CALENDAR 2014 THURS 4TH SEPT—FATHERS DAY STALL Sept 19th Last day of term. 2.30pm Finish. Nov—3rd Pupil Free Day Nov—30th—CJC Fete!! Dec 19th End of year. 1.30pm Finish CAULFIELD JUNIOR COLLEGE Internationally Accredited School NEWSLETTER School Council Meeng Dates Sept 1, Oct 27, Dec 2, Dec 11, Feb 23. August 29th, 2014 186 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North Website: Email: [email protected] Acting Principal: Stan Szuty Assistant Principal: Vicki Phyland Telephone 9509 6872 Fax 9576 1623 School Council President: Rob Roseby Statement of International Mindedness At Caulfield Junior College it is an understanding that students will develop the knowledge and skills to appreciate our own and other people’s cultures; exploring differences and embracing them in order to become responsible citizens of our world. 2014—TERM DATES Term 1 Term 2 29th Jan—4th Apr 22nd Apr—27th Jun INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY HARMONY ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT I hope this newsle+er finds all members of the CJC community well. I will be absent from school on Thursday and Friday as l will be a+ending a Victorian Principals’ Associa#on conference in the city. Enjoy the early Spring weather and have a wonderful weekend. YEAR 3-4 PORTSEA CAMP The weather on camp has been extremely kind to allow all ac#vi#es to be completed. Many thanks to Nigel, Trish, Christelle, Katrina, Chris, Claire S, Michael, Claire H, Gilles, Katherine, Tim, and our student teachers, Andrew and Elise for a+ending the Year 3-4 Portsea Camp. The school is indebted to staff that spent #me away from their families to ensure the success of the camping program at Caulfield Junior College. Term 3 14th July—19th Sept Term 4 6th Oct—19th Dec ENROLMENTS 2015 To assist us with planning for next year, if you have a prep child that will be attending school in 2015, please collect an enrolment form from the office. Notices sent home this week Professor Bunsen incursion Gr 1 /2 Table of contents. Ac#ng Principal’s Report French Sec#on Elec#ve Sport News Parents Commi+ee Community No#ces Page 1 Page 1 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 SHADE SAIL Parents will have no#ced that the main shade sail has been replaced a@er being damaged by severe winds last month. Regards, Stan Szuty FRENCH SECTION ELECTIVE Chers Parents Quelques dates importantes à retenir pour ce 3ème trimestre. Lundi 8 septembre : Incursion sciences sur comment marche un Kart pour les CP et CE1. Vendredi 19 septembre : dernier jour du trimestre, les élèves pourront se coiffer comme ils le désirent, il y aura la tradi#onnelle footy parade et l’école se terminera à 14h30. 1 Assemblées des Juniors Si vous désirez assister à l’une des assemblées juniors qui se déroulent tous les mercredis dans la salle polyvalente de 15h à 15h30, voici les dates pour ce trimestre où sont présents des élèves de la FSE. 03/09 : LA5 présentée en français avec Anne-Cécile. 17/09 : LA6 présentée en anglais avec Liz. Le site du mois Nous vous recommandons vivement ce site : Ce site vous propose des liens vers des sites français, des exercices en ligne et des jeux éduca#fs gratuits pour les élèves du préscolaire, du primaire et du secondaire. Toutes les ac#vités sont classées par ma#ère et par degré scolaire, vous y trouverez aussi une sélec#on de sites pour vous parents. Appel à tous les membres de la communauté de CJC ainsi qu’à tous les chefs d’entreprises. Cette année, la fête de l’école va proposer une vente aux enchères sous pli cacheté dont les lots, plus étonnants les uns que les autres, commencent déjà à affluer. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un maximum de lots. Que vous proposiez des services (jardinage, coiffure, conseil juridique...) ou de la marchandise (bijoux, gâteaux, mobilier...), votre contribution, quelle qu’elle soit est la bienvenue. Pour faire un don, merci de contacter [email protected]. Lors de la dernière fête, 12 000 dollars de fonds ont été levés. Cette année, nous aimerions battre ce record grâce à votre aide. Merci à tous. Dear Parent s 03/09: LA5 in French with Anne-Cécile. 