平成 23 年度 アジア電子情報通信基盤整備に向けた 情報収集・整備報告書 平成 24 年 3 月 財団法人 国際情報化協力センター 序 コンピュータを中心とする情報化は、社会、経済をはじめ広範な分野の高度化に寄与し、 ますます重要となっている。しかしながら、情報化を推進している諸国は、この意欲を持 ちながらも現状はまだ多くの課題を抱えており、加速度的に高度化が進んでいる国々との ギャップはますます大きなものとなっている。 これらの実情に鑑み、財団法人 国際情報化協力センター(略称 CICC)では、情報化を 促進しようとするアジア諸国に対して、その促進を支援、協力することを目的として、各 種の情報化協力事業を実施している。 この報告書は、協力事業の一環として実施したアジア電子情報通信基盤整備に向けた情 報収集・整備について報告するものである。 事業の実施にあたってご支援、ご協力を頂いた関係官庁、関係会員ならびに直接に労を 賜った専門家各位に深く感謝の意を表するとともに、この報告書が関係方面に利用され、 情報化協力事業の円滑な推進をはかるための資となれば幸いである。 平成 24 年 3 月 財団法人 国際情報化協力センター 理事長 間塚 道義 平成 23 年度 アジア電子情報通信基盤整備に向けた情報収集・整備報告書 (目次) 序 1.事業の概要 ................................................................ 2 1-1.背景と目的........................................................... 2 1-2.事業概要 ............................................................ 2 2.アジア各国への調査員の派遣................................................. 4 3.アジア各国関連ITニュース................................................... 5 4.現地コレスポンダントの配置................................................ 28 4-1.中国 ································································································· 29 4-2.インド ···························································································· 115 4-3.インドネシア....................................................... 170 4-4.タイ .............................................................. 304 5.CICCからの海外向け情報発信「東京便り」................................... 403 1 1.事業の概要 1-1.背景と目的 21 世紀に入り、情報技術(IT)はますます社会活動に浸透し、今や経済活動の基幹的位 置付けとなっている。情報通信技術の発達やインターネットの爆発的普及により、時間的・ 地理的障害を克服した情報の入手、人とのコミュニケーション、ビジネスの展開が可能と なり、より多彩な可能性と機会が創出される環境になってきた。 一方で、急速に発展を続ける情報化は、それに対応できるものとできないものとの間に 深い溝を生じさせる。いわゆるデジタル・デバイドである。デジタル・デバイドから生じ る経済格差は、域内の安定した平和な発展を阻害する重大な要因となる。 こうした中、日本政府は一連の e-Japan 戦略・e-Japan 重点計画、そして最新のアジア等 と協働するオープンな経済システムの構築において、アジア各国との連携強化を前面に打 ち出し、積極的にアジアとの情報化協力の促進に取り組む姿勢を示している。 このような状況下、アジアを中心とする国・地域に対し、設立以来、情報の提供、IT 人 材育成、二国間情報化協力会議の開催、共同研究開発事業等、相手国の実情に応じた堅実 な情報化協力を行ってきた実績と信頼のある当財団は、アジアにおける電子情報通信基盤 整備に向けた情報収集・整備を行うこととし、本事業に取組むものである。 1-2.事業概要 (1)アジア各国への調査員の派遣 専門性が高く経験豊富な調査員をアジア各国へ派遣し、技術指導及び情報交換、IT 動向調査等を行った。 (2)アジア各国関連 IT ニュース速報 情報化途上国に対し適切な情報化協力を実施するため、対象国における情報化関連の 動向を迅速且つ的確に把握し、またそれらの情報を新鮮なうちに国内関係者に提供し、 時機を捉えた事業の企画立案と実施に繋げていく必要がある。そのため当財団では、対 象国における情報化関連の最新情報を随時収集し、「アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報」 (以下、IT ニュース)としてとりまとめ、毎月 1 回発信した。 (3)現地コレスポンダントの配置 各国における情報収集力強化及び相手国ニーズを的確に把握するため、必要性の高 2 い国を対象に、現地コレスポンダントを配置し、定常的な情報収集による最新情報、 相手国ニーズ把握に資する情報を入手した。特に英語での情報収集な困難な国は英 語での情報を入手した。 (4)CICC からの海外(主にアジア諸国)向け情報発信「東京便り」 これまで CICC の各種事業により構築したアジア諸国とネットワーク等の維持し、アジ ア諸国の関係機関に対する IT 推進上で有益な日本の IT に関わる情報提供の強化のため に 2 ヵ月に 1 回、英文メルマガ「東京便り」を海外関係者へ送付した。 3 2.アジア各国への調査員の派遣 平成 23 年は、2 ヵ国へ述べ 2 名の調査員を派遣した。 2-1 バングラデシュ ・派遣国(都市)バングラデシュ(ダッカ) ・派遣期間 平成 23 年 12 月 1 日~12 月 3 日 ・人 1名 数 ・派遣先 国際会議「eAsia2011」 バングラデシュコンピュータ委員会 ・内 容 「eAsia2011」へ講師として参画 2-1 フィリピン ・派遣国(都市)フィリピン(マニラ) ・派遣期間 平成 24 年 2 月 17 日 ・人 1名 数 ・派遣先 「Public-Private Partnership(PPP)セミナー」 日本企業によるインフラ開発(エネルギー分野・水資源分野・IT 分野・ 交通分野)について講演 ・内 容 「Public-Private Partnership(PPP)セミナー」へ講師として参画 4 3.アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース 平成 23 年度は、268 号から 279 号まで 12 回ニュースを発行した。各号の国別ヘッドライ ンは以下のとおりである。 4 月 18 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.268)配信 【中国】 ◆[市場動向:2010 年の中国集積回路市場の規模 7,349.5 億元] ◆[市場動向:2010 年のインターネットゲーム市場規模 323 億元、成長率 25.2%] ◆[企業動向:HP は中国投資を拡大、クラウド戦略を推進] ◆[企業動向:中芯国際 SMIC、黒字に転換] ◆[IT インフラ:2014 年の中国 4G 投資は 13 億ドルの見込み] ◆[市場動向:中国は今年、3G 時代への転換点を迎える] ◆[企業動向:レノボ、メモリチップ不足で“楽 Pad”に影響] ◆[企業動向:エリクソン、欧州で中興通信を特許侵害で提訴] 【台湾】 ◆[国際連携/企業動向:FET、中国公共サービスのための無線ネットワーク構築に協力] ◆[企業動向:HTC、世界初の LTE スマートフォンを販売] ◆[市場動向:タブレット PC 需要、台湾企業を潤す] 【韓国】 ◆[技術動向:韓国 RFID 企業の特許問題] ◆[市場動向:タブレット PC、無料時代へ突入] ◆[IT 人材:産官学共同で IT 学科に最優秀人材] ◆[技術動向:韓国自動車用組込みソフトウェア、先進国に遅れ] ◆[市場動向:韓国 IT 製造業、第 1 四半期に比べ収益低下] ◆[技術動向:未だ低い韓国のソフトウェア工学水準] ◆[企業動向/人材育成:KT 社、電子教育システム「ブラックボード」を韓国内で販売] 【シンガポール】 ◆[電子商取引:2010 年のオンラインショッピング 10 億 S ドルを突破] ◆[IT インフラ:外国人の出入国手続きが IT により迅速化] 5 【マレーシア】 ◆[電子商取引:海外サイトで買い物するマレーシア人] ◆[企業動向:マイクロソフトと ACER、学生に技術教育で社会的責任を喚起] ◆[セキュリティ:マレーシア政府、著作権侵害防止キャンペーン実施] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 政策:e-コマース庁の新設] ◆[IT インフラ:地方電力公社スマートグリッド導入計画] ◆[IT 政策:IT 法整備] ◆[市場動向:データセンタ市場動向] ◆[市場動向:ICT 市場動向] 【フィリピン】 ◆[市場動向:セブ、アウトソーシング先として成熟] ◆[市場動向:フィリピンのサーバ市場シェア1位、IBM が維持] ◆[企業動向:IBM、地方自治体向け「Smarter Cities」ソリューションをリリース] ◆[企業動向:BankNet、SafeNet と提携 ATM データのセキュリティを強化] ◆[企業動向:グローブ社、電子マネーでエリクソンと提携] 【インドネシア】 ◆[市場動向:ソフトウェア市場、10 億 US ドルを突破する見込み] ◆[IT インフラ:スラウエシ島とフィリピンを光ファイバーで接続] 【ベトナム】 ◆[企業動向:グローバルハイテク企業、ベトナムプロジェクトに投資] ◆[企業動向:Opera Software、ベトナム提携先を発掘] ◆[企業動向:eBay、ベトナムオンライン市場に投資] ◆[市場動向:2010 年のベトナムの情報通信売上、160 億米ドルに] 【インド】 ◆[電子政府/IT 人材:ハリヤナ州政府、IT に詳しい幹部職員を組織化] ◆[IT 政策:IT 機器への特別付加税を免除] ◆[IT インフラ:NTT ドコモ、Tata Teleservices に 1 億 7900 万米ドルの増資] ◆[企業動向:LG、6 月に 3D タブレット PC を販売] 【スリランカ】 6 ◆[市場動向:IT 市場の成長は継続] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT 振興:情報開示に関する会議の開催:] 【パキスタン】 ◆[IT 政策:Gilani 首相、低開発地域の IT 化強化] ◆[IT インフラ:新しい通信衛星 Paksat 1R の打ち上げ] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[電子政府:電子投票システム、次期国政選挙で活用] ◆[IT インフラ:国際接続ケーブルのライセンスを民間事業者に付与] ◆[IT インフラ:2013 年末、通信衛星第 1 号の打ち上げに向けて] 5 月 18 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.269)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:戦略的新興産業、外資の参加を認める] ◆[市場動向:2013 年中国物聯網市場規模 4,896 億元の見込み] ◆[企業動向:華為 3 億ドル投資、ブラジルに研究センター設立] ◆[情報化機関:国家インターネット情報弁公室を設立] ◆[企業動向: 中国聯通 収入大幅増加、利潤大幅下落] ◆[[企業動向:中国企業の対外直接投資、累計 2,600 億ドル] ◆[企業動向:華為と中興が知的財産権係争、工業情報化部が仲裁] ◆[企業動向:2010 年中国家電メーカ 6 社の売上合計、サムソンの 1/3] 【台湾】 ◆[企業動向:Delta 社、e-paper の将来に楽観的] ◆[市場動向:東南アジア、将来の生産拠点になる可能性] 【韓国】 ◆[企業動向:成長持続可能 1 位企業は、サムソン電子] ◆[セキュリティ:個人情報保護法の細部事項研究会が発足] ◆[電子政府:電子政府標準プログラムが急速に普及] ◆[IT インフラ:ソウルが世界 3 位のネットワーク都市に] 7 【シンガポール】 ◆[電子商取引:シンガポール人の多くは、携帯電話での買い物を好む] ◆[電子政府:ICA は、海外渡航者にパスポートの有効期限の確認を促す] 【タイ】 ◆[電子政府:防災システム改善計画] ◆[IT 振興:ソフトウェア産業強化のためのアライアンス] ◆[セキュリティ:2007 年制定コンピュータ犯罪法の改定] ◆[市場動向:クラウドによる True 社とマイクロソフトの協業] ◆[市場動向:インターネットサービス市場について] 【フィリピン】 ◆[市場動向:フィリピンで「3 スクリーン」消費者が増加] ◆[市場動向:2010 年のアウトソーシング産業の売上、89 億 US ドル] 【インドネシア】 ◆[IT人材:教育省、印刷教材に代えてタブレットコンピュータ採用へ] ◆[企業動向:Telkomsel 社 ミレニアム開発目標プログラムを促進] 【ベトナム】 ◆[IT 政策:競争力強化のため電子商取引] ◆[IT 市場:ハイテク企業の労働需給逼迫] 【インド】 ◆[国際連携:ガーナの IT 人材育成を支援] ◆[企業動向:IBM、水道管理ソリューションに商機] ◆[IT 政策:政府、電子機器産業振興を強化] ◆[国際連携/企業動向:Rain Concert Technologies、タンザニアの公衆衛生プロジェクト を支援] ◆[IT 人材:IT 人材の雇用増、過去最大] 【スリランカ】 ◆[IT インフラ:電話の普及、人口を上回る] 【ネパール】 8 ◆[IT インフラ:インターネット普及率が 8%に増加] ◆[IT 振興:ICT Business Excellence Award の発表] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[法制度:Intellectual Property 法案の制定] ◆[IT 政策:2011-2012 年度国家予算に IT 産業界要望] 6 月 16 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.270)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:電気製品廃棄処理料、PC は 1 台 10 元] ◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェア産業の第 12 次五ヵ年計画、合弁・買収及び再編を促進か] ◆[市場動向:個人 PC の 78%が海賊版ソフトを使用] ◆[IT 市場:北京中関村の売上、電子商取引の打撃を受ける] ◆[IT インフラ: 上海が中国初の光ファイバーの家庭引込みを強制] ◆[IT 政策:国家重大科技特別プロジェクト実施開始、予算 328 億元] ◆[電子商取引:第三者決済の営業許可証、全国 27 企業が取得] 【台湾】 ◆[企業動向:Mitac 関連会社、大学と協力して携帯健康管理ソリューションを開発] ◆[市場動向:中国最大の通信機器メーカ Huawei、台湾から積極調達] 【韓国】 ◆[セキュリティ:個人情報流出会社に政府が「免罪符」を発行することの矛盾] ◆[企業動向:Google と NAVER が協力 chrome OS にナヌム字体を採用] ◆[企業動向:サムソン電子「GALAXY TAB 10.1」 、米国で 6 月 8 日に販売] ◆[IT 政策:「スマートソウル 2015」発表、ソウルの公共施設にて無料 WiFi] ◆[セキュリティ:KISA 緊急発表、Web メールのセキュリティ脆弱性を悪用したハッキング 急増] ◆[企業動向:韓国内で最も働きやすい企業はサムソン電子と SK テレコム] ◆[市場動向:IT サービス企業間のモバイルプラットフォーム戦争開始] 【マレーシア】 ◆[セキュリティ:サイバー犯罪防止に向けた官民合同作戦] ◆[人材育成:IT 要員不足の解決のために] 9 【タイ】 ◆[IT 振興:NECTEC が交通情報システムを導入] ◆[IT 振興:モバイルアプリケーションソフトウェア業界が協同歩調] ◆[IT 振興:OSS 振興活動] ◆[市場動向:タイ TCCT 社のデータセンタ事業] ◆[市場動向:IBM タイランドによる小型データセンタ拡販] ◆[市場動向:IBM がチェンマイをスマーター・シティに選定] 【フィリピン】 ◆[IT インフラ:フィリピンのモバイルバンキング、WEF が評価] ◆[企業動向:アクセンチュア、ASEAN 経済圏向けサービスを増強] 【インドネシア】 ◆[技術動向:クラウドコンピューテイング] ◆[市場動向:タブレット PC の売上増加] 【ベトナム】 ◆[IT 政策:通信キャリア VNPT の携帯電話子会社 2 社への出資制限] ◆[IT 政策:政府の理不尽な政策にソフトウェア会社は苦慮] 【インド】 ◆[IT 政策:製造業に焦点を当てた IT 政策を] ◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェアサービス産業界、個人情報保護規程に反発] ◆[企業動向:Microsoft、Internet Explore 9 をインド 11 言語に対応] 【スリランカ】 ◆[IT インフラ:低いブロードバンド普及率] ◆[IT 人材/国際連携:IFC、中小企業向けウェブベース研修を実施] 【パキスタン】 ◆[IT 振興:Gilani 首相、IT 開発を優先分野に] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[IT インフラ:インターネットユーザ、年末には 2 千万人に] ◆[電子政府/国際連携:地方にモバイルバンキングを導入] 10 7 月 13 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.271)配信 【中国】 ◆[企業動向:2011 年ソフトウェア売上トップ 100 企業を発表] ◆[企業動向:HP CEO、中国訪問し、中国戦略責任者を任命] ◆[IT 振興:サーバ OS プロジェクト等に 3 億元の「核高基」資金投入] ◆[IT 政策:東莞、毎年 5 億元で LED 産業をサポート] ◆[IT 政策:情報産業商会、物聯網(IOT)に毎年 5 億元] ◆[企業動向:中国電信、中国国内の代理店と CDMA 端末 4 千万台を調達] ◆[技術動向:世界第 4 位のスーパーコンピュータ、深セン設置] ◆[電子商取引:米 eBay、中国電子商取引のビジネスモデルを変更] 【台湾】 ◆[企業動向:中華電信、ブロードバンドインフラに 2,000 億台湾ドル投資] ◆[企業動向:OEM メーカ広達社、クラウドコンピューティングサービスに参入] ◆[企業動向:ノキア、台湾に TD-LTE テストセンタを開設] ◆[企業動向:中華電信、広達、英業達、緯創とクラウドチームの結成を検討] 【韓国】 ◆[国際連携/電子政府:開発途上国研修生へ電子政府招聘研修] ◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェア輸出支援コンソーシアム、発足式で雑音] ◆[市場動向:韓国、通信機器製品輸出が 2 位。1 位は中国] ◆[企業動向:サムソン、LG 間で SNS マーケティングが白熱] 【シンガポール】 ◆[電子政府:新電子政府のワンストップポータルが始動] ◆[IT振興:政府がビジネスアプリケーション開発用として 15 百万 S ドルを投入] 【マレーシア】 ◆[企業動向:ノキアシーメンス、セルコム社のインフラを増強] ◆[セキュリティ:知識はハッカー対策の武器] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 振興:政府機関による SME ソフトウェア会社支援とソフトウェア産業振興] ◆[IT 振興:ATCI 会長が AEC 発効への対応を表明] 11 ◆[市場動向:TOT が多角経営に大規模投資] 【フィリピン】 ◆[企業動向:MS フィリピン、ダバオとミンダナオへの投資拡大] ◆[技術動向:高速インターネットがフィリピン全土で使える] ◆[人材育成:フィリピン大学 IT トレーニングセンター(UP ITTC)、e-Learning 導入] 【インドネシア】 ◆[IT 政策:IT インフラ整備に 1-2 兆 US$が必要] ◆[企業動向:富士通、クラウドソリューションを提案] 【ベトナム】 ◆[国際連携/IT 政策:米国、ベトナムの情報技術を支援] ◆[電子政府:電子税徴収が最善策] 【インド】 ◆[技術動向:低価格タブレット PC を販売] ◆[市場動向:パブリッククラウドコンピューティング市場、2014 年に 240 億ルピーへ] ◆[IT 人材:必要とされる技術者の不足] ◆[市場動向:スーパーコンピュータの設置状況] ◆[企業動向:Wipro、英国大手送電企業のクラウドを構築] ◆[市場動向:インターネットショッピング市場、2015 年に 700 億ルピーへ] 【スリランカ】 ◆[T 人材:IT 人材、4 年間で倍増] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:GPRS 方式の携帯電話が急増] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[電子政府:地方行政サービスの情報化] 8 月 26 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.272)配信 12 【中国】 ◆[法制度:三大キャリア職員関与、北京最大の個人情報転売事件が判決へ] ◆[市場動向:上半期電子製造業売上、前年同期比 21.8%増] ◆[電子商取引:銀聯、18 の銀行と連携しインターネットオンライン決済] ◆[企業動向:Acer、HP 中国副総裁を引き抜き、スマートフォンとタブレット PC 事業強化] ◆[IT 政策:「第 12 次五カ年計画」科学技術発展計画の公布] ◆[市場動向:四川電子情報産業規模 2015 年に1万億元を突破] 【台湾】 ◆[技術動向/企業動向:英業達社、鴻海社、中国本土の電子学習システムに注目] ◆[IT 政策:台湾 3G キャリア APBT 社、中国以外からの通信機器の調達を検討] ◆[企業動向/社会経済:台湾 PC サプライチェーンメーカ、中国で破産危機に直面] ◆[企業動向/技術動向:台湾広達社、米 MIT とクラウド技術を開発] ◆[企業動向:広達社、緯創社、2012 年のクラウド需要で収益拡大] ◆[IT 政策:台湾 WiMAX システムインテグレータが撤退] ◆[国際連携/技術動向:台湾メーカに呼びかけ、中国本土の IOT 市場開拓] 【韓国】 ◆[企業動向:思惑通りに行かない IT 大企業との海外連携進出] ◆[セキュリティ:韓国大手 SNS、ポータルサイトの会員個人情報が流出] ◆[企業動向:サムソン、10 月にグーグルフォンを出荷] ◆[企業動向:サムソン、次の戦略は?] ◆[企業動向:オラクル、韓国内にデータセンタ構築] 【マレーシア】 ◆[企業動向:Hong Leong Bank(HLB)、モバイルバンキングに自信] ◆[企業動向:インテル、クラウドサミットを開催〕 【ブルネイ】 ◆[IT 政策/技術動向:全ての医療カルテが電子化へ]これは「1 患者 1 カルテ」] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 政策:情報通信技術省(MICT)新大臣の課題] ◆[IT 振興:ソフトウェア振興庁(SiPA)の新政権での取組み] 13 【フィリピン】 ◆[セキュリティ:サイバー犯罪がフィリピン社会に影を落とす] ◆[企業動向/IT 政策:Microsoft フィリピン、政府機関とクラウド推進] 【インドネシア】 ◆[企業動向:オラクル、クラウドコンピューティングを提案] 【ベトナム】 ◆[IT 政策:ハノイ市、IT 格付けを実施] ◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェアパーク、戦略不足も将来は明るい] 【インド】 ◆[市場動向:インドの IT 市場動向] ◆[企業動向:TCS、中小企業の IT 化に注力] ◆[市場動向:2011 年度の IT 産業の成長率、16-18%と予測] 【スリランカ】 ◆[電子政府:ICTA、カントリーポータルサイトのサービス運用者を表彰] ◆[IT インフラ:政府広域ネットワーク運用費用、補正予算化] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:GPRS 方式によるインターネットの普及] ◆[IT インフラ:通信回線の調達手続き公正化へ] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[電子政府:サイクロン警報システム始動へ] ◆[電子政府:GPS 装備を義務化へ] 9 月 16 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.273)配信 【中国】 ◆[企業動向:快銭(Quick Money)、Dell と戦略提携] ◆[企業動向:台湾 Asusteck、中国本土の PC 市場シェア 14%と予想] ◆[企業動向:中国移動、上半期純利益 613 億元、前年比 6.3%増] ◆[市場動向:中国、韓国最大の IT 製品輸入国に] 14 ◆[市場動向:1-7 月電子情報産業、高成長を維持] ◆[市場動向:社会保障カードに金融機能、チップ・カードメーカーは濡れ手に粟] ◆[市場動向:三大キャリアの売上高の差が縮まり、3G は利潤獲得の時期に] ◆[企業動向:BYD 大規模リストラ実施] ◆[企業動向:HP 中国の PC 市場シェア、4 四半期連続でトップ 3 から外れる] 【台湾】 ◆[市場動向:台湾 PC ベンダ・OEM メーカ、インド政府からの PC 入札で競う] ◆[市場動向:iPhone5 サプライチェーンメーカ、生産開始に向け準備加速] ◆[企業動向:遠傳電信、商用車向けクラウドソリューションを提案] ◆[企業動向:Vee TIME、高速鉄道で WiMAX サービス] ◆[企業動向:広達、クラウドで繁栄] 【韓国】 ◆[企業動向:サムソンがスマートモバイルを IFA へ集中出展する理由] ◆[情報化機関:野党が提示した「情報通信部」復活論] ◆[技術動向:NIPA、知識ポータル用コンテンツ確保へ前進] 【マレーシア】 ◆[企業動向:シンフォネット、2千キロ光通信網敷設へ] 【タイ】 ◆[企業動向:IBM による新政権プロジェクトへの対応] ◆[企業動向:CISCO のスマートシティ事業への参入] ◆[IT 政策:MICT 新大臣の政策方針] ◆[セキュリティ:ETDA による情報セキュリティ強化策] 【フィリピン】 ◆[IT インフラ:フィリピン国家警察、電子調書システムを導入] ◆[IT 政策:科学技術省長官、中国 ZTE の応札辞退を望む] ◆[企業動向:フィリピン長距離電話社(PLDT)、国内光ファイバー網計画発表] 【インドネシア】 ◆[IT 人材:ICT と教育に関する国際セミナー開催] 【ベトナム】 15 ◆[企業動向:FPT テレコム ISP シェア低下の理由を説明] 【インド】 ◆[IT 人材:Facebook、NIT 学部生を年収 747 万円で採用] ◆[市場動向:2011 年の PC 販売台数、1,115 万台に] ◆[電子政府:郵便局のコンピュータ化、94%に] ◆[IT 政策:国内電子機器製造の振興を政策化] 【スリランカ】 ◆[IT インフラ:ブロードバンドサービスの回線速度テスト開始] ◆[電子政府:犯罪経歴証明書の発行状況閲覧サービス] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:ISP 登録件数は 23%減少] ◆[IT インフラ:LTE 方式をフィンランド企業が提案] 【パキスタン】 ◆[企業動向:National Bank of Pakistan、IBM に事業継続サービスを発注] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[市場動向:郵便局からモバイルバンキング] ◆[電子政府:ADB、税徴収と土地登記管理のオンライン化に 2,500 万米ドル] 10 月 19 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.274)配信 【中国】 ◆[国際連携:中関村とナスダック、戦略的協業] ◆[国際連携:重慶に中韓産業パーク開園、電子産業の発展を重視] ◆[市場動向:電子製造業の四分の一が赤字] ◆[企業動向:Acer 元 CEO がレノボグループの顧問に] ◆[技術動向:教育部、電子教科書及び電子カバンの標準制定に着手] ◆[電子商取引:淘宝商城、オープンプラットホーム戦略を打ち出し、38 社の e コマース会 社を誘致] 16 【台湾】 ◆[市場動向:台湾液晶パネルメーカは協業しなければならない] ◆[国際連携/企業動向:台湾 Compal、中国 Lenovo と合弁会社設立] ◆[市場動向:中国の賃上げ、PC コンポーネントメーカに深刻な打撃] ◆[企業動向:台湾 Acer/Asustek、ブラジルにノート PC サプライチェーン] 【韓国】 ◆[企業動向:レッドハット社、韓国市場を本格攻略開始] ◆[企業動向:サムソン電子、モバイルソリューション市場へ乗り出す] ◆[市場動向:2012 年韓国の IT 生産額、345 兆ウォン] 【シンガポール】 ◆[国際連携:シンガポール、マレーシア、ブルネイの周波数合同委員会が WEB ポータル立 ち上げ] 【マレーシア】 ◆[IT 政策:2011 年国家 ICT 月間、始まる] 【ブルネイ】 ◆[国際連携:ブルネイ情報通信産業機構、シンガポール IDA と通信規制分野での協力を継 続] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 政策:アジア経済共同体と IT 産業] 【フィリピン】 ◆[企業動向:英国オンライン証券、フィリピン進出を機に ASEAN 拡大] ◆[情報技術:フィリピンの医療情報システムの今] ◆[企業動向:フィリピンで YouTube がサービス開始] 【インドネシア】 ◆[市場動向:インドネシア、Galaxy タブレットの売上で世界 3 位] ◆[IT インフラ:2011 年末までに 770 地域のインターネットサービスが可能へ〕 【ベトナム】 ◆[企業動向:VNPT、「ブロードバンド・ワールド・フォーラム」で受賞] 17 ◆[企業動向: FPT 技術研究所、船舶監視小型衛星を開発研究] 【インド】 ◆[企業動向:IT 企業売上げランキング] ◆[企業動向:Sai InfosystemIndia、国家知識ネットワークを受託] ◆[企業動向:リコー、インド国内の売上げ目標を 25 億ルピーに] ◆[企業動向:Intel、2 千万米ドルをインド企業 6 社に投資] ◆[IT 政策:IT 政策 2011 草稿の発表] ◆[IT 政策:世界最安値のタブレット PC] 【スリランカ】 ◆[企業動向:T-Navi 社、コロンボ市内のナビシステム発売] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:次世代ネットワーク設置、中国企業 2 社が受注] 【パキスタン】 ◆[市場動向:デング熱患者データ管理のためのソフトウェア開発] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[IT 政策:IT を活用した保健医療サービスの提供] ◆[IT 政策:格安パソコンの販売開始] 11 月 17 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.275)配信 ◆[IT 政策:「第 12 次五か年計画」のクラウドコンピューティング草案完成] ◆[国際連携:インドのソフトウェアアウトソーシング、成都 2,000 万ドルを受託] ◆[企業動向:中国移動の iPhone 利用者 1,000 万人] ◆[IT 振興:中関村発展グループ、1億元投資し北京 ITS システム建設を支援] ◆[電子商取引:淘宝商城、アリババから 18 億元の追加投資を取得] ◆[市場動向:中国、世界二番目のモバイルアプリマーケットに] ◆[企業動向:浪潮、国家品質監督検査検疫総局とクラウドコンピューティングに調印] ◆[企業動向:華為、クラウド事業の強化へ、1万人採用] ◆[企業動向:レノボ、7インチタブレット PC を主力製品としてアップルに対抗] ◆[IT 振興:中国科学院と北京市、国家レベルのクラウドコンピューティングセンタを共同 建設] 18 【台湾】 ◆[市場動向:中国移動 TD-LTE の販売促進で台湾メーカが恩恵] ◆[企業動向:台湾 HTC、米国スマートフォン市場で第 3 四半期シェア No.1] ◆[市場動向:フェイスブック、台湾にデータセンタ設立を計画] ◆[企業動向:DELL、台湾デザインセンタのクラウド人員を拡大] ◆[企業動向:Asusteck、2 年内にインド市場で 15%のシェアを目標] ◆[IT 政策:内閣戦略検討委員会、年次会合で IOT を討議] ◆[企業動向:中華電信と Far Glory、オフィスビル向けクラウドサービス提供] 【韓国】 ◆[技術動向:韓国政府、クラウド基盤の OSS 普及を促進] ◆[企業動向:Google、韓国インターネット規制緩和を要求] 【マレーシア】 ◆「IT 政策:デジタル分野の改革目指す「デジタルマレーシア」、首相が発表] ◆「市場動向:マレーシア、デジタル化目標に向け順調] 【タイ】 ◆[市場動向:洪水災害によりデータセンタ重要高まる] ◆[IT 政策:洪水後の IT 復興計画] ◆[市場動向:高速ブロードバンド市場] 【フィリピン】 ◆[市場動向:フィリピンのソフトウェア輸出拡大には政府支援が必須] 【インドネシア】 ◆[技術動向:インドネシアにおけるクラウドコンピューテイング・6 つの課題] 【ベトナム】 ◆[企業動向:独SAP社ソフトウェア研究・開発センター設立] ◆[国際連携:ホーチミン市チョーライ病院、日本との遠隔医療開始] ◆[国際連携:日本、ベトナムに対する円借款6件の書簡交換] 【インド】 ◆[IT インフラ:国家光ファイバー網計画が承認] 19 ◆[企業動向:HCL Technologies、米国保険会社のコードシステム移行支援] ◆[IT 市場:インターネット利用人口、世界第 3 位に] ◆[企業動向:Tata Consultancy、英国保険会社より 22 億ドルのアウトソーシング受注] 【スリランカ】 ◆[IT 振興:スリランカとノルウェーの IT 産業協力] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:Nepal Telecom、全国にインターネットサービスを拡大] 【パキスタン】 ◆[市場動向:自動車登録の電子化] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[IT 政策:中学生からの ICT 教育を義務化] 12 月 19 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.276)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:Internet of Things「第 12 次五ヶ年計画」が近日発表] ◆[市場動向:ソフトウェア業界の営業収入1兆元突破、旺盛なソフトウェア企業の M&A] ◆[企業動向/技術動向:中国移動 TD-LTE、実地検証事業第フェーズⅡ開始予定] ◆[IT インフラ:工業・情報化部、ブロードバンドに注力、1,500 億元超を投資] ◆[電子商取引:中国電子商取引協会とレノボ、電子商取引の与信体系を発表] ◆[IT インフラ:中国電信江蘇省、農村カバーする光ファイバを敷設] ◆[電子商取引:四年後、中国のネットショッピングの使用者数は3億を超えると予想] 【台湾】 ◆[企業動向/国際連携:Intel、台湾 ITRI との協業に 5 億米ドル] ◆[国際連携/技術動向:中国移動の大胆な 4G 計画、台湾メーカに商機] ◆[市場動向:2011 年第 1 四半期、台湾 IT サービス市場規模 327.7 億台湾ドル] ◆[企業動向:台湾鴻海精密、中国市場で自主開発・自主運用のクラウドサービスを提供] 【韓国】 ◆[セキュリティ:韓国、世界 2 位のスパム発信国] 20 ◆[企業動向:マイクロソフト、韓国にデータセンタ構築を示唆] ◆[企業動向:韓国ソフトウェア企業、日本、中国モバイル市場進出加速] ◆[企業動向:現代グループ、通信事業参入を断念] ◆[市場動向:韓国ソフトウェア実務能力は 100 点満点中、46.6 点] 【シンガポール】 ◆[技術動向:シンガポール警察フェイスブックを手がかりに逮捕第一号] 【マレーシア】 ◆[市場動向:モバイル広告市場、第 3 四半期に 37%成長] ◆[市場動向:レンタルサーバのフューチャー、マレーシアで合弁設立] 【ブルネイ】 ◆[IT 政策:ブルネイ AITI、ASEAN ICT マスタープラン 2015 カンファレンスを主催] 【タイ】 ◆[IT インフラ:TOT の 3G サービス開始が洪水災害により遅滞] ◆[市場動向:one-tablet PC-per-Child 政策について] ◆[市場動向:洪水対策としての IT 利活用] 【フィリピン】 ◆[市場動向:2010 年フィリピンの IT-BPO 売上 90 億米ドル] ◆[企業動向:比国中小企業へクラウドサービス提供事例] ◆[企業動向:PLDT 社、Digitel 社買収で解雇行なわず] ◆[電子商取引:フィリピンの「ソーシャルビジネス」最新事情] 【インドネシア】 ◆[電子商取引:マイクロソフトとインドネシア・テレコム、新しいポータルサイトを開設] ◆[電子商取引:情報通信技術省、中小企業に電子商取引を奨励] ◆[クラウドコンピューテイング:日立データシステムズ、3層構造のクラウドを提案] 【ベトナム】 ◆[市場動向:ベトナム、2014 年までキャッシュカード市場は年 18.5%成長へ] ◆[国際連携:ベトナム科学アカデミー、米NASAと科学技術分野で協力] ◆[市場動向:ベトナムの1人当たり GDP、2050 年までに 2 万ドルに] 21 【インド】 ◆[市場動向:PC 出荷台数、前年に比べ 13%増加] ◆[市場動向:2012 年の IT 投資、798 億米ドルへ] ◆[企業動向:Infosys、3 月までに 1 万人の技術者を雇用] 【スリランカ】 ◆[企業動向:EPSI Computers 社、カーボンニュートラル企業に認定] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:インターネット普及、50%の増加率] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[電子政府:公務員給与支払いの電子化] ◆[[市場動向:ソフトウェアと IT サービス輸出高、前年比 30%増] 1 月 20 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.277)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:ネット通販条例起草中、 来年法案化予定] ◆[その他:広州、来年から「紅棉」プロジェクトを実施] ◆[企業動向:DIGITAL CHINA、中国ソフトウェア評価測定センタと戦略協力] ◆[電子商取引:鉄道予約サイトの一日平均アクセス数 10 億超] ◆[電子商取引:京東商城、電子書籍市場に進出] ◆[セキュリティ:「当当網」一部情報漏洩を認め、警察に通報] ◆[IT 人材:IT 業界で今年三種類の人材が不足] ◆[IT 人材:中興、月給一万元でも R&D 人材確保できず] ◆[企業動向:中国電信、フランス・ドイツ市場開拓を計画] 【台湾】 ◆[市場動向:台湾の WiMAX デバイスの出荷、2012 年は減少] ◆[企業動向:Asustek、2012 年に米国のノート PC 出荷、30%増を予想] ◆[電子商取引:台湾、電子商取引の成長鈍化] ◆[市場動向:中小の台湾 PC サプライチェーンメーカ、中国の厳しい融資引き締めに苦慮] 【韓国】 22 ◆[市場動向:OECD ランキングで電子政府は1位。しかし、ICT 競争力は] ◆[市場動向:2011 年 IT 輸出 1,570 億ドル、2 年連続史上最大] ◆[企業動向:サムソン電子、世界 IT 企業売り上げラキングで 2 年連続 1 位] ◆[市場動向:韓国求職者が入社したい IT 外資は?] ◆[市場動向:韓国大手通信業界、マイナス成長に危機感] ◆[市場動向:2012 年韓国 IT 国内市場成長率は 3.5%と予測(民間調査会社)] 【シンガポール】 ◆[電子商取引:クリスマスギフトの購入をオンラインで行うシンガポール人が増加] 【マレーシア】 ◆[市場動向:iPhone4S、キャリア3社が同時発売] 【ブルネイ】 ◆[IT 政策:AITI さらに ICT 認定ビジネスを募集] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 政策:One Tablet per Child 政策の進展] ◆[IT 政策:電子商取引開発庁(ETDA)の予算] ◆[電子政府:情報通信技術省(MICT)によるクラウド導入] ◆[市場動向:データセンタ市場の拡大] 【フィリピン】 ◆[IT 政策:フィリピン景気刺激策、IT 関連は約 7 億 4100 万ペソ] 【インドネシア】 ◆[市場動向:ISP 協会、政府にモバイルインターネット料金規則の制定を督促] ◆[技術動向:クラウドコンピューテイングが電子政府機能を可能にする] ◆[企業動向:マイクロソフト、海賊版ソフト摘発活動を開始] 【ベトナム】 ◆[市場動向:VNPT の 3G サービス契約件数 800 万件、国内契約総数の 3 分の 2] ◆[国際連携:FPT と印ジェットキング、コンピュータ専門学校を設立] 【インド】 ◆[企業動向:国内の IT サービス市場] 23 ◆[市場動向:インターネット利用者数、25%の伸び] ◆[市場動向:2011 年の e コマース市場、47%増] ◆[企業動向:世界最安値のタブレット PC、2 週間で予約注文が 140 万台] ◆[企業動向:Infosys や TCS、ルピー安で堅調な売上げ増] 【スリランカ】 ◆[IT 振興:公立病院に病院健康情報管理システムを導入] ◆[市場動向:ICT-BPO 産業の輸出高増] 【パキスタン】 ◆[IT インフラ:10 月の携帯電話利用者数、1 億 1,100 万人を超える] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[市場動向:金融機関における電子化の進展] 2 月 15 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.278)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:工業・情報化部、重点投資 13 分野を発表] ◆[国際連携:商務部、企業のアフリカ通信インフラ分野への参画を奨励] ◆[市場動向:2012 年のクラウドコンピューティング市場、600 億元] ◆[企業動向:金蝶国際と Alipay、戦略的協力に合意] ◆[インフラ:中国移動、129 万台の無線 LAN 設備の入札を計画] ◆[市場動向:2011 年末の中国インターネットユーザ、5 億 1,310 万超] ◆[電子商取引:2011 年の中国オンライン広告市場、510 億元超] ◆[電子商取引:2011 年の中国オンラインショッピング 7,730 億元超] ◆[電子商取引:2011 年の中国第三者オンライン決済サービス総額 2 兆 2,030 億元] ◆[市場動向:2011 年の 3G 携帯、8,000 万ユーザ増え 3 社三つ巴状態へ] 【台湾】 ◆[電子商取引:FET オンラインショップの売上急増] ◆[企業動向:Gemtek、2012 年 LTE デバイス 30 万台出荷見込み] ◆[企業動向:台湾鴻海の中国工場に大量の求職者] ◆[市場動向:Acer、HP、2012 年は重慶からのノート PC の出荷を拡大] ◆[企業動向:鴻海、ブラジルでスマートフォンとタブレット PC 生産] 24 ◆[IT 政策:台湾政府、WiMAX を継続サポート] 【韓国】 ◆[IT インフラ:ETRI、100Gbps 次世代大容量光通信技術開発に成功] ◆[企業動向:NHN 社、2011 年インターネット検索連動広告の売上げ、1 兆ウォン越え] 【シンガポール】 ◆[IT インフラ:情報通信開発庁、携帯電話サービスに対する品質基準改定] 【マレーシア】 ◆[市場動向:インターネットの経済への貢献度は高い水準] 【ブルネイ】 ◆[IT 人材:ブルネイ情報通信産業庁(AITI)、ICT 資格コースを提供] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 振興:ソフトウェアパーク間協力の推進] ◆[市場動向:洪水災害に目を向けるソフトウェア企業] 【フィリピン】 ◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:スマート社、LTE を 2012 年半ばまでに完備] ◆[セキュリティ/法制度:サイバー犯罪法案、上院を通過] ◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:通信大手 Globe Telecom 社、ネットワークの高速大容量化を推 進] 【インドネシア】 ◆[IT 人材:産業界と学生間の就職人材ギャップ] ◆[IT 政策:ICT 支出 18%増加] 【ベトナム】 ◆[市場動向:FPT 情報通信、インテル及び韓国 SK Planet と業務提携] ◆[セキュリティ:2011 年、6,420 万台のコンピュータがウイルス感染] 【インド】 ◆[企業動向:日本企業の動向] ◆[企業動向:Wipro、採用人材の 50%をグローバル IT サービス業務に配属] 25 ◆[IT 人材:政府、“e-Tutor Tablet”を 7,500 ルピーで発表] 【スリランカ】 ◆[電子政府:電子入国許可(ETA)、ビザオンラインシステムの稼働] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT 振興:IT 展示会の実施] 【パキスタン】 ◆[IT インフラ:第 3 世代携帯電話ライセンスのオークションを実施] ◆[IT インフラ:2011 年度の通信産業] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[市場動向:コールセンタ、80%以上が廃業] 3 月 14 日 CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース(vol.279)配信 【中国】 ◆[IT 政策:物聯網(IOT)に関する第十二次五ヵ年計画を発表] ◆[企業動向:中国電信、二段階で IPv6 を展開] ◆[IT インフラ: IPv6 に 80 億元、ネットワーク改造に重点投資] ◆[電子商取引:北京地下鉄の宅配便受取りサービス試行一ヵ月、利用件数は一万件に] ◆[市場動向:中国移動 CEO、TD-LTE の採用が急速に伸びると言及] ◆[市場動向:2015 年、中国電子情報製造業の売上高が 10 兆元超に] ◆[市場動向:62%の中国 iPhone 利用者、アプリ購入実績] ◆[市場動向:中国のカラーテレビ、携帯電話、コンピュータの生産量が世界一に] ◆[市場動向:中国携帯端末メーカ、スマートフォン端末市場、新興市場を開拓] 【台湾】 ◆[IT 政策:台湾当局、4G ライセンスの発行前倒し] ◆[技術動向:広達、2012 年に LTE デバイス 300 万台出荷を目標] ◆[市場動向:台湾 HTC、2012 年中国スマホ市場 1.5~1.7 億台を予測] ◆[市場動向:台湾メーカ、2012 年のグローバルな LTE 携帯電話の過激な競争を予想] 【韓国】 26 ◆[企業動向:LG CNS 社、耐震構造のクラウド・データセンタを釜山に建設予定] ◆[市場動向:タブレット PC、韓国では販売不振] ◆[IT インフラ:通勤時間の地下鉄車内で Wi-Fi 接続が可能に] ◆[IT 政策:政府、7 月を「情報セキュリティ月間」に指定] ◆[東京証券取引所、韓国ソフトウェア会社を勧誘] 【マレーシア】 ◆[企業動向:パナソニックエナジー、ケダ州に太陽電池工場] ◆[国際連携:サイバージャヤが環境未来都市に、東京のフォーラムに参加] 【タイ】 ◆[IT 振興:教育省向けタブレット PC の入札結果] ◆[市場動向:タイ e-Commerce 市場] 【フィリピン】 ◆[情報化機関:交通通信省(DoTC)、IT システムを公開入札] ◆[企業動向:Smart Communications Inc.、Vodafone と提携] ◆[企業動向:フィリピン携帯電話会社の SMS サービス値下げ合戦] 【インドネシア】 ◆[技術動向:データセンタによりクラウドコンピューテイング化加速] ◆[市場動向:スマートフォン、ブロードバンドユーザの大幅増加に貢献] ◆[市場動向:Ultrabook、ノートパソコン販売の主流機種へ] ◆[国際連携:インドより廉価タブレット生産の技術援助申し入れ] 【ベトナム】 ◆[市場動向:ホーチミン交通管理センターの建設計画を発表] 【インド】 ◆[電子商取引:e コマース産業の統合化] ◆[IT 市場:インターネットユーザの 75%は 35 歳以下] ◆[IT 政策:政府、インターネット通信の監視機関を設立へ] ◆[IT 人材:Infosys 会長、学生に日本留学を奨励] ◆[IT 政策:米国企業、インド政府調達の電子機器製品の国産優遇政策を懸念] 【スリランカ】 27 ◆[IT 振興:公立病院に病院健康情報管理システム(HHIMS)を導入] 【ネパール】 ◆[IT インフラ:政府、ブロードバンドサービスの拡大に 90%の補助金] 【パキスタン】 ◆[企業動向:China Mobile、コンタクトセンタを Lahore に設立] 【バングラデシュ】 ◆[電子政府:政府情報サービスホームページ、2015 年までに 2 万サイト開設] ◆[IT 政策:国民議会、ICT Ministry に通信分野の統合を要請] 4.現地コレスポンダントの配置 平成 21 年度は、国別担当の意見、事業遂行上の必要性を加味して、必要性の高い国から、 役割を明確にし、フィリピン、タイ、インドネシア、中国の 4 カ国にコレスポンダントを 配置した。 次ページより、各国コレスポンダントの月次報告を国別に纏めた。 28 4-1.中国 29 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年4月8日号) <IT 政策> 工業・情報化部は新興産業の重点を明確に 工業・情報化部副部長の蘇波氏は 26 日に次のように述べた。今後 5 年間工業・情報化部 は特定事業計画作り、重大科技特定事業の実施、産業チェーンの完備、技術標準や産業参 入許可の完備、市場化応用の推進、地方計画の指導など六つの面から戦略的新興産業を育 成し、発展する予定だという。 工業・情報化部は重点的にハイテク設備製造、新素材、省エネ、新エネルギー自動車、も ののインターネット、集積回路、太陽光発電、海洋事業設備、航空工業、バイオ医薬など 重点分野の特別事業計画を作り、関連計画の実施を進めるという。 工業・情報化部は現在取り組んでいる NC 工作機械及び基礎製造設備、大型航空機、次世 代ブロードバンド無線モバイル通信、月探査プロジェクト、高解像度地面観測システムな どの重点科学技術特別事業の実施と結び付け、核心となる技術の突破を早め、自主的知的 財産権を取得し、重大技術成果の産業化を促進し、戦略的新興産業の発展をサポートする 予定だ。 工業・情報化部は第 4 世代モバイル通信技術 TD-LTE、もののインターネット、新エネル ギー自動車、大気と水汚染対策設備、新海・海洋工程設備、大型航空機及び付帯設備など の重点産業チェーンをめぐり、産業チェーンのグレードアップを組織・実施し、制約を突 破し、産業チェーンの完備を果たし、先進的規模的な生産能力を育てる予定だという。 工業・情報化部はさらにもののインターネット、新エネルギー自動車、三網融合、クラウ ド・コンピューティングなどの標準全体フレームワークの研究と重要標準の作成を強化し、 新エネルギー自動車などのプロジェクトと製品の融合管理を完備し、計画、政策、標準の 調整及び配合を強化し、新興産業の発展を推し進めるための力にするという。 工業・情報化部は現在の実証実験モデルプロジェクトを統括し、「ブロードバンド中国」、 智能製造、素材の更新、三網融合、物のインターネット、新エネルギー自動車などの重点 産業応用モデルプロジェクトの実施を推し進め、消費パタンの転換をリードし、市場を積 極的に育成し、重点分野の産業化と市場化の応用を早める予定だという。 工業・情報化部は各地に対し、国家新興工業化産業モデル基地を頼りにするようにと指導 し、優位性のある地方戦略的新興産業モデル基地を建設するという。 新華ネット 2011-03-31 <市場動向> 30 チャイナユニコム 常小兵取締役:今年中国は 3G 時代の転換点を迎える チャイナユニコム取締役の常小兵氏は 28 日に行われた 2011 中国(深セン)IT リーダー 会議で「今年中国は 3G の初期時期から急速に発展する時代に突入する。」と述べた。 2010 年第四四半期、中国の 3G スマート端末の出荷量は伝統的な端末をはるかに超え、個 人パソコンの出荷量をも超えていた。スマート携帯の消費増加ブームが未だに続いている。 2011 年 2 月末まで、国内の 3G 携帯消費は累計 5853 万台に達し、スマート携帯は 2300 万 台となり、3G 携帯市場の 4 割近くを占めている。「今年年末まで、スマート携帯は 3G 端 末の 67%を占めるようになり、2011 年と 2012 年のモバイル通信市場はスマート携帯の市 場だろう」と予想されている。 常小兵氏はさらに、2010 年中国基礎電信企業は電信収入付加価値 2175 億元実現し、主要 営業に占める割合は 42%となった。付加価値収入の中で、モバイルデーター容量の付加 価値は 1947 億元であり、全体量の 90%を占めているという。 東方早報 2011-03-29 <企業動向> チャイナモバイルは TD-LTE ネット作りの第一候補のカバーエリアを繁華地域に チャイナモバイルは TD-LTE 実験網を間もなく着工し、主にデーター測定業務に使用する 予定で、室内と室外ネットカバーの技術測定を含むという。チャイナモバイルはまず五つ の都市で TD-LTE 実験網を作り、5 社の TD-LTE 設備入網許可証を獲得したメーカーはそれ ぞれ一か所の都市建設を担当し、それぞれの都市で 200 か所のステーションを作る予定だ という。5 社のシステム設備メーカーは五つの都市での TD-LTE ネットワーク作りの許可 を獲得したばかりにもかかわらず、計画はすでに完成し、一部のメーカーはすでに設備を 投入し始めたという。 今の技術測定は主にデーター業務の測定である。それは今の段階での TD-LTE 端末は TD-LTE データーカードしかなく、TD-LTE 携帯がないからである。チャイナモバイル TD-LTE のこれからのモバイルブロードバンドネットワーク作りは現在の 2G ネットワーク GSM 及 び 3G ネットワーク TD-SCDMA の基礎の上で行う予定であり、これによりネットワークの順 調かつシームレスな移行を実現することができるだろう。 チャイナモバイルは TD-LTE 実験網が大規模かつ連続なカバーを求めている。それゆえ、 各モデル都市は都市中心の繁華地域を選び、大規模なカバーを行っているという。 Sina 科技 2011-03-29 Baidu 副総裁の朱光氏:認可されていない作品はアップロード不可能に 31 3 月 28 日午後、Baidu 副総裁の朱光氏はインタービューを受け、権限侵害のトラブルに巻 き込まれた Baidu 文庫に関して以下のように述べた。「権限を獲得していない本に関して は、技術でユーザーに本のアップロードをできなくすることはこれからのやるべき第一歩 である」。 「その次は、権限付与を前提に版権を持っている側とウィンウィンの協力関係を 結び、これらの作品が Baidu 文庫で生き延びていくようにする」という。Baidu 文庫はこ れまでの審査は事後処理という原則を適用していた。3 月 28 日夜までに、版権トラブル により、Baidu 文庫の文学類作品は 280 万部から 102 万部までに減少したという。 財新網 2011-03-29 レノボグループ:メモリーチップの供給不足で楽 Pad の供給に影響 レノボグループの副総裁陳旭東氏によると、日本で巨大地震が発生した後メモリーチップ の供給が不足しており、レノボが新しく出した楽 Pad タブレット PC の供給に影響するだ ろうと予想されている。レノボは 3 月 28 日に中国で楽 Pad タブレット PC を販売し始め、 アップルの iPad などの同類製品との競争に取り組み始めたという。 Sohu IT 2011-03-29 奇虎 360 上場初日の終値は 34 ドルで 134.5%上昇 奇虎 360 はアメリカニューヨーク株式市場に上場した初日の終値は 34 ドルにも達し、始 値は 27 ドルで、19.5 ドルも上がり、14.5 ドルの発行価額より 134.45%も増加した。市場 価値は 39.56 億ドルに達し、Sohu の 33.26 憶ドルを超えたという。 Sina 科技 2011-03-31 郭可尊氏は神州デジタルネットワークの取締役に就任 神州デジタルは元 AMD 大中華地域総裁の郭可尊氏を神州デジタルネットワーク(北京)有 限公司の取締役に迎え、神州デジタル自主ブランド業務の戦略計画及び長期業務発展に取 り組む予定だという。これまで、郭氏は中国国家智能計算機研究センターの副主任、中国 科学院計算所の副研究員、モトローラ中国研究院院長、デジタル基礎中国実験室主任、AMD グローバルシニア副総裁兼大中華地域総裁を歴任したという。 計世網 2011-04-02 レノボグループと蘇寧電気は多項目に渡る戦略協力協議を結んだ レノボグループと蘇寧電気は近日南京でモバイルインターネット戦略協力サイン式を行 った。双方はモバイルインターネットおよびデジタル家庭業務の面で多項目に渡る戦略協 力協議を結び、近頃 10 万台の楽 Pad を販売するとの目標をも定めたという。 Sina 科技 2011-03-31 32 エリクソンはヨーロッパで中興通信を特許権侵害として起訴した 北京 4 月 2 日の情報によると、エリクソンは競争相手中興通信を起訴し、中興通信が自分 の技術特許権を侵害したと主張した。 エリクソンの主張によると、中興通信は特許許可協議の調印を拒否した。この協議による と、中興通信はエリクソンというスウェーデンのグループに特許権使用料を払わなければ ならないと決められている。これはエリクソンが初めて特許権侵害で中国の競争相手に法 律な手段を使うという。 エリクソンはすでにイギリス、イタリヤ、ドイツで中興通信を権利侵害として起訴したと 発表した。 Sina 科技 2011-04-02 <技術動向> 去年中国大陸地域の発明特許取得に北京は第二位 近日、国家知識産権局は大陸地域の発明特許取得 2010 年トップ 10 の省(区、市)と副省 レベル都市及びトップ 10 の企業を発表した。北京の発明特許取得量は 11209 件に達し、 中国大陸地域の第二位だという。 近年、中国の特許の質は向上し、国内発明特許取得量が海外ほど多くないという現象も根 本的に変化した。2010 年度の発明特許取得に関しては、国内が 59.3%で、6 割近くを占 めているという。 中国の「第 12 次 5 カ年計画」では、1万人当たりの発明特許保有量に関する計画を定め ており、2015 年に 1 万人当たりの発明特許保有量は 2010 年の 1.7 件から 3.3 件までに引 き上げる予定だという。 北京商報 2011-03-30 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 4 月 25 日号) <IT 政策> 戦略新興産業 外資参入可 近日、国務院法制弁公室は新たに修正した「外資系投資産業指導目録「意見収集版」」を 公開し、外資系が中国の戦略新興産業への投資を奨励する内容を記載したという。 33 意見収集版によると、外資系投資を案内するための指導目録は戦略的新興産業と関連する プロジェクトを大量に増加する予定である。例えば、増やす予定の IPv6に基づく次世代 インターネットシステム設備、末端設備、監視設備、ソフトウェア、チップ開発と製造な どがある。これらは7大戦略的新興産業である次世代情報技術とハイレベル設備製造に属 する。 中国経済時報 2011-04-08 工業・情報化部は戦略新興産業を詳しく説明:IT はメイン力 国務院が去年発表した「戦略的新興産業の育成発展を早める決定」の中に戦略的新興産業 の増加値は国内総生産に占める割合は 8%前後に達しており、2020 年に戦略的新興産業の 増加値を GDP に占める割合の 15%前後に引き上げる予定だと工業・情報化部の周子学氏 は述べた。 周子学氏によると、おおざっぱに計算すれば、2010 年戦略的新興産業は GDP に占める割 合が 4%(その中、次世代情報技術産業がおよそ 2.5%)、上にのべた目標を実現させる には、戦略的新興産業は 2011-2015 年の間、24.1%の年平均成長率を実現し、2016-2020 年までに 21.3%の年平均成長率を実現しなければならない。国民経済の柱産業の次世代 情報技術、省エネ環境保護、生物、ハイレベル設備製造産業の成長速度はこのスピードを さらに上回るだろうという。 周子学氏によると、次世代情報技術は中国の戦略的新興産業の主力である。産業関連の角 度から見れば、IT 産業は省エネ環境保護、新材料、新エネルギー、新エネルギー自動車、 ハイレベル設備製造などの他の戦略的新興産業との関係が非常に緊密であるという。 C114 2011-04-13 <国際連携> 中国企業百社近くは韓国電子展覧会に 中韓両国商会は中小民間企業の「海外進出」を促し、積極的に経済の共栄の場を作ってい る。韓国知識経済部、韓国半導体産業協会、大韓貿易投資振興公社が共催での第 42 回 2011 韓国電子展覧会(KoreaElectronicGrandFair2011,略称 KEGF)は 2011 年 10 月 12 日-15 日 まで韓国の国際展覧センターで行われる予定である。主催側は近日深センで今回の電子展 覧会を説明・案内した。また、深セン市政府は団体で今回の KFGF に参加する予定であり、 展覧会に参加する中国企業が 100 社を超えるだろうと予想されている。 中華工商時報 2011 年 04 月 11 日 <市場動向> 全国 3G ユーザー 6190 万人突破 21 日、午前で開催された「2011 中国移動通信産業発展サミットフォーラム」において、 34 工業情報化部劉利華部長が次のように述べた。今年 3 月まで全国における電話ユーザー数 が 11 億 8000 万契約に昇り、そのうち携帯ユーザー数の占める割合が 75.2%に達した。ま た、3G と TD-SCDMA のユーザー数もそれぞれ累計で 6190 万と 2699 万になったという。 Sina テクノロジー 2011 年 4 月 21 日 2013 年中国における物聯網の市場規模 4896 億元へ CCID コンサルティング(中国語名:賽迪顧問)会社により開催された「戦略的新興産 業と成長型企業フォーラム」によると、2010 年中国における物聯網の市場規模が 1933 億 元であり、成長率が 61.1%にも達したという。また、同社は今後三年間にわたり、物聯網 の市場規模が成長率 30%以上を維持し、2013 年には 4896 億元に昇ると予測している。 南方都市報 2011 年 4 月 21 日 <企業動向> 華為は 3 億ドルでブラジル研究センターを建設 4 月 13 日午前中情報によると、華為は月曜に 3 億ドルでブラジルサンパウロのカンピー ナス市で研究センターを作る予定だという。この計画は華為総裁の任正非氏がブラジル大 統領のルせフ氏と面会した時に発表したもので、華為はさらにいくつかのブラジルの大学 に 5000 万ドルの資金を提供し、パソコン設備を購入する予定である。 華為は 1999 年にブラジル市場に進出、主に電信ネットワーク分野に専念、現在カンピー ナスに既に一か所のトレーニングセンターを所有しているという。 Sina 科技 華為 2011 年 4 月 13 日 去年収入 1852 億 取締役会構造を公開 華為は本日 2010 年年間報告を発表した。年間報告によると、2010 年華為の売り上げ収入 は 1852 億元であり、前年同期比 24.2%。純利益は 238 億元で、純利益率は 12.8%である。 2010 年 12 月 31 日に華為が所有している使用可能なキャッシュフローは 381 億元である。 華為は年間報告の中に初めてすべての取締役会、監査役会メンバーリスト、履歴、写真を 載せていた。初めて未来志向の管理構造を公開し、キャリヤネットワーク業務、企業業務、 末端業務及びその他業務の4大業務運営センターを設立して、それぞれ自分の経営管理団 体(EMT)を設置。それぞれはユーザーのニーズに合わせて目標、評価、管理運営メカニ ズムを決め、統一された会社の場でそれぞれ違う運営と経営管理を行うという。 華為はさらに初めて支部(区域、業務)の財務データを発表した。 1)国内市場売り上げは 648 億元、前年同期比 9.7%、海外市場売り上げは 1204 億元、前 年同期比 33.8%増 35 2)電信ネットワーク関連売り上げ収入は 1229 億元に達し、前年同期比 23%増 3)2010 年、グローバルサービスで売り上げ収入 315 億元、前年同期比 28.6%増 4)華為の末端製品の出荷量は 1.2 億台となり、売り上げ 308 億元、前年同期比 24.9%増 であり、アメリカと日本での増加幅は 100%を超えている。 企業業務に関しては、華為は電子政府、金融、エネルギー、教育、小売などの業界への投 入を拡大した。さらに、末端業務に於いては、モバイルインターネット応用の建設をメイ ンにし、オーペンのビジネスクラウド、使いやすいマネージメントクラウド及びユビキタ ス末端を三つのポイントにした。クラウドコンピューティングにおいて、ソリューション を発表し、それぞれの業界応用のクラウドコンピューティングへの移行を促した。 Sina 2011-04-18 Acer 中国区総裁:今はタブレット PC 参入の時期 近日、北京で会社初のタブレット PC を公開した際に、Acer 中国区総裁の艾仁思氏は今が タブレット PC 市場に参入するいい時期だと語った。 彼によると、これはタブレット PC の OS と関連があるという。android の早期バージョン はスマートフォンにしか適用できなかった。Acer は公開されたばかりの Android3.0 OS を選び、世界のほかの PC メーカーより先にそれをタブレット PC に使用した。 艾仁思氏によると、Acer はこれからも様々のサイズの末端を公開するが、末端の販売に 留まらず、ビジネスモデルをも構築するという。 さらに艾仁思氏はタブレットが大きな市場であるが、今現在の業務中心となるのは依然と して主流のノートパソコンであると述べた。 第一財経日報 2011-04-18 <電子商取引> ネットショッピングに関する新しい規定:冷静期以内消費者は理由なしに注文をキャン セルすることができる 昨日に行われた 2011 第三者電子商取引プラットフォームサミットにおいて、商務部は「第 三者電子電子商取引プラットフォームサービス規定」を発表した。規定では「プラットフ ォーム経営者が冷静期制度を設置するのを奨励し、消費者が冷静期以内に理由なしに注文 をキャンセルすることができる」と明確に決めていた。さらに規定では「インターネット 第三者取引プラットフォームとプラットフォーム経営者が消費者に「売り手保証金」制度 を設けることを奨励。保証金制度は消費者の取引損失賠償に使われる。保証金の金額、使 用方法は事前に現地工商行政管理部門に登録し、公表する必要がある。」 36 商務部関係者はさらに次のように説明した。現在この規定は推奨(任意)規定であり、強 制的なものではない。「冷静期」制度は冷凍・新鮮なもの、食品、化粧品、薬品などの業 界には適応されない。関連プラットフォーム経営者は具体的な状況に基づき冷静期の設置 を決めることができる。長期的に考えれば、冷静期制度の設置は取引トラブルの減少につ ながり、プラットフォーム経営者のイメージ作りに良い影響があり、中国の電子商取引の 健全なる発展を促進するだろう予想される。 北京晨報 2011 年 04 月 13 日 第 1 四半期電子商取引金額は 1.5 億元、前期比で 7.6%増 iResearch コンサルティングの最新統計によると、2011 年度第 1 四半期(Q1)中国電子商 取引市場の全体取引金額は 1.5 億元である。前期比 7.6%で、成長率は前四半期よりやや 落ちた。分析によると、主に季節的な影響であり、第 1 四半期は内外貿易及び個人消費業 界の従来のオフシーズンだという。 企業間の電子商取引は依然として電子商取引市場のメインとなり、その中の中小企業の B2B 取引規模は 49.2%を占めている。ネットショッピング市場及び航空券・ホテルオンラ イン予約市場も比較的に急成長している業界である。Q1ネットショッピング(実物類が メイン)の取引規模は電子商取引全体市場に占める割合は 11.1%となる。航空券・ホテ ルの取引も電子商取引全体市場に占める割合が 1.4%を占めるようになった。 北京商報 2011-04-18 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 5 月6日号) <情報化機関> 国家インターネット情報弁公室設立へ 5 月 4 日、中国国務院弁公庁が国家インターネット情報弁公室設立に関する通知を公布 した。通知では当弁公室の主な職責として以下の点を挙げている:インターネットにおけ る情報伝達の方針及び政策の実行、情報公開に関する法的な整備の推進、関係官庁による インターネット情報コンテンツの管理を強化するための指導・調整・勧告、インターネッ トにおけるニュース業務及びその他の関連業務の審査・認可並びに日常の監督管理、管轄 機関によるオンラインゲームや映像の配受信、ネット出版などインターネット文化分野の 業務配置計画への指導、関係官庁と調整し、健全なネット環境を作るための計画と実施へ の協力、大手ニュースサイトの企画・運営、ネットによる広報活動の組織・推進、法令に 違反したサイトの調査・処分、電気通信企業、接続サービス企業、ドメイン名の登録・管 理機関に対しドメイン登録・IP アドレスの配分・サイト必須情報の届出・接続等の基礎 管理業務への指導、並びに職責の範囲内で全国各地のインターネット関連官庁の業務への 指導。 また新たに国家インターネット情報弁公室を設けず、国務院新聞弁公室に看板を掲げる。 37 なお、同弁公室の王晨主任と銭小芊副主任がそれぞれ同情報弁公室の主任と副主任に任命 され、工業情報化部の奚国華副部長と公安部の張新楓副部長が兼職副主任に就任するとい う。 新華網 2011-05-04 <市場動向> 第一四半期中国電子情報産業は 1440 億元の投資を完成 工業・情報化部は本日「2011 年第一四半期中国電子情報産業固定資産投資状況」を発表 した。2011 年第一四半期の電子情報産業固定資産投資は前年下半期に続き、高成長を示 した。500 万元以上のプロジェクトは 1440 億元の投資を完成、前年同期比 82.4%増とな った。増加率は前年同期を 53.6 ポイント上回り、同期工業投資成長率を 57.8 ポイントも 上回っているという。 第一四半期の電子情報製造業の 11 業界の投資成長率すべてが 35%を超え、電子デバイス、 電子部品、情報機械・電子設備業界への投資額はそれぞれ 382.3、262.4 と 313.7 億元で、 合計額は全業界に占める割合は 66.5%だという。光電器デバイス及び新エネルギー電池 は投資における最大の分野となり、投資額は 200 億元を超え、成長率が 100%を超えてい るという。 第一四半期、内資系企業は 1043 億元の投資を完成し、前年同期比 104.5%増となり、業 界全体に占める割合(72%)は前年同期を 8 ポイント上回った。その中での民間企業の成 長が特に著しく、前年同期比 140%増であった。香港・マカオ・台湾と外資企業もそれぞ れ 151 及び 246 億元の投資を完成し、それぞれの前年同期比は 32.7%と 48.5%であり、 成長率は前年同期をそれぞれ 6.3 と 36.5 ポイントを上回っていた。 中国通信網 2011-04-26 中国ソフトウェア産業第一四半期収入 3454 億元 前年同期比 27%増 工業・情報化部は本日「2011 年第一四半期中国ソフトウェア産業経済運営状況」を発表 した。2011 年第一四半期の中国ソフトウェア産業の収入は 3454 億元で、前年同期比 27% 増となった。成長スピードは前年同期を 1.3 ポイント上回った。 第一四半期、全国のソフトウェア輸出は 67.5 億ドル、前年同期比 24.3%増、成長率は前 年同期を 2.6 ポイントも上回り、その中のソフトウェアアウトソーシングサービス輸出は 10.6 億ドル、前年同期比 50.9%増、成長率は前年同期を 24.9 ポイント上回っているとい う。 中国通信網 2011-04-26 <企業動向> 38 チャイナユニコム 収入大幅増加 利潤大幅下落 両方が記録更新に チャイナユニコムは 26 日の午後に今年第一四半期財政報告を発表した。チャイナユニコ ムの第一四半期の営業収入は 490.3 億元であり、その中の通信サービス収入は 432.2 億元 である。固定電話の設置費用が収入決算を遅延させたなどの影響を引き除くと、営業収入 と通信サービス収入はそれぞれ前年同期より 21.2%と 11.9%増加した。チャイナユニコ ムの収入の前年同期よりの増加速度は再編後の記録を更新した。再編以来、収入の前年同 期よりの成長率はずっと 12%を下回っていたという。 しかし、第一四半期の税引前利益は 2.3 億元で、純利益は 1.7 憶元であり、一株当たりの 利益は 0.0007 元で、調整後の純利益は 1.5 億元で、前年同期比 86.5%減だという。 これに関して、チャイナユニコムは次のように説明した。 「3G 業務が運営初期にあるため、 減価償却や償却、ネットワーク運営及びそれをサポートするコストと販売費用、とりわけ 3G 末端補助費用の急速な増加などは第一四半期の利益増に大きなプレッシャーをかけて きた。」 業界内では、これがチャイナユニコムのただ一時的な苦しみであり、長期的には非常に有 利な状況にあるという。3G ユーザーの数が増えれば、その後の力も発揮し始めるだろう し、収入の前年同期比 20%増もチャイナユニコムの 3G 戦略の大きな成功を語っていると いう。発表によると、チャイナユニコム 3G 業務第一四半期の毎月のユーザー当たり(ARPU) からの収入は 117.2 元であり、すなわち、チャイナユニコムの 3G ユーザーは価値を非常 に潜んでいるユーザーであると分かる。 Sina 科技 2011-04-27 漢王赤字 4 月 18 日に漢王科技(002362.SZ)は 2011 年度第一四半期の業績に関して、およそ 4000 万 元-5000 万元の赤字が出るだろうと発表した。原因について、漢王科技は次のように説明 した。電子書籍産業は iPad を代表とするタブレット PC などの商品から打撃を受け、電子 書籍市場の競争も日増しに激しくなり、漢王科技などの全体電子書籍産業が厳しい挑戦に 直面しているという。 Sina 科技 2011-04-27 中国企業の対外直接投資累計 2600 億ドル 中国国際貿易促進委員会副会長の董松根氏は昨日に行われた第五回中国企業グローバル 投資シンポジウムで発表し、近年中国企業の「海外進出」が非常にハイテンポで、2010 年末まで、中国企業の対外直接投資は累計で 2600 億ドルに達しているという。中国の対 外開放戦略も「海外導入」から「海外進出」との調合に変わりつつあるという。 国家発展改革委員会外資司司長の孔令龍氏によると、中国企業が投資した地域と国が既に 39 177 か所に達し、海外でも 1.3 万社の企業を設立、現在の年間投資規模は 600 億ドル近く になり、世界で第五位、発展途中国ではトップの座を誇っているという。 北京商報 2011-04-28 中国移動通信の社員 賄賂 10 万元要求 処刑へ 中国移動通信研究院業務開拓部の張光海副総経理が他の会社と技術サービスの契約を 結ぶ際、借金名義で当会社の代表に 10 万元を要求・収受したとして、2 日に北京市第一 中級裁判所が収賄の罪で張氏を 11 年の有期懲役に処したという。 京華時報 2011 年 5 月 3 日 華為・中興によるパテント所有権争奪戦に 工業情報化部介入へ エリクソンとの訴訟に解決口が見えないまま、今度中興通信が華為通信に再びパテント 所有権の裁判を持ちかけられた。 4 月 28 日、華為通信がパテント所有権と商標権が侵害されたとして、ドイツ、フラン ス、ハンガリーで中興通信に対し訴訟を提出した。それに答え、29 日中興が第四世代移 動通信システム(LTE)における重要なパテントの一部が華為通信に侵害されたとし、中 国で訴訟請求を申し出た。両社による知的所有権の争奪戦は、実は市場競争の激化の現れ とも見られている。 工業情報化部が既に今回の訴訟戦に介入し、協商で解決できるよう華為通信の陳黎芳役 員と面談する予定だという。 南方都市報 2011 年 5 月 4 日 2010 年中国家電メーカー6社の総売上 サムスンに太刀打ちできない 韓国サムスン電子の財務報告によると、2010 年売上高が 154 兆 6300 億ウオン(約 9131 億元)であったという。 これに対し、2010 年中国六大家電メーカーの売上高はそれぞれ青島ハイアール 606 億 元、美的電気 746 億元、格力電気 608 億元、四川長虹 417 億元、TCL グループ 519 億元、 康佳 171 億元であり、サムスン電子に占める割合はそれぞれ 6.6%、8.2%、6.7%、4.6%、 5.7%、1.9%である。6社合計でサムスンの三分の一に達することから、両者の差が伺え る。 『中国家電工業第十二次 5 ヵ年計画に関する意見』において、次のように書かれた。国 外のトップ家電メーカーと比べれば、中国メーカーの大部分は独自開発への投入が依然と して不足し、創新能力とコア技術が欠けている。商品の付加価値が低く、独自性が足りな いため、国外一流企業と比べればハイエンド商品の競争力が比較的に低い。 毎日経済新聞 2011 年 5 月 4 日 40 <IT 人材> 工業情報化部 莫玮を弁公庁主任、肖華を企画司司長任命へ 近日、工業情報化部が人事変動の公告を公表した。それによると、劉利華に継ぎ莫玮が 弁公庁主任に、肖華が莫玮に継ぎ企画司司長にそれぞれ任命されたという。莫氏は広西省 情報産業局局長、中国電子技術標準化研究所所長、工業情報化部企劃司司長を歴任し、肖 氏は元電子情報司司長であった。 Sina テクノロジー テンセント 2011 年 5 月 3 日 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 5 月 24 日号) <IT 政策> 廃棄電気製品処理基金 PC が 1 台 10 元 「廃棄電気電子製品回収処理管理条例」は 2011 年 1 月 1 日に正式に実施された。「条例」 の重要付属法規として、「廃棄電気電子製品処理基金徴収使用管理方法」がまだ作成中に あるという。 現在、「管理方法」が未だに意見聴取の段階にあり、現在まとめられた意見募集稿三回目 改正案には、これまで定められた回収基準を引き下げるという。第 1 弾「廃棄電気電子製 品処理リスト」に組み込まれた回収範囲の新基準は次のようになる。テレビ 15 元/台、冷 蔵庫 12 元/台、洗濯機 7 元/台、エアコン 7 元/台、コンピューター10 元/台。この中に、 資源の総合利用や無害化処理に有利なデザインを使用した電気製品、及び環境にやさしい 材料を使った電気製品に関しては、回収基金を少なくする政策を適用するという。 中国ハイテク技術産業導報 2011-05-16 ソフトウェア第十二次五カ年計画遅くて 9 月に公布され 合併・買収と再編が普通化へ 工業・情報化部ソフトウェアサービス業司司長の陳偉氏は 2011 年ソフトウェア博覧会に 出席する際に次のように述べた。「ソフトウェアサービス業の「第十二次五カ年計画」は 遅くて今年の 9 月に公布される予定で、今はすでに考察・論証段階に入っている」という。 また、「第十二次五カ年計画」期間中にソフトウェア業界への政策補助は今までの一般特 恵制度から大型企業への育成へと転換させる。さらに、陳偉氏の紹介によると、「これか らは収入額トップ 100 の企業への管理をきっかけに、企業の小から大へ、弱から強への転 換を果たせてもらう」。2010 年、ソフトウェア業界トップ 100 社の企業は累計 2900 億元 の収入額を成し遂げ、利益 553 億元を獲得し、国家計画重点企業枠に 240 社が仲間入りし、 2005 年より 83 社も増えたという。 情報によると、「第十二次五カ年計画」に定められたソフトウェアサービス業の目標は 41 2015 年まで、収入の年平均成長率が 20%を超え、電子情報業界に占める収入割合が 20% を上回り、年収 100 億を超える企業を 10 社ほど育成するという。 業界内研究員によると、ソフトウェアサービス業界の合併・買収及び再編がこれから普通 化されるだろうという。 中国証券報-中証ネット 2011-05-13 <市場動向> 2010 年中国個人 PC の 78%が海賊版ソフトを使用 商業ソフトウェア連盟と IDC は本日「2010 年世界 PC パッケージソフト海賊版研究」報告 を発表した。報告によると、2010 年アジア太平洋地域の個人コンピューターに取り付け られた認可されなかったソフトウェアの商業価値が 187 億ドルに達したという。中国では、 個人 PC に取り付けられたソフトウェアの 78%が海賊版であり、2009 年を 1 ポイント下回 っているが、海賊版ソフトウェアの商業価値は 77.79 億ドルであるという。 報告によると、世界海賊版ソフトウェアの商業価値は記録更新の 590 億ドルにも達し、 2003 年の初報告発表時の 2 倍にもなっているという。2010 年に調査された 116 の地域で は、半分の地域の海賊版率が 62%を超え、世界のソフトウェア海賊版率が 42%であるとい う。 Sina 科技 2011-05-12 中関村去年売り上げ 280 億だが 電子商取引から大きな衝撃を受ける 中関村電子製品貿易商会は前日 2010 年度中関村電子製品白書を発表した。白書によると、 中関村 IT 販売店の 2010 年電子製品売り上げは 280 億元に達し、2009 年の 220 億元より 27%も増加したという。 データによると、2010 年、鼎好、海竜と E 世界の 3 大販売店の売り上げは中関村 IT 関係 売り上げ総額の 68%を占めているという。 京東商城を代表とする電子商取引は 2010 年に目覚ましい発展を遂げ、中関村の IT 販売に 大きな衝撃を与えたと同時に、国美、大中、蘇寧の 3C 販売エリアも電子製品の市場シェ アを一部分割しているという。 さらに、中国新聞網の情報によると、太平洋デジタルビルティングは 6 月末に閉店する予 定だという。 北京日報 2011-05-16 中国新聞網 2011-05-14 42 <企業動向> 金山 Office Android のベタバージョンが一般公開 国内オフィスソフトの金山オフィスソフトウェアが本日 Kingsoft Office Android のベタ バージョンを一般公開した。 Kingsoft Office Android バージョンは Android2.1 及びそれ以上の OS で使用することが でき、doc/wps/txt などの形のファイルの閲覧と編集をもサポート。新しいバージョンは さらに docx とのコンパチビリティを強化、マイクロソフト xls/ppt 方式へのサポートを 機能に増やす予定だという。 金山オフィスソフトモバイル弁公部ディレクターの王暉氏によると、「Kingsoft Office Android バージョンは Android 携帯ユーザー及びタブレット PC ユーザーの「いつでもど こでもオフィス」というニーズを満たすことができる」という。 さらなる情報によると、Kingsoft Office Android バージョンは有料製品であり、「現段 階では Android バージョンの閲覧機能は無料で、編集保存機能は有料である」という。 Sina 科技 2011 年 05 月 11 日 漢王科技はルート会議を開き 電子書籍の値下げ幅は 40%を超える 国内電子書籍企業の漢王科技は今日全国代理業者大会を開き、漢王傘下にある製品の大幅 な値下げを発表した。その値下げ幅は 40%をも超えるという。 漢王科技は前日次のようにコメントした。競争に対応し、電子書籍の巨大な個人消費市場 を起動させるため、漢王は個人消費向けの電子書籍製品の単価を大幅に引き下げ、会社が コンテンツサービスや情報サービスの方向への転換を促進する予定だという。 Sina 科技 2011-05-13 <IT 振興> 海南島ソフトウェアパーク 六つの大規模プロジェクトが調印へ 昨日午後、海南島ソフトウェアパークプロモーション会・調印式は深センで行われ、六つ の大規模プロジェクトが現場で調印し、投資総額が 5.5 億人民元に達しているという。 海南島ソフトウェアパークは海南省の省レベル発展戦略の重要な一部であり、海南島が電 子情報産業、ハイテク技術産業及び文化イノベーション産業を発展するための重要な媒体 であると言われている。 今回のプロモーション会に 40 社余りの電子情報及び文化企業が殺到し、その中の 6 社が 43 海南島ソフトウェアパークと協力協議を結んだという。 深セン商報 2011-05-13 <IT インフラ> 上海 6 月に中国初の光ファイバー家庭への引き込み強制基準を公布 上海市政府は今年の 6 月に住宅建設に関する強制基準を発表し、光ファイバーの家庭への 強制引き込みをする予定だという。これは中国で初の光ファイバー強制引き込み基準とな るという。 上海市通信業界協会によると、「知恵都市」、「都市光ファイバーネットワーク」の建設の 中に、たくさんの問題が潜んでいる。そのため、上海市政府は光ファイバーの家庭への強 制引き込みを推進し、住宅建設の強制基準にすると決めた。 情報によると、上海電信はすでに上海市の 12 の区・県と情報化戦略協力協議を結び、都 市の光ファイバーネットワーク建設を共同で推し進めることを決めた。今年 5 月 17 日ま でに、上海電信「都市光ファイバーネットワーク」建設が既に 300 万世帯をカバーし、さ らに 60 万世帯に光ファイバーを引き込んだという。第十二次五カ年計画の間、上海電信 は 900 万世帯を光ファイバーネットワークでカバーし、450 万世帯に光ファイバーを引き 込む予定である。こうすることにより、上海ブロードバンド速度が平均 50 兆に達すると 予想される。 C114 2011-05-20 <電子商取引> ウォールマートが買収戦略で間接的にネットショッピングに参入 ウォールマート百貨有限公司は先週金曜日に次のように発表した。ウォールマートはすで に 1 号店持ち株会社の一部株を購入すると合意し、60 日以内に取引を完成させる予定だ という。 1 号店は 2008 年に成立し、そのオンライン食品の売り上げ及び母子製品、電子製品、洋 服などの種類の品がネット消費市場でも重要な割合を占めている。現在、一号店は上海、 北京及び広州で倉庫保管物流システムを整備しており、注文した次の日に配達するという サービス以外、近日上海では半日で届くというサービスをも開通。関連資料によると、1 号店去年の売り上げは 8.05 億元に達し、月平均増加幅は 28%であるという。 ウォールマート百貨有限公司の副取締役、ウォールマート世界電子商取引業務及び世界調 達 CEO の Eduardo Castro-Wright によると、1 号店への投資により、ウォールマートは電 子商取引市場に参入し、多ルートの小売商になることを志しているという。 北京商報 2011-05-16 44 特急便業務収入は去年 20%増加 近日、国家郵便局のオフィシャルサイトに 2010 年郵便業界発展統計公報が公開され、公 報によると、去年全年に渡る郵便業務収入が 1276.8 億元を実現し、前年同期比 16.6%増 加したという。その中では、特急便業務が急速に伸び、特急便従業員、特急便自動車、特 急便サービスステーションなどが急増したが、特急便の平均単価が 1.2 元/件も下がった。 公表によると、去年全年に渡る小包業務量が 6642.5 万件にも達し、前年同期比 8.1%減少 したが、特急便業務が急速に伸び、一年間全国規模以上の特急便サービス企業の業務量は 23.4 億件になり、小包業務量の 40 倍にもなる。そして、特急便業務の収入が 574.6 億元 に達し、前年同期比 20.0%増となり、前年末を 2.7 ポイントも上回ったという。 京華時報 2011-05-16 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 6 月 7 日号) <IT 政策> 国家重大科技特別プロジェクトが実施開始 328 億元の予算支持 近日に行われた中国石油・化工設備産業発展フォーラムにおいて、科技部の関係責任者は 次のように述べた。電子と情報、バイオと医薬、エネルギーと環境保護、先進製造、国防 技術と設備など五つの重点分野をカバーする 16 の国家重大科技特別プロジェクトは近日 全面的に実施を開始し、中央財政はこのため既に 328 億元の予算を組んで支持していると いう。 また、現在科技部はさらに「第 12 次 5 カ年計画」国家科技サポート計画プロジェクトの 作成をスタートした。各業界協会がプロジェクトの申請を行い初め、申請受付締め切り日 は 6 月 20 日だという。 経済参考報 2011-05-31 中関村電子製品売り場の海龍・鼎好は個人経営を淘汰する予定 昨日、海淀区政府は次のように発表した。今年度内に、海龍、鼎好などのビルの商業面積 を 50%以下までに縮小させるという。中関村西区の商業調整計画の中に、初めて明確に ローエンド的なビジネス形式の加入を禁止すると定めた。その中には小規模な電子製品の メンテナンスと販売、ローエンド的なアパレル店舗、及びローエンド的なレストランなど が含まれる。販売店は今後徐々にブランド化し、従来の販売以外、展示、コンサルティン グ、体験などのサービスも盛り込まれる予定。とりわけ展示という機能を強めるべきだと 言われる。ローエンド的なビジネス形式の撤回であけた空間に科技金融、科技仲介、ハイ 45 テク企業、文化イノベーションなどのハイエンド的な要素業態形式を入れる予定だという。 それと同時に、来年度以内に、中関村のショッピングセンタービジネス面積を最小 3 万平 米を減少させ、再来年また 2 万平米を縮小、2015 年に 10 万平米までに縮小させる予定だ。 また、文化背景のあるレジャー文化企業の特色町づくりへの参入を引き付ける予定だとい う。 新京報 中国 2011-05-30 電動自転車に使用規制をかけ 配達業に大きな影響を 近日、国家公安部、工業・情報化部、国家工商行政管理総局、国家品質監督検査検疫総局 など四つの機関が共同で文書を発表し、電動自転車産業への是正を要求し、現在使用され ている「基準超過」の電動自転車を淘汰すると決めた。是正要求によると、時速 30km/h 以上の電動自転車は電動バイクに分類されるという。 さらに、北京などの地域では電動車や三輪車への検査と処罰レベルをも高めたという。 5 月 30 日、深セン市交通運輸委員会のオフィシャルサイトによると、6 月 6 日から 12 月 5 日まで、深センのほとんどの地域では電動自転車の使用が禁止された。この禁止令が発 表されると、全国の配達配送の「最後の一キロ」に関する激しい論争が引き起こされた。 配達コンサルティングネットの首席分析者の徐勇氏によると、電動自転車は現在配達会社 の「最後の一キロ」に最も主要な交通手段であり、もし「電動自転車禁止令」が画一的に 執行され、配達業界に対し、融通をきかせなかったら、深センの配達貨物が大量に積り、 全国の配達ネットワークに大きなマイナス影響を及ぼすだろうと予想されている。 また、物流会社を持っている電子商取引企業も相次いでプレッシャーが大きいと表明。京 東商城の首席執行官の劉強東氏は昨日ツイッターで次のように述べた。禁止令のため、京 東商城はさらに多くの配送ステーションを借り、郵送範囲を縮小させなければならなくな る。賃金の大幅な値上げは配送効率の低下につながり、コストが一気に 40%も上昇する だろうという。 中国新聞網 2011-05-29 中国経営報 2011-05-30 毎日経済新聞 2011-05-31 <市場動向> 中国 クレジットカード発行枚数が 2.3 億に達する 中国銀行業協会が 30 日に発表した「中国クレジットカード産業発展青書」によると、2010 年末まで、国内のクレジットカード発行枚数は 2.3 億枚にも達し、前年度より 23.96%も 増えた。また、アクティブカード(使用さているカード)は 13158 万枚で、前年度より 37.42%増となった。アクティブ率は 62.31%で、去年を 10.71 ポイント上回った。 46 2010 年、中国のクレジットカード市場規模と業務規模は引き続き拡大し、クレジットカ ードの消費額は社会消費小売総額に占める割合が 32%となる。クレジットカードはすで に人々の日常生活におけるもっとも主要な非現金支払い手段となった。 中国証券報-中証ネット 2011-05-31 <企業動向> チャイナモバイル末端公司が間もなく発足 近日の情報によると、チャイナモバイルが作り上げようとしている末端調達・販売センタ ーは今年 8 月に正式に発足されるという。チャイナモバイルの鼑訊はチャイナモバイル末 端センターの運営主体となり、チャイナモバイルを使用する携帯、タブレット PC などの 末端製品の調達及び販売を取り扱う予定だという。 南方都市報 2011-05-31 Baidu はマイクロソフトと検索協力を 今日 Baidu の高級副総裁の沈皓瑜氏によると、Baidu はマイクロソフトと Bing 検索で協 力関係を結んだ。情報によると、Baidu とマイクロソフトは「Box computing」に関して、 協力を深め、Baidu は Bing の検索結果を使用し、英文データの検索の際に、捜索システ ムは Bing 検索システムを使用するという。 Sina 科技 2011-05-26 レノボ 2010-2011 の年度純利益は 2.73 億ドルで 112%増 レノボは 5 月 26 日に 2011 年 3 月 31 日までの 2010-2011 年度の財政業績を発表した。財 政報告によると、レノボ 2010-2011 年度の前年度売り上げが 216 億ドルで、全年税引前利 益が 3.58 億ドル、株主が占める利益はが 2.73 億ドルで、去年の 1.29 億ドルより 112% 増えたという。 Sina 科技 2011-05-27 レノボホルディングス 1.35 億香港ドルで中軟国際に資本注入 6 月 1 日情報によると、レノボグループの本社レノボホルディングスは OTC マーケットで の株式購入という形で中軟国際に資本注入した。注入した資金は 1.35 億香港ドルに達し ている。資本注入後、レノボホルディングスは中軟国際の 5.73%の株式を保有すること になる。 Sina 科技 2011-06-01 47 レノボ 3.4 億ドルでドイツ Medion37%の株を購入 レノボグループは今日 1 株 13 ユーロの価格でドイツの電子メーカーMedion36.66%の株を 購入した。取引総額は 2.31 億ユーロ(3.4 億ドル)である。取引完成後、レノボはドイ ツで占める市場シェアはさらいに倍増し、3大目のメーカーとなるという。ドイツはヨー ロッパ-で最大の個人パソコン市場である。 Sina 科技 2011-06-01 <電子商取引> 第 3 者決済営業許可証を獲得した企業第一弾が発表 社 全国 27 社がランクイン 上海に 10 中国人民銀行は 5 月 26 日に第一弾で「決済企業許可証」を獲得した企業のリストを公布 した。支払宝、財払通、易宝支払など 27 社の第 3 者支払企業が営業許可証を獲得した。 その中に上海にあるのは 10 社、3 分の 1 以上を占めているという。2011 年第一 4 半期、 国内の第 3 者インターネット決済での取引規模は 3650 億元であり、前年同期比 102.6% 増となる。統計によると、2010 年の第 3 者決済市場の全年取引規模は 11324 億元で、そ の中に上海の支払会社の取引額が占める割合は 18%前後である。 また、チャイナテレコム、チャイナユニコムとチャイナモバイルの 3 大キャリアがそれぞ れ決済会社を設立したが、いずれも許可証を獲得できなかった。 商務部ホームページ 2011-05-30 通信産業ネット 2011-05-30 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 6 月 24 日号) <IT 政策> 東莞 毎年 5 億で LED 産業をサポート 東莞市の LED 産業発展・応用促進モデル事業指導グループが起草した「東莞市 LED 産業発 展・応用促進モデルに関する規定実施細則(意見聴取稿)」は近日発表された。細則によ ると、これからの毎年に、 「科学技術東莞」プロジェクトにある 20 億元の特別資金から 5 億元を LED の産業発展に使用すると決められた。 LED 産業は東莞戦略の新興産業だと位置づけられている。LED 産業発展をサポートするた め、近日発表された実施細則は LED イノベーション型企業の認定、科学技術特別プロジェ クトの申請、製品認証及び測定、専門展覧会への出展、重大設備の購入、ハイレベル人材 48 の導入など九つの面からサポートする予定だという。 南方都市報 2011-06-23 <市場動向> 胡潤百富:中国観光客の買い物出費は年間 9 割増加 2011 年 6 月 14 日、胡潤百富はアジア国際豪華観光博覧(ILTM Asia)と共同で初め ての「中国豪華観光市場白書」を発表した。調査結果によると、中国大陸観光客が買 い物での出費が絶えず急速に成長し、2010 年は前年度より 91%も増え、2009 年の 50% をはるかに超えた。この前の 2008 年のデータはわずかの 19%だった。 さらに、報告によると、中国観光客が一番買っているのが腕時計、ジュエリーで、そ の次が洋服とオシャレなアクセサリーだという。 中国豪華観光市場の急速な発展は主に中国の新しい金持ちの急速な増加(中国の千万 長者はすでに 96 万に達した)と関係していて、彼らは豪華観光やぜいたく品へのニ ーズが高いという。さらに、人民元切り上げとビザ申請の便利化も豪華観光市場の発 展につながったという。 財新網 2011-06-14 情報産業商会会長張琪氏:中国毎年 5 億で物聯網(物のインターネット)をサポート 中国情報産業商会会長の張琪氏はソフトウェア・情報サービス業の政策・動向発表会 に次のように述べた。今年 4 月に財政部は工業情報化部と共同で物聯網特別プロジェ クトを公布し、毎年 5 億を投入し物聯網の発展をサポートすることを明らかにした。 物聯網特別プロジェクト基金の管理方法は 4 月 8 日に既に印刷し、公布したという。 また、張琪氏によると、物聯網応用の発展はすでに 18 年の歴史がある。RFID 技術の 応用から計算しても 8 年間立った。2010 年の RFID 市場規模は 121 億元で、2009 年の 85 億元より 43%も増加した。今年はさらに 50%も増え、およそ 180 億元に達する予 想されている。 Sina 科技 2011-06-17 2.35 億の中国人はソーシャルネットワークの利用を好む 開心網、人人網などのソーシャルネットワークは中国での人気がますます上昇。中網 咨詢(knet.cn)が発表した「2010 年中国ネチゼンのソーシャルワーク応用研究報告」 によると、2010 年 12 月まで、中国のソーシャルワークユーザー規模が 2.35 億人にも 達し、その中のアクティブユーザーは 1.5 億人、ユーザー者数は年間 5918 万人のス ピードで増加し、年成長率は 33.7%にも達しているという。 49 中国新聞網 2011-06-17 <企業動向> 神州デジタル全年度純利益は 2 割増 神州デジタルは財年業績報告を発表し、前年度神州デジタルは 568.04 億香港ドルを 獲得し、前年同期比 13.2%増であり、純利益 10.05 億香港ドルで、前年同期比 21.97% 増加したという。 最近の 1 年間、神州デジタル取締役会主席の郭為氏は「スマート都市戦略」のために 駆け回っていた。昨日郭為氏はまた次のように述べた。スマート都市は神州デジタル のこれからの戦略のポイントであると。さらに、神州デジタルはこれからの 5 年以内 に会社利益が倍増し、一千億元に達することを実現すると宣言した。 新京報 2011-06-16 レノボ総裁:ネットブックがまもなくなくなり タブレット PC に取って代わられる 6 月 16 日、レノボ総裁 COO の Rory Read 氏はインタービューに答える際に、次のよう に述べた。ネットブックが間もなくなり、これからの数カ月以内に、レノボは世界範 囲で 10 インチ Android タブレット PC をリリースするという。 この中、IdeaPad のタブレット PC は個人ユーザー向けに、ThinkPad のタブレット PC は企業ユーザー向けに商品設定をする予定だという。この 2 タイプの製品はいずれも ARM の CPU と Android Honeycomb のシステムを使用するという。 また、レノボはさらに今年度末に Windows のタブレット PC と 7 インチの Android タ ブレット PC をリリースする予定である。Rory Read 氏の予想によると、これからの三 年以内、タブレット PC はパソコン市場の 15%を占め、ネットブックを一気に超える という。 Sina 科技 2011-06-16 海輝ソフトが亜思晟研修機関を買収へ 海輝ソフト(Nasdaq:HSFT)は 16 日に大連ソフトウェア取引会で IT 人材研修機関で ある北京亜思晟商務科技有限公司を買収したと発表。海輝は既存の研修資源と亜思晟 の資源を統合し、「海輝亜思晟実践研修センター」を設立して、IT 研修分野に進出す る予定だという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-16 50 チャイナテレコムは中国国内の代理業者と共同で 4 千万の CDMA 端末を調達 本日に行われた「2011 年天翼 3G インターネット携帯取引会」で、チャイナテレコム は四つの国内代理業者及び国内外の多くの端末メーカーと端末調達確認書に調印し た。今回の調達は 4000 万部近くの CDMA 端末にも及ぶという。 情報によると、チャイナテレコムの天翼ユーザーは今年 4 月で 10310 万世帯にも達し たという。さらに、第三者調査研究会社の最新統計データによると、2011 年 1-5 月の 国内市場における CDMA 携帯売り上げは 2261 万台にも達し、 去年同期比 33%増であり、 二年連続の高成長となった。 また、チャイナテレコムは 2011 年 CDMA 端末市場 6000 万部の市場規模目標を掲げて いるという。 チャイナテレコムの関係責任者によると、現在、チャイナテレコムの 3G 携帯はテレ コム携帯全体の 50%を占め、3G 携帯の中でスマートフォンが 50%を占めていて、千 元の 3G スマートフォンが 3G スマートフォンの 60%-70%を占めているという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-17 <技術動向> 世界第 4 位スーパーコンピューターは深センに拠点を構える:1271 兆回/秒 国内初の実際測定機能が千万億回を超えるスーパーコンピューター曙光 6000 が深センス パコンセンターでの設置が急ピッチで進められている。設置後の 1-2 カ月の間に測定を行 う予定だという。測定内容にはシステムの安定性などがあり、下半期から運営テストを行 うことができ、年末に正式に稼働する予定だという。 曙光 6000 スパコンは曙光「星雲」システムを使用していて、このシステムの実際測定速 度が 1271 兆回/秒の Linpack 最大速度であって、アジアと中国初、世界 3 台目の実際測定 機能が千兆回を超えるスパコンである。6 月 20 に発表された第 37 回世界スパコントップ 500 の中で第 4 位にランキングされたという。 広州日報 2011-06-23 <電子商取引> eBay は中国での業務パタンを再構築 中国の電子商取引市場で儲けることができず アメリカオンライン小売販売業 eBay のアジア業務責任担当の Jay Lee 氏が 16 日にイ ンタービューを受ける際に次のように述べた。淘宝ネットなど中国本土にある電子商 取引会社からの激しい競争や外国企業の業界参入にある壁に鑑み、eBay にとって、中 51 国の電子商取引はすでに儲かることのできない市場になっているという。eBay はすで に中国での業務パタンを改め、現地企業の製品を海外への販売に協力することに力を 入れることにしたという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-16 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年7月7日号) <企業動向> 工業・情報化部が 2011 年ソフトウェア業務収入トップ 100 の企業リストを発表 工業・情報化部は 2011 年中国のソフトウェア業務による収入がトップ 100 をランキング する企業をリストで公表した。華為、中興通訊、デジタルチャイナはトップ 3 をランキン グ。 データによると、トップ 100 のソフトウェア企業の総収入は合計 3735 億元であり、前期 と比べての 27.65%増だった。その中の第一位の華為の年収入は 827 億元となった。公表 された当リストにランキングされたトップ 10 はほかにハイアール、北大方正、南京聯創、 浪潮、浙大網新、同方及び東軟などがあるという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-24 アメリカレッドハット会社オープンソース技術研究開発センターは深センに拠点を 昨日、アメリカのレッドハット社の総裁兼最高経営責任者 Whitehurst 氏は深センを訪れ、 オープンソース技術研究開発センターの拠点を深センに構えるとの希望を語った。 2007 年、アメリカレッドハット社は北京で研究開発センターを設立し、世界 5 大研究開 発センターの一つとなる。今回の深センで設置する予定のオープンソース技術研究開発セ ンターはクラウド・コンピューティング技術研究開発を主要内容とする予定だという。 深セン商報 2011-06-28 世界最大のキーボードメーカー台湾群光は重慶江津で生産基地を設ける 28 日、台湾群光グループ重慶双福生産基地着工・関連企業調印式が行われ、群光電子 21 社の中核となる関連企業が一斉に江津区政府と調印したという。 情報によると、上記プロジェクトは総投資 28 億元であり、800 ムー(1/15 ヘクタール) の面積を占めるという。プロジェクト完成後、主にキーボード、ウェブカメラモジュール、 WIFI モジュール、電源アダプターなどノートパソコンの中核となる付帯設備及びデジカ メ、LED 照明などの消費電子・通信電子製品を主に生産する予定だという。プロジェクト 52 により、5 年以内に生産高が 100 億元を超え、5 万人の雇用創出に役立てることができる という。 中国新聞網 2011-06-28 Acer はネットブックの見込み販売量を大幅に引き下げ 川上部品メーカーの情報によると、Acer はすでに第 3 四半期のノートパソコン見込み出 荷量を 640 万部から 540 万部までに引き下げたという。 情報筋によると、Acer はノートパソコンの出荷量を 15%まで引き下げたが、その中のほと んどがネットブックであり、80%をも占めているという。 Acer は第 3 四半期末までにすべての在庫をなくす予定である。Acer はさらに運営パター ンを変え、販売量への追求から利益への追求までに転換。例えば、ネットブックはすでに IT 市場の主力製品ではなくなったため、Acer は主な力をクラウド・コンピューティング に入れるつもりだという。 現在 Acer はすでに 80 万部のタブレット PC を販売し、今年第 3 四半期に Acer はさらに新 しい 7 インチタブレット PC をリリース。Acer によると、今年第 3 四半期にさらに 80 万 部を販売し、2011 年の 250 万部から 300 万部の目標実現を促進する予定だという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-28 HPCEO は HP 高官と中国を訪れ、中国戦略責任者を任命 中国 HP(ヒューレット・パッカード)サミットは本日午前中に北京で行われ、HP グロー バルの総裁兼 CEO の LeoApotheker 氏及び会社のハイレベル管理団がサミットに出席し、 中国での一連の新たな措置を発表した。新措置には中国戦略責任者の任命とクラウド・コ ンピューティングソリューションセンターの建設などが含まれているという。 HP の中国での新措置は以下のようである:天津での中国 HP クラウド・コンピューティン グソリューションセンターの建設、北京での新たな研究開発センターの設立、上海におけ る業務・投資の拡大、上海での PSG グループ中国地域本部の建設、重慶の工場と地域への 投資の強化など。 中国での投資を拡大するほかに、HP はさらに HP グローバル執行副総裁、HP 情報製品グル ープの ToddBrad 氏を HP 中国戦略の総責任者に任命し、また、先週に SteveGill 氏を中国 HP 有限公司総裁に起用すると発表した。 情報によると、サミットが始まる前に LeoApotheker 氏は上海、重慶、天津、北京を訪れ、 それぞれの地方政府と戦略協力協議を結んだという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-29 53 Baidu と華数メディアが協力関係を:テレビに検索機能を付与 Baidu と華数メディアインターネット有限公司は戦略協力協議を結んだ。協議によると、 双方はそれぞれの優位性を発揮し、インタラクティブテレビやインターネットテレビなど の分野で高度な戦略協力を展開する予定だという。 Sina 科技 2011-07-06 <技術動向> I 地上デジタルテレビ受信端末国家基準 6 項目発表 工業・情報化部が担当して策定した「地上デジタルテレビ受信機汎用規範」と「地上デジ タルテレビ受信器汎用規範」など 6 項目のデジタルテレビ受信端末国家基準が発表され、 2011 年 11 月 1 日に正式実施するという。 情報によると、今回発表した地上デジタルテレビ受信端末の測量法と汎用規範基準は中国 の地上デジタルテレビ基準システムの重要内容として、中国の地上デジタルテレビ基準シ ステムをさらに完備させることができる。基準には中国が知的財産権を持っているビデオ AVS、オーディオ DRA などの情報源コーデック国家基準が含まれ、中国地上デジタルテレ ビ産業自主イノベーション能力が向上した重要な証だと言える。 工業・情報化部によると、これからデジタルテレビ生産企業の製品研究開発、生産、品質 管理などをよりよくするために、企業をサポートし、デジタルテレビ製品の品質が基準を 満たすよう確保し、地上デジタルテレビの普及応用関連政策を研究・策定し、中国のデジ タルテレビ産業発展を促進するという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-29 <IT 振興> サーバオペレーティングシステム(OS)プロジェクトに 1.6 億元の「核高基」資金がサ ポート 中標ソフトによると、子会社の中軟ソフトが先頭に立っている「デスクトップ OS 研究開 発及び産業化」が「核高基」特別プロジェクト資金 8969 万元を獲得した。また、 「サーバ OS 研究開発及び産業化」プロジェクトが「核高基」資金 1.5963 億元の支援を得た。さら に、資本参加している武漢達夢が先頭に立ってやっている「大型汎用データベース管理シ ステム及びパッケージソフト研究開発と産業化」プロジェクトは「核高基」特別プロジェ クト資金 5571 万元を獲得した。上記プロジェクトはそれぞれ中標ソフト、武漢達夢が先 頭にたち、その他のプロジェクト協力機関との共同実施によるものである。 Sina 科技によると、関連政府部門は近日いくつかの企業に「核高基」特別プロジェクト 資金を割り当てたという。また、資金の支援を獲得した企業がほとんど基礎ソフトウェア 分野に集中しているという。現在まで、既に核高基特別プロジェクト資金の獲得が確認さ 54 れたのは湘郵科技、金山オフィスソフト、中軟ソフト、武漢達夢などである。 「核高基」は中核となる電子部品、ハイレベル汎用チップ及び基礎ソフト製品の略称であ り、2006 年国務院が発表した「国家中長期科学・技術発展計画綱領(2006-2020)」にも 記載され、有人宇宙飛行、月探査プロジェクトと並列する 16 大重大科学技術特別プロジ ェクトの一つである。 2009 年から科技部と工業・情報化部などの政府部門が毎年「核高基」申請課題を発表し、 企業は申請、審査、答弁などの段階を経て、国家特別プロジェクトの資金支援を受けるこ とができる。同時に地方政府も少なくとも同じ金額の資金を企業に割り当てなければなら ない。課題により、国家資金の額度も違うという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-29 <電子商取引> 新京報 iPad 版がリリース ただでダウンロード 新京報メディアによると、iPad 端末を利用する閲覧ソフト「新京報 HD」が間もなくアッ プルアプリケーション店 App Store プラットフォームにエントリーするという。優れてい るユーザー体験により、新京報 HD がリリースされてから、ユーザーによるダウンロード が急増し、三日間で iPad 新聞類無料アプリケーションランキングのトップを飾ったとい う。 新京報 2011-06-28 第 1 四半期 sina マイクロブログ利用者は全国マイクロブログ利用者の 57%を占める 「ウォールストリート日報」印刷版は市場研究会社 RedTech Advisors のデータを引用し たところ、今年第 1 四半期 Sina は中国マイクロブログ市場の 57%を占めていて、騰訊が 21%、Baidu が 13%、Sohu が 6%、NetEase が 3%をそれぞれ占めているという。同時に、Sina マイクロブログが中国マイクロブログ活動全体量の 87%を占めているという。 中国には 4.5 億のネットユーザーがあり、他の市場と異なり、中国のソーシャルネットワ ーク市場は Facebook、Twitter などのアメリカ会社に独占されることなく、中国本土の会 社が主役で活躍するという。 今年 3 月まで、Sina マイクロブログのユーザー数は 1.4 億にも達しているという。 Sina 科技 2011-06-29 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年7月25日号) 55 <IT 政策> 国家「第 12 次五カ年計画」科学技術発展計画が公布 近日、科技部が正式に「国家第 12 次五カ年計画科学技術発展計画」を発表した。 「計画」は「第 12 次五カ年計画」科学技術発展の全体目標を掲げている:自主イノベー ション能力が大幅に上昇、科学技術競争力や国際影響力が日増しに拡大、重点分野の核心 となる技術が大きな成果を上げ、経済発展方式の転換のために力強くサポートする。機能 が明確、構造が合理的、好循環で動き、高効率で運営する国家イノベーションシステムが 基本的に完成し、国家総合イノベーション能力の世界ランキングが現在の 21 位から 18 位まで躍進、科学技術進歩の貢献率は 55%に達し、イノベーション型国家建設は実質的な 進歩を遂げると言う。 それと同時に、「計画」はさらに研究・開発投入度、オリジナルイノベーション能力、科 学技術と経済の融合、科学技術が庶民生活に恩恵を、イノベーション基地建設の配置、科 学技術人材育成チームの建設、体制メカニズムのイノベーション等の面に関して、具体的 な目標と指標を出した。その中に、社会の研究開発経費と国内総生産との割合を 2.2%ま でに引き上げ、一万人当たりの発明特許保有量は 3.3 件であり、研究開発人材の発明特許 申請量は 12 件/百人年までに引き上げる予定。さらに、全国の技術市場契約総額は 8000 億元に達し、ハイテク技術産業増加値が製造業増加値に占める割合が 18%を占めるという。 この目標を実現させるため、「計画」はこれから 5 年間の中国科学技術発展及び自主イノ ベーション戦略任務に関して計画を作った。計画には 7 大重点を強調している。一、国家 科学技術重大プロジェクトの実施を速める。二、戦略的新興産業を育成し発展させる。三、 重点分野における核心となる技術の突破を促進する。四、基礎研究と先端技術研究を前も って計画・配置する。五、科学技術イノベーション新基地、プラットフォームを建設。六、 イノベーション型科学技術人材を育てる。七、科学技術の開放・協力レベルを高める。 さらに、「計画」は戦略的新興産業発展の核心技術の突破を科学技術発展の優先な任務と しなければならないと決めた。また、省エネ・環境保護、次世代情報技術、生物、ハイレ ベル設備製造、新エネルギー、新材料、新エネルギー自動車などの産業分野において、力 を合わせて難関を突破し、戦略的新興産業の核心競争力強化のためにしっかりとした基礎 を作ると定めた。それに、国家技術重大プロジェクトのリード力とハイテク地域のけん引 力を充分に発揮させ、イノベーション成果の集成応用・ビジネスパターンのイノベーショ ンを推し進め、戦略的新興産業が国民経済の先導的な産業と柱産業になるのを促進すると いう。 中国ハイテク技術産業導報 2011-07-18 中央財政は 8 億元の科学技術成果転換資金を投入 中央財政は近日 2011 年科学技術転換資金 8.18 億元を投入し、科学技術の成果を実際の生 産力への転換を早め、企業の技術イノベーション能力の向上、経済発展方式の転換の促進 のために使用すると決めた。 56 財政部によると、資金の使用効率を高めるため、今年の科学技術成果転換資金に関しては 四つの新しいポイントがある。第一に、重点分野に集中、支持力を強化。今年は機械の基 幹部品や省エネ・環境保護の二つの分野を選び、重点的に支持する。第二に、単独プロジ ェクトへの補助額を高め、重点プロジェクトへの支持を強化。今年のプロジェクトの平均 補助金額は 771 万元となり、去年より 20%増加、単独プロジェクトの最高補助額は 4500 万元である。第三に、プロジェクトへの評価やフォローアップを強化、評価結果により支 持を続ける。第四に、プロジェクトの公正性かつ透明度を強化し、プロジェクトへの支持 が確定する前に公表するという。 中国証券報-中国証券ネット 2011-07-15 <市場動向> 四川電子情報産業規模 2015 年に1万億元を突破 四川省副省長の黄小詳氏によると、2015 年、四川省電子情報産業の主要営業による収入 は 1 万億元を超える可能性があり、現在 1 万億元を超えるのは江蘇省と広東省だけだとい う。鴻富錦の生産能力の上昇と仁宝、緯創等の IT 企業の相次ぐ操業開始、成都市の携帯 型パソコンは今年の 10 月に毎年 7200 万台の生産能力を持つようになり、全年成都市から 輸出する携帯型パソコンは 2500 万-3000 万台をも超えるだろうと予想されている。 成都ハイテク区発展計画局局長の湯継強博士によると、2003 年から、Intel、Dell、レノ ボ、富士康、仁宝、緯創などの大手企業が相次いで成都に拠点を置き、現地関連企業の急 速な発展を促したという。 さらに、東芝、偉創力、ブラックベリーなどの IT 業界の有名企業も成都市の次の誘致目 標にリストアップされているという。 中国証券報 2011-07-18 ソフトウェア著作権登録が上半期で 4 万件を突破 2011 年上半期中国のソフトウェア著作権登録が再び記録を更新し、同期統計で初めて 4 万件を突破し、44678 件となり、前年同期より 9776 件も増え、前年同期比 28.01%増だっ た。登録件数がさらに急速な成長ぶりを見せているという。 2011 年上半期のソフトウェア著作権登録は著作権登録人のいる地域でランキングをみる と、北京市、広東省、上海市、浙江省、江蘇省が登録件数のトップ 5 だった。 2011 年上半期の著作権登録の中に、クラウドコンピューティング、物聯網(モノのイン ターネット)などの新興技術に関するソフトウェア著作権登録が急速に増え、その中のク ラウドコンピューティングは 107 件であり、前年同期比 268.97%増となり、物聯網に関す る登録は 173 件となり、前年同期比 424.24%増となった。 57 深セン晩報 2011-07-14 電子部品第 12 次五カ年計画が発表され、年平均投資が一千億に達する 電子部品協会が昨日「中国電子部品第 12 次五カ年計画」を発表した。計画には全体計画 と 14 項目の細分化された業界計画があり、内容は 16 種類の製品に及んでいるという。 計画によると、2015 年に中国の電子部品業界の売り上げ収入の総額は 1 兆 8800 億元にも 達し、中国の電子情報産業収入の 20%を占め、年平均成長率は 10%増に達成する。さらに、 電子部品の総生産量は 2 兆 8000 億個を超え、年平均成長率は 5.7%増で、中国国内 70%の 市場ニーズを満たすことができる。また、電子部品の輸出総額は 860 億ドルで、年平均成 長率は 10%増だとの計画を掲げている。 2010 年末までに、電子部品業界の売り上げ収入総額は 1 兆 1000 億元であり、これからの 5 年間にさらに 7000 億元の売り上げを新しく目標とし、「第 12 次五カ年計画」期間中に およそ 5000 億元を投資し、さらにこの投資を主に新型電子部品の研究・開発及び産業化 分野に集中するという。 上海証券報 2011-07-12 <企業動向> Acer 再び HP 中国副総裁を引き抜き を スマートフォンとタブレット PC にラストスパート 2009 年冬に HP 中国副総裁の張永紅氏が Acer に転職したのに続き、昨日 Acer 中国は「第 一財経日報」に対し、もう一人の副総裁陳国維氏も Acer に入り、新しく設立された中国 タッチコントロール事業部の総経理を担当することになるという。 「タッチコントロール事業部」というのは Acer の 2 か月前の再編後にできた二大業務の 一つであり、主にタブレット PC 及びスマートフォンなどの製品ラインを総括していると いう。二大業務のもう一つは「パソコン製品世界戦略センター」であり、主な内容は PC 業務である。二大業務の再編は 4 月世界総裁 Lanci 氏が戦略に関する相違のため辞任した 後の最新戦略である。その中の「タッチコントロール事業部」に関しては、新しく着任し た総裁翁建仁氏がみずから実行し、単独で管理しているという。 「タッチコントロール業務は Acer の戦略的新事業だ」と翁建仁氏が昨日にこのように強 調した。さらに、陳国維氏の加盟により、Acer は大陸電信キャリアとの研究・開発、ソ フトウェア、販売、サービスの面での戦略協力をさらに強化することができるだろうとの 期待を述べた。 陳国維氏には 20 年間の IT 業界経験があり、これまでに HP に 15 年間務めており、製品エ ンジニアから中国地域副総裁までになった。最近の 8 年間は主に中国市場の PC、携帯と 58 タブレット PC 業務を担当しているという。 今回の動きは Acer がモデルチェンジするサインだと見られている。2010 年、Acer ネット ブックの販売不振とヨーロッパ市場に残る大量の在庫により、Acer の世界市場占有率と 利益が大幅に減少し、成長率も世界四大ブランドの最下位にランキングされた。今年の第 1 四半期、Acer はレノボに超えられ、世界第四位になったという。 第一財経日報 2011-07-19 柳伝志:レノボ世界 PC 市場シェアは年内デル(Dell)を超える レノボグループ取締役会の柳伝志主席が近日に行われた 2011 全国企業文化年次総会で次 のように述べた。前の四半期にレノボグループの世界に占める割合が 12.2%を占め、Acer を超え世界第三位にランキングした。さらに、レノボは最近また新しい企業を買収したた め、年内にデルを超えるのに問題はないだろうという。 IDC データによると、レノボグループは 2011 年第 2 四半期の出荷量が第二位のデルとは 大差がなく、デル第 2 四半期の世界における出荷量が 1092.7 万台であるが、レノボグル ープが 1027.6 万台にも達している。レノボグループの出荷量増加率は 20%を維持できれ ば、次の四半期にデルを超え、世界第二の PC メーカーになる可能性が大きいと分析され ている。 Sina 科技 2011-07-19 TCL グループが中部家電戦略基地を建設する予定 TCL グループの発表によると、TCL は武漢市東西湖区政府と「戦略協力枠組協議」を結び、 武漢市東西湖区を中部戦略基地にする予定だという。基地にはエアコンなどの家電の主要 産業を集結させ、川上・川下の企業を動員し、TCL の中部における研究・開発基地、生産 基地及びブランド戦略基地にする予定だという。また、第 12 次五カ年計画の末までに、 東西湖区における TCL 産業クラスターの年生産高が 300 億元にまで達成させる予定だ。東 西湖区政府は TCL 家電産業に全力で支持し、土地、税収などの面における優遇政策を適用 する予定だという。 中国証券報-中国証券ネット 2011-07-14 Acer スマート端末世界研究開発センターが重慶に拠点を 昨日、Acer スマート(重慶)有限公司が発足した。それと同時に Acer スマート端末世界 研究開発センターも重慶で建設。さらに、重慶市経済・情報委員会、Acer グループ、チ ャイナモバイル通信グループ重慶支社が三者協力協議を結び、スマートモバイル端末製品 を研究開発し、共同でクラウドスマートの重慶建設を推し進める予定だという。 重慶晨報 2011-07-19 59 <電子商取引> マイクロブログ使用者数 1.95 億人 半年で 208.9%増 中国インターネット情報センター(CNNIC)昨日に発表した「第 28 回中国インターネット 発展状況統計報告」によると、今年 6 月末まで、中国のネットユーザーが 4.58 億に増え、 2010 年末と比べて 6.1%増加した。マイクロブログユーザーがさらに「爆発的」な成長ぶ りを見せ、半年で増加幅が 208.9%に上り、1.95 億人にまでも増えたという。 新京報 2011-07-20 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 8 月 8 日号) <法制度> 北京最大の個人情報転売事件が判決へ 三つのキャリアの職員が事件に関与 昨日、北京市最大となる個人情報転売事件に関し、北京市第二中級人民法院が判決をした。 23 人の被告人はそれぞれ個人情報の販売、違法提供、違法獲得などの罪で 2 年半や執行 猶予などの判決を言い渡された。この中にチャイナテレコム内部の「スパイ」7 人がおり、 国内の三大キャリアのチャイナモバイル、チャイナユニコム、チャイナテレコムの職員も 事件に関与した。三大キャリア内部の管理・監督不足により、犯罪者が携帯持ち主の個人 情報を獲得し、仲介に提供して、何回の転売を経て調査会社に入手されたという。 京華時報 2011-08-06 <国際連携> 中米 独占禁止協力覚書を調印 発展改革委員会は昨日に次のように発表した。中国国内にある独立禁止法執行機関である 発展改革委員会、商務部及び国家工商総局はアメリカ反トラスト法律執行機関司法部、連 邦貿易委員会と北京で「中米反トラスト及び独占禁止協力覚書」を結んだ。双方は協力メ カニズムを作り、それぞれの独占禁止法の執行、関連文書の制定及び修正に関して、お互 いに通知し、意見交換するという。 新京報 2011-07-28 <市場動向> 上半期電子製造業売上前年同期比 21.8%増 60 工業・情報化部が発表したデータによると、今年 6 月末まで、中国の一定規模以上の電信 情報製造業の増加価値が 14.5%増で、実際の売り上げ高が 3 兆 4229 億元で、前年同期比 21.8%増加した。ソフトウェアに関しては、8065 億元の収入をなし遂げ、前年同期比 29.3% 増となった。 最初の 5 カ月の間、業界内の赤字企業が 3377 社に達し、欠損範囲(22.8%)と欠損額の成 長率(54.5%)が依然として高い水準にあるという。原材料の値上がり、人的コストの上 昇及び通貨引き締め政策の影響を受け、業界の主な業務のコストが 21.7%も増加し、収入 成長率を 0.7 ポイント上回り、利息の支出成長率が 34.8%に達しているという。 第一財経網 2011-07-28 情報化青書:中国の情報化レベル、世界で中間以下 中国国家情報化専門家コンサルティング委員会の 28 日に発表した「情報化青書」による と、中国の情報化は過去十年間に急速に発展したが、依然として世界の中間レベル以下に あるという。 国家情報化専門家委員会常務副主任の周宏仁氏によると、国際電信連盟の情報化発展指数 (IDIITU)に基づき、国際的に比較をした結果、中国は 157 の国と地域の中での 79 位だ という。 中国は IDIITU の五つの指数の中で、インフラ指数、環境と効果指数が先進レベルと大き な差があるが、情報消費指数、使用指数、知識指数が割と大差がないという。インフラの ブロードバンドを例に挙げると、中国のダウンロードの速度がわずか 1.8Mbps で、世界で 71 位に位置しているが、OECD 国家の 1/10 にも達していないという。また、普及率が 9.6% であるのに対し、OECD 国家の平均水準が 24.3%である。さらに、サービス使用料が先進国 の平均水準の 3-4 倍だという。 また、情報化水準の地域発展のアバランスも大きな問題であり、青書によると、2002 年 から 2009 年の間、中国地域間のデジタルデバイドが大きく開き、北京、上海、浙江省の 情報化レベルの上昇がほかの地域をはるかに超えているという。 千龍ネット 2011-07-29 上半期 3G ユーザーが 3000 万増え、PHS ユーザー600 万減少 工業・情報化部のオフィシャルサイトの情報によると、2011 年上半期、中国の 3G ユーザ ーが 3345.9 万世帯も増え、8051.0 万までにも達していたという。これに対し、PHS ユー ザーが 579.1 万も減少し、2284.1 万になった。さらに、固定電話のユーザー数が占める 割合は去年末の 9.7%から 7.9%までに減少したという。 中国ネット 2011-07-28 61 <企業動向> 楽視ネット 半年で版権販売収入 369.1%増加 楽視ネットが 2011 年 6 月 30 日までの上場後半年のニュースを発表した。その主要営業収 入は 2.23 億元で、前年同期比 118.79%増となり、純利益は 5839.51 万元で、前年同期比 87.24%増であった。 また、注目する必要があるのは、楽視ネットの上半期の版権販売収入は 1.17 億元に達し、 369.10%までに暴騰した。これは中国の多くの動画サイトが大量に正規版動画を購入し始 めたからだという。 第一財経日報 2011-07-28 レノボグループがドイツのメディオンを買収 情報によると、欧州委員会は近日中国レノボグループがドイツ電子設備メーカーのメディ オン PC 会社を買収することに同意した。買収終了後、レノボグループはドイツ個人 PC 市場の 14%以上のシェアを占めることになり、ドイツ三大目のパソコン供給業者になると いう。 四川新聞網 2011-07-28 広東省統計局 中小企業の倒産ブームを否定 昨日、広東省政府筋が初めて珠江デルタの中小企業倒産ブームを否定した。 広東省統計局副局長の朱遂文氏が広東省経済運営状況に関する記者会見で次のように述 べた。中小企業が集中し、工業成長が反落している東莞にでも噂となっている倒産ブーム は実際なく、企業の生産運営状況は金融危機時ほど深刻ではないという。 朱遂文氏はさらに、東莞市では上半期の生産成長が減速し、収益が反落する状況が現れた が、主な原因は前年度の基準数が大きかったほか、日本の地震、人民元レートの切り上げ、 及び総合コストの上昇などだと述べた。これは 2008 年の金融危機時の原因である外需不 足とは違うという。さらに、情報によると、東莞にある企業の上半期の損失は 26.7%であ るのに対し、金融危機時は一度 52.4%に達したこともあるという。 南方都市報 2011-07-30 チャイナモバイル 今日から 38 カ国でのローミング費用を下げ、下げ幅最高 80% 何回に渡る国際キャリヤとの交渉を経て、チャイナモバイル(マイクロブログ)は 8 月 1 日から 38 の国と地域の通話、ショートメッセージ、モバイルデータなどの国際ローミン 62 グ費用を下方修正すると発表した。一部の国や地域での費用の下げ幅が 50%を超え、最高 下げ幅が 80%を超えているという。 Tencent 科技 2011-08-01 <電子商取引> 銀聯は 18 の銀行と連携して、「インターネットオンライン支払い」に力を 中国銀聯の 7 月 31 日に発表した情報によると、銀聯は工商銀行、農業銀行、中国銀行、 建設銀行、交通銀行など 18 の銀行と上海で「銀聯インターネットオンライン支払」業務 交流会を行った。 交流会に参加していた商業銀行は次のように意見を一致した。「銀聯インターネットオン ライン支払」というのは商業銀行オンライン支払業務のための協力的・双方にプラスとな るプラットフォームである。各銀行はこの「銀聯インターネットオンライ支払」プラット フォームをもとに、オンライン決済サービス、技術・リスク管理コントロール規則の設立 を検討し、インターネットオンライン支払業務の範囲を拡大して、オンラインの「ネット ワーク共用」を推し進め、カード所有者と業者のためにさらなる便利、高効率、安全なサ ービスを提供するという。 インターネットオンライン支払業界内によると、これで「オンラインネットワーク相互接 続・共有」の体制が整うことになり、これからのオンライン支払のルールとシェアに変化 をもたらすだろうと予想しているという。 中国証券報 2011-08-01 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年8月 25 日号) <IT 政策> 国務院弁公庁が公文書を発表 物流業界の健全な発展を促進 19 日、 「国務院弁公庁の物流業界の健全な発展の促進政策措置に関する意見」を正式に公 布し、物流企業の税負担の軽減、物流業界に関する土地政策の支持度の増加など 9 つの措 置を出した。その中での物流企業税負担への軽減が最も物流企業に注目されているという。 京華時報 2011-08-20 民営企業の戦略的新興産業への進出を国家が支援する 8 月 15 日、国家発展改革委員会は「民営企業の戦略的新興産業の発展への奨励及び誘導 に関する実施意見」を印刷し公布した。国家は十の政策措置を通じて、民営企業を省エネ・ 環境保護、次世代情報技術、バイオ、ハイエンド設備製造、新エネルギー、新素材、新エ ネルギー自動車など戦略的新興産業の分野で国際競争力のある企業にするつもりだとい 63 う。 21 世紀経済報道 2011-08-17 企業の違法行為記録がもうすぐ公開へ 国家工商総局副局長の劉玉亭氏は次のように発表した。工商部門は違約企業に対し、特別 監督を行う予定だという。企業の身分記録、違法行為記録などの企業基本情報は社会公共 情報であり、今後は法律に従い公開し、社会レファレンスサービスを提供するつもりだと いう。 劉玉亭氏は太原で開かれた全国工商行政管理システム企業信用分類監督管理経験交流会 で以上のように述べたという。劉氏によると、工商部門は違約企業に対し特別監督管理を 行い、既に「ブラックリスト」に載せられた企業法人及び法定代表に対し、法律・規定に 基づき任命期間と範囲を厳しく規制するという。 京華時報 2011-08-20 <国際連携> 快銭(Quick Money)はデルコンピュータと戦略協力を 近日デルは中国第三者決済企業の快銭公司と戦略協力を結び、快銭の電子決済ソリューシ ョンを全面的に導入し、インターネットショッピングプロセスの最適化やユーザー体験の アップにつながることを望んでいるという。快銭というのは中央銀行が初めて出した「決 済業務許可証」の獲得者であり、業務種類が最も多く、もっとも完備している決済企業の 一つでもあるという。 法制晩報 2011-08-18 <市場動向> 工業・情報化部:IPTV トライアルユーザーが 300 万を超える 工業・情報化部電信管理局副局長の劉傑氏は今日に行われた「2,011 中国デジタルテレビ 産業サミット」で次のように述べた。2011 年 6 月末まで、中国のインターネットブロー ドバンド使用者数が 1.42 億世帯となり、3G ユーザーが 8000 万契約であり、中国国内ネ ットユーザーの数が 4.85 億人となり、ネットビデオの利用者もすでに 3 億人に達してい るという。さらに、モデルサイトの IPTV トライアルユーザーは 300 万世帯を超え、ケー ブルテレビネットワークトライアル使用者も既に 100 万あまりになっているという。 Sina 科技 2011-08-18 <企業動向> 64 レノボ 11 月にスマートテレビをリリース レノボグループ高級副総裁兼モバイルインターネット・デジタル家庭業務グループ総裁の 劉軍氏はレノボグループとチャイナユニコムの協力で作った千元台のスマートフォンの リリース会議で次のように語った。レノボグループは今年 11 月にスマートテレビをリリ ース、楽 Phone 携帯及び楽 Pad タブレット PC の第二世代製品を発表し、さらに多くのク ラウドサービス及びソフトウェアをリリースするという。 投影時代 2011-08-09 Asus は大陸における市場シェアが 14%に達すると予想 中国大陸とヨーロッパー市場の旺盛なニーズのため、Asus は今年下半期の業績に自信が あると今日に発表した。Asus の予想では、去年の 13%だった大陸における市場シェアが今 年 14%までに増えるだろうという。 Asus の CFO 張偉明氏はさらに第二四半期の利潤率が第一四半期を超え、第三四半期が相 変わらず高い利潤率を保つだろうと予想した。 Asus の 8 月 26 日に発表する 2011 財年度第二四半期財務報告によると、ノートパソコン の出荷予定量が 310 万台に達し、ネットブックが 130 万台になり、タブレット PC が 30 万部に達するだろうとのことだった。 張偉明氏はさらに、Asus が今年第四四半期にブラジル市場に進出する予定で、今は現地 サプライヤーを探す段階で、Asus の南米や中東市場における市場シェアが約 4%だと述べ た。 また、張偉明氏によると、Asus は今年 9 月或いは 10 月初めに Ultrabook のノートパソコ ンをリリースする予定だという。 Sina 科技 2011-08-16 レノボの財年度第一四半期利潤額が 1.08 億ドルで、前年同期比 98%増 レノボグループが今日発表した 2011-2012 財年度第一四半期財務報告書によると、レノボ グループ第一四半期の売上高は 59.2 億ドルで、去年同期比 15%増となり、純利益 1.08 億 ドルで、去年同期より 98%増えた。 第一四半期の携帯売り上げも前年同期比 33.7%増となり、3G スマートフォンである楽 Phone の売り上げも前の四半期を超え、2010 年 5 月に正式にリリースされた以来の二番目 のよい業績となった。また、レノボは 2011 年 3 月に中国初のタブレット PC 楽 Pad をリリ ースし、第一四半期売り上げが 8 万台であり、初期的市場反応がよかったという。 Sina 科技 2010-08-18 65 チャイナモバイル上半期の純利益が 613 億元 前年同期比 6.3%増 2011 年 8 月、チャイナモバイルが 2011 年上半期の業績を発表した。2011 年上半期、チャ イナモバイルの営業収入が 2501 億元であり、前年同期比 8.8%にも達してる。純利益が 613 億元で、前年同期比 6.3%増である。収入構造に関しては、付加価値の業務収入が 804 億 元で、前年同期比 18.5%増え、総営業収入に占める割合が 32.2%にも達しているという。 その中の無線インターネット業務の収入が 193 億元となり、前年同期比 42.8%増であると いう。 2011 年上半期のチャイナモバイル新規ユーザー数は 3277 万人で、ユーザー総数は 6.1 億 人を超え、その中の 3G ユーザーが 3503 万にも達しているという。2011 年上半期、チャ イナモバイルはさらに携帯アプリケーション商店(MM)に力を入れ、MM の登録ユーザー数 が 8600 万人を超え、登録した開発業者も 240 万に達し、その中のすでにアプリケーショ ンを出した協力開発者が 89 万人となり、上半期 MM アプリケーション商店のダウーンロー ド量も 2.6 億回だという。 それと同時に、チャイナモバイルが無線都市建設プロジェクトを大いに推し進め、25 省 の 130 あまりの都市政府部門と無線都市建設協力協議を結んだ。ネットワークのカバー範 囲に関しても、WLAN のカバー率を増やし、100 万のアクセスポイントを完成し、全国県ク ラス以上の都市が既に「3G カバー」を実現し、6 の都市で TD-LTE の規模実験を展開して いるという。 <電子商取引> 京東商城が「千人携帯試用活動」をスタート 8 月 15 日に京東商城は初めて「千人携帯試用」活動をスタートし、1000 名ユーザーの「試 用客」のために無料試用の機会を設けた。それと同時に、最低五割からの特恵価格で携帯 を購入することができ、さらに、「試用客」の提出した携帯評価報告は商品デザインをア ップするための参考になるという。 情報によると、京東商城は今回の「携帯試用」活動のためにノキア、モトローラ、サムス ン、HTC、ブラックベリー、LG、ソニー・エリクソン、中興等の携帯メーカーと協力し、 ネットユーザーのために 1030 台の携帯を提供するという。 「試用客」というのは京東商城が新たな営業パターンの試しである。ほとんどの試用客が 業界の「意見リーダー」で、彼らの「体験報告」は潜在購入ユーザーの重要な参考意見に なり、ユーザーの試用体験、オンライン交流もソーシャルネットワークを広げることがで きるという。 また、京東は「試用客」の提出する評価報告を直接携帯メーカーにフォードバックし、こ のような直接な評価資料がそれぞれメーカーの消費者体験研究の土台にもなると言われ る。 Sina 科技 2011-08-16 66 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 9 月 12 日号) <国際連携> 中国は韓国最大の IT 輸入国に 昨日の韓国電子産業振興会(KEA)情報によると、中国は韓国 IT 産業輸入量の 34%を占 め、韓国 IT 製品輸入ランキングのトップであるという。KEA の姜弘植氏によると、IT 産 業は韓国 GDP の 11%を占め、去年の韓国の IT 産業輸入率が前年同期比の 21.9%増だった という。 新京報 2011-09-02 <市場動向> Acer 取締役王振堂氏:タブレット PC ブームが弱まる Acer 取締役の王振堂氏によると、タブレット PC ブームはすでに弱まり始めた。間近に迫 ったインテル Ultrabook 及びマイクロソフト Windows8 のリリースのため、消費者は再び ノートパソコンに注目するようになるだろうという。 一部の PC メーカーも王振堂氏の意見に賛成すると表明し、さらに、タブレット PC は仕事 や勉強用のノートパソコンと異なり、主に娯楽目的であり、タブレット PC 市場が飽和状 態になると、消費者の新しいものに買い替える積極性はノートパソコンほど高くないだろ うとも述べた。そのため、タブレット PC 売れ行きはある水準になると、停滞すると予想 されている。 Acer、ASUS は 9 月に Ultrabook ノートパソコンをリリースする以外、Dell、Toshiba、レ ノボ、ヒューレットパッカードも今年第四四半期或いは来年の第一四半期に Ultrabook 型ノートパソコンを発表すると表明した。 さらに、Windows8 オペレティングシステム(OS)に関して、Acer 総裁の翁建仁氏による と、Windows8 オペレティングシステム(OS)のノートパソコン売れ行きへの促進はおそ らくタブレット PC を超えるだろうという。 Sina 科技 2011-08-25 第二四半期 中国はアメリカを超え、世界最大の PC 市場へ 市場研究会社 IDC の近日発表したデータによると、第二四半期中国市場の PC 出荷量が 14%も増加し、1850 万台にも達しているという。これに対して、アメリカ市場の PC 出荷 67 量が 4.8%減の 1770 万台である。すなわち、中国はすでにアメリカを超え、世界最大の PC 市場となった。 アメリカで毎年の年末のクリスマスは売れ行きの最盛期で、IDC 分析師の Sundaram 氏の 予測によると、アメリカの個人パソコン市場の全年消費量は依然として中国をやや超える が、来年は中国ほど多くないだろう。さらに、中国とアメリカの来年のパソコン市場の個 人消費量はそれぞれ 8510 万台と 7600 万台だろうと予想した。 また、中国企業のレノボは世界の PC 業界で Acer を超え、第三位となり、第二位である Dell との距離も縮んでいるという。HP(ヒューレットパッカード)は世界最大のパソコン メーカーであるが、中国での発展はそれほど順調ではないという。 四川新聞網-成都商報 2011-08-26 工業・情報化部:1-7 月電子情報業が全体的に成長を維持 工業・情報化部の 1 日に発表したデータによると、今年 1-7 月まで、中国電子情報に関し て、一定規模以上の製造業増加値の成長率は 14.8%で、工業平均成長率を 0.5 ポイント 上回っているという。さらに、売り上げが 40549 億元で、前年同期比 21.8%増となった。 電子情報産業において、500 万元以上のプロジェクトの投資額は 4807 億元で、投資規模 は去年の 1-10 月までのレベルを超えている。7 月末までに、電子情報製品の輸出入総額 は 6253 億ドルで、前年同期比 15.2%増であった。 下半期の電子情報産業経済運行に以下の特徴がある。各業界の成長率にばらつきが現れ、 基礎業界は依然として成長けん引の主な力である。その中のソフトウェア業務が収入 9588 億元を実現し、前年同期比 29.6%増である。輸出成長率も小幅に増加し、国内販売 も依然として高い伸びを示している。1-7 月までの国内向け生産高は 18144 億元で、前年 同期比 31.8%増であった。 新華ネット 2011-09-02 社会保障カードのレベルアップが百億元の市場を生み出し、チップ・カードメーカーは 濡れ手に粟 情報によると、社会保障カード金融機能搭載の促進計画は以下のようである。2011 年 -2012 年までは試行段階であり、2013 年から全面的に普及させる。5 年間で社会保障カー ドに金融機能を搭載させる目標を基本実現するという。 現在の社会保障カードはいずれも各省、各市・州が自ら作ったものであるが、全国で統一 基準を適用してから、元の社会保障カードは新型かつ安全性の高い IC 社会保障カードに 置き換えられる。今年 7 月末まで、全国 170 の地域は認可を受け、社会保障カードを発行 することにより、カードの保有者数が 1.45 億人にも達し、今年年末までに 1.9 億人に達 するだろうと予想される。人力資源・社会保障部の関係筋の予想によると、2015 年まで の社会保障カード発行枚数はおよそ 8 億枚に達し、60%の人口をカバーするだろうという。 68 社会保障カードは銀行カードとしても使用することができ、金融機能の搭載により、IC カードメーカーの業務における新成長につながるという。予測によると、カード一枚を 10-15 元に設定すれば、8 億枚は 80 億-120 億元の市場価値をもたらすことになる。関連 ソフト及び設備投入を考慮すると、民生情報化市場はさらに 150 億元以上も増加するだろ うという。このため、チップメーカー及び IC カードメーカーなどの関連上場会社の業績 はそれぞれよい兆しを見せているという。 南方都市報 2011-09-01 <企業動向> AMD はレノボの元 COO である Rory Read 氏を総裁兼 CEO に任命 レノボグループは木曜日に発表した情報によると、総裁兼 COO の Rory Read 氏はすでに辞 任し、AMD の総裁兼 CEO に起用されたという。 Sina 科技 2011-08-25 三大キャリア営業収入の差が縮まり、3G 業務間もなく利潤獲得の時期に突入 三大キャリアの発表した 2011 年上半期業績報告によると、電気通信業界の再編の効果が 顕著で、三大キャリアの利益収入の差がますます縮まり、3G ユーザーの数はモバイルユ ーザー全体の 10%を占め、3G 業務の規模化応用時代が間もなく到来するという。さらに、 チャイナユニコムの管理者は3G 業務が間もなく利益を獲得する時期に入ると予想した。 業績からみると、チャイナモバイルとチャイナテレコムの営業収入と純利益はいずれも前 年同期と比べて、増加を示している。これに対し、チャイナユニコムは収入が増加したが、 利益が増えていない。データによると、チャイナモバイルの上半期営業収入は 2500.8 億 元で、前年同期比 8.8%増となり、純利益は 612.8 億元で、6.3%増だった。チャイナテ レコムの営業収入は 1202 億元で、11%増加した。純利益 98 億元で、前年同期比 8%増と なった。チャイナユニコムの営業収入は 1044 億元で、増加幅の大きい 23%増となり、純 利益は 26.37 億元で、前年同期比 5.5%減だった。 工業・情報化部電信研究院の副チーフエンジニアである陳金橋氏は次のように述べたこと がある。3G ユーザーは 10%に達することになると、中国は3G の規模化応用の重要な時 期に入ることを意味する。工業・情報化部の発表したデータによると、3G ユーザー率は 7 月末に 9.5%近くになり、早くて 8 月末には 10%にも達すると予想されている。 中国証券報 2011-08-26 東軟グループ上半期の純利益 一割減 27 日、東軟グループは 2011 年上半期会計報告を発表した。報告によると、会社は上半期 69 に営業収入 23.15 億元を獲得し、前年同期比 18.98%増となったが、親会社に所属する所 有者の純利益は 1.52 億元を実現し、前年同期比 9.77%減少した。 東軟グループの説明によると、純利益減少はクラウド・アプリケーション/モノのインタ ーネット、自動車電子、健康管理サービス、モバイルインテリジェント端末、医療設備な どの分野への資源投入と市場投入の拡大によるものである。一方で、人員規模は前年同期 より増加し、会社は職員給料改善計画を実施しているため、人的資源コストも前年同期よ り増加したという。 京華時報 2011-08-29 BYD 最大範囲のリストラを実施 去年のむやみな拡大のため BYD 会社は「最適化」と称する人事調整は 28 日から行われるもので、多くの社員は不満 のため、辞任したという。昨日、BYD の内部情報筋によると、今回は BYD 会社が今まで行 った BYD 史上最大範囲のリストラであり、販売会社のすべての部門に及び、製品開発部な どの部門も解散され、人数が 2600 人から 800 人までに減少するという。 BYD を離れた社員によると、今回の大規模なリストラは去年のむやみな拡大に起因するも ので、今年上半期の業績の 9 割減もリストラの導火線である。すなわち、「コスト削減の ため、人員削減に踏み切った」という。 京華時報 2011-08-31 HP(ヒューレットパッカード)の中国に占める PC 市場シェアは四四半期連続トップ 3 か ら外れる 市場研究機関 IDC の近日発表したデータによると、2011 年第二四半期末まで、レノボは 依然として中国 PC 市場でトップの座を維持し、 市場シェアが 31.7%に達しているという。 Acer の市場シェアは 10.9%までに上り、二位の座を獲得した。Dell は 10.4%で、第三位 となる。また、HP の中国市場に占める割合はわずか 8.5%で、第四位となり、四四半期連 続トップ 3 の座と無縁だった。 二週間前に、HP は公に次のように発表した。HP は PC 業務を分割或いは売却することを考 えているという。その後、レノボや Acer 高官は HP が PC 業務から撤退すれば、各 PC メー カーが市場シェアを占領するチャンスになるだろうと述べた。 Sina 科技 2011-09-01 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 9 月 23 日号) <国際連携> 中韓産業パークが重慶で定礎 電子産業を重点的に発展 70 14日に中韓産業パークが重慶両江新区で定礎式が行われた。これは中国が沿岸地域で シンガポールと共同建設した蘇州工業パーク、天津中新エコシティ以来、内陸地域では初 めての他国政府と共同建設した産業パークである。 中韓産業パークの中心部は両江新区龍盛地区に位置し、計画面積は8平方キロメートル、 電子産業を重点的に発展させ、カルチャーアイディア、デジタルエンターテインメントな どの新興産業を積極的に育成し、時機を見て、新エネルギー等その他の産業を発展させる 予定であり、韓国有力製造産業とカルチャーアイディア産業を主とするハイエンド産業基 地にする狙いである。 中韓産業パークの開幕式典で、一連の韓国系企業が契約を結び、同パーク内に入居する 予定だという。現在韓国系企業 10 社あまりの企業は既に中韓産業パークに入居したとい う。韓泰(ハンコク)タイヤも両江新区に投資し、中国で最大の工場を建設した。また、 韓国小売業のリーディング企業であるロッテグループも今年に重慶で店舗展開すること を計画しているという。 中国新聞網 2011-9-15 中国と EU、知的財産権保護協力を継続 EU に駐在している中国代表団の幹部らと欧州連合委員会、欧州特許局、欧州内部市場 協調局の代表は13日にブリュッセルにて、四年間にわたり 1600 万ユーロ投資し完成さ せた中国―欧州連合知的財産権保護プロジェクト(二期)に立ち会った。同時に、中国商 務部、欧州連合の中国駐在代表団、欧州特許局及び欧州内部市場協調局は将来継続して協 力していくという共同コミュニケに署名した。 中国新聞網 2011-9-14 <市場動向> 工業情報化部:電子製造企業の四分の一が赤字 13 日に工業情報化部が発表した「2011 年中国工業経済運営夏季報告」によると、当面、 電子製造業においては、大幅なコスト増加により、四分の一の企業が赤字経営の状態に陥 っているという。 1-7 月まで、電子製造業全体は利益水準が下がった。利益が1026億元で、同期比 1.5%減となり、主営業収入利益率3.01%で、同期比 0.64 ポイントの反落となった。 欠損割合が24.3%で、赤字企業の欠損額227億元に達し、同期比73.8%増とな った。そのうち、通信設備製造業の利益は同期比20.5%減となり、欠損割合が 25.2% に達した。コンピュータ製造業と電子デバイス製造業の欠損割合がそれぞれ 25.2%、 23.4%に達し、赤字企業の欠損額同期比はそれぞれ1倍、1.2 倍増となった。年間電子工 業増加値同期比成長率は14.5%ぐらいになる見込み。 <企業動向> 71 エイサー元 CEO がレノボグループの顧問に レノボグループは本日の夜、エイサー元 CEO Gianfranco Lanci 氏が顧問として正式に レノボに加盟したと発表した。Lanci 氏は今後イタリアで顧問としてレノボグローバル消 費業務の成長の加速化に取り組むとともに、レノボグループと Medion 社の統合化を図っ ていくという。 SINA 科学技術 2011-09-16 エイサー初の UltraBook がアップルの競合製品として本月末国内で発売、市販価格 7,999 元 本日エイサーチャイナは、初代 Ultrabook S3 が本月末市販価格 7,999 元で国内で発売、 より高いバージョンの製品が 10 月末市販価格 9,999 元で発売されると発表した。エイサ ーが中国で発売する初代 Ultrabook Aspire S3 は Intel 製 CPU、4GB メモリー、320G ハー ドディスクを搭載、電池航続時間 6 時間、Windows 7 OS をプリインストール、 重さ約 1.35kg。 当該製品は超薄型で、金属製の外皮、内蔵型 LCD を有する。長さ·幅 323mm×218.5mm、ア ップル MacBook Air よりやや小さい。 SINA 科学技術 2011-09-16 新京報 2011-09-17 レノボグローバル本社が中関村ソフトウェアパークに立地 一昨日、レノボグループは中関村ソフトウェアパークと契約式を行い、レノボグローバ ル本社の新しいパークが正式に中関村ソフトウェアパークⅡに立地することを発表した。 新パークは 2012 年着工、建築面積計 22 万㎡、10,000 以上の従業員を受け入れる予定。 2016 年竣工後、レノボグループグローバル本社の運営管理部門及び研究開発部門が新パ ークに移転する予定。 京華時報 2011-09-17 <技術動向> 教育部:中国は電子教科書及び電子通学用カバンに関する基準制定に取り組み始める 関連筋によると、14 日に「第 24 回学習、教育及び研修における情報技術国際標準化機 構大会、ワーキンググループ会議並びに国際オープンフォーラム」が上海で開催され、中 国は電子教科書及び電子通学用カバンに関する基準の制定に取り組み始め、専門課題グル ープを既に立ち上げているという。 教育部科学技術司副司長雷朝滋氏によると、中国は既に 5 項目の教育情報化基準を制定 し、電子教科書や電子通学用カバン端末整備等にかかわる一連の基準制定に着手している。 華東師範大学ネット教育学院院長祝智庭教授の説明では、上海、揚州、瀋陽などでは電 子教科書や電子通学用カバンの学校での普及を模索しているという。 72 「上海市中長期教育改革及び発展計画(2010~2020 年)」では、「『電子通学用カバン』 及び『クラウドコンピューティング』補助教育を発展させ、情報技術を利用して学生の学 校内外での勉強及び研究を充実化させる」と打ち出されている。 新華ネット 2011-09-15 <IT 振興> マックワールド·アジアが北京に進出、毎年開催される予定 9 月 22 日、マックワールドアジア(Macworld Asia)第一回目が北京国家会議センター で開幕した。会期は 2011 年 9 月 22 日~25 日。 マックワールドエキスポはアメリカで 25 年間の歴史を有し、世界有名なモバイル消費 電子分野の盛会であり、世界最大規模のアップル電子製品及びその上·下流産業チェーン のハイレベル展示舞台でもある。今回のイベントはマックワールドアジアが始めてアジア、 中国に進出し開催したものである。 北京投資促進局の関係者によると、北京市関連部門はすでに IDG と契約を結び、暫定協 力期間は 8 年、即ちマックワールドアジアは北京で 8 年連続で行われる予定あるという。 SINA 科学技術 2011-09-22 <電子商取引> 淘宝商城はオープンなプラットホーム戦略をうぢたし、38社のコマース会社を誘致 淘宝商城は今日から新しい戦略を打ち出した。新しいBtoCシステムを構築するため に、当該会社は自社のプラットホームをすべての小売業者に開放する。一号店、銀泰、 庫巴、楽淘など38社もの BtoC 会社は淘宝商城でオフィシャルフラッグシップショ ップを開設する予定。 淘宝商城の総裁である张勇氏は、新戦略はオープンなBtoCプラットホームの構築に より、ブランドオナー、サプライヤー、小売商及び物流を含む各種第三者サービスの 提供者と分業・協力して斬新な BtoC システムを形成させる意を表した。淘宝商城は 小売業をしない。張勇氏の発言によると、淘宝商城は今年の取引額が千億元に達し、 来年の目標は二千億元だという。 現在まで当該会社の公式発表では、レノボ、デル、LINING、UNIQLO など7万以上のブ ランドと5万以上の商店が淘宝商城でビジネスを展開している。去年11月11日一 日の取引額は 9.36 億元に達したことがある。IResearch によると、今年第二四半期、 淘宝商城は中国国内の BtoC 市場の 48.5%のシェアを占めているという。 SINA 科学技術 2011-09-19 <IT 人材> 来年中国市場の給与が平均 1 割増になるかも 73 昨日グローバルコンサルティング会社ヘイグ(Hay)は 2012 年中国市場給与予測報告を 発表した。報告では、インフレ及び消費者物価を十分に配慮したうえで、来年中国市場の 給与増加幅が 9.5%、2 桁近いの成長になると見込まれ、消費者物価の影響を除くと、2012 年中国雇用者実質給与の増加幅が 5%以上と予測されている。 報告によると、今年中国雇用者平均給与年同期比増幅が 9.3%に達し、今年給与大幅増 加の原因の一部はさる数ヶ月間で高まり続ける生活コストにある。 中国雇用者の高い流動性が給与増加見込みと鮮明な対照となっていることに注目すべ き。2010 年、中国雇用者平均辞職率が 19%、そのうち自ら辞職する比率が 15%。2009 年は それぞれ 14.5%と 11%であった。2011 年はさらに上昇していくと大まかに予測されている。 ヘイグの意見では、中国市場の人材をめぐる競争は既に従来の給与競争から企業人材管 理に対する総合的評価に変わったという。 大洋ネット 2011-09-16 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 10 月 4 日号) <国際連携> 中関村とナスダックと戦略的協力 昨日中関村管理委員会とナスダックと北京で戦略的協力協定を結んだ。今後双方は、互恵 のもとで、長期的協力関係作りに努め、中関村国家イノベーションモデルパーク内の企業 上場を全面的にサポートするという。 この協定によると、双方は、企業再編成・上場作業グループを共同で作る予定があり、企 業情報、政策動向、資本市場の最新動向の面において、情報交換を強化するという。また、 上場候補企業の育成や資本市場のPR、上場企業へのサービスの面においても、協力を行 うと同時に、各種シンポジウムや、人材交流などを積極的に行う予定であるという。 ナスダックにとっては、中国は最大の海外市場である。現在、中国からは160社の企業 がナスダックに上場している。中関村からは BAIDU、 SINA、 SOHU 等を含む29社がナス ダックで上場している。 現在、中関村発の上場企業は 190 社もあり、そのうち国内(香港を含まない)は 114 社で、 海外(香港台湾を含む)は 76 社となっている。中関村は中国でもっとも投資イノベーシ ョン活動の活発地域となっている。 QQ 科技 2011-09-30 <市場動向> ソフトウェア業界の収入が 1 兆 1000 億元を突破 74 昨日工業・情報化部が発表したデータによると、今年以来、中国のソフトウェア業界は 月平均成長速度が30%に達し、8月末まで累計収入規模が 1 兆 1000 億元を超え、1兆 1,120億元に達した。そのうち、8月分のソフト業務収入が1,532億元に達成し、 同期比 36.3%増となったという。 輸出については、1 月-8 月まで、全国ソフトウェア業界の輸出高が180億米ドルで、 同期比 14.7%増、そのうちソフトアウトソーシングサービスの輸出が 31.7 億米ドルに達 し、同期比 42.5%増となった。 上海証券報 2011-09-27 <企業動向> レノボ、仁宝と 3 億米ドルの出資で合弁会社の設立へ 9 月 27 日に世界3位の PC メーカのレノボは世界2位のノートパソコン OEM メーカの仁 宝と連携し、合計3億米ドルの出資をもって安徽合肥でノートパソコンの製造工場を合弁 で設立することを発表した。この事はブランド PC メーカと OEM メーカが合弁で工場を設 立する先例を作った同時に、PC 産業チェーンが縦方向の統合段階に入ったことを示して いる。 今回二社合弁で設立する製造工場が聯宝(合肥)有限公司と名づけられたという。聯宝 の初期投資が1億米ドルで、その後また2億米ドルが追加される見込みである。レノボが 51%の株、仁宝が 49%の株を持つこととなる。レノボ副総裁張暉氏は合弁会社の CEO と なる。2012年年末まで量産に入り、レノボグループのノートパソコンと ALL-in-one PC を製造する工場として、ノートパソコンの初期月産が30万-50万台に達成する見 込みという 。 不景気や需要低減また iPad の影響により、PC 市場全体は低落期に陥っている。IDC の予 測によると、2011年 PC 市場の成長率は2.8%しかなく、金融危機がもっとも深刻 であった2009年よりも低い。市場の大環境が好ましくなく、PC メーカと OEM メーカ とが力を合わせることは対応策だといえる。 南方都市報 2011-09-29 GE の「グリーンチャレンジ」プロジェクトがキックオフ GE 董事長兼 CEO Immelt は昨日北京で「グリーンチャレンジ」プロジェクトのキック オフを発表した。GE は新たなイノベーション技術の市場化を発展させるため、中信資本、 紅杉資本などの投資会社7社と1億米ドルを共同投資し、クリーンエネルギーイノベーシ ョンコンテストを展開していく。これは GE が昨年アメリカで「グリーンチャレンジ」プ ロジェクトを実施した後、初めて中国で行うこととなる。 新京報 2011-09-29 75 <IT 振興> 昨年、研究開発経費の GDP に占める割合が目標未達 国家統計局昨日の発表によると、2010年全国研究と試験発展経費の投入は7,06 2.6億元で、投入比率(国内総生産 GDP に占める割合)が1.76%であり、前年の1. 70%より若干上がったが、2010年に GDP の2%に達成するという「十一次五ヵ年計 画」の目標に達していないという。 京華時報 2011-09-29 <電子政府> 広州市電子政府センターが除幕 昨日、広州市電子政府センターの除幕式が行われた。広州市電子政府センターの前身は天 河区にあった広州市機関情報ネットワークセンターである。本センターは2004年に設 立され、公共サービス情報ネットワークの整備に努め、広州社会保障カード、市民ポスト、 市民ウェブページ、政府ウェブサイトなどの統一的な公共サービスを市民に提供するもの である。 大洋網 2011-09-29 <IT 人材> グローバル IT 競争力、中国 38 位へ ビジネスソフト同盟(BSA)が発表した2011年 IT 業界競争力指数のレポートによる と、アメリカは引き続き首位を占めるが、中国の IT 業界競争力が今年一位上昇し、38 位を占めることになったという。 当該レポートは研究開発環境、IT 人材資本、IT インフラ、IT 業界発展への支援、法律 環境及び全体ビジネス環境などの六つの面から世界の66個エコノミ-コミュニティに 対し全面的に評価を行った結果、競争力指数ランキング上位の5名がそれぞれアメリカ、 フィンランド、シンガポール、スウェーデンとイギリスである。 数多い IT 労働力と理科系学生を有していることで、中国は IT 人材資本の面において、 世界で第二位とランキングされている。 新京報 2011-09-29 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 10 月 10 日号) 76 一部の宅配企業の運営がゼロ利益、値上げ企業が増加傾向 中国の民営宅配リーディング企業である順豊速運はコスト上昇の圧力を食い止められ ないことを理由に、8日から1キロ以下の荷物は国内一部の地域の配送料金を1-2元引 き上げ、1キロ以上部分の料金が据え置かれるという。 9月に宅配大手の園通会社も全国向けの配送料金を1元値上げすると発表した。 昨日、中国宅配コンサルタントネット首席顧問の徐勇氏は「国内宅配業界の利益が高速 に下落しつつ、一部の企業がゼロ利益に近い」と表した。宅配企業が値上げによって圧力 を移転せざるを得ない。来年旧正月まで、他社も時勢に便乗する見込み。 第一財経日報 2011-10-10 陳紹鵬の職業軌道が変更→PC から離脱、農業へ 関係筋によると、レノボ高級副総裁、新興市場総裁陳紹鵬氏がレノボホールディング高 級副総裁、執行委員会委員に就任し、農業新業務を管掌することになる。同氏の加盟はレ ノボホールディングの農業における取り組みを加速させる見通し。 現在、レノボホールディングコア資産のうち、元のレノボグループと融科智地のほか、 近代サービス業、化学工業産業と近代農業などもある。レノボホールディングの計画によ り、早くて2014年に香港上場を目指し、近代農業などのコア資産は上場後利益成長保 持の重要保障となるという。 今年6月にレノボホールディング取締役会長の柳伝志氏はレノボホールディングが近 代農業を発展させる上に、有名な食品ブランドを作り上げたいとの意向を対外に示した。 新農業業務を拡張するため、レノボホールディングは2010年に農業投資事業部を設 立し、今年に相前後して湖南武陵酒有限公司、河北承德乾隆醉酒業という白酒企業二社に 出資したという。先日、柳伝志氏はレノボホールディングが数多くの農業プロジェクトを 進めているが、対外に細部情報を公開できないと語った。 新浪科技 2011 年 10 月 11 日 淘宝商城(タオバオ・モール)の小店業者が同本社でバナーを掲げ、新規則の抗議へ 10 月 10 日に淘宝商城が「2012年出店業者募集及び継続出店規則調整告知」を発表 した。技術サービス料の年会費は現在の6000元から3万元、6万元の2ランクに改定 し、値上がりの幅が5倍から10倍となる。また、店舗の違約保証金も全面的に引き上げ、 現在の1万元から1万元、5万元、10万元、15万元の4種類に改定した。この挙動は 数多くの業者、特に中小業者の不満を引き起こした。10月11日に、ネットで終夜クレ ームを続けた業者らが淘宝商城の大手ネットショップ数社を非難することによって、淘宝 に宣戦を表明した。昨日まで、馬雲氏と淘宝からの強硬な回答が諸サイトで現れたため、 「攻撃」は継続的に拡大し、本記事原稿提出まで、参加者が5万人に近づき、大手ネット ショップ数十社と淘宝商城傘下の「直通車」、 「聚かく算」2セクションに波及した。本件 は当初の「360・QQ のスパイウェア告発紛争」に劣らなく、数多くのネット仲間の観戦を 77 もたらした。 揚子晩報 2011-10-13 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 10 月 27 日号) <IT 政策> クラウドコンピューティング「第12次五か年計画」草案が初完成 クラウドコンピューティング「第12次五カ年計画」の草案がすでに出来上がった。工業・ 情報化部は当計画の完成を早め、物聯網(もののインターネット) 「第12次五カ年計画」 と同じ段階で発表する予定だという。情報によると、物聯網「第12次五カ年計画」は現 在既に部長弁公室に提出され、検討されているという。 更なる情報によると、発展改革委員会が設立したクラウドコンピューティング特別プロジ ェクト基金は今年約 8 億元を投入し、主に北京、上海など5つのクラウドコンピューティ ングモデル都市のモデルプロジェクト建設に使用するという。支援範囲が狭いため、支援 度合いは実際物聯網より高いという。 さらに、紹介によると、国家戦略新興産業第12次五カ年計画は既に国務院に報告され、 クラウドコンピューティングプロジェクト建設を支援することを明確に定めた。 国金証券は、クラウドコンピューティングがまだ概念導入段階にあり、支援策や産業の発 展に伴い、国内市場が 2013 年に 1000 億元を超えるだろうと予想している。 中国証券報 2011−10−21 <国際連携> インドのソフトウェアアウトソーシング 成都は既に 2000 万ドルを超える 昨日午後、第十二回西部博覧会のメインイベントの一つである「中印サービスアウトソー シングフォーラム」は成都で行われた。世界トップレベルのコンサルティング機構やサー ビスアウトソーシング企業、インドの駐中国企業および国内サービスアウトソーシング業 界のリーダーとなる企業のおよそ 300 名の代表がフォーラムに出席した。統計によると、 2010 年の一年間、成都市の受け入れたインドのアウトソーシング業務の契約金額は 2098 万ドルで、実施金額は 390 万ドルだったという。 四川オンライン−天府早報 2011−10−21 ASEAN の製品が中国市場参入、双方の連携を深め 21日、第8回中国・東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)博覧会が広西南寧市で開幕した。 78 1991年に中国・ASEAN の対話関係が確立され、20年間にわたり、二国間貿易額 の年間平均伸び率が20%以上に達し、当面3000億ドルに近づいてきた。中国税関の 統計により、2011年の前半は中国・ASEAN の貿易額が1711億ドルに達し、前年同 期比25.4%増加した。ASEAN の対中輸出超過が100億ドルを超え、ASEAN にとって、 中国は最大の貿易パートナーになっている同時に、ASEAN も中国の三番目の貿易パートナ ーになっているという。 中国は中国・ASEAN 博覧会、ビジネスと投資セミナーなどの経済貿易交流舞台を構築し、 中国・ASEAN 投資連携基金を設立したことにより、ASEAN との連携を深めることに努めて いる。昨年 10 月に、温家宝氏は第十三回中国・ASEAN「10+1」首脳会議で、2015年 に二国間貿易額が5000億ドルに達成するとの目標を示した。また、今年10月21日 に、温家宝氏は南寧で行われた中国・ASEAN ビジネスと投資セミナーで、中国側が ASEAN 諸国の優位製品の輸入を継続的に拡大することを希望し、さらに、南寧で中国・ASEAN 商 品交易センターを双方製品の展示交易場と商業貿易物流拠点として開設すると発表した。 中国新聞網 201 年 10 月 25 日 <市場動向> 中国経済成長率が年間伸び幅9%の見通し 中国経済成長率が大体8-12%の区間に適正変動し、今年の前3四半期 GDP 伸び率 9.4%となったが、年間伸び率が9%を超える見通しだと中国国務院発展研究中心の蘆中 原氏は示した。また、同氏が国務院発展研究中心課題組の分析を引用しての予測によると、 将来5年間中国平均経済成長率は8%以上のレベルを維持し続けるという。 今年中国経済成長速度の適度緩和は、価格水準の上昇への抑制や、経済構造調整の推進、 エネルギー消耗と汚染物排出の削減にも有利であり、、マクロコントロールの意図と合致 していると蘆中原氏は指摘した。 中国経済時報 2011 年 10 月 24 日 <企業動向> チャイナテレコムは本日「翼聊」を正式に発表 も使用可能 チャイナモバイル・ユニコムユーザー チャイナテレコムは本日正式にモバイル IM 製品の「翼聊」を発表した。チャイナモバイ ルグループ公司副総経理の杨小偉氏によると、今後のユニファイド・コミュニケーション は 200 億元の市場規模になり、将来は千億規模の大市場になるだろうと予想した。 「翼聊」はチャイナテレコム協同通信基地の自主開発によるもので、2006 年に協同基地 はユニファイド・コミュニケーション製品の研究開発をスタートした。「翼聊」は実際の 携帯のアドレスブックの機能の上、マルチメディア、音声、ショートメッセージ、ビデオ 動画、テレビ会議、マイクロブログなどの機能を搭載しているもので、クロスプラットフ ォーム、端末やキャリアをまたがる本当のソーシャル交流の場であり、ほかのキャリア携 79 帯ユーザーも使用することができるものだという。 sina 科技 2011-10-18 中国移動の iPhone 利用者1000万人に、アップルと合意に未達 24日、中国移動の王建宙会長はアップルと iPhone(アイフォーン)の販売提携合意に まだであるが、同社のアイフォーン利用者が1000万人に達していることを明らかにし た。 王建宙氏は次世代のアイフォーンに中国移動の TD-LTE 規格への互換性を持たせるこ とをアップルが約束しているとしながらも、時期については表明できないと述べた。また、 中国移動は次世代の TD-LTE 移動ネット技術の開発を進めているところで、来年に一部の 都市でビジネステストを行う見込みと示した。 9月末まで同社の利用者が6.3億人を超えたが、一般利用者が多数を占め、これらの 利用者は電話とショットメッセージの機能しか利用していないという。 新浪科技 2011 年 10 月 25 日 レノボ、最安価のビジネスノートパソコンが登場 短期間内、レノボの値引販売戦略がモバイルインターネット分野のスマート携帯やタブ レットPCなどの製品からビジネスノートパソコン製品に広がってきた。昨日、レノボの 高コストパフォーマンスの B460e シリーズ製品が登場し、特価モデルは原価から千元値引 きし、最低 2399 元になったという。 京華時報 2011-10-26 <IT 振興> 中関村発展グループは1億で北京ITSシステム建設を支援 中関村発展グループITS産業クラスタ投資調印式は 18 日に北京で行われた。契約によ ると、中関村発展グループは 1.05 億元を投資し、北京の交通データ取得、通信伝送、コ ントロールなどを支援するという。 情報によると、 「第12次五カ年計画」の間、北京市は 56 億元を投資して、ITSレベル を高める予定だという。 中関村発展グループの今回の投資に応じた8社の企業の中に、中国ITSシステム有限公 司、北京理工雷科電子情報技術有限公司、北京遠特科技有限公司、北京聚利科技有限公司、 北京交通コントロール科技有限公司などの先進的な技術を持ち、応用力の高い企業も入っ ているという。 北京文安科技発展有限公司の交通ビデオスマート分析製品は信号切替時間の改善、交通渋 80 滞の緩和に役立ち、北京理工雷科電子情報技術有限公司が研究開発したレーダーチップ製 品は交通監視レーダーの生産コスト削減につながることができるという。さらに、北京図 安世紀科技有限公司が研究開発した三次元交通補助決定システムは交通運行計画の最適 化をはかることができ、都市交通計画決定の効率とレベルを高めることができるという。 中関村発展グループはまた知的財産権研究開発投資の形で北京和利時システム工程有限 公司に 2400 万元を投資し、当会社の高速鉄道の列車信号コントロールシステムの研究開 発および産業化プロジェクトの研究を支援するという。 中関村発展グループはさらに中国鉄道科学研究院、北京交通大学など四つの大学と戦略協 力協議を結び、ITSの産業資源、プロジェクトの共有を実現し、北京ITS産業の全体 の競争力を高めようとしているという。 中国新聞網 2011-10-18 北京アニメウィークが開幕 昨夕、第十二回世界漫画大会及び2011年北京国際アニメウィークが北京で開幕した。 本盛会の会期は25日まで。 開催期間中、世界各地の優秀な作品が集中的に展示されることになる。具体的には、国 際漫画オリジナル作品展、世界漫画大会受賞作品展及び中国漫画受賞作品展といった三つ の特別展が開かれる。日本の漫画家の里中満智子さん、韓国の金童話さん、元秀蓮さん、 香港の漫画「ゴッドファーザー」の黄玉郎さん、台湾の漫画「腕白小僧」の蕭言中さん及 び国内有名な漫画家の姚非拉さん、夏達さん、猪楽桃さんをはじめとする漫画家らは本盛 会に出席するという。 また、開催に合わせて、アニメゲーム産業ビジネス交易会、大規模な漫画アニメ人材の 就職説明会も行われるという。 新京報 2011-10-22 <電子商取引> 淘宝商城のルール調整は来年までに延長 アリババの 18 億元の追加投資を取得 アリババグループ取締役会主席の馬雲氏は淘宝商城総裁の張勇氏と今日午後杭州で淘宝 商城に 18 億元の追加投資を行い、淘宝商城を「品質の城」にするために使用すると発表 した。淘宝商城も当日5つの項目の事業者への支援策を発表した。事業者に関する新しい ルールの実施時間を来年9月 30 日までに延長し、新規事業者は1月1日から実行するな どの内容も含まれているという。 淘宝商城によると、消費者の利益保護の範囲を拡大するため、事業者は素材・成分の不合 格の製品を販売する場合、それを偽物販売だと見なし、事業者への罰金コストを引き上げ、 偽物・密輸品を販売する事業者に対し、「ゼロ容認」を実施する。すなわち、発見された ら、すぐに返品をし、すべての保証金を差し引く処置をとるという。 81 また、淘宝商城はさらなる公衆監督体制を作り、商品の抜き取り検査と店舗の巡回検査制 度を強化し、誘致審査基準を厳しくして、更なる多くの良質な事業者に進入してもらうよ うに促進するという。 sina 科技 2011−10−17 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 11 月 7 日号) <市場動向> 北京デジタル出版、今年225億元の突破へ 先日、第十二回世界漫画大会プロフェッショナルフォーラムが終了した。同フォーラム で、北京出版集団副総裁の李清霞氏は「中国の携帯電話利用者が9億人を超え、3G 利用 者も7000万に近づいてくる。携帯インターネット機能の利用者の95%がまとまって いない時間で携帯閲覧を希望している」と示した。また、現在北京ではデジタル出版企業 が300社近くあり、国内で三分の一を占めていることを明らかにした。2010年北京 市デジタル出版業の規模が195億元に達した。今年は歴史的新記録を作り、225億元 を超過する見込みである。 同フォーラムで、中国新聞出版研究院院長の郝振省氏は、国内アニメ・漫画の消費市場 が成りたちつつある。中国アニメ・漫画のウェブサイトも爆発的な成長期に入ったと述べ た。現在、3G ネットワークがおよそ全国をカバーし、特にスマートフォンのような端末 機器の著しい発展は新メディアアニメ・漫画製品のさらなる広範囲での普及に堅固なる基 礎を定めたという。 北京晩報 2011 年 10 月 28 日 前8ヶ月の電子情報産業の欠損割合21% 1日付の工業情報化部の統計によると、1-8月期の電子情報産業の赤字企業が315 6社あり、欠損割合21.1%に及んでいるという。 前3四半期電子情報産業の一定規模以上の製造業の増加値は16.1%増となり、工業 平均増加率を1.9ポイント上回った。売り上げ高は同期比22.7%増の5兆4,11 7億元に達成した。しかし、電子情報産業の経済効果は明らかに変動が現れ、企業欠損額 が増えた。1-8月期の全業界の売上原価が22.1%増、利息支出が33.8%増、赤 字企業が3156社、欠損割合が21.1%に達し、欠損額が同期比64.9%増となっ た。企業経営は厳しい状況が続きそうだという。 京華時報 2011 年 11 月 02 日 中国、世界二番目のモバイルアプリマーケットに 82 モバイル分析会社 Flurry のデータによると、中国はアメリカに次ぐ世界二番目のモバ イルアプリ利用国となった。 中国のモバイルアプリが人を驚かすスピードで普及されている。今年1月から、中国の モバイルアプリ利用量は既に870%も上昇し、モバイルアプリ利用量ランキング上位 100 の国と地域の全体成長速度の4倍となった。 一方、Gartner のデータにより、アップルは中国のスマートフォンマーケットで 16%の シェアを占めているが、中国の携帯電話市場で3%のシェアしか占めていない。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 03 日 <企業動向> Acer 取締役王振堂氏、来月 Acer の PC 価格を引き上げ タイの洪水被害で、ハード・ディスク・ドライブ(HDD)の生産チェインが深刻な影響 を受けた。今その被害が PC 産業にも波及することになった。Acer、ASUS がパソコンの販 売価格を引き上げる予定だ。昨日、Acer 取締役の王振堂氏は HDD の納入不足による PC 出 荷減のため、11月中旬に Acer の PC 販売価格を引き上げる可能性があり、値上がりが約 数百ニュー台湾ドルとなると示した。 新浪科技 2011 年 10 月 29 日 キャノン、Wi-Fi レーザープリンターが登場 昨日、北京で、キャノンは中国市場で「Wi-Fi 無線」印刷機能を備えるレーザープラン ターが新しく登場することを発表した。 キャノンがこの先の数年間で、中国市場でプリンタビジネスを重点的に発展させ、レー ザープリンタービジネスにおいて、今年中国国内の三四級市場をカバーすることを目指し ているとキャノン中国の小泽秀树総裁は明らかにした。 京華時報 2011 年 10 月 29 日 ASUS、今年にタブレットパソコン 180 万台出荷の予定 火曜日、ASUS の CEO 沈振来氏は11月9日に第二世代 Quad-core タブレットパソコン Transformer Prime をリリースし、2012年2月に引き続き新モデル2機種をリリース する予定、今年タブレットパソコンの出荷量が180万台に達するとの見通しを明らかに した。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 01 日 インスパーと国家品質監督検査検疫総局、クラウドコンピューティングに調印 83 11 月 1 日の情報によると、国家品質監督検査検疫総局主催がする「品質検査情報化展 示会」が昨日、北京で開幕した。同展示会でインスパーが国家品質監督検査検疫総局情報 中心と戦略的協力覚書に調印したという。将来において、インスパーはクラウドコンピュ ーティング技術及び機器、ユビキタスネットワークにおける優位性を十分に活用すること によって、品質検査総局情報中心の品質検査システム情報化建設の全面的な推進に貢献す ることを明らかにした。また、クラウドコンピューティングソリューションの中国リーデ ィングサプライヤーとして、インスパーは招きに応じて、同展示会で、同社が数年にわた って品質検査業界で獲得した情報化成果及び品質検査業界向けのクラウドコンピューテ ィングソリューションを出展した。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 01 日 華為、クラウド事業の強化へ、1万人以上に増員 昨日、華為は深せんで2011クラウドコンピューティング大会を開き、各国の業界者 1500人あまりが出席した。同大会で、華為は IT 製品生産ラインを増設することと同 時に、クラウドコンピューティングの発展を強化するため、クラウドコンピューティング の研究開発分野で来年に10,000人以上に増やすと発表した。 クラウドコンピューティングが新型 IT 産業の将来10年間発展の「エンジン」と見な され、情報通信産業の競争焦点となると同会社は指摘した。この3年間、華為のクラウド 事業の年間平均成長率が93.8%に達した。同社はグローバルで 210 箇所のデータセン ターの設置に参与し、そのうちクラウドコンピューティングセンターは16ヶ所もある。 いままで、華為はインテル、IBM、オラクルなど300社超と提携し、クラウドコンピ ューティング産業チェーンの発展を推進してきた。華為は同大会で「クラウドセールリン グプラン2012」を正式に発表し、クラウドコンピューティングプラットホームの完備 や、クラウドコンピューティングの活用・普及の拡大に努め、既存情報サービスのクラウ ドへの転換を推進し、Win-win となる産業エコロジーチェーンを構築する方針である。 深せん特区報 2011 年 11 月 01 日 レノボ、7インチのタブレットPCを主力製品に、アップルと対決 レノボグローバル高級副総裁、中国区総裁陳旭東氏が深センで今月1日に開幕したグロ ーバル CIO 大会に出席した。同大会で、陳氏はタイの洪水被害がハード・ディスク・ドラ イブ(HDD)のサプライチェ-ンに波及するにつれて、国内のPC価格も全面的に上昇す ることになると示した。「しかし、上昇幅が100元-200元前後だと予想しているか ら、消費者は過度な心配は不要」と陳氏は述べ、PC産業チェーンの下位にあるメーカー が HDD の価格上昇による大きなプレッシャーにさらされているが、すべて消費者に押し付 けることはないという。 アップルが iPad をもってタブレットパソコンやモバイルインターネットマーケットを 開拓した以降、レノボがタブレットPC事業において、7インチ及び以下の市場で首位を 目指すとの策略を明確にした。モバイルクラウドコンピューティングビジネスが IT 産業 84 の新たな成長分野となり、スマート端末がモバイルインターネット業界の突破口と位置づ けられる。また、クラウドコンピューティングはモバイルインターネットにより多くのサ ポートを提供している。陳旭東氏は「5年後、モバイルインターネット事業が現在のパソ コンビジネスと同様な規模になることを期待している」と語った。 深セン特区報 2011 年 11 月 03 日 <IT 振興> 中科院と北京市、国家レベルのスーパークラウドコンピューティングセンターの共同建 設へ 昨日、北京スーパークラウドコンピューティングセンターが中科院懐柔科教産業パーク で正式に起動された。同センターの起動は科教パーク二期建設が全面的に展開していくこ とを示している。同センターは初期に1000兆回のスーパーコンピューティングシステ ムを建設し、将来次第に1万兆回のスーパー計算能力を持たせ、国家スーパークラウドコ ンピューティングセンターを目指しているという。 現在までに、中科院参加の17社、27プロジェクトが懐柔科教産業パークに入居し、 投資額が50億元に達し、敷地面積が約1300ムー(約 86.67 ヘクタール)もある。 北京商報 2011 年 11 月 02 日 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 11 月 21 日号) <IT 政策> 「家電下郷」が新たな入札発表、来年・再来年順次終了 昨日、財政部、商務部、工業情報化部が2011年最新の「家電下郷」(農村部への家 電普及策)製品プロジェクト入札公告を共同発表した。同入札が12種類家電製品をカバ ーしている。 山東、河南、四川、青島四省で、今月末に「家電下郷」策を終了するにあたって、全国 28省・市で昨日「家電下郷」の新たな入札が発表された。「家電下郷」は来年、再来年 に順次終了する傾向。 業界内では、「家電下郷」策の順次退場につれて、三四級市場の成長が止まると懸念さ れている。現在、中国家電業の売上高の構成では、海外市場、中国一二級市場、中国三四 級市場がそれぞれ三分の一を占める局面となっている。中国家電協会秘書長の徐東生氏は 短期間の成長停滞があるにもかかわらず、事業者が他二つの市場の成長で補えると指摘し た。 Skyworth 集団中国区営業総経理の劉棠枝氏は、 「家電下郷」策の終了で消費のブームを 引き起こす可能性があり、市場では大きな変動がないだろうと予測している。Skyworth 85 は製品タイプを簡素化し、売れ行きのよい機種に集中すると同時に、3Dタブレット製品 の割合を 60%以上に引き上げるなど、アップグレードされた製品を増加することを考え ているという。 第一財経日報 2011 年 11 月 16 日 モノのインターネット「十二次五ヵ年計画」が近いうちに発表される 16 日、工業情報化部副司長李力氏は、工業情報化部を中心に制定した「モノのインタ ーネット『十二次五ヵ年』発展計画」が数日後に公表されると表明した。「計画」では、 工業情報化部の重点支援分野実用化モデル事業としてスマート工業、スマート農業、スマ ート物流、スマートグリッド、スマート環境保護、スマート安全防衛、スマート医療及び スマートホームとう 9 分野があげられている。 「計画」の発展目標として、2015 年までコア技術の研究開発及び産業化、鍵となる標 準の研究及び制定、産業チェーンの構築及び整備、重大実用化モデル及び普及などの面で で著しい成果を収め、革新を原動力とし、実用化に導かれ、共同発展しつつ、安全で制御 できるモノのインターネットがほぼ整備できるように努める。 「計画」によると、 「十二次五カ年計画」の間、国は 10 のモノのインターネット産業集 積重点地域の建設、100 の中核企業の育成、影響力と牽引力が大きい大手企業の重点的育 成、 「専門性、精通性、独特性、新鮮性」を有する中小企業のインキュベーター·支援、産 業連盟の構築に取り組み、全面的で、共同で発展する、影響力の強い産業システムを実現 するように図る。 中国証券報 2011 年 11 月 17 日 <市場動向> IT 市場価格指数が深センで発表 工業情報化部と中国電子商会が主催・実施した中国 IT 市場価格指数は今年の中国国際 ハイテク技術成果貿易会で正式に発表されるという。 中国 IT 市場指数とは、指数の形で中国 IT 製品エンド(小売)市場の動きを監視するも のである。第一期は、IT 専門のマーケートの販売状況を監視するとし、、第二期は、3C 代理店や電子商取引での販売状況を監視するものとする。 現在、北京中関村、深セン華強北に加え、沈陽三好街、成都科技街、武漢洪山科技街、 鄭州科技市場、済南山大路科技街など中国の主要な IT 製品流通センターで IT 市場指数監 視ステーション所を設立しており、基本的に全国の東西南北、中部地域の代表的な IT 製 品流通センターをカバーしているという。 深セン特区報 2011 年 11 月 15 日 今年の中国 PC 市場、出荷1億台、同期比25%増 市場調査会社ディスプレーサーチ(Display Search)が火曜日に、今年の中国市場パソ コン出荷台数の予測を9500万台から同期比25%増の1億台以上に引き上げた。 86 中国パソコン市場で、レノボはリードし続け、23.6%のシェアを占めている。冠捷 は2位、8.5%のシェアを占めている。レノボと冠捷と合わせて、第2四半期のシェア が32.1%となり、第1四半期27.6%のシェアを上回った。レノボは第2四半期に あらゆる市場分野でシェアの増長が現れた。 現在、アップルは依然として中国タブレット製品市場のリーディングブランドとなって いるが、レノボ、Acer とサムソンも同分野に注力し、シェアの拡張を図っている。レノ ボは7インチの楽 Pad A1 を発売し、販売価格が155ドルに設定されることによって、 価格競争力を向上させた。さらに、出荷量を増加させる予定だという。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 16 日 ソフトウェア業界の営業収入が再び1兆元を突破、3 種類の企業が M&A の焦点に サイディ投資コンサルティング会社(CCIDC)の最新データによると、2011 年中国ソフ トウェア産業月あたりの成長率が 30%、8 月までの業界収入規模が 1 兆人民元以上に達し た。 CCIDC 総裁張濤氏は、ソフトウェア業ではこれから M&A ブームが起こり、その内もっと も業務特色を持つソフトウェア企業、独自の技術と研究開発能力を有する企業、クライア ント IT システムのアウトソーシング企業という 3 種類の企業が M&A の焦点になると予測 している。 関連データによると、2010 年から 2011 年 10 月まで行われたソフト企業の M&A は 101 件。その内 M&A の重点分野は各業界アプリケーションソフト、ソフトウェアサービス、ゲ ームソフト及びネットワーク·情報サービスという 4 分野で 65 件。 毎日経済新聞 2011 年 11 月 17 日 <企業動向> 華為、5億3000万ドルでシマンテックとの合弁会社の株49%を取得へ 華為は月曜日に、合弁会社の華為シマンテックにおけるシマンテックが持っている4 9%の持ち株を5億3000万ドルで買収する予定だと発表した。華為シマンテックは 2008 年に香港で設立された華為とシマンテックとの合弁会社であり、主にセキュリティ、 ストレージ・システム管理ソリューションを提供する会社である。 将来、華為は、華為シマンテックが華為の ICT ソリューションの重要構成部分になるよ うに、華為シマンテックへ継続的に投資することを強化すると同社副董事長の郭平氏は示 した。 華為によると、同取引には監督管理当局の承認が必要で、2012年第1・四半期に完 了する見通しという。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 15 日 チャイナモバイル(中国移動通信)TD-LTE の大規模試験フェーズⅡが発足する予定 チャイナモバイル TD-LTE 大規模試験は 2011 年 9 月末までほぼ完成し、フェーズⅠの 87 投資総額は 6 億人民元以上。上海、杭州、南京、広州、深せん、アモイなど 6 都市で中継 ステーションが計 850 ヶ所整備され、11 社の企業が TD-LTE 試験網プロジェクトに参加。 中継ステーション設備は各企業の投入とし、チャイナモバイルは工事の実施を担当した。 フェーズⅠの試験結果により、各設備メーカーのネットワーキング機能及び端末の効果が よいとされている。 2012 年初頭よりフェーズⅡが始まると予定されている。フェーズⅡの大規模試験では 対象都市より各パイロット都市の中継ステーション数を増やし、北京で TD-LTE 展示用ネ ットワークを展開する予定。フェーズⅡ大規模試験の投資額はフェーズⅠを遥かに超え、 マルチモード端末を主とする(フェーズⅠのほうはシングルモード端末)。チャイナモバ イルによると、世界の多くの有力チップメーカーが TD-LTE マルチモードの研究開発チー ムに参加しており、一部は 2011 年末までに実用化でき、遅くとも 2012 年第三四半期まで 実用化できる。 現在世界各地で 30 以上の TD-LTE 試験網が構築され、日本、インド、サウジアラビア、 スウェーデン、オーストラリア等諸国の 10 社以上のベンダーがすでに TD-LTE 商用化計画 を明確化し、一部は商用ネットワークの構築に着手している。例えば、日本ソフトバンク は世界初の大規模 TD-LTE ベンダーとして 2011 年 10 月より TD-LTE の商用化を発足させた。 ハチソン·ワンポア(和記黃 埔)は 2011 年より TD-LTE の番号を発行する予定。以外にも TD-LTE への移行を求める WiMAX ベンダーが増えつつある。 SINA 科学技術 2011 年 11 月 16 日 <IT インフラ> 工業・情報化部、情報化のブロードバンド方策に注力、1500億元超投資へ このほど開かれた第8回国家情報化専門家セミナーでは、工業・情報化部楊学山副部長 が国家ブロードバンド方策の早期実行を「第12次5ヵ年計画」における情報化発展の主 要課題の一つとすべきだと強調した。 「第12次5ヵ年計画」の期間中、中国ブロードバンドネットワークのインフラ建設へ の投資額は累計で1兆6,000億元、そのうち、ブロードバンドアクセスネットワーク の投資が5,700億元となる。 「第12次5ヵ年計画」の期末に、インターネットブロー ドバンドアクセスポートが倍増となる3億7,000万に達し、都市部の家庭でのブロー ドバンド利用をほぼ完成させ、2億世帯向けに光ケーブル網の敷設を実現するとの見通し を明らかにした。 工業・情報化部をはじめ、七つの部・委が「光ケーブルブロードバンドネットワーク建 設推進に関する意見」を共同制定した。同意見では、2011年まで、光ケーブルブロー ドバンドポート8,000万超、3年間に光ケーブルブロードバンドネットワークの建設 への投資1,500億元超、ブロードバンド新規ユーザ5,000万超という目標を示し た。 88 上海証券報 2011 年 11 月 18 日 <電子商取引> 初の電子商取引信用度システムが発表 昨日、中国電子商取引協会がレノボと連携し、北京で電子商取引信用システムを発表し、 電子商取引業界の信用規則と標準を確立した。これで、国内で初の高い信用度の電子商取 引業者の基本行動規範が正式に発表された。 今回発表された電子商取引事業者の最も重要な基本行動規範として、以下の内容が含ま れるという。▽事業者が真実で合法的であり、中国電子商取引協会信用システムの認定を 取得したこと。▽合法的に経営し、違法、詐欺しないこと。▽消費者の個人情報を保護す ること。▽事業者の必要なビジネス情報を明確に提供すること。▽虚偽の宣伝をしなく、 消費者購買時の知る権利を保障すること。▽配送有効期限の承諾を実行し、配送状況を照 会でき、安全、かつ保障があること。▽アフターサービスが透明化され、消費者へのサー ビス保証を如実に実行すること。 京華時報 2011-11-14 中国国際航空の無線 LAN つきフライトが火曜日に試運転、携帯が使用不可 11 月 14 日に中国国際航空によると、国内初の無線 LAN つきフライトが15日に北京か ら成都まで実行され、旅客はフライト中のチャット、ホテル予約ができ、ネットショッピ ングもできるという。これは国内初の機内無線 LAN の試しとなる。現在、無線 LAN サービ スは無料となり、機内の使用に限られ、地上のネットワークとはつながらなく、また離着 陸時は使用できない。 11 月 11 日に、北京首都空港でボーイング 737-800 で、無線 LAN つきフライトの検証飛 行が成功に行われた。 同社によると、地上空中通信は技術的な問題がなく、早期実現になる見込みだが、スケ ジュールが不確定である。地上空中通信は衛星を使うかそれとも地上空中基地局を使うか そのモデルの確定は、サービスプロバイダーと相談しているところだという。 新浪科技 2011 年 11 月 14 日 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 12 月 7 日号) <IT 政策> 中国にある国家ハイテク技術産業開発区がすでに 88 カ所へ 27 日に開かれた「貴州省ハイテク技術産業開発区交流会」の情報によると、現在まで中 国にある国家ハイテク技術産業開発区がすでに 88 カ所となり、2010 年の開発区による総 収入が 10 兆元に達し、製品の輸出額が 2648 億ドルだったという。 89 科学技術部ハイテク新技術司の胡世輝副司長の紹介によると、「第十二次五カ年計画」の 間、中国のハイテク開発区は主に7つの面での発展を重点的に考慮して進める予定だとい う。それぞれは「一、企業のイノベーション能力を高めること;二、戦略的新興産業の育 成や発展に力を入れること;三、サービス業の発展に力を入れること;四、インキュベー ションメカニズムの充実化;五、イノベーション人材がリーダーシップを発揮するハイテ ク企業のチーム作り;六、投資・融資改革イノベーションの強化;七、種類ごとに国家ハ イテク開発区建設を推進。」だという。 京華時報 2011 年 11 月 29 日 <法制度> ラジオ・テレビ総局がコマーシャル制限令を公布 なる可能性も テレビメディアの損失は 200 億元に 昨日、ラジオ・テレビ総局は「ラジオ・テレビコマーシャル管理方法に関する補充規定」 を公布し、2012 年 1 月 1 日から、全国すべてのテレビ局がテレビドラマ放送中、いかな る形でコマーシャルを放送してはならないと命じた。さらに、すべてのテレビ局に 2012 年に放送予定のデレビドラマの間に予定されていたコマーシャルの時間をカットあるい は取り消しにし、番組やコマーシャルの再編成を命じていた。内部の予想により、全国の テレビ局がこの規定による損失は 200 億元を超えるだろうという。 大洋網-広州日報 2011 年 11 月 29 日 <市場動向> 今年のサービス貿易の輸出入額が 4000 億ドルを超える見込み 商務部サービス貿易司の周柳軍司長によると、統計では今年の現在までのサービス貿易の 輸出入総額は 3081 億ドルに達し、歴史の最高レベルとなり、前年同期比 18.7%増だった。 さらに今年全年度に渡るサービス貿易輸出入額は 4100 億ドルになると予想されている。 また、中国のサービス貿易の輸入の成長率は輸出を遥かに超え、貿易の輸入超過が拡大し つつあるという。輸送、観光、建築など従来のサービス業界の輸出成長率が緩やかとなり、 保険、コンピューティング、情報サービスなどの新興サービス貿易の占める割合が徐々に 増えているという。 新京報 2011 年 11 月 29 日 物聯網(モノのインターネット)基準が遅くて来年上半期に公布 第一回次世代情報技術基準シンポジウムが近日行われた。情報によると、今年の年末ある いは来年の上半期に物聯網に関するシステム基準が発表され、インターネット、集積回路、 クラウドコンピューティングなど多項目に渡る技術計画も近日公布される予定だという。 90 今年の世界物聯網産業システム市場規模が 1000 億ドルであり、中国の物聯網市場規模も 2000 億元である。全国ではすでに 28 の省と市が物聯網を新興産業発展の重点にし、2015 年の物聯網の規模が 5000 億元を突破し、年平均成長率が 11%前後に達する見込みだとい う。 南方都市報 2011 年 12 月 03 日 <企業動向> チャイナテレコムとチャイナユニコムがブロードバンドの使用費引き下げを承諾、独占 禁止違反に関する調査の中止を申し出た 「チャイナテレコムとチャイナユニコムの独占禁止違反疑惑」は 11 月 9 日に明るみにな ってから大きな進展が見られた。チャイナテレコム、チャイナユニコムは昨日オフィシャ ルサイトで同時に声明を発表し、既に発展改革委員会に「調査中止」の申請を出し、企業 が連絡し合っていることや価格的に不適切な行動があることを認めた。さらに、是正を承 諾し、「第十二次五か年計画」の期間中に光ファイバーの接続普及率やブロードバンド速 度を大幅に引き上げると同時に、ブロードバンドの使用費用を引き下げるという。発展改 革委員会もすでに二つの会社から調査中止の申し出を受け、現在は「独占禁止法」に基づ き審議中だとコメントした。 電信業界の専門家項立剛氏によると、発展改革委員会は二つの会社と和解する可能性が大 きく、チャイナテレコムとチャイナユニコムの市場独占を罰金で処罰しても、市場バラン スがとれるような効果が期待できないという。さらに、ブロードバンド接続の市場背景に さらにメカニズムや体制の深いレベルの問題があるため、電信やらラジオ・テレビ業界の 専門家が多くのブロードバンド運営会社の発展によって、テレコムとユニコムの独占を打 破することができると意見を述べたが、発展改革委員会はこの権限を持っておらず、工業 情報化部しか全国インターネット運営許可証を配布することができないという。 新京報 2011 年 12 月 03 日 <技術動向> <IT インフラ> 江蘇省のチャイナテレコムが銅線を光ファイバーに引き換え、都市農村すべてをカバー。 すべての団地の家庭に 100M のブロードバンドを導入 11 月 28 日、チャイナテレコム江蘇省会社は記者会見で次のように発表した。江蘇省テレ コムのブロードバンドユーザーは 1000 万世帯を超えた。また、チャイナテレコムの江蘇 省での目標は 2010 年「オプティカルネットワーク」の接続を 900 万世帯にし、都市のす べての団地やビジネスビルをカバーさせるという。2013 年、 「オプティカルネットワーク」 接続を 1500 万世帯にあげ、江蘇省すべての集中している鎮や集中団地まですべてをカバ ーする。さらに、「第十二次五か年計画」の末期まで、省の都市・農村すべての場所で光 ファイバーを普及させるという。 91 近年、江蘇省テレコムが「銅線を光ファイバーに引き換える」とのネット改造を全面的に 進めており、国際的先進レベルの受動光ネットワーク技術を利用し、オプティカルネット ワーク事業を建設しているという。 12 月2日、江蘇省テレコムはまた天翼ブロードバンドユーザーのインターネット利用速 度を大幅に引き上げると発表し、江蘇省の一万以上の光ファイバー利用可能の住宅団地が 最大 100M 速度のブロードバンドを利用できるという。これは国内での最高速だという。 さらなる情報によると、江蘇省経済情報化委員会はまた江蘇省テレコムと「江蘇省の知恵 都市建設推進協力協議」を結び、双方は連携して 13 の地域を重点とし、省全体をカバー できる知恵都市群を建設する予定だという。ブロードバンドの、全範囲をカバーする、統 合された、安全な都市「オプティカルネットワーク」建設に力を入れ、スマートシティの 統一したポータルサイトを開き、社会各分野、各レベルの応用を推進し、スマートシティ やスマート産業の発展を全面的に押し進める予定だという。 sina 科技 2011 年 11 月 28 日、12 月 02 日 上海百万世帯が NGB ネットワーク100Mのブロードバンドに接続 昨日、中国次世代ラジオテレビネットワーク(NGB)上海モデルネットワーク 100 万世帯 投入運営式が呉江路東方有線ビルで行われた。すなわち NGB ネットワークにより、100 Mに達するブロードバンドが上海の百万世帯を超える家庭に取り付けられ、三網融合のた めにしっかりした基礎を築いたということになる。 さらに、情報によると、来年初頭に中国初の 3D テレビチャンネルが正式に放送され始め、 その際に、上海の 200 万の NGB ユーザーがほかのユーザーより先に 3D テレビをみること ができる。また、家でテレビを通じて治療を受けたり、チャットしたり、オンライン遠隔 教育を受けたりすることも可能だという。 紹介によると、来年の初頭に、NGB モデル網ユーザーはさらに 100 万世帯増え、全部で 200 万世帯に達する見込みで、これからの 3−5 年間の間、市にある 500 万あまりのケーブルテ レビのユーザーも NGB を利用できるようになるという。 東方早報 2011 年 12 月 02 日 <電子商取引> 京東商城傘下の贅沢品ネット販売 360top.com が正式にオープン 京東商城の傘下にある贅沢品ネット販売 360 top.com が正式にオープンした。今の 360 top の品揃えも充実している。これまでの贅沢品ネット販売は京東商城の中の一部だったが、 この市場に潜んでいる巨大な市場に目を付け、京東はさらに力を入れた。 中国贅沢品の B2C の発展が急速で、VC にも注目され、激しい競争を招いていた。尚品、 92 佳品、優衆を含めとするたくさんのネット販売はそれぞれ千万ドル前後の投資を獲得した という。 易観国際報告のデータによると、2011 年中国のインターネット贅沢品市場の取引総額は およそ 160 億人民元になると見込み、2012 年中国の贅沢品消費は日本を超え、世界一に なると予想している。 sina 科技 2011 年 11 月 22 日 国家郵便局局長:中国はすでに世界第三の宅配市場に 中国宅配フォーラムで国家郵便局局長の馬軍勝氏は次のように述べた。短い間、中国の宅 配市場は成長のもっとも早く、潜在力のもっとも大きい新興市場となり、市場規模はアメ リカや日本につぐ世界第三位となった。2015 年の宅配市場規模がさらに倍増し、年経営 規模が 1430 億元となり、年間の宅配便処理量が 61 億件になる見込みだという。 