2016 MEDIA DATA T THE EDITORIAL DESIGN OF PME MAGAZINE 1. ACTUALITÉS This section contains information on the current activities of small to medium-sized enterprises and their leaders in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. It contains brief articles that get straight to the point and don’t beat about the bush. All decision-makers HVSHFLDOO\HQMR\UHDGLQJWKHP 2. ENTREPRISES The western part of Switzerland is an exceptionally dynamic economic area. There LVDKXJHUDQJHRIŰUVWFODVV globally active businesses with successful track records. Here PME Magazine portrays several small and mediumsized enterprises from the area together with their business OHDGHUV:HFRYHUHYHU\WKLQJIURPFRQVHUYDWLYHZHOOHVWDElished businesses to the most innovative ones. This section is the heart of the magazine, and sets us apart from the rest of the competition. THE INDISPENSIBLE ECONOMICS MAGAZINE 3. MANAGEMENT This contains practical advice for management at all levels in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This is one of the sections responsible for PME’s success and high reputation. It also contains contributions from the prestigious Harvard Business Review. 4. FINANCES Our readers have above-average incomes that they want to LQYHVW+HUH\RXFDQŰQGLPportant investment-related advice that takes into consideration the on-going climate at international stock exchanges. 5. LOISIRS This section invites the reader to browse among some desirable products, and contains stimulating articles on travel, gastronomy, fashion and cars. For many years, PME Magazine has been recommended reading for all levels of management in the Frenchspeaking part of Switzerland. It has become more important than ever to provide concrete solutions and practical advice to enable managers to understand the daily challenges facing Thierry Vial the economy, and deal with them as Editor-in-chief soon as possible. Every month, PME Magazine contains many practical tips, analytical articles and examples of “best practice”. It sets high standards and can be used as a reference work. The magazine’s precise editorial design targets a clearly deŰQHG UHDGHUVKLS DQG VKRZV WKDW ZH ŰUPO\ EHOLHYH TXDOLW\ FRPHV EHIRUH TXDQWLW\ :KLFK MXVW JRHV WR VKRZ ZK\ PME Magazine has become increasingly important for managers at all levels in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. FIVE SECTIONS, FIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMAGE APPROPRIATE PREMIUM POSITIONING ACTUALITÉS ENTREPRISES MANAGEMENT FINANCES LOISIRS PUBLICATION DATES & KEY FOCUS TOPICS Issue Key focus topic Specials Special issue Publi-Forum / Publi-Reportage 01/16 IT / Travel 02/16 Energy / Finance ‘16 / Motors 03/16 5HDO(VWDWH:DWFKPDNLQJ*DVWURQRP\ IT for SMEs 6SHFLDOğQDQFH,2 - Lawyers - Telephony - Cleaning Businesses - Education / Further education 04/16 Financing, Leasing / Travel - Commercial vehicles 1* - Export 1* SMEs in the Romandy to sell 05/16 6RIWZDUH3ULYDWH3HQVLRQV3ODQV*DVWURQRP\ Auditing & consultance* Cars 2016** 06/16 ETF / Sustainability / Motors Training & Education 07/16 Succession Plans / Riskmanagement / Travel Health 08/16 ,QVXUDQFHV)RUZDUGHU7UDQVSRUW*DVWURQRP\ 09/16 Telecom / Structured Products / Motors 10/16 Banks and companies / Travel 11/16 Who is Who** Switzerland as a Financial Centre*** Publication date Advert deadline Print material deadline 30.12.2015 03.12.2015 