UG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO6\PSRVLXPRQ 0LFURHOHFWURQLFV 5DOHLJK&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU2FWREHU1RYHPEHU 5HVHDUFK7ULDQJOH1RUWK&DUROLQD86$ ),1$/352*5$0 (;+,%,76',5(&725< z 1(:'3DFNDJLQJDQG,QWHJUDWLRQ7UDFN LQFOXGLQJILYH'6HVVLRQVDQG3DQHO z 7ZR.H\QRWH3UHVHQWDWLRQV 'U-RKQ(GPRQG &R)RXQGHU&5((5HVHDUFK,QF 'U5DR7XPPDOD 3URIHVVRUDQG'LUHFWRU *HRUJLD,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\ 3UHPLHU6SRQVRUV z 3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW&RXUVHV z 7HFKQLFDO6HVVLRQV z ,QWHUDFWLYH3RVWHU6HVVLRQ z 0RUHWKDQ3DSHUV z 6WDWHRIWKH$UW([KLELWLRQ DQG7HFKQRORJ\6KRZFDVH z *OREDO%XVLQHVV)DOO0DUNHWLQJ)RUXP 3UHVLGHQWLDO6SRQVRU 2UJDQL]HGE\WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO0LFURHOHFWURQLFV$QG3DFNDJLQJ6RFLHW\ %ULQJLQJWRJHWKHUWKHHQWLUHPLFURHOHFWURQLFVVXSSO\FKDLQ IMAPS 2010 Program Outline Sunday, October 31 8:00 am-5:00 pm 5:00 pm-6:00 pm Professional Development Courses (see page 26 for details) Professional Development Course Reception (Course Registrants and Instructors Only) Sponsored by Hesse & Knipps Monday, November 1 Professional Development Courses (see page 26 for details) Welcome Reception - Raleigh Convention Center - Ballroom C (ALL ARE INVITED) 8:00 am-5:00 pm 5:00 pm-7:30 pm Tuesday, November 2 8:00 am-10:45 am (unless otherwise noted) 3D Packaging and Integration Track Modeling and Reliability Track Next Generation Materials Track Assembly and Packaging Track Advanced Technologies Track 3D Interconnect Technologies in RTP Page 28 Device Design and Modeling Page 28 Advanced Materials Page 28 Package Reliability Testing Page 29 LED Packaging Page 29 Interactive Track 11:00 am-5:30 pm 11:25 am-11:40 am 11:40 am-12:00 pm 12:00 pm-12:45 pm Exhibits Hall Open Annual Business Meeting - Exhibit Hall Theater Awards Ceremony - Exhibit Hall Theater Keynote Presentation: Dr. John Edmond, Co-Founder, CREE Research, Inc. - Exhibit Hall Theater 12:50 pm-1:50 pm Lunch Kiosks (Food available for purchase) 1:55 pm-5:15 pm (unless otherwise noted) 3D TSV Processes and Modeling Page 30 Design for Reliability Page 30 Pb-Free Solder Ceramic and LTCC Materials and RoHS, Packaging Processes and Reliability Page 30 Page 31 1 Wafer Level/CSP Packaging Requirements Page 31 Wednesday, November 3 8:00 am-11:15 am (unless otherwise noted) 3D Systems Integration Page 32 Modeling and Design for Signal/Power Integrity Page 32 Thermal Management Page 32 Wire Bonding and Stud Bumping I Page 33 Emerging Technologies Page 33 Exhibits Hall Open 9:00 am-5:30 pm 11:45 am-12:30 pm Keynote Presentation: Dr. Rao Tummala, Professor and Director, Georgia Institute of Technology - Exhibit Hall Theater 12:30 pm-1:30 pm Lunch in the Exhibits Hall (Provided by RFMD) 1:35 pm-5:25 pm (unless otherwise noted) 5:30 pm-6:30 pm 6:30 pm-7:30 pm 3D Packaging Page 34 System-Level Signal/Power Integrity Design Page 34 High Performance Interconnects and Boards Page 34 Wire Bonding and Stud Bumping II Page 35 MEMS Packaging Page 35 Global Business Council (GBC) Marketing Forum (INCLUDED WITH YOUR FULL SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION) GBC Networking Reception (Sponsored by DOW Electronic Materials) Thursday, November 4 8:00 am-12:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) 9:00 am-12:00 pm 9:00 am-12:00 pm Interactive Forum (Poster Session) Page 38 State of 3D Technology Consortia View Page 36 Flip Chip and Wafer Laminate Substrate Bumping: Processes Materials and and Reliability Technology Page 36 Page 36 Microwave and RF Printed and Structural Electronics Applications Page 37 Page 37 Exhibits Hall Open IMAPS 2011 Booth Selection in the Exhibit Hall The 43rd International Symposium on Microelectronics imaps 2010 October 31 - November 4, 2010 Raleigh Convention Center Raleigh , North Carolina - USA Organized by the: IMAPS 2010 Symposium Committee and the Society Technical Committee 2 Sponsored by: The International Microelectronics And Packaging Society (IMAPS) Bringing Together the Entire Microelectronics Supply Chain!™ The International Symposium on Microelectronics is wholly-owned, produced, and managed by: International Microelectronics And Packaging Society (IMAPS) 611 2nd Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-548-4001; Fax: 202-548-6115 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Final Program Sponsors Cover images courtesy of: Hesse & Knipps, Heraeus, and the Raleigh Convention & Visitor Bureau. Photo credit: CREE shimmer wall at night - Brian Gassel; Raleigh cityscape - Roger Winstead. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Welcome to IMAPS 2010 Technical Program Outline ................................................................................ 1 Greetings from the IMAPS President ................................................................ 4 Greetings from the General Chair ..................................................................... 6 Greetings from the Technical Chair and Co-Chairs .......................................... 7 Symposium Program Committee ...................................................................... 8 Welcome from the Governor of North Carolina .............................................. 10 Welcome from the Mayor of Raleigh .............................................................. 11 Hours & General Information .......................................................................... 12 IMAPS Committee Meetings / Special Events ................................................ 13 ○ ○ Opening Ceremonies Welcome Reception ........................................................................................ 14 Annual Business Meeting ................................................................................ 14 Awards Ceremony/List of Recipients ......................................................... 16-17 Keynote Presenters .................................................................................... 18-19 ○ ○ ○ Sponsorships IMAPS 2010 Premier / Presidential Sponsors ........................................... 20-23 IMAPS 2010 Event / Media Sponsors ........................................................ 24-25 Internet Café .................................................................................................... 25 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Technical Program Information Professional Development Courses (PDCs) .................................................. 26 Technical Program ...................................................................................... 28-38 High School Student / Exhibitor Interchange .................................................. 37 Symposium at a Glance ........................................................ Inside Back Cover Other Programs and Activities Global Business Council Fall Marketing Forum ............................................. 39 Student Program ............................................................................................. 40 Things to do in Raleigh ................................................................................... 41 JOBS MarketPlace .......................................................................................... 41 Wireless Access in the Exhibit Hall ................................................................. 41 Golf Classic ..................................................................................................... 42 Casino Night .................................................................................................... 43 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Exhibition Exhibit Floor Plan ............................................................................................ 44 Exhibitors .................................................................................................... 45-53 Exhibitor Products & Services Index .......................................................... 54-56 IMAPS 2011 Booth Selection .......................................................................... 55 ○ ○ Upcoming IMAPS Events Conference/Workshop Announcements ......................................................... 57 Device Packaging Conference Announcement .............................................. 58 CICMT 2011 Conference Announcement .................................................. 59-60 HiTEN 2011 Conference Announcement ........................................................ 61 European Microelectronics and Packaging (EMPC2011) .............................. 62 IMAPS 2011 Symposium Call for Papers ....................................................... 63 Downtown Raleigh Map .................................................................................. 64 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Symposium management is not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings. Security for personal belongings is the responsibility of the individual. ○ Loss Due to Theft ○ ○ ○ Photographs will be taken at the IMAPS 2010 Symposium. By registering for this meeting, you agree to allow IMAPS to use your photo in any IMAPS-related publications or website. ○ Photo Release ○ ○ Tuesday, Nov. 2 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM Wednesday, Nov. 3 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Thursday, Nov. 4 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM ○ ○ Exhibit Hours ○ ○ ○ Sunday, October 31 thru Wednesday, November 3 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday, Nov. 4 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM ○ ○ IMAPS 2010 Registration Hours ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ TABLE OF CONTENTS ○ November 2nd thru 4th ○ Conference & Exhibition ○ ○ ○ October 31st & November 1st ○ Professional Development Courses (PDCs) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sunday to Thursday Raleigh Convention Center 500 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 - USA ○ October 31 - November 4, 2010 ○ imaps 2010 Advertisers Index Mini Systems ......................................................................... Inside Front Cover Reldan Metals, Co. ............................................................................................ 5 iKnow Micro ....................................................................................................... 9 Geib Refining ................................................................................................... 15 IMAPS Microelectronics Journal. .................................................................... 27 LORD Corporation ........................................................................................... 38 Natel .................................................................................................. Back Cover 3 greetings FROM THE IMAPS PRESIDENT Welcome to the 43rd International Symposium on Microelectronics being held at the Raleigh Convention Center, Research Triangle, North Carolina, USA. General Chair, David Seeger (IBM Corporation), and an International Technical Committee led by Technical Chair, Sara Paisner (LORD Corporation), and Technical Co-Chairs Georg Meyer-Berg (Infineon Technologies), Jin Yu (KAIST) and Urmi Ray (Qualcomm), have put together an innovative program. Whether you’re looking to network with your peers, explore new products and technologies, engage customers, meet suppliers, demonstrate innovation leadership, or just be part of the industry scene, there’s something for everyone at IMAPS 2010. Please take time to walk through the exhibit area where you will find state of the art technology from over one hundred exhibitors who can update you on their latest products and services representing the semiconductor packaging and microelectronics supply chain. Thanks to all our exhibitors, many of whom are IMAPS Corporate members, for their support. Special thanks to this year’s Symposium Premier Sponsors that include NATEL, Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment, and HERAEUS, along with Metalor Technologies USA as our Presidential Sponsor. 4 Don’t miss our keynote presentations: • Tuesday, November 2nd - Dr. John Edmond, Co-founder of CREE Research, Inc. on “High Efficiency Blue & White LED’s for the New Lightbulb”. • Wednesday, November 3rd - Dr. Rao Tummala, Professor & Director of 3D Systems Packaging at the Research Center of Georgia Institute of Technology, “Grand Challenges & Potential Solutions in the Changing World of NanoElectronics from ICs to 3D ICS to 3D System”. The Fall Marketing Forum on Wednesday evening features Mr. Leo Linehan, Global Business Director of Advanced Packaging Technologies for Dow Electronic Materials, with “An Electronic Material Supplier’s Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities in 3D Packaging.” Also Mr. David Miller, President of DuPont Electronics and Communications, will be discussing “The Critical Role of Materials in the Photovoltaic Industry.” A networking reception follows. I would like to personally thank the Symposium committee and dedicated IMAPS staff for all the hard work in coordinating this Conference event and a big thank you to all attendees, exhibitors, and speakers for your participation and support of IMAPS. Enjoy the conference and your stay in Raleigh. Best Regards, Howard Imhof Metalor Technologies USA [email protected] 5 5HDVRQV\RXVKRXOGUHF\FOHZLWK5HOGDQ0HWDOV zŽƵƌtŽƌůĚ͗dŽdžŝĐŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐĨƌŽŵĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐ͕ ŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐǁĂƐƚĞĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌƐĐƌĂƉŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐĂƌĞĂŶ ŵĂŶ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐŝŶŐůLJůĂƌŐĞďƵƌĚĞŶŽŶŽƵƌĞĐŽͲƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ zŽƵƌƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͗tĞŐĞƚŝŶǀŽůǀĞĚŝŶLJŽƵƌďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ƚŽŚĞůƉĚĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĞǁŚĂƚĐĂŶďĞƌĞĮŶĞĚĂŶĚƚŚĞďĞƐƚ ƚ ŚĞ ƚŽ ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŵĞƚŚŽĚƐƚŽŐĞƚLJŽƵƚŚĞŵŽƐƚǀĂůƵĞ͘ zŽƵƌŽƩŽŵ>ŝŶĞ͗zĞƐ͕ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐĐĂŶďĞƉƌŽĮƚĂďůĞ͘ tŝƚŚďŝŶŐƚŽŶZĞůĚĂŶDĞƚĂůƐĂƐLJŽƵƌƉĂƌƚŶĞƌ͕LJŽƵŐĞƚ tŝŝƚŚ Ś ƚŚĞŵŽƐƚĨƌŽŵLJŽƵƌƉƌĞĐŝŽƵƐŵĞƚĂůďĞĂƌŝŶŐƐĐƌĂƉ͘ KƵƌnjĞƌŽͲĚŝƐĐŚĂƌŐĞƌĞĮŶĞƌLJŝƐ/^KϭϰϬϬϭ͗ϮϬϬϰĐĞƌƟĮĞĚ ĂŶĚ,tD'ĂƵĚŝƚĞĚ͘ tĞƵƟůŝnjĞĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůůLJƐŽƵŶĚƉƌŽĐĞĚƵƌĞƐƚŽ ĐŽŶƐƵŵŵĂƚĞƚŚĞƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŽĨĞǁĂƐƚĞ͘tĞŚĂǀĞ ƐŝŐŶĞĚƚŚĞƉƌĞƐƟŐŝŽƵƐĂƐĞůĐƟŽŶEĞƚǁŽƌŬ͛Ɛ ͞ůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐ͛ZĞĐLJĐůĞƌ͛ƐWůĞĚŐĞŽĨdƌƵĞ^ƚĞǁĂƌĚƐŚŝƉ͟ ĂŶĚŚĂǀĞƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚĂƐƵƉŚŽůĚŝŶŐƚŚĞŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚŽĨĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůĂŶĚƐŽĐŝĂůƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ͘ 0D[LPL]LQJ9DOXHIURP3UHFLRXV0HWDO6FUDS70 2)),&(6 :KLWHKHDG$YH6RXWK5LYHU1- 7HO)D[ 5(),1(5<:HOOLQJWRQ6W3KLODGHOSKLD3$ 7HO)D[ ZZZ$5PHWDOVFRPVDOHV#$5PHWDOVFRP greetings FROM THE GENERAL CHAIR Welcome IMAPS members and other interested parties from the technical community! Thank you for joining us at the 43rd Annual International Symposium on Microelectronics, October 31 – November 4, 2010. This year’s program is in a new venue - the Research Triangle Park (RTP) area in North Carolina, featuring Raleigh’s brand new convention center. RTP offers an abundance of high technology companies, renowned research institutes, consortia and universities which have been famous for the development of the area. One might ask why we would move to a new venue since established venues have infrastructure and history on their side. While it is true that opening this symposium at a new site introduces new challenges for conference organizers, it also offers new opportunities. Most importantly, it allows the opportunity to expand the scope of those interested in the IMAPS society. Indeed, as I talk with local folks in the RTP area, many were unaware of the society and are now becoming actively engaged. In addition, it offers current IMAPS members the ability to expand the scope of their contacts in this region of the country; not to mention world famous golfing in the area for golf enthusiasts! You can see from the enclosed program that we have a strong technical program in addition to the vendor’s exhibition hall. We’ve enhanced the program with some exciting new additions including a conference-long technical track on 3D packaging, one of the fastest growing areas in microelectronics today. 6 The highlights for this year’s event include: • A tremendous technical program with 26 sessions, including excellent coverage of Signal/Power Integrity, Thermal Management, and Wire Bonding, in addition to the aforementioned conference-long technical track dedicated to 3D packaging issues. • Two keynote presentations, one by Dr. John Edmond, Co-Founder, from CREE Research, Inc.; the other by Dr. Rao Tummala, Professor and Director, from Georgia Institute of Technology. • A line-up of several Professional Development Courses providing the chance to brush up on your knowledge or move up the learning curve in a new area. • The IMAPS Global Business Council Forum, featuring two talks on “Materials for Photovoltaics and 3D Packaging” by leading industry analysts. • Extensive student participation, with cash awards for the two best student papers. • Over 130 exhibitors providing updates on their products and services. • A program for college students that includes a visit to DuPont Microcircuit Material Headquarters. • A program with local high schools, giving students a chance to see what the microelectronics industry is all about. • A great golf tournament at the Lonnie Poole Golf Course, to help us on the “all work and no play” front. It’s been a great pleasure serving as general chair of this event. I’m particularly honored to be surrounded by an organizing committee and IMAPS staff that has worked extra hard to line up such a strong program in this new venue. The other challenge has been very different than last year. Last year, the industry was lagging and budgets were tight thus hindering participation. This year, the industry has been on such a ‘tear’ with huge upswings in business that folks are now too busy to participate…a great problem to have!! Please take a look at the full committee list on page 8, so you know who to thank! An event like IMAPS 2010 would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, so I’d like to thank them and highlight NATEL, Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment and Heraeus as our Premier Sponsors; along with Metalor as our Presidential Sponsor. Thank you for taking a little time from your very busy schedule to come to this new venue and see the riches of technology available in the RPT area. And as mentioned, for golfers the Carolina’s offer some of the best golfing venues in the country. Thanks for coming! David Seeger IBM Corporation [email protected] greetings FROM THE TECHNICAL CHAIR and CO-CHAIRS O n behalf of the IMAPS 2010 Technical Committee, it is our pleasure and privilege to officially welcome you to the 43 Annual IMAPS International Symposium on Microelectronics, October 31 to November 4 , in the Research Triangle in rd st th Raleigh, North Carolina. As Technical Chairs we are excited by the scope and quality of this year’s program. We have brought together a Technical Program with 26 sessions that includes an Interactive Poster session, with 150 papers and posters addressing all aspects of microelectronics packaging. We also have several Professional Development Courses for you to choose from, 2 Keynote Presentations, a powerful Global Business Council meeting, and significant student participation activities. IMAPS 2010 in North Carolina’s Research Triangle promises to be an excellent technical program including several special focused sessions that address innovative technology and new development in the application areas of 3D Packaging, Modeling and Design for System/Power Integrity, LEDs, Wafer Level CSP, Pb-free Packaging and others. Here are a few highlights, offering opportunities to: o Dive deep into technology and development. The overall program is organized into five tracks that address 3D Packaging, Modeling and Reliability, Next Generation Materials, Assembly and Packaging, and Advanced Technologies. Specific topics within these tracks include the latest technical innovations in LEDs and MEMS, Emerging Technologies, 3D Packaging, as well as Microwave and RF Applications. o Explore business trends. The highly successful Global Business Council program, which has been a big hit for the last two years, will be held on Wednesday, November 3rd, and is comprised of two powerful presentations addressing the business trends and key market drivers in our society. o Network with colleagues from all over the world. One of the great aspects of attending a technical program of this nature is the chance to meet and converse with peers from all over the world. IMAPS, a truly international society, will have speakers from 15 countries, and attendees from Europe, the Pacific Rim, and the Americas, providing incredible opportunities for networking and idea sharing. o Listen to two eminent industry leaders provide keynote presentations: Dr, John Edmond, co-founder of CREE Research, Inc. and Dr. Rao Tummala, Professor and Director at the Georgia Institute of Technology. o Connect to the microelectronics supply chain. Over 130 exhibitors have registered, ensuring that our Exhibits Hall will feature a diverse range of companies showcasing their latest products and technologies. As the Technical Chair and Co-Chairs, we are excited about the impact this powerful technical program will have on our society members and their respective businesses, and we gratefully acknowledge our IMAPS Technical Committees and IMAPS staff for an outstanding job reviewing abstracts, organizing sessions, and providing invaluable help preparing this Symposium. We hope you share our anticipation for this year’s event and to a fantastic 5 days of insights, inspiration and idea sharing. Again, please accept our enthusiastic welcome for attending the 2010 IMAPS International Symposium! Sara Paisner Georg Meyer-Berg Jin Yu Urmi Ray LORD Corporation [email protected] Infineon Technologies AG [email protected] KAIST [email protected] Qualcomm Inc. [email protected] 7 imaps 2010 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IMAPS Executive Director Michael O’Donoghue, IMAPS [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Local Technical Outreach Co-Chair Scott Morris, RF Micro Devices [email protected] ○ ○ IMAPS 2011 General Chair Mark Hoffmeyer, IBM Corporation [email protected] ○ Local Technical Outreach Chair Glenn Oliver, DuPont [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Foundation Golf Co-Chair Scott Gordon, DuPont [email protected] IMAPS Treasurer David Virissimo, SPM [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ Foundation Golf Chair Sam Horowitz, Retired / DuPont [email protected] IMAPS Past President Delip (Doug) Bokil, Namark Process Design LLC [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Foundation Chair Steve Adamson, Asymtek [email protected] ○ Marketing Co-Chair Hugh Roberts, Atotech [email protected] ○ ○ VP of Technology Lee Levine, Process Solutions Consulting [email protected] GBC Chair Arne Knudsen, Kyocera America [email protected] ○ 8 Professional Development Course Chair Thomas Green, TJ Green Associates LLC [email protected] ○ ○ Technical Co-Chair - USA Urmi Ray, Qualcomm Inc. [email protected] ○ ○ Technical Co-Chair - Asia Jin Yu, KAIST [email protected] ○ ○ Technical Co-Chair - Europe Georg Meyer-Berg, Infineon Technologies AG [email protected] IMAPS President-Elect Rajen Chanchani, Sandia National Laboratories [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Student Activities Co-Chair Joan Delalic, Temple University [email protected] ○ Technical Chair Sara Paisner, LORD Corporation [email protected] IMAPS President Howard Imhof, Metalor Technologies USA [email protected] ○ ○ ○ ○ Student Activities Chair Robert Evans, Cisco Systems / NCSU [email protected] ○ General Chair David Seeger, IBM Corporation [email protected] ○ 2010 National Symposium Committee ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Welcome Reception Monday, November 1st 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Raleigh Convention Center - Ballroom C 500 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601 sponsored by: iKnow Micro iKnow MicroÊ ÃÊ Ì iÊ *-Ê iÊ LÀ>ÀÞÊ Ì >ÌÊ «ÀÛ`iÃÊ >Ê ViÌÀ>âi`]Ê Ãi>ÀV >LiÊ `>Ì>L>ÃiÊ vÊ Ì iÊ «>«iÀÃ]Ê «ÕLV>ÌÃ]Ê >`Ê «ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÃÊ Ì >ÌÊ *-Ê «À`ÕViÃ°Ê / ÃÊ ÃÊ >Ê }Ài>ÌÊ LiiwÌÊ vÀÊ *-Ê iLiÀÃÊ >ÃÊ ÌÊ ÃÊ >Ê Û>Õ>LiÊ ÌÊ ÌÊ }iÌÊ vÀ>tion fast. 