Day 1 : Wednesday May 7th, 2014 Time Room Program Schedule 8:00 - 9:00 Hall Bibliothèque Registration 9:00 - 9:30 Amphi Principal Opening Ceremony Keynote by Dr. Peter Richtarik, University of Edinburgh 9:30 - 10:30 Amphi Principal Title: Randomized methods for big data optimization: How to climb a hill in a billion dimensional world using a coin and a compass and count the steps before departure 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:30 Hall Bibliothèque Coffee Break ROOM 1 Session 1-1 : Machine Learning & Fuzzy Modeling ROOM 2 Session 1-2 : Software Engineering I ROOM 3 Session 1-3 : Image Processing 12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH Tutorial by Dr. El Mostapha ABOULHAMID, University of 14:00 - 15:00 Amphi Principal Montreal, Title: Computing Acceleration using Reconfigurable Hardware - Case Study: The Satisfiability Problem 15:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 ROOM 1 Session 1-4 : Web & Big Data ROOM 2 Session 1-5 : Software Engineering II ROOM 3 Session 1-6 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems I Hall Bibliothèque Coffee Break 17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:30 Hall Bibliothèque Poster Session I ROOM 1 Session 1-7 : Constraint System Programming ROOM 2 Session 1-8 : Telecom & Networking I ROOM 3 Session 1-9 : TALA I Day 2 : Thursday May 8th, 2014 Time Room Program Schedule (Cont.) Keynote by Dr. Bernadette BOUCHON-MEUNIER, University 9:00 - 10:00 Amphi Principal of Paris 6 Title: Fuzzy set-based management of subjective information 10:00 - 10:30 Hall Bibliothèque Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 Hall Bibliothèque Poster Session II 11:00 - 12:30 ROOM 1 Session 2-1 : TALA II ROOM 2 Session 2-2 : Telecom & Networking II ROOM 3 Session 2-3 : Microwave Engineering 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:30 LUNCH ROOM 1 Session 2-4 : E-Learning I ROOM 2 Session 2-5 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems II 15:30 - 16:00 Hall Bibliothèque Coffee Break 16:00 - 16:30 Hall Bibliothèque Poster Session III 16:30 - 18:00 18:00 - 18:30 ROOM 1 Session 2-7 : E-Learning II ROOM 2 Session 2-8 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems III Amphi Principal Awards Distribution and Closing Session 1-1 : Machine Learning & Fuzzy Modeling Mohamed El Boujnouni, Mohamed Jedra and Noureddine Zahid Support Vector Domain Description with a new confidence score Ashraf Khalil and Hassan Hajjdiab Advances in Detecting Fake Followers in Twitter Malek Sarhani and Abdellatif El Afia Electric Load Forecasting Using Hybrid Machine Learning Model Rkia Fajr and Abdelaziz Bouroumi A Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimizer for Unsupervised Learning Session 1-2 : Software Engineering I Tarik Chaghrouchni, Mohammed Issam Kabbaj and Zohra Bakkoury Towards dynamic adaptation of the software process Ikram El Rhaffari and Ounsa Roudiès Benchmarking SDL and CLASP lifecycle Maryem Rhanoui and Bouchra El Asri A Multilevel Contract Model for Dependable Feature-Oriented Components Zineb Bougroun, Adil Zeaaraoui and Toumi Bouchentouf Model Schneider and process area of CMMI Session 1-3 : Image Processing Walid Ragheb and Ali Lasfar Handwritten Digit Recognition using Sparse Deep Architectures Mohammed Romadi and Rachid Oulah Haj Thami Détection et reconnaissance de panneaux routiers dans un ?ux vidéo El Margae Samira, Berraho Sanae, Mounir Ait Karoum and Fakhri Youssef Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Multi-Block LBP Features using SVM with Normalization Session 1-4 : Web & Big Data Yasser Saissi, Ahmed Zellou and Ali Idri Form driven Web source Integration Fahd Kalloubi, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali Named entity linking in microblog posts