10.12.2015 27.01.2016 06.01.2016 13.01.2016 24.02.2016 03.02.2016 10.02.2016 - IT Outsourcing - Time recording 30.03.2016 09.03.2016 16.03.2016 - Logistics - Business Travel 27.04.2016 06.04.2016 13.04.2016 - Business Centers - Online Shopping 25.05.2016 04.05.2016 11.05.2016 29.06.2016 08.06.2016 15.06.2016 27.07.2016 06.07.2016 13.07.2016 - Facility Management - Mobile payments systems - Risk Management - Trading Special Finance II 2 - IT-Security - Leasing 31.08.2016 10.08.2016 17.08.2016 Export 2 (Europe)* Top100 Start-ups* - Accounting Software - Safety 28.09.2016 07.09.2016 14.09.2016 Investment Strategy / Sustainable Development / Motors Business insurance* The 200 most innovative SMEs in the Romandy 1 2IğFH:RUNSODFHVROXWLRQV - Pension Planning 26.10.2016 05.10.2016 12.10.2016 12/16 Fleetmanagement / Financial Planning / *DVWURQRP\ Commercial vehicles 2* 30.11.2016 09.11.2016 16.11.2016 01/17 :DWFKPDNLQJ'HOLFDWHVVHQ7UDYHO 28.12.2016 07.12.2016 14.12.2016 1 2 Who is Who** - Tax & Accounting - Digital Business - Asset Management - Multifunction printers Our special dossier is published in the editions from February to October, and is dedicated this year to the most successful women entrepreneurs of SMEs in the Romandy. Special off asset management (ie Real Estate, Pension Funds, Private Pensions Plans, etc.) * Specials in cooperation with «Handelszeitung» ** Specials in cooperation with «BILANZ» *** Specials in cooperation with «Handelszeitung», «Schweizer Versicherung» and «Schweizer Bank» 6WDWXVDVRI1RYHPEHU6XEMHFWWRFKDQJH SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Supplément gratuit, Mars 2014 PME M A G A Z I N E CARS PME M Ne peut être vendu séparément Mieux gérer votre argent Ne peut être vendu séparément PME à vendre A G A Z I N E Place financière suisse Pourquoi le secteur bancaire doit se réinventer Le Top 15 des leaders dans la banque et l’assurance Le poids des centres financiers par région y Comment choisir sa banque? y Les atouts de la banque en ligne SPECIAL FINANCE I SMEs FOR SALE CARS Asset Management, Investment funds, Pension funds, etc. Publication Date: 24.02.2016 Facts and advice on the purchase or sale of SMEs. Publication Date: 30.03.2016 The most beauiful cars, the best motors are covered by Cars. Publication Date: 27.04.2016 SWITZERLAND’S FINANCIAL CENTRES Perspectives, trends and rankings of the most important local stakeholders. Publication Date: 29.06.2016 PME who is who M Prévoyance des cadres z z G A Z I N E Les 100 personnalités les plus importantes de l’économie suisse Les nouvelles solutions z A Tout savoir sur les changements 2015-2016 Conseils et précautions pour les trois piliers Bien choisir ses fonds de prévoyance LE TOP 100 RANG 1: L.E.S.S. Simon Rivier (l.) et Yann Tissot avec leur nouvelle technologie d’éclairage. DES MEILLEURES START-UP 150 2015 femmes qui font les PME de Suisse romande DE SUISSE Retrouvez le listing du Top 100 des start-up sur startup.ch Novembre 2015, en collaboration avec le Centre Patronal SPECIAL FINANCE II TOP 100 START-UPS MOST INNOVATIVE SMEs WHO IS WHO Asset Management, Investment funds, Pension funds, etc. Publication Date: 31.08.2016 Exclusive: the 100 best Start-ups (in cooperation with IFJ/Venturelab). Publication Date: 28.09.2016 :HZULWHDQGSRUWUD\WKHPRVWLQQRYDWLYH SMEs in the Romandy. Publication Date: 26.10.2016 The 100 most important personalities in the Swiss economy. Publication Date: 28.12.2016 FORMATS & PRICES 1/1 PAGE 1/4 PAGE LANDSCAPE* *URVVSULFH CHF 8550.