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Tues. thru Wed. Thursday 7 am – 5 pm 7 am – 5 pm 7 am – Noon RCC: Mezzanine RCC: Mezzanine RCC: Mezzanine 11 am – 5:30 pm 9 am – 5:30 pm 9 am – Noon RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C Exhibit Hours Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7 am – 5 pm 7 am – Noon RCC: Room 307 RCC: Room 307 Opening Ceremonies Refreshment Break: 11:00 am (IMAPS Cafés) IMAPS Annual Business Meeting 11:25 am Speaker Breakfast Tue. - Thurs. Raleigh Convention Center Location: Exhibit Hall Theater ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Speaker Ready Room Tue. & Wed. Thursday Tuesday, November 2nd 7 am – 7:50 am RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C Proceedings Pick-up Pick-up your Symposium CD-ROM Proceedings at the Registration Desk. & Lunch Break 12 Refreshments Tuesday morning refreshment break will be in the Level 3 Foyer. Tuesday afternoon through Thursday all refreshment breaks will be located in the Exhibit Hall (IMAPS Cafés). A box lunch will be served on Wednesday, November 3rd in the Exhibit Hall (IMAPS Cafés). Change of Officers Presidents’ Messages to the Membership Annual Business Meeting ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ IMAPS Awards Ceremony 11:40 am Presenting the: William D. Ashman Achievement Award Foundation Golf Classic (See page 42 for more information) John A. Wagnon Jr., Technical Achievement Award Monday, November 1st IMAPS Fellow of the Society Lonnie Poole Golf Course Corporate Recognition Award Shuttle departs the Marriott Hotel at 6:30 am, and departs the Sidney J. Stein International Award Golf Course at 1:30 pm. Breakfast on you own. Outstanding Educator Award Golf Holes sponsored by: Daniel C. Hughes Jr. Memorial Award President’s Award Golf Hole and Luncheon sponsored by: Best and Outstanding Papers of the IMAPS 2009 Symposium ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Keynote Presentation 12:00 pm Speaker: Dr. John Edmond Symposium Location: Raleigh Convention Center 500 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601 All IMAPS 2010 events will be held at the convention center. Dr. John Edmond graduated summa cum laude from Alfred University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science degree in ceramic engineering. He earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science at NC State University in 1987 and upon graduation co-founded CREE Research, Inc. Since its founding, Dr. Edmond has worked on the development and production of blue and green LEDs, first in SiC, then the Group III Nitrides on SiC. In July 2007, Dr. Edmond earned a place on Business 2.0s ‘50 Who Matter Now’ list. committee meetings and special events Sunday, October 31 PDC Reception (Instructors & Students Only) 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm RCC: Room 201 6:30 am - 1:30 pm Lonnie Poole Golf Course Monday, November 1 Microelectronics Golf Tournament Shuttle for the Golf Tournament will depart the Marriott at 6:30 am, and departs the Golf Course at 1:30 pm. Breakfast on your own. Welcome Reception 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm RCC: Ballroom C Tuesday, November 2 Annual Business Meeting/Awards Ceremony Keynote Presentation (Dr. John Edmond) Press Luncheon (Invitation Only) Student Booth Judging Student Chapter Meeting/Panel Discussion/Reception President’s Party (Invitation Only) Microelectronics Foundation Casino Night 11:25 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm 12:50 pm - 2:00 pm 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm RCC: Exhibit Hall Theater RCC: Exhibit Hall Theater RCC: Room 303 RCC: Exhibit Hall RCC: Room 201 Room: 402 Room: 402 (Tickets available for purchase at the Registration Desk) Wednesday, November 3 Student Plant Tour (must meet at 8:15 am) Publications Committee/Journal Advisory Board Finance Committee Keynote Presentation (Dr. Rao Tummala) Lunch in the Exhibit Hall GBC Marketing Forum GBC Happy Hour International Reception (Invitation Only) 8:30 am - 11:45 am 9:00 am - 10:00 am 10:00 am - 11:00 am 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm RCC: Main Entrance RCC: Room 201 RCC: Room 201 RCC: Exhibit Hall Theater RCC: IMAPS Cafés RCC: Exhibit Hall Theater RCC: IMAPS Café RCC: Room 402 7:00 am - 8:00 am 9:30 am - 11:30 am 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 11:30 am 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm RCC: Exhibit Hall RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C RCC: Exhibit Hall B&C RCC: Room 201 RCC: Room 301A Bu Ku: 110 E. Davie Street RCC: Room 201 Thursday, November 4 GBC Steering Committee Meeting Student Exhibitor Interchange IMAPS 2011 Booth Selection 2010/2011 Symposium Committee Meeting Society Technical Committee Meeting Advisory Council Luncheon (Invitation Only) Chapter Leadership Meeting President’s Reception sponsored by: International Reception sponsored by: 13 Welcome Reception Monday, November 1, 2010 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Raleigh Convention Center 500 South Salisbury Street Ballroom C Opening Ceremonies - Exhibit Hall Theater Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall 11:00 AM IMAPS Annual Business Meeting 11:25 AM IMAPS Awards Ceremony 14 11:40 AM Daniel C. Hughes Jr. Memorial Award William D. Ashman Achievement Award John A. Wagnon Jr. Technical Achievement Award Corporate Recognition Award Outstanding Educator Award President’s Award IMAPS Fellow of the Society Sidney J. Stein International Award Best & Outstanding Papers - IMAPS 2009 Come say “Thanks” to those who contributed so much to IMAPS over many years. Keynote Presentation 12:00 PM Dr. John Edmond, Co-Founder CREE Research, Inc. Welcome Reception & Opening Ceremonies sponsored by: 15 awards 2010 IMAPS AWARDS CEREMONY Tuesday, November 2nd 11:40 am - 12:00 pm Raleigh Convention Center Location: Exhibit Hall Theater IMAPS Members are unique individuals as packaging professionals. They are unique in the breadth of their knowledge. Unique in his or her dedication to a little appreciated profession that affects each and every person every day. They are unique in their dedication to the goals of IMAPS. Within this already unique population there are some individuals whose contribution is so great that their peers nominate them for recognition. These members of the electronics packaging community contribute greatly to the health and vitality of the industry. Accordingly, I would like to personally invite you to attend this year’s IMAPS Awards Ceremony to acknowledge some of them. Each year, the current First Past President has one of the most pleasurable of leadership responsibilities - to recognize these notable individual members for their accomplishments and to recognize a company that has made significant technical and supporting contributions to the microelectronics industry and to IMAPS in particular. The process of identifying deserving nominees, and submitting and reviewing the nominations is exacting. Most individual awards are reviewed by past recipients, making these awards the recognition of notables by notables. We thank all members for nominating the most notable for consideration of an award. We can only honor those who are nominated and we don’t know everyone personally so please nominate a unique person you know for an award in 2011. 16 This year, we will present the William D. Ashman Achievement Award, the John A. Wagnon Jr. Technical Achievement Award, five Fellow of the Society Awards, the Corporate Recognition Award, the Sidney J. Stein International Award, the Outstanding Educator Award, the Daniel C. Hughes Jr. Memorial Award, and three President’s Awards. The Society will also recognize Best and Outstanding Papers of the IMAPS 2009 Symposium which was held in San Jose, California, last November. Please join us in recognizing, congratulating and thanking not only these award recipients, but also the 2010 Symposium Committee and all the companies that have supported IMAPS as sponsors and exhibitors. The ceremony will take place on the stage in the exhibit hall theater of the Raleigh Convention Center from 11:40 am to 12:00 pm immediately following the IMAPS Annual Business Meeting of the Society and will conclude with a Keynote presentation from Dr. John Edmond, Co-founder of CREE Research, Inc. Delip “Doug” Bokil Namark Process Design LLC IMAPS 2010 First Past President Best Paper of the 2009 Symposium WA34: Wafer Level/CSP Packaging Requirements Chairs: Robert Forman, Dow Corporation; Lyndon Larson, Dow Corning Electronics Microspring Characterization and Flip Chip Assembly Reliability E. M. Chow, B. Cheng, D. DeBruyker, C. Chua, K. Sahasrabuddhe, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC); I. Shubin, J. Cunningham, Y. Luo, A. V. Krishnamoorthy, Sun Microsystems Outstanding Papers of the 2009 Symposium THA44: Flip-Chip and Wafer Bumping: Processes and Reliability Chairs: Bahareh Banijamali, Tessera Inc.; Timothy Younger, IBM Laser Based Assembly of Ultra Fine Pitch Bumped ICs for Die-on-Die Applications Andrew J.G. Strandjord, Thorsten Teutsch, Ghassem Azdasht, Pac Tech - Packaging Technologies, Inc.; Matt Giere, Sun Microsystems TA53: MEMS Packaging Chairs: Alissa M. Fitzgerald, A.M. Fitzgerald & Associates, LLC; David Seeger, Semiconductor Research Corp. Low-Cost and Reliable Packaging Technology for Stacked MCP with MEMS and Control IC Chips Mitsuyoshi Endo, Akihiro Kojima, Yoshiaki Shimooka, Yoshiaki Sugizaki, Hiroaki Yamazaki, Etsuji Ogawa, Tamio Ikehashi, Tatsuya Ohguro, Susumu Obata, Yusaku Asano, Takeshi Miyagi, Ikuo Mori, Yoshiaki Toyoshima, Hideki Shibata, Toshiba Corporation awards IMAPS 2010 Society Awards William D. Ashman Achievement Award Corporate Recognition Award presented to Dr. James Jian-Qiang Lu For contributions and research in 3D integration and packaging; for leadership contributions at International Symposiums and Device Packaging Conferences, and 3-D Packaging Workshops. presented to Nordson ASYMTEK For technical contributions to the microelectronics industry, demonstrating support to IMAPS by continuous organization memberships, and promotion of member participation in IMAPS events. John A. Wagnon Jr. Technical Achievement Award Sidney J. Stein International Award presented to Dr. Shi-Wei Ricky Lee For contributions in finite element stress analysis, solder joint reliability, 3D-TSV packaging, and LED-wafer level packaging; for R&D of packaging and assembly of ICs, optoelectronic devices and microsystems; and as author of more than 200 technical papers and co-author of three technical books. Fellow of the Society presented to Dr. Jie Xue For contributions to IMAPS as Symposium Technical Chair, Global Business Council Chair, Keynote Speaker, Technical Committee for ATW on Copper, Technical Committee on Copper Low-k Workshops, Session Chair on Advanced Packaging, Packaging Reliability, and paper presentations at IMAPS symposiums. David Saums For contributions to IMAPS on the Society’s Technical Committee as the Thermal Subcommittee Chair; Global Business Council Steering Committee Member and Session Chair, Guest Editor of Advancing Microelectronics; for continued service as Chair of the Thermal Management ATW since 2001. Dr. Patrick McCluskey For contributions to IMAPS as Technical Program Chair, ATW on Reliability of Advanced Electronics Packages and Devices in Extreme Cold Environments; Technical Program Chair for three IMAPS International High Temperature Electronics Conferences and Exhibitions; Symposium Session Chair; and Faculty Advisor for University of Maryland. Michael McKeown For contributions to IMAPS as Co-Chair and member of the Global Business Council; as General Chair and member of the Wire Bonding Workshop; as Session Chair of the Automotive Electronics Packaging Workshop; and as President of the Metro Chapter. Dr. Barbara Dziurdzia For contributions to IMAPS as Treasurer of the European Microelectronics Packaging & Interconnection Symposium; and as a member of the Steering Committee of technical conferences and European symposiums. presented to Paul E. Collander For continued leadership in IMAPS Nordic since 1974; and work for IMAPS Europe, serving in many roles as President of IMAPS Europe, Technical Program Committee Chair, and European Liaison Committee representative. Outstanding Educator Award presented to Dr. Janet K. Lumpp For promotion of microelectronics through teaching and mentoring of students at the University of Kentucky; for recruiting activities to promote IMAPS memberships; for promoting the University’s student chapter at IMAPS symposia booth and paper competitions and; for numerous publications at IMAPS events. Daniel C. Hughes Jr. Memorial Award presented to Dr. Karel Kurzweil For development of thick film-based multichip modules with TAB chip assembly and its introduction into high volume manufacturing; for development of smart card assembly including chip embedding; for long-time support in various leadership positions to IMAPS Europe. President’s Award presented to Steven Adamson For dedicated efforts in ensuring a successful reorganization of the IMAPS Microelectronics Foundation and increasing its financial resources. Dr. Nihal Sinnadurai For diplomacy in establishing professional relations between North American and European leaders of IMAPS, and contributions to the One World Membership. Dr. W. Kinzy Jones For initiating a platform of discussion between North American and European leaders of IMAPS leading to a path forward on an international basis. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2010 AWARD WINNERS! 17 keynote presentation Tuesday, November 2, 2010 12:00 PM RCC: EXHIBIT HALL THEATER Dr. John Edmond Co-Founder CREE Research, Inc. Presentation Title: High Efficiency Blue and White LEDs for the New Lightbulb Dr. John Edmond graduated summa cum laude from Alfred University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science degree in ceramic engineering. He earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science at NC State University in 1987 and upon graduation co-founded CREE Research, Inc. Since its founding, Dr. Edmond has worked on the development and production of blue and green LEDs, first in SiC, then the Group III Nitrides on SiC. 18 In July 2007, Dr. Edmond earned a place on Business 2.0s ‘50 Who Matter Now’ list. The distinction places him alongside business celebrities such as Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple, and the chiefs of Amazon, Cisco and Google. He and his team continue to advance the performance of LEDs to enable high efficiency solid state lighting solutions. He has 73 issued and 33 pending patents in the US, with an additional 147 issued and 127 pending foreign patents in the field of SiC and Group III-Nitrides. IMAPS 2010 Raleigh Convention Center Research Triangle, North Carolina November 2-4 ÕÀÌiÃÞÊvÊ, 6É6ÃÌ,>i} °V ,>i} Ê ÛiÌÊ iÌiÀ ,>i} Ê >ÃÊÌÀ>ÃvÀi`ÊÌÊÌ iÊ-ÕÌ i>Ã̽ÃÊiÜiÃÌÊiiÌ}Ê `iÃÌ>ÌÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊiÜÊxää]äääÊõÕ>ÀiÊvÌÊÃÌ>ÌivÌ i>ÀÌÊ ÛiÌÊ iÌiÀÊV>Ìi`ÊÊÌ iÊ i>ÀÌÊvÊ`ÜÌÜÊ,>i} °Ê iÀ>ÊÕ`ÌÀÕ iÀ>ÊÕ`ÌÀÕÊ >ÃÊ}À>Ìwi`Ê>Õ`iViÃÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÛiÀÞÊvÊ ÜÀ`ViiLÀ>Ìi`Ê>ÀÌÃÌÃ]ÊLÞÊvviÀ}Ê>ÊÃÌ>}iÊvÀÊÌ iÊ«iÀvÀ}Ê>ÀÌð ÕÀÌiÃÞÊvÊ, 6É6ÃÌ,>i} °V keynote presentation Wednesday, November 3, 2010 11:45 AM RCC: EXHIBIT HALL THEATER Dr. Rao Tummala Professor and Director of 3D Systems Packaging Research Center Georgia Institute of Technology Presentation Title: Grand Challenges and Potential Solutions in the Changing World of Nano-Electronics from ICs to 3D ICs to 3D Systems Prof. Rao Tummala is a Distinguished and Endowed Chair Professor, and Founding Director of NSF ERC at Georgia Tech, the largest Academic Center in Microsystems pioneering System-On-Package (SOP) vision, since 1994. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was an IBM Fellow, pioneering such major technologies as the first plasma flat panel display based on gas discharge, the first and next three generations of multichip packaging - alumina, glass-ceramic-copper and copperpolymer thin film, and materials for ink-jet printing and magnetic storage. He received many industry, academic and professional society awards including Industry Week’s award for improving U.S. competitiveness, IEEE’s David Sarnoff, Major Education and Sustained Technical awards, Dan Hughes award from IMAPS, Engineering Materials Achievement award from DVM and ASM-International, Total Excellence in Manufacturing award from SME, John Jeppson’s award from the American Ceramic Society as well as the Distinguished Alumni Awards from the University of Illinois, the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Georgia Tech. He received his BS from IISc, Bangalore and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Prof. Tummala published 426 technical papers, holds 74 patents and inventions; authored the first modern packaging reference book - Microelectronics Packaging Handbook (Van Nostrand, 1988) and the first undergrad textbook - Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging (McGraw Hill, 2001) and first book introducing the System-On-Package technology. He is a Fellow of IEEE, IMAPS, and the American Ceramic Society, and member of the National Academy of Engineering in the USA and in India. He was the President of both IEEE-CPMT and IMAPS. 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President Reception, Wireless and Lanyards International Reception, Hotel Key Cards and Note Pads/Pens for Technical Sessions Refreshment Breaks in the Exhibits Hall; Golf Hole/Luncheon Lunch in Exhibit Hall Golf Hole Bag Insert GBC Happy Hour Media Sponsors symposium sponsors (as of October 8th) IMAPS 2010 Corporate Sponsors Welcome Reception Technical Sessions Natel Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Heraeus Natel Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Heraeus Exhibit Aisle Signs GBC Happy Hour Natel Dow Electronic Materials Internet Café President’s Reception Natel Metalor Opening Ceremonies International Reception Natel Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Heraeus Heraeus PDC Lunch & Reception Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Exhibit Hall Signs Natel Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Heraeus Wireless in the Exhibit Hall Badge Lanyards Metalor Metalor Logo Bags Natel Hesse & Knipps Semiconductor Equipment Heraeus Hotel Key Cards and Note Pads/Pens for Technical Sessions Heraeus SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR IMAPS 2010 SPONSORS IMAPS Café Natel IMAPS Internet Café in the Exhibit Hall featuring: Four PC stations with high-speed Internet connections, so you are able to log onto the web and check email within seconds. Sponsored by 25 PDCs Sunday, October 31 & Monday, November 1, 2010 All PDCs run 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, unless otherwise noted. PDC Registration Fee Includes: All course materials, refreshment breaks and lunch on the day of your course only, a PDC Reception on Sunday, October 31st for PDC instructors & attendees only, a Certificate of Attendance (mailed to you post-show), plus an invitation to the Welcome Reception on Monday, November 1st. Sunday, October 31st S1: Room 301 A Polymers for Semiconductor Packaging Course Leader: Dr. Jeff Gotro, InnoCentrix, LLC S2: Room 301 B TSV and Other Key Enabling Technologies of 3D IC/Si Integrations Course Leader: Dr. John H. Lau, ITRI 26 S3: Room 305 A MEMS Reliability and Packaging Course Leader: Dr. Slobodan Petrovic, Oregon Institute of Technology S4: Room 305 B Adhesion Fundamentals in Microelectronic Packaging Course Leader: Dr. Raymond A. Pearson, Lehigh University Monday, November 1st S6: Room 306 B Plating Processes for High Reliability Microelectronic Devices Course Leader: Fred Mueller, CEF, General Magnaplate Corp. S8 - Room 201 ½ Day: 8 am - Noon Understanding Failure and Root-Cause Analysis in PbFree Electronics Course Leader: Greg Caswell, DfR Solutions S9 - Room 201 ½ Day: 1 pm - 5 pm LED Packaging Technology: Design, Materials, Processes, and Applications Course Leader: Dr. S. W. Ricky Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology M1: Room 301 A Modeling and Optimization of Electronic Packaging Structures for Signal and Power Integrity Course Leaders: Dr. Ivan Ndip, Fraunhofer IZM; Professor Ege Engin, San Diego State University; Dr. Antonio Ciccomancini Scogna, Computer Simulation Technology (CST) of America M5: Room 306 A An Electronics Expert Reliability Analysis Tool Course Leaders: Craig Hillman, Greg Caswell, Nathan Blattau, DfR Solutions M2: Room 301 B Introduction to Microelectronics Packaging Course Leader: Phillip G. Creter, Creter & Associates M7: Room 306 C Hermeticity Testing and RGA (Residual Gas Analysis) Course Leaders: Thomas J. Green, TJ Green Associates LLC; Philipp Schuessler, Schuessler Consulting M3: Room 305 A Technology of Screen Printing Course Leaders: Arthur Dobie, Sefar Inc.; David Malanga, Heraeus, Inc., Circuit Materials Division M4: Room 305 B Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies in Microelectronics Packaging Course Leader: Dr. James E. Morris, Portland State University S5: Room 306 A RF/Microwave Hybrids: Basics, Materials and Processes Course Leader: Richard Brown, Richard Brown Associates, Inc. CANCELLED PDCs S1: High-Performance Thermal Management Materials Course Leader: Dr. Carl Zweben, Thermal Management Materials Consultant M6: Room 306 B Wire Bonding in Microelectronics Course Leader: Lee Levine, Process Solutions Consulting M8 - Room 201 ½ Day: 8 am - Noon 3D Integration and Packaging Technologies, Assessment, Status and Applications Course Leader: James J.