Namibia & France Together for cultural diversity franco Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre programme March – April 2015 Freedom Songs Acoustic Friday 17 April 2015 | EDITORIAL / ÉDITORIAL Calendar / calendrier | MON L | PAGE 1 Retha–Louise Hofmeyr Director of Arts: Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture THURS 2 mar 4 mar 9 mar 11 mar Oongano – A Group Exhibition @ Restaurant La bonne table Navigating the Maze: An Installation by Kirsten Wechslberger @ FNCC Gallery Cinema: Waterberg to Waterberg @ FNCC Cinema 25 mar 26 mar 1 apr 2 apr Cinema: Plot for Peace @ FNCC Cinema followed by a Q & A Cinema: The Shebabs of Yarmouk @ FNCC Cinema The DefeatHate Experience: A Photo Exhibition by Vilho Nuumbala @ Restaurant La bonne table Cinema: Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas @ FNCC Cinema 15 apr 22 apr Cinema: Small Streams @ FNCC Cinema Good France – Goût de France @ Restaurant La bonne table 28 mar Cinema: Eembwiti & Tuuli @ FNCC Cinema Theatre Sports: Happy Birthday Namibia! @ FNCC Cinema Poetry Evening @ FNCC Cinema 8 apr Cinema: A Pair of Boots and a Bicycle @ FNCC Cinema Storytelling Hour Independence @ FNCC Library Cinema: Love is the Perfect Crime @ FNCC Cinema 7 apr 14 mar 19 mar Celebrating the Francophonie @ FNCC Terrace Young Architects in Africa An Architecture Exhibition @ FNCC Gallery SAT / SUN Cinema: The Virgin, the Copts and Me @ FNCC Cinema 18 mar 20 apr FRI 9 apr Dance Showcase featuring the OYO Dance Troupe @ FNCC Terrace 17 apr Acoustic Friday: Freedom Songs @ FNCC Terrace 18 apr Storytelling Hour Easter tales @ FNCC Library 29 apr Cinema: Think Global, Act Rural @ FNCC Cinema PAGE 2 | april / avril Jacqueline Bassa-Mazzoni Ambassadeur de France en Namibie Présidente du Conseil d’administration du CCFN A s Namibians are gearing up to celebrate 25 years of Independence it is appropriate to reflect on the contribution made by artists in the achievement of peace and prosperity. The Arts has been a leading sector for the celebration of the country's rich diversity of expressions, i.e. in the implementation of Article 19 of the Namibian Constitution. It has also been one of the greatest forces for the creation of platforms for free expression, as articulated in Article 21. Most of all, it has been at the forefront in the development of Namibian identity, and mutual respect and appreciation for all its manifestations. This was made possible through the dedicated work of artists, arts academics and educators at institutions such as UNAM, the Colleges of Education, COTA and JMAC. It was also a result of some visionary programmes implemented by the GRN-funded bodies, such as the NAGN, the NTN and the NACN. If we look back at the achievements in the Arts over a quarter of a century we can rightfully say that thousands of Namibians have had the opportunity to upgrade their skills, that hundreds of Namibians have been assisted financially to further their studies in the Arts, and that countless artists have benefited through access to support services, funding or exposure in realizing their artistic dreams. At this time, we also acknowledge the role of the different international agencies and embassies in strengthening our artistic endeavors. The FNCC, as our strongest cultural partner, has over the years played a profound role in the development of the creative industry, through regular educational programmes, the hosting of artists' residencies, exhibitions, concerts and screenings, and by fostering important and healthy debates and dialogues on the arts. It also assisted in building links between Namibia, Europe and the rest of Africa, which has resulted in many of our artists being known inside and outside Namibia. The Arts can however only thrive if supported by local audiences, so you are yet again invited to come to all the special artistic offerings in the coming months. WED march /mars e programme du Centre culturel franco-namibien pour les mois de mars et avril 2015 est autant rempli qu’il est riche et enthousiasmant !Nous allons accompagner avec intensité votre vie culturelle à Windhoek ! En mars, nous célébrerons à la fois : La Semaine de la Francophonie : activités linguistiques pour les enfants, conférencesdébats, cinéma, gastronomie au restaurant La Bonne table avec un menu exceptionnel «Goût de France/Good France» le 19 mars. La défense de la diversité linguistique et le dialogue des culturessont au cœur de l’activité