L1 A Hunger for Knowledge

L1 A Hunger for Knowledge
Part 1 What did the boy succeed in doing?//
The preparation was complete,/ so/ I just waited for/ a miracle to happen.// News of
the unfamiliar machine had already spread/ all over the village.// One person after
another was starting/ to arrive.// Some of those people had made fun of me/ for
I slowly climbed up/ the wooden tower/ until I faced the machines flame.// Each piece
seemed to be telling me its own tale that/ is had been lost and found/ in a junkyard:/
“Finally,/ together now,/ we all have been reborn.”// Down below,/ someone said,/ “Quit!
Let’s see/ how crazy this boy is.”//
A steady wind was blowing/ against the machine.// The blades of the machine began
turn/ swiftly/ like propellers.// “Come on,”/ I begged.// “Don’t embarrass me/ now.”/
I held the bulb,/ waiting for/ a miracle.//
Finally,/ the moment came.// At first,/ a tiny light shone/ unsteadily/ from my palm,/
Then,/ a magnificent glow.// My heart nearly burst.// “Look!”/ someone said.// “He’s
made light”.//“ Yes!// He was right!”/ said another.// It was absolutely glorious light!//
I threw my hands/ in the air/ and/ screamed with joy.// “Electric wind!”// I shouted.//
“I told you/ I wasn’t mad!”// One by one,/ people in the crowd raised hands/ in the air,/
clapping and shouting.// “You didi it,/ William!/ Well done!”/
L1 A Hunger for Knowledge
Part 1 What did the boy succeed in doing?//
The preparation was complete,/ so/ I just waited for/ a miracle to happen.// News of
準 備はカンペキだった/
だから/私はただ~を待つだけだった/奇 跡が起 こることを//
見慣 れない
the unfamiliar machine had already spread/ all over the village.// One person after
機 械のニュースはすでに広がっていた/
another was starting/ to arrive.// Some of those people had made fun of me/ for
それらの人々の一 部は私をバカにした/
I slowly climbed up/ the wooden tower/ until I faced the machines flame.// Each piece
私がその機 会のフレームに対 面するまで//
seemed to be telling me its own tale that/ is had been lost and found/ in a junkyard:/
私にそれ自 身の話を私に伝えているように思えた/
“Finally,/ together now,/ we all have been reborn.”// Down below,/ someone said,/ “Quit!
「やっとのことで/ 今 一 緒になった/
Let’s see/ how crazy this boy is.”//
あの少 年がイカレているかを//
A steady wind was blowing/ against the machine.// The blades of the machine began
その機 械にむかって//
その機 械の羽 根が回 転し始めた/
turn/ swiftly/ like propellers.// “Come on,”/ I begged.// “Don’t embarrass me/ now.”/
私は懇 願した//
「私 と困らせないでくれ/
I held the bulb,/ waiting for/ a miracle.//
私は電 球をにぎった/
~を待 ちながら/
奇 跡を//
Finally,/ the moment came.// At first,/ a tiny light shone/ unsteadily/ from my palm,/
その瞬 間がやってきた//
不 安 定に/
Then,/ a magnificent glow.// My heart nearly burst.// “Look!”/ someone said.// “He’s
それから/ 素 晴らしい白 色に//
私の心 臓はもう少 しで破 裂しそう//
「見ろ!」/ 誰 かが言った//
made light”.//“ Yes!// He was right!”/ said another.// It was absolutely glorious light!//
「そうだ// 彼は正しかったんだ!」/ 別の人が言った//
それは全くもって素 晴らしい光だった!//
I threw my hands/ in the air/ and/ screamed with joy.// “Electric wind!”// I shouted.//
空 中に/
そして/ 喜 びに叫んだ//
「電 気の風だ」/
私は叫 んだ//
“I told you/ I wasn’t mad!”// One by one,/ people in the crowd raised hands/ in the air,/
自分 は気 が狂っていないって」//一 人ずつ/
その群 衆の人々がてを掲 げた/
clapping and shouting.// “You didi it,/ William!/ Well done!”/
手を叩きながら、叫 びながら//
空 中に/
Part 2 What did the boy do/ to keep his brain from/ getting dull?
I was born and brought up/ in Malawi,/ one of the poorest countries/ in Africa,/
where magic ruled/ and/ modern science was a mystery.// It was also a land/ suffering
from/ drought and hunger,/ and/ a place/ where hope and opportunity were hard/ to
Only two percent of the population could use/ electricity.// most people burned wood/
For lighting and cooking.// Besides,/ on many large plantations of tabacco,/ people
Burned/ lots of trees/ to dry the tabacco leaves/ with the heated air.//
In 2001,/ one of Malawi’s worst droughts,/ which killed thousands of people,/ left
my family on the brink of/ starvation.// We had no choice but to/ go down to/ one meal
a day.// My parents couldn’t pay/ the school fee/ and/ I had to leave school/ at the
age of 14.//
However,/ I had already noticed/ a change happening in myself.// I had began to get
interested in/ knowing/ how radios worked/ and/ how petrol moved a car engine.// I
missed school/ terribly,/ longing for/ something/ to satisfy my brain.// I remembered/
Wimbe Primary School had opened up/ a small library.// I thought/ reading could keep
my brain from getting dull.// I was so hungry for knowledge/ that I read one book
after another.//
Part 2 What did the boy do/ to keep his brain from/ getting dull?