-Q. Lu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute M9 - Room 201 ½ Day: 1 pm - 5 pm 3D IC Integration Course Leader: Dr. Philip E. Garrou, Microelectronic Consultants of NC The course above was cancelled at the request of the Instructor & replaced with the new S1 course by Dr. Jeff Gotro. S7: Hybrid Visual Inspection per Mil-STD-883 Course Leader: Thomas J. Green, TJ Green Associates LLC PDC Refreshment Breaks RCC - Room 303* 10:00 am - 10:30 am and 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm PDC Luncheon RCC - Room 303* Noon - 1:00 PM *on the day of your course only. PDC Lunch & Reception sponsored by: PDC Reception RCC - Room 201 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, October 31st PDC instructors & attendees only Get Publ ished W ith IMAPS! Published With We invite you to submit your technical manuscript(s) for peer review for an upcoming issue of the Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging (JMEP). The IMAPS Journal is a prestigious, refereed, and archival publication distributed to a qualified audience worldwide comprised of IMAPS members, educational institutions, and corporate libraries. Focused solely on microelectronics topics and the electronic packaging of these technologies, JMEP contains only papers relevant to your business and industry. Complete information regarding this publication may be found on the IMAPS website at jmep; however, the key points are: • With such a technically focused publication, you can get to print much faster with JMEP – 2-4 months on average from submission to publication. • All submissions must be in electronic format, and should be submitted via E-Mail to [email protected]. • Papers should preferably be formatted and submit- ted in Microsoft Word. • Tables, graphs, and photographs should be submitted at the end of the file and need not be embedded in the text. • Photographs and other illustrations should preferably be submitted as high resolution files - JPEG, GIF or WMF format preferred. • The Transfer of Copyright form must be filled out on the IMAPS website. jmep/copyright.pdf. Authors of papers that have been printed in other IMAPS publications or presented at IMAPS workshops are invited to submit updated and/or expanded versions of their papers for possible publication in the Journal. Please send all submissions, comments, or questions to [email protected] or feel free to contact the phone/e-mail below. IMAPS Headquarters 611 2nd Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-548-8715 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Bringing Together the Entire Microelectronics Supply Chain!™ 27 technical program 3D Packaging and Integration Track TA1 - Room 305 A 3D Interconnect Technologies in RTP Chairs: Paul Franzon, North Carolina State University; Phil Garrou, Microelectronic Consultants of NC 8 am - 10:20 am 3-D IC Integration is an active area of research in Research Triangle Park. We have assembled 6 invited papers from the local area to give you a flavor of what’s going on in 3D in the triangle. 8:00 3D IC Technology: The Perfect Storm Philip Garrou, Microelectronic Consultants of NC 28 8:25 Electrical Demonstration of TSV Interconnects and Multilevel Metallization for 3D Si Interposer Applications Erik Vick, Scott Goodwin, Dorota Temple, RTI International Modeling and Reliability Track TA2 - Room 305 B Device Design and Modeling Chair: Joan Delalic, Temple University 8 am - 10:20 am This session discusses new modeling approaches and applies them towards the design of new devices and systems. 8:00 Advanced Microfluidic Packaging for Molecular Diagnostics M. Palmieri, STMicroelectronics; T. Barbuzzi, A. Maierna, M. Marchi, G. Montalbano, G. Panvini, STMicroelectronics-Italy; T. Rodenfels, W. Stoeters, Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH 8:25 A Ceramic Clevis Sensor for Online Substance Concentration Measurement, Manufactured by Ceramic Injection Molding Matthias Hartmann, Steffen Doerner, Soeren Hirsch, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg (TEPROSA) 8:50 Low Temperature Direct Bond Technology 8:50 Packaging of a Fingerprint Based Access for 3D Microelectronics Integration and Wafer Control System Scale Packaging Sandeepsarma Josyula, Zdenka J. Delalic, Paul Enquist, Ziptronix, Inc. Anand B., Temple University 9:15 Break Next Generation Materials Track TA3 - Room 306 A Advanced Materials Chairs: John Bolger, Department of Defense; Wenning Liu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 8 am - 10:45 am This session covers the use of advanced materials in a wide variety of microelectronics packaging applications, including RF, conductive adhesives, proximity communications, energy storage and nanotechnology. 8:00 Metal Coated Polymer Particles for Electronic Packaging Dan V. Goia, Ionel Halaciuga, Clarkson University; Keith Redford, Conpart AS 8:25 Achieving Ceramic-like RF Capacitor Requirements with Organic-Based Materials Jin-Hyun Hwang, John Andresakis, Bob Carter, Yuji Kageyama, Fujio Kuwako, Oak-Mitsui Technologies, LLC 8:50 Characterization of Substrate Materials for EndUse Environment Classification Syed Sajid Ahmad, Arun Shankaran, Fred Haring, Justin Vignes, Bernd Scholz, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University 9:15 Break 9:30 Creating 3D Specific Systems: Architecture, 9:30 EE Cars Architecture & Linked ECU: Design and CAD Constraints and New Needs Paul D. Franzon, W. Rhett Davis, El Khamis Kadiri, Eric Fitterer, Bertrand Delord Thor Thorolfsson, Samson Melamed, Manson, PSA Peugeot-Citroën North Carolina State University 9:55 Low Temperature Bonding of High Density Large Area Array Interconnects for 3D Integration Jason D. Reed, Matthew Lueck, Chris Gregory, Alan Huffman, John M. Lannon, Jr., Dorota S. Temple, RTI International TUESDAY’S SESSIONS 9:55 Reliability Modeling to Enable Damage Assessments for Plated Through Holes Gilad Sharon, Donald Barker, University of Maryland - CALCE 9:15 Break 9:30 Ferro-Electrically Enhanced Proximity Communications John E. Cunningham, Ivan Shubin, Darko Popovic, Hiren Thacker, Xuezhe Zheng, Ying Luo, Jim Mitchell, Kannan Raj, Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy, Oracle; Steve Zamek, Winnie Chen, University of California at San Diego; Arka Majumdar, Stanford University 9:55 Solid-State Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in Co-Sb Coupled Nanowires Seong Gi Jeon, Jae Yong Song, Ho Sun Shin, Jin Yu, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 10:20 Global Technology Survey of Anisotropic Conductive Interconnect Technologies, Past, Present and Future - An Industry Intellectual Property Approach Edmar M. Amaya, Gene A. Lang, EDAM LAW PLLC SPONSORED BY: A SPECIAL THANKS TO THE SOCIETY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS! Tuesday Morning, November 2, 2010 *Sessions 8:00 am - 10:45 am *unless otherwise noted. Assembly and Packaging Track TA4 - Room 306 B Package Reliability Testing Chairs: Jae Yong Song, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science; Mudasir Ahmad, Cisco Systems, Inc. 8 am - 10:45 am Research on the experimental testing and simulation methods of evaluating the mechanical reliability of solder ball joints, interconnects, multichip modules, etc., used in electronic packages. 8:00 Investigation on the Failure Criterion of Reliability Testing for Pb-Free BGA Packages Weidong Xie, Tae-Kyu Lee, Kuo-Chuan Liu, Jie Xue, Cisco Systems, Inc. 8:25 Validated High Speed Pull and Shear Test Methodologies to Evaluate Pb-Free BGA Mechanical Strength Mudasir Ahmad, Amir Youssef, Cisco Systems, Inc.; Ravi Assudani, Drew Nelson, Stanford University Advanced Technologies Track TA5 - Room 306 C LED Packaging Chair: John Mazurowski, Pennsylvania State University 8 am - 10:20 am We are now using LED technology to reduce life cycle costs, and this has become a challenge for efficiency. This session covers aspects of LED packaging including electrical, mechanical, optical, and thermal- and covers issues relevant to specific applications 8:00 LED Manufacturing Trends (50 minutes) Jeffrey N. Perkins, Yole, Inc. 8:50 Improvements in Solid State Lighting Applications with the use of Traditional Thick Film Technology Sarah Groman, Heraeus Materials Technology LLC; Neil Jones, TT Group Industries 9:15 Break 8:50 Improved Design of a High Density 3D Multichip Module for Class I Medical Devices Doug Link, Michael Kollar, Starkey Laboratories, Inc. 9:15 Break 9:30 Tape-Peel Testing as a Simple Method to Evaluate the Adhesion of Coated Layers on Metal Core PCB Bernd Scholz, Ismir Pekmic, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University 9:30 Thermal Management Solutions for the LED Market K. Andrew Kintz, Sara N. Paisner, M. Shane Thompson, LORD Corporation 9:55 Thermoplastic Optical Polymers with Lead-Free Solder Reflow Resistance for HB-LED Packaging and Assembly Weijun Zhou, Quan Yuan, Chris Li, Stephen F. Hahn, Kurt A. Koppi, Berend Hoek, The Dow Chemical Company 9:55 Interconnect Failure Rate Estimation Based on the Extreme Value Distribution Mark Plucinski, Mark Hoffmeyer, IBM Corporation 10:20 Enabling MSL-1 Capability for QFN and Other Design Leadframe Packages Dan Hart, John Ganjei, Nilesh Kapadia, MacDermid Electronic Solutions Keynote Presentation Tuesday, November 2nd 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Exhibit Hall Theater Dr. John Edmond, Co-Founder CREE Research, Inc. Presentation Title: High Efficiency Blue and White LEDs for the New Lightbulb 29 technical program 3D Packaging and Integration Track TP1 - Room 305 A 3D TSV Processes and Modeling Chairs: James J.-Q. Lu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Zhongping Bao, Qualcomm Inc. 1:55 pm - 5:15 pm This session focuses on the latest achievements related to Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) processes and modeling, including TSV etching, liner disposition, copper fill, planarization, and electrical and mechanical modeling. 30 Modeling and Reliability Track TP2 - Room 305 B Design for Reliability Chair: John Torok, IBM Corporation 1:55 pm - 5:15 pm Next Generation Materials Track TP3 - Room 306 A Ceramic and LTCC Packaging Chairs: John Menaugh, DuPont Microcircuit Materials; Larry Zawicki, Honeywell FM&T 1:55 pm - 4:50 pm With more integration across chips, packages and system through 3D packaging, SiP and multi-chip modules, testing for failure and detecting the failure mechanism are very important. Design is the best stage to systematically implement a reliability improvement and monitoring scheme. In this session, papers that discuss designs to improve and quantify reliability will be presented. The use of ceramics in the electronics industry continues to grow. Ceramic applications in electronics include sensors, actuators, electrooptical materials, packaging of semiconductors, and multilayer modules for RF and Microwave applications. The reasons for the increased use is that ceramics is chemically inert, provides a hermetic package around unpackaged ICs, capable of withstanding high temperatures and the TCE closely matches the performance of the semiconductors. 1:55 Electrical Analysis and Modeling of 3D Through-Strata-Vias (TSVs) and Pads 1:55 Improvement of ELK Reliability in Flip Chip Zheng Xu, Adam Becce, Kenneth Rose, JianPackages using Bond-on-Lead (BOL) Qiang Lu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Interconnect Structure Eric Ouyang, MyoungSu Chae, Seng Guan Chow, 1:55 Investigation of Silver Migration Impacts on 2:20 Impact of Mechanical Simulation Methodology Roger Emigh, Mukul Joshi, Rob Martin, Raj Microwave Systems Fabricated on LTCC on Electronic Package Reliability Assessment Pendse, STATSChipPAC Inc. Substrate Under High-Power RF Excitation and with Applications to 3D TSS Technology High Temperature and Humidity Conditions Zhongping Bao, James Burrell, Qualcomm Inc. Deepukumar M. Nair, K. M. Nair, Ken Souders, 2:20 Molded Underfill (MUF) Technology Michael Smith, Mark McCombs, James Parisi, Development for SiP Module with Fine Flip Chip 2:45 Enabling Robust Copper Fill of High Aspect Tim Mobley, DuPont Electronic Technologies; Do-Jae Yoo, Ki-Chan Kim, Young-Hoon Kwak, Ratio Through Silicon Vias Bradley Thrasher, Innerpulse Inc. Min-Seok Jang, Job Ha, Jae-Cheon Doh, Mark Willey, Damo Srinivas, Sesha Varadarajan, Chang-Bae Lee, Young-Do Kweon, Samsung David Porter, Easwar Srinivasan, Dennis Electro-Mechanics Co., LTD 2:20 Selected Applications and Processing for Low Hausmann, Jon Henri, Hu Kang, Mayur Trivedi, Temperature Cofired Ceramic Tom Mountsier, Novellus Systems Ken A. Peterson, Daniel S. Krueger, Charles E. 2:45 Characteristic Life Based Acceleration Sandoval, Sandia National Laboratories Transforms for Lead-Free Solder Joint 3:10 Break Reliability under Thermal Cycling Conditions Mudasir Ahmad, Kuo-Chuan Liu, Cisco Systems, 2:45 New Mixed Metal Transition Via-Fill Conductors 4:00 A Novel TSV Etching using NLD and VHF CCP Inc. for Cost Effective DuPont GreenTape™ 951 & Plasma for 3-D Stacked Devices 9K7 LTCC Circuits Yasuhiro Morikawa, Takahide Murayama, K. M. Nair, M. F. McCombs, K. E. Souders, 3:10 Break Manabu Yoshii, Koukou Suu, ULVAC Inc. S. E. Gordon, DuPont Microcircuit Materials 4:00 Drop Test Simulation for the Component-Level 3:10 Reliability of Module Packages Yu Gu, Daniel Jin, RF Micro Devices Inc. 4:00 4:25 Counterfeit Detection Strategies: When to Do It 4:50 Filling and Planarizing Deep Trenches with / How to Do It Polymeric Material for Through-Silicon Via Greg Caswell, DfR Solutions Technology R. K. Trichur, M. Fowler, J. W. McCutcheon, 4:50 Electromigration Performance of Pb-Free M. Daily, Brewer Science, Inc. μPILR™ Flip-Chip Packages Rajesh Katkar, Laura Mirkarimi, Tessera, Inc. 4:25 UESDAY OVEMBER ND 4:25 Highly Ionized Sputtering for TSV-Lining Mohamed Elghazzali, Juergen Weichart, OC Oerlikon Balzers Limited T ,N 2 Student Booth Judging 1:30 pm 3:00 pm Exhibit Hall Student Chapter Meeting 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm & Student Industry Panel/Reception 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Room 201 Break Effect of Dielectric Selection on Sintering Behavior of LTCC Daniel S. Krueger, Laura Agee, Cristie Fadner, Brent Duncan, Greg Hilmas, Shi Zhang, Wayne Huebner, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies; Ken Peterson, Sandia National Laboratories The Future of Maximum CAD/CAM Automation for Ceramic Hybrids John Sovinsky, CAD Design Services, Inc. Platinum Sponsor Tuesday Afternoon, November 2, 2010 *Sessions 1:55 pm - 5:15 pm *unless otherwise noted. Assembly and Packaging Track TP4 - Room 306 B Pb-Free Solder Materials and RoHS, Processes and Reliability Chairs: Young-Bae Park, Andong National University; Tae-Kyu Lee, Cisco Systems, Inc.; Jae-Woong Nah, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 1:55 pm - 5:15 pm This session provides the latest advances in materials, processes, and reliability issues in Pb-free solder materials. Advanced Technologies Track TP5 - Room 306 C Wafer Level/CSP Packaging Requirements Chairs: Susan Chen & George Sears, LORD Corporation 1:55 pm - 4:50 pm Cost reduction and miniaturization are some of the challenges that the semiconductor and IC packaging industry has been facing. Wafer level packaging and chip scale packaging have gained their popularity in recent years addressing these industry needs. This session consists of interesting papers on the packaging evolution technology review and the latest technology development in these areas. 1:55 Pb-Free v/s Tin-Lead Reliability Comparison for Telecom/High Reliability Applications Ganesh Iyer, Gnyaneshwar Ramakrishna, Lavanya Gopalakrishnan, Kuo-Chuan Liu, Cisco Systems, Inc. 1:55 On the Origins, Status, and Future of Flip Chip & Wafer Level Packaging Alan Huffman, RTI International; Philip Garrou, Microelectronic Consultants of NC 2:20 Effects of Fe on the Kirkendall Void Formation of Sn-3.5Ag-xFe/Cu Solder Joints S. H. Kim, Jin Yu, KAIST 2:20 2nd Level Reliability Improvement on WLCSP Seungwook Park, Jupyo Hong, Changbae Lee, Sunhee Moon, Jinsoo Kim, Hyungjin Jeon, Dojae Yoo, Youngdo Kweon, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., LTD. 2:45 Impact of Isothermal Aging on Fine Pitch BGA Packages with Sn-AgCu Solder Interconnects Tae-Kyu Lee, Weidong Xie, Kuo-Chuan Liu, Jie Xue, Cisco Systems, Inc.; Thomas R. Bieler, Michigan State University 2:45 Spin Coating of Dielectrics on Thin Silicon to Enhance Strength Characteristics Fred Haring, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Nathan Schneck, Kaycie Gerstner, Nicole Dallman, Chris Hoffarth, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University 3:10 Break 3:10 Break 4:00 A Study on the Mechanism of Black Pad Formation during Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold Process J.H. Kim, Jin Yu, KAIST; K. H. Kim, Carnegie Mellon University 4:25 Nanoindentation Characterization of Lead-free Solders and Intermetallic Compounds Under Thermal Aging S. W. Ricky Lee, Tong Jiang, Fubin Song, Chaoran Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 4:00 Wafer-Level Hermetic Packaging for Bio-Medical Applications Antonio La Manna, Carine Gerets, Maaike Op de Beeck, Thibault Buisson, Eric Dy, Philippe Soussan, IMEC 4:25 Mask and Mask-Less Injection Molded Solder (IMS) Technology for Fine Pitch Substrate Bumping Jae-Woong Nah, Peter A. Gruber, Paul A. Lauro, Claudius Feger, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 4:50 Effects of Electromigration(EM) on the Kirkendall Void Formation in Sn-3.5Ag/Cu Solder Joints Yong Jung, Jin Yu, KAIST Plan to attend Casino Night! to benefit the Microelectronics Foundation Tuesday, November 2nd 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Room: 402 The Microelectronics Foundation provides funding for college and high school students to attend IMAPS events throughout the year and to put on special events in their region. Casino Night is a chance to have a fun evening with friends and customers and have a chance to win prizes. Details on page 43. This event is limited to 70 people. There will also be a silent auction. Tickets are $50, available at the Registration Desk or on-line at 31 technical program 3D Packaging and Integration Track WA1 - Room 305 A 3D Systems Integration Chairs: Venky Sundaram, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kevin Moores, Department of Defense 8 am - 11:15 am This session focuses on recent advances in modules and systems enabled by 3D stacking, including materials and processes for wafer thinning, TSV fabrication, bonding and assembly, interconnection schemes, and system level modeling and characterization. 32 Modeling and Reliability Track Next Generation Materials Track WA2 - Room 305 B Modeling & Design for Signal/Power Integrity Chairs: Ivan Ndip, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration, IZM; Sanjeev Gupta, Agilent Technologies 8 am - 11:15 am WA3 - Room 306 A Thermal Management Chairs: Woong-Sun Lee, Hynix Semiconductor Inc.; Virgil Ganescu, Harrisburg Area Community College 8 am - 10:50 am Semi-analytical, numerical and statistical methods are applied to efficiently and accurately model electronic packaging structures. Design guidelines/rules are derived to ensure signal and power integrity. 8:00 The Role of Wafer Bonding in 3D Integration 8:00 PCB Effects on On-Chip Capacitor and Packaging Requirements and an Efficient ResonanceJames Hermanowski, Greg George, SUSS Prevention ASIC Methodology MicroTec, Inc. Timothy Budell, Eric Tremble, IBM Systems and Technology Group 8:25 Advanced Thin Wafer Support Processes for Temporary Wafer Bonding 8:25 A Miniaturized Ground Surface Perturbation Jeremy McCutcheon, Dongshun Bai, Brewer Lattice for Noise/Coupling Mitigation in Science, Inc. Packaging Applications Antonio Ciccomancini Scogna, CST of America 8:50 Simulation of Process-Stress Induced Warpage of Silicon Wafers Using ANSYS® Finite 8:50 Capacitance Calculation for Offset Via Element Analysis Structures using an Integral Approximation Aditi Mallik, Roger Stout, ON Semiconductor Approach Based on Finite Element Method Hanfeng Wang, Yaojiang Zhang, James L. Drewniak, Jun Fan, Missouri University of 9:15 Break Science and Technology; Bruce Archambeault, IBM Corporation 10:00 Processing Aspects to Achieve High-End Hybrid Backside Illuminated Imagers 9:15 Break Joeri De Vos, Koen De Munck, Mehmet Akif Erismis, Padmakumar Ramachandra Rao, Kiki Minoglou, Wenqi Zhang, Deniz S. Tezcan, 10:00 Successful Practices for the Modeling of Printed Piet De Moor, Philippe Soussan, IMEC Circuit Boards and Substrates Using Electromagnetic Field Solvers Steven G. Pytel Jr., Sergey Polstyanko, Werner 10:25 Advances in Wafer Level Processing and Thiel, Richard Hall, ANSYS; Scott C. McMorrow, Integration for CIS Module Manufacturing Tom Dagostino, Teraspeed Consulting Bioh Kim, EV Group, Inc.; Thorsten Matthias, Gerald Kreindl, Viorel Dragoi, Markus Wimplinger, Paul Lindner, EV Group 10:25 Debye Model Fitting for Time-Domain Modeling of Lossy Dielectrics A. Ege Engin, San Diego State University 10:50 Development on Silicon Module with Cu-Filled TSV and Integrated Passive Devices Yun-Mook Park, Jun-Kyu Lee, Byung-Jin Park, 10:50 Statistical Analysis Approach to Improve the Byeung-Gee Kim, Jung-Won Lee, In-Soo Kang, High Speed Signal Quality by Including the NEPES Corporation Manufacturing Process Variations of Printed Circuit Board Seungyong Baek, Mike Sapozhnikov, Warren Meggitt, Philip Pun, Jason Visneski, EDNESDAY OVEMBER RD Ramesh Velugoti, Amit Agrawal, Cisco Systems, Inc. Student Plant Tour W ,N 3 at the DuPont Microcircuit Material Headquarters Must meet at 8:15 am Convention Center Main Entrance. The Thermal Management Session includes topics about all thermal issues of Electronic Packaging such as Thermal Analysis and Modeling, Thermal Interface Materials, Thermal Packaging, System Cooling, etc. 8:00 Imminent Needs in Future Development of Air Cooled Microprocessors Heat Sinks V. Ganescu, Harrisburg Area Community College; A. Pascu, Politechnica University of Bucharest 8:25 Kinetic Heat Sink Vijay Khanna, Gerard McVicker, Sri M. SriJayantha, IBM - T.J. Watson Research Center 8:50 New GaN Power-Electronics Packaging Solutions: A Thermal Analysis using Raman Thermography M. Faqir, A. Manoi, M. Kuball, University of Bristol; T. Mrotzek, S. Knippscheer, Plansee SE; M. Massiot, Egide; M. Buchta, H. Blanck, United Monolithic Semiconductors; S. Rochette, O. Vendier, Thales Alenia Space 9:15 Break 10:00 Using In situ Capacitance Measurements to Monitor the Stability of Thermal Interface Materials in Complex PCB Assemblies Michael Gaynes, Timothy Chainer, Edward Yarmchuk, IBM - T.J. Watson Research Center; John Torok, David Edwards, David Olson, Katie Pizzolato, IBM Corporation 10:25 Study on Thermal Proof of SnO2 Protection Thin Film for Ultra High Reflective Film Ag System H. Miyagawa, R. Satoh, Y. Iwata, E. Morinaga, S. Kamo, Osaka University Wednesday Morning, November 3, 2010 *Sessions 8:00 am - 11:15 am *unless otherwise noted. Assembly and Packaging Track WA4 - Room 306 B Wirebonding and Stud Bumping I Chair: Daniel Evans, Palomar Technologies, Inc. 8 am - 11:15 am Wire bonding continues as the dominant method of chip interconnection. This session starts with an overview of the process and proceeds with some of the innovative variations that enable high reliability solutions to today’s packaging. 