– Type area: 180 x 252 mm Full bleed: 210 x 280 mm *URVVSULFH CHF 5160.– Type area largeur: 180 x 62 mm Full bleed: 210 x 70 mm 2/3 PAGE LANDSCAPE 1/4 PAGE BLOCK* *URVVSULFH CHF 7060.– Type area: 180 x 166 mm Full bleed: 210 x 180 mm *URVVSULFH CHF 5160.– Type area island: 88 x 124 mm Full bleed: 102 x 140 mm 1/2 PAGE LANDSCAPE* 2/1 PAGE PANORAMA *URVVSULFH CHF 6600.– Type area: 180 x 124 mm Full bleed: 210 x 140 mm *URVVSULFH CHF 18 810.– *URVVSULFHŰUVWSDQRDIWHU Index: CHF 22 570.– Type area: 390 x 252 mm Full bleed: 420 x 280 mm 1/2 PAGE PORTRAIT *URVVSULFH CHF 6600.– Type area: 88 x 252 mm Full bleed: 102 x 280 mm 1/2 PAGE PANORAMA* ONLY IN “ACTUALITÉS” *URVVSULFH: CHF 14 520.– Type area: 390 x 124 mm Full bleed: 420 x 140 mm 1/3 PAGE LANDSCAPE* 1/3 PAGE PANORAMA* *URVVSULFH CHF 5640.– Type area: 180 x 82 mm Full bleed: 210 x 94 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 12 410.– Type area: 390 x 82 mm Full bleed: 420 x 94 mm NATIONAL BUSINESS PUBLICATION FROM AXEL SPRINGER SCHWEIZ The successful business publications BILANZ and PME Magazine from Axel Springer Schweiz together reach 191 000 readers throughout Switzerland of which 46 000 are leaders and 22 000 top leaders. Thus, these two titles combined account for the largest number of top leaders of all the publication in the business DQGŰQDQFLDOSUHVVLQ6ZLW]HUODQG Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2 / MA Leader 2015 1/4 PAGE PANORAMA* 1/3 PAGE PORTRAIT* *URVVSULFH CHF 5640.– Type area: 57 x 252 mm Full bleed: 70 x 280 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 11 350.– Type area: 390 x 60 mm Full bleed: 420 x 70 mm * Text follow-on TEXT FOLLOW-ON / DISPLAY ADS Ads with text follow-on border on editorial content on one side at least. The number of ads per issue with text follow-on is limited. Please reserve as early as possible! Display ads are placed on an editorial page. SPECIAL FORMATS & POSITIONS PME M A G A Z I N E assez tôt et ne plus avoir de problèmes. RAS-LE-BOL FISCAL: En Suisse romande aussi, les impôts écrasent les entreprises. PUBLICITÉ: Comment parler de sa PME? Notre dossier répond à toutes vos questions. N° 11 | Novembre 2013 | CHF 9.80 Six secrets pour convaincre PERFORATED CUSTOMER COVER (2 pages - abo circulation) Front page: 210 x 227 mm Back page: 210 x 280 mm *URVVSULFH&+) ō technical costs excluded COVERSPREAD *URVVSULFH: CHF 24 450.– Page size: 420 x 280 mm a c d b GATEFOLDER 2 PAGES (FOLDS OUTWARDS) *URVVSULFH: CHF 29 400.– Page size: 404 x 280 mm COVER WITH FLAP *URVVSULFH: CHF 34 900.– Page size: 165 x 185 mm Technical costs included. «PAPILLON» *URVVSULFH: CHF 43 800.– a: 120 mm. b: 207 mm c: 120 mm. d: 280 mm BANDEROLE * *URVVSULFH: CHF 33 900.– Circulation: 25 000 copies :LGWKPLQPPPD[PP Price excl. cost for bandeloring. Separate cost of approx. CHF 300.– per thousand. Price excl. printing costs for banderole. ISLAND ADVERTISEMENT 2nd INSIDE FRONT COVER / 4th OUTSIDE BACK COVER *URVVSULFH: CHF 4000.– Page size: 40 x 50 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 11 120.– IN “ACTUALITÉS” OR “TRAJECTOIRE” 3rd INSIDE BACK COVER SPECIAL BANDEAU IN “TRAJECTOIRE” *URVVSULFH: CHF 8550.– *URVVSULFH: CHF 4600.– Page size: 180 x 40 mm (centered) VIS-À-VIS COMMUNAUTÉ *URVVSULFH: CHF 10 260.