica el alma. Levanta la mente, y atrae el cuerpo en sujeción al espíritu. Esto hace que el corazón contrito y humillado, dispersa las nubes del deseo, apaga las llamas de la lujuria, y enciende en la verdadera luz de la castidad”. Hay un mandamiento establecido en nosotros para ayunar. El ayuno ayuda a destruir el pecado, y para elevar la mente y los pensamientos al mundo espiritual. Cada hombre se enlaza, por la ley natural de la materia, a ayunar, tanto como sea necesario para ayudarle en estos asuntos. Qué quiere decir que el ayuno, en general, es una cuestión de la ley natural. Retiro Cuaresmal Hoy 12pm a 5pm en el Salón de Fátima [con P. Baumann y miembros del Centro Carismático] Enriquecimiento Matrimonial Sabado, 5 abril, Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepcion, 389 East 150th Street, Bronx, 9am – 4pm Para información: 646-794-3199 Donación: $20/pareja (incl. almuerzo y materiales) Reservar lo mas pronto posible Cardinal’s Appeal 2014 To date you parish has received $17,910 in pledges/gifts towards the 2014 Cardinal’s Appeal from 55 families. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. L’Appello del Cardinale 2014 Ad oggi la nostra parrocchia ha ricevuto $17,910 di promesse/donazioni verso il 2014 Appello del Cardinale da 55 famiglie. Vi preghiamo di essere i più generosi possibili. Grazie per il vostro gentil sostegno. El Apelo del Cardenal 2014 Hasta la fecha, la parroquia ha recibido $17,910 en promesas/ donaciones para el Apelo del Cardenal 2014 hasta 557 familias. Por favor sea tan generoso como sea posible. Gracias por su cooperación. Food Pantry We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items at the rectory to stock up our food pantry. Thank you for your generosity. Home Consecrations If anyone is interested in having their home consecrated to the Sacred Heart please leave your name and address and number at the rectory and one of the priests will call you to schedule the consecration. Via Crucis-6pm-Friday, April 11th from O. L. of Mercy and continuing to Our Saviour, St. Joseph, St. Simon Stock, St. Martin of Tours & OLMC. All are encouraged to participate. OLMC School Spring Forward Card Party Caffuzzi Hall - Saturday, May 3rd - 6pm to 10pm $25 ($30 at the door) Tickets available at the Rectory & School 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Lectors April 5 - 6 V. Marcone B. Rivera L. & D. Almiron N. Trombetta M. Daidone This Week’s Calendar N.A. at 5:30pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Rm. Zumba Class at 8:30pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 7pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Rm. A.A. at 6:30pm in Fatima Hall Zumba Class at 8pm in Fatima Hall Bereavement Group at 1pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Choir Practice at 7pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Adult Rel. Ed. at 10am in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall
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