Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature Using Infrared Image Data of Geostationary Meteorological Satellite(GMS) Akihiro Uchiyama*, Hiroshi Fujimura** and Toshiro Yogai*** Abstract A new method to correct infrared Image data of GMS obtained by the new method are shown in this report. In the current operational system is described and the test results of Japan Meteorological Satellite Center (JMSC), an atmospheric correction for infrared image data of GMS is performed on the basis of an empirical formula and climate precipitable water amount. In a new method, the results of objective analysis for numerical prediction is used as a vertical profile of temperature and water vapor, and a value of atmospheric correction is calculated by the method of solving a radiative transfer equation. We applied this method to four cases and estimated sea surface temperature (SST). The results shows that new method tends to cause systematic error over a wide range of areas and it is found that the error of clear or cloud free radiance observed by a satelliteand that of atmospheric correction are amplified and cause a large error in the estimated SST. This feature is inherent and suggests that it is very difficultto estimate SST from only one infrared channel. In order to estimate SST with the accuracy less than 0.5 K, both the clear radiance and the amount of atmospheric correction should be determined with the accuracy less than 0.1 K. Furthermore, in order to remove the atmospheric effect by the own measurement, it is to be desired that radiances should be measured in a number of wave number recrion. 1. Introduction For the area and in a purpose on climate and long-term riety of projects planed. The sea surface of better are temperature for monthly mean data can * Japan ** Japan Meteorological ence ** and Japan analysis over a va- SST out and image is 0.2 to 0.5 K a meteoro- range Division Satellite Center Satellite Technology Meteorological affiliation : operationally derived Center data is often utilized mean Sci- has SST for ten days, since April in 1978. The order of error is about 1.5 to 2.5 K. In the current operational system, the amount of atmos- pheric correction is calculated on the basis Agency). Satellite data is superior to the other instru- for retrieving SST. of System (Present Espe- Japan Meteorological SatelliteCenter Satellite Center The utilized to estimate of these advantages. ment, infrared image homogeneous a wide because been cially,since the space resolution of infrared to measure Since short period of time. satellitedata has Division. Meteorological Operations (SST) launched, be obtained Engineering carried accuracy value. logical satellite was prediction, being required understanding of an Neph- empirical formula and cipitable water vapor amount Division. 43 - climatic pre(Inoue, 1979). METEOROLOGICAL We have the developed a new atmospheric infrared effect image data tional method one. SATELLITE The major temperature placed by the every calculated ative by by opera- vapor which of atmospheric the method of solving equation. Thirdly, are extracted from prepared over by data between is every a radi- (b) free the histogram the method to correct described atmospheric The test results show not from GMS section necessarily infrared angle, new effect and and on method of the current derived empirical In data data. 4, the causes of errors the are discussed 2. Method of SST When we radiance of atmosphere or cloud by retrieve observed must Infrared column which from from by a clear is not affected cloud. This process need to correct the atmospheric effect, a vertical profile of atmosphere. is impossible to infer structure of atmosphere infrared window the other source structure of an accurate from channel. of data atmosphere. the We to give In It only one depend on of data satellite of zenith amount, temperature the operation determined of the from the neglected on to linearize its coefficients have of SST water been method observation from and amount method, correction is the pendent on not only the amount not the observed is de- the atmospheric verti- the schematic SST ber of SST (TSi, the vertical radiances the i―\, ■■■ , N) directly correction but also The of atmos- calculated atmospheric sea surface view is shown i=U or brightness tem- of a principle in Fig. 1. a vertical profile of atmosphere - is theoretically (Inoue, 1979). because to estimate 44 Water coefficients were precipitable perature. current which brightness has been cal structure vertical correction the radiosonde. pheric correction '. to calcu- formula system, and In the new vertical profile In order we from be removed is called ' atmospheric (a) SST method by the least squares the truth by the satellite, the effect free radiance, the radiance determined estimation level, in 1982, the dependence TBB the equation 400 mb longitude. cosine formula observed in detail. vapor. temperature level and relative the beginning November the analysis water and precipitable set calculated Since area In as a verti- of atmospheric observed that the new 5" correction a improve image 10 mb surface a column At SST and atmospheric and amount an used. is used on the empirical (TBB). by the new been operational method. the test results obtained does the 5° latitudex