– VIS-À-VIS EDITO / SOMMAIRE *URVVSULFH: CHF 10 260.– VIS-À-VIS INDEX / ACTUALITÉS / 1st RIGHT PAGE IN EACH SECTION *URVVSULFH: CHF 9850.– All print ads are for free linked to iPad BANDEROLE / SPECIAL FORMAT – Special formatsDQGEDQGHUROHVPXVWEHUHTXHVWHGDVHDUO\ as possible. Advance reservation and review are essential. Special formats and banderoles must be submitted two weeks before the print material deadline. – Banderole: The banderole must be present in advance for checking by the editorial team. SPECIAL FOCUS EDITIONS The prices and formats – except otherwise noted – for regular issues are applicable. INFOMERCIALS / ADVERTORIALS – *URVVSULFH3DJH&+)ō – 7KH\PXVWEHSULQWUHDG\DQGUHTXLUHDSSURYDOIURPWKH editorial team. – 7KH\FDQQRWIROORZWKHVDPHOD\RXWRUIRQWV*O\SKDDQG Amplitude) as PME Magazine. The name «Infomercial/ Advertorial» must be displayed in the upper section of the page. CONDITIONS Orders: The cancellation or deferral of orders placed can only EHPDGHXSWRWKHDGYHUWGHDGOLQH,IDQDGYHUWLVVXEVHTXHQWO\ suspended, PME Magazine has the right to charge for the advert. Reservations:,QWKHHYHQWUHVHUYDWLRQVDUHFRQŰUPHG in writing by the customer or publisher are cancelled after the deadline, the advert will likewise be charged for. REMARQUES – 3ULFHDSSOLHVWRWRFRORXUDGYHUWLVHPHQWVűDWUDWHEDVHG on the process colours, cyan, magenta, yellow and black. ō3ULFHVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH$OOSULFHVH[FO9$7 INSERTS & GLUED INSERTS LOOSE INSERTS LOOSE INSERTS Weight Miscellaneous – 6SOLWUXQRIWKHHGLWLRQSLJJ\EDFNRQUHTXHVW – Price incl. Technical costs and postage, excludes 8% VAT. 7HFKQLFDOVSHFLğFDWLRQV – Page size min.: 105 x 148 mm – Page size max.: 200 x 270 mm BOUND INSERTS Costs Weight Standard issue Costs Standard issue up to 15 g CHF 15 600.– up to 15 g CHF 12 480.– up to 25 g CHF 17 680.– up to 25 g CHF 14 560.– up to 35 g CHF 19 760.– up to 35 g CHF 16 640.– up to 50 g CHF 22 360.– up to 50 g CHF 18 720.– up to 75 g CHF 23 920.– up to 75 g CHF 20 800.– up to 100 g CHF 26 000.– up to 100 g CHF 22 880.– up to 125 g CHF 28 080.– ADVERT WITH GLUED INSERTS* Post-It: 3 pages + carrier CHF 7700.– Size: 75 x 75 mm ENCART PRESTIGE (1 page 250g/m2VXEMHFWUHFWRYHUVR up to 15 g CHF 19 900.– incl. printing Standard issue 25 000 copies Postcard glued: CHF 6900.– Up to 10 g: CHF 11 700.– Up to 25 g: CHF 14 170.– Other weights on demand * Plus advert price for carrier advertising min. 1/1 page. Plus technical costs BOUND INSERTS Miscellaneous – Price incl. Technical costs and postage, excludes 8% VAT. Technical requirements – Format min./max.: 140 x 140 mm / 210 x 280 mm – Head trimming: 10 mm – Face and foot trimming: 5 mm – *XWWHUEOHHGPP AGENCY DISCOUNT/JUP FOR INSERTS, POST-ITS AND GLUED CARDS – Agency discount: 5% – JUP: 5% up from CHF 25 650.– gross – Inserts, bound inserts etc. are entitled to agency discount/JUP. DELIVERY R ADDRESS 6ZLVVSULQWHUV$* Insert PME Magazine (No...), 5DPSH%U¾KOVWUDVVH=RŰQJHQ Sample copies: Send 5 mandatory samples direct to the publishers before the advertisement deadline. 'HOLYHU\TXDQWLW\: 25 000 copies Delivery date: 12 days before publication date DISCOUNTS AND SURCHARGES REVENUE DISCOUNT STANDARD REPEAT ADVERTISING DISCOUNT* Valid for a period of 12 months Amount Repeats Discount 2% from CHF 15 000.– 3x 2% 4% from CHF 30 000.– 6x 5% 6% from CHF 45 000.– 12 x 7% 8% from CHF 65 000.– 10% from CHF 85 000.– 12% from CHF 105 000.