17/09: LA6 in English with Liz. The website of the month We recommend the site: This site contains a lot of links to French sites, free online exercises and educa3ve games for students from PREP to college. All the ac3vi3es are classified by subjects and by level, you will be able to find a range of sites for you. ‘Calling all CJC community members and business owners! This year’s Fete will includes a silent auction full of exciting prizes that are already pouring in. We are looking for as many prizes as we can gather. Do you provide a professional service such as accountant, lawyer, hairdresser, gardener, handyman and can donate your time or service as a prize? Does your business offer goods (e.g. jewellery, cakes, furniture) that you can donate as a prize? No prize is too large or too small! Please contact [email protected] if you have something you could donate. The silent auction raised over $12,000 at the last fete we’d like to beat that if we can. Thanks and Merci! Gilles et Sébas3en UNIFORM SHOP Please be advised that some uniform items will increase from 6th October 2014. Important events for term 3 Monday the 8th of September: science incursion for Y1/2: Billy Cart Science. Friday the 19th of September: Crazy Hair Day and Footy day, last day of the term school finishes at 2.30. Assemblies Every Wednesday from 3.00 to 3.30 if you would like to a2end in the mul3purpose room for the junior’s assemblies, here are the dates for term2 where there will be some LA with FSE students. Short Sleeve Polo Shirt (4,6,8,10,12,14) Long Sleeve Polo Shirt (4,6,8,10,12,14) Rugby collar Windcheater (4,6,8,10,12,14) (Adult S,M) Winter Tunic, Navy Winter Skirt, Navy Rain Jacket, Navy $28.00 $31.00 $40.00 $43.00 $52.00 $52.00 $25.00 ICAS -- WRITING Congratulations to the 18 students who participated in the ICAS Writing Assessments. All certificates and results have been handed out to students. Listed below are students who were awarded special certificates – special congratulations to them all. MERIT Asher Star, Nathan Ayzelman, Adelin Zipman CREDIT Emily Deszcz, Sophie Jacquot, Juliette Lelievre, Alexandra Pye, Alex Rozen, Noa Zlatsin, Bella Barolsky, Louis Kling, HIGH DISTINCTION Noa Meltzer 2 EXCURSION TO LUMINARIUM AND PRAHRAN MARKET 3 Hot Dog and Sushi Dates for Rest of Term. • Hot Dogs—12th September • Sushi—3rd, 10th and 17th September. Piano Notes. Congratula#on to Ambre Joseph and to Camille Meric with an excellent result 'A 'at their Piano Exam ! Well done! Piano teacher Irene Shiferson . SAFETY For the safety and fairness to our whole school community it would be appreciated if ALL parents/guardians/visitors could adhere to the parking zones around the school at all 3mes. **On Balaclava Road there is a dedicated ‘Bus Zone from 8am to 4pm on school days’ – you cannot park here at any 3me during these 3mes. Please also be mindful that if you are wai3ng for buses to return aEer 4pm, that the buses s3ll require access to this space so that our students/teachers/parent helpers can disembark safely. **The ‘2 minute’ parking zones (8-9.30am and 3-4pm) around the school are ‘kiss and go’ zones. They are to be used by parents quickly dropping off or picking up students. Cars should not be leE una2ended at any me during these 3mes. ** Please be considerate of the local community during drop off, collec3on or parking around the school. Do not park over or within driveways. ** Students are not permi2ed access to the car park. PLEASE ALSO ADHERE TO SPEED LIMITS !! REMEMBER. Students, when crossing Balaclava Road, you must walk up to the crossing where the lollypop people are. They are there for your safety. 4 District Athle.cs Carnival Next Wednesday 3rd September a selected number of students from 10yr old to 13yr old, will head off to Duncan McKinnon athle#cs track to compete against other schools in their chosen events. Students have earned the right to represent CJC by either winning or coming second in an event at our house athle#cs day. We had a number of students par#cipate in training this morning which was great to see their enthusiasm and commitment for this event. Program- Caulfield District Carnival 2014 9.25am Open Remarks 11.30am GIRLS 9/10 y.o. 1500m. 9.30am BOYS 9/10 y.o. 1500m. GIRLS 11 y.o. 1500m. BOYS 11 y.o. 1500m. GIRLS 12/13 y.o. 1500m. BOYS 12/13 y.o. 1500m. GIRLS 9/10 y.o. 80m. HURDLES BOYS 9/10 y.o. 80m. HURDLES GIRLS 11 y.o. 80m. HURDLES BOYS 11 y.o. 80m. HURDLES