8:00 The Microelectronic Wire Bond: Past, Present, and Future Harry K. Charles, Jr., The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 8:25 Challenges of Wire Bonding In High Value and High Performance Medical Devices James A. Ohneck, Valtronic Technologies USA 8:50 Improved Bond Reliability Through the Use of Auxiliary Wires (Security Bumps and Stand-Off Stitch) David J. Rasmussen, Palomar Technologies, Inc.; Rodney Thompson, Goodrich Corporation 9:15 Break 10:00 2 mils Au Wire Interchip Wedge Bond Cratering Study Wang ZhiJie, Tony Lim, Jiang YingWei, Zhang ChangLiang, Freescale Inc.; Haengsun Choi, Kwansun Hwang, ASEKr Inc. 10:25 Predicting Fusing Current for Encapsulated Wire Bonds under Transient Loads Aditi Mallik, Roger Stout, ON Semiconductor 10:50 A Systematic Approach for Creating a System-In-Package (SIP) Sam Sadri, Tri Le, Stephanie A. Althouse, NxGEN Electronics Advanced Technologies Track WA5 - Room 306 C Emerging Technologies Chairs: Luu Nguyen, National Semiconductor Corporation; Mark Hoffmeyer, IBM Corporation 8 am - 11:15 am This session will introduce emerging technologies in processes, materials, and design for electronic devices. The first four papers in this session present novel patterning processes for a variety of microstructures and substrates. These are followed by a paper introducing a unique capacitor material, and a paper discussing a novel processor design. 8:00 Silicon Micro-Fabrication Technologies for Micro-Filters Bivragh Majeed, Wim De Malsche, Lei Zhang, Paolo Fiorini, Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan, Philippe Soussan, IMEC 8:25 Understanding Cleaning of Vias Fabricated Using Micro Mechanical Punching in Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Substrate Mohammad K. Chowdhury, Ajay P. Malshe, University of Arkansas; Li Sun, Shawn Cunningham, WiSpry Inc. 8:50 Laser Patterning and Via Drilling of Sapphire Wafers and Die Justin Vignes, Fred Haring, Syed Ahmad, Kaycie Gerstner, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University 9:15 Break 10:00 High-Dielectric-Constant PLZT Films on Metal Foils for Embedded Passives Beihai Ma, Manoj Narayanan, U. (Balu) Balachandran, Argonne National Laboratory 10:25 Hardware Design for Novel Packaging of Multi-Cellular Meta-Processing Unit Son Nguyen, Joan Delalic, Temple University; Bjorn Gruenwald, Hilbert Technology 10:50 The Performance Over the Frequency Range 140GHz-220GHz of Thick-Film CPW Lines Fabricated from Nano-Particle Silver A. Alshehri, R. J. Leigh, C. E. Free, University of Surrey; M. Horaczek, D. Rudka, M. Jakubowska, M. Sloma, Warsaw University of Technology Keynote Presentation Wednesday, November 3rd 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Exhibit Hall Theater Lunch in the Exhibit Hall Dr. Rao Tummala Wednesday, November 3rd 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Professor and Director of 3D Systems Packaging Research Center Georgia Institute of Technology sponsored by Presentation Title: Grand Challenges and Potential Solutions in the Changing World of Nano-Electronics from ICs to 3D ICs to 3D Systems 33 technical program 3D Packaging and Integration Track WP1 - Room 305 A 3D Packaging Chairs: Milind Shah, Qualcomm Inc.; Lee Levine, Process Solutions Consulting 1:35 pm - 4:35 pm This session focuses on the latest developments in 3D packaging which includes package design, process and structure. Modeling and Reliability Track Next Generation Materials Track WP2 - Room 305 B System-Level Signal/Power Integrity Design Chairs: Judy Priest, Cisco Systems, Inc.; Dale Becker, IBM Corporation 1:35 pm - 5:25 pm WP3 - Room 306 A High Performance Interconnects and Boards Chairs: Amanda Mikhail, IBM Corporation; Anwar Mohammed, Huawei Technologies 1:35 pm - 5:00 pm Techniques for system-level modeling, analyzing and suppressing signal/power integrity and EMI issues in high-speed packages and boards are presented. 1:35 Chip-last Embedded Actives and Passives in Ultra-Miniaturized Organic Packages with Chip-First Benefits 1:35 Fast and Accurate Multi-Layer PDN Analysis Nitesh Kumbhat, Fuhan Liu, Venky Sundaram, for Power Integrity and EMC Vivek Sridharan, Abhishek Choudhury, Hunter Bruce Archambeault, Sam Connor, IBM Chan, Rao Tummala, Georgia Institute Corporation; Ketan Shringarpure, Jun Fan, of Technology Missouri University of Science and Technology 34 This session integrates novel approaches to design and verification of high performance interconnects and boards. Design/verification methodologies, material selections, and manufacturing methods are addressed. 1:35 Characterization of Black Pad Defect on Electroless Nickel-Immersion Gold (ENIG) Plated Circuits Adam W. Mortensen, Roger M. Devaney, Hi-Rel Laboratories 2:00 Advanced 3D Packaging of Miniature 2:00 TSV Modeling Considering Signal Integrity Biomedical Sensors 2:00 High Via Density Thin Metal-Core PCB Issues Dohyuk Ha, Tse-Yu Lin, Byung Guk Kim, using Electro-Coated Dielectric Ivan Ndip, Brian Curran, Kai Löbbicke, Stephan Pedro P. Irazoqui, William J. Chappell, Bernd Scholz, Ismir Pekmic, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Guttowski, Herbert Reichl, Klaus-Dieter Lang, Purdue University Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) 2:25 Wafer Level Assembly Technique Development 2:25 Nanomaterials for “Green” Electronics for Fine Pitch Flip Chip 3D Die-to-Wafer 2:25 Custom Test Fixture Design and Measurement Rabindra N. Das, Konstantinos I. Papathomas, Integration Mark D. Poliks, Voya R. Markovich, Endicott Correlation of Differential Pairs in a Flip-Chip Zhaozhi Li, John L. Evans, Auburn University; Interconnect Technologies, Inc. Organic Buildup Package Using Measurement Brian J. Lewis, Paul N. Houston, Daniel F. Based De-Embedding Baldwin, ENGENT, Inc.; Eugene A. Stout, Daniel Lambalot, Bayside Design, Inc.; Sanjeev 2:55 Break Theodore G. Tessier, Flip Chip International LLC Gupta, Agilent Technologies, EEsof-EDA 2:55 Break 2:55 Break 3:45 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Printed Circuit Board Laminates J. Kuczynski, IBM Corporation 3:45 Compression Molding for Thin PoP Top 3:45 Implementation of a Virtual EMI Lab to CostPackages Effectively Tackle Multi-Gigahertz EMI 4:10 A Novel Metal Core Substrate with Simplified Ravikumar Adimula, Jason Brand, Myung Jin Challenges Manufacturing Process and High Adhesion Yim, James Zhang, Richard Strode, Chan Yoo, Amolak Badesha, Agilent Technologies; Hany Conformal Dielectric and Circuitry Metal for Micron Technologies Fahmy, Chen Wang, Nvidia Corporation; Davy High Density Chip-Scale Packaging Applications Pissoort, KHBO-FMEC Syed Sajid Ahmad, John Jacobson, Zane Johnson, 4:10 Fine Pitch 3D Dispensable Electrical Kevin Mattson, Aaron Reinholz, Nathan Schneck, Interconnects for System in Package Solutions Bernd Scholz, Greg Strommen, North Dakota State 4:10 Pinout Optimization for 10 Gbps+ Serial Link Jeff S. Leal, Suzette K. Pangrle, Charles Whyte, University Routing c Keith Barrie, Jeff Leff, Scott M Grath, Gerardo Judy Priest, David Siadat, Cisco Systems, Inc. Ayala, Vertical Circuits, Inc. 4:35 Braided Electrical Contact Element Based High Performance Connectors 4:35 Accurate and Efficient BER Calculation by Michael Salloum, Che-Yu Li, BeCe Corporation Statistical Simulation Based on Physical Transmit Jitter Model Fangyi Rao, Sanjeev Gupta, Agilent Technologies, EEsof-EDA WEDNESDAY’S SESSIONS SPONSORED BY 5:00 Packaging in IBIS-AMI Technology Daniel Dvorscak, Steven G. Pytel Jr., Isaac Waldron, Danil Kirsanov, ANSYS; Dale Becker, Matteo Cocchini, IBM Systems and Technology Group Wednesday Afternoon, November 3, 2010 *Sessions 1:35 pm - 5:25 pm *unless otherwise noted. Assembly and Packaging Track Advanced Technologies Track WP4 - Room 306 B Wirebonding and Stud Bumping II Chairs: Faina M. Zaslavsky, Crane Electronics Group/Microelectronics Solutions; Yong-Bin Sun, Kyonggi University 1:35 pm - 5:00 pm Current hot issues for mass production in wirebonding technology. 1:35 Fine Pitch Cu Wire Bonding - As Good As Gold Bernd K. Appelt, William T. Chen, Andy Tseng, Yi-Shao Lai, ASE Group Inc. 2:00 A Robust CUP Pad Structure Design with Thin Pad Metal for Cu Wire Bonding ChangHee Han, SG Kim, JH Shim, DH Jiang, SW Ko, BJ Lee, KC Kim, HG Lee, JS Yoon, BT Jiang, SW Hong, HD Kim, IS Yoo, YS Song, Dalsoo Kim, TLI, Inc.; Sihyun Choe, ASE Korea, Inc. 2:25 Free Air Ball Consistency of Palladium Coated Copper Wire Johnny Yeung, Sylvia Sutiono, Heraeus Materials Singapore Pte Ltd.; Eugen Milke, WC Heraeus GmbH WP5 - Room 306 C MEMS Packaging Chairs: Yoon-Chul Sohn, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology; Ron Barnett, National Instruments 1:35 pm - 5:00 pm In this session, various types of MEMS and sensor device packaging will be introduced. The contents will contain packaging materials, etching, TSV interconnection, analysis, and low temperature bonding etc. 1:35 Sensor Packaging: New Challenges for New Applications Caroline Beelen-Hendrikx, Coen Tak, NXP Semiconductors 2:00 Low Temperature Wafer Level Packaging Technology of Bulk-Micromachined MEMS Device Heung Woo Park, SeungHun Han, Hyun Kee Lee, Yeong Gyu Lee, Seoung Ho Kim, Bok Gun Moon, Taek Hee Yun, Min Seok Jang, Si Joong Yang, Sang Hun Park, Sung Jun Lee, Won Kyu Jeung, Jung Won Lee, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. 2:55 Break 2:25 The Use of Metallographic and SEM Analysis for Characterization of Sidewall Surfaces in MEMS Devices with DRIE Processing Colin Stevens, Robert Dean, Auburn University; Samuel Lawrence, Lehigh University; Lee Levine, Process Solutions Consulting 3:45 Wire Bonding UPH and Stitch Bond Improvement using 20 Micron Insulated Wire with Security Bump Chunyan Nan, Michael Mayer, Y. Norman Zhou, University of Waterloo; Jairus L. Pisigan, John Persic, Young-Kyu Song, Microbonds Inc.; Henry Bathan, STATS ChipPAC Ltd. 2:55 Break 4:10 Pure Palladium and Palladium Phosphorus Depositions used in ENEPIG and ENEP Surface Finishes - Comparison of Physical Properties and Their Influence on Soldering and Au Wire Bonding Mustafa Oezkoek, Atotech Deutschland GmbH; Hugh Roberts, Joe McGurran, Atotech USA Inc. 4:35 A Method to Quickly Measure the Thickness of Aluminum Bond Pad on Silicon Substrate Son Nguyen, Z. Joan Delalic, Temple University; Horst Clauberg, Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. 3:45 Wafer Level Package with Y Shaped TSV and Vacuum Sealing by Cu-Sn Isothermal Solidification for MEMS Resonator Le Luo, Yuhan Cao, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 4:10 MEMS Device Sealing in a High Vacuum Atmosphere Achieving Long Term Reliable Vacuum Levels Paul W. Barnes, SST International 4:35 Hermetic Sealing of Stainless Steel Packages by Seam Seal Welding Thomas Marinis, Berj Nercessian, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory GLOBAL BUSINESS COUNCIL FALL MARKETING FORUM Exhibit Hall Theater Wednesday, November 3rd 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Gold Sponsor “Materials for Photovoltaics and 3D Packaging” GBC HAPPY HOUR: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm SPONSORED BY: 35 technical program 3D Packaging and Integration Track THA1 - Room 305 A State of 3D Technology - Consortia View Chair: Urmi Ray, Qualcomm, Inc. 8 am - 12:00 pm This special session is to discuss the State of 3D Technology in consortia view and to show case the exemplary research and development going on under a pre-competitive umbrella to enable the framework for faster industry adoption of 3D technology. The consortia activities in 3D-IC will also be presented. A panel session will follow to focus on “Roadmap, Technical and Business Progress of 3D Integration and Packaging” with questions/answers for both sessions. 8:00 Nicolas Sillon, Group Manager Packaging and Integration, CEA-Leti Minatec 36 8:25 Dorota Temple, Senior Fellow and Program Director, RTI International 8:50 Klaus Hummler, Senior Principal Engineer, 3D Integration, SEMATECH North Modeling and Reliability Track THA2 - Room 305 B Flip-Chip and Wafer Bumping: Processes and Reliability Chair: Lyndon Larson, Dow Corning 8 am - 11:35 am Flip-chip based devices have been around for a long time, but the newest technology nodes and materials limitations are impacting reliability and performance. This session deals with flip chip processing and packaging innovations particularly focused on process and reliability improvements. Next Generation Materials Track THA3 - Room 306 A Laminate Substrate Materials and Technology Chair: Ronald Jensen, Honeywell 8 am - 12:00 pm The papers in this session will present a number of novel materials and process technologies related to organic laminate substrates. These include halogen-free laminate materials for high density and rf applications, coreless laminate substrates, laminates with embedded passives, electroless copper plating for thru-hole metallization, and immersion silver plating for COB surface finish. 8:00 Underfill for Ultra-Low Bumped (10μ μ ) 3D Package 8:00 Reliability Studies in Advanced Halogen-Free Mary Liu, Wusheng Yin, YINCAE Advanced Organic Laminates for Ultra-Fine Pitch 3D Materials, LLC Packaging Koushik Ramachandran, Fuhan Liu, Nitesh 8:25 Effects of Crystallographic Orientation of Sn Kumbhat, Baik-Woo Lee, Venky Sundaram, Rao on Electromigration Behavior Tummala, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mark Kiju Lee, Keun-Soo Kim, Yutaka Tsukada, Wilson, The Dow Chemical Company Katsuaki Suganuma, Osaka University; Kimihiro Yamanaka, KYOCERA SLC Technologies Co.; Soichi Kuritani, ESPEC CORP; Minoru Ueshima, SENJU METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 8:25 Next Generation High Dk, Low Df Organic Laminate for RF Modules and High Frequency Applications 9:15 Break Fuhan Liu, Vivek Sridharan, Tapobrata Bandyopadhyay, Venky Sundaram, Rao Tummala, 8:50 High Yield, Near Void-Free Assembly Process 10:20 Rozalia Beica, Program Director, EMC-3D Georgia Institute of Technology; Kiyoshige of a Flip Chip in Package Using No-Flow Consortium Kojima, Naomi Shiga, Zeon Corporation; Underfill Toshihiko Jimbo, Zeon Chemicals L.P. Daniel F. Baldwin, Engent, Inc.; Sangil Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology Panel Discussion: 10:45 am - 12:00 pm 8:50 A New Coreless Substrate Technology 3D-TSV Integration and Packaging: Bend K. Appelt, Alex S. F. Huang, Bruce Su, 9:15 Break Roadmap, Technical and Business Yi-Shao Lai, ASE Group Inc. Progress Moderator: James J.-Q. Lu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Panelists: • Klaus Hummler, Senior Principal Engineer, 3D Integration, SEMATECH North • Paul Franzon, Professor, North Carolina State University • Phil Garrou, Consultant, Microelectronic Consultants of NC • Urmi Ray, Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm, Inc. • Rozalia Beica, Program Director, EMC-3D Consortium • Nicolas Sillon, Group Manager Packaging and Integration, CEA-Leti Minatec • Dorota Temple, Senior Fellow and Program Director, RTI International 10:20 A Study of High Cu Behavior on Electrolytic Ni 9:15 Break and Electroless Ni Pad Finish Hyun-Kyu Lee, Yong-Chul Chu, Myung-Ho Chun, Sang-Ho Jeon, DUKSAN HI-METAL CO., 10:20 Design, Fabrication, Electrical Characterization LTD and Reliability of Nanomaterials Based Embedded Passives Rabindra N. Das, John M. Lauffer, Steven G. 10:45 Fine Feature Solder Paste Printing for Solder Rosser, Mark D. Poliks, Voya R. Markovich, Sphere and Solder Trace Manufacturing Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. Fred Haring, Nicole Dallman, Kaycie Gerstner, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University; Kristi Jean, North 10:45 High Aspect Ratio Package Core Production Dakota State College of Science with Electrolytic Deposited Copper Stephen Kenny, Bernd Roelfs, Atotech Germany 11:10 Thermosonic Gold to Gold Intermettalic Advantages for CSP Packaging 11:10 Cost-Effective Alternatives to Palladium Philip Couts, TDK Corporation of America Activation – A Study on Autocatalytic Electroless Copper Deposition Edith Steinhaeuser, T. A. Magaya, Atotech Deutschland GmbH Silver Sponsor 11:35 Immersion Silver as Universal Surface Finish for COB Technology J. Goehre, M. Schneider-Ramelow, K.-F. Becker, M. Hutter, Fraunhofer IZM Thursday Morning, November 4, 2010 *Sessions 8:00 am - 12:00 pm *unless otherwise noted. Assembly and Packaging Track THA4 - Room 306 B Microwave and RF Applications Chairs: Scott Morris, RF Micro Devices; Art Prejs, CREE Research, Inc. 8 am - 11:35 am Measurement, modeling, and materials of RF and Microwave packaging will be examined in this session. The examination will vary from bandpass filters to transmission line optimization methods. Materials discussed include composites consisting of nano particles. 8:00 Practical Implementation of Frequency Monitoring for Widely Tunable Bandpass Filters Hjalti H. Sigmarsson, Evan Binkerd, Jeff Maas, Juseop Lee, Dimitrios Peroulis, William J. Chappell, Purdue University 8:25 Modeling and Optimization of Bond Wires as Transmission Lines and Integrated Antennas at RF/Microwave Frequencies Ivan Ndip, Christian Tschoban, Stefan Schmitz, Andreas Ostmann, Martin Schneider-Ramelow, Stephan Guttowski, Herbert Reichl, Klaus-Dieter Lang, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) 8:50 High Frequency Measurement Techniques for On-Chip Inductors Bruce C. Kim, University of Alabama; Dae-Hyun Han, Dong-Eui University; Seok-Ho Noh, Andong National University Advanced Technologies Track THA5 - Room 306 C Printed and 3D Structural Electronics Chairs: Mike Newton, nScrypt, Inc.; Young-Chang Joo, Seoul National University 8 am - 12:00 pm Printed and 3D Structural Electronics is a technology sector that has been enabled by the convergence of new high resolution printing technologies in the graphics and additive manufacturing industries along with advances in electronics polymer and nanomaterials. This session will look at these advances in printing, materials and low temperature processing of electronics. 8:00 Inkjet Printable Dispersions of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Dan V. Goia, Krishna Balantrapu, Lu Lu, Ionel Halaciuga, Clarkson University 8:25 Evaluation of PulseForge Tool for Processing Metallic Conductive Inks on Low Temperature Substrates Part II: Screen Inks S. Farnsworth, I. Rawson, K. Schroder, D. Pope, NovaCentrix® 8:50 Correlation of Dispense Characteristics of Conductive Inks to Substrate Temperature Fred Haring, Justin Vignes, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Arun Shankaran, Kaycie Gerstner, Nicole Dahlman, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University 9:15 Break 9:15 Break 10:20 Chip Embedding for Printed Circuit Boards and Subsystems Thomas Gottwald, Alexander Neumann, Schweizer Electronic AG 10:45 AuSi and AuSn Eutectic Die Attach Case Studies from Small (12 mil) to Large (453 mil) Die Daniel D. Evans, Jr., Zeger Bok, Palomar Technologies, Inc. 11:10 Study of Grounding Schemes Utilized in Conformal Shielding Applications Scott Morris, Dan Carey, RF Micro Devices 10:20 Ink-Jetting for Electronic Assembly Georg Meyer-Berg, Gottfried Beer, Klaus Pressel, Infineon Technologies AG 10:45 Direct Printing/Micro-Dispensing Solution for 3D Coating Applications Xudong Chen, Kenneth Church, nScrypt Inc. 11:10 Structural Electronics Through Additive Manufacturing and MicroDispensing Richard Olivas, Rudy Salas, Dan Muse, Eric MacDonald, Ryan Wicker, The University of Texas at El Paso; Mike Newton, Kenneth Church, nScrypt, Inc. 11:35 Fabrication of Tall Structures for Microelectronics Application Using Selective Electrodeposition Process Bernd Scholz, WeiYang Lim, Ferdous Sarwar, Syed Sajid Ahmad, Aaron Reinholz, North Dakota State University Student / Exhibitor Interchange THURSDAY’S SESSIONS SPONSORED BY The Microelectronics Foundation is very happy to announce the continuation of rd the Student/Exhibitor Interchange and scholarship program for this year’s 43 Symposium on Microelectronics. This year, we will be hosting students from th Cary Academy on Thursday, November 4 , from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. The objective is to stimulate interest in the students for pursuing careers in science and technology. Students were selected based on their interest and the quality of their essay on topics revolving around technology. A scholarship check will be presented on behalf of IMAPS. Students will also tour the exhibit hall, after which each student will be assigned to a specific exhibitor to learn more about the scientific contributions of that company to our industry. This will mark the fourth year of this highly successful, innovative and popular program. 37 technical program Interactive Track - Poster Session Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Session 1:35 pm - 5:25 pm Exhibit Hall B&C WP6 - Exhibit Hall Interactive Forum (Poster Session) Chair: Lee Levine, Process Solutions Consulting One-on-One Interactive Forum. This is your chance for detailed interaction with authors whose work is too good to miss. Modeling of a Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Based AlGaAs / GaAs W. Kinzy Jones, Sr., Florida International University; Xudong Chen, nScrypt Inc. Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Generation using a Measurement and Management Technology (MMT) Platform Levente J. Klein, Sergio Bermudez Rodrigues, Satya Nitta, Robert Sandstrom, Supratik Guha, Hendrik Hamann, IBM TJ Watson Research Center K. Ghaffour, A. Bedia, D. Ghaffour, A. Guen-Bouazza, B. Bouazza, Univerité Abou-Bekr Belkaid of Tlemcen A First Individual Solder Joint Encapsulant Adhesive The Reliability of COF Joints with Tin Bumps and Non-Conductive Adhesives for Image Sensor Module Application Chip Embedding for Printed Circuit Boards and Subsystems Chang-Bae Lee, Jin-Gu Kim, Young-Do Kweon, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.; Kyoung-Moo Harr, Young-Ho Kim, Hanyang University 38 Evaluation of Glass Frits for Development of Lead-Free Thick Film Resistor Mary Liu, Wusheng Yin, YINCAE Advanced Materials, LLC Thomas Gottwald, Alexander Neumann, Schweizer Electronic AG Inkjet Printing of Thick-Film Resistors Marcel Waßmer, Waldemar Diel, Klaus Krueger, HelmutSchmidt-University “Cleaning” - The Dirty Word in Packaging Assembly Rich Brooks, Kyzen Corporation Development of a Low Voiding Solder Attach Process for Photovoltaic Cell Assemblies Identifying and Working with Government Regulations Kelly Raia, American River International, Ltd. Ian Hardy, Crane Electronics Group Creating Solutions to Your Most Demanding Challenges: Potting and Encapsulants Semiconductor Packaging/Circuit Assembly Thermal Management Conductives )RUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVRXUH[SHUWLVHLQPXOWLSOHFKHPLVWULHVDQG GLYHUVHDSSOLFDWLRQVKDVDOORZHGXVWRSDUWQHUDQGGHYHORSLQQRYDWLYH VROXWLRQVWKDWKHOSHQVXUH\RXUVXFFHVV:HFDQKHOS$VN8V+RZ WWW.LORD.COM 1.877.ASK.LORD (275.5673) ©2010 LORD Corporation SA3150 Presents its Fall Marketing Forum “Materials for Photovoltaics and 3D Packaging” Wednesday, November 3, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Exhibit Hall Theater This GBC Marketing Forum is a business session produced to provide industry insight for all IMAPS 2010 participants. A lively networking Reception with valuable door prizes will follow to help build industry partnerships. All IMAPS 2010 participants involved with business development and sales management responsibilities should participate. Don’t miss out! Mr. David Miller President DuPont Electronics & Communications Mr. Leo Linehan Global Business Director of Advanced Packaging Technologies Dow Electronic Materials “An Electronic Material Supplier’s Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities in 3D Packaging” 3D packaging is a competitive market with an ever expanding diversity of package designs and manufacturing processes. The rapid growth in 3D packaging is largely driven by strong consumer demand for ultraportable electronics with higher performance and more functionality. A review and discussion of the significant challenges and opportunities in 3D packaging for material suppliers will be presented. About Mr. Linehan: Leo Linehan has more than 20 years of experience in semiconductor packaging and manufacturing. Prior to joining Dow, he held several roles in materials development, process engineering, R & D, and business development at both Rohm & Haas and the IBM Microelectronics Division. Leo has authored numerous papers in semiconductor applications and holds more than 20 patents. “The Critical Role of Materials in the Photovoltaic Industry” Mr. Miller will provide an overview of the PV market, note industry investment, and present on the relevance of materials in achieving grid parity. He will focus on energy conversion efficiency, system lifetime, and overall system cost. David will also touch on both manufacturing and public policy factors that impact PV as a sustainable energy solution. About Mr. Miller: David Miller began his career with DuPont in 1981 and has held several positions in engineering, manufacturing, sales, business development, and investor relations. He was named Vice President and General Manager of DuPont Electronic Technologies in 2001 and earned his present position in October 2009. GBC HAPPY HOUR: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm SPONSORED BY: Reception Door Prizes are donated by: DuPont Electronics, Kyocera America, ASE US, Cisco Systems, Laurie Roth Marketing, and IMAPS. 39 student program Dear IMAPS Academic Advisors and Student Members, Thank you for your interest in participating in IMAPS 2010 Student Programs! These programs listed below are designed to provide students with technical information, industry insight, and valuable connections. Dr. Robert Evans Technical Leader at Cisco Systems & Adjunct Assistant Professor at NC State University IMAPS 2010 Student Activities Chair [email protected] 40 Professional Development Course (PDC) Monitor: Students who have signed-up to monitor a course should report to the registration area and ask for Jackki Morris-Joyner. Monitors must arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the class. Course monitors will assist the instructor to help with the presentation and should remain in the room for the entire scheduled time. Student Chapter Meeting Gain more insight and share your success on increasing membership and producing better programs with other student chapter leaders. Learn ways to gain more funding. All IMAPS student members are invited. The chapter meeting will be in Room 201 of the Convention Center on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Student Paper Competition Student authors will deliver paper presentations throughout the Symposium. Their presentations will be evaluated on technical content, presentation skills, the written manuscript, and audience interaction. Winning students will receive cash prizes, a certificate, and recognition in Advancing Microelectronics magazine. Student-Industry Panel and Reception The Student-Industry Panel will provide students advice on job hunting, career development, and industry insight from leading professionals from IBM, Cisco, and Northrop Grumman. Industry leaders and professional engineers will describe and discuss how their education, interests, and career experiences led to successful careers. A reception will immediately follow when students will have the opportunity to talk directly with the industry panelists and other leaders. All IMAPS student members are invited. The student-industry panel and reception will also be in Room 201 on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Insight at Student Research Poster (IMAPS 2008) Student Booth Competition Highlight your research and academic programs at student chapter booths and gain advice & recognition from industry leaders. Student booths will be evaluated by a panel of judges on various criteria. Winning chapter booths will receive cash prizes, certificates, and magazine recognition. Booth space is complimentary for IMAPS student chapters. Booth judging will be in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Team Pride at a Student Booth (IMAPS 2008) Student Tour: DuPont Microcircuit Material Headquarters Students have the opportunity to both tour the DuPont Microelectronics facility and to interact with senior engineers and scientists during informative briefings. Students will learn first-hand how technologies are advancing photovoltaics, biosensors, automotive, consumer electronics, and avionics. The tour will be Wednesday morning, Nov. 3rd from 8:30 to 11:45 am. Participants must meet at the main entrance of the Convention Center at 8:15 am sharp to board the shuttle. Technical Demo at Cisco Tour (IMAPS 2009) Things to do in Raleigh . . . We have identified a number of interesting excursions targeted for friends and family during your trip to Raleigh. Spend a few hours on a culinary tour sampling North Carolina’s famous barbeque; take a Segway tour through historic Oakwood; or hop on a Raleigh Rickshaw for a spin around town. Information on these, and other adventures, can be found online at: PLEASE NOTE All tours run independently. IMAPS does not manage any tours this year. You must register separately for each tour. These are suggestions only. Additional ideas are available through the Raleigh Convention & Visitors Bureau, online at: 41 JOBS MarketPlace – New Positions Just Added! IMAPS members can post unlimited job and internship openings at no cost. Hiring managers can view posted resumes by using convenient sort criteria. IMAPS member job seekers can post resumes and/or search for current openings at no cost. Job seekers can make their search even easier by using job alerts so compatible job openings will be emailed when posted. There are many ways to use the JOBS MarketPlace. Try it out today at Wireless Access in the Exhibit Hall Presidential Sponsor Metalor is pleased to bring you wireless access in the IMAPS 2010 Exhibit Hall. Metalor feels that this access is necessary for companies that have taken the time to exhibit, but need to be able to conduct business while doing booth duty. Please join us in thanking Metalor for bringing wireless to you at IMAPS 2010. Sponsored by: imaps 2010 16th Annual IMAPS Golf Classic to benefit The IMAPS Microelectronics Foundation Monday, November 1, 2010 Lonnie Poole Golf Course Centennial Campus North Carolina State University 42 The IMAPS Microelectronics Foundation golf tournament will be held at the Lonnie Poole Golf Course on the campus of North Carolina State University. This championship course designed by Arnold Palmer opened to the public in 2009. The Arnold Palmer Design group used features in the existing landscape as the primary cues for their design. It’s 15 minutes in proximity to downtown Raleigh and natural elevations allow outstanding vistas during play. Cost is $125 per person. $550 for a team of four; $950 for a team of four including a hole sponsorship. $1050 for a team of four including 1 special hole sponsorship. The cost includes: Transportation to and from the course, tournament package and lunch. PLEASE NOTE: Appropriate golf attire is required. Shuttle departs the Marriott Hotel at 6:30 am, and departs the Golf Course at 1:30 pm. Breakfast on your own. Golf Holes sponsored by: Golf Hole and Luncheon sponsored by: Casino Night at IMAPS 2010 to benefit The Microelectronics Foundation 43 Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Time: 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm Location: Room 402 Raleigh Convention Center Event: Black Jack U Poker U Craps, Roulette Silent Auction Refreshments U No Host Bar Tickets $50 Limited to 70 players Advance tickets available at Tickets available on-site at Registration Desk Sponsorship Opportunities: $500 table sponsor $600 Golf Tournament Hole and Table Sponsor Exhibit Hall Map 44 exhibitors 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech Booth #: 512 813 Ferst Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30332 Ph: (404) 894-9097 [email protected] A global Academic Center dedicated to leading-edge research and education in the System-on-a-Package (SOP) concept to enable highly miniaturized systems by working with Industry, and PRC research staff, faculty and students. The PRC offers various industry research partnerships: one-onone contracts, thematic consortia programs, and UnITE PAC; a global network connecting Industry and Academia. AdTech Ceramics Booth #: 812 511 Manufacturers Road Chattanooga, TN 37405 Ph: (423) 755-5510 [email protected] AdTech Ceramics produces custom HTCC, AlN and metal microelectronic packaging, ceramic injection molded products, and etched metal for medical, military and high reliability industrial applications. ISO 9001:2008 certified. Advance Reproductions Corp. Booth #: 420 100 Flagship Drive North Andover, MA 01845 Ph: (978) 685-2911 [email protected] Laserwritten Glass Photomasks coated with chrome, iron oxide or emulsion on sizes from 2.5" up to 32" square for all of your Photomasking needs. Conversion and Digitizing Services available, along with high-precision Photoplots utilizing 1/4, 1/8th or 1/40th mil resolution with film sizes up to 32" x 36". Advanced Cooling Technologies Booth #: 410 1046 New Holland Avenue Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph: (717) 295-6109 [email protected] AI Technology, Inc. Booth #: 504 70 Washington Road Princeton Junction, NJ 08550-1012 Ph: (609) 799-9388 [email protected] as of October 8, 2010 Air-Vac Engineering Company Booth #: 313 30 Progress Avenue Seymour, CT 06483 Ph: (203) 888-9900 [email protected] Atotech USA, Inc. Booth #: 710 1750 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Ph: (803) 326-3443 [email protected] All Flex Flexible Circuits Booth #: 413 1705 Cannon Lane Northfield, MN 55057 Ph: (507) 663-7162 [email protected] Atotech is one of the world’s leading suppliers of integrated production systems, process chemistry and technical support for the manufacture of package substrates and printed wiring boards, as well as process solutions for advanced wafer metallization from die interconnects to wafer level packaging technologies. With more than 3,200 employees, Atotech serves its customers globally with 16 production plants, 16 technical centers and 40 service centers located in 40 countries. Flexible circuit and heater manufacturer specializing in quickturn and production volumes. All Flex circuits are highly reliable, their flexibility eases installation making them ideal for today’s compact package constraints. Produces single-sided, double-sided, multi-layer flexible circuits, and maxi-flex®. Provides complete component assembly. Serves military, aerospace, medical, industrial, and instrumentation markets. AS9100/ ISO 9001:2008, Mil P50884E, ITAR. ALLVIA, Inc. Booth #: 605 657 N. Pastoria Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Ph: (408) 212-3200 [email protected] ALLVIA (Sunnyvale, CA), the recognized leader in TSVs, provides custom TSV, Interposer, DRIE, Plating, CU Pillar and Assembly Services. Custom design and fabrication services are provided by a highly skilled technical staff. AMICRA Microtechnologies GmbH Booth #: 212 Wernerwerkstr. 4 D-93049 Regensburg Germany Ph: +49- 941-208209 0 [email protected] AMICRA is a leading supplier of High Accuracy Die/Flip-Chip Bonders. The existing AFC systems are designed for WLP, TSV, DtD, 3D-IC applications down to +/- 0.5µm@3sigma. With a specification < +/-3µm@3 sigma in 3 seconds, the new NOVAPlus system offers high speed and high accuracy in one system. Batten & Allen Booth #: 722 308 Jesse St. Philipburg, PA 16866 Ph: (814) 342-1599 [email protected] Besi Booth #: 320 33 East Comstock Drive, Suite 7 Chandler, AZ 85225 Ph: (408) 497-6404 [email protected] Besi’s 2200 evo Multichip Die Bonder suits your laboratory development and high-volume production needs perfectly. With a placement accuracy of ± 7um @ 3 Sigma and a throughput of up to 7,000 chips per hour the 2200 evo sets new standards for versatile equipment, usable for many different multichip applications like hybrid, stacked die, SIP/CMOS or thin dies. Brewer Science Booth #: 433 2401 Brewer Drive Rolla, MO 65401 Ph: (573) 364-0300 [email protected] Brewer Science delivers innovative process technologies, material solutions, and equipment for applications in advanced packaging, MEMS, LED/Energy, Semiconductor, Compound Semiconductor, Nanotechnology, and Optoelectronics. Products include WaferBOND® bonding materials, ZoneBOND™ systems, ProTEK® coating, ARC® anti-reflective coatings, OptiNDEX™ high refractive index materials, OptiStack® multilayer lithography systems, and Cee® processing equipment. CAD Design Software, Inc. Booth #: 318 2975 Bowers Avenue Suite 315 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Ph: (408) 436-1340 [email protected] CAD Design Software (CDS) standard and customizable circuit design software suites provide Electronic Design Automation layout solutions to meet unique design technology needs and reduce time-to-market. CDS’ EDA Layout/DFM solutions include Digital / Analog / Flex PCBs, Ceramic Hybrids, RF / Microwave, IC Packaging, IC Test and Custom Development Applications. Chip Supply, Inc. Booth #: 510 7725 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32810-2696 Ph: (407) 298-7100 [email protected] A global provider of semiconductor die and specialized packaging solutions, we are Thinking Beyond Silicon™ to meet the needs of military, medical, and hi-rel customers. Offering a complete range of interconnect solutions, spanning bare die and wafer processing, complementary engineering and test services, custom packaging via SiliconPlus™, and obsolescence management. Cicor Booth #: 226 WTC, Leutschenbachstrasse 95 8050 Zurich Switzerland Ph: +41 43-8114408 [email protected] Cicor Printed Circuit Boards is known for its comprehensive expertise in multilayer boards, flex, rigid-flex and rigid high density interconnects, and reel-to-reel technology. We develop and produce effective solutions – from the idea, through prototypes, to largeseries production, from standard jobs to highly complex challenges. Crossdivisional cooperation within the Cicor Group ensures that know-how and technology are kept at the cutting edge. 45 exhibitors Coining, Inc. Booth #: 708 280 N. Midland Ave. Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 Ph: 201-791-4020 [email protected] Manufacturer & global supplier of quality preforms and bonding wire for lowhigh temp soldering/brazing. Highly pure alloys of gold, silver, lead, tin, indium, bismuth, palladium, aluminum. Lead-free RoHS. Copper, Kovar® & molybdenum, clad, plated stampings. Flux coating. Tape & reel, custom packaging. **New Cover Assemblies (preform/lid). Extensive tooling library, standard & custom designs. Quick turnaround. Request our CD alloy/tool lists. 46 Colt Refining, Inc. Booth #: 732 12 A Star Drive Merrimack, NH 03054 Ph: (603) 429-9966 [email protected] Colt Refining, a forerunner in precious metal refining continues to invest in leading-edge technology including Thermal-Oxidation, Induction Melting, Milling, Sifting, Blending, Chemical Stripping and Solution Recovery to service the Micro-Electronic and related industries for all your recovery needs. See the History Channel Documentary of the company by going to Co-Planar, Inc. Booth #: 803 P. O. Box 1115 Denville, NJ 7834 Ph: (973) 625-3500 [email protected] Co-planar is a Precision Metal & Mylar Stamping Company servicing the Automotive, Connector, Electronics, Insert Molding, Medical, & Semiconductor Industries. WE MAKE THE PARTS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! CPS Technologies Corporation Booth #: 321 111 South Worcester Street Norton, MA 02766 USA Ph: (508) 222-0614 [email protected] CPS Technologies Corporation is the worldwide leader in the design and high-volume production of AlSiC (aluminum silicon carbide) for high thermal conductivity and device compatible thermal expansion. AlSiC thermal management components manufactured by CPS include Hermetic electronic packages, Heat sinks, Microprocessor & Flip chip heat spreader lids, Thermal substrates, IGBT base plates, Cooler baseplates, Pin Fin baseplates for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Microwave & Optoelectronic Housings and System in Package (SiP) Heat Spreader Lids that address multiple ICs on a PCB with a single lid design. Crane Aerospace and Electronics Booth #: 622 10301 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 Ph: (425) 882-3100 [email protected] Crane Aerospace & Electronics, Microelectronics Solutions, is a major supplier of systems and components found in some of the toughest environments, from aircraft engines and landing gear to space satellites and medical implants. Our product and test system development capabilities complement the expertise and experience gained in over 40 years of manufacturing. Cyber Technologies Booth #: 429 962 Terra Bella Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Ph: (408) 689-8144 [email protected] Cyber Technologies is the leading provider of standalone and fully integrated high resolution 3D Optical Metrology Systems for non-destructive process control of film thickness, surface topography and quality inspection of MEMS, Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, Lenses, Printed Products, Device Packages and many other Devices. Our systems reliably measure on absorbent, highly reflective, soft or transparent materials with high vertical and lateral resolution even over large areas of interest. Our customers take advantage of the systems’ automation capabilities, high speed, accuracy and comprehensive parametric capabilities in R&D and production in industries as varied as MEMS, automotive, medical devices, semiconductors, solar, hybrid, pharmaceutical as well as optics manufacturing. Disco Hi-Tech America Booth #: 431 3000 Aerial Center Executive Park Suite 180 Morrisville, NC 27560 Ph: (919) 468-6003 [email protected] features extremely clean burnout leaving negligible residue after decomposition. It decomposes at very low temperatures and in all atmospheres. It has excellent green strength and processibility. Product available in solids, solutions and water based. Laser, Dicing, Grinding and Polishing applications. Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. Booth #: 712 1093 Clark Street Endicott, NY 13760 Ph: (607) 755-1847 [email protected] DuPont Electronics and Communications Booth #: 623 14 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: (800) 242-3382 ext. 5755 [email protected] DuPont Microcircuit Materials has over 40 years of experience in the development, manufacture, sale, and support of specialized thick film compositions for a wide variety of electronic applications in the photovoltaic, display, automotive, biomedical, industrial, military, and telecommunications markets. For more information on DuPont Microcircuit Materials and Solamet® metallization pastes, please visit http:// ECRIM Booth #: 810 1011 River Mist Drive Rochester, MI 48307 Ph: (248) 462-2712 [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. b l u e o c e a n s l l c . c o m ECRIM has over 40 years experience in R&D and manufacturing microelectronic products and its metal packages. Our products are well recognized by our customers for their technical strength, proven product reliability, innovative solutions, quick response, competitive price and overall value. We have obtained ISO9000 and ISO14001 certificates and are compliance to world-class processes. Our product lines include HIC, Hermetic Metal Package, LTCC, AlN, Thick Film, Thin Film and Industrial Furnaces. Empower Materials Booth #: 523 91 Lukens Drive New Castle, DE 19720 Ph: (302) 225-0100 [email protected] Empower Materials manufactures and sells QPAC Polyalkylene carbonate sacrificial binders worldwide. QPAC Epoxy Technology, Inc. Booth #: 522 14 Fortune Dr. Billerica, MA 01821-3972 Ph: (978) 667-3805 [email protected] Epoxy Technology is a Global Manufacturer and Custom Formulator of Epoxy Adhesives. EPO-TEK Specializes in Adhesives for Circuit Assembly, Die Attach, LED, Solar, Optoelectronic, Hard Drive, Display, Automotive Electronics, Medical Electronics, and Military/Aerospace Applications. ISO 9001 Certified. RoHS and REACH Compliant. ES Components, Inc. Booth #: 222 108 Pratts Junction Road Sterling, MA 01564 Ph: (978) 432-7641 [email protected] Bare Die Distributor providing Bare Die, Wafer, Die Form Parts, and Package Devices to the Hybrid, Military and OEM markets. ESL ElectroScience Booth #: 619 416 East Church Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-2625 Ph: (610) 272-8000 [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. E l e c t r o S c i e n c e . c o m ESL ElectroScience specializes in providing solutions to enable customers to take technologies from concept through high volume production. As a global supplier of customized thick film pastes and ceramic tapes, ESL products can be found in hybrid microcircuits, multilayer microelectronics, transformers, TF heaters, photovoltaic cells, sensors, and fuel cells. as of October 8, 2010 F & K Delvotec, Inc. Booth #: 200 27182 Burbank St. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Ph: (949) 595-2200 [email protected] h t t p : / / w w w. f k d e l v o t e c u s a . c o m As VLSI’s number one rated wire bond equipment vendor for 2009 and 2010, we offer unmatched technology leadership and unmatched customer service on our entire product line of CONVERTIBLE Auto and Semi-Auto wire bonders. We have a Model for every wire bonding technology. Heavy Wire, Heavy Ribbon, Fine Wire, Fine Ribbon, Ball Bonding, TAB, Deep Access, Hybrids, COB, RF Devices, Microwave Applications. Our convertible bonders offer 3 MINUTE quick change bond heads with no hand tools required. What about an auto bonder that converts to an auto pull/ shear tester in 3 minutes. We also offer Ultrasonic/Transducer test equipment and a NEW Auto Die bonder is coming in 2011. Come visit the number one rated wire bond equipment supplier to learn more. Ferro Corporation Booth #: 506 4150 East 56th Street Cleveland, OH 44105 Ph: (216) 641-8580 [email protected] Ferro’s Electronic Packaging Materials/ Multilayer Materials business provides materials and engineered products for hybrid circuits, microelectronics, advanced packaging, and devices. Our product line includes high-purity glass frit and powders and ceramic powders for electronic components. We also supply thick film products for hybrid microelectronics, photovoltaics, surge resistors, displays, MEMS, and packages. Finetech, Inc. Booth #: 706 8380 S. Kyrene Rd. Ste. 110 Tempe, AZ 85284 Ph: (480) 893-1630 [email protected] Precision bonders with placement accuracy of 0.5 micron. Machine modularity enables a full spectrum of bonding processes within one platform … thermo-compression, thermo-sonic, eutectic, epoxy, ACF and Indium bonding, and sensitive materials (i.e., GaAs/GaP). The bonders support the highest-accuracy applications: MEMS, sensors, laser bars & diodes, photonics packaging, VCSELs, flip chips. Geib Refining Corporation Booth #: 518 399 Kilvert Street Warwick, RI 02886 Ph: (800) 228-4653 [email protected] Precious metal reclaim of gold, platinum, palladium, silver, rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium. We process all of your materials on our 8 acre site in Warwick, RI. 100% destruction means no wondering where you scrap goes... we are also ITAR registered and compliant which ensures your sensitive parts are fully destroyed on our property. We are EPA Compliant and are in good standing with all federal and state regulatory agencies. Don’t risk your environmental exposure, choose a proven IMAPS vendor; choose Geib Refining Corp. Haiku Tech, Inc. Booth #: 427 1669 NW 79 Ave. Miami, FL 33126 Ph: (305) 463-9304 [email protected] Haiku Tech specializes in materials, equipment and solutions for the manufacturing of electronic passive components, including: Dielectric powders, binders, tape casters, sheet blankers, mechanical punches, screen printers, stackers, isostatic laminators, chip dicers, termination equipment, LTCC zero shrinkage sintering presses, tape and reel, optical dilatometers and visual inspection equipment. Harrop Industries, Inc. Booth #: 409 3470 E. 5th Ave. Columbus, OH 43219-1797 Ph: (614) 231-3621 [email protected] Harrop designs and manufactures a complete line of periodic and continuous equipment, including tape casters, dryers, burn-off ovens, infrared conveyor ovens, and kilns to produce ceramic products. Heat sources can be electric or gas. Microwave-assist heating is available. Also offer thermal analysis laboratory services and toll firing services. Hary Manufacturing Inc. Booth #: 211 PO Box 187 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Ph: (908) 722-7100 [email protected] Heraeus Thick Film Division Booth #: 703 24 Union Hill Road West Conshohocken, PA 19428 Ph: (610) 825-6050 [email protected] HMI is a successor to Affiliated Manufacturers, Inc. (AMI). HMI manufactures Precision Screen Printers, Automated Printing Systems, Infrared Dryers, and Vision Alignment Systems. HMI provides high quality squeegees, “Shami” screen cleaning cloths and will provide support for existing AMI-Presco equipment. HMI equipment is used for production of thick film circuits, solar cells, and other applications requiring precision deposition. Heraeus Materials Technology LLC, Thick Film Division is a worldwide supplier of thick film pastes, LTCC materials and precious metal powders to the hybrid microelectronics industry. Featured this year are new products from the cermet paste business from LORD Corporation. We are also featuring our material set for thermal management applications, such as LED lighting and heater applications. Our precious metal powders and our RoHS compliant and completely Pb/Cd free thick film pastes designed for meeting the expected high performance standards of thick film technology while meeting current environmental regulations. HEI, Inc. Booth #: 422 610 S. Rockford Dr. Tempe, AZ 85281 Ph: (480) 208-2476 [email protected] HEI, Inc. is an ITAR Registered, FDA Registered Contract Manufacturer specializing in Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS), including Microelectronic and UltraMiniaturized Assembly, and HighDensity Interconnect Flex / Rigid / Rigid-Flex / Ceramic Substrate Manufacturing. HEI supports complete product life-cycle, from Concept - to Rapid Prototyping - to - Production. Henkel Corporation Booth #: 405 14000 Jamboree Rd. Irvine, CA 92606 Ph: (714) 368-8003 [email protected] Henkel’s leading brands of Acheson™, Hysol®, Loctite® and Multicore® have long been recognized as the product brands to trust for printed circuit board assembly applications. With a broad portfolio of materials including surface mount adhesives, advanced flux chemistries, traditional tin-lead and high performance lead-free solder solutions as well as CSP underfills and board protection materials, Henkel’s advanced formulations ensure maximum processability and reliable in-field performance. Hesse & Knipps, Inc. Booth #: 509 2305 Paragon Drive San Jose, CA 95131 Ph: (408) 436-9300 [email protected] High speed fine pitch wedge bonders and heavy wire bonders handle light and heavy wire applications with aluminum and gold round wire from 12.5 micron to 500 micron diameter, plus ribbon wire from 6 x 35 microns up to .3 x 2 mm, including HCR™ (High Current Ribbon). High Connection Density, Inc. Booth #: 818 820A Kifer Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Ph: (408) 743-9700 [email protected] High Connection Density, Inc. (HCD) provides board-to-board, flex-to-board, and package-to-board solderless connectors for BGA, LGA and socket applications. HCD’s patented SuperButton® and SuperSpring® technology-based products are the perfect solution for applications requiring high frequency, high current and low resistance. Designed for manufacturability, HCD offers innovative technology at competitive prices. Our proprietary technology provides you a competitive advantage. 47 exhibitors 48 Hi-Rel Laboratories, Inc Booth #: 621 6116 N. Freya Spokane, WA 99217 Ph: (509) 325-5800 [email protected] Infinite Graphics, Inc. Booth #: 726 4611 East Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 Ph: (612) 721-6283 [email protected] Hi-Rel Laboratories is an independently owned and operated corporation. Our field is the materials evaluation of the micro-electronic phases of commercial industry, aerospace and defense. Expertise in Destructive Physical Analysis, Failure Analysis, and Materials Analysis of electronic components, packaging, interconnections and circuitry, makes Hi-Rel the leader in these areas. IGI provides eXtended Life Photomasks, reticles, custom precision imaging and imaging software. Large area 3D sculptured photoresist, shims and molds, and inserts are an IGI expertise. IGI’s new photomask ordering software eliminates errors by allowing you to view your phototool, with modifications, as you are ordering. Most data input and output formats are available. IGI also provides custom software for unique applications. IBM Servers Group Booth #: 809 3909 Cornwallis Rd. B/205 D/FQ2A Office HH118 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Ph: (919) 543-4090 [email protected] The System x Server Development Power, Packaging, and Cooling teams develop systems and technologies that drive efficiency into handling clients’ mission critical workloads. IBM Lab Services Data Center Services provides services that optimize system utilization and maximize energy efficiency. Indium Corporation Booth #: 415 34 Robinson Rd. Clinton, NY 13323 Ph: (315) 853-4900 [email protected] Indium Corporation is a premier materials supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, solar, thin film and thermal management markets. Products include: solders, preforms, and fluxes; brazes; sputter targets; indium, gallium, and germanium chemicals and sourcing; and Reactive NanoFoil®. Founded in 1934, Indium has global technical support and factories located in China, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA. Interconnect Systems, Inc. Booth #: 408 759 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93010 Ph: (805) 482-2870 [email protected] Interconnect Systems Incorporated designs and manufactures multicomponent modules, bare-die packages, high-performance connectors, high density memory modules, and footprint conversion adapters including IC obsolescence solutions and BGA fan-out interposers. Services include BGA reballing. ISI is ITAR registered and certified to ISO9001:2008. Interplex Engineered Products, Inc. Booth #: 730 231 Ferris Avenue East Providence, RI 02916 Ph: (410) 575-2354 [email protected] Interplex Engineered Products (IEP) and Interplex Quantum Leap Packaging (IQLP)–Thermoplastic Packages and Housings-Application specific, opencavity, leadframe based, hermetic/nearhermetic, using standard and proprietary high-performance polymers (Quantech), including compliant, Press-fit technology. Vertically integrated: product design, metal stamping, continuous etching, continuous selective wire bondable electro-plating, reel-to-reel insert molding, and in-house tooling. Kyocera America, Inc. Booth #: 311 8611 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Ph: (858) 614-2592 [email protected] semiparts Kyocera America, Inc. (KAI) has been manufacturing ceramic packages in San Diego, CA since 1971. KAI offers an extensive array of semiconductor packages and complex modules for numerous applications including RF, millimeter wave, high-reliability, phased array radar, and telecommunications. Packages are available in HTCC, LTCC, alumina, BeO, and organic materials. KAI has state-of-the-art package design capability in-house that includes electrical and thermo-mechanical design, modeling / simulation and analysis to maximize package and circuit performance in your application. Our Assembly Technology Division accepts prototype to volume production orders for flip chip, wirebond, wafer dicing and vacuum soldering to provide a convenient one-stop-shop solution for customers. Kyzen Corporation Booth #: 315 430 Harding Industrial Drive Nashville, TN 37211 Ph: (615) 983-4542 [email protected] Kyzen Corporation provides integrated precision cleaning solutions for semiconductor, microelectronics, SMT, and hybrid applications. We offer a broad range of process solutions ranging from hand wipes and sprayable aqueous chemistries to azeotropic vapor degreasing solvents. Our goal is to partner with our customers and provide integrated cleaning solutions. Lambda Technologies, Inc. Booth #: 823 860 Aviation Pkwy., # 900 Morrisville, NC 27560 Ph: (919) 462-1919 [email protected] Lambda develops and markets industrial process tools that incorporate unique and proprietary techniques to ensure optimum control and delivery of microwave energy for both thermal and plasma process requirements. For example, our Variable Frequency Microwave (VFM) products are used worldwide for curing adhesives and polymer coatings as well as for annealing dopants and other layers on Si wafers within the semiconductor industry and Lambda’s plasma products offer the state-of-the-art for Microwave Plasma CVD of polycrystalline films and single crystal diamond. Laser Tech, Inc. Booth #: 411 1134 East Pine St. St. Croix Falls, WI 54024-9002 Ph: (715) 483-1636 [email protected] Laser Tech, Inc. is a long recognized expert in the laser machining of alumina substrates for the microelectronics industry. Laser Tech, Inc. specializes in high-density micro via drilling, and the machining of large area ceramic substrates up to 14" by 14". Visit us at “” or contact Larry Whitman @ 715-4831636 for questions and quotes! LORD Corporation Booth #: 414 111 Lord Drive Cary, NC 27511 Ph: (877) 275-5673 [email protected] For 40+ years, LORD Corporation has created solutions for your most demanding challenges from potting and encapsulants to semiconductor packaging/circuit assembly materials to thermal management and conductives. Our expertise in multiple chemistries and diverse applications allows us to develop solutions that ensure success. We can help … Ask Us How. Metallix Refining, Inc. Booth #: 219 59 Avenue At The Commons Suite 201 Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Ph: 800-327-7938 [email protected] Metallix is a buyer and recycler of precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium) bearing scrap materials. Our state-of-the-art, precious metal recycling facility is located in Greenville, NC. Our precious metals recycling processes were designed to produce maximum value from your scrap materials. Additionally our attention paid to Environmental, Health, and Safety issues makes Metallix the likely choice for your precious metal recycling needs. For more in-depth information, please visit as of October 8, 2010 our website and view our corporate video at < english/corporatevideo.html> Micro Hybrid Dimensions, Inc. Booth #: 304 2161 E. 5th Street Tempe, AZ 85281-3035 Ph: (480) 731-3131 [email protected] Microcertec Booth #: 822 47 Allee Du Clos Des Charmes Collegien, 77090 France Ph: +33 1 60 06 66 73 [email protected] Customized ceramic components, substrates & heat sinks. Thin-film metallised ceramics. 3D ceramic interconnection devices. Glass-to-metal assemblies & packages, ceramic-tometal brazed assemblies. Micropac Industries, Inc. Booth #: 633 905 East Walnut Street PO Box 469017 Garland, TX 75040 Ph: (972) 272-3671 [email protected] Micropac has provided microelectronic components and modules along with next level board assembly services to the Hi Rel market place for over 40 years. Products and capabilities include MIL-PRF-38534 and MILPRF-19500 qualified designs of MCMs and components, Solid State Relays, Solid State Power Controllers, Optocouplers, LEDs, LED Displays, and Power Op Amps. MicroScreen LLC Booth #: 603 1106 South High Street South Bend, IN 46601 Ph: (574) 232-4358 [email protected] Type HT High Tension screens for printing thick film circuits, solar cells, membrane switch assemblies, etc. Fine line emulsions applied with PCL controlled coating machines. Complete facility including photo lab. Stencils for printing solder paste. We are an ITAR Registered company. Micross Components Corp. Booth #: 711 22 Just Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 Ph: (973) 227-8007 [email protected] innovative thermally conductive adhesives and sealing glasses. Headquartered in Niigata, Japan with subsidiaries in the USA, Europe, Singapore and China, NAMICS serves its worldwide customers with enabling products for leading edge applications. ISO 9001:2000 certified distributor of semiconductor die and passive components in chip form. We also offer value added services to customer specs and military standards. We are an acknowledged leader in customer service. nanosystec, GmbH Booth #: 607 Marie-Curie-Str. 6 Gross-Umstadt, Hesse 64823 Germany Ph: 49 6078 782540 [email protected] Minco Technology Labs, Inc. Booth #: 814 1895 Rutherford Lane Austin, TX 78754 Ph: (512) 339-3474 [email protected] Leading Manufacturer of Mission Critical High Reliability Semiconductors & Wafer/ Die Processing, Serving the Primary Market and Aftermarket. DSCC Certified/ISO 9001:2008/AS9100. Mini-Systems, Inc. Booth #: 613 20 David Road North Attleboro, MA 02760 Ph: (508) 695-0203 [email protected] MORGaN Booth #: 205 [email protected] [email protected] Mundt & Associates, Inc. Booth #: 323 14682 N. 74th St., #150 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Ph: (480) 922-9365 [email protected] The product portfolio consists of: NanoWeld is a powerful alignment and welding system for optoelectronic devices. NanoRapid is a high speed selective laser soldering system, fast enough to be integrated in production lines. NanoTest is ideal to determine the performance of active components on chip and chip on Submount level. Natel Engineering Co., Inc. Booth #: 503 9340 Owensmouth Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311-6915 Ph: (818) 734-6500 [email protected] Natel Engineering is a Vertically Integrated, “One-Stop Shop” Electronics Manufacturing Company– From Substrates to Box Assembly and everything in between. Newport Corporation Booth #: 521 101 Billerica Ave, Bldg 3 North Billerica, MA 01862-1256 Ph: (978) 667-9449 [email protected] Manufacturers of Precision Die Bonding - Dispense and Laser Based Solutions. NAMICS Corporation Booth #: 615 2055 Gateway Place, Suite 480 San Jose, CA 95110 Ph: (408) 515-4611 [email protected] NorCom Systems, Inc. Booth #: 502 1055 West Germantown Pike Norristown, PA 19403 Ph: (610) 592-0167 [email protected] NAMICS CORPORATION is a leading source for underfills, encapsulants, adhesives, and insulating and conductive materials used by producers of semiconductor devices, passive components and solar cells. NAMICS subsidiary, DIEMAT, Inc. located in Byfield, MA, specializes in the development and manufacture of NorCom Systems, Inc. manufactures the NorCom 2020 advanced optical leak test system for hermetically sealed packages. The NorCom 2020 provides automated, in-line, full matrix gross and fine leak testing performed simultaneously with direct measurement of package leak rates in cc-atm/sec. Package types include MEMS, PC board-mounted devices, Hybrids, crystal oscillators, and Hi-Rel. Nordson DAGE Booth #: 303 48065 Fremont Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 Ph: 510-683-3930 x101 [email protected] Nordson EFD, Inc. Booth #: 303 40 Catamore Blvd. East Providence, RI 02914 Ph: (800) 556-3484 [email protected] Nordson EFD LLC (formerly known as EFD, Inc.) is a leading manufacturer of high quality solder pastes & fluxes and precision dispensing systems. Nordson EFD Solder is ISO9001 certified and offers a comprehensive line of printing and dispensing solder pastes for improving yields and reducing costs in assembly processes. We provide application based solder products, complete paste dispensing solutions and develop supportive technical partnerships with our customers. Nordson EFD precision dispensing systems apply controlled amounts of solder pastes and fluxes, adhesives, sealants, lubricants and virtually any assembly fluid used in nearly every industrial manufacturing process. Nordson YESTECH, Inc. Booth #: 310 2762 Loker Ave., West Carlsbad, CA 92010 Ph: (760) 918-8471 [email protected] NTK Technologies Booth #: 631 3979 Fredson Circle Drive Suite 650 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Ph: (650) 823-3046 [email protected] NTK Technologies, Inc., is a leader in IC Packaging comprised of Organic and Ceramic Substrates. With domestic and international sales and engineering centers, NTK offers a wide range of packaging materials and design services to support a broad spectrum of IC packaging applications. NTK’s IC Package catalogs of products are targeted at mainstream and custom IC packages for advanced markets including Opto, FPGA, MPU, CPU, MCM, RF, and Medical. 49 exhibitors Orthodyne Electronics Booth #: 721 16700 Red Hill Avenue Irvine, CA 92606-4802 Ph: (949) 660-0440 [email protected] Orthodyne Electronics, a division of K&S, is an award winning, leading provider of ultrasonic wedge bonders for the hybrid and semiconductor industries. Orthodyne’s Semiconductor and Hybrid Wedge Bonders bond aluminum wire sizes from 1-20 mil with large and small wire options or PowerRibbon® sizes 30x4 mil to 80x12 mil. Pac Tech Packaging Technologies USA Booth #: 808 328 Martin Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 Ph: (408) 588-1925 [email protected] 50 Pac Tech builds solder balling and assembly equipment for flip-chip and chip-scale packaging. With systems for solder jetting (SB2) and flip-chip attach (LAPLACE) Pac Tech is the leader in laser heating and reflow technology for advanced packaging applications like HGA assembly, MEMS and optoelectronic packaging. The solder bump repair system SB2-R is the solution for lead-free CSP/BGA rework. Pac Tech also offers contract bumping & backend services for quickturn and mass production in Santa Clara-California, Penang-Malaysia and Nauen-Germany. chip-attach of eutectic and epoxy bonded LEDs, MEMS, microwave, RF components, multi-chip modules, and hybrids. Perfection Products, Inc. Booth #: 718 1320 Indianapolis Avenue Lebanon, IN 46052 Ph: (765) 482-7786 [email protected] Perfection Products manufactures Process Magazines and Carriers. Such products are Film Frames, Grip Rings, Magazines for Frames and Rings. Lead Frame Magazines, Process Boats (formed & flat style) & Magazines, Antistatic Shippers for Frames and Rings. Also available are the 12.0" (300 mm) Wafer Frames and Magazines. Perfection – Accept Nothing Less. Photo Sciences, Inc. Booth #: 202 2542 West 237th Street Torrance, CA 90505 Ph: (310) 634-1538 [email protected] Photo Sciences manufactures a diverse range of photomask products, precision imaged coatings on glass, metal and specialized substrates. Photomask products include laser imaged chrome or iron oxide on soda lime and quartz for 1x masters, stepper reticles and contact prints. Our FAST TRACK photomask service offers free replacement within 30 days for any reason except design change. Pacific Aerospace & Electronics Booth #: 319 434 Olds Station Road Wenatchee, WA 98801 Ph: (509) 667-5346 [email protected] Quartzdyne Electronics Booth #: 720 4334 W. Links Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84120 Ph: (801) 266-6958 [email protected] Palomar Technologies, Inc. Booth #: 530 2728 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92010 Ph: (760) 931-3600 [email protected] Custom hybrid Manufacturing for high temperature and harsh environments. Palomar Technologies offers automated component assembly, wire, ball and wedge bonding systems for manufacturers in medical, wireless, microwave, computer, automotive, aerospace industries. Palomar Microelectronics offers development and assembly services including wire bonding, gold ball bumping, and direct- Reldan Metals Co. Booth #: 309 396-402 Whitehead Ave. South River, NJ 08882 Ph: (800) 764-9222 [email protected] MAXIMIZING VALUE FROM PRECIOUS METAL SCRAP® Reldan Metals Co., Division of Abington Reldan Metals, LLC has been refining for over 30 years with a combined experience of over 50 years turning our clients’ waste into recoverable, quantifiable assets. Our expertise addresses the different types of materials in the market place along with the most efficient process for recovery of your precious metals value. Our full service refinery is ISO 14001 certified, which ensures compliance with environmental laws and regulations resulting in a zero- discharge operation. We are also CHWMEG audited. We utilize environmentally sound procedures to consummate the recycling of e waste. We have signed the prestigious Basel Action Network’s “Electronic Recycler’s Pledge of True Stewardship” and have qualified as upholding the highest standard of environmental and social responsibility. Royce Instruments, Inc. Booth #: 520 500 Gateway Dr. Napa, CA 94558 Ph: (707) 255-9078 [email protected] Remtec, Inc. Booth #: 214 100 Morse Street Norwood, MA 02062 Ph: (761) 762-9191 [email protected] RTI International Booth #: 220 3040 Cornwallis Rd. PO Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 Ph: (919) 248-1872 [email protected] Remtec manufactures ceramic substrates with PCTF® (Plated Copper on Thick & Thin Film) metallization for thermal management applications. Products: laser and photo diodes submounts; leadless SMT packages for direct PCB mount with hermetic & thermal vias, wraparounds with low inductance and embedded passives for RF components and modules; and multilayer thick film circuits. Manufacturing in the USA for over 27 years, our