– * 9DOLGXSWRDQGZLWKSDJH:LWKRXWVL]HDEOHFRUUHFWLRQV 6XEMHFWFKDQJHZLWKWKHGHOLYHU\RIFRPSOHWHGUDIWV&DQQRWEH accumulated with closure in Swiss Francs. 14% from CHF 135 000.– Discout AGENCY COMMISSION / JUP FOR ADVERTS – Agency discount: 15% – JUP: 15% from CHF 25 650.– gross, from 3 pages per year – Discount (revenue and repeat) are eligible for contract and agency discount SPECIAL DISCOUNT Charitable discount in accordance with the =(:2 list: 50% reduction on the gross price. Not eligible for contractual and agency commission. ADVERTS – Follow-up advertisements plus 30% positioning surcharge on the gross price. – 3ODFHPHQWUHTXHVWVZLOOEHKRQRXUHGZKHUHYHUSRVVLEOH but cannot be guaranteed. – Positioning orders will only be accepted from 1/2 page with a 25% surcharge. – Box number (chiffre) charges: domestic CHF 20.-, international CHF 25.-. INSERT – Brochures with third-party adverts: 30% of the gross price of a one page PME Magazine advert. – Split surcharge: CHF 3000.– – Piggyback surcharge: 2500.– *HQHUDOWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVDWZZZSPHFK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING JOBS | TOURISM | PROPERTY | LEISURE | TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | CULTURE 1/2 PAGE LANDSCAPE 1/4 PAGE LANDSCAPE 1/8 PAGE BLOCK *URVVSULFH: CHF 2500.– Type area: 180 x 120 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 1300.– Type area: 180 x 56 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 650.– Type area: 88 x 56 mm 1/2 PAGE PORTRAIT 1/4 PAGE BLOCK *URVVSULFH: CHF 2500.– Type area: 88 x 250 mm *URVVSULFH: CHF 1300.– Type area: 88 x 120 mm REPEAT ADVERTISING DISCOUNT* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Repeats Discount 3x 5% 6x 10% 12 x 15% * Contract discounts valid. No agency commission or JUP II on FODVVLŰHGDGYHUWV3OXV9DW READERSHIP DATA PME MAGAZINE, AN INDISPENSABLE TITLE MACH BASIC 2015-2 Since its launch in 1989, PME Magazine which is the only PRQWKO\EXVLQHVVPDJD]LQHWKDWDSSHDUVLQ:HVW Switzerland has proved that is an indispensable tool in the commercial world. This title designed for fastidious readers is a reference in terms of it involving business issues and FRQYLQFHVZLWKLWVTXDOLW\MRXUQDOLVP Gender A source of important information which is directed at established and future decision makers. The philosophy of PME Magazine: reliable, competent and practical. MA LEADER 2015 Structure First published in: 1989 Ø production run: 25 000 copies 7RWDOFLUFXODWLRQ:(0)FRSLHV Readers: 65 000 readers (MACH Basic 2015-2) Coverage Leader: 16,4% and Coverage Top-Leader 22,0% (MA Leader 2015) Subscription price print Switzerland 1 year: CHF 126.–, 2 years: CHF 227.– Unit price: CHF 9.80 incl. VAT 2.5% Subscription price Digital/e-paper 1 year: CHF 75.–, 2 years: CHF 120.– Unit price: CHF 6.– incl. VAT 8% $IğQLW\ Leader/TopLeader TopLeader altogether 49% 134 46% 166 41% 162 Male 64% 131 Female 36% 70 14 – 34 21% 64 35 – 54 46% 129 Member of a supervisory board 55 ++ 33% 103 Personal income per annum CHF 100 001.– to 140 000.– 30% 67 7% 33 CHF 140 001.– to 200 000.– 31% 111 CHF 200 001.– to 240 000 13% 165 CHF 240 000.– and over 11% 148 Gross household income up to CHF 3999.– Board of Management Members of the Board of Management Age CHF 4000.– to 7999.– 34% 79 over CHF 8000.