現在、中国では宅配業務の経営ライセンスを持っている企業が 6800 社を超え、世界のト ップ 500 の企業の内の5社が中国の宅配市場の投資や競争に参与した。配達のネットワー クは現在東から西へ、都市中心から郊外へと急速に拡大し、営業拠点もさらに 6.4 万カ所 となり、宅配関連の従業者も 70 万人を超えたという。 さらに、情報によると、中国の宅配業界はネットショッピングの大幅な伸びに伴い、規模 を拡大したため、ネットショッピングの市場が未だに初期段階にあるのを鑑み、宅配業界 の発展にさらなる大きなチャンスが潜んでいると思われている。 京華時報 2011 年 11 月 23 日 四年後、中国のネットショッピングの使用者数は3億を超えると予想 世界有名のコンサルティング会社である BCG が発表した中国の電子商取引に関する報告 によると、中国の電子商取引市場が既に世界第二位になり、これからはさらに爆発的な成 長を見世、2015 年に世界一となり、ネットショッピングの使用者数が 3.29 億人に激増す るだろうという。 さらに、報告によると、中国の電子商取引市場の価値(販売実際価値)は既に 2008 年の 1280 億元から 2010 年の 4760 億元までに増加、日本あるいはイギリスの二倍だという。 現在、中国の 4.57 億のネットユーザーの中、ネット販売を利用しているのは 1.45 億人で、 アメリカの 1.7 億人の規模につぐ世界第二位となっている。 これからの五年以内に、多くの従来のネットショッピング使用者の年間ネット消費額がさ らに倍増し、 一人当たり 6220 元となり、アメリカの 1000 ドルの平均水準に近づくだろう。 さらに、電子商取引は中国の小売り総額に占める割合が現在の 3.3%から 2015 年の 7.4% までに増加するだろう。また、報告によると、中国の電子商取引業界は比較的に低い物流 93 コストの恩恵を受け、1キロの小包の郵送料は平均1ドル前後だという。 法制晩報 2011 年 11 月 22 日 中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 12 月 26 日号) <IT 政策> 商務部、ネット通販条例起草中 来年立法計画へ 現在、インターネット、特に無線LANの発展によって、ネット通販が毎年100%ア ップのスピードで成長し、市場取引のホットスポットとなった。それに伴い、ネット通販 の中に知財権侵害や偽商品の現象がますます多くなっている。それに対して、本日、商務 部はネット通販が着実に進めるように、ネット通販条例を起草し、物流監督管理に詳しく 定める最中だと示した。商務部市場秩序司司長の常暁村氏は来年の立法計画に入れること を目指すと述べた。 中国放送網 2011 年 12 月 13 日 広州来年から「紅棉(キワタノキ) 」プロジェクトを実施 第 14 回中国留学者広州科学技術交流会での情報によると、海外人材の広州での起業を奨 励するための「紅棉」計画は広州市により正式に発表された。2012 年から、市政府が毎 年 1 億元以上の資金を捻出し、100 社以上の広州で初めて起業する海外人材の企業を支援 する予定で、選ばれた海外人材起業企業への最高支援額は 100 万元になるという。 「紅棉」計画は初めて起業する海外人材の為のサービスであり、華僑も含まれる。「紅棉 計画」は科学技術系の起業を優先的に支援し、支援額は 50-100 万であり、非科学技術系 の起業への支援金は 30-50 万だという。 起業資金面での支援以外、「紅棉」計画に選ばれた海外人材は出入国、居留、戸籍、子ど もの教育、配偶者の広州での職探し、物件購入・賃貸などの面でも優遇されるという。 大洋網-広州日報 2011 年 12 月 22 日 <市場動向> 試行ルサイトの IPTV ユーザーが 350 万世帯へ 国家ラジオ・映画・テレビ総局の紹介によると、中国のインターネット視聴産業の発展が 急速で、インターネットビデオユーザーが既に 3 億を超えているという。中国の三網融合 (通信・放送・インターネットのネットワーク融合)の試行サイトにおける IPTV ユーザ ーも既に 350 万世帯に達してる。モバイルマルチメディアラジオ・テレビインターネット 94 (CMMB)は全国 335 の都市をカバーし、双方向端末ユーザーが 1200 世帯で、単方向端末 ユーザーが 600 万だという。 通信産業網 2011 年 12 月 16 日 IC 産業推進大会が済南で開催、中国 IC 設計規模が全世界の14%近くを占める 本日、2011年中国 IC(集積回路)産業推進大会が山東済南で開催された。同大会 で工業・情報化部のソフト・IC 促進センターが発表したレポートにより、全世界におい て、半導体市場の成長減速を背景に、中国の地元 IC 設計企業は持続的かつ高速な発展を 実現したとみられる。同センターの予測では、今年中国の IC 設計事業の売上は686. 81億元に達し、全世界に占める割合が13.89%まで上がる見込み。 同中心は全国の主要 IC 設計企業42社に対しサンプリング調査を行った結果、201 1年に多数の企業の IC 設計売上が増加となり、平均成長率が40.88%に達成した。 そのうち、6社の売上が倍増となったという。 経済日報 2011-12-17 2010 年中国の特許申請数がアメリカを超え、世界第二位となる 世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)が 20 日に「2011 年世界知的所有権指数報告」を発表した。 報告によると、2011 年世界の特許申請件数が歴史最高の 198 万件であり、前年より 7.2% 増であった。中国は初めて日本を超え、アメリカに次ぐ第二位となった。 アメリカの申請件数はおよそ 49 万件で、2006 年以来日本を超え、第一位の座を守り続け ていた。中国は約 39 万件あまり、前年と比べて増加幅は 24%以上となり、日本の約 34.5 万件を超えたという。 データによると、中国企業は海外での特許申請に関するランキングも上昇しており、去年 中興はパナソニックに次ぐ第二位をランキングし、クアルコム第三位、華為が第四位だっ たという。 また、2010 年の国際商標登録申請件数は 366 万件で、前年より 11.8%増であった。中国は 105 万件の首位で、第二位のアメリカの 28 万件前後を遥かに超えていたという。 中国新聞網 新華網 sina 科技 2011 年 12 月 21 日 <企業動向> 浪潮が1億元で Qimonda の密封包装テスト生産ラインを買収 12 月 16 日、中国のクラウド・コンピューティングメーカーの浪潮は1億元でドイツ社 Qimonda のハイエンド集積回路メモリー密封包装テスト生産ラインを買収し、濟南で中国 95 初となるハイエンド(FBGA)集積回路メモリー密封包装テスト生産ラインを建設すると発 表した。 浪潮の紹介によると、今回買収した密封包装テスト生産ラインは先進的な FBGA 密封包装 技術を使用しているという。さらに、生産ラインが稼働後、年間 6000 万のハイエンドメ モリーチップを生産することができ、年間売上額は1億ドルを超えると予想されている。 さらに、情報筋によると、今回の買収は 2009 年浪潮が Qimonda 中国研究開発センターを 買収した後に行われた二回目の Qimonda 資産への買収で、2009 年 8 月に浪潮は 3000 万元 で Qimonda 中国研究開発センターを買収したという。 sina 科技 2011 年 12 月 16 日 フィリップス LED プロジェクトが成都に拠点を フィリップス・成都戦略協力協議及び LED プロジェクト調印式が昨日成都で行われた。フ ィリップスは成都で中西部を対象にする第二の地域本部を作る予定である。今回の成都の ハイテク技術開発区に位置する LED 専門照明プロジェクトは面積 3.5 万平米の場所で、 2011 年から 2015 年までの累計投資が 2500 万ユーロを超え、800 の雇用機会を作ることが できるという。 協議によると、当該基地は主にフィリップスブランドの野外及び室内 LED 照明器具を生産 し、さらに、世界でも先進的となる LED 照明応用センターを作り、これを顧客体験センタ ーにする予定だという。 四川オンライン-華西都市報 2011 年 12 月 16 日 神州デジタルは中国ソフトウェア評価センターと戦略協力関係を結ぶ 12 月8日、中国ソフトウェア評価測定センターと神州デジタルインターネット有限公司 (以下「DCN」と略)の戦略協力発表会は北京で行われた。双方は今後電子政府、システ ムインテグレーション、メンテナンス、研修などの分野で全面的かつ多層的な協力をする ことを決めた。 戦略協力関係を結ぶ一週間前に、双方は 2011DCN 電子政府サミットを共同主催し、DCN は サミットで「都市緊急時指揮、サイト安全、クラウドコンピューティングデータセンター、 政府デスクトップクラウド」を含めとする一連の政府の公共サービス能力向上に関する具 体案を発表した。 また、次の段階での協力は「スマート都市」の展開をめぐるもので、神州デジタルは中国 での「スマート都市」プロジェクトの提唱者及び先駆者である。現在、神州デジタルは既 に南京、武漢等 10 の都市と「スマート都市」戦略協力協議を結び、62 の都市で「スマー ト都市」プロジェクトの配置を始めたという。 コンピューター世界網 2011-12-09 96 チャイナユニコムは 395 億元で「スマート広東」を建設、3G ネットを 84M にレベルアッ プ 12 月 22 日、チャイナユニコムの傘下にある広東省支社は広東省政府の関連部門と「物聯 網(モノのインターネット)建設加速・スマート広東建設推進戦略協力協議」を結んだ。 さらに、チャイナユニコムが「第十二次五カ年計画」期間中、395 億元を投資し、2012 年の投資額が 110 億元を超え、WCDMA ネットワークの広東全省での HSPA+カバーを加速さ せると双方は共同発表した。 それと同時に、広東ユニコムと広東省経済・情報化委員会は「スマート広東」戦略協力パ ートナーシップを結び、市場ニーズによりタイムリーに 640AM 及び MIMO などの先端技術 を導入、3G インターネットのスビードを 84Mbp/s にあげ、3G 上質ネットワークを作り上 げる予定だという。 sina 科技 2011 年 12 月 22 日 <その他> 投資銀行が中国経済の下落を予想 近日、中金公司(CICC)、野村証券(アジア)及び JP モルガンなどの中国国内外の投資銀 行は相次いで 2012 年の中国マクロ経済への展望を発表した。多くの外資研究機関の予想 によると、中国経済が大きな下落リスクに直面しており、2012 年の中国の GDP 成長率が 7.9%-9.2%の間だろうという。中国社会科学院金融重点実験室の劉煜輝主任は中国の GDP 成長は急な転落を示す確率が少なく、来年は 8%以上の成長を示すだろうと予想している という。 人民網 2011-12-21 中国 IT NEWS(2012 年 1 月 10 日号) <国際連携> 中露は世界最大のリチウム電池を建設する予定 ロシアの RUSNANO 社と中国雷天(ThunderSky)持ち株会社による合弁企業の Liotech 社の発 表によると、当社はロシアの Novosibirsk 付近で世界最大の高容量リチウム電池工場を建 設するという。Liotech 社はナノ構造正極材のリン酸鉄リチウム(LiFePO4)でさまざまな 機能の電池を生産する予定である。新しい工場の設計容量は 1 GWh を超え、すなわち年間 百万の電池を生産できるという。当プロジェクトの投資額は 135 億ルーブル(4.2 ドル) 97 を超え、工場の敷地面積が 40000 平方メートル、9 ヶ月以内で建設を完成させる予定だと いう。 新京報 2012−01−05 <市場動向> 2015 年中国の対外貿易総額は目標 5 兆 4000 億ドル 昨日、商務部は「第十二次五か年計画」期間中の中国商務発展の主要任務と重点業務を発 表した。その中に、貨物の輸出入が年平均成長 10%前後で、2015 年に 4 兆8千億ドルに達 し、サービス貿易の年平均成長率が 11%以上、2015 年に 6000 億ドルまでとの目標を掲げ た。すなわち、2015 年中国の対外貿易規模は 5 兆4千億ドルになるということである。 また、税関総署の予想によると、2011 年度の中国の対外貿易総額は 3 兆5千億ドルを超 え、19%前後増加するという。 また、消費分野の主な目標に関して、商務部によると、「第十二次五カ年計画」期間中に 社会消費品の小売り総額を年平均 15%前後まで成長させ、2015 年に 32 兆元までに達し、 生産材料の販売額も年平均成長率を 16%前後まで、2015 年に 76 兆元にするという。 北京商報 2012−01−05 昨年、中国ゲーム市場の規模は 446 億元、PC オンラインゲームの利用者数は 1.2 億人 本日、2011 年度中国ゲーム産業年会は西安市で開かれた。その間に発表した「2011 年度 中国ゲーム産業調査報告書」では、去年中国国内のゲーム市場(PC オンラインゲーム市場、 携帯オンラインゲーム市場、PC シングルゲーム市場など)の規模は 446 億元に上り、同期 比 34%増だったこと、同じ時期に国内 PC オンラインゲーム利用者の数は 1.2 億人に上り、 同期比 9.1%増だったことを示した。 新浪科技 2012 年 01 月 09 日 <企業動向> ノキアはアジア太平洋地域本部をシンガポールから北京へ移転 ノキアのスポークスマンは 1 月4日の電子メールで業務効率向上やコスト削減のため、ノ キアアジア太平洋地域本部をシンガポールから北京に移転すると発表した。アジア太平洋 本部が北京に移転されてからも、シンガポールの事務所が引き続き稼働するという。 新浪科技 2012−01−04 チャイナテレコムはフランス・ドイツ市場開拓を計画 華僑の居留地に集中 チャイナテレコムの地域開発管理担当の劉長海氏によると、チャイナテレコムはイギリス 市場でモバイルサービスの提供に続いて、さらに多くのヨーロッパー市場に進出すると発 98 表した。劉長海氏によると、チャイナテレコムの次の客層はドイツとフランスに居留する 現地の中国人である可能性があり、情報によると、西ヨーロッパーに住んでいる中国人は およそ 200 万人だという。 チャイナテレコムはイギリスで提供するモバイルサービスは Everything Everywhere 社の ネットワークを使用する予定で、Everything Everywhere はフランステレコムとドイツテ レコムの合資による企業である。当社は4日にこのサービスが当四半期に正式にリリース されると発表した。劉長海氏によると、チャイナテレコムは海外へモバイルバーチャルネ ットワークサービスを提供する中国初のキャリアだという。 マーケットリサーチの従事者によると、モバイルバーチャルネットワークの建設はチャイ ナテレコムが国際ローミング費用分野でチャイナユニコムとの競争展開に資するという。 新浪科技 2012−01−05 張元基氏はサムスングループ大中華地域総裁に就任 サムスングループの 1 月 5 日の発表によると、元サムスン電子液晶パネル事業部社長の張 元基氏はサムスングループ大中華地域の総裁に正式に就任するという。 張元基氏は就任式でサムスン中国が引き続き液晶パネルやチップなどの先端技術への投 資を強化すると発表した。サムスン電子の蘇州液晶パネル工場は 2011 年に定礎式が行わ れ、2012 年に正式に起動する予定だという。また、中国政府との協議により、2012 年に 中国でチップ工場を造り、2013 年に生産に入る予定だという。 新浪科技 2012−01−05 <IT 振興> 広州、スーパーコンピューティングセンターの建設に18億元 1 月 7 日午前に、広州市(中国共産党の)市党委員会の万慶良書記はスマートシティ広州に ついてそのポイントを述べた。同氏は、スマートシティの建設が主として民生サービスをめぐって 行うものであると示した。広州で、2015年までブロードバンド広州、ファイバー・トゥ・ザ・ホームを 実現させるという。現在、財政部から6億元、広東省から6億元、さらに広州市から6億元を投資 し、合計18億元で広州スーパーコンピューティングセンターを設立しようとしている。 金羊網-羊城晩報 2012 年 01 月 07 日 <電子商取引> 鉄道部の胡亜東副部長、鉄道予約サイト一日平均アクセス数10億超 鉄道部の胡亜東副部長によると、全国の鉄道は今年初めて、オンラインによるチケット販売と 電話による座席予約を実施したが、1日200万枚のチケットが販売されたという。オンラインチケ ット販売サイトへの登録ユーザーが1千万人を上回って、1月1日から7日まで国内鉄道座席予 99 約サイト「12306」の1日平均アクセス数が10億回を上回ったという。春節(旧正月)に伴う特別 輸送体制「春運」期間中の全国の鉄道旅客輸送量は前年同期比6.1%増の延べ2億3500万 人に達し、前年比1,352万人増となり、1日平均588万人に達し、前年比34万人増となる見通 しだと胡副部長は話した。 南方都市報 2012 年 01 月 09 日 京東は電子書籍市場へ高調進出、最低価格が紙製書籍の1/4 1月8日に開催された「京東商城2011年図書音楽映像業務回顧及び電子書籍雑誌発展計 画会議」において、図書業務責任者の石濤副総裁は、京東商城の電子書籍・雑誌の有料ダウン ロードサービスを早ければ、来月に行うことを発表した。一年間で電子書籍の出版権を 30 万種 類にし、アマゾン(Amazon)の 2011 年の販売種類とほぼ同じにするという。現在、京東商城は 200 社以上の出版社とウェブサイトと提携協議書を締結し、第一段階でリリースされる書籍が 8 万 種類を超え、電子書籍、デジタル刊行物、マルチメディア電子書籍を含むという。提携対象は人 民文学出版社、上海世紀出版集団、機械工業出版社、人民郵電出版社等主要出版社を含む。 アメリカアマゾンが専用の Kindle 電子ブックリーダーデバイスによってユーザーのダウンロード と閲読ルートを固定するモデルと異なって、京東商城はコンテンツの提供に力を入れ、ユーザー が専用端末にダウンロードし閲読するようにできる。ダウンロードされた書籍はスマートフォン、パ ソコン、デジタルブックリーダー、iPad 四種類の末端に適用できる。京東商城は電子書籍が国際 通用の epub と PDF フォーマットを採用することにしたという。 石濤副総裁は「電子書籍が間違いなく紙製書籍より安い。出版社として、電子書籍の最低価 格を紙製書籍の 1/3~1/4 にするのを受け入れることができる」と述べた。 人民網-人民日報 2012 年 01 月 09 日 <セキュリティ> 当当網が一部のデータの盗難を認め、 すでに警察に通報 12 月 29 日、消息筋では、当当網の 1200 万もの利用者データが公開されたとした。それ に対し、当当網はそれを否認し、現地の警察機関に通報した。 つい前日、近頃の一連の利用者情報漏えい事件に対し、工業と信息化部は、「近来一部の インターネットサイトの情報漏えい事件に関する工業と信息化部の通告」を公表し、すで に緊急対応プランを起動しており、関連企業と部門の集いを行って対策を検討するとした。 インターネットが急激なスピードで発展している今日、ネットワークのセキュリティ問題 は浮き彫りになりつつある。近頃 CSDN、天涯コミュニティ、アリペー(最大の第三者オ ンライン決済サービス会社)、京東商城、当当網などは皆そのような事件に巻き込まれて いる。 100 毎日経済新聞 2011-12-30 <IT 人材> IT 業界は今年三種類の人材が不足 IT 製品は年々更新され、関連技術人材も変動している。百伯網(百度傘下の求人サイト) によると、今年の人材不足は主に電子商取引、クラウドコンピューティング、モバイルイ ンターネッッとの三つの分野に集中すると予想されている。 百伯網の 2011 年下半期の求人データによると、9、10、11 月の電子商取引の会社は物流・ 在庫管理分野の人材へのニーズは8月と比較して、それぞれ 123%、115%、102%の増加を 見せた。 さらに、百伯網のデータ研究センターの予想によると、中国全土のクラウドコンピューテ ィング人材の不足がさらに百万に達し、2012 年クラウドコンピューティングに関連する ポストが 150%増えるだろうという。 北京商報 2012−01−04 中興洪波副総裁、社員の月給が一万元でも物足りない 昨日午後、当市第五期人民代表大会第三回会議の塩田区分科会では、中興通訊洪波シニア 副総裁は、物価や不動産が高騰する中、スタッフの月給を 1 万元に引き上げても、生活は まだ厳しいもので、政府は都市の吸引力をアップさせねばならないと示した。 ここ数年、中興深センの R&D チームの人数は、年を追って減少しており、ひいては内陸 都市よりも少ない状況にある。たとえば、中興南京の R&D チームはすでに 1 万 4 千人の 規模になったものの、深センのほうはわずか 7000 人だけだ。後で設立した西安市の R&D チームでも 5000 人の規模になっている。内陸都市の発展に伴い、深セン市の吸引力は弱 くなっている。当初、6000~7000 元を出したら、院生はやってくるが、物価や家屋の値 段が高い現在では、1 万元を出しても、生活に余裕がない。企業は、社員を引き留めるた め、毎年 10%の賃上げをしなければならない。それにしても、依然として暮らしの需要 に追いつかない。政府は、中興の人材確保のために、保障的住宅などの対策を打ち出した が、その数はまだ足りない。「5 年前に入社した社員なら、その住宅を申請して入居でき ますけど、ここ 5 年間は全然チャンスがない」とのこと。 南方都市報 2012 年 01 月 09 日 101 中国 IT NEWS(2012 年 2 月 2 日号) <IT 政策> 工業・情報化部が 13 の業界への投資重点分野を発表 18 日、中国工業・情報化部は「産業転換・グレードアップに関する投資ガイド」を発表 し、13 の産業業界への投資重点分野と投資方向を明らかにした。 「ガイド」は6つの章に分かれ、品目・品質、省エネ・排出削減、安全操業、装備改善、 両化融合(情報化と産業化の融合)、軍民結合(軍需生産と民需生産を同時に推進する) など6つのファクターから、素材、装備、消費財、電子情報など 13 の業界への投資重点 分野と投資方向を整理した。そのうち、鉄鋼、繊維などの伝統産業もあれば、戦略的新興 産業、生産的サービス業などの新興分野もある。 同日、中国政府は初の「産業転換・グレードアップ計画(2011-2015 年)」を発表し、投資 体制の整備、民間資本の重点分野への進出に関する政策実施、民間資本の合法的権益の保 護、審査許可の手続きの簡素化、企業の海外投資への自主権の実行・徹底を提起した。 中国新聞網 2012 年 01 月 18 日 <国際連携> 商務部が企業のアフリカ通信インフラ整備への参与を奨励 商務部国際貿易交渉代表兼副部長の高虎城氏はこのほど、中国の金融機関や企業がさまざ まな形でアフリカの電力、交通、電信などインフラ整備や相互接続・相互動作 (interconnection and inter-working)に参与し、アフリカの投資・貿易環境の改善を 支援し、アフリカ地域内の経済一体化のプロセスを加速させるよう、中国政府としては引 き続き奨励するとした。 通信産業網 2012 年 01 月 29 日 <市場動向> クラウドコンピューティングの年間市場規模は 600 億超 11 日に開かれた 2011 中国インターネット産業年会では、中国のクラウドコンピュー ティング、モノのインターネット(Internet of Things)は高速成長期に突入し、巨大なア プリケーションマーケットが生まれることがわかった。中国インターネット協会が中国イ ンターネット・ネットワーク情報センター、アイリサーチ(iResearch)、易観国際 ( Analysys International)など調査機構の報告書をまとめたところ、2012 年、中国クラ ウドコンピューティングの市場規模が 600 億元以上に上り、 「十二・五」 (第 12 次五カ年 計画、2011-2015 年)」期間中に、その産業リンケージは 7500 億~1 兆元に達すると見込 む。 102 京華時報 2012-01-12 <企業動向> 金蝶国際とアリペーが戦略的協力関係に 昨日、金蝶国際(Kingdee)とアリペー(第三者オンライン決済サービス会社)は、 金蝶業務管理ソフトウェアとアリペー製品が本格的にドッキングすることを深セン市で 発表した。企業を対象とする「支企直聯」(アリペーが打ち出した企業向けのオンライン 決済方法)というソリューションを打ち出した。これによって、企業の支払業務と情報管 理アプリケーションとは初めて融合を実現し、大衆消費市場ですでに成熟しているオンラ イン決済が正式に企業に広がることを示している。 金蝶国際の説明では、ドッキングをした後、企業は社内の金蝶システム(たとえば ERP)を通して、同企業のアリペー口座の資金をそのまま管理可能となり、問い合わせ、 振り替え、現金引き出しなどの操作を完成できる。また、支払の際に生まれた関連情報は 金蝶 ERP システムにおける会計、仕入れおよび販売管理など企業の主幹業務データと同期 する。 深セン特区報 2012-01-13 レノボが世界範囲で組織変更を 米ラスベガスで開かれたコンシューマー・エレクトロニクス・ショー(CES)で、レ ノボグループは記者会見を行い、海外の成熟市場での売上が初めて中国国内市場を上回り、 世界範囲の組織変更をすると宣言した。 同グループの楊元慶代表取締役は、その前の四半期で、レノボが米国の PC 市場にお いてトップファイブに、ドイツの PC 市場においてトップスリーにランクインし、さらに 中国と日本の PC 市場で王座を占めていると述べた。一方、マーケットシェアのランキン グより、もっと注目すべきは、レノボグループは 3 年前から運用してきた組織構成を大き く変更することである。成熟市場と新興市場の観点で市場を分けるのを止め、世界範囲の 業務を中国市場、北米市場、EMEA 市場(欧州-中東-アフリカ)とアジア太平洋地域-南米市 場の4つに分ける。楊元慶代表取締役は、レノボが今後この4つのエリアで市場を運営し、 そのうち、中国エリアと新たな北米エリアが世界最も大きい 2 つの市場に専念するとした。 京華時報 2012-01-12 Hanvon 社が 2011 年度の業績を下方修正 4 億 2000 万元の赤字へ Hanvon 社は 1 月 29 日、2011 年度の業績訂正公告を発表した。これによると、電子ブッ クリーダー製品による売上高や粗利益が従来予想を下回っていたなどの理由で、2011 年 度の最終損益は 4 億 2500 万元~4 億 3500 万元の赤字になる見込み。前年度は 8790 万元 の黒字だった。 103 新浪科技 2012 年 01 月 29 日 中国モバイルが 129 万台の WLAN 設備の入札募集を計画 トを整備 3年で 600 万のホットスポッ 中国モバイルは近いうち、2012 年に WLAN 製品の集中購入を行い、129 万台の AP 設備を購 入する予定だ。 現在、同社の全国における WiFi ネットワーク・ホットスポットの数は総計 160 万に上っ ており、今後 3 年でその数を 600 万に増やすとした。この前、中国モバイル 2012 年度全 体会議では、 「将来志向の長期方針」として、2012 年に WLAN の整備、保守、運用と業務 発展を日常業務に盛り込むとした。 新浪科技 2012 年 01 月 30 日 中国 IT NEWS(2012 年 2 月 21 日号) <IT 政策> 物聯網(もののインターネット)に関する第十二次五ヵ年計画を発表 工業情報化部は本日、「物聯網に関する第十二次五ヵ年計画」を発表した。本計画で は、2015 まで物聯網のコア技術を把握し、センシング技術、伝送、処理、応用などの技 術分野で 500 以上の重要な研究成果を収め、200 以上の国家標準と業界標準を研究、策定 し、2015 まで、比較的整備された物聯網の産業リンケージを形成し、10 つの産業集積エ リアと 100 社の中堅企業を育成、発展させるという。 現在の物聯網の状況から見れば、全国で 1600 の事業所がセンサーの研究、製造と応 用に携わっている。年間生産高が 24 億個で、市場規模が 900 億元を超え、その内、メム ス(MEMS)センサーの市場規模が 150 億元以上に上っている。M2M(Machine to Machine) 端末の数が 1000 万台近くに上り、世界最大の M2M 市場に仲間入りした。2010 年中国の物 聯網の市場規模は 2000 億元近くに上ると推計されている。 新浪科技 2012 年 02 月 14 日 <企業動向> 中国電信、IPv6 の展開が二段階に 本日、午前に行われた「2012年ブロードバンド中国戦略サービス情報化推進大会」 で、中国電信(チャイナテレコム)グループ総経理補佐の郭浩氏は、中国電信が次世代イ ンターネットの展開を次の二段階分けて推進していくと示した。第一段階では、2013 年 104 末まで、次世代インターネットの小規模トライアル実験を実施し、一部の重点都市を選定 し、インターネットと IDC の改造、サポートシステムのグレードウップ、エンドツエンド への IPv6 プロセスの貫通を行う。第二段階では、2014年から、国の統一計画の下、 次世代インターネットのスケール展開とトライアル実験を進めるという。 去年 12 月 23 日に、国務院が常務会議を開き、中国次世代インターネット産業発展の加 速を検討の上、方針を決定した。同会議では、2013年末まで、国際インターネットプ ロトコルバージョン6(IPv6)のネット小規模商用利用を試験的に展開し、成熟したビジ ネスモデルと技術ロードマップを形成する。2014年から2015年まで、大規模展開 と商用化を推進し、国際インターネットプロトコルバージョン4とバージョン6との主要 業務の共存を実現すると示した。 C114 中国通信網 2012 年 02 月 16 日 商標権紛争がエスカレート=10 の都市でアップルの販売中止 iPad 中国国内での商標権をめぐるアップルと深セン唯冠(プロビュー)との対立はエ スカレートし、現在まで、少なくとも 10 の都市で iPad の販売が中止された模様。アップ ルの中国代理店の深セン順電による深セン唯冠の iPad 商標権侵害が認定された判決につ れて、さらに多くの地方で iPad の販売中止が始まる見通し。 新浪科技 2012 年 02 月 20 日 フォックスコン社は中国大陸の従業員へ再賃上げを フォックスコン社は 20 日、2012 年 2 月 1 から中国大陸における製造拠点の従業員の基本 給をあまねく 2200 元以上に引き上げ、賃上げ幅が 16%~25%になると発表した。2010 年か ら 3 回目の賃上げとなる。 また、同社は賃上げとともに、従業員により多くの余暇を楽しませるために、中国大陸の 各製造拠点では、2 月 1 日から残業時間を徐々に減らし、より多い教育の機会と学習時間 を確保し、技術レベル、効率、業績および賃金を引き続き向上させ、「作業時間が少ない が、所得が減らない」という目標を次第に達成すると発表した。 郭台銘董事長铭は去年、3 年以内で中国に 100 万台の産業用ロボットを導入することで、 労働力の附加価値を引き上げるとコメントした。現在、同社の総従業員数は 120 万人近く に上り、その内、大陸部の従業員は 100 万人を超えている。労働力に依存性の高い同社は、 過去数年で大陸部の人件費の急上昇や労働力不足の課題にぶつかった。また、2010 年に 従業員飛び降りの不祥事が相次いだため、「血と涙の工場」という批判の声が高まった。 UBS 証券の謝宗文アナリストが分析したところ、今回の賃上げは同社の総利益や純利益に あまり響かないかもしれない。なぜならば、同社は生産自動化システムを積極的に導入し たのに加え、去年製造拠点を低労働力コストの内陸部へと移転したため、今回の賃上げは 逆に競合他社へのプレッシャーになるという。 105 東方早報 2012 年 02 月 21 日 中国電信、iPhone 4S を3月9日に発売 中国電信(チャイナ・テレコム)は本日、iPhone 4Sを3月9日に正式に発売し、同月 2日からオンライン予約受付を開始すると発表した。2年契約と3年契約のプランがある という。2年契約が前提で、月額389元以上の料金プランで16GBモデル、月額489 元以上の料金プランで32GBモデルを無償提供する。3年契約が前提で、月額289元以 上の料金プランで16GB/32GBモデル、月額389元以上の料金プランで64GBモデル を無償提供するという。 今後、引き続き他のセットプランも登場すると中国電信の担当者が明らかにした。 中国電信の iPhone 4S 向け料金プランは月額が聯通(チャイナ・ユニコム)とほとんど 同じであるが、基本プランに含まれる通話時間、インターネット接続時間と SMS 送信量に 相違があるという。 新浪科技 2012 年 02 月 21 日 <IT 振興> 成都、中西部初の中国ソフトウェア産業名城に 今月21日に、工業・情報化部、国家知的財産権局、中国国際貿易促進委員会、四川省 人民政府の共同主催で、成都市人民政府と四川省経済・情報化委員会の実施による第十回 中国国際ソフトウェア商談会が成都で行う予定である。同商談会において、工業・情報化 部は成都市に「中国ソフトウェア産業名城」という名を正式に授与する予定である。これ で、成都市は南京、済南についで、全国初回三番目に、そして中西部地方で最初にこの特 別な栄誉を獲得した都市になる。 四川新聞網-成都日報 2012 年 02 月 17 日 <電子商取引> 北京地下鉄の宅配便受け取りサービスが試行一ヶ月 利用件数は一万件に 最近、北京地下鉄 5 号線、10 号線の 20 の駅前に設けられたコンビニカー(移動コンビニ エンスストア)がネットショッピング向けの受け取りサービスをスタートさせた。配達員 にとっては、毎日地下鉄を利用して商品を届けられ、環境保護と時間の節約に繋がり、市 民にとってみれば、午前中に注文すれば、退社後駅を出てすぐに商品を受け取れることと なる。これにより、祝祭日になると宅急便が宅「遅」便になる、と揶揄されるひどい状況 の改善が見込まれている。またこれは世界初の地下鉄と e コマースの提携による商品受け 取りサービスである。 北京京投軌道交通資産経営管理有限公司の統計によると、一ヶ月余りの試行期間で、20 ヶ所の地下鉄「配達便受け取りサービス」の利用件数は 1 万件以上に達したと言う。 北京日報 2012 年 02 月 13 日 106 広州東莞の最大ネットカフェチェーン店は撤退 利用者が急激に減少 統計によると、東莞動感ネットワーク公司のピーク時の自社管理および委託管理のネット カフェはトータルで 60 店に上ったものの、2011 年に続々と譲渡や閉店の状況に入った。 現在 3 つの店しか残っていない。一方、現地のもう1つの大規模ネットカフェチェーン店 唐龍は早くも 2010 年に市場から撤退した。これで東莞現地のネットカフェがすべて姿を 消した。動感ネットワーク公司の黄沛洪取締役会長は、外地人(東莞戸籍以外)の数の減 少とスマートフォーンの進み、さらに高額の光ファイバー費用などの原因で、現地ネット カフェの収益率が急ピッチで下がった。「ネットカフェの将来性がない」から、今年第一 四半期に残った店を譲渡する予定だとコメントした。 南方都市報 2012 年 02 月 13 日 2011年中国インターネット業界急成長 このほど、アイリサーチが2011年中国インターネット市場の関連データを下記の通 り発表した。 2011年中国オンライン第三者決済業界は強力な成長を続けて、取引規模が 22,038 億元に達した。アリペイは49.0%のシェアをもって首位を占めている。オンライン動 画配信の市場規模が同期比99.9%増の62.7億元に達した。2012年オンライン 動画配信業界の全体売上が100%増を超過し、101.5%に達する見込み。モバイル インターネットの市場規模が同期比97.5%増の393.1億元、検索エンジンの市場 規模が70.2%増の187.8億元に達し、ネット通販の市場取引規模が7735.6 億元に達し、前年比67.8%増となった。ネット通販取引額が社会消耗品小売総額の4. 3%を占め、ネット通販ユーザ規模が1.87億人に達成した。オンラインゲームユーザ 有料市場規模が413.8億元に達成した。オンラインゲームは依然として中国インター ネットの中堅産業の一つであるが、今後数年間、その成長率がさらに低下していくという。 証券日報 2012 年 02 月 01 日 2011年中国電子商取引業界の市場取引規模、7兆元に アイリサーチの集計データにより、2011年中国電子商取引市場の全体取引規模が同 期比46.4%増の7兆元に達成したという。今後3-5年間、中国電子商取引市場は安 定成長を維持し、平均成長率が35%を超過し、2015年に26.5兆元に達成する見 込みである。 アイリサーチ 2012 年 02 月 16 日 107 中国 IT NEWS(2012 年 3 月 5 日号) <法制度> 「広東省自主創新促進条例」、3 月 1 日から実施 3 月 1 日、中国初のイノベーションを促進するための地方法規となる「広東省自主創新促進条 例」は正式に実施される。同「条例」は初めて立法面で自主イノベーションの概念定義と論理枠 組を明確にし、自主イノベーションの全過程をカバーしているものである。同「条例」の実施は広 東省の自主イノベーションが法制化軌道に乗る新段階に入ったことを示している。 2012 年 02 月 29 日大洋網-広州日報 <市場動向> 2015 年、中国電子情報製造業の売上高が 10 兆元超に 中国工業と情報化部が 24 日に発表した計画では、「第 12 次五ヵ年計画」期間中、中国 の一定規模以上の電子情報製造業の売上高の年平均成長率が 10%前後で、2015 年の売上高 が 10 兆元人民元になるという。工業付加価値の年平均成長率が 12%以上に、電子情報製 造業の戦略的新規分野の売上高の年平均成長率が 25%になるという。 本計画では、 「第 12 次五ヵ年計画」期間中、中国政府は加工貿易の転換とグレードアッ プを着々と推進し、加工貿易企業の産業連携強化と製品付加価値の向上を奨励し、一般貿 易の割合が増えつつあるという。主力企業のコア・コンピテンシーおよび自社ブランドの 市場への影響力を著しく強化し、売上高が 1000 億元超の大手主力企業を 5~8 社育成し、 売上高が 5000 億元超の大手企業を育成することに努める。 技術イノベーションの面では、トップ 100 社が売上高の 5%超を R&D 投資額に充て、IT 分野の特許申請案件は計 130 万前後に上る。省エネ・環境保全の面では、コンピュータ、 テレビなど完成製品のエネルギー消費効果を顕著に向上させる。製造過程のエネルギー消 費、資源消費をさらに減少させる。鉛、水銀、カドミウムなど有害物質の使用を有効に抑 制する。廃棄電子製品の回収とリサイクル率が著しく高める。 国際在線 2012 年 02 月 25 日 38%の中国 iPhone 利用者がアプリを未購入 中国モバイル広告オプティマイザの果合網(Guohe Ad)が発表した「モバイル広告白書」によ ると、国内 iPhone 利用者の 62%はアプリを最低でも1つ購入した経験があり、さらに17%の利用 者は11を超えるアプリも購入した。一方、よりオープンな Android 市場では、利用者は明らかに 有料アプリを購入する気がなさそうである。同白書で、23%の Android 利用者しかアプリを購入 108 したことがない。Android アプリの多数は広告を組み込むことで収益を獲得する傾向を示してい る。 新浪科技 2012 年 02 月 29 日 昨年、中国のカラーテレビ、携帯電話、コンピューターの生産量が世界一に 工業情報化部が発表した「2011 年電子情報産業統計公報」によると、昨年末現在、中国の携 帯電話普及率は 100 人あたり 73.6 台となり、前年比 9.2 台増加した。インターネット普及率は 38.3%で、同 4 ポイント上昇した。中国のカラーテレビ、携帯電話、コンピューターなどの主要電 子製品の生産量がいずれも世界一だったという。 昨年、第 3 世代移動通信(3G)ネットワークの浸透率は 13.0%で、同 7.5 ポイント上昇した。携 帯電話でインターネットを利用する人がネット利用者全体に占める割合は 69.4%に達し、同 3.2 ポイント上昇した。中国の主要電子製品の生産量が世界の出荷量全体に占めた割合は、カラー テレビが 48.8%、携帯電話が 70.6%、コンピューターが 90.6%に達し、いずれも世界一だったと いう。 昨年、中国都市部住民のカラーテレビ保有率は 100 世帯あたり 135 台、コンピューター保有率 は同 70 台に上り、いずれも前年より増加した。金融、電信、電力、エネルギー及び政府などの分 野におけるソフト業務収入はすさまじい勢いで増加した。情報技術が他の業界へ浸透率が高ま りつつある。 同「公報」によると、2011年電子情報製造業の収入は 7 兆 4,909 億元で前年比 17.1%増加し、 利益は 3,300 億元で、同 16.8%増加した。中国の年間収入500万元以上の大企業に従事する 電子情報製造業の従業員は940万人で、2010 年より60万人増加した。納税は 1,245 億元で、 同 31.0%増となり、増加率が全国工業平均レベルより 6.2 ポイントに上がった。電子情報製品の 輸出入総額は1兆 1,292 億 3000 万ドルに達し、全国対外貿易輸出入総額の 31.0%を占めたとい う。 新華網 2012 年 02 月 28 日 <企業動向> デル中国、昨年営業収入2割増 ことによると、昨年度デルの営業収入は同期比1%増の620億7100万ドルに達し、そのうち、 デル中国の営業収入は同期比20%増となったと昨日デルが発表した2012年度の決算報告書 で明らかにした。 デルアジア太平洋及び日本エリア総裁兼大中華エリア董事長の閔毅達氏は、昨年中国エリ アが最も優れた成績を達成し、米国に次ぐ 2 番目の市場になったと示した。 新京報 2012 年 02 月 23 日 レノボ、公式サイトでネットブックの販売を停止 昨日、レノボは公式ウェブサイトでネットブックの販売を停止した。レノボの広報担当 RayGorman 氏は、レノボのウェブサイトでネットブックが売り切れ、短期間内に補給す 109 る予定がないと述べた。デル(DELL)のネットブック販売停止につぎ、レノボはネットブ ックの販売を停止した大手パソコン会社の2社目となった。国美(GOME)ネット通販と蘇 寧易購ネット通販でもネットブックを見かけない。タブレットPCの好調とノートパソコ ンの安価の影響により、ネットブックの販売量が連続して減少し、デル、恵普(HP、ヒュ ーレット・パーカード)などのブランドはネットブック戦略の収縮が始まったという。 北京晩報 2012 年 02 月 29 日 北京聯通のブロードバンド、3月より最高20M まで無償スピードアップへ 北京聯通(チャイナ・ユニコムの北京支社)は、3月1日より、市内家庭ブロードバンドユーザ全 体に対して、接続速度の無償スピードアップを段階的に始める。スピードアップが完了後、512K ブロードバンドユーザーは 1M、1M ユーザーは 2M、2M ユーザーは 10M、4M および 8M ユーザ ーは最高接続速度 20M となる。また、LAN ブロードバンドでファイル共有の速度は 10M から 100M に達するという。 2012 年 02 月 29 日 新浪科技 マイクロソフト、中国でクラウドへの投入を強化=新高級管理職の任命 マイクロソフト社は 3 月 2 日に、申元慶氏をマイクロソフトアジア太平洋研究開発グループの最 高執行責任者に任命し、中国でクラウドへの投入を強化し、マイクロソフトアジア太平洋研究開 発グループサーバーと開発ツール事業部の規模を引き続き拡張すると発表した。 2012 年 03 月 02 日 11:23 新浪科技 サンムソン、中国で LCD テレビ販売中止=LED シェアの狙い LED の猛烈な攻勢を受け、LCD 液晶テレビは市場から撤退しつつある。サンムソンは昨日、 中国で今後販売するすべての液晶テレビを LED 製品にすると発表した。LCD から LED への切 り替えは大勢の赴くところであるが、液晶テレビをすべて LED にアップグレードすると発表したの はサンムソンが一社目となった。 ChinaByte 比特網 12 年 2 月 29 日 小米携帯、2億元でアフター サービス問題の対応へ アフターサービス問題のメディアへの露出が続いているため、ハード製造に進出するインター ネット企業である小米(Xiaomi)会社は、2月29日、今年アフターサービスを強化するには、2億 元を投資し、小米の家(サービス・ステーション)、お客様センター、アフターサービス特約店及び 倉庫貯蔵・物流の建設に注力すると発表した。同社は中国電信(チャイナ・テレコム)を通じた販 売の実績を公表したと同時に、このアフターサービス計画を発表し、今年を小米携帯の「アフタ ーサービス・2012 年」とした。 110 北京商報 証券時報網 2012 年 03 月 01 日 <IT インフラ> 80 億元の特定投資が初めて IPv6 に、投資重点はネットワーク改造 先日、国家発展改革委員会は前後して「2010 年度次世代インターネット技術 R&D、産 業化、大規模商用特定投資の組織・実施に関する通達」と「2012 年度国家次世代インタ ーネット情報安全の特定投資の組織・実施に関する通達」を発表し、関連企業が 3 月 15 日までに、資金申請書などの書類を提出するよう求めた。中国次世代インターネットの商 用試行は今春から本格にスタートし、中国政府の IPv6 ネットワーク整備に向けた決意が 窺われる。 本特定資が 80 億元にも上り、その投資範囲が通信事業者、機器メーカー、ビジネスウ ェブサイトおよび R&D 機関などに及び、100 の企業や機関がその恩恵を受けるという。 同委員会は、公衆ネットワークの IPv6 移行および大規模商用にあたって、3つの大手 通信事業者(チャイナモバイル、チャイナユニコム、チャイナテレコム)が共同で組織し、 それぞれの試行都市を選んで MAN(メトロポリタン・エリア・ネットワーク)の改造を行 い、IPv6 接続サービスを提供できるよう要求した。また、ビジネスウェブサイトの IPv6 対応に関しては、同委員会は、影響力のある、ビジネスウェブサイトによる自主的 IPv6 移行作業を推奨し、移行作業の推進状況に基づいて 50 社を選出し、特定投資から支援金 を拠出する。現在の状況では、長沙市、無錫市、上海市、鄭州市、広州市、武漢市などが 試行都市に選ばれる公算が大きい。 通信産業報 2012 年 02 月 27 日 中国 IT NEWS(2012 年 3 月 20 日号) <IT 政策> 近いうち、中国はブロードバンド整備戦略の詳細実施規則を発表 開催中の両会(全国人民代表大会議および中国人民政治協商会議)の情報では、ブロード バンド中国戦略を中心とする「ブロードバンドネットワークインフラー整備に関する[第 十二次五カ年計画」は近いうち発表されるという。本「計画」にブロードバンド整備戦略 の詳細実施規則が明確に記載される予定。これで、中国ブロードバンド整備計画が規則の ある「操作期」に突入すると示す。 飛象網 2012 年 03 月 08 日 国家レベルのラジオ・テレビ・ネットワーク公司が上半期に上場する見込み 全国政治協商委員、工業情報部電信研究院の曹淑敏院長が記者会見で、工業情報部は今 111 年一連の作業を手配して「3網融合」(通信網、インターネット、有線テレビ網の三大ネ ットワークを統合)の実質的事業の立ち上げを推進するとコメントした。具体的事業には、 国家レベルのラジオ・テレビ・ネットワーク公司が上半期に上場すること、工業情報部が 新たに改定された電信事業の分類カタログを発表し、それに基づき、ラジオ・テレビ業者 および電信業者にそれぞれ双方向のアクセスライセンスを発行することなどが含まれる。 中国証券報 2012 年 03 月 12 日 <市場動向> 発足して 8 年後、中国 IPTV の利用者は 1400 万に 工業情報部の統計では、2012 年 1 月現在まで、国内 IPTV の利用者が 1400 万となった。 2004 年に初の IPTV 事業が発足して以来、IPTV は「最もキャリアに有望視されるわりには、 実際の規模拡大が最も遅い」大規模な固定ネットワーク事業の一つだと思われている。 また、工業情報部の情報によると、携帯テレビの利用者数はすでに 5200 万を超えて いる。 新浪科技 2012 年 03 月 14 日 <企業動向> レノボ社が 1 万 2338 台の一体型デスクトップパソコンをリコールすると発表 国家品質検査総局が発表した公告では、レノボ(北京)有限公司は本日から中国大陸部か ら 2010 年 7 月 1 日~2011 年 12 月 6 日の間に販売した ThinkCentre M90XXz(X は 0 から 9 までの数字)一体型デスクトップパソコンをリコールし、その数は約 1 万 2338 台だという。 公告では、リコール製品は 110V で稼動する場合、電源モジュールがたまに故障するこ とで、筐体温度が高すぎたり、ひいては火事になることがあるとリコールの原因が挙げら れた。レノボ社が上述の問題を解決するために、リコール商品に対し、無償で電源モジュ ールを入れ替える予定だという。 中国新聞網 2012 年 03 月 09 日 優酷と土豆、株式交換により合併=土豆が上場廃止 優酷網(youku)は、3 月 12 日、株式全額交換方式で土豆網(tudou)を買収することにより、中 国市場で最大シェアを取るオンライン動画サイトとなると発表した。取引規模が10億4,000万ド ルとみられ、同取引は中国インターネット市場で最大の株式交換合併ケースとなる。 優酷土豆は中国市場最大のインターネット会社の 1 つとなり、アクセス数、クリック比率、オンラ イン時間と広告収入などの重要指標が先頭に立ち、国内トップのオンライン動画ブランドとプラッ トフォームを保有するようになる。優酷土豆は動画コンテンツ、技術プラットフォーム及び運営コス トなどにおいて広範囲にわたる提携を獲得し、また、中国動画業界の良性発展を推進し、業界 構造と経済的な報いの向上に寄与するという。 112 新浪科技 2012 年 03 月 12 日 中国移動、2011年純利益が同期比5%増の 1,259 億元に 中国移動(チャイナ・モバイル)は本日、2011年の実績を発表した。同発表によると、2011年 に年間収入は 8.8%増の5,280億元、純利益は 5.2%増の1,259億元となった。同年の新規 加入者数が6,555万件で、利用者規模は6.5億となった。3G の利用者数は5,100万となった という。 業務において、音声業務が継続的に成長し、1契約あたり月間平均通話時間(MOU)は 525 分で、月間平均収入(ARPU )は71人民元であるという。 データ業務において、収入が前年比15.4%増となり、運営収入に占める割合は26.4%に達 した。無線インターネット接続業務の収入が前年比45%増となり、運営収入に占める割合は 8.4%に達したという。 付加価値サービス業務において、モバイル音楽の収入は221億人民元に達成した。モバイル 閲読、モバイル動画とモバイルメールなど他の業務は高速に成長しつつあるという。 新浪科技 2012 年 03 月 15 日 チャイナユニコム、北西地域のデータ基地に整備に 20 億元を 先日、チャイナユニコムと陝西省西咸新区とは戦略的協力合意書を締結した。チャイナ ユニコムは、約 20 億元を投入して、陝西省西咸新区沣 西新城情報産業パークで北西地域 のインターネットデータ基地を整備する予定。本データセンターは、同社の北西地域にお ける最大規模のデータ基地やコールセンターとして、北西データセンター、コールセンタ ーと管理センターなどからなり、整備後、2 万人以上の雇用が作り出されるという。 経済参考報 2012 年 03 月 16 日 <電子商取引> オンライン決済セキュリティがシステム的でないため、法的規制が急務 電子商取引の市場規模の拡大につれ、2012 年からオンライン決済セキュリティがソフ トウェアやハードウェアの業者に重要視され始め、この2つの市場が 2012 年に大きく発 展すると予想される。アイリサーチ社の統計データによると、2011 年中国モバイルオン ライン決済サービスの利用者数は 1 億 9000 万人に上った。現在、電子商取引の規模が爆 発的に成長するにつれ、オンライン決済の利用者も急ピッチで増え、アイリサーチ社の見 通しでは、2013 年まで中国モバイルの同サービスの利用者数は 4 億 8000 万人になるとい う。 一方、携帯決済事業は依然として多くのチャレンジに直面している。もっとも大きなチャ 113 レンジはセキュリティ問題だ。情報安全法といえば、現在、中国には 2004 年に発布した 電子署名法しかない。ネット行為を規範化し、利用者と企業などの責任と義務を定めるこ とで情報安全を効果的確保するために、専門的で総合的な情報安全法が必要不可欠だ。 通信産業報 2012 年 03 月 05 日 中国新聞出版署が新華書店とネット書店との合併で大規模な流通網を目指す 3 月 11 日、全国両会(全国人民代表大会議および中国人民政治協商会議)に列席して いる新聞出版署の柳斌傑署長が新華社記者のインタービューに応じて、国有の新華系のブ ックストア(大規模書店)、書店、ネット書店の合併により、ばらばらだった2つのシス テムを1つのシステムに統合することで、大規模な流通網を作り上げるとコメント。その 際に、それぞれの省、区、市ですでにできている資産は株式合併の形で資本参加する。こ れで、既存の資産を剥奪せずに、財産権帰属関係を変えずに、経営形態を変えるだけでよ いわけだ。今後、統合されたオープン市場として、全国をカバーする発行網を作り上げる。 東方早報 2012 年 03 月 12 日 オンラインショッピングの大型家電製品に苦情が殺到 北京消費者協会では、2011 年に北京市1人あたりのオンラインショッピングの取引額 が全国2位の 9230 元だったとした。同協会の紹介では、2011 年に同協会の苦情ホットラ イン 96315 および国家行政管理総局の苦情ホットライン 12315 を通じた苦情(クレーム) の数は前期比 126.7 増の 6191 件だった。そのうち、大型家電製品関連の苦情が一番多か ったが、とりわけ取付の必要な大型家電製品に集中している。苦情の内容として、コピー 商品・粗悪商品、アフターサービスが行き届かない、返品や商品取換に時間がかかりすぎ るなどが挙げられている。 中華工商時報 2012 年 03 月 16 日 114 4-2.インド 115 India ICT Report: April 2011 1 IT Industry The total production of Electronics & IT-ITeS Industry is estimated to be 4,700 billion Rupees (USD 106 billion), growing at 13.1% in 2010-11 as against 11.6% in 2009-10. This increase in growth is attributed mainly to the accelerated growth of software and service industry, which is export driven. The total value of software and services exports is estimated at USD 59 billion in 2010-11 as compared to 50 billion in 2009-10. The Indian IT-BPO Industry has also witnessed robust recovery in 2010-11 growing by 19.2% to USD 88.1 billion. The revenue from the domestic market (IT Services, software products and BPO) is expected to grow from USD 14.2 billion in 2009-10 to USD 17.1 billion in the year 2010-11, an anticipated growth of about 20.4%. The 2.5 million strong IT industries have created indirect employment of about 8.3 million in 2010-11. [Source: Department of Information Technology: Annual Report 2010-11] India's exports have touched USD 245.9 billion during 2010-11 a growth of 37.1%. Exports had suffered in 2009-10 under the impact of global slowdown and the government had to intervene to help the exporters through different bailout packages. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 April 2011] 2 Government Sector As on 31st December, 2010, State Wide Area Network (SWAN) is operational in 23 States. The number of Common Services Centres (CSCs) rolled out in 31 States of India is 87,594. State Data Centres are operational in 3 states and in 14 States are in implementation phase. [Source: Department of Information Technology: Annual Report 2010-11] A new set of policies and 50 billion Rupees R&D fund for electronics is being finalised to spur hardware manufacturing. There will be separate schemes to galvanise investments for semiconductor wafer fabrication units as well as for electronics and telecom product manufacturing. A Focus Group within the Department of IT will be set up with a specific mandate to boost electronics production levels. [Source: MAIT, 13 April 2011] The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is preparing the National Broadband Policy, which would be sent for the approval of the Union Cabinet soon. The National Broadband Plan aims at providing high-speed Internet access and e-governance services. Suggestions by the representatives of telecom operators would be considered before finalisation of the National Broadband policy. Discussions were also held on various issues related to setting up of the National Optical Fibre Network. [Source: MAIT, 6 April 2011] The salient features of the tariff structure applicable to electronics hardware industry are given below: 9 Peak rate of basic customs duty is 10%. Customs duty on 217 tariff lines covered under the Information Technology Agreement (ITA-1) of WTO is 0%. 9 All goods required in the manufacture of ITA-1 items have been exempted from customs duty subject to actual user condition. 116 9 Customs duty on specified raw materials / inputs used for manufacture of electronic components and specified capital goods used for manufacture of electronic goods is 0%. 9 In order to promote indigenous manufacture of mobile handsets; parts, components and accessories for the manufacture of mobile handsets; sub-parts for the manufacture of such parts and components; and parts or components for the manufacture of battery chargers, PC connectivity cables and hands-free headphones of such mobile handsets and sub-parts for the manufacture of such parts and components are exempted from basic customs duty and excise duty. They have also been exempted from Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD) upto 31.3.2012. 9 LCD Panels have been levied a concessional customs duty of 5% to promote indigenous manufacture of LCD TVs. 9 A concessional import duty structure of 5% additional duty of customs (CVD) and Nil SAD has been prescribed on parts of inkjet and laser-jet printers imported for manufacture of such printers. 9 A concessional import duty structure of 5% CVD and Nil SAD has been prescribed on parts for manufacture of DVD writers, Combo drives and CD Drives subject to actual user condition. 9 The standard rate of excise duty (CENVAT) is 10%. 9 Microprocessors, Hard Disc Drives, Floppy Disc Drives, CD ROM Drives, DVD Drives/ DVD Writers, Flash Memory and Combo- Drives are levied concessional excise duty of 5%. [Source: Department of Information Technology: Annual Report 2010-11] Brief Notes on Duties: Under the custom laws, the following are the various types of duties which are leviable. Basic Duty: This is the basic duty levied under the Customs Act. The rate varies for different items from 5% to 40%. Additional Duty or Countervailing Duty (CVD): This additional duty is levied under section 3 (1) of the Custom Tariff Act and is equal to excise duty levied on a like product manufactured or produced in India. Additional Duty is used to compensate duty on inputs used by Indian manufacturers. This Additional Duty is levied under section 3(3) of the Customs Act. Other duties are: Anti-dumping Duty; Protective Duty; Duty on Bounty Fed Articles; and Export Duty. [Source: http://finance.indiamart.com/taxation/custom_duty] 3 Acquisitions, Mergers & Deals Wipro bought the oil and gas IT service business of the US-based Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for USD150 million in an all-cash deal. The Virginiaheadquartered SAIC's IT business unit provides consulting, system integration and outsourcing services to global oil majors with domain expertise in digital oil field, petro117 technical data management and petroleum application services. [Source: The Times of India, 2 April 2011] Genpact will acquire consulting and IT services firm Headstrong Corporation for a cash consideration of USD550 million. The transaction is being funded by a combination of existing cash and acquisition financing, and is expected to close by May 31, 2011, subject to customary regulatory and other conditions. Genpact has clients in UK, India and Europe, which Headstrong would have found difficult to reach on its own. Headstrong has domain expertise in several segments of capital markets like asset management, derivatives, wealth management, prime brokerage, reference data, compliance and mortgages. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 April 2011] HCL Info system secured a prestigious project of providing broadband connectivity to the Indian Railways. This solution will be providing dedicated broadband high-speed Internet service to various Railway Offices & residences across the country at total 108 locations including the 16 Zonal Railway and 67 Divisional Railway Head Quarters.[Source: SiliconIndia, 6 April 2011] 4 Oversea expansion India will invest USD 860,000 in Ghana to support information and communication technology (ICT) development. India is committed to sharing its expertise in these areas with Ghana. Under the agreement, the money would be used by the Accra-based Ghana-India Kofi Annan ICT Centre for Excellence (GIKAICE) to build the capacity of Ghanaians in ICT and also provide books for the centre. The training programmes are to be run with the help of personnel from the Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing of India. [Source: The Times of India, 2 April 2011] 5 Foreign firms The purchase on the internet is becoming more acceptable and online shopping is increasing in a very fast pace. India's fledging online discount coupon market is set to soar as Indians spend nearly USD100 billion a year on discretionary retail services. Groupon is said to be the global market leader in the online group buying industry and the company has raised USD950 million (42.94 billion Rupees). The website has made a grand entry into the Indian market with the acquisition of three Web-based firms including Kolkata-based SoSasta.com. Snapdeal is the Indian market leader and the website offers deals covering all the major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore. The website provides vouchers and discounts at a reduced price with its tie-up with the various business partners. Apart from Snapdeal, there are numerous companies and websites offering group buying deals and online discount coupons such as Deals and You, taggle, MyDala, Scoopstr etc. With the entry of such big global brands into the Indian market, the online group buying industry and the discount coupon market is expected to witness more merger and acquisitions in the near future which will further accelerate the growth of the industry. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 April 2011] Strontium Technology, has decided to open 10 regional offices towards the end of 2011, to strengthen its presence in India. Currently, Strontium has 4 offices in Delhi, Puducherry, Gujarat and Kolkata. The new offices will recruit more people on the ground. The company will work closely with system integrators and channel customers in tier-2 and tier-3 cities. Largely, these new offices will be opened in metros and in class-B and C cities. [Source: DataQuest, 12 April 2011] 118 Tulip Telecom has chosen IBM and data centre consultant Schnabel to establish a data centre in Bengaluru, which will be India's largest and the world's third largest data centre. Tulip, through its wholly owned subsidiary company, Tulip Data Centre Pvt Ltd, acquired the SADA IT Parks facility, spread across 900 thousand square feet, earlier this year for 2.3 billion Rupees. [Source: Deccan Herald, 29 April 2011] Logitech International expects its research and development (R&D) unit in India to emerge as one of its main development centres globally as the company increases focus on products with a significant software component. The Switzerland-headquartered company, which makes computer mouse, keyboards, headsets, cameras and remote controls, plans to increase the staff strength at its Chennai centre to 200 full-time employees in two years, from current strength of 60 professionals. [Source: MAIT, 8 April 2011] All arrangements are in place for Oracle to launch its first operations in Kerala at the Technopark campus. Initially it would be an operation with around 100 IT professionals involved in software development. In the course of the year and later, the operations would be scaled up. [Source: Economic times, 14 April 2011] 6 Hardware & Telecommunications PC sales are expected to record a growth of 12% in 2010-11 to touch 9.7 million. The Notebook sales are estimated to be 3.5 million in 2010-11 against 2.5 million in 2009-10, a growth of 40%. Desktop sales are expected to reach 6.2 million in 2010- 11 against 5.5 million in 2009-10, a growth of 12.7%. [Source: Department of Information Technology: Annual Report 2010-11] The Indian government has announced renewed efforts to try and create a chip manufacturing industry on the sub-continent and is looking for investment of about USD5 billion to build two wafer fabs. The government estimates that the creation of a chipmaking industry within India will help create 30 million direct and indirect jobs by 2020. [Source: eetimes.com, 21 April 2011] Samsung has officially launched the Google Nexus in India. Named as Samsung Nexus S, the Android phone is priced Rs 30,400 while some of the online retailers such as Flipkart quoted a pre-order price of Rs 27,999. The model launched in India comes with features such as a 4 inch Super Clear LCD, 1 GHz processor, Android 2.3, NFC, 5 MP rear camera and VGA front cam. Nexus S comes preloaded with 16GB of onboard storage with an option of expandable storage capacity up to 32GB via a microSD card to allow for more storage. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, Neo and Arc are expected to hit the Indian market soon. [Source: SiliconIndia, 1 April 2011] Indian Telecom market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world, with its 787.29 million telephone connection as on 31st December 2010. Over 18 million connections are being added every month. The share of wireless telephones as on 31st December 2010 is 95.54% of the total phones. The share of private sector in total telephone is 84.60%. Overall tele-density has reached 66.17%. Broadband connections increased to 10.74 million by November, 2010. During 2010-11, value of Telecom Equipment Production is estimated to be 535 billion Rupees and exported 140 billion Rupees worth of items. [Source: Department of Telecommunications: Annual Report 2010-11] 119 7 Human Resources & Education Wipro Technologies has been ranked second in the list of Top 25 U.S. diversity councils by the Association of Diversity Councils (a practice group of diversity and inclusion consulting and training firm PRISM International). The first rank in this list went to the U.S. Navy. With an employee base of about 120,000, which includes people from 74 nationalities, spread across 54 countries, Wipro Technologies is committed to leveraging diversity. Wipro's diversity initiative is built on four pillars - Gender, Nationality, People with Disabilities and Underprivileged. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 April 2011] Fast growing virtual online currencies and digital work worth USD3 billion is providing real income opportunities to people in developing countries with more than 100,000 people in countries like China and India earning a living through online games and websites disseminating micro-tasks. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 April 2011] Infosys Technologies Ltd will hire an estimated 32,000 people during fiscal 2011-12. The company's total headcount has gone up to 130,820 for fiscal 2010-11 from 113,796 in 200910, an increase of 15% year-on-year. Indian IT major Infosys on Friday said it will recruit 45,000 people in 2012. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 April 2011] Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT), the country's first employability test was held in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai. AMCAT was held selectively in colleges across India since 2008. Several companies use AMCAT scores as a benchmark to shortlist and select students before the interview process. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 April 2011] Talisma, provider of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, launched its advanced solution for Higher Education in India. With the system evolving rapidly, Talisma Higher Education solutions aim to transform the Indian Education system from the traditional to a digital approach. [Source: SiliconIndia, 29 April 2011] Exchange rates on 29 April 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 44.38 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 54.42 Indian rupees India ICT Report: May 2011 8 IT Industry The research firm Gartner reports that top ten Indian IT providers grew by 19.9% while the IT service revenue of top ten firms grew by 5.8%, during the last financial year. The top five IT service firms include TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant and HCL. TCS gained three ranks to move up to 21st position in the global IT services ranking. Infosys ranked 28th globally and it is the India's second largest firm with 5.33 billion USD revenue. Wipro experienced a 16.4% growth, and in its most recent quarter results came in below expectations. It is the third largest firm in India and ranked 31st in the world. Cognizant reported the strongest revenue growth of 40% in 2010. HCL reported 26.7% growth in 2010 and it ranked 48th in the world [Source: SiliconIndia, 13 May 2011] 120 IBM will focus on providing its services to the banking, infrastructure and public sectors along with its key telecom sector in India. IBM has already won contracts from State Bank of India, the Indian Railways, the Delhi and Hyderabad international airports. IBM won a 10year contract from Bharti to manage its computing technology and services, that run Bharti’s mobile networks in 16 African countries. The company will also look to build its presence in the smaller cities of India, where it sees growth. IBM leads India's 60 billion USD outsourcing business, providing strong competition to home-grown software exporters TCS, Infosys and Wipro. [Source: SiliconIndia, 5 May 2011] According to the findings of the 8th Annual IDC-Business Software Alliance (BSA) 2010 Global Software Piracy Study, India witnessed 1% drop in piracy rate for PC software in 2010 down to 64%, as compared to 2009. With that rate, the commercial value of unlicensed software installed on personal computers in India touched 2.739 billion USD in 2010. The Indian government may have lost nearly 866 million USD in taxes due to software piracy in 2009. [Source: DataQuest, 17 May 2011] Banking Sector has lost as much as 18.8 and 20.2 billion Rupees in frauds during 2008-09 and 2009-2010, respectively. More than 200 of these incidents involve deception of above 10 million Rupees each. The banks have been warned of latest trends emerging in banking frauds in areas like electronic payments, technology-related payments like RTGS, credit cards, ATM, cell banking, internet banking among others. [Source: hindustantimes, 22 May 2011] 9 Government Sector For the first time, Communications and IT minister Kapil Sibal has asked the secretary of the Department of Information Technology (DIT) to formulate a National IT Policy and Electronic Hardware Policy. The IT policy will focus on developing IT products in India. The aim is to encourage manufacturing in India. The size of Indian IT industry is 76 billion USD. However, almost all the revenue comes from software services and BPO. There is no madein-India software or telecom equipment. [Source: MAIT, 20 May 2011] Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has launched a private company, CSIR tech to commercialize various technologies. CSIR has about 39 laboratories and 50 field stations or extension centers spread across the nation. It is India's largest state-funded group of research laboratories which holds nearly 4,000 patents, including those registered abroad. The research and development activities of CSIR includes various fields such as ICT, aerospace engineering and environment. [Source: indiajournal.com, 19 May 2011] 10 Investment, New firms & Deals Cognizant and Ernst & Young Global Shared Services will set up their offices at Infopark campus in Kochi, in the state of kerala. Cognizant is signing up for approximately 100,000 sq ft space and Ernst & Young about 25,000 sq ft space in Infopark campus. [Source: Economic times, 7 May 2011] Mobile handset manufacturer Spice Mobility would invest 10 billion Rupees during financial year 2011-12 to ramp up its research and development facilities, creation of value-added services and to fund acquisitions in the current financial year. They target youth, as India has the largest youth population of 37 million under 14, accounting for 20% of the global youth population. [Source: Business Standard, 2 May 2011] 121 Whack.in, Gurgaon-based ecommerce website, features one funny product a day, which most people did not even knew, it exist. The website was launched in January 1, 2011, and claims to have made roughly 550 transactions till date with creating a revenue of 250 thousand Rupees in the first quarter. [Source: SiliconIndia, 24 May 2011] Infibeam, founded in 2007 by a group of ex-Amazon employees, launched Build a Bazaar, an online service, helping users to create an e-commerce store under one's own branded URL. The owner can upload their own product catalog and make the product visible to millions of visitors on Infibeam and its affiliates as part of Infibeam's Affiliate Program, without any upfront investment. The store owner can even do their own customized site configuration. Infibeam will ship orders while the store owner will get paid a commission for such transactions under their own stores. [Source: SiliconIndia, 25 May 2011] United Bank of India has announced that it has chosen Cisco and Wipro for the wide area network (WAN) optimization solution. They are planning to deploy Cisco's wide area network optimization solution across its 1,600 branches. The solution will include Cisco's Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) devices; Cisco's comprehensive WAN optimization solution; and application accelerators for the data centre & disaster recovery sites. Wipro will commission, implement and integrate Cisco's solutions with the bank's existing network. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 May 2011] Tera Software has received additional work orders worth 627 million Rupees from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and the Electronics Corporation of India. The company is already executing UIDAI and NPR Projects valued 762 million Rupees. [Source: The Times of India, 11 May 2011] Wipro Infotech (IT business unit of Wipro) has been selected by the Government of Rajasthan as the Implementation Agency for enabling the Rajasthan State portal through the implementation of e-Form applications, State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) and associated computing infrastructure for Rajasthan State. This is the fourth time that Wipro has been selected by a state government for their project. [Source: SiliconIndia, 4 May 2011] 11 Oversea Developments Hexaware Technologies has recently signed a new three year contract worth in excess of 25 million USD, for providing Remote Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) to an existing global client. Hexaware will manage all aspects of Infrastructure Support for this client whose footprint covers the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific regions. The Company expects to deploy more than 150 employees on this engagement globally. Hexaware is further creating value to the customer by offering these services on 24 X 7 basis utilizing its major Global Delivery Centers in the United States, Mexico and Offshore Delivery Centers in Chennai, Mumbai and Pune. Hexaware has been investing substantially in nurturing Remote IMS as a horizontal service line since 2009. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 30 May 2011] Tata Communications would base its international headquarters in Singapore and invest 440 million SGD towards scaling up its presence in that country over the next four years. The company has invested in a 180 million SGD Singapore-based data centre, TCX, in 2010 which attracts lot of companies to host their data in Singapore. The company also selected Singapore to launch its international cloud offering, InstaCompute. The company will be increasing its Singapore workforce by 60% over the next four years. The incentive-based International Headquarter (IHQ) status has been awarded to Tata Communications by 122 Singapore's state investment agency Economic Development Board. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 11 May 2011] Tech Mahindra has started BPO operations at Manila in the Philippines and has recruited 600 associates locally for this new operation. [Source: SiliconIndia, 3 May 2011] Over 60% of Indian startup entrepreneurs in US are returning to their home because of changing economic situation in US and the complex rules relating to H1 B visa. US Senate seems to have realized that by shutting out immigrant entrepreneurs, it is closing startups and ultimately affecting jobs. Startup visa is a desperate attempt by U.S. to retain the entrepreneurs in the country and stop the movement of returning entrepreneurs. However in order to qualify for the category of startup visa, the foreign students have to raise at least 20,000 USD from a U.S. investor. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 May 2011] 12 Foreign firms Langoor, an Australia based web products and services company, has setup an R&D centre in Bangalore. [Source: SiliconIndia, 3 May 2011] Renesas Mobile Corporation, (RMC), a subsidiary of Renesa Electronics, has announced its research and development (R&D) centre in Bangalore, India. The R&D centre will develop 2G, 3G and 4G modem technologies. [Source: SiliconIndia, 11 May 2011] 13 Hardware & Telecommunications Indian Space Research Organisation has built a supercomputer, which is to be India's fastest in terms of theoretical peak performance of 220 TeraFLOPS (220 Trillion Floating Point Operations per second). The new Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) based supercomputer, "SAGA-220" (Supercomputer for Aerospace with GPU Architecture-220 TeraFLOPS) is being used by space scientists for solving complex aerospace problems. "SAGA-220" is fully designed and built by Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre using commercially available hardware, open source software components at a cost of about 140 million Rupees. The system is environmentally green and consumes a power of only 150 KW. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 May 2011 Economic Times 2 May 2011] The combined desk-based and mobile PC market in India totaled nearly 2.6 million units in the first quarter (January-March) of 2011, a 6.2% increase over the same period in the previous year. Multinational brands like Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo contributed more than half of the total PC shipments. [Source: MAIT, 18 May 2011] About 9 million 3G (Third generation technology) users are added during the last four months. Bharti Airtel leads the race with 3 million subscribers and Tata DoCoMo takes the second place with 1.5 million users. Around 100 million 3G connection are expected by 2015. [Source: SiliconIndia, 22 May 2011] According to the telecom regulatory authority of India (TRAI), about 811.59 million people have mobile connections till March 2011. With this, the total number of telephone subscriber base touched 846.32 million, registering a growth of 2.43%. Overall teledensity in India reached 70.89. However, according to the report, of the total 811.59 million wireless subscribers in March, only 573.97 million subscribers were active subscribers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 1 May 2011] 123 Indian Telecom product manufacturer Kavveri Telecom announced launch of a linearly polarised customer premise equipment (CPE) antenna, for North American market. Kavveri has invested 35 million Rupees in the development of the product. The 4G antenna can also cater to the need of cellular, broadband and mobile TV services in India. The antenna will be manufactured at its plant in Bangalore and shipped to international markets. [Source: The Times of India, 10 May 2011] The Indian semiconductor grew by 28.3% in 2010, as per report released by India Semiconductor Association (ISA). According to the report titled, "ISA - Frost & Sullivan India Semiconductor Market 2010-2012", the total semiconductor market is estimated at 6.55 billion USD in 2010 and is expected to grow to 9.86 billion USD in 2011. This expansion will be driven by domestic handset manufacturers like Micromax, Spice Mobiles, MVL, Maxx Mobile, who plan to set up manufacturing plants. [Source: SiliconIndia, 4 May 2011] Fearing the possibility of rogue programs getting embedded in imported chips that could compromise security of critical installations, the government is planning to initiate setting up of two chip-manufacturing units by providing an additional investment of 250 billion Rupees. Currently, there are no chip manufacturing facilities in India and the facilities will be set up either exclusively by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and a defence public sector unit or through a public-private partnership [Source: MAIT, 6 May 2011] 14 Human Resources & Education TCS has been ranked as one of the five highest ranked human resource (HR) practice organisations in Britain along with Thomson Reuters, G4S plc., Centrica plc. and McDonalds. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 May 2011] TCS plans to hire more than 1,000 Americans in 2011 and to base 10,000 of its 185,000 global employees in the country. Infosys has planned a hiring spree for skilled work force in U.S., Philippines, China, Czech Republic and Brazil. Its centre at Mexico is also expected to experience some addition of new employees since it is a very good place to have a near-shore center for the U.S. Shanghai campus will be getting an investment of 130 million USD and plans to hire 4,000 employees over a period of 18 months. China is one of the potential hubs for Infosys which produces good number of engineering graduates. At present Infosys has 3,000 employees working in China. [Source: SiliconIndia, 4 May 2011] Capgemini will hire up to 8,000 people for its delivery operations in India. The company also reported that, as on March 31, 2011, the company has total worldwide headcount of 112,127 of which India accounts for 33,510. [Source: SiliconIndia, 31 May 2011] Telecom equipment maker Ericsson plans to hire more than 1,500 people at its global delivery centre in India by the end of this year. Currently located in Gurgaon, the centre has close to 3,500 people and is Ericsson's largest delivery centre globally. [Source: The Times of India, 11 May 2011] India is reaching out to African youth by offering to make Tanzania a "communication and IT hub of East Africa". Indo-Tanzanian Centre for Excellence in IT has been set up by Indian software engineers at a cost of over 2 million USD in August 2010. The institute also houses the Param High Speed Super Computer gifted by India to Tanzania in 2009, that is being used for weather-forecasting and high-speed computation. 124 'Global Embedded Conference 2011' was organized by SiliconIndia on 20 May 2011 at Bangalore. Around 80 technology startups exhibited their products and services and gave live demonstrations in their booths at SiliconIndia Startup City event held at Bangalore on 28 May 2011. They also had an opportunity to present their business plans to Venture Capitalists and entrepreneurs. Best startups from four segments including internet, services, products and mobile were recognized by “startup awards”. [Source: http://www.startupcity.in] Exchange rates on 31 May 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 45.03 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 55.29 Indian rupees India ICT Report: June 2011 15 IT Industry As per CyberMedia Research report, IT market will reach 1,717 billion Rupees by 2012. Growing at a compound annual growth rate of 17.3% over the 2010-14 period, the aggregate market size of the domestic IT products and services sector will touch 2,339 billion Rupees, by 2014. Indian public cloud computing market is estimated to touch 24 billion Rupees in 2014, as per Cloud Computing Market Review, May 2011 edition, by CyberMedia Research. This survey of 'users' and 'non-users' of cloud computing showed that penetration rate amongst Indian enterprises was at 4% during 2010 and expected to rise to 6.8% by 2012. Another development is the increasing realization amongst Indian telecom service providers (TSPs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) about the business opportunity offered by the new 'cloud computing' paradigm. They are well positioned to offer cloud services with ease since they already have their data centers and bandwidth pipes in place, both of which play a pivotal role in delivering cloud services. [Source: DataQuest, 17 June 2011] In reality many ecommerce businesses in India are not purely ecommerce. Even successful companies like makemytrip or shaadi.com have physical stores to reach out to consumers, who do not have access to Internet or those who have access to internet but do not trust the online medium to make their purchases. So, innovative solutions are required to solve problems faced by this target audience. Many firms have provided software solutions to the local travel agents to book flight tickets and make hotel reservations on behalf of end users. 16 Government Sector India has invited U.S. investors for one trillion USD opportunities in infrastructure financing as both countries set a "robust agenda" to deepen their economic ties. The Union Communications and IT Minister, Kapil Sibal, had a roundtable discussion with hi-tech industry leaders on the proposed national policy on electronics. Representatives from industry associations were also present. The policy entails aspects like creation of a National 125 Electronic Mission, a modified package for electronics manufacturing and fabrications and a research and development fund. [Source: MAIT, 10 June 2011] Andhra Pradesh state government will put in place a new electronic and hardware policy in the next couple of months to attract more investments and promote exports. [Source: MAIT, 9 June 2011] Andhra Pradesh has become the first Indian state to sign a collaboration agreement with Israel in the IT sector to promote innovative business ideas. The government assists small and medium scale enterprises with financial grants, right from the inception phase to its marketing. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 June 2011] 17 Infrastructure The long-delayed Smartcity IT project in Kochi in Kerala state, will be speeded up without placing fresh impediments between its Dubai-based promoter Tecom and the state government of Kerala. Both sides agreed to lay the foundation for the headquarters building by the end of october 2011 and complete the first phase of the project by October, 2012. According to a study by employability measurement and recruitment firm Aspiring Minds Research Cell, about 72% of the engineering students surveyed voted for Bangalore as the most preferred destination to work. Next three preferred cities are, New Delhi (32%), Hyderabad (31%) and Pune (30%). Bangalore used to be the IT hub in India. But according to a survey by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, Gurgaon and Noida are now becoming the preferred location for IT companies. 30% of top-ranked officials of IT companies of Bangalore said they prefer to shift their business to Gurgaon. 25% said that they would prefer to shift their businesses to Noida or Greater Noida. About 20% said that they would prefer Chandigarh for their business. 15% of respondents prefer Pune and 10% prefer Hyderabad. The survey shows that Bangalore is losing its charm because of various reasons like crumbling infrastructure, compelling many companies to head towards more convenient and industrial-friendly centres. Moreover, there are many other reasons like narrow roads, pollution, and rising living costs, poor infrastructure and power shortages. 18 Oversea Developments Tech Mahindra, has made Nigeria as the headquarters for its BPO operations in Africa and has elaborated ambitious plans to scale up its African operations. Tech Mahindra has recruited over thousand local employees in Nigeria and is committed to offering enhanced experience for the end consumers in Nigeria and the African continent as whole. [Source: Economic times, 27 June 2011] The new acquisition trend is supported by the buoyant Indian economy, favorable government polices and cash-rich top-line companies. Indian companies have realized the competitive advantage of having large operations. That's why many Indian companies are acquiring outside India and transfer service activities to India. Ybrant Digital, a global digital marketing company, announced its intent to acquire a minority stake in Israel-based Web 3.0. Ybrant Digital offers digital marketing solutions to businesses, agencies and online publishers worldwide. Web 3.0 is active in areas such as the 126 web, mobile web and performance based marketing and applications development. [Source: Economic times, 28 June 2011] Infosys is acquiring the software solutions business of Gen-i in New Zealand and offered positions to its 110 employees in New Zeland. The partnership will also create a new choice for Australasian enterprises seeking local expertise in IT services, including consulting, business transformation and cloud-based offerings. [Source: The Hindu, 8 June 2011] Country's largest e-commerce company mJunction said it expected the total e-transaction business to double to 500 billion Rupees by 2014 and eyes acquisition. mJunction, which already offers services of Tata Thailand and Natsteel, is holding talks with Corus for offering e-procurement services to them. [Source: Economic times, 9 June 2011] Wipro Technologies has built a private cloud for UK-based OnStream Utility Metering Services, which is a part of National Grid Group, one of the largest energy delivery businesses in the world. Under this programme, OnStream replaced its existing IT infrastructure with a new service-driven model using a private cloud approach. This approach aligned the IT architecture to be more flexible in functionality and configuration at lower operational cost and improved responsiveness. [Source: SiliconIndia, 30 June 2011] 19 Investment, New firms & Deals Tata Technologies, is opening its new global engineering centre at Bangalore, to cater to the company's growing global portfolio of clients in the automotive, aerospace and construction/heavy engineering verticals. [Source: Business Standard, 23 June 2011] Asus India is planning an investment of over 2 billion Rupees in 2011 to fund its expansion plans, including its media player business. Asus plan to focus on the media player market, which is an emerging segment in consumer electronics industry showing a promise of strong annual growth of around 60%. [Source: MAIT, 6 June 2011] AaramShop launched AaramShop.com as an online store for groceries. The site will enable consumers to use Facebook to order and purchase grocery items. Other than using Facebook to buy grocery items, users can directly access Aaramshop.com to order items from nearby grocery stores. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 June 2011] Mahindra Satyam has opened a smart grid customer demonstration centre to help customers understand the next generation technology in real time and evaluate various technologies underlying the smart grid technologies. The facility, which can simulate micro-grid technologies of the future, was started in collaboration with, and using the components of Schneider Electric India. [Source: Economic times, 9 June 2011] PayMate has launched Mobile, Cashless Purchase Management Service for fleet operators in the country. The new service called 'WAYPAY' is in collaboration with India's leading fleet management solution provider, Mahaventures. The elimination of cash also makes it easier to prevent fraudulent transactions. [Source: The Times of India, 30 June 2011] 20 Foreign firms HP plans to transfer around 200 IT jobs at the UK Department of Work and Pensions to India and awaiting the ministerial approval. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 June 2011] 127 Chinese telecom vendor Huawei has bagged 400 million USD order (estimated) from Bharti airtel for modernising and expanding its 2G and 3G network infrastructure in African countries. Under the agreement, Huawei will deploy its complete GSM and 3G product portfolio. Bharti airtel has operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa, with over 223 million customers at the end of April, 2011. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 1 June 2011] IBM is betting big on its data centre business, driven by the telecom sector, as more companies look at outsourcing their data storage requirements. Over the past years, the number of third party data centres are increasing because they not only help companies save cost but also provide benefits such as protection against natural calamities, reduced power consumption etc.. Sectors such as manufacturing and BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) and telecom are expected to see huge growth during 2011 for data centre deployment. IBM has clients such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Idea Cellular and QuippoWTTIL in the telecom vertical. [Source: MAIT, 7 June 2011] As per the "India's Top Supercomputers list for 2011", complied and published by Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC) of IISc, IBM topped the list with six high performance computing (HPC) installations across India. Of the 16 installations featured by SERC, HP was at the second spot with five installations and SGI had two systems. IBM's installations include IISc, Bangalore, India Meteorological Department, Delhi and the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad. [Source: The Hindu, 27 June 2011] 21 Hardware & Telecommunications 'Sakshat', 35 USD tablet running on Google's Android is produced under government subsidy. About 10,000 tablets will be delivered to IITRajasthan in late June and over the next four months 90,000 more would be made available at a price of Rs 2,200 device. Eventually the tablets will be subsidized by 50% in order to enable the students to get it at a reasonable price of 1,100 only. This tablet is meant for numerous educational institutes in India and will not be accessible in retail. Other specifications of the tablet: 2 GB memory, touchscreen, in-built keyboard, computing capabilities like SciLab, Open Office and Wi-Fi connectivity. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 June 2011] According to a research study by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International, the total number of active internet users in rural area is projected to rise by 98% to touch 24 million by December 2011. In December 2010 the number was 12.1 million. One of the main reasons for this growth, is the growing awareness level about internet and access has become easier. Moreover Government initiatives facilitated by Department of Information Technology (DIT) such as National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and Common Service Centres (CSC) are increasingly maturing and this also can be the reason for increase of internet users in rural areas. 128 A report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India has also revealed that India's ecommerce market is growing at an average rate of 70% annually and is estimated that ecommerce market will be 10 billion USD by the end of 2011. The highly literate population of urban India, the increasing literacy rate of rural India and the expanding base of internet use in rural and urban India contribtes to growth of of e-commerce. Luna Egronomics, has enabled its clients to type and send messages directly in their native language, using even a basic, Rs 2,000 phone. The virtual keypad can either be downloaded from the company website or taken as a service through a value card. Though Indian languages are widely spoken, not a single Indian language makes it to the mobile texting world. This is mainly due to the challenges of entering text on a mobile handset that is really not made for the Indian languages. [Source: Economic times, 19 June 2011] The government of India invited an expression of interest from technology providers and investors for setting up semiconductor fabrication units to kick-start chip-manufacturing in the country. A preliminary expression of interest requires investors to disclose in four weeks, their profile, technology experience, salient features of the technology and product mix proposed, manufacturing capacity and quantum of the investment they would like to make. The six-member committee formed in April 2011 and headed by Sam Pitroda has been mandated to assess and recommend the quantum of government support potential investors would require, in either physical or financial terms. The committee, which has to oversee the building of at least two fabrication units, is likely to submit its recommendations to the government by July 31 this year. [Source: MAIT, 24 June 2011] 22 Human Resources & Education According to a Nasscom study, Indian IT sector needs 7.5 million engineers in next 10 years to retain its competitive edge. Also, Indian Semiconductor Association estimates that the demand for workforce in design industry will grow at 20% to touch 230 thousand by 2012. A World Bank study on Employability & Skill Set of Newly Graduated Engineers India revealed that nearly 65% of prospective employers are not happy with skills of fresh graduates. The standard of education is declining due to increase in enrolments to meet the increasing demand. [Source: SiliconIndia, 23 June 2011] On average, a senior software engineer/developer/programmer in Bangalore gets an annual salary of Rs. 584,710; a software engineer is paid Rs. 357,394 and the project manager in IT gets Rs. 1,091,380. Increasing salary and working conditions are attracting some foreigners to work in India. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 June 2011] Over the next five years, the Tamil Nadu state government envisages providing nearly 6.8 million laptops to students, involving an outlay of around 102 billion Rupees. The tender stipulates that the laptop processor should be a minimum of Intel Pentium Dual Core P6200 or Equivalent AMD Processor (clock speed of minimum 2.1 GHZ) with 2 GB DDR3 SD RAM at 1066 Mhz speed, 14 inch screen, 320 GB hard disk drive and in-built camera. [Source: Deccan Herald, 18 June 2011] ‘Learn with Yahoo programme’, which is running across 2,500 cyber cafes across India, has received an encouraging response from people in the first phase and is now in the second phase. It is observed that new users are keen to learn more about the internet, especially when it comes to surfing the internet from their mobile. [Source: The Hindu, 16 June 2011] 129 Samsung India Electronics signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) to roll out a scholarship programme for its students. Under the programme, five meritorious students from the first year batch of the management course will be selected for the Samsung scholarship which will fund the second year of their course. Additionally, the selected students will get an opportunity to engage and interact with the company's senior management to facilitate better understanding and greater knowledge sharing. [Source: IndianExpress, 16 June 2011] Exchange rates on 30 June 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 44.72 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 55.59 Indian rupees India ICT Report: July 2011 23 IT Industry India's IT sector will grow to 300 billion USD in a decade if its expansion covers tier-I and II towns and cities, as per Narayana Murthy, chairman and chief mentor of InfoSys. "Of the projected 4.5 billion USD cloud computing market in India by 2015, private cloud will account for 3.5 billion USD, generate about 100,000 additional jobs and save about 50% of cost of IT operations for Indian enterprises", reported by the study "Private Cloud Landscape in India", by Zinnov Management Consulting and global IT firm EMC Corporation. The findings are based on a survey of over 100 chief information officers (CIOs) and IT decisionmakers in India. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 July 2011] Telecom minister Kapil Sibal announced that a new laboratory would be set up, to test and certify telecommunications equipment used by telecom operators in India. The motive behind this proposal is to keep the country’s telecom network safe and free from any malwares or security bugs. The proposed centre would formulate standards and policies as well as provide facilities for testing, validation and security certification for various network elements, in a bid to make networks secure and less vulnerable from internal and external threats. The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has already initiated the process with Huawei of China and simultaneously contacted other major suppliers like Cisco and Juniper regarding this. [Source: SiliconIndia, 18 July 2011] 24 Government Sector Concerned over dumping of e-waste like used computers, cathode ray tube, random access memory and electrical & electronic assemblies into the country, the customs officials are asked to ensure that no such goods are to be imported without clearance from the Ministry of Environment. [Source: MAIT, 5 July 2011] Infosys founder Narayana Murthy has accepted the offer to become the chief mentor of the IT panel being formed by the West Bengal regional government, to prepare a roadmap for the IT industry and attract more investment in the sector. Sam Pitroda, the head of the National Innovation Council, is the chairman of the state IT panel. The regional government will provide all help to SMEs for their development. The government will be establishing IT hubs in all districts of the state and developing skilled workers in the wake of the growing IT 130 industry. The state will establish an Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) soon. [Source: ciol.com, 27 July 2011] The Union Government has unveiled a new Remote Sensing Data Policy, opening up the sector and removing certain restrictions to facilitate more users to access high resolution data for developmental activities. The earlier policy that allowed all data of resolutions up to 5.8 metres to be distributed on non-discriminatory and 'as requested' basis by Indian Space Research Organizations (ISRO) has been brought down to up to one metre [Source: Economic times, 5 July 2011] 25 Oversea Developments ITC Infotech, has announced expansion of its global strategic alliance with Intalio Inc, a leading provider of private cloud computing solutions. The two companies would provide comprehensive business process management (BPM) solutions, BPM project management, and support for establishing client BPM Centres of Excellence. Intalio and ITC Infotech would focus on developing agile and innovative business solutions worldwide, across a wide range of industry verticals. The companies are exploring other areas of engagement, including ERP & CRM integration, besides Cloud Computing. [Source: Economic times, 5 July 2011] Polaris Software has entered into a MoU with two Bangladesh-based banks, Sonali Bank and Bangladesh Commerce Bank, to form a joint venture company, Sonali Polaris Financial Technology Ltd. This new firm will provide end-to-end intellect core banking solution that would allow the banks to run a single application for its different functions, thereby facilitating easy operations to its customers. Sonali Bank is the largest state-owned commercial bank in Bangladesh with 1,188 branches and operations in UK, the US, Middle East and India. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd is a commercial bank with privatepartnership. [Source: Economic times, 18 July 2011] Bharti Airtel has signed a ten year agreement with IBM to provide IT solutions to its employees across 16 African countries. This builds on a strategic partnership signed in late 2010, to manage computing technology and services to power Airtel's mobile communications network spanning 16 African countries. Airtel and IBM's relationship began in 2004 when Airtel, South Asia's leading mobile communications provider selected IBM to run IT applications for its entire network in India. [Source: Economic times, 12 July 2011] Bharti Airtel unveiled a major restructuring of its India and South Asia operations, combining various segments including mobile and digital TV into two separate business units to improve efficiency. The transformed organisation structure will have two distinct Customer Business Units (CBU) with clear focus on B2C (Business to Customer) and B2B (Business to Business) segments. Bharti Airtel's B2C business unit will comprehensively service the retail consumers, homes and small offices, by combining the erstwhile business units - Mobile, Telemedia, Digital TV, and other emerging businesses (like M-commerce, M-health, Madvertising etc). The B2C organisation will consist of Consumer Business and Market Operations. Market Operations group will lead the 'go-to-market' strategy. This vertical will take products and services to customers in South Asia with speed and efficiency. Market Operations will complement the Consumer Business by building a robust 'go-to-market' ecosystem and leverage Bharti Airtel's vast distribution reach. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 7 July 2011] 131 26 Investment, New firms & Deals More than 150 start-ups, are estimated to emerge in India, in various verticals by the end of 2011, as per study by Zinnov Management Consulting. Many companies have successfully created new innovation paradigms and are using India to export innovation to global markets. India has over 250,000 professionals working in R&D related services. Successful IT company founders like Narayana Murthy and Azim Premji have started venture funds to encourage start-up entrepreneurs. Many MNC firms are coming forward with multiple initiatives namely venture funds, evangelism programs, partnership with angel networks and outsourcing services to grow startup service providers, to become dedicated service providers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 July 2011] Globals ITeS, which develops technology solutions for the Education sector, has secured investments from two strategic investors, Encore Operating Partners, Mauritius, and Commonwealth Education Trust, U.K. The funds will be utilized towards developing cloudbased products in the Education Space such as ERP Systems for Educational Institutions to manage functions such as the student lifecycle; administration of the school; staff management; payroll; fees; and time tabling. educationERP.net is deployed in more than 150 schools across India, Singapore and Mauritius. [Source: SiliconIndia, 14 July 2011] Bangalore-based Vayavya Labs, an embedded software tool developer, raised one million USD in Series A funding for a minority stake to Indian Angel Network (IAN). The company with 70 professionals, focuses on global Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tool Vendors and large Systems Design Houses for its EDA adjunct tools to architect solutions. By using the tools, the customers can optimize time, effort and cost involved in Embedded Software Design and Development. Vayavya Labs have key alliances and industry partnership with industry leaders, including ARM Connected Community, Cadence System Realisation Alliance and Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner. [Source: SiliconIndia, 18 July 2011] Tech Mahindra has been selected by Microsoft to setup an authorised Encoder Conformance Testing Lab for video encoders used in deployment of IPTV solutions on Microsoft Mediaroom based platforms. Tech Mahindra has set up a test lab in collaboration with Microsoft at its Bangalore facility for this activity. Encoders from OEMs across the globe will be tested and qualified against the conformance parameters set by Microsoft for the Mediaroom platform. [Source: Deccan Herald, 7 July 2011] Cognizant has bagged a multi-year outsourcing deal from Norway Post, in partnership with business software and services firm Visma, to deliver finance and accounting services. The services delivered will include transactional finance services, ranging from accounts payables and receivables to fixed assets, general ledger, and period-end closing. Visma will combine its local Norwegian accounting and regulatory expertise with Cognizant's global delivery model and transaction processing capabilities. [Source: Economic times, 12 July 2011] Genpact has partnered with Nissan to take over its human resources (HR) centre's management in Yokohama, as part of a seven-year deal. Nissan Human Information Service (NHIS) is a subsidiary of Nissan Motor since 2000 and currently handles HR functions for more than 54,000 Nissan employees worldwide. The collaborative relationship also includes a seven-year agreement, whereby Genpact will provide payroll, benefits, staffing, training and other key HR services to Nissan. The centre, renamed Genpact Japan Service Co Ltd, will significantly increase Genpact's onshore service delivery capability in Japan. In addition to the Nissan Group of Companies and Affiliates, Genpact Japan Service Co Ltd will also 132 serve additional companies and existing Genpact clients. [Source: Business Standard, 12 July 2011] NIIT Technologies Limited has bagged a multi-million pound contract from UK-based highspeed passenger service provider Eurostar to provide infrastructure management services for its core business applications. Eurostar provides high-speed passenger service between the UK and mainland Europe. [Source: Economic times, 11 July 2011] HCL Technologies signed a 5-year deal with UK-based publisher Mecom, which will generate 5.7 billion Rupees business for the Indian company for providing IT services. The deal can be further extended by two years and cover other areas of IT. Under the deal, HCL Technologies will initially provide Mecom with infrastructure and in certain cases application management services in the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. Mecom group, with 2 billion USD in revenues in 2010, owns over 300 printed titles and over 200 websites. It operates in the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Poland. [Source: Economic times, 22 July 2011] Union Bank of California has cancelled the multi-million dollar deal for core banking solutionFinacle with Infosys. While the parties have made good progress, Union Bank's changed business priorities have led the bank to discontinue the program. Union Bank and Infosys have parted on amicable terms. [Source: Economic times, 22 July 2011] 27 Foreign firms Fujitsu India and Siemens Enterprise Communications join hands and this partnership is aimed at providing customers with a one-stop shop for their IT and communication needs. They will provide products, including world-leading servers, storage and workplace solution, as well as a wide range of unified communication solutions, backed up with professional and lifecycle services. In recognition of the increasing convergence between telecommunications and IT, Fujitsu India is partnering with Siemens Enterprise Communications to ensure that Indian customers can benefit from the best of German-Japanese IT platforms and communication capabilities. [Source: The Hindu, 14 July 2011] IBM India Development Lab is hiring in California for its Bangalore and Hyderabad offices. The company is looking for experienced professionals in the domain areas like Device Drivers, Kernel programming, Virtualization, System Security, Networking, Hypervisor, Firmware and Processor Architecture. It is also looking for technical architects, technical leads, senior engineers and engineering managers, who will be an integral part of the global team developing next generation products. IBM - India Systems & Technology Lab (IBM ISTL) is a premier systems laboratory with a large product development center in India, working on cutting edge technologies. Selected professionals will be getting a chance to be a part of the phenomenal growth, that IBM is experiencing in key growth markets - specifically in the Power Systems software area. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 July 2011] Microsoft has announced its new state-of-the-art 154,000 sq. ft R&D facility in Bangalore. Microsoft's first R&D centre was set up in Hyderabad in 1998, while Microsoft Research India was established in Bangalore in 2005. Last April, Microsoft announced the extension of its engineering efforts to Bangalore as part of the Search alliance between it and Yahoo Inc. [Source: Economic times, 26 July 2011] 133 28 Hardware & Telecommunications Samsung Electronics launched N100 netbook in India, containing a Intel Atom processor. The device includes Intel's MeeGo operating system. [Source: MAIT, 22 July 2011] HP estimates that India will provide a 120 billion page printing opportunity in 2014, a 50% growth from the 80 billion pages printed now. [Source: MAIT, 8 July 2011] Epson has launched integrated ink tank system printers in India, in view of high performance printing solutions and to help customers lower their cost of printing. The L100 model will be available for 8,999 Indian rupees and L200 model will be available for 10,999 Indian rupees. [Source: MAIT, 20 July 2011] 29 Human Resources & Education The Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC), is making efforts to enhance the participation of Indian companies in the UAE Internet Show, which is scheduled to be held in Abu Dhabi from September 27-28 this year. The Middle East region is one of the fastest growing IT markets in the world and UAE will be spending 14.8 billion USD in IT during 2011 [Source: Business Standard, July 2011] Hiring activity in India showed an upward trend during the quarter ended June 30 with hiring by IT sector up by 32%. According to a study by MyHiringClub.com, a recruitment tendering platform, the hiring of non-resident Indians (NRIs) accounted for 21% of total recruitment activity during April-June 2011, compared to 16% during the same the period last year. With the aim of helping small and medium sector enterprises to adopt ICT in a more effective and profitable manner, Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) organised the “4th ICT for SMEs” conference on the 29th of July 2011 in New Delhi. The conference focused upon critical subjects like building the right infrastructure and technology for the growth of SMEs. Exchange rates on 29 July 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 44.155 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 56.950 Indian rupees India ICT Report: August 2011 30 IT Industry The software and services sector has the potential to grow to 105 billion USD by 2014 and 225 billion USD by 2020, as per Minister of State for Communications. In 2009, the Department of Information Technology (DIT) had set up a task force to recommend measures to stimulate the growth of IT, ITES and electronics hardware manufacturing industry in the country. The task force has also projected that the electronics and hardware production in the country is expected to grow from 20 billion USD in 2009 to 100 billion USD by 2014 and 400 billion USD by 2020. [Source: SiliconIndia, 22 August 2011] 134 Nasscom is confident about its projection of 16-18% growth of the Indian IT industry in FY'12 despite the economic uncertainty in the US and European markets. The software and services export is expected to be 68-70 billion USD and the domestic market is estimated to be 19-20 billion USD. [Source: SiliconIndia, 23 August 2011] 31 Government Sector A total of 117 government websites were defaced during the period January-June, 2011. All the affected organisations and departments were requested to provide web server logs of hacked websites for analysis and identifying the nature and type of attack and vulnerabilities exploited by the hacker. [Source: The Times of India, 3 August 2011] The National Security Guard (NSG) has launched a new website after a suspected hacking attempt was recently reported in a standalone computer at its headquarters here. [Source: The Times of India, 30 August 2011] There is some kind of certification or guarantee needed from companies that are pooling the Aadhar or UID numbers database or will be handling it. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is the nodal agency which has appointed agencies across the country to facilitate the enrolment process. Over 200 such agencies, including Wipro, Comat Technologies, Alankit and Virgo Softech, are involved in enrollment. Data verification is done by the authority under a centralised system. While the UID guarantees uniqueness and a universal identity through a centralised online identity verification process, experts point out that biometric information such as iris scan and fingerprinting lead to a misuse of an individual's personal information. Experts have also raised concerns on the number getting misused by anti-socials such as terrorists, since they can get it issued through fake identities during large-scale enrolments. If the key to the database is owned by many entities, there is need for certification and stronger laws that sort the issue of licensing of the UIDs [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 August 2011] The series of scams in India has degraded the integrity and dignity that the country has carried at the International front. Anti-corruption social activists like Anna Hazare have started people led movements to check and eradicate this. Currently, the infamous 2G scam cases, in the telecom industry of India are still under investigation in the Special CBI Court. 32 Oversea Developments An Indian business delegation by NASSCOM is due to visit Ghana and Nigeria during September 15-22 as part of an African tour in order to tap into the continent's growing IT market which is expected to reach $26.53 billion [Source: SiliconIndia, 30 August 2011]. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has entered into collaboration with the Singapore Management University (SMU) for a new R&D facility, iCity lab for cloud-based IT solutions for cities worldwide. This is said to be the first of its kind in Asia-Pacific for integrating cloud technology with the relevant business-know-how to create urban management IT solutions. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 August 2011] 33 Investment, New firms & Deals Happiest Minds Technologies was launched in Bangalore on 29 August 2011. Declared as a new generation IT services company, Happiest Minds Technologies will be focusing on emerging and disruptive technologies such as: analytics; cloud computing; social media; 135 mobility; security and unified communication. It will focus on the US, Europe and emerging economies [Source: Deccan Herald, 29 August 2011] The merger entity of Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam may emerge as a formidable competitive force in the Asia-Pacific region, especially for Indian IT service providers and other regional players, according to International Data Corporation (IDC). A combined revenue base in excess of 2 billion USD with approximately 20% coming from emerging markets (Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East) will give the merged entity a strong growth story. [Source: Economic times, 25 August 2011] Wipro Sets up First Rural BPO, Manjakkudi centre in Tamil Nadu with a capacity of 120 seats, and will open with a 50-seat pilot project for an international client in the retail sector. Wipro plans to expand its rural BPO operations to 500 seats by March 2013 in Tamil Nadu and to replicate this BPO model in other states in the near future. [Source: Economic times, 26 August 2011] Mphasis has announced that it will acquire US-based Wyde Corporation for an undisclosed amount. Mphasis will hold a 100% equity stake in Wyde. Closure of the deal is subject to completion of customary conditions [Source: The Times of India, 1 August 2011] Omnitech is looking to acquire an IT firm in Europe to expand its global footprint. Omnitech is evaluating companies with revenue between 20 to 25 million USD and expertise in a particular industry vertical, probably in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance sector or healthcare sector. Omnitech acquired European IT firm Avensus Netherland for USD 9 million in February. [Source: SiliconIndia, 22 August 2011] Microland Ltd has signed a multi-year IT infrastructure management services deal with UKbased Serco valued at 55 million USD. Microland has been providing remote IT infrastructure management services to Serco since 2005. Under the new contract, Microland will continue to provide specialist support through an expanded team located in Birmingham (UK) and Bangalore. [Source: Economic times, 10 August 2011] Mahindra Satyam has been selected as an implementing agency for the development and implementation of Integrated Surveyor Licence Management System (ISLMS) by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). [Source: Deccan Herald, 16 August 2011] 34 Foreign firms Intel capital launches Ultrabook fund that focuses on the start-ups, who work on technologies and are following the Intel concept of next generation notebooks. In coming years the company is planning to spend around 13 billion Rupees on innovating new features for ultrabooks. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 August 2011] With a sustained focus to deliver scalability and transparency for SMEs, SAP India expands its customer base across the length and breadth of the India. One example is, Khyber Industries, the leading supplier of construction materials, aggregates, building sand and cement, plans to deploy SAP ERP ECC 6.0 solution. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 August 2011] 35 Hardware & Telecommunications The India PC market is expected to see sales of 11.15 million units in the 2011 calendar year. According to CyberMedia Research, sales are expected to accelerate further by 14% to 12.71 136 million units in 2012. The combined installed base of desktop and notebook personal computers in India is estimated to have crossed 52 million units as of December 31, 2010. [Source: Economic times, 31 August 2011] According to a recent report by Ernst & Young, the Indian domestic demand for electronics products is expected to reach $125 billion by 2014, up from the current level of $45 billion annually. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 August 2011] In 2010 out of 1.17 billion population, only 8.5% use internet. According to forecasts by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), by the end of 2011, only 3% of all Indians living in rural areas will be active internet users, despite an expected doubling in the number of rural users, from 12.1 million in December 2010 to 24 million in December 2011. India will still remain behind emerging market competitors like China, South Africa and Mexico in terms of per capita usage. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 August 2011] Riding on the first e-commerce wave in India, Fabmall (now Indiaplaza) has survived the worst of it. Now, online commerce in India is heading towards boom, and Indiaplaza is to rebuild supply chain model and change the user interface that will hopefully get simpler and more attractive. In 2011, the number of active Internet users has risen to 60 million, with the number of shoppers is 10 million. [Source: The Hindu, 29 August 2011] India ranks 17 globally in terms of unique IP addresses, as per survey conducted by Akamai Technologies. India ranked 7 in terms of attack traffic origination, and 109 in terms of connectivity speed. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 August 2011] 36 Innovation & New Products Infosys Technologies unveiled TalentEdge, a comprehensive talent management platform that helps to reduce the operational costs of companies. TalentEdge addresses the entire Human Resource (HR) lifecycle, helping companies streamline their HR processes and reduce operational costs. The Infosys TalentEdge platform is built on Oracle's PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) Suite and delivered in the cloud, on an outcome-based pricing model. [Source: Economic times, 10 August 2011] 'Colama', a web-based virtual lab management software designed for the Indian university environment by a Pune-based private firm in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), is ready to hit the market. "The environmental impact is significant, ranging from reduced energy consumption, to reduction in electronic waste. An institute with 300 computers can save approximately as much electricity as it would take to light up 600-700 homes per year. [Source: Economic times, 14 August 2011] Invention Labs Engineering Products Pvt. Ltd has developed the product Avaz, a tablet-like communication device for spastic children. Avaz costs around 650 USD, while similar products in the US cost upwards of $10,800 USD. The company has sold around 100 units since its launch in 2010. [Source: SiliconIndia, 26 August 2011] IIT-Kanpur's indigenously built nano satellite 'Jugnu' is likely to be launched by the end of September. ISRO scientists have given the green signal to the engineering model, while the flight model is being assembled in Bangalore. The satellite will help in gathering information regarding flood, drought and disaster management. [Source: Economic times, 29 August 2011] 137 37 Human Resources The 21 year old B.Tech student will be joining the technical wing of Facebook, soon after completing his Graduation in March 2012 with the 4.5 million Rupees per annum offer. In a campus recruitment drive which started in August, leading companies like Wipro, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and Amazon have hired many students from the Institute for packages around one million Rupees per annum. [Source: The Times of India, 30 August 2011] IIT PhD's are regarded and considered as one of the best honors in the world. But competing this honors are the BTech graduates, who get higher salaries than the IIT's PhD holders. The average salary for on campus selection candidates is 700 thousand Rupees but for PhD candidates it is less than that. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 August 2011] India's second largest IT giant Infosys Tecnologies, is planning to expand its Pocharam campus, situated at Hyderabad on the 448-acre special economic zone campus on the Warangal highway. The company is planning to recruit over 25,000 employees in total. The recruiting process will be divided in two phases (14,000 in Phase-I and 11,000 in Phase-II). Already 4,000 employees of Infosys are working at this campus; about 15,000 employees worked in Infosys' facility at Gachibowli here. [Source: SiliconIndia, 3 August 2011] 38 Events Intel India hosted the second annual Intel India Embedded challenge (IIEC) on August 19, 2011 in Bangalore. Conducted by Intel, the Department of Science and Technology and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, the program is an incubator for outstanding innovative ideas. The IBM Innovate 2011 was a two-day technical extravaganza held on 10th & 11th August. An impressive line up of speakers from IBM spoke on some of the most relevant issues today such as application lifecycle management, strategic planning and software economy. Exchange rates on 30 August 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 46.019 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 59.980 Indian rupees India ICT Report: September 2011 39 IT Industry 39.1 DQ Top20 Each of the top 20 IT firms, is now a one billion plus USD company, and the Next30 are growing faster. The combined revenues of the top 200 companies has gone up by 25% in 2010-11 as compared to 6% a year before. Below, top IT firms based on 2010-11 revenue are listed. Table 1: Revenue of Top 50 IT firms in billion Rupees Company 1 2010-11 331.12 TCS 138 2009-10 265.76 2008-09 258.94 Company 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2010-11 259.97 248.99 232.27 213.93 141.32 141.11 121.37 97.66 92.74 81.57 79.34 76.66 61.08 56.72 51.46 50.49 48.19 47.11 44.98 39.90 35.66 34.21 31.40 29.80 27.25 25.80 24.58 23.61 23.51 22.08 21.77 19.24 19.16 19.16 17.51 17.42 16.20 15.85 15.72 15.59 15.09 15.04 14.95 Infosys WIPRO HP India Cognizant IBM India HCL Technologies HCL Infosystems Ingram Micro Radington Cisco Systems Oracle India Dell India Intel India Accenture India SAP India Mahindra Satyam Tech Mahindra Microsoft India MphaSis Schneider Electric India Lenova India Acer India Capegemini India Patni Emerson Network Power Aricent L&T Infotech CSC India Tulip Samsung India Syntel India 3iInfotech Savex Computers Zylog Systems Glodyne Technoserve Rolta india Moser baer India Polaris Texas Instrument Prithvi solutions Mind tree Sony India R.P.Infosystems 139 2009-10 213.55 219.49 178.31 156.46 123.88 109.83 119.56 72.34 70.24 60.57 63.21 57.09 51.60 48.00 39.24 50.84 43.59 39.10 39.20 26.20 23.96 27.49 24.48 29.91 25.00 23.03 19.11 20.18 19.66 16.64 17.11 15.38 11.66 9.80 7.49 14.53 18.82 13.49 10.82 19.05 12.96 9.44 9.36 2008-09 203.92 209.59 157.60 127.41 120.48 87.64 124.45 76.68 65.76 60.84 59.62 42.66 43.40 44.00 28.91 42.15 33.61 32.99 26.51 24.82 19.89 22.78 30.11 19.25 18.19 21.30 16.08 12.90 15.67 16.76 8.41 7.50 5.01 13.61 19.38 13.77 19.76 12.38 5.21 Company 45 46 47 48 49 50 2010-11 2009-10 14.78 14.13 14.04 13.93 13.51 13.22 Spanco Compuage Infocom India ICSA India Sonata EMC Canon India 11.83 10.88 12.37 13.81 11.10 9.44 2008-09 8.04 11.00 15.91 6.23 6.90 [Source: DataQuest, Vol. XXIX No 15, Special issue, Summer 2011] Top 20 BPO firms reported revenue of 7.1 billion USD during 2010-11, growth of 18%. For all their diversity and heterogenity, the BPOs approach to business is common. Only a few details vary. Below lists top 10 BPOs, based on revenue during 2010-11. Table 2: Revenue & Manpower of Top 10 BPOs Revenue in billion Rupees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Genpact TCS BPO Aegis BPO Wipro BPO Firstsource Solutions WNS Global Services Infosys BPO Aditya Birla Minacs Accenture India IBM 2010-11 56.80 39.28 23.52 22.49 18.33 16.85 15.45 15.18 14.36 12.92 2009-10 45.92 31.42 18.37 21.06 17.23 18.58 13.83 14.04 11.35 12.12 Manpower in thousands 2010-11 43,000 32,125 27,730 24,637 14,800 21,523 20,700 10,398 17,500 16,200 2009-10 40,000 26,690 19,419 25,462 13,794 21,958 18,610 8,867 13,000 15,800 [Source: DataQuest, Vol. XXIX No. 15, Special issue, Summer 2011] Indian IT company Wipro Technologies has been awarded the 2011 Microsoft Software Development Partner of the Year Award. The award recognises Wipro Technologies for providing a highly customised solution to support unique business practices, including enhancement of existing systems, integration with new technologies and developing an extension to existing Microsoft solutions. [Source: SiliconIndia, 29 September 2011] 40 Government Sector The India's upper house of parliament will be soon go paperless, a green initiative that is aimed at streamlining systems and making proceedings more efficient. The members, with an average age of 62 years, are now equipped with tablet computers, can now read debates, know schedules and scan voluminous documents. There is a personalized training course on how to use special applications created by the National Informatics Centre (NIC). [Source: Economic times, 7 September 2011] As of now, 24,015 (94%) departmental post offices out of 25,538 have been computerised and the government plans to computerise the remaining departmental post offices along with branch post offices under the IT Modernisation Project, to be completed by 2012-13. [Source: CIOL News Reports, 5 September 2011] 140 The government will use a single payment gateway for e-governance services in 11 states by March, 2012 and National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) has been selected for this service. Around 20 services, including those provided by both the central and state governments, will be linked to the payment platform in the next two to three months, enabling citizens to make online payments and doing away with the need to visit government offices. [Source: Economic times, 4 September 2011] 41 Investment and Acquisitions In the decade between 2000 and 2010, Indian investment in US has increased from a negligible 96 million USD to over 3.3 billion USD. Total direct investment in India by US rose 10-fold, from 2.4 billion USD in 2000 to 27.1 billion USD in 2010 [Source: SiliconIndia, 28 September 2011]. Intel Capital, Intel's global investment organization, announced its plan to invest around 20 million USD in six Indian companies. The investments are part of Intel Capital's 250 million USD, India Technology Fund’s ongoing efforts to support Indian technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Intel Capital invests in a broad range of companies offering hardware, software and services targeting enterprise, home, mobility, health, consumer Internet, semiconductor manufacturing and cleantech. Three investments in Saankhya Labs, Testing Czars and FINO have been completed. Intel Capital has signed investment agreements with What's on India, enStage and DURON Energy. [Source: The Times of India, 30 September 2011] BPO major Genpact will acquire media and business research firm EmPower Research, a front-runner in social media with a uniquely process-driven culture, strong domain expertise and high-calibre senior management team. This acquisition will add significant expertise and intellectual property to Genpact's Smart Decision Services business, comprising analytics, research, re-engineering and risk management services. EmPower Research has about 360 employees. [Source: Economic times, 19 September 2011] 42 Oversea Developments HCL Technologies opened a new Global Delivery Centre in Redmond, Washington with initially investment of 4 million USD, leading to the creation of 400 jobs over the next two years. HCL announced Microsoft as its first official enterprise customer. HCL is working closely with the Washington State Department of Commerce and Enterprise, Seattle, for hiring and developing talents locally. [Source: Business Standard, 22 September 2011] Mahindra Satyam, has announced the development of The Smart Grid Research and Innovation Center (RIC) on the University of Waterloo Campus in Ontario, Canada. It will provide students, teachers and IT professionals the tools to foster and evaluate innovative developments of next generation smart grid technology. Its sister company, Tech Mahindra, established an Innovation Center for Mobility Solutions in Toronto, Ontario in June 2011. [Source: Economic times, 19 September 2011] 43 Foreign & International Organizations Imaging solutions provider Ricoh, recent entrant into the Indian IT sector, is eyeing nearly 2.5 billion Rupees in revenues by 2012-13. The Japanese company plans to become a 10 billion Rupees firm in India. Ricoh had acquired Noida-based IT company Momentum Infocare, a firm specialised in system integration, in June 2011. [Source: MAIT, 19 September 2011] 141 The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) India office was inaugurated on 15 September 2011. W3C has 19 offices world-wide which deal into promotion, proliferation and adoption of W3C standards and its implementation, according to local languages and culture. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 September 2011] 44 Deals IBM announced that Automotive Axles Limited, a joint venture of Kalyani Group and Meritor Inc., USA has engaged IBM as the deployment partner for SAP ERP ECC 6.0 to build a robust IT framework for its operations. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 September 2011] Sai InfosystemsIndia (SIS) has been selected to work for the National Knowledge Network (NKN), a mission mode project of the Government of India. SIS India has been entrusted with the responsibility of designing and implementing a network infrastructure, wherein it will connect 280 universities across India enabling a nation-wide unified network. NKN was approved in March 2010 by the cabinet with an outlay of 59.9 billion Rupees, over a period of 10 years. As a forerunner of NKN, initial phase has been successfully executed by National Informatics Center (NIC). [Source: DataQuest, 12 September 2011] 45 Hardware & Telecommunications India's computer sales is projected to grow at 35% in FY12, more than double the pace in previous year. The sales of personal computers are expected to cross 12.6 million units during 2011-12. For the year ended March 2011, the total PC sales rose 16% to 9.31 million units. [Source: MAIT, 9 September 2011] LG Electronics has made a re-entry into the laptop segment by launching 13 notebooks in India at a price ranging from Rs 26,000 to Rs 66,780. The company also introduced a 3D laptop, the LG A530. [Source: MAIT, 1 September 2011 As per IMRB International’s latest estimates, the number of Mobile Internet users has risen to nearly 35 million, and the number of Active Mobile Internet users has also increased to 26.3 million by March 2011. About 579,486 villages, (over 97% of the census 2001 inhabited revenue villages) have been covered with telephone connectivity through village public telephones. 37,184 villages in the country are yet to be connected with mobile connectivity as on March 2011". Department of Information Technology (DIT ) is looking at bringing down the import scale of LED products in India. DIT is keen to promote the development of electronic system design and manufacturing sector in India and has earmarked a budget of 40 billion USD for the next 10 years. LED Products Manufactures' Association (LEDMA) along with other associations are also working closely to bring LED sector to international standards. [Source: DataQuest, 23 September 2011] 46 Human Resources MAIT has appointed Dr Alok Bharadwaj, Senior Vice-President at Canon India, as its new President. J.V. Ramamurthy, President and COO of HCL Infosystems, is its new VicePresident for 2011-12. [Source: MAIT, 26 September 2011] The majority of (60%) computer engineers working in the BPO industries hail from rural areas. BPO centers in villages could solve the employment woes of rural India and stop undue migration to cities. Many of the companies are also now looking to villages to solve 142 their 'expense woes'. Among the advantages of rural BPOs, the cost factor stands out. The last few years have seen a spiraling increase in salary, training and recruitment costs for BPO companies. The companies are now open to launching BPO centers in non urban and rural areas. The BPO companies have the option of shifting low-end, low-skilled jobs to rural BPOs while taking care of specialized and high-end jobs in cities. Access to women employees is another benefit the rural BPOs enjoy. Apart from being equally skilled in computer related tasks, women are more loyal employees. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 September 2011] 47 Events IAMAI's 4th Financial Inclusion & Digital Payments Conference held at Mumbai on 13 September, 2011, covered topics such as financial inclusion, micro-finance, mobile money, interoperability, standardization and convergence of payments. The third Cloud Developer Conference was held at Hyderabad on 17 September 2011. This brings together leading cloud technology companies and the developer community to exchange notes in an open and friendly forum. 'StartupCity 2011' was held in Mumbai on 24 September 2011 and attracted large number of entrepreneurs. SiliconIndia's third Security Conference was held at Bangalore on 24 September 2011 addressed the challenges and issues at the forefront of enterprise security. Exchange rates on 29 September 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 48.925 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 63.900 Indian rupees India ICT Report: October 2011 48 IT Industry Credit rating agency Standard and Poor's (S&P) said top Indian IT companies like TCS, Infosys and Wipro are likely to maintain their investment grade ratings even if demand weakens. The largest Indian IT companies have strong margins, are cost-competitive, and have proven delivery models. These attributes will help them to weather uncertain and volatile demand. As per Gartner reports, Indian insurance companies will spend 1.8 billion USD on IT products and services this fiscal year, an increase of 11.7% from last year [Source: SiliconIndia, 5 October 2011] With e-commerce sites adding up daily to the list of the existing one, still the pace of the growth is slow in India, as compared to developed countries. The market is still unorganized 143 and fragmented. Most of the bigger online stores are just like a layer over the big e-commerce sites, where the buyers and sellers are directly interacting. Even these sites fail to understand the customer, and their need to buy. One of the other reason, why it is difficult to build an ecommerce in India, is due to the tax-structures which favour offline business. Shopping is still a social affair in India. It takes more than seven days to deliver the goods in India, where as in the advanced countries, it takes only a day or two. It is essential for the e-commerce entrepreneurs to take initiatives to kick the growth by leveraging the growing and ever penetrating internet in India. 49 Government Sector Kapil Sibal, Communications and IT Minister, unveiled a draft national policy on information technology (IT), which will boost India's position as a global IT hub. The policy will ensure at least one person in every household literate within 10 years. The draft policy calls for setting up centres of excellence in institutions of higher learning so as to produce at least 3,000 high quality PhDs in ICT sector by 2020. Promotion of IT industry in Tier II and Tier III cities will create 28 million jobs by 2020. Currently, the IT sector employs over 2.5 million skilled people. IT revenue will increase from 88 to 300 billion USD by 2020. The driving force of the policy includes: • leverage to internet, web and mobile technologies for developing new products, technologies and businesses; • integrate internet-based and mobile-based delivery of services onto a common platform to enable seamless, ubiquitous, secure and personalized delivery of government and nongovernment services across the country; • extend the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and mandate provision of all Government services through electronic mode within a fixed time frame by enactment of the Electronic Delivery of Services (EDS) Bill; and • enhance transparency, accountability, efficiency, reliability and decentralization in Government and in particular, in delivery of public services and facilitate development of content accessible in all Indian languages and thereby help bridge the digital divide. [Source: The Hindu, 7 October 2011, SiliconIndia, 11 October 2011] Draft National Telecom Policy 2011 comes against the backdrop of the arrest of the former telecom minister A. Raja for his 2G spectrum Policy, which the government auditor says had resulted in government losses worth billions of USD. One of the key issues is to de-link the award of telecom operator licence from the allocation of airwaves, since the bundling of these two had invited criticism and a spate of legal disputes. Telecom users will be able to avail themselves of free roaming and keep their phone numbers even if they switch service providers anywhere in the country. [Source: Economic times, 10 October 2011] The cabinet has cleared a scheme for creating a National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) for providing broadband connectivity to panchayats (villages), which is likely to boost rural employment. The scheme will also facilitate electronic services including e-education, ehealth and e-agriculture and reduce the migration of rural population to urban areas. The cost of this initial phase of the NOFN scheme is likely to be about 200 billion Rupees. A similar amount of investment is likely to be made by the private sector complementing the NOFN infrastructure, while providing services to individual users. Currently the optical fibre network is available up to the district level. [Source: Hindu, 26 October 2011] 144 Government will provide liberal subsidy to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for using modern IT tools like cloud computing and improving their performance. The SMEs can access the latest computing technology, data and softwares without investing, through a common grid of a service provider. There are 26 million SMEs in India, which employ 60 million people in the labour-intensive sector. [Source: Economic times, 9 October 2011] 50 Investment and Acquisitions NDS Group Ltd that creates technologies and applications for digital pay TV, will invest 440 million USD in the next five years in India, on product development and enhancing customer base. NDS Group have so far invested 250 million USD in India. NDS Group that is owned by News Corporation and Permira Funds, reaches out to 100 million viewers in India. NDS at present employs over 1,900 people in India. The R&D centre in Bangalore develops applications and solutions not only for the domestic market but also for other geographies such as Latin America, Eastern Europe and China. Asia Pacific region contributes about 25 % to the company's global sales and India is one of the fastest growing markets within the region. [Source: The Times of India, 19 October 2011] Infosys plans to invest 8 billion Rupees in state of Kerala to expand operations and expects to generate 10,000 new jobs through this in the next five years. The company has two centres in the state and provides employment to 2,100 professionals. [Source: SiliconIndia, 24 October 2011] Bangalore-based Via.com, an online travel site, is planning to raise a sum of 100 million USD to finance expansion in South East Asian countries, like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. [Source: SiliconIndia, 28 October 2011] Genpact has acquired 100% stake in High Performance Partners (HPP), a U.S.-based company developing software platforms for the mortgage industry. Genpact will leverage HPP's Quantum software platform to support its Mortgage Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) offering. [Source: BUSINESS WIRE 10 October 2011] Hi-Rel Power Electronics has been acquired by Hitachi. The company aims to generate revenues of 8 billion Rupees in the next five years by expanding its power electronics business offerings in South East Asia. [Source: Economic times, 5 October 2011] 51 Oversea Developments Russia-based Sitronics signed a memorandum of understanding with Tech Mahindra for expanding its software solution market in the country. As per the agreement, Tech Mahindra will promote operations support system (OSS) software, and business support systems (BSS) solution of Sitronics in the domestic market. [Source: The Times of India, 19 October 2011] Infosys Technologies (China), a subsidiary of Infosys Technologies, will establish a branch company in the Dalian High-tech Zone (DHTZ) in China. This branch company will focus on software development and outsourcing business in the region. The new facility can currently seat 700 employees and will focus on delivering consulting, technology and BPO services to clients from the US, Europe and Japan. Incorporated in 2004, Shanghai-headquartered Infosys China reported revenues of 78.98 million USD in FY 2011. [Source: The Times of India, 24 October 2011] 145 Tech Mahindra and Sapnco has over 1,600 Call Centre agents and plans to expand the Call Centre business in Nigeria to 5,000 capacity. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 October 2011] 52 Foreign & International Organizations With 25% lesser operating cost in India compared to China, India has become one of the most sought after center for R&D for the MNCs. MNC R&D Centers in India saved a cumulative 44 billion USD for the parent organizations for the last three years, as per study 'Operations Cost Benchmarking (OCB) 2011' by Zinnov Management Consulting. Over 700 MNCs have their R&D centers in India, with an installed R&D talent pool base of more than 200,000 engineers, growing at an average of 9% a year for the previous five years. [Source: Financial Express, 13 October 2011] IBM has opened a new branch office in Indore, Madhya Pradesh state in central India, as part of the company's plan of increasing its presence in smaller cities across the country, to meet the growing needs of clients and partners. IBM wants to establish a footprint in over 40 Indian cities by 2013. [Source: SiliconIndia, 31 October 2011] 53 Deals Nucleus Software has rolled out its FinnOne IT suite at Oman-based BankMuscat’s branches. The bank selected Nucleus’ FinnOne suite to reduce the need for manual intervention in the collection process and improve operational efficiencies across collections operations. BankMuscat is a financial services provider in Oman with assets worth over $15 billion. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 5 October 2011] 54 Hardware & Telecommunications Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal unveiled the ultra low-cost computing/internet device, Aakash priced at 35 USD (after subsidy). This device has been made by Datawind, a UKbased company that deals with wireless web access products and services, in collaboration with IIT Rajasthan. Datawind will supply 100,000 Android based tablets initially. It is the world's cheapest tablet which has a perfect configuration for students. The Aakash is a 7” Android 2.2 touch screen tablet that has a HD video co-processor for a high-quality multimedia experience and core graphics accelerator for faster application support. The tablet is offered with DataWind’s UbiSurfer browser, which accelerates web pages by factors of 10x to 30x. The device includes WiFi connectivity and support for optional 3G modems. Two full-sized USB ports are integrated into the unit allowing pen-drives, external keyboards, web-cams, dongles and other peripherals to be attached. A key accessory offered with the Aakash tablet by DataWind, is the Leather Keyboard Case, which has an integrated keyboard allowing fast typing and conversion of the device as a small notebook. It has a battery that lasts up to 3 hours of active usage. The student deliveries of the tablet will be done through the Ministry of Human Resources Development. The Indian government wants at least 10 million students to get their hands on the wonder tablet. The commercial version of Aakash tablet is named Ubislate and is expected to hit the market early December for 60 USD. Aakash is being produced at Hyderabad plant, and all the 800 core components are being imported from various countries like China, South Korea, and the US. [Source: DataQuest, 10 October 2011 & Economic times, 4 October 2011] 146 Figure 1: Indian tablet-Aakash & UbiSlate HCL Infosystems launched its seven-inch tablet X1, priced at 10,490 Rupees, in the Indian market. Based on the Android 2.3 operating system, the X1 features a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB storage capacity with internal memory of 4 GB (expandable up to 32 GB), a 2 megapixel front camera and supports full HD video and Flash. [Source: The Hindu, 14 October 2011] Lenovo has entered both the enterprise and consumer tablet market, with 3 offerings which include–IdeaPad Tablet K1 and A1 for consumers and the ThinkPad Tablet for business customers. Customers will also have access to tested apps in the Lenovo App Shops and more than 250,000 apps in the Android Market. [Source: DataQuest, 17 October 2011] India's mobile phone subscriber base grew by just 0.86% in August with the addition of 7.34 million new connections, making the total number of wireless users in the country to 865.71 million. The total telecom subscriber base of the country stood at 899.78 million at the end of August, taking overall teledensity to 74.96 [Source: The Times of India, 20 October 2011] 55 Human Resources Jugnu, the Nano satellite weighing just 3 Kgs designed by IIT Kanpur students has been launched via PSLV C-18 rocket from Shrihari Kota, Andhra Pradesh. Students of three Indian education institutions, which designed and launched their own satellites, have won a U.S. space agency's student competition (foreign category) challenge. The three institutions are Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur (IIT-K), Anna University of Chennai, and SRM University. IIT-K and SRM University have launched their small satellites Jugnu and SRMSAT. Anna University became the first Indian university to have launched a satellite Anusat in 2009. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 & 16 October 2011] TCS has added 20,349 people during the July-September 2011 quarter, its highest number of hiring for any three-month period. The total employee strength of TCS was 214,770 on a consolidated basis at the end of September 30, 2011. TCS indicated that the job scenario is strong and the company is planning to hire as many as 45,000 fresh graduates during FY13. [Source: Financial Express, 17 October 2011] 56 Events Industry majors who participated in India’s flagship three day (18-20 October) ICT event, Bangalore IT.biz were unanimous in their praise for the quality of content. Of the 2.5 million professionals working in the Indian hi-tech sector, about 800,000 are employed in Bangalore alone. The annual event with its primary focus on innovation and R&D, was aimed at 147 capturing major developments in the country. The participants were treated to Multi-track conferences, an International Exhibition, CEO conclave, IT Excellence Awards and the National and Rural IT Quiz. The event attracted ICT industry majors like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Intel, IBM, HCL, Airtel, Nokia, Siemens, Map my India, Mahendra Satyam, Tata Elxsi, Texas Instruments, Dell and Tessolve. The participants also included over 110 exhibitors and 900 plus delegates and 600 plus companies. The conferences and seminars focused on Innovative solutions offered by ICT and hardware industry in, Urban living, Animation and Gaming, National GIS, Green Technology, Skill development and Cloud Computing. Workshop on Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing was also organized. Exchange rates on 31 October 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 48.873 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 61.510 Indian rupees India ICT Report: November 2011 57 IT Industry Indian companies are expected to continue investing in IT infrastructure despite global economic challenges and the country's IT spending is projected to grow 9.1% to 79.8 billion USD in 2012 from 73.1 billion USD in 2011. The telecom market is expected to be the largest contributor to the IT segment in India with spending forecast to reach 54.7 billion USD in 2012. This is expected to be followed by the IT services market with the spending of 11.1 billion USD. The computing hardware market in India is projected to reach 10.7 billion USD in 2012, and software spending will total 43.2 billion USD. [Source: Gartner, Inc. 21 November 2011] India is emerging as a software product hub with revenues of 2 billion USD from 2,400 product firms as per National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM). Emergence of tire-II cities as the hub for over 330 product startup companies is another achievement. [Source: SiliconIndia, 9 November 2011] India's internet population is expected to grow to 121 million users by December 2011, and 97 million are expected to be active Internet users, who access Internet at least once in a month. Of 302 million individuals living in the urban cities, 38% know how to operate a computer. Internet usage is still driven by youngsters that include Young men, School and College going students. School going kids have started using internet more owing to elearning services and Educational information available on the Internet. Among nearly 10.7 million Internet connections in the households, 82% have a broadband connection. Around 12% of these broadband connections are through dongles or data cards and 88% use it through a wire line connection. [Source: I-Cube 2011 study by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB] 148 Announcing the 50 fastest-growing Indian companies in the Technology, Media & Telecom space, Deloitte reports that 14% of the Technology Fast 50 winners this year are from Tier 2 cities. This year, Ubona Technologies Private Limited tops the ranking with revenue growth of 1,353%. With its state of the art platform, Ubona has been instrumental in enabling businesses to offer next generation telephony services to the masses. In the second place with a growth of 1,010% is Aujas Networks Pvt. Limited, a company specializing in providing consultancy services in Information Risk Management. The third place is secured by Prizm Payment services Pvt Ltd with a revenue growth of 792%. [Source: Deloitte website] Wipro Infotech has won the SAP Ace award for customer excellence in 2011. The Ace awards, instituted by the SAP AG, are industry benchmark given to best-run corporations in the Indian sub-continent using its platforms and tools such as Sybase. [Source: The Times of India, 30 November 2011] 58 Government Sector Lenovo has quoted the lowest bid of 13,500 Rupees in the free laptop scheme, by the Government of Tamil Nadu. HCL has quoted the second lowest price amongst the bidders. The estimated cost for completing the project is around 102 billion Rupees. [Source: DataQuest, 2 November 2011] India is open to collaboration with international companies for future development of Akash tablet, which could make the low-cost device available for children across the world. IBM and Intel want to collaborate with India for further development of this product. The next version of the device would be much more advanced, but will be available at the same price of 35 USD. [Source: The Times of India, 5 November 2011] 59 Oversea Developments Happiest minds, an IT services company, inaugurated its first office in Seattle. Happiest minds will provide services and solutions around new technologies such as cloud computing, social media, mobility, security and analytics to global customers. The IT solution firm has raised 45 million USD in series A investment, led by VC firm Canaan partners and Intel Capital. [Source: CyberMedia News, 21 November 2011] Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam entered into an agreement with the Moscow-based IT security and anti-virus solution firm Kaspersky Lab to offer managed security services. Kaspersky will also work with Tech Mahindra to create a range of managed security services offerings, aimed at the small and medium business sector. Under the MoU, all parties have agreed to leverage their strengths in security products and services to develop joint security solutions in the areas of mobility and endpoint security, besides cloud security services. [Source: Economic times, 21 November 2011] More US Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies are investing in the Philippines and about 400,000 are employed in various U.S. customer care services. Now, for the BPO jobs, U.S. and European clients opt for Phillipines than India, because of preference for U.S. English accent speakers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 28 November 2011] 60 Foreign & International Organizations IBM offers interest free financing on IBM software products to support 26 million small and medium business (SMB) groups with almost 60 million employees. IBM will be providing advanced technologies at a reasonable price directly and through the company's Business 149 Partners. The zero interest and the quarterly payment system is hoped to be an advantage for SMBs. [Source: efytimes.com 16 November 2011] IBM today launched Airport Solutions Lab, a platform that will help operators in finding solutions to various technical problems, like airport management. Located in Delhi, the firstof-its-kind center will cater to airports in the Asia Pacific region. [Source: Economic times, 30 November 2011] Google India has launched a new initiative, "India Get Your Business Online" to provide a free website, personalised domain and hosting to 26 million small and medium businesses (SMBs) across the country, in partnership with U.S. based firm HostGator. Only 400,000 SMBs have a website. The company aims to help 500,000 SMBs to get online in next three years, through this program. [Source: The Times of India, 3 November 2011] Wikipedia has turned its focus on India this year, and is working to reach out to people in the country as part of its expansion plans. Indians are helping in solving technical questions, with outreach to universities, and letting the public know that Wikipedia exists in all those Indian languages. [Source: The Hindu, 7 November 2011] Canon's Indian arm aims to triple its business to one billion USD in four years by opening 300 exclusive outlets, many of them in tier-III and IV cities. Canon today has offices spread across seven cities in India with an employee strength of over 840 people and markets a comprehensive range of 160 sophisticated and contemporary digital imaging products in the country. Canon has opened a Business Solution Lounge in Mumbai, Bangalore and Gurgaon for B2B customers, to showcase business applications, with seminar rooms for business workshops. [Source: Economic times, 22 November 2011] Fujitsu will expand its footprint in India by opening a new delivery center in Bengaluru. Fujitsu will now have its delivery centers at Pune, Noida, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. The Bengaluru center will serve clients in industry verticals such as logistics, energy, Utilities, retail and Consumer Packaged Goods. [Source: SiliconIndia, 24 November 2011] Ricoh plans to increase its revenue three times in the coming three years to 200 million USD. In India it has a market shares of 50% in the production printer category and 20% in the multi-functional printers. [Source: Economic times, 1 November 2011] 61 Deals Tata Consultancy Services won its second biggest outsourcing contract worth 2.2 billion USD from UK based pension firm Friends Life. The contract, is based on a model wherein the company will be paid for each insurance transaction and will add another 3.2 million policies to the existing Diligenta platform owned by its UK subsidiary. [Source: Economic times, 10 November 2011] 62 Hardware & Telecommunications The combined desk-based and mobile PC market in India totaled nearly 2.5 million units in the third quarter of 2011, a 13% increase over the third quarter of 2010, according to Gartner. The consumer segment accounted for 55% of PC shipments. All the major multinational PC vendors experienced double-digit growth in PC shipments in the third quarter of 2011. Multinational brands contributed more than half of the total PC shipments and the top 4 vendors (Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo) represent 51.1% of the market. Local vendor HCL 150 accounted for 5.6% of PC shipments in the third quarter of 2011. [Source: Financial Express, 10 November 2011] The personal computer (PC) monitor sales in top 30 cities of the country stood at 741,000 units during the quarter ended Sep 30, a 17% growth over the previous quarter. In the overall PC monitor market, LG retained leadership position with 31.3% share in terms of sales while Samsung and Acer took the second and third spots respectively. [Source: msn News, 30 November 2011] Aakash-2, next version will feature a microprocessor of 800 megahertz which will quicken the download of online videos. The RAM of Aakash -2 will be increased to 1 GB, compared to the 256 MB of the previous version, and will enable multi tasking. It will have an in built camera and an enhanced touchscreen. Aakash-2 is slated to be ready by February 2012. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 November 2011] The official release of Samsung Galaxy Tab 730 was yet to be announced. But one can avail the 8.9 inch device in India via online retailers Flipkart and Lets Buy for 30,900 Rupees. Sony set to launch its much awaited tablets S1 and S2, in India. S1 will be branded as Sony S and the S2 will be branded as Sony P. There is no detail about the prices but it's expected to be priced around 34,000 Rupees. Asus has entered the super slim segment of laptop in India with the launch of its new Zenbook UX31 ultra book for 89,999 Rupees. [Source: SiliconIndia, 22, 10 & 29 November 2011] Manufacturer's Association of Information Technology's (MAIT) plan to include federation of IT channel associations as part of their organization. This will get an all India forum/platform to solve export/import and excise problems. [Source: DataQuest, 21 November 2011] 63 Human Resources Over the past couple of quarters, all the IT companies have started witnessing a sharp decline in the attrition levels. This decline in the attrition level is similar to what happened during the 2008 recession The attrition rate at Infosys Technologies dropped to 15.6% from 17% over the past two quarters and at the Tata Consultancy Service it fell to 13.7% in the quarter which ended in the month of September, compared to 14.8% in the quarter that ended in June. [Source: The Times of India, 7 November 2011] After the U.S., Germany is the second most productive partner for collaborative research in the area of Science and Technology. 12.9% of all the Indian publications in international collaborations have been shared with authors from Germany. As part of the ongoing 'Germany and India 2011-2012: Infinite Opportunities' festival, Germany will showcase how its renowned science and technology ecosystem can help create sustainable solutions for India's rapid urbanisation. [Source: indiaedunews, 7 November 2011] Britain will grant 100 scholarships to bright Indian students enrolling in post-graduate engineering, science and technology programs in the Queen's University in Northern Ireland from September 2012. Each eligible student will be given 4,000 USD for pursuing postgraduate courses in engineering. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 November 2011] 151 64 Events Key issues facing the Indian IT industry was examined at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, on 2123 November, at Mumbai. Data Security Council of India, a NASSCOM® initiative, will hold the 6th NASSCOM – DSCI Annual Information Security Summit in New Delhi on 6&7 December 2011. Security Summit will address the current security challenges against the backdrop of the recent high profile attacks. On the sidelines of the Summit and for the first time in India, there will be Information Systems Security Architecture Workshop (Advanced level). Exchange rates on 30 November 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 52.165 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 66.930 Indian rupees India ICT Report: December 2011 65 IT Industry India is estimated to have got 58 billion USD in 2011 (55 billion USD in 2010) in remittances, the highest for any country from its diaspora, as per World Bank. India is followed closely by China which received 57 billion USD in 2011. Despite the crisis in major developed economies, remittance flow to India is increasing. [Source: The Times of India, 1 December 2011] The depreciation in rupee's value is likely to benefit software exporters. The global macro economic situation has been the major concern for the industry and it will continue to remain a challenge next year. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 December 2011]. Big IT firms are moving towards rural areas to set BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) centres. Rural Shores had just set up a BPO centre in Bagepalli district of Karnataka. Founded in 2008, Rural Shores Business Services is one of the largest providers of BPO services out of rural areas, offering jobs to 1,000 educated youth. Attrition rate at rural BPO centres is 3 to 5% compared to 50% at urban centres. Operational expenses are 30 to 40% lower. This has encouraged many companies to shift to rural areas. In August the BPO arm of Wipro Technologies had launched its first rural BPO centre at Manjakkudi Village in Tamilnadu. Wipro plans to expand its rural BPO operations to 500 seats by March 2013, in Tamilnadu. In October, Infosys BPO had signed an agreement with the Andhra Pradesh government for rural BPO centres in 22 districts. [Source: Economic times - mobile, 13 December 2011]. 66 Government Sector Unique Identification Number (UID) provided to each Indian national, is a 12-digit unique number stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information such as photographs, fingerprints and iris identification. As identification is entirely dependent on biometrics and has shown 0.01% of error in fingerprints and iris alone, 152 there have been concerns expressed by some experts on reliability. The UID initiative has an estimated cost of 16.6 billion Rupees for the year 2010-11 and 2011-12. So far more than 5.56 billion Rupees has already been spent on the scheme. The draft project report highlighted four of UID’s major drawbacks like insertion of “residents” rather than “citizens”; privacy issues of registered members; duplication of the work being done for preparing the national population Register (NPR) using the same biometric attributes; and the massive expenditure incurred so far. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 December 2011]. By 2012, people can travel with one card for all modes of transport across India. Kamal Nath, the union urban development minister unveiled ‘More’ or the National Mobility Card. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 December 2011]. Promising to provide an investor friendly industrial policy framework, the Tamilnadu government proposes to bring out a new Information Technology and IT enabled Services (ITeS) policy. Tamilnadu at present has more than 1,800 software and ITeS exporters, including 210 foreign subsidiaries and MNCs in software development. [Source: Deccan Chronicle, 22 December 2011] 67 Oversea Developments Sonata Software has made a foray into the UAE market with the launch of a joint venture firm, Sonata Software (Qatar) WLL, in partnership with Qatar-based Mohammad Nasser Abdullah AI MISNAD. The newly floated company would function from Doha, Qatar, focusing on delivering services related to ERP, e-commerce, mobility and cloud solutions. [Source: Economic times, 21 December 2011]. Infosys has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Australia-based Portland Group for 1.95 billion Rupees. Portland Group's expertise in strategic sourcing and category management services will complement the global sourcing and procurement platform at Infosys BPO. [Source: The Times of India, 20 December 2011]. 68 Foreign & International Organizations Panasonic plans to increase product line-up in the business-to-business (B2B) category and is looking to partner with government organisations to promote eco-friendly range. At present, the company’s B2B segment contributes less then 3% to its annual sales in India and plans to increase it to 10% by next year. To expand its portfolio, Panasonic plans to bring in other global products like shop solutions; office automation; and smart energy gateways. [Source: SiliconIndia, 9 December 2011]. IBM is the domestic IT market leader with a share of 11.9%, ahead of Wipro Infotech, HCL Tech & HP. IBM continues to gain market share and touched 18.2% in Infrastructure Services market. Indian IT services market is expected to touch 9.5 billion USD, which means that IBM India earns revenues of over one billion USD. A 10-year-old multi-million dollar company, Manapurram Finance inked deal with IBM to renovate its IT system. IBM also closed a 10 year old transformational deal with India Infoline worth close to 3 billion Rupees. The other areas which the company focuses on are government, manufacturing and retail. [Source: Economic times, 12 December 2011]. IBM has unveiled seven new social networking and collaboration mobile apps specifically designed to address enterprise-class requirements in India. With the recent acquisition of i2, 153 IBM will offer mobile software that increases the ability for law enforcement professionals to solve cases using COPLINK Mobile Plus. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 December 2011] 69 Deals & Investment 2011 has seen over 364 companies raising over 4.8 billion USD in venture capital funding, an 85% increase from the funding raised in 2010. In the month of November alone, more than 538.6 million USD fund has been raised by startup companies [Source: SiliconIndia, 9 & 22 December 2011] Pune-based Innovize Tech Software, has raised 45 million Rupees in series A round of funding led by Seed Enterprises. Innovize Tech’s previous investment was by Indian Angel Network (IAN). [Source: SiliconIndia, 1 December 2011]. Freshdesk Technologies has raised one million USD in funding from Accel Partners. Accel has over 6 billion USD under management and has helped entrepreneurs build over 300 successful category-defining companies. [Source: SiliconIndia, 1 December 2011]. Infosys Technologies will start construction work on its first software development centre in West Bengal, at one billion Rupees investment. In the first phase, 5,000 jobs would be created. [Source: Economic times, 9 December 2011]. E-commerce is attracting a lot of venture capitalists investing in them, but also celebrities are going crazy over the e-commerce companies. Bollywood actress Karishma Kapur, has made an investment in online store for babycare products BabyOye.com. Cricketer Zaheer Khan and Yuvraj Singh had invested in Exclusively.in's new label Sher Singh, which has raised 18.8 million USD in funding till date. Bollywood actor Salman Khan is promoting the 'Being Human' brand and made an investment in the online watch showroom BeingHumanWatches.com. Actors Ajay Devgan and Sanjay Dutt had invested in ticketplease, which deals in tickets for movies and concerts. Vatsal Seth had invested in celebwears.com, an online portal selling celebrity clothes and customized wardrobes. Actress Shilpa Shetty invested in home-buying site GroupHomeBuyers.com. [Source: SiliconIndia, 9 December 2011]. Mumbai-based e-commerce startup, Pepperfry.com has raised 5 million USD in venture capital funds from Norwest Venture Partners. Pepperfry is yet-to-be launched and would offer more than 25,000 pocket happy lifestyle products across various categories. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 December 2011]. FREECULTR, an e-commerce startup for apparel and accessories, has raised 4 million USD in funding from Sequoia Capital. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 December 2011]. Bangalore-based e-commerce site Taggle.com has closed all its operations and is now officially shut. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 December 2011]. 70 Hardware & Telecommunications Indian IT hardware industry is worth about 700 billion Rupees and 9% growth is expected this year. [Source: MAIT, 8 December 2011] Reliance Infotel, which is the only company with pan India BWA (4G/Broadband wireless access) spectrum, will offer tablets for as low as 3,500 Rupees. Reliance Infotel is now 154 working with several device makers for sourcing devices, to suit different consumer segments. [Source: themobileindian.com, 6 December 2011]. Lava, the Indian based mobile manufacturer plans to launch its android based tablets priced at 5,500 Rupees by February 2012. The new tablet will come bundled with a service provider’s connection. As the competition in the tablet field tightens, the dominant companies in Indian market like Samsung, Dell, BlackBerry and Asus will be forced to reduce the price without compromising quality. [Source: SiliconIndia, 23 December 2011] Indigenously developed by the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), the Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) technology is now set to be transferred to the country''s telecom manufacturers. GPON technology is the pivotal component required for broadband connectivity over optical fiber and is being transferred to seven public and private manufacturers. [Source: The Hindu, 5 December 2011] 71 Internet & E-Commerce More than half of the Indian internet users access Internet through mobile phones. Only 8% of Indian population has Internet accessibility, but it is increasing rapidly, 25% rise in the number of users in the last one year. 20 million people use internet every day while only 2% of the total rural Indian population use internet. There are 31% of people who have not even heard of the Internet. Among the 100 million internet users, nearly 40 million of them are using top social networking sites to be connected with others. Around 200 million new mobile subscribers, equivalent to the total population of Russia will be joining the worlds’ second largest mobile phone users’ network. Along with the Internet usage, India’s ecommerce sector is also growing in the upward direction and is expected to have an approximate value of 10 billion USD by this year. [Source: SiliconIndia, 13 December 2011]. Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Vadodara, Jamshedpur are the top four small cities when it comes to buying online. Tier II and III cities are regular with e-tailing, specially when it comes to jewellery purchase. India has over 2,471 e-commerce hubs that are the cities, towns, villages and smaller towns covering the entire length and breadth of the country. The industry estimates that the e-commerce market is growing at 30 to 40% and the overall e-commerce market that includes e-ticketing, travel, entertainment and utility is estimated at 200 billion Rupees. Another factor for the growth of e-commerce in India is the increasing time women spent online. According to a research group Juxt, there are more than 65 million people logging onto the web in India. Most of the jewellery, diamond, solitaires purchases are made online. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 December 2011]. Online Matrimonial websites are prospering at present. The Indian Wedding Segment is estimated to be around 400 billion USD, with an estimated growth rate of 20%. 95% of the revenue in this sector is generated through subscriptions and not advertisements. The toughest challenge of his venture was making people believe in the authenticity of the user profiles on the web. It was also about providing users with comfort and choice in searching for their life-partners. Currently, the online matrimonial industry is growing at a rate of 25%, thus, indicating a bright future. [Source: SiliconIndia, 22 December 2011] Consumers are afraid to pay online and over phone through credit or debit card. Ozontel Systems, a cloud telephony technology, has entered into a strategic partnership with Gharpay, a doorstep cash payment network to offer offline payments through Interactive Voice Response (IVR). As per the tie-up, Ozonetel’s hosted cloud telephony platform “Kookoo” 155 will provide the telephony interface, while Gharpay will take care of the locations for collecting payments. The companies will be able to offer a ‘pay cash after/before delivery’ payment option. Ozonetel Systems pioneered cloud telephony technology in India with an aim to bridge the digital divide in India by enabling 50 million SMBs/SMEs on this platform to do business with 800 million mobile voice users, speaking different regional languages. In India over 95% of retail transactions are still carried out through cash. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 December 2011] 72 Human Resources Approximately 35% of the teaching posts are presently vacant in 15 IITs. Now IITs can appoint Persons of Indian origin to permanent faculty positions and foreign nationals are appointed on contract basis. [Source: Deccanherald, 2 December 2011]. Facebook recruited 21 year old Ankur Dahiya, a student of computer science engineering for around 6.5 million Rupees alary per year, during the campus interview at the IIT, Delhi. He will be placed in Palo Alto, California as a programmer. [Source: SiliconIndia, 4 December 2011]. Karan Narain, pursuing Masters in computer science from IIT Kanpur, has been selected by U.S. company Pocket Gems for an annual package of 137,000 USD. Pocket Gems is into mobile application development for Android and iOS. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 December 2011]. HP has introduced the first comprehensive certification portfolio for IT professionals, encompassing the design and deployment of HP Cloud Solutions including business alignment, infrastructure, software and provisioning skills. The expanded HP ExpertONE Converged Infrastructure certification portfolio enables IT professionals to gain hands-on experience and knowledge across the cloud technology spectrum. Different categories are: HP Accredited Solutions Expert (ASE) Cloud Architect; HP ASE Cloud Integrator; and HP Master ASE. HP also is enabling IT professionals to access standard and customized learning solutions through a network of global partners. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 December 2011] 73 Events Intel India, hosted Intel Cloud Summit 2011 on 1st December at Mumbai, bringing together customers from across the Banking, Telecom, IT/ITeS and Public Sector. The common platform was aimed at highlighting the importance of Cloud and Intel Cloud Builder(s) Program, the Intel Open Data Center Initiative and Intel Cloud 2015 vision. The program showcased Intel Cloud Builder(s)’ reference architecture and had various demonstrations from companies such as Microsoft, Dell and Fujitsu. Terrapinn brought together top e-commerce industry players on 7-8 December 2011, at Mumbai, at e-Commerce & Payments World India 2011. Over 25 speakers spoke at conference and participants shared their expertise, concerns, knowledge and needs. SOURCE INDIA, the 3rd edition was held on 14th December 2011 at Chennai, with much larger participation and addition of new growth areas such as Solar Energy and LEDs. The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology has partnered with the India Semiconductor Association (ISA), to provide a new track at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing India, on December 14-16, 2011 at Bangalore. 156 The 6th India Digital Summit will be held on 18 Jan 2012 at New Delhi. The Summit is expected to be attended by more than 700 delegates over two days, representing CEOs and senior executive, brand manager, publisher, advertiser, marketer or business owner, government official, NGOs and evangelists from across sectors. Exchange rates on 30 December 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 53.266 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 68.680 Indian rupees India ICT Report: January 2012 74 IT Industry Tata Consultancy Services, (TCS) reported a net profit of 28.03 billion Rupees, 18.2% rise for the third (October to December) quarter. Strong third quarter performance has been due to, broad-based growth in several markets and industries and a weak rupee. The company reported a revenue of 132.04 billion Rupees, 36.6% increase, led by a strong 18.1% growth in Europe and 13.3% growth in the US, the two key markets. Indian domestic market also grew by 14.8%. For the same quarter, Infosys achieved a revenue of 92.98 billion Rupees (30.8% increase) and net profit at 23.72 billion Rupees (33.3% increase). [Source: Tata Media Report, 18 January 2012] WIPRO reported revenue of 1.51 billion USD for the third quarter, an increase of 12% and in line with its forecast of flat revenue growth. The company reported net profit of 14.56 billion Rupees for the third quarter. The company added 5,004 people for IT services business, increasing the total number of IT employees to 136,734 from 119,491 a year ago. Attrition of IT employees declined marginally, 19% as against 21.6% a year ago. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 January 2012] U.S.-based company of Indian-origin Cognizant, Infosys and HDFC Bank are among 10 elite companies recognized by Harvard Business Review (HBR) for their consistent performance over a ten year period. Popularly named as Growth Outliers, this group of 10 companies is selected from 4,800 listed companies around the world, with at least one billion USD market capitalization. [Source: SiliconIndia, 13 January 2012] 75 Government Sector The government is planning to spend 200 billion Rupees, on a scheme to connect all the panchayats (village administarion) in the country and is committed to deliver IT facility across the country. In the next 24 to 30 months, all 250 thousand panchayats, will be connected through fibre optic broadband network. [Source: Sify Finance, 18 January 2012] Union Home Minister P.Chidambaram, inaugurated the Border Security Force's (BSF) 2.29 billion Rupees intranet project. This project will facilitate its personnel to easily access their personal data and administrative work online, from wherever they are posted. The Intranet 157 Prahari Project (IPP) executed by NIIT-Technologies Ltd. has extended up to 237 locations of the central police force and will benefit about 195,000 BSF personnel. Through the IPP programme, all frontiers and battalions across the country would be connected to one another. It has many applications and important one will be that all their personal information will be available (on the system) like salary allowances, tax deductions and leaves. This computerbased system is to move towards paperless office. Apart form all these benefits, the project will help in decision making process as the force commanders and the sector commanders can be in close touch with the BSF senior officials at the headquarters. NIIT Technologies Ltd. has trained about 20,000 BSF personnel on the computer fundamentals and on the software application developed under the project. [Source: The Times of India, 5 January 2012] Oracle India has emerged as a key partner for various e-governance initiatives in India with its iGovernment technology and has been awarded multiple contracts from various government departments and agencies to modernize their IT infrastructure, increase efficiency and transparency and transform service delivery. These include tax, treasury, defense, utilities, smart cities, municipalities, road transport and railways, police among others. More than 20 states already use the technology to offer citizen services. Their client list include: Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC), Commercial Tax Dept (Govt. of Rajasthan), Chennai Metro Water, Center for eGovernance (Govt. of Karnataka), Delhi State Spatial Infrastructure (DSSDI), Assam PWD, West Bengal Central School Service Commission, RajComp Information Services Ltd., Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd (MIDHANI), Haryana Treasury, Kalyan Dombivili Municipal Corporation, Indian Railways, Dept. of IT & Communication (Govt. of Rajasthan), Indian Institute of Management (Lucknow) and Assam University. The company offers technology and tools to move beyond e-governance, to develop flexible systems that integrate multiple functions and departments. It provides the foundation to continue the evolution of government computing by increasing integration across agencies, automating more complex and varied functions, and making systems more accessible to a greater number of users. [Source: Business Standard, 18 January 2012] 76 Infrastructure The National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the government of India, Technopark and MobME Wireless have joined hands to set up the country's first Public Private Partnership (PPP) telecom business incubator - 'Startup Village' in Kalamassery, Kerala. Startup Village will focus primarily on student start-ups from college campuses and would be modeled on Technology Incubators in the Silicon Valley, US. It aims to incubate 1,000 product start-ups over 10 years. State-owned Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (KINFRA) aims at bringing together all the suitable resources available in the state and developing infrastructure to woo the industrial growth of the state. Startup village campus will have full 4G network, advanced telecom labs and also provide all services that are required for a student to start a company even while in college. [Source: The Times of India, 19 January 2012] 77 Oversea Developments With HCL Technologies announcing 10,000 jobs for locals in the U.S. and Europe, Indian government chose the World Economic Forum to send a strong message that Indian IT firms are creating and not stealing jobs in troubled western economies. HCL is taking various initiatives including its investments: in building Global Centres of Excellence; running 158 dedicated recruitment and training programmes for college graduates; and providing platforms for developing IT skill pool in local communities through collaboration with customers and universities. In the months ahead, HCL will be working with 12 universities to offer a six-month elective course, as well as workshops on technology and management, and encouraging innovation through contests. [Source: Economic times, 26 January 2012] Infosys will be expanding its European workforce by 10%, but is having trouble in finding suitable local computer professionals. [Source: The Times of India, 28 January 2012] 57% of engineering doctorates awarded in the US go to foreign nationals, most of whom are from India and East-Asia. In 2008 that 34% of the employees at Microsoft, 28% at IBM, and 17% at Intel are Indians. National Science Board in the US reported that the US has lost about 28% of its high-tech jobs (which amount to a loss of 687,000 jobs) from 2000 to 2010 as a result of its diminishing lead in the field of science and technology. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 January 2012] 78 Foreign Organizations Capgemini, is setting up a software centre at the Technopark IT hub in the Kerala at the Leela Infotech campus. In less than two months, they would open the centre with a strength of 200. Currently there are 245 IT firms of varying sizes, employing more than 35,000 professionals in the Technopark campus. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 January 2012] Amazon Web services has announced its offer for free cloud services for Windows server applications for a year, provided the usage doesn’t exceed 750 hours a month. The Amazon Web Service (AWS) provides free usage of cloud for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Linux. [Source: SiliconIndia, 18 January 2012] Samsung has planned a 41.4 billion USD investment in 2012. Out of this 65% will be spent on capital investment, which is 11% higher than that of last year. Samsung Electronics will provide 80% of the capital spending. [Source: Economic times, 17 January 2012] 79 Deals & Investment Mahindra Satyam has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Intertek to collaborate on 'Smart Grid', using technology to enhance monitoring and management of power flow. Mahindra Satyam's expertise in smart grid applications is aligned with Intertek's objective to advance industry safety standards and help speed the evolution of this important technology for clients around the world. [Source: Business Standard, 17 January 2012] Indian Venture Capital firms have already raised around 665 million USD in one month, January 2012. With more capital available, one can expect to see a lot of VC investments, thereby a good sign for startups. [Source: SiliconIndia, 31 January 2012] Gurgaon-based cloud telephony-based solution provider Knowlarity has raised 6.6 million USD from Sequoia Capital. Founded in 2009 by Ambarish Gupta and Pallav Pandey, Knowlarity with more than 100 employees, has a vision to enable SMEs in India, with productivity telephony solutions. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 January 2012] Delhi-based wedding planning services portal BigIndianWedding has raised an undisclosed amount of fund (less than 5 million USD), from a privately held Indian business family. The fund would be used to launch its ecommerce section. The wedding industry in India is 159 estimated to be 500 billion Rupees and growing at the rate of 20% per annum. Though the exact size of overseas NRI (Non resident Indians) market is not known, over 25 million NRIs spread across the globe, is significant. There are approximately 20 million subscribers on matrimonial sites in India, but they do not have an online resource to help to plan their wedding. The proposed site aims to simplify the complex wedding planning process by doing research and mapping out the best possible vendors in each category, which is presented to the customer to make his choice. It also provides advices to the customers on the latest trends in the fashion and fitness industry. It provides a one-stop-shop for all the wedding needs: finding the venue, the caterer and exclusive custom-fitted wedding dresses. The company procures the products from its vendors and maintains its own warehouses for storing the products. The website gets its revenues through advertisements. It plans to introduce another revenue model, in which it would receive some payment from the merchants every time a customer uses the website to reach the merchant for purchasing. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 January 2012] 80 Hardware, Telecommunications & Internet Sam Pitroda, advisor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, launched the country's first cloud-based tablet solution for school students called 'e-tutor tablet'. This can be used by students from Class 1 to 12. Priced at 7,500 Rupees inclusive of content, the product would be available in the market from April 2012. The e-tutor tablet is a joint effort of Technopark-based e-tutor and Oztern Technology. [Source: The Times of India, 27 January 2012] Fig 1: 'e-tutor MID 7-inch tablet is a well build tablet with metallic edges and curvy back with a price tag of 3,400 Rupees. Start up and touch screen performance is not that good, but it has several productivity and gaming apps and an access to Android Store. Showtone 777R running on Android 2.3, comes with a better screen movement and build quality, costing a bit more of 4,350 Rupees. Domo Slate N8 is quite portable, weighting only 230 grams. This 4,990 Rupees device comes with an enclosed finger-print resistant coating. [Source: SiliconIndia, 30 January 2012] MID 7-inch tablet Showtone 777R 160 Domo Slate N8 Fig 2: Three Cheap Substitutes to the Aakash Tablet With growing grievance of Aakash users including unresponsive screen, OS hanging, unpleasant sounds and poor customer care, the most popular yet cheap tablets released in partnership with Ministry of Human Resource and Development is now facing a death knell. Reliance Industries Ltd, plans to launch its fourth generation (4G) services later this year and sell tablets at cheap price of around 3,500 Rupees. Reliance Industries could probably team up with DataWind or any other firm, to launch 4G services. It is the only company to have pan-India spectrum to offer wireless broadband services on the 4G platform. [Source: SiliconIndia, 13 January 2012] In the wake of an unexpected demand before the official launch of UbiSlate 7 or Aakash 2 in the month of March, 2012, DataWind is scaling up its existing Hyderabad production capacity. DataWind Innovation will be the national distributor for UbiSlate 7. DataWind has received 1.5 million pre-booking orders. [Source: DataQuest, 18 January 2012] e-tickets have become the new trend in railway ticket booking in India, which has over taken i-ticket recently. I-ticket is a process where you book your ticket online, but is later printed by the Railways and gets delivered by the courier. But in e-ticket, the passenger can book it, print it and avail his journey by showing his ID proof. In July 2011, as a new development, the Railways have started to allow the screenshots of an e-ticket in mobile, laptops or tablets, rather than the print out. So, M-tickets may replace the e-tickets soon. [Source: SiliconIndia, 16 January 2012] 81 Human Resources International Institute of Information Technology-Bangalore, has come up with the five year M.Tech integrated course. This course will be including subjects like Biology, Management, Social Sciences and Humanities as part of its curriculum and it will start from this academic year. These five year programs will also offer a dual degree like the B.Tech and M.Tech in IT. The core subjects will be IT and the fifth year will be entirely focused on research. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 January 2012] 82 Event More than 15,000 delegates including scientists and students, were at the five-day 99th Indian Science Congress (ISC), inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 3 January 2012. Established on the lines of the British Conference on the Advancement of Science, the first science congress in the country was held in January 1914 at the Asiatic Society in Calcutta (now Kolkata) with 150 scientists from India and abroad. There were around 15 science based plenary sessions and 30 technical sessions on diverse topics such as agriculture, health care, climate change, nano-technology, environmental sciences, bio-diversity, bio-technology and forest and environment. Other attractions of the event from January 3 to 7, were a science film festival and a science exhibition. The Children's Science Congress and the Women's Science Congress were held parallel to the main event. [Source: The Times of India, 8 January 2012] Exchange rates on 31 January 2012 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 49.6825 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 65.1800 Indian rupees 161 India ICT Report: February 2012 83 IT Industry Indian enterprise IT spending across all industries is expected to reach 39 billion USD and grow by 10.2% in 2012, compared to previous year's 36 billion USD. Gartner’s Indianspecific research says that retail sector would witness the highest growth in 2012 and IT spending by retail sector is forecast to grow by 11.8%. Government and state-owned enterprises, the large manufacturing units, communications and financial services sectors would provide the best opportunity, drive growth and be the premium revenue generators. [Source: Gartner, Inc. 29 January 2012] IT firm Mahindra Satyam reported a four-fold increase in profit after tax to 3 billion Rupees for the quarter ended December 31. The company's consolidated revenue stood at 17 billion Rupees in the same quarter. The total headcount of the company stood at 32,280 as of December 31 [Source: Economic times, 1 February 2012]. HCL Infosystems, reported a 37% decline in consolidated net profit at 349 million Rupees for quarter ended December 2011. Gross sales also declined by 14.62% at 27 billion Rupees, during the reported quarter. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 February 2012] Bharati Airtel has selected Infosys Ltd to manage its 'mobile wallet' service across the country, enabling cashless payments and money transfers. As part of the multi-year deal, both the partners will jointly create a business model for m-commerce and offer customers a secure environment for cashless transactions using Infosys' WalletEdge platform. As core platform, Infosys' Finacle Digital Commerce will provide the ecosystem for card issuers, merchants, financial and retail institutions, to offer customers a range of payment options for their transactions. As the country's first-of-its-kind mobile wallet service, WalletEdge will be able to support millions of transactions annually in a secure environment. Delivered through a private cloud, it creates a shared services framework to allow members of the ecosystem to process payment instructions. [Source: Hindustan times, 28 February 2012]. 84 Government Sector India will triple its spending on research and development related to science and technology during the Twelfth Five Year Plan starting April 2012. The expenditure in this sector will be almost tripled from 330 billion Rupees in the Eleventh Five Year Plan to around 900 billion Rupees in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. India would be allocating 2% of its gross domestic product (GDP) for research in science and technology in the Five Year Plan from April 2012March 2017, against the current spending of 0.98%. The government has also taken steps to ensure much larger contribution by private sector in research and development expenditure. The focus will be in areas of nano-sciences, genomics, neuro sciences, biotechnology, clean technology and water. [Source: Economic times, 28 February 2012] In an initiative that could prompt foreign telecom equipment majors such as Huawei, ZTE and Ericsson to set up base in India, the government is working on a scheme to make it mandatory for all information technology (IT) and telecom public sector units to source 30% of their purchases from domestic equipment makers. [Source: MAIT, 6 February 2012] 162 The Sushant Megapolis and Wave City are two township projects within the NCR (National Capital Region). These high-tech city projects will have world class amenities and other similar facilities under one umbrella. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 February 2012] 85 Oversea Developments Infosys, with its universal banking solution product Finacle, will invest in Oman to further strengthen its presence in the country. International Information Technology Company (IITC) will now be Finacle's partner in the region to provide sales, service and post-sales support to its customers. The partnership is targeting retail, wholesale and universal banks in the region to offer next generation banking solutions. 150 banks worldwide are using Finacle, accounting for 347 million customers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 February 2012] Bangalore based Sanovi Technologies opened its subsidiary in Dubai, to market its enterprise Disaster Recovery Management (DRM) products in the Gulf region, including African countries. This firm already has regional clients such as Saudi Arabian Airlines, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Ahli United Bank and AW Rostamani, using disaster recovery solutions on a long-term basis. [Source: Economic times, 17 February 2012] Online media network platform Komli Media, has acquired Singapore-based online advertising network, Admax, in a cash-and-equity deal. With this buyout Komli intends to expand its reach in South East Asia. Admax, launched in 2006, claims to be the largest online advertising network in the region, with its presence in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Komli estimates the online advertising market in the region to be worth 250 to 300 million USD, and growing at 30 to 40% per year. [Source: Economic times, 29 February 2012] Indian companies are now contributing strongly to local State economies in the US with their presence in 43 states, and having invested over 26 billion USD in the last five years, in several key areas of US economy. Indian IT companies employ over 100,000 people in the U.S. and the Indian IT industry supports over 280,000 jobs indirectly. Two-way trade in goods and services continues to grow steadily reaching over 100 billion USD last year. India will need to invest more than 1 trillion USD in the coming years in building a world class infrastructure that could cater to the demands of a billion population and ensure the availability of clean sources of energy, including nuclear energy, to fuel such growth. This will provide a big opportunity for all its international partners. [Source: The Times of India, 18 February 2012] Federal authorities have cracked down on a California-based company that used the services of call centre in India to make fake debt collector calls to consumers in the U.S. Consumers received millions of calls from India, and since January 2010 this operation extracted more than 5 million USD from victims. [Source: The Times of India, 23 February 2012] 86 Foreign & International Organizations Facebook finds, India a major growth market, where the number of users, has more than doubled in the past one year, compared to near-zero penetration in China. The growth of 132% in India has been higher than many other countries, including its home market in US. As of December 31, 2011, Facebook had 845 million MAUs (Monthly Active Users) in India, 161 million MAUs in the US and 37 million in Brazil. Facebook faces competition from Google's social media platform Orkut in India. [Source: The Times of India, 2 February 2012] 163 IBM has launched Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Smarter Commerce, at the India Software Lab, Bangalore. The CoE will consist of a team of 25 technical experts selected from India Software Lab. The centre will work closely with the business teams on customizing, Smarter Commerce solutions for companies. The centre will also integrate and more effectively manage the value chain across buying, marketing, selling and service processes for different sectors. IBM Smarter Commerce Solutions have enabled customers to increase average campaign response rates and expects to reduce its direct marketing costs by 35% per year. In India, IBM is working with leading companies in retail, financial services, and auto/manufacturing sectors. [Source: Hindu Business Line, 9 February 2012] 87 Deals & Investment HCL Technologies entered into a strategic partnership with Great American Insurance Group (GAIG) to provide IT, back office and infrastructure management services to the US major and its affiliates. The Cincinnati-based GAIG focuses on specialty commercial products for businesses and sells traditional fixed and indexed annuities, besides insurance products such as Medicare supplement. [Source: Economic times, 15 February 2012] Bangalore based ecommerce company, Myntra.com has secured 20 million USD in its series C round of funding from Tiger Global. The funds would be used to grow its logistics services and venture into new categories. The company has raised a total of 38 million USD till date. [Source: SiliconIndia, 10 February 2012]. Mahindra Satyam and Japanese company SBI Holdings launched a USD 50 million joint fund, to invest in ICT companies globally. The objective of the fund is to help to leapfrog the innovation curve by investing in high growth and promising companies in the evolving ICT space. [Source: Economic times, 21 February 2012] Bangalore based eDreams Software Innovation, has raised up to 50 million Rupees from Mumbai Angels. eDreams products are driven by innovations across technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, NLP and Speech Processing. Currently eDreams has a headcount of 20 people. [Source: SiliconIndia, 1 February 2012]. 88 Hardware & Telecommunications The government plans to involve three more IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) in the world's cheapest Aakash tablet PC project to make it more indigenous and further lower its price. At present, several components including the processor are procured from outside. The aim is to make the product 90% Indian. [Source: SiliconIndia, 2 February 2012]. iBerry India, a Chennai based tech-product manufacturing firm is going to launch India’s first Android 4.0 based tablet- iBerry Auxus AX02-with a affordable price tag of 10,000 Rupees. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 February 2012]. Wipro Infotech unveiled India's first and slimmest ultrabook for the domestic market. Weighing 1.7 kg and packed with 4 gigabyte (GB) and 500GB hard disk, the notebooks in three ranges - Aero Alpha, Aero Book and Aero Ultra - are priced between 39,000 and 49,000 Rupees. The product is a result of cooperation between Intel and Wipro on Ultrabook devices. Wipro Infotech also markets its range of hardware and software products in the Gulf region and Africa. [Source: SiliconIndia, 21 February 2012]. 164 89 Human Resources Intel launched the Intel Future Scientist program in India, aimed at enabling the next generation of innovators to have an outstanding grounding in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The Program is designed to help science teachers present their curricula from an inquiry-based perspective to help foster a spirit of research and innovation among their students. [Source: SiliconIndia, 29 February 2012] E-commerce firms such as RedBus, Letsbuy, Via, Valyoo Technologies and Snapdeal are recruiting for the first time from IIM (Indian Institute of Management) campuses and have selected fresher’s and experienced applicants at average pay packages of 1.2 million Rupees [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 February 2012]. Cisco Systems will increase its workforce in India by about 60% over the next four years. This will be the first big scale recruitment by Cisco, after it announced a 15% cut in global workforce in mid 2011. Most of the hiring will be for the company's research and development centre in Bangalore, which is its largest R&D facility outside the US. [Source: Economic times, 20 February 2012] Infosys chairman emeritus N.R. Narayana Murthy advised Indian students to study in Japanese universities, as it is 50% cheaper than in the US, but also provides an opportunity to better career prospects. He urged young Indians to explore Japan for higher education as it has one of the world's best technology and research institutes. About 100,000 young Indians go abroad every year in pursuit of higher education, with over 75,000 of them to the US alone, while the remaining students go to Britain, Europe and Australia. Noting that India and Japan have been sharing a close relationship over the past six decades in diverse areas, Murthy said the future looked bright for the two Asian countries with various academic and business collaborations on the anvil. [Source: SiliconIndia, 29 February 2012] Exchange rates on 29 February 2012 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 48.9408 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 60.9400 Indian rupees India ICT Report: March 2012 90 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13, released by the Government of India bodes well for new investors. Explicit fund allocation to UID-AADHAAR project is another positive indication and would have far reaching benefits to the social mass of India. The positive aspect of budget is the increased government spending in technology, which would drive overall domestic IT spending. For the semiconductor industry, the coming year will be characterized by opportunities and challenges, especially given the push towards the formation of the National Policy on Electronics, to help India kick start its nascent local manufacturing industry. So, Union 165 Budget centers around semiconductor design, high-tech manufacturing and encouraging precompetitive research. The Budget has also brought in certain changes to existing excise and service tax structure. The introduction of New Tax slabs at Direct tax framework lays a foundation for early enablement of DTC (Direct Tax Code) in India. This year the government has increased excise duty and Service Tax on PC products by 2%. Software body Nasscom expressed its disappointment over 2012-13 budget as it has no fresh proposals for the USD 100 billion Indian IT-BPO sector even as the industry's request to exempt Special Economic Zones (SEZ) income from Minimum Alternative Tax has been ignored. "The allocation of 10 billion Rupees for National Skill Development Fund will help in bridging the gap in skills. Setting up a Credit Guarantee Fund to improve flow of institutional credit for skill development will also be a good move as it will help in acquiring specific skills by individuals." It is a pragmatic budget with doses of good intentions for long-term growth, but lacks short term initiatives to get growth going. The focus on R&D is good, as the weighted deduction of 200% for R&D expenditure in an in-house facility has been extended beyond this March, for a further period of five years. Union Budget is below satisfactory in Science & Technology section. Funds for various department allotted are hiked only just 25%. Departments of Science and Technology, Scientific and Industrial Research and Biotechnology have got a hike of just about 10%. Atomic Energy Department has seen a hike of about 18%. But 64% hike for Space mission and 50% hike for Ministry of Earth Sciences, will help these specific areas of research. [Source: Engineers World Online, 16 Mar 2012] 91 IT Industry Managing cities the smart way to provide better and more efficient services to residents is emerging as a huge business opportunity ,with the rapid urbanisation of the country. This ICT led enterprise market is expected to be 384 billion Rupees businesses by 2014 from the current size of 144 billion Rupees. This market size was doubling every three or four years. This emerging development is important as India’s urban population would be some 500 million that is about 45% of the billion plus population of the country throwing up immense problems in housing, transportation, municipal services, health care and education among others. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 March 2012] 92 Government Sector Government of India has renamed the Department of Information Technology as Department of Electronics and Information Technology. The Department is in the process of initiating several measures to renew the thrust to the Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) in the country. A new National Policy on Electronics is under finalization. The Policy outlines the rationale and road map for the development of ESDM sector in the country. Telecom services provider Reliance Communications (RCom), in a consortium led by IT firm HCL Infosystems, has secured the 3 billion Rupees contract for government's national 166 identity card programme, Aadhaar. RCom will provide network and telecom support for Aadhar as part of a consortium led by HCL Infosystems. Hackers were able to access around 112 government websites in a period of just three months. The hacked websites belong to agencies in the government of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Manipur and also the agencies of Ministry of Finance, Health, Planning Commission and Human Resource Development. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 March 2012] 93 Foreign & International Organizations Microsoft expressed interest in setting up cloud computing centres in state of Tamil Nadu, which would serve as a centre of excellence in the field. The company is interested in extending its core programmes such as faculty empowerment for non-IT faculty at higher education level; peer coaching programme for select teachers to serve as peer coaches for their colleagues; and nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship among students in higher education/information technology departments and software start-ups. Cloud computing will generate some 14 million new jobs worldwide by 2015, and India alone will create over 2 million, predicts a study commissioned by Microsoft and conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC). [Source: Economic times, 6 March 2012] After grabbing 30% share of Indian memory module market in year 2011, Strontium is aggressively expanding its footprint across India and has signed agreements with OSR Distribution as its regional distributor for South India and Sunstrike Telecom as its national distributors. [Source: DQWEEK, 12 March 2012] Embedded software firm for digital signal processing (DSP) Ittiam Systems posted one billion Rupees revenue for this fiscal (2011-12), with royalty income accounting for 35%. Their revenue per employee has crossed about 100,000 USD, which is twice the typical productivity in the Indian IT industry. [Source: Economic times, 20 March 2012] The cloud computing business continues to gain momentum in the market and there is an intense competition among all cloud service providers but Amazon’s cloud has been a favourite among users. [Source: SiliconIndia, 19 March 2012] 94 Deals & Investment Malaysia-based financial services group AmBank has decided to deploy the banking solution by TCS. This integrated banking suite, spanning conventional and Islamic banking, will support both retail banking and lending functionalities. [Source: Economic times, 29 March 2012] 95 Hardware & Telecommunications ASUS, has entered into the Indian desktop segment by formally launching three desktop products, which will cater to the gaming, entertainment and daily-computing segments. ASUS has set up service centres in 48, tier I and tier II cities across the country to provide onthe-spot service to the customers. [Source: Hindu Business Line, March 2012]... International education company AcrossWorld, along with Delhi-based Go-Tech would launch a tablet, called ATabin, seven-inch android touch screen tablet. This will have a threeyear free access to education technology platform 'EducationBridge' which allows academic 167 institutions, teachers and students to use a variety of content and educational resources. [Source: The Times of India, 1 March 2012] Reliance Communications released its first CDMA tablet at 12,999 Rupees. The company has customised plans to offer up to 40% annual discounts to subscribers. The tablet is supported by the company's CDMA network across 22 circles in 1000 towns. [Source: Economic times, 12 March 2012] 96 E-Commerce & cloud The report, 'E-commerce: A boon for the current economic downturn' by First Data Corporation and ICICI Merchant Services, reports urban Indian consumers are now confident enough to make online purchases up to 25,000 Rupees, up from 2,000 -5,000 range in the recent past. Almost 57% of e-commerce sales come from small towns. Though there are only 10 million internet users who actually buy online in India, there are about 150 million internet users or around 75 million households that are 'ready' for e-commerce. According to IAMAI, current e-commerce market in India is around USD 10 billion. [Source: ibnlive.in 26 March 2012] D-Link India has launched its 'personal cloud' networking solution which includes the routers, cameras and storage solutions, for the Indian market. The cloud routers are priced at around 2,900 Rupees, while its cloud cameras are priced at around 5,499 Rupees and cloud storage solution is priced at 14,000 Rupees. [Source: DQWEEK March 2012] 97 Human Resources SAP India has launched Project Avsar (Meaning Opportunity), an initiative targeted at developing vocational SAP skills and placement assistance for the underprivileged youth. Project Avsar is a comprehensive and unique SAP vocational training program that will combine a class room and practical / fieldwork based approach. It will introduce the selected candidates to the business functions of a company and eventually provide them the necessary IT skill-sets to manage business processes using SAP software. [Source: efytimes.com 29 March 2012] Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore will have a Centre for Excellence in Embedded Systems, with support from the Government of Karnataka. The objective is to collaborate with public and private organizations to create a Centre of Excellence (COE) in the emerging areas of embedded system and to bridge the gap between academic output and industry requirements. Centre will focus on Embedded Computing, Wireless Communication, and Computer vision. In a bid to make quality education accessible to young people at the secondary level, the World Bank has approved a 500 million USD credit to support India's secondary education project. The project will support all activities as envisioned in the 12.9 billion USD Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) programme, a flagship Government of India programme for gradual universalisation of secondary education. [Source: Economic times, 23 March 2012] The Indian government has declared 2010-2020 as the "Decade of Innovation". The cluster initiative aims to facilitate creation of ecosystems that will enable generation of new products, services, processes and business models, spurring job creation and inclusive growth. In both developed and developing countries, MSMEs and start-ups are viewed as major engines of 168 growth and employment. In 2010-11, Indian MSMEs represented 45% of manufactured output and 40% of exports. The National Innovation Council (NInC) aims to have around 50 innovation clusters covering the entire country by the end of 2012 to help out the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. NInC aims to create models for transforming regional MSME clusters into innovation ecosystems with collaborative partnerships among stakeholders. The NInC has partnered with Council of Scientific and Indutrial Research (CSIR), Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd (ILFS), Foundation of MSME Clusters (FMC), Tata Management Training Center (TMTC) and industry associations Confederation of Indian Industry and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. [Source: Economic times, 28 March 2012] Etechies.in, an online technical support and repair service for desktops, laptops, printers and other digital devices, allows users in Delhi-NCR and Bangalore to book its services online, and soon will expand to Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad. Etechies also offers remote servicing option where a computer or a laptop can be controlled through a remote device online and problem resolved. Many such innovative ventures are expected in near future. In 2012 Indian salaries are set to rise by 12%; the largest hike amongst Asian countries for the 10th year in a row, as per recent survey conducted by human resource consultancy Aon Hewitt. 98 Events India Software Developer Conference spread across two days (March 24-25, 2012) had a blend of powerful keynotes, topic driven sessions and interactive discussions. The conference included more than 50 Technology Sessions and three interesting tracks: Architecture & Design, Development and Enterprise. Exchange rates on 30 March 2012 [http://www.rbi.org.in/] 1 USD = 51.1565 Indian rupees 100 Japanese Yen = 62.4300 Indian rupees 169 4-3.インドネシア 170 April 2011 1. TELKOMSEL goes “Beyond Telecommunication” era Telkomsel, one of the big cellular telecommunication providers in Indonesia reached 100 million customers on April 2011 With this achievement, Telkomsel jumped the position into one of the biggest seven communication provider in the world with 100 million customers in one country. Cellular operator who are capable to serve 100 million customer are those who transformed them into a users. What was provided not only a based service but more personalized services that meet the end user needs and ready for “beyond telecommunications services” for providing data transmission said Sarwoto Atmosutarto, Managing director of Telkomsel. For this transformation effort, in 2011 Telkomsel have invested capital expenditure valued at 1.1 billion US dollar. 60% of those are allocated for broadband service improvement. Improvements expected to be gained In this transformation process among others are capacity and quality, cooperation and collaboration scheme with the partners, a reliable supporting system like invoicing, customer registration system as well as for improvement in mobile broadband and a new business like mobile wallet, digital music, contents and mobile advertising Currently those 100 million users are served by more than 38,000 base transceiver stations (BTS), including more than 8300 Node B (BTS 3G). To improve services to the clients, Telkomsel have prepared more than 1 million customer service points all over Indonesia.(Source : detikNews, Tuesday, April 26, 2011) 2. Telkomsel Promote ICT Base MDGs Program Rather than to stay in their current competencies to server business purpose ,Telkomsel is planning to utilize company facilities for social needs within the frame to successfully implement the Millenium Development Goals program (MDG). This is part of the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). As an operator Telkomsel could support the program by utilizing their facilities like SMS broascast or by providing portal sites, so the community would be able to obtain the latest news about MDG’s program. Telkomsel committed to support MDG’s program and focusing on the four main points which are: a. Access to clean water and green concept sanitation; b. Education; c. Health for the Mother and baby with quality nutrition and d. Green Environment program. (Source : detikNews, Friday, April 22, 2011) 3. Ministry of Rsearch and Technology ready to develop Telecommunication Satellite The ministry of research and technology currently is planning to develop telecommunication satellite for the government of Indonesia utilization. This statement is stated by Prof. Engkos Koswara, during a break session at the “ASEAN Workshop to Draft the Implementation Plans of Committee in Science and Technology (COST) Flagship Programmes. Further, Prof. Koswara, an expert staff on Information and Technology, Ministry of Research and Technology added: Todate, the government is spending very high cost in communication due to the necessity to rent a bandwith. 171 For Jardiknas (National Education Network) purpose only, government has to pay Rp.200,000,000 (equivalent to US$.24,000) per month to rent the bandwith. This spending can be eliminated if the government have their own satellite. For this purpose Ministry of Research and Technology, has discussed with the stake holder particularly government institution who in need access to the communications like Oil & Gas (Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Security and Defense, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Armed Forces and the National Police. Beside Ministry of Research and Telecommunication, LAPAN (The National Aviation and Aeronautics Institute) also preparing a satellite but for terrestrial purpose. (Source : detikNews, Wednesday, May 4, 2011) 4. Ministry of National Education plan to replace a “Printed” book by Tablet Computer Ministry of National Education will develop a computer tablet with learning material as its contents with the aim to replace a printed version learning books. The tablet computer will play the important part within the education system, said M. Nuh, Minister of Education. According to the Minister, the printed version is only act as a supporting to those contents in the tablet computer. Therefore students do not need to carry a bulk of books to school that makes them tired, This plan is made possible with the cooperation between Ministry of National Education office, Microsoft Indonesia and Intel Indonesia. However there are still pending answers about when this program will be launched, and whether the tablet computer will be distributed free or the student has to buy for it. Mr. Sutanto Hartono, Managing director of Microsoft Indonesia informed that the objective of the cooperation is to improve teacher’s teaching methods to prepare their readiness to implement the 21sr century teaching methods as well as improving their performance on e‐learning which leading to student’s innovation. Microsoft is committed to continuously support Indonesian education program towards 21st century education by providing software and contents that are available to download for free. Similar statements stated by Public Relation manager of Intel Indonesia, that the cooperation also aiming to supports the Ministry of National Education regulation. This cooperation will strengthen the Indonesian education initiative based on TIC (Technology, Information and Communication) and contents development. (Source : detikNews, Monday, May 2, 2011) 5. IDSIRTII Indonesian Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure is “Half Paralyzed” The un‐functional of internet control organization, Indonesian Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID‐ SIRTII) may cause fatal impact due to the unavailability for monitoring to prevent cybercrime. ID‐SIRTII practically paralyzed following the resignation of the manager and its operational staff. The cause of their resignation is that due to the Bureaucracy and administration reasons. Beside that the organization do not have their own bandwith and link to monitor the internet traffic. Outsourcing contract of resources and management to run the organization has expired since December 2010 and still no sign for its extension. The contract for bandwith and links for various services for system monitoring has also expired in January 2011. The organization, ID‐SIRTII have proposed budget for Rp.22 billion to provide kind of services. 172 However, the budget has not been approved yet awaiting restructure within the Ministry of Communication and Information organization. (Source: DetikNews, Friday, Feb 4, 2011) 6. The ICT Fund has been approved After two years pending, the ICT fund finally got approved. Mr. Aizirman Djusan, expert staff to Minister of Communication and Information stated: “We are optimistic that the fund can be implemented the earliest by mid of 2011, because the fresh money is available and awaiting final review by the ministry of Finance”. The source of fund is from the Universal Service Obligation (USO) fee at 1.5% from operator’s income before tax and others. Currently the balance of USO fee cumulated at 3.2 trillion rupiahs saved at state bank account or equivalent to US$. 376,470,588. The study has been prioritized for the realization of Palapa Ring Program in cooperation with a team from The National Development Board (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Finance office. The first project to be funded is the development of main backbone that link western part of Indonesia and the eastern part as well as extension plan to the major cities in the region. This program is commensurate with the government mid term plan that requires investment about US$.444million MAY 2011 1. EPSON Increase the printer production to 100% PT. EPSON Indonesia have doubled their budget this year with the aim to increase its production capacity to 100% from one million production unit to two million production unit per month. With this production capacity, Epson is ready to become a base for printing machine with new Ink Tank technology. At its plant located at Cikarang, west Java, Epson Indonesia have15,000 employees. With this number of employees, Epson is the biggest among IT hardware company in Indonesia whose product are exported to the various country and only 2% to 3% for domestic market. The Epson L‐800 series is the third model within the L‐100 and L‐200 series family that will be launched in early June 2011 and claimed to be the model for the Ink‐Tank System printer. The Epson L‐800 printer equipped with 6 color ink‐tanks and produced high quality photo printing. The Ink‐tank system is proprietary of Epson and has been on the market since 2010 as a result of technology innovation by Epson. With this technology, Epson expected to increase its market share from 47% to 50%. (Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, May 18, 2011) 2. Cloud Computing Due to the increase of data traffic as a result of increasing activities for mobile internet in the community, the adoption of Cloud Computing will require strong networking infrastructure. 173 Mr. Sami Rahim, Senior Vice President and General Manager Edge and Aggregation Business Unit of Juniper Networks added : The strength infrastructures are required to accommodate storage system and virtual of the data booming for mobile internet. In 2011, the potential for Cloud Computing in Indonesia as follow: • • • The increasing demand on Cloud shopping is 200% The utilization by Small Medium Enterprise is 520,000 clients Corporate utilization is 6800 corporation(Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, May 16, 2011) VMware Inc, a global leading on virtual and business infrastructures have launched Horizon App Manager. This application provide services to access user oriented cloud applications. VMware Horizon App Manager is capable to handle constraints by modifying end‐user applications into cloud computing so the user can do their work with new access methods. The core of this VMware Horizon App Manager is the identity which functions as a service link to broaden security of the users in a system like Microsoft Active Directory or other directories (Source : Business Indonesia, Friday, May 20, 2011) 3. IT Contribution is predicted at US$904 billion Information Technology industry in Indonesia became one of the sector that supporting the national economic development by contributing income tax expected to reach US$904 billion during 2009 – 2013 and creates new job opportunities for 119,000 professionals. According to Vahe Torrosian, Corporate Vice President Worldwide Small and Midmarket Solutions and Partners Group Microsoft: Indonesia is on of the country in Asia with fast economic growth indicated by significant growth of Domestic Product. In 2011 the economic growth index is 6.4% and projected to increase to 7% ‐ 7.7% by year 2014. Ministry of Industry of Indonesia estimated 10% increase of telecommunication and informatics industries or equivalent to Rp.59,73 trillion compared to last year realization of Rp.54,3 trillion. This increase is in‐line with the fast growing of Information Technology development which requires local content applications by pioneer company in Indonesia. Software Market According to data from the Association of Telematics Software of Indonesia (ASPILUKI), the sales of software package and IT services in 2010 was increased to US$.851 millions. This figures is obtained from 3% increased of software to US$292 million and 26% increased of IT Services to US$.559 millions. Compared to 2010, for 2011, ASPILUKI estimated 20% increase of software sales and IT services, equivalent to US$1.02 billion. 174 Vahe added: Microsoft and several Indonesian partner companies like PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, PT. Astra Graphia, Information Technology, Greenview and PT. Infynis System are worked together to develop both Public Cloud as well as Private Cloud Computing. (Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, May 9, 2011) 4. Hitachi encouraged Indonesian company to be more competitive On May 16, 2011, Hitachi Data System (HDS) announced their strategic alliances with SAP. The strategic alliances covers technology Integration, technical support, center of Inter‐operability competency development, as well as sales activity and marketing for global market clients. With this strategic alliance, Hitachi Data System encouraged Indonesian company to be more competitive. SAP Business application currently utilized by middle‐up corporation in Indonesia. The HDS solution can maintain company data integrity and availability as important component in the SAP Implementation. Through these alliances, benefit expected to be gained by the clients are technical services, cost efficiency, risk taking and improve the utilization of complex SAP application. Other benefits are cloud computing solution, virtual storage, enterprise resource planning and Information management life‐cycle. On this agreement, both HDS and SAP will dedicate resource, investment and provide information requires by the global customers. (Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, May 9, 2011) 5. Tablet PC Demand Raised to 17% Tablet PC product will raised to 17% of Personal Computer sales in Indonesia this year. This raised was made possible due to the availability of the open system operation. Director and Country Manager Dell for Indonesia stated that PC Tablet sales shows positive trends periodically commensurate with improvement and development of Information Technology in Indonesia. Data from APKOMINDO (The Association of Indonesian Computer Entrepreneur) this year, showed growth of 30% or equivalent to 5.5 million units compared with last year. From this 5.5 million units, PC notebook sales are 3.8 million units, tablet PC sales reach more than 900,000 units or equivalent to 17% of local market. The sales of the PC tablet mainly segmented at the big cities with the high traffic telecommunication services like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Medan. 175 Managing Director of CSMB Dell for South Asia and Korea, Mr. Tian Beng, said that by second quarter of 2011 Dell is preparing a number of new PC tablet product including the 7 inches screen and other interested products. He added also that PC Tablet will not take over note book market due to its function and market segment. He added, both consumer and corporate segments were growth, however the corporate segment’s volume is lower than consumer segment. For Corporate segment, the biggest value is mostly from the service side like Cloud Computing. PC UPGRADE According to Country Manager Lenovo Indonesia, Sandy Lumy, Most corporate will replace their PC within 2 to 4 years. Survey result showed that only few corporate upgrade their PC in less than two years. PC Laptop upgrade is longer due to its investment value. Factors determining the acquisition of PC are after sales service, compatibility with corporate existing applications, price and capability for running certain operating system. Price factor is the third consideration and the Green Technology still not a big issue due to the electricity price in Asean countries is relatively cheaper and in some countries, electricity still subsidized by the government. (Source : Business Indonesia, Tuesday, May 24, 2011) JUNE 2011 1. INVESTMENT a. Need US$ 2 trillion for IT Infrastructure in Indonesia Indonesia need about US$.1 trillion to US$.2 trillion to develop Information Technology infrastructure. Chief of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Gita Wirawan, at the symposium on National Competitiveness towards Indonesia 2025, said that for the next 20 years, overall Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) is US$.12 trillion. Ideally 10% of them should be allocated for Information Technology Infrastructure development. GFCF is a measure of gross net investment (acquisitions less disposals) in fixed capital by enterprises, government and households within the domestic economy, during an accounting period such as a quarter or a year. So. GFCF is not for consumer goods. GFCF covers building, road, airport, machinery and tools. The IT infrastructure development aimed to improve national competitiveness to become the best ten world economic motivator by 2025. With the support of information technology infrastructure, Indonesia will be able to innovate and ready to face challenges in this fast changing era.(Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, June 13, 2011) 176 2. MARKETING a. Computer Sales by 2nd Semester remain low Apkomindo (Indonesian Computer Businessman Association) chairman, Mr. Suhanda Wijaya said Computer product sales at the beginning of second semester 2011, still low and expecting to arise by the end of third semester from July to September. There are no significant increases on the consumer sales trend and this will remain the same until end of this year. Usually on the third semester there will be slight increase in line with the release of the government and corporate budget. The positive projection anticipated following a new academic year for school and university students segment, and the national vacation day like Idul Fitri in August. By that time an employee will receive allowance which can be used to purchase a computer. In first semester 2009, a computer sales trend was far beyond projected sales. However, on the second half semester year, there were significant increases on the sales. So the similar situation may happen in this year as well. Meanwhile, computer sales realization still dominated by individual consumer at 70%, followed by corporate at 18% and the rest is government segment at 12%. For product, 68% dominated by notebook and netbook, followed by tablet PC at 10% and the remaining is desktop products. (Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, June 6, 2011) b. Indonesia held International Communication Exposition Inaugurated by minister of Communication and Information, Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, the Indonesian International Communication Expo and Conference (ICC‐2011) was held in Jakarta Convention Center from 8 June to 12 June 2011. Through this event, we expect to drive ICT development in Indonesia in the frame to achieve target to announce ICT based community, said the minister. “Palapa Ring” project that connect all region and island all over Indonesia will be completed in 2012 next year. By 2014 government will announced Indonesia Informative where all decisions made by community and elite are based on information. In 2015, government will announce Indonesia Broadband by providing wide‐band access for ICT services and by 2018 announced Indonesia Digital to transform from analog to digital television channel. Government already prepared a road map for ICT development in Indonesia. Through this ICC‐ 2011 event, will encourage community development towards the ICT converging era. 177 Chairman of Indonesian Cellular Communication Association, Sarwoto Atmosutarno, added the successful cooperation with the authority for market penetration project already reached 100%. This is indicated by the number of SIM Cards sold were bigger than the number of population. With this achievement, Indonesia is entitled to enter converging and beyond telecommunication new era where utilization of services not only for voice and short message services but also for data and digital. ICC‐2011 was made possible by the support from telecommunication provider to materialize the readiness in entering the broadband society and economic era where broadband is one of the national economic motivator. (Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, June 8, 2011) c. Sony launched VaioE for low end market segment PT Sony Indonesia, a sales and marketing company for Sony Corporation products, widening its market by launching two Sony Vaio E series, aimed for low end consumer whom do not need sophisticated technology. Both series will be offered at affordable price, so those who do not have Sony product will be interested to acquire one. Said Vaio product sales, Leo. Leo added, in 2010 Sony Vaio sales increased by 50% compared with previous year. In this year we are expecting sales twice the figure. Sony Vaio E series has two product types based on its screen size 14 inches and 15.5 inches. Both products equipped with second generation intel core with necessary improvements. The Vaio E using NVIDIA GeForce 410M GPU or Intel HD Graphics. These series also equipped with various applications which can be activated by button touching. These products will be available in the market by August 2011. Meanwhile, Rini F. Hasbi, Senior Manager Marketing Communication Department of Sony Indonesia, added, Vaio is one of the PT. Sony Indonesia pillar. There are three divisions as Sony’s main pillars, which are Vaio, Digital Imaging and Bravia & home entertainment. Those three main pillars has equivalent portion. (Source : Business Indonesia, Friday, June 24, 2011) d. TAITRA campaigning Taiwan IT products Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) awakening the consumer knowledge of their unrealized utilization of Taiwan ICT products. This step is taken by announcing Taiwan Excellence 2011 Campaign to show Taiwan effort in producing ICT products for Indonesian customers. The campaign already entered its second year under the supervision of Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) and Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). The campaign participated by Taiwan’s 28 ICT brands like Acer, ASUS, BenQ, D‐Link, Genius, GIGABYTE, Mio, MSI, Optoma, Transcend, Trend Micro, ZyXEL and others. 178 TAITRA Jakarta director, Mr. James Chen said Taiwan already exported the ICT products all over the world included Indonesia. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to approach and thank our customers. Taiwan products already became part of Indonesian costumer IT life styles, however they were unrealized of this situation. He added. According to Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute (MIC) on November 2010, Taiwan is one of the biggest ICT manufacturing in the world, by producing 95% of PC, 85% of netbook, 1% of digital camera and more than 50% of LCD TV distributed all over the world. The high production of Taiwan’s ICT product is made possible by the existence of 735 electronic companies in Taiwan registered at the stock exchange market. (Source : Business Indonesia, Tuesday, June 7, 2011) 3. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Indonesian Executives still doubt about Cloud Computing Raymond Goh, Symantec technical director of System Engineering for South Asia Region said that Indonesian chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) are taking very careful action to migrate their important business application into Cloud Computing. According to survey conducted by Symantec, a global secure solution provider, 47% of CFOs from corporation undergoing cloud computing implementation, still reluctant to migrate their important business application. They still worried about the performance, reliability and security of the cloud computing network. Goh added, as long as the company implement the right control, virtualization cloud computing is secure as traditional computing they have implemented before. Martin Ruslan, System Engineer of Symantec Indonesia added one of the problems on the computer security is the user lack of discipline to regularly update their software applications. With the discipline to regularly update, the cyber and virus thread can be detected earlier. The survey on virtualization and evolution to cloud computing was conducted on April 2011 for the IT professionals, CEO and CFO from 100 companies implementing virtualization and cloud computing. Among them 67 are small enterprises with 1000 to 2500 employees. The rest are medium enterprises with 2500 to 5000 employees. The survey also showed that 63% of the responder planned to migrate their application within 12 months, 44% planned to virtualized web application, email and calendar and 32% intended to cloud their ERP applications. (Source : Business Indonesia, Thursday, June 23, 2011) b. Fujitsu offers cloud computing solutions Fujitsu offers three solutions for cloud computing inline with the increasing demand projected for utilizing this service to improve company performance. 179 President Director of Fujitsu Indonesia, Achmad S. Sofwan said those three solutions are Fujitsu Global Platform, Fujitsu SAP IaaS (Infrastructure‐as‐a‐Service) and Fujitsu Cloud Professional Services. Through these solutions, Indonesian company is expected to partner with Fujitsu to begin journey towards cloud computing which can be customized according to the company’s requirements. Fujitsu Global Platform is Fujitsu standard for infrastructure‐as‐service or IaaS have been launched at six locations in the world covered Singapore, Japan, Australia, USA, Germany and England. This solution combined scalable enterprise class, public cloud and security to enable multinational company serves their local infrastructure needs. Fujitsu incorporated with VMware to provide solution in the implementation of virtualization requirements. Country manager VMware for Indonesia, Andreas Ananto Kagawa said the implementation of virtualization act as a catalyst to start cloud computing and provide efficiencies for the company. At the other place, Microsoft President Director stated that cloud computing is the solution to improve performance without the need to provide big amount for capital expense budget. (Source : Business Indonesia, Friday, June 16, 2011) c. Telkom launched GCloud PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk, (the biggest state‐owned Telecommunication Company in Indonesia), offering government cloud computing (G‐Cloud) services to cut cost by 95% Arief Yahya, Director Enterprise & Wholesale of PT. Telkom revealed that the services have been implemented by the West Java province authority on June 14. Beforehand two cities at two provinces already implemented the solutions. At e‐Indonesia Initiatives 2011 held in Bandung Institute of Technology, Arief added, G‐Cloud with virtual server concept and software as a services provide cost efficiencies to the local authority because they do not need to invest on hardware and software. As a comparison, cloud computing for banking system can be 95% cheaper compared with the normal investment. For instance to procure a modern banking application with conventional system may require Rp. 1 billion. With cloud computing, the bank only need to pay maintenance fee at Rp 50 million per year. PT. Telkom projected that the service will interest the government because it will cut government annual budget significantly. Annual Capital Expenditure can be eliminated and instead will use operational expenditure. There are 87 cities, 348 regions, 5224 counties and 6890 wards in Indonesia and these are potential clients for G‐Cloud implementation. On the other hand, in 2003 the President of Republic of Indonesia has issued the Presidential Instruction number INPRES 3/2002 in regard to the Policy and National Strategy to Develop e‐ Government. This instruction can be used as regulatory based to adopt a service like G‐ Cloud.(Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, June 14, 2011) 180 4. EGOVERNMENT a. Microsoft positioning eGov to be national competitive effort E‐Government development plays important role to encourage national competitiveness Orlando Ayala, Corporate Vice President & Chairman Emerging Markets of Microsoft Corp said, in this fast changing information technology era, government sector should adopt the best solution by seriously developing the e‐Government. According to the Network Readiness Index (NRI), Indonesia is ready to develop digital era economics beside other countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. The development of e‐Government will encourage the national competitiveness which representing a country capabilities in developing human resources quality and other resources to achieve the national objectives. He added that a country can achieve better position and considered successful if they can manage to develop their human resources by utilizing technology. Indonesia has a big opportunity to continuously improve their local software applications, encourage local contents and this should be protected by the Intellectual Property Rights. With a positive supporting environment will positioning Indonesia to be the best place for foreign investment. (Source : Business Indonesia, Thursday, June 2, 2011) 5. 3G AND 4G ACCESS a. PC Tablet Vendors strengthening the Internet 3G & 4G access PC Tablet vendors will cooperate with the provider of modem fast internet access 3G and 4G to increase sales demand for a tablet PC. Senior analyst research institution, Stephanie Ethier said by 2015, 78% of tablet PC products will be equipped with fast internet modem, at least a 3G. She added a developing country is the biggest sales market through the utilization of GSM cellular technology. A mobile consumer those who are using mobile phone, notebook, netbook and tablet PC are routinely accessing the internet. They require stable quality to access a social web site and disseminate the multimedia contents. This is big opportunity for the cellular telecommunication operator to increase a consumer pulse sales or minimally to keep customer loyalty. Consumer is in search for equipment to enable them to connect the internet modem with affordable tariff and has a stable internet access. The operator can increase the number of their customer by 181 providing quality service and bundled marketing. IDC Research Institute predicted by 2014 tablet PC sales will reach 46 million units all over the world. By 2012 the sales of tablet PC will far ahead sales of a netbook. (Source : Business Indonesia, Sunday, June 19, 2011) JULY 2011 1. REGULATIONS a. Indonesia needs draft regulations on ICT Convergence Indonesian ICT Community (Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia, Mastel) request the government to realize draft regulations to support activities on ICT related industries. Mastel executive chairman, Mr. Taufik hasan said, that several service industries can not cope with the fast moving technology. The ICT regulation issued by the minister is not the ideal solution. It is only to accommodate interest of the government, stakeholders and users he added. In the future, broadcasting and telecommunication activities require government commitment to administer the development of services towards convergence technology. There are requirements by the information services provider like radio broadcasting to improve their serices using broadcasting and other technology.The current regulations, No. 36/1999 should be revised to be able to accommodate the changes. (Source : Business Indonesia, Tuesday, June 21, 2011) b. Government does not restrict International Contents The government will not restrict the international contents that entered Indonesia, because its existence can improve innovation and creative spirit in facing this convergence era. Mr. Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Head of public relations, ministry of communication and information (Kominfo) said, the utilization of international contents provided by Google and Yahoo still dominated by internet users in Indonesia.The high utilization of these contents resulted both companies established its representative offices in Indonesia and developed various contents with local modifications. This condition marked a big market opportunity for development and providing contents for Indonesian users.Gatot added, we are not like Chinese government that restricting international contents. Instead, with the existence of both companies, Google and Yahoo, we expect to be able to encourage the development of local content to face the convergence era despite minimum of capital support. To support local content development Kominfo held INAICTA (Indonesia ICT Award) annually by giving award to the companies that produced creative and innovative contents. (Source : Business Indonesia, Sunday, July 10, 2011) 182 c. Telkomsel called up by the regulator Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia, BRTI) called Telkomsel directors to discuss solution for 3G channel arrangement at the 2.1 GHz frequency. The discussion was held following a request by other telecommunication operators for additional block. Member of BRTI, Ridwan Effendi added, a temporary decision has been agreed that Telkomsel to shift one channel in order to add a new block for Axis, who is committed for payment on September 2010. However, until now Telkomsel was reluctant to shift because it is impacting the quality of services as well as switching off one channel temporarily. This reluctancy is also due to the Telkomsel position as 3G service providers with 100 Million of customers and the necessity to provide extra funds at 34 billion rupiahs tore arrange and adjust the new channel. These constraints will be brought up at the next directors meeting with the regulator to seek for better solutions. (Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, July 11, 2011) 2. MARKETING a. Indonesia remain potential market for IT Indonesian market remains potential to absorb various technology products to support innovative ICT development. President Director Alcatel‐Lucent Indonesia, Frederic Chapelard said, this potential market is made available by the government targets to improve broadband penetration by 30% in 2014, so it requires IT equipments and technology solutions. Beside, the potential market also as the impact of fast technology development in providing modern services, data improvement, included equipment for the consumer. He also added, “Indonesia is one of the highest internet users especially for the social media like Facebook and other services. Current needs are more towards new solutions like what Alcatel‐ lucent is offering”. Chief Executive Officer Alcatel‐Lucent, Ben Verwaayen said the technology innovation is needed to support ICT development, especially to fulfill the consumer needs on variety of services towards mobile and video. Alcatel‐Lucent has also developed a new internet applications and big capacity technical services as well as faster connectivity to reduce web traffic. Alcatel‐Lucent produced new F3 chips that capable to improve infrastructures that need to access new online services, from high‐definition video, quality broadcast, up to business and professional applications. 183 The new FP3 chip can eliminate bottleneck, widening digital internet band and faster data transmission and improve traffic flow and at the same time reduce network energy consumption by 50% compared with the conventional chip. FP3 processor designed to fulfill the need for ultra high speed public IP network and future private network. For instance, to handle 70,000 high‐definition video streaming, or 8.4 million retail cloud session simultaneously. The FP3 processor will be available commercially at Alcatel‐Lucent portfolio service router by 2012 next year. (Source : Business Indonesia, Monday, July 4, 2011) b. Digital Animation business opportunity still widely open Digital animation is one of the open wide business opportunity in Indonesia. This is due to the rising demand for this creative industry by advertising agencies. Founder Blue‐Zoo Productions Ltd, Tom Box said, “Digital animation opportunity is widely open due to the rising demand. Beside, the computer capabilities are mostly similar in every country, so the technology gap is no longer a constraint. 15 years ago, we experienced high price technology, nowadays we are using it. The issues are how we can improve our creativity with the technology. He explained, the international pricing standard for a good animation product is very high and this is good chance for the creators. The price for standard digital animation product is US$3.000 per minutes, and the better one is US$5000 per minutes. Tom said, the creative product of the animator can be widely known. This was made possible because the availability of the social web site, where they can post their creative animation product there. However, other conventional way is also available to introduce their product by sending a demo version to the animation company. Developing business animation network is also play important role to be existence in this industry. He admitted the animator can take benefit and value added by joining this network for more global scale market. Indonesia has many unique cultures which can be used to create something different and unique creation. This innovation should be supported by applicable regulation to gain more conducive working environment. Law enforcement is also required in order to invite more investor to assist the development of this digital animation industry. One of the weaknes is that, Indonesian consumer tends to choose cheaper product price. Digital animation product quality is corresponding to its price, production process, and time consumed to produce it. The animator knowledge is gained thru his or her experiences. 184 Bearing this in mind, the market believes that the better the product makes the price more expensive because the animator need a lot of time to create their masterpiece. (Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, Jully 6, 2011) c. ALFAMART Installed IT equipments from NEC Alfamart, a national retail distribution network has installed NEC Corporation equipment for their point‐of‐sales terminals at 5000 new locations all over Indonesia. Bambang Setiawan Djojo, Alfamart IT director stated that the cooperation with Japan’s IT companies NEC, will last for three years and will implement NEC product the Twinpos G5. The Twinpos G5 is the latest product of NEC, It has LCD touch screen, and physically is slimmer so it can be placed in the limited space at the cashier desk. The Twinpos G5 implementation plan is divided by several pases beginning October 2011. By end of this year between 500 to 700 locations will have the system installed. Michael D. Pratadaja, General Manager SI Solution department of NEC Indonesia added that the total investment to replace the old system with this new NEC system reached US$20 million. Kazunobi Waki, General Manager NEC Corporation said that NEC is selected due to its reputation in supporting retail distribution network globally. The Twinpos G series is easy to install and reduce total cost of ownership for the retail services company. (Source : Business Indonesia, Tuesday, June 28, 2011) d. FUJITSU penetrated market at East Jawa Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific Ltd, involving three of their distributors in Indonesia, to expand its new laptop product market to East Jawa. The product consist of three variants of PC Tablet ad PC Slate Product Marketing Manager Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific Ltd, Mr. Edmund Lim stated that Indonesia is playing important role in increasing the company omzet. Currently Indonesia has 40% of market share in East Asia and aimed to 50% of sales of PC Fujitsu product thru market expansion at East Jawa. We involving three main distributors, PT Metrodata, PT Mitra Sinergi and PT Nexcomtech for this expansion and we targeted for corporate market segment beginning September next month. The new PC Fujitsu product has multi‐touch technology with easy‐to‐use features to enable a business professional consumer. The multi‐touch technology enable user to create contents in three ways, type, write and touch. Senior Business Development Manager Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Janius Tan added. The marketing strategy implemented at East Jawa is thru partnering with software development 185 companies like Intel and Microsoft and aimed for corporate segment as well as for commercial market. Similar strategy has adopted in Singapore to expand market to other industries like banking, hotels, education institute or even armed forces. The pricing for this new Fujitsu PC product has not been determined yet. It is still under negotiation between Fujitsu and its distributors. (Source : Business Indonesia, Tuesday, June 28, 2011) 3. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Intel held Cloud Computing Conference Intel Corporation held Cloud Computing conference at Penang, Malaysia with the theme: “Intel APAC Cloud Summit 2011. In that event Intel shares its vision and strategy on cloud computing technology, innovative development, and information technology industries in Asia Pacific region. Bill Cox, Director of Software and Services Group Intel Corporation said, Intel will provide Chips processor to support cloud computing. The chips will be used only by Intel partner companies. Intel is not a company that develop cloud computing, therefore Intel do not have data center. Currently hundred of cloud computing companies were partnership with Intel like Cisco, Fujitsu, Microsoft, Citrix, Ubuntu, Huawei, AT&T and EMC. Cox added, Intel first focus in the cloud computing development market is Asia Pacific market, because this regional is promising due to the increasing demand of IT users and Economic Growth. In USA the information technology utilization already high but Asia Pacific and China growth are higher. (Source : Business Indonesia, Sunday, July 26, 2011) b. Oracle offered Cloud Computing Technology. Solution technology provider, Oracle, is offering new perspective evolution to adopt cloud computing technology for a companies seeking efficient and performance optimation. Director Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Asia pacific, Albert Tay mentioned that a company should keep abreast with the new technology innovation to force their business activities thru adopted technology at minimum cost. The industrial technology dynamics are moving towards next generation application, IT Optimization, and cloud computing where the end result will be efficiencies and optimum performance. In this opportunity, Oracle proposed a new cloud computing solution with more complete, openness and integrated, covering application, middleware, database, operating system, virtualization, server, storage and networking. 186 The solution also cover development and maintenance platform‐as‐a‐service (PaaS) technology and infrastructure‐as‐a‐services (IaaS) which offering option to the users to operate their cloud technology on‐premise (Private) or thru public cloud via Oracle‐on‐demand. Oracle has developed Oracle engineered system solution by combining hardware and software from the earlier technology, Oracle Exadata and Oracle Exalogic. Oracle exalogic provide strong base to adopt cloud computing, he said. The end‐result offered by this solution also optimizing network communication up to 12 times faster and memory optimazion up to 66%. Director Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Indonesia, Rusli Askar explain, the solution is not only for single industry solution but applicable by various industry like banking, telecommunication, manufacturing and government. (Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, August 10, 2011) c. CA ready to market Cloud Computing in Asia Pacific Software Management vendor, CA Technologies is ready to deliver cloud computing services for companies in Asia Pacific thru strategic partnership with partners in the region. President Asia Pacific, CA Technologies Lionel Lim said, their readiness is commensurate with the development of software management to fulfill the demand on information technology. Lim added, in order to develop cloud computing service, CA acquisitioned more than ten other companies within 19 months valued at billion of US dollar, especially for AppLogic. Thru the collaborative development with AppLogic, CA managed to improve virtual system far ahead its competitors. Asia Pacific, including Indonesia is a big market for cloud computing. CA Technologies is continuing to invest in the region in order to deliver the best cloud computing solutions. CA Technologies also developed strategic partner with other 60 companies as a distributor. General Manager Cloud Computing CA Technologies Adam Famularo explain that the company information technology requirement has shifted from tradisional delivery to hybrid delivery in supporting their business activities. The shifted requirements encourage a company to adopt cloud computing services. For a big company the benefits mainly are flexibility and reduce cost, whereas for a small‐medium enterprise mostly stressing on speed and easy to use.(Source : Business Indonesia, Thursday, July 21, 2011) d. Dimension Data acquisitioned OpSource for Cloud Computing Dimension Data has acquisitioned OpSource, a service provider company to develop new business unit in cloud computing. 187 Dimension Data is a subsidiary of NTT with asset valued at US$4.7 billion. OpSource as a new cloud computing business unit under Dimension Data will be reporting directly to Mr. Brett Dawson, Data Dimension CEO. The readiness to implement cloud computing was made possible by proven technology in line with the requirement on flexible information technology services. A decision to accelerate focus towards cloud computing services is commensurate with Dimension Data long term strategy to be a leading service provider. The last few years, Dimension Data has developed competencies and capabilities related to the cloud computing, especially in terms of virtualization, data center and storage, managed serices and hosting as well as providing information technology services. OpSource employed 150 staff working at the head office at Santa Clara, California and have business operation units in Virginia, England, Ireland and India. More than 600 companies dealing with service provider, software vendors, independent Software‐ as‐a‐Service have been trained at OpSource on the cloud computing operations & hosting and automation technology fields. (Source : Business Indonesia, Wednesday, July 6, 2011) 3. THREE MAIN CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDERS COMPANY Currently, there are many Cloud Computing companies operated and offering their service in Indonesia. Some of them are new players and some are representing of their principal from other countries. However based on the time given to produce this report, we are concentrating on the three main companies whose data are more detailed as per requested. a. PT. TELKOM Indonesia Company Brief The telecommunication business today is growing vastly and rapidly. Globalization also being a part of the daily life of the people that cannot be separated. One of the major activities to promote the above globalization is the growth of leading edge technology of the telecommunications that happens from time to time. The end of the telecommunications business monopoly era and the new born cellular telecommunications operator, also, the IP Based technology and business have affected to the steep competitive among the operators. The circumstance has caused the people to gain the benefit of having various selections. 188 PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telkom International) is the arm overseeing and managing the overseas business of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Tbk (Telkom) and it is driven to deliver value to its stakeholders in a highly competitive industry environment. Telkom International as the wholly subsidiary of Telkom with its core business in international and overseas telecommunications business supports the development of the telecommunications business in the Asia Pacific and beyond. As the member of Telkom Group, Telkom International will be fully supported by all members of Telkom Group in establishing and dealing with the international business. Serving mainly the corporate market, Telkom International is committed to bringing the best services of global communications to customers in the Asia Pacific and beyond. With significant operation in Indonesia and Singapore, the company provides a comprehensive portfolio of services that include voice and data and internet services. It has driven competition as the challenger brand and led the way in technological innovations and breakthroughs. Telkom International represents Telkom in AAG (Asia America Gateway) Cable Network Consortium which highly developed international network provides direct connections from Indonesia to more than 100 countries, as well as second‐to‐third country connectivity. Telkom International's business portfolio consists of three (3) major business groups as follows : 1. International Telecommunication Services 2. Project Management and Consultancy 3. Investment and Strategic Partnership Services • • • • • • • • Fixed lines (wireline and wireless) Satellite Communication Cellular Network and Interconnection Data and Internet Telephone Directory Service E‐Government Project Management and Contraction Expertise • • • • • • • • • Information and Telecommunication Technology Marketing Business Finance Logistic Human Resources Operation Management Komposisi Pemegang Saham : 189 • Company capital shares consisit of 1 lot Seri A Dwiwarna, dan 79.999.999.999 lots Seri B (Ordinary share) which are placed and full deposited 20.159.999 lots. Among them are in the market shares. The one lot of seri A Dwiwarna is owned by the government of Indonesia TELKOM Share Holder Composition Table as of 31 Desember 2010 Share Seri A Dwiwarna Government of Republic of Indonesia Share Seri B (Ordinary) 1 10.320.470.711 52,47 9.348.954.068 47,53 Public Sub Total modal (placement,and fully submitted) 1 % 19.669.424.779 100,00 Treasury share (buy back share) 490.574.500 Total 1 - 20.159.999.279 100,00 • TELKOM Share holderTabel with greater than 5% ownership by Board of Commissioner and Board of Directors as of December 31, 2010 Type Identity individual or group Ownership Persentage of share (%) Seri A Government 1 - Seri B Government 10.320.470.711 52,47 Seri B Board of Directors 23.112 <0,01 • • Published on April 26, 2010 Source: Annual Report TELKOM 2009 (disampaikan kepada Bapemam-LK pada tanggal 8 April 2010) (Source : www.telkom.co.id; downloaded Saturday, August 20, 2011) b. PT. INDOSAT Indosat History • 1967 : Indosat becomes the first international telecommunications operator in Indonesia 190 • 1994 : Indosat lists on the U.S. and Indonesian Stock Exchanges • 2003 : Indosat merges with its three subsidiaries, Satelindo, IM3 and Bimagraha, making the Company a major cellular operator in Indonesia • 2008 : Indosat becomes the telecommunications service provider in Indonesia offering the widest range of services including Cellular, Fixed Telecommunication and MIDI As of December 31, 2008, Qatar Telecom Q.S.C. (Qtel) indirectly holds 40.81% of Indosat’s shares through Indonesia Communications Limited (ICLM) and Indonesia Communications Pte Ltd (ICLS), while the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the public hold 14.29% and 44.90% of the total shares respectively Company’s Performance in 2008 Operating Revenue of Rp18.66 trillion, an increase of 13.2% Operating Income of Rp4.73 trillion, an increase of 4.7% EBITDA of Rp9.32 trillion, an increase of 7.0% Net Income of Rp1.88 trillion, a decline of 8.0% Basic Earnings per Share of Rp345.7, a decline of 8.0% Cellular Subscribers of 36.5 million, an increase of 48.7% Base Transceiver Stations of 14,162, an increase of 31.6% Company Initiatives in 2008 • Innovations in products, services and marketing • Capacity expansion for telecommunications network in keeping with market conditions • Broadening of services and introducing pre-paid schemes for wireless broadband services • Launching the preparation for the Palapa-D satellite which will serve as the backbone of the network • Obtaining sharia certification for a number of products and basic services • Establishing a CSR committee Vision To be the provider of choice for communication and information solutions in Indonesia • To offer a full range of quality communication and information products, services, and solutions • To be a customers’ ‘first choice’ for the provision of information and communication products, services and solutions • To provide products and services which contribute to a better quality of life for the communities in which we operate Mission • To develop and provide innovative and high quality products, services, and solutions which offer the best value to our customers • To continuously enhance shareholder value • To provide a better quality of life for our stakeholders 191 Company Values Integrity To uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our work - based on the principles of loyalty, responsibility, and dedication to the Company. Team Work To work together as one - utilizing the skills and experiences of our colleagues and partners in an environment that nurtures trust. Exellence To strive to produce the best results in everything that we do and to create results that exceed expectations. Partnership To be committed to becoming a solid partner and to work to create collaborative, productive, and mutually beneficial relationships with these partners. Customer To focus on exceeding our customers’ expectations in everything that we do. INDOSAT Organizational Structure and Employees Employee Status 192 Focus Note: Total number of employees as of December 31, 2008 is 7,700 employees. CAPITAL STOCK (AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008) Authorized Capital: Rp2,000,000,000,000 comprises of 20,000,000,000 shares that include 1 Series A share and 19,999,999,999 Series B shares with nominal value of Rp100 per share. SHARES ISSUED AND FULLY PAID (AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008) 5,433,933,500 SHARES COMPRISES OF 1 SERIES A SHARE AND 5,433,933,499 SERIES B SHARES WITH NOMINAL VALUE of Rp543,393,350,000; THEY ARE : a. b. c. d. The Government of Indonesia (1 Series A share and 776,624,999 Series B shares) Indonesia Communications Limited (2,171,250,000 Series B shares) Indonesia Communication Pte. Ltd (46,340,000 Series B shares) Public (2,439,718,500 Series B shares). SHARE OWNERSHIP OF MORE THAN 5% AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ICL Entities (40.81%) The Government of Indonesia (14.29%) Fidelity Entities (10.05%) Goldman Sachs (8.64%) Noonday/Farallon Entities (7.95%) Skagen Entities (6.44%) Public (11.82%)2008 193 (Source : www.indosat.com; downloaded, Saturday, August 20, 2011) 194 c. IBM Indonesia General contact information General inquiries Tel: +62-021-2992-50001 Fax: +62-21-2992 5001 E-mail: [email protected] www.ibm.com/id/en/ IBM Indonesia Head Office PT IBM Indonesia The Plaza Office Tower Jl. MH Thamrin Kav 28-30 Jakarta 10350 Indonesia SERVICESOverview- selected tab • • • • • • • Consulting & Implementation Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Platform Managed Services SaaS Private Cloud Community APPROACH The world is changing. A new reality is emerging for organizations of every size from every part of the planet. It’s called the cloud—a profound evolution of IT with revolutionary implications for business and society, creating new possibilities and enabling more efficient, flexible and collaborative computing models. IBM is helping clients excel in cloud computing, providing secure and reliable Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions. Cloud computing will require an increased focus on community-driven innovation, capitalizing on the power of people both inside and outside the organization to define and create new offerings and services. It will demand “IT without boundaries”—systems and processes that break down traditional silos and simplify access to information in order to deliver better business outcomes. Cloud 195 computing offers organizations dramatic increases in agility and efficiency—mandatory innovation to ensure speedy, cost-effective delivery of products and services. This is the power of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a new model of consuming and delivering IT and business services. It enables users to get what they need, as they need it—from advanced analytics and business applications to IT infrastructure and platform services, including virtual servers and storage. It can provide significant economies of scale and greater business agility, while accelerating the pace of innovation. To realize the benefits of cloud computing while overcoming the inherent challenges, organizations must take a holistic approach. Implementing a cloud computing model means encouraging innovation by simplifying and standardizing underlying infrastructure. It entails the creation of efficient yet flexible IT foundations that can support the development of new services and the consistent delivery of quality user experiences. And it demands a focus on ensuring interoperability, resiliency and security in an integrated fashion. This is the value of cloud computing with IBM. Cloud computing delivers SaaS-based Business Process Services, which improves productivity by enabling agile collaboration. Cloud also includes IaaS and PaaS services and solutions, which simplify the deployment and technology needed to build and manage cloud environments. IBM provides the expertise to migrate, design, build and deploy clouds and the new business models they enable. Leveraging thousands of cloud implementations and a growing ecosystem, IBM helps clients exploit the power of cloud computing to transform their businesses. (Source : www.ibm.com/id/en ; downloaded Saturday, August 20, 2011) August 2011 1. IT INDUSTRY AND MARKETING a. Advancing the ICT Industry in Indonesia About 40 years ago Taiwanese government encouraged the country’s industry to do export. Today, around 80 per cent of Taiwan’s industrial products, manufactured by large and small industries alike, are exported overseas. 196 According to James Chen, Director of Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) which manages Taiwan’s brand promotion on global scale, Taiwanese government fully supports the country’s information technology industry. “Companies, including new or small ones, need not invest much in research and development. It is the government who conducts research in technology, and the results are shared with the private sector,” James says when interviewed in Jakarta. In addition, the government also allocates budget in order for private companies to promote their brands; through TAITRA being one of the means. “This institution is a semi‐government institution under the Ministry of Trade Affairs and receives full support from the government. For instance, if a TAITRA member company receives Taiwan Excellence award, that means the quality of that company’s products is guaranteed by the Taiwanese government,” adds James. To enable export process, Taiwanese government also provides complete solution to newly established companies or companies wishing to develop their business. The government offers tax relief to companies. Moreover, the government also provides affordable enterprise land, for instance in Hsinchu, Taichung and Hainan. At these locations, the Taiwanese government provides land to build centers for hardware research and development with “science park” concept. There is even a software department zone in Taipei. On the educational aspect, the government opens technical schools and technological universities from which graduates are recruited for the industry. Since 2010, TAITRA member companies are provided assistance to penetrate consumer market, or business to consumer (B2C). Last year they were directed to expand their business to India, Indonesia, and Vietnam; in 2011 TAITRA will recommend expansion to Chinese market. And what about in Indonesia? According to James, Indonesia’s ICT industry also has the potential to advance, develop and penetrate international market. “With one condition, government support to the industry. Further, government policies also play important roles in generating their success,” he says. Source: • VIVAnews, Friday, August 12, 2011, http://teknologi.vivanews.com/news/ b. Official Opening of Center for Creative Community 197 On the 52nd anniversary of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province on 17 December 2010, a Center for Creative Community was opened at the village of Sokong, Tanjung, North Lombok Regency. The Center was officially opened by Ashwin Sasongko, Director General of Telematics Application for the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, and M. Zainul Majdi, Governor of West Nusa Tenggara. Also attending the opening ceremony were Deputy Governor of West Nusa Tenggara, Badrul Munir; Expert Staff to the Minister for Communication Development, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection, Subagyo; Regent of North Lombok, Djohan Sjamsju; officials from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics; officials from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection; officials from the Regency of North Lombok; and local communities and organizations. Center for Creative Community consists of a building with ICT‐based transformation media facilities. The Center is aimed to further improve knowledge, creativity and skills of local communities or organizations in ICT‐related fields, especially communities or organizations within micro, small and medium business which are expected to transform from manual business into electronic business in order to progress local economic growth. The establishment of this Center for Creative Community is a pilot project by the Department of Communication and Informatics involving the Ministry, local authorities of West Nusa Tenggara Province and authorities at the Regency of North Lombok. In line with the motto of West Nusa Tenggara Province, “Toward a faithful and competitive NTB”, the Center for Creative Community will be a place for people of West Nusa Tenggara and particularly of North Lombok Regency to develop their creative and innovative spirits. Also, the Center is expected to make the best of every potentiality that North Lombok Regency has in order to build a highly competitive West Nusa Tenggara.(Source: Ministry of Communication and Information news; Wednesday, August 3, 2011) 2. ICT EDUCATION a. International Seminar on ICT and Education The Department of Education of the State University of Malang held an international seminar under the theme “STRENGTHENING THE ICT LEARNING RESOURCES FOR INCREASING LEARNERS’ LEARNING“. The seminar, held on Wednesday, 27 July 2011, was attended by experts in ICT education from Japan and UNESCO. These experts presented critical analysis in topics related to the development of ICT education and gave inspirational inputs for the improvement of the quality of ICT in Indonesia. Speakers at the seminar include Prof. Tsukasa Hirashima, who presented about DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER BASED LEARNING IN SCHOOL; Prof. Kazuhiro Sumi, whose presentation title was THE EMPOWERMENT OF ICT IN SCHOOL AND DIGITAL LIBRARY; 198 Jonghwy Park (UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand), who spoke about ICT INTEGRATION INTO TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR ENHANCING LEARNING QUALITY; and Saida Ulfa, who presented about LEARNING OPPORTUNITY THROUGH MOBILE TECHNOLOGY. The condition that the use of ICT in education in Southeast Asia is yet to develop becomes the background of the seminar. In Indonesia, the use of ICT in education is still on the EMERGING level because there is still disparity of levels of understanding, the infrastructure is not yet ready, LEARNING PEDAGOGY AND ICT USER COMMUNITY IN EDUCATION FIELD ARE NOT OPTIMAL, and development of professionalism of instructors and school principals in the use of ICT is also yet to be optimal. The seminar was held at Gedung Sasana Budaya at the State University of Malang and was attended by 200 student and general participants from various cities in Indonesia.(Source: info.fip.um.ac.id/wpcontent, Date Tuesday, August 9, 2011) b. ICT and Education in Indonesia I. Introduction In the beginning globalization is fully believed to be able to lead to greater economic development in the sense of greater market scale, which in turn will increase the gross national product. So people believed that poor countries or third world countries will develop faster, thus the economic gap between the rich developed countries and the third world countries will diminished. However, facts show the contrary. It is true that the gross national product of countries will increase, but the gap between the income of the rich and poor countries is also getting wider. The main reason for this gap is the extra‐ordinary growth of information as a result of the development of communications and information technologies in northern developed countries which have full control of these technologies. This information boom enables multinational companies to compete with changes in market demands, new products and new technologies, which in turn can boost the economy of a country, increase its efficiency and win global dominance. On the other hand, in third world countries which are also known as southern hemisphere countries, they have difficulties to seek, to receive, to process and to produce information. The lack of appropriate information at the right time will result in low productivity, low quality research works, and waste of time to pursue information and even to do research which actually had been done by others or in other countries. Indonesia as a third world country has a great concern over this deficiency and believe that the digital divide should be reduced so that there will be an economic recovery. The Indonesian government is determined to utilize the information technology effectively to support efforts to increase the national competitiveness. This aspiration is reflected in the Indonesian Presidential Decree Number 50 year 2000 about the establishment of the Coordination Team of Telemathics of Indonesia. This team consists of all the ministers in the cabinet including the 199 Minister of Education. Its tasks are among others to define the government policy in the area of telemathics; to decide the phases and priorities of development in the area of telemathics and its uses in Indonesia; to monitor and control the implementation of telemathics in Indonesia; and to report the development of telemathics in Indonesia to the President. The government realizes that the success of the development and utilization of telemathics depends mostly on the infrastructure which can provide easy access, and also ensure availability of information and subjects. To meet these three provisions, a competent human resources is a necessity. That is why the preparation of qualified human resources is given priority, because it requires hard work and takes time. Meanwhile, we also know that scarcity of and low quality human resources in the area of Information and Communications Technologies can delay mastery of communication and information technology. As such, the government through the Minister of Efficiency of State Apparatus as Head of the Coordination Team of Telemathics of Indonesia in his letter number 133/M.PAN/5/2001 had drawn up a Five‐Year Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Indonesia. This plan among others includes a plan for the implementation of the use of telemathics in the area of education starting from 2001 until 2005, which includes: • • • • • Develop collaboration between ICT industry and ICT educational institutions through training and R & D collaboration, and found a network for skill and capacity development Develop and implement Curricula of ICT Use ICTs as an essential part of the curricula and learning tools in schools/universities and training centers Establish distance education programs including participation in Global Development Learning and other networks Facilitate the use of internet for more efficient teaching and learning From this action plan we can see that the emphasis of human resources quality improvement is especially geared on the provision and expansion of education of human resources in ICT area. Besides that, utilization of ICT for education and learning purposes, as an effort to fill digital divide, which in turn is hoped to be able to improve the national competitiveness to revive the economy is another emphase. II. ICT in Indonesia As mentioned above, the success of utilization of ICT is among others depends on the infrastructure which includes the telecommunication network, the availability of internet facilities and the use of internet. In general the development of ICT in Indonesia nowadays is less encouraging compared to the developed countries, or even compared to neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and others. 200 To give a general picture of the ICT condition in Indonesia let us consider the data quoted from the Center for Research and Application of Information and Electronic Technologies of the Office for the Research and Application of Technologies, 2001 as follows. A. Public Telephone Lines for 203,456,005 populace 1. The number of Telephone kiosks 228,862 2. The number of Telephone booths 345,307 3. Telephone patrons 6,304,798 B. Internet 1. Internet Service Providers 40 2. General Access Speed rate of ISPs 15 KBPS 3. Patrons of ISPs 511,000 with 1,980,000 users ( < 1% of Indonesian population) 4. The Internet users comprise of 42% for commerce, 30% for higher education, 21% for government, 6% for research institutions, and 1% for non‐government offices. 5. The users of Internet based on their professions can be divided as follows: students 39%, workers 22%, managers 17%, assistant managers 5%, professionals 5%, directors 4%, entrepreneurs 3%, and others 5%. 6. The users of Internet based on their educational backgrounds are as follows, elementary school/junior high school 2%, high school 41%, college graduates 9%, undergraduates 43%, and graduates 5%. III. ICT and Education in Indonesia A. ICT Education In the development of human resources through ICT education, there are two objectives which are desired to meet the need for skilled human resources: those who can use ICT products (ICT users) and those who can produce ICT products (ICT producers). Some ICT education which have been done and are still being done in Indonesia are among others: 1. Formal Education a. Vocational School program in Information Technology 201 Through this program it is anticipated to get skilled manpower at the basic level in ICT, who can fill the position of ICT operator, technical support, help desk and web designer. b. Diploma program in ICT This program is anticipated to produce semi‐skilled manpower to meet the need for skilled ICT manpower for industry. c. Undergraduate program in ICT This program is expected to produce ICT programmers, software engineers, analysts and designers. d. Graduate program in ICT Through this program it is expected to provide manpower with more specialized skills in the areas of ICT engineering. 2. Nonformal Education (outofschool) Besides ICT educational programs through formal educational institutions/schools in various levels, in Indonesia there are many out of school educational efforts which teach various areas of ICT skills, which covers certain areas for example preparing manpower for responsibilities as network technicians, computer technicians, programmers, graphic artists, animators, operators, Web designers, etc. Some of these non‐formal educational institutions or ICT training centers are organized in partnership with foreign ICT training center, while others are totally motorized by local experts. 3. ICT Literacy a. Development of softwares in the Indonesian language One of the obstacles to the use of computer for the Indonesian society is their low mastery of English, so that they are reluctant to use computer. To overcome this obstacle and to support efforts to make the populace ICT literates, the government had issued the Presidential Decree Number 2/2001 about the Utilization of Computer with Application Programs in Indonesian Language through the development of application programs in Indonesian language based on an open source platform, LINUX. Until 2002 two programs have been developed called WinBI (Windows in Indonesian Language) and Kantaya (Virtual Office) by the Office for the Research and Application of Technologies. b. APEC Cyber Education Network (ACEN) In general, this network which is being coordinated by the Office of Educational Research and Development of the Ministry of National Education is aimed to decrease and lessen the gap between 202 the skills of high school teachers in Indonesia and their colleagues in APEC countries in using ICT in multimedia‐based education. c. ICT training in schools The Directorate of Vocational Education has started this program since 2001. Its objective is to train teachers and students in using information technology especially the internet. For this activity the Directorate of Vocational Education cooperates with the Network of School Information, a community of Vocational Schools which are internet users. This network provides the training. d. Socialization of computerassisted learning media in High Schools In September 2002 the Directorate of Secondary Education conducted a training program on the use of computer‐assisted learning media in cooperation with the Center for Information and Communication Technology for Education (Pustekkom). This program was conducted in face‐to‐ face interaction involving 800 high school teachers from 200 schools in 20 provinces. e. Millenium Internet Roadshow 2001 (MIR 2001) program This program was initiated by some private companies in 2001. Its objective is to enhance the general public’s awareness and to disperse knowledge on ICT. This program was conducted by Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers which gets full support from other parties such as mass media, local government, Network of School Information, etcetera. In 2001 this roadshow had reached 15 provinces. f. Healthy Internet There are indications that internet users in Indonesia comprising mostly of youths, especially use it to get access of negative information such as pornography, racial issues, etcetera. To make community of internet users avoid such negative contents, some private parties motored by ICT Watch (an NGO organization), Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers and Network of School Information had done a campaign called Healthy Internet. This activity consists of campaigns, training and distribution of information through print materials. B. ICT for Education As mentioned above, to improve the quality of human resources, the government had used ICT to expand the educational opportunity, to improve the quality and relevance of education, and to increase the efficiency of the educational system. Until this year, various efforts to use ICT in education are among others: 1. Elearning Starting from 2002, the Center for Information and Communication Technology for Education (Pustekkom) in cooperation with the Directorate of Secondary Education, and the Directorate of Vocational Education are developing an e‐learning program called “e‐dukasi”. The objective of this 203 program is to improve the quality of education at high school and vocational school levels through the use of internet. Besides the two directorates, the Center also gets support from the Indonesian Telephone Company (PT Telkom), the Office for the Research and Application of Technologies, Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers, Network of School Information, Detik.com, and ICT Watch. At this preliminary stage, learning materials are being developed for the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electronics, and Information Technology. 2. Online Courses Some private universities have provided lectures through the internet for some courses. One such institution is Petra Christian University of Surabaya. 3. Online Tutorials One use of information technology for education at higher education is for tutorial purpose for institutions of distance education. One institution that has made use of tutorial via internet is the Indonesian Open University. 4. Joint Research As a medium which provides for collaboration through the use of information technology, a joint research program has been conducted. This collaboration involves five universities of higher learning, i.e. the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bogor Institute of Farming (IPB), University of Gadjah Mada and University of Diponegoro. 5. Electronic Library Nowadays, there is a network of electronic library called Indonesian Digital Library Network which is a network of electronic libraries from the ITB central library (Digital Library), the Post‐ Graduate Study Library of ITB, the Research Institute of ITB, Eastern Indonesia Universities Development Project (the CIDA project), University of Brawijaya Malang Central Library, University of Muhammaddiyah Malang Library, University of Islamic Religion Library (supported by McGill University Canada) and The Central Data Bank of the Institution of Science of Indonesia (LIPI), Jakarta. Indonesian Digital Library Network is meant to support efforts to improve the quality of university graduates, to increase sharing of information among institutions of higher learning and research institutions in Indonesia. 6. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) This is an off‐line instruction program so it does not depend on access to the internet. The Center for Information and Communication Technology for Education (Pustekkom) have developed computer assisted instruction learning materials for various subject matters and courses. These are 204 interactive learning materials which students can learn on his/her own with minimal assistance from the teacher/lecturer. IV. Issues and Problems A. Issues Concerning Education 1. Preparation of New Legislation Draft on National Education System At present the government (cq. The Ministry of Education) and the Indonesian Legislative Assembly Preparation of New Legislation Draft on National Education System. The draft also includes arrangement on ICT education and ICT for education. 2. ICT Curriculum for general school With the development of a new curriculum for elementary and secondary schools which is competency –based, this year the government is doing some limited try‐outs in certain schools. This curriculum also include ICT education which will be taught since elementary school, junior high school and senior high school and vocational school. Hopefully by teaching ICT from the very beginning, Indonesia will have enough qualified ICT manpower. 3. Preparation of ICT teachers for general school. To implement the competency‐based curriculum especially in correlation with ICT teaching in schools, the government need to do various activities to prepare the teachers who will teach in schools. 4. Increasing the role of nonformal education Non‐degree education to train skilled manpower in ICT needs to be encouraged. Because non‐formal education has a significant role, even a decisive role, to help prepare skilled non‐ degree educated manpower in ICT in the future. 5. Inducing the local government to do its role With the newly implemented decentralization system of administration, where the local government has autonomy to self‐administer in their province, the success of provision and development of ICT skilled human resource will be determined by the role of the local government. As such, the central government through the Office for the Research and Application of Technologies and the concerned Ministry had done and are doing a series of activities to induce the local government in socializing, utilizing and providing ICT trained human resources. 6. Promoting private sector participation 205 The role of the private sector in ICT mastery is very important. Either its role in developing ICT resources and its infrastructure, or in developing human resources, the private sector has a very important role. They have done a lot. However, the government needs to collaborate with the private sector to take greater role to promote ICT education. A. Problems faced 1. Economic Crisis No wonder the biggest obstacle faced by Indonesia regarding ICT is the economic crisis. This condition forces the government to prioritize on short term programs to help improve the economy of the general population through social security net, aids to poor students to decrease drop‐out rate, improvement of teacher’s welfare, etc. As such the government has to postpone various programs that had been planned including the program to support ICT development, Nusantara 21 etc. The despondent economy also makes the people’s spending capacity shrunk, so they prioritize their spending on primary needs such as food and clothing, so that the need to use ICT to get access to information become the last choice. 2. Infrastructure Another obstacle to the development of ICT is the poor condition of the infrastructure, in terms of quantity and also quality. Of course this poor condition affects the ease to get access to information. In connection with the availability of infrastructure it makes access to information costly, which in turn makes the use of ICT low. 3. General public awareness and knowledge of ICT low The public ICT literacy is still very low. What concerned us most is that ICT literacy among students and teachers are also low, especially those that live in the perimeters or remote areas. Source: gauge.ugakugei.ac.jp/apeid/apeid02/papers/Indonesia.htm 3. SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM a. JICA & BAPPENAS held Seminar on Health Security and Retirement Income Security Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in cooperation with National Development Planning Agency Republic of Indonesia (BAPPENAS) held a seminar on National Social Security System in Indonesia at Nikko Hotel Jakarta on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. 206 The seminar was attended by about 90 participants, and three speakers who are Professor Tajika Eiji from School of International & Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University; Professor Hiroi Yoshinori from Department of Policy Studies, Faculty of Law & Economic, Chiba University; and Fachmi Idris, a member of National Security Council of Indonesia to discuss and follow up the improvement of social security system in Indonesia through trial and error methods. In the seminar, Mr. Fachmi Idris presented about “Reformation of Senior Citizen Health Insurance in Indonesia”. The topic discussed the regulation and law of social security. The reformation program already exists since October 29, 2004 thru Regulation no. 40 Tahun 2004. Further, Fachmi explained about government plan to encourage all citizens to enroll in health insurance programs by 2014. The reformation indicated based on the SJSN regulation (National Social Security System) covered by changing the paradigm from Social Aid to Social Security with scale of priorities on work accident, old‐ages insurance, death insurance and pension insurance. The Social security provides basic needs for each of family members who are paying regular fees. For the poor and disabled people the fees are paid by the government. Professor Tajika explained about the establishment of public pension system for developed countries, policy formulation for pension scheme, pension system in Japan, old ages population growth and average changes on insurance premium. Tajika also explained about Japan’s current condition, for instance the risk of long life ages like family constraint to care them and also the Indonesian demographic prediction. Professor Hiroi discussed about the development and the result of health evaluation system and social security in Japan. 207 Japan is one of the countries with high demography of senior citizens; however, the average GDP rate for medical costs is low. Professor Hiroi also explained about characteristics of Japan’s medical care system. (Source : www.jica.go.jp & www.bappenas.go.id , Tuesday, July 26, 2011) b. National Social Security System in Indonesia 1) Design, Fiscal Analysis, an Implementation of the National Securiy System. 2) Assessment of Fiscal Cost of Social Security Related in Indonesia. 3) Estimated Cost of Pensions, Old‐age Savings and Health Insurance under the National Social Security System Law. 4) Governance Assessment of the Social Security Organization in Indonesia. 