using graph-based centrality scoring Fatine Jebbor and Laila Benhlima Survol des systèmes de question/réponse Hadi Hashem and Ranc Daniel An Integrative Modeling of BigData Processing Kamal El Aguez, Nasr Hajji and Hafid Barka Big Data : Opportunités pour les Opérateurs Télécoms Session 1-5 : Software Engineering II Yassine Bounagui, Hatim Hafiddi and Abdellatif Mezrioui Challenges for IT Based Cloud Computing Governance Driss Allaki, Mohamed Dahchour and Abdeslam En-Nouaary A New Taxonomy of Inconsistencies in UML Models : Towards Better MDE Assia Rharbi, Kabbaj Mohammed Issam and Zohra Bakkoury Towards an active help on detecting data flow errors in business process models Abdelhay Haqiq and Bouchaïb Bounabat Model Checking of Multi Decisional Reactive Agent System Session 1-6 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems I Youwei Dong, Hieu Phan and Ahmed Rahmani Modeling and Kinematics Study of Hand Abdelmouttalib Maqil, Abdeslam EnNouaary and Hicham Bensaid Towards a unified approach for modeling and analysis of real-time embedded systems using MARTE/UML Hayat Routaib, Mouna Elmachkour, Essaid Sabir, Elarbi Badidi and Mohammed Elkoutbi Modeling and Evaluating a Cloudlet-based Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing Session 1-7 : Constraint System Programming Hakim Jebari, Saida Rahali El Azzouzi and Hassan Samadi Algorithmes évolutionnaires pour la résolution de problèmes d’ordonnancement multiobjectifs dans un atelier Flow-Shop Mohammed Saddoune A dynamic constraint aggregation heuristic to solve the rostering crew scheduling problem Yasser El Madani El Alami, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali Multi-agents approach for collaborative filtering recommendation based on ant colony algorithm Session 1-8 : Telecom & Networking I Mohammed Errais, Mostafa Bellafkih and Brahim Raouyane Fuzzy Video Streaming Control in IP Multimedia Subsystem Architecture Belmekki Elmostafa, Brahim Raouyane, Belmekki Abdelhamid and Mostafa Bellafkih Secure SIP Signalling Service in IMS network Abdelali Boushaba, Adil Benabbou, Rachid Benabbou, Azeddine Zahi and Mohammed Oumsis Intelligent MP-OLSR Protocol for QoE enhancement of Video Transmission in MANETs Loubna Echabbi and Hajar El Hammouti Brand Appeal Versus Value Added Services: When does an MVNO got a share on the mobile market ? Lahby Mohamed and Cherkaoui Leghris Performance Analysis of Normalization Techniques for Network Selection Access in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Session 1-9 : TALA I : Dictionnaires et ontologies Tatane Khalid, Cherkaoui Chihab Eddine and Mouhim Sanaa Démarche Semi-Automatique de mise à jour d’une Ontologie du Domaine en utilisant les Outils de Traitement Automatique des Langues Mohammed Reqqass, Abdelhak Lakhouaja and Azzeddine Mazroui Amélioration du Dictionnaire Interactif de la Langue Arabe Tachicart Ridouane and Bouzoubaa Karim Une Approche hybride pour la traduction automatique de l’Arabe dialectal Marocain Abdelbadie Belmouhcine and Mohammed Benkhalifa A Cross Training Corrective Approach for Web Pages Classification Session 2-1 : TALA II : Analyse et traitement des textes Arabes Gueddah Hicham, Aouragh Silhoucine and Yousfi Abdellah Adaptation de la distance de Levenshtein Pour la Correction Orthographique Contextuelle Cherif Walid, Madani Abdellah and Kissi Mohamed Building a syntactic rules-based stemmer to improve search effectiveness for arabic language Ibrahim Zarouni and Rachid Benslimane Segmentation d’images par contours actifs basés région : Application à la segmentation en lignes des documents manuscrits médiévaux Noureddine El Makhfi and Rachid Benslimane Scale space method for character segmentation in Arabic documents Session 2-2 : Telecom & Networking II Zahid