Contents Petros Zagliverinos Editorial 3 The Association's New Board Make-Up 4 ÕÐÏÌÍÇÌÁ ÔÙÍ ÊÁÈÇÃÇÔÙÍ ÁÃÃËÉÊÇÓ ÄÇÌÏÓÉÙÍ Ó×ÏËÅÉÙÍ ÂÏÑÅÉÁÓ ÅËËÁÄÁÓ 5 Petros Zagliverinos A Bird's Eye View on Recent Events that our Board Attended 8 Kalliopi Kiokpasoglou Strengths and Weaknesses of the new Text-Books 10 Maria Karteri Understanding and Overcoming Intercultural Communication Problems 12 Theodoros Maniakas Education for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity: Folktales from all over the world 19 Asimina A. Angelidou Social Influence in Children's Fruit Intake 23 Kalliopi Kiokpasoglou Ideas that Work Classroom activities for all learning strategies 27 ÐEPIOÄIKH EKÄOÓH EÐIÓTHMONIKHÓ ENHMEPÙÓHÓ KAI ÐËHPOÖOPHÓHÓ THÓ ENÙÓHÓ KAÈHÃHTÙN AÃÃËIKHÓ ÄHMOÓIAÓ EKÐAIÄEYÓHÓ BOPEIAÓ EËËAÄAÓ (E.K.A.Ä.E.B.E.) ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN GREECE STATE SCHOOLS TEACHERS OF ENGLISH V O L U M E 2 5 OWNERSHIP Association of Northern Greece State School Teachers of English SUBJECT TO LAW The Board of Management of EKADEVE PRINT PRODUCTION altaVista tel. +302310 283947, fax: +302310 284709 e-mail: [email protected], website: PUBLISHER EKADEVE Every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright material in this issue, but we shall be pleased to hear from any copyright holder whom we have been unable to contact. If notified, the publisher will attempt to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity. Executive Board Chair: Petros Zagliverinos Tel.: +306932420265, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Vice Chair: Christos Dictapanidis Tel.: +306977026752, e-mail: [email protected] General Secretary: Photeini Yiannitsi Tel.: +306937337418, e-mail: [email protected] Organising Secretary: Athina Malea Tel.: +306945001110, e-mail: [email protected] Divisional Secretary: Angeliki Papakyriakou Tel.: +306982478326, e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Charalambos Vardaksis Tel.: +306972088169, e-mail: [email protected] Public Relations Councillor: Katerina Kikou Tel.: +306945753110, e-mail: [email protected] EDITOR The Editorial Advisory Panel of EKADEVE EKADEVE 51 Prox. Koromila St. Thessaloniki - 546 22 - Tel/Fax: +302310222448 e-mail: [email protected] ACADEMIC CONSULTANT Dr. Angeliki Deligianni Thessaloniki State School Supervisor Hellenic Open University Tutor • The Editor reserves the right to accept or reject any contributions • Contributed material cannot be returned • The views expressed in ISSUES are the contributors' own, and not necessarily those of the Editor, the Editorial Advisory Panel, or the Publisher • No contribution published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be considered for publication in ISSUES unless acknowledgement is made of original place of publication • Contributors are requested to include a short biographical note including name, school, present position qualifications, and any other information considered to be relevant • Contributed material should be submitted in printed and electronic form Editorial E D I T O R I A L Dear Colleagues, a great big ‘HELLO’ to All of You! It is true that research in Education, Pedagogy, Applied Linguistics and other teacher – pupil related fields will, hopefully, never cease to generate approaches to Language Education. It is, also, true that, of all school subjects, English language instruction has always been geared toward a Whole Person Education. Such holistic learning is further aided today by the extensive implementation of tasks, projects and activities which are informed by both cognitive and social enhancement theories. Moreover, cultural, social, economic and political factors increasingly influence EFL instruction choices. Such choices are usually urged by the need to reach more effective communicative outcomes within a global community where meaning has to be negotiated and appropriately communicated. Modern pedagogy puts increasing pressure on us, teachers, for higher levels of learner motivation, more learner-centred classroom conditions, more critical thinking from the learners, more active engagement of the pupils in the learning process; greater student enjoyment of their learning, improvement in their self esteem, student autonomy, self evaluation, peer evaluation, collaborative learning, and …the list goes on! OK! Great! If this is what you want us to be, this is what we will be! After all, we, teachers, are responsible, sensitive and broad-minded people! Beyond any doubt, we are, also, imaginative, versatile, adaptable and inventive! But, for God’s sake! Do GIVE the funds, INVEST in infrastructure, and HELP us to prepare the conditions which are needed for our work: helpful course-books, computers and technical equipment, access to more and better training, interactive whiteboards, classroom internet access and a better work environment! Isn’t it frustrating how complicated our role as language teachers can