5) Prepatory Studies on National Security Systems in Indonesia. Note : For detailed report on the article, please find attached the soft copy of the report in PDF Format (7.91 MB | 138 pages). File name: IndonesiaNationalSocial (Source : Asean Development Bank, Published in 2007 ) 4. INTERNET SECURITY IN INDONESIA a. Indonesia Country Update on Internet Security 2011 Indonesian Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID‐SIRTII), was established in 2007 through Minister of Communication and Information Regulation Number 26/PER/M.KOMINFO/5/2007 in regard to the security of the Internet Infrastructures. The Roles and Responsibility of the ID‐SIRTII are: • • • • • To monitor and early detection of internet networks incident in Indonesia. To store the evidence of Internet transaction on Secure Data Center. To support the availability of Digital Forensic and Digital Evident for law enforcement process. To be a Contact Center based on report of security distrubance of internet infrastructure (24/7) from the public. To provide services that include lab simulation, training, consultancy, and socialization. For 2011, ID‐SIRTII produced a Country Update report on Projection and Latest Trend of the Internet Security which covers the following: 1). Statistics 2). Cyber Life Style 208 3). Infrastructure 4). The Risk 5). Cyber Warfare 6). How To Protect 7). About ID‐SIRTII Note : For detailed report on the article, please find attached the soft copy of the report in PDF Format (846 KB | 53 slides). File name: IDSIRTII (Source : www. idsirtii.or.id / www.postel.go.id ) September 2011 1.GOVERNMENT & REGULATION a. Government to facilitate foreign ICT Investment Ministry of Communication & Information (Cominfo) officer said, there are three important issues should be done in order to facilitate foreign investment in Information Computers and Telecommunication in Indonesia. Ashwin Sasongko, General Director Application and Telematics Ministry of Cominfo said that currently ICT plays important role in Indonesian industry. Therefore, effort should be made to enable foreign investment process in ICT. Those three issues are to seek business‐to‐business opportunities in Indonesia, to discuss e current activities and existing facilities, and seek for other future business possibilities. The statement was 209 made by Ashwin in the middle of Korea‐Indonesia ICT Partnership Forum 2011, held on Monday, September 26, 2011. Ashwin added, solution for the first issues should be improvement in economic infrastructure, speed up the process of Masterplan, Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development (MP3EI), or by improving the current regulation. The last issue above is the responsibility of ministry of Cominfo. He added. Meanwhile for the second issue which is to seek the current B2B facilities. In the previous ICT cooperation between Indonesia and Korea, they have completed the JABABEKA (Jakarta Bekasi and Karawang) site facilities at the Cikarang area. For the last point, Ashwin said that government should observe other business opportunities that can be done based on the previous issues. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Economic should focus on these issues. There are a lot of ICT cooperation between Indonesia and Korea that can be developed and added. This issue requires government full support.(Source: techno.okezone.com, Monday, September 26, 2011) b. Indonesia Still Facing Digital Gap Indonesia is still facing digital gap between central area and the vicinity. This is a challenge to materialize future informative community said Minister of Communication and Information, Tifatul Sembiring. The information gap is due to the insufficient or lack of ICT infrastructure at the eastern part of Indonesia, added the minister at the opening of the 1st ICT USO Exposition and Conference held at Jogja Expo Center, Central Java on Monday, September 26, 2011. Beside that, currently information service in Indonesia is still weak in contents, minimum of educational information and a lot of unintelligent broadcast. A problem that Indonesia facing are different compared to other countries. The geographic condition coupled with archipelago condition resulting information access is difficult to reach some part of the remote islands. 210 To cope with this situation, ministry of Cominfo office implemented 5 success factors which are first to position technology as a national pillar, second technology as financial resources, third technology to create job opportunity, fourth as a mean to improve human knowledge and fifth as a democration tool to secure national unity. The aim is to materialize informative community who concerned about information and utilize by the authority to make decision. By making Indonesian people aware about the right information, they will not be easily provocated. The exposition participated by about 100 state owned and private companies involve in information technology and was closed on Wednesday, September 28, 2011. (Source: antara news, Monday, September 26, 2011) c. 770 Districts will have internet services by end of 2011 The minister of Communication and Information stated by end of 2011, as much as 770 districts in Indonesia will have district’s internet service and 32,000 villages are installed with basic telephone facilities. In 2014, as much as 72,000 villages shall have telephone line connection, while currently there are about 200 millions of cellular phones were used by the owner said the minister at the opening of ICT USO Expo and Conference 2011 at Jogja Expo Center, Monday, September 26, 2011. Meanwhile, a result of the survey conducted in 2010 indicated that Indonesia have 39 million of TV sets and will reach 42 millions units by end of 2011. Accoording to the Internet World Statistic, at first quarter 2011, internet users in Indonesia reached 39.6 million, number 4 highest in the world after China, India and Japan. For social media network (facebook), the highest number of user is America at 151.4 million users followed by Indonesia at 38.9 million users, means internet users also have facebook account. According to Freddy Tulung, Director General of Information and Public Communication (IPC), ministry of Communication and Information, Internet has 6 functions. First as a communication means like facebook, twitter and so on, second for recreation like games and music, the third is for information, the fourth as a reference, the fifth for transaction like e‐banking abd the sixth for education like e‐government and others. 211 A survey result in Indonesia showed that 90% of internet users utilize the facilities for non consumptive things like opening facebook. Therefore, this is important role for those who are representing institutions in the field of communication and information. They should be able to utilize Media Center in the region in order to disseminate information for the community, said Freddy.(Source: kominfo.go.id, Thursday September 29, 2011) 2. IT INDUSTRY AND MARKETING a. Indonesia Ranked number 3 in Galaxy Tab Sales The market penetration of tablet PC in Indonesia were growth rapidly. This was indicated by variousity of the tablet PC brands available in the market. One of the dominant brand in tablet pc is Galaxy Tab produced by Samsung. Eka Anwar, Head of Marketing HHP Division PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia (SEIN) explained that development of tablet Galaxy Tab has reached 400 percent compared to same time last year. Therefore Samsung manufacturer in South Korea produces various sizes of Galaxy Tab. Samsung headquarter in South Korea were surprised of the Galaxy Tab 7” sales in Indonesia that ranked number 3 in the world. Eka said without mentioned the number of units sold. 212 He added, due to the increasing demand of Galaxy Tab 7”, Indonesia was appointed as the first country to launch the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Beforehand, a Galaxy Tab 8.9 was also released in Indonesia. The price of Galaxy Tab 7” in Indonesia is around Rp.5.49 million per unit. The Galaxy Tab equipped with Android Honeycomb 3.1 operating system, dual core 1.2 GHz processor, and high resolution screen to support High Definition (HD) technology. (Source: techno.okezone.com, Sunday, 2 October 2011.) b. Aspiluki Connects Korean and Indonesian ICT The Indonesian Association for Telematics Software (Aspiluki) will continue its support towards Indonesia's creative industry and original content, says Chairman Djarot Subiantoro at the Korea‐ Indonesia ICT Partnership Forum 2011, Monday. "Aspiluki tries to bridge foreign ICT companies and Indonesian market. We may provide assistance in joint‐venture, operational, marketing, and others," he adds. According to Djarot, in ICT partnership between Indonesia and Korea, while Korea has the technology, Indonesia should play active roles in either contents or creative industry so as to also gain profit when the product is introduced to international market. This is what, as Djarot calls it, embedded technology. 213 The Korea‐Indonesia ICT Partnership Forum 2011 was organized by Aspiluki and Korea Association for ICT Promotion (KAIT) in cooperation with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) and Indonesian Information Technology Federation (FTII). "ICT has developed to also include telecommunications, broadcasting, IT, and others. Therefore, this partnership forum invites not only software companies but also other ICT‐related companies from Korea," says Djarot. Korea‐Indonesia ICT Partnership Forum has been held since 2002; this year being the fourth time. 15 Korean ICT companies and even more Indonesian companies took part in the forum. Aspiluki, as the organizer, does the screening process of participating companies. "We are looking for [Korean] companies that show interest in Indonesia and have the same vision as us, while we are also looking for Indonesian companies with high interest in [Korea]," Djarot says.(Source: techno.okezone.com, Monday, 26 September 2011) c. Ultrabook Acer Aspire S3 launched Acer Group Indonesia introduces Acer Aspire S3, an ultrabook that combines the performance of tablet and laptop computers, in Jakarta, Wednesday (28 Sep 2011). "We are proud to be the first company to launch ultrabook in Indonesia," says Jason Lim, Country Manager Acer Group Indonesia. Similar to other ultrabook in general, Acer Aspire S3 is equipped with LED 13.3" monitor, weighs 1.35kg, and 13mm thick. Despite its light and compact size, the ultrabook body is protected by strong aluminium and magnesium coating, thus ensures its high resistant to damages. Other 214 specifications include high‐class computing with second‐generation Intel processor, 500GB HDD, up to seven hours of battery life on active mode, and Dolby Home Theatre for entertainment. Two prime features on this model are the Acer Green Instant‐On and Acer Instant Connect. Acer Green Instant‐On has the function of quick start‐up and shut‐down without having to press "Start Up" or "Shut Down" buttons as on general computer or laptop. Users only need to open the monitor and the ultrabook will be instantly switched on, while closing the monitor will automatically shut down the ultrabook. "We wanted to create features which can ease users performance, and this Acer Green Instant‐On is the feature," says David Lee, Assistant Vice President of Mobile Computing Business Unit, Acer Inc. Meanwhile, Acer Instant Connect allows user to connect to the internet within 2.5 seconds, or four times faster than conventional computers. (Source: antara news, Thursday, September 29, 2011) d. Indonesia’s Computer Market Shifts to Youth Segment Computer market in Indonesia is estimated to continue to shift to a younger generation segment, along with the development of information and communication technology (ICT) supported by the existence of social media. Marketing Manager Dell Indonesia Willy Hendrajudo says about 10 years ago the computer market was still dominated by office workers above the age 25, but the last 5 years has been dominated by young people under the age of 25. The market shift is supported by the development of social media like Facebook and Twitter which support their activities. As of July 2011 Indonesia is one of the world's top Facebook users at 35 million accounts and Twitter at 5 million accounts. The younger generation is considered a segment that has high communication activity and needs in the community, both offline and online, where online communications continue to bloom along with the proliferation of various types of portable PC devices with affordable prices. 215 "The young generation has become very technology‐literate as can be seen from the rise of social media in Indonesia. This young generation is a highly potential market, "he says in the boyband Smash appointment as commercials and product icon of Dell Inspiron 14R, today. The high use of social media by youth segment is also supported by the more widespread provision of Internet access by a variety of telecommunications operators in Indonesia. From 230 million population of Indonesia, about 180 million or more than 50% of the population are well‐accessible by mobile phone or PC device, in which 50% are users of mobile Internet access, and 10% of them use broadband Internet access. Therefore, PCs that can accommodate the young generation's craze for fashion, technology, sports, and music will be an option in the Indonesian market. "As with Dell through the latest Dell Inspiron 14R, our target market is young people with a product that combines their interests. Technology market for younger generation in Indonesia is also very high at Rp 20 trillion," he says. Director and Country Manager Dell Indonesia Pieter Lydian says the youth community is a potential market, where Dell tries to penetrate through icons, trendsetter, Dell Facebook fan, and online social community. In driving product sales, Dell also continues to increase after‐sales service, technical support services in 220 cities in Indonesia, and consumer product warranty. "Although Dell's latest product Inspiron 14R is aimed at younger generation segment, we have products for all areas ranging from consumer to enterprise," adds Pieter. (Source: Bisnis Indonesia, Tuesday, 20 September 2011) 2. CLOUD COMPUTING a. VMWARE introduces new platform MWare, technology vendors providing virtualization and cloud computing services, introduced a new database‐as‐a‐Service 216 (DaaS) platform for enterprise data management through the VMware vFabric Data Director solution. Tod Nielsen, Co‐President of Application Platform VMware, said VMware vFabric Data Director Solution, launched at VMworld 2011, was the strategic development of the previous cloud computing. The function of vFabric Data Director is to control and manage a series of heterogeneous databases automatically, based on the policies set by IT. The benefits of this solution include simplifying the process of application development that allows developers to provide their own database services through self‐service provisioning functions they need to create modern applications. The vFabric Data Director was made on the VMware vSphere so as to bring the benefits of virtualized infrastructure to the database layer. The benefit is to optimize utilization of resources for efficient operations and cost‐cutting. "Companies face increasingly severe challenges with data growth to create modern applications, and support the development of critical applications. VMware provides access and innovative data management services that is able to serve today's needs for application and lay the foundation for next‐generation cloud applications," he said in a written release. Nielson said that applications made in the present era of cloud computing was completely different from those made for client‐server aerchitecture or the internet. The current modern applications are made by using a model of high productivity development framework, which is channeled dynamically and in a virtualized way through cloud infrastructure. Present‐day applications should also be able to run on many platforms, ranging from the Web, SaaS, social networking and mobile, and able to generate real‐time data in large volume. In meeting these changing needs of application, VMware make investments to build a complete cloud application platform that includes a framework for development, data services and applications, as well as cloud computing‐based delivery model that is platform‐as‐a‐Service (PaaS). The entire investment is aimed at boosting the application developer productivity significantly, and also has the ability to improve operational efficiency. VMware also opens access to various infrastructure services either from the VMware, third‐party or open source community. VMware has encouraged modern cloud application platform, expanded the 217 community of Spring and Java developers with a major innovation in the framework, provided cloud application services such as messaging and data in‐memory services. "VMware has also introduced Cloud Foundry as the first Open PaaS in the industry that supports a wide range of frameworks and programming languages including Erlang, JRuby, PHP, and Python, including data services such as Neo4J," he explained. (Source: bisnis Indonesia, Friday, 23 September 2011 ) 2. TECHNOLOGY a. Indonesia’s Internet speed may rival the US Indonesia is a potential telematics market for foreign investors, and it is not impossible that the country may become a broadband‐producing country, rivaling the United States, as China and South Korea has started to, Secretary to the Coordinating Minister of Economics Abdul Rahman states at the opening of Broadband Indonesia Forum at Kempinski Hotel Jakarta, Wednesday. He adds that Indonesia's skilled manpower in the tools and software development will become a supporting factor in the development of telematics in the country. The government promises to also protect the products of Indonesia's creative workers. Government program in MP3EI (Masterplan, Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development) prioritizes on the development of telematics, which will be developed not only on Java but throughout all MP3EI corridors. (Source: techno.okezone.com, Wednesday, 21 September 2011.) 3. SOCIAL SECURITY 218 a. Equity Life Invests Rp 5 billion on IT Infrastructures PT Equity Life Indonesia invests up to Rp 5 billion for infrastructure improvement and development of marketing networks. Samuel Setiawan, President Director of Equity Life Indonesia, says the funds are used among others to update the information technology platform through customer service solution center project in the regions, to open new distribution channels and for innovative product development. "We want to be a full‐solution insurance company. We are preparing the infrastructure for running the company into the future. For that too we replace the old Equity Life logo to a new one," he says in the press conference for launching the company's new logo today. The company targets Rp800 billion of premium acquisition this year. Until now, it has only reached 40% of the target. "Usually business grew rapidly in the fourth quarter. Many new contracts are made towards the end of the year. I am optimist that we can reach the target," he says. Samuel says the company is focusing on its target of becoming an insurance company with diverse products to individual and corporate markets, and therefore it prepares a variety of innovative products to grab market that has not been fully utilized and expands distribution channels. Several new distribution channels opened by the company include telemarketing, business to business [B to B], worksite marketing, and others. Currently, Equity Life has about 40 telemarketing staff. The company plans to double the distribution channels to about 80 staff at the end of this year and 200 in 2012. "We also have just run worksite channel, working with schools and non‐bank alliances," he says. In the near future, Equity Life will open a customer service solution center named ELISE (Equity Life Indonesia Layanan Prima/Equity Life Indonesia Prime Services) in Cirebon, Semarang and Palembang. ELISE currently operates in Bali, Surabaya and Bandung. (Source: bisnis Indonesia, Friday, 23 September 2011) 219 October 2011 1. Minister of Communications and Information must be responsible for prepaid credit theft Chairman of Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, said the Minister of Communications and Information, Tifatul Sembiring, along with mobile phone operators must take the responsibility of and solve the cases of prepaid mobile phone credit theft. "That should become the government and operators' attention. Aren't operators able to block these services. The government, in this case the Minister of Communication, should give stricter penalties to operators that let this problem remain unsolved," said Mahfouz at the Parliament Office, Jakarta, Wednesday. According to Mahfouz, the cases can be regarded as crime. He encourages police take immediate preventive measures and sanctions. Thousans of prepaid mobile phone users complain that their credits are "stolen" through unwanted services by contents providers. The police suggest to immediately report such cases to law enforcement officials. Source: (Tribunenews.com, Wednesday, October 5, 2011) 2. Huawei introduces U2Net for cloud computing Technology solution provider, Huawei, introduced U2Net as the latest‐generation network architecture for cloud computing and IP video. U2Net is specifically adapted to meet the needs of two major evolutions in the broadband network on a global level and in Indonesia. The needs include the evolution of IPTV video services to IP video, and the evolution of integrated data services and technology into cloud computing. CEO of Huawei Indonesia, Li Wenzhi, said internet communication has increased the amount internet users who regard bandwidth an important asset. U2Net will define a new‐generation network architecture in the era of IP video and cloud computing, as well as be the foundation of broadband access for everyone and everywhere. 220 "With the increasing penetration of broadband along with high interest in video services, a new technology is necessary to ensure that the evolution of broadband runs smoothly and sustainable," he said today. Li Wenzhi said, with the rapid development of Internet technology, Internet‐based video services can now provide a better service to its customers. Current major changes in the network traffic services include OTT (over the top ) video and transitions of internet video services from the operator of IPTV to IP video.With applications to cloud computing, the architecture of the basic network should also undergone a drastic change in order to deliver services and meet the demand for cloud computing‐based applications. Traditional network architecture for IPTV services is unable to meet these new demands, in which network providers cannot offer multicast as the main feature. Some NEs (Network Elements) also serve different services separately and can no longer meet the requirements to become a provider of IP video services. "U2Net is one of the several technologies developed by Huawei to meet the demands of video services in a country, which ultimately encourages the development of technology," he said. In addition, based on the cache and the definition of its software, U2Net proves to strengthen the flexibility of the networks to adapt to new services. With the help of research results and other studies, U2Net can provide efficient management, adaptable operations, and network maintenance. (Source: bisnis.com, Thursday, October 6, 2011) 3. Huawei Tech Investment, aims at the investment on the development of broadband wireless access (BWA) devices in Indonesia, Technology solution and device provider, Huawei Tech Investment, aims at the investment on the development of broadband wireless access (BWA) devices in Indonesia, as a support for the development of national broadband network. The company recently established a cooperation with 221 PT Xirka Dama Persada in the production of subscriber station devices or chipset (CPE), with values reaching Rp 45 billion. Deputy Director of Huawei Solution Sales, Dani K. Ristandi, says the cooperation is an effort to develop BWA devices in order to meet government requirements regarding the level of domestic content (TKDN). TKDN provisions required for BWA technologies are 40% for base station (BTS) and 30% for the subscriber station (CPE). The cooperation is established at the same time with the effort of the development of national broadband network, aiming at 30% of penetration by 2014, from the current state at only about 4%. In addition, Xirka is the only BWA device provider in Indonesia that is registered as company member in WiMax International. "We are committed to supporting the development of broadband in Indonesia, including through investing in device development, in cooperation with Xirka, in addition to our involvement in the preparation of the ICT plan in Indonesia," Dani said last weekend. He said the cooperation with Xirka at the early stages is still limited to assembling the technology components provided by Huawei. But the cooperation is going to include device research and testing at Xirka‐owned technology laboratory in Bandung. In the future it may also include developing LTE (Long‐Term Evolution) devices. Dani said Huawei's commitment in the development of broadband in Indonesia was also shown in its involvement in the development of passive network infrastructure as a main core business, with share reaching 70%. He added that the involvement of the Chinese company was particularly on the research and deployment of submarine optical fiber network, as in projects involving PT Telkom and a number of other operators. Optical fiber network deployment is primarily related to the geographical conditions of Indonesia as an archipelago, where there will be obstacles to wireless technology due to various limitations. Dani added that the islands result in differences and higher complexity compared with broadband development efforts in other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia, where Huawei is also involved. In the deployment of fiber optic network in Indonesia, Huawei established a joint venture named Huawei Marine. 222 "Broadly speaking, Huawei invests the greatest for the provision of infrastructure, the construction of passive networks such as fiber optic network which reaches 70% of the total business. The rest are 20% on active network, 5% on the content, and others," he said. (Source: bisnis.com, Sunday, October 2, 2011) 4. Fujitsu provides high performance computing through certified PRIMERY SMP Cluster Fujitsu, a leading ICT Business solution provider, today announced innovation on price performance ratio that made possible for the customer utilizes PRIMERGY x86 high‐end cluster server for Symmetric Processing (SMP) for high performance computing. Fujitsu succeeded this innovation after awarded vSMP Foundation Hardware certification from ScaleMP, a leading in high level virtual computing. Through this certification Fujitsu customer is capable to create shared‐memory cluster system based on PRIMERGY for cloud computing data center. As a result enterprise scale company will benefit from hardware lower price when running this PRIMERGY x86 cluster system. This is an economic alternatif compared to the traditional closed‐system. By integrating PRIMERY server into one SMP virtual cluster, the shared memory system perfomance can be improved to 1024 8‐core processor with 64TB memory system. Clusters are connected directly thru high‐speed infiniBand, which act as a redundant system to anticipate failure and additional bandwith. Beside, customer can automatically recover following the system failure. The high performance cluster computing based on x86 will strengthen the series of Fujitsu PRIMERGY x86 server as High Performance Computing (HPC). This solution enabled engineers and academician to obtain innovation without special requirement to install and operate the complex HPC. Fujitsu also provides ready to use HPC cluster solution for a small and medium enterprise. Source : http://www.fujitsu.com/id/news/pr/indonesian/20111102‐id.html, October 24, 2011. 5. Fujitsu is on the Top List for Green IT Vendor 223 Fujitsu, a leading ICT business solution provider announced that Fujitsu is now on the top 12 Green ICT vendors from IDG Computerworld for the last two years respectively. Fujitsu position keep improved since it was introduced four years ago. Fujitsu is the only company who held the position for two years respectively in 2010 and 2011. Computerworld identified organization who implemented efficient and smart strategy to acheve Green IT. As much as 70 organisation participated in open invitation from Computerworld to fill out online questionaire which was closed on August 2011. Afterward, Computerworld verified all the information and come up with 12 IT user organizations and 12 IT vendor organizations that reduced energy consumption from their IT equipment utilizing technology that conserve energy and reduce carbon emision. The list was published on Computerworld October 24, 2012 edition and online at the computerworld.com Raymond Firdauzy, Country Head Platform Products Fujitsu Indonesia said that Fujitsu appreciated Computerworld for their effort in Green IT promotion. Fujitsu has long term commitment to protect environment by assisting customers to achieve the same objective. Many organization in Top Green IT has implemented the energy conservation initiatives on their IT strategy, said Scott Finnie, Editor in Chief Computerworld. These organizations utilized their smart IT staffs to encourage the current technology in controlling and reducing carbon. The carbon reduction program and green concept from Fujitsu was awarded “Global Low‐Carbon and Environmental Leadership” appreciation from Gartner and WWF. This appreciation was listed on the 2011 Newsweek Green Global 500 ranking. Source: http://www.fujitsu.com/id/news/pr/indonesian/20111102‐id.html, Wednesday, November 2, 2011. 6. SIX CLOUD COMPUTING CHALLENGES IN INDONESIA In the discussion on “Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing” held by Indonesia Cloud Forum in Jakarta, October 26, 2011, most of the speakers raised several challenges in the implementation of cloud computing technology in Indonesia. There are at least six challenges among others, the understanding of the cloud computing itself, security issues, privacy, bandwith availability, infrastructurs and frequency. 224 Many people still do not undertand what the cloud computing is. Secondly, security and privacy issues by many organizations, and the bandwith availability. The utilization of cloud computing services requires a lot of bandwith said Tony Seno Hartono, National Technology Officer of Microosoft in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 26, 2011. Meanwhile Harry K. Nugraha, Director Strategic Business Development for Intel Indonesia said that network infrastructure is also one of the important issues in the implementation of Cloud Computing Technology in Indonesia. Other than lack of infrastructure, frequency issue is also one issue we are lacking to support the implement this technology, said Rusatam Effendie, VP Engagement Practice, Erricsson Indonesia. Some solutions were claimed by several companies to mitigate these issues like Microsoft, who uses development program named Security Development Life Cycle to serve their software securities. For the bandwith, IBM commented that “bandwith friendly” to implement cloud application. Meanwhile from the ICT practitioners, Mohammad James Falahuddin said one of the priority this time is to continue educate the user market about cloud computing and regulation by the government that supporting this technology. (Source: http://news.okezone.com,; Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011 ) November 2011 1. TELECOMMUNICATION a. “Indonesia Connected” expected to complete by 2012 Indonesian government through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology targeted that “Indonesia Connected” can be completed in 2012. For broadband improvement will be ready by 2015, said Mr. Kalmullah Ramli, Senior Advisor Ministry of ICT at Bali Annual International Conference (BATIC) at Jimbaran Bali, Wednesday, November 9, 2011. Two of the eastern region of Indonesia, Maluku and Papua will be integrated at the telecommunication infrastructure. Currently, the utilization of telephone and television is already good so it should be improve by the utilization of internet. The conference participated by 62 world class IT companies like Coogle, Blackberry, Microsoft etc. 225 In the future all regions should be connected. The government plan to develop Ring‐Village or Internet‐Village shall be materialized in 2012, followed by the bandwith improvement. For this reason, the government keep socializing education in information, industrial information and also providing other positive contents and special award presentation for the creative people or community. The regulation to provide 30% of local contents are applied for the Television companies in order to to encourage local industry growth. Rinaldi Firmansyah, President Director of PT. Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) added, that Telkom is planning to start Fibre Optic project this year to connect Manado and Papua. This project will replace the existing city‐cable with Fibre Optic, so the speed can bee improved from 20 mbps to 100 mbps. (Source: okzone.com, Wednesday, 9 November 2011) b. PT. Telkom subsidiary penetrate middleeast market Middle East market became focus area of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (PT. Tellin) because it is considered as potential market as the trend of telecommunication services showed positive growth, said Ririek Ardiansyah, CEO PT. Tellin at the Bali Annual Telkom International Conference at Jimbaran, Bali. Therefore, this PT. Telkom subsidiariy seriously working on this opportunity by seeking selected partners as much as possible. Although the business succes will not be measured by the number of partners which currently stand at 74 business partners. Beside expanding network, PT. Tellin also planned to increase service capacity from 40 to 50 percent. Currently , we have reached capacity of 400 GB and this will continue be increased, so as the capital‐expenditure (capex) which currently already reached forty million US dollars. So far, in the middle east we partnered with the local partner for voice communication service. The traffic there is very high because we have a lot of Indonesian working in the middle east. The service is already well known as dial‐code 007 and its growth is claimed above 79 percent. 226 Thru the Batic conference, we expected it will became strategic activities to gather telecommunication operator and service providers to meet, share and as a media for business transcation deals. (Source: okzone.com, Thursday, 10 November 20) 2. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Hitachi offered 3 levels Cloud Computing Big and Small Medium Enterprises are currently facing fast data growing. The data values may not be realized now but in the future. For this reason, Hitachi Data Systems, a technology provider for data storage, and a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. Is offering three layers strategy to cope with data growing. This 3‐layers strategy is a cloud computing which aimed to transform data center to information center. The arrangement, storage and protecting data only are not enough. The data should be available to be displayed and utilized, said Ravi Rajendran, Vice President and General Manager Hitachi Data Systems Asean at Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday 16 November 2011. The first Priority in the storage industry is a total data growth, further the the increase of its utilization in terms of storage virtualization. The 3‐layers strategy offered by Hitachi is a form of virtual storage method which divided in to three categories as follow: First, is the cloud infrastructure. The cloud is a convergence of integrated server silos, storage and network as virtual resources which capacity can be incrase according to the needs. The aim is to produce dynamic infrastructure as well as single platform for a data. Second, is a cloud contents. The objective is that to cumulate contents by put‐a‐side applications that create it. The contents will be archieved and stored for a long duration, so to enable to find, distribute and re‐use data according to the need. Third, is the information cloud. The cloud act as a tools to analyse and process integrated information into one infrastructure. Information cloud will connect set of datas, display its pattern to provide usefull information for decision making purpose. (Source: Okecone.com, Wenesday, 16 November 2011) 227 b. HITACHI Data Systems transform Data Center to Information Center Hitachi Data System Corporation (HDS), a technology provider for data storage, and a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. At the Hitachi Information Forum 2011, announced some initiative to assist transforming business from data center into information center by combining virtual data solution and cloud computing. The forum opened by Terrance Tangit, Managing Director Hitachi Data Systems. Indonesia is the first market for external storage media launched at the first half of calendar year 2011 and acquired by 24.6% of market share and 71,9 percent increased from the previous year. Market also adopted Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) since it was introduced on September 2010 where more than 2000 VSP were distributed to the customers. HDS acquisitioned BlueArc on September last year and also acquisitioned Shoden Data Systems. HDS awarded CRN Tech Innovator Award this year for the VSP and awarded appreciation for Best Storage / Data Management Solution 2011 from Netword World Asia Reader’s Choic Award. Present and speakers on the Hitachi Information Forum 2011 were David Merril, Chief Economist HDS, Sunil Chavan, Director Softwarr Group & Cloud Solutions HDS Asia Pacific and Saiful Nassrul, Business Development and marketing manager TELITI Datacenter Malaysia as well as some expertise on the data storage business. Sunil Chavan selaku Director SOftware Group & Cloud, Asia Pacific explained about Hitachi Information Cloud. Hitachi Cloud Service Solution covered: • Hitachi Cloud Service for Private File Tiering • Hitachi Cloud Service for File Serving • Hitachi Cloud Service for Microsoft SharePoint Archiving Hitachi Cloud Solution Packages consist of: 228 • Hitachi Cloud Solution Package for File Tiering • Hitachi Cloud Solution Package for File Serving • Hitachi Cloud Solution Package for Microsoft SharePoint Archiving On the opportunity, HDS announced a survey result by IDC showed that storage media infrastructure currently still met busness requirements. The grow of data became the big challenge on which IT systems were not able to cope with. The HDS sponsored survey result entitled "The Changing Face of Storage: A Rethink of Strategy that Goes Beyond the Data has been published on IDC white paper. The survey conducted from August to September 2011 and involving 150 IT executive from big scale corporations in Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, and Singapore.(Source : http://chip.co.id/news, Wednesday, 16 November 2011) 3. ECOMMERCE a. Microsoft & Telkom “Merged” to form Plasa MSN portal Microsoft and PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) were partnered to form a new portal named : PlasaMSN. The Portal was launched on Thursday, November 17 and accessible thru http://www.plasamsn.com. Visitors can get various interrested information, ifrom life style and entertainment. Both Microsoft and Telkom combined their competencies. Microsoft is a software development company provides technology solution where Telkom utilize their customer power currently at 132 millions customers. PlasaMSN portal display looks different from its competitors as a result of Global Syndicate Combination, where its content is exclusive and locally relevant. We realized that online information access is very important for the young generation, said Indra Utoyo, Chief Information Officer of Telkom. This portal is an improvement of previous portal that provide high level shopping experience, ticket purchase and trade center, added Indra. 229 Manish Chopra, Microsoft Director of Operation and Marketing stated that this is a high technology collaboration using Microsoft Silverlight and Internet Explorer 9 running on Windows Life platform with the wide media distribution capability using mobile equipment, broadband and television. Telkom’s widespread of network also determining the success of PlasaMSN. (Source: http://techno.okezone.com Sunday, 20 November 2011) b. Small and Medium Enterprises are encouraged to improve ECommerce Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) encouraged small and medium enterprise (SME) to utilize integrated e‐commerce for their electronic transactions. Head of Sub Directorate Technology and e‐Business Infrastructure, MCIT, Mr. Noor Iza explain that e‐commerce implementation at industrial sector is potential to absorb Indonesian market which value is projected at 3.3 quadrillion IDR (Rupiahs). Noor added that a process to socialize electronic payment for the small medium enterprise is one of the program to speed up economic growth which is targeted to reach 7% by 2014. The current transaction system needs some improvement. Some SME still utilize conventional transcation system model. Noor also added by integrating IT based payment system will benefit the SME to obtain efficient interoperable solution. Our subdirectorate focusing on transforming conventional business into ICT based business to support national fast economic growth. Its trend is commensurate with the improvement of broadband services. The 10% increase of broadband service is equivalent to 1.3% of economic growth. E‐commerce market potential in Indonesia is big, however it is not fully optimised due to the regulation constraints beside some SME do not have strategic business partner in utilizing technology. Respons to e‐commerce still unsatisfied due to the inexistence of single payment gateway for payment system. 230 Professor Djamhari Sirat, of Faculty of Technology, University of Indonesia said transformation towards e‐UKM (e‐SME) required some physical equipment like e‐payment, e‐business, information technology infrastructure portal, and access to broadband. Beside that, regulators have to provide sustainable e‐commerce model. Presidential regulation can be formed and prepared as a legal act towards this facility, added Djamhari. Head of Marketing Nusantara Online, Sigit Widodo admitted that online game industry in Indonesia still facing legal and payment system problems. These industries do not have many payment options other than voucher and pulse. The publisher of online game is still searching for ideal payment methods. The online gamers mainly are junior or senior high school student who do not have credit card to pay for the PayPal services. A regulator do not categorized a pulse as a valid payment method, added Sigit. We do hope the implementation of integrated e‐commerce is sooner be materialized to enable payment method by the public to utilize and take advantage of online game. (Source : bisnis.com, Tuesday, 22 November 2011) 4. PRODUCT & MARKETING a. ICT Product and Gadget Flood Indonesian Market Ninok Leksono, a Rector of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) hope that Indonesian consumers are able to maximize the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) product. Otherwise, our market will be full of ICT product without gaining optimum result for the Product Domestic Brutto (PDB), stated Ninok at the UMN Graduation Ceremony, Friday November 18, 2011. The utilization of ICT gadget so far is merely for a social media. In fact the product can give maximum economic benefit for the owner. Based on statistical data of 2008, national spent for ICT product reached 3 billion US dollar or equivalent to 27 trillion Indonesian Rupiahs. Therefore we need to change the way of thinking in order to fully utilize the ICT product and gadget. 231 ICT development is changing very fast. This is one of the reasons that KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Group (a biggest Publisher, Printing and Book Store Chain in Indonesia) established UMN with Industry Creative based program, so the graduates are able to contribute their competences for the economic development. The Creative Industry sectors contributed 6.7% for the PDB and 7.7% for a new job creation, consist of 14 sub sectors, 8% for the Advertising Media, 43% for Fashion, 25% for art and crafts, 5% for musics and 6% on design. The other 13% were spreaded on architectures, art, video, film, photography, interactive games, art performance, printing and publication, computers software, radio and television, research and development and culinary. According to the UMN Foundation Chairman, Mr. Teddy Surianto, through the 14 sectors, creative industry contributed 100 trillion Indonesian rupiahs and this amount is increasing. Teddy added, UMN bridging the gap to fulfill demand for fully competences IT resources, giving the sample on the ICT base radio and television industry for broadcasting, music, film and others are the industries that require special knowledge on the ICT.(http://www.mediaindonesia.com, Friday, 18 November 2011) b. In 2012, Demand for Note book Computers Remain Stable Compared to the tablet computers, laptop and notebook computers demand are remain stable. The reason is that those two product functions were different. Eddy Thoyib, executive Director of Masyarakat Telekomunikasi Indonesia (MASTEL, Telecommunication Community) said, with laptop/notebook, the users can do various activities like typing, editing and design, while tablet computer merely used to access information. Nielsen Indonesia Survey company, recorded that 27% of the respondent intended to purchase laptop/notebook, where 19% were intended to purchase tablet computers within 12 months. 232 The other 19% intended to purchase desktop computers and 13% to purchase mobile broadband. The users for tablet computers are different user segment to notebook/laptop users. It is easy to access information while on the move by using pad. However, if the activities are more than accessing, laptop / notebook are more conveniences. In terms of appearances and weight, tablet PC is more convenience than laptop/notebook. Nielsen Indonesia survey result showed that the intention of the respondent to purchase type of personal to purchase are stressing on its functions. The reasons to purchase desk top computers are due to its robust and long lasting. This result is commensurate with Nielsen Indonesia survey result that indicated access to internet majority through desktop computers Access to internet showed that 82% through desktop computers, followed by cellular phone at 73%, laptop/notebook at 36% and tablet computer at 3%.(Source: bisnis.com, Monday, 21 November 2011) December 2011 1. INTERNET a. Internet Contributed 2.5% of PDB Internet contribution in Indonesia for 2012 predicted at 2.5% of Product Domestic Brutto (PDB), or increase 9% compared to 2011. This increase occure if the government will develop fixed line infrastructure and creating technological eco system, information and communication (ICT). As reported by Deloitte, economic access as mandated by Google Asia Pacific, internet total income in 2011 was 1.6% of PDB or equivalent to Rp. 116 billion. According to the Indonesian Telecommunication Community (Mastel), it may grow up to 2.5% in 2012 with main contribution from contents industry including e‐ commerce. 233 Mastel chairman, Setyanto P. Santosa predicted the creative industry growth are strongly supported by content industry in 2012 and will grow three fold compared to 2011. These grows are mainly on the work force and the volume of masterpiece. Creative industry will play an important role on the ICT industry. These are dominated by E‐ Commerce and games, so as the telecommunication company that provide data services. Setyanto added that telecommunication industry will not be satiated as long as they can create new creative ideas. Telecommunication industry will become a never ending industry for service provider. The operator company revenue will less than previous year revenue between 7‐9% per annum, however the traffic growth below average. Short Message Service (SMS) still growing but not as previous years. It was predicted that SMS grows between 15 to 20% in 2012. Other factors that pushing grows of the ICT revenues are changes from voice and SMS to social media and data. Setyanto predicted this grow may be three fold than 2011. Based on the IDC Digital Marketplace 2009 data, Mastel recorded the growth on mobile broadband users in Indonesia. In 2007 the broadband users are less than 5 million. Two years later it was increased to more than 10 millions users. In 2010 it reached 15 millions users. In 2011 nearly 20 millions users and in 2012 it was predicted at more than 21 million. In Indonesia this figure is greater than users in other Asian countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. In 2010, market penetration for wireless broadband in Indonesia was only 17.1%. This figure is smaller compared to Malaysia at 33.4% and New Zealand at 44.9%. Howeer, compares to Philippines, Vietnam, China, India and Thailand, Indonesia is still leading. (Source: www.bisnis.com, Thursday, 15 Desember 2011) b. Internet Service Provider push for Mobile Internet Tarriff Regulation The Indonesian Association of Internet Service Provider (APJII) Request the government to 234 prepare regulation on tariff and quality of Internet mobile in order to create competitive environment. Roy Rahajasa, APJII Chairman said that the regulation is required because recently telecommunication operators were competed to apply cheaper tariff compares to other operators. The cheaper tariff does not correspond to the access speed. According to the Yahoo Net Index survey for 2011, Indonesia has monthly charge of US$12.5 in average for mobile internet with 20 millions users. This figure positioned Indonesia as the first cheapest mobile internet access in South East Asia. The second position is Philippines at US$13.1, followed by Malaysia at US$15, and Vietnam at USS$24. There were questioned whether the cheaper price in line with the quality and speed to download as well as for caller enable. So far, there were no complaint from the customers on the tariff and quality of mobile internet. They were happy as long as they were able to connect to the internet services. Yahoo Net Index 2011 also recorded the mobile internet grow in Indonesia. In 2011 it was 160% increase compared to 2009 which positioned Indonesia as the first within South East Asian countries. This figure was made possible by the young generation between 15 – 24 years old that have access to the cheaper gadgets. Gadgets that provide various smartphone functions on ordinary cellular phone price, plays important roles as a catalyst for this mobile internet grow. The survey might be correct due to the number of customers for each provider, but there are possibility for duplications of data said Roy. Without mentioning the exact figures, Roy anticipated in 2012 the figure will be increased.(Source: www.bisnis.com, Monday, 12 Desember 2011) 2. MCOMMERCE a. Indonesia Entering MCommerce Transition Phase 235 Buzz City, a mobile media advertising company that provides special services for situs mobile predicted that M‐ Commerce transition will take place in 2012 following the stop operation of some value added service (VAS) company. Chief Executive Officer Buzz City, K.F. Lai said, this trend occurred after the regulator stopped the operation of some VAS who took the advantage from cellular phone invoices. A better regulation is able to protect customers and business and encourage more customers to access e‐Commerce. Lai explained this trend is tailing the US. Currently, in US, e‐commerce and online sales, catalog and mobile, are more than 40% of total sales in many sectors. Lai said, year 2011 was a busy year in mobile industry which brings a real change. Based on this research, he summarized five important predictions in 2012, including m‐commerce transition mentioned before. Second prediction is that in 2012 developer and brand will target to the certain operating system and handset for their campaign. The inclusiveness to the special operating system and brand may lead to the market loss. Lai suggested that internet mobile in general became a main focus for the campaign without selecting special platform. Beginning in 2010, attention should be given on the HTML5 format due to its capabilities to fuction as application. However, still many regulations should be implemented as the majority of the ponsel has not supported this technology yet. Third prediction is that tablet PC claimed to be a media for cetain segment. When Tablet PC were launched, IT analyst was worried that it will acquisitioned the Laptop PC as well as ponsel market. However, their worried were not happened as in 2012 more application and games will determine the consumer pattern through tablet gadgets. Fourth prediction is that Mobile Coupon attracts the attention. The convenience and functionality of e‐wallet implementation does not attract wide community customer. When talking about mobile transaction, a value added will be gained from mobile coupon products that were sent to the mobile consumer which is exchangeable at the shop or stores by showing the cellular phone. Fivthe or final prediction is that small and medium enterprise (SME) will implement social media. There will be more SME’s will take advantage of social media like Facebook, Twitter etcetera to be broadcast at the mobile and web as well as gaining benefit from M‐Commerce especially in the developed market. (Source: www.bisnis.com, Thursday, 15 December 2011) 236 3. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Cloud Computing Enable EGovernment Functions Cloud Computing Services is claimed will make easy the work of business, local government, and other institutions when implementing e‐ government function, data storage and access to internet. Dwi Handoko, Head of IPTEKNET (Science, Technology and Nework) of BPPT ( The Institue of Research and Technology Implementation), said that cloud computing will enable e‐government functions. Therefore, BPPT will develop the Cloud Computing System. Cloud Computing meant to improve public services and enable central government and regional in implementing e‐government, added Dwi. With the Cloud Computing implemented, local government do not need to built their own Iinformation Technology Infrastructures as well as maintaining and purchase of infrastructure. This is because BPPT have provided all the requirements for this facility. The service offers technology and reliable service and supported by tier‐3 data center infrastructures. Currently IPTEKNET owned a backup data center located at Batam and Serpong. All infrastructures are ready to serve Cloud Computing System that meet standard and quality services. Dwi added, the price of this technology is cheaper and economics. It does not need million rupiahs of investment to procure infrastructure and other system needs. It is also does not need resources to operate because it has been provided by IPTEKNET. According to Dwi, currently the technologies are moving towards Cloud Computing which integrates computer technology implementation and internet base development. 237 Dwi targeted all regions can utilize this cloud computing technology and in 2012 at least 10 more regions will implement it. (Source: www.bisnis.com, Thursday, 15 Desember 2011) b. Local Player on Cloud Computing Increased In order to speed up the implementation of Cloud Computing Services in Indonesia, a number of local network provider service companies were started offer their services. CBN for instance, on December 13m 2011 introduced cloud computing based data infrastructres by using switching technology from Brocade. This step is to further CBN movement as a first local company to work on data center business last month. Tony Hariman, CBN’s Chief Technology Officer expressed that CBN has improve the development and implementation of cloud based computing. Some comventional web application will be operated on grid computing infrastructures which size is adjustable. According to Tony, CBN has selected Brocade VDX 6720 data center switches to provide a single layer 10 Gigabit Ethernet backbone which increase the the latency of inter connectivity between grid server and virtual machines. Beside that, a Brocade FastIron WS5648G Ethernet Service technology installed at the network front end which is separate and still made possible to connect to the center of customer’s Internet Protocol Network services. (Source:www.bisnis.com, Tuesday, 13 December 2011) 4. PRODUCT & MARKETING a. LENOVO launched Ultra Thin and Light Laptop Famous China computer brand Lenovo, have launched an ultra thin and light laptop computer, Ultrabook IdeapPad U300s. The new type IdeaPad U300s stressing on the fashion, performance and entertainment. Consumer Lead Lenovo Indonesia, Gunawan Halim said that Lenovo is care for the consumer needs on light, maximum 238 performance and excellent design. IdeaPad U300s has thin size, light weight and stylish, added Gunawan. Product Business Development Lenovo Indonesia, Cung Cien said that the IdeaPad using Intel Core i7 second generation Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 technology and Enhanced Experience 2.0 Rapid Drive SSD which can boot up in only 10 seconds. This ultra thin laptop has High Definition 13.3 inches display, and equipped with 4 GB DDR3 memory and SSD strorage capacity up to 256 GB. IdeaPad u300s has a dimension of 0.6 inches (14.9 mm) made of single plate aluminum alloy that makes it slimmer and weight only 3 pounds (1.36 kg). The surface is plated with anti scratch thru electrolyze and sandblast processed. For heat exhausting, Lenovo uses Breathable Keyboard technology, that exhaust heat thru the small pores on the keyboard and Intel Advance Cooling technology to enable exhausting warm air passing thru both left and right as well as from behind. This Ultrabook do not have ventilating holes at the bottom. So, the consumer will not fill warm when operate it, said Cung Cien. With Rapid Charge fiture, the battery can last up to 8 hours and 50% fully charge can be reached within 30 minutes charge. This ultrabook also equipped with high speed Bluetooth WiFi 802.11 and USB 2.0 and 3.0 high speed USB connector. For multimedia, this ultrabook supported by High Definition Graphic card, HDMI output, SRS Premium surround sound stereo speakers. Come with two color options Graphite Grey and Clementine Orange. The Ultrabook is available at the price of US$ 1.699. (Source:www.antaranews.com, Wednesday, 7 December 2011) b. HANCOM Ready To Enter Indonesian Market HANCOM, a big South Korean computer software company is focusing to develop its International market segment especially in the United States, France and Indonesia. 239 Hancom CEO, Hong Gong Lee said that International market was started last year in Germany, Japan, America, Swiss and Belgium. This year, Hancom focused in three countries. One of them is Indonesia with the mission to introduce business application software other than Microsoft at reasonable price thru Office Softwate Business and Thinkfree Business. Lee explained that Hancom is a second biggest software company in the world after Microsoft. Todate many countries and consumers only knows office application from the US based company, Microsoft. In 2011, Hancom have revenue of 58 billion Korean Won, raised 23.4% of 2010 revenue at 47.3 billion Won. Hancom offered Office product that runs on Microsoft at cheaper price. For instance, in Indonesia, Office 2010 product price is US400 where Hancom Office 2010 only US$.120. Lee added, Hancom product is very much alike with Office product mainly used this time. So, the users do not need extra effort to operate and familiarize with it. File and documents created is stored and can be opened by other product that created .doc and .docx documents. Dong Chan Eddie Noh, Sales manager Hancom Overseas Business Team said that Hancom also have office product Thinkfree, a famous product among tablet PC users running under Android operating system. Thinkfree can be used by Android users from Froyo version to recent versions like Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwich. Hancom collaborated with some vendors like Samsung, LG and Toshiba. Thinkfree can be run on notebook computers. For Apple operating system currently limited to open and read only. By second quarter 2012, the users will be able to edit and send documents. Lee added that Indonesia have a big potential market eventhough many people mentioned that software pirated level is quite high. This matter occurred because there are a big demand for it, but the original product price in the market is too high. (Source: www.bisnis.com, Thursday, 8 December 2011) 240 5. SECURITY a. MICROSOFT LAUNCHED MYSTERY SHOPPERS TO FIGHT PIRATED Microsoft, a software development technology solution company has launched Mystery Shopper activity to verify illegal software installation and untrusted dealers started December 1, 2011. This activity meant to protect customer from the victims of pirated software and to protect trusted computer dealers from unfair competition. The Mystery Shoppers was launched in accordance with the recent government campaign to fight against pirated in the creative industries. Sudimin Mina, Microsoft Indonesia Director of License Compliance said, due to the increasing threat of cyber crime like phishing, hacking, and un‐original software. Security is Microsoft main agenda to ensure that business owner and consumer owned original software which is safe for their computers. “ Imagine if we have lost our valuable data, jobs and pictures right before the examination or business presentation just because of the computer crash due to virus and malware reside on the pirated software “, Sudimin added. Other risks are that when users are doing online banking transdaction by using pirated software. The customer bank account by all means can be hacked. Based on the survey conducted by Masyarakat Indonesia Anti Pemalsuan (MIAP, Indonesian Community Against Pirated) and released on November 2011, software pirated is positioned at number 2 (34.1%) after faked leather goods at number 1. Business Software Alliance expected by decreasing 1% of pirated level, will give positive impact at the value of US$1.3 billion. Microsoft Legal Corporate Affairs has taken legal act and appointed a lawyer to take legal action for computer dealers who were known to sale computers with pirated software. 241 Hard‐disk loading is one of the software piration. This accured at the time the computer shops or retail offering to load and installing pirated software for a new customers. In Indonesia, any company or individue who known to break the law on intellectual property right will be sentenced to 7 years imprisonment or penalty up to Rp. 5 billion. (Source: www.bisnis.com, Friday, December 9, 2011) b. INCIDENT STATISTICS 2011 The "Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure", abbreviated as ID‐ SIRTII, is an institution in Indonesia that act as afirst defense castle in facing cyber attack. The attacks could be Ddos, spam, hacking, carding or even recently known as botnet. Most countries have similar institutions. For instance, Japan have JP‐CERT (Japan Computer Emergency Response Team), Australia have AU_CERT (australia computer emergency response team). Other than ensuring security in the internet, ID‐SIRTII also ensure the security of all electronic transactions and store it in the secure data center. IS‐SIRTII also assisst police force in investigating a cyber crime. ID‐SIRTII will conduct an internet forensic by searching evidence on the internet. All incidents detected by ID‐SIRTII, are recorded and open to the public. Below are temporary statistical reports related to security incident occurred in 2011 as reported by ID SIRTII. There were two main reports as follow: a). Incident Event based on Classification and General Incident 2011 b). Incident Event based on Sensor Monitoring Result 242 243 (Incident Event based on Classification and General Incident 2011) 244 ( Incident Event based on Sensor Monitoring Result ) 245 Source: http://www.idsirtii.or.id January 2012 1. TELECOMMUNICATION a. XL still looking for buyer for its 7,000 towers PT XL Axiata Tbk, a publicly‐traded telecommunication provider, is not yet successful to sell its 7,000 towers since the company has not yet satisfied with the proporsed offering price. President Director of XL Axiata Tbk Hasnul Suhaimi said the company is indeed not in hurry to sell its assets. The company is helped by Goldman Sachs to sell its 7,000 telecommunication towers, a plan which has been set since 2008. “We have not yet received good offers. We will not sell those towers, until we get good price,” he 246 told Bisnis yesterday. As he said, if the plan can be realized, then the company will follow the procedure and the existing law. For this matter, the company’s plan has to be approved by the shareholders and it has to report the sales to Indonesian market watchdog (Bapepam‐LK) and Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). PT Indosat Tbk, one of the company’s rivals, has sold out 4,000 telecommunication towers for US$500 million to three tower operators, namely PT Solusi Tunas Pratama, PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk and Tower Bersama. (Source: bisnis.com, January 10, 2012) b. Tower Bersama to settle acquisition over Indosat’s 4,000 telco towers PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk is targeting to settle the acquistion of Indosat’s telecommunication towers in January this year. President Director of Tower Bersama Herman Setya Budi said that today the company and its legal team is still finalizing the acquistion. According to him, there are some points in the purchasing agreemnet that have not yet agreed. As reported, Indosat will sell 4,000 telecommunication towers (telco tower) amounting to US$500 million. Indosat has accepted buying offers from PT Solusi Tunas Pratama, PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk, and Tower Bersama. Previously, Indosat had exclusively appointed Tower Bersama to continue the negotiation process to acquire the company’s telco towers. Financial Director of Tower Bersama Helmy Yusman Santoso at that time explained that both parties has signed memorandum of understanding which did not contain any legal binding. With the MoU, Tower Bersama as the telco tower operator came out as the standing buyer for Indosat. Herman said the management currently can not reveal the number of telco towers which 247 will be aquired by the company as well as the price. He said it will be announced after the completion of the acquistion. However, Helmy said that the company has prepared the funds derived from internal cash and bank loan facility. The company still has loan facility which has not yet withdrawn amounting US$1.65 billion. The loan facility is part of a US$2 billion loan. Of the total debt ceiling, the company has taken US$350 million, thus there is still US$1.65 million. Meanwhile, the loan is a syndicated loan facility provided by Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, Bank of Tokyo‐Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, DBS Group Holdings Ltd, Credit Agricole CIB, Standard Bank Group Ltd, Oversea‐Chinese Banking Corp, and United Overseas Bank Ltd. Withdrawal commitment However, Helmy said the company has signed a withdrawal commitment worth US$200 million sometimes ago to increase the number of telco towers. “We had signed the next loan commitment worth US$200 million, but we have not yet tapped it. This loan will be transfered into the company’s 2012 capital expenditure,” he said. Considering the estimated deal worth US$500 million, Head of Research of PT MNC Securities Edwin Sebayang saw it too high for such old towers. According to him, it will be much fairer if a new telco tower is priced at IDR1 billion, making the perfect price for 4,000 telco towers to be IDR4 trillion or US$450 million. He suggested Tower Bersama to renegotiate the price. “At least, the normal price for 4,000 towers is 75% of US$500 million or US$375 million.” Until now, Indosat has 11,000 telco towers, of which 4,000 towers will be sold to Tower Bersama. Tower Bersama is one of telco tower operators running in 4,508 locations and serving 6,409 tenants until September 2011. After acquiring 595 towers owned by Infratel last September, PT Tower Bersama is not yet satisfied and decided to acquire 4,000 towers from Indosat. 248 On August 9, Tower Bersama acquired 100% shares of PT Mitrayasa Sarana Informasi (Infratel) for IDR200 billion. (Source: bisnis.com, January 06, 2012) 2. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Megaupload, a case for Indonesia Megaupload is a company based in Hongkong while the founder were located in New Zealand. However the question is how they can be charged a US legal act?. This case is interested for the provider of online web site in Indonesia of the impact of the US or other countries law. Below is the brief explanation about the case as quoted from Ars Technica The event It was correct that Mega Upload is legal company based in Hongkong and founders and their employees are reside in New Zealand. The main problems are where the NEXUS is, or where actually the losses took place. Mega upload is a site, eventhough it is not based in the US, however it was aimed for American customers and caused losses for the American companies and customers. According to the documents, Megaupload rented thousands of servers in the US. 525 of it located in Virgina. The transactions are processed through PayPal, a US company which transactions amounting more than 110 million US Dollars. 249 Revenues from the advertisement are gained grom Google AdSense and AdBrite both are US companies. Megaupload charged their customers for uploading famous contents and the customers are mainly Virginia’s population. The logic behind is that by sending money to the address in the US, Megaupload are assuming doing business in the US and bouned to the US yurisdictions. As a sum, many intellectual property rights outlaw were occurred in Virgina from the server in Virgina and the company gained and pay money to the Virgina population. Therefore, it is bound to Virgina’s federal law. How about in Indonesia? As long as Indonesian Web provider do not directly doing business and targeted their customer in the US, they are not touchable by the US Stop Online Piracy Act. However, it does not mean they are free from the charge. The similar act is also exist in Indonesia. Therefore the best thing to do is to avoid the law break to occur.(Source: Kompas.com , Saturday, 21 Januari 2012 ) b. "Cloud Computing" , a lesson learnt from Megaupload case. From the customer or the users of Cloud Computing services, there are many important lesson learnt from the closing of Megaupload company. As written on the PC World, not all of the 180 million users of cloud computing use the facilities that against the Intellectual Property Act. Social media users like twitter were complaint that many of their files were lost following the closing down of Megaupload site. Megaupload Cloud Computing services Megaupload is one of the example for the cloud computing implementation where a users can store their files on the “cloud” or internet without thinking their hard disk capacity. However, the users should be aware of the services like what is offered by Megaupload. PC world stated, there are three services being offered by such as company: 250 First, is the free cloud computing services for the unregistered users. For using this service, the users have to unload and save their file every 21 days to avoid accidentally deleted from Megaupload server. Second, is the service for a registered users, but still free. The difference is that, the users have longer days limit to 90 days before it is will be deleted. And the third is for a premium registered users. By selecting this option, the users can store their files as long as they pay the service. Important Lesson It is not recommended to store the important files to the site like Megaupload because of their reputation known by the public as a site to search for “GREY” contents. Many similar sites are doing the same practice. In front, they are like ordinary storage service provider. However, at the back operation they are doing suspicious practice. A problem will occur when this practice become a target by the authority like Megaupload case. For more secure service, there are other reliable and secure services like Google Docs, Microsoft SkyDrive or DropBox.(Source: kompas.com, Tuesday, 24 Januari 2012) c. R I M Must Install Local Data Center Indonesia's telecommunications regulator is demanding that Research in Motion build a local data centre if it wants to continue doing business in the country. Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) commissioner Heru Sutadi made the condition public in an interview with IDG News on Monday. RIM counted 3 million customers in Indonesia last fall, representing 6 per cent of the world's 50 million BlackBerry users. The regulator's demands come atop existing accommodations RIM has made in Indonesia, according to a statement the Waterloo‐based company issued on Saturday. RIM stated it has already complied with demands issued by Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in January. This included setting up more than 50 BlackBerry Expert 251 Centres in the country, filtering content and releasing customer data to law enforcement agencies. Along with every other telecom firm, RIM has had to comply with a BRTI rule that requires all providers block pornographic content. Currently, all data from BlackBerry Messenger and BlackBerry Internet Service in Indonesia travels to servers in Canada. The Indonesian regulator wants a local server because it believes service is more expensive and it can't guarantee the safety of consumers' data if it has to leave the country, according to Sutadi. The official added that RIM has to provide the local server as a condition for its license to operate, and may face termination of services if it doesn't, the IDG News report stated. The BlackBerry maker recently set up data servers in Singapore. Indonesia was counting on RIM's "goodwill" to put up the server in the country. "But, after waiting for almost three years, they just said that they already have the router in Singapore," Sutadi said. (Source: www.thestar.com, Monday, 10 January 2012) 3. IT EDUCATION a. Gap between Industrial needs and IT Graduated ICT Graduated still having difficulties when finding jobs after completed their study. The problem is not due to the unavailability of the jobs in the market, but the company requirements were not supported by their competencies. This statement stated by Holin Sulistiyo, ICT lecturer at the Indonesia University of Education (UPI). He added, In English Language competency we know of TOEFL. For ICT, I hope Certiport Authorized Testing Center can be a new standard to validate the ICT competencies. UPI involvement as a partner of Wordware Indonesia to held certification test from Cetiport act as a supporting for the education to have competencies on ICT. Certiport is offering validation. We can not claim that we are familiar with most programs offered by Microsoft without a certificate that ensure the validity of our competencies. One advantage of the company owned certified employees is that the work efficiencies of their employees. In many countries, this program is utilized in the recruitment process as well as for human resources 252 development. This is to measure their “Readiness Level” in using certain software programs for their daily work. (Source: kompas.com, Friday, January 13, 2012) 4. MARKETING a. Global PC Market to grow 4 percent in 2012 The world`s personal computer (PC) market is expected to expand 4 percent in 2012, up from the estimated 0.5 percent growth reached last year, largely due to more global demand for laptops, a report showed Monday. Mirae Asset Securities Co. released a report, predicting the global PC market will see its growth rate improve this year and in 2013. "We do not expect Microsoft Corp.`s expected new operating system Windows 8 to be a demand driver for the PC market in 2012 and only forecast the market will grow," said Roxy Wong, the regional head of technology at the securities firm. "For 2012, the desktop PC market will decline 2.6 percent on‐year and the notebook market will grow 8.3 percent." The companies in the supply chain of smart mobile devices should continue to benefit from the secular trend of smartphones and tablets with above‐normal seasonal growth in the first quarter of 2012, Mirae Asset predicted. The PC market was affected by a shortage in hard disk drives after the Thailand floods in October, and this will likely continue into at least January and February, the report said. It further said that consumers may consider buying the Windows 8‐based PCs if their PCs are too old or out of order, or there is positive initial feedback with no glitches after the launch. "We expect the corporate buyers to take more than a year before they consider migrating (to the new operating system). It is too costly to do it if a company cannot justify the value‐add of migrating to the new platform, especially when most companies only replaced their PCs in 2010 and 2011," Wong said. The Mirae Asset report added that as PCs and other mobile devices converge further using the same hardware platform, the difference between a notebook, tablet and hybrid of both devices would become more ambiguous.(Source: antaranews.com, Monday, January 16, 2012 ) b. Fujitsu “Leading the Start” for Quad Core Smartphone 253 Fujitsu Smartphone with quad core processor, Nvidia Tegra 3 Currently only small number of vendors are using dual core on their product. Where other vendors just introduce their dual core processor for their smartphone, Fujitsu already launched its Quad Core processor on their new product Tegra‐3. This is a surprised at the famous Electronic Exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA on 10 January thru 13 January. During the exhibition, Fujitsu demonstrate the smartphone, running on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and run Tiptide GP game with no lag time. Eventhough it has 4 processors, this Fujitsu Smartphone is capable to conserve battery consumption when not running application with heavy graphic performance. Tegra 3 processor have been used in the tablet computers Eee Pad Transformer Prime from Asus and IdeaTad K2 of Lenovo. Acer in this case do not want to stay behind and will produce tablet computer using Tegra 3 processor. Nvidia has excellent track record in producing processor for mobile equipment like smartphone and tablet. Tegra‐2 dual core processor with clock speed of 2x1.5 GHz, has been recorded as the fastest performance smartphone processor. There are rumours that HTC is currently preparing the similar product, “HTC Edge”, with quad processor, running on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 1 GB RAM, High Definition 4.7” screen and 8MP camera.(Source: kompas.com, Tuesday, 17 Januari 2012) 5. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES a. ICT Spending Increased 18% 254 Information Technology spending this year increased 18% in line with the shifting of ICT roles in Indonesia economic development. Indonesian economic growth this year expected to be the first in Asean region. Beside that according to IDC Indonesia, ICT spending is expected to increase by 18% compared to last year at US$12.9 billion. IDC Indonesia stated that this year is the transformation year for IT to invite foreign investment therefore the government should quickly adapt ICT infrastructure condition in order to accommodate the increase of foreign investment. This condition will give positive impact on ICT market as a whole, said Sudev Bangah, Senior Research Manager IDC Asia Pacific in Jakarta, Wednesday January 18, 2012. According to Sudev, ICT spending in Indonesia is supported by hardware like tablet. This equipment competed notebook since it was launched 3 years ago. Indonesia is one of the biggest markets in Asia in consuming tablet computer. This phenomenon is due to the increase of social media sites. Tablet computer development increased as a result of high life style, the existence of social media, and content consumption. Beside that, ICT spending will be supported by data center, social media services and cloud computing. Therefore, IDC believe that Indonesia is a key market in south east Asia. Sudev added. Based on the statistic result released by the government, internet users in Indonesia are around 35 million users. This figure will keep increasing to reach more that 95 million by 2015. Facebook claimed, in early 2011 there are 32 millions users in Indonesia and Indonesia is claimed as the country that have highest penetration on global Twitter fans. It means that several golden opportunities are available for the marketers for the unutilized market opportunities. From telecommunication side, IDC noticed a rising demand on network distribution at all big cities in Indonesia. To compete each other, telecommunication operators are competing to develop infrastructures.(Source: bisnis.com, Wednesday, 18 Januari 2012) 255 February 2012 1. INVESTMENT a. Bank of Tokyo adds US$1.22 billion capital to Indonesian Branch The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd (BTMU) Indonesia branch will increase its capital this year by US$1.22 billion to expand its business in the country. A source revealed that the capital injection will be done in two stages. The first one is US$600 million in the first half of the year. The second is US$650 million in the other half of the year. “The bank expansion has been quite significant in the past few years, mainly for financing Japanese companies,” the person added. When asked for confirmation from BTMU Director Damal Bayu Utama, there was no response. Foreign banks usually use their capital injection for credit disbursement and bearing risk, as they have limitation in collecting third party fund. Moreover, they can get benefit of low interest rate if they use capital from their parent company. According to its financial statement, Bank of Tokyo's capital was IDR15.95 trillion at end of September 2011, rising from IDR9.48 trillion at one year earlier. In the meantime, its paid‐in capital stayed at IDR1.42 trillion, making total capital of IDR17.38 trillion. The total capital rose from IDR10.9 trillion at one year earlier. The Japanese bank has been agressive in disbursing loans, making its loan‐to‐deposit ratio jumped to 236.87% from 169.03% at one year earlier. Higher loan‐to‐deposit ratio means that the bank might not have enough liquidity to cover any unforeseen fund requirements. It booked outstanding loan of IDR35.36 trillion at end of September, rising from IDR27.19 trillion. Meanwhile, its third party fund decreased to not more than IDR14.8 trillion, compared to IDR16.1 trillion at one year earlier. Third party fund consisted of giro and time deposit, which accounted for IDR10.09 trillion and IDR4.8 trillion at end of September 2011. At one year earlier, giro was IDR10.28 trillion and time deposit reached IDR5.8 trillion. The gap between assets and liabilities was set off with capital injection from its Tokyo‐based parent. Moreover, getting the liquidity from the parent means that the Indonesia branch gets more benefit from less cost of fund. (Source: Bisnis.com, February 24, 2012) 256 b. Indonesia’s Investment Grade Interests Japanese Investors Bank Indonesia (BI) said Indonesia`s investment grade status has attracted the interest of Japanese investors. "The Japanese investors believed that the Indonesian economy is better than those of the Philippines and Vietnam," head of BI`s public relations division Difi A Djohansyah said at the BI office in Jakarta, Wednesday. But he added the investment grade status only recently obtained from two rating institutions, namely Moody`s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings, did not automatically produced foreign funds in Indonesia. "The investment grade status did not automatically increase foreign funds. But at least it increased our self‐confidence," Difi said. Difi said some other aspects have affected the interest of the Japanese investors, especially those improving the Indonesian economy. "Specifically, the impact of Indonesia`s investment grade is still unknown. Still depending on the confidence of foreign investors to the global economic situation," Difi said. Difi added that the interest of the foreign investors is also dependent on the increasing Indonesian economic fundamentals which have now reached the level of the BRIC member countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China.) "Actually prior to the global crisis, Indonesia already deserved to enjoy a investment grade status," Difi said. (Source: Antara News, February 9, 2012) c. TiPhone injects IDR800 billion to Telesindo Cell phone producer PT TiPhone Mobile Indonesia Tbk injected IDR800 billion to its unit PT Telesindo Shop for authorized and paid‐in capital. Thus, the unit authorized capital upsize to IDR1 trillion from IDR200 billion. The parent company also hand IDR360 billion for 257 Telesindo’ issued capital to IDR460 billion from IDR100 billion. For every IDR1,000 investment is entitled with 1 new share. The additional authorized capital transforms Tiphone Mobile ownership in the unit to 459,950 shares from 99,950 shares. The capital injection intention was to help Telesindo in settling its debt to a third party, said Tiphone’ Corporate Secretary Semuel Kurniawan. “The capital injection was so Telesindo can settle its debt to PT Bank DBS Indonesia.” The funds were taken from IPO proceeds of the TELE‐coded company in last January. From the total IDR418.5 billion proceeds, 88.58% or IDR380 billion was used to settle Telesindo debt and the rest for working capital. Tiphone is currently preparing acquisition over three companies this year worth IDR400 billion‐ IDR500 billion. After the acquisition, the three companies are estimated to contribute up to IDR3 trillion to TELE revenue. Revenue in 2012 is projected to reach IDR11 trillion. The corporate action is expected to finish in the first half. Then to be acquired company run on voucher and cell phone sales. (Source: bisnis.com,, February 28, 2012 ) d. US investors are committed to increase their investment in Indonesia US investors are committed to increase their investment in Indonesia starting this year, following the upgrade on the country’s credit rating to investment grade. According to Head of US‐Asean Business Council, Alexander C. Feldman, Indonesia’s investment grade brings confidence for US companies to continue and increase their investment. However, US investor demands a clear business certainty to stimulate business climate. “If the business climate continues to be improved through a number of conducive regulations, the council could attract many US companies to invest in Indonesia,” he said after meeting with Vice President Boediono yesterday. 258 US‐Asean Business Council is a forum of US investors operating in ASEAN region, consisting of 100 old and new companies that are interested to invest capital in Indonesia and ASEAN region. The council invites US companies to see business potential in Indonesia and ASEAN member countries each year. This time, 25 companies were invited for 5 days. “It usually 3 days but we changed it to 5 days this year and invite more companies,” he said. The US delegations also met several ministers in the Cabinet of Indonesia United II and entrepreneur association. Moreover, they visited Indonesian Stock Exchange and House of Representatives. On January 18, 2012, Moody Investors Service upgrades Indonesia’s credit rating to investment level of Baa3 from Ba1. Baa3 is the lowest investment category, which equivalent to Fitch Ratings’ level of BBB‐. Fitch Ratings upgrades the country’s rating to BB+ from BBB‐ on December 15, 2011. US‐Asean Business Council Global Director Clay Thompson said US companies are ready to assist the infrastructure development project listed in the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI). The infrastructure development will increase the interest of US companies in Indonesia. According to Minister of Finance Agus D. W. Martowardojo, the government doesn’t want to give promises or facilities that may not be realized later. It only provides a balance explanation about domestic investment climate to investor who wants to develop its business. However, the government doesn’t offer any facility beyond its capability. “Many investors come only for trading rather than investing. Therefore, we need to be more cautious so that we would not be dictated to offer things that may not have a concrete follow‐up,” he said. The minister can’t ensure the investment interest from the US entrepreneur delegation since he hasn’t met them. The fact is with or without them, Agus continued, the government will try to create a conducive 259 investment climate. However, it needs to overcome the existing economic barriers. Although the investment climate is still far from perfect, it shows a significant progress. As proven, the investment grew 8.8% last year. “We expect it to increase again in 2012 through the existence of MP3EI. Legal certainty According to the Economist from the Institute for Development of Economic and Finance Aviliani, the government needs to open up for foreign investment. It also needs to continue improving investment climate, including legal certainty and transparency of bureaucracy. She who also served as the National Economic Committee Secretary assessed that Indonesia is currently becoming a potential country for business expansion. Its main attraction derives from the needs for development in various sectors and increased people’s purchasing power. “Indonesia is currently becoming the fourth largest market in the world. Moreover, China and India can no longer expand due to certain problem. Thus, there is nothing to be invested anymore.” On the other hand, the government’s bureaucracy tends to complicate the regulation and incriminates the investor. She believes the business expansion scheme involving several stakeholders in other sector like the one implemented in MP3EI is quite effective to minimize the regulation and bureaucracy issues. “The ownership of state land is still the main problem. There should be a legal guarantee,” she said. Deputy Minister of National Development Planning Agency Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo said the investment grade is the accumulation of all indicators, including legal certainty and not just macroeconomic. “The certainty of law enforcement continues to improve, even though there are still 1‐2 cases that need to be fixed.” Although Indonesia’s ranking for doing business was below other countries in Southeast Asia, the country possessed large natural resources and market as as the attraction for investment. Referring to the labor wage in the country that is increasingly competitive compared to several countries in ASEAN, such as Thailand and Vietnam, Lukita considered it as a positive thing as long as it’s followed by the growing productivity, competitiveness, and skills. The opportunity for private investment in Indonesia, he added, is opened as wide as possible for 260 foreign investors, including for infrastructure sectors that are listed in MP3EI. (Source: bisnis.com, February 09, 201 ) e. US investors eye on IT and energy sectors in Indonesia US‐based leading companies have committed their interest to invest in information technology, infrastructure, and renewable energy industry in Indonesia. Director General of International Cooperation at Industry Ministry Agus Tjahjana said the sectors are a major concern of US investors having interest for business development in Indonesia. “Several US companies have been already operated for tens of years in Indonesia and are satisfied over national economic growth,” Agus said after welcoming official visit of US‐Asean Business Council in Industry Ministry Office yesterday. US‐Asean Business Council has engaged 35 representatives of US‐based leading companies, namely Ford, Catterpillar, Philips Morris, as well as information and technology companies as IBM and Seagate. Through the meeting, US‐Asean Business Council also communicated their concern on the government’s embargo plan for mineral and mining goods export commencing in 2014. The representatives of US companies want to certainty on which commodities that will be banned 261 to be exported and technical regulation plan on that. Business climate Nevertheless, the US companies are still waiting for certainty on business climate in Indonesia before realizing their investment, revealed Committee Head of US‐Asean Business Council Clay Thompson. He viewed Indonesia stays on a list of countries becoming a main destination for investment of US companies with excess capital. Even, delegation for Indonesia has the largest members compared to other business delegations to other countries in Southeast Asia, revealed President of US‐Asean Business Council Alexander Feldman. Agus informed several US companies have committed their readiness to expand in Indonesia, namely Phillip Morris, the owner of cigarette producer of Sampoerna, which will add its employees to 60,000 persons from 40,000 persons in the near future. In addition, heavy equipment manufacturer Catterpillar also opens a new factory immediately in Batam, Riau Islands that will bolster its capacity to be three‐fold higher.