of observation predication current late values, the result of objective atmospheric dependent we has 2.5° latitudeX2.5° tude. report, range between is base this a surface The climate every contains humidity data in the box of 0.25° latitude X 0.25° longi- In 1987 monthly GMS, method, This given cloud are MARCH cal profile of temperature Second- correction which for numerical is re- are system, new analysis longitude. No.15 operational covered are changed. water NOTE longitude the new of objective predication, transfer radiances the current and 2.5° Iatitudex2.5° ly, the amount observed vertical profile of atmos- result for numerical the points TECHNICAL to remove be replaced Frstly, the climatic pheric from and will three method CENTER and Given a num- ・■■ , N), the observed temperature are precalculated and (TBBi, a look-up Mil^M-fev*- Observed &WM^ &15# 1987^3^ Tbb Tbbi /IT& DQ CD ・u > 0) U) Water vapor o Tsi Surface Temperature Fig, 1 The schematic view Ts Surface Temperature of a principle to estimate SST. Given a vertical profileand a num- ber of SST (TSi, i = l, ・・・, N), the observed TBB°i (* = 1, ― , N) are calculated. Using a lookup table inversely, SST is estimated from the clear Tbb observed by the satellite. Note that the amount of atmospheric the surface temperature. table of the observed the given TSi (i-l, TBB°i (/―1, ・・・ , AO ■・■ , AO is TBb to be observed with the increase of SST. table inversely, SST up the clear TBB correction is dependent monotonously observed is by radiative transfer scheme radiative transfer scheme of the I(v)=B(T,. v)-t(Zs,v) from where to calculate T in the range of 11 /am at- window is developed on the basis altitude Z, Weinreb indicate method developed by transmittance and neglect B(J(Z),^?^-dZ v) is Planck's and wave the local of of a plane-parallel thermodynamic scattering at- tively. equilibrium process, the up- ment, 45 - at tem- v, t(Z, the satellite and is and In order to apply it must function subscript that a quantity to a spectral interval (1) number between and at the earth's surface the assumption mosphere, and B(T, perature Hill (1980). On CZst + radiance mospheric v equation, the satellite. The number can be calculatednumerically by following this look- estimated profile but also welling radiance Iiy) at wave for This increases Using (c) infrared made. on not only the atmospheric ' s ' and to be the ' st' evaluated a satellite, respecthe above of a broad-band be convoluted v) is with equation instru- the spectral METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL response function 0(v) of the interval. The radiance I(v) that would be measured NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 (4) ln(-ln(r,))= ECMXi in where any of these intervals is then given by t5 is transmittance rectangular f averaged over the subinterval, <f>{v)-I{v)dv /(v)= X<=\, (2) J dv Weinreb and *,=ln(P/1000), Hill divided the interval into subintervals rectangular radiance mean response I(v) is of each Xz=0.1-\n(U-T/273), full spectral (30 cm"1) function. approximated subinterval with the weighted radiance Xz=X2'Xa, Xz―X2'Xit Xi=Xz , Xz―X^'Xt, X9=Xs- X4) XiO=X2m Xii'=iXi-X6, Xi2=Xt , X13―Xs-X6, the Then, by X4=ln(T/273), X-j, /(v,), and /M="12^^- Xu―X3-Xt, U: (3) water vapor amount P : total pressure where $v. is height function, and of original of rectangular <j>H-Avi is equal response function T: response to the area in each These sub- subinterval, the atmosphere is the transmittances of scaled amount treated as a product of sary. We of atmospheric Water continuum vapor dominate region. This of Weinreb method of each of the and mixing need the which representation Smith (1969). expression and Hill choose The in each layer method the is neces- and solve eq. to X2. vapor formula of continuum, Roberts the fol- et al. (1976) is (5) C£D=Cl(T=296)exp(T0(y transmit- - 1 )) 296 C°v=a+bexp(-p-v) Hill To=1800K a^l^SxlO-^mole^cm'atm-1 layers, in 6=2.34xl0-18mole-1cm2atm-1 temperature This JS=8.30xl0-3cm method Ph2o '・water homogeneous a polynomial to that suggested following and K{T)^Cv{T){PH2o+r<P-Pnzo)) the atmosphere for 760 cm"1 for calculating and and Neuendorffer pressure, in used; in this and of U calculated between use Newton the water lowing carbon lines Weinreb treats similar vapor gases" absorption ratio are constant. Weinreb For are procedure (4) with respect region, principally homogeneous transmittance ab- are water calculating lines, as a succession 11 fim spectral the For of spectral used the method path. the mixed et al., 1972), dioxide. (1973). In " uniformly (McClatchy spectral the interval The transmittance constituents the tances the constituents. the absorbing and 30 cm"1 1000 cm"1. In each sorbing coefficients d{v}) every interval. temperature where by v is Hill neglected polynomial but is used, we The 46 vapor wave the pressure number. second do not neglect uniformly-mixed Weinreb term and of eq. (5), this term. gases comprise CO2, SUfeffiM-fev*- N20, CO, CH4, and O2. in the 11 /um window. culating C02 absorbs The method transmittances LOWTRAN (Selby is &15# The infrared image data observed by GMS-3 of cal- at 00Z, to Weinreb method and probably Hill, the error less than clear radiance The other point to extract a current operational is extracted of method new from histogram data longitude histogram procedure, In the data analysis. it is extracted in the area Rm: number the SD: Test The results sea surface ten days in 1985 of SST in January, are estimated D: 110°E and 180°E on the northern level in that peak to the difference between Tth : estimation the of element of elements in that peak, value and mode maximum count one in that peak, threshold value for a estimated see surface temperature. of the first We April, July and October in of total standard deviation of elements in that of 0.25° latitude temperatures of element peak, the xO.25° longitude. 