Bond Testers and Die Sorters have an excellent reputation for performance and customer support. The highly integrated System 650 Bond Tester has rich statistical capability and supports enterprise networked SPC. Our quick changeover Die Sorters excel at handling fragile die with critical geometry. Either fully automatic with wafer mapping or semi-automatic for lower cost. Riv, Inc. Booth #: 618 31 Railroad Ave P.O. Box 220 Merrimack, NH 03054-4163 Ph: (603) 424-0510 [email protected] RTI International’s Center for Materials and Electronic Technologies is a world leader in advanced interconnect and packaging technologies. RTI provides access to state of the art wafer bumping and WLP technologies, supporting small and midvolume customers as well as developmental applications. As a recognized leader in 3D integration, RTI has developed a comprehensive platform of technologies and works with commercial, government, and academic clients from around the world to develop and implement solutions. In addition to its focus on advanced interconnect technologies, RTI also conducts research and development in sensors and actuators, electronic material characterization, and novel device microfabrication. Rogers Corporation Booth #: 709 100 South Roosevelt Ave. Chandler, AZ 85226 Ph: (480) 961-1382 [email protected] SEFAR Printing Solutions, Inc. Booth #: 302 111 Calumet St. Depew, NY 14043 Ph: (800) 995-0531 [email protected] Rogers Corporation is a global technology leader in the development of high performance printed circuit materials for use in high frequency circuit applications. Rogers’ materials serve a wide range of markets including communications infrastructure, advanced packaging, aerospace and defense, computer and office equipment and high-speed digital applications. With over 40 years of thick film screen experience, Sefar can create repeatable precision stencils according to your individual requirements. Sefar is proud to exhibit our ISO 9001 certified screen making capabilities as well as high resolution artwork generation services that can expedite and improve the quality of your production processes. as of October 8, 2010 Semi Dice, Inc. Booth #: 821 P.O. Box 3002 10961 Bloomfield Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Ph: (562) 594-4631 [email protected] Semiconductor Wafer and Bare Die products. Value-added wafer processing and test services provided for the hybrid, MCM and COB markets. Franchises with Both Active and Passive lines including National Semi, Microsemi, Fairchild Semi, Analog Devices, Central Semi, Intl. Rect., ON Semi, NXP, Vishay Intertechnology, IRC Advanced Film Division, Johanson Dielectronics and more. Semiconductor Equipment Corporation Booth #: 526 5154 Goldman Ave. Moorpark, CA 93020 Ph: (805) 529-2293 [email protected] Sikama International, Inc. Booth #: 611 118 East Gutierrez Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2314 Ph: (805) 962-1000 [email protected] Silicon Cert, Ltd. Booth #: 412 4201 Pottsville Rd. Reading, PA 19605 Ph: (610) 939-9500 [email protected] Mechanical and environmental endurance reliability and qualification testing to JEDEC, MIL-STD, Telcordia, AEC. In-house analytical services include X-ray, SEM, CSAM, auger, decapsulation, cross-sectioning and counterfeit detection of electronic components. ISO 9001:2008 certified. ISO 17025:2500 accredited. DSCC laboratory suitability approved. Smart Equipment Technology (S.E.T.) Booth #: 419 Ave. des Colombieres - BP 24 Saint-Jeoire, F-74490 74490 France Ph: 33-0-450358392 [email protected] SET is a world leading supplier of High Accuracy Die/Flip-Chip Bonders. With hundreds of machines installed worldwide, SET is renowned for the unsurpassed accuracy and the flexibility of its systems. Ranging from manual loading version to fully automated operation, SET’s equipment enables 3D-IC using Die-to-Die or Dieto-Wafer bonding onto wafers up to 300 mm. Sonoscan, Inc. Booth #: 519 2149 E. Pratt Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-5914 Ph: (847) 437-6400 [email protected] Sonoscan® is a leader and innovator in Acoustic Micro Imaging (AMI) technology. Sonoscan manufactures acoustic microscope instruments and accessories to nondestructively inspect and analyze products. Our C-SAM® microscope provides unmatched accuracy for the inspection of products for hidden internal defects. SST International Booth #: 627 9801 Everest Street Downey, CA 90242 Ph: (562) 401-9246 [email protected] SST manufactures vacuum/pressure furnaces for high-reliability microelectronic package assembly. SST’s furnaces create void-free solder joints without flux. Applications include eutectic die attach, hermetic package sealing, lead-free soldering, fiber-optic component soldering, glassto-metal sealing, high temperature brazing, high vacuum MEMS package sealing with getter activation and solar cell void-free attach. Stellar Industries Corp. Booth #: 403 50 Howe Avenue Millbury, MA 01527 Ph: (508) 865-1668 [email protected] Stellar Industries Corp. offers high performance, high power Copper on Ceramic for Laser Submounts and for RF Microelectronic hybrids. Stellar Industries Corp. also offers vapor deposited AuSn for precision mounting and a complete line of custom ceramic machining and metallization services. Stellar Microelectronics Inc. Booth #: 714 28454 Livingston Avenue Valencia, CA 91355 Ph: (661) 775-3500 [email protected] Taconic Booth #: 221 136 Coonbrook Road Petersburgh, NY 12138 Ph: (518) 658-3204 [email protected] Tamarack Scientific Co. Booth #: 308 220 Klug Circle Corona, CA 92880 Ph: (951) 817-3700 [email protected] Manufacturer of EXCIMER & DPSS LASER SYSTEMS, UV STEPPERS, UV SCANNERS and MASK ALIGNERS. We specialize in applications including: Advanced Packaging, 3D TSV, Organic Electronics, MEMS, Displays, RFID, Solar Cells, Medical Devices and HDI. TDK Corporation Booth #: 702 475 Half Day Road, Suite 300 Licolnshire, IL 60069 Ph: (972) 409-4519 [email protected] The TDK AFM-15 Flip Chip Ultrasonic Gold-to-Gold Interconnect (GGI) Bonder provides a low temperature, precision, clean, high reliability, die attach process. The flip chip GGI die attach process provides up to a 70% form factor size reduction and superior electrical high frequency performance compared to other methods. GGI interconnect is used for RF devices, MEMs, HBLEDs, CMOS BSI image sensors. Technic, Inc. Booth #: 629 300 Park East Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ph: (401) 769-7000 [email protected] Technical Materials, Inc. Booth #: 322 5 Wellington Rd. Lincoln, RI 02865 Ph: (800) 241-2523 [email protected] TechSearch International Inc. Booth #: 218 4801 Spicewood Springs Rd. Suite 150 Austin, TX 78759 Ph: 512-372-8887 [email protected] TechSearch International, Inc. was founded in 1987 as a market research and consulting company specializing in emerging semiconductor packaging trends. Multi- and single-client services encompass market research, technology trends, and strategic planning. Research topics include wafer level packaging, flip chip interconnect, CSPs, BGAs, 3D integration with TSVs, manufacturing in China and India, high-density flex circuits, multichip packages (MCPs) such as stacked die CSPs and Systemin-Package (SiP), and embedded components, microvia substrates, semiconductor packaging, LED assembly, materials developments, and assembly materials, Pb-free manufacturing, and technology licensing. Market forecasts and trends in advanced semiconductor packaging developments are available. TechSearch International professionals have an extensive network of more than 15,000 contacts in North America, Asia, and Europe and travel extensively, visiting major electronics manufacturing operations and research facilities worldwide. Teledyne Microelectronic Technologies, Inc. Booth #: 514 12964 Panama Street Los Angeles, CA 90066 Ph: 310-574-2082 [email protected] Teledyne Microelectronics in Los Angeles, California is a full service contract manufacturer offering innovative approaches in packaging high-density, high-reliability, microelectronics for the aerospace, space, defense, medical and industrial markets. Areas of expertise include RF/ microwave, optoelectronics, analog/ digital, power and military secure communications. Certified MIL-PRF38534 Class “H and K”; DOD Microelectronics Trusted Source for Packaging, Assembly and Test. 51 exhibitors Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC Booth #: 620 6370 Lusk Blvd, F-111 San Diego, CA 92130 Ph: (858) 558-6666 [email protected] U.S. Tech Booth #: 820 10 Gay Street. Phoenixville, PA 19460 Ph: 610-783-6100 [email protected] VIOX Corporation Booth #: 719 6701 Sixth Avenue South Seattle, WA 98108 Ph: (206) 763-2170 [email protected] Williams Advanced Materials Booth #: 306 2978 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214 Ph: (716) 837-1000 [email protected] Since its establishment in 2004, Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC has turned itself into a top-class manufacturer of Cu-W, Cu-Mo, CMC and CPC heat sinks. At the same time, the company’s equipment sales, including those of production belt furnaces and three roll mills, are heading for another straight increase. U.S. Tech, an international hi-tech electronics publication, reaches over 350,000 engineers, buyers, product specifiers & manufacturing & corporate managers each month, on the web and in print combined. The newspaper focuses on new innovations in components, distribution & PCB design, manufacturing, assembly & test, renewable energy, as well as the business and regulatory issues facing the electronics manufacturing and distribution sector. VIOX manufactures electronic-grade and specialty glass powders for thick film, hybrid, solar cell and biomedical applications. Volumes from lab samples to production scale. Glasses are batchmelted in platinum crucibles preventing contamination. Powders produced by wet or dry milling. VIOX offers glass design services including test melting and in-house analytical capabilities. WAM offers the semiconductor industry a comprehensive group of packages, cover-lids, thin film hybrid circuits and precious metal services. Williams also offers a full range of ceramic packages for RF power transistors and Direct Bond Copper (DBC) metallized substrates and thin film circuit manufacturing. Trebor Instrument Corp. Booth #: 609 39 Balsam Drive Huntington Stat., NY 11746-7724 Ph: 631-293-8127 [email protected] 52 Flipchip Bonder, Eutectic Die Bonder, Hot Gas Die Remover, Pick and Place Die Attach with Epoxy Dispense, Manual Pick and Place, Manual Wire Puller, Lead Integrity Tester, Volume Restivity Tester, Cut & Form Dies, Custom and Standard Wire Bond Columns, Microscope Illuminators, Custom Assembly Tooling, Magnetic Lid Pickup Wand. Tresky Corporation Booth #: 418 50 Route 9, Suite 304 Morganville, NJ 07751 Ph: (732) 536-8600 [email protected] Highly flexible die bonding systems with 1µm alignment accuracy. Systems are capable of performing Flip Chip Bonding, Eutectic Die Attach, Thermosonic, Thermocompression, 3D Stacking and Precise Z Height Control with Bond-line Thickness. Simple, easy to use Rework systems with advanced capabilities for Eutectic and Epoxy Bonded Devices. Twilight Technology, Inc. Booth #: 421 325 N. Shepard Street Anaheim, CA 92806 Ph: (602) 684-0198 [email protected] TT Semi produces analog and memory parts for high temperature and harsh environmental applications. Universal Instruments Booth #: 223 33 Broome Corporate Parkway Conklin, NY 13748 Ph: (607) 779-5404 [email protected] Utz Technologies, Inc. Booth #: 704 101 Industrial Ave. East Clifton, NJ 07012 Ph: (978) 805-5003 [email protected] Valtronic Technologies (USA), Inc. Booth #: 423 6168 Cochran Road Solon, OH 44139 Ph: (440) 349-1239 [email protected] Valtronic Technologies designs, develops, and manufactures microelectronic and micromechanical assemblies. Leaders in the packaging of high density multichip modules and high density microsystems. Offering a turnkey solution, including project management, procurement, assembly, testing, and specialized shipping. We provide miniaturized electronics for the medical, commerical industrial and aerospace markets. Visitors will have the opportunity to see several implantable electronic assemblies, such as a retinal implant as well as box builds where miniaturization was essential. ISO 13485:2003 certified. Wafer & Device Packaging and Interconnect Booth #: 203 27 Walker Lane Weston, CT 06883 Ph: 203-454-5678 [email protected] Wafer & Device Packaging and Interconnect is the most widely read magazine for semiconductor back-end packaging, assembly and test. The U.S. print run averages 18,400 and the digital averages 9 - 10 thousand. Go to See the gigantic Buyers Guide. West-Bond, Inc. Booth #: 713 1551 S. Harris Court Anaheim, CA 92806 Ph: (714) 978-1551 [email protected] Design and Manufacturer of Automatic, Semiautomatic, and Manual ESD protected Microelectronic Assembly and Test Equipment and accessories since 1966. Ultrasonic, Thermosonic and Thermocompression Wire/Ribbon Bonders, Eutectic and Epoxy Die Bonders, Insulated Wire Bonder, and Pull Testers, LED Illuminators, Heated and Cold Workholders, Temperature Controllers, Ultrasonic Transducers, Ultrasonic Power Supplies and Wire Despoolers. Visit : XYZTEC Booth #: 528 5843 Cajon Way Gilroy, CA 95020 Ph: (408) 846-5475 [email protected] XYZTEC, a leading global supplier of bond test equipment, offers the most flexible bond testing platform on the market today! The Condor series features a single platform with multiple test capabilities allowing end-users the added flexibility of performing many types of tests all on one system. In addition to standard bond testing applications such as wire pull, ball shear, die shear, the Condor series has the capability to perform peel testing, push testing, high impact testing, fatigue testing, and creep testing. XYZTEC is the only bond test supplier that offers a Revolving Measurement Unit, featuring four different measurement sensors to address 80% of your test requirements. The joysticks are ergonomically friendly, easily move the XY stage to the desired position, and feature 12 logically arranged buttons for increased operator efficiency. The Condor EZ software features onboard graphics and intelligent wizards, providing intuitive operator control as well as sophisticated SPC software thus ensuring complete documentation of the test protocol. Come by and visit us at IMAPS 2010 Symposium at booth # 528! For more information, visit Yxlon/Fein Focus Booth #: 728 3400 Gilchrest Road Mogadore, OH 44260 Ph: (330) 798-4838 [email protected] High magnification digital X-Ray solutions for electronic and medical manufacturing applications. Quick as of October 8, 2010 Scan micro CT technology enables CT data set acquisition in less than one minute. Student Booths Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Booth #: 743 Student President: Sunghwan Kim, [email protected] Faculty Advisor: Jin Yu, [email protected] A SPECIAL THANKS TO THE IMAPS 2010 EXHIBITORS! South Dakota State University Booth #: 836 Student President: Braden Bills, [email protected] WE ARE SINCERELY GRATEFUL Faculty Advisor: David Galipeau, [email protected] THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN OUR EVENT Temple University Booth #: 737 Student President: Son Nguyen, [email protected] Faculty Advisor: Joan Delalic, [email protected] University of Alabama Booth #: 739 Student President: Anurag Gupta, [email protected] Faculty Advisor: Bruce Kim, [email protected] University of Arkansas Booth #: 838 Student President: Mohammed Chowdhury, [email protected] Faculty Advisor: Ajay Malshe, [email protected] University of Idaho Booth #: 741 Student President: Avi Dhakal, [email protected] AT WHICH TO EXHIBIT. YOU ARE THE “GAS FOR THE IMAPS ENGINE”! THANK YOU FROM THE IMAPS 2010 SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE AND THE IMAPS STAFF. Faculty Advisor: Aicha Elshabini, [email protected] University of Waterloo Booth #: 840 Student President: Andie Pequegnat, [email protected] Faculty Advisor: Michael Mayer, [email protected] Exhibit Hall Aisle Signs sponsored by: 53 products & services index by Company & Booth Number Assembly Equipment - Tools, Fixtures, Dispensing and Rework Equipment 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech Finetech, Inc. Nordson EFD, Inc. (shared island with Nordson DAGE) Smart Equipment Technology (S.E.T.) SST International TDK Corporation Trebor Instrument Corp. 512 706 303 419 627 702 609 Bonding Equipment - Tools, Pull Testers, and Bonding Wire 54 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech Besi Brewer Science Coining, Inc. Finetech, Inc. Hesse & Knipps, Inc. Orthodyne Electronics Smart Equipment Technology (S.E.T.) TDK Corporation Trebor Instrument Corp. XYZTEC 512 320 433 708 706 509 721 419 702 609 528 Chemicals and Gases Photochemicals Empower Materials VIOX Corporation 523 719 Cleaning Equipment, not including Chemicals Geib Refining Corporation 518 Computer Design, CAD/CAM Design Services Advance Reproductions Corp. Infinite Graphics, Inc. Photo Sciences, Inc. 420 726 202 Connectors, Lead Forming and Frames Co-Planar, Inc. Interconnect Systems, Inc. Interplex Engineered Products, Inc. Trebor Instrument Corp. 803 408 730 609 Dicing and Die Attachment Equipment Besi Disco Hi-Tech Finetech, Inc. Haiku Tech, Inc. Smart Equipment Technology (S.E.T.) SST International TDK Corporation Trebor Instrument Corp. Furnace Equipment - Materials Handling 320 431 706 427 419 627 702 609 Electronic Packages and Packaging 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech AdTech Ceramics ALLVIA, Inc. Chip Supply, Inc. Coining, Inc. Co-Planar, Inc. CPS Technologies Corporation Geib Refining Corporation HEI, Inc. Heraeus Thick Film Division Interconnect Systems, Inc. Interplex Engineered Products, Inc. Microcertec nanosystec, GmbH NorCom Systems, Inc. Quartzdyne Electronics Remtec, Inc. RTI International Teledyne Microelectronic Technologies, Inc. Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC 512 812 605 510 708 803 321 518 422 703 408 730 822 607 502 720 214 220 514 620 Electronic Microscopy Services, Analytical Services Haiku Tech, Inc. Hi-Rel Laboratories, Inc. RTI International Silicon Cert, Ltd. 427 621 220 412 Epoxies and Adhesives Harrop Industries, Inc. SST International Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC Hybrid/SMT - Manufacturing Circuit Boards and Flex Circuit Manufacturing HEI, Inc. Interconnect Systems, Inc. Quartzdyne Electronics Remtec, Inc. RTI International Teledyne Microelectronic Technologies, Inc. 523 405 703 415 414 615 Failure Analysis Hi-Rel Laboratories, Inc. Silicon Cert, Ltd. Sonoscan, Inc. Trebor Instrument Corp. Yxlon/Fein Focus 422 408 720 214 220 514 Inspection Equipment and Services Haiku Tech, Inc. Hi-Rel Laboratories, Inc. Infinite Graphics, Inc. NorCom Systems, Inc. Silicon Cert, Ltd. Sonoscan, Inc. Trebor Instrument Corp. Yxlon/Fein Focus 427 621 726 502 412 519 609 728 Lasers - Cutting, Scribing, Trimming, Marking, Machining, Welding and Supplies 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech Microcertec nanosystec, GmbH Tamarack Scientific Co. 512 822 607 308 Machining - Trimming and Scribing Non-Laser Tamarack Scientific Co. Empower Materials Henkel Corporation Heraeus Thick Film Division Indium Corporation of America LORD Corporation NAMICS Corporation 409 627 620 308 Publications TechSearch International Inc. U.S. Tech Wafer & Device Packaging and Interconnect 218 820 203 Reflow Equipment 621 412 519 609 728 SST International 627 as of October 8, 2010 Solder - Pastes and Creams Henkel Corporation 405 Indium Corporation of America 415 Nordson EFD, Inc. (shared island with Nordson DAGE) 303 Screen Printers, Screens and Stencils Haiku Tech, Inc. MicroScreen LLC 427 603 Semiconductors - Distributors and Manufacturers Brewer Science Chip Supply, Inc. Coining, Inc. ES Components, Inc. Micropac Industries, Inc. Micross Components Corp. RTI International Semi Dice Stellar Industries Corp. 433 510 708 222 633 711 220 821 403 Substrates - Shapes 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech AdTech Ceramics Coining, Inc. Co-Planar, Inc. Interplex Engineered Products, Inc. Microcertec Remtec, Inc. Stellar Industries Corp. 512 812 708 803 730 822 214 403 Surface Mount/Hybrid Components 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech AdTech Ceramics Chip Supply, Inc. Crane Aerospace and Electronics HEI, Inc. Heraeus Thick Film Division Interplex Engineered Products, Inc. Micropac Industries, Inc. Remtec, Inc. RTI International Teledyne Microelectronic Technologies, Inc. Test Equipment - Probes, Probe Cards and Die Sorting Equipment 512 812 510 622 422 703 730 633 214 220 514 NorCom Systems, Inc. Sonoscan, Inc. 502 519 Thick and/or Thin Film Materials - Precious Metals and Polymers 3D Systems Packaging Research Center at Georgia Tech Brewer Science DuPont Electronics and Communications ES Components, Inc. Henkel Corporation Heraeus Thick Film Division Indium Corporation of America LORD Corporation Remtec, Inc. Rogers Corporation RTI International Stellar Industries Corp. VIOX Corporation 512 433 623 222 405 703 415 414 214 709 220 403 719 IMAPS 2011 BOOTH SELECTION IMAPS 2011 - OCTOBER 9TH - 13TH: LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH 9:00 AM - NOON RCC: EXHIBIT HALL GET A LEG UP ON YOUR COMPETITION -- PARTICIPATE IN THE BOOTH SELECTION. 55 products & services index by Company & Booth Number Booth Number Other Advance Reproductions Corp ALLVIA, Inc. Atotech USA, Inc. Brewer Science 420 605 710 433 Colt Refining, Inc. CPS Technologies Corporation Disco Hi-Tech 732 321 431 Empower Materials Geib Refining Corporation 523 518 Harrop Industries, Inc. Infinite Graphics, Inc. Kyzen Corporation Metallix Refining, Inc. Microcertec MicroScreen LLC Photo Sciences, Inc. Reldan Metals Co. Silicon Cert, Ltd. Smart Equipment Technology (S.E.T.) SST International TechSearch International Inc. Torrey Hills Technologies, LLC Trebor Instrument Corp. VIOX Corporation 409 726 315 219 822 603 202 309 412 419 627 218 620 609 719 Photomasks Foundry services for custom TSVs, Cu Pillars, and Interposers Process chemicals and equipment Specialty chemicals for Semiconductor, Advanced Packaging, and MEMS Refining of Precious Metals AlSiC Heat Spreaders Equipment and diamond tools for Cutting, Grinding and Polishing applications Sacrificial binders Precious metal reclaim. Recycling and refining of precious metals ITAR Compliant Precious Metals Facility Tape casters Photomask Services Cleaning Chemistries Services - Recycler of Precious Metals Ceramics, Thin-film metallizing & coatings services, Brazed assemblies Screens for printing solar cells, membrane switch assemblies, etc. Photomasks and reticles Service: Precious Metal Refiner Reliability - Qualification testing services Nanoimprint Lithography systems Vacuum Solder Reflow Equipment Consulting Mixing Equipment - Three Roll Mills Fluorescent Ring Microscope Illuminators Glass Powders for thick-film pastes Company 56 Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ >«Ì ÀÌ Ê >À>½ÃÊ >«ÌÊÃÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ>ÊÃÝ>VÀiÊ«>ÀÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÃÊ vviÀÃÊÃÌ>ÌÕiÃ]Ê«>ÀÊLiV iÃÊ>`Êà >`i`ÊÜ>Ü>ÞÃ°Ê «iÌi`ÊÊ £n{ä]ÊÌÊÀ}>ÞÊ ÕÃi`ÊÌ iÊ}ÛiÀÀ½ÃÊvwVi]ÊV>LiÌÊvwViÃ]Êi}Ã> ÌÛiÊV >LiÀÃÊ>`ÊÌ iÊÃÌ>ÌiÊLÀ>ÀÞ° ÕÀÌiÃÞÊvÊ, 6É6ÃÌ,>i} °V upcoming imaps events Mark Your Calendar ... Events being planned for 2011! Global Business Council (GBC) Spring Conference Radisson Fort McDowell Resort and Casino Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, Arizona - USA March 6 - 7, 2011 Co-located with Device Packaging Conference and Exhibition IMAPS International Conference on High Temperature Electronics Network (HITEN 2011) St. Catherine’s College Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom July 18 - 20, 2011 International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging (DPC 2011) Radisson Fort McDowell Resort and Casino Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, Arizona - USA March 7 - 10, 2011 Advanced Technology Workshop on RF and Microwave Packaging The Crowne Plaza San Diego San Diego, California - USA September 20 - 22, 2011 Advanced Technology Workshop on Electronics Packaging of Solar Cells and Fuel Cells Hilton Garden Inn Cleveland Airport Cleveland, Ohio - USA March 29 - 30, 2011 44 th International Symposium on Microelectronics (IMAPS 2011) Long Beach Convention Center Long Beach, California - USA October 9 - 13, 2011 IMAPS/ACerS 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2011) The Westgate Hotel San Diego, California - USA April 5 - 7, 2011 IMAPS Advanced Technology Workshop on Electronics Packaging of Solar Cells and Fuel Cells Hilton Garden Inn Cleveland Airport Cleveland, Ohio March 29 - 30, 2011 Visit for more information. IMAPS Advanced Technology Workshop on RF and Microwave Packaging The Crowne Plaza San Diego San Diego, California - USA September 20 - 22, 2011 Visit for more information. 