Mohammed, Belmekki Abdelhamid and Abdellatif Mezrioui Design and Implementation of a New Framework for Network Emulation Rachid Chemsi Digital Forensics Live Acquisition – The Case for an Adaptation Study Aicha Aithacha, Slimane Bah and Zohra Bakkoury A new Authentication Scheme for SIP Registration in a MANET Environment Mohammed Khalil and Abdellah Adib Embedding and Extracting Multiple Watermaks in Audio Signals using CDMA Session 2-3 : Microwave Engineering Zakariae En-Naimani, Mohamed Lazaar and Mohamed Ettaouil Optimal probabilistic self-organizing maps and classification Nawfal Azami and Driss El Idrissi Computer BLOB detection and tracking for highly repeatable optical fiber sensor Hanae Elftouh, Naima Amar Touhami, Mohamed Aghoutane and Abdelkrim Elfarkhsi A microwave Bandstop Filter Using Defected Microstrip Structure Dakir Rachid, Ahmed Mouhsen and Zbitou Jamal Design of A New Compact Printed Monopole Antenna With Y-Shaped Slot for Ultra-Wideband Applications Session 2-4 : E-Learning I Imane Satauri and Omar Beqqali Prediction approach for improving students orientation in university : case of USMBA Issam Matazi, Rochdi Messoussi and Abdellah Bennane The design of an intelligent multi-agent system for supporting collaborative learning Mohammed Al Sarem, Mostafa Bellafkih and Mohammed Ramdani Adaptation Patterns with respect to Learning Styles Naoual Chaouni Benabdellah, Mourad Gharbi and Mostapha Bellafkih Ant colony algorithm and new pheromone to adapt unit sequence to learners’ profiles Session 2-5 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems II Soukaina Boudoudouh, Mohamed Ouassaid and Mohamed Maaroufi Distributed Energy Management by MAS in a Stationary Hybrid System Emharraf Mohamed, Saber Mohammed, Mohammed Rahmoun and Mostafa Azizi Mobile robot unknown indoor environment exploration using self-localization and grid map building Rachid Naoual, El Mehdi Mellouli and Ismail Boumhidi Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for the twolinks robot Moulay Rachid Douiri and Ouissam Belghazi Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Direct Torque control algorithms for Induction Motor Drives Session 2-7 : E-Learning II Adil Haddi, Mohammed Ramdani and Mostafa Bellafkih Évaluation multicritère floue à base d’exemples dans les systèmes de formation à distance Fatima Zahra Lahlou, Houda Benbrahim, Asmaa Mountassir and Ismail Kassou Context Aware Recommender Systems: Terminology and Overview of the State of the Art Naji Abdelwahab, Benzirar Yassine and Ramdani Mohamed Un modèle d’évaluation hybride ‘FQTI-LD’ basé sur LDL et IMS-QTI, et intégrant la logique floue Youness Chaabi, Rochdi Messoussi, Vincent Hilaire, Khadija Lekdioui, Yassine Ruichek and Rajaa Touahni Conception et réalisation d’un système intelligent pour l’analyse automatique de conversations textuelles asynchrones d’apprenants pour la détermination de comportements sociaux Session 2-8 : Real-Time & Embedded Systems III Mohamed Louzazni and Elhassan Aroudam Intelligent PID-Fuzzy Logic Hybrid Control for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter Mohammed Tahifa, Jaouad Boumhidi and Ali Yahyaouy Implementing a Multi-agent Traffic Control in Non-Deterministic Environment with Q-learning Muhammad Yaqoob, Jianhua Zhang, Faiza Nawaz, Taha Ali and Sardar Rushan Sher Qaisrani Optimization in Transient Response of DC-DC Buck Converter using Firefly Algorithm El-Mahjoub Boufounas, Jaouad Boumhidi, El Mehdi Mellouli and Ismail Boumhidi Optimal H∞ control without reaching phase for a variable speed wind turbine based neural network and PSO algorithm Poster Session I Optimal Circle’s Clustering for mobile environment Sanae El Oukkal and Omar El Beqqali Designing a Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) Ragani