(Source: bisnis.com, February 10, 2012) f. RIM and Erafone established biggest store in Asia In order to improve customer satisfaction, Research in Motion (RIM) partnering with PT. Teletama Artha Mandiri and PT. Erafone Artha Retailindo to open BlackBerry Lifestyle Store in Jakarta, the biggest in Asia. The 149 m2 size store located at Gandaria City, south of Jakarta aimed for the customers to explore more of BlackBerry products. RIM Indonesia Marketing Director, Eka Anwar said, that BlackBerry Lifestyle Store is a formed of BlackBerry commitment to Asian market. 262 “We are focusing in Indonesia, so we keep on investing”, Anwar said at the inauguration of BlackBerry Lifestyle Store on Friday, February 24th. General Manager of PT Erafone Artha Retailindo Jong Woon Kim targeted more than 100 visitors are entering the BlackBerry Store on working days, and about 300 visitors during weekend. At least 50 smartphones are purchased each day. “For transaction value I will not be able to mention as we do not just sale a smartphone but other accessories as well. He added. Erajaya, a principal company of PT Erafone Retailindo and PT Teletama Artha Mandiri, invested on rent the premise and RIM on the furnitures and products. However, both companies were said nothing about the investment value. Kim only mentioned that the investment value worth 3 to 4 times bigger than Erafone Store at Roxy or 1,5 bigger than investment of Erafone Mega Store at the Mall of Indonesia, north Jakarta. Eka sounded that rented value of BlackBerry Store di Gandaria reached Rp1 billion per year. Erajaya is also planning to open more shops at 4 big cities in Indonesia this year, namely Makasar (south Sulawesi), Surabaya (east Java), Bandung (west Java), and Medan (north Sumatera). (Source: bisnis.com, 24 February, 2012) 2. TELECOMMUNICATIONS a. National Optical Fibre Ring (PALAPA RING) Project reached 80% of completion Indonesia government will complete the remaining 20% of national fibre optic infrastructure development (Palapa Ring) by this year. Meanwhile a regulation on Universal Service Obligation (USO) Fund is being finalized. Currently, Telkom is laying down cables from Menado to Ternate and then proceed to Sorong. When this project is completed, Indonesia Connected 2012 will soon be realized and of course the internet users in Indonesia will be increased. 263 Indonesia internet users increased 21% in the last 5 years. Currently about 45 millions of populations already use internet. Executive Director of Asia Internet Coalition, John Ure explained in 2006 only 1 billion of world population use internet. 5 years later, the figures jumped to 2.4 billions which dominated by developed countries. In the last two years internet users growth significantly, but this phenomenon do not in line with the infrastructure development. According to Gatot Dewa Broto, Head of Public affairs and Information center, Ministry of ICT, the fibre optic infrastructure development fund is obtained from Universal Service Obligation from 300 telecommunication operators comprises of telecommunication network operators and Internet Service Providers (ISP). Each operator is obliged to submit 1.25% of their revenue. However, todate the amount of USO fund have not been established yet. We are preparing a technical guidance which will be legalized in form of ICT Minister Regulation and this is a home work of the government to complete it by this year. Ministry of ICT recorded, in 2011 ICT revenue from non tax reached Rp.1,5 trillions. However its utilization was only 50%. Compared to last year, this year amount is increased, but in average it is not significantly difference by the end of the year.(Source: Bisnis.com, Monday, 06 Februari 2012) b. Indosat own 5% of TowerBersama after tower purchase deal PT Indosat Tbk, Indonesia’s second largest cellular operator, will soon become a new shareholder in mobile phone tower operator PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk, with a 5% ownership. Indosat's 5% ownership is part of a recent deal where Tower Bersama purchased 2,500 of Indosat's mobile phone towers, with a value at US$406 million (Rp 3.62 trillion) Tower Bersama will make payment to Indosat using cash and equity shares. It will issue 239.84 million new shares, or 5% of its enlarged capital. “Indosat will get our new shares as the payment of the towers, with stock price based on trailing market price on the days before closing deal,” said Tower bersama Corporate Secretary Helmy Yusman Santoso. The TBIG‐coded stock was traded at IDR2.575 at market closing yesterday, rising 3% from the 264 earlier day. Thus, Indosat will get the shares equivalent to IDR617.59 billion. Besides issuing new shares, Tower Bersama will also use internal cash and banking loans to pay the purchase. The tower operator can withdraw up to US$1.6 billion from banking loan commitments, Helmy revealed. He mentioned the lenders are United Overseas Bank Ltd, Oversea‐Chinese Banking Corp, DBS Group Holdings Ltd, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, and Bank of Tokyo‐Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd After the deal is sealed, Indosat may receive additional US$113 million if Tower Bersama gets a certain level of rent volumes. “If the towers get a high tenancy ratio, we will share our profit with Indosat at most US$113 million,” Helmy explained. By selling its towers, Indosat will save a significant amount of money from capital expenditure and operating cost, said President Director Harri Sasongko. However, the price of those towers is considered high since the average price of a new tower is IDR1 billion, said Edwin Sebayang, head analyst at PT MNC Securities With the transaction value of IDR3.62 trillion for 2,500 towers, the average price of one tower is IDR1.45 billion. “Moreover, those towers have been used before. I think the price is too expensive. TBIG should have bought with lower price,” he asserted. (Source: Bisnis.com, February 09, 2012) c. InfoMedia eyes IDR. 3 trillions revenue The manager of yellow pages, PT Infomedia Nusantara, targets the annual revenue amounting IDR1.3 trillion in 2012 or it will grow 21% by boosting the contact centre business to the retail markets. President Director of PT Infomedia Nusantara Muhammad Awaluddin said the subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) booked revenue of IDR1.07 trillion in 2011 or grew 23%, compared to IDR800 billion in 2010. “We tray new business lines, such operation services and data analytics,” he said yesterday. 265 The biggest contribution was recorded by contact center and outsourcing services which reached 66% from the total revenue of Infomedia. Contact centre services contributed IDR636.5 billion or grew 20.1%, compared to the previous year. Awaluddin predicts contact centre business will grow within the next 4 or 5 years following the high needs of the big or small companies on this service. “So far we only focus on enterprise market, but this year we will boost retail market, such as start up companies or small and medium enterprises [SME],” he said. Besides, he said, the second biggest contributor was digital media and rich content of 27% and printing and publishing of 7%. He said one of the business lines which also has big contribution to the company was yellow pages directory and special directory. The business line contributed IDR287.6 billion or grew 10.4%, compares with the contribution in 2010. Besides contact center, he said, the top business line for Infomedia this year is directory book. He said directory book business is still the consumer choice, since the minimum Internet penetration in covering all areas in Indonesia. Thus, the advertisers chose to use directory book as promotion for their companies and businesses, “We are optimistic with the directory book business which will grow 2% this year. We has prepares reposition of the directory book to digital form since the trend now leads to digital world,” he said. (Source: bisnis.com, February 13, 2012) 3. MARKETING & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT a. ULTRABOOK Became target for computer vendors Several computer notebook manufactures already prepared to focus their marketing to ultrabook product. One of them is Samsung. The manufacturer which headquarter located at Suwon, South Korea have launched Samsung Ultrabook series 5 ULTRA with 14 inches monitor. 266 Sung Khiun, IT Bsiness director of PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia revealed that Samsung aimed to produce ultrabook for middle up market segment. Therefore, Samsung released the price for Seri 5 ULTRA 14 inches at Rp.8,5 million. Many notebook computer manufacturer already produced an Ultrabook, however they still not focusing on the ultrabook but still focus on the netbook market, said Sung Khiun. He added, in 2011 netbook market share in Indonesia reached 35% according to Gfk market research company. Sales composition in Indonesia for all PC vendors are 63% for notebook and 37% for netbook. Khiun projected that this year (2012) there will be 2% balance between notebook and netbook. So, 63% for notebook and 37% for netbook. The driving factors behind this shifting is that the price of notebook start to approach the price for netbook. The recently obtained Gfk data revealed that market size for ultrabook this year predicted at under 5% from total notebook market which is expected at arounf 2,6 million units. The total market size for note PC this year id 4 million units. Khiun predicted that by 2013 ultrabook market is ready. Therefore this year Samsung aimed to focus on ultrabook with a sales target 7% to 10% of all note PC product. The note PCcomprises of notebook. Netbook and ultrabook. From the target, about 4% is equivalent to 100,000 units are ultrabook at price range between US$900 to US$1,100. In my view, Indonesian consumer can afford the price higher than US$.800. Therefore, we compete the sales pricet at US$900 per unit. Beside, currently not so many vendors are focusing on this product, so this is our opportunity to lead the market, Khiun said. Notebook Lead Personal Systems Group HP (Hewlett‐Packard) Indonesia, Cynthia Defjan predicted, this year ultrabook will became trend in Indonesian market. One method to educate the user is that to define the meaning of ultrabook. At this time, the customer only know that ultrabook is a slim notebook. So, we want to explain the new customer to be the main difference between ultrabook and other product is the battery up time to 9.5 hours and does not produce heat on long operation. In term of price, it is getting cheaper. Today the price is ranging about US$.800 to US$.1000, by mid of this year the price will go down, she added. 267 Helmy Anam, Head of Marketing Communication Department, PT. Acer Indonesia revealed that it is not difficult for ultrabook vendors to attract attention of potential consumer in Indonesia. (Source: bisnis.com , 29 February 2012 ) b. Hewlett Packard launched Ultrabook in Indonesia Hewlett Packard (HP) Indonesia has launched the first ultrabook as well as other four types of notebook power with the Windows 7 operating systems and beat‐audio. This is the first Utrabook launched by HP in Indonesia named HP Folio‐13. This ultrabook dimension is 0.75 inches in thickness, and weight 1,5 kgs and brightview high‐definition display sized 13.3 inched diagonally. The advantage of this product is the battery which can last 9,5 hours, the longest in its class, said Cynthia Defjan, Consummer Lead HP PSG Indonesia on Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Powered with the latest Intel Core processor bundled withMicrosoft Windows 7 included Windows 7 Professional. This HP Folio 13 includes Intel Rapid Start Technology which consume ultra low power consumption when not in used and faster resume. With this technology, the user can save time and power consumption on stand‐by mode. HP Folio 13 equipped with solid state drive (SSD) at storage capacity of 128 GB and also equipped with HP CoolSense technology to control its temperature. The HP Folio 13 is available at the price of Rp.10,8 million per unit. The price also include HP ImagePad to support more accurate multitouch movements. Other additional fitures are Webcam HP True Vision to provide High Definition pictures and Dolby Advanced Audio. Other than Ultrabook, early this year HP Indonesia lauched three types notebook. Cynthia said, the fiture of the HP Mini 210 is that it has beats audio and keyboard size 93% of normal keyboard, 10,1 inch display monitor and weight only 1,26 Kg and Intel Atom N2800, 1,83 Ghz. At the price of Rp.3,2 million per unit, our segment market is a student said Cynthia. 268 HP Pavillion dm4 has thickness only 1 inch, weight 2Kg and LED screen HD 14 inches. This notebook has battery life up to 7 hours powered by Intel Core with AMD Redeon HD Discrete graphics. HP Pavillion dm‐4 bundled with the Intel Smart Response Technology Profssional to speed up the booting process and application set up. At the price of Rp.8 million per unit, this type of notebook is powered with Intel Core processor i5‐254 1M at the speed of 2,8GHz. It also equipped with two subwoofers and Beats Audio. Other type is HP Pavillion dv7 is powered with Intel Core i7, equipped with Beats Audio and HP CoolSense Cooling technology. To protect maximum data, the customer can utilize HP Simple Pass with one‐time‐password and ProtectSmart. This product is available at the price of Rp. 16 million per unit. The last product is HP Envy 15 Notebook with 15,6 inches monitor, equipped with optional Intel Quad Core processor,Graphic AMD Mobility Radeon HP and battery can last to 9,25 hours. With optional 3x3 wireless technology this notebook provide fast connection two to three times faster than other notebook in its class. The user can speed up the windows during booting at 21 seconds, inactivate sleep at least 3 second and resume in one second said Cynthia. (Source: Bisnis.com, 07 February 2012 ) c. India offers technical assistance to produce cheap tablets The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Rajasthan, which has gained fame for manufacturing the least expensive tablet computers in the world at a price of only 35 US dollars per unit, announced it will assist Indonesia in manufacturing low‐priced tablet computers. According to a press release received by ANTARA on Friday, Head of the Development Team of "Aakhaas" Tablet, S. Yadav, and Director of ITT Rajashtan B. Ravindra said they would provide technical assistance and product development for Indonesia to manufacture the tablet computer. He made the statement to RI Ambassador in India, Ret. Lt. General Andi M. Ghalib, when he visited IIT Rajasthan in Jodhpur, India on Wednesday, Feb 1. 269 Yadav further said the key to manufacturing such inexpensive tablet computers was maintaining simple concepts. "First, we have to choose the cheapest components without compromising the quality," he said. The next factor was creating an optimized production process according to location, wages for labor and distribution. "The more important thing is that the production amount should reach the mass amount. Therefore, the production amount must be enough to be able to reach an economic scale," he said. The Government of India, through the Ministry of Human Resources Development, was targeted to distribute the tablet to 18,000 schools throughout India, thus the production amount could assure the tablets price remains low. Also, IIT Rajasthan has continued developing the "Aakaash" Tablet. For instance, it only had a 300 MHz processor when first released, but now comes with a 1.2 GHz processor for a better performance. "Indeed, the price was also increased to 60 dollars. But it is worth it," said Yadav. Ambassador Ghalib, who accompanied by RI Attache of Education in India Son Kuswadi, welcomed the Indian offer and also invited universities in Indonesia to join in the cooperation. The visit was also intended to learn how IIT Rajasthan had grown so quickly, only four years after built in 2008. "In less than four years they have amazed the world by manufacturing a leading cheap tablet innovation," said the Ambassador. Ghalib was very interested in the non‐conventional development concept of IIT Rajasthan and said he would like to invite the designer to organize a benchmarking, or standard of excellence, in Indonesia. "The benchmarking would be useful regarding the construction plan of two brand new technology institutes in Sumatera and Kalimantan," he added. Bandung Technology Institute (ITB) and Surabaya Technology Institute have been designated by the government to develop the new technology institute in Sumatera and Kalimantan. (Source: www.antaranews.com, Friday, February 3 2012 ) 270 d. Laser Printer sales increased by 17% Frequency of Laser printer sales for enterprise market segment projected increased. A survey result of International Data Corporation (IDC) noted that laser printer market grow predicted 17.09% increased compared to last year. Shipment volume of laser printer is projected will reach 244,041 units. Business sectors prefer to choose laser printer rather than inkjet due to efficient and economic reason. This projection will give good opportunity for laser printer vendors. Marketing Manager Fuji Xerox Printer Channel South East Asia, Jolene Yeo revealed that Indonesia is potential market for laser printer solution. He added the market grow is in line with the increasing number of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Indonesia. “We believe SME is a driving factors for the growing of laser printer market in Indonesia. They need solution for efficiencies on printing price up to 65% and capacity performance through laser printer”, said Jolene at the press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday, February 8, 2012. The higher growing product segment dominated by color and monochrome printers. Additional fitures were added like integrated auditron technology in order to improve efficiencies and printing cost management. Beside that, the vendor begin to adopt secure print function to print classified documents. CentraWare Internet service facilities is also available to check status and printer configuration through the internet or computer network. Yeo hope laser printer market demand will grow 3,5 faster compared to inkjet printer. Customer can save US$1,607 per year when using laser printer for their printing needs. “Compare to the cost needed when using inkjet printer which can reached US$3.709 per year” he added. Country Sales Manager Fuji Xerox Indonesia Teddy Susanto aimed 25% of market demand. He expected Fuji Xerox can materialized sales target of 40,000 units of laser printer by end of 2012. 271 “We already owned 20% of market share for laser printer in Indonesia with 32,500 unit printers sold last year” he added. According to Teddy, Indonesian market contributes 5% total revenue of Global Fuji Xerox. Fuji will expand market by adding 20% partners at big cities in Indonesia like Bandung, Makssar, Surabaya and Medan. (Source: Bisnis.com, 8 February 2012 ) e. XLBlaast penetrates Indonesia’s application market Blaast, a provider of mobile platform from Finland, chooses Indonesia as the first country in Southeast Asia to enjoy the company’s mobile application for feature phone, which is similar to smart phone with various applications like social network, chatting, games, and news. According to Blaast CEO Joonas Hjelt, Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest Internet user growth. The company signed an exclusive agreement for 6 months with PT XL Axiata Tbk for innovating cloud computing‐based mobile application called XL Blaast. “We choose XL since they are an innovative and dynamic operator. They have the same goal and ready for it. About 95% of the applications in XL Blaast are created by local developers,” he said yesterday. Blaast has been cooperating with more than 1,000 local developers in Indonesia. It will also market the applications to other countries so that the products can be developed continuously. It prepares US$6 million for the provision of infrastructure investment that will be used to serve other countries in Southeast Asia. Joonas is optimistic to grab 10 million users in Indonesia within a relatively short time. “Blaast has its own infrastructure similar to Blackberry services from RIM. Such infrastructure is currently located in Singapore. We will ask them to move it to Indonesia,” PT XL Axiata Tbk 272 President Director Hasnul Suhaimi said. Currently, XL owned 45 million subscribers where 24 million of them subscribed for the company’s data services. XL users will receive free XL Blaast for the first 2 weeks and then they will be charged with IDR1,100 per day, IDR5,500 per week, and IDR16,500 per month. XL Technology, Content & New Business Director Dian Siswarini said the cooperation could revive local application and content industry after its collapse last year. “We are eyeing twofold growth in data revenue this year compared to 2011. One of them from the cooperation with XL Blaast but we haven’t calculated the revenue from such cooperation,” she said. (Source: Bisnis.com, January 25, 2012) 4. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Data Center boosts Cloud Computing Business Migration of data center to Indonesia is predicted to expand cloud computing business which is today still on initial stage of development. This year is really appropriate for Indonesia to develop cloud computing business. Vendors of hardware and software start also kicking off cloud computing business, as software business as a service, revealed a member of Indonesian Telematics People (Mastel) Teguh Prasetya. In a term of regulation, Law on Electronic Information and Transaction has accommodated the existence of cloud computing business by obligating service providers to own local data center. Yesterday (2/14), Japan‐based vendor Fujitsu had communicated its plan to establish a data center in Indonesia in order to strengthen cloud computing service, while Fujitsu's regional team is reviewing condition of cloud computing market in Indonesia. President Director of Fujitsu Indonesia Achmad S. Sofwan affirmed the management requires proper ecosystem to establish the data center in Indonesia because Fujitsu Indonesia's cloud services are still utilizing Singapore‐based server so far. 273 Nevertheless, Achmad declined to expose further on the total investment for establishing data center in Indonesia. Expectedly, cloud service could contribute 30% to total the company’s revenue in 2015 or higher than 2011’s contribution. Late adoption Achmad viewed Indonesia somewhat is late for could adoption compared to other countries as Singapore and Japan. The cloud business growth could become a catalyst for rising up new business models. Previously, IDC predicts, in 2012 85% of total new applications is designed specifically for cloud. Fujitsu forecasts in 2012 and beyond, the technology trend will break down the business limit. The cloud solutions enable users to develop, configure, and operate technology. Business players can also utilize the cloud solutions directly without spending huge investment. (Source: Bisnis Indonesia, February 15, 2012) b. Smartphone may increased 100% of Broadband business users In line with the high penetration of smartphone at the telecommunication market in Indonesia, a fast internet (broadband) customers in Indonesia predicted increased to 20 million customers or more than 100% increased. Dimitri Mahayana, Chief Sharing vision, telematic research institute stated that broadband business will become a high potential business for the players. He added, broadband users last year were less than 10 milion users. This year the figure will doubled or tripled to more than 20 million to 30 million users. This fast growing is in line with the growing number of internet users in Indonesia. “We predicted, in the near future access point and hot spot will be increased especially at the strategic locations. Broadband business is keep on growing. The market is widely open and all operators were predicted to take advantage of this opportunity. 274 Meanwhile, Dimitry added that this year growing Facebook users and other social network were the driving factors behind this broadband “user booming”. Dimitry added, the characteristic of the social media network user will be shifted from entertainment into business or e‐commerce. This shifting is indicated with the growing number of online marketing thru the facebook. He also added other driving factor of the broadband service utilization is that the existence of google as a mainstream. Google provides 100,000 free domain for the small and medium enterprise in Indonesia. He said, Sharing Vision requested telecommunication operator to focus on this business as the voice communication message service is no longer playing important role to gain profit. Telecommunication operator or provider should improve the infrastructure broadband by investing more on capital expenditure. Otherwise their customer will look for other advance providers. Sri Bimo Aryanto, Manager of East Java Region Telkomsel Srvice Management informed that by end of 2012, Telkomsel will improve their broadband services up to 14 Mbps at 12 in the province. Last year Telkomsel only have 4 cities at the province that have broadband bervice namely Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon and Cirebon and Cimahi. We are going to install new broadband facilities at 8 more cities. Those 12 cities have significant grow on the number of users. Eventhough only 12 cities in the west Java province were provided with the broadband facilities, other cities still can cope with the standard speed at 3,6 Mbps – 7,7 Mbps. We are hoping with the network quality improvement, it will contribute to the service and growing number of customer. Aryanto added. (Source: Bisnis.com, 7 Februari 2012 ) 6. INTERNET SECURITY a. Internet users should be selfprotection 275 Within the growing number of internet users and communication forum in Indonesia, the users shall protect themselves in order to safely surfing in the internet. According to ICT Watch, internet users in Indonesia already reach 55 million users. This is 110 fold compared to numbere of users in 1998 which was only 500,000 users. Facebook account owner in Indonesia ranked third position after the United State of America and India at 43,06 million account owner, Whereas, the twitter account in Indonesia amounted at 19,5 milion users, ranked the 5th biggest in the world. Indonesia minister of Information and Communication (MCIT), Tifatul Sembiring said, the safe use of internet is depending on the user’s ethics. For the kids, it is the responsibility of their parents to control. The government control the safe utilization of internet is by conducting campaign and establishing regulation. This is done by doing campaign at the schools, at the shopping centers and by publishing and distributing books, a guide to safe internet. Other related issues on insulting, cheating and thread were set up on the ITE regulation. MCIT stated that hackers attacked todate recorded at 3,5 million times. 90% of pornographic sites in Indonesia were closed whereas Singapore only 15%. According to the minister, the closed down of these sites were the order of the regulatory number 44 year 2008, in regard to the Pornography. Currently, 983,000 pornography sites were censored. This figure will grow in line with the social awareness. The minister added. Asia Internet Coalition ExecutiveDirector, John Ure said, there were two phenomena of internet crime. First is the organized crime and second is individual crime. The crime intended to personal can be prevent thru the safe internet way. A download process should be carefully considered and do not forget to logout after accessing internet from public area, at the coffee shop for instance. Henky Prihatna, Indonesia Country Consultant Google South East Asia said, Google can assist the parents to protect their children from browsing unnecessary sites. 276 The users may also reports to Google about contents which have high potential for breaching security.(Source: Bisnis.com, Monday, 06 Februari 2012) b. Ministry of ICT named 5 reasons why twitter users can be jailed Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, MCIT Minister Indonesia Minister of Communication and Informatics, Mr. Tifatul Sembiring claimed that many of the social media network users are using faked name and faked picture. Not only that, many comments on the twitter were disadvantage others. In line with this situation, he reminded the irresponsible tweeps can be put behind bar under Information and Electronic Transaction Act. The sentences are various between 7 to 12 years. The minister explained five activities which can sentence the violators : “First, is Pornography, second, is Gambling, third, is Threading, forth is Deception and the fifth is Blasphemy (insulting Religion or Believes)”, said the minister at the presidential office on February 6, 2012. The minister reminded, any significant violation by the tweeps will be investigated and processed according to the valid law and regulations. Currently, the government already socialized to the social media users to conduct their activities in a good and responsible manner. For those who were suffered loss from this activitiy may report to the web site service provider. So, their account can soon be closed. Beside that, many not standard words or jargon were used in the social media without explaining the example, added the minister.(Source: kompas.com, Monday, 6 February 2012) c. Indonesia Ranked 7th on Pirated Software 277 Based on the research result from Business Software Alliance (BSA) and Ipsos Public Affair in 2010, Indonesia is ranked the 7th from 32 countries in the world in terms of illegal use of software. “The research was conducted based on the users attitude and lack of law enforcement in terms of illegal software utilization” said General Secretary of Anti Pirated Community, Justisiari P Kusumah, in Jakarta, Thursday, February 16, 2012. Kusumah who is also a legal representative of BSA Indonesia explained, BSA conducted survey to 400‐500 respondence at 32 countries. Other BSA survey result showed, 47% personal computer users in the world using illegal software. So far, Indonesia is ranked the 11th based on the percentage of illegal software of 87% based on the International Data Corporation (IDC) study in 2010, which was released on May 2011. Meanwhile, some other study in 2010 stated 34.1% pirated software were used by Indonesian consumer along in 2010. According to Justisiari, the argument that stated faked and pirated activities helped improving country’s economy and creted job opportunities are not valid. Those activities on the other hand resulting wider negative impact to the country, added Justisiari. (Source: Antara.News, 16 February 2012) 6. SOCIAL SECURITY AND INSURANCE a. BNI Life attracts foreign investors Some foreign investors are attracted to buy shares of PT BNI Life, a life insurance company belonging to state‐ controlled PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI). Those investors come from Japan, Korea, Middle East, and Switzerland, said BNI President Director Gatot M. 278 Suwondo. “We have not made a negotiation. They just show their interest. We are seeking a way to sell it. We want the best one, like what Sinarmas does,” he said Tuesday. BNI currently holds 92% shares in the insurance company, while the remaining 8% shares belong to several foundations affiliated with BNI. Gatot said that it is possible for BNI to sell a big amout of its ownershi p in BNI Life. However, the state‐controlled bank will keep its ownership at least 60%. BNI in fact still opens chance for investors willing to have bigger shares in the life insurance company, said BNI Finance Director Yap Tjay Soen. He added that BNI will keep minimum 51% ownership in BNI life. Besides selling some shares in the life insurance company, BNI will also sell its non‐bank financial company, namely PT BNI Multifinance. “We are thinking about inorganic growth. It does not mean we will inject capital, but we expect a partner having large amount of capital,” he said. He boasted that as a state‐controlled company, BNI subsidiaries have many branches and 12 million customers. “We will use those features to attract partners that will invest to our affiliations. However, I only considers transaction based on rich valuation [value based on its potential], not on fair valuation [value based on the current price,” he said. BNI now holds 99.9% ownership in BNI Multifinance, said Yap. BNI, he said, did not object to become the minority shareholder in the multi‐finance company. It even opens a chance for investors to have up to 90% ownership, leaving BNI with not more than 10%. (Source: bisnis.com, February 29, 2012) b. JIWASRAYA records IDR350 billion net income on better efficiency PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Jiwasraya Insurance) had recorded higher net income by 27.3% to IDR350 billion in a period of 2011 from IDR275 billion last year. 279 The great performance on net income was contributed by the company’s efficiency and higher investment yield, revealed by Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) President Director Hendrisman Rachim. “Last year, we booked investment yield to 10.65%,” he said yesterday. Hendrisman claimed the insurance company posted higher equity value by 13.04% to IDR1.3 trillion in the end of 2011 from IDR1.15 trillion targeted in Company’s Budget and Working Plan last year. Meanwhile, the premium income grew 42% or IDR4.9 trillion in a period of 2011 supported by regional insurance businesses in outside of Java Island. Regional businesses had dominated the contribution for premium income by 60% or to IDR3 trillion, while another 40% or IDR2 trillion came from business lines in Java Island. Meanwhile, unit linked products recorded low demand relatively. On the other occasion, PT Asuransi Himalaya Pelindung, a company focusing on loss insuarance, posted growth of gross premium income by 20% to IDR180 billion in 2011 compared to that of in the same period of previous year. The higher premium income last year was stimulated by great sales on business line of vehicles and property insurance, revealed by Vice President Director of Himalaya Pelindung Budi Hartono Purnomo. (Source: Bisnis.com, February 9, 2012) c. Sinar Mas Insurance books 14% higher premium at IDR3.73 trillion PT Asuransi Sinar Mas booked gross premium of IDR3.73 trillion in 2011, rising 14% from the earlier year The insurance company, an affiliation of Sinar Mas Group, received such amount of premium mainly from protection against fire, which contributed IDR1.58 trillion, or 42% of total gross premium. Moreover, automotive insurance contributed IDR1.14 trillion, or 30% of total premium. Health insurance gave IDR528.29 billion (14%), miscellaneous IDR274.38 billion (7%), marine cargo and 280 hull insurance IDR198.53 billion (5%), and engineering insurance IDR11.93 billion. “Earning before tax and assets of the company also rose. Earning before tax was IDR399.41 billion, rising 32% from that in 2010. Moreover, assets reached IDR3.31 trillion, increasing 20% from the earlier year,” said Asuransi Sinar Mas Direktur Dumasi M. Samosir in an official statement on Monday. The insurance company had solvability ratio of 341.86% on December 31, 2011, far higher than the minimum requirement set by the regulator. The ratio, commonly known as debt to equity ratio, shows the company ability to cover debt using its assets. This year, the company expects to generate gross premium of IDR4.5 trillion, rising 20% from last year achievement. To reach the target, the company will take some steps including expanding network of offices and marketing, developing direct retail business and creating product innovation and new services. At the same time, it will also keep the existing business. New branches Asuransi Sinar Mas will open 11 new marketing offices 19 marketing points this year, making total network of 104 units by end of 2012. Moreover, direct retail business will focus on the development of personal approach by affinity, agency and telemarketing. “Facility of buying insurance premium online has also been prepared to anticipate the increase of Internet users,” he explained. At the same time, Dumasi also revealed that the company would prepare other things related to the issuance of new regulation by Minister of Finance concerning Insurance Product and Marketing. (Source: Bisnis.com, February 07, 2012) 281 d. JASINDO targets IDR820 billion premiums from retail segment State‐owned PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) expects gross premium from conventional insurance of retail segment this year as much as IDR820 billion this year, rising 11% from IDR738 billion in 2011. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) said that retail segment contributed 25% to total premium revenue, said Director Soeranto. There is a potential growth in retail insurance, he added. To expand the market in the segment, Jasindo will add more marketing agents and branch offices. “We see some areas with good potential market for retail, such as Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, and Palembang. We will focus on adding more agents in those areas, 25 new agents for each branch,” he told Bisnis Tuesday. The insurance company now has 400 to 500 agents and it will increase the number to 600 agents by end of the year. To support its business growth, Jasindo will also open a branch office, adding to the existing 85 offices in its network. “Soon we will open a branch office in Manokwari. A study has been completed and the result is feasible,” he said. The insurance company has four business lines of retail segment: transportation, fire, automotive, and miscellaneous insurance. Miscellaneous insurance provides protection against personal accident, insurance of money transfer and storage, health insurance, and liability insurance. “Retail segment has been a mainstay. The four business lines continue growing year by year. Return from underwriting also good and give high profit. Return from the segment may reach 20%,” he added. He revealed that automotive insurance showed the most significant growth. In 2011, the segment generated premium revenue of IDR400 billion. Jasindo expects that premium revenue from auto insurance will growth by 15% to IDR460 billion. (Source: bisnis.com, February 08, 2012 ) 282 e. LIPPO Insurance gets premium of IDR411 billion PT Lippo General Insurance booked premium revenue of IDR411 billion in 2011, growing 29% from the earlier year. The company, an affiliation of Lippo Group, recorded health insurance as the main contributor of its business, covering IDR226.05 billion, or 55% of its total premium. “The best performance last year was shown in health insurance. This business line grew 35% from the earlier year period,” said Lippo Insurance President Director Agus Benjamin. In the meantime, property insurance contributed 15%, or IDR61.62 billion, the same amount from than of automotive insurance. The remaining 15% portion is contributed from miscellaneous insurance. (Source: bisnis.com, February 07, 2012) f. Government stated to insure all poor people`s health in 2014 The state will cover all poor people with a health insurance program in 2014 so that every body in the country will then have access to health care, a senior minister said here Saturday. "The central government is now drawing up a program to provide health insurance for the poor segment of the population," Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono said during a visit at the Health Polytechnical campus in Tadui village, Mamuju district. He said the hospital bills of poor people would be paid by the state through the State Budget so that they would have access to health care services at community health centers or hospitals free of charge. "The government will soon register all people who so far cannot get medical treatment because they cannot afford the cost at community health centers or hospitals," he said. 283 The program would be implemented starting in 2014 so that eventually nobody in the country needed to be deprived of health care because of penury, Agung said.(Source: antara.news, Sun, February 19 2012 ) g. ASKES pays IDR5.8 trillion in claims PT Askes (Persero), a state‐controlled health insurance company, paid IDR5.8 trillion in claims to hospitals in 2011, rising 47% from the previous year. The insurer allocated more funds to serve its members, pushing up claim payments to hospital significantly last year, said Operating Director Umbu Marambadjawa Marisi. “Askes participants pay nothing to hospital now, unlike in the past when they still had to pay for the difference (of claim and payment),” he said over the weekend. The higher claim payment made its profit stagnant amid rising premium. The decision to spend more in improving services for its participant had been approved by the shareholders. The insurer’s total premium revenue last year was IDR6 trillion, rising 13% from the year earlier. Profits stood at at IDR1.6 trillion before audit, the same as the figure in the earlier year. “While claim payment rose, return on investment dropped. Those are the causes of stagnant profit,” he explained. Last year, the insurance company posted a return on investment of IDR700 billion, missing the target of IDR790 billion. It mentioned instability capital market in 2011 as the main reason behind the lower‐than‐targeted performance. Investment portfolio At present, Askes places 80% of its investment in fixed income instruments, such as bonds and time 284 deposits. Meanwhile, it invests the remaining 20% in non‐fixed income instruments, such as equities and mutual funds. In the meantime, the insurance company is preparing itself to transform into Social Security Agency (BPJS) on Health, which will start operation on January 1, 2014. BPJS Health, which is a public business entity, will serve larger participants than Askes does now. Askes currently has 16.5 million participants. After transforming into BPJS, the agency must be able to serve 240 million participants, or the whole population of Indonesia. “It means that many internal developments are needed, including offices, human resources and information technology system,” Umbu said. The company is calculating additional offices and employees, as well as IT development plans. Umbu expects that the initial budget of IDR2 trillion allocated by the government can cover the transformation. (Source: Bisnis.com, February 06, 2012) March 2012 1. INVESTMENT a. Japanese Companies Ready to Expand in High Technology Sectors Tens of Japanese business players focusing on high‐ technology‐based industry have committed to escalate their investment in Indonesia gradually commencing in this year. The additional investment commitments are really needed to strengthen national industry structure which is relatively low in high‐technology aspect, revealed by General Chairman of Association of Indonesia‐Japan Friendship Rachmat Gobel. “So far, there are more than 600 Japanese companies considering Indonesia to be a production basis beyond Japan,” he said in an event of Development and Investment Opportunity of High Technology Based Industry In Indonesia, yesterday. The event was a followed up meeting between Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun as Japan’s oldest and largest 285 economic newspaper publisher and Bisnis Indonesia supported by PPIJ in order to encourage economic cooperation and investment of both countries. Through the meeting, several Japanese companies had communicated their interest for investment in Indonesia, including adhesive/resin producer and marketer Nippon Refine Co Ltd and Hatano System Co Ltd engaging in power‐green sector. In addition, vacuum equipment producer Yacida Co Ltd, recycling and management company Kaetsu Kogyo Co Ltd, and pump and compressor producer Regitex Co Ltd had also great investment interest. Several companies are also ready to expand in construction and hardware‐based telecommunication sector. Japanese companies engaging in automotive component, car metal mold, printing, property support, machinery, lubricant, and steel products had similar commitment. Mashuda Sado, Chairman of Japanese Business Mission Group, said the opportunities of Japanese business players to add investment is important amid global economic crisis, moreover Indonesia recorded better economic growth. (Source: bisnis.com, March 07, 2012) b. 40 Japan Investors Mull To Invest in West Java As much as 40 investors from Japan looked for investment opportunity in West Java which has best industry region. Head of Bandung Komatsu Foundation (Facilitator for Japanese future investors) Kohar Atmasuganda said the businessmen from Japan which visited West Java is focusing in medium and small scale businesses. According to him, Japanese investors which are interesting to invest in West Java are big. The condition can be showed by the number of Japanese investors who came to West Java in every week. “In a week, there are 5 to 10 investors from Japan which are facilitated by us in order to invest in West Java. Moreover, there are investors who came in a big group consisting of 20‐80 people,” he said to the press after the visit of Japanese investors from Win Wings Okayama in Bandung last week. He said the increase of future investors in West Java is related with the Tsunami disaster in March 2011. Since the horrific disaster a lot of Japanese investors are worried and intend to relocate their 286 businesses to other area. They considered West Java is a conducive place for their business climate. Komar said there are already 20 investors who are serious to invest in West Java. Some of them have opened their plants and others are still processing the business permit and land permit. Meanwhile, Head of Japanese investors, Sumiko Tanaka said most of the investors are metal producers which joining in Win Wing Okayama, a group of aircraft producer in Okayama. “Japanese investors are interesting to invest in West Java since the process to make business permit is not difficult and the investment climate is good. I bring newest machines in Japan here, such as CnC [a computer‐based machine to produce metal goods],” he said. The high interest of Japanese investors which focusing in metal industry will give additional value for the development of small and medium scale industry in West Java. Head of Indonesia Employers Assciation for West Java Region Deddy Widjaya said the entrepreneurs in small and medium industry can develop their businesses, through a partnership and technology transfer with Japanese investors. (Source: Bisnis Indonesia, March 05, 2012) c. RIM Prepares Investment of US$.5 Million Research in Motion (RIM) – Blackberry smartphone producers is ready to invest US$5 million for joint research program with Bandung Technology Institute. President Director of RIM Indonesia Ady Cobham said the investment will be last for the next 5 years. According to him, the funds will be used for operational cost of the research and to prepare the development of RIM Innovation Center in Bandung Technology Institute (ITB). “The investment is our concern on the potency of Indonesia,” he said in signing ceremony of letter of intent in ITB campus last week. He said Indonesia owns a lot of human resource potencies in information technology. It is supported by many Indonesian universities which focus in technology research, one of them is ITB. “We are ready to collaborate with 50 campuses in Indonesia.” Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institution of ITB Suhono Harso Supangkat said the investment is US$5 million will be used for the next 5 years. Evaluation As he said, the institution will evaluate the cooperation in the first month. If it is possible, then the 287 investment will be added or reduced, depends on the need. “If it is calculated, the investment is US$1 million per month. We believe it can support the academic research,” he said. According to him, RIM plans to focus the cooperation in the research of mobile communication. “However the plan is still in the stage of letter of intent (LoI). We will meet with RIM to discuss the cooperation in detail,” he said. He said the certainty of the agreement can be realized in April. He said the cooperation will boost a lot of start up in the sector of technopreneurship. (Source : Bisnis Indonesia, March 05, 2012) d. RIM to Add Thailand, Indonesia Stores as Asia Demand Rises Research In Motion Ltd. plans a campaign to increase retail outlets in Indonesia and Thailand, seeking to capitalize on rising demand for its BlackBerry smartphones in Southeast Asia and offset slumping U.S. sales. RIM plans to have about 4,000 outlets including flagship stores, store‐in‐stores and kiosks across Indonesia within the next year, broadening its current footprint of four shops in Jakarta, Gregory Wade, RIM's Asia head, said in an interview today at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. He said RIM also has "aggressive" plans to open outlets in Thailand and Malaysia. Indonesia "is the proving ground" for an expansion across Southeast Asia, said Wade, who is based in Singapore. The company, having been overtaken by Apple Inc.'s iPhone and devices using Google Inc.'s Android software in the U.S., is seeking to avoid the BlackBerry's slump from spreading outside North America. RIM's sales outside the U.K., U.S. and Canada jumped 31 percent last quarter to $3.17 billion as U.S. sales dropped 45 percent to $1.03 billion. RIM, based in Waterloo, Ontario, fell 2.3 percent to $14.17 at the close in New York. Shares of the company, which named Thorsten Heins chief executive officer last month with the resignation of co‐founders and co‐CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, have lost 90 percent since their 2008 high. Jakarta Rioting Demand in markets such as Indonesia, the world's fourth‐most populous country with about 248 million people, is being driven by a BlackBerry feature that lets users send instant messages for free. 288 Still, the BlackBerry's boom in the region has had some hiccups. At an event at Jakarta's Pacific Place shopping mall on Nov. 25, when RIM made the global debut of its BlackBerry Bold 9790, rioting broke out among customers hoping to be among those to get a discounted price for the smartphone. In the ensuing scuffles, at least 10 people went to hospital to be treated for injuries. The event was a promotion at the luxury shopping mall, rather than a BlackBerry store opening, Wade said, stressing that RIM has learned from the experience and "has made every effort" to ensure it doesn't happen again. The company opened a new 149‐square meter store in Jakarta's Gandaria shopping district last week, which "went off without a hitch," he said.(Source: Bisnis.com, March 01, 2012) e. Finally, Google opens Representative Office in Jakarta To mark its seriousness in investing in Indonesia, Google finally inaugurated its representative office in Jakarta. As stated on DAILY SOCIAL site, Google has send invitations to media and related party to attend the opening of their representative office and at the same time marked the beginning of Google operation in Indonesia. The event took place at the Cyber 2 Tower, Kuningan, Jakarta on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 13:00. The event was scheduled to attend by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economic, Madame, Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Trade, Gita Wirjawan, and Managing Director of Google Southeast Asia, Julian Persaud. Beside innaugurating Google office in Indonesia, on that opportunity Google introduced Google Country Head for Indonesia. It was overheard that former Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) director, Mr. Rudy Ramawy will lead the Google operation in Indonesia and Krishna Zulkarnaen as Chief Marketing Google Indonesia In fact Google has planned to open representative in Indonesia far before this giant internet company launched their products in Indonesia.(Source: kompas.news, Kamis, 22 Maret 2012) 289 2. TELECOMMUNICATIONS a. Focus on 3G, WiMax tender was rescheduled Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) will postpone an open bid for Broadband Wireless Acess (BWA) service in order to focus on 3G technology development. Head of Information and Public Relation MCIT, Gatot S. Dewa Broto explained that a plan to open bid the BWA Service at 2.3 GHz should have been done by August 2012. However, the plan was reschedule to the end of 2012 or early 2013. Added Gatot after the press conference of Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Team Annual General Meeting 2012 at the MCIT office in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 20, 2012.. On this bid, the government will release frequences at zone 5 (West Java except Bogor, Depok and Bekasi), zone 10 (Molucca and North Moluccan), zone 12 (Northern part of Celebes), zone 15 (Riau islands), as well as 2 slots at zone 6 (Central Java), zone 7 (eastern Java) and zone 9 (Papua). The government assumed that WiMax technology implementation is too premature. Currently, government is concentrating to improve 3G channel and conducting bid for the available two channels at channel 11 and channel 12. “A 3G channel open bid will be scheduled around April or May 2012”, Gatot added. Todate, there are three operators already showed their interest to participate on the 3G open‐ bid. There are Telkomsel, XL and Axis. The government already sounded to decrease the estimated value for the 3G channel. This is due to the high investment cost for filter Base Transceifer Station (BTS).(Source: tekno.kompas.com, 20 Maret 2012) b. Press Release Ref. 17/PIH/KOMINFO/2/2012 about the Meeting Between Minister of ICT with KPI Regarding Digital Television 290 On the morning of 22nd of February 2012, at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), there had been a meeting between MCIT's official (led directly by Minister of ICT, Mr. Tifatul Sembiring) with the members of KPI (led directly by Chairman of KPI, Mr. Mochamad Riyanto). The meeting discussed about digital television implementation, which in accordance with Ministerial Decision No.95/KEP/M.KOMINFO/2/2012 regarding Multiplexing Broadcasting Implementation Business Opportunity on Free to Air Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Implementation in Service Zone 4(DKI Jakarta dan Banten), Service Zone 5 (West Java), Service Zone 6 ( Central Java and Yogyakarta), Service Zone 7 (East Java) and Service Zone 15 (Riau Islands), that had been signed on 6th of February 2012, therefore a selection for multiplexing broadcasting implementation institution will be started on 6th of April 2012 the latest. In the opening speech, Minister of ICT said that digital television implementation plan preparation was not started in 2012, because it was already started since 2007 through regulations, and the implementation related to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Geneva 2006 Frequency Plan (GE06) Agreement, which specify that 17th of June 2015 is the deadline for countries around the world to migrate from analogue television broadcast to digital television broadcast. Besides that, because analogue technology implementation will be more expensive, and gradually become obsolete, and the most important is that frequency spectrum limited resource, therefore efficiency become critical. Digital technology usage means saving for frequency spectrum. Basically, MCIT and KPI perceive the meeting as important for making both parties discussing constructively and critically, and not only for digital television, but it is hoped to be a routine meeting to discuss other topics. Both of the parties agreed that digital television implementation is inevitable. In this opportunity, KPI addressed critical presentation to remind MCIT to be more careful in planning digital television, especially from legal aspect, BUMN opportunity and cut off time matters. 291 Towards critical inputs, Minister of ICT received it positively, because it was everyone's rights to remind each other. The minister reminded that digital television implementation needed to be seen in wider scope, for its benefit, existing technological tendency, financial, energy and expensive spectrum cost that have to be borne if it keep using analogue system. Besides that, Minister of ICT also said that television digitalization would minimized ownership monopoly, because it would gave more opportunity to multiplexing organizer equally. In the case of law matters, the minister asked people to studied it more. Outside of digital television context, both of the parties also concerned with television broadcasting contents which also often many complained by the people. KPI stressed that there would be more content problems in the digitalization era. Toward that issue, since the beginning of the meeting Minister of ICT already annunciating that there were a lot of complaints channeled through MCIT, because there were a lot people's mindset still thinks that MCIT had the responsible about the contents. Minister of ICT always responds, that the complaints were received and will be sent to KPI, as regulated by broadcasting law, KPI has the right to monitor broadcasting contents, and not the MCIT.(Source: http://tetapsemangat.com, March 21, 2012), 3. MARKETING & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT a. Anticipating “Big Data”, Demand on Storage Server Increased Anticipating future trends in “big‐data” requirements many solution provider companies start to promote their server and storage product as demand are arises. President Director of Fujitsu Indonesia, Achmad S Sofwan explained that companies should be able to adapt with advance technology like cloud computing and virtualization in order to support their business growth. Sofwan noted that server and storage demand in the world shows positive trends. For server, demand in 2011 reached 199.45 billion dollar US, 217 billion US dollar (2012) and 227,74 billion 292 dollar US. Meanwhile, demand for storage in 2011 reached 97 billion dollar, in 2012 reached 104.33 billion dollar and for 2013 is 111,62 billion dollar. One indicator for a rising demand of server and storage is that a new platform solution combined with the knowledge to assist client’s company for transformation. Country manager Platform Product Fujitsu Indonesia, Raymon Firdauzi added in terms of revenue, industry total increased 8 percent for server and 7 percent for storage. Demand for Fujitsu were significant. In 2011 only growth for server was 84.08 percent and storage was 87,7 percent, said Ramon. For 2012, Fujitsu aiming for 24 percent on server and 166 percent for storage. This revenue target is quiet high because Fujitsu services effort for those two were also significant. To expand the business, Fujitsu will strengthen their distribution chain as well as aiming to small and medium enterprise (SME) segment. To keep its market segment especially for server, Fujitsu launched 6 Primergy server with double socket. In detail, for one tower server, three server rack and two server blade. All servers are configurable by the user according to their needs, said Ramon. Those six lines of servers were: Tower server TX300, server rack RX200, server rack RX300, server rack RX 350, server blade BX920 and server blade BX924. All of these products equipped with double socket to enable for modularity, scaleability, and for cost efficiencies. In terms of performance, the server equipped with Intel Xeon E5‐2600 which can increase its performance up to 70 percent. For storage, Fujitsu claimed to add memory capacity by 100 percent bigger and internal hard disc capacity 33 percent bigger capacity compared to what other vendor offered. For efficiency, this server claimed to improve up to 94 percent and cut energy cost up to 73 percent compared to previous generation. Some models have been launched in Indonesia since March 2012, Raymon added. (Source: kompas.com, 22 March 2012) b. Astra Graphia Launched new Printer 293 PT Astra Graphia, division of Printer Channel Business (PCB) has launched a new solution product, Docupaper Gold Label, Laser Printer Fuji Xerox Phaser 4600N/4620DN and line matrix printer, Printronix P7000 Cartridge Series. K. Teguh Santoso, Chief Executive Printer Channel Business PT Astra Graphia, said that those products were launched as a compliment to the corporate series of paper product and printers. These new products were aimed for a big corporation. Docupaper Gold Labels are available in 70gsm and 80gsm A4 size papers. This product has a whiter color compare to the other paper and sharper print result, said Santoso. For monochrome printer Fuji Xerox Phaser 4600N/4620DN have capability to print up to 275,000 prints per month. Based on data, the company which provides document solution, the last 18 years the PCB division of Astragraphia in cooperation with Printronix has produced and marketed a line matrix technology printer product. At Finance Market today March 1, 2012, Astragraphia shares (coded ASGR) remain stagnan at the level of Rp.1030. This is equivalent to market capital of Rp1,39 trillion. (Source : bisnis.com, March 01, 2012) c. Tablet Computer Market keep increasing Tablet Computer market in Indonesia estimated increase in-line with the shifting of customer needs from “smartphone” and netbook to more handy and 294 practice gadget like tablet computers, said Suhanda Widjaya, chairman of Equipment and Information Service, Indonesia chamber of commerce. Beside that some local vendors already produced affordable price tablet. Last year, Indonesia computer sale reached 6 million units, one million unit of them are tablet PC computer. Tablet PC market consist of two market segments which are middle-up segment and middledown segments. Middle-up segment can afford to buy high price tablet PC those like Galaxy Tab produced by Samsung or iPad produced by Apple. For a middle-down market segment, they can buy tablet PC from local vendor like Nexian, Suhanda added. Based on data from Indonesian Association of Computer Vendor (Apkomindo), tablet computer market in Indonesia will keep growing significantly. This year only tablet computer market can grow to hundred percent from previous year, or similar to 400,000 to 500,000 units. Meaning that ttttablet computer sales may reach 7,6 up to 8,3 percent from total market this year at6-6,5 million units. In 2011, tablet computer market in Indonesia reached 5 percent or equivalent to 250,000 units from 5 million units of total market. Tablet computer sales in Indonesia is depending on the price ranges between US$200 to US$300 per unit. If this price is acceptable by the consumer, it will automatically increase the sales. The tablet computer sales in Indonesia is estimated grow significantly due to the three computer investors from China and Taiwan intension to establish tablet computer production line in Indonesia. Some big names for the investors are Acer Inc., Lenovo Group Ltd and Asus Tek Computer Inc. Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) stated, the investment value for production line with 2 to 3 million units per year is estimated at US$.30 million. (Source: Antaranews.com, 2 April 2012) 295 4. CLOUD COMPUTING a. Trends are shifting towards Cloud Computing Business “ICT investment in Indonesia is now heading towards cloud computing, and no longer acquiring physical equipment”, said Harry K. Nugraha, Strategic Business Development Director of Intel Indonesia. Aspects those are related to the cloud are vary like processing capability and network security, Harry added at the launched of 12 generation of Dell Power Edge server in Jakarta. Wednesday, March 7, 2012. The cloud computing implemented by the customer included private cloud, a computing system for limited users. On the other hand, cloud computing that is used by the public is called Public Cloud like email or other online data storage. In Indonesia, currently growing is a private cloud like for banking or certain companies whose employees required office application anywhere, said Harry. The utilization of internet is not limited to data storage only but are shifted towards cloud computing search capabilities Just entered one word in search engine, a recommended result words will show up. However, cloud computing technology is depending on the broadband infrastructure availability globally included Indonesia. Therefore it is important that Indonesia to have back‐end and back‐ bone broadband. Afterwards other services can be developed.( Source: antaranews.com, 7 March 2012 ) 296 5. INTERNET SECURITY a. Indonesia’s Internet remain unbeatable by million attacks Everyday Internet network in Indonesia were invaded by about 1,5 millions attacked. This figure keep increase corresponding to the number of inter net us ers. The attacked was not only aimed at the government sites but varied at random. The attackers could be from abroad as well as internally from Indonesia, said Rudi Lumanto, Chairman of Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastrucrure (Id‐SRTII). Motives of the attack were also varied, but mostly coming from those who just trying to test a website security. This statement was agreed by Head of Information Center and Public Relation MCIT, Gatot S Dewabroto. Gatot added that a number of attacked was increased compared to last year at 1,25 million attacks. “We realized, 1,5 million attacks may collapse the internet infrastructures, however, Indonesia internet security was strength enough to face the ordeal. Gatot added, the attackers could be came from America, China, Russia and part of Europe, but majority the intencity were came domestically from Indonesia. Meanwhile, rudi recommended that each institution should have their own internet security control, so they do not fully depend on the Id‐SIRTII. He hoped that all parties should work together to keep the safety of internet.(Source: http://inet.detik.com, 21 March 2012) b. International Internet Security champions gathered in Bali Bali island will be “Attacked” by experts from various countries related to the Internet Security. This is a 297 result of Indonesia being selected as a host for World Conference on Internet Security. Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Security (Id‐SIRTII) as an organized body already looks very busy for its prpeparation. As a single point contact for internet security in Indonesia, Id‐SIRTII claimed that they are ready to organize such international event. The event will be participated by 22 countries and will be held from March 25 to March 28, 2012. This year general theme would be “Cleaning the Cyber Environment”. In fact, 2012 is Indonesia’s turn to host this event. Eventhough Indonesia is considered as an early stage implementation, however Indonesia has a big potential for internet development. This is not just a milestone activity for Id‐SIRTII but also act as a form of government control functions and improvement for internet industry in Indonesia. Agenda to be discussed during the conference among others about a method to clean up local network from thread, global framework collaboration to clean up internet global network which will be presented by a number of world class experts on internet security. Id‐SIRTII hopes that this event will open opportunity for Indonesia internet providers so they can learn directly from the experts for the development of lnternet in Indonesia.(Source: http://inet.detik.com, March 20, 2012.) 6.SOCIAL SECURITY and INSURANCES a. IT Application was forced for National eHealth architecture Indonesia should develop a National Electronic‐Health (e‐health) architecture sooner. This plan should be commensurate with a road map prepared by all parties involved in the Health Industry. By this in 298 place, ICT utilization can be optimally utilized for social wealthiness. E‐health is a form of providing health service electronically to improve health service quality. Indonesia should develop a comprehensive national e‐Health roadmap for social wealthiness, said Suhono Harso, Chairman of e‐Indonesia Initiatives Forum. Suhono explained, the roadmap should cover technology architecture, business process, procedures as well as its supporting regulations. Technonolgy architecture should be efficient and secure the patient safety and privacy. Loud computing can be used as the backbone, said Suhono. “Health is an important factor in human life at all level, no matter at low economic level, middle and higher economic level. e‐Health will assist anyone in order to gain affordable health akses. Currently, there are disparities on health service for those who live in a big cities and those who are living in the village. The utilization of information technology development would be able to reduce this disperse condition as well as avoiding number of patient at the big hospital where a local smaller hospital can handle them. Suhono explained, currently health eco system comprises of several components which are a user (patient) at al economic level, government as a regulator and facilitator, a doctor, a hospital, chemist/drug store, pharmacytical industries and other provider and supporting organizations. (Source: Bisnis.com, 28 March 2012 ) 7. EDUCATION a. MCIT bureau of Human Resource Research and Development open discussion for cooperation with UEC Japan. Head of Human Resources Research and Development Center (HRRD), Information Ministry Technology, of Communication Aizirman Djusan, and open opportunity for the cooperation with University of Electro Communication (UEC), Tokyo, Japan. 299 This matter was reported at the meeting between HRRD‐MCIT with the representative of UEC at the National ICT Center, Ciputat on March 27, 2012. The meeting was attended by Head of HRRD, Mr. Aizirman Djusan, Head of R&D Literacy and Professional, Research Professor Gati Gayatri. Meanwhile, UEC were represented by Prof. Dr. Kenzo Takahashi and Associate Profess or Oku Hiroaki. Aizirman addressed that MCIT has sent Indonesian student to Japan through MCIT Overseas Scholarship program. Aizirman also added that one MCIT employee currently studying at the UEC’s Communication Engineering and Informatics through this scholarship program and will complete his study by 2013‐2014. UEC representative were glad to hear that and offer further cooperation on ICT. One of the option is that UEC will send On the Job Training (OJT) to Indonesia in Information System field supervised by System Information expert from Indonesia. Beside that, it was discussed the possibility to deduct student fees for MCIT student at UEC under this program. The meeting was last for about two hours and meant to mutual cooperation between Indonesia and Japan. Further, the discussion will be continued in Japan on mid of year 2012.(Source: MCIT Ministry News, March 27, 2012.) b. MCIT encourage all institutions to utilize Open Source (MCIT) ‐ Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) encourage all the institution to implement the usage of open source, and this year it organized Indonesia Open Source Award (IOAS) 2012. IOSA 2012 was different with IOSA 2010 and 2011 that only presented award to government institution and middle level education. "IOSA 2012 is not only an event to find a winner, but also a medium of communication for all ministries and institution, formal or non formal, and it is expected to improve the passion on open source Indonesia," said Director General Application Informatics of MCIT, Ashwin Sasongko on IOSA 2012 Press Conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/3). According to Made Wiryana, head committee of IOSA 2012, it was not only on technical achievement or what had been achieved, but more importantly was how to achieve it, legally or 300 illegally, smart way or not, independent or dependent. Through this event, institution or personal can share the benefit of using open source. The aim of IOSA was to appreciate them who had done something, especially for student, public figure, community and journalist. IOSA 2012 was also acted as a survey mechanism or indirect monitoring towards the implementation of circulation letter from Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment which expecting at the end of 2011 all government institution be using legal software. Besides awards, IOSA also became consultation forum or sharing forum between government agencies that already implementing open source in its institution. The awards were given to the ministry of non ministries government institution that had utilized products based on open source for at least for the past year (July 2011‐June 2012). Meanwhile the lines in the region that was given award were the regional government that had utilized products based on open source for the past year (July 2011‐June 2012). The awards also being given to High School/Islamic High School/Vocational High School that had utilized products based on open source at least for the past year (July 2011‐June 2012). For university student the awards will be given to personal or groups from university that had produced creation related to open source. For individual, awards were given for personal that had contributed in the utilization of open source products in Indonesia for at least the past year. For community, the awards were given to group that had been active for at least the past year in socializing open source usage. For Journalist, the awards were given for personal or group of journalist that had publicized writings in national print media (magazine, tabloid or paper) or media in the network for the past year. IOSA 2012 involved several juries from community and government that had been known by the society as ICT and open source Indonesia expert, namely Dr. Ono W. Purbo, Prof. Kalamullah Ramli, Prof. I Wayan Simri Wicaksana, Rusmanto Maryanto(Source: MCIT News, March 20, 2012) 301 c. Indonesia dominating Robotic Competition in U.S. Robotic Team from three universities, ITB, IT Telkom and Unikom Bandung dominated the Intelligent Robot Competition “Trinity College Fire‐Fighting Home Robot Contest (TC‐FFHRC)” at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Sukemi, Special Staff Ministry of Education via email to ANTARA stated that Indonesia Robotic team managed to bring home 8 (eight) International championship awards. Those eight awards were: • First winner and runner up for Fire Fighting Robot with wheels division (by IT Telkom) • First winner, runner up and third winner for Fire Fighting Robot, with feet division by IT Telkom and ITB. • First winner for Robo Waiter Entry Level division by Unikom, and • First Winner and Runner‐up for Robo Waiter advance division by Unikom. TCFFHRC 2012 was participated by 130 teams competed at various category. Beside US, other countries were also participated like Portugal, Israel and China. TCFFHRC is annual competition for intelligent fire fighting robot organized by Trinity College at Hartford, Connecticut, USA. The competitions were already in its 19th year and became a standard reference for fire fighting robot competition at the universities all over the world included Indonesia. Rules of the TCFFHRC competition were adopted in many countries. The same rules also adopted in Indonesia for a national contest on Intelligent Robot. There are several divisions on TCFFHRC contest. At Fire Fighting division, intelligently the robot shall search for a fire point at the labirin similar to home condition, distinguish the fire and return to its original position. This division has two categories, wheel robot and feet robot. 302 For RoboWaiter, the robot duty is to assist disable senior person. The robot should be capable to move plates from its food storage either to a dining table or refrigerator. This division has two categories, Entry Level and Advance Level. Indonesia Robotic team were selected thru national contest on intelligent robot (KRCI‐Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia) 2011. Indonesia held three categories on annual robot contest. Those categories are KRI (Contest Robot Indonesia) referring to the Japan international contest, KRCI (Contest Robet Intelligent Indonesia) refer to the International rules in the US and KRSI (Contest Robot Seni (Art) Indonesia) which is Indonesian version for art robot.(Source: antaranews.com, April 2, 2012.) 303 4-4.タイ 304 2011 April Report The power of preparedness Technologies to predict and monitor natural disasters are well advanced but need to be better coordinated. Bangkok Post April 20, 2011 Recent natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the quake in Burma and flooding and landslides in southern Thailand have focused people's attention on disaster preparedness. Technology has come a long way in recent years, with automated emergency warning systems and sophisticated applications capable of monitoring developments in real time. But technology is only as good as the people who use it to get the information out to those at risk of impact from natural events. High-speed telecoms infrastructure, including 3G and fixed-line broadband internet, could enhance the effectiveness of warning systems and ensure efficient operations when catastrophe strikes. Mobile technology can also play a significant role in highlighting specific risk areas by providing mobile disaster warnings. The Meteorological Department is currently seeking fiscal budget approval of between 2.8 billion and 2.9 billion baht to improve its weather monitoring systems and speed up warning times. Most of the 2012 budget, almost three times the normal level, would be allocated to weather radar, said Thosakdi Vanichikajorn, director-general of the department. Weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate types of rain and forecast its future position and intensity. The money will also go to increase the number and capacity of automatic weather observation systems and automated weather stations, he said. The department has more than 100 weather stations but 20 are currently closed for maintenance. 305 A wide range of information is posted and updated regularly on the website of the Seismological Bureau. Some of the funds will be used to purchase a new computer system to integrate information from various sources with the National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC). This will speed up the analysis and processing time for alerts to 10 minutes from two to three hours at present, he said. Mr Thosakdi said the department also aimed to make longer-range forecasts of five to seven days the norm, from three days now. "Normally, we receive a fiscal budget around one billion baht annually," he said. Half of the budget pays for salaries of 900 staff and operating costs. leaving a relatively small amount for investment. "Given the number of lives lost and the government's relief budget of up to 100 billion baht a year, more funds should be allocated to our department to reduce the risks of disasters," he said. The Meteorological Department is working with volunteers to develop mobile weather mobile applications to run on iPhone, Android and BlackBerry devices. The data would be available to people in fields including tourism, agriculture, industry and aviation. For example, a pilot could select data sources to display in an airplane cockpit. "If we could successfully develop [this application] within this year, Thailand will lead this service innovation, putting the power of information in users' hands," said Mr Thosakdi. He also urged the government to set a national standard for natural disaster warning. This would include a separate "voice" for emergency warnings. Currently, a single loudspeaker system in communities serves multiple public-address functions. 306 Mr Thosakdi says he favours four levels of warnings. The first would alert people of an incident that could happen within three days; the second in one to three days; the third within 24 hours and the fourth within three hours. Somsak Khaosuwan, the director of the NDWC, said it was working with all mobile operators to send SMS warnings to people registered in areas facing disaster risk. It has also used social media including Twitter and Facebook to provide information directly to online communities to dispel rumours and public panic. Mr Somsak said his team was developing NDWC mobile apps for smartphones, starting with the iPhone. He said the NDWC would act like an "emergency assistant digital manual" showing locations of public disaster relief and rescue centres, police stations and hospitals on maps near users' position, along with contact numbers. Mr Somsak said a 3G high-speed wireless broadband network would be the best way to deliver information and pictures from disaster areas to the centre quickly for verification. For instance, people can use Skype on mobile while officers on the ground can take pictures of landslides. These communications tools complement existing media including the TV Pool, telephone, fax, community radio and warning broadcast station, amateur radio, warning towers, and special radio receivers in small communities. Mr Somsak said the NDWC really needed to upgrade its servers and expand bandwidth to accommodate the growing number of concurrent users at peak times on http://www.ndwc.go.th. Currently, the site can support 500 visitors per second but that number can triple or quadruple at times of crisis. "Our goal is to use any technologies and communications channels that can extend our reach to the target audiences, especially in rural areas," he said. "We hope to educate and raise awareness among people to prepare for any catastrophe in an effort to save people's lives and assets as much as possible." Alliance to strengthen software industry The Nation April 20, 2011 Software Park Thailand has initiated a collaborative project to bring local 307 software parks throughout the country together as the Thailand Software Park Alliance, in an effort to strengthen the software industry. The alliance aims to facilitate the flow of software-development resources and work among software parks located both in Bangkok and in regional areas. It will also encourage a flow of software development and jobs to the Asia-Pacific region through Software Park Thailand's regional network, the Asia Oceania Software Park Alliance. Software Park Thailand's director Thanachart Numnonda said the objective was to pool local resources and build up the core competency of local software development to serve both local and regional demands. The concept of the collaboration is focused on four main pillars: virtual office via technology, technology transfer, business matching and co-branding activities. In part, the alliance will follow Software Park Thailand's mission, which includes facility management services (office rental, training- and meeting-room rental and park clustering); technology-enabling services (providing technology platforms, collaborating with stakeholders to provide the latest technology to alliance members); IT advisory (improving the standard of local software companies to international level); technology transfer (promoting the transfer of relevant technologies for the software industry on both professional and management levels); and software-business enabling (business matching, promoting the use of IT to all sectors, collaboration within the industry and creating an environment conducive to software business). The local software parks to be included in the alliance are E-Saan Software Park, Korat Software Park (Thailand), Chiang Mai Technology and Outsourcing Centre and Software Park Phuket. Thailand's software market is expected to grow by 16.3 per cent this year to reach a value of about Bt84.23 billion. Within the overall software market, embedded software and mobile applications are expected to see high growth this year, of 96.1 per cent and 54.8 per cent respectively. However, enterprise software will remain the largest contributor, representing 63.5 per cent of the software market. It is also expected that total spending on software-as-a-service in Thailand this year will be around Bt2.56 billion, representing growth of 22.9 per cent. COMPUTER-CRIME LAW Alarm at provisions of draft legislation The Nation April 20, 2011 Proposed law will harm human rights, stifle communication - lawyer 308 A draft of a new Computer Crime Act that is intended to replace current legislation is already drawing sharp criticism from cyber-law experts, who say its proposals could infringe human rights and liberties, especially those of Internet and social-network users. The draft has been prepared jointly by the Information and Communications Technology Ministry, the Royal Thai Police and The National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec). Their aim was to fill loopholes in the Computer Crime Act (2007), which has been in force for more than three years. The draft of the new cyber law is in the process of being submitted to the Cabinet for approval. However, public hearings have already brought a lot of negative feedback. Cyber-law specialist Paiboon Amonpinyokeat, who founded the P&P Law firm, said there were major concerns about the draft Computer Crime Act. The first relates to a new commission that would be set up under the new Act. Its major role would be to prevent and suppress computer crime and its membership would consist of representatives of security-related organisations. This commission would be in command of officers of the ICT Ministry and the Electronic Transaction Agency (Public Organisation). It seems, Paiboon said, that the commission would become a "one-stop absolute power" in enforcing the new law. "According to the Computer Crime Act (2007), the existing commission's main role is to oversee regulations related to the keeping of log files and training cyber-law officers. That is it. But the new version of the Computer Crime Act gives the new commission authority to charge into any activities it considers to be a computer crime related to the nation's security or lese majeste," Paiboon said. He said the government should be concerned with enforcing the current Computer Crime Act (2007) by introducing a code of ethics or a code of conduct to build awareness of efficient cyber-law enforcement and to gain respect from people, rather than recruiting security officers to oversee and enforce cyber laws. "This matter will raise more cases in which officers are using their power unfairly," Paiboon said. "This new version of the cyber law gives too much power to this commission. It is too dangerous." The second concern relates to regulations about Internet content. Paiboon said the purpose of the new law was to prevent the posting of content that committed lese majeste or content that brought a risk to, or otherwise affected, national security. However, the draft empowers the commission to enforce standards on 309 all Internet content, including the social media - both Facebook and Twitter. The commission's powers will be equally enforceable whether Internet content contravenes its standards intentionally or unintentionally. "Increasing the punishment measures in the computer crime law is not the right answer, because technically, computer criminals can elude law enforcement by using servers hosted overseas. At the same time, severe enforcement [measures] will negatively affect Internet users as a whole. It will also affect human rights and freedom in communication and might even discourage the development of the country because knowledge- and information-sharing over the Internet and through social networks will be restricted," he said. Paiboon said that to enforce laws related to technology, the government needed to enlist the collaboration of all stakeholders including that of Internet service providers, mobile operators and webmasters. If it wants to increase punitive measures for particular activities that harm the country's security or commit lese majeste, then the government should provide specific definitions on these matters instead of making the law too general and allowing cases to be considered by an appointed commission. "Current technologies such as cloud computing and blogging give the criminal the opportunity to conduct his or her activities from anywhere outside Thailand, where local laws cannot be effectively enforcement," he said. Paiboon said a final major concern about the draft computer-crime law was that it empowered the commission to develop new laws or regulations if it considered they were needed. This might increase the possibility of the law being misused. Moreover, the draft gives the commission the right to share and exchange with international security organisations in other countries data belonging to people who are suspected of being criminals, without needing to ask for court approval. This harms human rights and denies the privacy of people's data, he said. "Internet users and social-network users will be directly affected by this new draft law. My point is that the [existing] Computer Crime Act (2007) is as good as any law for many purposes - including the two major concerns of lese majeste and national security. But the law-enforcement capabilities of the officers concerned need to be increased, including those of the police, ICT Ministry officers, attorneys, public prosecutors and lawyers. "This new draft cannot address current [cyber-law] problems. If the government insists on rolling-out this version of cyber law, it will increase problems in society and the law will not be accepted by the people. In this way, this law will eventually become sterile," he said. 310 True, Microsoft in cloud computing tie-up Bangkok Post April 21, 2011 True Corporation has joined with Microsoft to jump on the cloud computing bandwagon in order to create a new revenue stream and maximise use of its telecom network. The US-based software leader is also looking to establish a cloud-based data centre in Thailand in a drive to sell more of its software services online to a potential 2.5 million small and medium-sized enterprises. Suphachai Chearavanont, True's president and chief executive, said the company was building a 50-million-baht data centre to support cloud computing services such as technical upgrades, presales, customer databases, billing and after-sales service. The aim is to offer more bundled services to customers. Cloud services will focus on digital content in the areas of home entertainment, e-mail and communications, and collaboration. Cloud computing enables both businesses and consumers to use the software of any device connected to the internet without the software being installed on the user's machine. "This is an important milestone for the telecom industry in creating a new revenue stream. It will also benefit the ICT industry and consumers," said Mr Suphachai. True expects to offer access to Microsoft cloud-based software via its data centre, enabling customers to use Microsoft online services without needing to load the software themselves. The software includes Office 365 Microsoft Office Web Apps by subscription, Customer Relationship Management and Windows Azure, said Paul Authachinda, the director of Microsoft Thailand's enterprise and partners group. Kevin Turner, the chief operating officer of Microsoft Corporation, said cloud computing would likely gain high growth momentum in the Thai market, driven by the global trend, surging broadband penetration rate and wireless broadband 3G network expansion. INTERNET USE Twenty million Thais online next year The Nation April 25, 2011 311 Internet-service market to reach Bt40bn - ISP Assn The number of Internet users in Thailand is expected to reach 20 million next year, and the value of the Internet-service market is forecast to rise to Bt40 billion. According to the former President of the Thai Internet Service Providers' Association, Morragot Kulatumyotin, the size of Thailand's Internet-service market reached Bt33.5 billion last year. About 70 per cent of this, or Bt22.6 billion, came from households and small or home offices. The remaining 30 per cent, amounting to Bt10.9 billion, came from organisations. This year, there are about 16 million Internet users in the country and about 2.67 million households access the Internet via Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). TOT is the leading Internet service provider (ISP), with a market share of about 40 per cent of ADSL services to households around the country. True and 3BB each hold 30 per cent of the country's ADSL market. Morragot said Internet-service fees had remained fairly static, but speed had lately been increased by as much as 50 per cent, encouraging greater Internet use. "I think the Internet-service market in Thailand is continuing to grow, especially in the domestic "backbone" of Internet use, where ISPs are providing services at affordable prices from high-speed networks. Thailand's ISPs also have an 18-gigabit-per-second international Internet gateway in order to access the Internet from international hosts," she said. Commenting on the affordability of Internet-service fees, Morragot said that small ISPs needed to adjust themselves and provide new services, such as Internet data centres, application services and customised service packages. These services should be suitable for niche markets, in order that these small ISPs could survive. There are currently about 150 ISPs in Thailand, but only about 15 active ISPs. Morragot said the size of Thailand's Internet market was expected to grow by about 20 per cent this year, compared with 2010, making its value about Bt40 billion, with about 20 million Internet users. The factors that will drive Internet-market growth include the continued rise of mobile and smart phones and the growing reach of ADSL. Smart-phone users will increasingly access the Internet and mobile Internet and the ADSL-market size is sure to grow because there are currently 7 million ADSL number users, but only 2.67 million ADSL household numbers. "I think that the size of the smart-phone market next year will be crucial to the size of the overall Internet market, because about 13 per cent of smart-phone users are 312 expected to access the Internet to reach data-communication services or non-voice services from network providers and 3G networks. This will enable businesses to develop and provide mobile applications to support user demand, and this will be an important driver for the market next year," Morragot said. 2011 May Report New group backs Thai software developers The Nation May 9, 2011 In an effort to put Thailand 's mobile application software industry on the world map, nine government, private and educational organisations have joined hands to form a group called Mobile Technology for Thailand (MT2, or MT Squared). MT2 will become the centre for all stakeholders in Thailand's mobile application development ecosystem, pooling the resources and contributions of all founding organisations. It will provide technological knowhow, development facilities, training, and assistance to commercial software developers. The nine founding organisations are the Telecommunications Research and Industrial Development Institute (Tridi), Software Park Thailand, the National Electronic and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec), Kasetsart University, King Mongkut 's Institute of Technology Lat Krabang, Microsoft (Thailand), Intel Microelectronics (Thailand), Samart Corporation and Spring Telecom. The group aims to recruit more corporate members and individual softฌware developers, with a plan to raise the number of mobile application developers in Thailand to between 30,000 and 40,000 within four years. Tridi director Supot Tiarawut said the value of Thailand 's mobile application market was expected to reach about Bt9.8 billion this year, rising from Bt6.3 billion last year. He said MT2 would develop a dataฌbase of Thai mobile application developers and provide them with facilities such as technology tools, training and workshops, a mobile application testing centre, business matching and marketing assistance in both local and global markets. 