du Centre et sont des valeurs partagées avec la Namibie dans la mesure où l’on constate dans ce pays aux nombreuses langues nationales que le français se porte bien et de mieux en mieux, comme dans toute l’Afrique, second continent – après l’Europe – pour le nombre de locuteurs en français. et le 25ème anniversaire de l’Indépendance de la Namibie ! Le Centre célébrera le 25ème anniversaire de l’indépendance du pays des Braves. La France a été l’un des premiers pays européens à reconnaître la Namibie indépendante et a lui apporté son soutien dans sa lutte pour cette liberté. La France a été l’un des premiers bailleurs du pays et le Centre culturel franco-namibien traduit bien l’exemplarité de notre coopération avec la Namibie qui se prépare, à l’occasion de ce jubilé, à entrer dans une nouvelle ère. Sur cette période, le Centre proposera deux événements exceptionnels : une performance de l’artiste Kirsten Wechslberger et un concert en avril avec les voix et les textes émouvants des chanteurs qui ont rythmé les temps de la lutte pour l’indépendance du pays. Et bien sûrde la photo, du cinéma, des animations, du théâtre et des conférences. Venez fêter avec nous ces événements! Enfin, je remercie le nombreux public qui s’est s’inscrit aux cours de français du CCFN: la 1ère session 2015 de cours qui a débuté en janvier a permis de constater le succès du centre comme lieu d’enseignement du français, et ce auprès d’un public multiculturel de tous âges. Culturellement vôtre, TUE | EVENTS / événements EVENTS / événements | HAPPY 25TH INDEPENDENCE DAY NAMIBIA For the occasion of Namibia’s 25th Year of Independence the FNCC would like to congratulate Namibia and its citizens on its growth in Unity, Liberty, and Justice. Navigating the Maze: An Installation by Kirsten Wechslberger Monday 9 March FNCC Gallery Until 8 April 2015 18h30 Free Entry Dans ce spectacle interactif, l’artiste nous invite à nous poser des questions sur notre mode de vie et nos choix personnels, à travers différentes plateformes artistiques, engageant tous nos sens Elmer Davis HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY vive le namibie libre Oongano A Group Exhibition by David Amukoto & Friends Monday 2 March 18h30 Restaurant La bonne table Free Entry Until 28 March Oongano – highlighting the importance of culture and way of living – is a group exhibition focusing on celebrating Namibia’s culture, unity and the responsibility of the people. The artwork illustrates life, nature and land. The group of artists include: David Amukoto, Sara Nekomba, Rudolf Seibeb, Petrus Amuthenu, Marius Ndjunge, Alli Mvula, Ziggy Martin, Elia Shiwoohamba, Tomas Kleopas, Samwele Kamati, Kapanda Nangombe, Kaleb Haipinge, Max Kachuna, Marina Indingo and Lok Kandjengo. These artists all work together, often as a group, and embody a similar cultural focus. The skills and tools used by the artists are ones that are slowly vanishing from use. The artist hopes to challenge the viewer to become responsible for their own choices in life. The exhibition consists of participatory artworks, installation and performance/video installation. Opening the exhibition will be Sabine Aquilini, former Director of the Goethe Centre in Windhoek. The participatory artworks require the viewer to become part of the artwork by engaging and experiencing it physically. The artist Kirsten Wechslberger’s work will encourage the viewer to reflect on their personal experiences. Be sure to come with an open mind as you take a journey that will engage all of your senses. "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." Navigating the maze is a conceptual exhibition where the idea precedes the choice of material. It is designed to create awareness in the viewer of their life-choices and emotional states. Celebrating the Francophonie School event Wednesday 18 March FNCC Terrace 15h0019h00 Free Entry To celebrate the Francophonie, the FNCC invites you to join in an afternoon of fun activities with French language students from different schools. There will be drama, music, and quizes, as students present what they’ve worked on in their French classes. Do not miss the evening class’ chorale at 18h00! Snacks and fun for all! Pour célébrer la Francophonie, le FNCC vous invite à partager un moment convivial avec les élèves de français du FNCC et des écoles. Saynètes, musique et quiz sont au programme. Ne manquez pas la chorale des cours du soir à 18h00 ! Enjoy a unique