GIRLS 12/13 y.o. 80m. HURDLES BOYS 12/13 y.o. 80m. HURDLES GIRLS 12/13 y.o. HIGH JUMP BOYS 12/13 y.o. HIGH JUMP GIRLS 11 y.o. LONG JUMP GIRLS 12/13 y.o BOYS 12/13 y.o GIRLS 11 y.o BOYS 11 y.o GIRLS 10 y.o BOYS 10 y.o GIRLS 9.10 y.o BOYS 9/10 y.o GIRLS 11 y.o BOYS 11 y.o GIRLS 12/13 y.o BOYS 12/13 y.o 100m Sprint 12.45pm GIRLS 9.10 y.o BOYS 9/10 y.o GIRLS 11 y.o BOYS 11 y.o GIRLS 12/13 y.o BOYS 12/13 y.o 4x100 Relays 1.30pm GIRLS 9.10 y.o BOYS 9/10 y.o GIRLS 11 y.o BOYS 11 y.o GIRLS 12/13 y.o BOYS 12/13 y.o 800m 1.55pm Champions 2.00pm Final Presenta#on 12.00pm BOYS 11 y.o. LONG JUMP GIRLS 9/10 y.o. SHOT PUT BOYS 9/10 y.o. SHOT PUT GIRLS 9/10 y.o. TRIPLE JUMP BOYS 9/10 y.o. TRIPLE JUMP 12.30pm GIRLS 12/13 y.o. DISCUS BOYS 12/13 y.o. DISCUS 10.15am GIRLS 12/13 y.o. SHOT PUT BOYS 12/13 y.o. SHOT PUT GIRLS 11 y.o. HIGH JUMP BOYS 11 y.o. HIGH JUMP GIRLS 9/10 y.o. LONG JUMP BOYS 9/10 y.o. LONG JUMP GIRLS 12/13 y.o.TRIPLE JUMP BOYS 12/13 y.o. TRIPLE JUMP 200m Sprint GIRLS 11 y.o. DISCUS BOYS 11 y.o. DISCUS 10.45am GIRLS 12/13 y.o. LONG JUMP 100m race BOYS 12/13 y.o. LONG JUMP GIRLS 11 y.o. SHOT PUT BOYS 11 y.o. SHOT PUT GIRLS 9/10 y.o. HIGH JUMP BOYS 9/10 y.o. HIGH JUMP GIRLS 11 y.o. TRIPLE JUMP Good Luck to all compe#tors. Parents are more than welcome to come along and support their children. BOYS 11 y.o. TRIPLE JUMP GIRLS 9/10 y.o. DISCUS BOYS 9/10 y.o. DISCUS 5 Father’s day stall: to accommodate the grade 3/4 excursion, Father’s Day stall will be on September 4. Thursday __ __ __ CLASS CONVENERS _ __ LA10 & 11. There will be a class breakfast on the final day of Term 3, Friday 19th September at 8:15am in Angélique’s classroom. Siblings welcome and please bring a nut free plate to share. ALL CLASSES School fete: 30th November. Every class will be in charge of a stall. Please keep in mind that the help of everyone is needed. Contact your class convener to know how you can contribute to the prepara#on of your child classroom stall. BOOKS: if you have second hand books, in French or in English, please put them aside for our second hand book stall. We will be collec#ng them at school later this term, details will follow. Please email any enquiries to Caroline at: [email protected]. CALLING ALL CJC COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS! This year’s Fete will includes a silent auc#on full of exci#ng prizes that are already pouring in. We are looking for as many prizes as we can gather. Do you provide a professional service such as accountant, lawyer, hair-dresser, gardener, handyman and can donate your #me or service as a prize? Does your business offer goods (e.g. jewellery, cakes, furniture) that you can donate as a prize? No prize is too large or too small! Please contact if you have something you could donate. The silent auc#on raised over $12,000 at the last fete we’d like to beat that if we can. Thanks BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB Another great way to support the school is by purchasing a book for the school library in honour of your child's birthday. Informa#on and an order form will be sent home with those students whose birthdays are approaching. Our library's book wishlists are available to view on the Skoolbag app under "fundraising" or as a hardcopy at the school office. Please email any enquiries to the Birthday Bookclub coordinator Belinda Minc: [email protected] AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT Aussie Farmers Direct supports Aussie farmers while helping the community with a Healthy Ea#ng Fundraising Program designed for schools. Each CJC family that signs up, 2% of spend will be donated back to CJC. Contact Ruth Gordon [email protected] for details to sign up. 6 COMMUNITY NOTICES Public no#ces or adver#sements in the newsle+er are accepted in good faith but the school does not necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made for commercial adver#sement. Presented by Glen Eira City Council PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS Dads are parents too. Wed 3rd September 7.30—9.30, Glein Eira Town Hall, Theatre+e. $7.00 per person—9524 3333 Paediatric first aid and resuscita#on Wed 17th September 7.30—9.30 Caulfield Cup room, Glen Eira Town Hall $45.00 per person—9524 3333 7 8
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