Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Tensile properties (Tensile strength, Poisson’s ratio and Stress-Strain curve) 引張り強さ、S-Sカーブ、ポアソン比 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Stress-strain curve of FZ-6600 Tensile strength of FZ-6600 150 200 Te n sile st r e n gt h , M Pa 180 Te n sile st r e ss,Mpa 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 100 50 20 at 2 3 ℃ 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 St r ain 、 % T e m pe r at u r e , ℃ Poisson's ratio of FZ-6600 Po i ssi o n ' s r at i o , ν 0 .6 0 .5 0 .4 0 .3 0 .2 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 180 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Flexural properties vs. temperature 曲げ特性の温度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Flexural strength of FZ-6600 Flexural modulus of FZ-6600 20000 250 Fle xu r al m o du lu s, M Pa Fle xu r al st r e n gt h , M Pa 300 200 150 100 50 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ 15000 10000 5000 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ Flexural elongation of FZ-6600 Fle xu r al e lo n gat io n at br e ak, % 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Flexural properties in transverse direction 樹脂流動に直角方向(TD 方向)の曲げ特性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -60 -20 Fle xu r al e lo n gat io n at br e ak in T D, % 12000 Fle xu r al m o du lu s in T D, M Pa Fle xu r al st r e n gt h in T D, M Pa 140 Flexural modulus of FZ-6600 in transverse direction Flexural strength of FZ-6600 in transverse direction 5 20 60 100 140 180 220 Te m pe r at u r e , ℃ 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 T e m pe r at u r e , ℃ Flexural elongation of FZ-6600 at break in transverse direction 4 3 2 1 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Izod impact strength vs. temperature アイゾット衝撃強さの温度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Izod impact strength of FZ-6600 800 Izo d im pac t st r e n gt h , J/ m 700 Notched Un notched 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 T e m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 180 220 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■Compressive strength vs. temperature 圧縮強さの温度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Compressive strength of FZ-6600 C o m pr e ssive st r e n gt h , M Pa 200 150 100 50 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 Te m pe r at u r e 、 ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data D IC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Weld tensile strength vs. temperature ウエルド引張り強さの温度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Weld tensile strength of FZ-6600 vs. temperature W e ld t e n sile st r e n gt h , M Pa 100 75 50 25 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 Te m pe r at u r e , ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Flexural creep modulus vs. temperature 曲げクリープ特性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Flexural creep of FZ-6600 C r e e p m o du lu s, M Pa 14000 Stress:20MPa 12000 10000 8000 6000 23℃ 100℃ 150℃ 4000 2000 0 10 100 1000 Flexural creep of FZ-6600 12000 C r e e p m o du lu s, M Pa T im e 、 Ho u r s 10000 Stress:40MPa 10000 8000 6000 4000 23℃ 100℃ 150℃ 2000 0 10 100 1000 Flexural creep of FZ-6600 12000 C r e e p m o du lu s, M Pa T im e 、 Ho u r s 10000 Stress:60MPa 10000 8000 6000 4000 23℃ 100℃ 2000 0 10 EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 100 T im e 、 Ho u r s 1000 10000 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Flexural fatigue (S-N Curve)by ASTM D-671 constant stress 曲げ疲労特性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 S-N curves of FZ-6600 under flexural stress St r e ss am plit u de , M Pa 100 80 60 40 23℃ 20 120℃ 150℃ 0 1 . E+ 0 3 1 . E+ 0 4 EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 1 . E+ 0 5 1 . E+ 0 6 Nu m be r o f c yc le s t o failu r e 、 N 1 . E+ 0 7 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Thermal expansion vs. temperature 線熱膨張係数の温度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 (MD; Mold Direction, TD; Transverse Direction) FZ-6600 MD FZ-6600 TD C o - e ff. o f t h e r m al e xpan sio n , 1 0 -5 m/mK Thermal expansion of FZ-6600 10 8 6 4 2 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 T e m pe r at u r e , ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 180 220 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Melt viscosity affected by shear rate using Capirally reo-meter 溶融粘度のせん断速度依存性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Melt viscosity of FZ-6600 affected by shear rate M e lt visc o sit y, Pa. s 10000 1000 100 300℃ 320℃ 340℃ 10 10 100 1000 Sh e ar r at e 、 se c EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 10000 -1 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ PVT (Pressure-Volume-Temperature)Curves PVT 線図: 圧力-体積-温度の関係 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 PVT diagram of FZ-6600 0.60 Spe c ific vo lu m e , ×1 0 -3 3 M / Kg Pr e ssu r e 0MPa 40MPa 80MPa 120MPa 0.55 0.50 0 100 200 300 400 T e m pe r at u r e , ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Mold shrinkage 成形収縮率 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Mold shrinkage vs. mold temperature of FZ-6600 1.5 MD TD Mold shrinkage vs. wall thickness of FZ-6600 2.0 MD TD Th ic kn e ss; 2 m m M o ld t e m p. ; 1 5 0 ℃ 1.2 Mo ld sh r in kage , % M o ld sh r in kage , % 1.5 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 60 80 100 120 140 160 M o ld t e m pe r at u r e , ℃ EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 180 0 1 2 3 4 W all t h ic kn e ss, m m 5 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application. Technical Data DIC.PPS April, 2008 ■ Thermal aging degradation 熱劣化特性 ■ Grade: FZ-6600 Flexural strength of FZ-6600 20000 Fle xu r al m o du lu s, M Pa Fle xu r al st r e n gt h , M Pa 250 200 150 Flexural modulus of FZ-6600 Agin g Te mp. 180℃ 200℃ 18000 16000 Agin g Te mp. 180℃ 200℃ 230℃ 14000 230℃ 12000 100 0 300 600 900 0 1200 600 900 1200 Agin g t im e , h r s. Agin g t im e , h r s. Unnotched impact strength of FZ-6600 600 Dielectric strength of FZ-6600 20 Agin g Te mp. 180℃ 200℃ 230℃ Die le c t r ic st r e n gt h , kV/ m m Un n o t c h e d Izo d im pac t st r e n gt h , J/ m 300 400 200 15 10 Agin g Te mp. 180℃ 200℃ 230℃ 5 T h ic kn e ss; 1 . 6 m m 0 0 0 300 600 900 Agin g t im e , h r s. EP事業部 ■東京EP営業部:Tel. 03-3278-9905 Fax. 03-3278-1844 ■大阪EP営業部:Tel. 06-6252-9533 Fax. 06-6252-8762 ■名古屋EP営業部:Tel. 052-951-0703 Fax. 052-961-4035 EP Division 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233 Tel.+81-3-3278-9905 Fax.+81-3-3278-1844 1200 0 300 600 900 Agin g t im e , h r s. 1200 ★製品のご使用に際しては必ず MSDS(製品安全データシート)を、お読み下さ い。本資料は、現時点で信頼し得ると考えられる資料、情報並びに測定デー タなどに基づいて作成したものです。 なお、本資料の値は、材料の代表的 な測定値であり、材料規格ではありません。 ★Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for safety precautions prior to use. The information contained in this data sheet is based on tests or research DIC Corporation (‘DIC’) believes to be reliable, but no warranty is given by DIC concerning the accuracy or completeness thereof. The supply of the information does not release the recipient from the obligation to test the products as to their suitability for the intended applications and processes. DIC has no liability for any consequence of the application, processing or use of the information or the products. Information concerning the application of the products is not and should not be construed as a warranty as to non-infringement of intellectual property for a particular application.
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