Taoufik Development of a Multi-Agent Autonomous Robotic System Youssef Fathi and Said Benhlima Classification of attacks in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) Sara Chadli, Mohammed Saber, Mohamed Emharraf and Abdelhak Ziyyat Sliding mode control design and PSO based PSS for multimachine power systems. Ben Meziane Khaddouj, Dib Faiza and Boumhidi Ismail Determination of the tickness of a submerged tube by artificials intelligents systems Youssef Nahraoui, Aassif El Houcein and Gérard Maze A Comparative Study of volume calculation techniques in Medical Images Amina Kharbach and Amar Merdani Statistical Block-Based DWT Features For Digital Mammograms Classification Berraho Sanae, El Margae Samira, Mounir Ait Karoum and Fakhri Youssef A simple tool for automatic extraction of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling in Sea Surface Temperature Images Ayoub Tamim, Khalid Minaoui, Khalid Daoudi, Abderrahman Atillah, Hussein Yahia, Driss Aboutajdine and Mohammed Faouzi Smiej Vérification des modèles : Cas des systèmes biologiques Safae Cherdal and Salma Mouline Poster Session II Wind energy prediction based on APSO–BP hybrid training algorithm. Serraji Maria, Boumhidi Jaouad and Nfaoui El Habib Loss Minimization and Delay Differentiation for Star OBS Networks Salek Riadi, Abdelilah Maach and Driss El Ghanami Neural Network Apply to predict aircraft trajectory for conflict resolution Rachid Kaidi, Mohamed Lazaar and Mohamed Ettaouil Conception de Nouvelles Configurations de Matrice de Butler 4×4 en Technologies Planaire. Mahmoud Moubadir, Naima Amar Touhami, Mohamed Aghoutane, Mohamed Boussouis and Abdelkrim Farkhsi Corner model Detection for geometric design Nasri Abdelbar and Benslimane Rachid Enhancing the Quality of Voice Communications by Acoustic Noise Cancellation (ANC) using a Low cost Adaptive Algorithm based Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and circular convolution Azeddine Wahbi, Ahmed Roukhe and Laamari Hlou Multispectrals images segmentation based on DWT and decisions fusion Chaimae Anibou, Mohamed Nabil Saidi and Driss Aboutajdine mapping in GAV context Moulay Hafid El Yazidi, Ahmed Zellou and Ali Idri A Compact Proximity Coupled Fed Antenna for Millimetre-Wave Applications Hamza Nachouane, Abdelwahed Tribak, Abdellah Najid and Fatima Riouch Towards an efficient full IP networks Mesbahi Nabil and Dahmouni Hamza Poster Session III Elaboration d’une ontologie de l’approche par compétences pour la mise en œuvre d’un système eLearning adaptatif Meriem Hnida, Mohammed Khalidi Idrissi and Bennani Samir Benchmark des Analyseurs Morphologiques de la Langue Arabe : Défis et Solutions Younes Jaafar and Karim Bouzoubaa Strategic make or buy decisions for Telco operators, which role can strategic partnerships play ? Mounir Boukadidi Etiquetage morphosyntaxique automatique de la langue arabe. Ababou Nabil Approche Bayésienne pour la Minimisation du Risque de Néphropathie pour les diabétiques de type 2 Soumaya Fellaji, Abdellah Azmani and Abdelhadi Akharif Une approche de la sécurité dirigée par les modèles basée sur OrBAC pour les infrastructures critiques Aziz Kaddani, Amine Baina and Loubna Echabbi Modelisation de l’arrière-plan dans une scène vidéo basée sur l’entropie. Siham Aqel, Abdelouahed Sabri and Abdellah Aarab Le développement d’un modèle de prédiction du chiffre d’affaires appliqué au secteur de l’immobilier au Maroc. Rachid Elmansouri, Omar El Beqqali and Mourad Elyadari Dématérialisation des procédures d’appels d’offres : Proposition d’une méthode d’analyse et d’évaluation des offres basée sur la règle de proportionnalité et la logique floue Diabagate Amadou, Azmani Abdallah and El Harzli Mohamed
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