I was born and brought up/ in Malawi,/ one of the poorest countries/ in Africa,/
where magic ruled/ and/ modern science was a mystery.// It was also a land/ suffering
そこでは魔 法が支 配し/
そして/ 近 代 科 学が謎の場 所だった//
また~の土 地だった/
from/ drought and hunger,/ and/ a place/ where hope and opportunity were hard/ to
~の場 所 /
希 望とチャンスが~しにくい場 所 /
Only two percent of the population could use/ electricity.// most people burned wood/
人 口のたったの 2%だが使うことができた/
For lighting and cooking.// Besides,/ on many large plantations of tabacco,/ people
明かりや料理 のために//
多くのたばこの大 農 場では/
Burned/ lots of trees/ to dry the tabacco leaves/ with the heated air.//
熱された空 気 で//
In 2001,/ one of Malawi’s worst droughts,/ which killed thousands of people,/ left
2001 年/
マラウイ最悪 の干 ばつの一つがあり/
何 千 人もの人々が亡くなり/
私 の家 族
my family on the brink of/ starvation.// We had no choice but to/ go down to/ one meal
は~の瀬 戸 際になった/
飢 餓//
私たちは~のこと以 外の選択 肢 がなかった/ ~する/
一 日 一 食//
a day.// My parents couldn’t pay/ the school fee/ and/ I had to leave school/ at the
私の両 親は払うことができなかった/
学 校の授 業 料を/
そして/ 私はやめなければいけなかった/
14 歳で//
age of 14.//
However,/ I had already noticed/ a change happening in myself.// I had began to get
しかしながら/ 私はすでに気づいていた/
私の中 で起 こりつつある変化を//
私は~に興 味を持ち始めて
interested in/ knowing/ how radios worked/ and/ how petrol moved a car engine.// I
どのようにしてラジオが動くのか/そして/どのようにしてガソリンは車のエンジンを動 かすのか//
missed school/ terribly,/ longing for/ something/ to satisfy my brain.// I remembered/
私は学 校が恋しくなった/ひどく/
~を切 望したため/
自 分の脳を満 足させる何か//
Wimbe Primary School had opened up/ a small library.// I thought/ reading could keep
ウィンベ小 学 校が~を開いた/
小さな図書 館を//
本を読むことは私の脳を退 屈
my brain from getting dull.// I was so hungry for knowledge/ that I read one book
after another.//
私は知 識にとても貪 欲だったので/
Part 3 What did the boy learn/ about energy/ from the book/
Using Energy?//
I read through/ the textbook/ on English, history and science.// I visited the library/
In the morning,/ and/ spent the afternoon reading/ in the shade of the trees.// I felt
truly grateful/ for being able to learn/ many things/ through reading/ and/ realized/
How important learning was.//
One day/ I came across/ an American textbook titled Using Energy,/ which greatly
changed my life.// The book said,/ “Energy is all around you/ every day.// Sometimes/
energy needs to be converted into/ another forms of energy/ before it is useful.//
How can we convert/ forms of energy?// Read on/ and/ you’ll see.”// So/ I read on and
I learned/ people in Europe and the Middle East used windmills/ for/ pumping water/
and/ grinding grain.// It occurred to me that/ many machines,/ if used together,/ could
make/ as much energy as a power plant.// Then,/ I understood/ the machine were driven
by the wind.//
Another idea suddenly came/ to me,/ and/ I imagined myself/ spinning the pedal of a
bicycle.// “The energy for movement is provided/ by the rider,”/ the book said.// I
understood.// “Yes, of course!// The rider is the wind!// The wind can spin/ the blades,
rotate the magnets/ in a dynamo,/ and/ create electricity!// And a windmill can rotate
a pump/ for irrigation/ and/ make electricity.”