visual spirit of unity in this beautiful exhibition. Un groupe d’artistes célèbre l’importance de la culture namibienne à travers leurs œuvres parfois communes, dans une exposition pleine de cohésion artistique | PAGE 3 PAGE 4 | | EVENTS / événements EVENTS / événements | la Francophonie Good France – Goût de France Restaurant La bonne table 19h00 The event launches on Thursday 19 March, 19h00, offering a six-course menu. The restaurant will offer the menu as single dishes from the 23rd – 27th March. Goût de France / Good France will celebrate French gastronomy in various locations worldwide on March 19, 2015. A unique opportunity to enjoy and share the taste of France. Over 1000 chefs on all five continents are expected to join the event on the eve of the European spring. Dinners served simultaneously in participating restaurants will honour the merits of French cuisine, its capacity for innovation, and its values: sharing, enjoying, and respecting the principles of high-quality, environmentally responsible cuisine. official namibian Menu Walvis Bay crab salad with pickled cucumber, bloody-mary jelly, and lavender vinaigrette. Fraicheur de crabede Walvisbay, concombre marine, gelée de bloodymary, vinaigrette à la lavande Butternut consommé with butternut !Nara oilraviolis. Consommé de potimarron muscat avec une raviole potimarron-huile de !Nara La Bonne Table, in Windhoek, with Chef Yannick Schweighardt and Chef David Thomas (former Lyon des Sables in Walvis Bay) have been selected in Namibia to participate in this amazing and exciting event. Roasted Kingklip, Walvis Bay oysters tartar with tarragon, sea asparagus, braised fennel, and sorrel cream. Kingklip rôti, huîtres de Walvisbay en tartare à l’estragon, salicorne, fenouil braise, crème à l’oseille Le 19 mars 2015 sera célébrée, à travers le monde,la gastronomie française. Rejoigneznous à La Bonne Table, autour du Chef Yannick et du Chef David Thomas pour participer à ce savoureux événement culinaire. Springbok sirloin with pepper-cognac jus maize meal croquettes and local farm vegetables. Sirloin de springbok jus poivre/ cognac, croquettes de farine de maïs et légumes de la ferme Roquefort, poached pear with thyme and almond-lemon crumble. Roquefort, poire pochée au thym, crumble amande-citron Trio of chocolate White chocolate-Tonka bean Pannacotta cocoa tuile garnished with prickly pear jelly, chocolateorange biscuit, chocolate tube filled with dark chocolate cream, and chocolate ice cream Le chocolat en 3 façons For tickets please contact La bonne table Restaurant at 061 25 3976 | PAGE 5 “Some say freedom is a gift. Some say freedom is a human right. Some say freedom is a privilege. Some say freedom is the key that opens doors. Some say freedom is power to do, to be, to say. Some say freedom is a responsibility.” Richelle E. Goodrich. The Theatre Sports crew says Namibia’s 25th anniversary is a reason to laugh at how far we’ve come and at what makes the Land of the Brave unique. Theatre Sports Happy birthday, Namibia! Thursday 26 March FNCC Cinema Tickets: FNCC n$30 n$50 advance door 19h00 As usual, they ask the audience for suggestions, and improvise around those ideas. Help them to determine the future of Namibia for the next 25 years! Theatre Sports is facilitated by Tanya Terblanche from the UNAM Drama Department. La troupe Theatre sports vous invite à rire sur le parcours de la Namibie, 25 ans après son indépendance. Venez participer à ce spectacle interactif afin de nous aiderà déterminer le futur de la Namibie pour ses 25 prochaines années. Poetry Evening Soirée Poésie Thursday 2 April FNCC Gallery 18h30 Free Entry FrancoPhonie celebrations P OE T R Y EVENING Soirée PoéSie On occasion of the Month of Poetry (Printemps des Poètes) being celebrated in France during March, we invite both budding and established poets to participate in a multilingual poetry evening. The evening will be dedicated to spontaneous poetry recitals in both English and French, or in any language of your choice. Feel welcome to share poems of your favourite author(s) or read your own. On the occasion of the Month of Poetry (Printemps des Poètes) being celebrated in France, the FNCC invites both budding and established poets to participate in a multilingual, open mic poetry evening. The evening, similar to last year, will be dedicated to spontaneous poetry recitals in both English and French or in any language of your choice. We welcome you to share