– 59% 161 Supervisory Board Decision making powers Education Compulsory basic education 14% 53 ,QYHVWPHQWŰQDQFLQJ 39% 173 College education 39% 93 Credit, leasing 34% 166 *UDGXDWHHGXFDWLRQ 47% 150 Financial Institutes, banks 43% 160 Insurance 50% 155 150 Employment Collaborations with Bilanz, Handelszeitung, Harvard Business Review and The New York Times )UHTXHQF\RISXEOLFDWLRQ0RQWKO\ Percentage of subscribers: 92% Structure $IğQLW\ Highest management levels 11% 408 Company management 71% Middle management 24% 200 )LQDQFLDOSODQLŰFDWLRQ 72% 149 Self-employed 7% 203 Transports, Freight forwarding 39% 148 Director/Owner 7% 246 Human ressources, education 72% 132 ITC 52% 125 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PME MAGAZINE IS PRODUCED USING THE COMPUTER-TO-PLATE SYSTEM Magazine fornat: 210 x 280 mm Type area format: 1/1 page (180 x 252 mm) 2/1 page (390 x 252 mm) Full bleed format 1/1 page (210 x 280 mm) 2/1 page (420 x 280 mm) For full bleed adverts, the text must be at least 5mm from the side margin. 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PME Magazine From CHF 5000.– From CHF 10 000.– From CHF 20 000.– From CHF 30 000.– From CHF 40 000.– From CHF 50 000.– From CHF 60 000.– From CHF 70 000.– From CHF 80 000.– From CHF 100 000.– PME MAGAZINE ON iPAD / E-PAPER Regular issues CHF Ad linked 1000 Splash-Screen 70 CPD 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Information For further information on positioning please contact &ODXGLD.¸SűL Sabrina Barretto +41 22 949 06 60 7LQR*ULPP [email protected] Broad product range for cross-media concept Print / Online / Mobile / Events 360° Whether print, online or mobile – print and digital channels can be optimally linked with each other using Axel Springer Wirtschaftsmedien. For your innovative cross-media concept, each channel offers various creative special advertising formats plus possibilities for integration and cooperation through which opinion-leading target group with purchasing power can be attracted effectively and with pinpoint accuracy. – We would be happy to provide you with any advice you need. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 Legal norms applicable The contractual agreement is regulated primarily by the terms DQGFRQGLWLRQVRIEXVLQHVVDQGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH6ZLVV Code of Obligations. 2 Transactions made in francs and repeat advertising orders 2.1 Transactions and their duration The amount agreed on for the transaction must in principle be NQRZQDWWKHWLPHRIWKHŰUVWVFKHGXOHSODQEXWLQDQ\FDVH EHIRUHWKHŰUVWDGYHUWLVHPHQWKDVEHHQSXEOLVKHG7KHWHUPRI the agreements and repeat advertising orders commences at the ODWHVWRQWKHGDWHRIWKHŰUVWLQVHUWLRQLQDVPXFKDVQRRWKHUGDWH was determined at the time the agreement was made. 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Retrospective discount If the volume of adverts submitted exceeds the amount agreed upon within one year, then the discount is calculated according to the actual, total volume. The advertiser is then accorded a retrospective discount at the end of the settlement period, according to the discount rate. 4.3. Discount for repeat advertising orders The discount for repeat advertising orders is given where the number of adverts placed and scheduled at the same time (within a maximum of 12 months) corresponds to the number given in the discount rate. The size may not be altered; texts or images may only be altered in the case of ready-to-use artwork. A repeat advertising order may be extended or renewed as long as the FRUUHVSRQGLQJRUGHULVPDGHEHIRUHWKHGDWHRIWKHŰQDOLQVHUWLRQ (in the previously mentioned forms) and within a time-span of 12 months. The discount will be calculated retrospectively, according to the new total volume and according to the appropriate discount rate, taking into consideration the adverts already billed. Repeat advertising orders are to be restricted to those publications whose tariffs foresee this possibility. 