3. by using the that peak to the number in the mode In the from in the part of the the ratio of the number in the by first elements, clear radiance the histogram the histogram the ratio of the number is a pro- clear radiance. procedure, 1° latitudexl° of the changed The following parameters (see Fig. 2), 1 mW in to be 18Z are used. higher temperature is checked R: (d) area and data in the area of 0.25°x0.25°. The et /(cm^sr-cm"1). cedure 12Z peak of the histogram According their 06Z, clear TBB is extracted from from Kneizys al., 1980). of 1987\3E weakly taken et al., 1978, 8ffiS£ area adopt where between T' is a calculated TBB sumption hemisphere. T'―2, as the threshold value, that the surface on the as temperature i; equal to the atmospheric temperature at the ^ lowest level. If R is greater than or equa SD 1 to 50 percents, Rm is greater than or equa to 40 percents, SD is less than or equal t( 2, D is less than 3, and SST mean estimated fron TBB of the first peak of the highe: o c temperature <D we regard the firstpeak of the higher tern D cr part is greater than Tth, perature part as the cloud free peak QJ histogram. In short, we and high histogram Count Value H method peak in the higher tem is not a operational one but Thi tfo basic idea of the operational one is simila Fig. 2 Parameters for checking the peak of the histogram in the part of the higher We of th< select the sharj perature part as the cloud free data. D temperature. thei to this one. select a sharp and high Since the vertical profileis given on peak in the part of the higher tempera- grid point every 2.5°x2.5°,the amount ture as a cloud free data. 47 - th< o METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE No.15MARCH 1987 (a) 50N 40N 30N 20N ION ON 1 1 OE 120E 130E 140E 150E 160E SEA SURFACE TEMP. 1985.1.1-10 (b) 48 - 170E I80E 5CiM£M-fev*- gffiH-g ^15# 1987^ 3 j! (c) 50N 30N 20N ION ON 1 1 OE 120E I40E 130E ERROR 150E 1985.1.1-10 170E 160E I80E Fig, 3 (a) The sea surface temperature of the firstten days of January in 1985 estimated from GMS-3 data, (b) The Ten-Day Marine Report produbed by Japan MeteorologicalAgency on the basis of ship measurements mainly, (c) Differencebetween (a) and (b) ((a)-(b)). The regions where differencesare greater than 2 K appear over the wide range of areas. atmospheric correction in the box is inter- polated from of box. The continuum are calculated using ^=0.005. temperature the sea sur- Ten-Day Marine Report Japan Meteorological Agency, on mainly between ship data, and produced Fig. 3 (c). The by are greater than 2.0 K of area. differences are negative a during the same period, the negative errors latitude appear in the cloudy In one as Fig. 3 except this case, the tendencies of error are similar to that in January. SST could not be estimated in the latitude zone higher than 40°N. differences is a tendency Fig. 3 (c) with photographs Fig. 4 is the same features in appear over There zone. Comparing for April. the differences are some Marine and middle latitude appear in the clear areas. which is based regions where the Ten-Day in the region of the higher latitude areas, and the positive errors in the lower data, the former SST and the latter SST, respectively. There range GMS-3 are less than in the lower of the first ten days of January in 1985 estimated from the Report transmittances of water vapor Fig. 3 (a), (b), and (c) show face SSTs the data of the four corners Fig. 5 is the same wide for June. that SST one as cloud not be Fig. 3 except estimated in the latitude zone higher than 40°N. In this or the estimated case, the negative errors appear almost all 49 - METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 ・ (a) 50N / 40N -SV, "-・v .; 30N ^+ 15 1i 20N 30 ^-\ ION w A <; ON OE 1 1 120E 130E I40E 150E 160E SURFACE TEMP. 1985.4.1-10 SEA 170E 180E (b) i. v \ iv THE TEN-DA^ MARINE RETORT Jn- H-U !<■■ ≪ i-. /-Pj' '44 //M' it<l lm, . i'- ■\ ffl lr-v,N <A) ' A\ fc-o' n*& ^ ^ ;p c\ /"L/│^V/^A/^Vu0' \tf Qt '*7\ '. * - : Yim !<7 v_ ^ \ 7 : rK i \ \iXNJ. H \r\ i u / L\ \ _y// *->,, \y h l^x )'■ ' ^y^ y^-- h 4/ !>r- \ W , , , /' ■v r \ 0 GELr? w#imh*j i? /!AU w. \ Vl\: M'1, U1^ k ^ ! k^ \fM/i V ■U ') / -NlJ >> r^./\ / v ■■^-y-n. u <&>y^ ii^Tio.*- T" ymTrrim^ i\. ! iff ' Kv^n t, ! r>^ v^d^rz: t l1^'!/ rr, AK va^^^?f>^ y>n<^r^ \, _t- )^ . .jwYbr&iDr^ virs^-v mrj ≪v "≪v.\\\' p /n ^■ Hh jy;/jite&.r i ^^' i sr ■t / <r^-^>/f nk / .17 ■■,/" ^.' -krrj >^^ -^ '/TV 1 -,' IN ^i ― / ; / U-rV > V "I ■ / . / ^r , y r\; : i.-l r- i ^ _^.^ XJ ^-^L^-ttt ,*1A w t/9* / _ S>*f V > ix- l/l^v\ .</ f- ' ・ ■\. i/JS ' /hr-">/ v_≪NV < ■ ■ \ ■ i/TN ! J' ■ ■ S \ ! ! Kes― ! . , , r\ v : ; \^r i\ V 1 :/T \ / rs - i I ,/, '-' , I 'V li w X / ,a \/r\\ U° , / i , \ ^ \ ^l fJ^U^ / S*/ u^ ■> - . ■ : ^ )/ _l-l_ ,-S\ \ l / l \ r^-^%^ i\J rr\ '^J ―: ■ ' ■i i I IV i/ is ^ \,<..