poems of your favourite author(s) or to read your own. Or just come listen, support and enjoy! A l’occasion de la célébration du Printemps des Poètes, nous vous convions, pour la seconde année, à venir partager et échanger avec nous autours de ce genre littéraire extrêmement populaire en France comme en Namibie. Classique ou créations, vos poèmes méritent d’être entendus ! PAGE 6 | EVENTS / événements | | EVENTS / événements The DefeatHate Experience A Photo Exhibition by Vilho Nuumbala Until 8 May 2015 Tuesday 7 April 18h30 Restaurant La bonne table Free Entry Candid/alternative photographer Vilho will be showcasing his second exhibition – The DefeatHate Experience – demonstrating a display of almost everything this young talented photographer does. This exhibition focuses on por traits but also includes photographs from life events, photographs of alternative people (individuals that inspire him), and candid photographs of unaware people. Inspired by the roughness of life, Vilho is a passionate individual aiming to burn bridges, motivate unity, tolerance and apathy through his work as a photographer in an activism form. As a winner of the Merit Award in the Photography category at the Bank Windhoek Triennial 2014, he wishes that people would acknowledge the power that lies within photography as an art form and use it as a weapon through storytelling to express their selves and bring an end to the awkward silence consuming the voiceless. Vilho Nuumbala, photographe activiste, présente dans son œuvre, sa vision de l’unité et de la tolérance à travers le pouvoir de la photographie. Acoustic Friday Freedom Songs Friday 17 April Tickets: FNCC n$40 n$60 advance door FNCC Terrace 20h00 For the occasion of Namibia’s 25th year of Independence the FNCC presents an Acoustic Friday on Freedom Songs. This concert will feature freedom songs, independence songs, and classics by Namibian musicians who have passed such as Jackson Kaujeua. The pioneers of jazz in Namibia, The Original Jazz Masters, are lined up to entertain the public with melodies and rhythms of township jazz, accompanied by performances by musicians Ras Sheehama, Elemotho and many more. The Original Jazz Masters came together in 2003 and have been playing township jazz since the days of the Old Location. Few witnesses remain today, who still recall the glorious days of township jazz in Namibia's shanty towns in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It was a time, when the day’s toils and troubles were put aside for a moment, when the bands sounded their instruments at sunset and people gathered around them in the local community halls. Young men shined their dancing shoes, women donned their petty-coats and the party continued until late after midnight. This is a night not to be missed! The OYO dance troupe, famous for having represented Namibia (and Africa) at the Commonwealth Youth Dance Festival in Glasgow in July 2014, is proud to premiere its new show In and Out. With support of the Prince Claus Foundation (Netherlands), the OYO dance troupe is tackling the sensitive issue of the rights of gays and lesbians in Namibia. The show comprises of three pieces of 15 minutes each - Magda, on corrective rape (the rape of lesbians with the aim to set them straight, originally premiered at the Goethe Centre in July 2012), No More Parties, a creation looking at how nurses treat gays at health centres and In & Out, a creation following the journey of a young inmate. At times funny, at times tragic, the pieces all have in common the celebration of love and our differences, calling for tolerance. Choreographed by Philippe Talavera and performed by the ten young dancers forming the OYO dance troupe, this is a show to watch! Dance showcase OYO In & out Friday 10 April FNCC Terrace A l’occasion des 25 ans de l’indépendance de la Namibie, cette soirée acoustique nous permettra de découvrir des chansons abordant la liberté. Une soirée à ne pas manquer ! Tickets: FNCC n$40 n$60 advance door 20h00 La troupe OYO dance nous présente leur vision de la tolérance à travers la célébration de l’amour dans toutes ses formes, permettant la sensibilisation aux droits de la communauté LGBT en Namibie. | PAGE 7 PAGE 8 | | EVENTS / événements screenings / PROJECTIONS | Young Architects in africa An Architecture Exhibition Monday 20 April Until 9 May 2015 18h30 FNCC Gallery Free Entry Young Architects in Africa is a travelling showcase of selected