5 Reduced discounts If the amount received does not reach the amount agreed upon by the end of its term, the advertiser’s discount will be reduced, corresponding to the discount rate. Such an additional charge is usually not made if the missing volume does not exceed more than 3% of the amount agreed upon. In the event of the conditions of payment not being met, any adviser’s commission fee or annual turnover bonus will be demanded back. 6 Premature termination of the contract 6.1 Suspension by the advertiser 7KHWHUPLQDWLRQRUSRVWSRQHPHQWRIDŰ[HGVFKHGXOHFDQRQO\EH accepted up to the deadline for submitting adverts, even if there are compelling reasons. 6.2 Cancellation of contract by the publisher Should a publication be cancelled during the duration of a contract, the publisher can withdraw from the contract without any obligation to provide compensation. The advertiser is in such a case not released from the obligation to pay for adverts that have already been published. In the case of a premature cancellation of contract by the publisher, the discount conditions remain, based RQWKHRULJLQDOŰ[HGDPRXQWRIWKHDJUHHGWUDQVDFWLRQ 7 Conditions of payment 7.1. Payment deadline As long as no other agreement is made, invoices are to be paid within 30 days without any deductions. In the case of legal collection, every right to discount is annulled for all bills not yet paid. For such discounts, a retrospective invoice will be made. 7.2 Default interest If invoices are not paid within 30 days, default interest may be charged. The default interest is 5% (Article 104 of the Swiss Code of Obligations). 7.3 Del credere risk The del credere risk of a third party is to be borne by the advertiser. I.e. the contractual partner of the publisher commits himself WRPDNHWKHSD\PHQWVGXHE\DQ\WKLUGSDUW\RUWRIXOŰODQ\RWKHU liability in appropriate fashion. 7.4 Rejection of adverts 7KHSXEOLVKHUKDVWKHULJKWWRUHMHFWDGYHUWVZLWKRXWJLYLQJDQ\ reasons. The publication of editorial content cannot be made a condition of submitting adverts. 8 Observance of the legal regulations The advertiser has sole responsibility towards the publisher, the authorities and the readership for the content of his adverts. If the magazine is made liable by any third party, the advertiser is obliged to free the magazine of any and all such claims. Criminal DQGFLYLOODZ6XEMHFWWRWKHPDQGDWRU\FRQGLWLRQVRISUHVVODZ the advertiser carries the sole responsibility (and must bear the costs) if the publication of his advert infringes any legal regulations. He undertakes to free the publisher completely from any and all claims of third parties in connection with the content of KLVDGYHUWVDQGWRHQVXUHWKDWKHLVLQGHPQLŰHG/DZDJDLQVW unfair competition: The advertiser ensures that his adverts do not contravene the law against unfair competition. In the case of an infringement of this law, the advertiser bears full responsibility IRUDQ\DQGDOOFRQVHTXHQFHVERUQHE\WKHSXEOLVKHU,QSDUWLFXODU the advertiser commits himself to take on any expenses that might arise to the publisher from any legal action pertaining to the law against unfair competition. Adverts whose design means WKDWWKH\DUHQRWFOHDUO\LGHQWLŰDEOHDVVXFKDUHPDGHREYLRXV by the addition of the word «Publicité» («Advert»). For adverts designed by the editorial team, neither the basic font of the magazine nor the magazine title may be used (neither font nor publisher’s mark). 