*-k \ \ r I u : >r>^ ^JVTNN-^-^' v\J ' ^n >*. ■ :/ f'&Z I ■ h**K ^v ,/T ・ TN y\. , ■/: f ! ^ ^v i . >-ixj r^ Jl ・" r rSr=―:-^} r i ・> , : v ' i/D ^J .>・- I ; I I . -vt- i ― ( .). ■i : ; '―-j-*i7Ss^ ■sw-KS^Vi/: '^_i-K_: \J ■■5^ ^(iC^-s r^Y j-jszm av. ' s-rr>^S^=^ \y\\\h . _>?K_^'■ is? ry, ! /UrvTV -#^'^> ixrwi j≫js^m / n1 *.;" c_ Y&r ■ u^T^^sCTTfe-^ ^―-OO/yDr ― ) ^ A /' 'L/ v^.J^J^C RET TM7 ^.xj/vi/ti \ JrS#> rx ^\^^Li sr- \ * C ・ r\i7 P^S― ・-■/"V-. ^3s V jfXJuft JSH !_ nfT^sc^ )),^yi. X ・ . x V \ i>-7^, 50 i\ - i ・;i y 1 K ^. ' I (c) 50N 40N 30N 20N ION ON 110E Fijj. 4 120E 130E ERROR As in fig. 3, except for April. 140E 1 50E 1985.4.1-10 Tendencies 160E 170E 180E of difference are similar to those in January. (a) 50N 40N 30N 20N ION ON 11OE 120E . SEA 130E HOE 15OE 160E SURFACE TEMP. 1985.7.1-10 51 - 1TOE 180E METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 (b) (c) 20N ION ON 1 10E Fig. 5 from 120E 130E ERROR 150E 140E 160E 170t 180E 1985.7.1-10 As in fig. 3, except for July. The negative differences, which means that SST estimated GMS-3 data is lower than that of the Ten-Day Marine Report, appear almost all over areas. 52 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 (a) 50N 40N 30N 20N 10N OH 170E 1 2-OE 10E 130E 140E t50E 160E SEA SURFACE TEMP. 1985.10. 180E 1 -10 (b) 1 1j μ 1゛ ・’. IJ ・ │『 気象庁全国海況旬報 N o TIU. l4u4 TF\-I≪\ M A K I N ' R K E T O R T J . ● 。 s ? 7 「 ,い/ `に ヤ ̄ Sfl・・,s岬,。/細・。。 `ヽ八N゛ `ヽぶ、。, "T{r- . ソ宍ぺ・ ド\J:ヅ でmグユi±K wKimiHiこ'7゛''''''''(!.2ルレr。7毘 号泣訟 説漏⊇ 7nT ̄ぺTバり '一石,,や つ畑に 応渦3啄冷汐ヽぐニベ|び刊/や叫 ●・・Z10 kぶ6「 1,「 |' ● ■中 > ● 尿石良くニ バら気づyi ダ ̄rミ⊆7/双 ̄言μ?Sr ̄jま泌妙案 ●ir − 皿 ・p・ ?5「7・るS ) /7TぺI ダ/≒バ )│ ゛・J≦どよ け 言と 回 巡言 席殷 行員㈹贈二三 ノ ,ここに `7少ヽヽノつ /-`ツン ル七 ミ ・ Ht i ¶ 上州辻でヽモベ靫づ孫子四六を宍丿匹匹∩天ご £ 言けづ艦ヅド千珊完⊇歿;匹堅惑匹_ 七乳 士宍言言作頷 示癩呉指示席 一7/ k/,。・ ぐ万考不平聊ゲニ祥≒づこ心44 |● ●Ji4 7 ・o/.^ −一乙-φザ徊wk〃 ’い=こ、知仙/已/ し Xヽヽ、こ一・7ヽ\ KLへNは・4乙 い、‘ へ_/-ヽ、y1ノベに2ニジR弧J/ ̄ ¬'i・・Q、ご5ニニ゛こrr?モジi ノ'ふ一、 り7.ふ、.,ン1≧こ-一づ べ£ミント岬詞y才分yづ/-眼識ヽづぞ7(詞?脳 き戈さ心ご=柵席拓郎 λ /jiや・\nvrF7 1 ’ \ レr乾_、・rじじ/ン1 11 1心 『 ハ、、....−7で'' ̄ ・ ,``--ヽ、 しへ /│/ 乙 /に t 七/U ,/λ`xヽ、_/7 べへ べ /1 ・y・, 1 X脂八 に・μべ Λ ふノd 咎 ぺ `ヽヽ,jノXべ` 帽ご 1  ̄犬 ゝl ,x y- 、L りfヽノ/ ノ/ 心゛ l 5j O心 夕’x、 / t レノつ八齢I 11 。// ``‘ハ │/ い//,rx 1‘こ一考 y心’X・ ・I X 為 つ↑/?メ X \・づ グぞン勺 l\ z / 1XX へ,こj x犬;\、I Iソ`、 ニどここ;ンダ1/lい/`ヽ-・ィr ドこLノ ノ1ノ v>≫≪ へ 匹\ご川ソフ い 7 1 1F へ・\ ・l ・乙 7 ノ 一一‘ ゾ J一一、・ぽ.`͡・へI`-゛ ・ 「 レ、 ぺj ir\ l’\30 ぺし’ / 、 X、、_ ノ ノI ・/ .` I/ / Xノ″``t、 へ。、‰.、 7ヽJxy’ ̄ 区 吋こ,/『r、り.‘かノ 千浪 2ダミヤ拘サ 瀕ljlズ → ≒ ゝ 1 Jf rn y``−・rx.・ │ ノ / ̄ ̄ ̄T ’r7`ヽ、 7. /7i/-^. /│// / 1`’,』 へV I ゛I l i J 米じノ \ ・ 1 ・ j レX ・/ ・/ y‘`ヽノ y、I '1、n n、 ・ h 1 心 心 X ド ‘X, nj ド と j・X X・X ノノリ | | ’一匹 。/’ k ノ ・7 ’/ べ_ノ 一万 ̄゛`-。、賎 い t 1 \_/ I IW 1 X1ノ, r j 7TフIJrj ̄Fこ ̄7?岬T ̄TフTア ̄ ’ 了* jl`ヽ・,・T \ ''-ヽ,λUI/ J「一一▽yT ̄ コ x ふ ぞ ¬ 可 弛 , ・ て 二 " T H べ .`ご 軋J X 1 ・ / , VJ-y i /’八 八r , y /4 .3c' 1・1 ノ 1八、「 や’こ. / ・M ’て``シや み で 1 い l y Z l n j n メ`吟 1 X ぺ J X X ・ }l l,/、y -, r'゛刎 I '/ ■ . ’yl`之 , ■y≫i フヴドー‘- ゝ∼_ノ ニ府ニ / SI1□ J _'へ ンーヘ / ,1, 1 1 1 ガヘ 一 − ノ | |‘ 1 1;、 ド11い 八 ぞJ II ヽ V ’ ` − ’ ’ \ I − 11 1Z I ヽ M l y l 4 ’ 1 7 旅 『 53 / I しノ\ 1 lr器 ’ lt゛ METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE N0.15 MARCH 1987 (c) 50N 40N 30N 20N 10N ON 120E □OE 130E ERROR MOE Fig. 6 As in fig. 3, except for October. are similar to those in January over areas. This tendency clear areas in the middle Fig. 6 is the same Tenpencies (2) radiative (3) calibration latitude. 3 except water October In this to that in January and April. tween SST the large differences be- estimated from Marine range of area. These SSTs Report They cannot titative analysis GMS appear sometimes data (a) and over a wide exceed We be utilized for the quan- section, we clear radiance cannot to 2 count of SST. error of SST infrared image discuss these factors in estimated and clear TrB avoid the magnitude and Trb the error from GMS data is caused by the follow- cannot remove contamination. The frared channel on ments in infrared 54 − ofl values. sub-satellite point. clear radiance and clear Tbb − we of precisely. to a degree If the size of cloud is less than ing factors. (1) on GMS vapor error in the clear radiance 5 K. Discussion The of the radiometer It is difficult to estimate view, 4. scheme detail. In every case, Ten-Day transfer ㈲ vertical profile of temperature and for October. The tendencies of error in are similar of difference and April. is small in the one as Fig. 180E □oヒ 160t 150E 1985.10.1-10 the effect of cloud field of view for inGMS The is 6 km X 6 km histograms 1 ° latitude x1 °longitude and a field of of at a ele- for both visible channel are shown in 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 plains data that is higher ○ the (b) zone radiative and in transfer radiative lmW/(cm2 correspond For from truth the in cloudy and the area Hill(1980), transfer scheme in purpose the vicinity from Tbb October the in 1984 300 the K。 error we compared with The radiances were less sr cm-1) of of investigating radiative transfer model, the calculated the is sr cm-1);1mW/(cm2 to 0.6 K the Tbb GMS-3 data scheme to Weinreb of than the latitude。 