Part 3 What did the boy learn/ about energy/ from the book/
Using Energy?//
I read through/ the textbook/ on English, history and science.// I visited the library/
英 語、歴 史、そして科 学の//
私は図書 館を訪れた/
In the morning,/ and/ spent the afternoon reading/ in the shade of the trees.// I felt
午 前 中/
そして/ 午後 本を読んで過ごした/
木々の木 陰で//
私は本 当に
trulygrateful/ for being able to learn/ many things/ through reading/ and/ realized/
感 謝の気 持ちを感じた/学 ぶことができることに/
そして/ 気づいた/
How important learning was.//
学ぶことがどれほど大 事かということを//
One day/ I came across/ an American textbook titled Using Energy,/ which greatly
私は~に偶 然 出 会った/ 「エネルギーの利用」というあるアメリカの本に/
それは本 当に私 の人 生
changed my life.// The book said,/ “Energy is all around you/ every day.// Sometimes/
日 常に//
energy needs to be converted into/ another forms of energy/ before it is useful.//
エネルギーは~に変 換される必 要がある/
利 用する前に//
How can we convert/ forms of energy?// Read on/ and/ you’ll see.”// So/ I read on and
どのようにして私 達は変 換できるのか?/エネルギーの形を//
I learned/ people in Europe and the Middle East used windmills/ for/ pumping water/
私は~を学んだ/ ヨーロッパや中 東の人々が風 車を使うことを/
and/ grinding grain.// It occurred to me that/ many machines,/ if used together,/ could
そして/穀 物をすりつぶしたり//
多くの機 会を/
もし一 緒に使えば/
make/ as much energy as a power plant.// Then,/ I understood/ the machine were driven
ことができるのではないか/発 電 所と同じくらいの量のエネルギーが//それから/ 私は理 解した/
その機 械は動かされる
by the wind.//
Another idea suddenly came/ to me,/ and/ I imagined myself/ spinning the pedal of a
別の考えが突 然やってきた/
私は想 像した/
自 転 車のペダルを回 転させることを
bicycle.// “The energy for movement is provided/ by the rider,”/ the book said.// I
「動力 のエネルギーは供給される/
understood.// “Yes, of course!// The rider is the wind!// The wind can spin/ the blades,
私は理 解した//
風は回 転させることができる/ 羽 根 を
rotate the magnets/ in a dynamo,/ and/ create electricity!// And a windmill can rotate
磁 石を回す/
発 電 機の/
そして/ 電 気をつくりだす!//
a pump/ for irrigation/ and/ make electricity.”
/灌 漑のための/
そして/電 気を作 ることができる
そして風 車は~ポンプを回すことができる
Part 4 According to the boy,/ what is important/ in realizing/
our dream?//
I thought:/ “With a windmill,/ we could finally free ourselves from the serious
私は~と思った:/ 「風 車があれば/
私 達はやっとのことでこの重 大な飢 饉の困難 から自 分たちが自 由になることが
trouble of famine.// With a windmill,/ I could stay awake/ at night,/ reading/ instead
風 車があれば/
私 達は起きたままでいられるだろう/夜に/
of going to bed/ at seven.//
7 時に//
In Malawi,/ the steady wind is one of/ the few precious things/ God gives us.// Looking
絶え間なく吹いてくる風 は~のうちのひとつ/
神が私 達に与えた// ~の写 真
at the photograph of/ the windmill/ on the cover of textbook,/ I had a dream that/
その風 車の/
テキスト本の表 紙の/
I would build a windmill/ to pump water/ and/ bring electricity to/ my village and my
自 分が風 車を建てる/
自分 の村や自 分 の家 族に
family.// The story of my successful windmill was first printed/ in Malawi ’s The Daily
// 私の成 功した井 戸の話は最 初に印 刷された/
Times,// Later on,/ I was invited/ to talk/ at a big conference,/ TED Global,/ twice.//
// のちに/
話をするために/ ある大きな会 議に/
TED Global/
2 度//
There I said,/ “Since I had a dream,/ I just tried/ and/ I made it true.// I’d like to
私 はただ挑戦 した/そして/私は夢 をかなえた//
say/ to all the people,/ to the Africans,/ to the poor like me,/ who are struggling with
アフリカの人 達に/
私 のように貧しい人 達に/
その人 達は~にもがいている
their dreams,/ “Trust yourself and believe.// Even if/ something unexpected happens,/
自 分たちの夢に/
「自分 自 身を信 頼しそして信じること//
たとえ~があったとしても/何か予想 しないことが起こる/
don’t give up!”//
Thanks to those who/ heard the news/ over the Internet/ and/ came up/ to suppot
~の人 達のおかげで/
me,/ I can get an education back/ in school/ now.// I am sure/ you will also be able to
私は教 育をとりもどすことができる/
学 校で/
私は~と確 信している/あなたもまた~を実 現することが
realize/ your dream/ as long as/ you believe in yourself/ and/ keep on learning/ on
your own.//
あなたが自 分 自 身という存 在を信じる/ そして/学ことを続けている/
Part 4 According to the boy,/ what is important/ in realizing/
our dream?//
I thought:/ “With a windmill,/ we could finally free ourselves from the serious
trouble of famine.// With a windmill,/ I could stay awake/ at night,/ reading/ instead
of going to bed/ at seven.//
In Malawi,/ the steady wind is one of/ the few precious things/ God gives us.// Looking
at the photograph of/ the windmill/ on the cover of textbook,/ I had a dream that/
I would build a windmill/ to pump water/ and/ bring electricity to/ my village and my
family.// The story of my successful windmill was first printed/ in Malawi ’s The Daily
Times,// Later on,/ I was invited/ to talk/ at a big conference,/ TED Global,/ twice.//
There I said,/ “Since I had a dream,/ I just tried/ and/ I made it true.// I’d like to
Say/ to all the people,/ to the Africans,/ to the poor like me,/ who are struggling with
their dreams,/ “Trust yourself and believe.// Even if/ something unexpected happe ns,/
don’t give up!”//
Thanks to those who/ heard the news/ over the Internet/ and/ came up/ to suppot
me,/ I can get an education back/ in school/ now.// I am sure/ you will also be able to
realize/ your dream/ as long as/ you believe in yourself/ and/ keep on learning/ on
your own.//