projects from the competition of the same name. With its debut at the 14 th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale (Italy), the exhibition and competition highlighted the plight of young architects as they searched for an architectural language that emphasises and encompasses the social, environmental, vernacular and participative nature of the continent. Amongst the winning projects was the Dordabis Community Spine, a social intervention by young Windhoek-based architects in the village of Dordabis. Young Architects in Africa, un concours destiné aux jeunes architectes, vise à développer une interlangue prenant en compte les traits caractéristiques du continent africain, entre société, unité et environnement. Parmi ces projets retenus, se trouve celui d’un jeune architecte de Windhoek. FNCC cinema a variety of films screened weekly La vierge, les Coptes et moi (The virgin, the Copts and Me) = Wednesday 4 March } 18h30, N$30 Comedy, directed by, Namir Abdel Messeeh, Egypt/France 2012, 91 min. Language : French with English subtitles. Namir is Egyptian, and now lives in France. When Namir realizes he has in his hands a very interesting subject for a documentary - the Blessed Virgin Mary – he sets off on a journey that takes him back to his origins and puts his profession as a director to the test. Namir part en Egypte, son pays d’origine, faire un film sur les apparitions miraculeuses de la Vierge au sein de la communauté copte chrétienne. Entre documentaire et autofiction, une formidable comédie sur les racines, les croyances… et le cinéma. | PAGE 9 tickets @ the door AfricAvenir & FNCC present the Audience Choice award winner of the 2014 Namibia Theatre and Film Awards. Waterberg to Waterberg = Wednesday 11 March } 18h30, N$30 The screening of the film will be followed by a discussion with director Andrew Botelle. Documentary, directed by Andrew Botelle, 2014, Namibia. Language: English. What happened to Samuel Maherero after the battle of the Waterberg in 1904? Through colonial reports, archive films and original photos Waterberg to Waterberg brings to life the old world of Samuel Maharero and his nation in exile between 1904 and 1923. Poursuivi sans relache par l'armée Allemande, Samuel Maherero et son peuple ont été dispersés et pourchassés... Suivant les traces de cet homme remarquable, ce film raconte l'histoire des migrations du peuple Herero à travers l'Afrique Australe, il y a plus de 100 ans... L’amour est un crime parfait (Love is the perfect crime) = Wednesday 18 March } 18h30, N$30 Drama Comedy, directed by Arnaud Larrieu and Jean-Marie Larrieu, France 2014, 110 min. Language : French with English subtitles. A literature professor at the University of Lausanne, Marc, has a reputation for having love affairs with his female students. A few days after the disappearance of one of his students, someone finds out what happened… Quelques jours après la disparition de sa plus brillante étudiante, avec qui il a eu une aventure, Marc rencontre Anna qui cherche à en savoir plus sur cette jeune fille disparue... on the ocassion of the 25th anniversary of namibian independence, the fncc and the embassy of the republic of congo presents: Plot for Peace (Complot pour la Paix) = Wednesday 25 March } 18h30, Free entry Followed by a Q & A Documentary directed by Carlos Agullo and Mandy Jacobson, South Africa 2013, 84 min. Language: French with English subtitles. Plot For Peace is a documentary thriller that tells an untold story of Algerian-born French businessman Jean-Yves Ollivier’s involvement in Cold War-era African parallel diplomacy, the signing of the 1988 Brazzaville Protocol and discussions surrounding the eventual release of Nelson Mandela. "Complot pour la Paix" dévoile l’histoire du « complot” ayant abouti à la libération de Nelson Mandela. Pour la première fois, des chefs d’État, généraux, diplomates, maîtres espions et combattants anti-apartheid révèlent comment les pays africains de la “ligne de front” ont contribué à la fin de l’apartheid. Kids Cinema The screenings are followed by discussions about the film and how it relates to the lives of our young audience. The filmmakers Perivi Katjavivi and Virginia Witts will attend the screening and have a storytelling with the audience. Double screening = Friday 27 March, HISA Community Centre, Katutura } 14h30, Free entry = Saturday 28 March, FNCC Cinema } 10h00, N$5 children, N$15 adults Tuuli Drama comedy, directed