According error estimated than latitude of lower of SSTs lower observed to October calculated clear in 1985. using SSTs of the Ten-Day Marine Report and the radiosonde data at the stations near the coast and on the island. The radiosonde stations are listed Pig. 7 The histogram latitude x1 and infrared tions of ° longitude channel. The are (24°N. 147E), (24°N, 148°E). frared histogram If elements in 1° for both visible center we would data from the tracted on Table l. is extrapolated altitude the of The radio- to surface level the station. We ex- clear 7n near the radiosonde of posistation. The positions (24°N, 148°£), and only, sonde check the three extracting in- histo- the radiance are which clear also Tbb listed are and on used calculating Table for the l。 gram are probably regarded as clear. Judging from histogram mode visible data, the above are contaminated values histogram third of the are 1K lower two by cloud. above two than The (24°N, center check three channel the of the The are If we only, probably two 147°E), 149°E). histogram judging obviously (24°N, clear y=0.005 T。a is extracted visible for for visible contaminated by cloud. of the in the third channel one. field of view are The using The Tbb and the same except of the between are is less adopted statistics calculated ex- Fig. 55 − 8 calculated divided of the 10.0K, the into of four the difference every shows ; the clear ex- one。 group position acand between the observed 7n and the calculated Tbb existence for threshold the than as cording to the latitude as SST extracted clear one is used is data of Instead difference the tracted the 1.0K partially the estimation value. i.e. if difference his- histograms infrared as the threshold Tz,。and regarded as from the value, these values for the above two his- as that cloud are (24°N, above are mode tograms of and However, tograms, low areas infrared histograms clear. The of 148°E), would using (me. 一 7; water vapor con- γ二〇。0。 method Fig. for tinuum is calculated and infrared that transmittance are month。 the mean of their differences METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 Table l Radiosonde station and position to use for extracting the clear Tbb and calculating the radiance or TBB、 Name No 31909 3 WAKKANAI 47401 4 NEMURO 47420 5 VLADIVOSTOK 13960 6 MISAWA 47580 7 AKITA 47582 8 SENDAI 47590 9 WAJIMA 47600 10 QINGDAO 54857 11 YONAGO 47744 12 FUKUOKA 47807 13 SHIONOMISAKI 47778 14 HACHIJOJIMΛ 47678 15 SHANGHAI 58367 16 CHICHIJIMA 47971 17 TAOYUAN 46697 18 NAHA 47936 19 MINΛMIDAITOJIMA 47945 20 ISHIGAKIJIMΛ 47918 21 MINAMITORISHIMA 47991 22 HAIKOU 59758 23 WAKE 91245 24 LAOAG 25 XISHADAO 26 CLARK 27 LEGASPI 28 (deg.) 136.7 45.4 141.7 43.3 145.6 43.1 131.9 40.7 141.4 39.7 140.1 38.3 140.9 37.4 136.9 36.1 120.3 35.4 133.4 33.6 130.4 33.5 135.8 33.1 139.8 31.2 121.4 27.1 142.2 25.0 121.1 26.2 127.7 25.8 131.2 24.3 124.2 24.3 154.0 20.0 110.4 19.3 166.7 98223 18.2 120.5 59981 16.8 112.3 98327 15.2 120.6 98444 13.1 123.7 GUAM 91217 13.3 144.5 29 YAP 91413 9.5 138.1 30 KWAJALEIN 91366 8.7 167.7 31 KOROR 7.3 134.5 32 TRUK 7.5 151.9 33 MAJURO 34 KOTA 35 36 AFB PALAU 91408 91334 91376 position long. (E) (deg.) 151 138 141 146 139 143 136 122 133 129 136 140 123 142 121 127 131 124 154 112 167 120 112 119 124 145 376733 1 1 1 150.5 45.0 0000COCOCOtDl^ 46.1 specified lat. (N) (deg.) OO TERNEJ (E) 1 1 32186 long. 152 172 7.1 171.4 96471 6.0 116.1 114 PONAPE 91348 7.0 158.2 158 BRUNEI 69315 4.9 114.9 114 一 - −一 一一 KINABALU 56 − C^︶ nj 4 URUP 2 lat. (N) (deg.) 46454543む41403837363634罰333127262626242420191817T︱(I︱141498777665 1 altitude m 7 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 7 1 7 5 4 n乙 I l qy l 1 1 Qり 4 1 ぐ 一 1 1 1 1 Station 4ノ 一 〇 I I ≪o 8 9 0 3 6 7 8 4 5 3 7 4 01U tnu3i' a5Lr3Trur3UQy3Cj5^HC︱ No. 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 2.0 2.0 肩1‘0 茸110 0.0 0.0 −1.0 -1.0 0 0 0 2.ta 0 0 2. 1. D S SD MONTH MONTH 2.0 2.0 −1.0 ^■^ −1.0 AT 0.0 -10 0.0 -1.0 0 0 7一L D S 2.0 SD l.O 0 0 0.0 MONTH 2.0 (ON Jto ぺ・ぺよ≒ 0.0 MONTH 50N) /Vへ: シ≒ トゾ ・・1.0 F11.8 - Statistics observed TBB(TBB<=). IT is mean ニ ムダ‰ 2。0 '。 l ご ' ` eヽe‘e 1.0 TBB'')i (≪= 1,…, viation of ∠ぽ1(i=1,…, number 四・ 四 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 董 10 1 4 MONTH 7 10 - SD of the difference TBB(Tb B°゜) and 57 − of data. N), and between the the calculated of 4Ti=(TsB− SD is standard dey is the N), where METEOROLOGICAL and the standard X SATELLITE deviation indicate the value respectively. times reaches to 2 to between of data have of these at Xishadao near this values and (59981). due simultaneous Uchiyama can only A large part concerning on the observation clear 7n observed a tendency to of small thermal high GMS-2 from There just near (c) is another islands In the possibility. the radiance which May to June greater than 2 on We from values. K is rather May The to June large. This value, transfer model would be only one infrared on several be solved ing parameters the radiative transfer scheme. Since γ= 0.005 means a absorption percents. by adjust- large coefficients in continuum SST from from prediction are restricted channel, algorithm and the accurate absorption, The we can to a degree These would for error of the ver- vertical profile above the ocean is a difference only satellites, there that the infrared data logical satellites, because we the more SST trieve SST not be well-calibrated. well-calibrated infrared due the sensor orbital satellites. If the vertical pro- file were depend heavily on the orbital improve facts suggest data It is well- of GMS are not to the thermal gradient unit. from into of 1 K。 