57 International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging Sponsored by IMAPS Radisson Fort McDowell Resort & Casino Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, Arizona - USA March 7 - 10, 2011 International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Bringing Together the Entire Microelectronics Supply Chain! Abstract Deadline: December 3, 2010 Announcement and Call for Abstracts Topical Workshops on 58 3D IC & Packaging Flip Chip Technologies MEMS & Associated Microsystems Wafer Level Packaging Emerging Technologies - LEDS Emerging Technologies - Passive Integration s are being held as a p art of the 201 1 Device Packaging Conference workshops part 2011 These workshop The Seventh Annual Device Packaging Conference (DPC 2011) will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on March 7-10, 2011. It is an international event organized by the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society (IMAPS). The conference is a major forum for the exchange of knowledge and provides numerous technical, social and networking opportunities for meeting leading experts in these fields. The conference will attract a diverse group of people within industry and academia. It provides a chance for educational interactions across many different functional groups and experience levels. People who will benefit from this conference include: scientists, process engineers, product engineers, manufacturing engineers, professors, students, business managers, sales and marketing. The 2011 conference will feature technical sessions, panel discussions, a poster session, professional development courses and a vendor exhibition and technology showcase. The conference provides a focused forum on the latest technological developments in 5 topical workshop areas related to microelectronic packaging. Those wishing to present in a topical workshop of the Device Packaging Conference must submit a 200-300 word abstract electronically no later than December 3, 2010, using the on-line submittal form at: No formal technical paper is required. A reproduction-ready two- to six-page concise summary with text (figures and graphs included if necessary) will be required for the abstract booklet on Friday, January 28, 2011. A post-conference CD containing the full presentation material as supplied by authors will be mailed 15 business days after the event to all attendees. Please contact Jackki Morris-Joyner by email at [email protected] or by phone at 305-382-8433 if you have questions. Device Packaging Exhibit and Technology Show: IMAPS will hold a concurrent exhibition for vendors and suppliers who support the many aspects of Device Packaging at the related topical areas. This venue features an ideal atmosphere to showcase your products and services to key decision making professionals in the industry. Full 8' by 10' exhibit spaces will be available. The Exhibit Hall sold out each year since 2006. To reserve booth space please fill out the on-line submittal form before February 3, 2011 at: or contact Ann Bell by email at [email protected] or by phone at 202-548-8717. Device Packaging Professional Development Courses (PDCs): For those wishing to broaden their knowledge of device packaging, a selection of half-day courses will be offered on Monday, March 7th, preceding the technical conference. If you would like to participate as an instructor, please submit a description of your short course on-line at pdc no later than December 3, 2010. Announcement and Call for Papers IMAPS/ACerS 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies The Westgate Hotel San Diego, California - USA April 5 - 7, 2011 The official Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies website is Co-sponsored by: The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) The International Microelectronics And Packaging Society (IMAPS) General Chairs: Amy Moll, Boise State University [email protected] Jens Müller, Technical University Ilmenau [email protected] Technical Program Chairs: Chris Apblett, Sandia National Labs [email protected] Soshu Kirihara, Osaka University [email protected] Marija Kosec, Jozef Stefan Institute [email protected] Goal The Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT) conference brings together a diverse set of disciplines to share experiences and promote opportunities to accelerate research, development and application of ceramic interconnect and ceramic microsystems technologies. This international conference features ceramic technology for both Microsystems and Interconnect applications in a dual-track technical program. The Ceramic Interconnect track focuses on cost effective and reliable high performance ceramic interconnect products for hostile thermal and chemical environments in the automotive, aerospace, defense/ security, and communication industries. The Ceramic Microsystems track focuses on emerging applications and new products that exploit the ability of 3-D ceramic structures to integrate interconnect/packaging with microfluidic, optical, micro-reactor and sensing functions. Tape casting, thick film hybrid, direct write and rapid prototyping technologies are common to both tracks, with emphasis on material, processes, prototype development, advanced design and application opportunities. Ceramic Interconnect Track Ceramic Interconnect technology has a long history of meeting the requirements of the most demanding applications. Conventional thick and thin film ceramic technologies are being revolutionized and extended through the development of low temperature co-fired ceramics, photo patterning, and embedded passive component materials and processes. These have contributed to increased circuit density, enhanced functionality, and improved performance that are being adopted for leading edge applications in wireless and optical communications, automotive, MEMS, sensors, and energy. Data communications and the Internet are driving the demand for bandwidth, sparking demand for optical communication equipment and new interconnect and packaging applications that perform at 40 Gb/sec and beyond. In under-the-hood electronics for automotive, engine/transmission control, communications, and safety applications continue to drive the growth of ceramic interconnect technology, while collision avoidance systems are creating interest in low loss ceramic materials for frequencies approaching 100 GHz. Ceramic Microsystems Track Enabled by the availability of commercial ceramic, metal and embedded passives materials systems, and the rapid prototyping capabilities of the well established multilayer ceramic interconnect technology, three dimensional (3-D) functional ceramic structures are spawning new microsystems applications in MEMS, sensors, microfluidics, bio-devices, microreactors and microenergy. These new devices and applications exploit the ability to make microchannels and embed fluidic device functions (e.g., valves, pumps, switches, light pipes, and reaction chambers). In addition, the Ceramic Microsystems track of the CICMT conference targets new developments in microsystems that include fabricating 3-D micro device structures enhanced with sol-gel, advanced printing and patterning technologies, high temperature materials technologies, and emerging applications like energy harvesting. Many of these innovative applications are taking advantage of the unique ability to integrate the thermal, chemical, mechanical and electrical properties of these multicomponent ceramic-metal systems. Special Features • Invited keynote and international presentations on the current status of ceramic technology and future system directions. • A focused exhibition for suppliers who support the use of the technologies. • A technical poster session to promote student participation. • Social events to promote new contacts. 59 IMAPS/ACerS 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies Planned Session and Paper Topics Include Ceramic Interconnect Ceramic Microsystems 60 Markets and Applications • MEMS Technology and Markets • Energy and Fuel Cells • Biological and Medical • Chemical and Biochemical • Photonics Materials and Properties • Materials Integration & Nano-materials • Thermal Management and Reliability • Piezoelectric Materials • Optoelectronics Processing and Manufacturing • MEMS Manufacturing Technology • Industrial Automation and Rapid Prototyping • Nano-Technology/Integration • High Temperature Microsystems Devices • Sensors and Actuators • Micro-Reactors • Fluidic Devices • Biomolecular and Cell Transport Systems • Energy Conversion Systems Characterization and Reliability • Materials and Process Characterization • Systems Reliability, Lifetime, and Failure Estimation • Reliability of High-Performance Microsystems Design, Modeling, and Simulation • Thermal and Heat Transfer • Computational Fluid Dynamics Markets and Applications • Automotive • Aerospace • Wireless/Communication • Medical Electronics Materials and Properties/Functions • Dielectric and Magnetic Materials • Embedded and Integrated Passives • Microwave/mm Wave Characterization • Zero-Shrink Ceramic Systems Processing and Manufacturing • Green Tape Manufacturing • Multilayer Ceramics - Via and Pattern Generation - Metallization Processes - Lamination - Binder Burnout and Co-Firing • Laser Trimming and Deposition • Advanced Thick Film Processing • Fine Structuring Technologies • Rapid Prototyping Devices • Circuits, Antennas, and Filters • Embedded Structures and Components • Optical Devices and Optoelectronics Characterization and Reliability • Characterization of Green Tapes • Life Testing, Quality Issues • RF Performance Design, Modeling, and Simulation • High Frequency Design Software • Design Rules Integrated Ceramic Technology Advanced Packaging Technology • Next Generation Packaging Technologies • Packaging and Integration in BioMEMS • Packaging Issues for MEMS Devices • Technologies for Microsystems Components and Substrates • Packaging Standard for Microsystems • Environmental Issues: Lead-Free Systems • Cost Reduction Abstract Cut-off Date: November 12, 2010 Notice of Acceptance: January 7, 2011 Final Manuscript Due: February 11, 2011 Please send your 250-300 word abstract electronically only by November 12, 2010, using the on-line submittal form at: All papers will be presented and published in English. If you are having problems with the on-line submittal form, please email Jackki Morris-Joyner [email protected] or call +1-305-382-8433 (USA). All speakers are required to pay a reduced registration fee. Announcement / Call for Papers IMAPS International Conference on High Temperature Electronics Network (HITEN) St. Catherine’ s College Oxford Catherine’s Oxford, United Kingdom 2011 July 18 - 20, 201 1 Abstract Deadline Extended: January 28, 2011 The objective of the HiTEN Conference is to have a unique forum that brings together researchers and practitioners in academia and industry from all over the world. All styles of practical high temperature electronics design and implementation approaches are encouraged, along with a variety of high temperature application areas. Today the main semiconductor focus of HITEN is silicon, silicon on insulator (SOI), silicon carbide and gallium nitride. Although, HITEN is not simply a semiconductor focused network. HITEN provides a conduit for the exchange and dissemination of information on all aspects of high temperature electronics. It is a global network with users, suppliers, developers and fundamental researchers dealing in all aspects of High Temperature Electronics. HITEN Conference Chairs: HITEN Organizing Committee: Colin Johnston Oxford Applied Technology - UK [email protected] Alison Crossley, University of Oxford (UK) Patrick McCluskey, University of Maryland-CALCE (US) Denis Flandre, UCL (B) Bernd Michel, FHG-IZM (D) Randy Norman, Perma Works, LLC (US) Bernard Parmentier, Schlumberger (F) Sascha Schwarze, Baker Hughes INTEQ (D) Ovidiu Vermessan, SINTEF (N) Matthias Werner, NMTC (D) Wolfgang Wondrak, Daimler Chrysler (D) R. Wayne Johnson Auburn University [email protected] Papers are solicited in the following topical areas: • Contacts and metallizations • Applications in the Aerospace, Automotive, Oil & Gas, and • Materials Geothermal Industries • Packaging and interconnects • Devices and applications • Sealants, adhesives, solders • Novel devices • Reliability and failure mechanisms • ASICs for high temperature applications • Lifetime predictions • Memories • Accelerated life testing • Passive components • Testing at high temperatures • Power devices • Semiconductor materials Those wishing to present a paper at the HITEN Conference must submit a 200-300 word abstract electronically no later than January 28, 2011, using the on-line submittal form at: If your abstract is selected, a Final Manuscript for publication on the Conference CD-ROM Proceedings, 6-12 pages, two-column format will be due on June 3, 2011. Student Competition sponsored by: The Microelectronics Foundation sponsors Student Paper Competitions in conjunction with all Advanced Technology Workshops (ATWs) and Conferences. Students submitting their work and identifying that “Yes, I’m a full-time student” on the abstract submission form, will automatically be considered for these competitions. The review committee will evaluate all student papers/posters and award at least one student author with a $1,000 check at the ATW/Conference. The selected student must attend the event to present his or her work and receive the award. Registration fee is waived. The winner must pay for travel and lodging expenses. Please contact Jackki Morris-Joyner by email at [email protected] or by phone at 202-548-4001 if you have questions. Accepted papers may be considered for publication in the IMAPS Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging; invitations will be sent separately. All Speakers are required to pay a reduced registration fee and are required to attend the entire event. 61 1 2t h Re - 1 5 gis t te h S ry e ou pte ri nt m b e er es r 2 tn 0 ow 11 ! The Building Blocks of Electronics 62 This is your opportunity to come right up to date with the latest activity in the microelectronics industry. The 18th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference - EMPC 2011 - will be held in Brighton, England from 12th to 15th September 2011. Here you will find an international event covering all aspects of advanced electronics technology and business, combining a major conference with an exhibition showcasing the latest materials, equipment and services. As with all events organised by the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society - IMAPS - the event will offer excellent networking opportunities at a most attractive venue. Brighton is a splendid seaside town with wonderful facilities and easy access to/from London and London airports; just 35 minutes from London Gatwick Airport. EMPC 2011 is enhanced by the technical co sponsorship provided by IEEE-CPMT, which further broadens the scope and relevance of the event. So, put the dates in your calendar now and log on to the website at to pre-register your interest as an author, delegate or exhibitor. Contact: [email protected] IMAPS 2011 Symposium - Call for Papers Bringing Together the Entire Microelectronics Supply Chain! Center,, Long Beach, California - USA Long Beach Convention Center October 9 - 13, 201 2011 1 The 44th International Symposium on Microelectronics will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, USA, and is being sponsored by the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society (IMAPS). The IMAPS Technical Committee seeks original papers that present progress on technologies “between the chip and the system.” The 44th Symposium on Microelectronics will cover four tiers of electronics: Industry, Systems & Applications, Design, and Materials & Process. Abstracts should highlight the major contributions of the work in one or more of these four areas. All abstracts submitted must represent original, previously unpublished work. General Chair: Mark Hoffmeyer IBM Corporation [email protected] Technical Chair: Richard Sigliano Kyocera America, Inc. [email protected] Industry Planned Sessions Include Design ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Consumer, Portable, and Wireless Biomedical Telecom Defense and Security Computing and Gaming Automotive, Industrial, Harsh Environment Electronics Applications ♦ Solar and Alternative Energy Systems & Applications ♦ Thermal Management ♦ Power Management ♦ Cost Reduction, Outsourcing and Supply Chain Management ♦ Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ♦ Sensors and Nano Packaging ♦ Emerging Technologies ♦ System Packaging ♦ Microwave & RF Applications ♦ Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection ♦ Photonic / Optoelectronic Packaging ♦ Packaging for Extreme Environments ♦ MEMS Packaging ♦ LED Packaging ♦ Packaging of Compound Semiconductor Devices ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 63 Electrical Modeling, Signal & Power Integrity High Performance Interconnects and Boards 3D Packaging Approaches Embedded and Integrated Passives Wafer Level Packaging / CSP Advanced Materials Materials and Process ♦ Flip-Chip and Wafer Bumping Processes and Reliability ♦ Underfill/Encapsulants and Adhesives ♦ Pb-Free Solder Materials, RoHS, Processes, and Reliability ♦ Design for Reliability ♦ Package Reliability Testing ♦ Wirebonding and Stud Bumping ♦ Ceramic and LTCC Packaging ♦ Substrate Materials and Technology ♦ Printed Electronics Translated (Invited Speakers Only) ♦ Japanese (Japanese to English translation) Poster Session (Interactive Forum) Outstanding papers that do not fit in planned or created sessions will be considered for the interactive poster session. Please send your 250-300 word abstract electronically only using the on-line submittal form at: Abstract Cut-off Date: February 25, 2011 Notice of Acceptance: May 13, 2011 Final Manuscript Due: July 8, 2011 All Speakers are required to register for the symposium, but at a reduced registration fee in recognition of their contribution to the event. Cash Awards Offered: $2000 for Best Paper of Symposium; $500 each for two Outstanding Papers of Symposium. Accepted papers may be considered for publication in the IMAPS Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging. If you need assistance with the on-line submission form, please email Jackki Morris-Joyner ([email protected]) or call 305-382-8433. 64 symposium at a glance *Indicates a separate registration fee. See registration form for details. Sunday, October 31 Wednesday, November 3 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Open 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Professional Development Courses* (S1 - S6) 8:00 AM - 10:50 AM Professional Development Course* (S8) 8:00 AM - 11:15 AM 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Professional Development Courses* (S9) 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM Student Tour 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDC Reception 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Keynote Presentation 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (for instructors and attendees only) Registration Open 6:30 AM Golf Tournament* 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Professional Development Courses* (M1 - M7) Lunch in the Exhibits Hall (Sponsored by RFMD) Monday, November 1 Registration Open Technical Sessions (WA1; WA2; WA4; WA5) 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Technical Sessions (WA3) 1:35 PM - 4:35 PM Technical Sessions (WP1) 1:35 PM - 5:00 PM Technical Sessions (WP3; WP4; WP5) 1:35 PM - 5:25 PM Technical Sessions (WP2) 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Professional Development Course* (M8) 1:35 PM - 5:25 PM Interactive Forum - Poster Session (WP6) 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Professional Development Courses* (M9) 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome Reception (Raleigh Convention Center - Ballroom C) Tuesday, November 2 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 10:20 AM 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM GBC Forum/Happy Hour WEDNESDAY LUNCH sponsored by Registration Open Technical Sessions (TA1; TA2; TA5) 8:00 AM - 10:45 AM Technical Sessions (TA3; TA4) 11:00 AM - 5:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open 11:25 AM - 11:40 AM Annual Business Meeting 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM Awards Ceremony 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Keynote Presentation 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Student Booth Judging 1:55 PM - 4:50 PM Technical Session Thursday, November 4 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM Registration Open 8:00 AM - 11:35 AM Technical Sessions (THA2; THA4) 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Technical Sessions (THA1; THA3; THA5) 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM IMAPS 2011 Booth Selection (TP3; TP5) 1:55 PM - 5:15 PM Technical Session (TP1; TP2; TP4) 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Student Chapter Meeting 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Student Industry Panel/Reception ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY • THICK / THIN FILM SERVICES • LTCC / AIN SUBSTRATES & PACKAGES • HYBRID / MCM ASSEMBLY • RF / MICROWAVE MICS • PCB & NEXT ASSEMBLY And Now: BOX ASSEMBLY! 818.734.6500 | WWW.NATELENGR.COM
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