be? Stakeholders expect us to be cognitive experts, learning facilitators, meaning negotiators, computer specialists, both friends and authoritarians, plus whatever else each and every one of us can add to this long list of musts for the language teacher! Definitely, all the above deserve respect and appreciation! But before you – and quite righteously so – send me to play bouzouki in cyberspace, please, listen to this: like each one of you, I’ve got a bag full of tricks to fall back on when things start getting out of hand. Let me reveal some of its contents: TRICK 1: “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” (Aristotle) TRICK 2: “[Avoid the] use [of] compulsion… but let your children’s lessons take the form of play. You will learn more about their natural abilities that way.” (Plato) TRICK 3: Socrates and then Archesilaus used to make their pupils speak first; they spoke afterwards. ‘Obest plerumque iss discere volunt authoritas eorum qui docent.’ [For those who want to learn, the obstacle can often be the authority of those who teach] (de Montaigne) TRICK 4: “I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. I am not thinking so much of the dangers with which technical progress has directly confronted mankind, as of the stifling of mutual human considerations by a ‘matter-of-fact’ habit of thought which has come to lie like a killing frost upon human relations. Without ‘ethical culture’ there is no salvation for humanity.” (Einstein, 1953) Frankly, I discover myself to be espousing the view that an evolutionary philosophy of education can largely contribute to overcoming problems with our contemporary teaching / learning system. In the meantime, enjoy reading through the volume you are holding in your hands, and have a GREAT SUMMER! Petros Zagliverinos ISSUES Vol. 25, June 2010 3 Submit articles or projects to ISSUES Information for readers who submit written work for publication  Please, use one and a half (1.5) line spacing and Times font size twelve.  There should be a reasonable size abstract, adequate referencing according to the conventions set out below, as well as a one paragraph information on the writer.  Your work should be sent to the EKADEVE Board by e-mail. Presentation of references: examples of entries (please align left and do not justify) 1. Single author books Fisher, R. (1995) Teaching Children to Think. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. Richards, J.C. (2003) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Please note: if a second line is needed for any reference entry (be it a book, a published, printed or web article, etc.), indent the second line by five spaces, as shown in the second example above. 2. Dual and triple author books Richards, J.C. and C. Lockhart (1995) Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ausubel, D.P., J.D. Novak, and H. Hanesian (1978) Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Please note: if there are more than three authors, you must give all the names in the references. You may write first surname and ‘et al’ in your text. 3. Journal articles Murray, D.E. {2000) Protean Communication: The Language of Computer-Mediated Communication. TESOL Quarterly 34 (3): 397-421. Lamy, M-N. and R. Goodfellow. 1999. Supporting Language Students’ Interactions in Web-based Conferencing. Computer Assisted Language Learning 12 (5): 457-477. 4. Articles from edited collections Patrikis, P.C. 1997. The evolution of computer technology in foreign language teaching and learning. In R. Debski et al. (eds.) Language Learning Through Social Computing. Melbourne: ALAA, 159-178. 5. Theses and other unpublished sources Melville, H. (2004) A comparison of the structural approach to world hotel epistolary Englishes and language one. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of Arizona State, Phoenix. 6. Internet sources Blommaert, J. (1998) Different approaches to intercultural communication: A critical survey. Paper presented at Lernen und Arbeiten in einer international vernetzten und multikulturellen Gesellschaft Expertentagung Universitat Bremen, Institut fur projektmanagement und Witschaftsinformatik. Accessed 16.01.02 at Please, remember to ensure that you acknowledge all ideas, arguments, data, images, diagrams and quotations adequately, so as to ascertain that your contribution to ISSUES is free from plagiarism. ISSUES Vol. 25, June 2010 33 ÓõíÜäåëöïé, Ôþñá ç ÅÊÁÄÅÂÅ Ý÷åé ôá÷õäñïìéêÞ èõñßäá Óôçñßîôå ôï Ýñãï ôçò EKAÄEBE êáé ìç ðáñáëåßðåôå íá ðëçñþíåôå ôç óõíäñïìÞ óáò. Må áõôü ôïí ôñüðï åíéó÷ýåôå ôï ñüëï êáé ôç äñÜóç ôùí êáèçãçôþí AããëéêÞò Ãëþóóáò Ðáñáêáëïýìå óôåßëôå ôç óõíäñïìÞ óáò ãéá ôï 2009 Þ óôç èõñßäá ìáò óôç Äéåýèõíóç: EKAÄEBE YÐOK/MA K.T. ÈEÓÓAËONIKHÓ Tá÷õäñïìåßï Èåóóáëïíßêçò 21 T.K. 540 13, Èåóóáëïíßêç T.È. 500 75 Þ ìå Tá÷õäñïìéêÞ EðéôáãÞ óýìöùíá ìå Yðüäåéãìá åíôýðïõ ðïõ áêïëïõèåß ðáñáêÜôù (ç óõíäñïìÞ åßíáé 20 åõñþ. 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