known that within coefficients if aerosol is taken verneed tical profile. would from accurate be no meaning the geostationary obtain from the data Ob; for by the method of multi-channel technique using AVHRR data of NOAA/ 58 − to re- meteoro- could served by the polar orbital satellites example, Ichiki et. al. (1984) - account, Even of the obtained. We polar the larger absorption sounding so on. As scheme has the other to the use dependent on sounding data derived this one. and only one in- it is not realistic that radiative transfer than is nega- orbital satellite, climate tical profile cannot be the robust The the information on the numerical as we cannot in June of data ; radiosonde data, long differences 8. that the systematic atmosphere must be given dicates that the errors of the radiative The in Fig. a areas. estimate data derived from in- respect vapor we source difference from compensate vertical profile of temperature water of shown all over The with differences error explains frared channel, means GMS-2. temperature of the first ten days (d) comes to are 1.5 to 2.0 K These tive almost GMS-3 that the in the period tend to large negative error GMS-3 has the similar part of errors When of radiometer Fig. 8, it is found differences exactly in the sensor unit effective shutter to GMS-2. surface。 calibration the rela- on the base of the radiance structure error of the Ten-Day not include temperatures calculated theoretically. affected by local geographical observed and GMS-2. and calibration features. of GMS among the effective shutter tern- values because does observation perature large Report of tionship tendency Marine calibration et. al. (1984) investigated Marine Report near this station have a small structure the 20°N,many or SST of the Ten-Day to low for In the lower to the influence coral reefs, the error 1987 3K. The has MARCH O°N and are based station Nal5 infrared image data by comparing the but that some- positive error. data NOTE mentioned and γ=0.0タ of the differences within 1 K, latitude zone TECHNICAL of those.⑧and for r=0.005 Half of mean are coincident CENTER 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 TIROS series satellites。 culated Using McCIatchy's tropical atmosphere, we tried to estimate the influence T88using the vertical profile lyzed objectively of the in order for numerical of the vertical profile on the observed use that profile. TsB. The change of temperature by between the observed below the level of 800 mb leads to the Tbb change 1 K. the period of Trb by of water vapor about amount by 10% The leads change of 713 by about 0.4 from these results, error the new analysis K. vapor instead of prediction climate the accuracy observed is used This GMS-3 DIFF with of differences the calculated October in 2.0K almost not are proper. restricted im- channel, accurate We compared the by and results do scheme and water value. means in Fig. 9, 10, 11, and 1985. The 2.0 K, but all over difthey the area. show the radiative However, 12 in of January, necessarily the vertical profile and as of the amount of at- mospheric correction. clear Tbb These to 7n and of the first ten days are less than the result of objective for numerical The ferences sometimes exceed of 0.5 to 1K。 system, are shown April, June Judging we cannot avoid the the vertical profile of temperature proves to the that transfer since we are to the use of the only one infrared it is difficult to desire a more value for correcting the atmospheric effect。 the cal- We use the vertical □ TBB 圃OD) 9 8 5 profile analyzed Ob- 01.01づO) 50N 4 ON 30N 20N 10N ON Fig. 9 Mean 150E 120i゛ □OE 130E MOE DIFF. TBB of difference between 160E 170E 180E 1985.1.1-10 the observed TBB using the vertical profile analyzed tively for numerical prediction, in the period of the firstten days of January in 1985. value is the former TBB minus the latter one. 一 In to a degree change prediction, to check whether it is proper error 2 K ana- 59 objecThe METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE DIFF CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 (1985.0∠に01−10) TBB 副OD) 50N 30N 20N ON □OE 120E i30£ 140E DIFF. Fiff. 10 As DI − F TBB in fig. 9, except T3B (MOD) 「 170E 150E 160E 1985.4.1-10 for April 180E in 1985. 985.07.01−10) (1 50N 40N 30N ・-¶・4111 ・-●●--・噂・ 暗●・・● 言回 じ −一 ・●ミ4 ミー・一∼ J・● ゛‘http://www. −・ ・・ −啼 ●・4 喇−●−−−一越 1 ミ1−=∼∼∼・・−● 2 一−・ …‥こぶこ・訊 菊菜 申一一 −●●●−−− c・v● 哺 吻 ● ● 4 ● − 一− 1|ミ ミ ミ ー ミ 崎●崎綱嘲噂 ::::::htt ● 〃1− 41 −−−−●−− 戸一一−−4 --一喝●爛 --一剛ミー│ ゴ」 −●・〃〃 一∼一∼ 匹回ぐ ・ 9t-て そ こ ・--●----●−−−−一問−−−−−−− ..-.…乙.……. ●・ y’・” −・− ・●− ミ4 −414− 一一肖・一一 p://www.. −・ ・・ ・●−一曙− ・・ − 10N ≒翌毘:賄ヅレ:ゾ七ンで≒良二二¨鰐百二啓示 チェ?Tう 1-噂岬 . N。.,..u ・- ドで りーど ̄7 ’ 回付目性,よザレ り一一・ ’¨1 ツ,=,:回詣でi芒・f芸嗣頌辞 心st.;.−・. 1 . ...... ……’i………… ‥ i 120E 130E 140E 150E 160E DIFF. TBB 1985.7.1-10 Fig. 11 As in fig. 9, except for July in 1985. 一 ON 1 10E 60 − 170E 180E 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 DI 一 一 TBB (回OD) □’ (1 9 8 5 10 01 〇) づ 20N ON □OE 120E i30E MOE Fi≪. 