9 Intangible transfer of printing media Any and every liability is denied for data supplied by the advertiser (via data carriers, modem or ISDN) that is inaccurate in content RULQFRPSOHWH)XUWKHUPRUHWKHSXEOLVKHUUHMHFWVDQ\OLDELOLW\ if data delivered cannot be processed or used in the standard PDQQHUPHDQLQJWKDWGHŰFLHQFLHVDULVHLQWKHSULQWHGSURGXFW Any further work that thereby arises will be billed according to effective expenses. The publisher is only liable in the case of mistakes he has made that have resulted from gross negligence on his part. 10 Place of jurisdiction 7KHSODFHRIMXULVGLFWLRQLVWKHDSSURSULDWHFRXUWLQWKHFLW\RIWKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYHRIŰFHRIWKHFRPSDQ\WKDWFRQFOXGHGWKHDGYHUW FRQWUDFW,QWKLVFDVHWKHSODFHRIMXULVGLFWLRQLV=XULFK7KLVLVDQ excerpt from the conditions for publication of advertisements. These are valid as of 1.1.2011 and replace all earlier versions. PUBLISHERS TEAM $[HO6SULQJHU6FKZHL]$* Förrlibuckstrasse 70, Postfach 8021 Zurich Tel. +41 (0)43 444 51 11 Fax +41 (0)43 444 50 91 [email protected] PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGER Ralph Büchi SALES DIRECTOR ECONOMICS MEDIA Michael Ebnöther HEAD OF SALES / PRODUCT MANAGER &ODXGLD.¸SűL$[HO6SULQJHU6FKZHL]$* Förrlibuckstr. 70, Postfach, 8021 Zürich Tel. +41 (0)43 444 58 72 Fax +41(0)43 444 59 36 FODXGLDNRHSűL#D[HOVSULQJHUFK SALES GERMAN-SPEAKING SWITZERLAND Area Sales Manager - German part of Switzerland &KULVWLDQ6DQWD$[HO6SULQJHU6FKZHL]$* Förrlibuckstr. 70, Postfach, 8021 Zürich Tel. +41 (0)43 444 58 71, Fax +41(0)43 444 59 36 [email protected] INTERNATIONAL SALES 2IğFH)UDQFH Axel Springer Media France / Julie Farsky $Y&KDUOHVGH*DXOOH)1HXLOO\VXU6HLQH&HGH[ Tel. +33 (0) 1 45 19 58 71, Fax: +33 (0) 1 45 19 58 68 MIDUVN\#D[HOVSULQJHUIU SALES FRENCH-SPEAKING SWITZERLAND *HQHUDO0DQDJHU6DOHV2IğFH*HQHYD Servais Micolot, [email protected] 2IğFH,WDO\ Axel Springer Media Italia / Christiano Merlo Via Leopardi 21, I-20123 Milano Tel. +39 (02)43 98 18 65, Fax +39 (02)43 40 04 25 [email protected] Area Sales Manager - French part of Switzerland Sabrina Barretto, Axel Springer Suisse SA Pont Bessières 3, C.P. 7289, 1003 Lausanne Tel. +41 (0)21 331 74 61 [email protected] EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Thierry Vial Pont Bessières 3, C.P. 7130, 1003 Lausanne Tel. +41 (0)21 331 74 00 - [email protected] READER MARKETING Product Manager Sabine Carrieu Tel. +41 (0)43 444 59 14, Fax +41 (0)43 444 59 32 [email protected] 2IğFH*HUPDQ\ ,09,QWHUQDWLRQDOH0HGLHQ9HUPDUNWXQJ*PE+ :ROIJDQJ-¦JHU Hauptstrasse 29, D-82319 Starnberg Tel. +49 8151 550 89 59, Fax +49 8151 550 9180 ZMDHJHU#LPYPHGLDFRP 2IğFH*UHDW%ULWDLQ $[HO6SULQJHU$* 3DWULFLD0HLHU:RVWHU 120 Charing Cross Road 8./RQGRQ:&+-5 Tel. +44 20 7836 4313, Fax +44 20 7836 5364 [email protected] Axel Springer Switzerland Pont Bessières 3, 1005 Lausanne
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