313 "This collaboration aims to lead the country's mobile application development and give it direction and a plan. We will monitor trends in new technologies to guide them towards developing applications that are in demand, " Supot said. He added that Tridi had contributed Bt5 million as a startup budget for a mobile application testing centre located at Software Park Thailand. The centre, which is expectฌed to be launched next month, will enable developers to test the latest mobile phone devices and technologies. Software Park Thailand director Thanachart Numnonda said the mobile application software market was "very huge", and represented a big opportunity for Thai developers as it went beyond the domestic market. Opportunities in global markets are believed to amount to about US$7 billion (Bt209.93 billion). Thanachart said that "mobile devices" did not mean only mobile phones. It also means tablets and future mobile devices in new form factors, covering the entire worldwide market. Private sector members of MT2, including Intel Microelectronics (Thailand) and Microsoft (Thailand), plan to provide technologies and training for Thai developers. Making cities smarter Chiang Mai will serve as a test bed for new ways of applying information and communication technology to make optimum use of local strengths. Bangkok Post May 18, 2011 Chiang Mai is mapping out a future as a smarter city by using advanced technologies to help transform its tourism and agriculture industries and create other new drivers of creative economic growth. Linking patient databases and healthcare asset information could help create a hub. The use of technology to build a strong medical tourism sector and improve food production is part of the Smart City programme supported by IBM. IBM defines a Smart City in terms of the improvements in quality of life and economic well-being that can be achieved by applying information technologies to planning, designing, building, and operating urban infrastructure. The company is awarding $50 million worth of technology and services to 100 municipalities worldwide over the next three years. Chiang Mai is receiving $400,000 or 314 12 million baht to bring in global experts to advise on new approaches, said Parnsiree Amatayakul, the general manager of IBM Thailand. Chiang Mai was chosen based on its 700-year-old culture, abundant natural resources and strategic location in the Greater Mekong Subregion. However, Chiang Mai's gross provincial product (GPP) is only 1.59% of total gross domestic product, and its growth rate has been low because its economy is not very diversified. It relies heavily on tourism and agro-industry in food processing and agriculture. The government, local universities and the private sector have been trying to improve local economic potential through the Chiang Mai Creative City campaign. Nat Voravos, chairman of the local creative city development committee, said improving IT capability was one of the aspects of promoting a creative economy, with the goal of making Chiang Mai an attractive city for foreign investment, living, travelling, studying and working, Mr Nat said technology and innovation could add value to products and services, create more job opportunities and increase productivity. The committee is working with IBM to help develop a roadmap for a Smarter City. It envisions using smart IT architecture to expand the traditional tourism industry with a strong focus on medical tourism. A "Smarter Food" project, meanwhile, will focus on increasing yields and managing production plans for farmers. In the healthcare field, public and private service providers can use real-time location tracking of patients and hospital assets to increase efficiency and build an internationally recognised service identity, said David Hathaway, a project adviser with IBM Corp. Electronic medical record (EMR) technology should also be adopted to standardise information exchanges to link all medical service providers including traditional medicine and spas. Niwate Nuntajit, dean of medicine at Chiangmai University, said the city already had some expertise in serving longstay visitors, especially Japanese. Quality services at low prices are also a major selling point in mainstream healthcare, dental and ophthalmological care and Thai traditional medicine. The university had been awarded 500 million baht to build a centre of medical excellence including robotic surgery and geriatric medicine to accommodate the ageing society of the future. 315 Many countries are promoting medical services to drive their economies. Singapore is working to shift from a healthcare hub to a medical training hub for Asia, Malaysia is encouraging medical tourism, India is focusing on alternative healthcare, and Qatar is attempting to persuade Thai businesses to open hospitals in the country. "All these moves signal that the medical industry in Chiang Mai is under pressure and needs to increase its comparative advantage," Mr Niwate said. For the Smart Food project, knowing what to produce and when, using technologyaided forecasting and planning system, will be the key, said Nathalie Gutel, an adviser with IBM France. The government could create an e-Farmer portal to gather data on all agricultural product categories for each season. It could then use those information to create pricing models under a supply-demand calculation system. The information could ultimately reduce the risk of both shortages and surpluses of key crops. As well, said Ms Gutel, smart irrigation could schedule water utilisation based on specific land use types and seasonal needs to reduce waste. Chiang Mai will choose a district and a fruit for a pilot project to test the new applications. An IMB survey identified longan as the most promising candidate since thousands of northern families grow the fruit. Ms Gutel also said that since mobile phones are now ubiquitous, government agriculture authorities should take advantage of their potential for delivering weather information and disaster alerts. Also growing in importance from a consumer safety standpoint is traceability of food products from farm to table. Technology can help improve traceability, build brand reputation and improve export potential. IBM opened a regional office in the city last year, she said. The city, meanwhile, is determined to capitalise on local strengths in software and digital content development to create new clusters and widen employment opportunities. Martin Venzky-Stalling, an adviser to the creative city development committee, said the city had as many as 150 software and digital content firms, many of them freelance operators specialising in graphic design. Some of them can be found working out of coffee shops along Nimanhaemin Road. 316 "The city has an attractive lifestyle with a lower cost of living. It also produces a lot of graduate students attracting new high-tech entrepreneurs," he said. The committee plans to work on public-private partnership to establish a Software Park with 2,000 square metres space to provide training facilities and working space for IT and design talent. The Board of Investment is also being asked to declare Chiang Mai a special economic zone with incentives for innovative businesses. Mr Venzky-Stalling said the committee expected to propose at least 10 projects with an investment budget of 200 million baht this year. Chiang Mai has been selected as one of the 10 creative economy cities by the Commerce Ministry. "We are applying to have Chiang Mai join the Unesco Creative Cities Network, aiming to build awareness and attract investment," he added. No strings on Thaicom 6 Bangkok Post May 31, 2011 Thaicom Plc, the country's sole private satellite operator, has unconditionally decided to build a sixth satellite despite receiving no incentives or a concession period extension. However, the company, founded by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, hopes to raise the concession issue with the new National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission for further negotiation. Chief executive Arak Chonlatanon said the Thaicom board yesterday granted approval for management to launch Thaicom 6 after the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry okayed the plan last week. He said the satellite would cost US$160 million and be funded through the ExportImport Bank of the United States. Thaicom 6 will be positioned at 78.5 degrees East and use fourth-generation broadcastoriented technology. It is scheduled to be launched in mid-2013. The company will share the same 17.5% revenue proportion from Thaicom 6 with the government, said Mr Arak. 317 He said the company's remaining nine years of its concession would make launching the new satellite viable, ensuring it can reach the break-even point. "Construction of the new satellite could help us to comply with state requirements," said Mr Arak. The company has been asked to launch Thaicom 6 as a backup for Thaicom 5, based on the government's interpretation of the terms of its concession. The request came in the wake of the Feb 26, 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Thaksin assets seizure case. In that decision, the high court ruled the Thaksin cabinet had allowed Thaicom to change the terms of its concession to launch the iPSTAR broadband satellite as its main satellite rather than as a backup for Thaicom 3 as stipulated in the terms of the concession agreement. The Council of State issued a legal finding in 1997 that past concession amendments of telecom operators, including those of Thaicom, did not comply with the terms of the Public-Private Joint Venture Act of 1992. Thaicom needs the ICT ministry to clarify all the unclear details including returns to the company in exchange for a new satellite launch in case the ministry does not extend the concession period. In another development, Thaicom said it expected to earn several billion baht in revenue from a 10-year contract signed with Measat Global Bhd of Malaysia. The deal, which starts this year, will allow Measat to secure a major portion of iPSTAR's capacity over Malaysia. Measat will be iPSTAR's national service operator in Malaysia, with exclusive rights to provide bandwidth and related broadband services, marketed as Measat-5. "This [rental bandwidth] totals 3.3 Gbps or 7% of all bandwidth capacity of the iPSTAR satellite," said Mr Arak. In addition, Measat Satellite Systems (MSS), a subsidiary, will secure the existing iPSTAR gateway equipment, which will be moved to the Measat Teleport and Broadcast Centre in Cyberjaya, 50 kilometres south of Kuala Lumpur. 318 2011 June Report TELECOMMUNICATIONS 'TOT3G' next-generation system due in November Bangkok Post June 9, 2011 The TOT3G next-generation wireless system will be ready for launch in 17 provinces by November and nationwide next year, says TOT Corporation. The state telecom enterprise plans to launch a marketing campaign for the TOT3G brand tomorrow to help raise public awareness of the project. The new system, based on the 1900- megahertz frequency and informally known as 3.9G, offers speeds as fast as 42 Mbps or an order of magnitude faster than the commonly used, pre-3G Edge network offered now by the major cellular providers. This will be the second public launch of a 3G wireless system by TOT. In December 2009 under then-ICT minister Ranongruk Suwunchwee, TOT announced 3G services using some 500 base stations in Bangkok as a pilot project. End-user services were marketed by five companies acting as mobile virtual network operators using the TOT network. A new network is being built for TOT under a 15.99-billion-baht contract awarded last month to SL Consortium, a partnership between Loxley and Samart Telcoms.The network will be the first in the country and only the 14th in the world to use the HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access Plus) system. TOT president Arnon Tubtiang said the new system would offer transmission speeds up to six times faster than the current 3G network. Demand for high-speed wireless networks has jumped sharply with the popularity of the internet, multimedia applications and the use of smartphones and tablet PCs. But the advent of next-generation networks in Thailand has been delayed for years due to political infighting, legal challenges to the legitimacy of existing regulators and policy reversals. 319 All three major cellular operators - AIS, DTAC and True - are currently offering limited 3G access under trials restricted under existing concession agreements with state telecom enterprises. Mr Arnon said TOT planned to open its 3G system in 17 provinces by November. Plans call for 1,772 base stations to be installed in Bangkok, Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi and Pathum Thani, with another 1,686 in Chon Buri, Rayong, Songkhla, Surat Thani, Phuket, Nakhon Ratchasima, Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, Nong Khai, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phitsanulok and Lampang. Another 1,314 stations will be installed in the remaining 59 provinces nationwide by the end of next year. "TOT3G already has some 200,000 customers. We hope to boost this to 1.3 million this year and by an additional 7 million by 2015," said Mr Arnon. Besides wireless internet, applications for the new network include videoconferencing, high-definition television transmission and online gaming. Mr Arnon said the TOT board tomorrow would also consider a restructuring aimed at helping the company compete better in the future. The changes will reduce the number of business groups to nine from 12. The mobile service business group, once one of the most important in TOT, will be merged with the wireless-USO (universal service obligation) group into a new wireless business group. Telecommunications DTAC floats plan for 4G Unused frequency to be traded for licence Bangkok Post June 13, 2011 OSLO : DTAC, the country's second largest mobile operator, is floating a proposal to return an unutilised portion of its frequency to the new industry regulator in exchange for a fourth-generation (4G) operating licence. ‘Now‘is the most logical time for Thailand to move forward, whether it be 3G or 4G,’’ JON EDDY ABDULLAH CEO, DTAC The company says it has devised a strategic model that could end the long stalemate over 3G and simultaneously lay the groundwork for 4G wireless broadband services, which some other countries are already developing. 320 The idea centres on returning the portion of the 1800-Megahertz spectrum that the company is not using to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). Jon Eddy Abdullah, the chief executive officer of DTAC, said he believed the plan was a win-win solution that could break the deadlock in the Thai telecom industry and allow consumers to enjoy the benefits of high-speed wireless data communication. "The proposal might unwind the Thai telecom industry, moving away from concessions to a licensing regime," he said at a briefing at the headquarters of the company's Norwegian majority shareholder Telenor. Mr Abdullah said DTAC was willing to return 25 MHz of unused bandwidth on the digital 1800-MHz spectrum to the NBTC once the new broadcast and telecom regulator is formed. Wichian Mektrakarn, the chief executive of the mobile market leader Advanced Info Service (AIS), agreed with the idea, saying it would be a technical solution. But he said that the allocation of the frequency had to be done transparently under a fair agreement. DTAC has 50 MHz of the 1800-MHz frequency for voice services, plus 10 MHz of analogue 850-MHz frequency bandwidth for data service. Its concession is due to expire in 2018. The concessions of third-ranked True Move and DPC, a subsidiary of AIS, are due to expire in 2013, at which time they must return 12.5 MHz each of the 1800-MHz spectrum to their concession providers. CAT Telecom owns the DTAC, True Move, DPC concessions. By combining DTAC's 25 MHz with the 25 MHz of True Move and DPC, the NBTC could then call an auction to issue 4G licences for operators on the 1800-MHz spectrum, Mr Abdullah explained. "The granting of 4G licences would be under the frequency allocation principle," he said, adding that this could resolve the chronic problems impeding industry development, notably the inability to offer 3G service at a time when most other countries offer it and many are now preparing to launch 4G. A discussion at the state level is needed to execute an action plan, he said, adding that the NBTC should consider the proposal for the sake of the national interest. 321 "Now is the most logical time for Thailand to move forward, whether it be 3G or 4G," he said, adding that the proliferation of smartphones and tablet devices had substantially increased mobile internet demand. Prathet Tankuranun, the company's head for engineering, said DTAC could install 4G long-term evolution (LTE) software on top of its existing upgraded 2G network, enabling it to provide speeds of up to 80 Mbps. "The software installation could take two or three months, with 4G commercial service to switch on sooner," he said. "Our 3G would be for both voice and data services while 4G would be for pure data services." DTAC is upgrading all 10,359 of its 2G base stations to make them 3G-ready under network swap projects, improving network quality and increasing capacity by 20%. The upgrading is scheduled to be completed in mid-July in Bangkok and nationwide next year, said Mr Prathet. Mr Abdullah also said DTAC was determined to move ahead with 3G commercial service on its analogue 850-MHz frequency despite CAT's refusal to approve its requests for almost three years. DTAC will build 1,220 3G base stations on the 850-MHz frequency using high-speed packet access technology. "We are confident we can get approval from the acting NBTC to provide 3G commercial trials soon," he said. DTAC initially expected its trial services to start in Bangkok this month, and in big provinces in the third quarter. However, Mr Abdullah said the 3G on the 850-MHz frequency would be only a temporary solution. The only real solution for the country and the industry in the long run, he said, would be 3G on the international-standard 2.1-GHz frequency. TELECOMMUNICATIONS True Move outlines 4G plans Bangkok Post June 14, 2011 True Move, the country's third-largest mobile operator, intends to move ahead of its two bigger rivals with plans for a fourth generation (4G) mobile network. 322 Suphachai Chearavanont, the chief executive of parent True Corporation, said negotiations would start soon for a foreign strategic partner from a list of potential investors in Asia and Europe secured from investment bankers. "A deal with a foreign partner is likely this year," he said. True Move H, through its 3G operating unit Real Move, is preparing to upgrade its 3G high-speed packet access network on the analogue 850-megahertz frequency to 3G HSPA+ technology, enabling it to provide 4G-compatible speeds of up to 80 Mbps. "We're moving a step further and upgrading to a 4G network sooner after we migrate the existing 800,000 Hutch CDMA users to the HSPA network," said Mr Suphachai. "The 4G service will be deployed in cities and high-density population areas." True Corporation took over the CDMA2000 network earlier this year from Hutchison of Hong Kong. The company is upgrading the CDMA network, covering 25 central provinces including Bangkok, to HSPA under a wholesale-resale contract between Real Move and its concession owner CAT Telecom, the latter of which is a former joint-venture partner with Hutch and owner of the 850-MHz spectrum band. True Move H is offering an alternative, advanced service for the existing 800,000 Hutch CDMA users. Customers wishing to stay with the provider will have two years in which to migrate to the HSPA network and can retain their old mobile numbers. However, they must buy new handsets that the company will offer at affordable prices in a special campaign. True Move's concession officially expires in 2013. It could then shift all its customers to Real Move, which has a 14-year agreement with CAT. Mr Suphachai has outlined plans for providing 3G wireless broadband nationwide on the HSPA network and 850-MHz frequency as its mainstream 3G service due to its greater coverage. The 2.1-gigahertz spectrum will be reserved for urban 3G service, while the new 2.6GHz spectrum will be for cities, rural schools and public services such as e-education and telemedicine. As for the partnership, True Move will limit foreign holding to no more than 24% for flexible management and operations, said Mr Suphachai. 323 He said the company wanted a partner with a long-term investment commitment, technology know-how and international roaming capacity. Meanwhile, True Corp reported a strong response by shareholders to its rights offering, which was oversubscribed by 1.387 billion baht for the 13.119 billion baht worth of shares offered. True offered 6.727 billion shares to raise funds to finance its HSPA platform. Shareholders were offered 0.865 new shares for each existing one held, priced at 1.95 baht per share. The share register closed on April 12, with the payment period from May 30 to June 3. The company will return the excess proceeds to shareholders by Friday. True shares closed yesterday on the SET at 4 baht, up four satang. SOFTWARE E-commerce incentive for small firms Bangkok Post June 24, 2011 Local small and medium-sized software operators are being encouraged to expand into e-commerce with the help of new business loans and support from two state agencies responsible for the software business. The Software Industry Promotion Agency (SIPA) and Software Park Thailand aim to expand the value of the local software and IT service industries to 200 billion baht within five years from an estimated 140 billion this year. SIPA chairman Supachai Tangwongsan said the country's information and communication technology (ICT) industry was growing by an average of 12% a year and was forecast to be worth 1 trillion baht by 2016, up from 678 billion this year. The SIPA is working with the SME Bank to provide loans for small software startup companies. The agency has set up a committee to verify their market potential and technology while the bank will screen financial capability. The maximum loan is 500,000 baht per company with no collateral requirement. The maximum repayment term is seven years with annual internet at 7%, and a one-year grace period. Dr Supachai said both software and digital content companies could seek the loans for business expansion. As well, SMEs that want to buy locally produced software or develop digital content to increase productivity and reduce costs could also seek loans. 324 Interested applicants can register online at http://sme.sipa.or.th/. He said the SIPA had so far offered financial support to 84 projects worth 58 million baht to both new entrepreneurs and leading software and digital content firms. More than 100 are on the waiting list. Thanachart Numnonda, the director of Software Park Thailand, said the agency was working with Thaiware Communication to set up a website to build an e-marketplace for local software firms at www.thaisoftwaremarket.com. The free portal is designed to help small software firms shift away from traditional physical packaging to sell their products online. This would extend their market reach both locally and abroad. "We aim to make the site the country's app store, offering not only PC downloads but also mobile applications using in smartphone and tablet devices," said Dr Thanachart. Thanop Somprasong, co-founder of Thaiware Communication, said around 100 software companies and 300 applications including inventory, business management and educational instruction would available on the portal. TECHNOLOGY » TOT EXPANSION Big-spending state firm plans diverse growth The Nation June 28, 2011 Broadband, cloud services, IPTV on aggressive 'to-do' list TOT is preparing to invest more than Bt10 billion to support the National Broadband Project and to prepare for new business ventures. It plans to announce Internet data-centre (IDC) and cloud-computing services and will also launch Internet-protocol television (IPTV) before the end of this year. It is also looking for business partners to develop content to support the digital TV channel. TOT's executive vice president of product development Jantana Techasirinugool said the company expected to invest about Bt10 billion before the end of 2014 to support the National Broadband Project by laying down infrastructure to develop a fibre-to-the-x (FTTX) network capable of delivering broadband to about 500,000 ports in Thailand's major cities. At present, TOT's FTTX network connects to about 10,000 ports in major cities. 325 Jantana said TOT - a state-owned telecom company - would invest about Bt300 million this year to lay down an information-technology infrastructure in order to provide commercial Internet data-centre and cloud-computing services. It will work with business partners such as Internet service providers to provide the services in the third quarter of this year. She said that under the cloud-computing service, TOT would provide applications-as-aservice, such as accounting applications, security, inventory, enterprise resource planning and human-resource applications, focusing on small- and medium-sized enterprises and multinational companies. "I think we will be able to provide the Internet data-centre service in the third quarter and cloud-computing services by the end of this year. Cloud-computing customers will pay service fees for on-demand services, or a license-fee charge. Moreover, we will develop, and are looking for, new applications to support the government sector," Jantana said. She said TOT was planning to launch Internet-protocol TV before the end of this year. It is now testing the system and is negotiating with business partners who will develop content to support the new digital TV channel. Future plans extend to shopping online via the IPTV channel. "We are currently piloting and testing the IPTV project, which will enable our business to expand into multimedia services, new media and providing customised, personalised services to meet the demands of customers in the near future," she said. TOT is also focusing on its online-gaming business. It now offers four casual online games: Tales Runner, WeDO, Cloud Nine and HAVE, and plans to introduce one more new game before the end of this year. It currently has about 5 million online-game users and expects that number to reach 6 million by the end of this year, with annual revenue from online gaming rising to about Bt200 million. TECHNOLOGY » SOFTWARE INDUSTRY OUTLOOK Plan to prepare for Asean Economic Community The Nation June 28, 2011 In rolling out its direction for 2011 and 2012 yesterday, the Association of Thai ICT Industry (ATCI) said it aimed to strengthen the Thai ICT industry and the domestic market to make them ready for the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. 326 ATCI president Adirake Patitus said that for the rest of his term in office over the next two years, he would emphasis four main policies: working to achieve synergies with other software and IT-related associations in Thailand; urging the government to encourage local demand for IT and software from both the government and business sectors; developing a big surge in high-quality IT and software manpower; and promoting good practices and transparent business management to reduce corruption. The association will work more closely with partner associations including the Association of Thai Software Industry, the Thai Software Export Promotion Association and the Digital Content Association of Thailand. This will aim to combine and integrate the strength of all related organisations to drive Thailand's IT and software industry to go abroad and to capture both Asian and global markets. "We will work more closely with the other associations so that together we can go abroad through ATCI's international partner network, which includes the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WISTA) and the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO)," Adirake said. He said his association needed the government's help to create and raise up demand for IT and software among government and business organisations by driving through policies such as tax incentives to convince private-sector organisations to invest more in IT and software. "The local market is a fundamental market place for us. We want to be strong in our own market place before competitors come in when the Asean market is opened in 2015. If we are not strong enough in our own market, we will have difficulty surviving when the Asean Economic Community becomes effective. The government can play a key role in this area by promoting the use of IT and software among government and private-sector organisations, and help to strengthen the local IT and software industry at the same time," Adirake said. The association aims to increase the number of IT technicians coming from educational institutions. The industry needs 200,000 qualified people in the next couple of years and currently there are only 50,000 to 60,000 trained IT workers in the country. To reach 200,000, the industry needs assistance from the government, he said. "The private sector is currently doing this alone. For example, MFEC - a big IT company - is collaborating with universities to develop IT manpower. It is aiming to create 1,000 new software engineers within five years. Without help from the government, we cannot achieve this mission," he said. However, ATCI plans to promote new technology and a new way of doing IT and software business among its members, in order to alert them to prepare their capabilities to cope with the new wave of technology. 327 Adirake said cloud computing was changing the way in which software was sold. These days, software sales are based on the software-as-a-service model. Local IT and software businesses have a lot of new knowledge to learn and technological know-how to understand, and ensuring that they receive it is another duty and mission that the association will accept. "We are in a new wave of computing that is called cloud computing. Companies who adopt it and have the ability to provide software and IT services in a cloud-computing environment will survive over the next 10 years," he said. Finally, the association regards as important its mission to build awareness of good governance and transparency among IT and software businesses, to reduce and eventually put an end to corruption by companies dealing with government organisations. "In my term [as president], we will promote this among our members and partners," Adirake said. However, he said the business sectors with the highest potential for investing in IT and software were banking and financial institutions. These companies were creating new and innovative services for their customers, and rather than relying on mainstream interest revenue, were moving to gain revenue from fees charged for services. 2011 July Report AIS, Samart eye 3G Both firms keen to work with TOT Bangkok Post July 6, 2011 Advanced Info Service and Samart Corporation are the two main contenders to win a major deal to help TOT Plc expand its third-generation wireless broadband service under the new Pheu Thai government. The country's largest mobile operator and the leading telecom equipment maker aim to secure 40% of the state telecom enterprise's 3G network capacity under a long-term deal. TOT is using the mobile virtual network operator model, with three categories: strategic partner, conventional MVNOs, and resellers. 328 The state telecom enterprise envisions a strategic partner receiving 40% of total network capacity, working closely with TOT on network expansion, marketing and other activities. It wants to have two conventional MVNOs with 20% capacity each, providing services and billing systems. The remaining operators would be resellers marketing 3G SIM cards on behalf of TOT, with a combined capacity of 20%. TOT, through the SL consortium including Samart, is preparing to install 4,772 base stations in one year under a 16-billion-baht budget, with capacity to serve 7.2 million subscribers. It plans to start providing 3G service on 400 sites in the third quarter this year. The network will offer a maximum connection speed of 42 megabits per second, compared with 7.2 Mbps offered by the existing TOT network. An MVNO is a mobile operator that does not own its own spectrum and usually does not have its own network infrastructure. Samart president Watchai Vilailuck said that his company, through subsidiary Samart I Mobile, was determined to be a strategic MVNO and ready to enter a bid. The company is committed to spend between 400 million and 500 million baht on MVNO operations if it is selected as a strategic operator," he said. "TOT should select a strategic partner with a long-term investment commitment, not a company intending to enter 3G bidding in the future," he said, referring to AIS. "TOT might risk losing AIS customers' loyalty and revenue sharing if AIS wins a 3G licence and migrates MVNO customers to its own network." He insisted that Samart would not participate in any future auction for 3G commercial licences. The company is determined to move ahead to marketing TOT 3G alone. Wichian Mektrakarn, the chief executive officer of AIS, said if TOT rejects AIS, it must explain the decision to the public as AIS offered the highest number and quality of base stations. IT giants eager for tablet orders Bangkok Post July 8, 2011 Leading computer vendors have expressed interest in participating in the new government's plans to give new tablet PCs to schoolchildren nationwide. 329 The Pheu Thai Party and presumptive prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra have pledged to give tablet PCs to primary school students across the country as part of their education policy. While many may hope to receive an Apple iPad tablets, it is almost certain that the government would focus on a cheaper, more generic tablet for the programme. Party leaders before the election said tablets could be procured for just 5,000 baht per unit, or less than one-third the price of the cheapest iPad model. Regardless, computer vendors say an ''One Tablet per Child'' policy would potentially increase sales in the domestic tablet market four- or five-fold to 1 million units by 2012. Chen Wenfeng, director for enterprise business at Huawei Technologies (Thailand), said the company would be interested in participating in the programme. He said the company had the manufacturing capacity to meet any procurement needs, and had been quite successful in the European tablet market. At Acer Computer, managing director Harry Yang said the Taiwanese company would also be quite interested in the programme. He suggested policymakers consider a 10'' screen rather than a smaller 7'' model due to the greater convenience in interactive and multimedia applications. ''If this project is executed next year, the country's tablet market could rise to over 1 million units from 250,000 this year,'' Mr Yang said. ''But we still believe that notebook PCs can see growth of at least 20% this year. Most users are continuing to use tablets primarily as a secondary device to read or display content.'' Tablet PCs such as the iPad, Research in Motion's PlayBook or tablets using Google's Android system rely on touchscreen technology for user interaction rather than the traditional keyboard and mouse used by laptops and desktop computers. But many users are attracted to the portability of tablets for reading e-books, browsing the Web, checking e-mail or using thousands of applications originally developed for smartphones such as the iPhone, Android or BlackBerry. Pornthep Watchara-Amnouy, managing director of AsusTek Computer (Thailand), the manufacturer of Asus computers, said the company was considering the possible hardware and software specifications that could be used for the programme. He said a 5,000-baht unit price would affect the market, considering that average tablet prices are now around 15,000 baht. 330 Takon Niyomthai, country manager of Toshiba's IT business division, said it was also interested in the project, although the government had yet to release any clear guidelines. But the policy, if implemented, would create a new segment for entry-level tablets in Thailand. But Mr Takon said the project would be unlikely to have a significant impact on global market sales, which is estimated at 150 million units worldwide. TELECOMS MVNO strategy likely to go back to square one, says TOT Bangkok Post July 11, 2011 The new strategic plan by TOT Plc for marketing its 3G wireless broadband services is expected to go back to square one amid questions about the practicality of the approach. The development is not unexpected since the state telecom enterprise is also about to get a new board after the new Pheu Thai-led government is formed. Wholesale changes on the boards of state enterprises are regular occurrences whenever an administration is changed. The current TOT board, chaired by Boonmark Sirinaowakul, would let a new board chosen by the Pheu Thai government make the decision on TOT's strategy, said Prapan Boonyakiat, spokesman and director of TOT. TOT recently drafted a new approach for its mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) business model, with three tiers of operators including a strategic partner that would be responsible for 40% of the 3G network's capacity. The mobile market leader Advanced Info Service is expected to compete with Samart Corp, a major equipment supplier, for the strategic partner role. The new MVNO model was recommended by Boston Consulting Group, and TOT was preparing to bring in more legal and finance advisers to work out details. An MVNO is a mobile operator that does not own its own spectrum and usually does not have its own network infrastructure. 331 The National Telecommunications Commission, now the acting National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, has already granted MVNO licences to 23 companies. The new TOT model consists of three categories: a strategic partner, conventional MVNOs and resellers. It envisions a strategic partner receiving 40% of total network capacity, working closely with TOT on network expansion, marketing and other activities. It wants to have two conventional MVNOs with 20% capacity each, providing services and billing systems. The remaining operators would be resellers marketing 3G SIM cards on behalf of TOT, with a combined capacity of 20%. Mr Prapan said TOT indeed wanted to finish the selection process for new MVNO operators within this month. Directors plan to discuss the issue today, he added. A TOT executive, who asked not to be named, said the Boston Consulting plan lacked crucial details related to legal issues involving MVNOs, financial projections and returns to TOT. The legal concerns centre on Section 46 of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission law, It says a radio frequency licence is an exclusive right and the licensee must use the frequency to operate its own business. Transferring the rights or assigning others to operate the frequency is forbidden. TELECOMS AIS eager to use TOT 3G Bangkok Post July 18, 2011 Advanced Info Service appears to be gaining momentum to win a major deal to help TOT Plc expand its 3G wireless broadband service, as the country's largest mobile operator is offering the state telecom enterprise four times higher returns than rivals. AIS and Samart Corporation are the two main contenders to win the deal to provide 3G service under the mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) model. They aim to secure 40% of TOT's 3G network capacity under a 10-year strategic partner contract. Wichian Mektrakarn, AIS's chief executive, said the company aimed to provide 3G service on behalf of TOT as it sees higher returns than operating its own 3G service on the 900-Megahertz frequency under the concession system. An MVNO is a mobile operator that does not own its own spectrum and usually does not have its own network infrastructure. 332 A TOT board director, who asked not to be named, said AIS had offered to pay it as much as 40% of revenue share plus other unconditional benefits if the company is selected as a strategic MVNO. AIS now pays 20% of its prepaid revenue to TOT and 30% of postpaid earnings. However, the selection of MVNO partners will likely have to wait until a new board is appointed following the formation of the new Pheu Thai-led government, he said. TOT recently drafted a new approach for its MVNO business model, with three tiers of operators. A strategic partner would be responsible for 40% of network capacity and would work closely with TOT on network expansion. A conventional MVNO would provide services and have its own billing system. A reseller would sell 3G SIM cards on behalf of TOT. But this plan could be shelved after the board raised questions about the practicality of the strategic approach. The TOT board in April approved a 16-billion-baht contract for the SL consortium of Samart Telcoms Plc and Loxley to build a nationwide 3G network, with 5,320 base stations planned in the first phase. The first phase of commercial service is planned to be operational in the fourth quarter this year. Mr Wichian acknowledged that even if AIS, through a subsidiary, participated in a 3G licence auction, it would take at least two years to build networks and begin service. "TOT doesn't have to worry about this [delay]. We are determined to aggressively provide TOT 3G," he said. TECHNOLOGY The tablet challenge Some may be sceptical about Pheu Thai's pledge to put a tablet in the hands of every school child, but IT industry sees a golden opportunity to step up R&D. Bangkok Post July 20, 2011 The Pheu Thai Party's promise of One Tablet per Child for primary school students nationwide has touched off a lively debate about cost and practicality. As well, some academics and social theorists have questioned whether enough relevant content is available for young learners, while warning against the high risk of children using tablets for gaming or inappropriate activity. 333 However, the education policy of Yingluck Shinawatra, the Pheu Thai Party's presumed prime ministerial candidate, is fostering hope for both international and local computer vendors eager for tablet orders. They believe the One Tablet per Child policy could increase domestic tablet sales fouror five-fold to one million units by next year. Local electronics and computer companies along with technological universities are urging the new government to open the doors of the 4-billion-baht programme to Thaimade tablet personal computers. Rather than simply importing them, promotion of locally made tablets would stimulate the domestic economy and promote development of the country's research and development (R&D) base. Sawat Erbchokchai, the R&D director at Forth Corporation Plc, said his company was ready to produce the first Thai-made educational tablet products. "Our high-tech manufacturing service enables us to supply our self-designed controller board and base board to interface with an LCD display," he said. Forth designed the circuit board used in its IP PBX business and which could be applied to the tablets, said Mr Sawat. He said only a few months would be needed to adapt the controller board for this purpose. Forth's manufacturing facility has enough capacity to meet government requirements, said Mr Sawat. Up to 90% of company capacity is used for custom orders including the global hard-disk manufacturer Western Digital. Mr Sawat suggests the new government use e-auction procurement to force international tablet vendors to cut their prices. An R&D collaboration between local private companies and the government would also help to encourage local R&D in manufacturing, component supplies and software development. "If Thailand used its own tablets, that would make us the first country in the world to make these devices for its primary school students," he said. "There might even be an opportunity to export them for educational use abroad." 334 Some countries now distribute commercial tablets available in the market to their school and university students. Panuwat Khantamoleekul, the managing director of Supreme Distribution (Thailand), a local computer maker under the DTK brand, said the company planned to form a consortium with three other local companies that have their own factories. They are SVOA Plc; Metro Professional Products, a subsidiary of Metro Systems Corporation Plc; and Synnex (Thailand). Members would share facilities to assemble 800,000 tablets for the government programme, said Mr Panuwat. He said Supreme Distribution was also in talks with Intel Microelectronics (Thailand) for special discounts on CPUs and advice on tablet assembly and with Microsoft for licence fees for special operating systems. However, Mr Panuwat urged the government to use existing educational applications running on the Microsoft operating system rather than Google's free Android system as the former has many more offerings. He admitted that local companies had been unable to participate in the tablet market previously but said the government's tablet project would offer an greater economy of scale than before. Suchatvee Suwansawat, the dean of engineering at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, said Thailand would benefit from having its own tablet manufacturing facilities even if the government did have to spend more on the setup than it would on importing the devices. Promoting domestic manufacturing would also enhance the capabilities of local entrepreneurs and younger people in design and production, he said. "The institute could make the tablets at our joint research and innovation centre set up by LG of South Korea," said Dr Suchatvee. Kurt Rudahl of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi said the government might need to subsidise local companies to help them compete with global rivals, which in turn would benefit the local economy. "Thailand could enjoy the experience of having a local tablet production site the same as China, India, Taiwan and Japan," he said. However, Vasant Chatikavanij, a senior executive vice-president of Loxley Plc, said locally made tablets should not come with a "fully functioning computing device" that 335 enables children to become dangerously obsessed with gaming and extreme direct social networking. He urged the government to consider e-readers instead of general-purpose tablets in order to prevent students from using the devices too freely. As well, the provision of local content should be a priority for for the children, said Mr Vasant. In the long run, Mr Vasant said the government should build portals or open operating platforms allowing local communities and teachers to input local data and sharing with others. "Tablets should serve as an access device connecting to local knowledge content," he said. The government could provide incentives for local data input and computer training classes at ICT community centres rather than spending a lot of money to hire organisations or teachers to produce the entire content. TELECOMS CAT and True quietly launch 3G services Bangkok Post July 21, 2011 CAT Telecom and True Move have quietly begun operating commercial 3G wireless broadband service, putting them a step ahead of mobile industry rivals AIS and DTAC. The state telecom enterprise has rebranded its service, changing the name from CAT CDMA to 'My'. True Move, the country's third largest mobile operator, through subsidiary Real Move, is offering the True Move H brand under a network and marketing alliance. The services are being offered on the analogue 850-megahertz frequency, which has been upgrading from CDMA to high-speed packet access technology under the WCDMA standard. CAT Telecom president Jirayuth Roongsrithong said it was spending 50 million baht to promote the My brand, assisted by the media agency TBWA Thailand. Its target customers are corporate users, social networking and internet communities. CAT will highlight its strengths of network ownership and high quality to promote its service, he said. 336 The My service now provides speeds up to 21 Mbps and could be upgraded to 42 Mbps to accommodate downloads of large files or video clips. Customers are being invited to apply to test the service free of charge at the state enterprise's customer service centres and the CAT shop at Chamchuri Square. Mr Jirayuth said CAT aimed to attract around 100,000 new customers this year, adding to the existing 1.1 million CDMA users. Of the total CDMA users, 700,000 are Hutch subscribers and the remaining 400,000 CAT CDMA users. The Hutch network, now owned by True, covers 25 central provinces including Bangkok, while CAT's nationwide CDMA network covers 51 provinces, making it competitive with other operators. CAT has installed more than 3,000 HSPA base stations so far, and is awaiting approval to import 3G equipment from the acting National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. It expects to complete installing all 5,000 base stations by the end of this year as planned. True Move H, a 3G reseller for CAT Telecom, is introducing its promotional campaigns with speeds of 21 Mbps and up to 8 Mbps for WiFi through its 30,000 hotspots. True Corp chief executive Suphachai Chearavanont said True Move H was ready to provide 3G commercial services in Bangkok, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Chon Buri. Wichian Mektrakarn, the chief executive of Advanced Info Service, admitted that the mobile market leader had been slow in marketing its 3G on the 900-MHz frequency. The company, however, is expanding its 3G network coverage, and expects to complete the work in the fourth quarter. AIS is also in talks with its concession owner TOT Plc to become a strategic partner to provide 3G service on behalf of TOT. TELECOMMUNICATIONS DTAC to forge ahead with 3G Mobile firm wooing Tesco Lotus's Darmp Bangkok Post July 22, 2011 337 Total Access Communication Plc (DTAC) is determined to press on with its own commercial third-generation (3G) wireless broadband service in Bangkok by mid-August without waiting for approval from its concession owner CAT Telecom. The country's second-largest mobile operator feels it has no choice but to start 3G now that its rivals True Move and Advanced Info Service have begun their own commercial services. Competition to offer 3G on existing frequencies of the three major mobile operators will likely intensify next month. Despite lacking approval from CAT, DTAC says it received a usage licence _ basically formal permission to start operating on a frequency _ from the acting National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission last month, clearing the way for it to provide commercial 3G service. "We shall consider this licence to mean we have the right to collect money for 3G service," said Jon Eddy Abdullah, DTAC's chief executive. "We see no good reason to wait any longer. Starting our own service could benefit all parties including CAT in terms of increased revenue from 3G." DTAC expects to pay 13-15 billion baht in revenue-sharing to CAT this year, he said. CAT president Jirayuth Roongsrithong said the state enterprise's legal team was discussing the issue. However, he insists DTAC does need CAT's approval to offer 3G service. Mr Abdullah said DTAC would have its 6,200 staff test the 3G service from next Monday ahead of introducing commercial service under a "Life Network" campaign. The company will start offering 3G on 400 base stations in Bangkok by mid-August, increasing to 2,000 bases covering 20 provinces by year-end. DTAC has spent 350 million baht to upgrade its existing analogue 850- megahertz frequency to high-speed packet access (HSPA) on 400 base stations in Bangkok and another 850 million baht to upgrade 820 more base stations in 20 provinces. An additional 750 million baht will be used next year to upgrade another 780 base stations, for total service coverage of 40 provinces. CAT has delayed approval for DTAC to provide commercial 3G service via 1,220 base stations. 338 In another development, a DTAC source confirmed reports that Darmp Sukontasap, a senior vice-president of Tesco Lotus, is being tipped to join DTAC as chief corporate affairs and strategy officer. Dr Darmp, who would succeed Thana Thienachariya, would be in charge of legal and regulatory affairs, considered the weakest point of the Norway-based mobile operator. "We are in talks with Dr Darmp for possible employment. An appointment to the post, if agreed upon, would take effect in September," said the source. Dr Darmp declined to comment yesterday. The 52-year-old executive has served for five years in the corporate and legal affairs department of Ek Chai Distribution Co, the operator of Tesco Lotus. He has also worked on legal matters for many international organisations as well as the Foreign Ministry. Several highly successful executives from the retail and marketing sectors have jumped into the mobile industry, most notably the high-profile marketer Apirak Kosayodhin. Mr Apirak was co-chief executive of True Move before entering politics. But rarely have any proved successful, as the mobile industry is considered the most difficult and challenging profession. DTAC shares closed yesterday on the SET at 63.50 baht, up 1.75 baht, in heavy trade worth 1.13 billion baht. AIS goes 3G in spite of legal jams Network upgrade seen as best option for now Bangkok Post July 29, 2011 Advanced Info Service, the country's largest mobile operator, has started commercial 3G wireless broadband services as part of its 10-billion-baht network expansion this year. Mr Wichian is flanked by Somchai Lertsutiwong (left), executive vice-president for marketing, and Thitipong Kiewpaisal, vice-president for marketing, at yesterday’s launch, where the company also introduced the AIS Bookstore application for the Apple iPad. The 3G services - running on HSPA, Edge plus and WiFi systems - will be available initially in Bangkok and nine major areas: Chiang Mai, Chon Buri, Hat Yai in Songkhla, 339 Phuket, Cha-am in Phetchaburi, Hua Hin and Pranburi in Prachuap Khiri Khan, Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Rai and Nakhon Pathom. Although AIS and second-ranked DTAC offer commercial 3G service by upgrading their existing 2G technologies to 3G high-speed packet access (HSPA), questions remain about the legality of doing so under their existing concessions granted by the state telecom enterprises. Some lawyers maintain that operators would be breaching their existing concessions, which permit them to offer only 2G digital cellular service. Soon-to-be prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was managing director of AIS in 2002, two years after she graduated with a master's in political science from Kentucky State University. She headed AIS until Temasek Holdings of Singapore bought Shin Corporation in 2006. After that, she was appointed as managing director of SC Asset Co Ltd, the Shinawatra family property development company. She resigned to enter politics. AIS chief executive Wichian Mektrakarn said the company needed to move ahead because no one knew if or when the government will attempt to stage an auction for commercial 3G licences on the international-standard 2100 Megahertz frequency. A planned licence auction collapsed last year after the state telecoms successfully challenged the legal authority of the regulator to issue licences. "[3G on the 900 MHz frequency] is our best option now. It was an upgrade from the existing network, not the launch of a new brand or a new service," he said. Mr Wichian reiterated that AIS was not breaching its 2G concession, which permits private operators to develop their networks, even though there are no details on new services or technology. DTAC recently announced a commercial launch of 3G services in Bangkok in mid-August despite lacking approval from its concession owner CAT Telecom. AIS has earmarked 10 billion baht for network expansion this year. Of the total, 2.5 billion is for 3G network upgrades with the remainder for Edge and WiFi network expansion. Network speeds for AIS's 3G services will vary depending on where customers are located and the tariff package. With the 3G HSPA network, it could offer download speeds of up to 21 Mbps, while the Edge Plus network will have download speed capability of 296 Kbps. 340 Mr Wichian said AIS did not have a revenue target for 3G service, noting the offering was to maintain its leadership in the mobile market with its 32 million customers, a 54.5% share. "We're still determined to participate in the licence auction on 2100 MHz," he said, adding AIS could not provide full 3G services on the existing frequency. AIS's 3G commercial options will be available to both prepaid and postpaid customers. Subscribers do not need to change SIM cards as they will be automatically upgraded. Customers using 3G-capable handsets will be allowed to sign up for the 3G services under various tariff plans. AIS's 3G data tariff plans start from 350 baht per month to use 1 GB of 3G and Edge Plus services, and 2 GB of 3G and Edge plus service plus unlimited WiFi is 550 baht a month. The rates increase to 799 baht per month for all unlimited services or 899 baht for all 3G services plus 10 e-magazines for three months. 2011 August Report Sipa reboots to support industry Bangkok Post August 8, 2011 The Software Industry Promotion Agency (Sipa) is restructuring to streamline the organisation and deliver faster support to the local industry. The state agency plans to spend 100 million baht to encourage the use of software in the tourism industry, one of the sectors expected to gain substantially once the Asean Economic Community (AEC) is formed in 2015. The Sipa board is awaiting the selection of a new Information and Communication Technology (ICT) minister before moving ahead with its plan, said chairman Supachai Tangwongsan, adding that he hoped the directors would not be changed when the new minister takes office. Sipa has restructured its internal process by reducing the number of director from seven to three to streamline decision-making. This could cut the approval process from five to three steps with more transparency. Mr Supachai said that Sipa was also amending its laws and regulations to make its working operations more flexible and reduce disputes. ``Since our inception eight years ago, there have been about to 70 legal disputes about internal affairs.'' Sipa has been granted a budget of 379 million baht for the 2012 fiscal year. It aims to allocate 100 million baht to promote the use of software in tourism, an industry that 341 earns Thailand 1.1 trillion baht a year and has an estimated 40,000 small and mediumsized operators. Other local sectors that would benefit from the use of more software include healthcare, food and agriculture, jewellery, logistics and education, he added. Sipa spent 378 million baht developing human resources to supply the industry, helping to produce 20,000 to 30,000 IT-related graduate each year. But the industry needs as many as 200,000 IT professionals per year. Currently, there are 80,000 to 90,000 IT professionals in the industry. The country's software market is estimated to be worth 143 billion baht this year, and is forecast to increase to 200 billion baht over the next five years. TOURISM TAT expands online marketing Bangkok Post August 13, 2011 The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) says it will use more technology and the internet to increase the effectiveness of its marketing and promotion campaigns. The TAT’s Amazing Thailand Facebook page has attracted 201,392 followers to date. "More online campaigns should be launched as international tourists look up information from the internet," said Thapanee Kiatphaibool, the TAT's director for the marketing information technology group. At present, the number of internet users worldwide is estimated at about 2.1 billion and that of mobile users is 1.4 billion. Smartphone users are projected to number around 450 million next year. "We will also apply customer relationship management (CRM) on many channels such as websites, social networks, mobile applications and games. Good CRM will help us collect data to create more targeted marketing campaigns in future," she said. It is expected that attractive marketing campaigns will help increase tourist awareness and drive the number of repeat visitors to Thailand. 342 The TAT's key "quality" markets include families, generations X and Y, women and senior citizens. Primary markets are medical, wedding, eco-tourism and golf, while alternative markets are Mice and expatriates. Ms Thapanee said the TAT would do country-specific marketing campaigns. For example, the TAT has collaborated with local travel agents in China to promote Thailand destinations on well-known blogs. At present, page views of most national tourism organisations worldwide are decreasing because tourists and internet users prefer to gather information on social media or blogs. Therefore, the TAT is focusing more seriously on social media. "Our Facebook page has links to all TAT portals. This helps draw visitors to our website and we hope that will motivate them to travel in Thailand," Ms Thapanee said. This year, the TAT expects the number of page views for its website to increase by 2025% to 58-59 million and unique IPs will rise by 18-20% to 7.5 million. In July, TAT website drew 6.45 million hits and unique IPs of 927,673, compared to 4.422 million page views and 665,568 unique IPs in June. In terms of traffic, the top five national tourism organisations in the region are those of Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia respectively. Mobile application development is also important because mobile apps could help reach the high-end market, said Ms Thapanee. The TAT will highlight applications via iPhone, iPad and Android-based devices, focusing on the wedding, medical and golf markets. The agency has invested 10 million baht in social media. It has 253,010 fans and followers via Twitter and Facebook, up from 112,801 last September. Yingluck may push for data centres Bangkok Post August 15, 2011 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra envisions building internet data centres nationwide to accommodate emerging smart card technology, says a Pheu Thai policymaker. Industry analysts agree the premier is likely to pay more attention to national information and communication technology (ICT) policy because of her experience in the telecom field. 343 Ms Yingluck has served as president of Advanced Info Service, founded by deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra who is also her elder brother. "Apart from the party's One Tablet per Child campaign and free public WiFi, many innovative technology projects are likely to be seen," said the party source who asked not to be named. He said Ms Yingluck floated the idea to build more internet data centres (IDCs) in key areas nationwide to extend computing infrastructure capacity and support egovernment services to citizens. IDCs could help citizens with smart ID cards to access different state agencies. The smart ID card was a project of Thaksin. "3G projects on both existing frequencies through inband migration and the new 2100 Megahertz spectrum could also be accelerated under Premier Yingluck," he said. The new ICT minister, Anudith Nakornthap, is also expected to reorganise all telecom concessions and resolve existing legal disputes. The source said CAT Telecom would play a crucial role in supporting Ms Yingluck's IDC plan. The state telecom enterprise's president, Jirayuth Roongsrithong, has a close relationship with her party. Mr Jirayuth's wife is a sister of Sitha Tiwaree, a banned politician backed by Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan, a former key member of Thai Rak Thai who retains a strong influence in Pheu Thai though she is also banned from politics until next year. CAT recently spent 265 million baht expanding its IDC facility. The improvements include shared web hosting, server co-location, a dedicated web server, a virtual private server and a disaster recovery centre. E-portal to the future Universal online government services is the goal by 2015 through a planned allpurpose website. Bangkok Post August 17, 2011 In just a few short years, new small businesses will be able to apply for their permits and access other services electronically via a planned new government website that will automatically forward their information to the relevant state agencies. 344 Customers can check vessel or plane availability on the Customs Department site The e-government portal will provide the public and local businesses with more convenient access to one-stop information and services. Unlike the more conventional paper-based registration for new startups, the e-portal will encourage greater participation in democratic institutions and processes while improving the quality of state services. "The goal is for Thailand to offer universal government services online by 2015, allowing public access via any device around the clock," said Sak Segknoonthod, director of the Information and Communications Technology Ministry's recently established Electronic Government Agency (EGA). The EGA is already playing an important role as technology adviser to state agencies while coordinating efforts among them. A UN study on e-government readiness ranked Thailand 76th globally last year, slipping from 64th in 2009. The country also dropped from third place to fourth within Asean. "Legal issues and broadband availability are major constraints impeding state agencies from offering full e- services," said Mr Sak. file taxes with the Revenue Department 345 The EGA will assess all e-government services this year while encouraging greater use of information technology and IT professionals in government agencies. Early this year, it conducted a survey of 700 e-government services, with the results showing a distinct lack of interagency communication. Of the total, only 5% were able to provide anything resembling full services with form submission and inquiries accepted, while 3% had some level of multimedia interaction. The vast majority, 92%, offered only a basic service level such as posting information to be read on the website. As a start, the EGA will introduce its first e-service this year, the "national single window", allowing citizens to access electronic data and share and integrate information among 35 state agencies and private organisations in the areas of import, export and logistics. International cross-border data sharing is also in the pipeline. Led by the Customs Department, the national single window will provide one-stop service for documentation procedures for exporters and importers. check the breadth of services on the all-purpose e-government portal The system will reduce many time-consuming manual processes and cut transport costs for the current 125,000 exporters and importers in Thailand by at least US$3.2 billion annually. The shortened time frame will improve companies' competitiveness, especially for SMEs, in turn strengthening the country's overall competitiveness. Mr Sak said the EGA will extend its reach to handset devices in order to accommodate the increasing numbers of mobile users. Kiosks will be set up to help expand e-government service to remote rural areas. 346 "Thailand now has 20 million internet users, while the other 45 million have no access," said Mr Sak, adding that the EGA will work with Thailand Post branches nationwide. To date, the EGA has provided 120,000 e-mail accounts for civil servants. Mr Sak said planned cloud services will allow officials to choose their storage, server, operating system and database software on a pay-per-use basis. This will eliminate current IT constraints, particularly time-consuming procurement procedures. In October, the EGA will test government cloud services on its existing internal data centre as a pilot project using Microsoft Office 360, the online version of Microsoft Office. "then we'll evaluate the results and provide services in line with existing laws," said Mr Sak. He said the EGA has asked cloud service providers in Thailand including TOT Plc and CAT Telecom to assist by using their networks. This will allow the agency to manage service quality while not having to invest on its own. The infrastructure for the cloud services will be a collaborative effort including a government backup site and disaster recovery service paid monthly or per use without an upfront investment. Mr Sak said adopting cloud technology will increase IT use among state agencies and ease the IT staff shortage. 347 IT companies hope to build on state tablet project Bangkok Post August 17, 2011 Leading IT companies have urged the new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) minister to apply the One Tablet per Child project to promote Thailand as a tablet manufacturing base exporting to Asean. They also want Anudith Nakornthap to push for broadband internet prices of 300 baht per month, half the current rate, to increase accessibility and support the local ICT industry at large. Somkiat Ungaree, the honorary president of the Association of the Thai Software Industry (ATSI), applauded the government's school tablet project because of its benefit to local software development. The association hopes the planned 800,000 tablets could help the industry create a platform to export to Asean. He noted that during former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's administration, up to 60% of the country's IT spending came from the government budget, compared to 30% under other governments. Mr Somkiat added the government's policy to increase the daily minimum wage to 300 baht and monthly salaries of university graduates to 15,000 baht would spur IT investment in companies. Tatchapol Poshyanonoda, managing director of Cisco Thailand, said the minister should develop broadband network connectivity and Thai-language course materials to serve the tablet project. He urged the minister to provide 1 Mbps WiFi connectivity to students under the tablet project. Dr Tatchapol said Thailand could save as much as 100 billion baht if broadband operators consolidated their network investment in optical fibre networks to build a national broadband infrastructure. Another 100 billion baht could be saved if mobile operators share 3G towers. A study showed that if Thailand could increase broadband penetration by 10%, it would lift GDP by 1%. There are 3 million broadband users, a 5% penetration rate. Under the four-year national broadband policy, Thailand aims to have penetration of 80%. 348 Accharas Ouysinprasert, country manager of Intel Microelectronics Thailand, said broadband access charges should stand at 300 baht per month, or 3% of the average monthly salary in the country. She added the tablet project was expected to encourage the domestic hardware to software sectors. TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAT asks ICT to help push key projects Bangkok Post August 18, 2011 CAT Telecom has urged the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry to push forward CAT's 3G expansion project and optical-fibre network construction in preparation for a new licensing regime. The state telecom enterprise is gearing up to promote three flagship businesses: 3G wireless broadband, fixed broadband and fibre-to-the-x (FTTX), and international direct dialling. FTTX refers to the use of optical fibre to replace copper wire in the "last mile" to homes, businesses or other buildings. The sharper strategic focus is necessary as concession revenue, which has been CAT's lifeline, is due to vanish starting 29 months from now. CAT president Jirayuth Roongsrithong said 3G wireless broadband and FTTX would become its two most important revenue streams in the future. "The two flagship businesses will enable us to stand on our own in the long run without relying on concession revenue," he said. CAT's 3G network expansion costs 12 billion baht while fibre-optic network construction costs 6 billion. "We need the new ICT minister to push ahead our two major projects after we failed to move forward under the previous government," he said. The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) is now reviewing the 3G plan. 349 The previous cabinet approved the FTTX project. However, the NESDB asked CAT to separate the project into two phases, with the first to be developed in Bangkok and major provinces at a cost of 1.2 billion baht. Somphol Chanprasert, senior executive vice-president, said the FTTX project will promote growth for high-speed internet providers and increase CAT's revenue. "We expect to see 8 billion baht in revenue from FTTX this year, up from 7 billion last year," he said. New ICT minister: Free WiFi in 3 months Bangkok Post August 29, 2011 The new information and communications technology (ICT) minister has vowed to make good on the government's promise to provide free public WiFi service within three months. Group Capt Anudith Nakornthap plans to set up new committees to scrutinise existing contentious projects including deals between True Corporation and CAT Telecom, nationwide 3G network expansion by TOT Plc and past illegitimate concession amendments. "Free public WiFi is now our most urgent project. We expect to offer free service in some government places and schools within thee months," said Capt Anudith, adding that nationwide services would be completed in a year. The ICT Ministry will work closely with the acting National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and private telecom operators on WiFi network installation. The ministry must request more funding for the present fiscal year, on top of an initial budget of 5 billion baht, to subsidise public WiFi service, he said. The Bangkok MP for Sai Mai has the backing of Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan, a former key Thai Rak Thai member who retains a strong influence in Pheu Thai despite being banned from politics. But Capt Anudith insisted there would be no political interference in any investigation during his tenure in office. In his first year, he hopes to get the "Smart Thailand" project started and make progress on restructuring the two state telecom enterprises, TOT and CAT. 350 The ministry also wants to promote greater internet accessibility for all Thais, with 80% of households enjoying ICT services by 2015, he added. 2011 September Report Business > Telecommunications Senate finally elects NBTC members Bangkok Post September 5, 2011 The Senate elected the 11 members of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) on Monday, ending a 14-year saga of legislative indifference and political and business interference. The Senate, by secret ballot, chose the following 11 commissioners from the list of 44 finalists: 1. Col Natee Sukolrat, from the telecom sector 2. Election Commission secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn, from the legal sector 3. Pol Col Taweesak Ngamsanga, from the legal sector 4. Col Settapong Malisuwan, from the telecom sector 5. ACM Thares Punsri, from the field of television 6. Peerapong Manakit, from the field of television 7. Prasert Silpipat, in economics 8. Thawatchai Jittrapanun, in economics 9. Campaign for Popular Media Reform vice chairwoman Supinya Klanarong (representing the field of rights and freedom promotion and consumer protection) 10. Prawit Leesatapornwongs (consumer protection advocacy in the telecommunications industry) 11. Col Sukit Khamasunthorn (education, culture and social development). The NBTC members have a six-year, non-renewable term. They will later elect a commission chairman and two deputy chairmen. The final line up will then be submitted to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who will send it for formal royal endorsement. As the Senate meeting began today, a request to delay the selection of the NBTC members was rejected. 351 Si Sa Ket senator Chittipot Wiriyarot told the Senate meeting this morning that the NBTC's selection process was flawed with alleged irregularities. He asked the Senate to investigate them before voting on the membership of the new broadcasting regulator. Senate Speaker Theeradej Meepian rejected Mr Chittipot’s request, saying that the period for considering complaints had already passed and the senators scheduled to consider the qualifications of 44 finalists before casting secret ballots today. The selection of NBTC to regulate and redistribute broadcasting and telecommunication frequencies has floundered from one setback to another in the 14 years since the new regulator was first mandated by the 1997 constitution, amid legislative lethargy, strong criticism of the selection process and alleged interference by businessmen and politicians. Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn, spokesman for the Senate panel checking the qualifications of the finalists, insisted most senators did not want to see any further delay because they had found no problems with the selection process. Business > Telecommunications The high-tech mission The Smart Thailand scheme will build on previous administrations' IT efforts in order to supply broadband service nationwide for universal access to services. Bangkok Post September 7, 2011 Call it "Mission: Possible" _ in the next couple of years, the new government's Smart Thailand initiative will see rural residents submitting their house registrations online at their local tambon office instead of having to travel to the main district town. This high-tech mission will also enable them to have new smartcard IDs made at their local post office, consult with doctors in Bangkok from any health station in the country and, for students, study in virtual classrooms. Recent governments have increasingly promoted wider internet access and data communication services requiring high bandwidth. Now the Pheu Thai administration plans to introduce its Smart Thailand campaign for affordable high-speed broadband availability in each district nationwide. Under the project, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry will spend at least 30 billion baht to transform the country into Smart Thailand. 352 To this end, the ministry will use ICT hardware and software to promote a knowledgebased society while easing teacher and doctor shortages and affording access by all to government services. ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap said the Smart Thailand scheme will be crucial to the country's development, instituting a high-speed broadband infrastructure that will serve both government agencies and citizens. "This initiative will entail integrating network infrastructure and data exchange between agencies, promoting wider use of smartcard IDs as a multipurpose tool for accessing government services," he said. Gp Capt Anudith said certain districts will be selected to participate in a pilot project for e-government services. All paper-based government services will be replaced with an electronic services platform, but for this a high-speed broadband infrastructure must be developed. Methini Thepmani, an inspector-general at the ministry, said besides house registration and medical consultations, ID smartcards will allow access to social welfare and other public information including about the first-home and first-car projects and the One Tablet per Child scheme. Thatre Ngaosuphavongs of Business Navigator Consulting (BNC), which serves as the consultant for the project, said a recent study shows Thailand still has low broadband penetration despite higher-than-average disposable income. The country's household penetration for broadband was 15% last year, while average annual disposable income was US$3,000. Thailand's broadband spending totalled 6.3% of gross national income per capita, compared with 3.8% in Malaysia and 0.8% in Singapore. "The higher cost of broadband is the biggest barrier to low-income earners accessing the internet," said Mr Thatre. The study results suggest the government should expand the infrastructure backbone through a network buyback from TOT Plc and CAT Telecom. The government could form a new state agency called the National Broadband Network Co or allow the two state telecom enterprises to run the project. To push up the overall broadband penetration rate to 80% of the population by 2015, the government will need to spend 30 billion baht over the next two years to expand 353 backhaul connection coverage at the district and tambon levels nationwide in order to help private operators reduce their backhaul investment costs. Thailand's overall broadband penetration rate now stands at 5.7% of the population. However, the network buyback scheme could cost the government up to 100 billion baht. Say Sripaipan, another BNC consultant, said the National Broadband Network Co would play an important role in investing, expanding, managing and maintaining network assets. Singapore, Australia and Malaysia each have a National Broadband Network Co that is responsible for broadband nationwide, he said. "Over there, people living in cities and suburbs access broadband directly, while rural residents do so through shared facilities such as schools, ICT community centres and post offices," said Mr Say. Sinchai Tawwuttanakidgul, director of the Public Health Ministry's ICT Centre, said only 10% of of Thailand's 9,750 health stations offer telemedicine or telehealth services. "The farther away you are, the more you have to pay for broadband service," he said. Laws and regulations must address potential problems, particularly regarding data exchange between agencies, said Mr Sinchai. These can include the Computer Related Crime Act and the upcoming data privacy law. Mrs Methini said the ICT minister expects to receive the action plan study in November. Gp Capt Anudith will then submit the plan to the National Information Technology Committee chaired by the prime minister for approval before it is sent to the cabinet for budget approval. Gp Capt Anudith said he expects extra funding for Smart Thailand to be approved this year. New career paths IT professionals will enjoy greater opportunity under the Asean Economic Community's free flow of skilled labour. Bangkok Post September 28, 2011 354 If you are a talented information technology (IT) professional, the Asean Economic Community (AEC), which kicks off in in 2015, could widen your regional career opportunities thanks to its guaranteed free flow of skilled labour. What will become a single market and production base now has a population of 601 million, representing an opportunity for Thailand's software industry to export via online sales. Even though free trade will bring tremendous opportunities, it is also threatening local software companies due to fiercer competition in terms of capital, costs and workers' English-language capability. "This is a wake-up call for the local IT industry, which must prepare now to compete with upcoming rivals," said Ronnarong Poonpipat, director of the Trade Negotiations Department, at the AEC 2015 seminar organised by Software Park Thailand recently. "IT competitiveness should top the national agenda along with improving the broadband network infrastructure in order to promote niche software exports in the healthcare and tourism industries." He said computers and telecommunications are two more categories that should be liberalised under an "e-Asean". Foreign companies from within Asean were supposed to be allowed equity participation of 70% in some Thai sectors last year ahead of the AEC, far above the present 49% limit to foreign shareholding under the Foreign Business Act. Last year, the other nine Asean members agreed to this arrangement, but Thailand was the lone holdout due to the domestic political crisis at the time. However, the new Yingluck Shinawatra government has agreed to comply with the policy by the end of this year, he said. Service liberalisation will include cross-border supply, with activity conducted at a distance via any medium without meeting each other such as outsourcing or data processing. "Equity investment will take immediate effect, while the free flow of skilled labour will start in 2015," said Mr Ronnarong. He said the AEC needed many parties to become involved including the Labour Ministry, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC). 355 "There's a lot of software demand in Asean countries, but our local providers need to be competitive enough to fight the expected influx of new foreign rivals with skilled people," said Mr Ronnarong. Tanit Sorat, a vice-chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries, said the AEC will be Thailand's biggest challenge to date, one that will transform the country. Once the single market opens, the automotive, electronic and agriculture industries among others will be keen on investing in IT, particularly software, in order to increase their competitiveness, he said. The government needs to integrate national single windows for trade data exchange, and a national gateway will also be needed, Mr Tanit added. Methini Thepmani, an ICT Ministry inspector-general, said the ICT minister has been meeting with the labour minister to come up with IT certification for professionals. Asean will require certification for five professional IT positions _ systems analyst, network and systems administrator, ICT project management, information systems and network security, and enterprise architecture design and software development. "Thailand hopes to become a certification provider," Mrs Methini added. Supot Tiarawut, director of the Telecommunications Research and Industry Development Institute, said Singapore and Malaysia will act as a "middle men", attracting global technology companies to set up offices there and transform themselves into Asean companies in order to be entitled to AEC privileges. "Indonesia and Thailand will be the top two countries that global companies will target for expansion, thanks to their large populations," he said. For the telecom sector, Dr Supot said the NBTC should hold the 3G licence auction on the 2.1-gigahertz spectrum by mid-2012. Thanachart Numnonda, the director of Software Park Thailand, said smartphone users in Asean will number 41.9 million by 2015, up from 3 million in 2009. Such prolific growth provided the huge benefit to mobile application sector. In its Digital Economy rankings for last year, the Economist Intelligence Unit rated Singapore second in ICT competitiveness, Malaysia 36th, Thailand 40th, Vietnam 62nd and Indonesia 65th. Mr Thanachart said this showed much room for improvement on Thailand's part. 356 Suphajee Suthumpun, the chief executive of Thaicom Plc, said ICT technology will act as an enabler pushing the growth of Asean countries. Thailand will have to improve its education system, language skills and analytical ability by offering tax incentives for skill development, he said. Janewit Kraprayoon, general manager of True Internet Data Center, said Thailand offers a good location for data centres. 