12 As in fig. 9, except jectively for numerical prediction all over amount large is a posi- in the cloudy region, there is the error Fig. 13 changes to water and cloudy (e) region must amplification vertical profile in the serious temperature However, the error ±1K,cannot The error of the clear 7n, the radiative transfer scheme, and the calibration of tend of SST. Furthermore, profile is given be avoided. to lead the systematic since the vertical SST 1 K leads of because of the reason cribed below ; i. e. a small error is amplified are fixed and the case where to that of the temperature is equal atmospheric level。 shown in Ffg. of radiance observed /dTs is less than when the earth lite, its contrast to the serious error vapor 13 and 14, the change for the change face temperature becomes every 2.5°×2.5°, its error of error the vertical profiles of water surface As error and one, respectively. γ=0.005 is used.⑧indicates lowest leads to the error spread widely. The magnitude large。 tropical atmosphere summer In these calculation, error to a certain degree, radiometer mid-latitude of small error. becomes in McClatchy's be modified。 -We cannot specify which factor causes the most of SST and 14 show how the observed T88 changes as the surface temperature bility to over-estimate the absorption due vapor. The 180E for October in 1985. and the region. Since water vapor 170E I50E I50E 1985.10.1-10 DIFF. TBB 1.0. This is observed become of sur- dull; i.e. dTBB indicates from worse that the satel- than that of the original surface temperature. In the des- tropical case, the value to 0.4. For 61 of j TsB/dTs is 0.3 example, dTBB/dTs=0.4 means METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL Tropical (a) NOTE (b) 1.0 No.15 MARCH 1987 Tropical 0 3 ︵M aaト cJTbb WdTs 0.5 260.7-1 250 0.0 300 250 250 Surface rature Fig. 13 (a) Relation between surface temperature in the case of McClatchy's tropical atmosphere. than that of the original surface temperature. 300 1emperatuTe and the brightness temperature to be observed The contrast of observed TBB becomes worse TBB=260.7 is the contribution of atmospheric radiation. (b) Change rate of the observed TBB to the surface temperature. The inverse of this value means an amplification factor of error. (a) mid-latitude summer (b) mid-latitude summer 1.0 30 ︵£︶Iト dTBB dTs 0.5 2 50 242. 8→ 0.0 250 Surface 300 Temperature Ts(K) 250 Surface Fisr.14 As in Fig. 13, except for McClatchy's mid-latitude summer - TBB=242.8 is the contribution of atmospheric 62 radiation. 300 Temperatu re atmosphere. 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 that when we estimate SST, the error that of 7‰ is amplified by 1/0.4=2.5 times. In the case that and the the atmosphere of Tbb is 0.2 to amplified of by dTsB/dTs 5 in the mer is larger than that sphere, error the but is fore, its which surface even to 3 error times. of by if the error Tbb becomes about times. of the clear would ±2 be ±1K, the does There7n on 300 K. GMS Therefore, the observed talized ference to the The 0.5 K and as error an of important only error is converted l of one problem. or digi- The dif- of in 11μm Fig. infrared 15. atmospheric 0.5 must in gree. The new has not go The inherent from sight has As long the utilization of many as- and the error that of of the atmospheric be avoid to a certain method is superior the empirical derived away tuning de- to the proceses by the current from method the climate value. amplification nature The is hidden new method not a tuning process. In spite of more accurate value of case 0. 33NV111ΣSNvaト cured clear Tbb correction, due the larger and error to the inherent amplification the the ocna- ture. This general concept is shown in Fig. 16. 15 Transmittances tropical atmosphere of 11μm region. r=o. 005 is used the new by the a distance be- method for are smaller operational the true new the distance than one, and value and method between − than one that by method. However, the true SST new method distant as that by the current 63 those the estimated is nearer operational estimated SST by the text). 一 of error by the current in the region (see deviation The circles of the value obtained 「1) of the vertical path of deviation by the (c a standard of climate value. 800 900 1000 NUMBER circle represents and a standard tween WAVE A dispersion ;i.e. a standard current McClatchy's to with a cover. atmospheric Fig. and cannot the SST transthe accuracy method. be made correction does of window, to restricted and path Even in the region mittances reduce to 0.2 are operational method cedure. The current operational method for McClatchy's tropical atmosphere are shown we implicitly SST。 transmittances of the vertical tro- current operational method in each pro- digitalized count leads to 3 K that the new not necessarily improve the the clear 7n vicinity McClatchy's is and mid-latitude summer test results show sumptions the reaches radiance the only one infrared channel, to which count value radiance is in 60ぢ for of the current to 5K。 is 40ぢ and The The radiometric resolution of infrared sensor and one, respectively。 