by,Virginia Witts, Namibia 2003, 5 min. Language; Oshiwambo with English subtitles. All ages. Tuuli is a curious young girl in Northern Namibia trying to learn and grow up as her surrounding demands. One day, a mishap happens to her, and Tuuli finds a way to solve the problem. Tuuli est une jeune fille curieuse du nord de la Namibie, qui grandit, en devant apprendre des contraintes de son environnement. Un jour, un événement se produit, la contraignant à trouver une solution… Eembwiti Drama comedy, directed by Perivi John Katjavivi, Namibia 2011, 18 min. Language English/ Oshiwambo. For 6+ A Namibian family from the busy city of Windhoek travels up north to the village to visit their granny. The children are especially snobby and spoilt. They upset their granny and break village customs and norms, though somehow find fun and adventure in the culture they fought so hard to resist. Durant les vacances, une famille namibienne établie à Windhoek, rend visite à la grand-mère dans le nord du pays. Imaginant passer des vacances ennuyeuses, les enfants qui avaient renie leur culture, découvrent finalement qu’elle comporte son lot d’aventures. Les Chebabs de Yarmouk (The Shebabs of Yarmouk) = Wednesday 1 April } 18h30, N$30 Documentary, directed by Axel SalvatoriSinz, France, Palestinian Territories, Syria, 2013, 78 min. Language: French with English subtitles. In this spirited, humanistic documentary film we follow five PAGE 10 | | screenings / PROJECTIONS youths, third-generation Palestinian refugees living in the 50-year-old camp of Yarmouk in Syria. Quatre réfugiés palestiniens de la troisième génération vivant dans le camp syrien de Yarmouk, forment depuis l'adolescence le groupe des "Chebabs". Aexl Salvatori-Sinz filme ces jeunes gens en proie au doute, quant à leur choix de vie future. Kohlhaas (Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas) = Wednesday 8 April } 18h30, N$30 Historic, directed by Arnaud Des Pallières, France 2013, 122 min. Language: French with English subtitles. In the 16th century in the Cévennes, a horse dealer by the name of Michael Kohlhaas leads a happy family life. When a lord treats him unjustly, he raises an army and puts the country to fire in order to have his rights restored. Au XVIe siècle, quelque part dans les Cévennes, Michael Kohlhaas, un prospère marchand de chevaux mène une vie familiale aisée et heureuse. Victime d’une injustice, cet homme pieux et intègre lève une armée et met les villes à sac pour rétablir son droit. AfricAvenir and the FNCC present Namibian Premiere of A pair of boots and a bicycle = Wednesday 15 April } 18h30, N$30 Documentary,directed by Vincent Moloi, South Africa, 2004, 80 min. Language: English. Why would men who are repressed at home valiantly fight in the war of their oppressors? And what did the triumphant victors give them, upon their return, for their "gallant and distinguished service"? In this very personal, fascinating investigation, the documentary maker finds the answers and unearths the significant contribution of South Africa's black soldiers to the Allies' North Africa campaign. | PAGE 11 courses / cours | Pourquoi des hommes oppressés chez eux, combattent vaillamment dans la guerre de leurs persécuteurs? Le réalisateur tente d’illustrer la contribution décisive des soldats sud-africains dans la campagne nord-africaine des Alliés. classes Learn to speak, read and write french for all levels French Classes For Adults FRENCH CLASSES FOR JUNIORS 2nd Term: 13 April to 24 June Registration: 30 March to 10 April 2015 2nd Term: 26 May to 2 April Registration: 11 to 22 May 2015 Regular Children and Teenagers Les petits ruisseaux (Small streams) = Wednesday 22 April } 18h30, N$30 Comedy, directed by Pascal Rabaté, France 2010, 94 min. Language: French with English subtitles. Émile, a retired widower, lives a quiet life on the banks of the Loire. His friend Edmond, also a solitary old guy, does not live a quiet life and rather expand his dating activities. Émile finds himself with the desire and craving he believed he might have forgotten. Émile, retraité et veuf, coule des jours paisibles. Pendant ce temps, son camarade Edmond, lui aussi vieux gars solitaire, n’oublie pas de rester vivant. Quand ce dernier meurt, Émile se retrouve face à lui même, face à des envies et des désirs qu’il croyait oubliés. Solutions locales pour un désordre global (Think Global, Act Rural) = Wednesday 29 April } 18h30, N$30 Documentary, directed