2011 October Report Sipa cloud project kicks off The Nation October 4, 2011 The Software Industry Promotion Agency (Sipa) has launched a cloudcomputing model offering Thai software for the tourism industry. The move aims to gather the strength of local software companies who offer software and solutions for tourism businesses and sell their products via the cloud to both domestic and overseas buyers. Sipa's board president Supachai Tangwongsan said tourism was a huge potential market for Thai software, especially within the Asean region. "Sipa's mission is to build Thailand-brand software in the global market. Vertical markets and the tourism sector are the first areas for us to move on," he said. In its budget for next year, Sipa has set aside Bt130 million to support the local software industry in five business clusters: logistics, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and tourism. The money will be used for software development and marketing. "We hope this project will help to create many more solutions for the tourism industry, both here and overseas. Currently, the local tourism industry spends about Bt3 billion to Bt5 billion per year on software and technologies. This is not a small market for Thai software vendors, but we are not aiming solely at the local tourism industry. We aim to be the software service provider for the global tourism industry," Supachai said. The goal is international recognition of Thailand as a software service provider, using the software-as-a-service model. In the tourism industry, the aggressive goal is to attract 20,000 hotels in Thailand and 100,000 hotels in Southeast Asia to use Thai software solutions, said Sipa board member Chalermpon Punnotok. 357 "Our strong strategy is the integration of our [local] solutions into one. That will provide one-stop shopping and one-stop service, making it easier for customers to buy our solutions," he said. Sipa does not intend to set up its own cloud-computing infrastructure, but will use existing infrastructures, owned by software companies. Thai Hotels' Association director Sakrin Chorsawai said cloud computing was a very suitable model from which to offer software-as-a-service to small- and medium-sized tourism businesses. Currently, Thai tourism businesses are in need of software and technologies to help them increase their competitiveness. With the aim of attracting buyers for local software services, the Sipa project is planning roadshows in nine tourism destinations: Pattaya, Kanchanaburi, Phuket, Koh Samui, Khao Yai, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Bangkok. It will also stage roadshows in Tokyo, Manila, Ho Chi Minh City, Bali and Kuala Lumpur. The project involves collaboration between Sipa and the Association of Thai Software Industry (ATSI), the Association of Thai ICT Industry (ATCI), the Thai Software Export Promotion Association (TSEP), the Thai Hotels' Association and the Thai Spa Association. At least 10 Thai software companies will offer their products and services in the project, including Signature, Ada Soft, Arunsawat, Touch Technology, IT Work, TNT, Vertasoft, AI Soft and Galileo. NBTC finally ready to work and plan 3G auction Bangkok Post October 8, 2011 The long-awaited National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission is ready to begin managing national radio frequencies and drafting a telecom master plan after receiving royal endorsement yesterday. The 11-member regulatory body will hold its first meeting on Monday to discuss regulations and drafting a conceptual agenda-setting working process. One of the NBTC's main tasks will be to auction licences for third-generation (3G) mobile broadband services on the international-standard 2100 Megahertz frequency, likely by mid-2012. Frustrated by five years of political squabbling and policy drift, private operators and the two state telecom enterprises are already offering 3G, but on other frequencies that are not considered ideal. Many other countries are already offering or planning 4G services. 358 Air Marshal Thares, the NBTC chairman, said the commission would need to hold frequent meetings because the policy vacuum has lasted so long. However, he admitted that the Monday meeting would not go into much detail. The commission would initially discuss on the selection of a secretary. Col Setthapong Malisuwan, the vice-chairman and head of the telecom committee, said the two major issues are management plans for radio frequencies for both telecoms and broadcasting, and drafting telecom master plans. The NBTC is the country's first independent organisation set up to regulate both telecom and broadcasting sectors. Its members will serve six-year terms. Col Setthapong said a 3G licence auction could begin in the middle 2012 if no further delays arose. He cautioned, however, that the 2100-Mhz frequency did not meet the international standard for further development to 4G technology. The planned offering of 15 Mhz for each 3G licence would be too little for upgrading to 4G in the future. Col Natee Sukonrat, vice-chairman and head of the broadcasting committee, said there was no urgent issue in the broadcasting field. He added that broadcasting represented a tool for managing national policy, particularly in areas of community radio, cable or satellite television and digital TV. Anuparb Thiralarp, a telecom academic, expressed concern that while the formation of the NBTC after nearly 13 years of delays was a good sign, legal difficulties and disputes could lie ahead. The main threat is the commission combines broadcasting and telecommunications regulatory functions. By law, the two functions are separate but this is inappropriate in an era of convergence when many services operate on multiple platforms, he said. Broadband to get even faster Fibretohome service will spur new demand Bangkok Post October 14, 2011 Major broadband service providers are gearing up to promote super-fast high-speed internet via optical-fibre lines as an alternative to ADSL broadband. 359 The two state telecom enterprises, TOT Plc and CAT Telecom, are also pinning hopes on fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) service to create a new revenue stream to offset sharp reductions in their concession revenues. Pete Bodharamik, chief executive of Jasmine International, said the company was spending 10 million baht installing an FTTH network to provide the service at the luxury Porto Villa in Samut Sakhon province. The company charges 1,200 baht for a 9 Mbps connection, and 6,990 baht for the highest speed of 100 Mbps. Optical fibre technology provides faster and better data transmission, especially for multimedia services including vide conferencing, e-learning and video on demand or pay-per-view, he said. Mr Pete said FTTH had high potential for growth, thanks to its higher-speed alternatives to handle streaming and multimedia applications. Jasmine is shifting its investment focus to the technology, rather than ADSL. "We expect 20,000 users the the first year of service, and 50,000 to 100,000 users in the second year," he said. He said Jasmine's broadband service under its 3BB brand aimed to become the market leader by 2013, with a 40% market share for a total 4-5 million customers, compared to 2 million now. "We expect our broadband revenue to double to 20 billion baht over the next two years," he said. Non Ingkutanon, general manager of True Corporation, said the company had invested 5 billion baht this year expanding its broadband network coverage to another 27 provinces and constructing an FTTH network. True had 79,000 new broadband customers in the first half of this year, up 14% from the same period last year, helped by the ultra high-speed service. The company expects its broadband customer base to reach 1.25 million by the end of this year. CAT Telecom is also preparing to expand its FTTH network worth 6 billion baht. The state enterprise currently has 20,000 kilometres of optical fibre lines installed nationwide, mainly to provide broadband internet services. CAT chief executive Jirayut Rungsrithong said it expected FTTH to generate more revenue for the broadband business, with an expected 8 billion baht this year, up from 7 billion last year. 360 TOT is also developing 570,000 optical fibre ports, replacing old copper lines to improve efficiency. Thai flooding disrupting hard drive supplies Bangkok Post October 29, 2011 The massive flooding in Thailand is disrupting supplies of hard disk drives (HDDs) for the world's personal computer makers, according to companies and market intelligence firms. This aerial image shows partially-submerged factories in floodwaters in Pathum Thani, outskirts of Bangkok, on October 20. The massive flooding is disrupting supplies of hard disk drives (HDDs) for the world's personal computer makers, according to companies and market intelligence firms. Around 40 percent of all hard disk drives worldwide are produced in Thailand, making it the second-largest exporter of HDDs after China. John Rydning, research vice president for hard disk drives at technology consultant IDC, estimated that factories in Thailand currently affected by flooding account for some 25 percent of worldwide HDD production. "There's definitely going to be an impact on HDD customers this quarter and next quarter," Rydning told AFP on Friday. "It's going to take several months for the HDD industry to recover." Apple chief executive Tim Cook told financial analysts last week he was "virtually certain" that the flooding in Thailand would lead to an overall industry shortage of hard disk drives. "Like many others, we source many components from Thailand," Cook said during the quarterly earnings call for the manufacturer of the Macintosh computer line. 361 "There are several factories that are currently not operable and the recovery timeline for these factories is not known at this point," he said. "It is something that I'm concerned about," Cook said. "How it affects Apple, I'm not sure." Fang Zhang, an analyst for storage systems at market intelligence and technology consultant IHS iSuppli Corp., said the flooding could cause a 30 percent drop in HDD production in the fourth quarter of the year. Fang said in a statement that the floods could potentially lead to an HDD supply shortage this quarter that may last into the first quarter of next year. Before the disaster, IHS iSuppli had forecast production of 176.2 million hard drives during the fourth quarter. IDC's Rydning stressed that not all of the HDD production in Thailand is being affected by the flooding and said the impact "is mitigated somewhat by HDD inventory that existed entering the flood period. "Those inventories will help to satisfy some of the HDD requirements of major customers," he said. "But we expect that any inventory available will be depleted, probably in the month of November." The three-month crisis triggered by unusually heavy monsoon rains has left at least 377 people dead and damaged millions of homes and livelihoods, mostly in northern and central Thailand. Floodwaters are now approaching Bangkok. Rydning noted that the flooding in Thailand was the second major natural disaster to hit the HDD industry this year, coming on the heels of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March. "But it's a very resilient industry," he said. "It really came out of the third quarter in pretty good shape, not only in terms of meeting demand but having inventories back at levels they were at prior to the earthquake and tsunami." Apple is just one of the world's computer manufacturers expected to be affected by the tightening of supply of hard drives. "Amongst all of the PC vendors the pain is going to be felt by everyone -- more so by some of the smaller PC vendors than the bigger ones," Rydning said. Major PC manufacturers will be better able to weather the crisis because of their access to inventory and their ability to negotiate more strategic supply agreements, he said. 362 Rydning said the two HDD assembly companies the most heavily impacted by the flooding are Western Digital and Toshiba. "They're the two companies that have assembly factories in the flood zone," he said. More than a dozen HDD component suppliers were also affected because "they're congregated and clustered in that same region," he said. "But it's important to realize that these component suppliers are extremely nimble," he said. "They have factories in other countries as well, in China and the Philippines and Malaysia. "As quickly as they can they'll transfer production to those factories and try to make up any capacity that's lost due to flooding in Thailand," he said. "They will be very helpful to the HDD vendors to help them recover." TOT presses ahead with 3G expansion Bangkok Post October 31, 2011 TOT Plc is determined to proceed with its third-generation (3G) network expansion in 18 provinces next month as scheduled, saying any further delay would negatively affect future 3G revenue. But the state telecom enterprise acknowledged the country's worst floods in 70 years could delay the expansion. President Arnon Tubtiang conceded that the floods are posing a challenge TOT's 3G network expansion involving an additional 3,500 base stations in 18 provinces including Nakhon Sawan, Ayutthaya and Bangkok. However, he said TOT had entered a one-year data-roaming agreement with Advanced Info Service (AIS) to provide uninterrupted 3G service. Mr Arnon said TOT's 3G business plan remains on track, with 400,000 3G customers planned on top of 300,000 existing users from its authorised five mobile virtual network operators. "We expect the number of our 3G users to reach 700,000 by year-end," he said. The company insists it will have 4,772 base stations nationwide by next May as scheduled. 363 Mr Arnon also said the flood crisis should raise awareness among telecom operators and related agencies to improve their communications infrastructure, especially their wireless broadband networks. The government's Smart Thailand initiative should also be supported, Mr Arnon said. TOT has prepared a business continuity plan in the event the flooding turns into the worst-case scenario for the company. Thirteen nodes are located around the country to serve both voice and broadband communications. Each one is designed to be replaced by another. A mobile satellite communications network is also prepared to serve critical areas. Wichian Mektrakarn, AIS's chief executive, said his company's roaming agreement with TOT could serve between 500,000 and 2 million numbers, depending on usage demand. AIS is unsure whether it can achieve this year's revenue target. 2011 November Report ICT to streamline network rehabilitation Bangkok Post November 2, 2011 The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry will outline a coordinated rehabilitation infrastructure programme for all agencies under its umbrella after the flooding ends. The post-flood co-investment plan for flood-damaged networks is aimed at reducing the number of duplicate investments and speeding up rehabilitation, said Anudith Nakornthap, the ICT minister. The government has asked all state agencies under each ministry to coordinate their rehabilitation projects effectively. Gp Capt Anudith had an optimistic view of the crisis, saying it would accelerate the planned establishment of a national geographic information system (GIS) that integrates hardware, software and data for all state enterprises at different sources and links with the ministry's network. 364 GIS enables a user to capture, manage, analyse and display all forms of geographically referenced information. It allows the government to view, understand, question, interpret and visualise data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports and charts. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOT shifts to offering free 3G in trial run Bangkok Post November 14, 2011 TOT Plc, left with no choice but to postpone its commercial 3G wireless broadband service until the country's floods subside, is preparing a free trial service instead. The state telecom enterprise initially planned to launch commercial 3G service on the 1900-megahertz frequency on Nov 28. TOT board chairman Panthep Jamradroamrun said the floods were impeding construction of 3G base stations. Only 1,000 are ready for service, compared with the initial plan for 3,500 stations in 18 provinces. The planned joint construction of 2,000 base stations with mobile market leader Advanced Info Service has also slowed, he said. TOT planned to have a total of 5,200 3G base stations nationwide by 2012, serving up to 7 million customers. "We needed to restructure our 3G business plan to be in line with the real situation and current market opportunity," Mr Panthep said. He announced plans to provide free 3G trial service late this month, in lieu of the planned commercial service. The move should enable the state to gauge information and market response from customers. "Personally, I feel TOT should not begin 3G commercial service now when it is not ready to compete in the market and customers have too many choices," he said. Mr Panthep added: "We don't want to repeat the past mistake of Thai Mobile, the digital 1900 MHz mobile phone service." In May, the TOT board awarded a 16-billion-baht contract to the SL consortium of Samart Telcoms Plc and Loxley to build a nationwide 3G network. 365 The state enterprise is offering 3G service first through 548 base stations in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Five companies are operating under a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) model to sell services on behalf of TOT: Samart I-Mobile, Loxley, 365 Communication, IEC International and M Consultant Corporation. TOT's 3G service, however, has met with weak market response because of the state enterprise's ineffective business model and limited network coverage, plus the MVNOs' weak financial health. Mr Panthep said the board was implementing a long-term 3G business strategy and restructuring, using the company's strengths in fixed-line telephone, copper lines and optical fibre to add value. He stressed the need for TOT to quickly estimate its asset values, including those of mobile networks under build-transfer-operate concession contracts, before its concession revenue vanishes at the end of 2012. The Frequency Allocation law, enacted almost two years ago, stipulates that TOT and CAT Telecom must hand all concession revenue to the Finance Ministry after three years. "Both TOT and CAT need to stand on their own feet, with all efforts to seek more revenue streams" to offset the lost concession revenue, Mr Panthep said. School tablet PCs costed at B1.6bn Bangkok Post November 14, 2011 The Education Ministry wants 1.6 billion baht from the government's 2012 fiscal budget to purchase tablet computers for first-grade students, education permanent secretary Sasithara Pichaichannarong said Monday. Ms Sasithara said the Basic Education Commission, Private Education Commission and Higher Education Commission offices will oversee the budget for the one-tablet PC-perchild policy. The budget allocation is needed to buy 470,000 tablet PCs. The cost of each tablet PC was 3,100 baht and the software installation cost 310 baht for each computer, she said. Elementary schools under other ministries, such as the Interior Ministry's Department of Local Administration, will have to set up their own funds for purchasing tablet PCs, she said. The permanent secretary said there are about 850,000 first-graders and 569,000 of 366 them are in schools under the Education Ministry. The ministry will first give the tablet PCs to schools with proper utilities and internet access, she said. Keeping data high and dry Floods have taught businesses valuable lessons about protecting data and will open new opportunities for IT specialists Bangkok Post November 23, 2011 The country's worst floods in seven decades will lead to long-term growth opportunities for the IT industry, especially technologies associated with cloud computing, data backup centres, data recovery and business continuity services. Remote working, which involves internet-enabled devices, collaboration technology and cloud applications, allows for business continuity. These technologies play critical role in protecting data assets while keeping businesses operational, empowering staff to work remotely with better collaboration. Monsinee Keeratikrainon, the country manager of Frost & Sullivan Thailand, a global research firm, said cloud computing demand was expected to expand more quickly than initially expected because of the floods. "The cloud will likely get more attention from companies as they prepare business continuity plans for any future crisis," she said. Dr Monsinee said the anticipated increase in demand would likely open up opportunities for various specialists, especially system integrators, internet data centres, data backup and recovery, hosting and colocation, and cloud services, to offer more turnkey services to businesses. By design, the creation of a virtual system environment through a mirror site means that there is no difference between working at the mirror site and the head office. Telecom and ICT service providers have applied this virtual model for some time, while many large financial institutions have adopted it. During the political violence last year in bangkok, one Japanese bank located in the capital was able to maintain business continuity while competitors were unable to do so, and it gained dome financial transactions from its rivals and increased revenue as a result. 367 Dr Monsinee said cloud-based service demand from the industrial sector was also expected to grow significantly next year, fuelled by the need to repair damaged IT infrastructure and fresh demand for cloud architecture with business continuity programmes. "The cloud market in Thailand is expected to grow by 50% to 1.5 billion baht next year," she said. This could spur an investment of at least 500 million baht in expanding internet data centre capacities to accommodate demand. The availability of 3G wireless broadband services, combined with heavy public demand for news and communication services during the floods, greatly increased online traffic and social networking, with more than 1 million new online users added within the past three months. "The country's internet penetration rate is expected to increase from 25% to 30% by the end of next year," Dr Monsinee said. Thanachart Numnonda, director of Software Park Thailand, said the flooding had had a far greater impact than past political turmoil and other disasters. "The floods will drive demand for cloud-based data centres, disaster recovery sites and business continuity plans into other real sectors including small and medium-sized companies, not only large enterprises," he said. "Remote working via online software under monthly service charges has become an emerging trend." P.K. Gupta, chief architect of EMC Asia-Pacific/Japan, said data de-duplication over diskbased backup would play an integral role in a company's disaster recovery strategy to improve business sustainability during a crisis. When power supply is affected by a disaster, data de-duplication can help minimise power usage by using fewer disks for data backup. It also highlights the need for replicating long distances by tapping the power services of an alternative provider. During the floods, data centre operators saw demand rise 200% or even 300% from normal times, mainly from manufacturers that needed to move their data centres to a safe place. Kosit Suksingha, managing director of TCC Technology (TCCT), a data centre operator, said he believed portable data centres or container data facilities would become a new trend among companies. The flood crisis was a major catalyst for TCCT to build a Data Centre Park as a special zone, designed to facilitate and pool data centre services. 368 "It's time for data centre operators to have their own data facility buildings to effectively protect their assets, instead of renting other buildings and relying on the property owners," he said. Mr Kosit said companies had to review their operational locations, and needed to relocate to higher zones to avoid future flooding. A location adjacent to an oil station is also an essential to keep business operational in case electricity is cut. Morakot Thienmontree, senior executive vice-president for marketing of TOT Plc, said a strategic data centre location should provide various travel routes to the sites and multiple telecommunications channels in case sites are affected by floods. "Multi-site data centres in different provinces could help a company to minimise the risk. An alternative energy-based data centre would also be a choice to reduce the risk of heavy reliance on power and electricity," he said. COMMUNICATIONS NBTC gives the green light to frequency master plan Bangkok Post November 24, 2011 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) yesterday passed a resolution adopting a draft master plan for frequency management. The master plan will be used to regulate both telecom and broadcasting industries under the Frequency Allocation law. The government will own all frequencies that are managed by the NBTC, said Supinya Klangnarong, an NBTC commissioner. To make the public know and understand the draft master plan, Ms Supinya said the NBTC Office will have to release details of the scheme on its website in order to gauge public opinion. At the same time it will have to conduct a public hearing on the plan within the next three to four months. The NBTC commissioners will later have to come back to discuss the results of the public's opinions. If no obstacles are found, the draft master plan is expected to become effective by April, she said. Under the highlighted draft master plan, Ms Supinya said all radio frequencies with no contracts will have to return to the NBTC within five years. 369 Broadcasting frequencies are required to be reclaimed within 10 years, while telecom frequencies are needed to be returned within 15 years. The requirements do not include those frequencies under any rental contracts or mobile concessions. The master plan will be implemented through a four-year term, she said. Ms Supinya admitted that details on the master plan would take time for consideration because the timeframe on reclaiming frequencies from existing holders needed to be clarified, especially those linked to state agencies and the army that have no contracts. Air Chief Marshal Thares Punsri, the NBTC chairman, said the master plan for frequency management is crucial as it will become a starting point for the industry. After the commission completes all master plans, it could start the 3G licence auction. Data, data everywhere Analyst suggests setting up a water centre where all information is kept and technology deployed to make the best use of it. Bangkok Post November 30, 2011 A national water data centre should be a government focus to pool all fragmented water information resources, involving over 30 state agencies, says Royol Chitradon, director of the Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute. A light-detection and ranging map (LIDAR) gives the elevation of a given area using laser technology. By sending shortwaves, LIDAR uses the reflection to construct a 3D view of a location, making it easy to see changes in the area. The centre would manage and analyse data, including rainfall volumes, water catchments, water release, sea water levels, canal and river levels, weather forecasts, flood-risk areas and water pump and gate operations. 370 "The hardware required for all this data can be easily obtained. But we need to integrate the data exchange to make it available for all parties involved," said Dr Royol, who is a representative of the Strategic Committee for Water Resources Management. The Thai government has been bombarded with a slew of questions and complaints from the public in the wake of the floods, but couldn't answer many of them due to a lack of basic data. More accurate data and the ability to analyse it are critical factors for the country's decision-makers to manage water so Thailand can avoid a repeat of the current disaster. Dr Royol urged the government to use light detection and ranging technology (LIDAR), a tool for measuring and recording elevation data to measure the height of floodaffected provinces. This technology could be used to develop a higher-resolution topographic system, which would have an error range of less than 20 centimetres. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said US President Barack Obama pledged the US government would send LIDAR experts to Thailand for assistance in flood provention. Dr Royol admitted drafting a city data model would be impossible because it was difficult to collect the height of each area, road, tile drain and dynamic construction. Agricultural landscapes would provide better accuracy. The state might use the echo sounder to evaluate the depth of all major rivers and canals. It works by sending pressure waves down from the surface of the water and recording the time it takes the echo to return from the bottom. "During the floods, we installed the echo sounder on boats to measure canal depths in Bangkok and Samut Sakhon province," he said. Dr Royol said the availability of the echo sounder is still limited. But Thais know how to use it and can produce it locally, which could bring the price down to 100,000 baht per unit. He added the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles equipped with GPS, cameras and remote control for image capturing was helpful to find drainage obstacles such as dense water hyacinth. Satellite images from the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency helped the government with flood relief and in determining which critical risk areas need immediate drainage. A telemeter also proved effective in water drainage, especially at Chulalongkorn water gate, he said. 371 Dr Royol said the government needs to replace the computer-controlled watergate system with manual platforms to manage gates more effectively, particularly those in highly flooded areas that were difficult to access. The Netherlands' advice was that city planners should consider all natural water sources including canals and rivers, drainage and water waste management in a water management plan. The Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, meanwhile, need to establish rules to control the height of roads, drains and construction so that they do not block drainage. 2011 December Report TELECOMMUNICATIONS NBTC cagey on foreign dominance leanings Bangkok Post December 2, 2011 The regulation of foreign dominance in the telecommunications sector is on course to be reviewed by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) after a public hearing starting today. Regulations on foreign dominance took effect in August, with opposition groups noting the strict control of foreign operators in the sector will discourage foreign investors from Thailand. Supporters tout national security and assistance for local businesses as factors, as Thai companies try to compete in a fierce market. The proposal attempts to limit the management power of foreign investors in telecom companies. It also prohibits foreigners from using nominees to hold more than 49% of a local telecom company. NBTC chairman Air Chief Marshal Thares Punsri was unsure what position the commission would take. "It's too early to clarify which points we should keep and which should be eliminated. But even the most liberalised countries keep some essential businesses under their control for the sake of national security, such as telecom infrastructure. We must weigh these point," said Mr Thares. 372 Total Access Communication (DTAC) filed a lawsuit with the Central Administrative Court seeking termination of the regulations last Friday on the grounds the regulation is unlawful and is a trade barrier according to World Trade Organisation regulations. "The DTAC move prompted us to be cautious about the public hearing process and the amendment process," he said. He insists if there is an amendment, it will be done before a 3G licence auction for 2100 MHz, which was scheduled for mid-2012 by NBTC. True Corp CEO Supachai Cherawanont firmly supports the regulation, adding no country allows a completely open telecom business. True does not have a foreign partner, while DTAC partnered with Norway's Telenor, AIS with Singapore Telecom. NBTC and ICT to streamline policy Cutting redundancy, complexities are goals Bangkok Post December 8, 2011 The telecom regulatory board plans to strengthen its collaboration with the ICT Ministry to streamline policy, saying the initial move will be via a memorandum of understanding next week. ACM Thares Punsri, chairman of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, said the MoU between NBTC and the ICT Ministry would focus on policies involving the frequency allocation law and removing duplications and complexities in regulations. "We want to make sure we are moving in the same direction to serve the public more effectively," said the NBTC chairman. "I heard some government employees took issue with regulations passed by the old National Telecommunication Commission, especially if they conflicted with ICT policies. We don't want this to happen." The NBTC is responsible for governing telecommunication and broadcasting under the frequency allocation law, and it just approved a draft of the master plan for frequency management last month. The master plan will be used to regulate telecom and broadcasting industries and businesses. 373 The NBTC will release details of the plan on its website in order to gauge public opinion and hold a public hearing on the plan over the next three to four months. After gathering public opinion, if there are no major changes, the plan will take effect in April. The NBTC plans to hold an auction for 3G licences for wireless mobile at the 2100Megahertz frequency by mid-2012. ICT minister GP Capt Anudith Nakorntup said the agency is drafting an infrastructuresharing framework and plans to set up a new unit to serve government policies. The concept is to reduce the redundancy of infrastructure investment, initially focusing on fixed networks, while avoiding mobile concession issues. The ministry is also working on a plan to allow all Thais to access telecom and broadband services. The minister discussed the issue with the National Economic and Social Development Board and it supports the plan if it can reduce the costs of redundancy for infrastructure investment. An obstacle is that each department has its own rules and regulations. "The telecom pool is a good example. Look at mobile concessions _ each department has different concessions, bringing us to the mess we're in now," said Gp Capt Anudith. BROADCASTING No deadline for radio frequency recall Bangkok Post December 15, 2011 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission will not set a deadline for private operators of nine radio frequencies to return the frequencies to it for redistribution. NBTC spokeswoman Supinya Klangnarong announced the decision of the 11-member commission yesterday. The commission rejected the proposal of its broadcasting panel to recall the frequencies within 60 days. "As the commission has not set a deadline, it depends on the Office of the NBTC that reports directly to the [NBTC] chairman as to whether it will make the decision before or after 60 days," she said. 374 Ms Supinya and fellow commissioner Thawatchai Jitpanan were the minority who disagreed with the NBTC's decision yesterday. As a result of the resolution, operators of the nine frequencies can continue with their business until the Office of the NBTC informs them of contract termination. But their contracts will be terminated in a year together with those of other operators holding frequencies under the jurisdiction of state agencies. The nine frequencies are FM106.5, FM98.5, AM1035, AM1089, FM102, FM99, AM1089, FM89 and AM765. Contracts for the frequencies were originally due to expire on Dec 31 this year. When the NBTC's broadcasting panel floated the idea of retrieving the frequencies, Green Wave, which is broadcast on FM106.5, cried foul and launched a campaign questioning the NBTC's move. Green Wave, run by GMM Grammy's subsidiary A-Time Media, a major player in the music and entertainment industry, pleaded for audience sympathy over the radio station soon becoming history. Ms Supinya said the NBTC decided unanimously to have the Office of the NBTC draft the requirements and criteria for the return of the frequencies of all radio stations to the NBTC within a year. The NBTC has been established to retrieve and redistribute radio and television frequencies held by state agencies. TELECOMS TOT talking 3G expansion to ensure full coverage Bangkok Post December 15, 2011 The state telecom TOT plans to build 15,000 more base stations for its 3G broadband network, so long as the first phase of 5,200 stations can be installed as scheduled by mid-May next year. The aggressive expansion is to ensure nationwide coverage of 3G service while also reducing investment cost and providing a future source of income, said TOT chairman Panthep Chamrasromran. TOT is in the process of installing the first 5,200 base stations, worth 16 billion baht, in a consortium with Samart Telecoms Plc and Loxley Plc. The state telecom delayed its plan to launch commercial 3G service on the 2100megahertz frequency on Nov 28 after flooding stalled construction of base stations. Just 1,500 out of the 3,500 base stations are now ready for service. 375 Mr Panthep said the expansion had been discussed by the board but had yet to be approved. He said the ITT minister seemed supportive of the idea. "Only 5,200 base stations nationwide has raised eyebrows about whether it is enough to guarantee that TOT will survive in business and if the investment is viable commercially," Mr Panthep said. Once the board approves the plan, it will hold an open auction for a supplier _ with lowest cost as the main criterion. "We will not allow the complications of the SL consortium to happen again," Mr Panthep said. For funding, TOT will ask the creditors of the first phase (Bank of Ayudhaya and UOB) for another loan package for the new project. TOT is now the only operator with a licence to provide commercial 3G mobile service on the international standard 2100-megahertz frequency supported by all 3G handsets. Other mobile network operators, such as Advanced Info Services and DTAC, use highspeed packet access technology. TOT provides its service through subsidiary TOT3G, and through mobile virtual network operators. NBTC to finalise spectrum band auction early The Nation December 22, 2011 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is expected to finalise in March all details of the plan to auction the licences to use 3G and 4G spectrum bands, NBTC commissioner Colonel Settapong Malisuwan said. He added that the licensing details would include the 2.1GHz spectrum for providing the 3G cellular broadband service, the 2.3GHz for offering the 4G service, and the 1.8GHz spectrum for providing either the 3G or 4G service. The details will also include the number of 2.1GHz licences to be available, the licence price, and the details to prevent the spectrum monopoly. It will also tell the potential bidders if after winning the 2.1GHz licences, they can still be eligible to bid for more cellular spectrum licences. 376 Settapong, who is chairman of the NBTC's telecom committee, said the telecom committee intends to call for bids for the 2.1GHz licences within the third quarter of next year. He added that the NBTC would develop the 2.1GHz licence auction plan, based on the existing auction plan devised by the now defunct National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). The telecom committee will ask for the NBTC board's approval to set up its own subpanel to draft the 2.1GHz spectrum auction plan, comprising experts and five members of the telecom committee. Settapong will be chairman of this subcommittee. He added that the final auction details of the 2.1GHz licence are expected to be finalised in February. He said that it is possible the NBTC would auction the 2.3GHz-2.4GHz spectrum licences in 2013 or 2014. But whether the watchdog can do so depends on it reclaiming some of this spectrum band from their state holders first for reallocation. The country's 2.3GHz-2.4GHz spectrum band contains a bandwidth of 100MHz. Of the total, 60MHz bandwidth is owned by TOT and the rest is jointly held by military agencies. Settapong added that if the NBTC could reclaim only 30MHz bandwidth from TOT, this bandwidth amount is enough to be put on auction. The NBTC will have to set up the committee to negotiate with all state spectrum holders to reclaim their spectra for reallocation. And this why it takes time before the NBTC can reclaim the 2.3GHz-2.4GHz spectrum for auction. For the 1.8GHz spectrum auction, TrueMove and Digital Phone Co (DPC) will have to return their 1.8GHz spectrum to NBTC for reallocation once their concessions end in 2013. Each of their spectrum contains 12.5MHz bandwidth amount. The NBTC telecom committee will also ask for the NBTC board's approval to set up a panel to prepare to take back the concessioned spectra from the private concession holders. The panel is expected to start working in January. Settapong said the telecom committee has already discussed the matter with TrueMove and DPC and is waiting for them to propose their plans on how they would handle the customer transfer once their concessions end. The NBTC will also have to prepare the interim licences for them to continue to operate on the 1.8GHz spectrum during the transfer of their customers to any desired networks once their concessions end. The NBTC will determine the terms of the interim licences for them based on their proposed details of the customer transfer. 377 Settapong added that NBTC has prepared well for the possible legal challenges at the planned licence auction. He said the NBTC has no worry that any party would challenge its licensing authority as the watchdog has full regulatory power to grant the spectrum licences. The NBTC's telecom committee will also propose its final draft of the telecom master plan for the NBTC board's approval next week. He expected that the spectrum management plan, the broadcasting master plan and the telecom master plan will be published in the Royal Gazette in March to pave the way for the licence auction. ICT set to unveil WiFi hotspots Bangkok Post December 27, 2011 The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry says it will introduce free public WiFi at 20,000 locations around Greater Bangkok starting tomorrow. An additional 20,000 WiFi hotspots are expected by October next year, said ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap. The 40,000 WiFi hotspots, under ICT's fiscal budget for 2012, will have an average speed of 2 Mbps. Coverage is planned for city halls in 77 provinces, 878 district offices, 2,010 municipalities, 7,355 tambons, 5,765 tambon administration organisations, 12,355 schools, 1,278 hospitals and 8,269 police stations, he said. The 30-billion-baht scheme, part of the ministry's Smart Thailand project, will be implemented under a four-year period starting from 2012. The project aims to expand high-speed broadband internet, both wired and wireless, to cover 80% of districts nationwide, narrowing the digital divide and lifting the country's telecom infrastructure. Included in the plan is TOT's 3G wireless broadband network expansion and long-term evolution (4G) network development. Gp Capt Anudith acknowledged he was the minister the public knew the least about, according to a Suan Dusit poll, but added it wouldn't affect his intention to continue working hard. He is worried about the weakening of the country's ICT competency, dropping to 50 this year from 49 last year, a recent report showed. 378 The government is preparing to introduce its Government Information Network next Thursday in a bid to allow state authorities to provide one-stop services. Under the project, the ICT Ministry is the network installer for state agencies who were unable to invest in network by themselves. Gp Capt Anudith said the ministry plans to set up a joint committee to oversee network investment projects for TOT and CAT Telecom to reduce duplicate investment. TOT is set to become a network service provider offering WiFi, 3G wireless broadband and fixed-based broadband. CAT Telecom will become an integrated ICT service operator providing electronic transactions and network security. IT SERVICES Thailand aims to be cloud service hub Bangkok Post December 27, 2011 The US and Taiwanese governments have agreed to stimulate adoption of rental cloudbased services among small and medium-sized enterprises for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to improve competitiveness. The move promotes their cloud systems in the global marketplace, as growing cloud technology is expected to be valued at US$82.9 billion by 2016. Software Park Thailand wants to promote the country as a cloud outsourcing hub in the region over the next five years to create new IT job opportunities and attract revenue. Cloud computing is set to enter the mainstream in Asia-Pacific next year. Frost & Sullivan predict 30% of companies in the region will adopt the technology. Speaking at a recent seminar, Craig Allen, a representative of the International Trade Administration under the US Department of Commerce, said his country is planning to introduce cloud for both developed and developing countries. Ming-Cheng Sheng, director-general for the IT division of the Institute for Information Industry Chinese in Taipei, said it aims to export cloud-related products and services, especially a cloud data centre. It is also promoting domestic use of cloud among government, manufacturing, media and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 379 Wimonkan Kosumas, deputy director-general of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion, said the Thai government needs to strengthen IT capability for its 2.9 million SMEs to compete with more companies as free trade liberalises markets, particularly the planned Asean Economic Community. Dr Wimonkan said cloud enables companies to use technology at a lower cost through a subscription-based service, compared to traditional licence and purchasing models that require large investments upfront. Thanachart Numnonda, director of Software Park Thailand, said Thailand could use cloud to build new IT skills to develop cloud-enabled applications. "We could become a cloud outsource centre within five years," Dr Thanachat said. To achieve that goal, Software Park is cooperating with the Association of Thai Professionals in America and Canada to train cloud developers on the global cloud platforms of Amazon EC2, Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure. "We are preparing to form a cloud Thailand alliance by gathering all related authorities to promote cloud in the country," he said. Dr Thanachart added that in order to achieve its goal, Thailand needs a reliable highspeed broadband infrastructure nationwide plus a data privacy protection law. NBTC approves five-year telecom plan The Nation December 29, 2011 Preparations for granting 3G spectrum licences took a step forward yesterday when the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) approved the draft of the 2012-2016 telecom master plan, NBTC spokesperson Supinya Klangnarong said. This follows the commission's recent approvals of the drafts of the spectrummanagement master plan, the broadcasting master plan and the Universal Service Obligation master plan. The plans are key elements in the process that will enable the NBTC to auction new spectrum licences, such as the 3G licences. The draft telecom master plan also highlights the NBTC's goal of achieving coverage of 95 per cent of the population for voice services and 85-per-cent coverage for data services within the next five years. 380 The NBTC is set to hold a public hearing on the master plans early next year and to put them into effect within the first quarter. The watchdog intends to auction the 3G-2.1GHz licences within the third quarter of next year. The NBTC board also approved a proposal from its telecom committee to set up a 16member telecom sub-committee to prepare the plan to auction the 3G-2.1GHz spectrum licences. The sub-committee will comprise five members of the NBTC telecom committee, along with experts from many fields, including Deunden Nikomborirak, research director of the Thailand Development Research Institute's Sectoral Economics Programme, and Kittisak Prokati, a lecturer at Thammasat University's Law Faculty. In a related matter, Sujira Enterprise, which airs a radio programme on the 98.5 MHz spectrum granted to it by the NBTC's 1 Por Nor Radio Station, has informed the NBTC that it will discontinue the programme at the end of this year in line with a recent civil court order. The NBTC Office brought the case before the civil court after the company declined to pay the airtime rental fee to the office for a certain period. True uncertainty over 3G contracts Bangkok Post December 30, 2011 The deal between True Corporation and its concession owner CAT Telecom has become one of the flashpoints of the telecommunications industry this year, drawing heavy criticism from veterans' groups and protests from its bigger rivals in particular. True will continue facing uncertainty regarding the third-generation (3G) contracts next year as a slew of investigative panels under relevant authorities scrutinise the contractual details. In January, CAT signed six contracts with True to provide 3G service by upgrading to a high-speed packet access (HSPA) network. The contract effectively extended mobile operator True Move's life by 14 years beyond the 2013 expiry of its present mobile concession. True invested 6 billion baht taking over Hutchison CAT Wireless Multimedia, the marketer of tiny mobile phone business Hutch. CAT holds a 26% stake in Hutchison. 381 True reiterated the contract complies with the law. Many doubts have been cast on the ambiguity of the contract's details and the future of the telecom industry. The deal has raised questions over whether it breaches the Frequency Allocation Act, which prohibits a frequency licensee from transferring the resource to another party. A condition that required CAT to reserve up to 80% of its 3G network capacity for True using HSPA technology on the analogue 850-megahertz frequency, a clause of the National Telecommunications Commission, which has since been replaced by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), which has asked both parties to abolish it within 30 days, but it has remained until now. The contract is said to violate the Public-Private Joint Venture Act, which requires scrutiny of ventures worth more than one billion baht between government agencies and companies. This case has been under consideration by a panel of the National Anti-Corruption Commission concerning whether it breaches the aforementioned law and made states benefit loss or not. Another investigative panel under the aegis of the Information and Communication Technology Ministry has found irregularities in the deal. A resolution is expected in February before the matter is passed on to relevant authorities for further scrutiny. The NBTC will rule on the ministry's suggestion. Many legal experts think the case will likely end up in court, while many others believe the pressure on this case will ease once the 3G licence auction for the 2100-MHz frequency goes ahead as scheduled by mid-2012. 2012 January Report TOT signs 3G roaming deals with AIS, True Move, CAT Bangkok Post January 3, 2012 TOT Plc expects to sign roaming agreements for 3G services with Advanced Info Service, True Move and CAT Telecom this month. The state telecom enterprise aims to seal its network roaming deal with concessionaire Advanced Info Service (AIS) this week. 382 TOT's initial plan is to rent 800 3G base stations from AIS for a monthly fee of 20,000 baht per base. It also seeks to rent an additional 1,600 bases from True Move and another 800 bases from CAT Telecom under a rental budget of one billion baht. Arnon Tubtiang, TOT's chief executive, said the board had approved the co-sites plan under its 3G service expansion. Conditions of the roaming agreements are being reviewed by the Attorney General's Office. Mr Arnon said the first cooperation with AIS was due mainly to AIS's nationwide network coverage of 13,000 base stations and the fact that the mobile leader is its concessionaire. Under the agreement, TOT will rent 800 base stations from AIS for a monthly fee of 20,000 baht per base. In turn, the state enterprise will receive 25% as revenue sharing from AIS under a build-transferoperate concession contract. But TOT will pay rental fees to AIS for only three years and 10 months during the concession life. After that, the enterprise has the right to use the country's largest mobile operator network. "We're confident we can launch our 3G service nationwide on May 18 with a total of 5,320 base stations," said Mr Arnon. TOT is now the sole operator with a 3G licence to provide commercial 3G wireless broadband service on the international standard 2100-megahertz frequency. It provides 3G service through subsidiary TOT3G Co, along with some mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). An MVNO is an operator that does not own its own spectrum and usually does not have its own network. TOT plans to invest in more than 15,000 3G base stations on top of the existing 5,200 bases expected to be completed in May. It is now offering 3G service on 2,000 base stations in Bangkok. TOT chairman Panthep Chamrasromran said his company plans to open bidding for interested firms that offer the most attractive construction costs for the 15,000-base expansion plan. He said TOT will borrow money to fund the expansion from Bank of Ayudhya and UOB Bank. Both have already provided money for the first phase of the construction. 383 ICT Ministry launches cloud service Bangkok Post January 5, 2012 The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry will today introduce the government's new cloud computing service, a drive to encourage the adoption of e-service for all state agencies. The move is aimed at stimulating state authorities to use information technology (IT) on demand in a bid to shorten purchasing lead times, said ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap. The e-service, under a three-month pilot project, is based on cloud computing technology, a combination of computing power and data storage and applications. The service will include data storage, processing power, virtual servers and networking on service-based model. Service payment will be on a monthly subscription-based system or payper-use. Gp Capt Anudith said the e-service will encourage small state agencies to use IT on demand with no need for investment in up front payment. It will also help reduce IT investment by up to 40% due to IT resource-sharing among agencies. In the initial stage, the ICT Ministry through the Electronic Government Agency (EGA) expects to have at least 10 agencies using the service including the Science and Technology Ministry and the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency. The EGA will use a cloud data centre from the two state telecom enterprises _ TOT Plc and CAT Telecom _ to provide e-service. The agency plans to build its own cloud data facility this year, Gp Capt Anudith said. He said the cloud-based data centre could also be reserved as a back-up data centre for small state enterprises to ensure business continuity during crisis. "Users will no longer need to know where data is stored in any servers. They only ask the EGA when they need it for service," he added. The EGA plans to create more services on top of the existing government information network soon. Encouraging state agencies to use an intranet network is expected to help the country reduce network investment duplication costs by at least 30%. Thailand's total network spending totals 3-5 billion baht a year, with the EGA receiving a budget of almost 590 million baht for 2012. 384 AIS optimistic on 4G broadband trial by month's end Bangkok Post January 12, 2012 Advanced Info Service (AIS), the country's largest mobile operator, says it can begin testing its fourth-generation (4G) cellular broadband service in conjunction with TOT Plc and CAT Telecom on Jan 31. Wichian Mektrakarn, AIS's chief executive, said the company will conduct a non-commercial trial with TOT to provide 4G service using long-term evolution (LTE) technology on the 2.3gigahertz spectrum. The state telecom agency will use 20 megahertz of its total 64-MHz bandwidth of the spectrum during the trial. Simultaneously, AIS will introduce another non-commercial trial with CAT to provide 4G LTE service on the state enterprise's 1800-MHz spectrum. AIS and TOT will jointly set up 84 cell sites in Bangkok and some major provinces to conduct the testing. The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has approved the joint applications of AIS/TOT and AIS/CAT to offer LTE 4G trials. Under its policy, operators can offer the service for 90 days, with an extension for another 90 days. The NBTC has given approval to mobile operators to test 4G service on the 2.3-GHz and 1800MHz frequencies. True Corporation, the parent of mobile operators True Move and Real Move, has also asked permission from the NBTC to test 4G service on the 1800-MHz frequency. Mr Wichian said the 4G trial is aimed at stimulating the latest technologies, a positive example of how the company supports the government's objective of promoting innovation. "Trial service is planned for Jan 31, or early February at the latest," he said. AIS has yet to implement any policy direction in the 3G business, waiting instead for the auction of 3G licences to be held by the third quarter. 385 "We need to know which frequencies and bandwidth we will obtain from the NBTC before determining our 3G plan in terms of investment amount and network coverage expansion," said Mr Wichian. True announces hike in WiFi spending Bangkok Post January 25, 2012 True Corporation has earmarked 1.5 billion baht to expand its WiFi network coverage upcountry this year in anticipation of a 60% rise in subscriber numbers. The amount of investment represents a six-time increase from average annual spending. "The expansion is needed quickly to accommodate increasing mobile data connectivity and to offload 3G and 4G data traffic to WiFi networks," said Non Ingkutanon, True's general manager for broadband services. "We plan to have 1.5 million WiFi customers this year, up from 900,000 last year," he said, adding that WiFi revenue is also expected to increase 60% this year. The number of WiFi users in Thailand is seen reaching 2 million this year on proliferation of smartphones and tablets. Mr Non said the company plans to increase the number of WiFi hotspots to 100,000 this year, especially upcountry with 30,000 to 40,000. Mr Non said half of True's WiFi users were mobile customers and the rest broadband users. But the company expects 80% of its WiFi use to eventually come from mobile users. True is testing the new technology WiFi 2.0 along with other global mobile operators. The company is among several mobile operators in Asia that are ready to test the new technology, apart from China Mobile and NTT DoCoMo, AT&T of the US and British Telecom. Mr Non said WiFi 2.0, a next-generation hotspot, promises a cellular-like experience for WiFi users. It provides seamless automatic WiFi authentication and handoff, letting mobile users roam between networks without additional authentication. Unlike existing WiFi, which requires users to register their mobile devices and mobile numbers for using a service, the 2.0 technology requires no login password in exchange for services. True has installed WiFi 2.0 hotspots for a trial phase at CentralPlaza Grand Rama 9 and CentralPlaza Lardprao. It expects a commercial launch in the next two years. Mobile broadband users to skyrocket 386 Bangkok Post January 27, 2012 The number of mobile high-speed broadband users in Thailand will account for half of total mobile users by 2015 as smartphones and tablets proliferate and the 3G network expands, says the global research firm Frost & Sullivan. Local sales of smartphones and tablets will likely exceed personal computer sales for the first time this year, said Monsinee Keeratikrainon, the country manager of Frost & Sullivan Thailand. Smartphone sales totalled 9 million units last year, while sales of tablets reached 600,000. Ms Monsinee said competition in the Thai telecom market is expected to slow this year as companies focus on network expansion. But intense competition will resume next year with new business models. Thailand's ICT spending is projected to grow by 11-12% this year, similar to last year, fuelled by strong spending on cloud systems among small and medium-sized enterprises. Ms Monsinee said mobile high-speed broadband users in Thailand will top 35 million by 2015, representing half of the expected total of mobile subscribers. The number of mobile broadband users is expected to reach 30% of total mobile users this year. Fixed-base broadband users are expected to double to 10 million by 2015. She said fixed broadband service in Thailand remains competitive compared to other countries in the region. Nitin Bhat, a partner in Frost & Sullivan, said mobile internet users are likely to exceed fixed internet users this year. Sales of smartphones and tablets in Thailand are expected to exceed PC sales this year. Mr Bhat said mobile operators need to ally with companies in other industries including health care, transportation and retail in order to increase revenues. Operators are facing declining voice revenue and expect to see negative growth for the first time this year. Mr Bhat projects wireless data traffic volume will double every 18 months, fuelled mainly by video streaming, videoconferencing and adoption of social networking by enterprises. He expects long-term evolution or 4G technology will take up in the Asia-Pacific including Thailand in a few years. 387 New consumer mobile quality standards planned Bangkok Post January 28, 2012 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) plans to announce its draft quality standards governing data telecom services for mobile networks in March. The draft is aimed at enhancing consumer protection. The NBTC is also on the verge of setting up a tariff ceiling for mobile data service to promote fair consumer practice. The move is expected to pave the way for new 3G wireless broadband service on the 2.1-GHz frequency. A 3G licence auction is scheduled for mid-year with commercial service expected by 2013. "After a public hearing, the NBTC will seek approval from the telecom committee within a month, before making an announcement in the Royal Gazette for the draft to become effective," said NBTC commissioner Pravit Leestapornvongsa. The draft covers the parameter indicators of general services from mobile broadband internet access and applications to SMS, MMS and video streaming. "If a mobile operator fails to comply with the minimum requirements, the NBTC under the Telecom Act can fine the operator based on damages incurred by customers," Dr Pravit said. He added operators could face licence revocation or suspension if they fail to solve the problem. Chaodit Aswakul, in charge of writing the draft and an assistant professor at Chulalongkorn University, said it was in compliance with the European standard under the principle of technological neutrality. The new standard required mobile operators to start providing mobile data access to prepaid customers within three hours after they request for it, and eight hours for postpaid users. Some 90% of requested services still need to be accomplished. Operators must have less than 1% of voice billing complaints for both prepaid and postpaid systems. Any complaints must be resolved within 30 days, Dr Chaodit said. Delay of data signal for 2G service must not exceed one second, and for 3G it cannot exceed a half-second. The success rate for download service must be at least 80% and uploads 70%. The minimum download speed for 2G service must be at least 54 Kbps, while 3G is 384 Kbps. The minimum upload speed for 2G will be 20 Kbps and 192 Kbps for 3G. 388 Dr Pravit said the draft was not related to DTAC's recent network collapse, but the incident did highlight a need. He added the NBTC will enforce a penalty on mobile operators who fail to comply with the law, which requires them to lift their expiry dates for prepaid services. 2012 February Report 4G trials begin in earnest Bangkok Post February 1, 2012 Thailand's first 4G long-term evolution (LTE) broadband trial kicked off yesterday in Bangkok and Maha Sarakham province hosted by the country's largest mobile operator, Advanced Info Service (AIS). The non-commercial 100-Mbps wireless broadband service was supported by TOT Plc, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). AIS will join TOT to provide 4G service using LTE technology on the 2.3-gigahertz spectrum. The company will use 20 of TOT's total of 64-MHz bandwidth during the trial. Some 20 4G base stations are located in central Bangkok. AIS is simultaneously introducing another non-commercial trial with CAT Telecom to provide 4G service on the state enterprise's 1800-MHz spectrum. Eight cell sites were installed in Maha Sarakham. AIS chief executive Wichian Mektrakarn said the move strengthens its position in new technology. He added 43 operators worldwide provide both 3G and 4G services simultaneously. 4G service enables users to enjoy live broadcasting with high-definition video quality, with speeds ranging from 70 to 100 Mbps, seven times faster than 3G, said Mr Wichian. Col Sethapong Malisuwan, vice-chairman of the NBTC, said even though 4G is untested, the trial should help the country's infrastructure development and drive consumer demand. The NBTC has allowed all mobile operators to apply for 4G testing, but only AIS applied. 389 Thailand still has not licensed 3G service, but the NBTC plans to hold a licence auction by mid-year, he added. The 4G trial should encourage the two state telecom enterprises, TOT and CAT, to return their unused frequencies back to NBTC for reallocation. The NBTC plans to discuss with TOT the recall of 64 MHz of its 2.3-GHz frequency for a 4G licence auction. "If the TOT agrees, Thailand could have 4G service by 2013 or 2014," he said. Unjamming the info highway Problems caused by the proliferation of wireless devices and advent of 3G technology will require new regulations. Bangkok Post February 1, 2012 Skyrocketing mobile data traffic on third-generation (3G) networks is good news for operators, proof that high-speed wireless broadband is finally paying off. But the bad news is mobile operators are facing increasingly congested networks that ultimately have a negative effect on their reputations and churn rates. Total Access Communication (DTAC), the Norway-based mobile operator, in particular suffers from chronic traffic problems that have led to several network collapses so far as well as poor signal quality. Mobile leader Advanced Info Service (AIS) admits it faces network congestion in some areas due to a sharp increase in mobile internet users. Data traffic use surged by 70% last month thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and tablets. Wichian Mektrakarn, AIS's chief executive, said his company must allocate more voice bandwidth for 3G service in order to maintain network quality. It also uses data roaming with TOT Plc to relieve traffic congestion. He said before jumping on the commercial 3G bandwagon with the international standard 2.1-gigahertz frequency next year along with the introduction of 4G or longterm evolution technology, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) needs to implement regulations stipulating strict data service standards for mobile networks. 390 Frost & Sullivan, the US-based research firm, predicts mobile internet users in Thailand will exceed the number of fixed-based internet users this year. Thai mobile data internet users could amount to 64% of the population by 2015. By comparison, fixedbased broadband users will be only 16%. This highlights the growing importance of mobile services as a communications tool. DTAC's service disruptions have also raised concerns about the reliability of network services and consumer protection. The NBTC's own research has found a persistently high level of consumer complaints over mobile billing errors, with poor mobile data service quality coming in second. In 2010, the NBTC, at that time called the National Telecommunications Commission, received 82 mobile data service complaints _ 63 cases of billing errors and 19 of poor mobile internet quality. Last year saw 88 complaints _ 70 cases of billing errors and 18 of poor quality. Commissioner Pravit Leestapornvongsa said the NBTC is preparing quality standards for telecom data services on mobile networks. The new rules, which will complement existing voice quality service standards, are being prepared with an eye to commercial 3G service on the 2.1-GHz frequency next year, he said. Chaodit Aswakul, an assistant professor in Chulalongkorn University's engineering faculty and responsible for the draft regulations, said they will comply with data service quality under the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and be based on the principle of "network neutrality". Malaysia, Singapore, India and Lebanon are also implementing mobile data quality standards at this time. The NBTC's draft covers the parameter indicators of general services from mobile broadband internet access and applications to SMS, MMS and video streaming. It will require mobile operators to provide mobile data access to prepaid customers within three hours of their requesting it and eight hours for postpaid users. But 90% of complaints are still not being addressed. The draft will require operators to keep complaints down to less than 1% of voice billings for both prepaid and postpaid systems, and these must be resolved within 30 days. Delays in data signals must not exceed one second for 2G service and a half-second for 3G, while the success rate for downloads must be at least 80% and for uploads at least 70%. 391 Minimum download speeds will be 54 Kbps for 2G and 384 Kbps for 3G. The minimum upload speed will be 20 Kbps for 2G and 192 Kbps for 3G, while users must have a mobile internet browsing success rate of 80% for 2G and 90% for 3G. Dr Pravit said the regulations will be enforced only for operators with their own networks and will not cover mobile virtual network operators. "We expect the new regulations to take effect in March after public hearings. Approval by our telecom committee will also also be needed before their announcement in the Royal Gazette," he said. Mobile operators failing to comply will be issued a warning at first, followed by suspension or even revocation of their licence. Dr Pravit said the NBTC could add new parameters to the regulations after advent of faster-speed 4G technology. A higher standard for service quality and advertising messages would be included. But he admitted his agency needs to invest in more efficient auditing systems to monitor mobile service quality. The NBTC now has only two vehicles that can drive around Greater Bangkok to test mobile service quality. It recently used them to test DTAC's network, while AIS and True Move will be tested this month. Dr Pravit said the NBTC's next step for ensuring fair practices will be to implement tariff ceilings for mobile data services. He admitted complaints over prepaid systems' expiry dates will not be easy to resolve. "But we're in talks with operators on setting up an appropriate expiry date, potentially 60 days," he said. The NBTC pushed through a law requiring mobile operators to lift their prepaid expiry dates and will fine those failing to comply. "Fines will be based on market share," said Dr Pravit. He said the NBTC may require mobile operators to charge customers on a second- or real-use basis instead of by the minute. International roaming bills are another critical issue, as some smartphones connect to data service automatically once a signal becomes available. 392 From January-November 2011, the NBTC received 46 complaints about roaming charges involving a combined 2 million baht. The maximum roaming bill was 300,000 baht. NBTC gives foreign dominance a review Management, boards, policies key concerns Bangkok Post February 7, 2012 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is revising its previous regulations on foreign dominance for Thai telecom operations, expected to be completed next month. The rule is aimed at curbing foreign dominance of Thai telecom operators. The National Telecommunications Commission, the former incarnation of the NBTC, defined foreign dominance as direct or indirect control over policies and the appointment of directors and high-ranking management. Sethapong Malisuwan, the NBTC's vice-chairman, said foreigners are not worried about the regulation, but they are concerned over its ambiguous rules. He said some issues might be scrapped because they were counter to national security interests. Today the NBTC will hold its first subcommittee meeting on preparations for allocating frequencies on the 2100 Megahertz band for 3G services. A 3G licensing auction is expected by the third quarter this year. Col Sethapong noted some investors want to join the 2100 MHz licensing auction but are wary of the rule. Thares Punsri, the NBTC's chairman, said it plans to hold a public hearing for its three draft master plans on Friday. The drafts involve spectrum management, and telecom and broadcasting master plans. The NBTC will hold the event in Bangkok and other provinces simultaneously to garner opinions and recommendations, he said. A Bangkok event will be held at Muang Thong Thani, while similar events will be held at the Dusit Thani in Chiang Rai, Udon Thani Rajabhat University and the Metropole Hotel in Phuket. 393 NBTC considering tower-share scheme Bangkok Post February 8, 2012 The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is floating a new idea to issue what it called "tower dual-location licences" to any network owners to participate in a licensing auction for the 2100-megahertz frequency. Under the plan, operators would share the rights to use a tower. The plan is aimed at encouraging newcomers to jump into the 3G auction, scheduled for the middle of this year, said Sethapong Malisuwan, the NBTC's vice-chairman and head of the telecom subcommittee. Network roaming details would need to be revised if the tower co-licence idea passes a resolution by the board. Obstacles to new bidding would be also considered. Col Sethapong said the NBTC subcommittee is planning to award no more than three licences to winning bidders to operate wireless broadband services on the 2100-MHz frequency, with 15-MHz bandwidth each. The reserve price for a 3G licence and the number of licences issued will be reconsidered as conditions change. The National Telecommunications Commission, the former incarnation of the NBTC, had set a reserve bid price of 12.8 billion baht. It planned to use a N-1 approach, meaning the number of licences available would be equal to the number of bidders minus one. The NBTC yesterday held its first subcommittee meeting on preparations for allocating frequencies on the 2100-MHz band for IMT 2000 (advanced services). Col Sethapong added the new licences should not be identified as 3G licences because rapidly changing technology is likely to bring 4G (LTE) to Thailand soon. The subcommittee is also considering whether to reserve some of the 2100-MHz bandwidth for public service. The NBTC is preparing to ask major mobile operators to discuss their service limits on mobile number portability (MNP). Consumers complained that major mobile operators limit their MNP service to 2,000 numbers per day while small operators limit it to 500 numbers. Operators' MNP systems have the capacity of 40,000 numbers per day. They allow users to retain numbers when changing from one operator to another. 394 ICT finds fault with CAT, True tie-up deal Bangkok Post February 17, 2012 The fate of CAT Telecom and True Mobile's 3G service partnership hangs by a thread now the investigative committee of the Information and Communication Technology Ministry concluded it found "irregularities" in the contracts. The committee, chaired by Pol Col Suchart Vonganantchai, will pass the findings to ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap for a final resolution next week. Gp Capt Anudith said the ICT Ministry will send the case to court for a final ruling if his legal team agrees the contracts violated the law. The ministry acts as a policy regulator and the CAT is under its authority. Pol Col Suchart said the committee concluded its fact-finding mission and will summarise the details for the minister. After a five-month investigation, he said the committee is confident in its findings. "We have no bias in this case. The findings are based on evidence," he said. Pol Col Suchart said the committee had no authority to rule on the case. Another source said one irregularity was that CAT's management signed the contracts on Jan 26, 2011 before receiving approval from the CAT board. This means the company executives had no authority to sign the contracts. Several state agencies including the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Administrative Court, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and the Senate's anti-corruption and good-governance committee are also probing the contracts. The Senate committee recently concluded parts of the pact may have breached the laws. The other authorities are investigating whether the contracts breached the Frequency Allocation Act, which prohibits a frequency licensee from transferring the resource to others, and the Public-Private Joint Venture Act, which requires scrutiny of any publicprivate venture worth more than one billion baht. CAT signed six contracts with True to provide 3G service by upgrading to a high-speed packet access network. 395 The contract effectively extended mobile operator True Move's concession by 14 years beyond its planned 2013 expiry. True invested 6 billion baht to take over Hutchison CAT Wireless Multimedia, the marketer of small mobile phone business Hutch. CAT holds a 26% stake in Hutchison. True restated the contracts complied with the law and had been approved by the attorney-general. 2012 March Report TELECOMS Simultaneous 3G, 4G is TOT's latest gambit State enterprise plans two parallel services Bangkok Post March 6, 2012 The TOT board is proposing strategies to provide 3G and 4G long-term evolution (LTE) commercial services simultaneously in a bid to close its anticipated loophole on 3G network availability. The state telecom enterprise will ask the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) for permission to use 30 megahertz of its 64MHz bandwidth on the 2300-MHz frequency to provide 4G LTE service. The exact proportion between 3G and 4G services will be finalised this month. TOT initially said it would launch commercial 3G service on the 2100-MHz frequency this May with 5,200 base stations. TOT chairman Panthep Chamrasromran said his company wants to reserve 30 MHz of bandwidth partly for use in 4G network expansion as a complement to its high-speed 3G wireless broadband service. "We plan to build between 15,000 and 18,000 base stations in phase two. At present, we're considering the proper proportion for 3G base stations on the 2100-MHz frequency and 4G sites using 2300 MHz," he said. TOT is required to return 60 MHz of unused bandwidth to the NBTC soon. 396 Mr Panthep said TOT expects the 4G LTE network to accommodate anticipated higher mobile data traffic. He acknowledged that the state's 5,200 first-phase base stations do not have enough capacity to compete with private rivals in the long term. TOT has cut its 3G investment budget to 16 billion baht from 29 billion originally planned. However, Mr Panthep said the 4G plan must pass a feasibility study before implementation. The TOT board yesterday expressed confidence that the planned 3G commercial service would start on schedule in May despite delays in finding locations for 3G sites. Riding the tablet boom With millions of little fingers ready to swipe, developers are rushing to churn out apps and ebooks that best match their needs Bangkok Post March 14, 2012 The upcoming release of 2 million tablets under the government's One Tablet per Child project and the proliferation of the device among general consumers are set to beef up the development of mainstream digital educational content as well as the electronic book market in the country. The local digital content and ebook market are expected to surge by five- to 10-fold from 200 million baht in 2011 to 1-2 billion baht this year. The government plans to distribute at least 2 million Chinese-made tablets to primaryschool students. Some 900,000 units will be handed over to Prathom 1 pupils in midMay, with 540,000 more to be handed over next year. Some 638,000 will also be given to Mathayom 1 students next year. With such a large chunk of the tablet user base being school children, some are expecting the project will carve out a new "educational tablet" market segment. 397 It is also putting increasing pressure on international computer makers to lower their prices, with some considering jumping into the low-cost educational tablet market. Nitat Maneesilasan, managing director of Openserve (Thailand), a leading ebook service provider, said the state's tablet project has increasingly prompted publishers to produce more digital textbooks. "We expect the local ebook market to top 1 billion baht in value this year, up from 200 million last year," he said, adding that the market may double each year until 2017. Pathom Indarodom, the general manager of ARIP Plc, organiser of the IT fair Commart Thailand, said the state's tablet scheme will speed up the growth of local digital content, worth an estimated at 2 billion baht this year Excluding the government's tablet project, the number of tablet shipments would double to 1 million units this year. Mr Pathom urged the government to promote the development of local educational content and mobile applications to serve the anticipated increase in demand. Sukritta Phatcharasinat, an educational innovation executive of Aun-I-Luck Production Ltd, a local book publisher, said the company is developing learning aid content tailored for tablets in a bundling concept. She said tablets have now become another learning device thanks to rapid technology development. Ms Sukritta also said the government's policy of shifting from traditional textbooks to digital content is halving textbook prices. But digital right management and payment collection methods are the major concerns of the digital book business. Chalermpol Punnotok, acting director of Software Industry Promotion Agency (SIPA), which is a part of the Information and Communication Technology Ministry, said the agency spent 20 million baht on the Edu-tablet architecture 1.0 project to support Thai developers in building their own software development tools for this planned tablet project. The tools cover open-source conversion, authoring tools and Playware, which facilitate experts in developing educational content more easily. The project will also cover security software that controls and filters inappropriate content such as pornography and gambling. 398 In the long run, Mr Chalermpol said the project would provide scoring software that evaluates students' testing scores, making ranking or rating popular mobile educational content possible. Attaphon Satid-kanitkul, research manager of IDC (Thailand), a global IT research firm, said the government's tablet project is expected to stimulate the tablet demand for a short term. A sustainable demand might depend on the quality of both the device and the content. "The state needs to get a proof of success on its tablet project within two years, or it will repeat the failure of low-cost PC initiated by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's government," said Mr Attaphon. Phatcharapong Kusuwan, chief operation officer of Click Connect, a Thai mobile developer, said the state's tablet project is also likely to spark other students' interest in educational tablets. This will create a huge opportunity for Thai-language mobile content and applications, both bundled and through download service. Previously, local content providers found it hard to make money from developing content as people were unwilling to pay. Developers needed to sell applications through Apple's App Store or Android's Play Store.He said Click plans to introduce its educational applications for Prathom 1 students in May. "We expect the overall digital content market growth will double this year," Mr Phatcharapong added. In terms of hardware, Apple Inc was in talks with the Office of the Basic Education Commission to introduce a pilot project by providing its iPad for use at schools, aiming to increase the number of users in the educational area. Samsung of South Korea also announced a plan to introduce low-price tablets at 7,900 baht a unit next year to capitalise on increasing demand for educational tablets. But Samsung has no policy to compete with the low-price Chinese-made products, said Pavich Vasanasomsomboon, product marketing manager of Thai Samsung Electronics. The SET-listed Forth Corporation will launch its first Thai-made tablets by June, priced at 5,000 baht, competing directly with Chinese products. Sawat Erbchokchai, Forth's R&D director, conceded that the prices of Forth's tablets may not be as low as Chinese-made ones because they use leading US-made processors _ on par with Samsung and other international tablet makers. 399 Accharas Ouysinprasert, the country manager of Intel Microelectronics (Thailand), a USbased chip maker, said the company has signed a three-month pilot project with the Education Ministry to demonstrate a "prototype classroom", allowing students at Samsen Kindergarten school to use its Intel-based tablets. With Intel's reference design, computer makers can use its Atom-based processor for the government's educational tablet project, Ms Accharas said. BROADBAND TOT talks network sharing with AIS Bangkok Post March 20, 2012 TOT Plc is developing a plan for sharing mobile towers and its fibre-optic network in anticipation of fierce competition in third-generation (3G) wireless broadband services. The plan is in line with the policy of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) encouraging state telecom enterprises to become network service providers instead of operators. The sharing will take place between the concession holders and their concessionaires. At present, only TOT and Advanced Info Service (AIS) are in talks regarding network cooperation. The NBTC is revising a draft for issuing tower-sharing licences, and is expected to complete the regulations later this year. TOT is in talks with AIS, its concessionaire, about joint construction of 2,000 mobile base stations to accelerate the 3G network expansion and lower costs. An infrastructure sharing scheme could result in a faster expiry of the AIS concession, which is due to end in 2015. Settapong Malisuwan, an NBTC vice-chairman, said in discussions last week, TOT chairman Panthep Chamrasromran indicated the company has the intention of moving forward with tower and network sharing this year. "The state telecom enterprise's move is a good sign for the industry and the state's plan for both 3G and 4G services in long run," he said. Col Settapong said the tower cooperation licences will enable mobile operators to accelerate their 3G network rollouts, a crucial factor for 3G success. They will also encourage new players to participate in the upcoming 3G licensing auction, scheduled to take place by September. 400 TOT has more than 15,000 base stations running on the 900-megahertz frequency under the state's concession contract with AIS. Col Settapong said that TOT and CAT Telecom need to become network providers to survive. He said the NBTC stressed to TOT that the new network-sharing business model must be open to all operators wanting to use the state's facilities. The three major mobile operators have started discussing a potential infrastructure sharing scheme. Under Section 84 of the Frequency Allocation Act, TOT must return concession revenues and revenues from frequency-related services to NBTC starting Dec 20, 2013. The NBTC will then pass the revenues to the state. TOT currently relies heavily on concession revenue. The state enterprise took in 19 billion baht from the AIS concession last year but reported a net profit of only 6 billion. NBTC approves spectrum, broadcasting master plans Bangkok Post March 22, 2012 The board of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) approved all three master plans yesterday governing spectrum management, telecom and broadcasting. All 10 members present _ there was one absentee _ at the meeting unanimously approved the telecom and broadcasting master plans. But the spectrum management plan only passed 6-4 in a closed session. Among the most watched aspects of the plans are the time frames for state agencies to return their radio, television and telecom spectrums for reallocation. The plans prescribes five, 10 and 15 years, respectively, for the three categories, the same as stated in the original draft of the spectrum management master plan. However, at a public hearing on the plans, many industry players called for shorter periods for frequency reclamation. 401 They suggested three years for radio frequencies and five years for television. The time frame for the return of telecom frequencies was not finalised at the hearing. Last week, the NBTC refused to approve the three master plans due to unclear details about the frequency reclamation. An NBTC member who asked not to be named said members in the minority vote included Supinya Klangnarong, Prawit Leesathapornwongsa and Thawatchai Jittrapanun. NBTC secretary Thakorn Tantasit said details of the three master plans will be released on its website by next Tuesday before being published in the Royal Gazette in the first week of April as scheduled. He said the period for spectrum reclamation will take effect on all existing frequencies, although previously there was not an expiration date. But concession holders, who manage and operate telecom and broadcasting services under a concession system with state enterprises, must return their frequencies to the NBTC once their concessions expire. Telecom operators owning licences and operating services are TOT Plc, CAT Telecom and Aeronautical Radio of Thailand. CS LoxInfo and Aces Co have applied for operating licences. A third-generation licensing auction for the international standard 2.1-gigahertz frequency is still scheduled for September, he said. 402 5.CICC からの海外向け情報発信「東京便り」 平成 20 年度より、送信を開始した「東京便り」であるが、これまで CICC の各種事業に より構築したアジア諸国とネットワーク等の維持し、アジア諸国の関係機関に対する IT 推 進上で有益な日本の IT に関わる情報提供の強化を目的としている。 IT に関するトピックスに関する新聞、IT 関連雑誌の内容を冒頭で紹介し、続けて、海外 IT 関係者にとって日本の最新 IT 状況がわかる英文サイトの URL を掲載した。 平成 22 年度も、2 ヵ月に 1 回の頻度で第 11 号から第 16 号まで海外へ送信した。 第 17 号送信 平成 23 年 4 月 15 日 第 18 号送信 平成 23 年 6 月 3 日 第 19 号送信 平成 23 年 8 月 5 日 第 20 号送信 平成 23 年 10 月 7 日 第 21 号送信 平成 23 年 12 月 12 日 第 22 号送信 平成 24 年 2 月 10 日 403 ―非 売 品― 禁無断転載 平成 24 年度 アジア電子情報通信基盤整備に向けた 情報収集・整備報告書 発 行 平成 24 年 3 月 編集・発行 財団法人 国際情報化協力センター 〒110-0016 東京都台東区台東 4-18-7 シモジンビルディング 6F 電話 03-5807-5041
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