atmo- the from pical atmosphere sum- tropical 2 about The mid-latitude is emitted to the satellite to the observed value is about 0.5 and amplified calculated of SST ratio of the radiance wet 0,3 ; i.e. the path length is long. The zenith angle of satellite is large, dTBB/dTsbecomes value is more the atmosphere is wet and the and the is as one. Further- METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL each n ew quantity because 1987 of the error of the calibration. The errors of the clear 7`n observed by the satellite, and those calculated one are current rren However, new / SST the error of the clear T BB and This This fact indicates 0.1K and multi-channel necessary current to the order to remove own measurements operationally ・ Truth stage. Before x Estimated v(ユlue we o Climte Value the above concept on errors. Tbb, ×. and TBB, and and The accuracy temperature. of error more, that note current the climate and that of We is the same climate value. order study the effect. as the also very atmospheric new vapor analyzed prediction and transfer SST equation. in the four method In the to new objectively the solution We tried cases in correct discussions method, to order Takeuchi of over error of SST estimate the is installed, climate ship to correct and buoy meas- Yoshida, Head value. to thank Mr. T. District Meteorological Obser- he was Satellite grateful in our Director of Japan Center last to Mr. I. Kubota Head last year. Also, with Dr. A. Mita We for the support when he was are greatly Mete- year. of numerous and Mr. Y. appreciated。 taneous Observation of GMS and GMS-2. ―A Study of the Difference between the Bright- to investigate becomes a wide range of at the present method the method using use Ichiki, A., M. Togashi and A. Uchiyama, 1984: An Analysis of the Data Obtained by a Simul- radiative ness Temperatures In greater by GMS and Those Meteorological Satellite Center Note N0.10, 19-27 (in Japanese). Inoue, T.,1979 : Emprirical Atmospheric area. We - test, the 2K method the cannot References 2―, than We for numer- the performance of the new method. every to develop error our department we utilize the vertical temperature and ical when orological summary the only. for encouraging us always continuing and ^Ne developed water wish vatory, value. Conclusion are atmospheric effect by this new of Sapporo rcspec- the standard deviation of method measurements Acknowledgements ●, the estivalue, less than atmospheric correction in this new and re- are a size of circle indicates a standard deviation 5. surface 0 mean the truth valu3, tively. climate SST amount of atmospheric sea mated valu2, the T and intend urements Fisr. 16 The schematic view of the general observed that feature is inherent。 that the quired for the measurements is correction, K. the clear 7`n of the atmospheric correction is amplified by a several times. clear of the probably about 1 when we convert to SST, X Nal5 MARCH could not estimate exactly the errors in △T Tbb NOTE 64 − by GMSTechnical Correc- 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 tion, Meteorological Note Satellite (Special Issue 11-2), System, Center Technical Summary 11 Data Processing, of Part TRAN GMS 2, 7-14 (in Japanese). Kneizys. F. X.. E. P. Shettle, Chetwynd R. W. Jr., Fenn spheric L. W. and W. O. Abreu, Gallery. J. E. A. Transmittance/Radiance LOWTRAN 5, : Computer Code Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Department 20 pp. MA, Uchiyama, 233pp. of Commerce, McClatchey, R. A., Volz, and R. W. Fenn, perties of the atmosphere AFCRL-72-0497, Laboratories, MA, 108 Roberts, Air L. G. Selby, : Optical culated pro- (third edition). Force Cambridge Research Hanscom Field, J. E. A. Selby 1976 : Infrared continuum Opt., Selby, J.E.A., A. L. M. the window, Weinreb, Kneizys, J. H. Chetwynd McClatchy,1978 Trancmittance/Radiance Jr., Code M. P. and A. C. Neuendorffer.1973 LOW- GMSの赤外画像データによる海面水温の推定 1 敏 . 牢貝 明用 内 山 村 弘 志** 郎*** GMSの赤外画像データから,海面水温を推定する際の大気補正の方法と,それを使って得られた結 果について述べる。 現在, GMSの赤外画像データの大気補正は,経験式と気候値の可降水量を使って計算している。新 しい方法では,大気の鉛直温度・水蒸気分布として数値予報の解析値を使い,大気補正値は放射伝達 方程式を解くことによって計算する。 新しい方式で海面水温の推定を4例行った。その結果,系統的誤差(広い領域にわたって同じ傾向 の誤差)が生じやすいことがわかった。誤差の大きさは,5Kを超えることもあり,定量的な解析に 耐え得るものでない。これは,観測T88や計算T88の誤差が,海面水温を推定するときに増幅されるた めである。この性質は,衛星から海面水温を推定する際の本質的な性質であり,1チャンネルの画像 データからの海面水温の推定は非常に困難であることを示している。 これらのことから,海面水温を精度0.5K以下で推定するには,晴天Tbb (雲の影響を受けていない 衛星到達放射),大気補正値を精度O.IK以下で決める必要がある。さらに大気の鉛直分布について仮 定することなく,衛星の測定だけから大気補正を行うことが望ましく,いくつかの波長城で地球から の放射を測定する必要がある。 * 気象衛星センター・システム管理課 ** 気象衛星セソター管制課(現所属,科学技術庁) *** 気象衛星センター解析課 −65 Tern- : Method to apply homogeneous-path transmit tance models to inhomogeneous atmosphere, I. Atmos. Sci., 30. 662-666. : Atmospheric : Computer Radiances and Brightness NESS 80, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C, 40 pp. by atmo- 15,2085-2090. F. X. : of Cal- peratures in Infrared Window Channels of Satellite Radiometers, NOAA Technical Report Biberman, 8-12μm Calibration by Means Radiances, Meteorological Satellite Cen- of Atmospheric Bedford, absorption spheric water vapor in Appl. and D. C, ter Technical Note N0, 10,29-36 (in Japanese). Weinreb, M. P. and M.L. Hill,1980 : Calculation pp. R.E., and R. J. E. A. J. S. Garing,1972 Washington, A., A. Ichiki and T. Takahashi,1984 VISSR Infrared F. E. Bedford, ESSA Technical Report NESC 47, Environ mental Science Services Administration, U.S. Atmo- AFGL-TR-80-0067, Air Force Geo・ Hanscom AFB, Smith, W.L.,1969 : A polynomial representation of carbon dioxide and water vapor transmission. I. H. Selby, R. A. McClatchey,1980: 4. AFGL-TR-78-0053, physics Laboratory, MA, 100 pp. −
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