by Coline Serreau, Brazil, France, India, Morocco, Ukraine, 2010, 117 min. Language : French with English subtitles. An industry producing heavily contaminated and modified food and arid wastelands is challenged by several world examples of sensitive organic approaches to producing food. La réalisatrice tente d’expliquer comment notre modèle de société s’est embourbe dans une crise aux multiples facettes. Elle dénonce ainsi les OGM, et nous fait voyager à travers le monde pour découvrir des solutions organiques à la production d’aliments. Conversation Practice your oral Beginners are always language skills welcome, a new class having a drink at La will open for you! bonne table, FNCC’s Please make sure to Restaurant. register before the Level: Intermediate beginning of the term. and Advanced days days Mondays and Wednesdays Tuesdays and Thursdays time 8h30 – 10h00 17h30 – 19h00 SPECIAL 5% discount N$1 200 including Textbook cost N$1 000 Wednesdays time 17h30 – 19h00 Conversation for teenagers Beginners are always welcome, a new class will open for you! Practice your oral Please make sure to language skills register before the beginning of the term. days Mondays and Wednesdays Tuesdays and Thursdays time 15h00 – 17h00 SPECIAL days Wednesdays time PAGE 12 | 5% discount N$860 including Textbook cost N$650 PRIVATE LESSONS Flexible schedules package 10 hours cost N$2 000 Personal needs focused courses. cost cost N$750 N$450 Pre-primary learners Children from 4 to 6 years old days Mondays and Wednesdays time 15h00 – 16h00 cost N$700 PAGE 12 | FNCC / CCFN | | courses / cours FRANÇAIS LANGUE MATERNELLE 2e trimestre : Du 25 mai au 14 août multimedia library THe fncc 118 Robert Mugabe Avenue PO Box 11622, Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 387 330 Fax: +264 61 224 927 storytelling hour 10h00 free entry Saturday 14 March 2015 Independence Cours d’accompagnement aux programmes de français du CNED On the occasion of Namibia’s Independence, Moseline Kavetu will read a story in the library for children 6 to 11 years old. PRIMAIRE : du CP au CM2 COLLÈGE : de la 6e à la 3e day and time 4h / semaine : 2 après-midi Saturday 18 April 2015 cost N$1 350 / trimestre Cours classe maternelle Ateliers du samedi matin de 3 à 6 ans Activités ludiques et culturelles Pour les 3-6 ans et les 6-12 ans day and time 4h / semaine : une matinée cost time 10:30 à 12:00 2 samedis par mois cost N$1 350 / trimestre N$40 / atelier Easter tales On the occasion of Easter, Ndataneka Kapunda will read a story in the library for children 6 to 11 years old. FNCC library hours Opening hours Monday to Tuesday 12h00 – 18h00 Inscriptions à la médiathèque Informations auprès de L’association Des Enfants Francophones Tél. 081 129 8920 | [email protected] For more information about our classes contact the French department today. Tel: 061 387 345 Email: [email protected] | PAGE 13 Wednesday to Thursday 9h00 – 18h00 Friday 9h00 – 13h00 Saturday 9h00 – 12h00 About Us The FNCC aims to intensify cultural cooperation between Namibia and France, while promoting and supporting Namibian cultural identity. We offer cultural activities – lectures, film screenings, plays, concerts and exhibitions – and French language courses. Our public library has a wide choice of French books, magazines and DVDs. We also aim to promote and support Namibian artists and cultural projects by offering our knowhow, resources and equipment. rent the fncc Looking for a private, comfortable, spacious room? The FNCC has the answers to all your needs! Rent our conference room: • 20-person capacity • Fully equipped with air-con system • Projector, screen and PC connections • Wireless Internet access • Extra equipment on demand • Terrace Also for rent: • Six classrooms, mainly used for language courses • Our 56-seater cinema, suitable for screenings and lectures For bookings email [email protected] connect with us Find us on facebook Like our page and we'll keep you up to date with all our happenings and pictures of past events. Read all about it Subscribe to the FNCC newsletter by visiting or dropping us an e-mail at [email protected] Reception Opening times Monday to Thursday: 9h00 – 18h00 Friday: 9h00 – 13h00 Reception [email protected] Communication [email protected] Library [email protected] French Department [email protected] Culture [email protected] PAGE 14 | | EVENTS / événements | PAGE 3
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